谐波减速器 ppt
谐波齿轮减速器 HDUF (FB)机器人工程师必备
P r e c i s i o n G e a r i n g&M o t i o n C o n t r o l{{{The Basic Component Set1) T he Wave generator (WG) is a thin raced bearings assembly fi tted onto an elliptical plug, and normally is the rotating input member.2) T he Flexspline (FS) is a non-rigid ring with external teeth on a slightly smaller pitch diameter than the Circular Spline. It is fi tted over and is elastically defl ected by the Wave Generator.3) T he Circular Spline (CS) is a rigid ring with internal teeth, engaging the teeth of the Flexspline across the major axis of the Wave Generator.4) T he Dynamic Spline (DS) is a rigid ring havinginternal teeth of same number as the Flexspline. It rotates together with the Flexspline and serves as the output member. It is identifi ed by chamfered corners at its outside diameter.ContentsCompact, High Ratio, In-Line Gearing .............................2The Basic Component Set ................................................2Confi guration .....................................................................3Typical Installation .............................................................3Ordering Information .........................................................3Dimensions ........................................................................4Performance Ratings ........................................................5Lubrication .........................................................................6Installation .........................................................................6Effi ciency ...........................................................................7No-Load Running Torque, Starting Torque,and Back Driving Torque (7)Compact, High Ratio, In-Line GearingHarmonic Drive HDUF “Pancake” type component set offers the designer high ratio, in-line mechanical powertransmissions in extremely compact confi gurations. The component set consists of four elements: the Wave generator, an elliptical bearing assembly; the Flexspline, a non-rigid ring with external teeth; and the Circular Spline and the Dynamic Spline, rigid internal gears.Rotation of the Wave Generator imparts a rotating elliptical shape to the Flexspline causing progressive engagement of its external teeth with the internal teeth of the Circular Spline and the Dynamic Spline. The fi xed Circular Spline has two more teeth than the Flexspline, thereby imparting relative rotation to the Flexspline at a reduction ratio corresponding to the difference in the number of teeth. With the same number of teeth, the Dynamic Spline rotates with and at the same speed as the Flexspline.Confi gurations1) Reduction GearingWG Input CS Fixed DS Output Ratio as listedInput and output in opposite direction.2) Reduction Gearing WG Input CS Output DS FixedRatio1 R+1Input and output in same direction.OutputInputOutputInputOutputInput4) Differential WG Control Input CS Main-drive Input DS Main-drive OutputNumerous differential functions can be obtained by combinations of speeds and rotations on the three shafts.3) Reduction Gearing WG Fixed CS Output DS InputRatioR R+1Input and output in same direction.OutputInputOrdering InformationPancake model with the single row bearing Wave Generator Size 20Reduction ratio 80:1Component setBacklash optimized to below 3 arc minutes (Optional)Suffi x indicating that the set is specially modifi ed or designed according to customer requirements.HDUF 20-80-2G-BL3-SPTypical InstallationHDUF “pancake” type component sets are easier to use than conventional gearing. All that is required is suitable bearing support for the input and output shaft, and a means of fi xing the circular spline against rotation.The simplicity of HDUF component sets is demonstrated in the typical arrangements shown below.1. Wave Generator2. Flexspline3. Circular Spline4. Dynamic Spline5. Motor6. I nput Shaft or Motor Shaft7. Output ShaftDimensionsMaximum housing I.D. for Flexspline axial containment is L. The surface hardness in the region where the Flexspline abuts the housing is recommended to be HRC 29–34.Performance Ratings* Thermal limited–50% duty cycle with on time not exceeding 15 minutes.** This torque is not to be exceeded under any circumstances.*** Rating at input speed below 500 rpm is same as for 500 rpm.