



1. 表示几倍大小(长短;数量),由倍数+ the size(length,amount)结构组成。


The earth is forth-nine times the size of the moon. 地球是月亮的49倍大。

2. 表示比大几倍,由倍数+形容词(副词)比较级结构组成。


This box is three times bigger than that one. 这个盒子比那个盒子大三倍。

The grain output is 8 percent higher this year than that of last year. 今年比去年粮食产量增加8%。

3. 表示是倍,由倍数+ as +形容词+ as +结构组成。


Our factory is twice as big as theirs. 我们的工厂是他们的三倍。

I have three times as many as you. 我有你三倍那么多。

[注] 一倍用once,两倍用 twice。































一、用times 表示倍数(一般限于包括基数在内三倍或三倍以上的数。表示两倍的数,一般用twice )。其句式有:(前三种为主)

A. more than twice B. as twice as many C. twice as many as D. more than twice as many 2. (1998 上海)Paper produced every year is _______ the world's production of vehicles. A. the three weight of B. three times the weight of C. as three times heavy as D. three times as heavier as(heavier应改为原级) 3.(1994 上海)With the help of the German experts,the factory produced ______ cars in 1993 as the year before. A. as twice many B. as many twice C. twice as many D. twice many as 4. (MET 1992 )This ship measures ________ that one. A. as twice as long B. as twice long as C. twice long as D. twice as long as 5. (MET 1990 )After the new technique was introduced,the factory produced _______ tractors in 1988 as the year before. A. as twice many B. as many as C. as twice as many D. twice as many 6. It is reported that the United States uses________energy as the whole of Europe. A.as twice B.twice much C.twice much as D.twice as much Key:1 -6 DBCDDD 7. The house rent is expensive, I’ve got about half the space I had at home and I’m paying ________ here. (上海卷) A. as three times much B. as much three times C. much as three times D. three times as much 【分析】答案选D。倍数three times要放在as的前面,后面省略as I paid at home。 8. With the help of the German experts, the factory produced ________ cars in 1993 as the year before. (上海卷) A. as twice many B. as many as twice C. as twice as many D. twice as many 【分析】答案选D。倍数放在as之前。此题与全国卷曾考过的一题几乎一样: 9.The house rent is expensive. I've got about half the space I had at home and I'm paying _______ here. (2003 上海)


外教一对一https://www.360docs.net/doc/6216473203.html, 英语中的11种倍数表达法 一. 表达倍数的3个基本句型 1.“A+be动词/谓语动词+倍数+as+形容词/副词原级+as+B”,表示“A正好是B的多少倍”。例如: Asia is four times as large as Europe. 亚洲的面积是欧洲的四倍。 This big stone is three times as heavy as that one. 这块大石头的重量是那块的三倍。 The plane flew ten times as high as the kite. 那架飞机的飞行高度是那只风筝的十倍。 2. “A+be动词/谓语动词+倍数+形容词/副词比较级+than+B”,表示“A比B大(长、高、宽等)多少倍”。例如: This rope is twice longer than that one. 这根绳子比那根绳子长两倍(是那根绳子三倍长)。 This hall is five times bigger than our classroom. 这个大厅比我们的教室大五倍(是我们教室的六倍大)。 The car runs twice faster than that truck. 这辆小车的速度比那辆卡车快两倍(是那辆卡车的三倍快)。 3. “A+be动词+倍数+the size/height/length/width, etc+of+B”,表示“A正好是B的多少倍”。例如: This street is four times the length of that one. 这条街是那条街的四倍长。 This hill is four times the height of that small one. 这座山的高度是那座小山的四倍。 二. 倍数表达基本句型的7种变形


