黑群晖Synology DSM 5.0-4458懒人版






正文:一、系统备份与恢复1.1 设置系统备份计划,定期备份重要数据1.2 选择合适的备份介质,如外部硬盘或网络存储设备1.3 恢复系统备份时,注意选择正确的备份文件和目标位置1.4 备份和恢复过程中要保持设备稳定的电源供应和网络连接1.5 定期检查备份文件的完整性和可用性,确保备份的有效性二、数据共享与访问控制2.1 创建共享文件夹,并设置相关权限2.2 选择合适的访问控制方式,如基于用户或群组2.3 设置访问权限,限制用户对共享文件夹的访问和操作2.4 配置访问控制列表,允许特定用户或群组的访问2.5 定期审查和更新访问控制策略,确保数据安全性和隐私保护三、网络服务管理3.1 启用和配置网络服务,如FTP、WebDAV等3.2 限制网络访问,避免未授权访问3.3 监控网络服务的运行状态和性能3.4 定期更新网络服务的软件版本,修复漏洞和提升性能3.5 配置防火墙和安全策略,保护网络服务的安全性四、存储管理4.1 分配存储空间,创建新的存储卷或扩展已有存储卷4.2 配置磁盘阵列,提升存储性能和容错能力4.3 设置存储配额,限制用户对存储空间的使用4.4 定期监控存储设备的健康状态,预防故障和数据丢失4.5 进行数据迁移和备份,确保数据的安全性和可靠性五、系统维护与优化5.1 定期检查系统事件日志,及时发现和解决问题5.2 更新群晖系统的软件版本,获得最新功能和安全修复5.3 清理不需要的临时文件和日志,释放存储空间5.4 配置电源管理策略,降低电力消耗和延长设备使用寿命5.5 学习并使用群晖系统提供的高级功能和工具,提升系统性能和功能扩展总结:通过本文的介绍,我们可以看到群晖系统使用说明的重要性,以及如何正确备份和恢复系统、管理数据共享和访问控制、进行网络服务管理、存储管理和系统维护与优化。

NAS群晖DSM 5.0-4458 傻瓜安装教程

NAS群晖DSM 5.0-4458 傻瓜安装教程

NAS群晖DSM 5.0-4458 傻瓜安装教程话说上次吹牛吹爆了500元NAS 黑群晖配置完成(不含硬盘),NAS能做什么?,许愿说要写个D SM傻瓜安装教程。

本来我都不想接显示器安装的,可基于三点原因,我还是接上了13年历史的显示器,安装了群晖DSM 5.0-44581. 我是DSM 4.2不想去被挖矿,话说我又不是在金元帅的国家,我干嘛要去被挖矿2. 我想体验一下DSM 5.0的百度云同步功能,话说这个太吸引我了,关注了好久,4458正式版发布后实在难忍。

3. 我答应大家要写个傻瓜教程。



PS:很多内容参照此贴“小白装黑群晖,2步搞定5.0-445 8”在此声明和感谢。





为了方便小白,我分享到网盘了,感谢原作者!(下载地址)4、电脑上安装好群晖助手(Synology Assistant) 5、电脑网线、N AS网线都接入同一个路由器或交换机,确保正常使用。










NTFS系统挂进来,DSM 是不能够识别的:HDD列表中能够显示有硬盘,但是状态是“未初始化”:而在外接设备中,只有USB,没有eSATA设备:下面就来想办法修改系统参数,让NTFS硬盘能够被系统直接识别。




打开Mac应用程序的“其他”:选择“终端”:进入到终端面板:输入“ssh root@”(这里的IP地址是你的NAS的实际值),回车:输入root用户密码(与admin密码一致),输入过程中,屏幕不会有任何显示,不要奇怪,输入完毕后按回车:如果你是第一次用ssh登陆你的DSM,会跳出一段英文,然后要你输入一个“yes”(注意,不是输入Y,而是要输入完整的yes),然后回车。

如果你之前已经成功登陆过,那会直接跳出以你的DSM系统机器名开头的引导符(例如我的时MyNAS >):输入“vi /etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf”,回车(注意vi和后面的/之间有一个半角的空格):屏幕上会显示出这个配置文件的内容:把光标向下移动(移动到接近底部的位置),你会看到有esataportcfg="0xfff000",往下14行,有internalportcfg="0xfff",我们就是要修改这两个参数值:你需要先去计算一下,这两个值要修改成什么样。

