




















(条件) Wewereveryexcitedtohearthenews、听到这个消息,我们感到非常兴奋。

(原因) HehurriedtotheschooltofindnobodytherE、他匆忙赶到学校。




【教育文档】2019年高考英语 语法必考考点10非谓语动词及解析答案.doc

【教育文档】2019年高考英语 语法必考考点10非谓语动词及解析答案.doc



【高考考点透视】1. 非谓语动词的构成和语法功能及用法对比;2. 非谓语动词的完成式、被动式的用法和特点;3. 非谓语动词的复合结构及否定形式;4. 不定式与动名词,动名词与现在分词,现在分词与过去分词,分词作状语与独立结构等用法对比;5. 不定式和动名词在及物动词后作宾语的区别是考查的热点;6. 过去分词作定语,不定式和分词作宾语补足语的用法;7. 不定式标志to和介词to的用法判断等;8. 带to与不带to的不定式的用法及区别。

考点一、考查谓语动词与非谓语动词的识别英语句子至少应该包括主语与谓语两部分, 而多数情况下谓语都由动词来充当。

如果对句子成分划分不清,把谓语动词与非谓语动词混淆, 做题效果可想而知。


如:1. The children (play) _____ the violin over there will go on the stage next week.【答案与解析】根据句子结构,我们可以看出这是一个简单句。

主语是The children,谓语部分是will go on the stage,动词play显然在句中不作谓语,应用非谓语动词形式。


考点二、考查作状语的非谓语动词的辨析作状语的非谓语动词主要考查其各种形式的辨析,即是选择动词不定式、现在分词还是过去分词作状语, 不同的状语对非谓语动词的要求不同。




例如:例如;Father will not allow us to play on the street. 父亲不让我们在街上玩耍。

The officer ordered his men to fire. 长官命令士兵开火。

注意:有些动词如make,have,get,want 等可用不定式作做宾补,也可用分词作宾补。



例如:例如:We believe him to be guilty. 我们相信他是有罪的。

We know him to be a fool. 我们知道他是个笨蛋。

(to be 不能省去)典型例题Charles Babbage is generally considered the first computer.A. to inventB. inventingC. to have inventedD. having invented答案:C. 一般没有consider+宾语+be 以外不定式的结构,也没有consider+宾语+doing 的结构,排除A、B、D。

consider 用动词be 以外的不定式作宾补时,一般要求用不定式的完成式,故选C。

3)有些动词可以跟there +to be 的结构。

例如:believe expect intend like loveprefer want wish understand mean例如:We didn't expect there to be so many people there. 我们没料到会有那么多人在那里。