英语中“倍数”的常用表达方式 倍数表达法是高中英语教学的重点,也是历年的高考热点之一。掌握倍数的表达法对于同学们学好英 : 语具有重要意义。下面对倍数的几种表达法作一归 纳 一、用times 表示倍数(一般限于包括基数在内三倍或三倍以上的数。表示两倍的数,一般用twice )。 ) 其句式有:(前三种为主 1. “?times+形容词/ 副词的比较级+than ?”例如: Line AB is three times longer than line CD. 线段AB 是(线段)CD 的三倍长。 This hall is five times bigger than our classroom. 大 5 倍。 这个大厅比我们的教室 This rope is twice longer than that one . This hall is five times bigger than our classroom . The car runs twice faster than that truck . 2. “?times +as +形容词/ 副词的原级+as ?”例如: This table is three times as long as that one. 这张桌子是那张桌子的三倍长。 This dictionary is five times as thick as the one you borrowed from the library. 这本词典的厚度是你从图书馆借的那本(厚度)的 5 倍。 Asia is four times as large as Europe 亚洲的面积是欧洲的四倍。 This big stone is three times as heavy as that one . 倍) 这块大石头的重量是那一块的三倍。(这块石头比那块重二 The plane flew ten times as high as the kite . 那架飞机飞行高度是那个风筝的十倍。(高出九倍) 3. “?times + the +名词(如:size ,height ,weight ,length ,width, age 等)+of ?”例如: The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. 地球的体积是月球的49 倍。


I. 英语倍数表达法 用英语表达"A 是 B 的N 倍长(宽,高,大,重等)","A 比 B 长(宽,高,大,重等)N 倍" 或"A 的长度(宽度,高度,大小,重量等)是 B 的N 倍",可用下列几种句型。 1."A + be + 倍数+ as + 计量形容词原级+ as + B". This tree is three times as tall as that one. 这棵树是那棵树的三倍高。 His father is twice as old as he. 他父亲的年纪有他两倍大。 2."A + be + 倍数+ 计量形容词比较级+ than + B " The Yangtze River is almost twice longer than the Pearl River. 型及其正确译法归纳如下:倍数增加 (一) A is n times as great(long,much,…)as B.(①)A is n times greater (longer,more,…)than B.(②)A is n times the size (length,amount,…)of B.(③) 以上三句都应译为;A的大小(长度,数量,……)是B的n倍[或A比B大(长,多,……)n-1倍]. Eg. This book is three times as long as (three times longer than,three times the length of )that one. 这本书的篇幅是那本书的3倍(即长两倍)。注:当相比的对象B很明显时,than(as,of)B常被省去。 (二)increase to n times(④)increase n times/n-fold(⑤)increase by n times


英语中倍数的表达方法和译法 英语表示倍数增减或倍数对比的句型多种多样,其中有一些(如下文中的句型②、⑤、⑥、⑧、(12)等,见圈码)很容易译错——其主要原因在于:英汉两语在表述或对比倍数方面存在着语言与思维差异。现将常用的英语倍数句型及其正确译法归纳如下:倍数增加 (一) A is n times as great(long,much,…)as B.(①) A is n times greater (longer, more,…)than B.(②) A is n times the size (length, amount,…)of B.(③) 以上三句都应译为;A 的大小(长度,数量,……)是B的n倍[或A比B大(长,多,……)n-1倍]. Eg. This book is three times as long as (three times longer than,three times the length of )that one. 这本书的篇幅是那本书的3倍(即长两倍)。注:当相比的对象B很明显时, than(as,of)B常被省去。 (二)increase to n times(④) increase n times/n-fold(⑤)increase by n times(⑥) increase by a factor of n(⑦)以上四式均应译为:增加到n倍(或:增加n-1倍)。 Eg. The production of integrated circuits has been increased to three times as compared with last year. 集成电路的产量比去年增加了两倍。 Eg. The output of chemical fertilizer has been raised five times as against l986.化肥产量比1986年增加了4倍。 Eg. That can increase metabolic rates by two or three times. 那可使代谢率提高到原来的2倍或3倍(即提高1倍或2倍)。 Eg. The drain voltage has been increased by a factor of four. 漏电压增加了3借(即增加到原来的4倍)。注:在这类句型中increase常被raise,grow,go/step up,multiply等词所替代。