**** Backlash measured at output with the input locked, maximum value.LubricationOil lubrication ratings are based on Molub Alloy gear Oil No. 80. See table for recommended oil level and volume for horizontal shaft mounting.For vertical mounting the recommended level is at the wave generator bearing ball centerline or midpoint ofGrease lubricated ratings are based on Harmonic Grease HC-1, which has been specially developed for Harmonic Drive lubrication. Alternate lubricants include Molub Alloy Grease No. 2, Shell Alvania EP 1 and their equivalents.For retention of grease within the tooth mesh areaand the ball bearing, it is recommended that the L dimension (see HDUF Dimensions, page 4) be extended further inward to at least S.mmInstallationThe Dynamic Spline is distinguished by its chamfered outer edge. HDUF Component Sets may be operated in any attitude. Recommended installed relationships are shown below:Housing ToleranceEffi ciencyEffi ciency varies depending on input speed, ratio, load level, temperature, and type of lubrication. The effects of these factors are illustrated in the curves shown below.HDUF Effi ciency vs. Ratio, Temperature, and Lubricant (At Rated Torque)Input Speed 3400 rpmInput Speed 500 rpmInput Speed 1700 rpmNo-Load Running Torque, Starting Torque, and Backdriving TorqueValues quoted are based on actual tests with the component sets assembled in housings, and takes into consideration friction resistance of oils seals, and churning of oil.。
摆线轮减速机与谐波减速机英文名称:harmonic gear drive 定义:主要由谐波发生器、柔性齿轮和刚性齿轮三个基本构件组成,谐波传动减速器,是一种靠谐波发生器使柔性齿轮产生可控弹性变形,并与刚性齿轮相啮合来传递运动和动力的齿轮传动。
材料及主要结构尺寸的选择和计算 ② 参数化模型建立
借助MATLAB进行优化程序设计 B、刚轮和波形发生器的设计 (3)、传动优化设计
齿轮齿廓啮合干涉验算 柔轮的受力分析,强度计算及校核 3、柔轮 刚轮 波形发生器的实体模型建立 4、柔轮有限元分析
[1] 辛洪兵,谢金瑞,谐波传动技术及研究动向.北京轻工业学 院学报,1999.17(1): p.30-36. [2] 北京谐波传动技术研究所, 谐波传动技术的新发展. 齿轮, 1991. 15(2): p. 52-55. [3] 沈允文,谐波齿轮传动柔轮的实验模态分析 1994(01) [4] 李召华;扬帆;韩梅谐波齿轮传动装置的传动精度分析 2010(02) [5] 孙恒,陈作模. 机械原理 [M].7版. 北京:高等教育出版社, 2006. [6] 闫艳红;塑料谐波齿轮传动结构尺寸的优化设计[J];机械设 计;2002年10期 [7] 张春宜 郝广平 刘敏 减速器设计实例精解 2009.7 机械工 业出版社 [8] 乔峰丽,郑江 机械设计基础 2011.1 电子工业出版社 [9] 张佑林.刘文波.李峰活齿端面谐波齿轮啮合状态的几何模 型[期刊论文]-武汉理工大学学报 2004(10) [10] 姚俊武.王建中谐波减速器在自重构机器人的应用研究 [期刊论文]-制造业
• 而且谐波减速机也是一种比较节能的产品,会比较适合节 约型社会的要求。
FeaturesStructureOperating PrincipleTooth behavior and engagement360°One Turn of Wave Generator90°Wave GeneratorStructure of Harmonic Drive Unit (Component Type)Driven by a unique operating principle applying elastodynamics of metals and comprising of only threebasic parts (Wave generator, Flexspline and Circular spline),Harmonic Drive products reveal excellent features not found in other speed reducers.High positioning accuracy, High repeatability Compactness, Light weight, High reduction ratio,High torque capacity, Non-backlash, High efficiency, Quiet operationThe Wave Generator is a thin raced ball bearing fitted onto anelliptical hub serving as a high efficiency torque converter andgenerally mounted onto the input shaft.FlexsplineThe Flexspline is a non-rigid, thin cylindrical cup with external teeth on a slightly smaller pitch diameter than the Circular Spline.It fits over and is held in an elliptical shape by theWave Generator.Circular SplineThe Circular Spline is a rigid ring with internal teeth, engaging theteeth of the Flexspline across the major axis of the Wave Generator.The Circular Spline has two more teeth thanthe Flexspline and is generally mounted onto a housing.Unlike motions of ordinary gearing, the unique tooth behavior(operating principle) of harmonic drive gearing achieved non-backlashmotion, infinitesimal angular feeding (one-pulse feeding) and highpositioning repeatability. More than 30% of all teeth simultaneouslyengages in two locations in 180°symmetry, thereby allowing high torquecapabillity.0°Circular SplineWave Generato rFlexsplineThe Flexspline is slightly smaller in diameterthan the Circular Spline and usually has twofewer teeth than the Circular Spline. Theelliptical shape of the Wave Generator causesthe teeth of the Flexspline to engage theCircular Spline at two opposite regionsacross the major axis of the ellipse.As the Wave Generator rotates, the zone where the teeth of the Flexspline engages those of the Circular major elliptical axis. For each 180 clockwise movement of the Wave Generator, the Flexspline moves counterclockwise by one teeth relative to the Circular Splin.Each complete clockwise rotation of the Wave Generator results in the Flexspline moving counter-clockwise by two teeth from its original position relative to the Circulr Splineular.Circular SplineHarmonic Drive GearingFlexsplineWave Generator