
7 内六角外螺纹堵头在原代号中加N。
如4TN-08,4NN- 08,4BN-08,4ON-08等。
8 用CAPTIVE密封的接头型式,在代号后加WD。
9 对J端加长的过渡接头,在代号后加L。
10 对表接头在代号后加G。
11 对转接头在代号后加OG。
12 对T端接头需加工60°内锥面的接头,在代号后加SP。
13 HYDROSCAN公司专用图纸在代号后加HS。
14 GEM公司专用图纸在代号后加GM。
15 24°带O-RING锥密封接头,如使用GB标准规格的O-RING,在代号后加GN。
二 角弯过渡接头编号规则:在直通过渡接头编号后加“4”表示45?弯曲过渡接头,在直通过渡接头编号后加“9”表示90?弯曲过渡接头。
三 三通过渡接头编号规则:第一个字母的含义如下所示,其余字母的含义同直通过渡接头中的第二或第三位字母。
A 外螺纹/外螺纹/外螺纹B 外螺纹/活动内螺纹/外螺纹C 外螺纹/外螺纹/活动内螺纹D 活动内螺纹/活动内螺纹/活动内螺纹E 活动内螺纹/外螺纹/活动内螺纹F 活动内螺纹/活动内螺纹/外螺纹G 固定内螺纹/固定内螺纹/固定内螺纹H 固定内螺纹/固定内螺纹/外螺纹J 固定内螺纹/外螺纹/固定内螺纹K 外螺纹/固定内螺纹/外螺纹L 外螺纹/外螺纹/固定内螺纹M 活动内螺纹/固定内螺纹/活动内螺纹四 四通过渡接头:第一个字母X表示四端都是外螺纹的四通。

代号 PART NO. 20241-14-04 20241-16-05 20241-18-06 20241-22-08 20241-27-10 20241-30-12 20241-36-14T 20241-39-16T 20241-45-20T 20241-52-24T 20241-64-32T
螺 纹E THREAD E M14X1.5 M16X1.5 M18X1.5 M22X1.5 M27X1.5 M30X1.5
M10X1 M10X1 M12X1.25 M12X1.25 M14X1.5 M14X1.5 M16X1.5 M16X1.5 M18X1.5 M18X1.5 M18X1.5 M20X1.5 M20X1.5 M22X1.5 M22X1.5 M22X1.5 M24X1.5 M24X1.5 M27X1.5 M27X1.5 M27X1.5 M30X1.5 M33X2 M36X2 M36X2 M39X2 M39X2 M42X2 M42X2 M45X2 M45X2 M52X2 M52X2 M60X2 M60X2 M64X2
140 56.0
10 -6 127 15.5 127 27.6 130 18.0 130 33.0 130 16.0 130 28.0 127 27.6 180 46
150 51.5
12 -8 178 13.8 178 24.1 180 16.0 180 27.5 180 14.0 180 25.0 178 27.6 230 42.5
软管总成表示法 软管总成的订货代号按下述方法表示:
订货示例:20517-22 / 15217-06 X 1002-06SS X 1000 + RS; 当两端接头一样时,可省略右端接头代号。无弹簧护套则不写“+RS”。


10643-4-4 10643-5-4 10643-6-4 10643-5-5 10643-6-5 10643-4-6 10643-5-6 10643-6-6 10643-8-6 10643-10-6 10643-8-8 10643-10-8 10643-12-8 10643-8-10 10643-10-10 10643-12-10 10643-8-12 10643-10-12 10643-12-12 10643-14-12 10643-16-12 10643-12-16 10643-16-16 10643-20-16
13743-20-16 ←→ 26741-20-16
13743-20-20 ←→ 26741-20-20
10643-16-20 10643-20-20 0643-24-24 10643-32-32
←→ 26711-16-20 ←→ 26711-20-20 ←→ 0643-24-24 ←→ 26711-32-32
1CE43-8-5 ←→ 20441-14-05
1OC43-8-5 ←→ 20541-16-05
1CE43-10-5 ←→ 20441-16-05 1CE43-12-5 ←→ 20441-18-05
1OC43-10-5 ←→ 20541-18-05 1OC43-12-5 ←→ 20541-20-05
永华接头芯代 号
13743-4-4 ←→ 26741-4-4
பைடு நூலகம்
13743-5-4 ←→ 26741-5-4
13743-6-4 ←→ 26741-6-4
13743-6-5 ←→ 26741-6-5
13743-8-5 ←→ 26741-8-5

Q/SGD 谷登工程机械装备有限公司试用文件Q/SGD 8001-2011(试用版) 液压过度接头和软管接头O形圈2011-05-24 制订2011-05-28实施江苏谷登工程机械装备有限公司研发部(制订)前言根据公司现有产品常用的过渡接头和软管接头配用O形圈,特制定此文件。
2 引用文件GB/T 3733-2008 卡套式端直通管接头GB/T 3765-2008 卡套式管接头技术条件永华过度接头样本(2004.7)永华软管总成/软管接头样本(2004.7)GB/T 7939—2008《液压软管总成试验方法》3扣压式软管接头型号及其配用O形圈表1轻型接头及其配用O形圈表2重型接头及其配用O形圈注: 1.表中代号用于编织软管。
2.如用于缠绕软管代号为20412-XX-XX 。
表3法兰夹使用螺杆、O形圈一览表表4螺纹紧固扭矩表4 过度接头1.外形结构管接头形式于尺寸应符合相应标准要求。

106.5 70
113.3 75
代号 PART NO. 20411-12-04 20411-14-04 20411-16-05 20411-18-06 20411-22-08 20411-26-08T 20411-26-10 20411-27-10 20411-30-12 20411-36-16 20411-45-16T 20411-45-20T 20411-52-20T 20411-52-24T
E S2
22 -14
280 8.0 280 14.0

2.1.1 芯子型号用 5 位数字表示,每一位的含义如下表:
0 1 2 3
直芯 45度弯芯 90度弯芯 22.5°弯芯 30°弯芯 60°弯芯 67.5°弯芯
美制ORFS螺纹 4 美制锥管螺纹 5 美制JIC螺纹 美制SAE螺纹 6 7
24度锥面/底座.轻型 4 24度锥面/底座.重型 5 60度锥面/底座 74度锥面/底座 90度锥面/底座 6 7 8
1.2. 角弯过渡接头编号规则:
在直通过渡接头型号后加“4”表示 45°弯曲过渡接头,在直通过渡接头型号后加“9”表示 90°弯 曲过渡接头。如 1BG9-04OG,1JT4-08-06 等。 1.3. 三通过渡接头编号规则:
三通过渡接头型号中的第一位为字母, 表示三端内外螺纹的不同组合情况; 第二、 三、 四位为字母, 分别表示左中右端的结构型式,当三端结构型式相同时,则使用一位字母,当三端标号相同时,也使用 一组标号。 1.3.1 型号中第一位用字母含义,如下表:
活动内螺纹/活动内螺纹/外螺纹 固定内螺纹/固定内螺纹/固定内螺纹 外螺纹/固定内螺纹/活动内螺纹
外螺纹/固定内螺纹/活动内螺纹 固定内螺纹/活动内螺纹/外螺纹 固定内螺纹/外螺纹/活动内螺纹
1.3.2 型号中第二、三、四位字母及标号的含义同直通过渡接头。 1.4. 四通过渡接头:
20211-39-16SST(或 W)X、 22611-12-12SSX、1CB-14-04WD (SS) 、 1JW-08-18SS、 2J-08SSX、 1JH9-08-18OG(SS)X、 00210-16SSB

1OC43-20-10 1OC43-20-12 1OC43-25-12 1OC43-25-16 1OC43-30-16 1OC43-38-20 派克接头代号 11743-8-8 11743-12-8 11743-10-10 11743-12-10 11743-12-12 11743-16-12 11743-16-16 11743-20-16 11743-20-20 11743-24-20 11743-24-24 11743-32-24 11743-32-32 派克接头代号 1J943-4-4 1J943-6-4 1J943-6-5 1J943-6-6 1J943-8-6 1J943-6-8 1J943-8-8 1J943-10-8 1J943-10-10 1J943-12-10 1J943-8-12 1J943-12-12 1J943-16-12 1J943-16-16 1J943-12-16 1J943-20-20