Synology DSM 4.2 Installation Guide on ESXi 5.1说明书

Synology DSM 4.2 Installation Guide on ESXi 5.1说明书

Idiot's Guide to running DSM 4.2 on ESXi 5.1Required:A bit of time to accurately follow this guide, comprehension and configuration skills.A properly installed and configured 64-Bit Machine running ESXi 5.1:https:///web/vmware/evalcenter?p=free-esxi5&lp=defaultInstallation and Configuration of ESXi 5.1 is left as an exercise for the reader.NOTE: It is not a requirement to support Vt-d and use VMDirectPath I/O for disks. Use this configuration only if performance is critical and absolutely necessary. Using the PVSCSI controller and creating physical RDM mapped disks is preferred. Using a Datastore mapped VMDK (as in this guide) is for instructional and testing purposes only, and should not be used in a normal usage environment. Thin Provisioned VMDKs can be used for testing & evaluation, but performance will suffer as a result.Download the modified Synology DSM 4.2 from here: http://yadi.sk/d/fTRkFMyU3D8Yc(Thanks to jukolaut, based on odie82544's DS3612xs_3202-Repack images)Download the Synology Assistant from Synology directly:/support/download.php?lang=enu&b=12%20bays&m=DS3612xsESXi Preparation:Upload the esxi_synoboot_3202_v2.vmdk disk image to your ESXi Datastore. Place it in a useful directory. i.e.: pre-create a directory with the same name you will give your Synology Virtual Machine instance, and upload this file into that directory.VM Configuration:Create a new Custom Virtual MachineGive the VM a useful namePut it on your ESXi Datastore - Using a SSD is goodUse Virtual Machine Version 8Synology DSM 4.2 is based on a Linux 2.6.x 64-Bit KernelFor adequate performance, use 1 socket, with 2 coresAssign 1Gb or more of memory. NOTE: It is recommended to reserve this memory for performance reasons, so the memory used MUST be available on the ESXi server.Create 1 network adapter, VM Network, VMXNET 3, Connected at Power OnUse a VMware Paravirtual SCSI controllerUse an existing Virtual DiskSelect the esxi_synoboot_3202_v2.vmdk image uploaded earlier to the DatastoreSet the Disk Image to use IDE (0:0) as the Virtual Device NodeSelect "Edit the virtual machine settings before completion" and continueNow we will add at least one new Hard Disk, or multiple Disks to the VM, which will become your new Synology Data Drives. NOTE: Refer to the appendix for local RDM VMDK creation.Choose a Hard Disk device to be addedIn this example we will create a new VMFS virtual disk on the Datastore solely for testing. In a proper environment, use a PVSCSI attached RDM, or a VMDirectPath I/O attached drive.We will now (for example purposes only) create a 20Gb, Thick Provisioned Lazy Zeroed drive. NOTE: A Thin Provisioned drive will also work, however the performance will be even worse.Attach this new disk to the SCSI (0:0) Virtual Device Node (Disk 1 in the Synology)Now ensure that the Synology VM has all of it's memory reserved for the guest. We are (at present) not running VMTools, so memory management is best left pre-allocated. Additionally, this will permit the VM to use Vt-d attached PCI devices, and therefore to use VMDirectPath I/O and physically attached drives.Click Finish, and you're now ready to start up your VM and get DSM 4.2 installed.When you start the VM, the console will show a standard Linux boot sequence. Once completed, the login prompt will appear and you will notice a number of synobios_ioctl messages in the console window. These can be ignored.Once the Synology OS is loaded (DSM 4.2 installed through the Synology Assistant) and configured the synobios_ioctl messages in the console will slow down in frequency.(SYNOIO_GET_HW_CAPABILITY, SYNOIO_GET_MODULE_TYPE, SYNOIO_GET_SYS_STATUS)RDM Disk VMDK File PreparationInstead of creating a Virtual Disk on the VMFS filesystem which will have bad performance characteristics for a file server, it is recommended to create a physically mapped drive using a RDM (Raw Device Mapping) file, which will give near-direct access through to the disk, especially when using the PVSCSI controller.First, we need to enable SSH on the ESXi installation in order to execute commands in the Maintenance Shell.Reference:/selfservice/microsites/search.do?cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&d ocTypeID=DT_KB_1_1&externalId=1017910Then use any SSH client, in order to connect to your ESXi Command Maintenance Shell.NOTE: Instead of immediately adding an additional drive to the VM, first Finish creating the VM (but do not start it). This will create the VM Directory on the Datastore, into which you can then create the new RDM VMDK files for your disks.Change directory to the location of your Synology VM Store, since we wish to create the RDM VMDK file in a useful spot - i.e. located with the Virtual Machine.Use vSphere to figure out the path, or TAB completion in the shell to get to the right place.i.e.: cd /vmfs/volumes/Datastore/Synology_ESXi/Creating a RDM VMDK:Reference:/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=display KC&externalId=1026256For the "idiot's guide" to creating local SATA RDM VMDK files, read this:Reference: /esx40i/SATA_RDMs.phpIt is important that you ensure you pick the CORRECT disk when specifying the disk device identifier to vmkfstools. Mapping your Datastore would be disasterous!i.e.: vmkfstools –z /vmfs/devices/disks/vml.01000000002020202020202020202020203951473358423 630535433353030 RDM1.vmdk -a lsilogicNOTE: It is critical that when using ESXi 5.1 with large disks > 2TB, the we always use the -z switch instead of -r to create a physical RDM mapping.Reference: /vsphere/2011/07/new-vsphere-50-storage-features-part-1-vmfs-5.htmlIf you have the ability to utilise Vt-d and VMDirectPath I/O, then assign the Synology supported PCI SATA card directly to the VM, restart Synology DSM, and you will then have the drives directly available. within the Synology OSIn my informal testing, using the PVSCSI and Physical RDM vmdk files provides near-equivalent performance as VMDirectPath I/O. Only use this configuration if performance is critical.Installing DSM 4.2 in Synology Virtual MachineRun the Synology Assistant and let it scan your Network for your new Synology VM.When it has been found, select it and Connect. A new web browser window will open.You will now see the Synology Web Assistant LoadingOnce loaded, you will be welcomed to your new Synology DiskstationChoose to Install DSM from my computer or installation disc. Select the esxi_install_3202_v2.pat file from the download.Give your new DiskStation a secure admin password, and a suitable name.You will then be prompted that the installation will erase all data on the attached disksThe Disk(s) will then be formatted, the DSM installation pack will be uploaded, and installedWhen this is completed, the DiskStation will pause for final configuration requirementsIt will then reboot with the new DSM 4.2 installed ... be patient (or watch the ESXi console)You now have a running DiskStation!And it's happy for you to start using itAs usual, just complete the WizardAnd welcome to your new ESXi based Virtual Machine Synology DiskStation!。



笔记本⿊群晖实现局域⽹⽹络唤醒 要实现⽹络唤醒前提条件是硬件要⽀持,家⾥的这台闲置的笔记本进bios看了⼀下是⽀持的,所以就开始折腾。


准备⼯作: 家⾥的笔记本是⼀台东芝的型号为C600-C12N,在试图安装6.x.x版本的群晖的时候,进⼊引导⼀直搜索不到设备,⽹上查了⼀下可能是⽹卡不⽀持,折腾了⼏个⼩时放弃,重新装回可以⽀持的5.2版本。


后来在⽹上查到可以⽤阿⾥云的国内镜像,以root⾝份登录nas直接调⽤docker pull 镜像地址的形式可以安装,我照着操作了⼀下确实是可以装上,就直接⽤5.2版本了。


折腾之旅: ⽹上的资料是⾸先要在群晖的设置⾥⾯开启⽹络唤醒,然后要开启设备的⽹络唤醒。

我⼀开始是按照这个来的,⾸先在群晖的控制⾯板勾选,结果勾选不上,后来发现是要改配置⽂件,以root⾝份登录nas,修改对应⽂件为 /etc/synoinfo.conf wol_enable_options="g",eth0_wol_options="g",改好之后可以勾选上了;然后笔记本进⼊bios开启允许⽹络唤醒。








第 5 章:管理存储空间
存储卷和硬盘组 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 22 修复存储卷或硬盘组 ............................................................................................................................................................. 24 更改 RAID 类型...................................................................................................................................................................... 24 扩充存储卷或硬盘组 ............................................................................................................................................................. 25 Data Scrubbing ...................................................................................................................................................................... 26 SSD TRIM .............................................................................................................................................................................. 26 iSCSI Target 和 LUN ............................................................................................................................................................ 26 管理硬盘 ................................................................................................................................................................................. 27 SSD 缓存 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 27 Hot Spare ............................................................................................................................................................................... 27



黑群晖的玩法-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述黑群晖是指在普通的硬件设备上安装和运行Synology DiskStation Manager (DSM) 系统的非官方方法。


黑群晖的出现是为了解决Synology NAS(网络附加存储)设备价格昂贵、性能有限以及功能限制等问题。












1.2文章结构1.2 文章结构本文将从以下几个方面介绍黑群晖的玩法:1. 黑群晖的基本介绍:在本部分中,将详细介绍黑群晖的概念、特点以及它与传统群晖的区别。


2. 黑群晖的安装与配置:在这一部分,我们将讨论如何安装黑群晖系统以及相关的配置步骤。








例如,修改VID(U盘的Vendor ID)和PID(U 盘的Product ID)等信息。

4.启动电脑:开机时进入BIOS设置,并将启动顺序调整为从U 盘启动。




7.享受黑群晖服务:安装所需的附加套件,如:DS video、DS audio等,然后就可以开始使用黑群晖了。





黑群晖(Dark Synology NAS)是一种基于Synology NAS(网络附属存储)系统的深度定制系统,通常通过安装一些特殊的软件来绕过Synology 的安全机制,使其可以自由访问和控制NAS 上的数据。