Circular SplineProduct GroupHarmonicDrive PrecisionControl Speed ReducersHarmonic Drive GearingSpeed ReducersDrive System Component / Cup TypeSeriesCSF-GHFDCSGCSDCSFSHGSHFHDUFHDURCSG-2UHCSG-2UHSHG-2UHSHF-2UHSHG-2UJSHG-2UJCSF-1USHG-2SHSHG-2SHSHG-2SOSHF-2SOSHD-2SHHigh-torque TypeSuper Flat TypeStandard TypeHigh-torque TypeStandard TypeStandard TypeStandard TypeSmall and Medium-capacity TypeSmall Capacity TypeGear Head TypeHigh-torque TypeStandard TypeHigh-Torque Hollow Shaft TypeHollow Shaft TypeHigh-Torque Shaft Input TypeShaft Input TypeCompact Double Shaft TypeUnit TypeHigh-torque Hollow Shaft TypeFlat Hollow Shaft TypeHigh-torque Flat TypeFlat TypeSuper Flat Hollow Shaft TypeSimple Unit TypeStandard TypePhase Adjustment UnitProduct LineupCup TypeSilk Hat TypePancake Type★★★★★★★★★★★★★★22★★★18~26001/50~1/16030~5000★★★★★★★★★ ★21★30~40001/50~1/320Product Feature★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★10111213142121★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★23~340012~8201.8~920023~34009.0~8007.8~3309.8~40001/50~1/1601/50~1/1601/30~1/1601/50~1/1601/30~1/1601/50~1/1601/50~1/320★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★———★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★15161718171819★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★23~34009.0~260023~34009.0~180023~34009.0~18000.5~281/50~1/1601/30~1/1601/50~1/1601/30~1/1601/50~1/1601/30~1/1601/30~1/100★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★——★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★1817181720★★★★★★★★★★★★★23~34009.0~180023~34009.0~180012~4501/50~1/1601/30~1/1601/50~1/1601/30~1/1601/50~1/160VariationMoment Stiffness Positioning Accuracy Lightweight Compactness Backlash Page inCatalogVariationTorque-weight Ratio Torsional Stiffness Positioning Accuracy Lightweight Flat Shape HollowStructure Life Page inCatalogCustomizing Peak Torque (Nm)Reduction Ratio Variation Torque-weightRatio Moment Stiffness Positioning Accuracy Lightweight Flat Shape HollowStructure Life Page inCatalog Customizing Peak Torque (Nm)Reduction RatioPeak Torque (Nm)Reduction Ratio Motor Capacity (W)Ease of Mounting Life Variation Torque-weightRatio Moment Stiffness Positioning Accuracy Lightweight Flat Shape HollowStructure Life Page inCatalog Customizing Peak Torque (Nm)Reduction RatioVariation Torque-weightRatio Torsional Stiffness Positioning Accuracy Lightweight Flat Shape HollowStructure Life Page in CatalogCustomizing Peak Torque (Nm)Reduction RatioOpticalGalvano Scanners Servo Drivers ControlSystems Rotary Systems Direct Transmission Systems Actuators Sensors LSARP-BRHFHA -Cmini FHA-C RSF•RKFLBC LA LAH -46LNPLAH -80High Accuracy, High Response Position and Speed ControlWith Shaft Control FunctionFor Position Control Only For Position Control OnlyFor AC Servomotors For DC Servomotors Compact Cylinder Type Stepping Motors Compact Cylinder Type DC Servomotors Compact Hollow Shaft Flat TypeHollow Shaft Flat TypeCompact Cylinder Type AC Servomotors AC ServomotorsDC Servomotors Stepping Motors High-thrust Positioning Type Low-thrust Positioning TypeMedium-thrust Positioning TypeLow-thrust Positioning Type High-thrust Positioning TypeHigh-Resolution Absolute Angle Detection Super-compact Encoders, Micro Encoders MIT SeriesMicro EncoderHA -655 Series HA -675 Series HA -520 SeriesHS -360 Series SeriesProduct Group★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★31★★★1.8~8.50.0082~0.05CE,ULCE,UL ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★34343434★★★★★★★★29★★8.3~5435~70280.39~20180~50★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★252627★★★★★★★★1.8~2839~6901.5~330200~6096~3530~60 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★3030303030★★★★★★★★★★6000~120004939210kg30006000~12000493921.5300010~200.9~100.9~1013~150.9~10★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★3233★★★★★★★★★The combinations with actuator and driver may not fully be complied with foreign safety standards. Please contact our sales office.