13943-8-8 13943-10-8 13943-12-8 13943-10-10 13943-12-10 13943-12-12 13943-16-12 13943-16-16 13943-20-16 13943-20-20 派克接头代号 11943-8-8 11943-12-8 11943-10-10 11943-12-10 11943-12-12 11943-16-12 11943-16-16 11943-20-16 11943-20-20 11943-24-20 11943-24-24 11943-32-24 11943-32-32 派克接头代号 1OC43-6-4 1OC43-8-4 1OC43-10-4 1OC43-8-5 1OC43-10-5 1OC43-12-5 1OC43-10-6 1OC43-12-6 1OC43-16-8 1OC43-30-8 1OC43-16-10

软管代号及技术参数表通径 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 22 25 32 40 50 软管 类型软管标准软管 简号 标号 -3 -4 -5 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 -16 -20 -24 -32 最小弯曲半径 89 102 114 127 178 203 241 305 419 508 635 SAE 100 R1AT1T工作压力(Mpa) 20.7 19.0 17.2 15.5 13.8 10.3 8.6 6.9 4.3 3.4 2.6 最小弯曲半径 89 102 114 127 178 203 241 305 419 508 635 SAE 100 R2AT2T工作压力(Mpa) 34.5 34.5 29.3 27.6 24.1 19.0 15.5 13.8 11.2 8.6 7.8 最小弯曲半径 90 100 115 130 180 200 240 300 420 500 630 DIN 20 022 1SN EN 853 1SN 1S工作压力(Mpa) 25.0 22.5 21.5 18.0 16.0 13.0 10.5 8.8 6.3 5.0 4.0 最小弯曲半径 90 100 115 130 180 200 240 300 420 500 630 DIN 20 022 2SN EN 853 2SN 2S工作压力(Mpa) 41.5 40.0 35.0 33.0 27.5 25.0 21.5 16.5 12.5 9.0 8.0 最小弯曲半径 90 100 115 130 180 205 240 280 300 420 500 630 GB 3683 1型1W工作压力(Mpa) 21.0 20.0 17.5 16.0 14.0 10.5 9.0 8.0 7.0 4.4 3.5 2.6 最小弯曲半径 90 100 115 130 180 205 240 280 300 420 500 630 编 织 软 管GB 3683 2型 2W工作压力(Mpa) 35.0 35.0 32.0 28.0 25.0 20.0 16.0 14.0 14.0 11.0 9.0 8.0 最小弯曲半径 127 178 203 241 305 419 508 635 SAE 100 R12 R12工作压力(Mpa) 27.6 27.6 27.6 27.6 27.6 20.7 17.2 17.2 最小弯曲半径 150 180 230 250 300 340 460 560 660 DIN 20023-4SP4SP工作压力(Mpa) 50 46 42.5 40 38 32 21 18.5 17.5 最小弯曲半径 250 280 340 460 560 700 DIN 20023-4SH4SH工作压力(Mpa) 45 42 38.5 35 30 25 最小弯曲半径 100 125 140 150 205 235 280 360 460 560 710 GB 10544 3型 4SC工作压力(Mpa) 69.0 60.5 56.0 51.5 43.0 38.0 34.5 27.5 20.5 17.0 17.0 最小弯曲半径 200 280 340 460 560 700 缠 绕 软 管GB 10544 5型 4SE工作压力(Mpa)宁波永华液压器材有限公司是生产高压软管总成和过渡接头的专业厂家。
伊顿 永华 接头样本 1

Eaton® Winner®Large Quantity Carbon Steel Adapter ProgramABCDEF2EATON Winner Carbon Steel Adapters E-MEAD-MC002-E April 2011Eaton® Winner®Carbon Steel Adapter Program Table of ContentsSection AJIC 74° (37°) Cone Flared Carbon Steel Adapters and SAE ORB Plugs 1J A-2 1J9 A-3 1JH A-3 1JN A-4 1JN4 A-5 1JN9 A-6 1JN9- A-7 1JN9- A-7 1JO A-8 1JO4-OG A-9 1JO9-OG A-10 1JO9-OG/ A-11 1JO- A-11 2J A-12 2J4 A-12 2J9 A-13 2NJ A-13 2OJ A-14 4ON A-14 4J A-15 4O A-15 5J A-16 5JN A-16 5JN9 A-17 5O A-17 6J-N A-18 6J4 A-18 6J9-N A-19 6NJ-N A-19 AJ A-20 AJ6JJ-N A-20 AJJ6J-N A-21 AJJN A-21 AJNJ A-22 AJJO-OG A-22 AJOJ-OG A-23 BJ A-23 CJ A-24 NB200 A-24 NB300 A-25 NB500 A-25Section BORFS Adapters1FN B-2 1FN9-16 B-2 1FO B-3 1FO4-OG B-3 1FO9-OG B-4 2F9 B-4 4F B-5 6F-L N B-56F9 B-69F B-6AFFO-OG B-7CF B-7Section CNPT Adapters1N C-21N9 C-24N C-34NN C-35N C-45N4 C-55N9 C-55ON C-65ON9-OG C-67N C-77N9-PK C-77NJ-S C-8GN-PK C-8HN C-9JN C-9ZN C-10Section DNPSM Adapters2NU D-22NU4 D-22NU9 D-32OU9-OG D-37NU-S D-4Section EFlange Adapters1JFL E-21JFL9 E-21JFS E-3Section FTechnical InformationWorking Pressure F-2Port Type and Dimensions F-4Recommended Thread Torque F-12Seal Specifications F-133EATON Winner Carbon Steel Adapters E-MEAD-MC002-E April 2011A B C D E FABCDEF4EATON Winner Carbon Steel Adapters E-MEAD-MC002-E April 2011JIC 74° (37°) Cone Flared Carbon Steel Adapters and SAE ORB PlugsPart No. IndexA-1EATON Winner Carbon Steel Adapters E-MEAD-MC002-E April 2011AEaton ®Winner ®JIC 74° (37°) Cone Flared Carbon Steel AdaptersThread Dimensions Part NumberEFAB L S11J-04Z 7/16"X207/16"X2014.014.03512Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone1JA-2EATON Winner Carbon Steel Adapters E-MEAD-MC002-E April 2011AThread Dimensions Part NumberEFABS11J9-04Z 7/16"X20 7/16"X20 24.5 24.5 11Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.90° Elbow JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone1J91JHThread O-ring Dimensions Part Number EFF A BL S11JH-04-10Z 7/16”X20 M10X1O08.1X1.6 14 8.5 30 14Note: 1. Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.2. F end is fit for ISO 9974-1 port or ISO 6149-1 port when useless of retaining ring.JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / Metric Male Adjustable Stud End L-Series ISO 6149-31JHA-3EATON Winner Carbon Steel Adapters E-MEAD-MC002-E April 2011A1JNThread Dimensions Part Number EFAB L S11JN-04-02Z 7/16"X201/8"X27 14.0 10.5 30.5 12Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / NPT Male1JNA-4EATON Winner Carbon Steel Adapters E-MEAD-MC002-E April 2011A45° JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / NPT Male1JN47Thread Dimensions Part No.EFAB S1A-5EATON Winner Carbon Steel Adapters E-MEAD-MC002-E April 2011A1JN9Thread Dimensions Part Number EFAB S11JN9-04Z 7/16"X201/4"X18 26.6 25.5 141JN9-32Z 2-1/2"X122"X11.5 75.4 67.5 63Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.90° Elbow JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / NPT Male1JN9A-6EATON Winner Carbon Steel Adapters E-MEAD-MC002-E April 2011A1JN9-LThread Dimensions Part Number EFAB S11JN9-04-02LZ 7/16”X20 1/8”X27 24.5 30 11Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.90° JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / Long NPT Male1JN9-L74°1JN9Thread Dimensions Part NumberEF AB S11JN9-04-02LLZ 7/16"X20 1/8"X27 24.5 39.6 11Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.90° Elbow JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / Longer NPT Male1JN9-LLA1JOThread O-Ring Dimensions 1JO-24-20Z 1-7/8”X121-5/8”X12O92027.515.0961.550Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone /O-Ring Boss L-Series ISO 11926-31JOA1JO4-OGThread O-Ring Dimensions Part NumberEF FAB S1S21JO4-04OGZ 7/16”X20 7/16”X20O904 21 24.0 11 171JO4-20OGZ 1-5/8”X12 1-5/8”X12O920 42 48.5 41 50Note: 1. Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube. 2. F end is connected with ISO 11926-1 port.45° Elbow JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / SAE O-ring Boss L-Series ISO 11926-31JO4-OG74°A1JO9-OGThread O-Ring Dimensions Part NumberEF FAB S1S21JO9-04OGZ 7/16"X20 7/16"X20 O904 24.5 27.2 11 1790° Elbow JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / SAE O-ring Boss L-Series ISO 11926-31JO9-OGNote: 1 Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube. 2 F end is connected with ISO 11926-1 port.74ANote: 1. Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube. 2. F end is connected with ISO 11926-1 port.Thread O-Ring Dimensions Part Number EF FAB S1S21JO9-06OGLZ 9/16"X18 9/16"X18 O906 26.9 52.8 14 1990°JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / Long SAE O-ring Boss L-Series ISO 11926-31JO9-OG/LNote: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.1JO-LThread O-Ring Dimensions Part Number EFFAB L S11JO-08LAZ 3/4"X163/4"X16 O908 48 11.1 67.5 22Long JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / SAE O-ring Boss L-Series ISO 11926-31JO-LANote: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.2JThread Dimensions Part Number EFAB L S1S22J-08-10Z 3/4"X16 7/8"X14 16.7 13 36.5 22 27JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / JIC Female 74° (37°) Seat2J74°2J4Thread Dimensions Part Number EFAB S1S22J4-04Z 7/16"X20 7/16"X20 21.5 911152J4-20Z 1-5/8"X121-5/8"X12 43.017 41 50Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.45° Elbow JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / JIC Female 74° (37°) Seat2J4A2J9Thread Dimensions Part NumberEF AB S1S22J9-04Z 7/16"X20 7/16"X20 24.5 9111590° Elbow JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / JIC Female 74° (37°) Seat2J9Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.2NJThread Dimensions Part Number EFAB L S1S22NJ-02-04Z 1/8"X27 7/16"X2010.5 9.024.512152NJ-20Z 1-1/4"X11.51-5/8"X12 26.517.0 56.0 46 50NPT Male / JIC Female 74° (37°) Seat2NJASAE O-ring Boss / JIC Female 74° (37°) Seat2OJ2OJ Thread O-Ring Dimensions Part No.EFE A B LS1S220J-16Z 1-5/16"X121-5/16"X12091615.116.038.538414ONThread O-RIng Dimensions Part Number E E AL S14ON-04Z 7/16"X20 09049.111.5 54ON-08Z 3/4"X16090811.114.3 8SAE O-ring Boss Hollow Hex Plug4ONA4JThread