Agilent 4200 MP-AES 是久经考验的 MP-AES 技术的新一代产品,大大降低了运行成本, 可实现安全的无人值守分析,无需使用易燃或昂贵的气体。
气体成本是元素分析中最高的成本之一。由于 4200 MP-AES 使用 空气运行,大大降低了运行成本,并且无需持续购买易燃或昂贵 的气体。
• 无需订购、连接或更换气瓶,从而减少持续的操作和维护成本 • 无需运输或人工搬运钢瓶,也避免了寒冷条件下钢瓶气阀冻结
• 无温室气体排放 — Agilent 4200 MP-AES 实现零燃料碳排放
• Agilent 4200 MP-AES 关闭时,无气体和电能的消耗。分析时, 仅需打开开关即可投入使用,消除了待机的成本
• 采用干扰元素校正技术 (IEC) 或快速线性干扰校正 (FLIC) 技术, 可轻松校正光谱干扰
• 屏幕将清晰显示结果,对当前谱线结果以大号数字实时显示, 即使在繁忙的实验室中也便于进行观察跟踪
• 仪器状态显示栏可提供当前仪器状态和全面诊断摘要,便于进 行故障排除
• 在任何时刻,即使分析正在进行中,也可轻松调用和审核先前 存储的数据
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4200 MP-AES 采用独有的微波磁致激发技术,形成微波等离子体。
等离子体发生系统的核心是耐用且可靠的工业级磁控管 — 该项 技术已在全世界范围内数以百万计的微波炉中得到充分验证。 Agilent 4200 MP-AES 通过使用磁场而非电场来耦合微波能量并激 发等离子体,使等离子体更加稳定,从而扩展您的应用范围。
使用手册Model 4200烟尘浓度/不透明度监测仪出版号770.026燃烧和环境监测公司目录1.0 操作原理1.1 原理1.2比尔(Beer-Lambert)定律1.3 测量路径校正系数(PLCF)1.4 不同的测量路径校正系数例子(PLCF’S)2.0 系统说明2.1系统2.2 键盘功能2.3 显示面板发光二极管3.0 安装3.1 预备安装系统事项3.2 安装指导要点3.3 支撑管安装3.4 对准工具4.0 电气安装4.1 电缆考虑事项4.2 插座和插头4.3 电气和信号接线5.0 调整5.1 初步调整5.2最后调整6.0 组态6.1 显示模式6.2 基本显示流动图表6.3 显示说明7.0 标定7.1 标定检查7.2 线性过滤7.3 方法1 —实际标定(不透明性)7.4 方法2 —交替再标定(不透明性)7.5 等动力取样灰尘测量8.0 维护8.1 例行维护周期8.2 清洁光学表面8.3 推荐备件8.4 可用的选项9.0 故障消缺9.1 故障代码9.2 小数点闪烁9.3 优先维修10.0 规格说明10.1 4200型灰尘和不透明度监测1.0 操作原理1.1 原理当一柱光穿过含有烟气和灰尘颗粒的介质时,一部分光传输过去而另一部分光因为散射而损失掉。
Land 4200型使用一个高强度的发光二极管(LED)射出一柱光穿进烟囱,在穿过烟囱的过程中损失的光是不透明度,不透明度与当前灰尘和烟量的关系见1.2节所描述的内容。
1.2 比尔( Beer-Lambert)原理一束光穿过介质,其与已知的介质所含污染物的量的数量关系,根据比尔(Beer-Lambert)原理,如下:τ=I/I0=e-acl其中:τ=透光度(传导度)(见下图1)I0=进入介质的光强度(见下图2)I=穿过介质的光强度a=衰减系数c=灰尘浓度l=光穿过介质的距离(见下图3)因为不透明度(Op)=1-τ,上面的方程式可以转换成:(1- Op)= e-acl or Op =1- e-aclc是测量光路中的灰尘浓度,于是消光度为:τ=-acl/2.303OD=-log10或者c=K×OD ,其中K=-2.303/al通过比较同时测量的光密度和灰尘重量,可以得到K的值。
1. 门禁系统设备构成 2. 门禁门禁系统布线 3. 门禁系统基础架构 4. 门禁设备接线 5. 门禁开卡流程 6. 4200门禁配置 7. 门禁特殊应用—电控锁—消防联动 8. 门禁系统常见故障处理 9. 4200常见故障处理
埃尔迪电子A4200 A4600压力传感器安装说明书
![埃尔迪电子A4200 A4600压力传感器安装说明书](
Load Cell Mounting Kit InstallationContents1. Introduction (1)Safety (2)2. Mechanical Installation (3)General Installation Guidelines for Tank Mounts (3)Installing the A4200/4600 (4)3. Load Cell Wiring (6)4. Junction Box Connections, Adjustments & Calibration (7)5. Troubleshooting (7)6. Maintenance and Replacement Parts (8)7. A4200/A4600 Limited Warranty (9)Load Cell Mounting Kit InstallationThe A4200/A4600 Load Cell Mounting Kit provides an extremely accurate method for weighing medium and large capacity tanks and hoppers that are subject to large thermal expansion/contraction or vibration forces. The design uses a LowProfile ™ compression disk load cell (350Ω bridge) and transmits the load with a rocker pin on the load-bearing hub of the cell. This design is very effective in providing for thermal expansion/contraction with little friction.In most applications, the assemblies are self-checking and held captive with no need for check or stay rods, making this mount a good choice for areas with frequent seismic activity. The rocker pin design eases load cell installation and replacement without the need to raise the weighed vessel a large amount, which could disturb piping and other connections.The A4200/A4600 is available in mild steel or stainlesssteel, in capacity sizes from 2,500 lbf to 50k lbf.The A4200/A4600 is also available with hermetically-sealed stainless steel load cells which are available incapacities from 25k lbf to 50k lbf.The installation should be planned by a qualifiedstructural engineer. Each installation is unique, andthis manual is meant to serve only as a general guideline for installation.1.0 IntroductionSafetyFailure to heed may result in serious injury or death.The installation should be planned by a qualified structural engineer. Each installation is unique, and this manual is meant to serve only as a general guideline for installation.Do NOT install or work on this equipment unless you have read and understand the instructions and warnings in this manual.DO NOT use for purposes other than weight measurement.DO NOT use any load-bearing component that is worn beyond 5% of the original dimension.DO NOT use this product if any of the components are cracked.DO NOT exceed the rated load limit of the unit.DO NOT make alterations or modifications to the unit.Proper care is your responsibility.2Load Cell Mounting Kit InstallationGeneral Installation Guidelines for Tank Mounts1. T he mounting surface for base and top plate must be level. After installation, the top and bottom plates must be level within ±0.5°. If the mounting surfaces are not level, then shims and or grout may be used to level the mount.If possible, check that the mount is level when the vessel is fully loaded because excessive deflections in legs and supporting structures may cause additional side forces which greatly affect accuracy. Deflection of the mount’s top or base plate due to loading should not exceed ±0.5°. Reinforcement of legs or other support structures may be necessary to correct this. Vessels with long legs should have cross bracing applied between adjacent legs to keep them from spreading under load.2. C ompression mounting systems use three, four, or more mounts. More than eight-mount systems should be avoided as even weight distribution becomes extremely difficult to achieve. The load on each mount assembly should vary by no more than 20%. Add shims where necessary to achieve correct load distribution.3. I f the actual load cells are used during installation, take extreme care to prevent overload damage. A tank or hopper can exert huge forces when dropped only a fraction of an inch. Dummy load cells can be used during installation.4. I t is crucial that all piping or conduitbe horizontal and flexible. If flexiblepiping is not used, make sure distancefrom vessel to the first pipe support is20-30 times pipe diameter. In smaller,lower capacity tanks and hoppers,isolating resultant forces becomesextremely critical.5. L oad cells should not be installed inmounts until all welding is completed.The heat generated from weldingcurrent passing through a load cell can damage the adhesive holding thestrain gauge to the body. If possible,use a dummy load cell when welding to maintain finished height. If weldingis unavoidable after load cell installation, connect the ground in such a way that the current does not flow through the load cell. For example, if welding on the mount top plate, the ground must be connected to the vessel, not to the mount base or support structure. Also, protect the load cell and cable from weld splatter.6. U se only “hermetically sealed” load cells in washdown applications. “Environmentally protected” load cells are not suitable for such applications and will be damaged. If tanks and surrounding equipment are frequently steam cleaned or if the load cell is subjected to direct washdown, a protective shroud for the weighing assembly is recommended. Proper drainage is necessary so the weighing assembly is not standing in water.7. A ll support points should be equally stiff so that they deflect by the same amount as the vessel is loaded.Indicatorbinding or lack of flexibility?2. D etermine where to position each mount. The A4200/A4600 is designed to allow forlateral movement in any direction. Sample mounting orientations to accommodatedifferent vessel shapes are as follows:(1" Recommended)4Load Cell Mounting Kit InstallationInstalling the A4200/A4600(Continued)3. M ake necessary preparations to the mounting surfaces. A 1" sub plate is recommended toensure a good mounting surface.4. T he mounts are normally factory assembled. If mounts are not already assembled,complete the assembly by placing the rocker pin and boot in the load cell hub socket, place the top plate on top with the rocker pin in the top plate socket, and install theshoulder screws through the top plate into the base plate risers. Torque the shoulderscrews to 100 ft-lb. Tighten the shoulder screw set screws.5. L ift and block the vessel to the same height as the assembled mounts.6. R emove the block from one support point and slide that mount into position.7. I f the mount is being fitted under the leg of a vessel, verify that the leg’s center line passesthrough the center of the top plate (through the center of the load cell).8. L ower the corner or side of the vessel carefully onto the top plate. The force of a vesselweighing several tons can damage a load cell if dropped only a fraction of an inch.9. W ith the top plate positioned approximately level, mark holes for attaching the top plateto the vessel’s mounting surface. Drill holes and attach top plate loosely to vessel with suitable fasteners.10. R epeat steps 4-10 for the mounting assemblies at the remaining corners or sides.11. V erify that there is no initial misalignment between the base plate and top plate and thatthe rocker pin is in the center of the hole in the top plate.12. A ttach the base plates to the foundation using suitable anchors for concrete or by boltingor welding to a steel structure or subplate. Verify that the base plates are as level aspossible. They should be fully supported. Shimming is not recommended.13. C heck that the top plates are no more than ±.5° out or level. Shim if necessary and fullytighten mounting bolts.14. T o achieve equal load distribution, final height adjustments can be made with shimsbetween the top plate loading bracket and the weighing vessel. The variation in load among the cells should be no more than 20%. The load distribution