★★★★★★★★★★★★★Maximum Driving Force (N)Maximum Speed (mm/s)Stroke (mm)Peak Torque (Nm)Maximum Speed (rpm)Peak Torque (Nm)Maximum Speed (rpm)VariationRepeatability Resolution Moment Stiffness Servo Performance Hollow Structure Thinness Lightweight Page in CatalogVariationRepeatability Resolution Stiffness Compactness Lightweight Page in Catalog Repeatability Linearity Stiffness Servo Performance Drift Characteristic Compactness Lightweight Moment of Inertia (g •cm)Torque Constant (N •m/A)Page in CatalogRobustness Super Long Life Resolution Compactness Lightweight Compatibility toHost Computer Absolute Detection System Incremental System Page inCatalogVariationPage in Catalog Repeatability Resolution Moment Stiffness Servo Performance Hollow Structure ThinnessLightweight Compactness Page in CatalogInterface to Absolute Interface to Incremental International Safety Standard Functional Versatility Display Function Valve Position Command Analog Speed Command Mono-shaft Control (Command)Compactness Peak Torque (Nm)Maximum Speed (rpm)VariationPage in Catalog Repeatability Resolution Moment Stiffness Servo Performance Hollow Structure Thinness Lightweight CompactnessHarmonic Drive Gearing CSG (P10)CSD (P11)CSF (P12)SHF (P14)SHG (P13)HDUF (P21)HDUR (P21)CSG-2UH (P15)CSF-2UH (P16)SHF-2UH (P18)SHG-2UH (P17)CSF-1U (P19)SHD-2SH (P20)CSF-GH (P24)HPG (P25)Gear Head TypeHDB (P22)HDT (P23)Infi nit-Indexer (P26)Rotary Servo ActuatorsFHA-C mini (P27)FHA-C (P28)RSF (P30)RHS-25 (P32)RFS-25 (P32)RH (P30)LBC (P36)LA (P36)LAH-46 (P36)LAH-80 (P36)LNP (P36)Optical Galvano Scanners SensorsLSA (P37)MIT (P38)Micro Encoder (P39)Servo DriversHA-655 HA-675 (P40)HA-520 (P40)HS-360 (P40)Powerhub (P29)HHA Chamberlink™ (P33)LPA (P34)• Compact and simple design • High torque capacity • High stiffness • Non-backlash • High positioning and rotational accuracies To realize a high load capacity and high reliability, the torque capacity has been increased by 30%. Units that allow easy mounting are also available. (See page 15.)Li f e : 10,000hPermissible Maximum Momentary T orque Average Ratcheting T orque Permissible Peak T orque Rated T orque Life (Hours)CSG Series Component/Cup Type - High-torque Type Speed reducer• Super thin• Hollow structure• High repeatabilityResponding to the market needs, seven models of the new Harmonic Drive CSDseries have been succeeded in downsizing.The CSD series is designed for applications requiring ultra compact size.L i f e : 7,000hH a r m o n i c D r i v e G e a r i n g C S D S e r i e s •CSD Series RatingsCSD SeriesComponent/Cup Type - Super Flat Type Speed reducer Ha r m o n i c D r i v e G e a r i n g C S D S e r i e s•CSF Series Ratings• Compact• High torque capacity• High stiffness• Non-backlash• High positioning and rotational accuracies• Coaxial input and outputFor downsizing purpose, the axial length has been reduced to aboutone half. Units that allow easy mounting are also available. (See page 16.)L i f e: 7,000hCSF SeriesComponent/Cup Type - Standard Type Speed reducer•Permissible Maximum Momentary Torque Average Ratcheting Torque Permissible Peak Torque Rated Torque Life (Hours)• Large bore with hollow hole, flat shape• Non-backlash• Excellent positioning and rotational accuracies• Coaxial input and output shaft• Compact and simple design• High torque capacity• High stiffnessTo realize a high load capacity and high reliability, the torquecapacity has been increasedL i f e : 10,000hSHG SeriesComponent/Silk Hat Type - High-torque Type Speed reducer Ha r m o n i c D r i v e S H G G e a r i n g S e r i e s•SHF Series RatingsPlease contact Harmonic Drive LLCfor a detailed catalog of this product.• Large bore with hollow hole, flat shape • Compact and simple design • Non-backlash • High torque capacity • High positioning and rotational accuracies • High stiffness • Coaxial input and output shaft To minimize the space of machines and systems and for a total cost reduction, the SHF series has achieved a large bore with hollow hole and flat shape. Units thatallow easy mounting are also available. (See page 18.)L i f e : 7,000hSHF SeriesComponent/Silk Hat Type - Standard Type Speed reducer•CSG Series Ratings• “Basic dynamic rated load” is a constant stationary radial load that achieves a basic dynamic rated life of the bearing of one million revolutions.“Basic static rated load” is a static load that achieves a contact stress of a constant level (4kN/mm 2) at the center of a contact zone between the rolling element receiving a maximum load and track.• The moment stiffnesses are mean values.•Cross Roller Bearing SpecificationPlease contact Harmonic Drive LLC for a detailed catalog of this product.