You wouldn’t want there to be another war. 你不至于想让另外一场战争发生吧。



2019 届高考英语二轮考点解析卷(十)1、Many of us have reached in our pockets,feeling a vibration( 振动 ), wrongly believing our mobile phones havejust rung. The phenomenon even has a name:‘ phantom vibration andsyndromefound it is surprisingly’—common.Now scientists believe that we are so alert( 警觉 ) for phone calls and messages we are misinterpreting slightmuscle spasms(痉挛 ) as proof of a call. Robert Rosenberger, an assistant professor at the Georgia Tech Institute ofTechnology has studied the delusional calls. He said sufferers describe a vague tingling feeling which they think istheir mobile phone indicating it has received a text message or call while on“ silent” . But when retrieved,there was no one on the other end.Dr. Rosenberger said,“ I find so many people say, This happens to me, but I thought I was the only one. I thoughtI was odd. ” It seems that the syndrome particularly affects people at the beck and call of mobile phones or pagers. A2010 study by Michael Rothberg and colleagues found that nearly 70 per cent of doctors at a hospital inMassachusetts suffered phantom vibrations. A more recent study of US college students found the figure was as highas 90 per cent.While the odd feeling is widespread, it does not seem to be considered a grave problem. Dr. Rosenbergersaid,“ It’ s not actually a syndrome in a technical sense. That’ s just the name that’ s got stuck to per cent of people consider it a problem."While widespread, the scientific community has not yet invested much effort in getting to the bottom of why wesuffer phantom calls. Dr. Rosenberger said, "People are guessing it has something to do with nervous energy.The cognitive( 认知的 ) scientists are talking about brain chemistry, cognitive pathways changing. But ithave brain scans to go on." He said,“ We have a phone call in our pocket all the time and it becomes sort of an extension of ourselves. We have this sort of readiness to experience a call. We feel something and we think, OK, thatcould be a call.”1.Why do some people mistake slight muscle spasms for a call?A.They all have a vivid imagination.B.They are sensitive to calls and messages.C.There are few calls and messages in their life.D.Sight muscle spasms affect them more than other people.2.Which of the following are more likely to have phantom vibration syndrome than others?A.Doctors.B.University professors.C.College students.D.The cognitive scientists.3.In Dr. Rosenberger’ s opinion, phantom vibration syndrome________.A.isn’ t a kind of disease actuallyB.is considered a problem by most peopleC.is a serious problem ignored by peopleD.has something to do with brain chemistry2、SHANGHAI —The Shanghai World Financial Centre will be the tallest land-mark in the world after itscompletion this century in Pudong, according to the project’ s Japanese investors. The building will be locate prime Lujiazui Zone in Pudong, on a 30.000-square-metre site.The building was originally designed to be a 94-floor office tower with a height of 460 metres. The projectbroke ground in 1997 but was later halted as a result of the financial crisis in Southeast Asia.“ As the economy warms up, we are more confident about Shanghai and the wholeChinaand we are working hardto get the project restarted as soon as possible,” said Katsuyuki-presdentTakeuchiandgeneral,vice manager of theShanghai World Financial Centre Company.Its parent company, Japan-based Mori Building Co. Ltd, established the Shanghai subsidiary as the operatorresponsible for this ambitious project. The design, which is undergoing revision in Japan, will accommodateinternational high-tech businesses, department stores, art galleries, clubs and a five-star hotel. Unlike the gloomyeconomies of the United States, Europe and Japan, China enjoys a strong growth with brighter prospects, Takeuchisaid.More capital and businesses are expected to flow into Shanghai , which aims to become a world centre for tradeand the financial industry —with Lujiazui as its showpiece.The layout of Luijiazui includes three tall buildings, one of which is the completed Jinmao Tower, each risingabove 400 metres, as designed by local government after holding an international design competition early lastdecade. Other buildings nearby fall in height gradually, creating a special shape against the skyline. TheShanghai World Fiancial Centre will be built as the peak of the mountain.“T he peak will be safe thanks to the perfect design, advanced technology and the stable social and politicalenvironment in Shanghai,” Takeuchi said, reassuring those who might be anxious about the safety of the-to-soonbeworld ’ s tallest building.1.Why is the Shanghai World Financial Center to be built?A.Because it is by the bank of the Changjiang River.B.Because it is going to be the highest building in China.C.Because the economy of China is of a better future than of other countries.D.Because the builders in Shanghai could be sure of the quality of the building.2.Seen from a long distance, the Lujiazui Zone looks like a (an) _______.A.appleB.mountainC.boxD.basin3.Why will the Shanghai World Financial Center be of great safety?A.Because it will be the peak of a mountainB.Because its design and technology are of the top levels.C.In Shanghai there is a stable social and political environment.D.B and C.4.Which of the following has the same meaning as the sentence” .. . reassuringbe thoseanxiouswhoaboutmightthe safety of the soon-to- be world’ s tallest building”?fort the people so that they won’ t worry about the safety of the peak.B.Tell the people the tallest building will be finished soon.C.Advise people not to be anxious about the building until it is finished.D.Make sure that the building will be built in Shanghai.3、Black Friday is just a week away, an annual tradition in which holiday shoppers rush to the supermarkets andmalls. Most shoppers pack stores to buy things at a discount. For some, however, shopping is less of a pastime andmore of an addiction. These people have compulsive( 强迫性的 ) shopping disorder, a condition filled with debt and regret.While it's true that many lack money and credit management skills, what these shoppers are often looking for is a“ buy high ” ,an emotional rush to put themselves in a better mood, found San Francisco State University researchers in 2013. These types of shoppers often hold materialistic values. When under stress, materialistic shoppers are morelikely to shop compulsively.Rather than providing any social or