



题目: The Analysis of Female Characters in

The Thorn Birds









I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all those who have given me much help in my pursuit of the bachelor’s degree and in my thesis writing.

First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Mrs. Li, who has offered me her insightful comments and enlightening suggestions in the whole course of my thesis writing. Without her patient instructions, I could hardly have completed my thesis.

Second, I wish to express my sincere thanks to professors and teachers at the Department of English, who have instructed and helped me a lot in my English learning. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my roommates and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and times in listening to me and helping me work out my problems in these four years.

Last but not least, my thanks would go to my beloved family for their understanding and support which have relieved me of a lot of anxieties and tensions that have accompanied my studies all through these years.





The Thorn Birds written by Australian famous woman writer Colleen McCullough has caused tremendous sensation throughout the world since it was published in1977 and is called Australian Gone with the Wind. Based on the unique background of Australian culture, the novel unfolds life experiences and emotional journey of the females of three generations in the Cleary family. First,this thesis includs a brief introduction to the writer, the novel and the symbolism of the thorn and the thorn birds. Afterwards it makes a deep analysis of the life course of the four female characters of three generations- Mary Carson, Fiona, Meggie, Justin, and explores the spirit of their untiring pursuit for love and brave resistance of traditional female fate, as well as the awakening of female’s self-consciousness in a certain period. A conclusion is drawn that women can gain happiness and realize self-value, as long as they establish correct love views and are brave enough to pursue love and challenge the destinies.

Key words: The Thorn Birds; Women images; Love view; Self-consciousness


Acknowledgements (i)

Abstract in Chinese (ii)

Abstract in English (ii)

1. Introduction (1)

1.1 Introduction to the novel (1)

1.2 Introduction to the author and her works (1)

2. Analysis of major characters in the novel (2)

2.1 Fiona— silenced, constraining, obedient (2)

2.1.1Fiona’s Subversive Love for Pakeha (2)

2.1.2 Fiona’s Submits to the Fate (2)

2.2 Mary Carson—subversive, scheming, unsympathetic (3)

2.2.1 Mary Carson’s crazy and selfish love for Ralph (3)

2.2.2 Mary Carson’s Fight against the Fate (4)

2.3 Meggie— brave, persistent, stubborn (4)

2.3.1 Meggie’s forbidden love for Ralph (5)

2.3.2 Meggie’s resistance to Catholism and fate (5)

2.4 Justine— rebellious, independent, passionate (6)

2.4.1 Justine’s harmonious love with Rainer (6)

3. The causes of their different fate (7)

3.1 The causes of Mary Carson, Fiona and Meggie’s tragic fate (7)

3.2 The rea sons of Justine’s success in resisting fate (7)

4. Conclusion (8)

Bibliography (9)

The Analysis of Female Characters in The Thorn Birds

1. Introduction

1.1 Introduction to the novel

The Thorn Birds is a saga novel about three generations of an Australian family—-the Clearys from 1915 to 1965, and is also a beautiful love story that takes place in the outback of Australia with a tale of a strong bond that turns into the strongest love. Hate, pain, love, and happiness all involved in this beautiful tale of Meggie Cleary and Ralph de Bricassart.

The epic begins with "Meggie" Cleary, a four-year-old girl living in New Zealand in the early 1920s. Meggie lives together with her father Paddy, an Irish farm laborer, and Fee, her harassed but aristocratic mother, and three elder brothers in New Zealand. The large, poor family lived a hard life until one day when Paddy’s sister, Mary Carson, one of the richest women in Australia, who lives on an enormous sheep station called Drogheda mail a letter in which she promises to offer Paddy a job on her estate. Paddy accepts the invitation with delight. Then the whole family moves to the Drogheda.

Here Meggie meets Ralph de Bricassart, a good friend of Mary Carson, picked up the Clearys from the station. He is a young, intelligence. and ambitious priest who as punishment for insulting a bishop, has been relegated to a remote parish in the town of Gillanbone, near Drogheda. Then Ralph and the family become good friends, while he and the ten-year-old Cleary daughter Meggie become very close. Ralph takes Meggie to school at the convent next to the church he works at and gives her a pretty room in the rectory so that she can stay with him. Gradually, Meggie grows up to be a stunning young lady and falls in love with the handsome and considerate priest. Ralph loves Meggie, too. However, he is far too self-absorbed and ambitious to show some humanity and admit his love to Meggie, so he is torn between his love for Meggie, his love for God and his ambition to rise in the Catholic hierarchy.

The Thorn Birds composes a melancholy and miserable but also solemn and stirring symphony by four characters (the Cleary women: Mary Carson, Fiona, her daughter, Meggie, and Me ggie’s daughter, Justine) who are very brave to fight against their fate and social custom for their faith. The enchantment of this book first lies in its subject—love and destiny, and its symbol—the thorn bird. It shows profoundly the impermanence and the weird twist of the fate. By describing the Clearys’ penetrative, frustrating love journey, the author tries to show a truth that the true love and the beauty should be attained with incredible pain and unimaginable cost. This thesis will discuss the differences among the three women and analyze the women spirits toward their love and fate.

1.2 Introduction to the author and her works

Colleen McCullough was born on June 1st, 1937, in a Catholic family in Wellington, New South Wales, Australia and married Ric Robinson, on April 13, 1984. She graduated from University of Sydney and University of South Wales, B.S.(With honors)and got her M.S. from Institute of Child Health of London University. From 1958 to 1963, she was a founder of and

worker at the Department of Neurophysiology at the Royal North Shore Hospital of Sydney. And then from 1967 to 1977 she worked at Yale University, School of Internal Medicine,in New Haven, CT, associate in research neurology department. Since 1976, she has also worked as a tea cher, a library worker, a bus driver in Australia’s Outback, and in journalism.

His working experiences constitute the major background of several of her fictions. McCullough has strong interests in reading since she was a little girl and she was said to b e “the only bookish person in an athletic family”. The books she read covered from romances to science fictions that helped her to get very well prepared for her later literary career.

Nowadays she is well-known for her fictions .She is the author of several extraordinary novels such as : Tim(1974), An Indecent Obsession(1982), A Creed for the Third Millennium(1985), Fortunes Favorites(1993), Caesar’s Women(1995), The Song of Troy(1998), Morgan’s Run(2000), The October Horse(2002), The Touch(2003), and Antony and Cleopatra(2007). The books she read covered from romances to science fictions that helped her to get very well prepared for her later literary career. Besides novels, she also writes prose, biography, and even melodrama. As far as her writing of fiction is concerned, she writes a variety of sorts of fiction, consisting of historical novel, love story, so on and so forth, and above all, the worldwide bestseller, saga novel—The Thorn Birds, soon after its publication, it became an international bestseller in over 20 languages. Time Magazine equals it to The God Father, Love Story and seven other stories, all of which are famed as modern ten classics. Musical, films and TV series adapted from it also have everlasting charm to the audience.

Colleen McCullough is familiar with Australia. In The Thorn Birds she gives a vivid description of it. The picturesque settings of the story enable readers to enjoy the unique Australia scenery. With this novel, readers can visit the far corners of the Australia outback and feel the love and yearning that Meggie and Ralph experienced.

2. Analysis of major characters in the novel

2.1 Fiona— silenced, constraining, obedient

As the first generation of Clearys, Fiona is a very beautiful, graceful but taciturn lady from a noble family. However, her fate is an undoubted tragic because she falls in love with an impossible man-Pakeha. But she forced to marry someone unknown because of family’s reputation. After marriage, she resigns herself to the unfair fate and regards it as predestinate. She pained for retrospection and could not step out of the circle of waiting for someone in nowhere. As a woman, her value is stipulated by the patriarchal society.

2.1.1Fiona’s Subversive Love for Pakeha

Fiona lives in the 19th century, and she is graceful lady and the only daughter in a noble family of Newlands. In such a traditional family, her fate has already been determined since she has no independent position or economic incomes. She has no freedom to choose her own life, what she can do is to follow her father’s idea-a trip to the old country, a debut at court, the right husband. However, her father’s plan goes broke because Fee falls in love with Pakeha, a

politician who has already got married. In The Thorn Bird s, Fiona’s love fo r Pakeha is described in the following way: “I love that man! Perhaps it was the call of our blood, I don’t know. He was handsome, a big man with a mop of black hair and the most brilliant, laughing black eyes. He was everything Paddy wasn’t cultured, soph isticated, very charming. I loved him to the point of madness. And I thought I’d never love anyone else”. (P243, 18) After the marriage, she becomes indifference to anyone or anything, all her enthusiasm is put on her first son, Frank. The child stole from her beloved man and becomes her spiritual existence. When Frank left home, Padddy ever said to Father Ralph: “I’ve always known she loved Frank more than the rest of us put together, she must love his father” (p256,8). In the rest of Fee’s life, she never has forgotten Pakeha.

