综合英语1 Unit 7


职通商务英语(第三版)综合教程1 Unit 7-1

职通商务英语(第三版)综合教程1 Unit 7-1

2 E-banking 4 Financial management 6 Credit card services
Introductory Remarks
The business of banking can be broadly defined as wise management and circulation of all kinds of money in the best interest of every unit of money. Today, a bank is a financial intermediary that offers a wide range of services to meet their customers’ financial needs. Two fundamental banking services are accepting deposits and making loans. Other services include payment services; deposit and lending services; investment, pensions and insurance services and e-banking.
Warming-up Discussion
Before you read, work in pairs and discuss these questions. (1) What do you know about banking services? (2) What role do you think banking plays in our lives?
Banking also includes a great variety of additional products and services that meet customers’ financial needs. A few of these products and services include investment products, pensions and insurance services, and foreign exchange services.



大学英语-综合教程1-Unit-7-What-Animals-Reall y-ThinkUnit 6 What Animals Really Think1. controversy: [U] [C] + over / about / oneg. There was a heated ~ over the building of the bridge.I was engaged in a ~ with / against her on the issue.contradiction: 矛盾 A is in contradiction with B.contradictory (adj.) A and B are contradictory.2. consciousness [U] 知觉,意识※conscious: adj. = awareeg. He is conscious of his mother’s anger.※conscience: [U] [C] 良心eg. have a clear ~ / have a guilty ~※conscientious: adj.eg. a conscientious worker3.explore①examine thoroughly, learn abouteg. to ~ the possibility of crossing the river.②travel over an area for the purpose of discoveryeg. to explore space / to explore a place on foot4.encounter (fml): come across, meet…unexpectedlyeg. We encountered a girl selling sea shells on the sea shore.※encounter: n. 遭遇eg. the ~ with enemiesConfront be confronted with…遭遇5. convince: make sb feel sure by the use of argument or evidence~ sb of sth / ~ sb that…使人相信→be convinced of / be convinced that…确信※convincing: adj. a ~ speech※convinced: adj. 有坚定立场的※convincible: adj. 可被说服的“The stories they tell us reveal whatanimal intelligence”1.2. We’6.make / do a deal (with sb.)deal: v.经营,买卖--- He runs a shop that deals in sea food.n.(colloq.)交易,成交---It’s a deal.dealer: trader, merchant7.only to (do sth.): do sth with a surprising, disappointing resulteg. He worked out a plan with great efforts, only to be ridiculed by the others.8.negotiate: ~ with sb / ~ to do… / ~ for…eg. The two companies both believe that they need to ~ to share the market.The workers will ~ for a pay increase of 4%.9.. relieve: (vt.) free sb from pain, anxiety, etc., ease sb's paineg. Drugs can relieve much of the pain.relieve sb. of stheg. A part-time job can relieve you of the financial burden.10. “careful bargainer that she was…”▲as, that, though引导的原因状语或让步状语从句eg.①Intelligent as / though he is, Tim is quite modest.②Hard as he tried, he couldn’t learn French well.③Child that he is, he can ride a horse.11. undertake: carry out, take upon oneself (a task)To ~ responsibility / a taskTo ~ the role of Juliet.12. expand: 数目,尺寸,量上的增长,金属的膨胀,领土的扩张extend: 比喻意义上的延长,扩展,“时、空”之延长/拓展The extended meaningExtend my stay in ShanghaiExtend one’s vision13. switch ( to sth…) 转换变成eg. He used to play tennis, but now he has switched to golf.Switch sth. on / off 接通、切断→switch n. 开关,闸14. in sb’s interest(s): in sb’s favour, to sb’s advantageeg.It will be in your interests to undertake this task.to work in the interests of humanity.15. go far: help very much, achieve much successeg. Mike is diligent and intelligent. He will go far.This is a new problem. I don’t think the old method will go far.16. judgment①opinion about stheg.—What has caused his failure in the examination, in your ~?—My ~ is that he has made a wrong ~ of his own ability?②the ability to form valuable opinions and make good decisionseg. He is promoted because of his excellent judgment.17. emergencyeg.※to make an ~ landing 紧急降落※In an ~, call 110.※The ~ services are the fire brigade, the police, and the ambulance service.18. halt①vi. / vt. Stop②vi. hesitate→to halt between two opinions③n. stop →come to a halt④halter: 缰绳19. release: (vt.) release sb. / sth. from…to ~ a bird from the cageto ~ his hold of the ropeto ~ a new film20. evidence①[U] ~ for …/ ~ of… / ~ that- / ~ to do…②pl.evidences 迹象,痕迹21. deceive: ~ sb. / ~ sb. into doing …The cheat deceived the old lady into buying the dyed little dog.22. inaccessible: beyond reach, unreachable, unavailable→accessiblea painting not accessible to the public→access: n. 通路an access to the castle23. give in ( to sb. / sth. ) = yield to sb. / sth.= surrender to…= submit to…= be subjected to…eg. Never give in to temptation!The parents gave in to the boy’s tears and bought him a computer.24. wipe out: get rid of, destroyeg. The village was wiped out in the flood.25. horizon: 海平线,水平线眼界,见识limit of one’s knowledge or experience horizontal line→vertical line。