emotional outlet(发泄出口),the extreme stress-induced purchases only increase anxiety and lower well-being, and materialistic shoppers already tend to have lower self-esteem than others to begin with.In fact, it ’ s exactly at low moments that materialistic shoppers are most likely to shop for expensive items, and they're more likely to make those purchases on credit. This of course can create a vicious cycle, in which a materialistic shoppers with low self-esteem buys a luxury item he or she cannot afford in an effort to improve senseof self. The financial burden can cause stress and strain relationships over the issue of money, further affectingthe mood of the shopper and leading to more spending to try to regain a sense of self-worth.Symptoms of shopping addiction include constant thoughts about shopping, buying to improve the moodand inability to change behavior.There are treatment options for those with compulsive shopping disorder, which may include medication.Other recommendations include shopping with a friend, getting rid of credit cards and above all, developing meaningful hobbies.1.What do you learn about Black Friday?A.Many shops have special offers.B.Customers can enjoy leisure time.C.Shoppers can get free products.D.Shoppers spend much money on useless things.2.According to the passage, the extreme stress-induced purchases _____.A.provide an emotional outletB.make people more anxiousC.regain people’ s confidenceD.improve management skills3.When are materialistic shoppers most likely to shop for expensive items?A.When they are delighted.B.When they are excited.C.When they are inspired.D.When they are depressed.4.According to the author, which of the following is the most important treatment option?A.Taking chemical medicine.B.Shopping with a friend.C.Developing meaningful hobbies.D.Getting rid of credit cards.4、Some of the world’ s most famous musicians recently gathered ins andPar New Orleans to celebrate the firstannual International Jazz Day. UNESCO( United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) recentlyset April 30 as a day to raise awareness of jazz music, its significance, and its potential as a unifying(联合) voiceacross cultures.Despite the celebrations, though, in the U.S. the jazz audience continues to shrink and grow older, and the musichas failed to connect with younger generations.It ’ s Jason Moran’ s job to help changett.As the Ke nnedy Center’ s artistic adviser for jazz, Moran hopes to widen the audience for jazz, make the music more accessible, and preserve its history and culture.“ Jazz seems like it’ s not really a part of the American appetite,” Moran tells National Public Radio Conan.“ What I’ m hoping to accomplish is that my generation and younger start to reconsider and understand thatjazz is not black and write anymore. It Moran says one of the problems wi ’ s actually color, and it’ s actually digital.”th jazz today is that the entertainment aspect of the music has been lost.music can’ t be presented today the way it was in 1908 or 1958. It has to continue to move, because the way the worldworks is not the same,” says Moran.Last year, Moran wo rked on a project that arranged Fats Waller’ s music for a dance party,“ Just to back in the mind that Waller is dance music as much as it is concert music,” says Moran.“ For m recontextualization. In music, where does the emotion( 情感 ) lie? Are we, as humans, gaining any insight( 感悟 ) onhow talk about ourselves and how something as abstract as a Charlie Parker record gets us into a dialogue about ouremotions and our thoughts? Sometimes we lose sight that the music has a wider context , ” says Moran,“ so I want to continue those dialogues. Those are the things I want to foster.”1.Why did UNESCO set April 30 as International Jazz Day?A.To remember the birth of jazz.B.To protect cultural diversity.C.To encourage people to study music.D.To recognize the value of jazz.2.What does the underlined word that” in“paragraph 3 refer to?A.Jazz becoming more accessible.B.The production of jazz growing faster.C.Jazz being less popular with the young.D.The jazz audience becoming larger.3.What can we infer about Moran’ s opinion on jazz?A.It will disappear gradually.B.It remains black and white.C.It should keep up with the times.D.It changes every 50 years.4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.Exploring the Future of Jazz.B.The Rise and Fall of Jazz.C.The Story of a Jazz Musician.D.Celebrating the Jazz Day.5、Smart wristband( 智能手环 ), a new welcoming product, is changing our lifestyle.① __________And there are also many different brands to choose, such as Apple or Huawei.Here are the reasons why people choose a wristband.②__________The wristband can also be connected to the mobile phone. You are able to use it to answer the phone, but a traditional watch can never do that.Besides, the smart wristband looks fascinating. ③ __________We often see teenagers wearing wristbands.Thirdly, at present many people have realized the importance of health. Some people play sports every day to keep healthy.④ __________The wristband shows the results every day and you'll know whether you achieve youraim or not.However, some parents are still against using it. ⑤ __________They think the teenagers are under the radiation( 辐射) all the time.Each coin has two sides. Use it or not, it’ s up to you.A. It’ s very popular among teenagers because it’ s cool enough.B.In their opinion, wearing wristbands for a long time may cause cancer.(癌症)C.More and more people prefer to choose a smart wristband in their daily life.D.Smart wristband is good.E. First of all. it can tell the time like a normal watch..F. it's helpful to know how far they have run or how many steps they have got with a wristband.6、阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A 、B 、C 和 D 四个选项中 , 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2019届高考英语二轮考点解析卷(二)1、The Nazca Lines are a series of large ancient geoglyphs (地画) in the Nazca Desert, in southern Peru. It is ranging from geometric patterns to drawings of different animals and stylized human-like forms. The ancient lines can only be truly taken in from high in the air, leaving generations puzzled as to how these precise works could have been completed long before the documented invention of human flight.The Lines were first spotted when commercial airlines began flying across the Peruvian desert in the 1920s. Who built them and what was their purpose? Are they roads, star pointers,maybe even a gigantic map? If the