它的原理如下:1. 硬件配置:黑群晖系统需要一台具备良好性能的计算机,如台式机或笔记本电脑,用于安装和运行定制的系统。

该计算机需要具有与NAS 相同的网络接口和协议,以便与NAS 进行通信。

2. 软件安装:黑群晖系统通常使用Synology NAS 官方提供的软件包进行安装。

这些软件包通常包含了一些特定的软件和工具,用于绕过Synology 的安全机制,并实现对NAS 的控制和访问。

3. 配置设置:黑群晖系统需要对NAS 进行一些特定的配置设置,以确保它可以自由访问和控制NAS 上的数据。

这些设置可能包括更改网络接口的IP 地址、配置端口转发、启用匿名访问等。

4. 数据存储:黑群晖系统可以将本地计算机上的文件复制到NAS 上,以便进行存储和管理。


5. 文件管理:黑群晖系统提供了类似于Synology NAS 的文件管理工具,用户可以使用这些工具来浏览、创建、修改和删除文件。

总的来说,黑群晖系统的原理是通过安装特定的软件包和进行一些特定的配置设置,绕过Synology NAS 的安全机制,实现对NAS 的自由访问和控制。

它可以将本地计算机上的文件复制到NAS 上进行存储和管理,并提供类似于Synology NAS 的文件管理工具,方便用户使用。


黑群晖 用法

黑群晖 用法

黑群晖 用法黑群晖,即未经授权的群晖 Synology)NAS 网络附加存储)系统,是一种基于开源软件和硬件的存储解决方案。























黑群晖升级5.2 教程

黑群晖升级5.2 教程

前些天,我的黑裙的主机DIY已经完成,用黑群晖Synology DSM 5.0-4458懒人版已经完成安装今天研究下升级怎么从5.0 4458 升级到5.2 5564的过程需要做到的准备:一、硬件1. 一台已经DIY好专门用于装黑群的电脑2. 一个U盘、软件1、XPEnoboot_DS3615xs_5.2-5565.2 -- 黑群晖5.2专用.img :必须对应版本才能引导的IMG镜像文件2、ChipEasy芯片无忧V1.6 Beta3(U盘芯片检测工具,SSD,U盘主控) :这个是用来检测你的U盘的3、UltraISO 这个是用来修改IMG文件的4、群晖的搜索与管理工具SynologyAssistant :用来搜索你局域网内存在的群晖5、Win32DiskImager :把IMG文件刷进U盘的工具6、DSM_DS5.25565.pat :这个要注意!根据你U盘的不同,用Synology Assistant搜索出来你的pat文件版本也是不同的,要去官网上下载对应的版本,比如说我的U盘搜索到显示的是DS3615xs,那么我就要去官方下载对应版本的pat文件官网的地址:https:///zh-cn/support/download/DS3615xs准备OK!! 开始操作!!一、先用ChipEasy芯片无忧检测出来我U盘的PID值和VID的值,这里要记住U盘的值,后面要用到二、用UltraISO打开XPEnoboot_DS3615xs_5.2-5565.2 -- 黑群晖5.2专用.img 这个文件,修改syslinux.cfg文件里面的VID和PID值用记事本打开syslinux.cfg,修改里面的VID和PID值为你U盘检测出来的值三、将修改后的IMG文件,用Win32DiskImager刷进U盘系统(我的U盘已经刷好了,截图我就用网上的好了)四、将刷好的U盘,插到主机上,记得BIOS里面设置U盘为优先启动项,以后如果黑裙关机了,都需要用U盘做引导的选择第三项,安装或升级,键盘按Enter ,等程序加载完毕,即可拔掉显示器和键盘,切换到windows系统内操作五、安装Synology Assistant程序,点开桌面上,点击搜索,这个时候就能发现安装好的黑裙再根据截图,一步一步设置即可。







修理USB 2.0驱动;当DSM安装完成后,进入到Volume管理,会发现USB盘也被认成HDD,且未初始化。

1、在DSM控制面板终端中将SSH服务打开;2、用WinSCP连接DiskSTATion,参数为Port 22,用户名是Root,密码就是你自己设置的admin密码;3、将Modules中所有的*.KO文件上传到DiskSTATion的/lib/modules文件夹下,覆盖以前文件。



黑群晖Synology DSM 5.0-4458懒人版

黑群晖Synology DSM 5.0-4458懒人版


一、虚拟机安装:1、首先在电脑内安装完VMware Workstation8.0以上版本,具体安装方法自行百度。





注意事项1,u盘最好量产为vid=F400 pid=F401,不量产也没关系,安装过程中把u盘拔掉就是了2,默认序列号为空,貌似就官方ddns不能用,大把第三方ddns呢。

附件下载:链接:/share/link?shareid=3379681222&uk=2399509981 密码:2z40。




3、无法格式硬盘请拿到pc格式化一下硬盘,然后把硬盘建立一个大分区,安装过程如果出现失败后,硬盘也必须拿到pc格式化过才可以继续下次安装,不然也会出错4、最多人犯错的一个地方本帖隐藏的内容无法安装该文件,该文件可能已经损坏u盘的VID和PID没有修改,或者修改错误,set vid=0x1131set pid=0x3323记得这个0x这两个字段必须在你的VIP和PID前面,少了这两个字段就是错误的,很多人会犯这个错误,导致无法安装如果修改后也无法安装,那么换个u盘尝试,如果还是不行请更换其他引导5、无法应用配置下载的pat版本不对,比如你安装的是6.2但是你下载的是6.2.1版本,那么就会出现安装后无法应用配置这个问题6、安装完开机无法搜索到ip那是引导错误,比如6.2大部分主板只能Legacy模式启动,才可以搜索到ip,但是正常安装完后又会变成默认的UEFI模式启动,这样你安装完重启的过程被自动切换成了UEFI模式,这样自然无法搜索到ip了,所以你必须在安装完重启的过程,手动切换到Legacy模式,否则安装会失败,你又得重新安装,或者干脆主板bios禁用UEFI模式。




⿊群晖各种问题修正(⿊裙洗⽩、⿊裙休眠、硬盘顺序)洗⽩⾸先应明⽩洗⽩是否必要,洗⽩有两个作⽤,⼀是可以使⽤QuickConnect;⼆是可以使⽤Video Station解码。