can be checkedaccurately by exciting each load cell in turn and measuring the output with a voltmeter.6Load Cell Mounting Kit Installation3.0 Load Cell Wiring1. R oute the load cell cables so they will not be damaged or cut. Cable should not be routed near heat sources greater than 150 °F. Do not shorten any load cell cable. The load cell is temperature compensated with the supplied length of cable. Cutting the cable will affect temperature compensation. Coil and protect excess cable so it will not be mechanically damaged or be sitting in water.2. P rovide a drip loop in all cables so that water or other liquids will not run directly down the cables onto either the load cells or the junction box. Attach load cell cable to the dead structure, not the vessel.3. I f conduit protection is necessary against mechanical or rodent damage to the load cell cables, use flexible conduit and conduit adapters at the load cells.4. C onnect cables for load cells to the summing board in the junction box according to the guide shown below and the labels on the terminal strips of the junction box. To verify the wiring scheme, see the certification shipped with each load cell.5. F or better performance, use positive and negative remote sense lines if the wiring running from the junction box to the indicator is longer than 25 feet.6. F or best protection against lightning strikes, it is recommended to install a grounding strap from tank leg or vessel mounting point to ground, bypassing the load cell.Load Cell Wire ColorsWire ColorFunction Negative Reading Positive Reading Red+EXC +EXC Black-EXC -EXC Green+SIG -SIG White-SIG +SIG Gray or Bare Shield ShieldStrap4.0 Junction Box Connections, Adjustments& Calibration1. Refer to junction box manual for trimming details.2. Refer to indicator manual for system calibration details.5.0 TroubleshootingIf the system powers up and gives some type of stable digital readout that varies with the load on the system, any system problems are probably caused by factors other than the load cells. The load cells are often blamed for a malfunctioning system, but 90% of the time, the problem lies elsewhere. Look for mechanical causes for your problem first.If the system can be calibrated but doesn’t return to zero, loses calibration, or demonstrates non-linearity or non-repeatability, see the following chart for possible causes and do the following checks.Symptom Possible CauseNo Return Zero Mechanical binding or debris in seals or under load cells;may have lost system calibrationNon-Linearity Thermal expansion or deflection under load causing bindingor side loadNon-Repeatability Loose load cell mount; drifting caused by moisture;load cell overload or shock damage; mechanical binding Lost Calibration Out of level or plumb; moisture problem;mechanical bindingDrifting Readout Moisture in junction box, cables, or load cell;mechanical binding1. C heck load cell mount for debris restricting load cell movement or debris between scaleand structure.2. Check that tank/vessel and mounts are plumb, level, and square at critical areas.3. Check all piping and conduit for connections which restrict vessel movement.4. If check rods are used, loosen all connections to finger tight only for testing.5. Check load cell cables for physical or water damage.6. Check all electrical connections, especially in the junction box.If the problem still is not found:7. C heck possible indicator malfunction by using a load cell simulator to input a known goodsignal into the indicator.8. D isconnect each load cell’s signal leads at the junction box and check individual load celloutputs with a multimeter. Then check input/output impedances for comparison with load cell manufacturer’s specifications.9. I f after all these checks the problem still cannot be isolated, reconnect all but one load cell.Replace load cell with a load cell simulator. Alternate so that each load cell is individually disconnected and replaced with a simulator. If there is a problem with a particular load cell, the symptom should disappear when that load cell is disconnected and replaced with simulator.8Load Cell Mounting Kit InstallationA4200/A4600 Mild Steel Mounts A4200/A4600 Stainless Steel Mounts(1" Recommended)NoDescription Replcement Part Numbers1Top Plate Contact Factory 2Shoulder Screw 3Load Cell Bolts 4A4200/A4600 Load Cell 5Bearing, Upper Insert 6Base Plate 7Rocker Pin 8Dust Boot 9Set Screws NoDescription Replcement Part Numbers1Top Plate Contact Factory 2Shoulder Screw 3Load Cell Bolts 4A4200/A4600 Load Cell 5Bearing, Upper Insert 6Base Plate 7Rocker Pin 8Dust Boot 9Set Screws7.0 A4200/A4600 Limited WarrantyInterface, Inc. warrants that all Interface brand load cells properly installed by a Distributoror Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) will operate per written specifications. All load cell products are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for two (2) years. Products marked as “waterproof” are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship relating to moisture ingress.Interface warrants that the equipment sold hereunder will conform to the current written specifications authorized by Interface. Interface warrants the equipment against faulty workmanship and defective materials. If any equipment fails to conform to these warranties, Interface will, at its option, repair or replace such goods returned within the warranty period subject to the following conditions:• U pon discovery by Buyer of such non-conformity, Interface will be given prompt written notice with a detailed explanation of the alleged deficiencies.• E xamination of such equipment by Interface confirms that the non-conformity actually exists, and was not caused by accident, misuse, neglect, alteration, improper installation, improper repair or improper testing; Interface shall be the sole judge of all alleged non-conformities.• S uch equipment has not been modified, altered, or changed by any person other than Interface or its duly authorized repair agents.• I nterface will have a reasonable time to repair or replace the defective equipment. Buyer is responsible for shipping charges both ways.• I n no event will Interface be responsible for travel time or on-location repairs, including assembly or disassembly of equipment, nor will Interface be liable for the cost of any repairs made by others.THESE WARRANTIES EXCLUDE ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NEITHER INTERFACE NOR DISTRIBUTOR WILL, IN ANY EVENT, BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.INTERFACE AND BUYER AGREE THAT INTERFACE’S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE LIABILITY HEREUNDER IS LIMITED TO REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF SUCH GOODS. IN ACCEPTING THIS WARRANTY, THE BUYER WAIVES ANY AND ALL OTHER CLAIMS TO WARRANTY. SHOULD THE SELLER BE OTHER THAN INTERFACE, THE BUYER AGREES TO LOOK ONLY TO THE SELLER FOR WARRANTY CLAIMS.No terms, conditions, understanding, or agreements purporting to modify the terms of this warranty shall have any legal effect unless made in writing and signed by a corporate officer of Interface and the Buyer.7401 East Butherus Drive Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 USA phone: 480.948.5555toll-free: 800.947.5598**************************©2014 Interface Inc. IFF00005 RevA 12/14。
阿尔伯特ae4200 对讲机_中文说明书
![阿尔伯特ae4200 对讲机_中文说明书](
© Albrecht ElectronicAusland unterwegs? Dann erkundigen Sie sich bitte bei der Reg TP oder auch bei CB-Vereinen nach der sogenannten Circulation Card. Die ist eine zusätzliche Ausweiskarte und erlaubt den Betrieb Ihres Funkgeräts in einigen anderen Ländern, in denen auch AM erlaubt ist, z.B. Schweiz, Belgien, Frankreich, Spanien und andere. Länder, die kein AM erlauben (z.B. Österreich, Niederlande und ganz Skandinavien), gestatten meist nicht die Einreise mit AM/FM-Geräten.
Wichtiger Nachtrag zur Bedienungsanleitung AE 4200, Stand 1999:
Dieses Gerät ist als CB-Funkgerät mit 40 Kanälen FM und 12 Kanälen AM in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland anmelde- und gebührenpflichtig. Bitte versäumen Sie nicht, Ihr Funkgerät ordnungsgemäß bei der für Ihren Wohnort zuständigen Außenstelle der Regulierungsbehörde für Telekommunikation und Post (RegTP) anzumelden. Anschrift und Telefonnummer erfahren Sie z.B. aus dem Telefonbuch oder über die Zentrale der RegTP in Mainz, 06131 18-0. Bei der Anmeldung zahlen Sie eine einmalige Gebühr für das Ausstellen der Urkunde bzw. zusätzlicher Genehmigungsausweises. Danach zahlen Sie jedes Jahr eine Jahresgebühr von zur Zeit (Stand April 1999) 54.- DM pro Haushalt. Dies bedeutet, daß eine Genehmigung (im neuen RegTP-Amtsdeutsch „Zuteilung“ genannt) für beliebig viele Funkgeräte Ihrer Familienmitglieder ohne Aufpreis gilt. Bedingung ist lediglich, daß jeder, der mit einem Funkgerät unterwegs (z.B. im Auto) angetroffen wird, im Falle einer Kontrolle einen Genehmigungsausweis vorweisen kann. Geben Sie daher bei der Anmeldung des CB-Funks gleich die Zahl der Geräte mit an, damit Sie die nötigen Ausweise gleich mit ausgestellt bekommen. Das gleiche gilt sinngemäß auch für Firmen (z.B. Speditionen), die ihren Fahrzeugpark komplett mit CB ausrüsten wollen. Die Urkunde bleibt bei der Feststation, und die zusätzlichen Genehmigungsausweise werden bei den Mobilstationen mitgeführt.