people who lived here 2,000 years ago had only a simple technology, how did they manage to construct such precise figures? Did they have a plan? These markings are like a vast puzzle.The Nazca Lines are the most outstanding group of geoglyphs in the world. There are also huge geoglyphs in Egypt, Malta, United States (Mississippi and California), Chile, Holivia and in other countries. But the Nazca geoglyphs, because of their numbers, characteristics, dimensions and cultural continuity as they were made and remade throughout a certain history period, form the most impressive archeological (考古学的) group.The Nazca plain is unique for its ability to preserve the markings upon it, due to the combination of the climate (one of the driest on Earth, with only twenty minutes of rainfall per year) and the flat, stony ground which minimizes the effect of the wind at ground level. With no dust or sand to cover the plain and little rain or wind to erode (腐蚀) it, lines drawn here tend to stay drawn. These factors, combined with the existence of lighter-colored subsoil beneath the desert surface, provide a vast writing pad that is suited to the artist who wants to leave his mark eternal.1.What can we know about the Nazca Lines from the first two paragraphs?A.They were built as a big map.B.They were formed by nature.C.They are ancient lines in caves.D.They are huge markings in a desert.2.How many factors make the Nazca Lines the most impressive?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.3.Why are the Nazca Lines well preserved?A.Because of the wind at ground level.B.Because of the existence of soft soil.C.Because of the climate and geography.D.Because of the thick sand on the top.4.What does the underlined word “eternal” probably mean?A.Non-stop.B.Ever-lasting.C.Real-life.D.High-end.2、Camp All-StarOne of a Kind Summer Camps for KidsWelcome to Camp All-Star, your No. 1 summer sports camp for kids! Located on the famous Kents Hill School campus by the beautiful lake, Camp All-Star hosts kids from around the world. When thinking about your next overnight summer camp, consider the best—Camp All-Star!Great Sports Summer Camps for KidsCamp All-Star stands out among the successful camps in theU.S.We have the best sports fieldsour child can enjoy and courts to make your child’s sports camp experience a successful one. Yplaying for hours in any of our more than 30 sports and activities each day. Our camper to staffrate is three to one, which makes it possible for children to receive more careful instruction.We have a wide variety of activities and sports to choose from: fishing, dance, basketball, soccer, baseball, and tennis. Boys and girls, aged 8-16, can customize their own schedules in our 2, 3, 4 or 6 week summer camp session for kids.The aim of Camp All-Star is to develop athletic skills, encourage abilities in leadership, fairplay and team work, and provide a fun, rewarding and memorable summer sports camp experience.Our staff have the experience and qualified training necessary to ensure that your child has a successful, memorable and enjoyable time at our summer camp.Call Today About Our Overnight Summer Camps for KidsDon’t let your kids waste another summer playing video games and sitting around. Let them enjoy their time and get some exercise at our exciting and friendly summer sports camp. Information for our upcoming camps can be found on our website. For additional information or questions, contact us today. We hope your kids can join us at Camp All-Star!1.Camp All-Star stands out among the others because it ______.A.is surrounded by a beautiful lakeB.provides various activities and sportsC.offers timely information on its websiteD.allows children to play outside all day long2.One of the goals of Camp All-star is to ______.A.fire kids’ imaginationconfidenceB.build up kids’C.develop kids’ leadership skillsD.promote kids’ self-control3.This advertisement is intended for ______.A.parentsB.coachesC.staffD.Campers性别) equality in the workplace has come, 3、Regardless of how far we’d like to believe gender(there’s still a yawning gap between male and female leaders in the professional world. A 2018 statistic shows that women nowadays hold just 5.8 percent of CEOs positions at S&P 500 companies, according to Catalyst.are somewhat underrepresented in leadership positions, While it’s not a huge shock that womenwhat is surprising though, is the fact that females may actually be better suited to lead in almost every area, at least according to new findings from the BI Norwegian Business School.In their research, Professor Martinsen and Professor Lars Glas surveyed (调查) 2,900 managerswith a special focus on personality types. The results were clear: Women scored higher than menin four of the five major leadership-centric categories.While some people believe that men inherently make better leaders — probably because theypicture a leader with a commanding voice, which is more typical of men than women — this pieceof research suggests that women are better at methodical management and goal-setting, openness,sociability and supportiveness, as well as ability to communicate clearly.There was one area in which men scored higher than women, though, and that was onemotional stability and ability to face job-related pressure and stress. The results suggest thatwomen are more sensitive to the effects of high-pressure or highly emotional situations.个人的) differences. Anyone, regardless of Obviously, it’s important to consider individual(gender, may be an inspiring leader and a competent boss. So next time you’re hiring for amanagement position, you just might want to give the resumes(简历) from female candidates aharder look.1.What makes us shocked much at leadership positions?A.Women are worse than men.B.Men take almost all high positions.C.There is a huge gap between genders.D.Women might behave better in every field.2.Which of the following can best replace the underlined word ‘‘inherently” in paragraph 4?A.properlyB.potentiallyC.naturallyD.normally3.Which of the following may be the best title of this text?A.How We Can Figure Out The Boss.B.Why Women Are Better Than MenC.Why Women Make Better BossesD.How We Can Tell Gender Difference4.Who might have special interest in this article?A.Job hunters.B.Employers.C.Employees.D.University students.4、In ancient Egypt, a shopkeeper discovered that he could attract customers to his shop simplyby making changes to its environment. Modern businesses have been following his lead, withmore tactics(策略).One