新世纪大学英语综合教程1 课后答案 第二版 秦秀白Unit 7 Interpersonal Re

新世纪大学英语综合教程1 课后答案 第二版  秦秀白Unit 7 Interpersonal Re

Unit 7 Interpersonal Relationship: Keys to the exercisesEnhance Your Language Awareness1 Listed in the boxes below are some of the words that you need to be veryfamiliar with. Now work in pairs and make sentences with each of them tosee if you have really mastered their usages. You are encouraged to consult adictionary if you are still not quite sure about their meanings and usages.1) Every year before Christmas, we decorate our house with colourful lights.2) Mother scolded John for not taking good care of his younger brother when she went out.3) I quickly picked up a stick to defend myself when I saw a big dog running towards me.4) Please don’t interrupt —wait until I have finished what I have to say.5) The mother embraced her son warmly as soon as he came into the house.6) Jimmy’s car is quite ancient; he bought it 15 years ago and it is still in good condition.7) When I arrived I saw that the place had already been occupied by two strangers.8) You have written a very good paper. I only made a few minor changes in the wording.9) At different stages of our life, we encounter different kinds of problems.10) If you need any assistance, please let me know and I’ll be more than happy to help.11) Some people tend to blame others for what they themselves have done wrong.12) Children’s education is becoming too heavy a burden for many families to bear these days.13) I can’t endure to see / endure seeing animals suffer like that.14) Davis was one of the most significant musicians of the last century.2 In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Completethe following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary.1) The home address was incomplete, so the letter could not be delivered.2) His father was finally released after he was proven to be innocent (无辜的), but he had already spent ten years in prison.3) Did he give you permission to use his computer?4) All rooms in this building are rented to students because it is closeto their university.5) When she recalled her miserable days during the war, my motherwould cry bitterly.6) When I told George that Maggie had refused to help, he exploded and walked out without saying anything.7) She pressed her dress smooth using a hot iron.8) With a(n) motion of his hand, he urged us to follow him.9) As soon as she accepted the job, Janet started working with great enthusiasm.10) Though she is over seventy, she is blessed with excellent health.11) The old woman was hurt so deeply by what his son had said thatshe trembled with rage.12) Just complete the attached form and return it in the envelopeprovided.13) The waiter inquired whether we would like to sit near the window.14) You’ve been working all morning — you now deserve a rest.3 In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Doyou understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the propercontext? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change theform where necessary.1) She is a very responsible lady; with her in charge, I am sure nothingwill go wrong.2) We were half way on our journey when our car broke down.3) I have lost my watch and I am quite certain I lost it on my way to thecomputer room.4) The child is very independent. He wants to make all importantdecisions by himself.5) This little girl is a dancing genius; she could dance in time to themusic as young as three years old.6) Our manager has to deal with all kinds of complaints the staffmembers make.7) She knew her subject from top to bottom and breezed through theexam in less than an hour.8) Several days had gone by before we found the missing dog.9) To my surprise, I was given the job, even though I had sent in myapplication rather late.●Increasing Your Word Power1 A synonym is a word that has the same or nearly the same meaning as anotherword. Now identify synonyms by matching a word in Column A with anotherin Column B. Then complete the sentences with an appropriate word either inColumn A or in Column B. Change the form where necessary.1) They endured hours of backbreaking work in miserable conditions.2) Some of the boys in our class are going to skip today’s class; I wonderhow our teacher will respond to it.3) She is a teacher and spent most of her career in New York.4) The wearing of seat belts is required by the law.5) S ally didn’t feel quite well, but still dragged herself wearily out ofbed at fiveo’clock that morning.6) This new play was directed by Mike Johnson, assisted by Sharon Gale.7) It’s her birthday party so I need a gift of some sort to take along.8) Tom is a stubborn child who won’t obey his mother.9) I’m not joking; I’m serious.10) From the house come bursts of merry laughter.11) Our tour departs from Heathrow Airport on 31 March and returns16 April.12) Barbara scolded her son for being so naughty before the honourable guests.13) There are no significant differences between the two groups ofstudents in terms of their IQ.2 An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. Now identifyantonyms by matching a word in Column A with another in Column B. Thencomplete the sentences with an appropriate word either in Column A or inColumn B1) With no thought for his own safety, he ran into the burning buildingto save the child.2) He waited the whole day for her to call him back, but no phone callcame. He was so annoyed that he went to bed miserably.3) Listen! The girls are singing cheerfully in the next room. They mustbe having a lot of fun together.4) He did his work carelessly. That’s why he made so many mistakes.5) Jim knew absolutely nothing about the business when he joined thefirm.6) He looked round desperately for someone to help him.7) The news report does not mention who is to blame for the trafficaccident.8) He left his hometown as a poor, working class boy and returned as anextremely wealthy man.9) I don’t like the boring / dull atmosphere in our class; I thinkeveryone should try to be more active in class.10) She wanted to be the first woman to climb Mount Everest, andshealmost succeeded.3 The words in the box below can be used both as nouns and as verbs. Useeither the noun form or the verb form of the words to complete the followingsentences. Change the form where necessary.1) I got so mad with him that I slapped him hard across the face; I’mstill feeling sorry for what I did then.2) On my birthday one of my friends gave me a beautiful doll as a(n)present.3) She finally solved the problem! A smile lit up her face.4) The little donkey struggled under a heavy burden.5) He was so angry that he reached forward and gave her a(n) slap onthe cheek.6) Janet presented the director with an expensive painting as a partinggift from us all.7) I ordered a chicken and some beer and started eating and drinkingby myself.8) The lake was bathed in the soft light of the moon.9) The government is spending millions of dollars in its attempt to combat drug abuse (毒品滥用).10) She motioned me to come closer and slipped something into myhand.11) The strain on the cables (绳缆)supporting the bridge is enormous.12) You can place an online order and they will deliver the goods to thedoor.13) They strained the rope between the two posts.14) I don’t want to burden you with my problems.15) With a sweeping motion of his hand, he said, “Follow me closely.”16) Helen volunteered to have the New Year party at her house this year.17) The troops were exhausted after months of fierce combat.18) She now helps in a local school as a(n) volunteer three days a week.4 Did you notice the suffixes -ness, -ment in words such as illness, disappointmentin this unit? The suffix -ness can be put after many adjectives to form nouns, while -ment can be added to many verbs to form nouns.Now form nouns byadding -ness or -ment to the words given in the table and write down theChinese meaning for each.Adjectives / Verbs Suffixes Nouns Chinese Meaningsaccomplish-ment / -ness accomplishment 成就;造诣;完成adjust adjustment 调节;调整;校正appoint appointment 约会,约定;任命,委派aware awareness 意识;知道;觉悟calm calmness 平静;安静;镇静competitive competitiveness 竞争;竞争力develop development 形成;开发;发展effective effectiveness 效力;有效性encourage encouragement 鼓励;赞助;促进impulsive impulsiveness 冲动;推动;驱使Complete each of the following sentences with a proper word you have thusformed.1) There has been an increasing awareness that care of the elderly hasbecome a social problem.2) We need encouragement from each other in order to complete sucha huge project.3) With so many caregivers around her, the old woman feels a sense ofsecurity and calmness.4) To ensure competitiveness in market, the company spares no effortto improve the quality of its products.5) We are very proud of the accomplishments that we have made overthe past few years.6) If you want to see the director, you need to make a(n) appointment with him first.7) When travelling abroad, you should make necessary adjustments tothe cultural differences.8) Take your time and think about it twice so as to avoid impulsiveness in your decision.9) A series of clinical trials (临床试验)are conducted to test the effectiveness of the newly developed medicine.10) There have been significant technological developments in thiscountry in the last two decades.Grammar in ContextStudy the following sentences that appear in this unit, paying special attention tothe italicized parts. Reflect on the grammatical function of the present participles,and group them into different types.1) a. Adverbial of time: 2, 4, 62) b. Adverbial of reason: 9, 103) c. Adverbial of result: 84) d. Adverbial of accompanying circumstances: 1, 3, 5, 7Task 1: Rewrite the following sentences using a present participle clause.1) He sat silent in the corner. He was reading his favorite novel.He sat silent in the corner, reading his favorite novel.2) When she saw the traffic light turn green, she quickly crossed the road.Seeing the traffic light turn green, she quickly crossed the road.3) As he has engaged in the research for many years, he is quite familiar withthe topic.Having engaged in the research for many years, he is quite familiar with the topic.4) He didn’t know where the supermarket was, so he went up to the policemanto ask for directions.Not knowing where the supermarket was, he went up to the policeman to ask fordirections.5) A new economic stimulus plan is said to be unveiled, and it leads to a surgein the stock market.A new economic stimulus plan is said to be unveiled, leading to a surge in the stockmarket.Task 2: Rewrite the following sentences to avoid ambiguity or danglingconstructions.1) Opening the window, a butterfly flew into my study.Opening the window, I saw a butterfly flying into my study.Or: When I opened the window, a butterfly flew into my study.2) Weighing almost 100 pounds, he lifted up the stone with one arm.Weighing almost 100 pounds, the stone was lifted up by him with one arm.Or: Although the stone weighed almost 100 pounds, he lifted it up with one arm.3) Idling about all day and indulging in games, the teacher flunked (使…不及格) the student in the final exam.Idling about all day and indulging in games, the student was flunked by theteacher in the final exam. 4) Having lived in the small county for thirty years, everything is familiar to the old man.Having lived in the small county for thirty years, the old man is familiar witheverything.5) Having received the Nobel Prize in literature, the media bombarded (向…连续提问) Mo Yan with questions of various types.Having received the Nobel Prize in literature, Mo Yan was bombarded withquestions of various types from the media.ClozeComplete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letterof each is given.Being a good boss has never been easy for me. The most difficult part is not about work, but about d ealing (1) with relationships at the workplace. As each and every employee in my company is s ignificant (2) to its development, I needto give enough a ttention (3) and care to everyone and to be approachable to all.At the start of the business, I encountered difficult situations and I was unsure what the best way was to handle them. For example, when an employee made a mistake, I hesitated about whether to s cold (4) him or her. Would I appear to be an i mpatient (5) boss to my employees if I did so? Would they continue to make mistakes if I was too lenient? Sometimes, I had to s ettle (6) disputes among the employees if they did not see eye to eye with each other on some tasks. This too was difficult. Should I b lame (7) any party or should I d efend (8) anyone? Howwould I bring them to see their differences and find solutions without h urting (9) each other? Sometimes I also e ncountered (10) difficult employees who seemedto feel m iserable (11) whatever I did for them. Life has never been easy, but I have learned the ropes along the way. The essential principle is to treat the employees s incerely (12), appreciate their contributions to the company and reward them accordingly. My employees are happy to have me as their boss, and are offering me all the a ssistance (13) they could. They have great e nthusiasm (14)for their work and have contributed significantly to the company’s development. TranslationTranslate the following sentences into English, using the words given in brackets.1) 直起身来,脚要跟上音乐拍子。