• High torque capacity• High stiffness • Compact and simple design• Non-backlash• High positioning and rotational accuracies • Coaxial input and outputTo realize of a high load capacity and high reliability, the torque capacity hasbeen increased by 30%.L i f e : 10,000hCSG SeriesUnit/High-torque Type Speed reducer Ha r m o n i c D r i v e G e a r i n g C S F S e r i e s• “Basic dynamic rated load” is a constant stationary radial load that achieves a basic dynamic rated life of the bearing of one million revolutions.“Basic static rated load”is a static load that achieves a contact stress of a constant level (4kN/mm 2) at the center of a contact zone between the rolling element receiving a maximum load and track.• The moment stiffnesses are mean values.L i f e : 7,000hTo meet with minimum space requirement, the axial length has been reduced to about one half.• Compact and simple design • High torque capacity • High stiffness• Non-backlash• High positioning and rotational accuracies• Coaxial input and output CSF Series Unit/Standard Type Speed reducer• “Basic dynamic rated load” is a constant stationary radial load that achieves a basic dynamic rated life of the bearing of one million revolutions.“Basic static rated load” is a static load that achieves a contact stress of a constant level (408kN/mm 2) at the center of a contact zone between the rolling element receiving a maximum load and track.To realize a high load capacity and high reliability, the torque capacity has beenincreased by 30%.• Large bore with hollow hole, flat shape• Non-backlash• High positioning and rotational accuracies• Coaxial input and output• Compact and simple design• High torque capacity• High stiffnessL i f e : 10,000hSHG SeriesUnit/High-torque Hollow Shaft, High-torque Shaft Input Types Simple Unit/High-torque Flat, Hollow, High-torque Flat TypesSHG-2UH Speed reducer Ha r m o n i c D r i v e G e a r i n g C S F S e r i e s•SHF Series Ratings• “Basic dynamic rated load” is a constant stationary radial load that achieves a basic dynamic rated life of the bearing of one million revolutions.“Basic static rated load” is a static load that achieves a contact stress of a constant level (408kN/mm 2) at the center of a contact zone between the rolling element receiving a maximum load and track.•Cross Roller Bearing SpecificationTo minimize space for machines and systems and a total cost reduction,the SHF series has achieved a large bore with hollow hole and flat shape.• Large bore with hollow hole, flat shape • Non-backlash• High positioning and rotational accuracies• Coaxial input and output• Compact and simple design• High torque capacity • High stiffness L i f e : 7,000hSHF Series Unit/Hollow Shaft, Shaft Input Types Simple Unit/Flat-hollow, Flat Types Speed reducerTo realize a minimum space requirement, the axial length has been reduced to about one half.Four compact models are available in this mini series.• Non-backlash, high positioning and rotational accuracies• Compact, lightweight, high torque capacity• High load capacity• Compact 4-point contact ball bearing mounted in main shaft• Versatile reduction ratio range and shapes to meet with various applicationsL i f e : 7,000h CSF mini SeriesUnit/Compact Double Shaft Type Gear Head Type/Small Capacity TypeCSF-1U CSF-2XH Speed reducer Ha r m o n i c D r i v e G e a r i n g C S F m i n i S e r i e s•SHD Series Ratings• “Basic dynamic rated load” is a constant stationary radial load that achieves a basic dynamic rated life of the bearing of one million revolutions.“Basic static rated load”is a static load that achieves a contact stress of a constant level (4kN/mm 2) at the center of a contact zone between the rolling element receiving a maximum load and track.•Cross Roller Bearing SpecificationA simple unit type comprised of a cross roller bearing of high moment stiffness on the output side. Six models are available in the series.• Super flat shape • Hollow structure • High positioning accuracyL i f e : 7,000hSHD Series Simple Unit/Super Flat, Hollow Type Speed reducer•HUUF , HDUR Series RatingsHDUF HDUR Component/Pan Cake Standard Type • Unit/Phase Adjusting Unit Standard Type The HDUF and HDUR series are designed fl at and thin as a component tobe installed in a customer-supplied assembly.L i f e :3,000hSpeed reducer Ha r m o n i c D r i v e G e a r i n g H D U F , H D U R S e r i e s HDUF and HDUR Series• The HDB series achieves a 1:1 gear ratio• Precise phasing between input and output is achieved• HDB Series RatingsHDB Series• Zero backlash• Precise positional accuracy• Large center through hole• High ratio• High torque• ± 5 arc second repeatability• HDT Series RatingsHDT SeriesHa r m o n i c D r i v e G e a r i n g H D TThis quick connect design allows easy installation and mounting of a wide variety of servo motors.