

Essay Paper和Dissertation的有什么区别

Essay Paper和Dissertation的有什么区别
Dissertation一般是1——2万字级别,通常有独立的研究方法,数据分析等实证内容。Thesis 一般是10万字级别,需要更系统的研究方法,田野调查(即fieldwork),数据分析等实证。
Paper怎么写? 这个词就太多含义了。 好的,也就是paper一般有两种(跟学术相关的): 第一种是超级学术的论文,通常是由专家写的,在书和期刊上等发表,一般叫做学术论文 Scholarly paper。 第二种是类似essay的,作为学校课程作业的文章和论文,一般叫学期论文Term paper。 学期论文Term paper是学生撰写的研究论文,占很大一部分的成绩。学期论文通常用来描述一 个事件,一个概念,或者认为一个论点。学期论文是写原创作品,详细讨论一个话题,通常都需 要几页打印纸,通常是在一个学期尾交。
Essay大家都熟悉,老师经常让我们写essay,essay就是几千字的小论文,一般来说只有文献 综述和对它的分析,没有独立的数据也没关系,本科生接触的最多的就是essay,essay也是被 包括在paper里面的。Paper一般来说就包括了所有的论文,当然,不包括毕业论文。 Dissertation相对来说字数比较多,一般来说要一万字以上,和essay不同的是,它要有独立的 研究方法和数据分析,相对essay来说,它对作者的要求更高,要完成起来也更加困难。
Essay怎么写? 它几乎是留学中最常见的一个词之一。
Essay有两个特点: 1.short!短! 2.主要是指学生的课程作业(或者考核作品)啦。 3.是在某主题上写,而不是乱来的。 在国外大学,Essay一般指几千字级别的小论文/课程论文,通常只有文献综述和对文献的批判分 析,可以没有独立的数据和实证(即便有也是简化的)。可以没有完整的数据或文献,也可以只 针对一些著作或观点谈谈自己的想法和见解,可以是批判性的,也可以是赞同的。