Number 1: China
Woman: Did I tell you I'm going to China?
Man: China? Great.
Woman: Yes. I’m going to Shanghai on business. I have to
buy some gifts.
Still the most important difference between television and the board game is the interaction with others. Getting the family together to watch a show on television is nice; that is, if you can find a show on for the whole family. But playing a board game gives you the chance to learn, not only about the subject, but also about each other. Everyone is different, with their own views and unique ways of handling situations, giving each game a different outcome. One of the nicest parties I ever attended was one where we played a murder-mystery game called “How to Host a Murder.” We never knew what to expect next, and it was a wonderful way to get to know everyone.



• 12. pull on: take hold of (sth.) and pull (it) with strength • Examples: The child pulled on his mother's coat wanting to leave. • Sophia pulled on the rope, shouting "help." • 13. with all one's strength: with all one's power • Examples: With all his strength he removed the piano to the next room. • She opened the door with all her strength and ran out of the house. • 14. explode: burst with a loud noise • Examples: The clap of thunder exploded overhead, which frightened the child into crying. • A bomb exploded at one of London's busiest railway stations this morning.
• 6. out of the way: at a distance from the usual route; in a state or condition so as not to hinder (used after a verb) • Examples: Step out of the way and let me handle the stone. • The house is well out of the way on the back road. • 7. resume: begin (sth. or doing sth.) again after a pause • Examples: The search for the missing pilot is expected to resume early today. • We'll stop now and resume (working) at two o'clock. • They stopped talking for a moment to see where the noise was coming from and then resumed their conversation. • 8. mess around / about: (infml) spend time playing or doing things with no particular purpose • Examples: He spends his weekends messing around in his boat on the Thames. • The kids spent all day Sunday just messing around.

新世纪大学英语(第二版)综合教程第一册Unit 7.答案

新世纪大学英语(第二版)综合教程第一册Unit 7.答案

Unit 7 ,Text A >,Comprehension CheckI Directions: In the text, there are some details about how gloomy the Christmas Eve has been. Please scan the text and finish the following table.正确答案:1) wretched 2) shabby 3) carelessly 4) wrong 5)slapped 6) scolding 7) ragged 8) Wearily 9) monotonously 10) emptyII Directions: For each of the following sentence, there are four choices. Please choose the best choice according to Text A to complete the sentence. 正确答案:1) C 2) A 3) D 4) C 5) BUnit 7 >,Self-testI Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. (10 minutes)正确答案:1) D 2) B 3) A 4) B 5) C 6) D 7) A 8) C 9) D 10)A 11) A 12)B 13)C 14)D 15) B 16) A 17) B 18) C 19)A 20) CII Directions: There are ten blanks in the following passage. You are required to fill in each blank with one word or expression selected from the bank of words and expressions given in the box below. Change the form when necessary. You may NOT use any of the words or expressions in the bank more than once. (10 minutes)正确答案:1) checked into 2) keep time 3) deal with 4) breeze through 5) wipe down 6) write down 7) flag down 8) count in 9) broke down 10) in timeIII Directions: There are several different definitions for the word “embrace”. Match the definitions in the left column with the sample sentences given in the right column. (3 minutes)正确答案:1) D 2) F 3) E 4) C 5) A 6) BIV Directions: Complete the following sentences by using the correct forms of the words that have been given in brackets. (2 minutes)正确答案:1) Feeling 2) Not knowing 3) Hearing 4) leaving 5) reading。

新标准高职高专公共英语 综合教程1 Unit7-10课文翻译

新标准高职高专公共英语 综合教程1 Unit7-10课文翻译

unit 9



Unit 1 对F的赞美1今年将有好几万的十八岁青年毕业,他们都将被授予毫无意义的文凭。




















Unit seven-完整答案- 新目标大学英语《综合教程》 第一册

Unit seven-完整答案- 新目标大学英语《综合教程》 第一册

Listening and SpeakingReading prehension3.Key for reference2) Cultural misunderstandings can occur when people don’t share or understand the rules of a particular culture. The rules of how you behave are to do with what people expect you to do in certain situations. People can learn the rules of a new culture by watching people and through asking questions. It is cultural values that lead to expectations and rules about how people behave.Language in Use∙1) symbolize∙2) involved∙3) appreciates ∙4) extend∙5) engaging∙6) embarrassed ∙7) intimate∙8) associations ∙9) equality∙10) threatened5.∙1) stretch out∙2) vary with∙3) associate with∙4) drop in∙5) ment on∙6) fended off∙1) physical distance∙2) long distance∙3) personal space∙4) living space∙5) current situation∙6) walking distance∙7) parking space∙8) financial situation7.∙1) check-in∙2) feedback∙3) update∙4) sweetheart∙5) crossroad∙6) earthquake∙7) highlight∙8) real estate8.Reference translation1) 人和人之间的身体距离因其关系亲疏和地位高低而不同。