Omega 4200A RTD数字控制器说明书
![Omega 4200A RTD数字控制器说明书](
RTDDigital ControllersߜHigh Accuracy:to 0.1% of SpanߜSingle and DualSetpoint Modelsߜ1.0°and 0.1°Models ߜAdjustableProportion BandߜBright LED Display 4200A Series $424 Basic UnitThe OMEGA®4200A Series is an ideal controller for RTD applications. This quality-built linearized instrument is available in both 1.0°and 0.1°resolution models. Higher accuracies, accuracies 5 to 10 times greater than the typical 1% meter indicating controller, are achieved through a unique linearizing technique.Bright, easy-to-read LED digits present an unambiguous temperature indication. Accuracy is enhanced through 3-wire lead compensation– a feature allowing the sensor to be up to 1000' from the controller. The standard unit includes adjustable proportional band, manual reset, plus a metal 1⁄4DIN case with full plug-in construction, allowing front removal of the control unit without disturbing the case and its rear wiring. The series 4200A controllers are available in single or dual setpointmodels with relay output as a standard. Triacor 4 to 20 mA optional outputs are offeredon the first setpoint at no additionalcost. Truly a superior controllerat a remarkably low price.Model 4201A Single Setpoint Proportional ControllerThis versatile digital controller can be operated as a proportional controller with the adjustable bandwidth up to 3% of full span. The setpoint temperature is always available. Simply push the spring-loaded setpoint switch to the right, and the setpoint is digitally displayed. To change the setpoint, with the switch deflected to the right, adjust the knob to the right of the switch until you get the desired reading. The standard Model 4201 has an internal SPDT relay (7 amp resistive at120 Vac). This model is also available with optional Triac or 4 to 20 mA output in place of the relay. See Options andSpecifications for more information.Model 4202A Dual SetpointControllerThe first setpoint of the Model 4202Aincorporates the same features as theModel 4201A and also can be orderedwith the optional Triac or 4 to 20 mAoutput. The second setpoint may be setat any value within the full span of thecontroller. It energizes an SPDT internalrelay (3 amp resistive 120 Vac) whichcan be used as either an on-off control,a high-limit alarm, or a low-limit alarm.For an alarm with latching features, anexternal latching relay and push buttonto reset are suggested. The secondsetpoint is set and displayed using thesame procedure as for the Model 4201Aexcept the switch is deflected to the leftand the left adjustment knob is used.Option “T” Triac OutputOption “T” replaces the relay output onthe first setpoint with a solid state plug-inTriac which yields time-proportional oron-off switching. The Triac is rated at1 amp continuous and 10 amps in rushfor both 120 and 240 Vac service. Forhigher amperage loads the Triac may beused to drive higher rating solid staterelays or mechanical contractors. Specifyoption “T” after the model number whenordering, no additional charge.Option “F” (4 to 20 mA Output)This option is applicable to the firstsetpoint only and is used to driveproportioning devices such as SCRpower controller, motor positioners, orelectropneumatic actuators. The 4 to 20mA dc output signal can be connected toa maximum of 1000 ohm resistanceload. This signal is 20 mA at the lowtemperature end of the proportional bandand is decreased linearly through theband to 4 mA at the high temperatureend. If the driven device is not isolated(ungrounded) an ungrounded sensormust be used with the Series 4200Awhich is designed for only one ground inthe system. Specify option “F” after themodel number when ordering, noadditional charge.PR-10-2-100-1/4-12-E generalpurpose RTD Probe, $63, soldseparately. See page C-7.Shown smallerthan actual sizeDimensions mm (in.)Option “T” (Triac): Solid state plug-in triac rated 1 amp holding and 10 amps in-rushOption “F” (current proportional): 4 to 20 mA (dc) into 1000 ohm max 2nd Setpoint:Relay (on-off only): SPDT, rated 3 amps at 120 VacAdjustmentsProportional Band (gain): 0 to 3% of span, or on-off; selectableManual Reset (offset): Adjustable Cycle Time: Automatically adjustswith load requirement to give least wear with minimum ripple (10 sec. minimum total time)Display and IndicationsTemperature: Filtered LED, 3 or 31⁄2digits, 2 readings per second update;readability is 1.0°or 0.1°(°F or °C),depending on modelSetpoint: By spring loaded switch, first or second setpoint is displayed in place of temperature; setpoint adjusted by 25 turn pot.; 1.0°or 0.1°setabilityOutputs: LED indication for both first and second setpoints; LED are “on” when output drive signal present; “On-off”indication on relay and triac model;proportional intensity for option “F.”Temperature Overrange: Red LED indicationSetpointResolution: 1.0°or 0.1°(°F or °C),depending on modelRepeatability: ±0.1% to ±0.2% of span Adjustment: By 25 turn pot.; see “Setpoint” under “Display and Indication” section.Power: 120/240 Vac (+10%, -15%, 50/60 Hz). Power consumption less than 5 wattsEnvironmental & PhysicalOperating Temperature: -1 to 54°C (30 to 130°F)Weight: 1 kg (2 lb)1⁄4DIN Case: Metal, full plug-in with screw terminal on rear. Adjustable brackets for panel mounting; panel cutout is 92 x 92 mm (3.622 x 3.622")*Specifications and configurations subject to change as advances in technology allow. Ordering Example: 4202APF1, RTD digital controller, $459. OCW-3 OMEGACARE SM extends standard 2-year warranty to a total of 5 years ($114), $459 + 114 = $573.*SpecificationsRTD InputType: 100 ohm platinum; alpha = 0.00385 (DIN curve)Configuration: 3 wireExternal Lead Wire Resistance Effect: 0.1% span up to 10 ohms per lead wire legSensor Break Protection: Built-in, upscale on open sensor Calibration Accuracy: 1.0°resolution model: ±0.1% of span ±1 digit 0.1°resolution model: ±0.2% of span ±1 digitStability: 0.1% for 30 to 130°F, 0.1% +10% to 15% line voltageCommon Mode Rejection: Max error ±1°C with 240 V, 60 Hz applied as common mode signal between sensor input and chassis ground Series Mode Rejection: Max error ±1°C with seriesmode signal of 100 mV PK-to-PK at 60 HzControl Output1st Setpoint (Adjustable Time Proportional):Relay (Standard Model): SPDT relay 7 amps resistive at 120 Vac, 5 amps resistive at 240 VacCANADA Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY, Germany************FRANCE Guyancourt, France088-466-342BENELUX Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。
警告 使用过程中,若仪器发生裂痕,金属部分暴露时,请停止使用。 请勿对本仪器进行分解、改造、代用部件的安装,需要修理调整时请送至本公司或销售店。 请勿在潮湿状态下更换电池。 需更换电池打开电池盖时,请先关闭电源。 测试中,请勿碰触绝缘层(参照下图)上侧部分,可能有触电的危险。
注意 测试开始前,确认功能开关已调节至所需功能上。 请勿将本仪器放置于高温多湿、结露及阳光直射的场所。 使用后务必关闭电源,若长期不使用请取出电池后保管仪器。 清洗时,请勿使用研磨剂、有机溶剂,应使用浸泡过中性洗剂或水的布檫洗。 使用时请注意切勿使仪器受撞击(如掉落) ,否则可能使钳口受损。 请勿夹任何不符合要求的物体。
本仪器可测试多重接地方式的接地电阻。 (如下图所示) 。假设被测接地电阻为Rx,其它接地电阻为R1、R2、…Rn。
这些接地电阻中,可看成R1、R2、R3、Rn全部并联,作为一个合成电阻Rs,由于是几个电阻并列连接而形成的合成电阻,与RX相 比,Rs可示为十分小的数值。下图是等价电路图。
在此电路中,在钳口(CT1)处施加电压(V) ,使与接地电阻相应的电流(I)流动。该电流与测试电阻R(合成电阻:Rx+Rs)成 反比例关系,可使用其它钳口(CT2)检测出的电流,计算后求取此测试电阻R。此时,R作为测量值。不过,相对于RX,RS可视 作非常小的数值而忽略不记,因此,显示值可作为测试的接地电阻值。
目录 1、 安全警告 2、 特点 3、 技术规格 4、 仪表部位名称 5、 测量原理 6、 测量前的准备 7、 测量方法 7-1.普通电流测定 7-2.漏电流测定 7-3.接地电阻测定 8、其它功能 8.1.自动关机功能 8.2.数据保持功能 8.3.蜂鸣功能 8.4.背光功能 8.5.存储功能 9、更换电池
声明• 本手册可能包含技术上不准确的地方,或与产品功能及操作不相符的地方,或印刷错误。
• 本手册中内容仅为用户提供参考指导作用,不保证与实物完全一致,请以实物为准。
约定在本手册中为了简化描述,做以下约定:• 网络视频监控软件iVMS-4200简称为软件。
• 网络硬盘录像机、、视频服务器、NVR、IP Camera和IP Dome等统一称为设备。
. iVMS-4200 简介. 功能概述软件iVMS-4200是为嵌入式网络监控设备开发的软件应用程序,适用于嵌入式网络硬盘录像机、混合型网络硬盘录像机、网络视频服务器、NVR、IP Camera、IP Dome、PCNVR和解码设备以及视音频编解码卡,支持实时预览、远程配置设备参数、录像存储、远程回放和下载等多种功能。
iVMS-4200具有以下特点:• 界面容器化处理模式:在客户端组件的界面设计上,精心采用容器化处理,简化了多屏和单屏切换的处理方式,大幅改善多屏操作感受,适应了一机多屏的PC发展趋势。
• 通道化管理模式:在客户端组件设计中,加入了通道化管理模式,抛开了以设备为核心主体的传统设计方式,更加适应于IP监控的发展方向。
• 用户体验为重心的界面设计:提供图片式可视化控制面板,以用户体验为重心,颠覆式的采用所需即可用的模式,提供一个功能的多个入口,以期达到最大限度减少用户操作步骤的目标。
• 需要才可见的显示方式:在客户端组件的界面元素上,加入了需要才可见的显示方式,在日历,时间条,工具栏,系统信息栏等多处,加入该设计模式,最大限度的节省有限的屏幕显示空间。
5098XTrueLevel系列智能型连续物位计 TrueLevel系列为智能型两线制连续物位掌控仪表,其由两部分构成,其中一部分用来检测物料的电特性的变化,另一部分检测物位的变化,其测量不受介质的介电常数,密度,温度和变化的影响,适用于混合罐,缓冲罐等测量场合。
输出为4~20mA,带Hart通讯协议,可整体或?/t 5091XUniversalLite系列通用智能型连续物 UniversalLite为通用型智能型两线制连续物位掌控仪表,输出为4~20mA带Hart通讯协议仪表可选就地显示装置,可选键盘调试功能。
RS 系列电源同时具备供电和储能本领,即支持双向电流流动。
RS 放大器可颠倒交流输入的相位关系程控储能(SNK)运行模式。
RS 系列产品可*通过菜单驱动的前置面板掌控器进行操作。
背光 LCD 显示屏为您显示菜单、设置数据和回读测量数据。
产品还供给普遍用于 ATE 编程环境的 IEEE488、RS232C、USB 和 LAN 远程掌控接口和仪器驱动程序。
如此就能将 RS 系列产品轻松集成到自动测试系统中。