The Most Common Habits from more than 200 English Papers written by Graduate Chinese Engineering StudentsBy Felicia BrittmanThis paper presents some of the most common Chinese-English habits observed from over two hundred English technical papers by Chinese writers. The habits are explained and in most cases, example text from an actual paper is given along with preferred text. An attempt is made to explain how to correct and prevent such mistakes. In some cases a possible explanation of why the habit occurs is also given. This paper can serve as an individual guide to editing technical papers especially when a native English-speaking editor is unavailable.IntroductionMost Chinese universities require their doctoral and master candidates in technical and scientific fields to publish at least one English paper in an international journal as a degree requirement. However, many factors make this task difficult to accomplish. First, previous English studies may not have focused enough on writing, let alone technical writing. Current studies may not include English, causing the writers English fluency level to decline. Second, most writers have never lived in an English-speaking country. Third, due to the special aspects of technical writing, even native English-speaking engineering students have a technical writing course as part of their study.Too often, students’ papers are returned unaccepted because of poor English. If available, students may have their papers edited by a native English speaker. However, this can get expensive for a department that has many students with each paper typically needing to be edited twice. Hiring someone to edit papers is difficult, costly and only puts a patch over the problem.A native English speaker can do a good job at getting rid of most of the grammatical mistakes. However, if this person does not have a technical background, particularly in the area of the papers he is editing, he is unable to get rid of all of the mistakes and make sure that the meaning is clear. He cannot recognize the incorrect translation of technical terms for which there is a standard word. Such mistakes will not be picked up by the processor’s spelling and grammar checker. In addition, if they are not familiar with the topic or field, they may not grasp the meaning of the entire article and fail to make critical edits.Hiring a person with a technical background similar to that of the papers being edited is a better option. Nevertheless, while a person with a technical background may be able to edit the paper sufficiently, he may not be able to explain to the writer how to prevent such mistakes in the future. Besides, it is difficult for most Chinese universities to hire such staff simply for editing. Universities may consider inviting a visiting scholar who will edit papers in addition to doing research or teaching as part of an exchange.Although editing may be the fastest way to publish papers, it does little in the way of teaching the writers how to prevent common mistakes and colloquial habits that prevent a clear understanding of the writer’s ideas. Writers who have already obtained an impressing command of the English language can only truly benefit if they are made aware of their common mistakes and colloquial habits and how to prevent them.PurposeThe purpose of this report is to introduce the most common habits in Chinese-English writing as noted from the over two hundred papers I have edited. The habits include grammar mistakes, colloquialisms, and formatting problems and in most cases prevent a clear understanding of the writer’s ideas. A few of the habits, such as writing (R) extremely long sentences, can be corrected with careful use of the MS Word grammar and style checker. However, most habits, such as missing articles, go unnoticed by automatic grammar checking devices. Still, Chinese-English colloquial habits are not recognized by such software tools.StructureThe common habits are presented in two sections. The first section lists the habit that, in my opinion, need the most attention. These habits interrupt the flow of the paper making it difficult to understand and occur most frequently. In this section, the habits are explained, example sentences from actual papers are given to show the habits, and the sentences are rewritten to show the correct way to write them. In the case of missing articles, a flow chart is also given to aid in choosing the correct articles.In the second section, an additional list of habits is given. In some cases, exampl sentences are given. In other cases, advice is given. The second section is very useful in becoming familiar with small nuances.Not all of the common habits I observed are presented mainly because they can only be dealt with on an individual basis. For example, writers had difficulty titling their papers and naming new technical ideas to express their contents and functions concisely. This problem frequently occurred but it can only be addressed individually. Once writer are aware of their habits, they would be able to write better technical English articles.Section 1“a, an, the”The single most common habit is the omission of articles a, an, and the. This occurs because Mandarin has no direct equivalent of articles and the rules for using them are somewhat complicated for a non-native speakers.Articles signal that a noun will follow and that any modifiers between the articleand the noun refer to that noun (a big blue bicycle / the first award). A and an areindefinite articles; the is a definite article. Every time a singular noncount noun, acommon noun that names one countable item, is used the noun requires some kind of determiner.Mistake: The, a, and an are 1) omitted where they are required, 2) used where theyare not needed or contribute to wordiness 3) used wrongly in place of the correct article.Examples of incorrect usages:Incorrect Figure 2 shows the distribution of relative velocity on surface of main 15and splitter blades.Correct Figure 2 shows the distribution of relative velocity on the surface of the 15main and splitter blades.Incorrect The software PowerSHAPE is chosen to be a 3D modeling tool; it is 4good at dealing with free surfaces and curves.Correct The software PowerSHAPE is chosen to be the 3D modeling tool; it is 4good at dealing with free surfaces and curves.There was only one 3D modeling tool used in this study, therefore ‘3D modeling tool’ is specific and requires the article the.Incorrect A theoretical method for calculating the inner flow-field in centrifugalimpeller with splitter blades and investigation of the interactions between main and splitter blades is presented in this paper. The vortices aredistributed on the main and splitter blades to simulate the effects of flows.Systematical study of number and distribution of vortices is 15 conducted.Correct A theoretical method for calculating the inner flow-field in a centrifugalimpeller with splitter blades and an investigation of the interactionsbetween main and splitter blades is presented in this paper. The vorticesare distributed on the main and splitter blades to simulate the effects offlows. A systematical study of the number and distribution of vortices is 15conducted.Incorrect Theoretically, remanufacturing could fully take advantage of resources contained in EOF product thereby minimizing impact on environment to the greatest extent compared to landfill or recycling of materials; 16 consequently it contributes greatly to resource conservation. Correct Theoretically, remanufacturing could fully take advantage of resources contained in an EOF product thereby minimizing the impact on the environment to the greatest extent compared to landfill or recycling of 16 materials; consequently it contributes greatly to resource conservation.Definitions:Articles Also called determiners or noun markers, articles are the words a, an, and the. A and an are indefinite articles, and the is a definite article. Articles signal that a noun will follow and that any modifiers between the article and the noun refer to that noun. ( a cold , metal chair/ the lightning-fast computer).Determiners A word or word group, traditionally identified as an adjective, that limits a noun by telling how much or how many about it. (expression of quantity, limiting adjective, marker) They tell whether a noun is general (a tree) or specific (the tree). The is a definite article. Before a noun, the conveys that the known refers to a specific item (the plan). A and an are indefinite articles. They convey that a noun refers to an item in a nonspecific or general way (a plan).Common nouns A noun that names a general group, place, person, or thing: dog,house.Count noun A noun that names an item or items that can be counted: radio,streets, idea, fingernails.Noncount nouns A noun that names a thing that cannot be counted: water, time.Specific noun A noun understood to be exactly and specifically referred to; usesthe definite article the.Nonspecific noun A noun that refers to any of a number of identical items; it takesthe indefinite articles a , an.Very long sentencesVery long sentences are especially common in Chinese-English writing becausethe writers often translate directly from Chinese to English. Although, in Chinese writin it is acceptable to put several supporting ideas in on sentence to show their relationship, in English, the main idea and each supporting idea is typically written in separate sentences.One can usually recognize a very long sentence by its length – sixty words or more. However, sentences of smaller lengths can also be too long if they contain multiple statements that confuse the main idea. Long sentences can be avoided by limiting each sentence to one or two topics. Semicolons should be used where the writerreally wants to emphasize the relationship between ideas.Too long According to the characteristic of fan-coil air-conditioning systems, this paper derives the cooling formula of fan-coil units based on the heat transfer theories and puts forward a new method to gauge cooling named Cooling Metering on the Air-side, which can monitor the individual air-conditioning cooling consumption during a period of time by detecting the parameters of inlet air condition –temperature and humidity –of the fan-coil air-conditioning system as well as the parameters of inlet cooling water provided by the chiller.Correct This paper derives the cooling formula of fan-coil units based on the characteristics of fan-coil air-conditioning systems and heat transfer theories, and puts forward a new method to gauge cooling called Cooling Metering on the Air-side. The new method can monitor individual air-conditioning cooling consumption during a period of time by detecting the condition of inlet air – temperature and humidity – of the fan-coil air-conditioning system as well as the parameters of the inlet cooling water provided by the chiller.Too long The gear transmission is grade seven, the gear gap is 0.00012 radians, the gear gap has different output values corresponding to any given input value, non-linearity of the gear gap model can be described by using the phase function method, the existing backlash block in the non-linear library of the Matlab/zdimulink toolbox can be used, the initial value of gear gap in the 9 backlash block is set to zero.Correct The gear transmission is grade seven. The gear gap, which is 0.00012 radians, has different output values corresponding to any given input value. The non-linearity of the gear gap model can be described by using the phase function method. The existing backlash block in the non-linear library of the Matlab/zdimulink toolbox can be used; the initial value of gear gap in the backlash block is set to zero.Another type of super-long sentence that frequently occurs in technical papers isthat of a list. The writer wants to give a large amount of data, usually parameter values, and puts this information into one long, paragraph-sized sentence. However, the best way to give such type and quantity of information is to tabulate it (put it in a bulleted list)Too long …where m is the mass of the heavy disk mounted at the mid-span of a massless elastic shaft, e is the ecc entricity of the mass center from the geometric center of the disk, φ is the angle between the orientation of the eccentricity and the ξ axis, kξ and kη are the stiffness coefficients in two principal directions of shaft respectively, c is the viscous damping coefficient of the shaft and the disk, ci is the inner damping coefficient of shaft, ω is the I rotating speed, ξs and ηs are the components of initial bend in directions of ξ ,η axes respectively: ξs = r b cosθ ,ηs =r b sinθ1.Correct Wherem is the mass of the heavy disk mounted at the mid-span of a massless elasticshaft,e is the eccentricity of the mass center from the geometric center of the disk, φ is the angle between the orientation of the eccentricity and the ξ axis,kξand kη are the stiffness coefficients in the two principal directionsof the shaft,c is the viscous damping coefficient of the shaft and the disk,ci is the inner damping coefficient of the shaft,ωis the rotating speed,ξs and ηs are the components of initial bend in directions of ξ ,η axes, respectively: ξs = rb cosθ ,ηs =rb sinθ.Too long The clear height of the case is 6.15 meters; the thickness of the roof is 0.85 meters; the thickness of the bottom is 0.90 meters, the overall width is 26.6 meters, the overall length of the axial cord is 304.5 meters, the length of the jacking section is about 148.8 meters; the weight of the case is about 24127 tons3.Clear * Case clearance height 6.15 meters* Roof thickness 0.85 meters* Bottom thickness 0.90 meters* Overall width 26.6 meters* Overall length of the axial cord 304.5 meters* Length of the jacking section 148.8 meters (approx.)* Weight of the case 24127 tons (approx.)Prefacing the main idea of a sentence by stating the purpose, location or reason firstChinese writers often preface the main topic of a sentence by first stating thepurpose, location, reason, examples and conditions as introductory elements. However, this has the effect of demoting the importance of the main idea and making the reader think the author is indirect. Bring the main idea to the beginning of the sentence stating any locations, reasons, etc., afterwards.Incorrect For the application in automobile interiors, this paper studies the nesting optimization problem in leather manufacturing5.Correct This paper studies the nesting optimization problem in leather manufacturing for application in automobile interiors.Incorrect Especially when numerical control (NC) techniques[4] are widely used in industry and rapid prototype methods[5][6] bring a huge economical benefits, the advantage of constructing 3D model[7][8][9] becomes extremely obvious2.Correct The advantage of constructing a 3D model[7][8][9] becomes extremely obvious especially when numerical control (NC) techniques[4] are widely used in industry and rapid prototype methods[5][6] bring a huge economical benefits.Incorrect Inside the test box, the space was filled with asbestos15Correct The space inside the test box was filled with asbestos.Incorrect In practice, we employed this approach to dispose of a wheelhouse subassembly of one kind of auto-body, and the results show that this method is feasible16Correct We employed this approach to dispose of a wheelhouse subassembly of one kind of auto-body, and the results show that this method is feasible16.Incorrect To ensure sheet metal quality as well as assembly quality, CMMs are widely used in automotive industry production.Correct CMMs are widely used in automotive industry production to ensure sheet metal quality as well as assembly quality.Tendency of placing phrases which indicate time at the beginning of a sentenceIncorrect When U is taken as the control parameter, the BDs for ?=0.0, 0.001, 0.005 are shown in Fig. 8.Correct Figure 8 shows the BDs for ?=0.0, 0.001, and 0.005 when U is taken as the control parameter.Place the most important subject at the beginning of the sentence for emphasisIncorrect Based on the triangulation structure built from unorganized points or a CAD 4 model, the extended STL format is described in this section.Correct The extended STL format is described in this section based on the triangulation structure built from unorganized points or a CAD model.Incorrect The 3D dentition defect and restoration element models are designed precisely with complicated surfaces4.Correct The 3D dentition defect and restoration element models with complicatedsurfaces are designed precisely.“which/ that”The antecedent (noun or pronoun) to which which refers is not specific, causingconfusion.Antecedent The noun or pronoun to which a pronoun refers.‘The Shijiazhuang south road underground bridge possesses the largest jacking force, which is built at 1978(10680t).’ [‘Shijiazhuang south road underground bridge possesses the largest jacking force which is built at 1978(10680t).’Absolute truths in paleontology are often elusive, and even the filmmakers were surprised at the fierce arguments that split the scientists when an initial brainstorming session was else.‘Respectively’ and ‘respective’Respectively refers back to two or more persons or things only in the order they were previously designated or mentioned. If two lists are given, respectively pairs the listentries according to the order in which they are given. In this case the use of respectively is to allow the writer to give a lot of information without confusing the reader or writing several short sentences. Respectively is usually at the end of the sentence. In both cases, mentioning theorder must be important to the meaning of the sentence otherwise it is not used.For example: Bobby, Nicole and Daren wore red, green and blue coats, respectively.List 1 List 2Bobby wore a red coat.Nicole wore a green coat.Daren wore a blue coat.Respective to two or more persons or things only in the order they were previouslydesignated or mentioned.The uses of these two words are usually incorrect or confusing as in the followingexamples.1. Respectively is misplaced in the sentence; it is put before the nouns to which it refers. Incorrect Equations 2~6 can be respectively linearized as:......(equations given) (13)Correct Equations 2~6 can be linearized as:……(equations given)…, respectivelyIncorrect The weights of the two experts are respectively 0.600 and 0.40019.Correct The weights of the two experts are 0.600 and 0.400, respectively.2. Respectively is inserted to express that there is a certain order in which something was done. However, the order is already implied elsewhere in the sentence or does not need to be expressed because it does not add value to meaning of the sentence.Incorrect If both the core technology score and core quality score of a bottleneck process are, respectively, below certain scores, then we refer to strategy 1, otherwise, if either is, respectively, above a certain score, then we refer to strategy 2. Similarly, if the core technology and core quality are, respectively, above a certain score, then we refer to strategy 3, otherwise, if either is, respectively, below a certain score, then we refer to strategy 419.Correct If both the core technology score and core quality score of a bottleneck process are below certain scores, then we refer to strategy 1, otherwise, if either is above a certain score, then we refer to strategy 2. Similarly, if the core technology and core quality are above a certain score, then we refer to strategy 3, otherwise, if either is below a certain score, then we refer to strategy 4. Incorrect Then, the rows of vortex due to both of the long and short blades are transformed into two sing ularities on the ζ -plane and integrate the induced velocity along the blades respectively20.Correct Then, the rows of vortex due to both of the long and short blades are transformed into two singularities on the ζ -plane and integrate the induced velocity along the blades.3. In addition to 2, it is unclear to what ‘respectively’ refers.Incorrect The dynamic characteristics of a rotor with asymmetric stiffness or with initial warp have been studied before respectively [1-4]Correct The dynamic characteristics of a rotor with asymmetric stiffness or with initial warp have been studied before [1-4].Incorrect The inlet and outlet temperature of the air cooler were measured using two thermocouples respectively17.Correct The inlet and outlet temperature of the air cooler were measured by usingTwo thermocouples.‘In this paper’, ‘in this study’Two errors occur when these phrases are used. The first is overuse. In somepapers written by Chinese, these phrases can occur as much as twice per page. In papers written by native English writers these phrases are reserved for primarily two uses1. In the introduction and conclusion to emphasize the content of the paper.2. In the body of the paper, after referring to work not done by the author such as in other journal articles or in standard.Therefore, if either phrase occurs more than three times in a paper, its use is questionable. Actually, the reader is aware that the work presented is by the author (unless the author states otherwise) so there is no reason to repeat these phrases.The second error is more subtle. The two phrases are interchanged.Awkward In this paper, IDEAS was used to ….Correct In this study, IDEAS was used to….Awkward In the paper, a SZG4031 towing tractor is used as the sample vehicle, it components equivalent physical parameters are obtained by UG design and testing9Correct In this study, a SZG4031 towing tractor is used as the sample vehicle, it components equivalent physical parameters are obtained by UG design and testing.The ‘study’ is the work the author/s did. The paper is the mode to present this work and is what the reader is holding/ reading. Keep in mind the writer can also use other phrases such as ‘in this research’, and ‘this paper present’.Numbers and EquationsTwo very common errors are those concerning the presentation of Arabic numerals, and equations. Chinese writers usually write Arabic numerals instead of spelling out the word. The use of Arabic numerals, itself, is not an error however; they should never be used at the beginning of sentences.Incorrect 12 parameters were selected for the experiment.Correct Twelve parameters were selected for the experiment.In addition, Arabic numerals are overused. Arabic numerals should be used to give data in technical papers, however they should not be used to give general information.Incorrect All 3 studies concluded that the mean temperature should be 30°C.Correct All three studies concluded that the mean temperature should be 30°C.This probably stems from the fact that Mandarin is a symbolic language and not alphabetic. Thus, the writer will find it easier to write a symbol that expresses the ideainstead of the word. This problem is even more serious when equations are used in place of words in a way that is not practiced by native English speakers. Consider the following examples.Equations should be introduced as much as possible, not inserted in place of words. Most journals,like the International Journal of Production Research, discourage the use of even short expressions within the text.Incorrect If the power battery SOC > SOClo and the driving torque belongs to themiddle load,…Correct If the power battery SOC is greater than SOClo and the driving torquebelongs to the middle load,…Incorrect All 3 studies concluded that the mean temperature should be 30°C.Correct All three studies concluded that the mean temperature should be 30°C.FormatParagraphsA paragraph is a group of sentences that develop one topic or thought. Paragraphs are separated to indicate the end of one idea or thought and the beginning ofanother. All English paragraphs start on a new line with an indent of about one inch or with an extra line between the two paragraphs. The latter is more typical for business writing.Chinese students are often puzzled by separating paragraphs; the may perform one of two error. One error occurs when the writer fails to distinguish between two paragraphs. Although the new paragraph starts on a new line, there is no indentation, therefore, the reader in is not aware of the change in paragraphs or ideas. The second error occurs when a paragraph is preceded by a single sentence on a single line. The single line is indented along with the succeeding paragraph as in example #. This commonly occurs in Chinese texts but is never done in English.‘Figure’ and ‘Table’The abbreviations for figure and table are Fig. and Tbl, respectively. However,the abbreviation of table is rarely seen in text. One can also write fig. for figure. However, one should choose one convention and use it throughout the paper. You should not switch between, Figure, figure, Fig, or fig. In addition, abbreviations are not used at the beginning of sentences and a space belongs between the word/ abbreviation and the number.Incorrect Figure.6, Figure6, Fig.6, Tbl10Correct Figure 6, Fig. 6, Tbl. 10VariablesVariables, especially those of the English alphabet, should be italicized in technical papers to distinguish them from English words. Of course, this depends on the style required by the journal.CapitalsBe careful that capitals are not in the middle of the sentence.Incorrect In table 1, The mark…Correct In table 1, the mark…‘such as’ and ‘etc.’Such as and etc. are commonly misused by Chinese-English writers. Such asmeans ‘for example’ and implies that an incomplete list will follow; etc. means ‘and so on’ and is used at the end of a list to show it is not complete. Therefore, using such as and etc. together is redundant.Incorrect Studies of methodology and process of implementing remanufacturingmainly focus on durable products such as automobile motors, printers, andetc11.Correct Studies of methodology and process of implementing remanufacturingmainly focus on durable products such as automobile motors, and printers.Such as means that an incomplete list will be given and should not be used when acomplete list is given.Incorrect Compared to traditional industry, Micro-electronic fabrication has three characteristics such as high complexity, high precision and highautomation.Correct Compared to traditional industry, Micro-electronic fabrication has three characteristics: high complexity, high precision and high automation.Section 21) Some words have identical singular and plural forms and do not need an s added on to make them plural. These words include:* literature (when referring to research)* equipment,* staff (referring to a group of people)* faculty2) Avoid redundancy in the following types of phrases frequently used by ChineseEnglish writersInstead of Say Or sayResearch work Research WorkLimit condition Limit conditionKnowledge memory Knowledge MemorySketch map Sketch mapLayout scheme Layout schemeArrangement plan Arrangement planOutput performance Output performanceSimulation results results simulationKnowledge information Knowledge informationCalculation results results calculation。