但是有要修改MAC/SN,需要修改启动配置⽂件grub.cfg,有两种⽅法:直接PE启动,然后加载ssd第⼀个分区就能找到⽂件SSH在线修改个⼈觉得SSH在线修改更⽅便,具体操作如下:1. 开放SSH端⼝在控制⾯板⾥⾯–>终端机和SNMP下,启动SSH功能.2. SSH⼯具挂载synoboot1分区⽤ssh⼯具如putty连接到群晖的ip地址,⽤创建群晖的管理⽤户登陆.例如,⽤户名:admin 密码 123456输⼊如下命令:1 sudo -i //获取root超级权限2 mkdir -p /tmp/boot //在/tmp⽬录下创建⼀个临时⽬录,名字随意,如:boot3 cd /dev //切换到dev⽬录4 mount -t vfat synoboot1 /tmp/boot/ //将synoboot1 分区挂载到boot5 cd /tmp/boot/grub //切换到grub⽬录6 vim grub.cfg //修改grub.cfg⽂件按键盘上的 i 键(⼩写状态),进⼊⽂档编辑模式,此时就可以输⼊新的SN,MAC1的新值,删除旧值.修改完成后.按键盘上的Esc键,返回到命令模式,输⼊:wq,然后回车保存并退出.如果修改乱了,想不保存并退出,则是输⼊:q,然后回车.此时可以再 vi grub.cfg 进去看看是否修改成功.最后重启主机即可:1 reboot硬盘显⽰针对问题2,硬盘盘符乱,这款B款蜗⽜有两个SATA控制器,有6个SATA接⼝(包含⼀个mSATA接⼝).处理器控制2个能引导的接⼝(内存旁边的⼀个和mSATA),板载控制器控制4个硬盘架的接⼝但不能引导.1. 硬盘位的顺序装好DSM后硬盘顺序应该是处理器控制的两个接⼝在前(假设为1、2),控制硬盘架上的四个接⼝在后(假设为3、4、5、6).所以只要是放在硬盘架上的硬盘在DSM都会标识在3号到6号盘之间.若需要将硬盘架上的顺序改为1、2、3、4号标识,可以修改引导盘⾥的grub.conf配置⽂件来实现.修改盘序号需要在extra_args_918变量⾥增加两个值SataPortMap=24和DiskIdxMap=0400.即:1 # /grub/grub.conf2 # 从第31⾏开始3 ......4 set extra_args_918='SataPortMap=24 DiskIdxMap=0400' #将两项加在这后⾯56 set common_args_918='syno_hdd_powerup_seq=0 HddHotplug=0 syno_hw_version=DS918+ vender_format_version=2 console=ttyS0,115200n8 withefi elevator=elevator quiet syno_port_thaw=1'7 # for testing on VM8 set sata_args='SataPortMap=1'9 ......修改完成后保存重启,我的硬盘是从左⾄右放在左边两个盘位中的所以是3号和4号位.如果盘位顺序还是有误,需要把主板连接的SATA物理更换⼀下,交换位置就正常了.简单解释下这两个值:具体的含义可以参考此处的第229⾏和249⾏:1 SataPortMap=24配置系统有两个SATA控制器,第⼀个控制器有2个接⼝,第⼆个控制器有4个接⼝.1 DiskIdxMap=0400将第⼀个SATA控制器的接⼝序号设置为从5开始,第⼆个SATA控制器的接⼝号从1开始(04和00都为16进制).2. ⽤SSD引导后隐藏启动盘直接把启动镜像写⼊到mSATA盘⾥⾯,存储空间管理员⾥⾯会有⼀个14G左右的盘始于未使⽤状态,就是mSATA盘⾥除开启动分区后的剩余空间,像下⾯⼀样:可以将其初始化并利⽤起来,但14G的空间利⽤起来也没什么价值,且本来⾃带的SSD就很弱,⽤来存资料也有⼀定崩盘的风险.为了防⽌看着碍眼,可以⽤上⾯的⽅法把这个盘隐藏掉.还是需要通过修改引导盘⾥的grub.conf配置⽂件来实现.需要在sata_args变量⾥增加DiskIdxMap=1000这个值,且在启动时选择第三项启动项(VMware/ESXI)启动.即:1 # /grub/grub.conf2 # 从第31⾏开始3 ......4 set extra_args_918=''56 set common_args_918='syno_hdd_powerup_seq=0 HddHotplug=0 syno_hw_version=DS918+ vender_format_version=2 console=ttyS0,115200n8 withefi elevator=elevator quiet syno_port_thaw=1'7 # for testing on VM8 set sata_args='SataPortMap=24 DiskIdxMap=1000'# 将两项加在这后⾯(10,00都为16进制)9 ......3. 信息中⼼显⽰的处理器的型号装好DSM系统以后,信息中⼼显⽰的是⽩群晖机器的处理器信息,⽐如DS3617系统就显⽰的是Xeon D处理器的信息,很明显是直接写死的.下载ch_cpuinfo_en.tar在电脑上,通过FileStation将下载好的⽂件上传到DSM上⽤Putty或者其他SSH⼯具连接上DSM在SSH⼯具中操作1 # 切换到root账户;2 sudo -i34 # 打开ch_cpuinfo.tar⽂件所在⽬录;5 cd /volume1/tmp67 # 解压ch_cpuinfo.tar⽂件;8 tar xvf ch_cpuinfo.tar910 # 运⾏ch_cpuinfo⽂件;11 ./ch_cpuinfo1213 # 运⾏后,按“1”选择“First Run”,再按“y”键;1415 # 关闭SSH⼯具,重新登陆后信息中⼼显⽰J1900信息;休眠1. 打开休眠调试⽇志这个选项藏得⽐较深,在左上⾓菜单→技术⽀持中⼼→左边技术⽀持服务→启动系统休眠调试模式2. 等待触发休眠问题保持 NAS 空闲到设定的时间即可.记得把 NAS 的⽹页和各种客户端都关掉,不然接下来的⽇志可能会很长没法分析.我⾃⼰是在睡觉之前打开⽇志,起来分析.睡觉的时候除了 NAS 和路由器就没有其他设备开机了,⽇志很准确.3. 分析⽇志会产⽣两份⽇志,分别是 /var/log/hibernation.log 和 /var/log/hibernationFull.log. 后者是原始数据,前者是去除了⼀些⽆价值“连锁性”操作的精简版,但它有的时候会精简过头,所以我这⾥以后者为例来分析.⾸先,将脏块写⼊磁盘的⽇志⼿动排除掉.通常内核不会⾃发进⾏⼤量的磁盘操作,⼤多数 write block 是⽤户态 dirty block 导致的结果,因此可以把包含 WRITE block 和 sync 的⾏删除,节省⼤量的版⾯.其次,将⾮硬盘的写⼊排除掉.将包含 on tmpfs 或 on proc 的⾏删除即可,剩下的⾮硬盘⽂件系统⾁眼忽略.剩下的条⽬可以进⼊分析了.⽐如我这⾥在午睡时每段记录都差不多是这个样⼦:1 ***********Clear*********2 [140146.388709] btsync(15253): dirtied inode 11404 (sync.log) on md23 [140146.388721] btsync(15253): dirtied inode 11404 (sync.log) on md24 [140146.388723] btsync(15253): dirtied inode 11404 (sync.log) on md25 [140151.820668] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5885 (hibernationFull.log) on md06 [140151.820682] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5885 (hibernationFull.log) on md07 [140151.820684] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5885 (hibernationFull.log) on md08 [140152.332689] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5348 (hibernation.log) on md09 [140152.332696] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5348 (hibernation.log) on md010 [140152.332698] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5348 (hibernation.log) on md011 [140153.783855] btsync(15253): dirtied inode 11404 (sync.log) on md212 [140153.783870] btsync(15253): dirtied inode 11404 (sync.log) on md213 [140153.783872] btsync(15253): dirtied inode 11404 (sync.log) on md214 [140170.602870] synologrotated(4963): dirtied inode 28083 (.SYNOSYSDB-wal) on md015 [140170.602888] synologrotated(4963): dirtied inode 29789 (.SYNOSYSDB-shm) on md016 [140170.603221] synologrotated(4963): dirtied inode 21538 (.SYNOCONNDB-wal) on md017 [140170.603235] synologrotated(4963): dirtied inode 22044 (.SYNOCONNDB-shm) on md018 [140173.443684] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5885 (hibernationFull.log) on md019 [140173.443696] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5885 (hibernationFull.log) on md020 [140173.443698] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5885 (hibernationFull.log) on md021 [140173.955999] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5348 (hibernation.log) on md022 [140173.956006] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5348 (hibernation.log) on md023 [140173.956009] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5348 (hibernation.log) on md024 [140272.465248] btsync(15253): dirtied inode 11404 (sync.log) on md225 [140272.465265] btsync(15253): dirtied inode 11404 (sync.log) on md226 [140272.465267] btsync(15253): dirtied inode 11404 (sync.log) on md227 [140278.386378] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5885 (hibernationFull.log) on md028 [140278.386390] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5885 (hibernationFull.log) on md029 [140278.386393] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5885 (hibernationFull.log) on md030 [140278.898561] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5348 (hibernation.log) on md031 [140278.898569] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5348 (hibernation.log) on md032 [140278.898571] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5348 (hibernation.log) on md033 [140631.564198] btsync(15253): dirtied inode 11404 (sync.log) on md234 [140631.564209] btsync(15253): dirtied inode 11404 (sync.log) on md235 [140631.564211] btsync(15253): dirtied inode 11404 (sync.log) on md236 [140637.298101] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5885 (hibernationFull.log) on md037 [140637.298113] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5885 (hibernationFull.log) on md038 [140637.298115] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5885 (hibernationFull.log) on md039 [140637.811061] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5348 (hibernation.log) on md040 [140637.811068] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5348 (hibernation.log) on md041 [140637.811071] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5348 (hibernation.log) on md042 [141346.340822] btsync(15253): dirtied inode 11404 (sync.log) on md243 [141346.340833] btsync(15253): dirtied inode 11404 (sync.log) on md244 [141346.340836] btsync(15253): dirtied inode 11404 (sync.log) on md245 [141351.508216] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5885 (hibernationFull.log) on md046 [141351.508226] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5885 (hibernationFull.log) on md047 [141351.508228] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5885 (hibernationFull.log) on md048 [141352.021228] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5348 (hibernation.log) on md049 [141352.021235] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5348 (hibernation.log) on md050 [141352.021238] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5348 (hibernation.log) on md051 [141352.494749] btsync(15253): dirtied inode 11404 (sync.log) on md252 [141352.494758] btsync(15253): dirtied inode 11404 (sync.log) on md253 [141352.494760] btsync(15253): dirtied inode 11404 (sync.log) on md254 [141371.039633] synologrotated(4963): dirtied inode 28083 (.SYNOSYSDB-wal) on md055 [141371.039654] synologrotated(4963): dirtied inode 29789 (.SYNOSYSDB-shm) on md056 [141371.039992] synologrotated(4963): dirtied inode 21538 (.SYNOCONNDB-wal) on md057 [141371.040007] synologrotated(4963): dirtied inode 22044 (.SYNOCONNDB-shm) on md058 [141377.244527] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5885 (hibernationFull.log) on md059 [141377.244539] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5885 (hibernationFull.log) on md060 [141377.244541] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5885 (hibernationFull.log) on md061 [141377.757046] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5348 (hibernation.log) on md062 [141377.757054] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5348 (hibernation.log) on md063 [141377.757056] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5348 (hibernation.log) on md064 [141535.911703] dhclient(16778): dirtied inode 19635 (sh) on md065 [141535.911717] dhclient(16778): dirtied inode 19626 (bash) on md066 [141535.911909] dhclient-script(16778): dirtied inode 14958 (libncursesw.so.5) on md067 [141535.911917] dhclient-script(16778): dirtied inode 13705 (libncursesw.so.5.9) on md068 [141535.914460] awk(16782): dirtied inode 13819 (libm.so.6) on md069 [141535.914470] awk(16782): dirtied inode 11177 (libm-2.20-2014.11.so) on md070 [141542.431766] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5885 (hibernationFull.log) on md071 [141542.431778] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5885 (hibernationFull.log) on md072 [141542.431781] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5885 (hibernationFull.log) on md073 [141542.944314] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5348 (hibernation.log) on md074 [141542.944322] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5348 (hibernation.log) on md075 [141542.944324] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5348 (hibernation.log) on md076 [142073.169495] btsync(15253): dirtied inode 11404 (sync.log) on md277 [142073.169512] btsync(15253): dirtied inode 11404 (sync.log) on md278 [142073.169515] btsync(15253): dirtied inode 11404 (sync.log) on md279 [142078.947137] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5885 (hibernationFull.log) on md080 [142078.947150] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5885 (hibernationFull.log) on md081 [142078.947152] syno_hibernatio(25655): dirtied inode 5885 (hibernationFull.log) on md082 uptime : [142078.753468]83 ======Idle 536 seconds======84 Sat Oct 27 14:34:19 CST 2018进程不多,逐个判断:btsync:BTSync 套件,sync.log 顾名思义好了.这样看来,它频繁写⽇志是⼀个很明显的阻碍休眠的原因.我反正只是装着,没配置它,可以把它删掉. syno_hibernatio:ps | grep 看⼀下发现全称是 syno_hibernation_debug,加之操作的⽂件名,确定是记录休眠⽇志的⼯具⾃⾝,以后关了就没了synologrotated:应该是记录系统⽇志的⼯具,如果正经休眠了应该就不会有⽇志了,这也是个被动来源dhclient 和 dhclient-script:DHCP 客户端常规操作,阻挡不了那么这⼀轮下来只能得出需要停⽌ BTSync 的结论.先这么做了再说.休眠⽇志可以不急着关掉.再放⼀天试试.查看系统⽇志:从⽇志来看,上⾯的操作是有效的,硬盘终于能进⼊休眠了,出现了很多“Internal disks woke up from hibernation”.但是这每半⼩时⼀条,相当于休眠没⼏秒⼜被唤醒了.于是继续分析休眠⽇志:1 ***********Clear*********2 [236666.547745] syslog-ng(4331): dirtied inode 18 (scemd.log) on md03 [236687.650564] syslog-ng(13085): dirtied inode 18 (scemd.log) on md04 [236687.650585] syslog-ng(13085): dirtied inode 18 (scemd.log) on md05 [236687.650592] syslog-ng(13085): dirtied inode 18 (scemd.log) on md06 [236687.658884] syslog-ng(5016): dirtied inode 28581 (.SYNOSYSDB-shm) on md07 [236687.658893] syslog-ng(5016): dirtied inode 28581 (.SYNOSYSDB-shm) on md08 [236687.658946] syslog-ng(5016): dirtied inode 24584 (.SYNOSYSDB-wal) on md09 [236687.658952] syslog-ng(5016): dirtied inode 24584 (.SYNOSYSDB-wal) on md010 [236687.658954] syslog-ng(5016): dirtied inode 24584 (.SYNOSYSDB-wal) on md011 [236687.664164] logrotate(13090): dirtied inode 41594 (synolog) on md012 [236687.666146] logrotate(13090): dirtied inode 6900 (logrotate.status) on md013 [236687.671082] logrotate(13090): dirtied inode 7905 (logrotate.status.tmp) on md014 [236689.662143] synologaccd(4840): dirtied inode 22952 (.SYNOACCOUNTDB) on md015 [236689.662355] synologaccd(4840): dirtied inode 6900 (.SYNOACCOUNTDB-wal) on md016 [236689.662383] synologaccd(4840): dirtied inode 21526 (.SYNOACCOUNTDB-shm) on md017 [236689.763593] synologaccd(4840): dirtied inode 22952 (.SYNOACCOUNTDB) on md018 [236689.763629] synologaccd(4840): dirtied inode 22952 (.SYNOACCOUNTDB) on md019 [236691.547334] synologrotated(5000): dirtied inode 28581 (.SYNOSYSDB-shm) on md020 [236691.547681] synologrotated(5000): dirtied inode 23485 (.SYNOCONNDB-wal) on md021 [236691.547695] synologrotated(5000): dirtied inode 24677 (.SYNOCONNDB-shm) on md022 [238511.431135] syslog-ng(4331): dirtied inode 18 (scemd.log) on md023 uptime : [238516.475108]24 ======Idle 1807 seconds======25 Wed Oct 24 03:52:06 CST 201826 #####################################################27 Only idle 44 seconds, pass28 Wed Oct 24 03:52:51 CST 201829 #####################################################30 ***********Clear*********31 [238522.209123] synologrotated(5000): dirtied inode 24584 (.SYNOSYSDB-wal) on md032 [238522.209173] synologrotated(5000): dirtied inode 28581 (.SYNOSYSDB-shm) on md033 [238522.210082] synologrotated(5000): dirtied inode 23485 (.SYNOCONNDB-wal) on md034 [238522.210122] synologrotated(5000): dirtied inode 24677 (.SYNOCONNDB-shm) on md035 [238522.224252] logrotate(19321): dirtied inode 41594 (synolog) on md036 [238522.229880] logrotate(19321): dirtied inode 7905 (logrotate.status) on md037 [238522.244528] logrotate(19321): dirtied inode 6900 (logrotate.status.tmp) on md038 [238531.967854] syslog-ng(19324): dirtied inode 18 (scemd.log) on md039 [238531.967874] syslog-ng(19324): dirtied inode 18 (scemd.log) on md040 [238531.967882] syslog-ng(19324): dirtied inode 18 (scemd.log) on md041 [238531.990488] logrotate(19329): dirtied inode 6900 (logrotate.status.tmp) on md042 [238533.979174] synologaccd(4840): dirtied inode 22952 (.SYNOACCOUNTDB) on md043 [238533.979348] synologaccd(4840): dirtied inode 7905 (.SYNOACCOUNTDB-wal) on md044 [238533.979378] synologaccd(4840): dirtied inode 21526 (.SYNOACCOUNTDB-shm) on md045 [238534.076345] synologaccd(4840): dirtied inode 22952 (.SYNOACCOUNTDB) on md046 [238534.076385] synologaccd(4840): dirtied inode 22952 (.SYNOACCOUNTDB) on md047 [240368.320927] syslog-ng(4331): dirtied inode 18 (scemd.log) on md048 uptime : [240374.147000]49 ======Idle 1811 seconds======50 Wed Oct 24 04:23:02 CST 2018synocrond:听起来像是任务计划程序,⾥⾯有个 DSM ⾃动更新检查,触发频率不⾼,应该不太影响builtin-synodat:不知道是什么logrotate:⼤概也是个⽇志程序synologaccd:继续是⽇志程序syslog-ng:我也不知道为什么群晖有那么多⽇志管理程序单次⽇志看不出来什么,但是连着好⼏块都符合刚⼀休眠就被唤醒(空闲时间是设定的 30 分钟加⼗⼏秒),且最后⼀条都是对 (/var/log/)scemd.log 的写⼊。