In a patriarchal society, only a good marriage can prove women’s existence in the world, and reflect their value in society. It is an unbearable thing for women to strive for their love on their own will, as women are subordinated to men. As a result, when Fiona gives birth to Pakeha’s son, she was thrown away by her family and Pakeha.

2.1.2 Fiona’s Submits to the Fate

It is said that women are blind before love. To Fiona, it is true. At the age of sixteen, Fee falls in love with Pakeha who has already got married and much older than her. Fee thinks he will divorce for her, but Pakeha is an important politician, who has a big influence on that area, if he choose fee, he has to give up career and fame. Finally the man chooses his career and leaves Fee .Fee is brave in the times when virginity was regarded as women’s greatest treasure. After pregnancy, she is immediately abandoned by her family and force to marry Paddy-a man from underclass for the family reputation. When facing all theses situation, she never tried to struggle with her fate.

After marriage, in others eyes, Fee is a perfect wife. She is beautiful, hard-working and submissive. In her mind “The house was women’s work. No male member of the family was to put his hand to a fe male task”. To be a housewife, she has submitted to the rule imposed upon women and think female is inferior to male. On the other hand, she becomes indifferent to anyone or anything except the eldest son-Frank. She always follows her husband’s idea withou t a word and never shows her true feelings and emotions. After Frank’s leaving, “There had not a flicker of emotion in those soft grey eyes, not hardening nor accusation, hate or sorrow”,(P98,13 ) as if she had simply been waiting for the blow to fall like a condemned dog for the killing bullet, knowing her fate and powerless to avoid it.” Although she loves Frank more than others all together, she accepts his leaving with quietness. She resigns herself to the unfair fate and don’t want to revolt it. Just l ike she once said: “I can never be free, and I don’t want to be free.”(P289, 14) No matter to man or to fate, she has become a totally obedient woman.

2.2 Mary Carson—subversive, scheming, unsympathetic

In The Thorn Birds, Mary Carson is another women character who is embodied with female subjectivity. She is a very sophisticated character. From a man’s point of view in a patriarchy society, she is a devil. But from a feminist’s point of view, she is a respectable rebel, an

unfortunate woman. When first appeared in the novel, Marry Carson was already 65 years old. A lady at such an age was supposed to be kind, tolerant and sometimes slow in thinking. But she was harsh and very quick-witted. People around her hate her; calling her “a bid spider”, meanwhile, they admired her as she was so capable of scheming. She chose to marry a man she doesn’t love in order to make a fortune, but she fell in love with a priest in her sixties and left all her property to him, to the church. Her action and choice were very subversive.

2.2.1 Mary Carson’s crazy and selfish love for Ralph

Mary Carson takes possession of a large amount of property and lives in Drogheda, a great pasture. She has been a widow for so many years, but she refuses to marry again. She was not born into money or is not so charming, but besides her genius, the great effort makes her lead a fruitful life. When she meets Ralph, she was at her sixties, but she crazily falls in love with this remarkable appearance. Once Mary realized he love for Ralph, she began to take actions. She provided Ralph with all the luxurious living conditions and created a lot of time for their togethering. She even frankly told Ralph: “I have loved you. God, how much! Do you think my years automatically preclude it? Well, Father de Bricassart, let me tell you something. Inside this stupid body, I’m still young, I still feel, I still want, I still dream…” (P324, 7) What Mary Carson said and what she did break the stereotype that women have always been passive when facing love. A kind of both vigorous and valuable female consciousness was expressed. But the female consciousness shown in Mary’s personality brought her no happiness of love. On the contrary, after refused by Ralph, she turned her love into envy and revenge. The love between Meggie and Ralph made Mary extremely envious that she even wanted to kill Ralph for his not wanting her. Finally, Mary came up with an idea. She left two wills, one to her lawyer and the other to Ralph. According the two wills, all her wealth would be left to her brother or Ralph. Mary left a letter to Ralph, letting him make a decision and choose between his love for Meggie and the money.

In her love for Ralph, Mary found a way of action and self-expression, and her scheme of putting Ralph into a dilemma proved to be effective. However instead of bring her satisfaction and happiness, her false expression of female consciousness ended her life in envy and misery.

2.2.2 Mary Carson’s Fight against the Fate

Mary was from a very common family of Ireland. When she was a young girl, she was aware of the social reality she faced: A woman who wants to select a good husband must have enough background or breeding in Ireland. This was accepted by most women of that age. But Mary tried to break this fetter. She belie ved that “the greater the scope for action, the greater the potential for fulfillment”. This principle was proved to be true in her marriage and career as she successfully married a rich man and possessed her career through activities. In order to acquire the equal position as men, Mary neither showed any mercy to people nor showed any weakness of her. Her success was at the cost of sacrificing her emotion of the individual as a woman. Although she becomes the richest woman in Australia, she was unhappy. She paid the price for what she had got: living lonely for the rest of her life.

2.3 Meggie— brave, persistent, stubborn

Meggie is the second female of Cleary and the core of the story. In describing this character, the author uses the third-person point o f view, In Ralph’s eyes, “Meggie is the sweetest, the most adorable little girl he had ever seen; hair of a color which defied description, not red and not gold, a perfect fusion of both…” (P88, 3). In the story, since her childhood, Meggie appears to be p ersistent and vulnerable. Meggie doesn’t have a happy childhood and has suffered countless miseries in the growth. She was obedient to that male-centered society and never thought of resistance of the mode of life and her fate. Just as Ralph had ever said, she was not a rebel. All her life she would obey, move within the boundaries of her female fate.” On the first day she goes to school, she is caned by Sister Agatha, but she chooses to endure all those punishments. When her mother gave birth to more babies she gave up schooling to help her mother with the housework without any complaints.

In the early stage of Meggie’s life, it seemed that there was an absence of subjectivity of femaleness. But from a feminist perspective, we can still find some hints which indicate the existence of her female consciousness. One is her playing with the doll, a present she got at her fourth birthday. She played with the doll, talked to her and sang for her, by doing so, she finds a subjective affirmation of herself. Another one was her not yielding to the teacher’s power in the school. Through these activities, Meggie was in fact trying to identify her statues as a female. They were demonstrations of Meggie’s female consciousness.

2.3.1 Meggie’s forbidden love for Ralph

Meggie met Ralph when she was ten years old. This changed her life. A neglected girl for the first time gained attention and affection from outside her family. It was nn the platform of the Gillanbone railway station, Ralph falls in love with Meggie at the first sight. Meggie lived a peaceful life under Ralph’s protection and tender care. In her eyes, Ralph was someone she could depend on. When Hal died, he came. When she experienced her first menstruation and was afraid of dying of cancer, he came.

Mary Carso n’s birthday party was a transition point of Meggie’s feeling for Ralph. That year, Meggie was seventeen. She felt her love—the love a woman for a man—for Ralph, and she frankly expressed her love. However Ralph is a priest who cannot get married.

After Ralph accepts inheritance and leaves her. Meggie married Luke just because he looks like Ralph. In the love affairs with Ralph, Meggie’s subjectivity and desire as a woman were shown to the greatest extent, and she resist everything that prohibited her love with Ralph, including the Church. From time to time, she attracted Ralph to come close to her. When her father and brother died, when she gave birth to luck’s daughter, when she went to Matlock Island on her own, he was always beside her. Finally, on Matlock Island, Ralph became her man.

2.3.2 Meggie’s resistance to Catholism and fate

Though God show no sympathy to Meggie, compared with her mother, when facing love, she is more bravely. When Father Ralph leaves her the first time, she doesn’t complain or t hink to struggle with her fate, and she chooses to marry Luke, a man looks like Ralph. After marriage, during the days in Mueller, Meggie has the opportunity to read books which has greatly changed

her life attitudes and helps her to grow up. When Ralph leaving her again after the birth of Justine, she begins to understand it is the Church and God that prevent her from having Ralph. She begins to hate the church, because it treats her like a sin if she loves Ralph. But she hasn’t given up, or yield to destiny. Since then, Meggie grows up from a little girl to a real woman who fights against God for love. As a result, she has a son with Ralph. She gets something that God can never have. As she said, “...I’ve got the part of him which carries on from generatio n to generation. Through me he’ll continue to live…And that son will have sons, and they will have sons …I’ll beat God yet. I’ve loved Ralph since I was ten years old, and I suppose I’ll be love him if I live to be a hundred” (P336, 12). However, when Dane grows up, he decided to become a priest, Meggie feels so desperately. What’s more, after Dane’s death by drowning, Meggie has yielded to destiny. She begins to feel hopeless about her love and fate. She is aware of that there was never a woman born who could beat God. What she stole she has to give back.

So, Meggie is a resolute woman, just like a thorn birds, when the sharp thorn penetrates into the breast, she still songs while bearing huge pain. Her love experience is a process of self-reflection, which is from helplessness to suffering and from examining herself painfully to betraying her husband. At the same time, she has struggled bravely towards the religion. In the end, she finally made Ralph understand a truth that their choice leads to their bitterness in the whole life.

