世亚行采购指南-第一章 世行亚行采购综述

总则 2.12 (a) 招标文件应包括适合于实行本指南要求的规定,在亚行与借款人双方同意
的情况下,可以有一些特别的变动。 (b) 招标文件必须向投标商提供其准备响应性投标书所必需的全部信息。尽管
招标文件的细节和复杂程度视采购的货物种类及合同的规模而不同,但通 常应包括以下各项:投标邀请;投标商须知;投标书格式;合同条款,包 括一般条款和特别条款;技术规格;数量清单与图纸;价格表;以及必要 的附件、投标保证金和履约保证金函的格式。 (c) 借款人应使用亚行发布的合适的标准招标文件。为解决具体国家和具体项 目的特殊问题,可允许对标准招标文件有最小限度的特别变动。这些变动 应符合本指南的要求,并须经亚行的同意。任何此类变动只能放在投标商 须知里和合同的特别条款或特别应用条款中。如果亚行没有发布相关的标 准招标文件,借款人应使用亚行可接受的其它国际上认可的招标文件。这 些招标文件应最大程度地符合亚行标准招标文件的要求。 对亚行的提法 2.13 如果合同将得到亚行全部或部分资助,在招标文件中对亚行的提法应使用以下 语句:
2. 国际竞争性招标
(1) 总则 2.01 国际竞争性招标旨在向借款人提供广泛的机会,从相互竞争的供货商、承包商 中选择最佳投标,并向所有来自合格国家的有意参加亚行贷款采购货物和工程投标的 投标商提供充分、公平和平等的机会。为此,亚行要求借款人在准备招标文件和合同 文件时遵守特定的指南,并按照特定的程序进行刊登投标邀请广告、受标、开标和评 标。此外,草拟的招标文件、评标报告以及拟定的授标合同,都需按照本指南第四部 分的规定,事先要经亚行审核并批准。

为此,银行贷款的采购有以下三个差不多原则:(a)受上述1.01段的限制,关于源于专门基金贷款的采购,贷款资金只能用于银行成员国所提供的物资和土建工程的采购,除非董事会按照银行协定条款中第14 (I X)款另行规定。
1.05为确保高效益而采纳的国际竞争性招标采购程序,在本指南第I I章和第IV章中有所描述;第III章则阐述了在何种情形下采纳哪种方法,比国际竞争性招标更经济有效。

1. 报告名称报告名称应简单明了,能够清晰地表达采购内容,通常为“XX项目公共采购报告”,其中“XX”代表项目名称。
2. 报告摘要报告摘要是报告的概述,主要包括:•采购目的和范围;•采购方式和标准;•中标方信息;•采购金额和时间;•采购过程评估。
3. 项目概述项目概述是对采购项目内容的详细描述,包括但不限于:•项目名称;•项目的目的、背景和意义;•项目的范围和要求;•所需产品或服务的详细描述。
4. 采购标准采购标准是指供应商需要符合的条件和规范要求,包括但不限于:•技术要求;•质量标准;•服务要求;•药品、医疗器械等产品的生产许可证或注册证等证明文件。
5. 采购方法采购方法是指采用的公共采购方式,可根据采购项目特点选择不同的采购方式,包括但不限于:•招标;•拍卖;•竞争性谈判;•直接委托;•邀请招标等。
6. 采购流程采购流程是指采购过程中各项工作的具体内容和顺序,包括但不限于:•采购计划编制;•采购公告发布;•投标文件准备和提交;•评标过程、评标委员会组建等。
7. 中标方信息中标方信息是指获得中标资格的供应商的相关信息,包括但不限于:•单位名称;•法定代表人;•注册资金;•供应商从事的业务范围;•拥有的资质证书、执照等。
8. 采购过程评估采购过程评估是指对采购过程和结果进行评估和反馈,包括但不限于:•评估采购方式是否合理;•评估评标委员会的专业能力和公正性;•评估中标方的能力和信誉等。

世界银行招标采购指南国际复兴开发银行贷款和国际开放协会信贷采购指南1995年1月第一次印刷1996年1月第二次印刷1996年8月第三次印刷1997年9月第四次印刷ISBN0-8213-3218-X目录一、概述 (6)1.1目的 (6)1.2一般考虑因素 (6)1.5指南的适用性 (7)1.6合格性 (7)1.8对上述例外的有: (7)1.9提前签订合同与追溯贷款 (8)1.10联营体 (8)1.11银行审查 (8)1.12保留采购 (9)1.13错误采购 (9)1.14对银行的提法 (9)1.15欺诈和腐败 (9)注释: (11)二、国际竞争性招标 (12)(一)总则 (12)2.1概述 (12)2.2合同的类型和规模 (12)2.6两步法招标 (13)2.7通告和广告 (13)2.9对投标人的资格预审 (14)(二)招标文件 (14)2.11概述 (14)2.13投标有效性和投标保证金 (15)2.15语言 (15)2.16招标文件的明晰度 (15)2.19标准 (16)2.20商标的使用 (16)2.24价格调整 (17)2.26运输和保险 (17)2.28货币规定 (18)2.29投标货币 (18)2.31为比较投标进行的货币转换 (19)2.32付款货币 (19)2.34付款条件和方法 (19)2.37合同条款 (20)2.38履约保证金 (20)2.40违约赔偿和奖励条款 (20)2.41不可抗力 (21)2.42适用法律和争端的解决 (21)(三)开标、评标和授标 (22)2.43投标书的准备时间 (22)2.44开标程序 (22)2.45对投标书的澄清或修正 (22)2.46保密性 (22)2.47投标书的检查 (23)2.48对投标的评估和比较 (23)2.54国内优惠 (24)2.56投标有效期的延长 (24)2.57对投标人的资格后审 (24)2.58授予合同 (25)2.59拒绝所有投标 (25)(四)经修改的国际竞争性招标 (25)2.63快速支付业务 (26)2.65商品的采购 (26)注释: (27)3.1总则 (29)3.2有限国际招标(LIB) (29)3.3国内竞争性招标 (29)3.5询价采购(国际和国内) (30)3.7直接采购(直采) (30)3.8自营工程 (31)3.10采购代理 (31)3.11验收代理 (31)3.12中间金融机构贷款的采购 (32)3.14由银行提供担保的贷款项下的采购 (32)3.15社区参与采购 (33)注释: (34)附录一银行对采购决定的审查 (35)1.采购计划安排 (35)2.事前审查 (35)3.合同修改 (36)4.事后审查 (36)5.翻译 (36)附录二国内优惠 (38)1.对国内制造的货物的优惠 (38)7对国内承包人的优惠 (39)附录三支付 (40)附录四投标人指南 (41)1.目的 (41)2.采购的责任 (41)3.银行的作用 (41)5.招标信息 (42)6.投标人的角色 (42)11.银行采取的行动 (43)15.汇报情况 (43)注释: (44)一、概述1.1目的本《指南》的目的,在于使项目实施人员了解有关货物和土建工程(包括相关服务)(注1)采购所应做的安排,这些安排是由国际复兴开发银行(IBRD)或国际开发协会(IDA)(注2)提供全部或部分融资。

58668国际复兴开发银行贷款和国际开发协会信贷与赠款世界银行借款人货物、工程和非咨询服务采购指南2011 年1 月2011 年所有国家复兴开发银行/世界银行.DOC 版本.美国华盛顿特区西北区 H 街 1818 号邮政编码:204332011 年 1 月2012 年 3 月第一次印刷说明本文为世界银行 2011 年 1 月出版的《世界银行借款人货物、工程和非咨询服务采购指南》的中译文,仅供参考。
目 录一、概述 ............................................................................................................................. (1)1.1 目的.......................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 一般考虑因素 .................................................................................................................... (1)1.5 指南的适用性 .................................................................................................................... (2)1.6 利益冲突 .................................................................................................................... (2)1.8 合格性 ........................................................................................................................ (3)1.11 提前签订合同与追溯贷款 .................................................................................................... 3 1.12 联营体 ........................................................................................................................ (3)1.13世行的审查 .................................................................................................................. (4)1.14错误采购 ................................................................................................................................. 4 1.15 对世行的提法 .................................................................................................................. (4)1.16 欺诈和腐败 ........................................................................................................................ (4)1.18 采购计划 .............................................................. ................................................................ ... 6 二、国际竞争性招标 ............................................................. .. (7)(一)总则 ........................................................................................................................ (7).DOC 版本.2.1 概述 .................................................................................................................... (7)2.2 合同的类型和规模 .................................................................................................................. 7 2.6 两阶段招标 .................................................................................................................... (7)2.7 招标通知和公告 ........................................................... (8)2.9 对投标人的资格预审 .............................................................................................................. 8 (二)招标文件 .................................................................................................................................. 9 2.11 总则 .................................................................................................................... (9)2.13 投标有效期和投标保证金 ........................................................... (9)2.15 语言.................................................................................................................. (9)2.16 招标文件的明晰性 ........................................................ (10)2.19 标准 .................................................................................................................. (10)2.20品牌的使用 ................................................................................................................ (10)2.21报价 ....................................................................................................................................... 