16 CFR 1610 纺织品阻燃法规
美国联邦法规第16部分(CPSC 16CFR)要求2007-09-20美国联邦法规与玩具有关的内容如下:1、1303部分:关于含铅油漆和某些含有铅油漆消费品的禁令条款1) 在1303部分,消费品产品安全委员会根据消费品安全条例(CPSA)15U.S.C.2057,2058第8.9章公布,供消费者使用的油漆和类似的涂层材料含铅或铅化合物(以金属铅计)不得超过总的不挥发油漆重量或干漆层重量的0.06%,否则则为危险品,禁止使用。
a) 用于儿童使用的,含有“含铅油漆”的玩具和其它制品;b) 供消费者使用的,含有“含铅油漆”的家俱制品。
2) 本禁令适用于(a)段所述的1978年2月27日后制造的产品,这些产品称为“消费品”,该术语已在SPSA第3(a)(1)中作了定义。
3) 根据(1)发现儿童触及的油漆、涂层含铅量超过0.06%,则有铅中毒的极大的危险。
2、1500部分:对危险物质和危险品管理及执行的法规:2.1 1500.44 鉴别极易燃或易燃固体物质的方法1) 样品制备a) 颗粒、粉未和糊状的样品:把样品放入一个平底的矩形金属舟中,舟的尺寸为152.4mm ×25.4mm,深6.35mm。
b) 硬质或软质固体:测量样品尺寸,用金属环形架,夹子、环或其它装置,将样品固定,使其长轴水平放置,使样品最大表面积自然暴露。
2) 步骤:把制备好的样品置于无气流处,该处能在每次试验后进行通风和清洁。
纺织品燃烧性能技术法规、标准和测试方法1 概述所有的天然纤维素或再生纤维素纤维织物以及部分经整理或未经整理的其他天然或合成纤维织物都是可燃的,这些织物在接触明火源时,容易引起燃烧,由于其易燃性以及火焰的蔓延性等因素,致使一些可燃织物在制成服装供消费者使用时,会危及到消费者的安全。
2 纺织品燃烧性能技术法规与标准2.1 美国美国早在1953年就通过了《易燃织物法案》(FFA),在1954年和1967年又进行了修订,并由美国消费者产品安全委员会(CPSC)强制执行(表1)。
表12.2 的加拿大加拿大关于纺织阻燃性能的规定包含在危险品法规和条例当中,由加拿大卫生部负责派检查员强制执行(表2)。
表22.3 中国(表3)表33 主要测试方法3.1 概述阻燃性能测试方法有多种,各国几乎都有自己的国家标准,不同种类织物有不同的测试方法,有些织物也可以用不同的测试方法来评价其阻燃性能。
3.2 垂直法3.2.1 原理该种测试方法规定试样垂直放置(试样的长度方向与水平线垂直),燃烧源在试样的下方引燃试样,测量试样的最小点燃时间、续燃时间、阻燃时间、火焰蔓延速度、碳化长度(损毁长度)、碳化面积(损毁面积)等与阻燃性能有关的指标,并据此来评定样品的阻燃性能级别或是否合格。
玩具要求美国联邦法规第16部分(CPSC 16CFR)要求美国联邦法规与玩具有关的内容如下:1、1303部分:关于含铅油漆和某些含有铅油漆消费品的禁令条款1) 在1303部分,消费品产品安全委员会根据消费品安全条例(CPSA)15U.S.C.2057,2058第8.9章公布,供消费者使用的油漆和类似的涂层材料含铅或铅化合物(以金属铅计)不得超过总的不挥发油漆重量或干漆层重量的0.06%,否则则为危险品,禁止使用。
a) 用于儿童使用的,含有“含铅油漆”的玩具和其它制品;b) 供消费者使用的,含有“含铅油漆”的家俱制品。
2) 本禁令适用于(a)段所述的1978后制造的产品,这些产品称为“消费品”,该术语已在SPSA第3(a)(1)中作了定义。
年2月27日3) 根据(1)发现儿童触及的油漆、涂层含铅量超过0.06%,则有铅中毒的极大的危险。
2、1500部分:对危险物质和危险品管理及执行的法规:2.1 1500.44 鉴别极易燃或易燃固体物质的方法1) 样品制备a) 颗粒、粉未和糊状的样品:把样品放入一个平底的矩形金属舟中,舟的尺寸为152.4mm×25.4mm,深6.35mm。
b) 硬质或软质固体:测量样品尺寸,用金属环形架,夹子、环或其它装置,将样品固定,使其长轴水平放置,使样品最大表面积自然暴露。
2) 步骤:把制备好的样品置于无气流处,该处能在每次试验后进行通风和清洁。
CFR1610 美国阻燃标准
下面为CPSC 16 CFR 1610与CPSC 16 CFR1615/1616对比:< xmlnamespace prefix ="o" ns ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
选择燃烧快的方向来取样。2英寸x 6英寸(原样和处理后的样品各5片)
5片3.5英寸宽x 10英寸
16 CFR 1610
16 CFR 1615/1616
CPSC 16 CFR 1610为衣着类纺织品(一般成衣)的防火标准,但不包括帽子、手套、鞋子及衬里(interlining),此一标准是纺织品与成衣防火的最低要求,适用于所有成人及儿童成衣。
针对儿童睡衣防火作更严格的规范,所有作为儿童睡衣用途之成衣或材料,必需符合此规范,其测试必须依Fabric testing,Prototype seam/trim testing & Production garmenttesting等步骤进行。
1. 适用范围
2. 测试原理
3. 实验步骤
3.1 样品准备
3.2 设备准备
3.3 试验操作
3.4 数据处理与分析
4. 结论
16 CFR Part 1610、1615 and 1616中文测试简要说明(含流程概要图)
一.服装纺织品易燃性标准联邦法规16 CFR Part 1610测试对象:服装用纺织产品1.性能要求:被认定为1级或2级的样料达到了该标准的要求。
2.16 CFR 1610 材料分级:初始分级:在每一阶段的检验之后都会做出初始分级。
3.16 CFR 1610 测试流程概要(流程图):先干洗1次,再水洗1次二儿童睡衣燃烧性能CFR 1615和CFR 1616测试对象:儿童睡衣和用来制作儿童睡衣的面料1.性能要求为满足该标准的要求,儿童睡衣必须符合下列标准和§1615.3(b) 和§1616.3(b)中规定的标准:•样料平均焦痕长度不超过17.8 厘米(7.0 英寸),并且•在每个单独样本上的焦痕长度不超过25.4厘米(10.0 英寸)。
连续担保,即以委员会在法规或条例中指定的形 如果任何个体对产品、织物或相关材料提供虚假担
16CFR1610 服用纺织品易燃性标准》
式,由卖方为买方提供担保 o
织品 60.4 亿美元,增长 19.3% ,出口服装 62.4 亿美元,增长
18. 3~~ ~出口额自 2004 年已超越广东,跃居全国第一。浙江
省大部分出口企业虽然对国外纺织品的生态环保要求有所 了解,但对纺织品燃烧性能的要求知之甚少 o 2006 年 5 月
该法规根据试验结果,将服用纺织品的易燃性分为三个 等级: 1 级为一般易燃性;2 级为中等易燃性;3 级为快速和
1.6 担保 1. 6.1 如果某个体收到了一份担保,该担保是由产品、织物
或相关材料的制造商或供货商签署,其中包含他的姓名和地 址,且该担保可保证被担保产品、织物或相关材料,符合所适
点的炭长不超过 5. 1 em(2 in. )。
7.3 7.3.1 7.3.2
16CFR 1610(C)
16CFR第1610部分纺织服装的阻燃性标准子部分A 标准1610.1 目的标准的目的在国家基础上,通过标准试验方法和对用于服装的可燃性纺织物和纺织物产品进行等级分类来减少伤害的危险和人身损失,阻止使用可燃纺织服装。
1610.2 范围(a)标准提供可燃性服装和服装用纺织品的试验方法,建立了可燃性的3个等级,阐明纺织品分级要求,对使用具有可燃性且特质不适做服装的纺织品予以警示。
(b)例外-本标准不适用:(1)帽子,手套和鞋类(2)内衬织物1610.3 要求(a)(1)常规可燃性,1级。
在原始状态和/或按1610.4(d)和1610.4(e)所述的干洗和洗涤后的这些纺织品,若经1610.4所述的试验后,, 应被定为1级,常规易燃性火焰传播速度为4秒或更长。
(ii) 绒毛,绒头,毛撮,毛屑或其它类型起绒纤维表面的纺织品。
在原始状态和/或如按1610.4(d)和1610.4(e)所述的干洗和洗涤后的这些纺织品,若经1610.4所述的试验后, 应被定为1级,火焰传播速度超过7秒或燃烧时有快速表面闪光(0~7秒),火焰强度低至不能点燃或熔化底面织物为常规可燃性。
在原始状态和/或如按1610.4(d)和1610.4(e)所述的干洗和洗涤后的这些纺织品,若经1610.4所述的试验后, 应被定为2级,火焰传播时间4-7秒,包括4,7秒,底面点燃或熔化为中等可燃性。
CFR 1610
2.16CFR 1610适用范围适用燃烧法规16CFR 1610的织物:(1)用于制衣的、宽度大于或等于两英寸的、由天然纤维或合成纤维(2)加工成的涂层或非涂层织物(3)弹性面料必须测试(4)皮革类产品必须测试(5)麂皮类织物必须测试(6)羽毛必须测试不适用燃烧法规16CFR 1610的织物:(1)薄膜类产品、具有硝化纤维素纤维整理或涂层的织物(2)不遮盖脖子,脸和肩部的帽子(3)长度小于14英寸和成衣相连的手套(4)鞋类产品、手帕、头纱和衣服衬里(5)重量小于2.6盎司/平方码的平面织物(6)由以下纤维组成或混纺的,光面织物或起绒织物:nylon ,acrylic, wool, polyester, olefin, modacrylic3.测试方法45°燃烧测试1610所有的织物或纺织类产品必须通过测试,该测试相对较容易,它的目的是为了将拉绒的人造丝火炬织物从市场上移除,而让其它的织物通过。
评级体系等级#1 –织物燃烧20秒或以上等级#2 –织物燃烧8至19秒等级#3 –织物燃烧3至7秒等级#4 –织物燃烧小于3秒水平燃烧测试(MVSS-302 and 191-5905)垂直燃烧测试上述所有的测试都是将织物以垂直方式,用悬垂的条状(New York and Boston),或三边的框架状处置。
16CFR part1610服用纺织品可燃性测试标准(原版标准双语对照)
PART 1610—STANDARD FOR THE FLAMMABILITY OF CLOTHING TEXTILESSubpart A—The StandardSec.1610.1 Purpose, scope and applicability.1610.2 Definitions.1610.3 Summary of test method.1610.4 Requirements for classifying textiles.1610.5 Test apparatus and materials.1610.6 Test procedure.1610.7 Test sequence and classification criteria.1610.8 Reporting results.Subpart B—Rules and Regulations1610.31 Definitions.1610.32 General requirements.1610.33 Test procedures for textile fabrics and film.1610.34 Only uncovered or exposed parts of wearing apparel to be tested.1610.35 Procedures for testing special types of textile fabrics under the standard.1610.36 Application of Act to particular types of products.1610.37 Reasonable and representative tests to support guaranties. 1610.38 Maintenance of records by those furnishing guaranties. 