盲区天线延长长度+天线长度+0.1m/4″l输出40~20mAHART或3.8—20.5mA,依据NAMURNE43输出信号0.05%(能量损耗率20mA;20°C/68°F)辨别率2Μa温度漂移一般为50ppm/k错误信号高:22mA;低3.6mA,依据NAMURNE43负载350Ωl测量精度—标准条件依据IEC770温度+20°C5°C/+68°F9°F压力值1013mbar20mbar/14.69psig0.29psig相对湿度60%15%辨别率1m m/0.04″精度3mm/0.12″发射角DN40/ANSI11/2″20°DN50/ANSI2″15°DN80/ANSI3″10°l应用条件环境温度—40~+80°C—40~+175°F;EexI:—40~+60°C/—40~+140°F存储温度—40~+85°C—40~+185°F法兰温度—40~+150°C—40~+300°F温度剧变承受力100°C/minl过程条件操作压力—1~40bar/—14.5~580psig;与过程连接和温度有光介电常数≥1.5耐振动IEC6826andprEN50178(10~57Hz:0.075mm/57~150Hz:1g)防护等级IP66/67对应于NEMA6—6Xl机械数据外壳铝湿料部分不锈钢(1.4404/316L);哈氏合金C—22(2.4602)连接部分不锈钢(1.4404/316L);哈氏合金C—22(2.4602)垫圈Viton(—40~+150°C—40~+300°F);Kalrez6753(—20~+150°C—5~+300°F)l过程连接螺纹G11/2″;NPT11/2″法兰DN40~DN150(PN/40PN16);11/2″~8″(150lb/300lb);10K(40~100)l电气连接-两线制电源终端输出非Ex/EExI24VDC(14~30VDC)EExd24VDC(20~36VDC)电气接口M20X1.5;1/2″NPT;G1/2″接线端子0.5~1.5mm?l人机界面显示9行,160160像素,8级灰阶,4按钮键盘操作语言英语,德语,法语,意大利语,西班牙语,葡萄牙语,日语,中文,俄语l认证防益出保护WHGATEXATEXllGDEExiallCT3T6ATEXll1/2GDEExd[ia]llCT3T6FMISclassIDiv.1Gr.AG;IPclassIDiv.1Gr.AG;CSAISclassIDiv.1Gr.AG;AMETEK位移传感器技术操作使用资料共享。
声明• 本手册可能包含技术上不准确的地方,或与产品功能及操作不相符的地方,或印刷错误。
• 本手册中内容仅为用户提供参考指导作用,不保证与实物完全一致,请以实物为准。
约定在本手册中为了简化描述,做以下约定:• 网络视频监控软件iVMS-4200简称为软件。
• 网络硬盘录像机、、视频服务器、NVR、IP Camera和IP Dome等统一称为设备。
. iVMS-4200 简介. 功能概述软件iVMS-4200是为嵌入式网络监控设备开发的软件应用程序,适用于嵌入式网络硬盘录像机、混合型网络硬盘录像机、网络视频服务器、NVR、IP Camera、IP Dome、PCNVR和解码设备以及视音频编解码卡,支持实时预览、远程配置设备参数、录像存储、远程回放和下载等多种功能。
iVMS-4200具有以下特点:• 界面容器化处理模式:在客户端组件的界面设计上,精心采用容器化处理,简化了多屏和单屏切换的处理方式,大幅改善多屏操作感受,适应了一机多屏的PC发展趋势。
• 通道化管理模式:在客户端组件设计中,加入了通道化管理模式,抛开了以设备为核心主体的传统设计方式,更加适应于IP监控的发展方向。
• 用户体验为重心的界面设计:提供图片式可视化控制面板,以用户体验为重心,颠覆式的采用所需即可用的模式,提供一个功能的多个入口,以期达到最大限度减少用户操作步骤的目标。
• 需要才可见的显示方式:在客户端组件的界面元素上,加入了需要才可见的显示方式,在日历,时间条,工具栏,系统信息栏等多处,加入该设计模式,最大限度的节省有限的屏幕显示空间。
高通力 PRO4200 专业级访问模块说明书
![高通力 PRO4200 专业级访问模块说明书](
PRO4200Professional Series Access ModulesFEATURES AND BENEFITS• M odular design fits a wide variety of applications • U p to 9 modules, power-supply and battery canbe accommodated by the PRO22ENC1, PRO22ENC2 and PRO22ENC5 (no battery) enclosures• U ser programmable relay outputs allow for specific control needs• U ser programmable alarm inputs offer flexible system configuration and control• R S485 communication to all modules• A nalog to digital converter technology provides digital filtering and input conditioning• D edicated cabinet tamper and power monitor inputs • S upports the choice of normally open, normally closed, supervised, and non-supervised circuits• S upports a wide range ofreader technologies including OSDP and Wiegand• S ystem off-line modes customizable per reader include secured access, locked (no access), and unlocked (full-access) • S upports multiple reader and card formats for maximum flexibility and security options • O perating modes includes locked, unlocked, secure access, card only, card and PIN, card or PIN and PIN only• A ny combination of 21 I/0 or readers modules may be connected to the PRO42IC RS485 ports. 4,000 ft (1,250 m) total bus length per port • S upports over 50,000 transaction bufferSupporting up to 16 readers per enclosure and 42 readers per intelligent controller along with up to 240,000 card capacity, PRO4200 Series provide a combination of small installation footprint and superior cost per door ratio.The new PRO42IC Intelligent Controller provides I/O support for 2 readers (1 or 2 doors). The PRO42R1 provides I/O support for one card access reader, while the PRO42R2 support two card access readers. Both interface with the intelligent control module (PRO42IC). In the event that communication to the intelligent control module is lost, the card access readers be individually configured to allow entrance based on security needs. This customization allow or a be configured as secured, locked and unlocked. PRO4200 modules provide latest bi-directional and strong encrypted OSDP communication with the Access Control readers. For legacy and retrofit installations, Wiegand format is still supported.The PRO42OUT interfaces provide up to 16, Form C, 30 VDC, 2A relay output controls depending if the board is rack or tile-mounted, power fail and panel tamper when tile mounted. Relays may be used for elevator control, status annunciation and for general facility control, such as door monitoring.The PRO4200 professional series family of access control modules is designed for high density installations.The PRO42IN interfaces provide 16 supervised alarm inputs and a dedicated power fail and panel tamper when tile mounted. An analog to digital converter samples the input values and the digitized result is filtered and processed. Filter parameters are configurable for each input point, resulting in the ability to specify a custom End-Of-Line (EOL) resistance value, sensitivity range and timing parameter.The PRO4200 Series of access modules are designed to accommodate various mounting options.Units can be mounted in a rack configuration (PRO22ENC1, PRO22ENC2 and PRO22E C5) when space is limited, or in a tile-mount configuration (PRO22ENC3).• T he PRO22ENC1 is a wall-mounted enclosure rack unit(See picture)• T he PRO22ENC2 is a 19” rack-mounted enclosure rack unit • T he PRO22ENC5 is a rack unit which fits inside a customer’s enclosureSPECIFICATIONSBENEFITSPRO4200 CONFIGURATION• A nti-passback support - free pass and exempt flags, last area accessed, last reader accessed and time/date of last access• M odular hardware architecture provides flexibility and expansion capabilities• L arge, local controller database allows access control decisions to be made by controller in real time without the need to communicate to the server• A DA compliant allowing expanded door times selectable per reader• S calable architecture ensures optimal performance with a seamless upgrade path to accommodate future growth beyond its initial installation • F our-state alarm input circuits - normally opened, normally closed,non-supervised, supervised (w/EOL)• R ack or tile mounting options available• A larm conditioning withprogrammable sensitivity and hold time• S electable reader statesinclude card and PIN, card or PIN, card only, or PIN only • A uto switching powerSupply allows 130/240 Vac operation• S ystem off-line modes customizable per reader include secured access, locked (no access), and unlocked (full-access)• S upports multiple reader and card formats for maximum flexibility and security options • S upports Wiegand and/or OSDP communication • Enhanced Cyber SecurityIntelligent Controller (Max 8)PRO42ICReaderReader 1Reader 2PRO42R1Reader Boards (up to 32 Readers)INPUT/OUTPUT Boards (up to 16IN/16 OUT)PRO42R2PRO42INPRO42OUTRED boards = Mercury Series 3BLUE boards = Honeywell PRO4200 modulesSPECIFICATIONSORDERINGHSI- PRO42-02-ME(1220)DS-C© 2020 Honeywell International Inc.For More Information/me Honeywell Commercial Security Emaar Business Park, Building 2Sheikh Zayed Road P.O. Box 232362Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 450 5800Email:***************************PRO42OUT PRO42IN。
INSTALLATION MANUAL ANDOPERATING INSTRUCTIONS4200 Series Electric Attitude IndicatorMid-Continent Instruments and Avionics Manual Number 9016182 9400 E 34th Street N, Wichita, KS 67226 USA Rev D, September 1, 2009 Phone 316-630-0101 Fax 316-630-0723FOREWORDThis manual provides information intended for use by persons who, in accordance with current regulatory requirements, are qualified to install this equipment. If further information is required, please contact:Mid-Continent Instruments and AvionicsAttn: Customer Service Dept.9400 E. 34th ST NorthWichita, KS 67226 USAPhone 316-630-0101 Fax 316-630-0723We welcome your comments concerning this manual. Although every effort has been made to keep it free of errors, some may occur. When reporting a specific problem, please describe it briefly and include the manual part number, the paragraph/figure/table number, and the page number. Send your comments to:Mid-Continent Instruments and AvionicsAttn: Technical Publications9400 E. 34th ST NorthWichita, KS 67226 USAPhone 316-630-0101, Fax 316-630-0723***************Copyright 2005Mid-Continent Instruments and AvionicsTable of ContentsPageSection 1 General Description 51.1Purpose of Equipment 51.2Physical Description 51.3Functional Description 51.4Gyro Warning Flag 51.5Options and Configurations 561.6SpecificationsSection 2 Installation 92.1 General 92.2Pre-Installation Inspection 99 2.3Parts 2.3.1 Included Parts 92.3.2 Installer Supplied Parts 10Location 102.4 Equipment2.5 Installation 102.6Continued Airworthiness 11Section 3 Operation 143.1General 14 3.2Starting Procedures 143.3In-Flight Procedures 143.4Dynamic Errors 14Figure No. List of Illustrations1.1Display Configurations 71.2Typical Indicator Display Detail 82.1Outline Drawing 122.2Panel Cutout Dimensions 13Table No. List of Tables1.1Options Table 51.2Physical Characteristics 661.3PerformanceRevision DetailECO Rev. Date DetailRelease.InitialA08/22/054535 B 02/03/06 Table 1.3: Update power rating.4956 C 12/13/07 Update DO-160 qualification in section 1.6 from …[WW] to …[WF]… andfrom …[A3C3]… to [A3H33]. Remove