印刷专业英文词汇:一、主料Art paper 粉纸artboard 粉卡,Matt paper/board哑粉(M/A)/卡Coated one/two side 单双粉(C1S/C2S)Paper board 厚纸板Chipboard 硬紙板both(2/S)side art paper 双粉纸(C2S)-----------(C1S单面)gloss/matte artpaper 单面光/哑粉纸gloss/matte coated 2 sides book paper 双面光/哑粉纸fancy paper 花纹纸woodfree paper 书纸card board 卡纸cast coated card 玻璃粉卡chipboard 粗纸板gloss coated 1 side/2 side cover 单面或双面粉卡both(2/s)side art paper 双粉纸= both side art paper 双粉纸(C2S) both side art card 双粉咭(C2S)glossy artpaper 光粉纸(G/A)clay coated news back 粉灰卡(CCNB)=duplex board 粉灰卡clay coated white back 灰心白底(CCWB)greyboard 双灰brown wrapping / kraft /vellum 牛皮纸arlin 布纹纸/书皮纸carbonless paper 兔炭纸back card(board)背卡/板(J-card)Tissue paper 拷貝紙=silk paper(pom pom),牛油紙Vellum 牛油紙,上等半透明皮紙;Grease paper 防油纸Wax paper 蜡纸牛油纸Milled paper 原色纸Foam dots with peel-away backing 透明可移圆形贴二、辅料Bunting 旗布;cloth 布;feather 毛绒;fur 皮革Glue 胶水=gluewater/gumwater ;hot melt 热熔胶Twine 麻绳,合股绳;thread 线monofilament wire 鱼丝线Shiny lamination 光胶;Varnish 油Ribbon 丝带,Bow 蝴蝶结Elastic band (round/flat)橡筋绳/带Stencil pvc 胶片card box 卡盒;Pear foil 珍珠油Tag 标签=label=stickerFoam /sponge 海绵Cello bag 风琴袋UPC 條形貼碼Adhesive 強力雙面膠(peel away adhesive)Staments 花蕊Polystyrene ball 發泡球Polyster 聚酯;Acetate box 聚酯,PVC胶盒;plastic 塑料Metal plate 铁片;magnet 磁石Glitter 闪粉;Gold foil 金箔;White foil 銀箔Blister 吸塑:blister card 吸塑卡/blister pack 吸塑罩/ blister varnishing 吸塑油clamshell blister 象贝壳一样可以自动对扣的胶盒flexible magnetic rubber 胶磁Wire-O YO线圈;plastic spiral 胶线圈;Adhesive seal 透明圆形贴三、书籍装订类2 wire stitching 骑马钉binding 装订adhesive binding 胶装/无线胶装;notch binding 胶装Notch bound 通气胶装(NB)case bound /edition binding 精装case bound book / hardpaper /hardcover 精装书Flexible binding 假精装Limp bound 平装/串线胶装;case making 做皮壳case(PLC)硬皮壳;casing in 上皮壳accordion 风琴式折页=concertina foldconcertina bound 风琴折装订(如果指用于纸板书指内文对裱)Backbone 书脊block 书芯bamboo spine 竹节脊Book block 毛书;oblong 横度书/长开本Cut flash 切三边fore edge 书口/前切线bellyband 腰带flap 旗/翼仔hinge 书链Bound volume /bound edition 合订书/合订本Copy/copies 本content 内容/目录/内文Brochure / booklet /pamphlet / handbook 小册子Album 相册Manual 說明書International standard book number 国际标准书籍号码(ISBN)Binding 書封面;french fold jacket/ slipcase 法式书套Overlap cover(gate fold cover )翼仔封面Half title page 半书名页或部首专页Drawn on cover 反封面center sewn 车中线Lining paper 内衬endpaper 衬纸;ends 前后衬纸=flyeaf 封里纸/衬纸end-papering 贴衬纸Endpaper paste on 贴衬Endpaper paste down on cover 封面裱衬纸(扫衬)H/T band (head and rail bands / headband )笃(绳)头布(H.T)folding 折页/书Collating 执张/配页gathering 排书/配书folded and gathered 已折和已排但未装订的书(F&G)recto 左边的书页(一般页码是单数)liabrary bound 图书式装订(一般指分衬加白杨布、车线后上壳装订)Artwork 书稿,设计图稿Flow chart 流程图assembly 执件imprinting 版权页insert /inset/ foldout 插页missing 缺页lining 裱纸/裱背/皮壳粘背纸simi-goods /simi-finished 半成品四、工艺类Calendering vanishing 磨光Building in 压线压衬Debossed (击凹效果)=blind blockingEmbossed 凸出(击凸的,浮雕效果);压纹/ embossing die 击凹凸模Silk screen 丝印Blocking 烫金/色、模压Foil stamping 烫色;hot stamping 烫色;hologram stamping 激光烫Hot seal 热压/热封口Die-cuting 模切/啤;die-cut mould 啤板;kiss cut 啤半穿drill hole/bore 钻孔;punch board 打孔Creasing 啤折线/压折痕Mounting 对裱(mount pasted 裱纸)Flock paper 植毛(纸)Auto-lock 自动扣底;muli-joints gluing 驳盒Manual gluing 手粘盒Assembling 汇编,组合artcards laminated with hologram foil 镭射幻彩卡perforation 针线/打排孔punch 打孔,冲孔dotted line 虚线五、印刷專用詞Offset printing 柯式印刷Over print 迭印Spot 專色CMYK 四色Cyan 青蓝;magenta 品红/洋红PMS 彩通色patoneDuotone 双色调Matte(glossy)varnish 啞/光油;on-line press varnishing 印油Pear oil 珍珠油fluorescent 荧光墨/发荧光的High closs vanish 特光Dummy 白样color proof 色稿bluelies /blueprint 蓝纸=ozalid ;film 菲林Original 原稿;origination 印前Negative 负片/阴片Imposition 拼版Impression 印张/印数/压印;makeready sheet 校版纸Hickey 墨屎;ghosting 鬼影;misting 溅墨out of register 套位不准;registeration mark 十字位/套准记号Figure / iconograph / illustration 图表/插图Half-tone 半色调Line copy 线条稿(无半色调)Pattern paper 印刷彩纸Embellish(ment)美化,装饰,润色Template 展开图,模板六、包装类Shrink wrap 收縮包裝vacuum packing 真空包装Polybag 膠袋Fragile 易碎的Folding box 折盒B-flute 坑纸/粗坑纸;1 ply B9 corrugated board B9单坑Double wall carton 双坑箱corrugated paper 瓦楞纸箱/坑纸Carton box information 箱麥資料packing list 装箱单Correst grain 跟纹/顺纹Display box 陈列架/展示架Fix(affix)assessories 黏配件Lid and base box 天地盖盒;match box 火柴盒Rigid box 手工盒Packing box 包装盒/彩盒Lot packaging 批量包装MA QTY 每箱数;IP QTY 销售单位数量Collapsed flat 平装:sold flat 平装销售Divider 隔卡,间隔物,内架七、其它Uncoated 无表面处理的Additive 添加剂Garland 花環Florist 花商Artwork 插圖,藝術品Strung 串,(string)Alpha 字母Attachment 附件Dimension 尺寸/度量Scrap cost 损耗费用;surcharge 附加费;upcost 清偿成本;on cost 杂费Handle one’s acc ount 跟某人的单Sku=stock keeping unit 最小可用单位Quote (quotation)报价;inquire (inquiry)询价Hit one’s target price 达到目标价格;meet one’s price 符合某人的价钱meet our request date 符合要求的货期Labour intensive.劳动力强度Labour cost ,raw material cost and exchange rate 劳动力成本、原材料成本和汇率ASAP=as soon as possibleExpedite 加速完成;approximately 近似地,大约地labour intensive 劳动力密集deduction 扣除deducted by 2000pcs of ….扣除2000数量的…Job allocation 工作分配八、出货类Lead time 訂貨到交貨的時間Warehouse 倉庫ETA=estimated time of arrival 預計到達時間ETD=estimated time of depature 預計出發時間AWB= air way bill 空運單Consignee 收貨人Logistic 后勤/物流Notify party 到货通知人Shipping document 船务文件Spreadsheet 电子数据表格;breakdown 统计分析Outstanding 未解决的Inventory 存货清单,详细记录PIC = people in charge 负责人Courier 快递,信使九.常用邮件表述语句1. Thank you for your help on finalizing this item-it is very much appreciated.2. The decisive factor make the cost so high is……..3. One point I want to draw your attention is……..4. If you accept this new construction, the FOB price is…..5. For below quotation, it was based on….6. Would the price cost less if we changed to….?7. please explain what is making the cost of this item so high so that we can re-design accordingly。



