(首先考官一定会检查看你的汽车保险,驾照PERMIT和路考预约单)(考官也会查看车玻璃上的Inspection Sticker和Regislation Sticker不能过期)保持輕鬆,不要緊張。
调整左右外侧后视镜,车内后视镜,教官让你按喇叭丶车头灯丶高灯丶左转弯灯丶右转弯灯丶刹车丶雨刷丶Emergency Flashers丶除雾丶手势(左转丶右转丶停车)。
3.注意事项:看到stop sign停车路标时候一定要停稳,確实停止3-5秒。
Parking 時须記得要拉手煞4.通过考试,当天可以拿驾照,不用带照片,在DMV拍照即时制作驾照,Learner Permit 同时被收回。
sign一定要確实停3-5秒,full stop后数4下。
遇到红灯一定要停,如果你在红灯要右转,一定要先full stop了,再逐渐向前挪动车子,挑合适的机会转弯。
俄亥俄州考驾照(转)2011-07-14 15:18:52| 分类:公派访问学者|字号订阅记得刚来美国一个月,我就幸运的拿到了驾照。
一、首先得到OHIO DRIVER'S HANDBOOK(学校OIA或一些驾照报名点免费索取),然后花整整一个星期读懂规则,很多术语、行车规矩、避让校车、让行和车速限制等都有详细解释。
二、选了一个黄道吉日,朋友带我去local driver license office报名,报名的时候必须带上护照、社会公共安全号(SSN, 有合法身份的人才能申请,如果没有也可以考驾照)原件、DS2019表原件。
然后安排我去照大头照,几分种以后,我的temp driver license permit就出来了,不过是不能给我的,因为我还没有笔试呢。
三、报名paper work结束以后,机构工作人员问我,今天是否马上要笔试,我说sure,他安排我去笔试。
3.1 - Hand PositionEvery time you get behind the wheel, you accept responsibility for your actions. You must obey Virginia's traffic laws, and ensure your safety and the safety of your passengers and other motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists on the roadways.每次你坐到方向盘前,就是接受了你的行为所要担负的责任。
Sit straight but relaxed and place your hands on the steering wheel. If your steering wheel was a clock, your hands should be at the 8 o'clock and 4 o'clock positions. Hold the wheel with your fingers and thumbs. Avoid gripping it with your palms.把位坐直但要放松并把你的双手放置在方向盘上。
如果你的方向盘是个时钟,你的手就应该在 8 点和 4 点的位置上。
Speed LimitsA speed limit is the maximum legal speed you can travel on a road under ideal conditions. You may drive slower than the posted speed, but it is illegal to drive any faster. By law, you must drive slower if conditions such as road construction or bad weather make the posted speed unsafe. It is illegal to use a radar detector in Virginia.速度限制就是理想情况下你可以行驶的最高合法速度。
弗吉尼亚驾照中文手册Edit by Jing.H 2015.02Edited by Wang JH 2015/11/23弗吉尼亚司机手册帮助你学习和理解安全驾驶的实践。
目录第1节—考试两部构成的理论考试道路技能考试视力筛查视力标准第2节—信号、标识及路面标志交通信号车道使用信号交通标识标识形状规则或引导标识警示标识施工区路面标志油漆路缘第3节—安全驾驶把位速度限制停车为路权让行环岛变更车道超车过度矫正转弯 U型调头转弯信号保持缓冲空间跟车距离巡视盲区共享道路行人自行车轻骑摩托车轻轨慢行车辆卡车、牵引-拖车、巴士及房车轻型至中型拖车倒车泊车能见度灯光危险情况夜间驾驶雾雨雪危险的驾驶行为冒险驾驶分心驾驶昏沉驾驶饮酒驾驶交通事故交管停车第4节—坐席安全带、气囊、以及儿童安全坐席坐席安全带气囊儿童安全座椅第5节—处罚驾照的暂扣驾照的吊销判决相关的暂扣和吊销车管部其他要求、暂扣和吊销司机提高节目医学温习节目保险监管节目因违反有关儿童支持要求的暂扣酒精及相关法律驾照的行政性暂扣车内开启的酒精容器受酒精/药物影响状态下运送儿童扣车赔偿 21岁以下人酒精有关的违章及处罚第6节—驾照的种类学员许可证驾照商业驾照校车驾照摩托车学员许可证摩托车驾照国际驾照第7节—其他重要信息邮件收取驾照地址变更新到弗吉尼亚者登记、注册、牌照、贴标安全检测保险要求申请投票注册器官、眼睛及组织捐献第1节:考试本节中你将学到:两部分构成的理论考试道路技能考试视力筛查视力标准考试将包含一次视力筛选,还可能包括两部分构成的理论考试和一个道路技能考试。
以下是美国各州列表是否允许B1/B2签证持有者使用国内驾照:亚拉巴马州,可以,16/+(16岁以上的意思)阿拉斯加州,可以,90days, 16/+亚利桑那州,可以阿肯色州,不可以,IDP required加利福尼亚州,可以,18+科罗拉多州,可以,16/+康涅狄格州,不可以,要IDP特拉华州,可以,16+佛罗里达州,可以,16/+(州议会在2012年修改了条款,从2013年起持中国驾照不能在佛州合法驾驶,但是州交管部门在2013年2月14日发表了申明,暂时不会强制执行该条法令。
最新,佛州州长4月2日已签署H7059号法令,废除去年通过的外国人在佛州驾驶必须拥有国际驾照的规定,大家可以继续持本国有效驾照放心驾驶)佐治亚州,可以夏威夷州,不可以,要IDP爱达荷州,可以伊利诺伊州,可以,整个合法访问期间印第安纳州,可以,16.5/+艾奥瓦州,可以堪萨斯州,可以肯塔基州,不可以,要IDP路易斯安那州,可以,90天缅因州,可以,16/+马里兰州,可以萨诸塞州,不可以密西根州,不可以明尼苏达州,可以,15/+密西西比州,可以,60天, 18/+密苏里州,可以,16/+蒙大拿州,可以,15/+内布拉斯加州,可以,30天内华达州,可以,16/+新罕布什尔州,不可以,州法第21篇《机动车》没有明确该州承认的签发外国驾照的具体国家,且免除条款均适用互相承认驾照的州/省/国家。
新泽西州,不可以新墨西哥州,可以,15/+纽约州,可以北卡罗来纳州,可以北达科他州,可以,16/+俄亥俄州,可以?克拉荷马州,可以,16/+俄勒冈州,可以,16/+宾夕法尼亚州,可以,16/+罗得岛州,可以,16/+南卡罗来纳州,可以,16/+南达科他州,可以,16/+田纳西州,可以德克萨斯州,不可以犹他州,可以,6个月, 16/+佛蒙特州,不可以弗吉尼亚州,可以,16.25/+华盛顿州,可以,1年, 16/+西弗吉尼亚州,可以,90天, 16/+威斯康星州,不可以,要IDP怀俄明州,可以华盛顿特区,可以,30天切记,在美国各州的规定不同的,请自己核对,不要犯错,允许的地方只需要中国驾照和护照,不需要其他任何翻译资料!。
(首先考官一定会检查看你的汽车保险,驾照PERMIT和路考预约单)(考官也会查看车玻璃上的Inspection Sticker和Regislation Sticker不能过期)保持輕鬆,不要緊張。
调整左右外侧后视镜,车内后视镜,教官让你按喇叭丶车头灯丶高灯丶左转弯灯丶右转弯灯丶刹车丶雨刷丶Emergency Flashers丶除雾丶手势(左转丶右转丶停车)。
3.注意事项:看到stop sign停车路标时候一定要停稳,確实停止3-5秒。
Parking 時须記得要拉手煞4.通过考试,当天可以拿驾照,不用带照片,在DMV拍照即时制作驾照,Learner Permit 同时被收回。
4.Stop sign一定要確实停3-5秒,full stop后数4下。
遇到红灯一定要停,如果你在红灯要右转,一定要先full stop了,再逐渐向前挪动车子,挑合适的机会转弯。
美国弗吉利亚州 21 岁以下驾驶执照翻译模板 正面 驾照编号:********* 性 身 别:女 高:**英尺**英寸 准驾车型:无 违章记录:无 限制条件:9 瞳孔颜色:棕色 [照片1] 发证日期:****年**月**日 有效期至:****年**月**日 器官捐赠者 姓名:*** 地址:美国弗吉利亚州****市****街****号 防御性驾驶培训编号: 18岁期满日期: 21岁期满日期: ********* ****年**月**日 ****年**月**日 出生日期: ****年**月**日 邮编:*****-****
限制条件: 9.未满18岁严禁载客/宵禁期间严禁驾车/开车途中严禁使用手机。 [照片 2] ******************
如果您持有其他州同類級別的有效駕駛執照並轉為特區駕駛執照,一般可獲豁免路考。如果您的特區駕駛執 照已過期超過180天,您將須參加並通過知識測驗及路考。