蜗牛星际N A S安装黑群晖V6.2.1+洗白+免U盘引导启动准备工作硬件准备:•U盘 * 1 (能装下PE与引导文件即可);•显示器 * 1 (VGA或HDMI接口);•鼠标 * 1 (USB接口)•键盘 * 1 (USB接口,没有的话PE里也能用软键盘应急)软件工具:•黑群晖工具获取器 V1.0(下载引导文件与对应版本系统) >> 下载地址•DiskImg(将引导文件镜像写入内置SSD) >> 百度网盘提取码:xhwg •DiskGenius(分区管理工具,PE版) >> 下载地址•Notepad++(文本编辑器) >> 下载地址•Synology Assistant(群晖助手,用于装系统) >> 下载地址•微PE工具箱(选用其他顺手的亦可)>> 下载地址打包下载:百度网盘;提取码:u6ag一、制作PE盘1、将U盘插入电脑,运行PE盘制作工具,右下角选择“安装PE到U盘”2、如图设置,点击“立即安装进U盘”3、PE盘制作工具生成了两个分区,EFI为PE引导分区,“微PE工具箱”为文件区,将黑群晖引导镜像(img)、DiskImg、DiskGenius(PE版)放入U盘内。

二、引导文件写入SSD1、将制作好的PE U盘插入蜗牛星际背部USB接口,通电开机,并按F7选择PE U盘启动(BIOS LOGO画面按DEL进入BIOS设置,按F7选择启动设备)。

2、使用DiskGenius,将自带16G SSD内所有分区删除并保存。

3、启动 DiskImg ,驱动器选择机器内置SSD,浏览选择镜像写入(路径、文件名不能有任何中文字符)。





Vmware服务器系统-群晖NAS多种应急操作手册一、服务器的冗余:我们所采用的DELL R750XS是高强度、高负载、高稳定、高性能的专业服务器,服务器采用模块化、高冗余设计如:1、运算模块:有二颗至强CPU,其中一颗CPU故障并不会影响工作。