英语倍数的表达方法 一、用times表示倍数 (一般限于包括基数在内三倍或三倍以上的数。表示两倍的数用twice)1.“A + be + 倍数+ as + 形容词或副词原级+ as + B" This tree is three times as tall as that one. 这棵树是那棵树的三倍高。 His father is twice as old as he. 他父亲的年纪有他两倍大。 2.“A + be + 倍数+ 形容词或副词的比较级+ than + B ” The Yangtze River is almost twice longer than the Pearl River. 长江差不多比珠江长两倍。 The dictionary is exactly five times more expensive than that one. 这本字典比那本恰好贵5倍 3.“A + be + 倍数+ the + 计量名词+ of + B ” The newly broadened square is four times the size of the previous one. 新扩建的广场是未扩建时的四倍大。 计量名词:size大, length长, width宽, height高, depth深,weight重…倍数+the size of …… …倍数+the length of …… …倍数+the height of …… …倍数+the width of …… …倍数+the depth of …… …倍数+the weight of …… 4. “The + 计量名词+ of + A + be + 倍数+ that + of + B” The size of the newly broadened square is four times that of the previous one. 新扩建的广场为以前的四倍大。 5.“…times + that of+被比较对象” In this workshop the output of July was three times that of January. 这个车间7月份的产量是元月份的三倍。


1. 在表示两倍时,我们常用twice或double。例如: This year we have produced twice as much corn as we did last year. 我们今年生产的玉米是去年的两倍。 She is double my age. 她的年龄是我的两倍。 2. 在表示三倍或三倍以上的倍数时,我们常用times表示,能够译为"是......的几倍";"比......大/高/长......几倍"等等。 ①用"主语+谓语+...times + the size(或amount, length...)+ of +被比较的内容"表示。例如: The size of your room is five times the size of mine. 你房间的面积是我房间面积的五倍。 ②用"主语+谓语+...times + 形容词(副词)的比较级 + than +被比较的内容"表示。例如: Your bag is twice bigger than mine. 你的包比我的大两倍。 ③用"主语+谓语+...times + 形容词+ (n.) + as + 被比较的内容"表示。例如: Your book is three times as thick as mine. 你的书比我的书厚三倍。 ④用"主语+谓语+...times + what引导的从句"表示。例如: Cotton output is now ten times what it was ten years ago. 当前棉花的产量是十年前的十倍。 ⑤用"主语+谓语+...times + upon(或over)..."表示。例如: The size of the sun is a million times over that of the earth. 太阳的体积比地球的体积大一百万倍。 3. 可用"主语+谓语+...+ as + 形容词(副词) + again + as"表示。例如: Nine is as much again as three. 九是三的倍数。 4. 可用"主语+谓语+ 倍数(百分比)"表示。例如: This year we'll learn 20% more words from our texts than we did last year. 今年我们学习的单词比去年多20%。 5. 用"主语+谓语+ to + 数词"表示"增加到......数"。例如: The number of students in our school has increased to 2001. 我们学校的学生数已增加到两千零一人。 6. 用"主语+谓语+by+数词(百分比、倍数)等"表示。例如: The cost of the paper has reduced by 4%. 报纸的成本已减低了百分之四。