Dimensions Part Number EAL S14J-04Z 7/16"X2014.020124J-32Z 2-1/2"X1233.9 5265Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.4J4OThread O-Ring Dimensions Part Number E E AL S14O-04Z 7/16"X20 0904 9.1517.014SAE O-ring Boss Plug4OAThread Dimensions Part NumberEFAL S1B5J-04-06SZ 7/16"X20 9/16"X1814.024.619 9.8Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / JIC Female 74° (37°) Seat5J 5JSThread Dimensions Part NumberEFAL S15JN-04Z 7/16"X20 1/4"X1814.035.519Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / NPT Female5JNA5JN9Thread Dimensions Part Number EFAB S15JN9-04Z 7/16"X20 1/4"X1830.922.4 19Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.90° Elbow JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / NPT Female5JN95OThread O-Ring Dimensions Part NumberEFE AB S15O-12-06Z 1-1/16"X129/16"X18O91215.0926.0325O-20-16Z 1-5/8"X121-5/16"X12 O92015.1 42.0 50SAE O-ring Boss L-SeriesISO 11926-3 / SAE Female ISO 11926-15OANote: “LN” in part number designates the adapter with lock nut. Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.6J-LNThread Dimensions Part Number EFAB L S1S26J-04LNZ 7/16"X20 7/16"X2014.032.552.51717JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone Bulkhead6J-LN6J4Thread Dimensions Part Number EFAB S1S26J4-06LNZ 9/16”X189/16”X1823.042.414226J4-16LNZ 1-5/16”X121-5/16”X1237.865.0334145° JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone6J4ANote: “LN” in part number designates the adapter with lock nut. Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.6J9Thread Dimensions Part NumberEF AB S1S26J9-04LNZ 7/16"X20 7/16"X20 24.5 40.4 11 176J9-16LNZ 1-5/16"X12 1-5/16"X1250.071.0 33 4190° JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone Bulkhead6J9-LN6NJThread Dimensions Part Number EFAB L S1S26NJ-04-06LNZ 1/4"X18 9/16"X18 15.0 32.5 55.5 22 226NJ-16LNZ 1"X11.5 1-5/16"X12 25.5 44.5 83.0 41 41Note: “LN” in part number designates the adapter with lock nut. Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.NPT Male / JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone Bulkhead6NJ-LNANut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.AJThread Dimensions Part Number EF GA BC S1AJ-04Z7/16"X20 7/16"X20 7/16"X20 24.5 24.5 24.511AJ-16Z 1-5/16"X121-5/16"X121-5/16"X12 49.0 49.0 49.0 33JIC Male 74° (37°) ConeAJNote: “LN” in part number designates the adapter with lock nut. Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.AJ6JJThread Dimensions Part Number EF GA BC S1S2AJ6JJ-06LNZ9/16"X18 9/16"X18 9/16"X18 26.9 46.0 26.9 14 22JIC Male 74° (37°) ConeAJ6JJ-LNAThread Dimensions Part NumberEF GA BC S1S2Note: “LN” in part number designates the adapter with lock nut. Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube,the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.JIC Male 74° (37°) ConeAJJ6J-LN74AJJNThread Dimensions Part Number EF GAB C S1AJJN-04Z 7/16"X20 7/16"X20 1/4"X18 26.6 26.6 25.514AJJN-16Z 1-5/16"X121-5/16"X12 1"X11.549.049.0 50.0 33Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.JIC Male / JIC Male / NPT MaleAJJNAAJJO-OG Thread O-Ring Dimensions Part NumberEFG GA BC S1S2AJJO-04OGZ7/16"X20 7/16"X20 7/16"X20 O90424.5 24.5 27.21117Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.JIC Male / JICMale / SAE O-ring BossAJJO-OGJIC Male / NPT Male / JIC MaleAJNJ74°AJNJ Thread Dimensions Part No.EFGABCS1the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.AAJOJ-OG Thread O-Ring Dimensions Part Number EF GF A BC S1S2AJOJ-06OGZ9/16"X18 9/16"X18 9/16"X18 O906 26.9 31.8 26.9 14 19Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.JIC Male / SAE O-ring Boss / JIC MaleAJOJ-OG74°BJThread Dimensions Part Number EF GA BC S1S2BJ-04Z7/16"X20 77/16"X20 7/16"X2024.5 924.51115BJ-20Z 1-5/8"X12 1-5/8"X12 1-5/8"X12 56.0 17 56.041 50Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.JIC Male / JIC Female / JIC MaleBJA74°CJCJ Thread DimensionsPart Number E F G A B C S1S2 CJ-04Z 7/16"X20 7/16"X20 