簡介 ............................................................................................................................. 2 駕駛執照考試程序......................................................................................................... 3 駕駛執照類型 .............................................................................................................. 7 其他服務 ...................................................................................................................... 11 重要注意事項................................................................................................................ 14 駕車者資訊 ................................................................................................................. 15 駕駛規則 ..................................................................................................................... 43 停車規則 ..................................................................................................................... 46 交通規則 ...................................................................................................................... 49 號誌、標誌及標記 ....................................................................................................... 54 按形狀和顏色識別標誌 ................................................................................................ 57 禁制標誌 ..................................................................................................................... 60
佛州DMV: /笔考教材: /handbooks/englishdriverhandbook.pdf在线模拟笔试: /florida/•酒精测试先网上参加酒精课学习和考试。
以/driver-education/ 为例,选择 Drug & Alcohol Test ONLY。
•笔试装备:中国驾照或酒精测试permit,护照,I20,I94,三封带有住址的信,钱塔城DMV地址:3477 S Monroe St, Tallahassee, FL 32301一般来说,塔城考驾照是不需要预约的,带着所有资料去DMV,拿号排队,到了你之后对工作人员说你要考驾照,TA会问你考笔试还是路考啊,你就回答考哪个或者说我都要考。
驾驶员考试答案的交通规则和道路标志在美国佛罗里达州公开2009-10-08 23时46 | (分类:默认分类)If you knowingly make a false statement in an application for a driver license or identification card, can you be fined and placed in prison upon conviction?1,如果你故意在为驾驶执照或身份证应用程序中的虚假陈述,可你被罚款,并放置在一经定罪入狱?(YES)是。
P16You can be put in jail or made to pay a fine for the following offenses:你可以把在监狱或要缴交罚款的以下罪行:Changing your license in any way. Any changes must be made by the Department.•更改您的授权以任何方式。
Making a fraudulent application for a driver license or identification card.•制作欺诈性申请驾驶执照或身份证。
Having more than one Florida driver license.•有一个以上的佛罗里达州的驾驶执照。
Allowing an unlicensed person to use your car, or renting a motor vehicle to someone without a license.•允许未授权人使用你的车,或租用一辆汽车的人没有牌照。
Giving false statements to an officer or in a courtroom.•提供虚假陈述的人员或在法庭上。
北美驾照章程- driving license
![北美驾照章程- driving license](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bcce830a6c85ec3a86c2c502.png)
Illinois Secretary of StateDocument Requirements to obtaina Driver’s License/State ID CardThe Acceptable Identification Document chart (reverse) lists documents that may be used as forms of identification to pro-vide proof of name, date of birth, Social Security number and residency when applying for a driver’s license/ID card. Please note the following:•Signature comparison is required in the verification process.•The number of documents required depends on whether an applicant is applying for a driver’s license/ID card for the first time, or requesting a duplicate or corrected driver’s license/ID card.•One document may satisfy more than one group.•New residents must surrender all out-of-state licenses/ID cards prior to issuance of an Illinois driver’s license/ID card.•An applicant applying for a Temporary Visitor Driver’s License is not required to present documents from Group C. Instead, the applicant must submit a letter on SSA letterhead with each application, issued within 90 days prior to the date of ap-plication, verifying ineligibility for a Social Security number.First-time Illinois Driver’s License/ID Card ApplicantAn applicant applying for a driver’s license or ID card for the first time in Illinois must present:•one document that satisfies each of Group A, B and C•two documents that satisfy Group D (one document from Group D if applicant is under age 5 applying for an ID card; one document if applicant