2.4 Justin— rebellious, independent, passionate

Justine, the third generation of these women, is full of rebellious since she was born. When she is a little girl, she is quite different from other children. She is persistent and never wants to be hugged or kissed, even be made to laugh. “…Justine didn’t seem to need a mother; since she was convinced she was right about everything …” (P409, 6). She has her own way of doing things and ways of thinking. She is always trying to be the master of herself. She wants to be actress. “Where else can I scream and yell and howl but on the stage? I’m not allowed to do any of those here, or at school, or any where! I like screaming and yelling and howling…” (P500, 9).In a word, this profession can give her a chance to display her personality fully. So she persuaded her mother to agree because she had already passed the entrance examination. In order to realize her dream, she left her family. To a girl, virginity is very important especially in that age, but she loses her virginity to a man only for the simple reason that she need to experience a variety of emotional experiences in order to be a good actress. From the above perspective, “She is actually an inborn anti-traditional woman.” She is so b rave that nothing can hold her back.

2.4.1 Justine’s harmonious love with Rainer

Justine was successful in career. She becomes a famous actress in Europe, but to love and marriage, she held an attitude of doubt and resistance. She doesn’t want to belong t o anyone, she only belongs to herself. However, not a girl can avoid love .When Justine met Rainer-a Politician. She attracted by him and felt happy with him. At the beginning, she regards him as her close friend, and with goes on, when she realized that Rainer has loved her and herself has fell in love with him gradually, she felt frighten more than joyful and even regarded this as “the lose the

dearest friend. Betrayal” her pride forces her not to change their friendship into love. She wants his love, at the same time; she fears that she will lose her love finally.

When facing love, Justine is not a brave girl, but thanks for Rainer who gives enough patience and respect to Justine. He told her: “Justine, this is not something to play with, nor someone to play with. There’s plenty of time. You have every reason to know I can be patient.” After Dane’s death, she would sacrifice her happiness and career to compensate her love to the gone Dane, and wrote a letter to Rainer to tell him that between marriage and nothing, she has elected nothing. Rainer didn’t give up her, instead, he flew to Drogheda and had a serious talk with her mother—Meggie. He said: “I came to see you because Justine needs to take up the threads of her life again—not a Drogheda” (P646, 11). He knows Justine more than Justine herself. What’s more, he knows what Justine wants and he can give the thing, the life she wants. The most important thing is that he loves Justine and has enough patience to wait for her.

However, in the depth of her heart, she is crying for love. When she meets Rainer whom she loves, at the same time, she doesn’t have the courage to put her whole heart on that man. And Dane’s death gives her a heavy blow, she treats Dane’s death as her own fault and even loses her life confidence, her sadness even exceeds her mother.

3. The causes of their different fate

The Thorn Birds focuses on the life experience of the four Cleary women and the attitude they face life. In the story, we can find that the four women resist to principles of the patriarchal society and show their female consciousness in different ways. The four female images are full of era atmosphere.

3.1 The causes of Mary Carson, Fiona and Meggie’s tragic fate

In the early stage of Australian patriarchal society, people are very traditional. The natural environment of Australia was very hard. It was the men who fought against the rough environment outside home. Women were left in the house to do the housework. Men were the head of the family and they wanted their women to be tender and obedient. They are defined as “angels of the house” and are expected to do the domestic work and meet the need of the 19th century. As a result, women’s interests are subordinated to the interests of men. They do not have the rights and privileges that men own. Women cannot find a position in the society. Their future are decided by men, especially their marriage. They are “property” of men.

This situation changed in the end of 19th century when the first wave of Women’s Liberation M ovement took place in the western countries. Women’s self-consciousness was awakened and gradually developed. As a result, growing up in the end of the 19th century, Mary Carson and Fiona are educated. They have self –consciousness. Thus Mary Carson strives for an equal position in her marriage and career all her life. Fiona and Meggie conceive the idea to pursue true love all their life. However, at that time, Australia was a new country with only about 120 years of history. In this young country, as most of its settlers came from the Great Britain, its political system and its standards of morality were derived from the British model.

The military, industry, technology, political office and finance-in short, every branch of power in the scope of the society is entirely in the male hands. What's more the religion, one of the most influential powers of the society determines the subordinate status of women in Christianity, for only men are the representative of God. Without independent economic source and equal social status, women can never get freedom. Finally suppressed by the conventional social customs, Mary Carson, Fiona and Meggie’s fighting for true love and happy marriage are doomed to fail.

3.2 The reasons of Justine’s success in resisting fate

Ju stine, the third generation in the 1930’s and 1940’s, is a successful example. After the Second World War, the world entered a new ear. Women in the western countries including Australia began to realize their equal rights in politics, economy and education. They appeal for the elimination of the inequality in these fields. Thereupon, the second wave of the Women’s Right Movement soon spread in the western countries. Women called for more education. Even housewives went out of their homes to continue a higher education. The higher levels of education for women increased the risk of doubts for marriage and marriage breakdown. Justine breaks the barrier between women and society. Justine chooses her career on her own will and lives an independent life by finding her position outside the family. She finds her true love and possesses an equal position in her marriage. In this generation, the female consciousness gradually gets mature. Justine’s success in marriage and career gives people hope and confidence and it encourages all the women under the oppression of the patriarchal society to rise for equal rights and self-fulfillment. Justine’s experience indicates that only when a woman actively participates in expensive social activities and has an independent economic position and a define self-consciousness can she finally obtain an independent social position and real freedom and equality.

4. Conclusion

There is a Greek saying that it’s a sin against the gods to love something beyond all reason. When someone loves so, the gods becomes jealous, and strike the object down in the very fullness of its flower, and make her suffer all the time. It’s profane to love too much, but women always choose to set their whole mind and heart on love. So they are always injured severely. As a result, the love story of women in Clearys family ended with tragedy except that of Justine whose independent personality keeps her holding a rational love view in love journey. The result of Justine’s romantic love reveals: In the new times, as long as a woman keeps the independence of economy and dignity, realizes themselves in more space except family, she can get the equal respectable love and social status.

To sum up,everyone has a thorn in his breast. If the thorn in one’s thorn is wort h pursuing, you should persist all the way and make every effort to be the master of your own fate. Try to be active and confident in the face of misery and doomed destiny and life will reward you. After being a thorn bird in your own life and singing your sweet songs to the top of your voice, you will never be defeated by fate.


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红河学院2013-2014学年秋季学期《现当代文学》课程期中论文考试单位:教师教育学院考试日期: 2013 年 10 月 31日 论文 (总分共100分) 浅析《围城》女性人物形象 廖天英 【内容摘要】:《围城》是一部描绘女性形象的画谱。她集中而深刻地刻画那个时代的女性形象,从而透露出深广的时代内容。塑造了众多为了生活奔波,为了爱情、婚姻、家庭、事业奔波的女性,同时阐述了不同的人在面对爱情、婚姻处理的方式也有所不同,而这主要归因于每一位女性他们所受的文化教育、家庭教育有所不同,进而每一位女性所表现出来特质有所不同,但是他们在处理“围城”的态度都是对“围城”的留恋与徘徊,揭示出了40 年代中国知识女性的生存状态和命运,然而她们又折射出时代新女性在面对生活的独立。 【关键词】女性形象;“围城”;鲍小姐;苏文纨;唐晓芙;孙嘉柔Analysis of "Fortress Besieged" female characters Liao Tianying Abstract:"Besieged City" is a depiction of female image painting. She intensively and deeply portraying the female images of that era, which revealed the essence of times. Creating many for life, for love, marriage, family, career rushing women, at the same time, different people in the face of love, marriage and processing mode is also different, which is mainly attributed to each woman from their cultural education, family education is different, and every woman performance characteristics are different, but their attitude in dealing with the "siege" is hovering on the "siege" of being reluctant to part with, reveals the 40's Chinese intellectual women's survival and fate, but they also reflects the new era of female life in the face of the independent. keywords:the image of women;"Besieged City";Miss Bao;Su Wenwan,;Tang Xiaofu,;Sun Jiarou 【正文】 一、冲破世俗观念,但是又庸俗、堕落、玩弄男人于鼓掌之中的 鲍小姐 鲍小姐是作者在《围城》中开篇提及的唯一一位具有独特形象的新女性。她是西方纵欲主义和享乐主义的代表。而这位女性,作者对她的态度显然是持批判、否定的。并且作者并未给鲍小姐起全名,在鲍小姐的姓氏上则认为“鲍鱼之肆是臭的,所以那位小姐姓鲍。”唯一一点就是鲍小姐有着冲破世俗的大胆,但是她又在追寻自己的快乐中堕落,变得庸俗。 首先,我们来分析下鲍小姐的形象,她是方鸿渐在法国油轮上认识的。从文中描述上看,她“又黑又粗”,没有什么美感,她引诱方鸿渐,说她像自己的未婚夫,她的行为引起船上人的鄙夷。“她只穿着绯霞色抹胸,海蓝色贴肉短裤,漏空白皮鞋里露出涂红的指甲……那些男学生看得心头起火,口角流水,背着鲍小姐说笑个不了。有人叫她为“熟食铺子”,因为只有熟食店会把那许多颜色暖热的肉公开陈列。又有人叫她“真理”,因为据说“真理是赤裸裸的”。鲍小姐并未一丝不挂,所以他们修正为“局部的真理”。”】 【1可见大家对她多是蔑视、批判、抨击的,就连同船女性苏文纨也认为她很是“不要脸”的。 其次,我们来看看鲍小姐是如何围捕引诱方鸿渐,又是如何轻描淡写地抛弃他的。