• Easy mounting with servomotors manufactured by various manufacturers • Versatile variation • Excellent sealed structure • Non-backlash • High moment capacity L i f e : 7,000hCSF-GH Series High-performance Gear Head/Small- and Medium-capacity Motor Type for Servomotors The CSF-GH series is designed to mount to a range of servo motors with output powerranging from 30W to 5000W.Speed reducer• Highly accurate Planetary gearhead• Short delivery (Some models can be delivered in one week)• High torque capacity• High moment capacity• Easy mounting with servomotors manufactured by variousmanufacturers• Low backlash: Less than 3 arc min (less than 1 minute option)• High efficiency, 90% or higher. (85% only for Model 14)• Excellent sealed structure• Double shaft type as new modelL i f e: 20,000hHPG SeriesHigh-performance Gear Head Type/Small-and Medium-capacity Motors for ServomotorsThe HPG series is designed to mount to a range of servo motors with output power ranging from30W to 5000W.Speed reducerHarmonicPlanetaryHPGSeriesSpeed reducer •3 Models, 6 Bore Sizes Available From StockInputOutputTo operate, hand rotate the adjusting ring in eitherdirection to produce a 100:1 reduction between the ringand the output. Adjust the friction adjustment/lockingscrew to desired resistance. For some applications,one djustment will be suffi cient for both shaft turningand phase adjusting modes. For more severe loading,such as hard stopping or higher torques, the frictionadjustment/locking screw may be used to lock theadjusting ring in place to maintain phase.• Fine tune rotational position of shafts and machine parts• Phase cams• Adjust roll registration• Take up backlash in spur and worm gears• Synchronize indexing devicesInfi nit-Indexers® are available from immediately from stock in the standard bore sizes shown,with keyways and set screws, and tapped holes for face mounting of either hub. It is possiblefor the user to modify these confi gurations by disassembling the unit. The hub material islow carbon mild steel suitable for each size are shown in notes to the dimensional drawings.Additional sizes and confi gurations are available by special order.IN-LINE SHAFT IN-LINE SHAFT CONCENTRIC SHAFTFlexible CouplingsAdapterInfi nit-Indexer® Phase AdjusterHDI Size L DIM-10 1.09-25 1.34-50 1.43•FHA-C mini Series Ratings• 1 The figures in the table are those at the output shaft.• 2 The figures are measured when combined with an HA-655 servo driver.• 3 The figures are typical values.• 4 The quad encoder resolution is obtained by the formula (motor encoder resolution) x4 x (reduction ratio)This series servo actuators are comprised of harmonic drive components for precise motioncontrol and super-flat AC servo motors. The body width is less than half of old models andhas a large through hole in the center of the shaft through which electric cables, air pipe,and even laser beam can be passed through this through hole to simplify the entirestructure of the machine and system.The FHA-mini series is designed to operate with a wide range of third-party drivers, as wellas Harmonic Drive LLC’s HA655 and HA675 drivers.FHA-C mini SeriesAC Servo Actuators Actuators AC S e r v o A c t u a t o r F H A -C m i n i S e r i e s•• 1 The figures in the table are those at the output shaft.• 2 The figures are measured when combined with an HA-655 servo driver.• 3 The figures are typical values.• 4 The quad encoder resolution is obtained by the formula (motor encoder resolution) x4 x (reduction ratio)This series servo actuators are comprised of Harmonic drive components for precise motion control and super-flat AC servo motors. The body width is less than half of old models and has a large through hole in the center of the shaft through which electric cables, air pipes, and even laser beam can be passed through this through hole to simplify the entire structure of the machine and system.The FHA-C series is designed to operate with a wide range of third party drivers as well as Harmonic Drive LLC’s HA655 and HA675 drivers.FHA-C Series AC Servo Actuators Actuatos•Specifi cationsBenefi ts of the PowerHub include:• High torque• Positional accuracy• Fast response• Smooth, repeatable performance• More compact than competitive products• Handles large thrust and moment loadsActuatorsPowerHub™Po w e r H u b ™ H a r m o n i c D r i v e S e r v o A c t u a t o rAC Servo Actuators The AC servo actuators in the RSF series are comprised of Harmonic drive component for precise motion control and an AC servomotor, featuring a high torque, high rotational accuracy in compact design. The RSF series AC servo actuators are best suited as positioning drive for machines and systems that require downsizing.