is applying for a no-fee ID card presenting a Homeless Status Certification)Duplicate/Corrected Driver’s License/ID Card ApplicantAn applicant applying for either a duplicate or corrected driver’s license or ID card must present:•one document that satisfies Group A•one document that satisfies Group B, C or D (two documents from Group D if applicant is requesting an address change to appear on the document, unless applicant is under age 5 applying for an ID card or applicant is applying for a no-fee ID card presenting a Homeless Status Certification)•An applicant who requests a change in name, date of birth, Social Security number or gender must provide identification to link the change from the previous information to the new information.Illinois Driver’s License/ID Card Renewal ApplicantAn applicant renewing a current Illinois driver’s license or ID card need only present his/her current valid driver’s license or ID card if no changes are required. If the applicant does not have his/her current driver’s license or ID card or changes are required, he/she must present:•one document that satisfies Group A•one document that satisfies each of Group B, C or D (two documents from Group D if applicant is requesting an address change to appear on the document unless applicant is renewing a no-fee ID card presenting a Homeless Status Certifica-tion)Printed on recycled paper. Printed by authority of the State of Illinois. June 2011 — 1— DSD X 173.2BACCEPTABLE IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENTSPHOTOCOPIES ARE NOT ACCEPTEDAll acceptable documents presented for verification or proof must be valid (current and not expired). One document may satisfy more than one Group.Printed by authority of the State of Illinois. June 2011 — 1 — DSD X 173.2B。
新教材高中英语外研版选择性必修第二册:Starting out & Understanding ideasIn the game of life, if it often seems likeyou're on the losing end of things, you're notalone.Life is filled with ups and downs.That'swhy I want to tell you the harsh (残酷的) truthsin the process of growing up.1.Life isn't fair.Life will hand you lemons, often when you least expect it.The sooner you embrace this harsh truth, the better prepared you'll be to handle tough (艰难的) situations that are sure to arise.2.The first step is always the hardest.Let's face it:changing bad habits is tough.Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu once said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” So if you want to change something, start with baby steps.3.Not everyone will support you along the way.In life, there's no shortage of doubters, haters, and pessimists (悲观主义者).Overcoming this harsh truth is simple:don't listen.Choose tostick with your guns, trust your instincts (本能), and forget about peoplewho don't support your goals and passions.4.You are the only thing holding yourself back from greatness.Often we are so absorbed in hoping for the next great thing that we don't realize what's unfolding right in front of our faces.Don't hold yourselfback with negative thoughts.Instead, focus on the positive things you havein your life.[理解]Read the passage and answer the following questions.1.What do “lemons” in Paragraph 2 refer to? Lemons refer to the tough situations in life. 2.What should you do when some people don't support you?You should choose to stick with your guns, trust your instincts, and forget about people who don't support your goals and passions.[积累]1.ups and downs 兴衰沉浮,起起落落,曲折起伏2.embrace v. 欣然接受,乐意采纳3.shortage n. 缺乏4.hold back 阻碍,阻止5.be absorbed in 全神贯注于,专心致志于S ection ⅠStarting out & Understanding ideas[原文呈现]The Age of MajorityIn most countries, [1]turning 18 marks①the start of adulthood②.But what does reaching this milestone③,the age of majority④,really mean?Will you be completely in charge of⑤your own life and able to express yourself in new and exciting ways? What new responsibilities⑥will this freedom⑦bring?Here, three young people tell us [2]what turning 18 means, or meant, to them.[1]动词ing 形式作主语。
(首先考官一定会检查看你的汽车保险,驾照PERMIT和路考预约单)(考官也会查看车玻璃上的Inspection Sticker和Regislation Sticker不能过期)保持輕鬆,不要緊張。