一. 表达倍数的三个基本句型 1.“A+be动词/谓语动词+倍数+as+形容词/副词原级+as+B”,表示“A正好是B的多少倍”。例如: Asia is four times as large as Europe. 亚洲的面积是欧洲的四倍。 This big stone is three times as heavy as that one. 这块大石头的重量是那块的三倍。 The plane flew ten times as high as the kite. 那架飞机的飞行高度是那只风筝的十倍。 2. “A+be动词/谓语动词+倍数+形容词/副词比较级+than+B”,表示“A比B大(长、高、宽等)多少倍”。例如: This rope is twice longer than that one. 这根绳子比那根绳子长两倍(是那根绳子三倍长)。 This hall is five times bigger than our classroom. 这个大厅比我们的教室大五倍(是我们教室的六倍大)。 The car runs twice faster than that truck. 这辆小车的速度比那辆卡车快两倍(是那辆卡车的三倍快)。 3. “A+be动词+倍数+the size/height/length/width, etc+of+B”,表示“A正好是B的多少倍”。例如: This street is four times the length of that one.这条街是那条街的四倍长。 This hill is four times the height of that small one.这座山的高度是那座小山的四倍。 除表达倍数的三个基本句型外,我们还要掌握其基本句型的7种变形。 1. “ ... times as many/much+名词+as+被比对象”。例如: There is four times as much water in this pot as in that one.这个壶里装的水是那个壶里的四倍。 There are six times as many students as we expected.学生数量是我们预期的六倍。 2. “ ... times+more+名词(可数或不可数)+than+被比对象”。例如: There are five times more books in our library than in yours.我们图书馆里的书比你们图书馆多五倍多。 We have produced twice more grain this year than we did last year. 我们今年生产的粮食是去年的两倍多。 3.“ ... times+over+被比对象”。例如: The grain output in that village is twice over that of 2002. 那个村的粮食产量是2002年的两倍多。 4. “ ... times+that+of+被比对象”。例如: In this workshop, the output of July was times that of January. 这个车间7月份的产量是1月份的倍。 5. “...times+compared with+被比对象”。例如: The number of the students in our school has increased 4 times compared with 1980. 我们学校的学生人数比1980年增加了四倍。 6. “...times+what+从句”。例如: The production is now three times what it was ten years ago. 现在的产量是十年前的三倍。


1)n times +形容词(或副词)比较级+than… times是用来表示“乘”的(used to indicate multiplication)n times就是“乘以n”的意思。不论在任何句型中都包括基数100%在内。 [1] Asia is four times larger than Europe. 误译:亚洲比欧洲大4倍。 正译:亚洲比欧洲大3倍。 评析:亚洲面积4400万平方公里,欧洲面积1016万平方公里。因此亚洲应该是欧洲面积的四倍,即亚洲比欧洲大3倍。 [2] Sound travels nearly 3 times faster in copper than in lead. 声音在铜中的传播速度几乎比在铅中快2倍。 评析:声音在铜中的传播速度为2100m/s,在铅中在的传播速度为710m/s,可见声音在铜中的传播速度几乎是铅中的3倍,而不是比铅快3倍。 [3] The volume of the earth is 49 times larger than that of the moon. 地球的大小是月球的49倍。 或:地球比月球大48倍。 2) n times +形容词(或副词)原级+as [4] The oxygen atom is nearly 16 times as heavy as the hydrogen atom. 氧原子的重量几乎是氢原子的16倍。 评析:经查,氧原子的重量为15.9994,氢原子量为1。 [5] The mercury atom is about 5 times as heavy as calcium atom. 汞的原子重量大约为钙的5倍。 评析:经查,汞的原子量为200.59,钙的原子量为40.08。



英语中倍数的表达方式 一、用 times 表示倍数(一般限于包括基数在内三倍或三倍以上的数。表示两倍的数,一般用 twice )。其句式有: 1. “… times +形容词 / 副词的比较级+than …”例如: Line AB is three times longer than line CD. 线段 AB 是(线段) CD 的三倍长。 This hall is five times bigger than our classroom. 这个大厅比我们的教室大 5 倍。 2. “… times +as + 形容词 / 副词的原级+as …”例如: This table is three times as long as that one. 这张桌子是那张桌子的三倍长。 This dictionary is five times as thick as the one you borrowed from the library. 这本词典的厚度是你从图书馆借的那本(厚度)的 5 倍。 3. “… times + the + 名词(如: size, height, weight,length, width 等)+of …”例如: The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. 地球的体积是月球的 49 倍。