1610.39 Shipments under section 11(c) of the Act.1610.40 Use of alternative apparatus, procedures, or criteria for tests for guaranty purposes.Subpart C—Interpretations and Policies1610.61 Reasonable and representative testing to assure compliance with the standard for the clothing textiles.F IGURE 1 TO P ART 1610—S KETCH OF F LAMMABILITY A PPARATUSF IGURE 2 TO P ART 1610—F LAMMABILITY A PPARATUS V IEWSF IGURE 3 TO P ART 1610—S PECIMEN H OLDER S UPPORTED IN S PECIMEN R ACKF IGURE 4 TO P ART 1610—A N E XAMPLE OF A T YPICAL I NDICATORF INGERF IGURE 5 TO P ART 1610—A N E XAMPLE OF A T YPICALG AS S HIELDF IGURE 6 TO P ART 1610—I GNITERF IGURE 7 TO P ART 1610—B RUSHING D EVICEF IGURE 8 TO P ART 1610—B RUSHF IGURE 9 TO P ART 1610—B RUSHING D EVICE T EMPLATES OURCE: 73 FR 15640, Mar. 25, 2008, unless otherwise noted.A UTHORITY: 15 U.S.C. 1191–1204.1610部分—衣用纺织品易燃性标准子部分 A ——标准节.§ 1610.1 目的、范围与适用性。
16 CFR 1610服用纺织品阻燃法规简介
16 CFR 1610服用纺织品阻燃法规简介近年来,纺织品的阻燃性作为一项重要的安全性指标已经引起了世界各国的高度关注。
很多国家都对纺织品特别是服用纺织品的阻燃性能提出了要求,尤其是美国还制定了服用纺织品阻燃性法规–l6 CFR l610。
本文对美国l6 CFR l610法规中的服用纺织品阻燃要求进行简要的介绍。
1 测试方法1.1适用范围通过对法规CFR 1610,CFR 1611,CFR 1615,CFR 1616不同的适用范围进行比较和分析,总结本法规的适用范围是:涂层或未涂层材料、胶片和纤维、整理剂或涂层中含有硝基的面料除外,幅宽在2 in以上,用于制作服装的面料。
免除测试的产品:帽子、手套、鞋类、夹层;免除测试的纤维和面料:克重大于2.6 oz/yd2的光面织物;以腈纶、改性腈纶、锦纶、涤纶、羊毛、烯烃类纤维纯纺或相互混纺而成的织物(以上纤维与其他纤维的混纺织物不是免除测试的产品)。
1.3.2样品准备根据预实验测试的结果在燃烧最快的方向上测试5个样品,尺寸为:2 in.×6 in.,放入试样夹(如果是绒面织物需增加刷试样的过程,目的是使面料表面的绒毛立起),调湿后,水平放置在温度为105℃的烘箱中烘干30 min,然后放入干燥器中冷却15 min~3 h.1.3.3测试1.3.3.1原样测试将实验用45度法燃烧测试仪调整至使用状态,试样和火源的距离为5/16 in.,调整火焰的高度为5/8 in.,将试样从干燥器中取出放入测试箱中,将计时线和重物连接就位,并将试样架向前移至测试位置,并关上测试箱的门。
一美国一般服装燃烧性能要求针对一般服装产品燃烧性能法规是16CFR Part 1610采用的测试方法是以45 °角。
用火焰长度为5/8英寸的丁烷小火焰在试片表面点火1.0 S.平均燃烧时间大于7.0 S,将属于一级,但美国的商家只接受一级。
二美国儿童睡衣燃烧性能要求针对儿童睡衣燃烧性能的法规是16 CFR Parts 1615/1616采用的测试方法是垂直燃烧法,通过测量试片的损毁长度,将产品定级分等,但是这个测试贯穿于整个生产过程,包括织物量产阶段,服装原型阶段和服装量产阶段三英国睡衣燃烧性能要求本类产品适用的法规是BS 5438/BS 5722采用的检验方法是BS5438:1976方法3,垂直悬挂样品以45mm的火焰点燃样品,测量其燃烧一段距离的时间,法规规定,任何一片试片上火焰到达300mm标记线的时间不小于25S,任何一片试片上火焰到达600mm的时间不小于50S。
四欧洲儿童睡衣及织物燃烧性能要求该类地区纺织品使用的法规是BS EN 14878采用的测试方法:EN1103,燃烧性能要求:Class A-儿童睡衣,没有表面闪烁,第三根标记线断开时间不小于15S;Class B-儿童睡衣裤,没有表面闪烁,第三根标记线断开的时间不小于10S;Class C-婴儿睡衣,不需要测试。
五加拿大纺织品燃烧性能要求一般服装适用CAN/CGSB 4.2.NO.27.5-94,45度燃烧测试,点火时间1秒,火焰扩散时间要求:平坦织物,超过3.5S,起毛织物,超过4.0S。
紧身儿童睡衣适用CAN/CGSB 4.2.NO.27.5-94,45度燃烧测试,点火时间1秒,火焰扩散时间要求:平坦织物和起毛织物;超过7.0S。
1. 垂直燃烧测试:测试样品在垂直方向上的燃烧性能,评估其阻燃性能。
2. 水平燃烧测试:测试样品在水平方向上的燃烧性能,评估其阻燃性能。
3. 燃烧速率限制:规定了样品在燃烧过程中允许的最大燃烧速率。
4. 热释放速率:评估样品在燃烧过程中释放热量的速率。
5. 热释放总量:评估样品在燃烧过程中释放热量的总量。
1 概述所有的天然纤维素或再生纤维素纤维织物以及部分经整理或未经整理的其他天然或合成纤维织物都是可燃的,这些织物在接触明火源时,容易引起燃烧,由于其易燃性以及火焰的蔓延性等因素,致使一些可燃织物在制成服装供消费者使用时,会危及到消费者的安全。
2 纺织品燃烧性能技术法规与标准美国美国早在1953年就通过了《易燃织物法案》(FFA),在1954年和1967年又进行了修订,并由美国消费者产品安全委员会(CPSC)强制执行(表1)。
表2中国(表3)表33 主要测试方法概述阻燃性能测试方法有多种,各国几乎都有自己的国家标准,不同种类织物有不同的测试方法,有些织物也可以用不同的测试方法来评价其阻燃性能。
垂直法3.2.1 原理该种测试方法规定试样垂直放置(试样的长度方向与水平线垂直),燃烧源在试样的下方引燃试样,测量试样的最小点燃时间、续燃时间、阻燃时间、火焰蔓延速度、碳化长度(损毁长度)、碳化面积(损毁面积)等与阻燃性能有关的指标,并据此来评定样品的阻燃性能级别或是否合格。
4.标签要求:生产商需要在婴儿和儿童睡袋上附上符合规定的标签,以指示产品符合16 CFR1611标准。
16 CFR Part 1610 纺织服装易燃性标准
标题:16 CFR Part 1610 纺织服装易燃性标准/ 16 CFR Part 1610纺织服装易燃性标准关键字:16 CFR Part 1610 ,纺织,服装,可燃性中新网7月2日电据美国《星岛日报》2日报道,美国华盛顿州一名叫佩润诺德的女孩因身穿被降低了阻燃性的睡衣,在遭到酒精溅洒后致浑身严重烧伤。
”易朔产品服务(厦门)有限公司将为您提供专业的纺织服装易燃性标准,联系我们,免费咨询!16 CFR Part 1610纺织服装易燃性标准16 CFR Part 1610 (Mar.18, 2008) Standard for the Flammability of Clothing Textiles16 CFR Part 1610纺织服装易燃性标准简介:16 CFR Part 1610纺织服装易燃性标准规定了服装、纺织品的可燃性测试方法的三大分类,阐述了纺织品应符合这样的分类要求,并警示了那些有燃烧行为的纺织品不适合于服装生产。
16 CFR Part 1610 (Mar.18, 2008) Standard for the Flammability of Clothing Textiles scope: 16 CFR Part 1610 (Mar.18, 2008) Standard for the Flammability of Clothing Textiles The standard provides methods of testing the flammability of clothing and textiles intended to be used for clothing,1,a,b establishes three classes of flammability, sets forth the requirements which textiles shall meet to be so classified, and warns against the use of those textiles which have burning characteristics unsuitable for clothing.16 CFR Part 1610纺织服装易燃性标准的相关标准:16 CFR 1611乙烯基塑料薄膜的可燃性标准16 CFR 1611 Standard for the flammability of vinyl plastic filmBS 6341:1983 帐篷用纺织品规格BS 6341:1983 Specification for Fabrics for camping tentsISO 6941:2003纺织布料-燃烧行为-垂直方向向样本燃烧的火焰蔓延性能的测定ISO 6941:2003 Textiles Fabric– Burning behavior – measurement of flame spread properties of vertically oriented specimensBS 7837:1996帐篷及类似结构用纺织品燃烧性能BS 7837:1996 Specification for Flammability performance for textiles used in the construction of marquees and similar textile structuresBS EN 1102:1996纺织物、纺织产品、窗帘和帷幕的燃烧特性、垂直排列试样易燃性(小火焰)测定BS EN 1102:1996 Textiles and textile products. Burning behaviour. Curtains and drapes. Detailed procedure to determine the flame spread of vertically oriented specimensASTM F1955:2005睡袋易燃性的标准测试方法ASTM F1955:2005 STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR FLAMMABILITY OF SLEEPING BAGSBS EN 14878:2007 纺织品,儿童睡衣的燃烧行为,规范BS EN 14878:2007 Textiles. Burning behaviour of children's nightwear. SpecificationGB/T 5454:1997 纺织品- 燃烧性能试验- 氧指数法GB/T 5454:1997 Textiles-Burning behaviour-Oxygen index methodISO 10966:2005 体育和娱乐设备-遮阳蓬和野营帐篷-规范ISO 10966:2005 Sports and recreational equipment-Fabrics for awnings and camping tents- Specification。