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纸业词汇U-Zwaxing paper 蜡纸原纸waxing stencil paper 誊写蜡纸wax-sized paper 石蜡施胶纸waybill paper 载纸,运货单纸weather resisting paper 防潮纸web paper 卷筒印刷纸web offset paper 卷筒胶版印刷纸welding paper 焊接保护纸wet soak paper 浸渍纸wet type recording paper 湿式记录纸wet strength paper 湿强纸张wet waxed paper 润湿蜡纸Whatman(’s) paper 高级图画纸wheatstone paper 电报纸带white fibre 白色钢纸white fibre sheathing 白建筑覆盖纸white manila paper 白纸板,白色马尼拉纸white rope tag 白标签麻浆纸Willesden paper 防水纸window drape paper 窗帘纸window-envelope paper 开窗信封纸window paster paper 窗户纸window shade paper 窗帘纸wiping(off) paper 油墨擦拭纸wire-wrap paper 绝缘薄纸,卷缠绝缘纸wood chip paper 木浆粗纤维纸wood-containing paper 含磨木浆的纸张wood free paper 不含磨木浆的纸张woodcut book paper 木刻画用纸woody paper 含磨木浆的纸张wool(en) paper 含羊毛纸wove paper 横纹纸,布纹纸wrapping paper 包装纸,封面纸writing paper 书写纸wove finish paper 布纹纸wood-free paper 道林纸wood-free 不含磨木浆的纸张winding of paper 卷纸winding stock 吹纸white board 白板纸white manifold paper 白色打字纸white paper 未印过的纸张,只印单面的双面印刷纸wedding bristol 优质纸weddings 高光泽卡片纸公司企业常见部门名称英文翻译总公司Head Office分公司Branch Office营业部Business Office人事部Personnel Department人力资源部Human Resources Department总务部General Affairs Department财务部General Accounting Department销售部Sales Department促销部Sales Promotion Department国际部International Department出口部Export Department进口部Import Department公共关系Public Relations Department广告部Advertising Department企划部Planning Department产品开发部Product Development Department研发部Research and Development Department(R&D)秘书室Secretarial Pool与地震有关的英语词汇seisesthesia 振动感觉seismaesthesia 震觉seismesthesia 振动感觉seismic 地震的seismic (seismal; seismical; earthquake) load 地震载荷seismic acceleration 地震加速度; 震动加速度seismic acceleration indicator 地震加速指示计seismic activity 地震活动; 地震活动性seismic amplifier 地震放大器seismic analysis 地震分析seismic area 地震带; 地震区; 震区seismic belt 地震带; 地震区seismic bending moment 地震弯矩seismic center 震中seismic coefficient 地震系数seismic core phase 核震相seismic cross-section 地震剖面seismic data 地震数据; 地震资料seismic degree 震度seismic design 地震设计seismic detector 地震检波器; 地震仪seismic detector of the displacement 位移式地震检波器seismic detector of the velocity type 速度式地震检波器seismic digital amplifier 地震数字放大器seismic discontinuity 地震间断面seismic drill 地震孔用钻机seismic dynamic load 地震动力载荷seismic element method 地震元法seismic exploration 地层勘探; 地震探测; 地震探查;震波勘测seismic exploration vessel 震波勘测船seismic filter 地震滤波器seismic floor joint cover 地面抗震缝盖板seismic focus 地震震源seismic force 地震力seismic gap 地震活动空白地带seismic geophone 地震检波器; 震波检测仪seismic geophysical method 地球物理地震法seismic hazard 地震危害性seismic head wave 地震首波seismic impulse method 脉冲地震法seismic instrument car 地震仪器车seismic intensity 地震烈度; 地震强度seismic intensity scale 地震强度计seismic investigation 地震探测seismic load 地震荷载seismic map 地震图mic measurement 地震测验seismic method 地震勘探法seismic method of exploration 地震法勘探; 震波勘测法seismic method of prospecting 地震法勘探seismic model 地震模型seismic moment 地震力矩seismic motion 地震活动; 地震运动seismic origin 地震成因seismic phase 震相seismic processing 震波图分析seismic profile 地震剖面seismic profiler 地震剖面仪; 震波水下地形仪seismic property 地震性质seismic prospect(ing) 震波勘探seismic prospecting 地震勘探; 地震探查seismic prospecting system 地震探查装置seismic prospector 地震预报仪seismic reciprocity 震时互易原理seismic record 地震记录seismic record viewer 地震记录观测仪seismic recorder 地震记录仪seismic reflection amplifier 地震反射放大器seismic reflection method 地震波反射法seismic refraction 震波折射seismic refraction method 地震折射法seismic refraction profile 地震折射剖面seismic regime 震情seismic region 震区; 地震区seismic regionalization 地震区划分seismic restraint 耐震seismic risk 地震危险性seismic sea wave 地震海浪; 地震海啸; 地震海啸; 地震津波; 海啸seismic sea wave apparatus 海啸仪seismic section plotter 地震剖面绘图仪seismic seiche 地震假潮seismic shock 地震; 地震冲击; 地震震动; 震波冲击seismic signal 地震信号seismic sounding 地震测深; 地震测深法seismic source function 震源函数seismic spread 地震传播; 地震扩散seismic stability 抗震稳定性seismic station 地震台站seismic stratigraphy 地震地层学seismic stress 地震应力seismic surface wave 地震表面波seismic survey 地震测量; 地震调查; 地震探查; 反射法勘探seismic travel time 地震波传播时间seismic velocity 震波速度seismic vertical 震中; 地震垂线seismic vessel 震波勘测船seismic wave 震波; 地震波seismic wave path 地震波路径seismic world map 世界地震图seismic zone 地震带; 地震区seismic zoning 地震区划分seismic-electric effect 震电效应seismicinstrument 地震仪seismicity 地震活动; 地震活动度; 地震活动性; 震级seismicity gap 地震活动空白地带seismicity map 地震区域图seismic-like event 似地震事件seismicrophone 地震传声器; 地震接收器seismism 地震现象; 震动现象seismitron 岩层稳定测试仪seismo-acoustic reflection survey 震声反射测量seismoastronomy 地震天文学seismocardiogram 心震图seismochronograph 地震计时仪; 地震记时器seismo-electric effect 震电效应seismogenesis 地震成因seismogenic zone 孕震区seismogeological map 地震地质图seismo-geology 地震地质学seismogram 地震波曲线; 地震图; 震波图seismogram interpretation 震波图解释seismograph 地震记录仪; 地震仪seismograph amplifier 地震仪放大器seismograph drill 地震孔物探钻机seismograph station 地震台站seismographic 地震学的seismographic observation 地震观测seismographic observatory 地震观测站seismographic record 地震记录seismographic station 地震台seismography 地震记录法; 地震学seismolog (附有摄影设备的) 测震仪seismologic consideration 震情会商seismologic station 地震台站seismological evidence 地震实迹seismological observation 地震观测seismologist 地震学家seismology 地震学seismomagnetic effect 地震地磁效果; 震磁效应seismometer 地震计; 地震检波器; 地震仪seismometer galvanometer 地震检波器检流计seismometer pier 拾震器墩子seismometer station 地震测站seismonastic movement 感振运动seismonastic turgor movement 倾震膨压运动seismophysics 地震物理学seismos 地震seismoscope 地震波显示仪; 地震示波仪; 地震仪; 验震器; 验震器seismoscope data 验震器数据; 验震器数据seismoscope record 验震器记录; 验震器记录seismoscope response 验震器响应; 验震器响应seismostation 地震台; 地震台站seismotectonic 地震构造的seismotectonic line 地震构造线seismotherapy 振动疗法seismotropism 向震性seissors fault differential fault 剪断层数学英语词汇数学mathematics, maths(BrE), math(AmE)公理axiom定理theorem计算calculation运算operation证明prove假设hypothesis, hypotheses(pl.)命题proposition算术arithmetic加plus(prep.), add(v.), addition(n.)被加数augend, summand 加数addend和sum减minus(prep.), subtract(v.), subtraction(n.)被减数minuend减数subtrahend差remainder乘times(prep.), multiply(v.), multiplication(n.)被乘数multiplicand, faciend乘数multiplicator积product除divided by(prep.), divide(v.), division(n.)被除数dividend除数divisor商quotient等于equals, is equal to, is equivalent to大于is greater than小于is lesser than大于等于is equal or greater than小于等于is equal or lesser than运算符operator数字digit数number自然数natural number整数integer小数decimal小数点decimal point分数fraction分子numerator分母denominator比ratio正positive负negative零null, zero, nought, nil十进制decimal system二进制binary system十六进制hexadecimal system权weight, significance进位carry截尾truncation四舍五入round下舍入round down上舍入round up有效数字significant digit无效数字insignificant digit代数algebra公式formula, formulae(pl.)单项式monomial多项式polynomial, multinomial系数coefficient未知数unknown, x-factor, y-factor, z-factor等式,方程式equation一次方程simple equation二次方程quadratic equation三次方程cubic equation四次方程quartic equation不等式inequation阶乘factorial对数logarithm指数,幂exponent乘方power二次方,平方square三次方,立方cube四次方the power of four, the fourth powern次方the power of n, the nth power开方evolution, extraction二次方根,平方根square root三次方根,立方根cube root四次方根the root of four, the fourth rootn次方根the root of n, the nth root 集合aggregate元素element空集void子集subset交集intersection并集union补集complement映射mapping函数function定义域domain, field of definition 值域range常量constant变量variable单调性monotonicity奇偶性parity周期性periodicity图象image数列,级数series微积分calculus微分differential导数derivative极限limit无穷大infinite(a.) infinity(n.)无穷小infinitesimal积分integral定积分definite integral不定积分indefinite integral有理数rational number无理数irrational number实数real number虚数imaginary number复数complex number矩阵matrix 行列式determinant几何geometry点point线line面plane体solid线段segment射线radial平行parallel相交intersect角angle角度degree弧度radian锐角acute angle直角right angle钝角obtuse angle平角straight angle周角perigon底base边side高height三角形triangle锐角三角形acute triangle直角三角形right triangle直角边leg斜边hypotenuse勾股定理Pythagorean theorem钝角三角形obtuse triangle不等边三角形scalene triangle等腰三角形isosceles triangle等边三角形equilateral triangle四边形quadrilateral平行四边形parallelogram矩形rectangle长length宽width菱形rhomb, rhombus, rhombi(pl.), diamond正方形square梯形trapezoid直角梯形right trapezoid等腰梯形isosceles trapezoid五边形pentagon六边形hexagon七边形heptagon八边形octagon九边形enneagon十边形decagon十一边形hendecagon十二边形dodecagon多边形polygon正多边形equilateral polygon圆circle圆心centre(BrE), center(AmE)半径radius直径diameter圆周率pi弧arc半圆semicircle扇形sector环ring椭圆ellipse圆周circumference周长perimeter面积area轨迹locus, loca(pl.)相似similar全等congruent四面体tetrahedron五面体pentahedron六面体hexahedron平行六面体parallelepiped 立方体cube七面体heptahedron八面体octahedron九面体enneahedron十面体decahedron十一面体hendecahedron十二面体dodecahedron二十面体icosahedron多面体polyhedron棱锥pyramid棱柱prism棱台frustum of a prism旋转rotation轴axis圆锥cone圆柱cylinder圆台frustum of a cone球sphere半球hemisphere底面undersurface表面积surface area体积volume空间space坐标系coordinates坐标轴x-axis, y-axis, z-axis 横坐标x-coordinate纵坐标y-coordinate原点origin双曲线hyperbola抛物线parabola三角trigonometry 正弦sine余弦cosine正切tangent余切cotangent正割secant余割cosecant反正弦arc sine反余弦arc cosine反正切arc tangent反余切arc cotangent反正割arc secant反余割arc cosecant相位phase周期period振幅amplitude内心incentre(BrE), incenter(AmE)外心excentre(BrE), excenter(AmE)旁心escentre(BrE), escenter(AmE)垂心orthocentre(BrE), orthocenter(AmE)重心barycentre(BrE), barycenter(AmE)内切圆inscribed circle外切圆circumcircle统计statistics平均数average加权平均数weighted average方差variance标准差root-mean-square deviation, standard deviation比例propotion百分比percent百分点percentage百分位数percentile排列permutation组合combination概率,或然率probability分布distribution正态分布normal distribution非正态分布abnormal distribution图表graph条形统计图bar graph柱形统计图histogram折线统计图broken line graph曲线统计图curve diagram扇形统计图pie diagram个人资料常用语name 姓名in. 英寸pen name 笔名ft. 英尺alias 别名street 街Mr. 先生road 路Miss 小姐district 区Ms 小姐或太太house number 门牌Mrs. 太太lane 胡同,巷age 年龄height 身高bloodtype 血型weight 体重address 地址born 生于permanent address 永久住址birthday 生日province 省birthdate 出生日期city 市birthplace 出生地点county 县home phone 住宅电话prefecture 专区office phone 办公电话autonomous region 自治区business phone 办公电话nationality 民族;国籍current address 目前住址citizenship 国籍date of birth 出生日期native place 籍贯postal code 邮政编码duel citizenship 双重国籍marital status 婚姻状况family status 家庭状况married 已婚single 未婚divorced 离异separated 分居number of children 子女人数health condition 健康状况health 健康状况excellent (身体)极佳short-sighted 近视far-sighted 远视ID card 身份证date of availability 可到职时间membership 会员、资格president 会长vice-president 副会长director 理事standing director 常务理事society 学会association 协会secretary-general 秘书长research society 研究会气象用语英语词汇1、气候种类山地气候mountain climate恒风constant wind微风breeze冬季季风气候winter monsoon climate逆风headwind台风typhoon季风气候monsoon climate高气压high-pressure锋面frontal edge亚热带气候sub-tropical climate气团air mass 热浪heat wave高原气候plateau climate闪电lightning雾fog海滨气候littoral climate凉cool霜frost极地气候polar climate雪堆snowdrift露dew热带气候tropical climate寒冷chilly2、气象用语虹rainbow3、风的名称温带沙漠气候temperate desert climate间歇雨intermittent rain无风calm温带干燥气候temperate arid climate大雨heavy rain轻风light breeze热带季风气候tropical monsson climate信风trade wind微风gentle breeze大陆气候continental climate天气预报weather forecast和风moderate breeze沙漠气候desert climate甘霖welcome rain清风fresh breeze沿海气候coastal climate冰柱icicle强风strong breeze高地气候highland climate西北风northwester疾风near gale海洋气候marine climate地形雨local rains大风gale森林气候forest climate狂风squall烈风strong gale温带气候temperate climate雨季rainy season狂风storm湿润气候humid climate雨点raindrops暴风violent storm温带草原气候temperate grassy climate东北信风northeast trades飓风hurricane热带雨林气候tropical rainy climate东南风southeaster台风typhoon热带海洋气候tropical marine climate 风级wind scale龙卷风tornado4、浪的名称小雨light rain阵雨shower平静calm毛毛雨drizzle,fine rain疾风gusty wind微波rippled反常天气freakish weather气旋cyclone微浪smooth wavelets北风north wind气压barometric pressure细浪light seas冰ice阴天cloudy day小浪moderate seas冰点freezing point雪花snow flake中浪rough seas西南风southwester晴clear大浪very rough seas冷峰cold front顺风favorable wind强浪high seas低气压low-pressure闷热天气muggy weather巨浪very high seas雨量rainfall雹hail 狂浪monster waves东北风northeaster雷thunder5、自然灾害东风east wind滂沱大雨downpour火山地震volcanic earthquake炎热scorching heat暖锋warm front海啸tidal wave风眼eye of a storm零度zero山崩landslide零度以下subzero七大洲五大洋的英语表达Seven continents and five oceans南美洲---South America北美洲---North America亚洲---Asia欧洲---Europe大洋洲---Oceania非洲---Africa南极洲---Antarctica太平洋---the Pacific Ocean大西洋---the Atlantic (Ocean)印度洋---the Indian Ocean南极洋---the Antarctica Ocean北冰洋---the Arctic Ocean鞋类专有名词中英对照表(1)1、鞋子种类(shoes variety)Athletic shoes /Sports shoes运动鞋Casual shoes便鞋Hiking shoes/Travelling shoes旅游鞋Slipper拖鞋Sandals凉鞋Boots马靴Work boots工作鞋Axido沙滩鞋Canvas帆布鞋Sport boots运动鞋Pumps高跟鞋Climbing shoes登山鞋Football shoes足球鞋Joggingshoes慢跑鞋Basketball shoes篮球鞋Canvas帆布鞋Casualshoes便鞋Pumps高跟鞋Leisure休闲鞋Tennis shoes网球鞋Baseball shoes棒球鞋Aerobic shoes舞蹈鞋2、部位名称(Location name)upper vamp鞋面counter后套binding滚边last 楦头top line鞋口sole edge底边seams缝合处bows 饰片stain染色adhered粘贴bumper包头片steel toe钢头eyelet and lace鞋眼带embroidery 电绣quarter鞋腰(身) Tongue鞋舌Insole中底Weit 沿条Ornament饰物Toe box头套Siping切沟Soles底台Zigzag万能Eye stay眼套Collar领口Top 面线Back strap后吊带Outsole大底Mid sole-EVA EV A中插Open toe鞋头开口Open back鞋后开口Lace loop穿环Reinforcements补强Hand sews手缝马克Reinforce tape补强带Insidecorners内弯角Insole board中底纸板Textile lining布料衬里Plat forms包边中底台Wovens/weaves编织类Lining内里Heel 脚跟Foxing护条Eye let 鞋眼片Overlay饰片Socks鞋垫Box toe鞋衬里Print印刷Perforation冲孔Toe cap鞋头Toe part鞋头部Bobbin底线Bar加强线Heat sealed熔封鞋的一搬缺点:(Defect) Vamp wrinking鞋面皱纹Stitching not even车不平均Tricot shows up特丽可得露出来Wrapping not even攀帮不均匀Shank too loose铁心太松Heel not straight后套不正Sole come off底脱胶Wrong pattern 纸板错误Wrong material材料错误Wrong cutting裁断错误Toe broken down鞋头凹陷Color variation色差Wrong last 楦头错误Wrong colour颜色错误Damaged upper鞋面破损Not in pair不配双Crooked back stay 后套歪斜Crooked upper鞋面弯曲Crooked屈曲,不平顺Vamp length鞋头大小Lasting off center攀歪Sole laying not proper(centered)贴底不正确Back strap too high(low,long,short)后拉带太高Abrasion磨损Stitching not on the mark不照记号齿车Angle on insole中底发角Vamp open up鞋面掀开Wrapping not tight攀帮不紧Shank not straight铁心不正Cementing comes off脱胶Outsole not smooth大底不平Gore too weak松紧带弹性不佳Cement on heel鞋眼沾胶Cementing no good接着力不佳Cleanness not enough清洁度不佳Vamp split off 鞋面爆开Color not matching色差Loose thread脱线Broken thread断线Trun yellow变黄Turn dark变黑Pinch in 缩进去Flatten变平Rough粗糙x-ray透痕smeary污染hairy 起毛gaping 缝隙sole adhesion大底欠胶chip碎屑dirty 脏的get mildew发霉back height 后跟高度over cemented 溢胶bottom dirty大底不洁机床词汇表---机床类专业中英文对照表(13)十五画劈刀riving knife 劈尖;楔wedge 喷咀nozzle喷砂sand blasting 喷射铸造法;注射成形法injectionmoulding喷漆法spraying 增强剂reinforcing agent增塑剂plasticizer 宽条芯夹板;大芯夹板blockboard宽裕度;容差allowance 层积;层叠laminating层叠塑料片;塑料层积片laminated plastic sheet废木waste wood 弹性elasticity 弹性夹头;筒夹collet弹性形变elastic deformation 弹性常数elastic constant弹性极限elastic limit 弹性模量;弹性模数modulus ofelasticity弹性应变能elastic strain energy 弹簧spring弹簧分规spring divider 弹簧垫圈spring washer耦合;偶合(电工) coupling 胶片刀;勾刀plasticcutter摩打;电动机;马达motor 摩擦力friction 摩擦焊接friction welding挠曲机;折床bending machine 挠性联轴节flexiblecoupling挠度deflection 数字冲number punch 数字及字母冲number and letter punch数字仿真转换;数模转换digital-to-analogue conversion数码化仪器;数字式仪器digital instrument 数码化显示;数字式显示digital display数据搜集;搜集资料data collection 调制解调器modem 暂时接合temporary joint样式;模式pattern 枢接结构pin-jointed structure 枢轴;支点pivot标示尺寸dimensioning 标度scale 标量scalar 标准尺寸;市售尺寸stock size标准横切面standard cross-section 槽groove 槽口rebate槽口刨;边刨;子口刨rebate plane 槽位trench 槽沟平接榫tongue groove joint槽沟角接榫tongued trenched joint 槽刨;槽刨机router槽榫housing joint 模die; former模子;铸模mould 模件;模块;组件module 模式;样式pattern模板template 模型model; patterns 模型制作modelmaking模塑;倒模成形;铸模成形moulding模数转换;仿真数字转换analogue-to-digital conversion仿真simulation仿真系统analogue system 模锻法;锤锻法;冲锻法drop forging梁规trammel 欧姆定律Ohm’s Law 欧姆计ohmmeter 欧姆导体ohmic conductor潜热latent heat 潜变;蠕变creep 润滑lubrication 润滑脂grease润滑剂lubricant 熟铁wrought iron 热工及冷工凿刀hot and cold set热加工;热作工hot working 热加工硬化hot workhardening热收缩thermal contraction热均衡图thermal equilibrium diagram 热固性塑料thermosetting plastic热的特性thermal property 热轧压hot rolling 热流heat flow 热风炉hot blast stove热浸法hot dipping 热能heat energy 热动式超载继电器thermo overload relay热敏电阻thermister 热处理heat treatment 热绝缘thermal insulation热传递heat transfer 热塑性塑料thermoplastic 热导率thermal conductivity热膨胀thermal expansion 盘式离合器;碟式离合器plate clutch窑房干燥法kiln seasoning箱carcase 编码encode 编码器encoder编译器;编译程序compiler 线材linear materials线性收缩linear contraction 线性运动linear motion 线性膨胀linear expansion线状结构linear structure 线锯床;线锯机jigsaw 线锯coping saw缓冲板buffer board 缓冲器buffer 胶合板;夹板plywood 胶合剂;黏结剂adhesive胶纸adhesive tape; tape 蜗杆worm gear 蜗杆和蜗轮worm and worm wheel蜗轮worm wheel 冲punch 冲子punch 冲孔;切料blanking 冲胚;毛坯blank冲程stroke 冲量impulse 冲压stamping 冲压工具stamping tool冲压法pressing 冲击impact冲击强度impact strength 冲击测试impact test冲锻法;锤锻法;模锻法drop forging复合刀架;复式滑座compound slide 复合色tertiary colour复合齿轮系compound gear train 复振器;触发器;正反器flip-flop调校螺母;调校螺帽adjusting nut 调校螺丝adjusting screw调速器governor 调节regulating 调校adjustment 调谐电路tuning circuit质量mass 质感;质地;肌理texture 趟门sliding door 踏靴hold down foot轮廓线;外形线outline 遮光物shade 锌zinc 锌焊料;铜焊料spelter solder锌铸zinc casting 销pin 销钉接合;木钉榫dowelled joint 铝aluminium锐磨sharpening 锉file 锉削filing 锉刨surform 锉刨刨刀surform blade锋利工具edge tool 靠板;导板fence 齿条;天梯牙gear rack齿条和齿轮rack and pinion 齿榫box pin joint 齿轮gear 齿轮比gear ratio齿轮组;齿轮系gear train 齿轮轴gear shaft 齿轮传动gear drive 齿轮箱gear box建筑专业英语词汇中英文对照(25)工程学博士doctor of engineering工程学科engineering discipline工程学院engineering college工程研究engineering research; engineering study工程验收acceptance of works; works acceptance工程验收检查engineering receiving inspection (ERI)工程冶金学engineering metallurgy工程应变engineering strain工程用低碳钢En steel (英国标准)工程用砖engineering brick工程预算construction budget工程造价construction cost; project cost; works cost;engineering cost工程摘要表works abstract工程粘度计technical viscometer工程指导者project leader工程指挥部construction headquarters工程制gravitational unit system; gravitational system ofunits工程制图engineering drafting; engineering drawing工程质量construction quality工程质量低劣poor workmanship工程主持人person in charge of the project工程铸件engineering casting; engineering cast iron工程装配零件单engineering assembly parts list工程准备事项engineering preliminaries (用于勘察设计计算等)工程资料engineering data工程字technical lettering工程综合方案engineering compromise工程总体布置general layout of project; generalarrangement of works工程组织机构project organization工程钻机engineering driller工程力学工程engineering工程engineering工程项目管理软件P3结构fabric; conformation; structure; construction;architecture; constitution结构-活性相关structure-activity correlation结构-行为-实绩体制structure-conduct-performanceframework结构安全系数试验design margin evaluation test结构百分率percentage composition结构板structural slab结构半镜质体semitelinite结构编号structure number结构编辑程序structure editor结构编码structured coding结构变革方式structural approach结构变化structural changes; structural transformation结构变换reconfiguration结构变量structure variable结构变形malformation; structural distortion结构变异指数structural variation index结构标高structural elevation结构表structural table结构表达structure representation结构表达式structure expression结构表示法structural representation结构玻璃structural glass结构不完善的问题ill-structured problem结构不稳定structural instability结构布置array of structure结构部分structure division结构部件structure member结构部件安装fitting-up结构部件成型fitting-up结构材timbering结构材料construction(al) material; structural material结构参数design value; structural parameter结构参数极大化maximization of structural parameters 结构参数值values of the structural parameters结构操作structure operation结构操作请求structure operation request结构测定structure determination结构层号中所具有的空格blank with structure level numbers工程经济价值economic worth of project工程经济评价economic evaluation of project工程经济学engineering economics; value engineering工程经济研究engineering economy study工程经纬仪engineer’s theodolite; engineer’s transit工程救险车breakdown lorry; wrecker工程竣工completion of works工程竣工证书certificate of completion of works工程开工commencement of works工程科学engineering science工程可靠性engineering reliability工程空气动力学engineering aerodynamics工程控制论engineering cyberne tics工程力学engineering mechanics工程量quantities工程量表quantity sheet; quantities bill工程量差额quantity overrun; quantity underrun 工程量估算estimation of approximate quantities工程量统计员quantity surveyor工程列车engineering train工程流程图mechanical flow diagram工程流体力学engineering fluid mechanics工程内聚强度technical cohesive strength工程评定assessment of project; project evaluation; projectassessment工程评价project appraisal工程器材engineering goods工程缺陷补偿defect compensation工程热力学engineering thermodynamics工程任务单job assignment notice工程任务分析engineering job analysis工程蠕变engineering creep工程设计engineering design; engineering project工程设计方案engineering design plan (EDP)工程设计基本数据basic engineering design data工程设计人员project planner工程设计数据engineering design data工程设施job facilities工程师engineer大学各系别名称中英对照会计系Dept. of Accounting农业系Dept.of Agriculture农业经济系Dept.of Agricultural Economics农业化学系Dept.of Agricultural Chemistry农业工程系Dept.of Agricultural Engineering畜牧系Dept.of Animal Husbandry人类学系Dept.of Anthropology应用数学系Dept.of Applied Mathematics建筑系Dept. of Architecture考古学系Dept.of Archaeology天文系Dept.of Astronomy原子能系Dept.of Atomic Energy解剖系Dept. of Anatomy金融系Dept.of Banking工商管理系Dept.of Business Administration生物学系Dept.of Biology生物化学系Dept.of Biochemistry植物学系Dept.of Botany细菌学系Dept.of Bacteriology中文系Dept.of Chinese化学系Dept.of Chemistry化学工程系Dept.of Chemical Engineering控制工程系Dept. of Control Engineering电信工程系Dept. of Communication Engineering计算机科学系Dept.of Computer Science电脑资讯系Dept.of Computer Information土木工程系Dept.of Civil Engineering舞蹈系Dept. of Dance牙科学系Dept.of Dentistry营养学系Dept.of Dietetics外交学系Dept.of Diplomacy经济系Dept.of Economics教育系Dept.of Education工程系Dept.of Engineering环境工程系Dept.of Environmental Engineering英语系Dept. of English昆虫系Dept.of Entomology电子物理系Dept.of Electrophysics电子工程系Dept.of Electronic Engineering电机工程系Dept.of Electrical Engineering眼耳鼻喉系Dept. of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat渔业学系Dept.of Fishery水产学系Dept.of Fishery Technology食品科学系Dept.of Food Science外语系Dept. of Foreign Languages森林系Dept.of Forestry遗传系Dept.of Genetics地理系Dept.of Geography地质系Dept. of Geology地球物理系Dept.of Geophysics历史系Dept.of History园艺系Dept.of Horticulture国际关系学系Dept.of International Relations 国际贸易系Dept. of International Trade工业设计系Dept. of Industrial Design工业管理系Dept.of Industrial Management 新闻学系Dept. of Journalism法律系Dept.of Law图书管理系Dept.of Library Management文学系Dept.of Literature机械工程系Dept.of Mechanical Engineering 冶金系Dept.of Metallurgy管理科学系Dept.of Management Science大众传播系Dept.of Mass Communication医学系Dept.of Medical Science海洋运输学系Dept.of Marine Transportation 航海技术系Dept.of Maritime Technology数学系Dept.of Mathematics气象系Dept.of Meteorology矿业系Dept.of Mining核子工程系Dept.of Nuclear Enginerring护理系Dept.of Nursing航海学系Dept.of Navigation海洋科学系Dept.of Nautical Science造船学系Dept.of Naval Architecture东方语言系Dept.of Oriental languages海洋学系Dept.of Oceanography海洋气象学系Dept. of Ocean Meteorology 石油系Dept.of Oil 药学系Dept.of Pharmacology病理学系Dept.of Pathology政治系Dept.of Political Science物理系Dept.of Physics体育系Dept.of Physical Culture生理学系Dept.of Physiology植物病虫学系Dept.of Plant Pathology植物生理系Dept.of Plant Physiology哲学系Dept. of Philosophy电力物理系Dept.of Power Physics印刷系Dept.of Printing公共卫生学系Dept.of Public Health卫生工程学系Dept.of Sanitary Engineering土壤系Dept. of Soil纺织系Dept.of Spinning社会学系Dept.of Sociology测量系Dept.of Survey纺织工程系Dept.of Textile Engineering戏剧系Dept.of Theatricals运输管理系Dept.of Transportation Management兽医学系Dept. of Veterinary Medicine水利系Dept. of Water Conservancy水土保持系Dept. of Water & Soil Maintenance Engineering 西方语言系Dept. of Western Languages动物学系Dept.of Zoology军中口令立正! Attention! 向前看齐! Stand at arm's length! 向右看齐! Dress right!/Right,dress! 向右转! Right face! 向后转! (美)About face!(英)About turn! 向前走! Forward march! 快步走! One the double! 也可以说Double time!表示"比普通速度快两倍"的意思停! Halt! 一般也说Stop! 稍息! At ease。