《新编实用英语第二版综合教程1》课后passageI5 6 7练习答案

《新编实用英语第二版综合教程1》课后passageI5 6 7练习答案
The U.S. is a sports-loving country.
4. It is not unusual in England to begin a conversation by talking about the weather.
It is not unusual in Singapore to hear people speaking in different languages.
6. Do you often send e-mails to your parents?
7. There are quite a few new words in this text.
Unit 2
1. Teachers should pay more attention to the students’ individual differences.
5. This is a used (second-hand) car, but it is in very good condition.
Unit 3
1. I don’t think you have realized the importance of education.
2. Hurry up. The plane is taking off in half an hour.
6. They have checked in at the best hotel in the city.
1. I knew he was going to talk about it when he came into the room.
I knew I would get the job when the interviewer asked me the first

英语专业综合教程一 Unit7答案

英语专业综合教程一 Unit7答案

Key to Unit 7Text comprehensionIV.Explain in your own words the following sentences.1.I tried to comfort her by saying that we would manage to tide it over.2.After experiencing such an incident, the girl's visit to London would seem much less exciting inparison.4.The young woman, who was as confident as that businessman, must have noticed my fear.5.The young businessman was sorry that he had not got a chance to buy his two little girls apresent.6.I am very grateful to my fellow passengers.VocabularyI.Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.1. having the seat belt fastened on2. catch another flight to continue the journey3. he had completed his task (announcement)4. controlled my feelings and began behaving calmly again5. land successfully and safely6. am very grateful to do something nice in returnII.Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.1.witnessed2.figured3.lightning4.lunged5.confided6.blessed7.indiscriminate8.terra firma9.sure10.creatureIII. Choose a word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences. 1—4 BACB 5 – 8 DDCBIV. Fill in each blank with one of the two words from each pair in its appropriate form and note the difference in meaning between them.1. (Somehow is used when we don't know or cannot say how something has been done or will bedone. Somewhat indicates that something is the case to a limited extent or degree.)a. somehowb. somewhatc. Somewhatd. Somehow2. (Both words refer to producing an upsetting emotional response to something unpleasant ordangerous. Fear means "be afraid or worried that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen or might have happened," while panic stresses the confused, hysterical or ineffective action that results from an unpleasant or dangerous event.)a. fearedb. panicc. fearedd. panicked3. (Both words pertain to the attitude of looking forward to something that is to occur in the future.Hope suggests looking forward exclusively to some positive or favorable outcome. Structurally,it should be followed by either a nominal clause or an infinitive, or used intransitively. Anticipate is restricted to thoughts of the future of either a pleasant outcome or an unpleasant one. Normally, it is followed by a nominal phrase, and occasionally by a nominal clause.)a. hopeb. hopec. anticipatingd. anticipate4. (Both words indicate continued existence. Survive emphasizes the successful overcoming of an ordeal or threat to existence. It can be used both transitively and intransitively. Live means "have life or function as an animate organism." It is basically an intransitive verb, and if used transitively, it must be followed only by a cognate object, as in the exercise.)a. survivingb. survivec. lived. liveV.Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.1.open (unlock, unlatch, unchain)2.hopelessly (unconfidently, despairingly)3.think (believe, imagine)4.unafraid (brave, bold, fearless, dauntless)5.unselective (uncritical, random)6.enjoyable (comfortable, agreeable, pleasant)7.grumble8.lightly (barely, hardly, scarcely)VI.Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate form of the given capitalized word in brackets.1.ungrateful2.shortage3.unfortunately4.invaluable5.lengthen6.destruction7.timely8.rustlessGrammarI. Identify the different infinitive forms after the modal auxiliaries.(When a modal auxiliary takes the predictive meaning, the infinitive after it may appear in the perfect form to denote "past time" and in the progressive form to denote "future time." When the modal auxiliary takes the non-predictive meaning, the infinitive after it usually appears in its base form as in sentences 6 and 7.)II. Rewrite the following sentences,using ―modal auxiliary+the correct form of the infinitive‖.1.He may know the answer.("May" is used to show that something is possible.)2.It must have been difficult.("Must" is used to show that something is very likely or certain.)3.He couldn't have forgotten his appointment.("Couldn't" is used to show that it is not possible.)4.She must be coming tomorrow.5.We ought to help people in need.6.May/Can I say something?(Both "may" and "can" express permission. "May" is more formal than "can.")7.He may have gone to the museum.8.You ought to have apologized.("You ought to have done sth." means "You didn't do it but it would have been the right thing to do.")III. Rewrite the following sentences,using be going to.("Be going to" can express intention as in sentences 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, and prediction as insentences 2, 5, 8.)1.When are you going to start?2.I'm sure it is going to rain.3.I'm going to take a few days' holiday.4.When are you going to sell it?5.I'm sure there is going to be trouble.6.We are going to have dinner out.7.I'm going to watch the news.8.We're going to be late for the party.IV. Decide which of the underlined parts is correct.1.I'm going("Be going to" refers to a premeditated intention.)2.I'll carry("Will" refers to an unpremeditated intention.)3.I won't tell("Won't" here expresses the speaker's resolution.)4.I'm going to be("Be going to" refers to a prediction based on the present symptom, sign or evidence.)5.are you meeting(The present progressive indicates the future fulfillment of the present plan.)6.It's going to rain7.I'll post it8.is going to takeV. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the verbs in brackets.1. had listened(This is a conditional with mixed time reference. The past perfect in the if-clause refers to an event that was not real. "Wouldn't be" in the main clause refers to the state that is not real now.)2. could(In the clause following "wish," "would rather," "it's time," "as if," we use the past tense when we talk about an idea that is not real.)3. knew4. had5. were / was(We can use "were" or "was" to show the hypothetical meaning.)6. didn't have7.knew8.had meant(We use the past perfect of "mean," "wish," "expect," "want," etc. when we talk about an unfulfilled intention.)TranslationI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.我踉踉跄跄向座位冲过去时,乘客们抬起头来望着我,满脸惊恐,似乎感到死期已到。