附件 2 本科生毕业设计(论文)开题报告 注:此表由学生本人填写后交指导教师签署意见,经二级学院院长签字 同意后方可开题,否则不得开题。此表作为评定成绩的依据之一。篇二:浅析《荆棘 鸟》中女性自主意识英语论文的开题报告 毕业论文开题报告 浅谈《荆棘鸟》中的女性自主意识 专业:英语 班级学号: 10051215 姓名:罗瑶瑶 导师: 日期: 2014年2月 一、选题的依据及意义: 长篇家世小说《荆棘鸟》是澳大利亚作家考琳·麦卡洛的成名之作。在这部作品 中,考琳·麦卡洛以其细腻的文笔和对女性心态独有的探索,描写了人的欲望、奋斗、 痛苦以及爱情[1:691]。该小说自问世以来,不仅走红美国,而且迅速成为风靡全球的“国 际畅销书”。六七十年代,女权主义运动正处于迅速发展阶段,这一阶段女性运动的特 征是对男权中心主义的批判和女性意识的觉醒。随着思想的进步,禁锢了千年的女性在蒙昧中逐渐觉醒,她们独立自主的意识愈来愈强烈,开始追求自己独立的人格,肯定自身的 价 值和尊严,表达自己的情感[2:67]。《荆棘鸟》正是写于这个时期,这当中的四位女性: 玛 丽·卡森、菲奥娜、麦琪及朱丝婷因其身处不同的时代和环境以及各自不同的性格在面 对命运和爱情时采取了截然不同的态度。通过对她们形象的分析有利于揭示女性在探 索、追求自主意识的艰难坎坷中所表现出来的矛盾、迷惘和反抗,让我们对女性如何追 求自主命运产生重要思考。 二、国内外研究概况及发展趋势(含文献综述): 国内对《荆棘鸟》中女性自主意识的研究有很多,多以爱情为主线。殷丹在《女性 自我意识之觉醒》—《荆棘鸟》中女性形象的分析中说:“她们不甘心从属于男性,她 们追求的婚姻是建立在爱情基础上的,哪怕为此付出沉重代价”[3:57]。这就说明了在 荆棘鸟中故事发生的特定时代里,女性已开始积极的追求个体的独立自主意识。这不仅仅表现 在具体的人物上,而且从整体上看这四位女性,也呈现出女性自我意识不断发展成长和走向成熟的趋势[4:59]。 杨六兰[5:100]在《荆棘鸟中西方女性的爱情观赏》一文中也把这四位女性的爱分为玛丽.卡森疯狂自私的爱、麦琪无私执着的爱、菲奥娜可悲错位的爱和朱丝婷自由独立的 爱, 从这些形容上就可以充分表现这四位女性的自主意识有着递进式发展。而在每一位女性 身上,我们也可以看到她们各自的发展。在《在痛苦中爱着,在爱中成长》—解读《荆 棘鸟》中三位女性形象追求爱情的荆棘之路中,毛慧[6:57]也详细分析了这三代女性的 性 格色彩,说明虽然她们的性格不同,但人生之路和爱情之路都是充满了磨难,她们的结 局其实并没有让我们感到绝望,因为最后一代朱丝婷有着美好的结局,这让在另外三位 女性身上没有实现的愿望变成了现实。实际上,这四位女性的遭遇有循环的蕴意,而最 终的结局也意味着出生的终将会灭亡,而灭亡的也会获得重新的新生,虽然在这样的生 与死之间是一条荆棘丛生的道路,但通过了这样的道路,我们终可以看到女性在社会中


围城中孙柔嘉人物形 象分析

《围城》中孙柔嘉人物形象分析 论文摘要:这是一篇用坚硬的石头堆砌而成的学术论文。我要站在巨人的肩膀上写完这篇论文。女人的围城。社会的喜剧。每当我阅读完《围城》的时候,就是一次人生觉醒。因为我正在走出自己的围城。人一定要长一双洞明世事的眼睛,否则就被困在围城。因为我想讲述这人世间每一个人的人生命运。我希望自己拥有无比清醒的头脑来解说一切,即使处于人间地狱。《围城》是一部伟大的批判现实主义文学作品。同时也为读者抒写了20世纪的中国社会命运挣扎史。给我们呈现的是二十世纪三四十年代旧中国的生活画卷,讲诉的是知识分子这一群体的人生故事。通过对他们的生存状态描绘来折射出当时中国危机重重的现实局面。显示了极其深刻的意义,引发了每一个读者的共鸣与思索。同时在永恒的告诫后世千万不要陷入围城之中,而那些陷入围城的人们应知道如何走出人生围城。真正改变自身的命运。 关键词:孙柔嘉是怎样一个人。人性的双重矛盾。钱钟书评价。悲剧原因。挽救悲剧。 目录:1 孙柔嘉是怎样一个人? 2孙柔嘉在《围城》中的角色。 3孙柔嘉解剖。 4因为她需要婚姻这座命运彼岸。 5让我们共同为孙柔嘉呐喊。 6孙柔嘉是中国文化具有代表性意义的商品。

引言:人生有两大悲剧:一是愚昧无知,二是踌躇满志。假如给我三天光明,我会把这三天的光明汇集起来洒满人间。这世间最需要的就是光明,因为光明永远战胜黑暗。照亮我们前进的道路,给我们以希望。光明突破人生围城。让光明永远存活在每个人的生命始终。写这篇学术论文旨在通过对孙柔嘉的人物评价来反映出人生悲剧的原因和我们应该如何挽救悲剧。让我们共同读懂《围城》所走过的生命旅程,人生在世,越是被围城围住,越是需要突破围城,越是需要极其坚强,极其勇敢,极其智慧。在任何情况下都能正诚如一。都能勇往直前。活着的时候是光明的生命,死了之后依然是光明的存活在每个人心中。 孙柔嘉是怎样一个人?。我想从围城中孙柔嘉说开去,这个女人极其普通真实,她的人生是灰色的,是悲剧的结合体。这也是她最大的人物形象。但凡女人都有两性:一是女儿性,二是母亲性。每个人都有每个人的围城,一辈子都走不出的围城,这座城把人活生生的包围住,城里的人都想看看城外的风景,城外的人便成为了他们一生的风景。睁开双眼时还看着,闭着双眼时梦着。不断的行走,不断的看,都希望看到最美的风景,留下最纯的记忆。可是世事沧桑,风云变幻,有的人在城里挣扎了一辈子,还是到达不了生命的彼岸。人生最大的苦难在于梦醒后无路可走。苍老的脸庞诉说无限的人世苦难。当我是一个盲人的时候,我依然能看清这座城里所有人的模样。孙柔嘉展现给我们读者的是平凡模样。但在如此简简单单的描述中,却饱含讽刺的意味。既是一种搞笑,又是一种教育。读起来让人不时发笑,同时又给人以启迪。促进人的思想发展进步。在中国这片充满历史沧桑的土地上,孙柔嘉所折射出中国女性的生存哲学。那就是想尽一切办法讨男人欢心,博得男人的爱