美国联邦燃烧法规16 CFR PART 1610-2005
PART 1610—STANDARD FOR THE FLAMMABILITY OF CLOTHING TEXTILESSubpart A—The StandardSec.1610.1 Purpose.1610.2 Scope.1610.3 Requirements.1610.4Methods of test.1610.5 Notes.Subpart B—Rules and Regulations1610.31 Terms defined.1610.32 General requirements.1610.33Test procedures for textile fabrics and film.1610.34Only uncovered or exposed parts of wearing apparel to be tested.1610.35Procedures for testing special types of textile fabrics under the standard.1610.36Applications of act to particular types of products.1610.37 Reasonable and representative tests to support guaranties.1610.38Maintenance of records by those furnishing guaranties.1610.39Shipments under 11(c) of the act.1610.40Use of alternate apparatus, procedures, or criteria for tests for guaranty purposes. Subpart C—Interpretations and Policies1610.611610.62Source:40 FR 59891, Dec. 30, 1975, unless otherwise noted.Codification Note:Part 1610 is a codification of the previously unpublished standard for flammability of clothing textiles, Commercial Standard 191–53, issued by the Department of Commerce, effective on January 30, 1953. This flammability standard became mandatory through section 4(a) of the Flammable Fabrics Act, as amended in 1954, and remains in effect due to the savings clause (section 11) of Pub. L. 90–189. 16 CFR part 1609 contains the text of the Flammable Fabrics Act of 1953, as amended in 1954.Authority:16 U.S.C. 1191–1204, unless otherwise noted.Subpart A—The StandardAuthority:Sec. 5, Pub. L. 83–88, 67 Stat. 112, as amended, 68 Stat. 770 (15 U.S.C. 1193); sec. 11, Pub. L. 90–189, 81 Stat. 568.Note:All fabrics of natural or regenerated cellulose, as well as certain types of finished and unfinished fabrics made from other natural or synthetic fibers, are combustible. Some combustible fabrics, when used for clothing, are potentially dangerous to the wearer because of the speed and intensity of flame with which those fabrics burn and their ease of ignition, and because of the design of the garment. Two of these factors, the ease of ignition and the speed of flame spread, can be measured with the instrument described herein.It is suggested that measurement of these two factors, together with visual observation of flame intensity, will permit the separation of various fabrics into three classes of flammability, thus assisting in a judgment of fabric suitability for clothing.§1610.1 Purpose.The purpose of this standard is to reduce danger of injury and loss of life by providing, on a national basis, standard methods of testing and rating the flammability of textiles and textile products for clothing use, thereby discouraging the use of any dangerously flammable clothing textiles.§1610.2 Scope.(a) The standard provides methods of testing the flammability of clothing and textiles intended to be used for clothing, 1,a,b establishes three classes of flammability, sets forth the requirements which textiles shall meet to be so classified, and warns against the use of those textiles which have burning characteristics unsuitable for clothing.1Hereinafter, “clothing and textiles intended to be used for clothing” shall be referred to as “textiles.”a All the numbered footnotes are from the original printing by the Department of Commerce. All the lettered footnotes are new.b Refer to sections 2 and 4 of the Flammable Fabrics Act of 1953, as amended in 1954, set out at 16 CFR part 1609, for the scope of the Standard.(b) Specific exceptions— This standard shall not apply to:(1) Hats, gloves, and footwear. cc Refer to sections 2(d) and 4 of the Flammable Fabrics Act of 1953, as amended in 1954, set out at 16 CFR part 1609 for exceptions to this exception.(2) Interlining fabrics. 22Interlining fabrics are not considered dangerously flammable when used as interlinings. When used for other purposes they should be tested and rated the same as any other fabrics.§1610.3 Requirements.(a)(1) Normal flammability, Class 1. This class shall include textiles which meet the minimum requirements set forth in paragraph (a)(1)(i) or paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section. Textiles meeting these requirements are generally accepted by the trade as having no unusual burning characteristics.(i) Textile without nap, pile, tufting, flock, or other type of raised-fiber surface. Such textiles in their original state and/or after being dry-cleaned and washed as described in §§1610.4(d) and 1610.4(e), when tested as described in §1610.4 shall be classified as Class 1, normal flammability, when the time of flame spread is 4 seconds d or more.d On August 23, 1954, the Flammable Fabrics Act was amended, changing the test for the time of flame spread for plain-surfaced fabrics, provided in paragraphs (now§1610.3(a)(1)(i)) and (now §1610.3(a)(3)(i)), by reducing the burning time from 4 to 3 1/2 seconds. For the purpose of the administration of that act, therefore, the 3 1/2 second burning time for plain-surface fabrics is applicable.