11 2.24 调价 ................................................................................................................ (11)2.26 运输和保险 ........................................................... ................................................................ 11 2.28 货币规定 ........................................................... .................................................................... 12 2.29 投标货币 ........................................................... ............................................................. (12)2.31为比较投标价格进行的货币转换 ........................................................ (12)2.32付款货币 .................................................................................................................. (13)2.34 付款条件和方法 ........................................................... .. (13)2.37 备选方案投标 ........................................................... ............................................................13 2.38 合同条款 ........................................................... ............................................................. (13).DOC 版本.2.39 履约保证金和保留金 ........................................................... (13)2.41 罚款和奖励条款 (14)2.42 不可抗力 .................................................................................................................. (14)2.43 适用的法律和争端的解决 ................................................................................................... 14 (三)开标、评标和授标 . (14)2.44 投标书的准备时间 (14)2.45 开标程序 .................................................................................................................. (14)2.46 对投标书的澄清或修正 ....................................................................................................... 15 2.47 XX 性 .................................................................................................................. (15)2.48 投标书的核查 .............................................................................................................. (15)2.49对投标书的评审和比较 ...................................................... (15)2.55 国内优惠 ............................................................................................................................... 16 2.57 投标有效期的延长 ............................................................................................................... 162.58 对投标人的资格后审 ........................................................................................................... 16 2.59 授标 ....................................................................................................................................... 16 2.60 公示授标结果 .................................................................................................................... (16)2.61 所有投标被废标 ........................................................... (17)2.65 废标原因通报会 ........................................................... (17)(四)简化的国际竞争性招标 ........................................................................................................ 17 2.66 单纯进口 ........................................................................................................................ (17)2.68 农产品和矿产品的采购 .............................................................. ......................................... 18 三、其它采购方式............................................................... . (19).DOC 版本.3.1 总则 ........................................................................................................................................ 19 3.2 有限国际招标 (19)3.3 国内竞争性招标 ........................................................... (19)3.5 询价采购 .................................................................................................................... (20)3.6 框架协议 .................................................................................................................... (20)3.7 直采........................................................................................................................................ 20 3.9 自营 .................................................................................................................... (21)3.10 从联合国机构采购 .............................................................................................................. 21 3.11 采购代理和代建方 ............................................................................................................... 22 3.12 商检代理 .............................................................................................................. (22)3.13 向中间金融机构和实体提供贷款的采购 ........................................................................... 22 3.14 公私合作模式的采购 ...................................................... (23)3.16 基于结果的采购 .............................................................................................................. (23)3.18由世行提供担保的贷款项下的采购 .......................................................... . (24)3.19社区参与的采购 ........................................................... .. (24)3.20采用借款国自己的采购程序 ........................................................... .................................... 24 附录一:世行对采购的审查以及授标公示 ........................................................... .. (25)1.采购计划与安排 .......................................................... .............................................................252.事前审查 .......................................................... ............................................................ . (25)5.事后审查 ........................................................... ............................................................. .. (26)6.从事后审查变为事前审查 ........................................................... .. (26)7.公示授标结果 ........................................................... ............................................................. (26).DOC版本. 8.对被世行制裁的公司或个人参加投标或正在履行现有合同的处理办法............................ 26 附录二:国内优惠.........................................................................................................................281. 对于国内制造货物的优惠 .......................................................... (28)8. 对国内承包商的优惠 ............................................................. .................................................. 29 附录三:投标人指南 ............................................................. .. (30)1.目的 ...................................................................................................................... (30)2.采购的责任方 ...................................................................................................................... (30)3.世行的角色 ...................................................................................................................... (30)5.