•RSF Series RatingsNote 1: The table shows typical output values of actuators.Note 2: the values in the table above are obtained when it is combined with the combined driver (HA-680-4B-24).Note 3: All values are typical.Note 4: T he moment of inertia is the total value of the motor shaft and Harmonic Drive moment of inertia values converted to the output side.The values in parentheses are for equipment with a brake.Note 5: The encoder resolution is (motor shaft encoder resolution when multiplied by 4) x (gear ratio).RSF Series Actuatos•RH Series RatingsThe DC servo actuator RH series are comprised of Harmonic drive componentfor precision motion control and a DC servomotor, featuring a high torque,high rotational accuracy in compact design compactness. The RH series DCservo actuators are best suited as positioning drive sources for machines andsystems that require downsizing.RH SeriesDC Servo ActuatorsDrawings (DXF) can be downloaded from our home page. URL: DC S e r v o A c t u a t o r R H S e r i e sPlease Note:1) The values are for saturated actuator temperature. Other values are for actuator temperature of 20˚C.2) Maximum allowable values. Under no circumstances may these limits be exceeded.3) Cantilevered load applied at the midpoint of the shaft extension.•RHS/RFS Series DC Servo ActuatorsRHS-25RFS-25• Small, lightweight, and high-torque• Standard lineup of actuators with a brake • Superior positioning precision • Stable controllabilityRHS/RFS Series• Precise positional accuracy• No rotary seals required• Motor removable allowing bake out• Integral feedthrough to vacuum•SpecificationsHHA Chamberlink ®V ac u u m F e ed t h r o u g h Se r v o A c t u a t o r• Less than 1 arc minute positional accuracy• Compact design• Axial length of less than 2.6 inches• Integral high performance brushless servo motor• Double row angular contact output bearings• High axial and moment loads• Superior torque to weight ratio• Adaptable to most controllers• Low vibration• High overhung loadPlease contact factory with more information.•LPA• 1 Varies with the reduction ratio of the Harmonic Drive incorporated in the actuator.• Use the Suruga Seiki Co.,LTD. Micro Module PG Series product for the table.The adopting high precision screw have realized high positioning accuacy to the micron and sub-micron order required in measuring instruments, test and inspection systems, optical equipment, semiconductor and liquid crystal manufacturing equipment.LBC, LA•LAH and LNP Series Precision Linear Actuators LA LNPDrawings (DXF) can be downloaded from our home page. URL: ActuatosOptical Scanners•LSA Series Ratings• 1: All angles are mechanical angles.• 2: Values are at combination with a standard Harmonic driverThe Galvano optical scanner LSA series for high-response andhigh-accuracy optical scanning are comprised of an uniquecompact motor and optical sensor. The combination with adedicated driver allows continuous scanning, random access andother optimal scanning in accordance with command signals.Galvano Optical Scanners LSA SeriesGa l v a n o m e t e r S c a n n e r s L S A S e r i e s•MIT Series RatingsThe MIT series are robust angle detection systems of amagnetic-induction type that can detect an absolute angle. The sensor output signals can be easily connected to a personal computer by a signal conversion circuit of PCI- or ISA-bus compatible.MIT SeriesSignal Converter Circuit• 1: “Windows” is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. of the United States.Drawings (DXF) can be downloaded from our home page. URL: •Micro Encoder Series RatingsThe micro encoder series are incremental encoders with the world’s smallestresolution enabling a function for output of three short waves (wavelengths).Micro Encoder SeriesPlease contact Harmonic Drive LLCfor a detailed catalog of this product.Mi c r o E n c o d e r S e r i e sServo Drivers•Servo Driver SpecificationsHA-655 SeriesAC Servo Digital Drivers HA-655 SeriesHA-520 SeriesHA-675 SeriesHS-360 Series DC Servo Drivers HS-360 