(ii) Napped, pile, tufted, flocked, or other textiles having a raised-fiber surface. Such textiles in their original state and/or after being dry-cleaned and washed as described in §§1610.4(d) and 1610.4(e), when tested as described in §1610.4, shall be classified as Class 1, normal flammability, when the time of flame spread is more than 7 seconds, or when they burn with a rapid surface flash (from 0 to 7 seconds), provided the intensity of the flame is so low as not to ignite or fuse the base fabric.(2) Intermediate flammability, Class 2. This class shall include textiles which meet the minimum requirements set forth in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section. Textiles meeting these requirements are recognized by the trade as having flammability characteristics between normal and rapid and intense burning.(i) Napped, pile, tufted, flocked, or other textiles having a raised-fiber surface. Such textiles in their original state and/or after being dry-cleaned and washed as described in §§1610.4(d) and 1610.4(e), when tested as described in §1610.4, shall be classified as Class 2, intermediate flammability, when the time of flame spread is from 4 to 7 seconds, both inclusive, and the base fabric ignites or fuses.(3) Rapid and intense burning, Class 3. This class shall include textiles which have burning characteristics as described in paragraphs (a)(3)(i) and (a)(3)(ii) of this section. Such textiles are considered dangerously flammable and recognized by the trade as being unsuitable for clothing because of their rapid and intense burning.(i) Textiles free from nap, pile, tufting, flock, or other type of raised-fiber surface. Such textiles in their original state and/or after being dry-cleaned and washed as described in§§1610.4(d) and 1610.4(e), when tested as described in §1610.4, shall be classified as Class 3, rapid and intense burning, when the time of flame spread is less than 4 seconds. ee See footnote d.(ii) Napped, pile, tufted, flocked, or other textiles having a raised-fiber surface. Such textiles in their original state and/or after being dry-cleaned and washed as described in §§1610.4(d) and 1610.4(e) when tested as described in §1610.4 shall be classified as Class 3, rapid andintense burning, when the time of flame spread is less than 4 seconds and when the intensity of flame is such as to ignite or fuse the base fabric.§1610.4 Methods of test.(a)(1) Number and size of specimens required. Five specimens, each measuring 2 by 6 inches, are required for each test.(2) For textiles without a raised-fiber surface the long dimension shall be that in which they burn most rapidly, and the more rapidly burning surface shall be tested. To establish the long dimension and the surface, preliminary tests are made as described in paragraph (g) of this section, with specimens cut in different directions.(3) For textiles having a raised-fiber surface, the direction of the lay of the surface fibers shall be parallel with the long dimension of the specimens. For this type of textiles with varying depths of pile, tufting, etc., the specimens are taken from that part and tested on that surface which has the fastest rate of burning.(4) If the specimens in the preliminary test, when tested as described in paragraph (g) of this section, do not ignite or are very slow burning, or should have a fire-retarding finish, a swatch large enough to provide the specimens required for the test, with allowance for shrinkage in dry cleaning and washing, is subjected to the dry cleaning and washing procedures described in paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section. The specimens for the flammability test are then taken from it.(5) The specimens required for testing, each 2 by 6 inches, are marked out on the back (or under side) of each sample with the long dimension in the direction in which burning is most rapid, as established in the preliminary trials. The end of the specimen toward which and on the face of which burning is most rapid is identified by attaching a staple to it. The specimens are then cut out.(b) Flammability tester. The flammability tester consists of a draft-proof ventilated chamber enclosing a standardized ignition medium, sample rack, and automatic timing device.(1) Draft-proof chamber with vented top (A, fig. 2). This metal chamber prevents air circulation around the specimen rack and flame, but permits free ventilation for rapid oxidation. The chamber is 14 1/2 inches wide, 8 1/2 inches deep, and 14 inches high. There are 12 half-inch holes equidistant along the rear of the top closure. A ventilating strip is provided at the base of the sliding glass door in the front of the apparatus.(2) Specimen rack (B, fig. 2). The specimen rack provides supports for the frames in which the specimens are mounted. The angle of inclination is 45°. Two guide pins projecting downward from the center of the base of the rack travel in slots provided in the floor of the chamber so that adjustment can be made for the thickness of the specimen in relation to the flame front. A stop is provided in the base of the chamber to assist in adjusting the positionof the rack.