7/16"X2024.524.5 9.01115CJ-20Z1-5/8"X121-5/8"X121-5/8"X12 55.5 55.51741 50 Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.JIC Male / JIC Male / JIC FemaleCJThread Tube O.D. & Sleeve Dimensions Part Number E in.Inch Sleeve mm Metric Sleeve L S2NB200-04Z 7/16"X20 1/4"NB300-046NB500-0615.814JIC Triple Lock NutNB200ANB300Tube Dimensions Part NumberThreadO.D.DLNB300-04Z 7/16"X201/4" 9.7310.4NB300-32Z 2-1/2"X122"61.1930.2JIC Inch SleeveNB300NB305TubeDimensions Part NumberThreadO.D. mm DLNB500-06Z 7/16”X2069.710.4NB500-32Z 1-5/8”X123238.923.1JIC Metric SleeveNB500APart No. Index Page intentionally left blank AORFS AdaptersPart No. Index1FNB-21FOB-31FO9-OGB-42F9B-44FB-56F-LNB-59FB-6AFFO-OGB-7CFB-71FN9-16B-21FO4-OGB-36F9B-6B Eaton® Winner®ORFS AdaptersORFS Male O-ring / NPT Male1FNThread O-Ring Dimensions Part Number EF EA BL S11FN-12Z 1-3/16"X12 3/4"X14 O018 17 19.5 49 32Thread O-Ring Dimensions Part NumberEFEA BS11FN9-16Z 1-7/16"X121"X11.5O02144.551.636Note: E end is connected with ISO 11926-1 port. ORFS fittings utilize a machined half dovetailed groove for seal retention.1FN9-1690° Elbow ORFS MaleO-ring / NPT MaleNote: ORFS fittings utilize a machined half dovetailed groove for seal retention.B1FO4-OGThread O-Ring Dimensions Part NumberEFEFA BL S11FO-04-06Z9/16"X18 9/16"X18 O011 O906 9.812.029.5 171FOORFS Male O-ring /SAE O-ring Boss S-Series ISO 11926-245° Elbow ORFS Male O-ring / SAE O-ring Boss S-Series ISO 11926-2Note: F end is connected with ISO 11926-1 port.ORFS fittings utilize a machined half dovetailed groove for seal retention.ThreadO-Ring Dimensions Part No.EFEFABS1S21FO4-04OGZ 9/16" X187/16" X20O011O90418.326.01417B1FO9-OG1FO9-OGThread O-Ring Dimensions Part NumberEFEF A BS1S21FO9-04OGZ9/16"X18 7/16"X20 O011 O904 23.030.3 14 171FO9-20OGZ 1-11/16”X121-5/8”X12O025O92047.560.54150Note: F end is connected with ISO 11926-1 port. ORFS fittings utilize a machined half dovetailed groove for seal retention.90° Elbow ORFS Male O-ring / SAE O-ring Boss S-Series ISO 11926-22F9Thread O-Ring Dimensions Part NumberEFE A BS1S22F9-06Z11/16"X16 11/16"X16 O012 27.5 10 19 222F9-16Z 1-7/16"X12 1-7/16"X12 O021 44.5 15 36 4190° Elbow ORFS Male O-ring / ORFS FemaleNote: ORFS fittings utilize a machined half dovetailed groove for seal retention.BORFS Male O-ring Plug4FThread O-Ring Dimensions Part NumberE E AL S14F-04Z 9/16"X18 O011 9.8 16.8 174F-20Z 1-11/16"X12 O025 17.5 27.9 466F-LNThread O-Ring Dimensions Part NumberEFEFA BL S1S26F-10LNZ1"X141"X14O016 O016 15.5 40.6 66.6 36 366F-20LNZ 1-11/16"X12 1-11/16"X12 O025 O025 17.5 42.2 70.2 50 50ORFS Male O-ring BulkheadLock NutNote: ORFS fittings utilize a machined half dovetailed groove for seal retention.Note: “LN” in part number designates the adapter with lock nut. ORFS fittings utilize a machined half dovetailed groove for seal retention.B。

2EATON Winner Carbon Steel Adapters E-MEAD-MC002-E April 2011Eaton® Winner®Carbon Steel Adapter Program Table of ContentsSection AJIC 74° (37°) Cone Flared Carbon Steel Adapters and SAE ORB Plugs 1J A-2 1J9 A-3 1JH A-3 1JN A-4 1JN4 A-5 1JN9 A-6 1JN9- A-7 1JN9- A-7 1JO A-8 1JO4-OG A-9 1JO9-OG A-10 1JO9-OG/ A-11 1JO- A-11 2J A-12 2J4 A-12 2J9 A-13 2NJ A-13 2OJ A-14 4ON A-14 4J A-15 4O A-15 5J A-16 5JN A-16 5JN9 A-17 5O A-17 6J-N A-18 6J4 A-18 6J9-N A-19 6NJ-N A-19 AJ A-20 AJ6JJ-N A-20 AJJ6J-N A-21 AJJN A-21 AJNJ A-22 AJJO-OG A-22 AJOJ-OG A-23 BJ A-23 CJ A-24 NB200 A-24 NB300 A-25 NB500 A-25Section BORFS Adapters1FN B-2 1FN9-16 B-2 1FO B-3 1FO4-OG B-3 1FO9-OG B-4 2F9 B-4 4F B-5 6F-L N B-56F9 B-69F B-6AFFO-OG B-7CF B-7Section CNPT Adapters1N C-21N9 C-24N C-34NN C-35N C-45N4 C-55N9 C-55ON C-65ON9-OG C-67N C-77N9-PK C-77NJ-S C-8GN-PK C-8HN C-9JN C-9ZN C-10Section DNPSM Adapters2NU D-22NU4 D-22NU9 D-32OU9-OG D-37NU-S D-4Section EFlange Adapters1JFL E-21JFL9 E-21JFS E-3Section FTechnical InformationWorking Pressure F-2Port Type and Dimensions F-4Recommended Thread Torque F-12Seal Specifications