tactic involves where to display the goods. For example,stores place fruits and vegetablesin the first section. They know that customers who buy the healthy food first will feel happy sothat they will buy more junk food(垃圾食品)later in their trip. In department stores,the women’s化妆品)section: while the shop assistantshoe section is generally next to the women’s cosmetics(is going back to find the right size shoe, bored customers are likely to wander over and find somecosmetics they might want to try later.Besides, businesses seek to appeal to customers' senses. Stores notice that the smell of bakedgoods encourages shopping, so they make their own bread each morning and then fan the breadsmell into the store throughout the day. Music sells goods, too. Researchers in Britain found thatwhen French music was played, sales of French wines went up.When it comes to the selling of houses, businesses also use highly rewarding tactics. They findthat customers make decisions in the first few seconds upon walking in the door, and turn it into abusiness opportunity. A California builder designed the structure of its houses smartly. Whenentering the house, the customer would see the Pacific Ocean through the windows, and then thepool through an open stairway leading to the lower level. The instant view of water on both levelshelped sell these $10 million houses.1.Why do stores usually display fruits and vegetables in the first section?A.To save customers time.B.To show they are high quality foods.C.To help sell junk food.D.To sell them at discount prices.2.According to Paragraph 3, which of the following encourages customers to buy?A.Opening the store early in the morning.B.Displaying British wines next to French ones.C.Inviting customers to play music.D.Filling the store with the smell of fresh bread.3.What is the California builder’s story intended to prove?A.The house structure is a key factor customers consider.B.The more costly the house is, the better it sells.C.An ocean view is much to the customers' taste.D.A good first impression increases sales.4.What is the main purpose of the passage?A.To explain how businesses turn people into their customers.B.To introduce how businesses have grown from the past.C.To report researches on customer behavior.D.To show dishonest business practices.5、How to Excel in Poetry WritingIf you are serious about your poetry,then you should consider the suggestions presented here.①__________ Many poets have also used these tips to make poetry publishing possible in their life.Write Every Day. It is important that all writers write every day. ②__________You should remove all distractions so that you can be focused during this time. Many writers will set realistic goals for themselves as to how many words they will write each day or at least a specific amount of time when they have to write. You don't have to write about anything specific as long as youare writing something.Join a Writing Group. You can fine-tune your craft even more by joining a writing group or community. ③__________ There are thousands of writing communities that you can join. You should get involved in writers' discussions and should trade your work with other writers forreview and critique. By doing this you will receive valuable feedback and will also learn a lot by reviewing the work of other writers.Challenge Yourself. One of the best things that you can do and that can actually help you greatly with poetry publishing, is taking part in contests that are designed for novice poets. ④__________ You can easily find these contests online and can commit yourself to taking part in them.Most of these contests have a strict structure and rules that must be followed. A challenge like this is a great way to truly push yourself as a writer. ⑤__________Some contests offer cash prizes while others offer publication of the winning pieces of poetry in the contest.A. With the use of the Internet this is an easy task.B. Many of these poetry contests even offer prizes!C. You can turn to others for help in writing poems.D. Read your poetry after finishing it in no time.E. Set aside a specific amount of time for writing.F. These ideas have assisted many writers in getting serious about writing.G. There are thousands of poetry contests conducted every year.6、Many language learners think their pronunciation is good enough because their teacher doesn't correct them too often or because other students can 1 them.Pronunciation is the area which is 2 the least attention to in language learning. Most teachers 3 just let their students speak and stop them 4 they say something completely wrong. Working on each student's pronunciation in class is just 5 . Also, the students who are 6 at pronunciation may be afraid that it will embarrass their classmates if theyhelp 7 their mistakes.If you believe your pronunciation is good enough to 8 because it is good enough for your teacher and other students, you may be 9 when you actually go to a foreign country. One of my friends wasthe best student in his 10 class in Poland. When he went to America, he found Americans didn't understand 11 of what he said.Your pronunciation may still be quite 12 that of a native speaker. If this is the 13 , other people will find it 14 to understand what you're saying and will not be comfortablewith you.15 , don't think you can communicate in a foreign language 16 you've tested yourskills on real native speakers. 17 for native or nearnative pronunciation so that people you talk to can communicate with you 18 . In order to achieve this goal, there's 19 that you will need to start thinking about pronunciation and 20 time on it.1.A.mistake B.watch C.surround D.understand2.A.fixed B.drawn C.paid D.called3.A.never B.ever C.even ually4.A.only if B.if only C.even if D.if ever5.A.fantastic B.impossible C.necessary D.important6.A.poor B.well C.good D.strict7.A.find out B.work out C.try out D.point outmunicate B.travel C.pronounce D.exchange9.A.happy B.disappointed C.surprised D.excited10.A.Polish B.French C.German D.English11.A.none B.half C.rest D.lot12.A.near to B.different from C.far from D.from far13.A.same B.matter C.case D.fact14.A.easy B.beneficial C.convenient D.hard15.A.In conclusion B.In a word C.On the contrary D.In short16.A.when B.until C.unless D.while17.A.Stand B.Look C.Aim D.Account18.A.smoothly B.difficultly C.truly D.practically19.A.no way B.no need C.no doubt D.no wonder20.A.take B.cost C.spend D.kill7、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。