(3) Specimen holder (C, fig. 2). The specimen holder consists of two 1/16 inch matched metal plates with clamps mounted along the sides, between which the specimen is fixed. The plates are slotted and loosely pinned for alignment. The two plates of the holder cover all but 1 1/2 inches of the width of the specimen for its full length. The specimen holder is supported in the draft-proof chamber on the rack at an angle of 45°. Five specimen holders are provided.(4) Indicating finger (D, fig. 2). The forepart of this finger touches the specimen when the rack is adjusted. By means of this finger the thickness of the specimen is compensated for in the throw of the gas nozzle.(5) Control knobs (not shown). There are two of these knobs which hold the rack in test position. The knobs can be reached under the stage of the cabinet and permit forward and backward movements of the rack when loosened.(6) Ignition medium (E, fig. 2). The ignition medium consists of a spring-motor-driven gas jet formed around a 26-gage hypodermic needle. A trigger located in the front of the apparatus serves to wind the spring-motor when the machine is placed in operation. The gas jet is protected by a copper shield.(7) Stop cord (F, fig. 2). This cord, stretched from the spool (P, fig. 2) through suitable thread guides provided on the specimen frame and chamber walls, permits the lacing of the cord in the proper position exactly 5 inches from the point where the center of the ignition flame impinges on the test specimen. The stop cord consists of a No. 50 mercerized sewing thread and measures the rise and spread of the flame from the test specimen.(8) Pulley or eye (G5, fig. 2). The pulley or eye is the support and guide for the stop cord. gg Other guides are specifically identified as the skyhook (G 1), the L-shaped guides (G2, G3) and a pigtail guide (G6).See §1610.61(c)(1) for a clarification of the stop cord position.(9) Stop weight (H, fig. 2). The weight, attached by means of a clip to the stop cord, in dropping actuates the stop motion.(10) Slide door control (I, fig. 2). This knob moves the catch mechanism used to hold the sliding door in an open position for insertion of test specimen racks.(11) Slide door (J, fig. 2). A glass door in its normal position slides in the grooves at the front of the cabinet.(12) Fuel-control valve (K, fig. 2). This valve consists of a sensitive control device for regulating the fuel supply at the tank. The valve ends in a 1/2-inch male connection for attachment to the standard butane tank of 2 pounds capacity.(13) Flow meter (L, fig. 2). A flow meter is used to bring the fuel supply to test level by means of the control valve. The flow meter consists of a U-shaped glass tube cut into the gas line in a manner to register the gas pressure delivered to the microburner. Attached to the case wall behind the flow meter is a movable metal plate with two parallel horizontal lines properly spaced for the desired flame length. When the pressure is off, the plate is so regulated that the liquid level in both sides of the U-shaped tube meets the lower line. When the test is made the pressure is so adjusted that the higher liquid level in the U-shaped tube meets the upper line.(14) Butane, c.p., container4(M, fig. 2). This fuel supply is a No. 4 cylinder of c.p. butane. 4Butane, c.p. No. 4 cylinders containing 2 pounds of butane may be obtained from, among others, the Matheson Co., Inc., East Rutherford, N.J.(15) Stopwatch and timing mechanism (N, fig. 2). This watch, by means of special attachments, is actuated to a start by connection with the gas jet (E, fig. 2). A driving mechanism on rear of cabinet (S, fig. 2) moves the gas jet to its most forward position and automatically starts the timing at the moment of flame impact. The falling weight (H, fig. 2), when caused to move by severance of cord (F, fig. 2), stops the watch. Timing is read directly.(16) Starting lever (O, fig. 2). This lever is operated from left to right in one stroke and is released to operate the gas jet.(17) Cord supply (P, fig. 2). This supply, consisting of a spool of No. 50 mercerized cotton sewing thread, is fastened to the side of the chamber and can be withdrawn by releasing the thumbscrew holding same in position.(18) Cord loop (G4, fig. 2). At a point behind the stop cord (F, fig. 2), on the rear panel, there is installed another loop to draw the cord away from directly over the flame.(19) Draft ventilator strip (Q, fig. 2). A draft ventilator strip is placed across the front opening, sealing the space between the sliding door when in lowered position and the base on which the grid rack is attached.