数据存储采用4块16T SAS硬盘组成RAID5模式,每组每次允许损坏一块硬盘而不影响工作。















NAS群晖DSM 进阶教程 篇三:DSM 4458 升级 DSM 4493 update7

NAS群晖DSM 进阶教程 篇三:DSM 4458 升级 DSM 4493 update7

NAS群晖DSM 进阶教程篇三:DSM 4458 升级DSM 4493 update7大家好,上次经验写了DSM 4458的傻瓜安装,大家反响不错,我也撸了金币,果然是双赢啊。




4.本篇安装的为DSM5.0 4493官方正式版,非破解版。


目前DSM 5.0的版本索引。











继续推进此U盘给大家,好处是小巧,量产方便,vid =0781,pid = 5571网上案例多。

闪迪(SanDisk)酷豆(CZ33)8GB U盘¥39.9京东2.编辑NanoBoot- 引导文件。



Synology DiskStation DS418 4-Bay NAS 说明书

Synology DiskStation DS418 4-Bay NAS 说明书

Synology DiskStation DS418 is a high-performance and versatile 4-bay NAS, specifically designed for offices and home users to effectively manage, protect, and share data. Its new 64-bit quad-core processor supports volume management of large-capacity storage and 10-bit 4K H.265 video transcoding to enrich multimedia entertainment. Synology DS418 is backed by Synology’s 2-year limited warranty.DiskStationDS418Highlights• Powerful 4-bay NAS for offices and home users• Sequential throughput performance at over 226 MB/s reading and 170 MB/s writing 1• 64-bit quad-core 1.4GHz processor • 2 GB DDR4 memory, twice the size than its predecessor• Dual 1GbE ports with failover and Link Aggregation support• 4K 10-bit H.265 video transcoding on the fly 2• Over 40TB raw single volume capacity • New drive tray locks for asset securityOptimal Price-Performance RatioSynology DS418 is a powerful 4-bay network attached storage solution equipped with a 64-bit quad-core 1.4GHz processor , 2GB memory , and dual 1GbE ports. With Link Aggregation enabled, DS418 delivers great sequential throughput performance at over 226 MB/s reading and 170 MB/s writing 1. With hardware accelerated encryption , DS418 delivers encrypted data throughput at over 224 MB/s reading and 139 MB/s writing 1.DS418 is also optimized for 10-bit 4K H.265 video transcoding via Video Station. You can organize personal digital video library with comprehensive media information, and stream 4K Ultra HD movies and films to various devices such as computers,smartphones, media players, and TVs. If your device is not capable of 4K video playback, DS418 provides online 4K video transcoding to 1080p or lower resolutions for smoother and time-saving video watching experience.Cross-Platform File Sharing and Data SynchronizationDS418 supports comprehensive network protocols, ensuring a seamless file sharing experience across Windows®, Mac®, and Linux® platforms. Windows AD and LDAP integration allows DS418 to fit quickly and effortlessly into any existing networkenvironment without the need to repeatedly create user accounts. Cloud Sync keeps your Dropbox, Google™ Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Baidu and Box storages in sync with your personal DiskStation at home. The Cloud Station Suite allows you to sync files among multiple devices — Windows PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android™ tablets/phones — effortlessly keeping everything up-to-date. DS418 combines seamless file sharing capability with hardened security, even over the Internet with HTTPS, built-in firewall, and multiple auto-blocking mechanisms against IP and account intrusion.Easy Backup SolutionsWith block-level incremental backup and cross-version deduplication, Synology Hyper Backup provides multi-version backup with optimized storage utilization and allows data backup to multiple destinations, such as local shared folders, external hard drives, network shared folders, rsync servers, and public cloud services.Anywhere/Anytime AvailabilitySynology provides various mobile applications allowing you to enjoy your multimedia library even when on the go. Available on iOS, Android™, and Windows Phone® platforms, DS photo, DS audio, DS video, and DS file enable access to your Synology NAS through Photo Station, Audio Station, Video Station, and File Station. What’s more, you can use DS get to remotely manage and monitor download tasks on Download Station.QuickConnect allows you to connect via a simple customizable address so that you can instantly access media and work files on any Windows/Mac/Linux computer, laptop, or mobile device.24/7 Security SolutionFeaturing user-friendly video management tools and an intuitive desktop-like interface, Synology Surveillance Station is a reliable private-security solution that can support multiple IP cameras connected to the same network with DS418. Surveillance Stationfeatures optimized live view together with streamlined real-time monitoring. Its powerful analytics, such as motion detection and alert notification, allow you to stay informed of any suspicious activities with triggers sent via SMS, e-mail, and DS cam mobile application.Energy-Efficient and Easy ManagementSynology DS418 is designed and developed with energy efficiency in mind. DS418 consumes only 26.49 W in regular operation. Wake on LAN/WAN and scheduled power on/off can further reduce power consumption and operational costs. With HDD hibernation, hard drives can enter the energy-saving mode automatically when the system has been idle for a specified period of time.Anytime AvailabilityAccess your DiskStation anywhere usingSynology mobile apps.Cross-platform File Synchronization Synology DS418 can serve as a centralized backup destination, allowing you to synchronize files from multipledevices via the Cloud Station Suite.Hardware OverviewTechnical SpecificationsHardwareCPURealtek RTD1296 quad-core 1.4GHz Hardware encryption engine YesHardware transcoding engine 2• Supported codec: MPEG-4 Part 2 (XVID, DIVX5), MPEG-2, VC-1, 10-bit H.265 (HEVC)• Maximum resolution: 4K (4096 x 2160)• Maximum frames per second (FPS): 30Memory2 GB DDR4Compatible drive type 4 x 3.5" or 2.5" SATA SSD/HDD (drives not included)External port 2 x USB 3.0 port Size (HxWxD)166 x 199 x 223 mm Weight 2.28 kg LAN2 x 1GbE (RJ-45)Wake on LAN/WAN Yes Scheduled power on/off YesSystem fan2 (92 x 92 x 25 mm)AC input power voltage 100V to 240V AC Power frequency 50/60Hz, single phase Operating temperature 5°C to 40°C (40°F to 104°F)Storage temperature -20°C to 60°C (-5°F to 140°F)Relative humidity5% to 95% RH Maximum operating altitude5,000 m (16,400 ft)1Status indicator2Drive status indicator 3Drive tray lock 4USB 3.0 port 5Power button and indicator 6Drive tray 71GbE RJ-45 port 8Reset button9USB 3.0 port10Power port11Fan12Kensington Security Slot6General DSM specificationNetworking protocol SMB, AFP, NFS, FTP, WebDAV, CalDAV, iSCSI, Telnet, SSH, SNMP, VPN (PPTP, OpenVPN ™ , L2TP)File system • Internal: ext4• External: ext4, ext3, FAT, NTFS, HFS+, exFAT3Supported RAID type Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR), Basic, JBOD, RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, RAID 6, RAID 10Storage management • Maximum internal volumes: 256• Maximum iSCSI targets: 10• Maximum iSCSI LUNs: 10File sharing capability • Maximum local user accounts: 2,048• Maximum local groups: 256• Maximum shared folders: 256• Maximum concurrent SMB/NFS/AFP/FTP connections: 200Privilege Windows Access Control List (ACL), application privilegeDirectory service Windows® AD integration: Domain users login via SMB/NFS/AFP/FTP/File Station, LDAP integrationSecurity Firewall, encrypted shared folder, SMB encryption, FTP over SSL/TLS, SFTP, rsync over SSH, login auto block, Let's Encrypt support, HTTPS (Customizable cipher suite)Supported client Windows 7 and 10, Mac OS X® 10.11 onwardsSupported browser Chrome®, Firefox®, Internet Explorer® 10 onwards, Safari® 10 onwards; Safari (iOS 10 onwards), Chrome (Android™ 6.0 onwards)Interface Language English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano, Español, Dansk, Norsk, Svensk, Nederlands, Русский, Polski, Magyar, Português do Brasil, Português Europeu, Türkçe, Český,Packages and ApplicationsFile Station Virtual drive, remote folder, Windows ACL editor, compressing/extracting archived files, bandwidth control for specific users or groups, creating sharing links, transfer logsFTP Server Bandwidth control for TCP connections, custom FTP passive port range, anonymous FTP, FTP SSL/TLS and SFTP protocol, boot over the network with TFTP and PXE support, transfer logsUniversal Search Offer global search into applications and filesHyper Backup Support local backup, network backup, and backup data to public cloudsBackup tools DSM configuration backup, macOS Time Machine support, Cloud Station Backup Shared folder sync - maximum tasks: 2Cloud Station Suite Sync data between multiple platforms by installing the client utilities on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS devices, while retaining up to 32 historical versions of filesMaximum concurrent file transfers: 200Cloud Sync One or two-way synchronization with public cloud storage providers including Amazon Drive, Amazon S3-compatible storage, Baidu cloud, Box, Dropbox, Google Cloud Storage, Google Drive, hubiC, MegaDisk, Microsoft OneDrive, OpenStack Swift-compatible storage, WebDAV servers, Yandex DiskSurveillance Station Maximum IP cameras: 30 (total of 900 FPS at 720p, H.264) (includes two free camera licenses; additional cameras require the purchasing of additional licenses)VPN Server Maximum connections: 20, supported VPN protocol: PPTP, OpenVPN™, L2TP/IPSecMail Server Supported Mail Server protocol: POP3, SMTP, IMAP, support LDAP/AD accountMail Station Webmail interface for Mail Server to receive emails from multiple POP3 mailboxes, customizable SMTP serverCollaboration tools • Chat maximum users: 500• Office maximum users: 100, maximum simultaneous editing users: 30• Calendar: support CalDAV and access via mobile devicesNote Station Rich-text note organization and versioning, encryption, sharing, media embedding and attachmentsStorage Analyzer Volume and quota usage, total size of files, volume usage and trends based on past usage, size of shared folders, largest/most/least frequently modified filesAntivirus Essential Full system scan, scheduled scan, white list customization, virus definition auto updateDownload Station Supported Download Protocols: BT, HTTP, FTP, NZB, eMule, Thunder, FlashGet, QQDL Maximum concurrent download tasks: 30Web Station Virtual host (up to 30 websites), PHP/MariaDB®, 3rd-party applications supportOther packages Video Station, Photo Station, Audio Station, DNS Server, RADIUS Server, iTunes® Server, Log Center, additional 3rd-party packages are available on Package CenteriOS/Android™ applications DS audio, DS cam, DS cloud, DS file, DS finder, DS get, DS note, DS photo, DS video Windows Phone® applications DS audio, DS file, DS finder, DS get, DS photo, DS videoSYNOLOGY INC.Synology is dedicated to taking full advantage of the latest technologies to bring businesses and home users reliable and affordable ways to centralize data storage, simplify data backup, share and sync files across different platforms, and access data on-the-go. Synology aims to deliver products with forward-thinking features and the best in class customer services.Copyright © 2017, Synology Inc. All rights reserved. Synology, the Synology logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Synology Inc. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. Synology may make changes to specification and product descriptions at anytime, without notice.DS418-2017-ENU-REV002Headqu artersSynology Inc. 3F-3, No. 106, Chang An W. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan Tel: +886 2 2552 1814 Fax: +886 2 2552 1824ChinaSynology Shanghai 200070, Room 516, No. 638 Hengfeng Rd., Zhabei Dist. Shanghai, ChinaUnited KingdomSynology UK Ltd.Unit 5 Danbury Court, LinfordWood, Milton Keynes, MK146PL, United KingdomTel: +44 1908 048028GermanySynology GmbHGrafenberger Allee125 40237 DüsseldorfDeutschlandTel: +49 211 9666 9666North & South AmericaSynology America Corp.3535 Factoria Blvd SE #200Bellevue, WA 98006, USATel: +1 425 818 1587FranceSynology France SARL39 rue Louis Blanc, 92400Courbevoie, FranceTel: +33 147 176288Environment and Packaging Environment safety RoHS compliantPackage content • DS418 main unit x 1• Quick Installation Guide x 1• Accessory pack x 1• AC power adapter x 1• RJ-45 LAN cable x 2Optional accessories • VisualStation VS360HD, VS960HD • Surveillance Device License PackWarranty 2 years*Model specifications are subject to change without notice. Please refer to for the latest information.1. Performance figures may vary depending on environment, usage, and configuration.2. DS418 can transcode 4K video to 1080p or lower. The maximum number of concurrent video transcoding channels supported may vary depending on the video codec, resolution,bitrate and FPS.3. exFAT Access is purchased separately in Package Center.。