纸与纸板 paper and Board牛皮纸 Kraft Paper鸡皮纸 W. G. Wrapping Paper玻璃纸 Glass Paper (Cellophane)糖果包装纸 Kiss Paper涂布纸 White Board白纸板 White board再生纸板 Reclaimed board牛皮箱纸板 kraft Liner board瓦楞纸板 Corrugated Board瓦楞纸箱 Corrugated Box折叠盒 Folding Cartons衬袋盒(箱) Bag-in -box复合纸罐 Composite Paper-Can纸质托盘 Paper-Tray定量 net weight羊皮纸 Parchment Paper半透明纸 Semitransparent Paper普通食品包装纸 Food Packaging Paper茶叶袋滤纸 Tea Bag Paper复合纸 Composite Paper黄纸板 Straw Board箱纸板 Case Board瓦楞原纸 Corrugating Base Paper包装纸箱 Packaging Box纸盒 Paper Box固定盒 Set-up Box纸浆模制品 Pulp Mould复合纸杯 Composite Paper -Cup纸袋 Paper Bag塑料包装材料 Plastic Packaging Materials热塑性塑料 Thermo Plastic塑料树脂 Plastic Resin聚乙烯 Polyethylene高密度聚乙烯 High Density Polyethylene聚丙烯 Polypropylene聚氯乙烯 Polyvinyl Chloride聚酯 Polyethylene Terephthlate聚酰胺 Polyamide乙烯-乙烯醇共聚物 Ethylene-Vinyl Alcohol Copoyhner 离子型聚合物 Ionomer聚氨脂 Polyurethane环境可降解塑料 Environmental lysis film塑料薄膜 Plastic Film热收缩薄膜 Shrink Film复合薄膜 Compsite Fism蒸煮袋 Retortable Pouch生物降薄膜 Biolysis Film塑料瓶 Plastic Bottle热固性塑料 Thermoset Plastic低密度聚乙烯 Low Density Polyethylene线型低密度聚乙烯 Linear Low density Polyethylene聚苯乙烯 Polystyrene聚偏二氯乙烯 Poly vinylidene Chlorie (saran)聚碳酸酯 Polycarbonate聚乙烯醇 Polyvinyl Alcshol乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物 Ethylene Vinylacetate聚四氟乙烯(PTFE) Polyterafluoroethylene定向拉伸薄膜 Stretched Film弹性薄膜 Elastic Film塑料薄膜袋 Plastic film Bag可食薄膜 Edible Film光降解膜 Light ?lysis Film塑料桶 Plastic Drum塑料保温箱 Plastic Foam Box热成型容器 thermo Form Containers助剂(添加剂) Additives增塑剂 Plasticizers稳定剂 Stabilizers填充剂 Fillers着色剂 Colorants金属包装材料和容器 Metal Packaging Material and Containers镀锡薄钢板 Tinplate镀锌薄钢板 Enplate铝合金薄板 Aluminium Alloy Plate 铝箔 Aluminium Foil金属罐 Metal Can两片罐 Two-piece Can圆罐 Round Can方罐 Rectagular Can梯形罐 trapezoidal Can浅冲罐 Drawn Can钙塑瓦楞箱 Calp Box塑料片材 Plastic sheet毒性 Toxicity安全性 Safety透气性 Gas Permeability透湿性 Water Vapor Permeability 渗透性 Permeability镀铬薄钢板 Tin-free ?Steel-or TFS 低碳薄钢板 Low Carbon Steel真空镀铝膜 Al metallizing Fool三片罐 Three ?piece Can组合罐 Composite Can异形罐 Irregular Can椭圆罐 Oval Can缩颈罐 Necked-in Can深冲罐 deep Drawn Can变薄拉伸罐 Crawn and Ironed Can焊缝罐 Resistance Welding Can易开罐 Easy Open Can铝质罐 aluminum Can涂料罐 Lacquered Tin Plate Can罐盖 End (or Lid or Cover)全开盖 Full Open Can金属软管 Metal Collapsible Tube玻璃容器 Glass Containers瓶罐 Container轻量瓶 Light weight Container软饮料瓶 Sofe drink bottle陶瓷电装容器 Pottery and Porcelain Packaging Containers 包装辅助材料 ancillary Packaging Materials粘合剂 Adhesive聚醋酸乙烯 Poly vinyl Acetate水溶型粘合剂 Water-soluble Adhesive溶剂型粘合剂 Solvent Adhesive压敏型粘合剂 Pressure-sensitive Adhesive锡焊罐 Soldered Can粘接罐 Cono-weld Can卷开罐 Key Open Can索铁罐 Plain Tinplate Can顶开罐 Open Top Can易开盖 Easy Open End金属大桶 Metal Drum钠钙硅玻璃 Sode-lime-silica Glass小口瓶 Bottle啤酒瓶 Beer Bottle白酒瓶 White Spirit Bottle乳液型粘合剂 Emulsion Adhesive热熔型粘合剂 Hotmelt Adhesive胶乳 Latex淀粉粘合剂 Starch Adhesive阿拉伯树胶 Acacia Gum皮胶 Hide glue涂料 Coating Material酚醛树胶(PF) phenol ?formaldehyde Resin 丙烯酸树脂 Acrylics环氧树脂(EP) Epoxide Resin防雾滴涂料 Antidimming Paint桐油 Tung Oil封缄材料 Closure Material胶带 gummed Tape流体密封胶 Fluid Seal-gum糊精 Dextrin骨胶 bone glue干酪素 Casein天然树脂 Natural Resin氨基树脂 Amino Resin防腐涂料 Anticorrosive Paint防静电涂料 Anti-static Paint石蜡 Paraffin捆扎材料 Strapping Material压敏胶带 Pressure-sensitive Tape。