This river is three times the depth of that one. 这条河是那条河的三倍深。 4. “… times + more +名词+than …”例如: He earns five times more money than he did ten years ago. 他现在挣的钱比十年前挣的多 5 倍。 There are twice more students in our class than in theirs. 我们班的学生人数比他们班多两倍。 5. “… times +as many (或 much )+名词+as …”例如: We've produced twice as much cotton this year as ( we did )ten years ago. 今年我们生产的棉花比十年前多了一倍。(汉语中的多一倍实际上也指两倍一样多。) He has got three times as many books as his sister. 他拥有的书的数量是他妹妹的 3 倍。 6. “… times + what 从句”例如: The length of the road is four times what it was three years ago. 这条路的长度是三年前的 4 倍。


英语中如何表达倍数 1. 倍数+ as + 形容词或副词的原级+ as + 其他。 这种结构又常演变成下列两类: ①倍数+ as + many + 可数名词复数+ as; ②倍数+ as +much + 不可数名词+ as。如: There are seven times as many people as I expected.是我预料的人数的七倍。 There is five times as much coffee in this glass as in that one. 这个杯子里的咖啡是那个杯子里的五倍。 2. 倍数+ 形容词(或副词)的比较级+ than + 其他。如: The hall is five times bigger than our classroom. 这个大厅的面积比我们教室大五倍。 3. 倍数+ the size / height / length / width. etc. + of + 其他。如: This road is six times the length of that one. 这条路是那条路的六倍长。 4. 计量名词+ of + 名词+ be +倍数+ that + of + 其他。如: The size of the newly broadened square is four times that of the previous one. 新扩建的广场为以前的四倍大。 5. 倍数+what从句。如: The production is now three times what it was ten years ago.现在的产量是十年前的三倍。 6. 倍数+ more + 名词+ than +其他。如: There are nine times more books in his bag than in yours.

倍数翻译 文档

倍数翻译的陷阱很多,而且每个陷阱都是绵里藏针,针针见血,见血封喉! 1,a是b的n倍大/长……(或者a比b大/长……n-1倍) 一般有以下两种英语表达方法; (1) A is n times as large/long (形容词/副词原形) as b. eg: Asia is four times as large as Europe. (2) A is n times larger/longer(形容词/副词比较级)than b. eg: Asia is four times larger than europe. (3) A is n times the size/length (形容词/副词的名词形式) of b. eg: Asia is four times the size of europe. 以上三句例句的中文翻译均为:亚洲是欧洲的四倍大,或者亚洲比欧洲大三倍。 2,by 和to (1) 动词+ by + 倍数/百分数/数词 eg: The production of grain has been increased by four times this year. 今年粮食产量增加了四倍。 (2) 动词+ to + 数词 eg: Last year profits rose to $201 million. 去年利润增长到2亿零100万美元。 3,by a factor of 词组by a factor of 在《朗文双解》中的解释为"if something increases or decreases by a factor of n, it increases or decreases by n times."以n倍的系数增加或减少。这个解释表达不是很明确,现在把它分成以下两种情况来分析: (1)表示增加含义时 increase/grow...by a factor of n times 增加到n倍,或者增加了n-1倍 eg: The output of diesel oil for farm use has been increased by a factor of five times these years. 这些年来,用于农业生产的柴油产量增加了四倍。 (2)表示减少含义时 decrease/fall...by a factor of n times 减少到1/n,或者减少了(n-1)/n。 eg: The production has decreased by a factor of three times as against 1977. 总产量减少到1977年的三分之一。