毕业论文开题报告 浅谈《荆棘鸟》中的女性自主意识 专业:英语 班级学号:10051215 姓名:罗瑶瑶 导师: 日期:2014年2月

一、选题的依据及意义: 长篇家世小说《荆棘鸟》是澳大利亚作家考琳·麦卡洛的成名之作。在这部作品中,考琳·麦卡洛以其细腻的文笔和对女性心态独有的探索,描写了人的欲望、奋斗、痛苦以及爱情[1:691]。该小说自问世以来,不仅走红美国,而且迅速成为风靡全球的“国际畅销书”。六七十年代,女权主义运动正处于迅速发展阶段,这一阶段女性运动的特征是对男权中心主义的批判和女性意识的觉醒。随着思想的进步,禁锢了千年的女性在蒙昧中逐渐觉醒,她们独立自主的意识愈来愈强烈,开始追求自己独立的人格,肯定自身的价值和尊严,表达自己的情感[2:67]。《荆棘鸟》正是写于这个时期,这当中的四位女性: 玛丽·卡森、菲奥娜、麦琪及朱丝婷因其身处不同的时代和环境以及各自不同的性格在面对命运和爱情时采取了截然不同的态度。通过对她们形象的分析有利于揭示女性在探索、追求自主意识的艰难坎坷中所表现出来的矛盾、迷惘和反抗,让我们对女性如何追求自主命运产生重要思考。 二、国内外研究概况及发展趋势(含文献综述): 国内对《荆棘鸟》中女性自主意识的研究有很多,多以爱情为主线。殷丹在《女性自我意识之觉醒》—《荆棘鸟》中女性形象的分析中说:“她们不甘心从属于男性,她们追求的婚姻是建立在爱情基础上的,哪怕为此付出沉重代价”[3:57]。这就说明了在荆棘鸟中故事发生的特定时代里,女性已开始积极的追求个体的独立自主意识。这不仅仅表现在具体的人物上,而且从整体上看这四位女性,也呈现出女性自我意识不断发展成长和走向成熟的趋势[4:59]。 杨六兰[5:100]在《荆棘鸟中西方女性的爱情观赏》一文中也把这四位女性的爱分为玛丽.卡森疯狂自私的爱、麦琪无私执着的爱、菲奥娜可悲错位的爱和朱丝婷自由独立的爱,从这些形容上就可以充分表现这四位女性的自主意识有着递进式发展。而在每一位女性身上,我们也可以看到她们各自的发展。在《在痛苦中爱着,在爱中成长》—解读《荆棘鸟》中三位女性形象追求爱情的荆棘之路中,毛慧[6:57]也详细分析了这三代女性的性格色彩,说明虽然她们的性格不同,但人生之路和爱情之路都是充满了磨难,她们的结局其实并没有让我们感到绝望,因为最后一代朱丝婷有着美好的结局,这让在另外三位女性身上没有实现的愿望变成了现实。实际上,这四位女性的遭遇有循环的蕴意,而最终的结局也意味着出生的终将会灭亡,而灭亡的也会获得重新的新生,虽然在这样的生与死之间是一条荆棘丛生的道路,但通过了这样的道路,我们终可以看到女性在社会中占据的愈来愈重要的地位[7:81]。 纵观西方文学史上的女性,像《荆棘鸟》中这几位女性这样“为爱而活的女人”并不是麦卡洛首创。古希腊悲剧中的美狄亚;托尔斯泰手下的安娜.卡列尼娜;莎士比亚悲剧中的朱丽叶等都属于这类形象。像西蒙.波娃在《第二性—女人》一书中说的:“女人第一件要做的就是在痛苦和骄傲中去放弃传统”[8:505]。她在书中提出了当代女性的问题并鼓励当代女性冲破传统枷锁的束缚,在政治、经济上都要寻求独立。她还指出:“婚姻是要联系两个完整的独立个体,不是一个附和,不是一个退路,不是一种逃避,或一


《围城》女性形象分析 姓名:彭维勇 摘要: 从众多研究《围城》中女性的文章中,我们不难发现,往往是从男性的视角对女性形象进分析,其结果多是对女性的批评和贬低,极少从女性的视角来洞察女性。在吸收、融合、借鉴他们的研究成果的基础上,我试着从女性主义的角度,运用女性主义批评方法,从女性自身意识的觉醒,来对《围城》中的女性形象进行分析。当然,虽然本文是以女性主义的角度来审视,但不是强调要与男性对抗或与男性搞分裂主义,只是想要为女性争取与男性平等的生存权、话语权。本文通过对这篇小说女性形象的分析,启示读者去读经典作品时应该将那种男权思想避开,尤其提醒女读者应该要客观理性的去读经典作品,以期避免中男权思想的毒。 关键词:男性偏见、女性主义视角、女性形象 前言 《围城》是一代国学大师钱钟书于一九四四年动笔,一九四六年完成的,它曾被誉为“最伟大的小说”。它是一部喜剧也是一部悲剧,包含着对恋爱婚姻的讽刺和评论——婚姻如同一座被围困着的“城堡”,里面未必就是幸福。许多研究者和作者一样以男性的视角来看待围绕在方鸿渐周边的女性,在鄙视方鸿渐懦弱的同时也鄙视和同情那些将婚姻视为救命稻草的女性们。同为女性,从女性读者的视角,我似乎看到也听到了她们无辜的呐喊声。生活在五四新文化运动后的她们,注定已不再是有浓厚封建思想的女性,她们的女性意识开始觉醒,但成长于中国有几千年传统文化氛围下的,她们又不得不内化了关于婚姻的一些传统文化心理。 小说中的人物在钱钟书先生的笔下栩栩如生,尤其是和方鸿渐有莫大关系的那四位女性:鲍小姐、苏文纨、唐晓芙、孙柔嘉被塑造得各有特点。本文则以女性主义的眼光,根据这四位女性的成长及生活背景剖析她们的情感世界及形成的


导师修改意见:文字中的红字部分与网上大量雷同,要修改,没有标注出来的不代表没有雷同,请修改老师重新修改下,因为是学士学位论文,比较重视查重。 一定要小于30% 目录 摘要 (3) 一、有理想但性格懦弱的知识分子 (5) (一)空想家方鸿渐 (5) (二)浮夸的赵辛楣 (6) 二、有理想但虚伪的知识分子 (7) (一)刻薄的苏文纨 (7) (二)酸腐的曹元朗 (8) (三)无耻的李梅婷 (8) (四)老谋深算的高松年 (8) (五)拙劣虚假的韩学愈 (9) 三、自主爱情中的知识女性 (9) (一)追求纯粹爱情的唐晓芙 (9)

(二)为爱不择手段的孙柔嘉 (10) 总结 (10) 参考文献 (11) 摘要 钱钟书先生是中国现代文学史上屈指可数的文学大师,他的作品《围城》写于上世纪40年代。这部小说一经问世,便引发了巨大的轰动,深受读者喜爱。这本书主要描写了在那个非常时期里,男女之间不同的爱情观,对婚姻的不同解

读以及对人生观价值观的不同态度。这本书塑造了一个个鲜明的人物形象,纵观《围城》,共有大概七十多自个物,其中最有特性的人物也有十多个,能够称得上黑格尔的那句名言:“每自个都是一个全体,自身即是一个国际。”在作者生花的妙笔之下,《围城》中的人物个个神采毕现,有着完好的特性。而经过对这些人物的精心描画,《围城》也达到了必定的高度。这篇文章企图在前人研讨的基础上,对《围城》中的人物作一个对比全面的整理、剖析与阐释,而不是只是局限于某一自个物身上。这就使我的研讨角度扩大到《围城》中的各类人物,包含土生土长的老教授、留学归国的青年人、还有年轻美貌的小姐们。以此来解读《围城》。本文主要对《围城》中知识分子的形象进行了分析,旨在更详细的把握知识分子形象,更好的理解小说内容。 关键词:《围城》;知识分子;形象 “五四”时期是一个文思涌动的年代,这一时期各种思想不断碰撞,涉及知识分子题材的作品也卷帙浩繁。钱钟书的《围城》可谓这一时期的佼佼者,在同类作品中具有自身独特的特点。《围城》没有追求宏大的叙事模式,没有预设过分张扬的主题,没有用启蒙式的叙述话语,它专注于现实生活,注重对生活本真的挖掘,刻画了一个个生动形象的人物,塑造了不同的知识分子形象,有的有理想但性格懦弱,有的有理想却虚伪与刻薄,有的沉溺于爱情不可自拔,可谓形形色


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/6213388208.html, 浅析《围城》中的女性形象 作者:贾玉红 来源:《青年文学家》2019年第06期 摘要:《围城》是钱钟书先生所著的一篇长篇小说,在中国现代文学史上是一部风格独 特的讽刺小说,有“新儒林外史”之称。在这篇作品中的描绘的女性知识分子形象十分突出。本文对《围城》中的女性知识分子形象进行了简要的分析。 关键词:《围城》;女性形象;女性解放 作者简介:贾玉红(1968.12-),女,蒙古族,河北人,本科,河套学院副教授,毕业于内蒙古教育学院汉语言文学专业,研究方向:汉语言文学。 [中图分类号]:I206 [文献标识码]:A [文章编号]:1002-2139(2019)-06-0-01 前言: 钱钟书先生的《围城》是中国现代文学史上一个非常重要的收获。故事围绕着1920到1940年代展开,以主人公方鸿渐的生活为主线,描写了一批面对国难自私、迷惘的知识分 子,包含了深刻的思想。在这篇作品中包含了鲍小姐、苏文纨、唐晓芙和孙嘉柔四位女性,揭示了方鸿渐的性格特征。这篇作品解释了在当时中西方文化碰撞的背景下,中国女性想要寻求解放却又失败的尴尬处境。 一、女性命名暗含失败宿命 《围城》这部作品中所塑造的四位知识分子女性,作者在为她们命名时已经将她们的命运隐含其中,暗示了她们想要追求理想生活却又会最终走向失败的命运。 第一,鲍小姐与方鸿渐相识于一艘归国的轮船上,她是一位行为放荡、打扮妖艳的女子。在旅途中,她难耐寂寞,对方鸿渐进行勾引,在下船之后又像什么事都没有发生过一样去寻找她的未婚夫。这位女性形象完全没有道德尺度,她的行为是很令人不齿的[1]。杨绛先生说 过:“鲍鱼之肆是臭的,所以那位小姐姓鲍。” 第二位是苏文纨,她的家世显赫,性格清高,而且有着很高的学历,是当时社会的新潮女性。但是她比较有心计,喜欢被男人簇拥的感觉,男人因她而吃错,她才会得到心中的满足感。苏文纨是虚伪的,她彰显自身价值的方式是男人的臣服,她所追求的生活也是媚俗的。