1.确保前座位的两个人都系上安全带后才可以启动车.调整左右外侧后视镜,车内后视镜,教官让你按喇叭丶车头灯丶高灯丶左转弯灯丶右转弯灯丶刹车丶雨刷丶Emergency Flashers丶除雾丶手势(左转丶右转丶停车).测试“平行停车",倒车控车,90度倒转弯车,紧急刹车;2.上路考试,左转,右转丶过十字路口丶斜坡停车丶车速控制丶换路线、路边停车等等. 3.注意事项:看到stop sign停车路标时候一定要停稳,確实停止3—5秒。
Parking時须記得要拉手煞4.通过考试,当天可以拿驾照,不用带照片,在DMV拍照即时制作驾照,Learner Permit同时被收回.二.路考过程注意事项:1.坐上车后,先系好安全带。
4.Stop sign一定要確实停3—5秒,full stop后数4下。
遇到红灯一定要停,如果你在红灯要右转,一定要先full stop了,再逐渐向前挪动车子,挑合适的机会转弯。
172 Sample QuestionsWhen must you signal before making a turn?At least 100 feet before the intersectionHow close may you park to a stop sign?50 feetHow close may you park to a corner?25 feetHow close may you park to a fire hydrant?10 feetWhat is the stopping distance on a dry road at 50 m.p.h.?243 feetWhat is the proper distance you may park from the curb?6 inches or lessWhat are the penalties for driving without insurance?Suspension of driver's license and registration and finesSerious accidents causing death, injury or $200 damage must be reported within 5 days to? A Division of motor V ehicles officePoints are only issued for?Moving ViolationsWhen will you be given a proposed License Suspension Notice?After receiving 12 pointsWhat is the penalty for driving with a suspended license-first offense?Fine of $500 and up to 6 months additional license suspensionWhat is the penalty for not telling the truth when applying for a license?No less than a $200 fine and up to 6 months imprisonmentUp to 3 points may be subtracted from your record if you receive no moving violations for how long?One yearWhat is the penalty for refusing the breath test?6 months suspension (first offense)Who is responsible if a student commits a traffic offense?Both the student and the accompanying instructor or licensed driverWhat should you do if approaching a steady yellow or amber signal?Slow down, and stop before entering the intersection, if possibleWhat is a good practice while driving?Keep from looking at one thing for more than a few seconds What is the proper lane to turn into when making a left turn?The lane nearest the center in the direction you are headingWhen driving at night you should be able to stop?Within the distance you can see aheadWhere should you position your car to make a left turn from a two way street?The lane nearest the center of the road, and turn right before reaching the middle of the roadWhat is a good practice when nearing an intersection?Slow down and be prepared to stopWhat is the purpose of traffic laws?To protect you and other driversIf there's a "No T urn On Red" sign, when can you make a turn on red?NeverIf you feel or hear unusual thumping noise while driving it may be?The tiresWhat is the best advice if your car is stranded in a heavy snowstorm?Stay with your carWhat is a good practice when driving in the city?Check intersections ahead for signalsWhat must you do if you want to turn left at a traffic light?Yield to oncoming trafficIf the front of your car vibrates, the problem may be with your:SteeringWhat do two parallel white lines across the road mean?Pedestrian cross walkWhich lights should you be using when driving in fog?Low beams, or fog lightsWhat papers must you have when operating a motor vehicle?License, registration, and insurance cardWhen should you use your horn?When coming out of a dark alleyWhat should be done if two cars enter an uncontrolled intersection simultaneously?The driver to the left must yield to the driver on the rightY ellow center lines would usually be found where?On a two-way road (no passing)Why should you use seat belts and shoulder belts?They increase your chance of surviving an accidentWhen may you pass on the right?If the car in front is turning left and there is a lane for driving on the rightWhat does a flashing red light mean?Stop, proceed with cautionWhat does a green light mean?Proceed in a safe mannerWhat does a single solid white line across an intersection mean?Y ou should stop behind the line for a traffic sign or signalWhat does a yellow diamond shaped sign mean?Warning or cautionWhen should you use your parking lights?Only when parkingWhich way should you turn if you are going into a skid?In the direction the back of your car is skiddingHow far should