paragraph pertaining to SpecialHIRF Considerations in section 2.5.Note: This change is incorporated only on units identified as Mod Status2 as indicated on the unit nameplate.5270 D 09/01/09 Remove Equipment Limitations Section 3.5Section 1: General Description1.1 Purpose of EquipmentThe Model 4200 Electric Attitude Indicator incorporates a moving display that simulates the earth’s horizon and provides the pilot with a real time visual indication of the aircraft pitch and roll attitude relative to the indicator symbolic airplane.The instrument can function as a primary or standby indicator with a special configuration available to match electronic flight displays. The lighting voltage is user selectable and the input voltage can range from 10 to 32 VDC. Panel tilt is an option specified at the time of the order.1.2 Physical DescriptionThe 4200 Electric Attitude Indicator incorporates pitch and roll displays that are mechanically linked to a spinning mass gyroscope. The horizon bar moves behind the symbolic airplane. Precession error is corrected by the 4200’s erection system or by pulling the “PULL TO CAGE” knob. A warning flag pops into view to indicate that the gyro motor is not receiving sufficient power to operate.1.3 Functional DescriptionModel 4200Electric Attitude Indicators employ an efficient electrically driven internal vertical gyroscope assembly incorporating a special air erection mechanism. This mechanism simultaneously erects the pitch and roll axes of the gyroscope. Movement of the aircraft generates a reaction of the display that simulates the visual reference seen by the pilot when looking outside at the earth’s true horizon line.The Indicator requires 10 to 32 VDC input voltage. The lighting system features internal LEDs that operate on a user selectable 5V, 14V or 28V input from the aircraft lighting bus.1.4 Gyro Warning FlagA power warning circuit monitors the electrical current used to power the gyro motor. When a loss of input voltage occurs, the gyro warning flag comes into view.1.5 Options and ConfigurationsOptions TablePanel Tilt Calibration 0︒ to 20︒, set to customer requirements.Symbolic Airplane Part Number Specific: Traditional or DeltaMating Connector 9015514 (MS3116F8-4S)Table 1.11.6. SpecificationsPhysical Characteristics:Qualification: FAA-TSO-C4cEnvironmental Qualification: RTCA DO-160D Environmental CategoryC1BABXXXXXXXZZAZZ[WF]M[A3H33]XXAlbsWeight: 1.6Dimensions: Length behind panel (not including mating connector)5.94 inches long maximum.2.39 inches high maximum.2.39 inches wide maximum.Mating Connector: MS3116F8-4S or equivalent (MCI P/N 9015514)Cover Glass HEA (anti-reflective) coated.Instrument Panel Mounting: Rear mount.Table 1.2Performance:Reliability 2500 Hour Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)Initial Erection: The "PULL TO CAGE" knob will erect the gyroscope to within 2.0°of case vertical in roll and pitch from any position at any time. Final Erection: The vertical gyroscope should be allowed to spin up for 3 minutesafter rated power is applied and after initial erection. After 5minutes the final erection accuracy of pitch and roll will be within1︒ of vertical.Erection Rate: Gyroscope will erect to local vertical in pitch and roll at 2.5° perminute minimum.Warning Flag: A gyro warning circuit provides for continuous monitoring of gyrovoltage. If loss of gyro motor voltage occurs, the red warning flagwill appear.Symbolic Airplane: The adjustment range will be ± 4︒ minimum from the zero pitchposition.Power Rating:Starting: Will not exceed 1.4A at 14 VDC.Will not exceed 0.6A at 28 VDC.Running: 0.37-0.51 at 14 VDC.0.18-0.25 at 28 VDC.Table 1.3Figure 1.1 Display ConfigurationsRoll Pointer: Indicates aircraft roll displacement relative to a rotating roll dial.Power Indicator Flag: If loss of input voltage should occur, power indicator flag will come into view.Display: Lower area of display, when referenced to the symbolic airplane, indicatesaircraft nose is below horizon or in a dive attitude. Upper area of displayindicates aircraft nose is above horizon or in a climb attitude.Symbolic Airplane: Indicates roll and pitch attitude relative to the horizon. The symbolic airplanecan be moved (pitch only) using the symbolic airplane adjustment slide withlocking screw.Horizon Line: Indicates earth horizon relative to aircraft pitch and roll attitude.Caging Knob:When pulled, manually erects the gyro vertical to the case orientation. (Manual Erection)Symbolic AirplaneUsed to adjust the symbolic airplane to remove parallax errors. Adjustment:4200-10 configuration shownFigure 1.2Section 2: Installation2.1 GeneralThis section contains mounting, electrical connections and other information required for installation. After installation of cabling and before installation of the equipment, ensure that power is applied only to the pins specified in the interconnection diagram.The conditions and tests required for the TSO approval of this article are minimum performance standards. It is the responsibility of those installing this article either on or within a specific type or class of aircraft to determine that the aircraft installation conditions are within the TSO standards. TSO articles must have a separate approval installation in an aircraft. The article may be installed only if performed under 14 CFR Part 43 or the applicable airworthiness requirements. CAUTION:GYROS ARE DELICATE INSTRUMENTS! THE FOLLOWING PRECAUTIONS MUST BE OBSERVED!!A. A high gyroscope failure rate can be directly related to rough or improper handling.Gyros are delicate and cannot withstand the shock of being dropped, jarred, or struck by pieces of equipment. Do not place gyros on any hard surface. Pad withgenerous foam. Handle like eggs!B. To prevent damage to a gyro, the instrument should be transported to and fromthe aircraft in it’s original shipping container. If this is impractical, the gyro shouldbe hand-carried carefully in an upright position.C. A gyro should never be removed while it is spinning or running down. The instrumentnormally operates at high RPM and may take 10 minutes or longer to run down. If itis removed while running and tilted more than 20 degrees, the gyro can develop agimbal lock. The gimbal will tumble and start to spin. If gimbal lock occurs while therotor is turning, the gimbal may spin fast enough to damage the gimbal bearings,requiring overhaul.D. A malfunctioning gyro should be handled with the same care given a newinstrument. Most malfunctioning instruments can be repaired and returned toservice. Using proper handling procedures during removal prevents additionaldamage and helps ensure possible reuse.2.2 Pre-installation InspectionA. UnpackingCarefully remove the attitude indicator from shipping container. The shippingcontainer and packing materials should be retained for use should the attitudeindicator require future shipment.B. Inspect for DamageInspect the shipping container and attitude indicator for any signs of damagesustained in transit. If necessary, return attitude indicator to the factory usingthe original shipping container and packing materials. File any claim fordamages with the carrier.2.3 Parts2.3.1 Included PartsA. Model 4200-( ) Electric Attitude IndicatorB. Mating Connector, MS3116F8-4S or equivalent (P/N 9015514)C.Installation Manual (P/N 9016182)2.3.2 Installer Supplied PartsA.Mounting Screw, 6-32UNC-2A. Three (3) required. (1” long screws are suggested forpanel thickness between 0.05 and 0.19, but may not be optimum in some installations.The installer will need to determine what is correct for a particular installation.)CAUTION:Do not exceed 1.2” screw depth into bezel!2.4 Equipment LocationThe attitude indicator should be located within the aircraft in accordance with the following considerations:A. The indicator is ideally located in the instrument panel directly in line with the pilot’snormal line of sight. The "PULL TO CAGE" knob should be within easy reach.Installations that result in viewing angles in excess of 30 degrees may reduce displayreadability.B. Compare the space requirements of the indicator with the installation area beingconsidered.C. The power cable should not run adjacent to heaters, engine exhausts, or other heatsources. Also, take care to route and tie the cable away from aircraft controls andcables.2.5InstallationNOTE: Before installing unit, verify the option label on the unit matches the aircraft requirements for panel tilt.Install the Electric Attitude Indicator within the aircraft in accordance with the aircraft manufacturer’s instructions and the following steps:A.Refer to Figure 2.1 for installation dimensions and electrical information. Therecommended circuit breaker size is 