(c) Brushing device.h (1) This device consists of a baseboard over which a smaller carriage is drawn. This carriage runs on parallel tracks attached to the edges of the upper surface of the baseboard. The brush is hinged with pin hinges at the rear edge of the baseboard and rests on the carriage vertically with a pressure of 150 grams.h See §1610.61(c)(2) for a clarification of the brushing technique for fabric with raised-fiber surfaces.Figure 3—Brushing device.i(2) The brush consists of two rows of stiff nylon bristles mounted with the tufts in a staggered position. The bristles are 0.016 inch in diameter and 0.75 inch in length. There are 20 bristles per tuft and 4 tufts per inch. A clamp is attached to the forward edge of the movable carriage to permit holding the specimen on the carriage during the brushing operation.(3) After the specimen has been put in place on the carriage and fastened by means of the clamp, the brush is raised, the carriage pushed to the rear, and the brush lowered to the face of the specimen. The carriage is then drawn forward by hand at a uniform rate.(d) Dry cleaning. A swatch from each sample, as mentioned in paragraph (a)(4) of this section, shall be subjected to the following dry-cleaning procedure.(1) Apparatus. The apparatus is a cylinder, preferably of metal, approximately 13 inches high and about 8 3/4 inches in diameter (capacity 3 gallons). The cylinder is mounted in a vertical position on an axis which is inclined 50° to the axis of the cylinder, and is rotated about this axis at a speed of 45 to 50 revolutions per minute. ii See footnote h; this picture is a reproduction of the figure published in the original standard, and does not truly represent the Commission's interpretation of the proper position of the specimen during the brushing procedure (§1610.01(c)(2)). Specifically, the specimen in the picture appears to be below the level of the upper half of the specimen holder while the clarification requires the specimen to be placed above this level. Also §1610.61(c)(1) allows for the use of L-shaped guides.(2) Cleaning procedure. The apparatus is filled approximately one-third with perchlorethylene to which is added 270 ml of dry-cleaning soap. 6 The swatches and sufficient suitable worsted cloth, 7 in pieces of approximately 12 by 12 inches, to make a total dry load of 1 pound are placed in the apparatus. It is operated for 25 minutes. The solution is poured out, the apparatus refilled to approximately one-third with fresh perchlorethylene without soap, and the apparatus is operated for an additional 5 minutes. This last operation is repeated three times. The swatches are then removed and the excesssolvent removed from the swatches by any convenient means, such as rolling them between two layers of turkish toweling or between two layers of absorbent paper. They are then permitted to dry at room temperature.6The soap shall be made by dissolving 56 grams of caustic potash (KOH) in 100 ml of water. The potassium hydroxide solution shall be poured slowly, with constant stirring, into a mixture of 340 grams of oleic acid, 400 ml of Stoddard solvent (Commercial StandardCS3–40 grade), and 100 ml of tertiary butyl alcohol or an equal quantity of butyl cellosolve. 7A suitable worsted test fabric known as Moth Test cloth may be obtained from Test-fabrics, Inc., 55 Van Dam St., New York 13, N.Y.(e) Washing procedure. The swatches, after being subjected to the dry-cleaning procedure (paragraph (d) of this section), shall then be immersed and worked gently for 5 minutes in a bath of soft water in which 0.5-percent neutral chip soap has been dissolved. The volume of the bath shall be 30 times the weight of the swatches and the temperature shall be between 95° and 100 °F. The swatches shall then be rinsed twice in water at 80 °F., extracted, and dried. The individual specimens, each 2 by 6 inches, are then cut out as described in paragraph (a)(5) of this section and tested as described in paragraphs (f) and (g) of this section.(f) Brushing and drying specimens. Each specimen having a raised-fiber surface, in its original condition or after dry cleaning and washing, is placed on the brushing device carriage (paragraph (c) of this section) and drawn under the brush once against the lay of the raised-fiber surface (see fig. 4). Other specimens do not require brushing. All specimens are clamped individually in the specimen holders of the flammability tester (paragraph (b)(3) of this section), with the staple on top and the stapled end at the closed end of the holder. They are then dried in a horizontal position in an oven for 30 minutes at 221 °F (105 °C), removed from the oven, and placed over anhydrous calcium chloride in a desiccator until cool, but for not less than 15 minutes.Figure 4—Lay of Nap(g) Procedure for testing flammability. (1) Adjust the position of the rack of the flammability tester (paragraph (b)(2) of this section) with a holder and trial specimen (not a prepared specimen) in position, so that the tip of the indicator finger touches the face of the specimen.(2) Open the control valve in the fuel supply. Allow approximately 5 minutes for the air to be drawn from the fuel line, ignite the gas and adjust the flame to a length of 5/8 inch, measured from its tip to the opening in the gas nozzle.(3) Remove the mounted specimen from the desiccator and place it in a position on the rack in the chamber of the apparatus.