you stay behind the car that you are following?At least two secondsWhat direction should you check first when approaching an intersection?The leftIf two cars reach a four way stop at the same time, what is proper procedure?The driver on the left yields to the driver on the rightWhat should you do if you go into a skid?Take your foot off the gasWhat is the most common mistake a new driver makes with the brakes?Pushing the brake too hardWhat is the best way to talk to other drivers?Through the use of your horn and lightsWhat does a red and white eight sided sign mean?StopWhat does a red and white triangular sign mean?YieldIf you drive through a deep puddle, what should you do?Test your brakesWhen is the road surface most slippery?During the first few minutes of rainWhen should you use your high beams?Open country driving situationsIf the lights of oncoming cars are in your eyes, what should you do?Look to the lower right side of your traffic laneA driver's left hand extended upward means what?He's making a right turnA driver's left hand extended straight out means what?He's making a left turnA driver's left hand extended downward means what?He's making a stop or slowing downThe safest way to exit an expressway is to?Slow your car to the posted speed limitWhat should you do if your brakes fail?Shift to a lower gear and pump your brakesWhat should you do if your electric signal fails to operate?Use hand signal(s)What should you do if you have a blowout?Slow down graduallyOne method of using the 2 second rule is by using a:fixed object on the side of the roadWhat should you do if you miss an exit on an expressway?Go to the next exit. Don't back upWhen you are driving on a curve, your vehicle will tend to go in what direction?StraightWhat is good practice at an intersection that has no signs or signal?Be ready to stop if necessary (cover the brake)It is good practice to keep a space cushion in order to?Give you time to reactOne of the best defenses against drunk drivers is:Proper wearing of seat beltWhen a school bus has stopped at a school to pick up or let off children, you may pass in either direction at a speed of no more than:10 miles per hourHow should you turn your wheels when parking downhill next to a curb?To the right towards the curbSpecial permits may be issued for a 16 year old when:The 16 year old is enrolled in a Behind the Wheel Driver Education Course or enrolled in a Commercial Driving Education course (i.e. driving school) and when the permit is purchased by a state approved Driving InstructorIn city driving, a good habit is to:Look ahead 12 secondsWhen approaching a railroad crossing with flashing lights:Stop no closer than 15 feet of the nearest railYou are required by new Jersey law to keep to the right except:When on a one-way street, when passing, or if it is impractical to travel on that side of the roadwayStudies show that the greatest number of people arrested for drunk driving had been drinking what kind of alcoholic beverage?BeerThe speed limit in a school zone is?The speed limit in a business area is?The speed limit on a highway is?25 mph25 mph50 mphYou should always yield to:Other vehicles already in the intersection, pedestrians and emergency vehiclesIf you want to return to the road from a dirt shoulder:Slow down, then turn your wheels to climb the pavement edgeAn agricultural license allows the operation of a farm registered vehicle:For agricultural use only T o make a right turn you should:Get in the right laneA 12 oz. Can of beer has as much alcohol in it as:1 ½ oz. Of 86 proof whiskey or one 5 oz. Glass of wineWhether your blood alcohol content raises above legal limits depends on:How fast you drank, your weight, how much you drankThe best way to reduce your chances of having an alcohol related accident is:Don't drink and driveIf you are arrested for drunk driving in New Jersey, your chances of being convicted are:96% Drugs that may affect basic driving skills are:Cold medicines, tranquilizers, and some prescription drugsDriving while under the influence of intoxicated beverages means:The driver shows signs of being drunk, such as