招标标讯 ...................................................................................................................... (30)6.投标人的角色 ...................................................................................................................... (30)10.XX性 .................................................................................................................... (31)11.世行采取的行动 .....................................................................................................................3115. 废标情况通报会 ........................................................... (33)缩写词英文缩写英文全称中文全称BOO Build, own, operate 建设-拥有-经营BOOT Build, own, operate, transfer 建设-拥有-经营-转让BOT Build, own, transfer建设-拥有-转让CDD munity Driven Development 社区主导型发展CIF Cost, Insurance, and Freight 到岸价CIP Carriage andInsurance Paid (placeof destination)运费及保险费付至(目的地)CPT Carriage Paid to(named place of destination)运费付至(指定目的地)DDP Delivered Duty Paid 完税后交货EXW Ex works, Ex factory, or Offthe Shelf 工厂交货价FA Framework Agreements 框架协议FCA Free Carrier (named place) 货交承运人(指定地点).DOC 版本.FPA Fiduciary Principles Accord 信用原则协议 GNP Gross National Product国民生产总值IBRD International Bank forReconstruction and Development (World Bank) 国际复兴开发银行 (世界银行) ICB International petitive Bidding 国际竞争性招标 ICC International Chamber of merce 国际商会 ICSID International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes解决投资争端国际中心 IDAInternational Development Association国际开发协会IFC International Finance Corporation国际金融公司LIB Limited International Bidding 有限国际招标 MDTF Multi Donor Trust Fund 多方捐赠者信托基金MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency多边投资担保机构NCB National petitive Bidding 国内竞争性招标 NGO Nongovernmental organization 非政府组织 PAD Project Appraisal Document 项目评估文件 PPA Project Preparation Advance 项目准备基金 PPP Public Private Partnership 公私合作 PPR Procurement Post Review 采购后审 SA Special Account专用账户 SBDsStandard Bidding Documents标准招标文件SWAp Sector Wide Approach 行业贷款UCS Use of Country Systems 使用借款国自己的采购程序UN United Nations 联合国UNDB United Nations DevelopmentBusiness 联合国发展商业报.DOC版本. 一、概述目的1.1 本指南的目的在于使项目实施人员了解项目所需货物、工程和非咨询服务的采购政策,而这些项目是全部或部分地由国际复兴开发银行(简称 IBRD)贷款、国际开发协会(简称IDA)1 ( PPA)信贷或赠款、项目筹备垫款简称、世行赠款或由世行管理由受益人实施的信托基2 3金资助的。


学习改变命运,知 识创造未来
• 采购过程中的欺诈与腐败
– 腐败活动 – 欺诈活动 – 串通活动 – 施加压力 – 妨碍行为
学习改变命运,知 识创造未来
• 腐败活动
• 项目评估,包括项目评估、贷款文件谈判 和项目批准
– 项目评估
• 世界银行从技术、经济、财务、社会发展、环境和 机构等各方面对项目进行评估,编制项目评估文件 及法律文件草案
– 编制采购计划
– 贷款文件谈判和项目批准
• 世界银行和借款国就贷款文件达成一致意见,然后 将项目提交给世界银行执行董事会审批
• 成本效益原则 • 质量原则 • 进度配合原则 • 公平竞争原则
学习改变命运,知 识创造未来
• 公共采购
– 政府部门、事业单位、公共组织,用法定的形 式和程序购买货物、工程和服务的行为。
学习改变命运,知 识创造未来
– 有限国际招标(简称LIB)实 质上是一种不公开刊登广 告而直接邀请投标人投标 的国际竞争性招标(ICB)。
– 有限国际招标(LIB)作为一 种合适的采购方式,适用 于
• (a) 供货商数量有限,或
• (b)有其他作为例外的理由 说明不完全按照国际竞争 性招标(ICB)的程序进行采 购是正当的。
学习改变命运,知 识创造未来


1.Procurement Basics 采购基本介绍
Procurement Flow Diagram 采购流程图 Policy and Procedures 政策与程序 Sources 导则的来源
Responsibility for Procurement Actions 采购责任 Eligibility 合格性 Basic Principles 基本原则 Fraud and Corruption 欺诈与腐败 Applicability 适应性 Misprocurement 错误采购 Review of Procurement Actions 采购程序总揽
ADB PRCM Jiang H. (hjiang@)
1.Procurement Basics采购基本介绍
Procurement Flow Diagram 流程图
采购计划 资格预审 标书
Procurement Plan
Bidding Documents
ADB PRCM Jiang H. (hjiang@)
1.Procurement Basics采购基本介绍
Eligibility 合格性
Procurement is in member countries 采购是在亚行成员国 Goods and services are produced in and provided from member countries. 货物和服务必须生产于或提供于亚行成员国
1.Procurement Basics采购基本介绍
Eligibility 合格性

G UIDELINES P ROCUREMENT U NDER IBRDL OANS A ND IDA C REDITSMay 2004Revised October 1, 2006I. Introduction (6)1.1 Purpose (6)1.2 General Considerations (6)1.5 Applicability of Guidelines (7)1.6 Eligibility (7)1.9 Advance Contracting and Retroactive Financing (7)1.10 Joint Ventures (7)1.11 Bank Review (7)1.12 Misprocurement (7)1.13 References to Bank (7)1.14 Fraud and Corruption (7)1.16 Procurement Plan (7)II. International Competitive Bidding (7)A. General (7)2.1 Introduction (7)2.2 Type and Size of Contracts (7)2.6 Two-Stage Bidding (7)2.7 Notification and Advertising (7)2.9 Prequalification of Bidders (7)B. Bidding Documents (7)2.11 General (7)2.13 Validity of Bids and Bid Security (7)2.15 Language (7)2.16 Clarity of Bidding Documents (7)2.19 Standards (7)2.20 Use of Brand Names (7)2.21 Pricing (7)2.24 Price Adjustment (7)2.26 Transportation and Insurance (7)2.28 Currency Provisions (7)2.29 Currency of Bid (7)2.31 Currency Conversion for Bid Comparison (7)2.32 Currency of Payment (7)2.34 Terms and Methods of Payment (7)2.37 Alternative Bids (7)2.38 Conditions of Contract (7)2.39 Performance Security (7)2.41 Liquidated Damages and Bonus Clauses (7)2.42 Force Majeure (7)2.43 Applicable Law and Settlement of Disputes (7)C. Bid Opening, Evaluation, and Award of Contract (7)2.44 Time for Preparation of Bids (7)2.45 Bid Opening Procedures (7)2.46 Clarifications or Alterations of Bids (7)2.47 Confidentiality (7)2.48 Examination of Bids (7)2.49 Evaluation and Comparison of Bids (7)2.55 Domestic Preferences (7)2.57 Extension of Validity of Bids (7)2.58 Postqualification of Bidders (7)2.59 Award of Contract (7)2.60 Publication of the Award of Contract (7)2.61 Rejection of All Bids (7)2.65 Debriefing (7)D. Modified ICB (7)2.66 Operations Involving a Program of Imports (7)2.68 Procurement of Commodities (7)III. Other Methods of Procurement (7)3.1 General (7)3.2 Limited International Bidding (7)3.3 National Competitive Bidding (7)3.5 Shopping (7)3.6 Direct Contracting (7)3.8 Force Account (7)3.9 Procurement from United Nations Agencies (7)3.10 Procurement Agents (7)3.11 Inspection Agents (7)3.12 Procurement in Loans to Financial Intermediaries (7)3.13 Procurement under BOO/BOT/BOOT, Concessions and SimilarPrivate Sector Arrangements (7)3.14 Performance-Based Procurement (7)3.16 Procurement under Loans Guaranteed by the Bank (7)3.17 Community Participation in Procurement (7)Appendix 1: Review by the Bank of Procurement Decisions (7)1. Scheduling of Procurement (7)2. Prior Review (7)5. Post Review (7)Appendix 2: Domestic Preferences (7)1. Preference for Domestically Manufactured Goods (7)7. Preference for Domestic Contractors (7)Appendix 3: Guidance to Bidders (7)1. Purpose (7)2. Responsibility for Procurement (7)3. Bank’s Role (7)5. Information on Bidding (7)6. Bidder’s Role (7)10. Confidentiality (7)11. Action by the Bank (7)15.Debriefing (7)AcronymsBOO Build, own, operateBOOT Build, own, operate, transferBOT Build, operate, transferCIF Cost, Insurance, and FreightCIP Carriage and Insurance Paid (place of destination)CPT Carriage Paid To (named place of destination)DDP Delivered Duty PaidEXW Ex works, Ex factory, or Off the ShelfFCA Free Carrier (named place)GNP Gross National ProductIBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) ICB International