英语倍数 1. This room is three times as big as that one.三倍大;大两倍 He earns twice as much as he used to.他比往常多赚二倍的钱。 We've produced twice as much cotton this year as ten years ago.今年的棉花比十年前多了一倍。 2. This room is three times the size of that room.三倍大;大两倍 This river is three times the depth of that one.这条河深度是那条河的三倍。 The price of the meat is twice what it was last year.肉价是去年的两倍。 In this workshop the output of July was 3.5 times that of January.七月份的产量是元月份的 3.5倍 I have five times the number of Tom’s books.我有五倍于汤姆的书。 I’ve paid five times the usual price for the stamp. 我出了5倍于往常的价格买这枚邮票。 3.This room is twice bigger than that room.大两倍;三倍大 This street is three times wider than that one.这条街比那条街宽三倍。 I am twice older than he.我的年纪比他大两倍。 还可以用over,more than等表示“比……倍还要多”。例如: He is more than three times as rich as I.他的财富是我的三倍还不止。 I am more than twice as old as he.我的年龄是他的两倍还不止。 He studies more than three times as hard as I.他用功的程度是我的三倍还不止。


The production of integrated circuits has been increased to three times as compared with last year。集成电路的产量比去年增加了两倍。 That can increase metabolic rates by two or three times。 那可使代谢率提高到原来的2倍或3倍(即提高1倍或2倍)。 The drain voltage has been increased by a factor of four.漏电压增加了3借(即增加到原来的4倍)。注:在这类句型中increase常被raise,grow,go/step up,multiply等词所替代。(3)There is a n-fold increase/growth…应译为:增加n-倍(或增至n倍)。(⑧)这个句型还有其它一些形式,如: A record high increase in value of four times was reported.据报道,价值破记录地增长了3倍。 (4)double【增加1倍】,treble(增加2倍),quadruple(增加3倍)。(⑨)例如:The efficiency of the machines has been more than trebled or quadrupled.这些机器的效率已提高了2倍或3倍多。 (5)此外,英语中还有一种用again而不用倍数词来比较倍数的方法,如: A is as much(large,long,…)again as B.【= A is twice as much(large,long,…)as B.】(⑩)应译为:A比 B 多(大,长,……)1倍。 A is half as much(large,1ong,…)again as B.【= A is one and a half times as much(large,1ong,…)as B.】(11) 应译为:A比B多(大,长……)一半(即A是B的一倍半)。 2、倍数减少(1)A is n times as small(light,slow,…)as B.(12) A is n times smaller(lighter,slower,…)than B.(13) 以上两句均应译为:A的大小(重量,速度,……)是B的1/n[或A比B小(轻,慢,……)(n-1)/n]。例如: The hydrogen atom is near1y l6 times as light as the oxygen atom.氢原子的重量约为氧原子的1/16(即比氧原子约轻15/16)。 This sort of membrane is twice thinner than ordinary paper.这种薄膜比普通纸张要薄一半(即是普通纸厚度的1/2)。注:当相比的对象B很明显时,than/as B常被省去。 (2)decrease n times/n一fold(14) 以上三式均译为:减少到1/n[或:减少(n-1)/n]。decrease常被reduce,shorten,go/slow down等词替代。例如: Switching time of the new-type transistor is shortened 3 times。新型晶体管的开关时间缩短了1/3(即缩短到2/3)。 When the voltage is stepped up by ten times,the strength of the current is stepped down by ten times。电压升高9倍,电流强度便降低9/10(即90%)。 The equipment reduced the error probability by a factor of 5.该设备误差概率降低了4/5。 英语在表述或比较倍数时,无论使用什么句型(除了不含倍数词的again句型外)都包括基础倍数在内,因此都不是净增或净减n倍,而是净增或净减n-1倍。