大学综合英语教材1目录Unit 1: Welcome to College Life1.1 Introduction to College Life1.1.1 Transition from High School to College1.1.2 Importance of Time Management1.1.3 Developing Effective Study SkillsUnit 2: English Grammar and Vocabulary2.1 Parts of Speech2.1.1 Nouns and Pronouns2.1.2 Verbs and Tenses2.1.3 Adjectives and Adverbs2.1.4 Prepositions and Conjunctions2.1.5 Interjections and Articles2.2 Vocabulary Expansion2.2.1 Word Formation2.2.2 Synonyms and Antonyms2.2.3 Idioms and PhrasesUnit 3: Reading and Comprehension3.1 Understanding the Main Idea3.1.1 Identifying Supporting Details 3.1.2 Making Inferences and Predictions 3.2 Types of Texts3.2.1 Fiction and Non-Fiction3.2.2 Newspaper Articles3.2.3 Academic TextsUnit 4: Listening and Speaking Skills 4.1 Active Listening Strategies4.1.1 Note-Taking Techniques4.1.2 Recognizing Nuances in Speech 4.2 Oral Communication4.2.1 Participating in Group Discussions 4.2.2 Making Oral Presentations4.2.3 Expressing Opinions and Debating Unit 5: Writing Skills5.1 The Writing Process5.1.1 Pre-Writing Strategies5.1.2 Drafting and Revising5.1.3 Editing and Proofreading5.2 Types of Writing5.2.1 Descriptive Writing5.2.2 Narrative Writing5.2.3 Argumentative WritingUnit 6: Global Issues and Culture 6.1 Environment and Sustainability 6.1.1 Climate Change6.1.2 Pollution and Conservation 6.2 Cultural Awareness6.2.1 Cross-Cultural Communication 6.2.2 Stereotypes and Prejudices 6.2.3 Cultural EtiquetteUnit 7: Literature and Language7.1 Introduction to Literature7.1.1 Elements of Fiction7.1.2 Literary Genres7.1.3 Analyzing Poetry7.2 Language Variation7.2.1 Dialects and Accents7.2.2 Sociolinguistics7.2.3 Language ChangeUnit 8: Grammar in Context8.1 Sentence Structure8.1.1 Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences 8.1.2 Sentence Fragments and Run-ons8.2 Grammar Usage and Mechanics8.2.1 Subject-Verb Agreement8.2.2 Punctuation Rules8.2.3 Capitalization and SpellingUnit 9: Test-Taking Strategies9.1 Exam Preparation9.1.1 Creating a Study Plan9.1.2 Test Anxiety Management9.2 Test-Taking Tips9.2.1 Multiple Choice Questions9.2.2 Short Answer and Essay Questions9.2.3 Time Management TechniquesUnit 10: Language and Culture10.1 Language Acquisition10.1.1 First Language Acquisition10.1.2 Second Language Acquisition 10.2 Intercultural Communication10.2.1 Nonverbal Communication10.2.2 Cultural AdaptationUnit 11: Current Events and Debates 11.1 Global Issues11.1.1 Social Justice11.1.2 Human Rights11.2 Debating Skills11.2.1 Analyzing Arguments11.2.2 Constructing a Persuasive Speech Unit 12: English for Specific Purposes 12.1 Business English12.1.1 Writing Business Emails12.1.2 Business Vocabulary and Idioms 12.2 Academic Writing12.2.1 Research Methods and Citations12.2.2 Writing a Literature ReviewThis is a sample outline for the contents of a comprehensive English textbook for college-level students. It covers a variety of language skills including grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Additionally, it incorporates cultural and global issues, literature, test-taking strategies, language acquisition, and specific purposes such as business English and academic writing. The outline provides a structured and organized approach to teaching and learning English, allowing students to develop the necessary skills and knowledge for effective communication in academic, professional, and social contexts.。



Unit 7: Living in the FuturePart 1: Introduction1.1 Overview of the UnitIn Unit 7, we will explore the theme of "Living in the Future." This unit will focus on discussing various aspects of future life, including technological advancements, environmental issues, and societal changes. We will engage in discussions, debates, and presentations to enhance our English language skills while delving into thought-provoking topics.1.2 Learning ObjectivesBy the end of this unit, students should be able to:- Discuss the potential impact of technology on future living - Analyze and discuss environmental challenges and solutions - Debate societal changes and their implications- Deliver a presentation on a future-oriented topicPart 2: Vocabulary and Language Functions2.1 Key VocabularyThis section will introduce new vocabulary related to future living, such as technological terms, environmental terms, and words related to societal changes. Students will practice usingthe new vocabulary in various exercises and activities to enhance their language proficiency.2.2 Language FunctionsIn this section, students will learn and practice language functions that are essential for discussing future scenarios, such as making predictions, expressing possibilities, and speculating about the future. Through interactive exercises, students will be proficient in using these language functions in both spoken and written contexts.Part 3: Reading and Comprehension3.1 Reading TextsThe unit will include a variety of reading texts that focus on different aspects of living in the future. These texts may cover topics such as futuristic technology, sust本人nable living, or societal trends. Students will engage in readingprehension activities to enhance their understanding of the texts and develop their critical thinking skills.3.2 Discussion QuestionsFollowing the reading texts, students will participate in group discussions based on thought-provoking questions related tothe readings. These discussions will encourage students to express their opinions, support their arguments with evidence from the texts, and engage in constructive dialogue with their peers.Part 4: Speaking and Listening4.1 Speaking ActivitiesThis section will provide opportunities for students to engage in various speaking activities, such as role-plays, debates, and group discussions. By actively participating in these activities, students will improve their speaking skills, fluency, and ability to articulate their thoughts on future-oriented topics.4.2 Listening ComprehensionStudents will listen to audio recordings related to future living andpleteprehension tasks to test their listening skills. These listening activities will expose students to different accents, speech patterns, and conversational styles, thereby enhancing their ability to understand spoken English in real-life contexts.Part 5: Writing and Presentation5.1 Writing TasksIn this section, students will be assigned writing tasks thatrequire them to articulate their thoughts and ideas about future living. These tasks may include opinion essays, argumentative essays, or creative writing exercises that encourage students to showcase their language proficiency and critical thinking skills.5.2 Presentation SkillsStudents will prepare and deliver presentations on future-oriented topics of their choice. This will allow them to demonstrate their public speaking abilities, present information in a clear and organized manner, and engage their peers in constructive discussions about the future.Part 6: Assessment and Evaluation6.1 Formative AssessmentsThroughout the unit, students will be assessed through formative assessments, such as quizzes, class participation, and performance in various activities. These assessments will provide ongoing feedback to students and help them track their progress in mastering the unit's content and language skills.6.2 Summative AssessmentAt the end of the unit, students will be assessed through a summative evaluation, which may include aprehensive test, awritten assignment, and a presentation. This assessment will gauge students' overall understanding of the unit's content and their ability to effectivelymunicate and express their thoughts on future living.Part 7: Extension Activities7.1 Field Trips and Guest SpeakersAs an extension of the unit, students may have the opportunity to participate in field trips to relevant locations, such as science museums, environmental organizations, or technologypanies. Additionally, guest speakers may be invited to share their expertise on future-oriented topics and engage students in discussions and QA sessions.7.2 Project-Based LearningStudents may engage in project-based learning activities that involve researching, designing, and presenting a project related to living in the future. This collaborative, hands-on approach will allow students to apply their knowledge and creativity to real-world scenarios and showcase their skills in a culminating project.In conclusion, Unit 7: Living in the Future will provide studentswith aprehensive and engaging exploration of future-oriented topics, equipping them with the language skills, critical thinking abilities, and global awareness necessary for living and thriving in a rapidly changing world. Through a variety of interactive activities, discussions, and assessments, students will g本人n valuable insights and develop their language proficiency in the context of futuristic themes.。