paper英文作文Title: The Significance of Paper in Modern Society。

Paper, a seemingly mundane material, has played a crucial role in shaping human civilization. From ancient scrolls to modern-day books and documents, paper has been an indispensable medium for communication, expression, and preservation of knowledge. In this essay, we delve into the significance of paper in modern society.Firstly, paper serves as a medium for communication. In an increasingly digital world, the tangible nature of paper still holds relevance. Whether it's jotting down notes, writing letters, or printing documents, paper provides a sense of tangibility and permanence that digital mediums often lack. Moreover, paper-based communication can be more personal and intimate, fostering deeper connections between individuals.Secondly, paper plays a pivotal role in education.Textbooks, workbooks, and notebooks are essential tools for students of all ages. The tactile experience of flipping through pages, underlining key points, and scribbling notes enhances learning and retention. Furthermore, access to printed materials is vital for those without reliable internet access or electronic devices, ensuring equitable education for all.Additionally, paper is integral to the dissemination of information. Newspapers, magazines, and journals deliver news, analysis, and opinions to a wide audience. Despite the rise of online news platforms, print media continues to thrive, offering in-depth coverage and a sense of credibility. Furthermore, archival newspapers and magazines serve as valuable historical records, documenting the events and perspectives of bygone eras.Furthermore, paper-based documentation remainsessential in many professional fields. Legal contracts, financial reports, and medical records often require hard copies for authentication and legal purposes. The physicality of paper imparts a sense of authenticity andreliability, particularly in sensitive matters wheredigital documents may be vulnerable to tampering or hacking.Moreover, paper has enduring cultural and artistic significance. Books, artworks, and manuscripts arecherished cultural artifacts that preserve the creative expressions of humanity. Libraries, museums, and archives safeguard these treasures, ensuring their accessibility for future generations. The craftsmanship involved in papermaking, printing, and bookbinding is itself an artform worthy of appreciation.Despite its numerous virtues, paper consumption also poses environmental challenges. Deforestation, pollution, and waste are significant concerns associated with paper production and disposal. Efforts to promote sustainable forestry practices, recycling initiatives, and digital alternatives are essential for mitigating these environmental impacts.In conclusion, paper remains a vital medium in modern society, facilitating communication, education, informationdissemination, professional documentation, and cultural expression. While digital technologies continue to evolve, the enduring appeal of paper lies in its tangible, tactile, and timeless qualities. As we navigate the challenges of a digital age, let us not overlook the enduring significance of this humble yet indispensable material.。





paper的中文意思英 [ˈpeɪpə(r)] 美 [ˈpeɪpər]第三人称单数:papers第三人称复数:papers现在分词:papering过去分词:papered过去式:papered名词纸; 论文; 文件; 文章及物/不及物动词贴纸及物动词包装,用纸覆盖; 贴壁纸; 提供纸张; [俚语] 提供免费入场券不及物动词贴糊墙纸; 发交通违章传票形容词纸制的; 似纸的; 有名无实的相关例句及物动词1. The room was papered in green.房间用绿色墙纸裱糊。