(4) See that the stop cord (No. 50 cotton sewing thread) is strung through the guides in the upper plate of the specimen holder across the top of the specimen, and through the guides at the rear of the chamber over the guide ring, and that the weight is hooked in place close toand just below the guide ring. Set the stop watch at zero. Close the door of the apparatus. Conduct the test in a draft-free room with the apparatus at room temperature.(5) Bring the starting lever over to the extreme right and release it. This starts the timing mechanism and applies the flame to the specimen for a period of 1 second. This should be done within 45 seconds of the time the specimen was removed from the desiccator. Timing is automatic, starting upon application of the flame and ending when the weight is released by the burning of the stop cord.(6) Record the time of flame spread (reading of stop watch) of each specimen and note whether the base of each specimen having a raised-fiber surface is ignited or fused to a point where the damage is apparent from the bottom of the specimen.(7) Results—(i) Time of flame spread. The time of flame spread of the textile is taken as an average time for 5 specimens. Results of tests of specimens before and after dry cleaning and washing shall be recorded and reported separately. If the time of flame spread is less than 4 seconds 8 or if the specimens do not burn, test 5 additional specimens. The time of flame spread is then taken to be the average time for the 10 specimens or for as many of them as burn.8In the Flammable Fabrics Act, Congress adopted CS 191–53 as the Commercial Standard to be applied under the law.On August 23, 1954, the Flammable Fabrics Act was amended, changing the test for the time of flame spread for plain-surfaced fabrics, provided in paragraphs and [codified as §§1610.3(a)(1)(i) and 1610.3(a)(3)(i)], by reducing the burning time from 4 to 3 1/2 seconds.For the purposes of the administration of that act, therefore, the 3 1/2-second burning time for plain-surfaced fabrics is applicable.(ii) Base fabric ignition or fusing. Base fabric ignition or fusing of textiles havingraised-fiber surfaces shall be reported when the base fabric of more than 1 of the 5 (or 2 of the 10) specimens tested ignites or fuses. jj See §1610.61(c)(3) for a clarification of the criterion for classification of Class 3.(8) Reporting results. The reported result shall be the flammability before or after dry cleaning and washing, whichever is the lower; and, based on this result, the textile shall be placed in the proper classification as given in §1610.3.[40 FR 59891, Dec. 30, 1975, as amended at 59 FR 33194, June 28, 1994]§1610.5 Notes.The methods of test and classifications outlined herein agree with all essential requirements of the Standard Test Method for Flammability of Clothing Textiles, of the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists.Subpart B—Rules and RegulationsAuthority:Sec. 5, 15 U.S.C. 1194.Note:An interpretation, with respect to Ornamental Veils or Veilings, issued by the Federal Trade Commission at 32 FR 11850, Aug. 17, 1967, provides as follows:Ornamental millinery veils or veilings when used as a part of, in conjunction with, or as a hat, are not to be considered such a “covering for the neck, face, or shoulders” as would, under the first proviso of section 2(d) of the Flammable Fabrics Act, cause the hat to be included within the definition of the term “article of wearing apparel” where such ornamental millinery veils or veilings do not extend more than nine (9) inches from the tip of the crown of the hat to which they are attached and do not extend more than two (2) inches beyond the edge of the brim of the hat.Where hats are composed entirely of ornamental millinery veils or veilings such hats will not be considered as subject to the Flammable Fabrics Act if the veils or veilings from which they are manufactured were not more than nine (9) inches in width and do not extend more than nine (9) inches from the tip of the crown of the completed hat.§1610.31 Terms defined.As used in this part, unless the context otherwise specifically requires:(a) The term act means the “Flammable Fabrics Act” (approved June 30, 1953, Pub. Law 88, 83d Congress, 1st sess., 15 U.S.C. 1191; 67 Stat. 111) as amended, 68 Stat. 770, August 23, 1954.(b) The terms rule, rules, regulations, and rules and regulations, mean the rules and regulations prescribed by the Commission pursuant to section 5(c) of the act.(c) The term United States means, the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the Territories, and Possessions of the United States.(d) The terms marketing or handling means the transactions referred to in section 3 of the Flammable Fabrics Act, as amended in 1967.(e) The terms uncovered or exposed part of an article of wearing apparel as used in section4(a) of the act, mean that part of such article of apparel which might during normal wear be open to flame or other means of ignition.Note:The outer surface of an undergarment is considered to be an uncovered or exposed part of an article of wearing apparel, and thus subject to the act.