swerving, or going too fast or slowWhen blood/alcohol content reaches 0.15%, your chances of getting into a serious/fatal accident will increase:25 timesWhat is a "Habitual Offender"?Any person whose license has been suspended 3 times within 3 yearsThe first conviction penalty for anyone over 21 for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is:$250-$400 fine and possible imprisonment for 30 days and loss of license for 6 months - 1 yearIn NJ, you must always keep to which side of the road (except when passing)?RightWith a blood alcohol concentration of .05 - .10%:Y ou may or may not be under the influenceWith a blood alcohol concentration of .10%or more:Y ou are definitely under the influence (regardless of age)New Jersey licensed drivers may have an eyesight recheck every:10 yearsWhat is a good rule of thumb in adjusting to traffic?Try to adjust your speed to the flow of traffic What is a good rule of thumb for following distances on dry roads?One car length for every 10 mph speed or 2-3 second space between carsWhat does the word " tailgating" mean?Driving too close to the vehicle in front. This does not allow enough time to react if the vehicle ahead stops suddenly or slowsWhat does hydroplaning mean?Losing the tire grip on wet roads and riding on a film of waterWhat is an uncontrolled intersection?An intersection where there's no traffic signals or signsWhen should you dim your headlights?In city driving and when following or meeting another vehicle within 500 feetWhat is an acceleration lane?An extra lane provided at the entrance to an expressway to provide a vehicle distance in wh ich to build up speedYou must stop (in either direction) at least how many feet from a school bus with its red lights on? 25What is the name of the distance that the car travels while the brakes are being applied?Braking distanceDates for studded tires on New Jersey roadways are?November 15th to April 1stInformation signs are what color?Blue or greenWhat should you do if a traffic light is not working?Slow down, yield to traffic, and proceed when safeDepth perception means the same as:Distance judgmentPersons under the age of 21 are considered under the influence (DUI) when their blood alcohol content is:.01, .05 or .1%You can practice driving with a valid special learners permit (for a 16-20 year old):Between 5:01 am and 11 P.M.You must be at least how many years old to register a motor vehicle?17As you drive, you are required to stop your vehicle:At an intersection with a stop sign, at a red light and when an officer orders you to do soNJ issues a ____ year basic license?4It is important to slow down:On narrow roads, at intersections or railroad crossings,and when the road is wet or slipperyVehicle stopping distances never depend on:Time of dayThe best way to take a curve is to:Slow down before entering the curveIf a student fails the driving test (road test) for the fist time, how long must he/she wait before taking it again?At least 14 daysYou may drive on public or private property to avoid a traffic sign or signal only if:Directed to do so by a police officerWhen it is legal to make a right turn on red, you must:Make a full stop and treat it like a stop sign What is a good form of primary I.D. to bring to the Permit test?U.S. Passport or Original Birth Certificate (county issued, with the raised seal)You can get alcohol out of your blood by:Time. The more you wait, the less the influence.The position of the hands on the steering wheel are:At 9 and 3 o'clockThe definition of a blind s pot is:Area which cannot be seen in the mirror(s)The inspection sticker on a new vehicle is good for:24 monthsAt what age can a high school student with a valid learner's permit take commercial driving lessons (Driving School)?16 yearsWhat is the penalty for not having your insurance card with you?Fine up to $100A single, solid white line across a road at an intersection means:Stop within 5 feet of the line for a sign or traffic lightIf you have an out of state license, and move to NJ, you must apply for a NJ license within :60 days, or before your current license expires, whichever