Competitive BiddingIDA International Development AgencyLIB Limited International BiddingNCB National Competitive BiddingNGO Nongovernmental organizationPAD Project Appraisal DocumentSA Special AccountSBDs Standard Bidding DocumentsUN United NationsUNDB United Nations Development BusinessI. IntroductionPurpose1.1 The purpose of these Guidelines is to inform those carrying out a project that is financed in whole or in part by a loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) or a credit or grant from the International Development Association (IDA),1 of the policies that govern the procurement of goods, works, and services (other than consultant services) 2 required for the project. The Loan Agreement governs the legal relationships between the Borrower and the Bank, and the Guidelines are made applicable to procurement of goods and works for the project, as provided in the agreement. The rights and obligations of the Borrower and the providers of goods and works for the project are governed by the bidding3 documents, and by the contracts signed by the Borrower with the providers of goods and works, and not by these Guidelines or the Loan Agreements. No party other than the parties to the Loan Agreement shall derive any rights therefrom or have any claim to loan proceeds. General Considerations1.2 The responsibility for the implementation of the project, and therefore for the award and administration of contracts under the project, rests with the Borrower.4 The Bank, for its part, is required by its Articles of Agreement to “ ensure that the proceeds of any loan are used only for the purposes for which the loan was granted, with due attention to considerations of economy and efficiency and without regard to political or other non-economic influences or considerations,”5 and it has established detailed procedures for this purpose. While in practice the specific procurement rules and procedures to be followed in the implementation of a project depend on the circumstances of the particular case, four considerations generally guide the Bank’s requirements:1 Procurement requirements of IBRD and IDA are identical, and references in these Guidelines to the Bank include both IBRD and IDA, and references to loans include IBRD Loans as well as IDA credits or grants and project preparation advances (PPAs). References to Loan Agreement includes Development Credit Agreement, Development Financing Agreement, Development Grant Agreement, and Project Agreement. References to “Borrower” include the recipient of an IDA Grant.2References to “goods” and “works” in these Gu idelines include related services such as transportation, insurance, installation, commissioning, training, and initial maintenance. “Goods” includes commodities, raw material, machinery, equipment, and indus trial plant. The provisions of these Guidelines also apply to services which are bid and contracted on the basis of performance of a measurable physical output, such as drilling, mapping, and similar operations. These Guidelines do not refer to Consultants’ services, to which the current Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers apply (referred to herein as Consultant Guidelines).3For the purposes of these Guidelines, the words “bid” and “tender” shall have the same meaning.4 In some cases, the Borrower acts only as an intermediary, and the project is carried out by another agency or entity. References in these Guidelines to the Borrower include such agencies and entities, as well as Sub-Borrowers under on-lending arrangements.5The Bank’s Articles of Agreement; Article III, Section 5(b) and IDA’s Articles of Agreement; Article V, Section 1(g).(a) the need for economy and efficiency in the implementation of the project, includingthe procurement of the goods and works involved;(b) the Bank’s interest in giving all eligible bidders from developed and developingcountries 6 the same information and equal opportunity to compete in providinggoods and works financed by the Bank;(c) the Bank’s interest in encouraging the development of domestic contracting andmanufacturing industries in the borrowing country; and(d) the importance of transparency in the procurement process.1.3 Open competition is the basis for efficient public procurement. Borrowers shall select the most appropriate method for the specific procurement. In most cases, International Competitive Bidding (ICB), properly administered, and with the allowance for preferences for domestically manufactured goods and, where appropriate, for domestic contractors7 for works under prescribed conditions is the most appropriate method. In most cases, therefore, the Bank requires its Borrowers to obtain goods, works and services through ICB open to eligible suppliers and contractors.8 Section II of these Guidelines describes the procedures for ICB.1.4 Where ICB is not the most appropriate method of procurement, other methods of procurement may be used. Section III describes these other methods of procurement and the circumstances under which their application would be more appropriate. The particular methods that may be followed for procurement under a given project are provided for in the Loan Agreement. The specific contracts to be financed under the project, and their method of procurement, consistent with the Loan Agreement, are specified in the Procurement Plan as indicated in paragraph 1.16 of these Guidelines. Applicability of Guidelines1.5 The procedures outlined in these Guidelines apply to all contracts for goods and works financed in whole or in part from Bank loans.9 For the procurement of those contracts for goods and works not financed from a Bank loan, the Borrower may adopt other procedures. In such cases the Bank shall be satisfied that the procedures to be used will fulfill the Borrower’s obligations to cause the project to be carried out diligently and efficiently, and that the goods and works to be procured:(a) are of satisfactory quality and are compatible with the balance of the project;(b) will be delivered or completed in timely fashion; and(c) are priced so as not to affect adversely the economic and financial viability of theproject.Eligibility1.6 To foster competition the Bank permits firms and individuals from all countries to offer goods, works, and services for Bank-financed projects. Any conditions for6 See para. 1.6, 1.7, and 1.8.7For purposes of these Guidelines, “Contractor” refers only to a firm providing construction services.8 See para. 1.6, 1.7, and 1.8.9 This includes those cases where the Borrower employs a procurement agent under para. 3.10.participation shall be