2A. The minimum wire size is 22 AWG.B.Locate the lighting voltage switch on the rear of the unit. If required, switch the lightingvoltage to the aircraft lighting bus voltage. Using a small pointed object, push theswitches to select the lighting voltage per Fig 2.1.C.Ensure the available instrument panel cutout meets the requirements of the indicator.See Fig 2.2 for details.D.Attach aircraft electrical system cable to indicator connector and insert the indicator intothe instrument panel cutout.E.Secure the indicator to the instrument panel using the screw sizes called out in themounting instructions. Length of screws will be determined by aircraft instrument panel thickness. The aircraft manufacturer or the installation facility is responsible forsupplying appropriate installation hardware.F.Apply the correct input power to the indicator.G.The Power Indicator Flag (red) will be out-of-view.H.Check to determine that the indicator internal lighting is working correctly. This indicatorrequires the main power to be on for the lighting to work. The indicator lighting will not work when just the lighting bus is turned on.2.6 Continued AirworthinessNo periodic scheduled maintenance or calibration is necessary for continued airworthiness of the 4200 series Electric Attitude Indicator. If the unit fails to perform to specifications, it must be removed and serviced by a qualified service facility.Figure 2.1 Outline DrawingFigure 2.2: Panel Cutout DimensionsSection 3: Operation3.1 GeneralThis section describes the Model 4200 Electric Attitude Indicator operating procedures. The indicator is required to be installed in an aircraft with the specified inputs applied. Figure 1.2 provides an illustration of a typical Model 4200 display and a table describing indicator functions.3.2 Starting ProceduresThe following operational procedures are recommended when preparing the indicator for use:CAUTION: THE INDICATOR MAY BE DAMAGED IF THE “PULL TO CAGE” KNOB IS RELEASED WITH A “SNAP.” RELEASE “PULL TO CAGE” KNOB AVOIDING A“SNAP” RELEASE.NOTE: Indicator may be momentarily caged by pulling “PULL TO CAGE” knob to the fully extended position, holding knob until the display stabilizes, and then allowing theknob to return to the normal position.A. Apply power to the indicator. Note that the Gyro Warning flag (red) will pull out-of-view. Also allow three minutes for presentation stabilization.B. For trim adjustment, use a 5/64” hex drive wrench to loosen the lock screw. Slidethe screw up or down in the slot to the desired pitch attitude presentation (aligningthe symbolic airplane with the horizon) and retighten the screw.C. If caging is required, caging should be accomplished when the aircraft is in a wingslevel, normal cruise attitude, as indicated by other instruments or the horizon. If thegyro is caged when the aircraft is not in this attitude, the resulting attitudepresentation immediately after caging will be in error by the difference between truevertical and actual aircraft attitude. Small errors in caging erection will be correctedby the indicator to true vertical in pitch and roll at 2.5︒ per minute minimum (5︒/min.nominal).3.3 In-Flight ProceduresA. Adjust symbolic airplane to obtain desired pitch attitude presentation after take-off.B. In the event of errors in excess of 10︒ caused by extended bank or fore-aftacceleration, the indicator should be momentarily caged after the aircraft is returnedto level flight.3.4 Dynamic ErrorsA. Turn Induced ErrorsPitch indication errors resulting from a standard coordinated turn (180 degrees inone minute at a true airspeed of 156 knots) will not exceed 3︒. Dynamic errorsdeveloped under non-standard conditions may be greater. Errors that develop will beself corrected by the internal erection system or manually corrected by the actuationof the caging system.B. Acceleration & Deceleration ErrorsPitch indicating errors may occur due to accelerations experienced during takeoff, climb-out, descent, and landing. Errors that develop will be self-corrected by the internal erection system or manually corrected (in straight and level flight) by the actuation of the caging system.C. Taxiing ErrorsA pitch and roll indicator display error of approximately 1︒ will occur during a sudden90︒ ground turn. A pitch indicator display error of approximately 2︒ will occur duringa sudden 180︒ ground turn. Errors that develop will be self corrected by the internalerection system or manually corrected by the actuation of the caging system.。
安捷伦 4200 TapeStation 系统使用手册
![安捷伦 4200 TapeStation 系统使用手册](
Agilent 4200 TapeStation 系统针对 DNA 和 RNA 样品的端到端电泳质量控制完整解决方案自动处理样品,实现快速可靠的样品质量控制Agilent 4200 TapeStation 系统可实现端到端的样品质量控制,适用于所有新一代测序 (NGS)、微阵列芯片(包括阵列CGH)或 qPCR 工作流程。
4200 TapeStation 软件包含仪器控制和数据分析功能。
对于全套 DNA 和 RNA 分析而言,系统能够在每个样品成本固定的情况下分析1 – 96 的任意数量的样品。
即开即用型ScreenTape 技术具有极高的灵活性,支持在分析与样品前处理之间进行切换。
该系统可处理 16 联管或 96 孔微量滴定板中的样品,并使您能够在 1 – 2 分钟内获得一个样品的可靠结果或在 90 分钟内获得96 个样品的结果。
可扩展单个通道在每个样品成本固定的情况下实现 1 – 96 个不等的样品通量。
灵活即开即用型 ScreenTape 技术能够在 DNA与 RNA 分析之间轻松切换。
样品可置于16 联管或 96 孔微量滴定板中。
快速简化工作流程,无需系统设置程序;甚至对于 96 个样品而言,每个样品仅需 1 –2 分钟即可得到可靠结果。
样品用量少运行贵重样品时每次仅需 1 – 2 µL,进行高灵敏度分析时也是如此。
零交叉污染除采用单独的带滤芯吸头以外,每个样品均在独立的 ScreenT ape 泳道中进行分析。
保护样品性能使用箔片覆盖 96 孔微量滴定板,避免样品蒸发。
吉时利(Keithley) 仪器公司在其4200型半导体特性分析系统中新增加了脉冲信号发生和测量功能,支持脉冲式的半导体特性分析功能。
脉冲I-V (简称PIV)子系统是吉时利公司Model 4200-SCS系统的一个新增选项。
Model 4200-SCS系统适用于实验室级别的精准DC特性测量和分析,具有亚飞安级的微电流分辨率和实时绘图、数据分析和处理能力。
该系统集成了目前最先进的半导体特性分析性能,包括一台带有Windows XP操作系统和大容量存储器的嵌入式PC机。
脉冲I-V (PIV)子系统建立在一个新的双通道脉冲发生器卡上,该卡的特点是拥有两个独立的通道,频率范围从1Hz到50MHz。
精细的脉冲边缘的缓慢控制允许对界面态、AC Stress测试和存储器测试进行精确的源和测量。
把脉冲式的功能和测量同Model 4200-SCS世界领先的DC特性结合起来,这在市场上尚是唯一的。
与脉冲I-V (PIV)子系统捆绑在一起的新的、正在申请专利的软件,无论在准确度还是在可重复性方面都带来了更好的效果。
胜利仪器 VICTOR 4200双钳智能相位伏安表说明书
![胜利仪器 VICTOR 4200双钳智能相位伏安表说明书](
目录安全须知 (2)一.简介 (3)二.技术规格 (3)1.基准条件和工作条件 (3)2.一般规格 (4)三.结构 (6)四.操作 (7)1.基本操作 (7) (8)五.电池管理 (11)六.注意事项 (12)七.装箱单 (12)安全须知●有电!危险!操作者须经严格培训并获得国家相关电工操作认证才能使用本仪表进行现场测试。
AMETEK APM压力模块 说明书
![AMETEK APM压力模块 说明书](
量程 类型 psi bar 压力接口*2 参考接口*2 过压*3 爆破 参考 综合 型号 压力*4 准确度*5 准确度*6 ±15psi Combination ±15.000 ±1.0342 316L SS N/A x 2 x 3 0.035% 0.07% APM015PCSG -15-200psi Combination -1.0342-1.3780 316L SS N/A x 2.5 x 3 0.025% 0.05% APM200PCSG 5 psi Differential 5.0000 0.3449 316L SS DRY x 2 x 3 0.035% 0.07% APM005PDSG 100 psi Differential 100.00 6.8948 316L SS DRY x 2 x 3 0.025% 0.05% APM100PDSG 5 psi Absolute 5.0000 0.3448 316L SS N/A x 6 x 9 0.035% 0.07% APM005PASG 15 psi Absolute 15.000 1.0342 316L SS N/A x 2 x 3 0.025% 0.05% APM015PASG 30 psi Absolute 30.000 2.0684 316L SS N/A x 2 x 3 0.025% 0.05% APM030PASG 10 bar Gauge 145.03 10.000 316L SS N/A x 2 x 3 0.025% 0.05% APM010BGSG 16 bar Gauge 16.000 316L SS N/A x 2.1 x 3.2 0.025% 0.05% APM016BGSG 21 bar Gauge 304.56 21.000 316L SS N/A x 1.6 x 2.4 0.025% 0.05% APM021BGSG 25 bar Gauge 25.000 316L SS N/A x 2.7 x 4.1 0.025% 0.05% APM025BGSG 40 bar Gauge 40.000 316L SS N/A x 1.7 x 2.5 0.025% 0.05% APM040BGSG 60 bar Gauge 870.18 60.000 316L SS N/A x 2.2 x 3.4 0.025% 0.05% APM060BGSG 100 bar Gauge 100.00 316L SS N/A x 3.4 x 5 0.025% 0.05% APM100BGSG 160 bar Gauge 2320.5 160.00 316L SS N/A x 2.1 x 3.2 0.025% 0.05% APM160BGSG 200 bar Gauge 2900.6 200.00 316L SS N/A x 1.7 x 2.5 0.025% 0.05% APM200BGSG 250 bar Gauge 250.00 316L SS N/A x 2 x 2.7 0.025% 0.05% APM250BGSG 400 bar Gauge 5801.2 400.00 316L SS N/A x 1.3 x 1.7 0.025% 0.05% APM400BGSG 600 bar Gauge 600.00 316L SS N/A x 1.4 x 2.2 0.025% 0.05% APM600BGSG 700 bar Gauge 10152 700.00 316L SS N/A x 1.2 x 2 0.025% 0.05% APM700BGSG ±1 bar Combination ±1 ±1.0000 316L SS N/A x 2 x 3 0.035% 0.07% APM001BCSG -1 bar Vacuum -14 -1.0000 316L SS DRY 2 bar 3 bar 0.035% 0.07% APM001BVSG 7 bar Absolute 101.52 7.0000 316L SS N/A x 2 x 3 0.025% 0.05% APM007BASG 7 kPa Gauge 1.0152 0.0700 316L SS DRY x 4 x 6 0.10% 0.20% APM007KGSG 35 kPa Gauge 5.0761 0.3500 316L SS DRY x 2 x 3 0.035% 0.07% APM035KGSG 70 kPa Gauge 10.152 0.7000 316L SS N/A x 2 x 3 0.035% 0.07% APM070KGSG 100kPa Gauge 1.0000 316L SS N/A x 2 x 3 0.025% 0.05% APM001BGSG 200 kPa Gauge 29.006 2.0000 316L SS N/A x 2.1 x 3.1 0.025% 0.05% APM200KGSG 250 kPa Gauge 36.284 2.5000 316L SS N/A x 2.1 x 3.1 0.025% 0.05% APM250KGSG 350 kPa Gauge 50.761 3.5000 316L SS N/A x 2 x 3 0.025% 0.05% APM350KGSG 400kPa Gauge 4.0000 316L SS N/A x 1.2 x 2.5 0.025% 0.05% APM004BGSG 600kPa Gauge 6.0000 316L SS N/A x 2.3 x 3.5 0.025% 0.05% APM006BGSG -29 inHg Vacuum -14.243 -1.0342 316L SS DRY 60 inHg 90 inHg 0.035% 0.07% APM029HVSG 10 inH2O*1 Gauge 0.3612 0.0249 DRY DRY x 5 x 10 0.20% 0.30% APM010WGSG APM-S系列压力模块 尺寸: ............... 60 x 45 x 75 重量: ............ 350 g / 0.77 lb. 电缆长度: ........... 60 cm / 2 ft. 压力接口: .......1/4 in. NPT female 通讯接口:....... Lemo, 5-pole, male 校准证书: ............... NIST 溯源 预热:............10 分钟达到所需精度 读数率:.................... 每秒50次 ASC300,AMC900,APC显示:…每秒 2次 APM 系列压力模块可以任意搭配AMC900, ASC300, 以及APC使用。