动词不定式作主语时,可以用动名词替换且常用it作形式主语,把不定式后置,常构成“It+be+adj.(+for sb.)+动词不定式”。

It's important (for us) to protect the environment.(对我们来说)保护环境很重要。


My job is to teach English.我的工作是教英语。


①后接动词不定式作宾语的动词或短语有want, begin/start, love, forget, remember, teach, decide, agree, seem, would like, plan等。

②后接动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词有ask, tell, invite, allow, want, wish, encourage等。

③在使役动词make, let, have和感官动词see, feel, look, smell等的后面作宾语补足语时,不定式符号to要省略。


★make sb. do sth.的被动语态必须加to。



I have a lot of homework to do.我有许多家庭作业要做。


The cat is easy to take care of.这只猫很好照顾。



2019届高考英语二轮往届真题回顾:情态动词与虚拟语气(含答案解析)情态动词与虚拟语气——使表达得体、含蓄1.(2018·北京,35)—You needn't take an umbrella.It isn't going to rain.—Well, I don't know.It________do.A.might B.need C.would D.should解析考查情态动词。

第一个人说不会下雨,第二个人回答I don't know,因此可知,到底下不下雨是不能肯定的事情,故使用might表推测“有可能”。

答案 A2.(2018·辽宁,31)Harry is feeling uncomfortable.He________too much at the party last night.A.could drink B.should drinkC.would have drunk D.must have drunk解析考查情态动词。




对过去发生事情的肯定推测,用must have done,故选D。

答案 D3.(2018·四川,5)—Why are your eyes so red?You________have slept well last night.—Yeah,I stayed up late writing a report.A.can't B.mustn't C.needn't D.won't解析考查情态动词。


can't have done表示对过去的推测,意为“过去不可能……”。








【思想方法】代词考点例析:2017全国卷II,11Igotthisbicyclefor;Myfriendgaveittomewhensheboughtanewone.A.everythingB.somethingC.anythingD.nothing答案 D考点考查复合不定代词的用法。




2017北京卷,34Theemploymentratehascontinuedtoriseinbigcitiesthankstotheeffortsofthe localgovernmentstoincrease.A.themB.thoseC.itD.that答案 C考点考查代词it的用法。

2019高考英语全国通用版精准提分二轮试题:第二部分 语法运用 第二节 Word版含解析

2019高考英语全国通用版精准提分二轮试题:第二部分 语法运用 第二节 Word版含解析






例One evening she told me that something happened when her parents was out.分析在when引导的时间状语从句中,主语her parents为复数,该从句的系动词也应用复数形式。





例They did not want me to do any work at home;they want me to devote all my time to my studies,but I felt unpleasant.分析根据They did not want me...和but I felt unpleasant用的是一般过去时可知,谓语动词want也应用一般过去时,故将第二个want改为wanted。

热点3代词指代一致性原则要注意上下文中的代词指代应前后一致,若前面是the woman,则其后的代词就是she,her,hers等。

例What’s more,you have to be friends with your pupils and take good care of him.分析of后的代词指代前面的复数名词pupils,作of的宾语,因此应用复数形式。














eg:AllthepeopleinthecitywerenoWtalkingaboutthewonderfulclothwhichtheEmperorhadorde redtobewovenforsomuchmoney、对于国王定制的漂亮衣服花了这么多钱,城市里的所有人正在议论纷纷。




19. We are all afraid _____ by robbers.
A. to robB. to be robbedC. of robbingD. of being robbed
20. I’m sorry _____ off the light when I left the room.
A. to forget to turnB. to have forgotten to turn
A. don’t writeB. not to writeC. not writeD. not writing
18. Tom pretended _____ something when his mother came in.
A. writingB. to writeC. to be writingD. being written
A. how to make dressesB. how dresses be made
C. how to be made dressesD. how dresses to be made
8. I know him _____ a good basketball player while in college.
A. gettingB. to getC. to gettingD. gets
23. —Do you get someone _____ your clothes?
—He went to another store _____.
A. to buy pencilsB. for buying pencilsC. buy pencilsD. buying pencils
4. —My baby has a heart trouble.