limited to those that are essential to ensure the firm’s capability to fulfill the contract in question10.1.7 In connection with any contract to be financed in whole or in part from a Bank loan, the Bank does not permit a Borrower to deny pre- or post-qualification to a firm for reasons unrelated to its capability and resources to successfully perform the contract; nor does it permit a Borrower to disqualify any bidder for such reasons. Consequently, Borrowers should carry out due diligence on the technical and financial qualifications of bidders to be assured of their capabilities in relation to the specific contract.1.8 As exceptions to the foregoing:(a) Firms of a country or goods manufactured in a country may be excluded if, (i) as amatter of law or official regulation, the Borrower’s countr y prohibits commercial relations with that country, provided that the Bank is satisfied that such exclusion does not preclude effective competition for the supply of goods or works required, or (ii) by an act of compliance with a decision of the United Nations SecurityCouncil taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, theBorrower’s country prohibits any import of goods from, or payments to, a particular country, person, or entity. Where the Borrower’s country prohibits payments to a particular firm or for particular goods by such an act of compliance, that firm may be excluded.(b) A firm which has been engaged by the Borrower to provide consulting services forthe preparation or implementation of a project, and any of its affiliates, shall bedisqualified from subsequently providing goods, works, or services resulting from or directly related to the firm’s consulting services for such preparation orimplementation. This provision does not apply to the various firms (consultants,contract ors, or suppliers) which together are performing the contractor’s obligations under a turnkey or design and build contract.11(c) Government-owned enterprises in the Borrower’s country may participate only ifthey can establish that they (i) are legally and financially autonomous, (ii) operate under commercial law, and (iii) are not dependent agencies of the Borrower or Sub-Borrower.12(d) A firm declared ineligible by the Bank in accordance with subparagraph (d) ofparagraph 1.14 of these Guidelines or in accordance with the World Bank GroupAnti-Corruption policies13 shall be ineligible to be awarded a Bank-financedcontract during the period of time determined by the Bank.10 The Bank permits firms and individuals from Taiwan, China, to offer goods, works, and services for Bank-financed projects.11 See para. 2.5.12 Other than Force Account units, as permitted under para. 3.8.13 For purposes of this sub-paragraph, the relevant World Bank Group Anti-Corruption policies are set forth in the Guidelines On Preventing and Combating Fraud and Corruption in Projects financed by IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and Grants, and in the Anti-corruption Guidelines for IFC, MIGA, and World Bank Guarantee Transactions.Advance Contracting and Retroactive Financing1.9 The Borrower may wish to proceed with the initial steps of procurement before signing the related Bank loan. In such cases, the procurement procedures, including advertising, shall be in accordance with the Guidelines in order for the eventual contracts to be eligible for Bank financing, and the Bank shall review the process used by the Borrower. A Borrower undertakes such advance contracting at its own risk, and any concurrence by the Bank with the procedures, documentation, or proposal for award does not commit the Bank to make a loan for the project in question. If the contract is signed, reimbursement by the Bank of any payments made by the Borrower under the contract prior to loan signing is referred to as retroactive financing and is only permitted within the limits specified in the Loan Agreement.Joint Ventures1.10 Any firm may bid independently or in joint venture confirming joint and several liability, either with domestic firms and/or with foreign firms, but the Bank does not accept conditions of bidding which require mandatory joint ventures or other forms of mandatory association between firms.Bank Review1.11 The Bank reviews the Borrower’s procurement procedures, documents, bid evaluations, award recommendations, and contracts to ensure that the procurement process is carried out in accordance with the agreed procedures. These review procedures are described in Appendix 1. The Procurement Plan approved by the Bank14 shall specify the extent to which these review procedures shall apply in respect of the different categories of goods and works to be financed, in whole or in part, from the Bank loan. Misprocurement1.12 The Bank does not finance expenditures for goods and works which have not been procured in accordance with the agreed provisions in the Loan Agreement and as further elaborated in the Procurement Plan.15 In such cases, the Bank will declare misprocurement, and it is the policy of the Bank to cancel that portion of the loan allocated to the goods and works that have been misprocured. The Bank may, in addition, exercise other remedies provided for under the Loan Agreement. Even once the contract is awarded after obtaining a “no objection” from the Bank, the Bank may still declare misprocurement if i t concludes that the “no objection” was issued on the basis of incomplete, inaccurate, or misleading information furnished by the Borrower or the terms and conditions of the contract had been modified without Bank’s approval. References to Bank1.13 If the Borrower wishes to refer to the Bank in procurement documents, the following language shall be used:14 See paragraphs 1.16.15 See paragraph 1.16.