F-133EATON Winner Carbon Steel Adapters E-MEAD-MC002-E April 20114EATON Winner Carbon Steel Adapters E-MEAD-MC002-E April 2011AThread Dimensions Part Number E F A B L S11J-04Z7/16"X207/16"X2014.014.03512Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone1JA-2EATON Winner Carbon Steel Adapters E-MEAD-MC002-E April 2011Thread Dimensions Part Number E F A B S11J9-04Z7/16"X20 7/16"X20 24.5 24.5 11Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.90° Elbow JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone 1J91JH Thread O-ring Dimensions Part Number E F F A B L S11JH-04-10Z 7/16”X20 M10X1O08.1X1.6 14 8.5 30 14Note: 1. Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube. 2. F end is fit for ISO 9974-1 port or ISO 6149-1 port when useless of retaining ring.JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / Metric Male Adjustable Stud End L-Series ISO 6149-31JHA-3EATON Winner Carbon Steel Adapters E-MEAD-MC002-E April 2011A1JNThread Dimensions Part Number E F A B L S11JN-04-02Z 7/16"X201/8"X27 14.0 10.5 30.5 12Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / NPT Male1JNA-4EATON Winner Carbon Steel Adapters E-MEAD-MC002-E April 201145° JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / NPT Male1JN47Thread Dimensions Part No.E F A B S1A-5EATON Winner Carbon Steel Adapters E-MEAD-MC002-E April 2011A1JN9Thread Dimensions Part Number E F A B S11JN9-04Z 7/16"X201/4"X18 26.6 25.5 141JN9-32Z 2-1/2"X122"X11.5 75.4 67.5 63Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.90° Elbow JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / NPT Male1JN9A-6EATON Winner Carbon Steel Adapters E-MEAD-MC002-E April 20111JN9-LThread Dimensions Part Number EFAB S11JN9-04-02LZ 7/16”X20 1/8”X27 24.5 30 11Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.90° JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / Long NPT Male1JN9-L74°1JN9Thread Dimensions Part NumberEF AB S11JN9-04-02LLZ 7/16"X20 1/8"X27 24.5 39.6 11Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.90° Elbow JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / Longer NPT Male1JN9-LLA1JOThread O-Ring Dimensions 1JO-24-20Z 1-7/8”X121-5/8”X12O92027.515.0961.550Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone /O-Ring Boss L-Series ISO 11926-31JO1JO4-OGThread O-Ring Dimensions Part NumberEF FAB S1S21JO4-04OGZ 7/16”X20 7/16”X20O904 21 24.0 11 171JO4-20OGZ 1-5/8”X12 1-5/8”X12O920 42 48.5 41 50Note: 1. Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube. 2. F end is connected with ISO 11926-1 port.45° Elbow JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / SAE O-ring Boss L-Series ISO 11926-31JO4-OG74°A1JO9-OGThread O-Ring Dimensions Part NumberEF FAB S1S21JO9-04OGZ 7/16"X20 7/16"X20 O904 24.5 27.2 11 1790° Elbow JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / SAE O-ring Boss L-Series ISO 11926-31JO9-OGNote: 1 Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube. 2 F end is connected with ISO 11926-1 port.74Note: 1. Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube. 2. F end is connected with ISO 11926-1 port.Thread O-Ring Dimensions Part Number EF FAB S1S21JO9-06OGLZ 9/16"X18 9/16"X18 O906 26.9 52.8 14 1990°JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / Long SAE O-ring Boss L-Series ISO 11926-31JO9-OG/LNote: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.1JO-LThread O-Ring Dimensions Part Number EFFAB L S11JO-08LAZ 3/4"X163/4"X16 O908 48 11.1 67.5 22Long JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / SAE O-ring Boss L-Series ISO 11926-31JO-LANote: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.2JThread Dimensions Part Number EFAB L S1S22J-08-10Z 3/4"X16 7/8"X14 16.7 13 36.5 22 27JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / JIC Female 74° (37°) Seat2J74°2J4Thread Dimensions Part Number EFAB S1S22J4-04Z 7/16"X20 7/16"X20 21.5 911152J4-20Z 1-5/8"X121-5/8"X12 43.017 41 50Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.45° Elbow JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / JIC Female 74° (37°) Seat2J42J9Thread Dimensions Part NumberEF AB S1S22J9-04Z 7/16"X20 7/16"X20 24.5 9111590° Elbow JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / JIC Female 74° (37°) Seat2J9Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.2NJThread Dimensions Part Number EFAB L S1S22NJ-02-04Z 1/8"X27 7/16"X2010.5 9.024.512152NJ-20Z 1-1/4"X11.51-5/8"X12 26.517.0 56.0 46 50NPT Male / JIC Female 74° (37°) Seat2NJASAE O-ring Boss / JIC Female 74° (37°) Seat2OJ2OJ Thread O-Ring Dimensions Part No.EFE A B LS1S220J-16Z 1-5/16"X121-5/16"X12091615.116.038.538414ONThread O-RIng Dimensions Part Number E E AL S14ON-04Z 7/16"X20 09049.111.5 54ON-08Z 3/4"X16090811.114.3 8SAE O-ring Boss Hollow Hex Plug4ON4JThread Dimensions Part Number EAL S14J-04Z 7/16"X2014.020124J-32Z 2-1/2"X1233.9 5265Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.4J4OThread O-Ring Dimensions Part Number E E AL S14O-04Z 7/16"X20 0904 9.1517.014SAE O-ring Boss Plug4OAThread Dimensions Part NumberEFAL S1B5J-04-06SZ 7/16"X20 9/16"X1814.024.619 9.8Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / JIC Female 74° (37°) Seat5J 5JSThread Dimensions Part NumberEFAL S15JN-04Z 7/16"X20 1/4"X1814.035.519Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / NPT Female5JN5JN9Thread Dimensions Part Number EFAB S15JN9-04Z 7/16"X20 1/4"X1830.922.4 19Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.90° Elbow JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone / NPT Female5JN95OThread O-Ring Dimensions Part NumberEFE AB S15O-12-06Z 1-1/16"X129/16"X18O91215.0926.0325O-20-16Z 1-5/8"X121-5/16"X12 O92015.1 42.0 50SAE O-ring Boss L-SeriesISO 11926-3 / SAE Female ISO 11926-15OANote: “LN” in part number designates the adapter with lock nut. Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.6J-LNThread Dimensions Part Number EFAB L S1S26J-04LNZ 7/16"X20 7/16"X2014.032.552.51717JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone Bulkhead6J-LN6J4Thread Dimensions Part Number EFAB S1S26J4-06LNZ 9/16”X189/16”X1823.042.414226J4-16LNZ 1-5/16”X121-5/16”X1237.865.0334145° JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone6J4Note: “LN” in part number designates the adapter with lock nut. Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.6J9Thread Dimensions Part NumberEF AB S1S26J9-04LNZ 7/16"X20 7/16"X20 24.5 40.4 11 176J9-16LNZ 1-5/16"X12 1-5/16"X1250.071.0 33 4190° JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone Bulkhead6J9-LN6NJThread Dimensions Part Number EFAB L S1S26NJ-04-06LNZ 1/4"X18 9/16"X18 15.0 32.5 55.5 22 226NJ-16LNZ 1"X11.5 1-5/16"X12 25.5 44.5 83.0 41 41Note: “LN” in part number designates the adapter with lock nut. Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.NPT Male / JIC Male 74° (37°) Cone Bulkhead6NJ-LNANut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.AJThread Dimensions Part Number EF GA BC S1AJ-04Z7/16"X20 7/16"X20 7/16"X20 24.5 24.5 24.511AJ-16Z 1-5/16"X121-5/16"X121-5/16"X12 49.0 49.0 49.0 33JIC Male 74° (37°) ConeAJNote: “LN” in part number designates the adapter with lock nut. Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.AJ6JJThread Dimensions Part Number EF GA BC S1S2AJ6JJ-06LNZ9/16"X18 9/16"X18 9/16"X18 26.9 46.0 26.9 14 22JIC Male 74° (37°) ConeAJ6JJ-LNThread Dimensions Part NumberEF GA BC S1S2Note: “LN” in part number designates the adapter with lock nut. Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube,the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.JIC Male 74° (37°) ConeAJJ6J-LN74AJJNThread Dimensions Part Number EF GAB C S1AJJN-04Z 7/16"X20 7/16"X20 1/4"X18 26.6 26.6 25.514AJJN-16Z 1-5/16"X121-5/16"X12 1"X11.549.049.0 50.0 33Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.JIC Male / JIC Male / NPT MaleAJJNAAJJO-OG Thread O-Ring Dimensions Part NumberEFG GA BC S1S2AJJO-04OGZ7/16"X20 7/16"X20 7/16"X20 O90424.5 24.5 27.21117Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.JIC Male / JICMale / SAE O-ring BossAJJO-OGJIC Male / NPT Male / JIC MaleAJNJ74°AJNJ Thread Dimensions Part No.EFGABCS1the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.AJOJ-OG Thread O-Ring Dimensions Part Number EF GF A BC S1S2AJOJ-06OGZ9/16"X18 9/16"X18 9/16"X18 O906 26.9 31.8 26.9 14 19Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.JIC Male / SAE O-ring Boss / JIC MaleAJOJ-OG74°BJThread Dimensions Part Number EF GA BC S1S2BJ-04Z7/16"X20 77/16"X20 7/16"X2024.5 924.51115BJ-20Z 1-5/8"X12 1-5/8"X12 1-5/8"X12 56.0 17 56.041 50Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube.JIC Male / JIC Female / JIC MaleBJA74°CJCJ Thread DimensionsPart Number E F G A B C S1S2 CJ-04Z 7/16"X20 7/16"X20 7/16"X2024.524.5 9.01115CJ-20Z1-5/8"X121-5/8"X121-5/8"X12 55.5 55.51741 50 Note: Nut and sleeve should be ordered separately. The nut NB200 and sleeve NB500 is suitable for metric tube, the nut NB200 and sleeve NB300 is suitable for inch tube. JIC Male / JIC Male / JIC FemaleCJThread Tube O.D. & Sleeve DimensionsPart Number E in.Inch Sleeve mm Metric Sleeve L S2NB200-04Z 7/16"X20 1/4"NB300-046NB500-0615.814JIC Triple Lock NutNB200NB300Tube Dimensions Part NumberThreadO.D.DLNB300-04Z 7/16"X201/4" 9.7310.4NB300-32Z 2-1/2"X122"61.1930.2JIC Inch SleeveNB300NB305TubeDimensions Part NumberThreadO.D. mm DLNB500-06Z 7/16”X2069.710.4NB500-32Z 1-5/8”X123238.923.1JIC Metric SleeveNB500APart No. Index Page intentionally left blank1FNB-21FOB-31FO9-OGB-42F9B-44FB-56F-LNB-59FB-6AFFO-OGB-7CFB-71FN9-16B-21FO4-OGB-36F9B-6BORFS Male O-ring / NPT Male1FNThread O-Ring Dimensions Part Number EF EA BL S11FN-12Z 1-3/16"X12 3/4"X14 O018 17 19.5 49 32Thread O-Ring Dimensions Part NumberEFEA BS11FN9-16Z 1-7/16"X121"X11.5O02144.551.636Note: E end is connected with ISO 11926-1 port. ORFS fittings utilize a machined half dovetailed groove for seal retention.1FN9-1690° Elbow ORFS MaleO-ring / NPT MaleNote: ORFS fittings utilize a machined half dovetailed groove for seal retention.1FO4-OGThread O-Ring Dimensions Part NumberEFEFA BL S11FO-04-06Z9/16"X18 9/16"X18 O011 O906 9.812.029.5 171FOORFS Male O-ring /SAE O-ring Boss S-Series ISO 11926-245° Elbow ORFS Male O-ring / SAE O-ring Boss S-Series ISO 11926-2Note: F end is connected with ISO 11926-1 port.ORFS fittings utilize a machined half dovetailed groove for seal retention.ThreadO-Ring Dimensions Part No.EFEFABS1S21FO4-04OGZ 9/16" X187/16" X20O011O90418.326.01417B1FO9-OG1FO9-OGThread O-Ring Dimensions Part NumberEFEF A BS1S21FO9-04OGZ9/16"X18 7/16"X20 O011 O904 23.030.3 14 171FO9-20OGZ 1-11/16”X121-5/8”X12O025O92047.560.54150Note: F end is connected with ISO 11926-1 port. ORFS fittings utilize a machined half dovetailed groove for seal retention.90° Elbow ORFS Male O-ring / SAE O-ring Boss S-Series ISO 11926-22F9Thread O-Ring Dimensions Part NumberEFE A BS1S22F9-06Z11/16"X16 11/16"X16 O012 27.5 10 19 222F9-16Z 1-7/16"X12 1-7/16"X12 O021 44.5 15 36 4190° Elbow ORFS Male O-ring / ORFS FemaleNote: ORFS fittings utilize a machined half dovetailed groove for seal retention.ORFS Male O-ring Plug4FThread O-Ring Dimensions Part NumberE E AL S14F-04Z 9/16"X18 O011 9.8 16.8 174F-20Z 1-11/16"X12 O025 17.5 27.9 466F-LNThread O-Ring Dimensions Part NumberEFEFA BL S1S26F-10LNZ1"X141"X14O016 O016 15.5 40.6 66.6 36 366F-20LNZ 1-11/16"X12 1-11/16"X12 O025 O025 17.5 42.2 70.2 50 50ORFS Male O-ring BulkheadLock NutNote: ORFS fittings utilize a machined half dovetailed groove for seal retention.Note: “LN” in part number designates the adapter with lock nut. ORFS fittings utilize a machined half dovetailed groove for seal retention.B。

软管总成 Hose Assembly
软管总成 Hose Assembly
接头1 套筒软管弹簧护套套筒接头2
如上图示,液压软管总成由软管、接头1、接头 2、套筒扣压而成。
接头 1 与接头 2 可以相同,也可以不
,RS / X X /
接头1 代号弹簧护套接头2 代号自然弯曲方向
装配角软管代号( 含简号及标号 ) 总成长度
订货示例 1:22641-08-08/22691-12-08X1T08X1000V90/SSX+RS;
订货示例 2:当接头 1 与接头 2 相同时,只标一个接头的代号。
软管总成长度L 以从接头芯端面或弯接头芯中心为基准进行测量。