新编实用英语综合教程1__Unit_7 ppt课件

新编实用英语综合教程1__Unit_7 ppt课件

• 3. flight
• n. 飞行,航班 n. 奇思妙想,一段楼梯
n. 逃跑
v. (鸟)惊飞
• 4. monthly /'mʌnθli/
• adj. 每月的,持续一个月的,每月发生的 adv. 每月,按月 n. 月刊
• 5. decision
/di‘siʒən/ n. 决定,决策
adj. <古>震惊的
• 13. pursue
• v. 追捕,追求,继续从事
• 14. alert /ə'lə:t/
• adj. 警觉的,灵敏的 n. 警戒,警报
vt. 警惕,使意识到
• 15. formula /'fɔ:mjulə/
• n. 公式,配方,规则;代乳品 adj. (赛车的)级的,方程式的
Short Conversations
Directions :Listen to the dialogues and fill in the blanks with the words
you hear.
1. A: ______________ a little longer? B: ___________, but I shall ____________ if I don’t hurry.
• 6. umbrella /ʌm'brelə/
• n. 伞,雨伞 adj. 像伞状分布的 vt. (用伞)遮住
• 7. sociology /.səusi'ɔlədʒi/ n. 社会学,社会关系学,



全新版⼤学英语综合教程1Unit7课后答案全新版⼤学英语综合教程1Unit7课后答案 全新版⼤学英语综合教程1是⼤⼀新⽣的英语教材,同时兼顾语⾔知识、应⽤技能、学习策略和跨⽂化交际等⽅⾯内容的有机融合。

下⾯是⼩编分享的Unit7课后答案,欢迎⼤家阅读! Unit 7 Content Questions Pair Work 1. He thinks animals will probably do their best thinking when it serves their own purposes, not when scientists ask them to. 2. Because he believes they may encounter animal intelligence in their daily life. 3. He regards them as a new window on animal intelligence. 4. She wanted to get more pineapple. 5. He expanded the money supply by breading chips in two. 6. It shows he is clever and sly. He ate up the fruit leaving nothing but stems to share with Miles. 7. They say that animals cooperate when they learn it is in their interest to do so. 8. The author thinks that what behaviorists say is right, but he doesn’t think their explanation is satisfactory enough. 9. Because Orky was the most intelligent animal she had worked with. 10. Corky is a female whale because she is Orky’s mate and delivered a baby whale. 11. Because she thought the orange must have rolled off somewhere inaccessible. 12. Towan hid his orange underneath his foot. The act reveals some animals are intelligent enough to know how to deceive. Text Organization 1. Eugene Linden wants to tell the reader that animals do have, at least, some limited intelligence, and the personal experiences of those who are in close contact with animals are more convincing evidence than that any experiments can provide. 2. Let’s Make a Deal: Some animals are intelligent enough to know how to bargain with people. Tale of a Whale: Animals like whales can assess a situation and act accordingly. Primate Shell Game: Animals can attempt to deceive. Language Sense Enhancement (2) consciousness (3) explore (4) serves their own purposes (5) encounter (6) lack of it (7) convinced (8) mental feats (9) captivity (10) humans Language Focus I. Vocabulary 1) go (very) far 2) has expanded 3) in the interest(s) of 4) only to 5) encountered 6) has cooperated 7) assessed 8) (had) switched 9) horizons 10) gaze 11) disaster 12) wiped out 2. 1) … a long/long running controversy over whether the book should be published or not 2) … felt relieved after her first meeting with Tom had gone smoothly 3) ... suddenly went wrong with my computer when I was in the middle of writing the essay 4) … is obvious that our company is still maintaining its composition as market leader in software. 5) … give in until they give her a pay rise 3. 1) have undertaken, original, to explore 2) evidence convinced, underneath, extending to 3) to negotiate, encounter, to figure out, explore II. Confusable Words 1.firstly 2. first, first 4. First/Firstly 5. first 6. First 7. at first 8. first III. Usage 1. animal intelligence whose 2. zoo keeper where 3. eye contact through what 4. money supply of what 5. killer whale what kind 6. baby whale how old 7. family member of what 8. sea turtle what kind/where Comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze (1) emergency (2) evidence (3) original (4) sizing up (5) negotiates (6) reveal (7) make a deal (8) dominant (9) in their interest(s) (10) deceiving (11) controversy (12) judgment (13) explore 2. (1) protect (2) However (3) type (4) situation (5) sights (7) rang (8) associate (9) without (10) environment II. Translation 1. 1) A local business undertook the project but went bankrupt before it was completed. 2) Let’s make a deal—you wash my car, and I’ll let you use it tonight. 3) We got to the village which we thought must have been wiped out in the severe earthquake, only to find it slightly damaged. 4) My garden is dry and shady—few plants thrive in that condition 5) Mystery still surrounds the exact truth behind the film star’s death/exact circumstance of the film star’s death. 2. When I was young I used to visit the zoo in my hometown. There what attracted me most was a couple of tigers, especially the male. They were dept in a huge iron cage at first, but later were released from it and moved to a place called Tiger Hill. Twenty years later I revisited the zoo and was relieved to find Tiger Hill was still there, but greatly extended. Moving around now were six tigers, old and young, instead of two!。

Unit 7 应用英语教程综合英语1

Unit 7 应用英语教程综合英语1

Pre-Class Tasks
II. Co-Learning
3. Why is doing community service also good for the company and the participants?
Since the service isn’t a routine schedule, staff members need to learn to work and cooperate. Therefore, the participation of the community service enhances team cohesion of the company. In addition, by doing community service, the company also presents a positive image to the public. Community service is also beneficial to the individual participants because the work helps exercise their muscles and their children experience different things here. For the staff members, community service day is also a social day, a happy day, as is shown on the video.
2. How do the staff carry out the service? The service is well-organized. The staff members are divided into different groups and they take their own parts of work according to the plan—everyone knows what he/she is supposed to do. Meanwhile, the organizer of the project takes the responsibility for the safety of the staff members.



vt. 计算 followed by none clause 科学家计算不出宇宙飞船何时能抵达月球。 The scientist could not calculate when the space ship would reach the moon. 你计算过在法国度假要花费多少么? Have you calculated how much a holiday in France would cost? followed by none 你可以用这种方法来计算光速。(P208 1.14) You can use this method to calculate the speed of sound.
to pick out with the eye; to see or recognize, esp. with effort or difficulty
苏珊在第一轮比赛中就发现了对手的防卫弱点. (p207I. 1.4) Susan spotted a weakness in her opponent’s defense during the first round of the game.
prep. by means of; by way of 通过,经过 通过,
e.g. He is going from New York to California via the Panama Canal.
rewrite the sentence Applicants may use e-mail to send their application papers. (p208.2.2) Application papers may be sent via e-mail.