用户名不能包含字符:\/:*?"<>|密码长度必须为8-16 位,由数字、小写字母、大写字母、特殊字符的两种及以上类型组合而成,密码不能与用户名相同或相反。
1.2 设备添加(以编码设备为例)地址、端口、用户名、密码,点击“添加”完成设备的添加。
1.3 分组管理设备管理界面选择,进入分组管理界面。
软件以分组为单位对设备通道进行管理,添加设备时勾选自动生成分组会以设备别名或者IP 地址自动生成分组并导入资源。
1.4 分组添加软件提供自定义添加分组和以设备生成分组两种功能,用户根据实际需求选择分组建立方式,并可将编码通道、报警输入或者防区添加至分组中。
1.5 资源导入点击,弹出资源导入对话框,默认显示全部设备的编码通道资源缩略图。
2. 客户端配置2.1用户管理控制面板中选择,进入用户管理界面。
Agilent MP-AES 4200微波等离子体原子发射光谱仪说明书
![Agilent MP-AES 4200微波等离子体原子发射光谱仪说明书](
Runs on airThe Agilent MP-AES is a compact, bench-top microwave plasma-atomic emission spectrometer based on a robust, nitrogen plasma. It is suitable for elemental determinations using a solid-state CCD detector. The Agilent MP-AES delivers:• Lowest cost of ownership — the Agilent MP-AES runs unattended without fl ammable or expensive gas supply, dramatically reducing your operating costs • Improved laboratory safety — in addition to eliminating fl ammable and oxidizing gases (such as acetylene), the MP-AES eliminates the need to plumb multiple gases into the laboratory, or manually transport and handle gas cylinders • High-performance — microwave plasma source provides superior detection limits to fl ame AAAgilent 4200 MP-AESSpecifications• Ease of use — application-specifi c software applets plus plug-and-play hardware ensure any user can set up quickly without method development or alignment, and with minimal training• Robustness and reliability — ideal for industries such as mining, food and agriculture, chemicals, petrochemicals and manufacturing, and for remote locationsInstrument hardwareSample introductionIncludes a standard one-piece quartz torch optimized for high precision and sensitivity with the recommended power and gas fl ow settings. The torch features a unique polymer base that automatically makes gas connections and aligns the torch when inserted using the torch loader.Includes a multi-purpose sample introduction system that consists of a OneNeb nebulizer, a glass cyclonic double pass spray chamber and multi-purpose pump tubing. Confi gurations for other applications (organics and high sensitivity) are available.Fully PC-controlled peristaltic pump with variable speed from 0–80 rpm, and three channels for sample, drain and internal standard/ionization buffer. A fi ve-channel pump option is available.Gas controlsComputer-controlled solenoid valves are used to automatically enable and regulate the fl ow. The plasma gas is fi xed at 20 L/min and the auxiliary gas is fi xed at 1.5 L/min for ease of operation. Nebulizer gas fl ow is computer controlled using mass fl ow control to provide accurate fl ow control in the range 0.3–1.0 L/min.Plasma generatorThe microwave excitation assembly features a solid-state HV power supply and an industrial-grade, air-cooled magnetron operating at 2450 MHz. Fixed plasma power of 1 kW for ease of operation. Requires no cooling water supply, as the plasma generator is air-cooled. Computer-controlled plasma ignition using a momentary fl ow of auxiliary argon. Once the plasma is operational, it automatically switches to nitrogen for routine operation.Plasma confi gurationVertically-oriented plasma for improved matrix handling with end-on or axial viewing for optimum sensitivity and best detection limits. Computer-controlled plasma viewing position, which may be optimized for each wavelength. A pre-optics protection gas fl ow of compressed air (25 L/min) is used to divert heat from the plasma away from the pre-optics. An operator-replaceable pre-optics window ensures excellent performance and easy maintenance.Instrument interlocksUsed to monitor critical supplies and conditions to prevent instrument damage. Interlocks monitor:• Pre-optics window fi tted• Torch loader• Plasma enable switch• Gas supply pressures for nitrogen, argon and air• Pre-optics window temperature• Operating temperature for HV power supply, magnetron and microwave excitation assembly• Plasma statusAgilent 4200 MP-AESOptical systemFast-scanning, high-resolution optical system for fast measurement using a compact design. Czerny-Turner design monochromator with 600 mm focal length and fi xed entrance slit for ease of operation. Holographic diffraction grating with 2400 lines/mm is blazed at250 nm for optimum UV performance. Wavelength range 178–780 nm. The optical system can be purged withair for protection in dusty or corrosive environments, or nitrogen at 10 L/min for sulfur determinations. DetectorHermetically-sealed, UV-sensitive, back-thinned solid-state CCD detector (532 x 128 pixels) designed specially for low-light level detection with > 90% quantumeffi ciency at peak sensitivity. It is directly cooled to0 °C using a thermoelectric Peltier device for low dark current and reduced baseline noise. High dynamic range and blooming resistance allow fl exible measurement conditions.The CCD array detector collects the analyte spectra and neighbouring background spectra, allowing simultaneous background correction for enhanced stability and precision.Standby and startupWhen powered off, there is no standby gas or power consumption.With the nitrogen generator, a purge time of up to 20 minutes is required from power on, depending on the prior usage history, to allow the nitrogen generator to achieve required nitrogen purity.For optimum performance and stability of theMP-AES instrument, a warm up time of 30 minutes is recommended from standby.Guaranteed performanceSignal stability< 2% RSD over 2 hours without internal standardization or any form of drift correction.Resolution< 0.050 nm (measured as full width at half maximum). Detection limits3 sigma detection limits (µg/L) using a 10 second integration time.Pure nitrogen and nitrogen generator IDLsElement Full environmental range*Mn 257.610 nm 5.00 ppbBa 614.171 nm 1.5 ppb* Full environmental rangeAltitude Operatingtemperature0–3000 m (0–9800 ft)15–30 °C (59–86 °F)3000–4000 m (9800–13100 ft)15–25 °C (59–77 °F)Please refer to the MP-AES Site Preparation Guide for temperature rate of change guidelines for effective use.SoftwareWeb-integrated Agilent MP Expert software features:• Agilent’s worksheet concept for ease of use, rapid operator training, and commonality with other Agilent spectroscopy products• Logical workfl ow to guide users through method and sequence development• Method templates, which allow rapid development of new worksheets for commonly-used applications• Application-specifi c software applets, which automatically load a preset method so you can start analysis immediately without method development or alignment, and with minimal training• Computer control of plasma gas fl ows, plasma viewing position, ignition, safety interlocks and utilities monitoring• Choice of background correction techniques from traditional off-peak to unique automatic correction • Fast Linear Interference Correction (FLIC) for real-time spectral modeling and removal of interferences in complex spectra• Inter Element Correction (IEC) for real time correction of spectral overlaps• Auto-optimization of key instrument parameters (nebulizer fl ow and viewing position)• MultiCal, which assists in extending linear dynamic range• Calibration using conventional multi-element calibration and method of standard additions• Calibration reslopes, which eliminate the need for full recalibration• Recalibrations that can be programmed at a user-specifi ed rate• User-customizable Quality Control Protocols (QCPs) designed to meet GLP and other international compliance standards• Weight/volume/dilution correction factors• Autosampler rack and tube positions that can be edited for true random access sampling• Sequence options that include calibration/reslope/ QCP error actions and end of analysis actions• Real-time graphical display of signal spectra, results and calibration graphs• Post-run retrospective data editing• Variety of reporting and exporting options with user-defi neable settings• Graphical display of system status and a comprehensive set of instrument diagnostic tools • A comprehensive help system, including multimedia and video assistanceAccessories and peripheralsAgilent offers a full range of confi gurable accessories and peripherals for the MP-AES, including:4107 Nitrogen GeneratorUses pressure swing absorption technology to produce > 99.5% purity nitrogen for plasma operation. This eliminates on-going gas re-supply requirementsproviding low cost of ownership. Requires a supply of clean, dry, oil and dust-free compressed air (ISO 8573-1-2010 Class 8.4.3) with a fl ow of 115 L/min at 620 kPa (90 psi) input pressure. Nitrogen output capacity is 25 L/min at > 99.5% purity. At 10 L/min output, nitrogen quality improves to > 