“(name of Borrower) has received (or in appropriate cases ‘has applied for’) a [loan] from the [International Bank for Re construction and Development] (the “Bank”) in an amount equivalent to USD toward the cost of (name of project), and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this [loan] to eligible payments under thiscontract. Payment by the Bank will be made only at the request of (name ofBorrower or designate) and upon approval by the Bank, and will be subject, in allrespects, to the terms and conditions of the [Loan] Agreement. The [Loan]Agreement prohibits a withdrawal from the [Loan] Account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment orimport, to the knowledge of the Bank, is prohibited by a decision of the UnitedNations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the UnitedNations16. No party other than (name of Borrower) shall derive any rights from the LoanAgreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the [loan].”17Fraud and Corruption1.14 It is the Bank’s policy to require that Borrowers (including beneficiaries of Bank loans), as well as bidders, suppliers, and contractors and their subcontractors under Bank-financed contracts, observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts. 18 In pursuance of this policy, the Bank:(a) defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:(i) “corrupt practice”19 is the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting, directly orindirectly, of anything of value to influence improperly the actions of anotherparty;(ii) “fraudulent practice”20 is any act or omission, including a misrepresentation, that knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a party toobtain a financial or other benefit or to avoid an obligation;(iii) “collusive practice”21 is an arrangement between two or more parties designed to achieve an improper purpose, including to influence improperly the actionsof another party;16IBRD’s General Conditions Applicable to Loans and Guarantee Agreements; Article V; Section 5.01 and IDA’s General Conditions Applicable to Development Credit Agreements; Article V; Section 5.0117Substitute “credit,” “International Development Association,” and “Credit Agreement,” as appropriate.18 In this context, any action taken by a bidder, supplier, contractor, or a sub-contractor to influence the procurement process or contract execution for undue advantage is improper.19For the purpose of these Guidelines, “another party” refers to a public official acting in relation to the procurement proces s or contract execution]. In this context, “public official” includes World Bank staff and employees of other organizations taking or reviewing procurement decisions.20For the purpose of these Guidelines, “party” refers to a public official; the terms “benefit” and “obligation” relate to the procurement process or contract execution; and the “act or omission” is intended to influence the procurement process or cont ract execution.21For the purpose of these Guidelines, “parties” refers to participants in the procurement process (including public officials) attempting to establish bid prices at artificial, non competitive levels.(iv) “coercive practice”22 is impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm, directly or indirectly, any party or the property of the party to influenceimproperly the actions of a party;(v) “obstructive practice” is(aa) deliberately destroying, falsifying, altering or concealing of evidence material to the investigation or making false statements toinvestigators in order to materially impede a Bank investigation intoallegations of a corrupt, fraudulent, coercive or collusive practice;and/or threatening, harassing or intimidating any party to prevent itfrom disclosing its knowledge of matters relevant to the investigationor from pursuing the investigation,or(bb) acts intended to materially impede the exercise of the Bank’s inspection and audit rights provided for under par. 1.14 (e) below. (b) will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the bidder recommended foraward has, directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive or obstructive practices in competing for the contract in question;(c) will cancel the portion of the loan allocated to a contract if it determines at any timethat representatives of the Borrower or of a beneficiary of the loan engaged incorrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices during the procurement or the execution of that contract, without the Borrower having taken timely andappropriate action satisfactory to the Bank to address such practices when they occur;(d) will sanction a firm or individual, including declaring ineligible, either indefinitelyor for a stated period of time, to be awarded a Bank-financed contract if it at anytime determines that the firm has, directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive or obstructive practices in competing for, or inexecuting, a Bank-financed contract; and(e) will have the right to require that a provision be included in bidding documents andin contracts financed by a Bank loan, a provision be included requiring bidders,suppliers and contractors to permit the Bank to inspect their accounts and records and other documents relating to the bid submission and contract performance and to have them audited by auditors appointed by the Bank.1.15. With the specific agreement of the Bank, a Borrower may introduce, into bid forms for large contracts financed by the Bank, an undertaking of the bidder to observe, in competing for and executing a contract, the country's laws against fraud and corruption (including bribery), as listed in the bidding documents.23 The Bank will accept the22For the purpose of these Guidelines, “party” refers to a participant in the procurement process or contract execution.23As an example, such an undertaking might read as follows: “We undertake that, in competing for (and, if the award is made to us, in executing) the above contract, we will strictly observe the laws against fraud and corruption in force in the country of the [Purchaser] [Employer], as such laws have been listed by the [Purchaser] [Employer] in the bidding documents for this contract.”introduction of such undertaking at the request of the Borrowing country, provided the arrangements governing such undertaking are satisfactory to the Bank.Procurement Plan1.16. As part of the preparation of the project the Borrower shall prepare and, before loan negotiations, furnish to the Bank for its approval, a Procurement Plan24 acceptable to the Bank setting forth: (a) the particular contracts for the goods, works, and/or services required to carry out the project during the initial period of at least 18 months; (b) the proposed methods for procurement of such contracts that are permitted under the Loan Agreement, and (c) the related Bank review procedures25. The Borrower shall update the Procurement Plan annually or as needed throughout the duration of the project. The Borrower shall implement the Procurement Plan in the manner in which it has been approved by the Bank.II. International Competitive BiddingA. GeneralIntroduction2.1 The objective of International Competitive Bidding (ICB), as described in these Guidelines, is to provide all eligible prospective bidders26 with timely and adequate notification of a Borrower’s requirements and an equal opportunity to bid for the required goods and works.Type and Size of Contracts2.2 The bidding documents