The Analysis of Different View of Love in the Thorn Bird Have you ever heard of a bird named the thorn bird? Have you ever heard of the story of the thorn bird? As it it pointed out in the thorn birds "The bird with the thorn in its breast...and die singing. At the very instant the thorn enters there is no awareness in it of the dying to come; it simply sings and sings until there is not the life left to utter another note." In the thorn birds, for Fiona's tragic and misplaced love to Pakeha and Maggie's selfless and persistent to Ralph , their pursuits for love are just like the thorn bird's pursuit for the thorn which is bitter and full of difficulty. Though Marie Carson's love to Ralph is crazy and selfish, it is still a kind of attitude to love in that time. Colleen McCullough's The Thorn Birds told a legendary love experience of the Cleary family history. It presented three different kind of attitudes to love mainly through the unforgettable love story happens between Ralph who is the Bishop of Rome and meggie who is 18 younger than Ralph. Colleen McCullough is making a point about three different kind of crazy, tragic and persistent love through the characters of Marie Carson, Fiona and Maggie. Marie Carson loves Ralph who is 27 younger than her but Ralph doesn't love her and he loves Maggie. Marie Carson decides to destroy the love between Ralph and Maggie. Fiona falls in love with


论《围城》中人物形象的比喻蕴味 甘肃省渭源县莲峰中学何文斌 【摘要】:本文通过分析《围城》中人物形象的描写特征,说明钱钟书小说的描写手法独树一帜,以饱含激情的言词和形象的比喻,使人物的刻画惟妙惟肖,生动逼真,从而达到反映社会,揭示现实之功效。 【关键词】:肖像描写比喻手法想象 钱钟书,字默存,号槐聚,曾用笔名钟书君等。1910年11月21日生于江苏省无锡县城内的一户书香世家。父亲钱基博先生曾任清华大学、圣约翰大学、光华大学、国立蓝田师范学院等校教授,是一位桃李满天下的著名国学大师。儿子钱钟书早承家学,耳濡目染,斐然而有述作之志,卓卓如鹤立鸡群。1974年,他的长篇小说《围城》出版。书中描写了抗战时期,一群高级知识分子的生活。通过主人公方鸿渐的坎坷境遇和不幸爱情,暗示了现代文明背景下的人生困境。该书立意深刻,技巧高超,语言幽默,哲思隽永,是我国现代文学史上一部独具特色的伟大著作。 钱钟书先生的长篇小说《围城》于1946年在《文艺复兴》杂志上连载,1947年出版了单行本,以后又重印过几次。新中国建立后,直到1980年人民文学出版社才重新出版。《围城》在海外被译成英、俄、日、法等多种文字,同时有许多人为其出了不少研究和推崇性质的文章及专著。海外“围城热”在80年代波及到国内,《围城》重新出版并被搬上电视屏幕,影响越来越大。80年代初国内对《围城》的研究也繁荣起来,从发表的几十篇文章中可以看出,研究者多是从这部小说的讽刺艺术来评价,然而这种讽刺艺术的表现则是通过心理描写,性格刻画,抒情议论等得以体现的,但是,在《围城》中给人留下深刻印象的还是人物的肖像描写。 “比者,以此物比它物以引起所咏之物。”1比喻是《围城》成功的一根重要支柱。钱钟书的文字平易清新,但字挟风霜。高超的写作技巧,将中国文字的使用推向一个高峰,文字用法创新别致,比喻幽默传神,生动有趣,叫人总会情不自禁地发笑。 (一) 以奇谲新颖的比喻形容某一特征,给人以丰富的想象。 “外形是理解人物的钥匙。”2用人以外的事物来比喻人身上的某一外部特征,是现实主义作家们惯用的手段。《围城》中无论是外貌还是体形,作者在描写过程中都以幽默诙谐的比喻,作以形象描述,从而使读者在一种哑然失笑的心境中领悟到一种荒谬丑恶的东西。作品中不乏此类例子。 (1)?沈太太生的怪样,打扮的妖气,她眼睛下两个黑袋,像圆壳行军热水瓶,想是储蓄着多情的眼泪。嘴唇涂的浓胭脂给唾沫带进了嘴.把黯黄崎岖的牙齿染道红痕.血琳淋的像侦探小说里


目录 摘要 (3) 一、有理想但性格懦弱的知识分子 (5) (一)空想家方鸿渐 (5) (二)浮夸的赵辛楣 (6) 二、有理想但虚伪的知识分子 (7) (一)刻薄的苏文纨 (7) (二)酸腐的曹元朗 (8) (三)无耻的李梅婷 (8) (四)老谋深算的高松年 (8) (五)拙劣虚假的韩学愈 (9) 三、自主爱情中的知识女性 (9) (一)追求纯粹爱情的唐晓芙 (9) (二)为爱不择手段的孙柔嘉 (10) 总结 (10) 参考文献 (11)

摘要 钱钟书先生是中国现代文学史上屈指可数的文学大师,他的作品《围城》写于上世纪 40 年代。这部小说一经问世,便引发了巨大的轰动,深受读者喜爱。 这本书主要描写了在那个非常时期里,男女之间不同的爱情观,对婚姻的不同解读以及对人生观价值观的不同态度。这本书塑造了一个个鲜明的人物形象,纵观《围城》,共有大概七十多自个物,其中最有特性的人物也有十多个,能够称得 上黑格尔的那句名言:“每自个都是一个全体,自身即是一个国际。”在作者生 花的妙笔之下,《围城》中的人物个个神采毕现,有着完好的特性。而经过对这 些人物的精心描画,《围城》也达到了必定的高度。这篇文章企图在前人研讨的 基础上,对《围城》中的人物作一个对比全面的整理、剖析与阐释,而不是只是 局限于某一自个物身上。这就使我的研讨角度扩大到《围城》中的各类人物,包 含土生土长的老教授、留学归国的青年人、还有年轻美貌的小姐们。以此来解读《围城》。本文主要对《围城》中知识分子的形象进行了分析,旨在更详细的把 握知识分子形象,更好的理解小说内容。

关键词:《围城》;知识分子;形象 “五四” 时期是一个文思涌动的年代,这一时期各种思想不断碰撞,涉及知识分子题材的作品也卷帙浩繁。钱钟书的《围城》可谓这一时期的佼佼者,在同 类作品中具有自身独特的特点。《围城》没有追求宏大的叙事模式,没有预设过 分张扬的主题,没有用启蒙式的叙述话语,它专注于现实生活,注重对生活本真的挖掘,刻画了一个个生动形象的人物,塑造了不同的知识分子形象,有的有理想但性格懦弱,有的有理想却虚伪与刻薄,有的沉溺于爱情不可自拔,可谓形形 色色,刻画的淋漓尽致。 一、有理想但懦弱的知识分子 (一)空想家方鸿渐 方鸿渐担任着《围城》的主要人物,个性鲜明,特点也很出彩。给读者留下及其深刻的印象。他出生富裕,算得上一个权贵家庭,所以他的父母在他身上的 期望值格外的高,希望他能学业有成,别有作为。但他出国留学期间并没有认 真学习,还胡作非为,搞得最后毕不了业,形成了许多不良习惯。最后为了满 足父母的希冀,他决定购买假文凭以瞒天过海。从他的身上,我们看到了一个