Series•Combinations with Actuator and DriverRotary ActuatorsGalvano Optical ScannerCombinations with DriverDriverHarmonic Drive LLCw w w.H a r m o n i c D r i v e.n e t • 800-921-333241S e r v o D r i v e rIndustrial robots Amusement robotsRobot peripheral equipmentIndirect drive Hand driveTraveling shaft drive Indexing table Peripheral equipmentIndirect drive Hand drive Vision sensor drive Torque sensing driveTool revolver drive Tool changer drive Tool magazine drive Work positioning equipment Rotary table driveTool positioning equipment driveDirect transmission shaft drive Shaft driveMachining centers Turning centers NC lathesWork transfer systems Grinders EDM systemsBending machines Rolling machines PressesWork transfer systemsBent work driveWork positioning machine driveWork reversing machinePrinting presses Folding machines Paper changing machines Paper positioning machines Paper machinesTension controllers Cutting blade positioning machinesPhase adjusting machines Paper surface/back controlling machineRoller position adjusting machinesRoller height adjustmentHumanoid RobotsRobotsHumanoid RobotsMetal Machine ToolsMetal Working MachinesPrinting, Bookbinding and Paper Processing MachinesApplicationsCSG CSD CSF SHG SHF SHD HPG HP-FCSG CSD CSF SHG SHF SHD HPGFHA-C RSF Micro EncoderCSG CSF SHG SHF HPG FHA-C RSF LAHSHG SHF HPG FHA-C RSF LSACSG CSF SHG SHF FB FR FD HPGFHA-C MITMicro Encoder。
齿轮和轴类零件需通过切削加 工,确保各部分尺寸和形状精 度。
所有零件装配完成后,需进行 严格的调试和测试,确保传动 性能达到设计要求。
对成品进行质量检测,确保各 项性能指标符合标准。
衡量谐波齿轮传动系统在传递功率时 的效率,通常以百分比表示。
通过测量和分析传动过程中的振动和噪声, 评估其工作平稳性和可靠性。
检测谐波齿轮在长时间工作过程中的温升和 热稳定性。
利用动态测试技术分析谐波齿轮的动态响应 和稳定性。
选用高强度、耐磨、耐腐蚀的材料,并进行 适当的热处理以提高其机械性能。
随着人工智能和物联网技术 的发展,未来谐波齿轮传动 将更加智能化,能够实现自
未来谐波齿轮传动的研究将 涉及更多学科领域,如机械 工程、控制工程、材料科学
未来谐波齿轮传动将更加注 重环保和节能,采用更加高 效、低能耗的设计和制造工
随着技术的不断进步和应用 需求的增加,谐波齿轮传动 将在更多领域得到应用和推
由于采用弹性元件传递动力,谐 波齿轮传动装置体积小、重量轻 。
通过调整波发生器和柔轮的尺寸 ,可以实现较大的传动比。
谐波齿轮减速器工作原理谐波齿轮减速器(Harmonic Drive)是一种新型的高精度、大扭矩、超薄型的减速器,广泛应用于机械设备中。
1. 基本结构谐波齿轮减速器由三个主要部分组成:柔轮(flexspline)、刚性齿轮(circular spline)和波发生器(wave generator)。
2. 工作原理谐波齿轮减速器的工作原理是通过波发生器的弯曲来实现传动。
3. 谐波珠与弹性材料的作用在谐波齿轮减速器中,谐波珠起到了关键的作用。
4. 优点谐波齿轮减速器相对于传统的齿轮箱具有以下几个优点:4.1 高精度:谐波齿轮减速器的传动误差非常小,可以实现非常精确的位置控制。
4.2 大扭矩:谐波齿轮减速器采用双齿轮传动,能够提供大扭矩输出。
4.3 超薄型:谐波齿轮减速器结构紧凑,可节省安装空间。
4.4 高效率:谐波齿轮减速器由于采用了滚动摩擦传动,具有较高的传动效率。
5. 应用领域。
谐波传动原理谐波传动Harmonic Drive是由美国发明家C. Walt Musser马瑟于上世纪50年代中期发明创造的。
4. 体积小、重量轻:相比普通的齿轮装置,体积和重量可以大幅降低,实现小型化、轻量化。
6.传动平稳、无冲击,噪音小编号规格1 品种规格我公司的谐波减速器按照柔轮的形状可分为杯形与中空形两大类,每类又根据柔轮的长度又分为标准和短筒两种型号。
2 编号规则产品编号由我司英文缩写、产品形式代号、规格代号、减速比、结构代号及输入端与波发生器凸轮连接形式六部分组成,各部分之间用“-”连接。
工业机器人核心部件-谐波减速器作者:csuzhm2009-03-24 00:18 星期二晴机器人驱动系统要求传动系统间隙小、刚度大、输出扭矩高以及减速比大,常用的减速机构有:1)RV减速机构;2)谐波减速机械;3)摆线针轮减速机构;4)行星齿轮减速机械;5)无侧隙减速机构;6)蜗轮减速机构;7)滚珠丝杠机构;8)金属带/齿形减速机构;9)球减速机构。
在传动过程中,波发生器转一周,柔轮上某点变形的循环次数称为波数,以n 表示。
41、实际上,我们想要的不是针对犯 罪的法 律,而 是针对 疯狂的 法律。 ——马 克·吐温 42、法律的力量应当跟随着公民,就 像影子 跟随着 身体一 样。— —贝卡 利亚 43、法律和制度必须跟上人类思想进 步。— —杰弗 逊 44、人类受制于法律,法律受制于情 每一个人 自由发 挥自己 的才能 ,而不 是为了 束缚他 的才能 。—— 罗伯斯 庇尔
16、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。——华盛顿 17、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。——罗素·贝克 18、最大的挑战和突破在于用人,而用人最大的突破在于信任人。——马云 19、自己活着,就是为了使别人过得更美好。——雷锋 20、要掌握书,莫被书掌握;要为生而读,莫为读而生。——布尔沃
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ig Hb n nb g n nH Hn 0 g n n H H igH 1Z Zb g
igH 1Z Zb g
Zg Zb Zg
五、柔轮、波发生器 常见的结构型式
波发生器主动, 单级减速,结构 简单,传动比范 围较大,效率较 高,应用极广, i=75~500。
波发生器主动, 单级减速,结构 简单,传动比范 围较大,效率较 高,可用于中小 型减速器, i=75~500。
波发生器的旋转方 向与柔轮的转动方 向相反。
三、单级谐波齿轮常见的 传动形式和应用
柔轮的结构型式与谐波传动的结构类型选择 有关。柔轮和输出轴的联结方式直接影响谐 波传动的稳定性和工作性能。
结构简单,联接方便,制造容易,刚性较大,应用较 普遍。
轴向尺寸较小,扭转刚性好,传动精度较高,联接方 便,承载能力较大。
轴向尺寸较小,结构简单,制造方便,但载荷沿齿宽 分布不均匀。
主讲 周兰
谐波齿轮传动是谐波齿轮行星传动的 简称。是一种少齿差行星传动。通常 由刚性圆柱齿轮G、柔性圆柱齿轮R、
柔轮和刚轮的齿形有直线三角齿形和 渐开线齿形两种,以后者应用较多 。
柔轮主动,单 级微小减速, 传动比准确, 适用于高精度 微调传动装置,
以刚轮固定,柔轮输出为例,推导传 动比的计算公式。
当刚轮固定时,nG=0。如果反过来看, 即将柔轮当做输入,刚轮当做输出, 则:
1、减速器的主要构成; 2、减速器的运动型式(指出哪 个部件固定、主动和从动轴); 3、波发生器的结构型式; 4、柔轮采用何种输出方式。
谐波齿轮传动既可用做减速器,பைடு நூலகம்可 用做增速器。柔轮、刚轮、波发生器 三者任何一个均可固定,其余二个一 为主动,另一个为从动。
传动比大,且外形轮廓小,零件数目 少,传动效率高。效率高达92%~96%, 单级传动比可达50~4000。
波发生器的长度比未变形的柔轮内圆直径 大:当波发生器装入柔轮内圆时,迫使柔 轮产生弹性变形而呈椭圆状,使其长轴处 柔轮轮齿插入刚轮的轮齿槽内,成为完全 啮合状态;而其短轴处两轮轮齿完全不接 触,处于脱开状态。由啮合到脱开的过程
承载能力较高:柔轮和刚轮之间为面接 触多齿啮合,且滑动速度小,齿面摩损 均匀。
柔轮和刚轮的齿侧间隙是可调:当柔轮 的扭转刚度较高时,可实现无侧隙的高 精度啮合。
谐波齿轮传动可用来由密封空间向外部 或由外部向密封空间传递运动。
谐波齿轮传动中,刚轮 的 齿数 zG 略大 于 柔轮 的 齿 数 zR, 其 齿 数 差 要 根 据波发生器转一周柔轮 变形时与刚轮同时啮合 区域数目来决定。即zGzR=u。 目 前 多 用 双 波 和 三波传动。错齿是运动 产生的原因
结构简单,制造方便,形成波峰容易,但 柔轮变形未被积极控制,承载能力较低,
柔轮变形全周被积极控制,承载能力较高, 多用于不宜采用偏心盘式或凸轮式波发生 器的特大型传动。
波发生器是迫使柔轮发生弹性变形的 重要元件,按变形的波数不同,常用 的有双波和三波两种。双波发生器的