⼜过了2天,某天早上突然灵光⼀现,我不是准备给新房⼦搞个NAS(Network AttachedStorage:⽹络附属存储)么,为何不⽤这个本⼦来熟悉熟悉,反正闲着也是闲着,说⼲就⼲!⽼家可⽤材料少的可怜,幸好我还带回了⼀台笔记本,搜刮了⽼爸的⼀个U盘,把U盘资料备份之后就开始搞了,下⾯直接进⼊正题,就不废话了!使⽤材料:1. U盘⼀个2. 联想Y450笔记本⼀台3. 测试电脑⼀台4. 家中电信宽带⾃带光猫(含路由器和⽆线功能,⾃⼰和谐的)5. 电视⼀台(测试4K视频播放)⼀、制作U盘启动盘。









将刚刚制作的U盘启动盘重新插回测试电脑,然后运⾏群晖⼯具包中的ChipEasy(⼯具包在哪?⽂章最后会告诉的!),运⾏后记录信息中的PID、VID记录下这2个数据安装并打开群晖⼯具包中的OSFMount⼯具,点击Mount new,如下图设置参数,特别注意Read-only drvie(只读模式不能打勾)。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。


1、首先在电脑内安装完VMware Workstation8.0以上版本,具体安装方法自行百度。





1,u盘最好量产为vid=F400 pid=F401,不量产也没关系,安装过程中把u盘拔掉就是了2,默认序列号为空,貌似就官方ddns不能用,大把第三方ddns呢。

链接:/share/link?shareid=3379681222&uk=2399509981 密码:2z40。