1.be considered/thought/believed/supposed后多跟不定式的完成式、完成被动式(tohave been)或to be形式。

eg: Her father is believed to have been a sailor.她的爸爸被认为是一名水手。

She is considered to be the best student in our class.她被认为是我们班最好的学生。

Her grandfather is thought to have been wounded duringWorld WarⅡ.她的祖父被认为在第二次世界大战中受过伤。


eg:My brother seems to be thinking about something.我的哥哥像是在考虑什么事。

She seems to have known it.她看起来差不多明白了。

She seems to have been struggling in the water for a long time.她看起来差不多在水里挣扎了专门久。

(2)在be said/reported/known后。

eg:He is said to be very kind.据说他专门善良。

She is said to have gone abroad.据说她出国了。

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她似乎道事情的真相了”,且tell的动作发生在appear 之前,且she与tell之间存在动宾关系,应选D。

****************************************************结束Ⅰ.单项填空1.Pleasedon’tmakesuchloudnoise.ThenewsofthevolcaniceruptioninIndonesia_______andIwanttolist en.A.isbroadcastB.isbeingbroadcastC.hasbeenbroadcastD.hadbeenbroadcast2.—MayIremindyouthatMaryiswaitingoutside,sir?—Oh,that’sright.I_______aboutit.A.forgetB.forgotC.hadforgottenD.haveforgotten3.—AreyougladthatyoucametoShandong?—Yes,indeed.I_______goingtoBeijingorShanghai,butI’veneverregrettedmydecision.A.haveconsideredB.amconsideringB.C.hadconsidered D.wasconsidering4.[2017·济南模拟]Idon’tdrinknow,butI_______foralmosttenyears.A.everdrankB.waseverdrinkingC.haveeverdrunkD.hadeverdrunk5.Thelocalpeoplesaidthatfactory,knownforitsmedicine,_______theenvironmentbypour ingwasteintoariverinthepastyears.A.pollutedB.pollutesC.haspollutedD.hadbeenpolluting6.[2017·北京模拟]Althoughit_______inthedesertmostoftheyear,peoplestilllivethere.A.doesn’trainB.didn’trainC.hasn’trainedD.hadn’trained7.Bytheendoflastweek611peoplefrom49countries_______toattendthemeeting,withnear lyhalfcomingfromtheUnitedStates,GermanyandBritain.A.hadregisteredB.haveregisteredC.registeredD.wereregistered8.Yournewproduct_______betterifitisadvertisedonTV.A.sellsB.soldC.willsellD.wouldsell9.We_______thebridgeforovertwoyearsanditwillbehalfayearbeforeit’scompleted.A.arebuildingB.havebuiltC.havebeenbuiltD.havebeenbuilding10.Agreatmanymeans_______tofighttheforestfireinRussiaevenRussianPrimeMinisterPu tintookpartinthefightpersonally.A.havebeentriedB.hasbeentriedC.hastriedD.havetried11.Abigfire_______lastnight,whoshould_______forit?A.tookplace;betoblameB.wasbrokenout;betoblameC.happened;betobeblamedD.brokeout;betoblame12.Theyintendtogoonwiththeexperimentuntil10o’clocktomorrowmorning,andbythenthey_______for22hours.A.areworkingB.havebeenworkingC.willbeworkingD.willhavebeenworking13.—AnythingIcandoforyou,John?—Yes,mygirlfriendisturningherbacktomeagain.—You_______yourtemper.A.havealwayslostB.arealwayslosingC.alwayslostD.werealwayslost14.WemovedtoShanghaiin2000,andsincethenwe_______inthishouse.A.willliveB.hadlivedC.havebeenlivingD.areliving15.Theirmother_______dinnerwhenaquarrel_______amongthechildren.A.waspreparing;wasbrokenoutB.prepared;hadbeenbrokenoutC.waspreparing;brokeoutD.prepared;brokeout16.AssoonasIgotonthebusIrealizedthatI_______mypapersinthehouse.A.leftB.wasleavingC.hadleftD.haveleft17.Look!Thereisacrowdofpeopleoverthere.Goandseewhat_______andifitisabargain,buy it.A.hasbeensellingB.hasbeensoldC.issellingD.isbeingsold18.—DidyoutellMotherthatyou’vepassedtheexamination?—Oh,no.Iforgot.I_______heratonce.A.willbecallingB.callC.willcallD.amtocall19.I’mgladyou_______.Iwasbeginningtogetworriedaboutyou.A.havereturnedB.returnC.wouldreturnD.willreturn20.—Isn’tithardtodrivedowntowntowork?—Yes,that’swhyI_______toworkbysubway.A.havegoneB.wasgoingC.havebeengoingD.willhavegoneⅡ.阅读理解(A)Ahugeshirehorse(夏尔马)inAustraliahasbeendeclaredthebiggesthorseintheworldbyitsowner,beatingthecurr entGuinnessWorldRecordbyseveralinches.Thegiantfive-year-old,fromPakenham,S.EAustralia,measuresanamazing20.1hands, or2.057mtall.Heweighsover1.3tons(1,300kg)—aboutthesameasasmallcar—andisstillgrowing.Hisowner,horsetrainerJaneGreenman,47,saystheonlytimethehorserunsiswhenthereisfoodonoffer.