For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use 英语中的11种倍数表达法 一. 表达倍数的3个基本句型 1.“A+be动词/谓语动词+倍数+as+形容词/副词原级+as+B”,表示“A正好是B的多少倍”。例如: Asia is four times as large as Europe. 亚洲的面积是欧洲的四倍。 This big stone is three times as heavy as that one. 这块大石头的重量是那块的三倍。 The plane flew ten times as high as the kite. 那架飞机的飞行高度是那只风筝的十倍。 2. “A+be动词/谓语动词+倍数+形容词/副词比较级+than+B”,表示“A比B大(长、高、宽等)多少倍”。例如:This rope is twice longer than that one. 这根绳子比那根绳子长两倍(是那根绳子三倍长)。 This hall is five times bigger than our classroom. 这个大厅比我们的教室大五倍(是我们教室的六倍大)。 The car runs twice faster than that truck. 这辆小车的速度比那辆卡车快两倍(是那辆卡车的三倍快)。 3. “A+be动词+倍数+the size/height/length/width, etc+of+B”,表示“A正好是B的多少倍”。例如: This street is four times the length of that one. 这条街是那条街的四倍长。 This hill is four times the height of that small one. 这座山的高度是那座小山的四倍。 二. 倍数表达基本句型的7种变形


英语倍数句型及翻译 英语表示倍数增减或倍数对比的句型多种多样,其中有一些(如下文中的句型②、⑤、⑥、⑧等,见圈码)很容易译错——其主要原因在于:英汉两语在表述或对比倍数方面存在着语言与思维差异。现将常用的英语倍数句型及其正确译法归纳如下: 倍数增加 (一) A is n times as great(long,much,…)as B.(①) A is n times greater (longer,more,…)than B.(②) A is n times the size (length,amount,…)of B.(③) 以上三句都应译为;A的大小(长度,数量,……)是B的n倍[或A比B大(长,多,……)n-1倍]. e.g. This book is three times as long as (three times longer than/three times the length of) that one. 这本书的篇幅是那本书的3倍(即长两倍)。 注:当相比的对象B很明显时,than(as,of)B常被省去。 (二)increase to n times(④) increase n times/n-fold(⑤) increase by n times(⑥) increase by a factor of n(⑦) 以上四式均应译为:增加到n倍(或:增加n-1倍)。 e.g. The production of integrated circuits has been increased to three times as compared with last year. 集成电路的产量比去年增加了两倍。 e.g. The output of chemical fertilizer has been raised five times as against l986. 化肥产量比1986年增加了4倍。 e.g. That can increase metabolic rates by two or three times. 那可使代谢率提高到原来的2倍或3倍(即提高1倍或2倍)。 e.g. The drain voltage has been increased by a factor of four. 漏电压增加了3借(即增加到原来的4倍)。


英语中如何表达倍数 Ting Bao was revised on January 6, 20021

英语中如何表达倍数 1. 倍数 + as + 形容词或副词的原级 + as + 其他。 这种结构又常演变成下列两类: ①倍数 + as + many + 可数名词复数 + as; ②倍数 + as +much + 不可数名词 + as。如: There are seven times as many people as I expected.是我预料的人数的七倍。 There is five times as much coffee in this glass as in that one. 这个杯子里的咖啡是那个杯子里的五倍。 2. 倍数 + 形容词(或副词)的比较级 + than + 其他。如: The hall is five times bigger than our classroom. 这个大厅的面积比我们教室大五倍。 3. 倍数 + the size / height / length / width. etc. + of + 其他。如: This road is six times the length of that one. 这条路是那条路的六倍长。 4. 计量名词 + of + 名词 + be +倍数 + that + of + 其他。如: The size of the newly broadened square is four times that of the previous one. 新扩建的广场为以前的四倍大。 5. 倍数+what从句。如: The production is now three times what it was ten years ago.现在的产量是十年前的三倍。 6. 倍数 + more + 名词 + than +其他。如: There are nine times more books in his bag than in yours. 他书包里的书比你书包里的书多九倍。 7. 其他表达。如: She’s twice/ double my age. 她的年龄是我的两倍。 The average income of the staff has been increased by 50 percent compared with last year. 与去年相比,该单位职工的收入已增加了50%。 He runs faster than me by three times. 他跑得比我快三倍。 【考查方向】 1)倍数在句中的位置一般放在第一个as前面或比较级前面或名词前面。 2)用times表示倍数时,一般只限于表示包括基数在内的三倍或三倍以上的数。表示两倍可以用twice或double,一倍用once。