名词1. What news is there in the papers this morning?今天早上报纸里有点什么新闻?2. Have you seen today's paper?你看到今天的报纸了吗?3. Your English paper is due.你的英语课作业该缴了。

paper的词典解释1. 纸Paper is a material that you write on or wrap things with. The pages of this book are made of paper.e.g. He wrote his name down on a piece of paper for me...他把他的名字写在一张纸上交给我。

e.g. She sat at the table with pen and paper.她拿着纸笔坐在桌旁。

2. (一份)报纸A paper is a newspaper.e.g. I might get a paper in the village...我或许能在村子里找到一份报纸。






报纸的英文说法1:newspaper报纸的英文说法2:newsprint报纸的英文说法3:gazette报纸相关英文表达:中文报纸 Chinese paper大众报纸 popular paper政治报纸 political news旅游报纸 travel press报纸架 Newspaper Stand报纸文章 newspaper article报纸英文说法例句:1. The President's speeches are regularly reproduced verbatim in the state-run newspapers.总统的讲话通常会被一字不差地刊登在国有报纸上。

2. Under the newspaper, atop a sheet of paper, lay an envelope.在报纸下面的一张纸上放着一个信封。

3. Randall would just now be getting the Sunday paper.兰德尔这个时候应该正在拿周日的报纸。

4. Hundreds of tightly rolled newspapers were set aflame among the 50,000 crowd.几百张卷紧的报纸在为数5万的人群中被点燃。

5. Cruz had to scavenge information from newspapers and journals.克鲁兹不得不从报纸和杂志中搜寻信息。

6. The newspaper used the neologism "dinks", Double Income No Kids.报纸使用了新词“丁克族”,即“双收入无子女”。



daily 日报morning edition 晨报evening edition 晚报quality paper 高级报纸popular paper 大众报纸evening paper 晚报government organ 官报part organ 党报trade paper 商界报纸Chinese paper 中文报纸English newspaper 英文报纸vernacular paper 本国文报纸Japanese paper 日文报纸political news 政治报纸Newspaper Week 新闻周刊the front page 头版,第一版bulldog edition 晨版article 记事headline 标题banner headline 头号大标题byline 标题下署名之行dateline 日期、发稿地之行big news 头条新闻hot news 最新新闻exclusive news 独家新闻scoop 特讯feature 特写,花絮criticism 评论editorial 社论review, comment 时评book review 书评topicality 时事问题city news 社会新闻column 栏letters 读者投书栏general news column 一般消息栏cartoon, comics 漫画cut 插图weather forecast 天气预报serial story 新闻小说obituary notice 讣闻public notice 公告advertisement 广告classified ad 分类广告flash-news 大新闻extra 号外the sports page 运动栏literary criticism 文艺评论Sunday features 周日特刊new**eat 记者采访地区news blackout 新闻管制press ban 禁止刊行yellow sheet 低俗新闻tabloid 图片版新闻"Braille" edition 点字版newspaper office 报社publisher 发行人proprieter 社长bureau chief, copy chief 总编辑editor-in-chief 总主笔editor 编辑, 主笔newsman, newspaperman, journalist 新闻记者cub reporter 初任记者reporter 采访记者war correspondent, campaign badge 随军记者columnist 专栏记者star reporter 一流通讯员correspondent 通讯员special correspondent 特派员contributor 投稿家news source 新闻来源informed sources 消息来源newspaper campaign 新闻战free-lancer writer 自由招待会press box 记者席news conference, press conference 记者招待会International Press Association 国际新闻协会distribution 发行circulation 发行份数newsstand, kiosk 报摊newspaper agency 报纸代售处new**oy 报童subscription (rate) 报费newsprint 新闻用纸Fleet Street 舰队街Publicationmagazine 杂志periodical 期刊back number 过期杂志pre-dated 提前出版的world news 国际新闻home news 国内新闻news agency 新闻社editor 编辑commentator 评论员reporter, correspondent, journalist 记者resident correspondent 常驻记者special correspondent 特派记者editorial, leading article 社论feature, feature article 特写headline 标题banner headline 通栏标题news report, news story, news coverage 新闻报导serial, to serialize 连载serial story 小说连载editor's note 编者按advertisement, ad 广告press commnique 新闻公报press conference 记者招待会publication 出版publishing house, press 出版社publisher 发行者circulation 发行量edition 版本the first edition 初版the second edition 再版the third edition 第三版the first impression 第一次印刷the second impression 第二次印刷de luxe edition 精装本paperback 平装本pocket edition 袖珍本popular edition 普及版copyright 版权royalty 版税type-setting, composition 排版proof-reading 校对工作proof-reader 校对(者)editing 编辑(工作)editor 编辑(者)printing 印刷printing machine 印刷机type-setter, compositor 排字工人folio 对开本quarto 四开本octavo 八开本16-mo 十六开本32-mo 三十二开本64-mo 六十四开本reference book 参考书booklet, pamphlet 小册子, 小书periodical 期刊magazine 杂志daily 日报weekly 周刊fortnightly 半月刊monthly 月刊bimonthly 双月刊quarterly 季刊annual 年刊year-book 年鉴extra issue (报纸)号外special issue 特刊daily paper 日报evening paper 晚报morning paper 晨报Sunday newspaper 星期日报manual, handbook 手册document.paper 公文pictorial magazine 画报memorial volume 纪念刊selected works, selections 选集complete works 全集anthology 文集, 文选scientific literature 科学文献index 索引original edition 原版(书)new edition 新版revised edition 修订版reprint 重印, 翻印cheap edition, paperback 廉价本encyclopaedia, encyclopedia 百科全书textbook 教科书reader 读本best seller 畅销书accredited journalist n. 特派记者advertisement n.广告.advance n.预发消息;预写消息affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻anecdote n.趣闻轶事assignment n.采写任务attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源back alley news n. 小道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。



· paper· v.['qeɪpə] ( papers; papered; papering )··双解释义·vt. & vi.贴纸 paste paper on (wall, etc.)·vt.用纸覆盖 cover with paper·vt.隐瞒,掩饰cover the cracks; conceal faults, etc.·基本要点•paper的基本意思是用纸贴或用纸覆盖,引申可表示“隐瞒,掩饰”。


•·词汇搭配••paper the dining-room裱糊餐厅•paper the oranges用纸把橘子包起来•••paper over裱糊,隐瞒•·常用短语•paper over(v.+prep.)▲paper over sth1.裱糊 put wallpaper on top ofPaint won't cover the mark on the wall; we shall have to paper over it.油漆盖不住墙上这道痕迹,我们得用墙纸裱糊一下。

If we paper over the spaces between the wallboards, they won't show.如果把板壁之间的缝隙用墙纸糊上,就看不出来了。

2.隐瞒 hold backHe agreed to paper over the cracks for the period of the election.他同意在选举期间暂时把分歧掩盖起来。

Critics of government policy argue that the new measures introduced to fight crime are simply papering over the cracks.批评政府政策的人指责反犯罪活动新措施,认为纯粹是为掩盖过错而制定的。