“Heeatsanincredibleamount.Iwouldhatetorunateamofeighthorsesh issize—itwouldsendyoubroke(破产的),”shesays.Themassivehorse,whosenameisNoddy,wasborninAustraliawithpa rentsimportedfromEngland.Noddy’sgrandfather,LadbrookeEdward(UK)wastheworld’stallesthorseduringthe1980’s.ButJanehadnoideathatthehorsesheraisedfromtheageofsixmonthswouldgrowthisbig.No ddyimmediatelybegantorocketandsoonovertook(超过)bothhisparentsinsize.AlthoughshesaysthatsheisnotinterestedintheGuinnessBookofRecords,Janehascarr iedoutherownresearchandissurethatNoddycomestop.“ThenearestisahorseinTexas,at20hands,”saysJane.“Noddyisalreadyaninchtallerthanthat.Thescarythingishestillhasn’tfinished—shirehorsesaren’tfullygrownuntilthey’reaboutsixorseven”.JanehassaidthatNoddycouldbesoldoverseas,possiblyevenfetchingarecordpricetom atchhisheight.Sheisunwillingtosell,buttocoverthehighcostofkeepinghim,sheneedsto puthimtowork.“Heneedsajob.It’sveryhardtofindjobsforsuchabighorseinAustralia.IwishhecouldstayherebutI’vetriedeverywhere,”shesaysregretfully.“IjustwantpeopletoenjoythisbeautifulanimalasmuchasIdo.”21.Theunderlined“rocket”inParagraph4probablymeans_______.A.walkaroundB.eatalotC.growfastD.lookstrong22.Whichofthefollowingisabigproblemforthehorse’sowner?A.Shedoesn’tknowhowtoapplyfortheGuinnessWorldRecord.B.Shehastosupporteightbighorsesatthesametime.C.AnotherhorseinTexasisgrowingevenfasterthanhers.D.Thereisnotenoughmoneytocoverthecostofraisingherhorse.23.Itcanbeinferredfromthepassagethat_______.A.NoddymustbeaspowerfulasasmallcarB.Noddy’sgrowthcanbegeneticallyexplainedC.manypeoplearewillingtobuyNoddyD.nojobwillbeavailableforNoddyatall24.Whatwouldbethebesttitleforthispassage?A.NewworldrecordforthebiggesthorseB.JaneGreenmanbecomesfamousforherhorsergesizemeansnojobforabighorseD.Shirehorsestendtogrowbiggerthanothers(B)Whichanimalhasthefastestsnappingjaw(突然合住的颚)?Ifyou’reguessingasharkorperhapsalargeranimal,you’llhavetothinksmaller.Thetrap-jawant,whichlivesinCentralandSouthAmerica,movesitsmouthpartsat35to63meterspersecond.Anotherwaytot hinkaboutthisisthattheant’sjawscloseat125to233kilometersperhour.That’s2,300timesfasterthantheblinkofaneye.Scientistswereabletomeasuretheamazingjawspeedusinghigh-speedvideotechniques .SheilaPatek,abiologist,saysthekeyisthatthejawshaveaspringy(有弹性的)system,whichiscriticalingettingexplosive(爆发性的)speeds.Considerabowandarrow.Ifyoutrytothrowanarrowwithyourarm,itwon’tgoveryfar.Ifyouuseabow,elastic(弹性的)energystoredinthebowisfreedalmostimmediatelywhenyouletgoofthearrowwithyourfi nger.That’sexactlywhatreallyfastorganismsaredoing.Maybeevenmoreamazingthanhowfasttheseantsgrabfoodorevenenemiesishowtheyuseth issameenergytomove.Astheantclosesitsjaws,itusesthemtopushofftheground—allfasterthantheeyecanseewithoutslowmotionvideo.Asnapofthejawcansendanantupto8. 3centimetersintotheair.That’slikesomeonewhois1.7metersjumping13metershigh!Notonlycantheyquicklyescapefromen emies,butoftenagroupofantswillstartjumpingallatonce.Itwouldbehardfortheirenemie stograbjustone.25.Thefastspeedofthetrap-jawants’jawsliesin_______.A.theirlightbodiesB.theirspringysystemC.theirlivingenvironmentD.thelengthoftheirjaws26.Whatdoesthepassageuse“abowandarrow”asanexampletoshow?A.Howanarrowgetssomuchenergytofly.B.Whythetrap-jawantshaveaspringysystem.C.Whythetrap-jawants’jawsmovesofast.D.Howabowandarrowworks.27.Whichofthefollowingthingsmayamazethescientistsmost?A.Howhightheantscanleapbyusingtheirjaws.B.Howquicklythetrap-jawantscanmoveontheground.C.Howwonderfullythespringysysteminthetrap-jawants’jawsworks.D.Howquicklythetrap-jawantscangrabfoodorenemies.28.Accordingtothepassage,thetrap-jawants’jawskeepthemsafebecause_______.A.theycancatchtheirenemieseasilywiththeirjawsB.theirjawsmakethemdifficulttorecognizeC.theirjawshelpthemtofindfoodeasilyD.theirjawshelpthemtoescapefromtheirenemies答案解析1.【解析】选B。