新职业英语 第二版 职业综合英语1 教案unit7

新职业英语 第二版 职业综合英语1 教案unit7

新职业英语第二版职业综合英语1 Unit7教案1授课时间班周星期第节班周星期第节班周星期第节班周星期第节班周星期第节课次17 学时数 2授课形式(请打√)纯理论□纯实践□理实一体化□习题课□其他□授课题目Unit7 Customer ServiceReading A: I Really Want to Know教学目的Ss understand successfully measuring customer satisfactionSs make and handle a complaint教学重点 1. The main idea and the structure of the reading A.2. Master the key words and language points.教学难点 1.How to use the key words and expressions in reading A.2.Analysis on the text structure.使用的教具/多媒体/仪器/仪表/设备等Textbook; PPT; CD教学方法Pair-work; Discussing, lecturing参考资料English for Careers (Book1)教学基本内容及设计Part I Warming-up 20 minutes Task 1 10 minutes Objective: Ss learn how to collect customer opinions through a survey. • Explain briefly what a survey is. E.g. “A survey is a method of gathering information from a sample of individuals. The goal is to find out people’s stand or opinion on certain matters.”Task 2 10 minutes Objective: Ss can analyze data, find problems and give solutions.• Divide the class into groups of 4-6 students and ask each group to collect and analyze the data.• Ask some groups to present their conclusions and solutions to the class. Part II New words in Reading A 15 minutes Objective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc.. Steps:• Ss listen to the new words and expressions, etc.• Ss read the new words a nd expressions, etc.Part III Discussions before Reading A 10 minutes Objective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc.. Steps:• Ss know something about Reading A.• Ss discuss the following two questions:1.Why did the writer and his wife go to their favorite restaurant fordinner?2.In order to successfully measure customer satisfaction, what shouldyou pay attention to?Part IV Reading A Language points 35 minutes Paragraph 1deserve: v. to have earned something by good or bad actions or behavior e.g. You’ve been working all the morning—I think you deserve a rest. gain: v. to increase in weight, speed, height or valuee.g. Last week I gained another five pounds.Paragraph 3admirable: a. having many good qualities that people respect and admire e.g. This essay is admirable in all respects.implement: v. to take action or put into practicee.g. We have decided to implement the president’s suggestion in full. establish: v. to start; to set upe.g. My grandfather established the family business in 1938.The relationships between the two companies were established two years ago.obtain: v. to get something especially by means of efforte.g. We wish to obtain first-hand information.particular: a. unusual, single and different from otherse.g. They have conducted a research in this particular field.Paragraph 4survey: n. a general examination or study (of conditions, opinions, etc.), especially carried out by asking people questionse.g. A recent survey shows that many teenagers spend three hours a dayplaying computer games.comment: n. opinion given briefly in speech or writing about something orsomeonee.g. Do you have any comments to make upon my story?Paragraph 5deposit: v. to put something down in a particular place; to put money orsomething valuable in a bank or other places where it will be safee.g. She deposited her case in the corner.You are advised to deposit your valuables in the hotel safe.Paragraph 6in place: in existence and ready to be usede.g. The new regulations are now in place.hand out: to give something to each member of a groupe.g. Could you start handing these books out, please?Paragraph 7distribution: n. the act of sharing things among a large group of people in a planned waye.g. The distribution of the food supplies in the earthquake area began twodays ago.Part V After Reading ExercisesTask 1 5 minutesObjective:Ss can find some specific information in the passage.Task 2 5 minutesObjective:Ss can decide whether the statements are true or false.课后作业/Prepare Reading B and Grammar of Unit 7思考题教学后记说明:1.课程教案应按授课次数编写;重复班授课不再另行编写教案。



大学英语综合教程第一册Unit 7课后练习答案Unit 7Part II Text AText Organizationi.PartsParagraphsMain IdeasPart OneParas 1-13While Kate was putting the groceries away and her two sons were heading for the railroad, a train was approaching.Part TwoParas 14-33Anthony prevented a horrible railroad accident and saved the lives of the Pritchard children at the risk of his own.Part ThreeParas 34-35Anthony and the Pritchards became great friends.2.Scenes Paragraphs Main EventsScene 1 Paras 14-27 Anthony jumped from the train, covered Todd, reached outwith one arm to grab Scott and pull him clear of the track. Then he pushed downward on the two children with all his strength.Scene 2 Paras 28-33 Anthony got Kate to call the police andambulance. In themeantime, he was holding Scott for fear that any movement could worsen the internal injuries he might have.VocabularyI. 1.1) nearby 2) signaled3) resumed 4) spotted5) instant 6) exploded7) swaying 8) messing around9) leaped 10) grabbed11) loose 12) horror13) punched 14) calculate15) clear of2. 1) The comet is visible to the naked eye as a fuzzy ball in the western sky.2) Application papers may be sent via e-mail.3) The city government feeds and shelters the homeless children.4) He was warned by his brothers to keep clear of the street gang.5) I'd like to draw your attention to the fact that the students' enthusiasm about the project has cooled down.3. 1) He struggled with the big rock lying in the middle of the road, lifted it with all his strength.and got it out of the way just before the train flashed by witha full load of freight.2) Sam fell off the horse, injuring his back, twisting his left arm and scraping his knee. Fortunately, the back injury was not serious, and he recovered in two weeks. After the incident. Sam never dared to mess around with the horses on the farm again.3) The driver pulled on the brake the instant he saw two kidsjumping up and down on the road. But he knew that the car would not stop in time. In an effort to keep the car from injuring the kids, he swung left, and the car crashed into a big tree before coming to a stop.II. Usage1. The sound of the engine became thunderous.2. He exploded: "Why didn't you tell me earlier!"3. The fireman sprang through the window into the room.4. He froze when he faced the audience.5. He stared at me in shock.6. Every morning, the policeman on duty will see thousands of cars flash by.7. The plane crashed into the mountainside, killing all aboard.III. Word Formation1. possibility2. highly3. amazement4. violation5. widened6. neighborhood7. fulfillment8.determinationStructure1. 1) making 2) to kill 3) to ask 4) to think 5) pending6) being spoken 7) to pay 8) practicing2. 1) With Christmas only a week away2) With his physical condition improving day by day3) With our GDP growing steadily4) With all the shops closedComprehensive Exercises(A)1. incident2. leaping3. instant4. spotted5. horror6. calculating7. grab8. clear of9. loose 10. reach out11. all my strength 12. scraped 13. punched 14. internal(B)1. had2. when3. with4.before5. for6. herself7. with8. on9. house 10. other/older11. too12. and 13. speak 14. to 15. come16. out 17. When 18. what 19. of 20. likeI. ClozeII. TranslationThe instant the professor entered the classroom, the words on the blackboard "Welcome Back Professor" drew his attention. He had been injured in a car accident, and had had several operations in a nearby hospital. The doctor calculated his chances of survival to be no more than 10%. Now, not only had he recovered from his injury, but he was also able to resume teaching. Every student felt excited at the sight of him, and minutes passed before the class cooled down.Part III Text BComprehension Check1. a2. b3. c4. d5. a6. d7. bLanguage Practice1. plunged2. wrapped3. squeeze4. shivering5. hang on6. collapsed7. presence8. conceal9. pressure10. crushed 11.snapped 12. trapped 13. pray 14. nowhere 15. up to。

