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Diet custom
Don't eat pork and animai innards Don't drink alcohol They entertain guests with tea.
B. General Arabia family is seated meals, and use the right hand to eat.
Be careful
• The time difference:its time four hours later than Beijing time. • Climate: only two seasons - summer and winter. • Dress: conservative dress is better. Holiday:The UAE have more holidays
• not to eat tiger, wolf, lion, leopard, bear, elephant, monkey, eagles, harrier and other falcons beast
• Color: The UAE people like brown, dark blue,
• complex (reasons) • your gift is the best you can afford to avoid embarrassment.
• Sharing a meal is the best way. • Local businessmen like to Coffee shop. • business dinner always in home and often only male • Female passenger only in the separate living room accompanied by the hostess
• C.
Bad manners :either eat
offer something with the left hand
• D .Not to eat pigs, horses, mules, donkeys, dogs, snakes, Turkey, since dead meat, fish and all animals submersed blood.
• The hosts usually set the subject. • They will normally begin with polite enquiries. • They will invite you to contribute the conversation.
• In the United Arab Emirates businessmen often talk about it to forget, so it is important to continue to track management
yellow, purple • Contrary to china,Rise in green, fall in red.
Taboo pink,
Custom taboo
after sunrise and before sunset, no water, eating ,smoking in public places and in the streets .
theT United Arab Emirates
National flag
• Red is a symbol of the motherland green =pasture white =achievements of the motherland black =battle
• The foreign population : 88.5% • Religion:Islam
• Language:阿拉伯语 • Quantity:580万(2012年)
• 阿联酋包括以下七个酋长国:阿布扎比 、迪拜 、沙迦 、 阿治曼 、乌姆盖万 、哈伊马角、 富查伊拉