围城中得女性人物分析 《围城》对女性人物得塑造非常精彩,小说中主要得四位女性都各具特色:温柔得体得、妩媚风骚得、孤高冷静得与工于心计得。这几位女性构成一条爱情线索贯穿于方鸿渐整个人生旅途之中,使方鸿渐得旅途颇不平静。 最先踏进方鸿渐得旅途中得当然就是鲍小姐了,鲍小姐姓“鲍”,取意“鲍鱼之肆”,从这点足以瞧出作者对她得褒贬得态度。鲍小姐皮肤黝黑,穿着火辣,有人叫她"熟食铺子",因为只有熟食店会把那许多颜色暖热得肉公开陈列;又有人叫她"真理",因为据说"真理"就是赤裸裸得"。鲍小姐并未一丝不挂,所以她们修正为"局部得真理"。“英国人瞧惯白皮肤,瞧见鲍小姐暗而不黑、肥腻辛辣得引力,以为这就是地道得东方美人。”这绝对就是对她得讽刺。鲍小姐就是几位女性中最开放得一个,或者说她非常放荡,有了未婚夫,还故意在船上引诱方鸿渐,说方鸿渐像她得未婚夫,让方鸿渐自作聪明得认为“自己可以完全享受未婚夫得权利,而不必履行她未婚夫得义务了”,使方鸿渐忍不住与她调情。她毫无羞耻之心,不受道德得约束,公然地与方鸿渐在船上得甲板上调情,表演亲密举动,毫不在乎别人得眼光,全然忘了家中得未婚夫。 在欧洲她也没闲着,从这句“幸亏鲍小姐就是学医得,所幸也没弄出什么事了”可以略知一二。她更就是一个情场老手,在感情上收放自如、拿捏得当,知道什么才就是自己真正想要得,什么时候该出手,什么时候该停止。所以在快抵达香港,她对方鸿渐得态度立时冷下来,热情

地投入未婚夫得怀抱。这时候,方鸿渐才知道自己不过就是她在寂寞旅途得一个消遣。从而得出一个结论:女人就是可怕得。 鲍小姐香港上岸之后,方鸿渐开始了与苏文纨得爱情纠葛。苏文纨就是个典型得大家闺秀。书中就是这样描述她得“那个戴太阳镜,身上摊本小说得女人,衣服极斯文讲究。皮肤在东方人里,要算得白,可惜这白色不顶新鲜,带些干涩。她去掉了黑眼镜,眉清目秀,只就是嘴唇嫌薄,擦了口红还不够丰厚。假使她从帆布躺椅上站起来,会见得身段瘦削,也许轮廓得线条太硬,像方头钢笔划成得。”她长相不错,身材虽然瘦了些,但就是又就是多少女子追求得标准。最主要得就是拥有殷实得家世与渊博得学识,可就是她又怎么瞧得上几乎一无就是处得方鸿渐得呢? “在大学同学得时候,她眼睛里未必有方鸿渐这小子。那时苏小姐把自己得爱情瞧得太名贵了,不肯随便施与。现在呢,宛如做了好衣服,舍不得穿,锁在箱里,过一两年忽然发见这衣服得样子与花色都不时髦了,有些自怅自悔。从前她一心要留学,嫌那几个追求自己得人没有前程,大不了就是大学毕业生。而今她身为女博士,反觉得崇高得孤独,没有人敢攀上来,她对方鸿渐得家世略有所知,见她人不讨厌,似乎钱也充足,颇有意利用这航行期间,给她一个亲近得机会。”她知道自己现在得身价不比从前了,于就是有意于方鸿渐,也肯定方鸿渐心里有她。在朋友面前故意亲切地叫她“鸿渐”,方鸿渐后来知道了苏文纨得心思。但就是虽不喜欢她却也并不懂得拒绝,并且给苏文纨造成了她喜欢她得误解。致使苏小姐在这种自以为就是得幸福与甜蜜得虚幻中沉


2008年第3期(总第109期) 贵州民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版) Journa l of G u i zhou U niversity fo r E thn i c M i nor iti es(Ph ilosophy and soc i a l sc ience) N o.3 Jun.2008荆棘鸟!中玛丽 卡森的女性形象分析 ?刘 泓 (贵州民族学院外国语学院,贵阳贵州 550025) 摘 要:玛丽 卡森的#魔鬼?形象是男权社会文化对她的偏见。事实上,她是女权主义的极端代表,追求事业,力图改变命运,同时渴望爱情,但又拒绝虚伪,甚至反抗虚伪。这在当时的男权社会无疑是具有积极进步意义的,在妇女解放运动中起到了榜样作用。 关键词:魔鬼;女权;男权;爱情;支配 中图分类号:I1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-6644(2008)03-0093-05 荆棘鸟!是一部世界级的文学著作。它是澳大利亚女作家考琳 麦卡洛于上个世纪70年代末期创作的,一经发表便引起轰动,被誉为澳大利亚的飘!,多年来一直深受亿万读者的喜欢。它相当于一部传奇家世小说,讲述了克利里一家三代在1915-1969年这半个世纪内的人生经历和情感历程。小说的叙事结构比较独特:全书共分为七章,每一章塑造一个栩栩如生的人物,采用的是结构主义中的纵组合手法,人物之间相互辉映,各自的特点得以彰显,给读者留下了深刻的印象;而贯穿全书的主线则是女主人公梅吉和拉尔夫神父之间那离经叛道、缠绵悱恻、动人心扉的爱情故事。梅吉和她的母亲菲奥娜不仅容貌绝华,具有天使般的面孔,而且在男权社会中不畏世俗,爱吾所爱,为了爱情终生经受磨难也毫不退缩。在捍卫爱情方面,她们比站在对方的男人更坚强,给读者们留下了刻骨铭心的印象,赢得了无数人的同情。 与之相反,小说中的玛丽 卡森是以面目可憎的#老蜘蛛?形象出现。她是梅吉和拉尔夫爱情的造就者,也是其毁灭者。是她的一封信,贫困潦倒的弟弟帕迪得以带着一家人背井离乡,从新西兰一路颠簸、辗转来到澳大利亚的德罗海达,而又是她派拉尔夫神父去接帕迪一家人,才遇见了梅吉,从而揭开了他人生爱情的序幕:#他似乎没有注意到自己的哔叽长袍拖在尘土之中,迈步越过了那些男孩,蹲下身来,用双手搂住了梅吉%%梅格安,这是我最喜欢的名字。?[1]这么一句简简单单的,出自一名教士的赞美之词已经发出暗示&&&美丽过人、单纯至极的小女孩梅吉一下子走进了拉尔夫的心田,点燃了这个所谓的上帝代表内心的熊熊爱火,让他对她一见钟情。 但也正是玛丽 卡森从中作梗,让这美好的爱情饱经风霜,最终只能如拉尔夫所言,是#玫瑰的灰烬?。她处心积虑的一份遗书,让拉尔夫神父出卖了自己的灵魂,一千三百万英镑也出卖了梅吉,让他俩之间的爱情如牛郎织女那样,只能隔河相望,不能牵手同行。而梅吉更是经历无数苦难&&&先是嫁给貌似拉尔夫却不爱她的卢克,这个新郎只是贪图她的钱财,用手段得到了她,但根本没有给她#施舍?一点爱,让她吃尽了苦头,生女儿时险些丢掉了性命。拉尔夫虽大志实现&&&作了罗马教廷的红衣大主教,但得知儿子不幸身亡后,忏悔至极,竟脆弱地在情人梅吉怀抱中死去。读者看完该书后,可能对玛丽 卡森憎恨无比,觉得她就是#老蜘蛛?、#毒女人?。身为长辈,且年事已高,竟与自己的小侄女梅吉做情敌、争情人。出于对晚辈的爱,何不顺水推舟,做桩好事&&&让梅吉和拉尔夫甜蜜结合、幸福一生呢?为何还要使出卑鄙手段,让相爱中的二人痛苦终生呢? 我们将从女性主义出发解读梅吉的情敌玛丽 卡森,给她一个公正的位置&&&女权主义的极端代表。 *收稿日期:2008-02-16 作者简介:刘泓,女,贵州民族学院外国语学院讲师,英语语言文学硕士。


《围城》人物形象分析——方鸿渐 2009-06-06 10:36 摘要:《围城》是一部具有丰富的人文内涵,深厚的人性开掘和广泛的世态讽刺的文学作品。首先,作者成功地塑造了方鸿渐这个个性鲜明的人物形象,演绎了他发人深思的悲剧人生,展示了他的懦弱性格,暴露了他的消极被动、虚无悲观的人生态度,从而揭示了他的悲剧性格与其悲剧命运的因果关系。方鸿渐的人生悲剧蕴涵着深刻而丰富的人生启迪。《围城》作为一部“讽刺小说”,其特点不仅表现在讽刺的广度、深度,更重要的是这部讽刺作品体现出作家对于讽刺艺术的不懈探索,显现出了幽闭人、有别于其他作品的独特艺术魅力。 关键词:方鸿渐;性格特征;讽刺艺术 一、关于《围城》的人物形象 典型的人物形象,是一部小说取得成功的必要因素。方鸿渐作为《围城》的主人公,也是唯一一个贯穿全篇的人物,当然就应该是研究《围城》人物形象的最佳切入点。对于方鸿渐这一艺术形象的把握和评价,《围城》评论者们看法不一,有的说方鸿渐是一个被作者嘲讽的对象,是一个中国式的‘多余人’ ”,是“一个连牢骚也懒得发的玩世不恭的怠惰者”;有的说他是被作者同情的对象,是“一个处于中国新旧社会交替时期的带有浓厚‘过渡’色彩的知识分子典型”.应当说,这些观点都有相当水平的见地,甚至有的已基本上走进了“围