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Unit 7 The Fun They HadMain idea:This narrative story is a science fiction telling a story happening in the year of 2157. Margie and Tommy found a book in 21st century and they know something from the book about education in 21st century. Also, from the dialogue between Margie and Tommy, we, the people in 21st century know something of the education in the future predicted and imagined by the author. Structural AnalysisThis text can be divided into three parts.Part I (paragraph 1):This paragraph, which serves as the background of the story, tells us the time, characters, and the real book around which the story evolves.Part II (paragraphs 2-30):This part tells the story: Margie’s school life and school life of hundreds years ago she got from a book.Part III (paragraphs 31—35):This part tells Margie’s schoolroom, the mechanical teacher and Margie’s psychological activities Text Explanationhead1) lead; be at the front of; be at the top ofE.g.: The president’s car headed the procession.This canyon heads the list of natural attractions.2) be in charge of; take charge ofe.g.: The sales director heads a team of 20 representatives.crinklyhaving many thin folds; (of hair) curlye.g.: My shirts were all crinkly when I got them out of the suitcase.Her hair is a bit crinkly, which makes her look much prettier.be supposed to1) have a duty or responsibility to do sth.E.g.: Everybody is supposed to bring a bottle to the party.You are not supposed to smoke in here.2) be generally considered to be; have the reputation of beingE.g.: I haven’t seen it myself, but it is supposed to be a very good film.…and it was awfully funny to read words that stood still instead of moving about the way they were supposed to—on a screen…and it was very amusing to read words that were motionless instead of moving the way they ought to – on a screenWhen you’re through with the book, you just throw it away, I guess.—When you have finished reading the book, you merely throw it away, I believe.When you have finished reading the book, you merely cast it away, I believe.through1) in at one side, end, or surface, and out at the other; all the waye.g.: The guard at the gate wouldn’t let us through.Does this train go right through to London?2) from the beginning to the end; to completione.g.: Have you read the letter right through?You should read the article through before you translate it.scornfulshowing contempt for;e.g.: His scornful laugh greatly embarrassed me.His scornful dismissal of the democratic process showed that he did not support it. What's there to write about school?This is a rhetorical question, which calls for no answer. A positive rhetorical question is negative in meaning. The rhetorical question here means: There is nothing at all to write about school. mechanical1) of or moved, worked, or produced by machinerye.g.: That factory manufactures a variety of mechanical products.Being a mechanical genius, that man is at home in mechanical applications.2) Done without thought or feeling; (done) from habit rather than wille.g.: He greeted me in a mechanical way by using mechanical compliments.superior:1) of a higher rank or class; better in quality or valuee.g.: Of the two books, this one is superior to that one2) of high qualitye.g.: This is a very superior make of car.Superior goods are very popular among the customers.regular:1) happening or appearing with the same amount of time or space between each one and the next; not varyinge.g.: Plant the seed at regular intervals.2) happening, coming or doing something again and again at the same times each day, week, month, etce.g.: We keep regular working hours.Mr. Smith is a regular customer of the small store.nonchalantly:indifferently, coldly, not feeling excitede.g.: He reacted nonchalantly to my suggestion.He treated me nonchalantly when I visited him.tuckv 1 (a) ~ sth into sth; ~ sth in/up, push or fold or turn the ends or edges (of cloth, paper, etc) so that they are hidden or held in place; draw (sth) together into a small space 将(布、纸等)的端部或边缘掖好、叠拢或卷起(使之看不见或固定住);将(某物)缩拢起来塞入狭小空间: e.g. tuck your trousers into your boots.He tucked up his shirt-sleeves.The nurse tucked her hair (up) under her cap.dispute1) (about, over, with) argue about sth. Esp. angrily and for a long timeThe two governments disputed over the ownership of the territory.The question was hotly disputed in the Senate.2) Disagree about or question the truth or correctness ofI dispute the Minister’s figures—the true cost of the project is much higher.adjustv 1) put (sth) into the correct order or position; alter (sth) by a small amount so that it will fit or be right for use; regulate 整理; 校准; 调准; 校正:She carefully adjusted her clothes and her hair before going out.adjust the rear mirror,2)~ (sth/oneself) (to sth) become or make suited (to new conditions); adapt 使适合(新环境等); 适应:The body quickly adjusts (itself) to changes in temperature.adjustable adjadjustmentlight up1) ignite; (cause to ) start to burn; give light toe.g.: The fire won’t light up.The stage was lit up by several powerful spotlights.2) cause to become bright with pleasure or excitement.e.g.: Suddenly, a smile lit up her face when she heard the news.Her face lit up with joy when she saw him coming.ExercisesParaphrase:1. Her mother asked the County Inspector to come over.2. The mechanical teacher finished the calculation of the mark very quickly.3. Tommy looked at Margie with an air which suggested he knew far better about school than others.4. A teacher, a computerized teacher on net, has to be changed slightly so as to be suitable for each boy and girl to learn from.Grammar:1.The usage of articles;2.“It … to do something” pattern.Translation:1. Yesterday a government delegation headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs arrived in South Africa and began a three-day friendly visit to the country.2. It is awfully funny and splits your sides with laughter to observe these caricatures which satirize social ills.3. Computers are one of the most useful teaching aides, for all your lessons as well as all the questions asked and all the answers provided can be shown on a screen.4. As soon as his mother fell ill suddenly the day before yesterday, Xiao Zhang sent for a doctor, who came and diagnosed and treated his mother.5. He failed in the college entrance examination last year, but he did not feel disappointed. Instead, he continued to study hard, passed the examination successfully and became a student in a famousuniversity this year.6. There are many English words that this middle school student cannot pronounce correctly. Therefore, he has to make great effort to learn the phonetic symbols well and acquire standard English pronunciation.7. In this new ear marked by knowledge explosion and information explosion, we have to pursue constant study and take particular care to renew our knowledge. Only thus, can we become adjusted to the requirements of our specialized work.8. With his shirt tucked into the top of his trousers and a leather bag tucked under his arm, the boy looked just like a boss.9. Although she is only eight years old, the little girl is already very good at calculating fractions. No wonder her parents feel very proud of her.10. All the neighborhood have heard about the news, but you haven’t. Don’t you think it is very strange.Text II The LaugherMain idea:In this essay, the author introduces to the readers his occupation—a laugher. Being good at all kinds of laughter and portraying gaiety in work, the author, however, does not like his job and does not feel happy at all.Questions for discussion:1. He thinks that the nature of all the professions is clear and needs no further explanation.2. His talents in the field of mime and elocution are not good enough to meet the requirements of an actor.3. He is most probably a professional laugher, imitating the laughter of different kinds of people and of different occasions.4. He wants to stress that skill comes from practice.5. They do not feel at home in punch lines, as a result, their performance may fail to entertain its audience.6. He feels sad because he cannot change or control the way that things will happen.7. Like a pessimist, the author condemns his job because he thinks that it results in more pain than pleasure.8. He goes back to normal, and in fact the feels happy because he does not have to play the fool. Memorable QuotesJohann Wolfgang von GoetheGerman poet, novelist, playwright, courtier, and natural philosopher, one of the greatest figures in Western literature. In literature Goethe gained early fame with The Sorrows of Young Werther (1774), but his most famous work is the poetic drama in two parts, FAUST.Sir Francis Bacon (later Lord Verulam and the Viscount St. Albans) was an English lawyer, statesman, essayist, historian, intellectual reformer, philosopher, and champion of modern science.。