shall clearly state the type of contract to be entered into and contain the proposed contract provisions appropriate therefor. The most common types of contracts provide for payments on the basis of a lump sum, unit prices, reimbursable cost plus fees, or combinations thereof. Reimbursable cost contracts are acceptable to the Bank only in exceptional circumstances such as conditions of high risk or where costs cannot be determined in advance with sufficient accuracy. Such contracts shall include appropriate incentives to limit costs.2.3 The size and scope of individual contracts will depend on the magnitude, nature, and location of the project. For projects requiring a variety of goods and works, separate contracts generally are awarded for the supply and/or installation of different items of equipment and plant27 and for the works.2.4 For a project requiring similar but separate items of equipment or works, bids may be invited under alternative contract options that would attract the interest of both small24 If the Project includes the selection of consulting services, the Procurement Plan should also include the methods for selection of consulting services in accordance with the Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers. The Bank will disclose the initial Procurement Plan to the public after the related loan has been approved; additional updates will be disclosed after the Bank has approved them.25 See Appendix 126 See para. 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8.27For purposes of these Guidelines, “plant” refers to installed equipment, a s in a production facility.and large firms, which could be allowed, at their option, to bid for individual contracts (slices) or for a group of similar contracts (package). All bids and combinations of bids shall be received by the same deadline and opened and evaluated simultaneously so as to determine the bid or combination of bids offering the lowest evaluated cost to the Borrower.282.5 In certain cases the Bank may accept or require a turnkey contract under which the design and engineering, the supply and installation of equipment, and the construction of a complete facility or works are provided under one contract. Alternatively, the Borrower may remain responsible for the design and engineering, and invite bids for a single responsibility contract for the supply and installation of all goods and works required for the project component. Design and build, and management contracting29 contracts are also acceptable where appropriate.30Two-Stage Bidding2.6 In the case of turnkey contracts or contracts for large complex facilities or works ofa special nature or complex information and communication technology, it may be undesirable or impractical to prepare complete technical specifications in advance. In such a case, a two-stage bidding procedure may be used, under which first unpriced technical proposals on the basis of a conceptual design or performance specifications are invited, subject to technical as well as commercial clarifications and adjustments, to be followed by amended bidding documents31 and the submission of final technical proposals and priced bids in the second stage.Notification and Advertising2.7 Timely notification of bidding opportunities is essential in competitive bidding. For projects that include ICB the Borrower is required to prepare and submit to the Bank a draft General Procurement Notice. The Bank will arrange for its publication in UN Development Business online(UNDB online) and in the Development Gatewa y’s dgMarket).32 The Notice shall contain information concerning the Borrower (or prospective Borrower), amount and purpose of the loan, scope of procurement under ICB, and the name, telephone (or fax) number, and address of the Borrower’s agency responsible for procurement and the address of the Website where specific procurement notices will be posted. If known, the scheduled date for availability of prequalification or bidding documents should be indicated. The related prequalification or bidding28 See paras. 2.49 2.54 for the bid evaluation procedures.29 In construction, a management contractor usually does not perform the work directly but contracts out and manages the work of other contractors, taking on the full responsibility and risk for price, quality, and timely performance. Conversely, a construction manager is a consultant for, or agent of, the Borrower, but does not take on such risks. (If financed by the Bank, the services of the construction manager should be procured under the Consultant Guidelines. See footnote 2.)30 Also see paras. 3.14 and 3.15 for performance-based contracting.31In revising the bidding documents in the second stage the Borrower should respect the confidentiality of the bidders’ technic al proposals used in the first stage, consistent with requirements of transparency and intellectual property rights.32 UNDB is a publication of the United Nations. Subscription information is available from: Development Business, United Nations, GCPO Box 5850, New York, NY 10163-5850, USA (Website: ; e-mail: dbsubscribe@); Development Gateway Market is an electronic portal of Development Gateway Foundation, 1889 F Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20006, USA (Website: ).。

1、3 投标人的资格审查 对大型或复杂的合同来说,资格审
查通常是可取的。这样就可保证只请有 能力的公司参加投标。特别应该考虑: (1)经验和过去承担类似合同的情况; (2)人员、设备和工厂的能力;
2、1 总 则 招标文件应提供投标人在准备他可以供 应的货物和/或工程建筑的投标时所需 的一切情况。包括:给投标人的指示; 投标方式;合同的形式和内容;技术规 格;数量和图纸清单,也包括必要的附 件和预开保证金等。
项目准备完成之后,即进入评估阶段。 项目评估基本上是由世界银行自己来完 成的。
世界银行评估的内容主要有五个方而, 即技术、经济、财务、机构、社会和环 境。
项目谈判一般先由世界银行和借款国双 方商定谈判时间,然后由世界银行邀请 借款国派出代表团到华盛顿进行谈判。
双方一般就贷款协议和项目协定两个法 律文件的条款进行确认,并就有关技术 问题展开讨论。
此也有责任决定由谁来承担此项目的某 些合同,并负责实施这些合同。
在实践中采购手续因具体情况有3方面考虑: (a)在实施此项目时,注意节约和效果。这 点也适用于采办有关货物和工程建筑。 (b)世界银行作为一个合作机构,有意让其 成员国,包括发达国家和发展中国家,还有瑞 士,都有机会在提供货物和工程建筑方面进行 竞争。这些货物和工程建筑都是用世界银行提 供的贷款采办的。 (c)世界银行作为一个发展机构,有意于鼓 励借款人本国的承包商和制造商得到发展。
1、项目的选定 作为项目周期的第一阶段,项目的选定 至关重要,能否从借款国众多的项目中 选出可行的项目,直接关系到世界银行 贷款业务的成败,因此,世界银行对项 目的选定工作历来非常重视。

2020年招标师《专业实务》试题及答案(卷五)第1 题:《招标投标法实施条例》规定,潜在投标人或者其他利害关系人对招标文件有异议的,应当在投标截止时间( )d 前提出。
A. 10B. 15C. 21D. 30【正确答案】:A第2 题:下列工作中,通常不属于招标师职业范围的是( )。
A. 编制招标采购计划及方案B. 参与招标采购合同验收C. 编制工程结算书D. 主持或协助合同谈判【正确答案】:C【参考解析】:招标师的主要工作是依法开展招标采购业务,包括:①编制和实施招标总体计划、招标方案、编写招标公告、资格预审文件,招标文件及其澄清修改、评标公示、中标通知等;②组织资格审查、现场踏勘、开标、评标活动;③受理对资格预审文件、招标文件、开标和评标结果的异议答复;④主持或协助合同谈判并签订合同;⑤采用其他方式组织采购活动;⑥配合招标采购合同管理、结算和验收;⑦协助解决招标活动及其合同履行中的争议纠纷。
第 3 题:评标委员会成员对实质性响应招标要求的投标方案经过综合评审,通过( )方式排出名次。
A. 投票B. 排序C. 抽取D. 筛选【正确答案】:A第 4 题:异地投标人参与投标,一般可以通过邮购方式获取文件,招标人在公告内明确告知在收到投标人介绍信和邮购款后的约定日期内寄送,其中约定的日期是指( )。