comes firstSome signs of alcohol impairment are usually:Talkativeness, lessened judgment such as swerving, weaving, and going too fast or slowWhat is the penalty for driving a vehicle with an expired ins pection sticker?Fine,arrest and registration revocationOn a three lane road, the center lane is usually used for:Left turnsIn selecting an area to do a three point turn (K- turn) you should check:V olume of traffic, Width of the road, and if the car is at or near an intersectionIf you are involved in a personal injury accident that requires you to report it to the Division of Motor Vehicles you must:Report the accident to your insurance company at onceAn articulated license allows you to operate what?V ehicles of 18,000 lbs or more, joined by a coupling deviceHow long do you have to report a change in address on a NJ license?1 weekWhat would indicate that a tire has been habitually over-inflated?Wear on the center of the tire Headlights, not parking lights alone, must be used:One-half hour before sunset to one-half hour after sunrise, in poor weather conditions, and when visibility is 500 feet or lessA check point for parallel parking is:Rear bumper opposite rear bumper of car parked in front of desired spaceIf your car breaks down on an expressway, the first thing you should do is:Try to pull off the road safelyT o drive a tractor trailer in NJ what type of license must you obtain?Articulated V ehicle license, (CDL)If you run off the pavement, the first thing you should do is:Slow down and turn back onto the pavement slowlyThe implied consent law means:Driver agrees to take a breath test by simply inserting key in ignition Most fatal accidents are due to?innatentivenessIf a person becomes drunk in your home and has a motor vehicle acci dent after leaving your home you could:Be involved in a lawsuitThe term one car length for each 10 mph is used to describe:Following distanceIf a driver receives a "proposed license suspension", he/she must......:Attend a NJ driver improvement program, ask for a hearing with the division of Motor V ehicles or turn in his/her license for the suspension periodWhen you buy a used car which has an expired ins pection sticker, the car must be inspected within:Two weeksWhat indicates under-inflated tires?Excessive wear on the edges of the tiresHow long do you have to report a name change to the DMV?2 weeksIf a collision is impossible to avoid, you can lessen the impact by:Steering away from objects that do not give wayHand signals:Are the same for all statesA restriction on a s pecial learner's permit for a 16 year old is:(S)he must have a behind the wheel driver education courseFailure to give consent to be tested for alcohol consumption (the implied consent law) is punishable by:6 months suspension of driving privilegesA "learner's" or "student" permit refers to a permit for a:16 year oldIn adverse weather conditions, the stopping distance of a truck is increased by:25%When purchasing a used vehicle, you should get the car ins pected:Either when the current inspection expires, or within 14 days if it already expiredIf a traffic light is horizontal, the red is on the:leftA provisional license is good for:1 yearThe legal Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) level in NJ is:.08%T o avoid a penal ty charge when purchasing a used car:Transfer the title in 10 days or less from the date of purchaseUnder the Interstate compact laws, all moving violations commited in most other states will show up on your NJ record as:2 pointsT o avoid highway hypnosis:Avoid looking at any one point or object for more than a few seconds at a timeAnyone 21 or older must wait____ after passing their written exam and eye test before taking the road test?3 monthsFor any emergency vehicle with flashing lights engaged on your road, you must:Pull over to the rightOne of the main concerns a driver must have when dealing with a truck is the truck driver's: blind spotA car seat should be placed in the _____ seat of a car?rearWhat does GDL stand for?Graduated Driver LicenseOne of the restrictions of the GDL program is that the driver may not use any _____________ devices?handheld game or wirelessFor someone 21 or older the GDL time restrictions are___?WaivedThe standard accident prevention formula is:Be alert, Be prepared, Act in timeThe standard monetary fine for a GDL infraction is:$100If a person with a BAC level of .05%doubles their chances of getting into an accident, then a person with a BAC level of .10%:Has a 6 times greater chance of getting into an accidentThe best way to get alcohol out of one's system is not coffee or even eating, but rather:Time. The longer one waits, the more their system gets rid of the alcohol.Is driving a privilege or a right?Driving is a privilege.Considering that emotions play such an active role in driving, when you are angry, excited or upset, you should______? Take some time to cool off before driving。
美国德克萨斯州驾驶考试模拟题及相关资料 中英对照
![美国德克萨斯州驾驶考试模拟题及相关资料 中英对照](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e05f6a2e3169a4517723a303.png)
ZF 2011.10理论部分:License & License Related 驾照相关内容1.Your drivers license may be suspended for causing one serious accident。
2.Your license may be suspended or revoked for letting someone use your license。
3.If a policeman requests you to take a test to see if you are driving under the influence ofalcohol or drugs, and you refuse, your license will be suspended for 6 months.当警察要求你参加酒精或药物测试,你拒绝,你的驾照将被暂停6个月。
4.When a parent signs the application of a minor for a drivers license, the parent and theteenager assume responsibility.当父母签字同意未成年人参加驾驶考试时,家长和未成年人均承担相应责任。
5.An instruction permit is good for 1 year from the applicant’s next birthday.家长的同意一年有效,截止于申请人的下一个生日。
临时驾驶证通常包括临时驾驶许可证(Temporary Driving Permit)和临时国际驾驶许可证(International Driving Permit)两种类型。
三、申请条件1. 年满16周岁:在美国,申请临时驾驶证的年龄要求通常为16周岁以上。
2. 通过笔试和路考:申请者需通过州政府规定的笔试和路考,证明其具备基本的驾驶技能。
3. 提供身份证明:申请者需提供有效的身份证明,如护照、身份证等。
4. 支付费用:申请临时驾驶证需支付一定的费用,具体金额根据各州规定而有所不同。
5. 满足其他条件:部分州可能对申请者有其他特殊要求,如无犯罪记录、无重大交通事故等。
四、使用范围1. 临时入境:对于临时入境的外国公民,临时驾驶证可以作为其在美国境内的合法驾驶证件。
2. 等待正式驾驶证:对于因故无法及时取得正式驾驶证的申请者,临时驾驶证可以作为过渡期的驾驶证件。
3. 特殊情况:在特殊情况,如车辆故障、临时替代等情况下,临时驾驶证可以满足驾驶需求。
六、法律责任1. 违法驾驶:持有临时驾驶证者在驾驶过程中违反交通法规,将面临罚款、扣分等法律责任。
2. 伪造证件:伪造、变造临时驾驶证的行为属于违法行为,将受到刑事处罚。
3. 无证驾驶:在临时驾驶证过期后继续驾驶,属于无证驾驶,将受到相应处罚。
4. 涉及交通事故:持有临时驾驶证者在发生交通事故时,将根据事故责任承担相应的法律责任。
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如果学习者的执照是在2000年10月1日或之后发布的,必须符合以下要求才能获得一个正式的E 类执照:必须拿着学习者的执照12个月或直到第18个生日;必须有该编号信念从学习者的执照的发行开始满12个月;如果被扣压,在学习者的执照的发行12个月内有一交通信念。
包括指印和其他独特的生物特性作为统计的手段; 并且同意发布驾驶的记录信息,让部门能请求,获得,并且与其他司法交换这样信息。
美国出生证一个有效的美国出生证的拷贝;美国护照;由美国国土安全部门发布的入籍证书;一张外籍人注册收据卡片(绿卡);由美国国土安全部门发布的就业授权卡片; 或由美国国土安全部门提供的移民身份证明,为申请一个原始的驾驶执照。
次要证明学校记录,包括出生日期,必须包含注册人的签名;由一个负责纪录证件的官员归档的诞生纪录的抄本洗礼证明,显示出生日期和洗礼地方;家庭用大型圣经纪录或诞生公告在婴孩书里;一个顾客生活方面的保险单,生效至少二年,并且有出生年月日;军人或军属身份证;佛罗里达州进出州驾驶执照,有效或过期(也可以作为一个主要项目);佛罗里达州执照记录或识别卡记录; 选择兵役登记(草案卡);由部门,收税办公室或客户的汽车注册处经其授权的代理人等取得的,佛罗里达州的车辆登记证书(hsmv83399,持有者的副本),佛罗里达州或外州的登记证书, 如果上面有姓名和出生日期;佛罗里达或调出国家非驾驶员身份证(也可以作为一个主要项目);您上次佛罗里达驾驶执照的发放的收据拷贝;入境表格i571;联邦表格dd-214(军事纪录);结婚证;法院的命令,其中包括法律名称;在过去3个月已经发放的佛罗里达州的选民登记卡;由检查人或由一个检查人熟悉的人所做的身份鉴定;社保卡;父母对未成年人的同意表,由负责任的成年人签名或者政府发布的国家护照、驾驶执照或者身份证。
注:2002年4月10日,美国军事ID卡片与官员等级将仅被接受作为公民身份证明; 然而,不作为主要证明证明。
如果您因婚姻或法院的命令在法律上改变了你的名字, 你必须提交原件或经核证的结婚证书或法庭命令的副本.没有影印本会接受,除非被发证机关加以核证.1.4非美国公民非美国公民,佛州法律规定确定,所有的客户要证明出生日期和社保编号(如发行),然后驾驶执照或身份证才可以发出.移民每个移民入境者,申请驾驶证或身份证必须提交:外国人登记收据卡(绿卡,表格I-151或-551); 或者I-551邮戳护照或I-94; 或移民法官命令,与客户的一个号码,给予庇护; 或者I-797, 与客户的A编号,说明客户已经获得庇护; 或者I-797或另一种形式,由主席团公民身份和移民服务,与客户的一个号码, 声明顾客难民身份的申请获得批准.非移民每一个非移民申请原驾驶证或身份证必须提交:由美国司法部颁发的就业许可证, (表格i688b或I-766);或由美国司法部提供的移民分类, (表格I-94,未过期,需配套文件。
如果对所需的文件有任何疑问,携带您所有uscis文件). I-94s 必须附上护照. 某些分类要求的其他文件. 例如:F-1和M-1号分类,也必须有一个I-20.IJ-1或J-2指定必须伴随着IAP-66.难民,庇护和分类必须辅之以补充文件.下列文件只能接受支持性文件,包括但不限于一本护照, 佛罗里达州的驾驶证或身份证, 任何其它国家的驾驶执照,雇佣授权证,雇主身份鉴定,母国鉴定,学校或学院鉴定,社保卡或其他移民局文件.I-571旅行证件/难民旅行证,I512假释信ijo-庇护或取消搬迁移民法官准予庇护或取消拆除.所有要求和证明文件必须是原件或经核证. 文件从签发日期起有效期必须超过30天,非美国公民申请驾驶证将发行一个30天,没有照片,纸质的临时证件和收据. 非美国公民申请身份证将所有的记录传送给我国在塔拉哈西的数据库,在那里,资料被审查并经过FDLE,美国联邦调查局和移民局的数据库。
通过对身份和法律地位的核查, 驾驶执照或身份证将在30天内由塔拉哈西发出,邮寄到司机纪录的地址上。
如果有问题,一旦发现,一个剥夺的信件将邮寄给客户.加拿大公民根据联邦法律, 加拿大公民为非移民并被允许不必取得uscis文件留在美国。
任何持有驾驶证或身份证的非移民,需要重建,复制, 或更换驾驶执照或身份证必须亲自去驾驶执照办公室申请并出示身份和相关法律证明文件。
如果你有未过期的驾驶执照,你将收到为期30天的临时许可证. 当你备齐所需文件时,你将可以更新,复制或者更换新驾照,你的INS文件上的有效期也将会更改。