城”,观察和探寻到了其艺术的真谛。但是,笔者认为,就作品中的基调而言还不是对方鸿渐一味讽刺,方鸿渐还不完全是作者“嘲讽的对象”,而是同情多于讽刺。至于以“多余人”来对照方鸿渐也未免有点牵强,尽管称他是“中国式的”,因为方鸿渐毕竟还是“这一个”艺术形象。再者,说方鸿渐“玩世不恭”,也没有抓到这一形象主旨,还没有观察出作者描写他陷入人生的“围城”中奋力挣扎的情景,更没触及到他在人生的“围城”中被围困被折磨的痛苦心境,毕竟他是困苦的,是在不断挣扎的,而不是一味的“玩世不恭”。至于用“过渡色彩”来模模糊糊地概括方鸿渐,就更不能准确评价这一艺术形象了。文学作品中的主要人物形象,倾注着作者对社会对人生的认识,准确地理解作品中的主要人物形象是解读作品主旨的关键,对人物形象的定位要忠实于小说的文本,而不能先入为主式地在作品中寻找证据,研究小说中的人物贯穿全篇的基本活动内容是必要的。就让我们随着方鸿渐的经历走入《围城》吧. 首先方鸿渐是生活的失败者。他是江南某县一个大绅士的儿子,是一个包办婚姻的幸运儿—她素未谋面的未婚妻因病早逝了,但他的“准岳父”还是慷慨解囊(当然也是出于自己的利益打算),送他到欧洲留学。在欧洲,方鸿渐四年换了三所大学,临近毕业,迫于家庭的压力,买了一张“克莱登大学”的博士文凭。正当日寇的侵略日渐深入内地之时,他怀揣着这张假文凭坐船回到了“外患内乱”的祖国。小说的记述从此开始。


从哲学角度分析<<荆棘鸟>> 《荆棘鸟》是一部传奇式的家世小说,描写了三代人的生活经历,反映出澳大利亚社会的发展,包括畜牧业的进步,牧场主的“苦心经营”及其对雇工的残酷剥削。贯穿全书的线索是女主公梅吉与神父拉尔夫之间的爱情纠葛及西方宗教观念对人的影响和人们为了自己的理想不顾一切的执着。 艺术史通过塑造集体的生动的形象来反映社会生活的意识形式。《荆棘鸟》这部小说在文学史上是可与《飘》相媲美的著作,在我眼中它就是一种艺术。它通过梅吉、拉尔夫、菲奥娜、费兰克,这一个个具有鲜明性格和感情的人物形象表现出那个时代澳大利亚人们对生活、情感、愿望和意志,按照审美的规则来把握和再现生动的社会生活,并通过美的感染力来影响人的思想情感和社会生活。作者——澳大利亚女作家琳.麦卡林从女性主义角度剖析了近代澳大利亚民族意识的演变。小说借一个荆棘鸟的传说为引子,通过描写梅吉和拉尔夫的曲折爱情故事,表现出了女性被禁欲的痛苦以及追求自我解放的代价,同时寓言般揭示了一个不可改变的命运原则——“最美好的东西只能用深痛巨创来换取。”文学反映社会现实,而社会的发展有其规律性,在一定的时代文化背景中,人的命运会存在共性。在《荆棘鸟》中主人公为了追寻自己心目中最美好的东西,都如荆棘鸟般不顾一切将荆棘深深刺进自己的胸膛,菲如此,梅吉如此,拉尔夫亦如此。 作者以悲剧的艺术方式揭示了人类永恒悲剧:历史进步与人伦失落的二律背反。随着人类社会的演变和进步,命运的艺术显示方式可能有变化和发展,人伦失落可能演化为个体情感受挫,但历史与人伦,理性与感性的二元分裂和对抗却始终如一。马克思主义悲剧观从历史唯物主义出发,揭示了笼罩在悲剧上的各种唯心和神秘的面纱。马克思主义认为,人类社会的发展具有不以人的主观善良愿望为转移的历史必然规律。马克思说:“人类也像动植物一样种族的利益总是要靠牺牲个人的利益来为自己开路的。”悲剧发生的本质是个体的发展与全体的发展的对抗,而且在自由梦想王国到来之前常常是以牺牲个体发展全体,这样的冲突极其矛盾的结果就是悲剧。《荆棘鸟》中拉尔夫面对玛丽留下的遗产抛弃了个人的情感而追随教会,就是具体的体现。 当人类走进现代,精神领域随物质世界膨胀式发展。这样的冲突及其结果就是悲剧。群体的分化是个人的存在表现为不同的角色和身份,由此产生了自我认同的需要,而现实的迷茫与失落有将人们送回了原来的起点:从自然中寻找个人的依托,从未来寻找归宿。拉尔夫为追寻个人的理想,离开了深爱的梅吉。弗兰克为了当拳击手离开了挚爱的母亲菲。戴恩为了当牧师离开母亲梅吉。……这一场场催人泪下的离别,都是人们为追寻精神世界的寄托而做的选择。而这一幕幕的离别注定了这部小说的悲剧性结局。从历史唯物主义的角度看《荆棘鸟》悲剧结局,就得从社会意识和社会存在的辩证统一的角度出发。因为当时的社会存在决定他们的社会意识,而社会意识反映出当时的社会形态。 在《荆棘鸟》中,我们沿着任务走过的路径,探寻在现代意识产生、发展和成熟的进程中,宗教观念与教士形象塑造的关系,清楚看到西方宗教传统的延续依旧如此,精神诉求的基本品格并没有质的改变,有的只是形式的无限丰富而已。拉尔夫的性格在某种程度上充满了矛盾。他信仰上帝,即使背叛了誓言他也敢于在上帝面前忏悔,虽然也许真个忏悔可能彻底把他毁了。他的心中充满了功利,他渴望升迁,渴望向上爬。为了自己的目标,背弃了梅吉。虔诚和功利这两种矛盾统一在了拉尔夫身上,并且使他彻底活了起来:我是一个教士,但同时,我也是一个人。作为教士的他,是虔诚的,作为男人的他是有野心的。但鱼与熊掌不可兼得,所以,这也注定了拉尔夫的痛苦。拉尔夫是信仰危机之后宗教向时速接近的产儿,他的奋斗历程是经济基础上完成的对神寄托精神上生命的现实价值的追寻的过程。他一生的


《围城》方鸿渐人物形象分析 摘要:《围城》是一部具有丰富的人文内涵,深厚的人性开掘和广泛的世态讽刺的文学作品。本文给方鸿渐定性,他是正直善良,聪明幽默,却意志薄弱,优柔寡断,缺乏明确坚定的人生信念,又不懂人情世态的炎凉,所以他极易受环境支配,被人牵制,常常陷入尴尬境地,方鸿渐作为旧中国都市的知识分子, 在接受了西方现代化新思潮的洗礼后, 成为特定时代下中西文化碰撞中产生的“畸形儿”; 正因如此, 使其在性格上产生了很大的矛盾性。这种矛盾使他在爱情上一败涂地;婚姻上穷途末路; 事业上一筹莫展。在其悲剧形成的同时方鸿渐的形象塑造也具有很强的社会价值。 关键词《围城》、方鸿渐、人物

引言 《围城》是中国现代杰出的讽刺小说,是一个流浪汉的喜剧旅程。在书中钱钟书塑造了形形色色的人物形象:有知识分子、有名媛淑女、亦有商贾政客。钱先生对这些人有的浓墨重刻,有的轻描淡写。但无论采取何种手法,都生动绘出了他们各异的特征:或鄙俗、或勾心斗角、或虚与委蛇。他以深刻的现实主义笔触成功塑造了一群现代新儒的典型,其中方鸿渐的形象是最丰满的一个。在《围城》中,方鸿渐是本书的男主人公,也是唯一一个贯穿全篇的人物,当然就应该是研究《围城》人物形象的最佳切入点。本文将对方鸿渐、赵辛楣二人从爱情与婚姻、学业和事业两个概括性的方面进行简单的论述,从而让大家更加深入的了解二人,及了解《围城》。 方鸿渐性格特点 对于方鸿渐这一艺术形象的把握和评价,《围城》评论者们看法不一,有的说方鸿渐是一个被作者嘲讽的对象,是一个中国式的‘多余人’”,是“一个连牢骚也懒得发的玩世不恭的怠惰者”。对方鸿渐的人生哲学做最简单的概括, 就是一个“混”字。他没有目标, 缺少进取。《围城》中的方鸿渐不停地在一座座城中冲进冲出,却始终进行着毫无意义的追求。这位江南的绅士之子,在北平上大学期间,因为学不了他们家乡很看重的土木工程,于是转到社会学系,最后又