99.95% purity, allowing optics purging for sulfur determinations using a second generator.SPS 3 Sample Preparation SystemHigh-throughput autosampler, with fast X, Z, theta arm movement for unattended, multi-element operation. Capacity for up to three sample racks and two standard racks. Racks may be exchanged during analysis for unlimited sample capacity. Compatible with a range of commercially-available, autoclavable, laboratory racks.Multi-mode Sample Introduction System (MSIS)Optional MSIS provides simultaneous vapor generation of environmentally-sensitive elements including As, Se and Hg with low ppb detection limits. MSIS uses thin-fi lm technology for signifi cantly better performance than conventional nebulization. The MSIS is easy to set-upAgilent 4200 MP-AESand operate. It provides a choice of three operational modes — conventional nebulization, vapor only or simultaneous vapor and conventional nebulization, allowing routine elements to be determined using the same setup as vapor elements.Vapor Generation Accessory (VGA 77)Modular, continuous fl ow for the determination of Hg, As, Se, Sb, Te, Bi, and Sn at μg/L and ng/L levels. Compatible with the Agilent SPS 3 Sample Preparation System.External Gas Control Module (EGCM)Accurately controls and injects a fl ow of air into the plasma to prevent carbon deposition and reducebackground structure when analyzing organic samples. Air injection rate is computer-controlled with four fi xed-fl ow settings covering the fl ow range 0–1.5 L/min. Also controls nitrogen fl ow for purging of the optics for sulfur determinations.SVS 1 Productivity PackageThe SVS 1 Productivity Package increase productivity by immediately rinsing the sample introduction system while the next sample is presented to the instrument. Optional sample introduction componentsAgilent offers a range of torches, nebulizers, spray chambers, tubings and other supplies for routine MP-AES operation. Refer to our website for details.Principal installation requirementsPlease refer to the Agilent MP-AES Site Preparation Guide for complete, detailed requirements.Nitrogen supplyRequired for plasma operation. Can be suppliedfrom cylinders, a liquid nitrogen source or a nitrogen generator. Minimum purity 99.5% with a fl ow rateof up to 25 L/min at 500 kPa (72.5 psi). For sulfur determination, a nitrogen purge with minimum purity of 99.95 % is required through the optics at a fl ow rate of 10 L/min and 500 kPa (72.5 psi).Argon supplyFor plasma ignition only. Supplied from an onboard argon bottle or external supply. Requires welding-grade argon (99.0% purity) with a fl ow rate of 1.5 L/min at 210 kPa (30 psi).Compressed airRequired for pre-optics protection and the optional EGCM. Clean, dry, oil- and dust-free air is required (ISO 8573-1-2010 Class 1.4.3). The pre-optics protection gas requires a fl ow rate of 25 L/min at 500 kPa (72.5 psi). The EGCM requires a fl ow rate up to 1.5 L/min at500 kPa (72.5 psi).CoolingClean, dry, oil-free, non-corrosive air is requiredfor instrument cooling (chiller not required) drawnin through an air inlet vent at the top, rear of the instrument.Exhaust systemA minimum fl ow of 3 m3/min (106 cfm) is required, and must be ducted to an external vent of 150 mm (6 in) in diameter.Power supplySingle-phase AC, 10 A, 3-wire system,200–240 V AC, 50/60 HzDimensions960 mm (37.8 in) x 660 mm (26.0 in) x 660 mm (26.0 in) Weight73 kg (161 lb)System installationFor full details of the Agilent MP-AES or 4107 Nitrogen Generator installation requirements, refer to theMP-AES Site Preparation Guide.Regulatory complianceSafetyIEC 61010-1:2001 / EN 61010-1:2001IEC 61010-2-061:2005 / EN 61010-2-061:2003IEC 61010-2-081:2001+A1:2003 / EN 61010-2-081:2002+A1:2003Canada: CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1-04Canada: C22.2 No. 61010-2-061-04Canada: C22.2 No. 61010-2-081-04USA: UL 61010-1 (2nd Edition)EMCIEC 61326-1:2005 / EN 61326-1:2006,Canada: ICES-001:2006AS/NZS CISPR 11:2011ISOManufactured according to a quality management system certifi ed to ISO 9001Support and trainingAgilent is renowned for providing expert applications and service support. Agilent has a global network of factory-trained specialists ready to provide support for hardware, software, or applications wherever you are located. Services include:• Full 12-month warranty support• Seven (7) year hardware support period from date of last unit manufacture. After this time, parts and supplies will be provided if available.• Preventive maintenance to deliver consistent operation and minimize downtime• Troubleshooting, maintenance and repair• Software support services• Compliance services including IQ and OQ of hardware and software• Comprehensive warranty extension and service contracts, including peripherals• Classroom training and onsite training delivered by expertsFurther detailsFor further information please consult your Agilentoffi ce or supplier, or our website at Agilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this material.Information, descriptions, and specifi cations in this publication are subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2014Published January 1, 2014Publication number: 5991-3445EN。
使用手册Model 4200烟尘浓度/不透明度监测仪出版号770.026燃烧和环境监测公司目录1.0 操作原理1.1 原理1.2比尔(Beer-Lambert)定律1.3 测量路径校正系数(PLCF)1.4 不同的测量路径校正系数例子(PLCF’S)2.0 系统说明2.1系统2.2 键盘功能2.3 显示面板发光二极管3.0 安装3.1 预备安装系统事项3.2 安装指导要点3.3 支撑管安装3.4 对准工具4.0 电气安装4.1 电缆考虑事项4.2 插座和插头4.3 电气和信号接线5.0 调整5.1 初步调整5.2最后调整6.0 组态6.1 显示模式6.2 基本显示流动图表6.3 显示说明7.0 标定7.1 标定检查7.2 线性过滤7.3 方法1 —实际标定(不透明性)7.4 方法2 —交替再标定(不透明性)7.5 等动力取样灰尘测量8.0 维护8.1 例行维护周期8.2 清洁光学表面8.3 推荐备件8.4 可用的选项9.0 故障消缺9.1 故障代码9.2 小数点闪烁9.3 优先维修10.0 规格说明10.1 4200型灰尘和不透明度监测1.0 操作原理1.1 原理当一柱光穿过含有烟气和灰尘颗粒的介质时,一部分光传输过去而另一部分光因为散射而损失掉。
Land 4200型使用一个高强度的发光二极管(LED)射出一柱光穿进烟囱,在穿过烟囱的过程中损失的光是不透明度,不透明度与当前灰尘和烟量的关系见1.2节所描述的内容。
1.2 比尔( Beer-Lambert)原理一束光穿过介质,其与已知的介质所含污染物的量的数量关系,根据比尔(Beer-Lambert)原理,如下:τ=I/I0=e-acl其中:τ=透光度(传导度)(见下图1)I0=进入介质的光强度(见下图2)I=穿过介质的光强度a=衰减系数c=灰尘浓度l=光穿过介质的距离(见下图3)因为不透明度(Op)=1-τ,上面的方程式可以转换成:(1- Op)= e-acl or Op =1- e-aclc是测量光路中的灰尘浓度,于是消光度为:τ=-acl/2.303OD=-log10或者c=K×OD ,其中K=-2.303/al通过比较同时测量的光密度和灰尘重量,可以得到K的值。
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使用手册Model 4200烟尘浓度/不透明度监测仪出版号770.026燃烧和环境监测公司目录1.0 操作原理1.1 原理1.2比尔(Beer-Lambert)定律1.3 测量路径校正系数(PLCF)1.4 不同的测量路径校正系数例子(PLCF’S)2.0 系统说明2.1系统2.2 键盘功能2.3 显示面板发光二极管3.0 安装3.1 预备安装系统事项3.2 安装指导要点3.3 支撑管安装3.4 对准工具4.0 电气安装4.1 电缆考虑事项4.2 插座和插头4.3 电气和信号接线5.0 调整5.1 初步调整5.2最后调整6.0 组态6.1 显示模式6.2 基本显示流动图表6.3 显示说明7.0 标定7.1 标定检查7.2 线性过滤7.3 方法1 —实际标定(不透明性)7.4 方法2 —交替再标定(不透明性)7.5 等动力取样灰尘测量8.0 维护8.1 例行维护周期8.2 清洁光学表面8.3 推荐备件8.4 可用的选项9.0 故障消缺9.1 故障代码9.2 小数点闪烁9.3 优先维修10.0 规格说明10.1 4200型灰尘和不透明度监测1.0 操作原理1.1 原理当一柱光穿过含有烟气和灰尘颗粒的介质时,一部分光传输过去而另一部分光因为散射而损失掉。
Land 4200型使用一个高强度的发光二极管(LED)射出一柱光穿进烟囱,在穿过烟囱的过程中损失的光是不透明度,不透明度与当前灰尘和烟量的关系见1.2节所描述的内容。
1.2 比尔( Beer-Lambert)原理一束光穿过介质,其与已知的介质所含污染物的量的数量关系,根据比尔(Beer-Lambert)原理,如下:τ=I/I0=e-acl其中:τ=透光度(传导度)(见下图1)I0=进入介质的光强度(见下图2)I=穿过介质的光强度a=衰减系数c=灰尘浓度l=光穿过介质的距离(见下图3)因为不透明度(Op)=1-τ,上面的方程式可以转换成:(1- Op)= e-acl or Op =1- e-aclc是测量光路中的灰尘浓度,于是消光度为:τ=-acl/2.303OD=-log10或者c=K×OD ,其中K=-2.303/al通过比较同时测量的光密度和灰尘重量,可以得到K的值。
1.3 测量长度校正系数不透明度监视仪表不总是安装在烟囱出口。
同时要指出的是:Land 4200型烟尘仪是双路径仪表。
对于直筒式的烟囱,PLCF是1.0,对于出口处比底部小的烟囱,PLCF 小于1.0。
对于双路经仪表,如Model 4200,OPLR等于PLCF的一半。
我们可以用前面提供的等式计算烟囱出口处的不透明度,如果我们使用测量长度修正因素(PLCF):PLCF=Ie/Im其中:Ie=出口处直径Im=测量处直径OPLR=PLCF/2OPe=1-10-OD×PLCF双路径系统1 光源2 检测器3 光柱穿过介质的路径(l)4 反射器5 分光器1.4 不同的测量路径校正系数举例例子一直桶式烟囱测量路径和烟囱出口路径相等PLCF=1.00,OPLR=0.5例子二直桶式烟囱监视仪安装在狭窄的烟道上测量路径小于烟囱出口路径PLCF>1.00,OPLR>0.5例子三烟囱出口处狭窄测量路径大于烟囱出口路径PLCF<1.00,OPLR<0.52. 系统说明2.1 系统Land 4200型烟尘和不透明度检测仪由两个主要部分组成:发收器(发射头)和安装在烟囱或烟道对面的反射器(反射头)。
2.1.1 混浊度仪LAND 4200型已经开发成最精确和经济实用的不透明度/烟尘仪之一。
LED灯被调成3KHZ 频率以减少干扰和消除由于背景光而引起的误差。
4200型用一个有专利的技术,用第二个LED 灯(LED2)的灯光泛照两个检测器Dm和Dr来补偿这种变化。
1.测量单元 8.满度标定滤光器2.反射头 9.零点反射器3.安全关断装置 10.反射器4.分光器 11.LED1灯5.检测器(测量) 12.LED2灯6.检测器(参考) 13.镜子7.平行校准镜头图 反射头反射头是一个小型无源盒子。
2.1.3 检测仪防雨罩(可选)玻璃纤维防雨罩也有提供,可以给仪表在使用环境中提供额外的保护。
防雨罩安全关断装置2.1.4 自动安全关断装置(可选)发射头和反射头都可以选用自动关断装置,从而在清洁空气失效时得到更深一级的保护。
2.1.5 标定滤光器(可选)两个标定滤光器(可选)可供,用于手动标定检查或线性度标定检查。
2.2 键盘功能键盘在发射头的显示面扳上,有四个键。
F1 保存键,主要功能把修改的参数保存到存储器中。
F2 改变由模式键选择的参数,相当于向上键改变参数。
F3 改变由模式键选择的参数,相当于向下键改变参数。
图 4.32.3 显示面板发光二极管指示灯(LEDs)+5V -发光表示5V电压提供给了电路板。
Alarm -发光表示高不透明度/烟尘浓度报警条件发生。
Systom ok -发光表示没有故障,仪表运行正常(不在标定或调整模式)。
2.3.1 继电器两对继电器接点接线端子在发射头的信号插座上,它提供了报警和系统好提示。
2.3.2 信号电流输出回路信号电流回路1.电流回路输出,可以组态低电流0、2或4mA三种选择,高电流限制是20mA。
3.当选择烟尘浓度时,电流输出量程在10~1000 mg/m3之间,每10 mg/m3一步调整。
注意:由于显示限制,1000 mg/m3显示成999 mg/m33.0安装3.1预备考虑事项仪表安装在烟囱或烟道的地点,其直径应能典型检测穿过烟道的烟尘浓度。
侧视图顶视图图 3.1 测量区域平台Model 4200 仪表安装尺寸要求仪表安装尺寸1 发射头2 安全关断装置3 反射头4 发兰与发兰之间路径3.2 安装指导要点1. 从安装发兰算起,带有自动安全关断装置的发射头(1)需大约400mm(16″)的最小安装距离,不带自动安全关断装置的发射头需大约250mm的最小安装距离(另外,要为操作要留有适当的空间)。
2. 从安装法兰算起,带有自动安全装置的反射头(3)需大约300mm(12″)的最小安装距离,不带自动安全关断装置的反射需大约165mm(7″)的最小安装距离。