A. 招标人寄送文件的日期B. 文件寄达的日期C. 投标人寄出文件的日期D. 招标人统一规定的日期【正确答案】:A第 5 题:招标文件中规定的工程承包范围与工程报价范围要一致,并且各标段的工程界面要清晰,使投标报价的范围边界清晰,防止缺漏项目,否则合同履行中容易产生纠纷,这是投标报价的( )要求。
A. 规范性B. 公平性C. 详尽性D. 合理性【正确答案】:C第 6 题:栅栏评标法是特许经营融资项目评标经常使用的一种评标方法,其第二阶段只对( )进行比较。
A. 融资方案B. 项目协议响应方案C. 技术和管理方案D. 投标报价【正确答案】:D第7 题:以往在世界许多国家的公共采购体系中,国防采购被排除在政府采购管理之外,其主要原因是忽视国防采购与政府采购的( )。

网站微信 管理
在三个月里读完了《博弈论》、《行政组 织理论》、《现代管理学概述》等著作
柠檬计划培训、行政助 理培训、公司内部培训 、部门内部培训
培训 自主学习 情况
在工作中熟悉工作内容 、了解工作流程、掌握 工作方法,领会工作思 路,向导师、同事求教 ,不懂就问,在解惑中 成长,形成严格的工作 笔记制度,常反思,常 总结
这里简述部门会议组织开展情况,下面配图更换成自己的即可。这里简述部门会议组织开展情 况,下面配图更换成自己的即可。这里简述部门会议组织开展情况,下面配图更换成自己的即 可。这里简述部门会议组织开展情况,下面配图更换成自己的即可。这里简述部门会议组织开 展情况,下面配图更换成自己的即可。
这里可以添加主要内容 这里可以添加主要内容 这里可以添加主要内容 这里可以添加主要内容 这里可以添加主要内容 这里可以添加主要内容
这里可以添加主要内容 这里可以添加主要内容 这里可以添加主要内容 这里可以添加主要内容 这里可以添加主要内容 这里可以添加主要内容
今年以来,我公司始终把加强学习,增强党员党性意识放在首位,结合党的群众路线教育实践活 动学习教育环节,突出抓好了党员干部的职业道德教育和全心全意为人民服务的宗旨教育,增强 公仆意识,树立起勤政廉洁,反腐倡廉的良好形象。制定了《中心组学习计划》、《党小组学习 计划》,狠抓学习“三结合”。
公司总经办会议、工程部周例 会、资料员会议、评审会
OA 平台制度文档学习、工作 案例学习、E-LEARNIN学习

世界银行和亚洲开发银行贷款项目国际招标代理机构委托指南一、目的1、为了加强对招标代理机构委托工作的管理,规范代理的委托程序,明确各方的责权利关系,提高采购效率,保证采购工作规范有序地进行,特制定本招标代理机构指南( 以下简称"指南")。

供应链管理全球采购与国际物流指南第一章全球采购策略与规划 (2)1.1 全球采购的优势与挑战 (2)1.2 采购策略的制定与优化 (2)1.3 采购模式的选择 (3)1.4 风险管理与合规要求 (3)第二章国际供应商选择与管理 (4)2.1 供应商评估与选择标准 (4)2.2 供应商关系管理 (4)2.3 供应商绩效评价 (5)2.4 国际供应商合作风险管理 (5)第三章国际物流概述 (5)3.1 国际物流的定义与作用 (5)3.2 国际物流模式与分类 (6)3.3 国际物流系统与网络 (6)3.4 国际物流发展趋势 (6)第四章国际运输管理 (7)4.1 国际运输方式的选择 (7)4.2 国际运输合同的签订与履行 (7)4.3 国际运输保险与理赔 (8)4.4 国际运输风险管理 (8)第五章国际货物通关与贸易政策 (9)5.1 国际货物通关流程 (9)5.2 进出口关税与税收政策 (9)5.3 贸易管制与限制措施 (9)5.4 国际贸易法律法规 (10)第六章国际仓储与配送 (10)6.1 国际仓储设施与布局 (10)6.1.1 国际仓储设施类型 (10)6.1.2 国际仓储布局原则 (10)6.1.3 国际仓储设施规划 (11)6.2 国际仓储管理与作业 (11)6.2.1 国际仓储管理内容 (11)6.2.2 国际仓储作业流程 (11)6.2.3 国际仓储作业优化 (11)6.3 国际配送网络规划 (11)6.3.1 国际配送网络类型 (11)6.3.2 国际配送网络规划原则 (11)6.3.3 国际配送网络优化 (11)6.4 国际配送成本控制 (11)6.4.1 国际配送成本构成 (12)6.4.2 国际配送成本控制方法 (12)6.4.3 国际配送成本控制策略 (12)第七章国际物流成本与财务管理 (12)7.1 国际物流成本构成与计算 (12)7.2 国际物流成本控制策略 (13)7.3 国际物流财务管理 (13)7.4 国际物流成本优化 (13)第八章国际供应链风险管理 (14)8.1 国际供应链风险识别 (14)8.2 国际供应链风险防范 (14)8.3 国际供应链风险应对 (15)8.4 国际供应链风险监测与评估 (15)第九章国际供应链协同与整合 (15)9.1 国际供应链协同管理 (15)9.2 国际供应链整合策略 (16)9.3 国际供应链协同作业 (16)9.4 国际供应链协同效益 (17)第十章供应链管理创新与发展趋势 (17)10.1 供应链管理技术与应用 (17)10.2 供应链管理创新模式 (17)10.3 供应链管理发展趋势 (18)10.4 企业供应链管理策略与实施 (18)第一章全球采购策略与规划1.1 全球采购的优势与挑战全球采购作为企业供应链管理的重要组成部分,具有诸多优势。

为此,银行贷款的采购有以下三个底子原那么:〔a〕受上述1.01段的限制,对于源于出格基金贷款的采购,贷款资金只能用于银行成员国所提供的货物和土建工程的采购,除非董事会按照银行协定条款中第14 (I X)款另行规定。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
第一章世行亚行采购综述1.1 世行亚行简况及其采购的渊源世界银行集团 World Bank Group-WB(简称世行)和亚洲开发银行Asia Development Bank –ADB (简称亚行)是为发展中国家和中等收入国家政府支持的项目提供有息和无息贷款及赠款的国际金融组织(International Financial Institutions-IFI),也称为多边开发银行Multiple-lateral Development Bank-MDB。
例如,世行亚行制订的土建工程国际招标标准招标文件采用了国际咨询工程师协会FIDIC的合同条款,世行亚行在FIDIC 合同条款中由工程师进行争端调解的基础上增加了由独立的争端调解小组(Dispute Review Board-DRB)或调解员(Adjudicator)进行争端调解的选择。
国际咨询工程师协会在1999年新版的FIDIC 合同条款中也引入了这一争端调解机制。
1.2 世行亚行贷款项目采购适用范围世行和亚行采购指南明确规定凡全部和部分使用贷款资金采购的合同必须符合其采购指南的规定,完全不使用贷款资金采购的合同可以采用其他程序,但要求采购的时间和成果能满足整个贷款项目的要求和目标。
1. 3 世行亚行贷款项目采购类别世行亚行贷款项目采购按照采购的标的可分为工程、货物、非咨询服务和咨询服务采购四类。
1.3.1 工程、货物和非咨询服务采购世行亚行认为服务可以分为咨询服务和非咨询服务两类。
1.3.2 世行亚行贷款项目采购类别咨询服务指智力性和咨询性的服务,如政策建议;机构改革建议;管理服务(包括项目鉴定,准备和实施;培训;工程服务(包括可行性研究、设计、施工监理);财务服务;采购服务;社会和环境研究;等等。
世行亚行将咨询服务招标称为征询建议书 Request for Proposal-RFP,咨询服务投标称为提交建议书,咨询服务投标书为建议书,咨询服务评标称为评审建议书。
1.4 世行亚行贷款项目采购文件和指南世行亚行贷款项目与采购有关的文件很多,最主要的有采购指南、贷款协定和项目协定中有关采购的章节、标准招标文件范本和评标报告格式、借款人制订和世行亚行批准的采购计划、招标公告和合同授予公示的模板,以及其他采购文件,如世行贷款业务手册中的采购政策OP11.0和世行程序BP11.0, 反腐败手册等。
世行亚行贷款项目采购指南和各种招标文件、评标报告格式等均可以从世行网站 和亚行网站 的采购Procurement网页下载。
1.4.1 工程、货物和非咨询服务采购指南•世行亚行的采购指南由世行亚行的专业采购部门制定,世行亚行的执行董事会批准。
目前使用的最新版世行是2011年1月版即“世界银行借款人利用国际复兴开发银行贷款和国际开发协会信贷及赠款采购货物、工程和非咨询服务指南“(GUIDELINES:PROCUREMENT OF GOODS, WORKS, AND NON-CONSULTING SERVICES UNDER IBRD LOANS AND IDA CREDITS & GRANTS(Procurement Guidelines)。
BY WORLD BANK BORROWERS,January 2011),亚行是2010年4月版,即“采购指南”世行和亚行的采购指南的结构和内容都很相似。
1.4.2 咨询服务采购采购指南•世行亚行的咨询服务采购指南的结构与工程和货物采购指南相似。
指南的第一章为综述,指南的第二章规定咨询服务最主要的采购方式”基于质量和费用的选择”(QCBS) 的全过程,指南的第三章规定其他采购方式的程序,包括基于质量的选择(QBS),预算固定的选择(FBS),最低费用选择(LCs)基于资格的选择(CQS),单一来源选择(Ic)等。
目前使用的最新版世行是2011年1月版,即“世界银行借款人利用国际复兴开发银行贷款和国际开发协会信贷及赠款选择和雇用咨询人指南”(GUIDELINES:Selection and Employment of Consultants UNDER IBRD LOANS AND IDA CREDITS & GRANTS BY WORLD BANK BORROWERS,January 2011)。
亚行是2010年4月版,即: “亚洲开发银行及其借款人使用咨询顾问指南“( Guidelines on the Use of Consultants by Asian Development Bank and Its Borrowers)。
1.4.3 世行亚行采购标准招标文件世行亚行强制要求其贷款项目采用世行亚行编制的标准招标文件(SBD)和评标报告格式,目前世行网站上可以下载的标准招标文件分为4类: 1)贷款项目概念文件在2011年1月15日以后适用的文件(3种);2)贷款项目概念文件在2006年10月15日之后适用的文件(10种);3)贷款项目概念文件在2006年10月15日之前适用的文件(12种);和4)范例和试用版(6种),见下表:世行贷款项目概念文件在2011年1月15日以后适用的文件(3种)1. 咨询服务:标准建议书征求文件(Consultant: Standard Request For Proposals-SRFP)2011 年10月2. 资格预审文件(Prequalification Document)2011年9月3. 工程采购和用户指南,(Procurement of Works & User’s Guide) 2012年3月世行贷款项目概念文件在2006年10月15日以后适用的文件(10种)4. 咨询服务:标准建议书征求文件(Consultant: Standard Request For Proposals)2011 年5月修改5. 货物采购(Procurement of Goods)2007 年5月,2010年5月修订6. 卫生部门货物采购(Procurement of Health Sector Goods) 2008 年8月7. 信息系统采购,一阶段投标(Procurement of Information System: Single Stage)2008 年12月8. 成套设备设计、供货和安装采购(Procurement of Plant Design, Supply and Installation )2008 年4月,2010 年8月修改9. 工程采购和用户指南,(Procurement of Works & User’s Guide)2007年4月,2010年5月修改10. 工程采购,民法,(Procurement of Works,- Civil Law)2007 年3月11. 工程采购,小合同,(Procurement of Works,- Smaller Contract)2008 年4月, 2010 年11月修改12. 世界银行借款人与联合国机构之间卫生部门货物采购协议样本(Sample Health Goods Agreementbetween World Bank Borrower & UN Agency ) 2008 年7月13. 世界银行借款人与联合国机构之间的咨询服务采购协议样本(Sample Health Goods Agreement between World Bank Borrower & UN Agency ) 2007 年6月世行贷款项目概念文件在2006年10月15日之前适用的文件(12种)14. 评标报告格式-货物和工程采购(Bid Evaluation Form-Procurement of Goods or Works)15. 咨询服务:标准建议书征求文件(Consultant: Standard Request For Proposals)16. 咨询服务:评审报告样本,(Consultant: Sample Evaluation Reprt)17. 资格预审文件工程采购和用户指南(Prequalification Document-Procurement of Works & User’s guide))18. 货物采购(Procurement of Goods)19. 卫生部门货物采购(Procurement of Health Sector Goods)20. 信息系统采购,一阶段投标(Procurement of Information System: Single Stage)21. 信息系统采购,两阶段投标(Procurement of Information System: Two Stage)22. 教科书采购(Procurement of Textbook)23. 工程采购,(Procurement of Works)24. 工程采购,小合同,(Procurement of Works,- Smaller Contract)25. 成套设备供货和安装(Supply and Installation of Plant and Equipment )范例和试用版(6种)26. 评标报告格式-信息系统一阶段(试用版)(Bid Evaluation Form-IS Single Stage (Trial Version))27. 固体废弃物处理设施设计、建造和运行(Design Build, & Operate Solid Waste Facility)28. 以产出和履约为基础的道路合同(Output and Performance Based Road Contract )29. 管理服务采购(Procurement of Management Services)30. 非咨询服务采购(Procurement of Non-consultant Services)31. 简单工程采购-试用版(Procurement of Simple Works, Trial Edition )2000 年9月上述标准文件中有些文件只是版本的不同,真正完全不同的标准招标文件共有18种,其中15种为招标文件,3种为评标报告,即货物和工程采购评标报告表、咨询服务采购评标报告、和计算机信息系统采购评标报告。