(f) The term textile fabric means any coated or uncoated material subject to the act, except film and fabrics having a nitro-cellulose fiber, finish, or coating, which is woven, knitted, felted or otherwise produced from any natural or manmade fiber, or substitute therefor, orcombination thereof, of two inches or more in width, and which is in a form or condition ready for use in wearing apparel.(g) The term plain surface textile fabric means any textile fabric which does not have an intentionally raised fiber or yarn surface such as a pile, nap, or tuft, but shall include those fabrics having fancy woven, knitted or flock printed surfaces.(h) The term raised surface textile fabric means any textile fabric which has an intentionally raised fiber or yarn surface such as a pile, nap, or tufting.(i) The term film means any nonrigid, unsupported plastic, rubber or other synthetic or natural film or sheeting, subject to the Act, or any combination thereof, including transparent, translucent, and opaque material, whether plain, embossed, molded, or otherwise surface treated, which is in a form or condition ready for use in wearing apparel, and shall include film or sheeting exceeding 10 mils in thickness.(j) The term test means the application of the relevant test method prescribed in the procedures provided under section 4(a) of the Act.(k) [Reserved](l) The term finish type means a particular finish, but does not include such variables as changes in color, pattern, print, or design, or minor variations in the amount or type of ingredients in the finish formulation. Examples of finish types would be starch finishes, resin finishes or parchmentized finishes.(m) The definition of terms contained in section 2 of the Act shall be applicable also to such terms when used in rules promulgated under the act.[40 FR 59891, Dec. 30, 1975, as amended at 49 FR 48683, Dec. 14, 1984]§1610.32 General requirements.(a) No article of wearing apparel or fabric subject to the act and regulations shall be marketed or handled if such article or fabric, when tested according to the procedures prescribed in section 4(a) of the act, is so highly flammable as to be dangerous when wornby individuals.(b) The provisions of §1610.4(g)(7) of the Standard for the Flammability of Clothing Textiles, relating to results of testing, shall be applied to tests of fabrics and articles of wearing apparel subject to the Standard. To compute the average time of flame spread for each set of five specimens, at least two of the specimens must ignite and burn the stop cord for the specimen. However, if fewer than two specimens of any given set of five ignite and burn the entire length of the specimen, test results shall be interpreted according to the provisions of paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(4) of this section.(1) If no specimen ignites and burns the stop cord, the results of that test shall be regarded as Class 1 (passing).。
1 概述所有的天然纤维素或再生纤维素纤维织物以及部分经整理或未经整理的其他天然或合成纤维织物都是可燃的,这些织物在接触明火源时,容易引起燃烧,由于其易燃性以及火焰的蔓延性等因素,致使一些可燃织物在制成服装供消费者使用时,会危及到消费者的安全。
2 纺织品燃烧性能技术法规与标准美国美国早在1953年就通过了《易燃织物法案》(FFA),在1954年和1967年又进行了修订,并由美国消费者产品安全委员会(CPSC)强制执行(表1)。
表2中国(表3)表33 主要测试方法概述阻燃性能测试方法有多种,各国几乎都有自己的国家标准,不同种类织物有不同的测试方法,有些织物也可以用不同的测试方法来评价其阻燃性能。
垂直法3.2.1 原理该种测试方法规定试样垂直放置(试样的长度方向与水平线垂直),燃烧源在试样的下方引燃试样,测量试样的最小点燃时间、续燃时间、阻燃时间、火焰蔓延速度、碳化长度(损毁长度)、碳化面积(损毁面积)等与阻燃性能有关的指标,并据此来评定样品的阻燃性能级别或是否合格。
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16 CFR 1610服用纺织品阻燃法规简介
很多国家都对纺织品特别是服用纺织品的阻燃性能提出了要求,尤其是美国还制定了服用纺织品阻燃性法规–l6 CFR l610。
本文对美国l6 CFR l610法规中的服用纺织品阻燃要求进行简要的介绍。
1 测试方法
通过对法规CFR 1610,CFR 1611,CFR 1615,CFR 1616不同的适用范围进行比较和分析,总结本法规的适用范围是:涂层或未涂层材料、胶片和纤维、整理剂或涂层中含有硝基的面料除外,幅宽在2 in以上,用于制作服装的面料。
免除测试的纤维和面料:克重大于2.6 oz/yd2的光面织物;以腈纶、改性腈纶、锦纶、涤纶、羊毛、烯烃类纤维纯纺或相互混纺而成的织物(以上纤维与其他纤维的混纺织物不是免除测试的产品)。
根据预实验测试的结果在燃烧最快的方向上测试5个样品,尺寸为:2 in.×6 in.,放入试样夹(如果是绒面织物需增加刷试样的过程,目的是使面料表面的绒毛立起),调湿后,水平放置在温度为105℃的烘箱中烘干30 min,然后放入干燥器中冷却15 min~3 h.
将实验用45度法燃烧测试仪调整至使用状态,试样和火源的距离为5/16 in.,调整火焰的高度为5/8 in.,将试样从干燥器中取出放入测试箱中,将计时线和重物连接就位,并将试样架向前移至测试位置,并关上测试箱的门。
按下点火开关,试样点火1 s,随后观察并记录计时线烧断的时间及实验现象,最后评定其燃烧级别。
注意:应在试样从干燥器中取出后45 s内进行测试。
需进行洗后测试的的试样经干洗(干洗灌法)和水洗(用0.5﹪的中性皂片浸泡5 min,并漂洗2次)处理后,按1.3.1进行预实验,确定燃烧最快的方向,然后重复1.3.3.1的测试过程,记录实验现象,并计算平均燃烧时间和底布燃烧的个数,最后评定其燃烧级别。
2 评级
表2 绒面织物测试结果的描述
2.2 分级规定
表3 织物的分级规定
表5 阻燃性测试实例
例4:依据表4评级注意事项①,原样只有1个有燃烧时间故无法计算Ave.值,实验现象与表4绒面织物评级细则没有完全吻合的(与表4绒面织物评级细则③最相近,但细则③试样数量是5个,且要求有一个试样燃烧燃烧时间小于4 s,并无底布燃烧,而本例试样个数为10,有一个试样燃烧燃烧时间小于4 s,但有底布燃烧),因为前5个试样现象不明显,已经再测了5个试样,实验现象仍不明显,故原样燃烧级别无法确定。
例5:原样有4个有燃烧时间故可直接计算原样Ave.值为5.0 s,实验现象与表4绒面织物评级细则⑥吻合,故原样评为2级,洗后样有4个有燃烧时间故可直接计算洗后样Ave.值为3.5 s,,实验现象与表4绒面织物评级细则没有完全吻合的(与表4绒面织物评级细则④⑤⑧相近,但本例中是5个试样,且有2个试样发生底布燃烧,不相同),故原样无法评级,需再测试5个试样后评定原样燃烧级别,如评为1或2级,则需继续进行洗后试样的评级,最后按原样与洗后样最差级别评级。
例6:原样有4个有燃烧时间故可直接计算原样Ave.值为4.4 s,实验现象与表4绒面织物评级细则⑥吻合,故原样评为2级,需进行洗后试样的评级,最后按原样与洗后样最差级别评级。
例7:原样有8个有燃烧时间故可直接计算原样Ave.值为2.0 s,实验现象与表4绒面织物评级细则⑧吻合,故原样评为3级,该试样不需洗后再评,直接评为3级。
例8:原样有4个有燃烧时间故可直接计算原样Ave.值为6.9 s,实验现象与表4绒面织物评级细则④吻合,故原样评为1级,洗后样有4个有燃烧时间故可直接计算原样Ave.值为6.9 s,实验现象与表4绒面织物评级细则⑥吻合,故洗后样评为2级,综合评定该样品燃烧级别为2级。
3 结语
我国出口美国的服用纺织品因违反l6 CFR l610法规要求而被CPSC处罚的情况时有发生,造成经济损失的同时,还严重影响了中国纺织品的声誉。