1. 解答主题
- “paper”作为形容词时是“纸质的;似纸的;薄的”。

英文解释为“made of paper; thin like paper”。

2. 词干(词根)、前缀、后缀的使用情况
- “paper”本身主要是名词形式,其形容词形式“paper”是由名词直接转化而来,没有添加典型的前缀或后缀。


例如“paper plate”(纸盘子),这里“paper”作为形容词修饰“plate”,直接取“纸”这个名词概念里的材质属性来描述“plate”的材质。

3. 造句及翻译
- ①I bought a paper bag this morning.(我今天早上买了一个纸袋。

- ②She made a paper flower for me.(她为我做了一朵纸花。

- ③The paper wall can't keep the cold out.(这纸糊的墙不能阻挡寒冷。

- ④There is a paper umbrella on the table.(桌子上有一把纸伞。

- ⑤The paper kite flew very high in the sky.(这个纸风筝在空中飞得很高。





纸 paper废纸 waste paper古纸 Ancient paper砂纸 abrasive paper铝衬纸 aluminum-castling paper美术装饰纸 art-cover paper吸水纸,易吸墨的印刷纸 absorbent paper转写纸 autogtaphic printing paper双面复写纸 articulating paper绘图用厚纸 artist's illustration board转写纸 autogtaphic printing paper双面复写纸 articulating paper绘图用厚纸 artist's illustration board纸张耐破裂度测试仪 Ashcroft tester涂料板纸 art board防锈纸 antitarnish paper中文词英文词防伪造纸 antifalsification paper单面印刷的木版纸 anopisthographic block book砂纸原纸用纤维 abrasive fiber下引纸复卷机 underfeed winder渔业用羊皮纸 vegetable parchment(paper) for fisheries 地址标签纸 address label paper沥青纸 asphalt base paper沥青涂布纸 asphalt coated paper层压防潮纸,沥青纸 asphalt laminated paper防潮纸沥青纸 asphalt moisture proof paper防潮纸沥青纸 asphalt saturated paper涂布防潮纸沥青涂布纸 asphalt sheathing paper 防潮纸沥青纸 asphalting防喘纸 asthma paper地图纸 altas paper彩色印刷纸 autochion printing paper中文词英文词压感复写纸 autocopy paper纪念册纸 autograph paper自动(划线)记录纸 autographic register paper 复印纸 autographic transfer paper汽车袋用纸 automobile-bag paper复制纸,影印纸 autotype paper食品包装纸 avenized paper蓝条纹书写纸 azure laid (writing) paper(酸性)亚硫酸盐纸浆 acid sulfite pulpa纤维素纸浆 alpha pulp吸水薄纸 absorbent tissue吸水薄纸 absorption tissue防蚀纸 acid-free tissue防锈纸 anti-tarnish tissue砂纸原纸 Abrasive base paper砂纸 Abrasive paper术语名称(中文)英文注释牙科用纸articulating paper人造革纸artificial leather paper仿羊皮纸artificial parchment paper石棉纸asbestos paper石棉(电)绝缘纸asbestos (electrical)insulating paper 消毒纸,防腐纸aseptic paper无灰纸ashless paper无灰滤纸ashless filter paper防潮纸,沥青纸asphalt paper沥青原纸asphalt base paper防喘纸asthma paper地图纸altas paper彩色印刷纸autochion printing paper压感复写纸autocopy paper纪念册纸autograph paper自动(划线)记录纸autographic register paper复印纸autographic transfer paper汽车袋用纸automobile-bag paper复制纸,影印纸autotype paper食品包装纸avenized paper蓝条纹书写纸azure laid(writing) paper书籍衬里纸back-lining paper裱糊纸backing paper腊肉包装纸bacon paper(纸)袋纸bag paper蔗渣浆纸bagasse paper浸渍绝缘纸bakelite paper浸渍绝缘纸bakelized paper面包纸bakers paper层合平衡纸balance sheet paper单面沥青包装纸baling paper气球用纸balloon paper鲍尔斯唐纸balston's paper竹浆纸bamboo paper绷带纸bandage paper高级书写纸bank paper钞票纸banknote paper餐桌纸banquet table cover paper 理发头枕纸barber's headrest paper 抗渗透纸barrier paper钡地纸baryta paper原纸base paper(弹筒)装药用纸basewad paper韧皮纸bast paper高级信纸bath paper涂蜡装饰纸batlk paper蓄电池用纸battery paper涂蜡装饰纸battik paper曲折纸板beaming paper床包装纸bedsted-wrapping paper 啤酒过滤纸beer-filter paper夹层纸between-lay paper字典纸bible paper吸水性纸张bibulous paper帐目纸bill paper光泽广告纸billboard paper自动记录纸billing machine paper 装订用纸binder's paper生物纸biochargeable paper饼干包装纸biscuit paper饼干包装纸biscuit cap paper蜡笔画纸bistered paper防潮纸,沥青纸bituminized paper 相册黑色衬纸black album paper 防潮纸waterproof paper防空纸blackout paper刮刀涂布纸blade coated paper空白书籍纸blank book paper毛毯袋用纸blanket bag paper空白书籍纸blanking paper弹药用纸,矿工用纸blasting paper耐漂纸blach resistant paper鲜肉包装纸blood proof paper吸墨纸blotting paper兰色洋蜡包装纸blue candle wrapping paper 蓝印纸blueing paper晒图纸blueprint paper兰色描图纸bluetracing paper扉页纸board paper单面光扉页纸boardglazed paper纱管纸,盘纸bobbin paper原纸body paper涂布原纸bodystock paper仿制纸bogus paper证券纸,高级书写纸bond paper书籍纸book paper帐簿纸booking paper瓶签纸bottle labelling paper压光辊用纸bowl paper纸盒糊面纸boxcover paper箱装书写纸boxed writings paper术语名称(中文)英文注释盲文印刷纸braille(printing) paper面包标签纸bread label paper光泽纸bristel paper锦纹纸,压印花纸brocade paper小册子用印刷纸brochure paper破损纸张broken paper溴素纸,照相放大纸bromide paper金色皱纹纸bronze crepe paper金色纸bronze paper棕色晒图纸brown print paper刷辊涂布纸brush(coated) paper植物幼苗防风纸brushing kraft paper 泡沫涂布纸bubble coated paper浅黄的复写纸buff copying paper (制革用)磨光纸buff(ing) paper暗色绘图纸buff drawing paper建筑用纸building paper松厚书籍纸bulking(book) paper松厚纸bulky paper染色加工纸bunt paper布纹纸burlap lined paper高光泽纸burnished paper染色加工纸,过干纸burnt paper包肉纸butcher's paper(电力)电缆纸cable paper含毛壁纸caffoy paper糕点包装纸cake wrapping paper 日历纸calenday paper压光辊用纸calender bowl paper 压光处理的纸张calendered paper 仿革纸calf paper布纹纸calico paper布纹纸cambric paper圣经纸combridge bible paper宝石花纹涂布纸cameo paper蜡烛包装纸candle paper糖果袋纸candy bag paper布纹书写纸canvas note paper有光纸cap paper电容器纸capacitor(tissue) paper 植物防护纸capping paper货车包覆纸carlining paper砂糖包装纸caramel paper石碳酸纸carbolic paper复写纸carbon paper复写纸原纸carbon body paper复写纸原纸carbon raw paper复写纸原纸carbonizing paper压感复写纸carbonless (copy) paper打光用纸,研磨纸carborundum paper卡片纸card paper极图记录纸cardiographic paper地毯纸carpet lining paper车箱顶棚用纸板carriage pahel paper地图纸,图表纸,记录纸carte paper极图记录纸,心电图记录纸cartographic paper 纸盒衬纸carton liner paper弹壳纸,弹药用纸cartridge paper纸箱标签纸case labels paper运输包装纸case lining paper现金收支记录带纸cash control tape paper (现金收支)票据纸register paper运输包装纸casing paper帆布箱衬里用纸casket paper高光泽印刷纸,涂布美术纸cast coated paper (塑料薄膜用)浇铸纸casting paper目录纸catalog (ue) paper封面纸,绘图纸catridge paper松油纸cedarized paper芹菜培育纸celery bleaching paper赛璐珞原纸celluloid paper水泥袋纸cement bag paper陶瓷贴花纸ceramic transfer paper 谷物箱衬纸cereal box liners paper 白垩涂布纸chalk transfer paper办公纸chancery paper炭画书籍纸charcoal book paper木炭画纸charcoal(drawing) paper 图表纸chart paper支票用纸check paper化学浆制成的纸张chemical paper支票纸,防伪纸cheque paper手工竹纸china paper模造纸chintz paper。




如tissue, ( paper ) napkin, serviette, toilet paper, facial paper, paper towel . 但这些词是有区别的,也就是说,在不同的场合用不同的“纸巾”。

一.餐巾1. napkin ['næpkin] :piece of paper used at meals for wiping one's lips and fingers.例句:Clean your mouth with the napkin. 请用餐巾擦嘴。

2. serviette [,sə:vi'et] :a small piece of table linen that is used to wipe the mouth and to cover the lap in order to protect clothing3. tissue ['tisju:] a soft thin (usually translucent) paper例句:There is no napkin/tissue paper. 没有餐巾/卫生纸了。

二. 手巾纸( 一般用途,如擦脸/手,擦东西等)1. tissue ['tisju:] 纸巾2. paper towel/ handkerchief 纸巾/纸手帕3. facial tissue 面巾纸三. 厕纸1. toilet tissue/ paper 厕纸2.toilet tissue roll卷筒纸3.a roll of toilet paper 一卷手纸例句:As this toilet is not always stocked with tissue , please buy it if you need to use it. 因为这个厕所没有常备纸巾,有需要的人请自购。



paper单词单词:paper1.1 词性:名词1.2 释义:纸;文件;论文;试卷1.3 英文释义:A thin material made from wood pulp or other fibers, used for writing, printing, or packaging.1.4 同义词:document---2 起源与背景2.1 词源:该词源于拉丁语“papyrus”,指的是古埃及人用于书写的纸莎草。

2.2 趣闻:在古代,纸是非常珍贵的物品,只有富人和权贵才能使用得起。

---3 常用搭配与短语3.1 短语:on paper 理论上;在纸面上。

例句:On paper, the plan looks good. 翻译:从理论上讲,这个计划看起来不错。

3.2 短语:paper over 掩盖;掩饰。

例句:They tried to paper over the differences. 翻译:他们试图掩盖分歧。

---4 实用片段(1)"I need to print out this paper before the meeting." The student said as he was rushing to the printer. 翻译:“我需要在会议前把这篇论文打印出来。


(2)"The teacher handed out the test papers and said, 'Begin.'" 翻译:“老师发下试卷并说:‘开始吧。

’”(3)"I spent hours writing this paper and I hope I get a good grade." 翻译:“我花了好几个小时写这篇论文,我希望能得到一个好成绩。

”(4)"Thepany's financial report is on paper, but we need to analyze it carefully." 翻译:“公司的财务报告在纸上,但我们需要仔细分析它。



中⽂词 英⽂词纸 paper 废纸 waste paper 古纸 Ancient paper 砂纸 abrasive paper 铝衬纸 aluminum-castling paper 美术装饰纸 art-cover paper 吸⽔纸,易吸墨的印刷纸 absorbent paper 转写纸 autogtaphic printing paper 双⾯复写纸 articulating paper 绘图⽤厚纸 artist's illustration board 转写纸 autogtaphic printing paper 双⾯复写纸 articulating paper 绘图⽤厚纸 artist's illustration board 纸张耐破裂度测试仪 Ashcroft tester 涂料板纸 art board 防锈纸 antitarnish paper 中⽂词 英⽂词 防伪造纸 antifalsification paper 单⾯印刷的⽊版纸 anopisthographic block book 砂纸原纸⽤纤维 abrasive fiber 下引纸复卷机 underfeed winder 渔业⽤⽺⽪纸 vegetable parchment(paper) for fisheries 地址标签纸 address label paper 沥青纸 asphalt base paper 沥青涂布纸 asphalt coated paper 层压防潮纸,沥青纸 asphalt laminated paper 防潮纸沥青纸 asphalt moisture proof paper 防潮纸沥青纸 asphalt saturated paper 涂布防潮纸沥青涂布纸 asphalt sheathing paper 防潮纸沥青纸 asphalting 防喘纸 asthma paper 地图纸 altas paper 彩⾊印刷纸 autochion printing paper 中⽂词 英⽂词 压感复写纸 autocopy paper 纪念册纸 autograph paper ⾃动(划线)记录纸 autographic register paper 复印纸 autographic transfer paper 汽车袋⽤纸 automobile-bag paper 复制纸,影印纸 autotype paper ⾷品包装纸 avenized paper 蓝条纹书写纸 azure laid (writing) paper (酸性)亚硫酸盐纸浆 acid sulfite pulp a纤维素纸浆 alpha pulp 吸⽔薄纸 absorbent tissue 吸⽔薄纸 absorption tissue 防蚀纸 acid-free tissue 防锈纸 anti-tarnish tissue 砂纸原纸 Abrasive base paper 砂纸 Abrasive paper 。



造纸专业英文词汇paper:纸tissue:薄页纸shee t纸页flow sheet:流程图paper web 纸幅untrimmed width :抄宽,毛纸宽machi ne width :机宽paperboard, cardboard, board:纸板pulp, stock, stuff:纸浆,浆料pulp prepari ng:备浆perfect stuff:符合规定配比的纸浆chemical pulp:化学浆groun dwood:磨木浆chest浆池(stock)tank,trough :浆池,浆槽vat:槽,槽体sump, storage:贮(油,液)槽,集(油)池cloggi ng :堵浆,堵塞coarse screenings ejects:浆渣reject,rejects, rejected stock, rejections:筛渣,浆渣junk:垃圾,废料taili ngs :尾浆,浆渣junk box(trap, collector):废料槽,废料箱,废料收集器shive, bolts, stick, clotted fiber:浆块,浆团stock fraction, lump:浆团drag spo, fiber chumps: 浆疙瘩knot:浆节pulper:碎浆机,水力碎浆机wind, winding :卷纸winder, rewinder:卷纸机unwind, unreeling:退纸unwinder, unreeling stand, unwinding stand: 退纸架unwind roll :退纸的纸卷parents roll: 大纸卷natural brow ns:本色牛皮纸浆paperboard grade(stock): 纸板用纸浆fluting paper, corrugated paper瓦楞纸papermak ing:抄纸,造纸pulp and paper tech no logy 制浆造纸工艺AOCC : (American old corrugated case:进口美国旧瓦楞纸,A flute:A 级瓦楞纸波形数(每30cm 36±3 个)B flute: B级瓦楞纸波形数(每30cm 51 士3个)C flute:C 级瓦楞纸波形数(每30cm 42± 3 个)abietene acid 松香酸absolute dry:绝对干度,绝干bone dry (B.D., b.d.):绝对干度,绝干oven dry (O.D., o.d.):绝对干度,绝干air dry: (A.D., a.d.)风干(含水量20%)absolute humidity:绝对湿度accepted stock accepts 良浆,合格浆料mechanics 钳工electrics:电工fitter:装置工detach/attach 拆卸/安装mount/dismountable 安装,架设/不可拆卸的dismantle 拆卸,拆除lifting ,hoist,elevation 提升,起吊pronze 阳极化(防腐)处理reducer 减速箱,传动箱gear reducer 齿轮减速箱,齿轮传动箱worm gear 蜗轮contamination 污染,杂质acid fastness 耐酸度acid resistance 耐酸性能,耐酸强度additive 添加剂aging 老化,返黄yellowing 返黄artificial aging 人工老化air deckle,air knife,air doctor 气刀,刮刀air permeability tester 透气度测定仪analytical balance 分析天平angle coder 角度编码器approach flow system (纸机上的)浆料流送系统,流浆系统aquapulper,hydrapulper,pulper 水力碎浆机batch type hydrapulpe:间歇式水力碎浆机arc foil :弧形案板,弧形胶脱水板ash,ash conten:t 灰分,灰分含量aspect ratio 纵横比assembly机组,成套设备,联动装置,基团average fiber length:纤维平均长度dryer:烘缸back liner:纸板芯层,纸板衬层back side:传动侧,传动面fore side, service side, tending side:操作侧,操作面back stand退纸架back ten de:干燥工back tender help 压光工back water,white water :回水,白水weak white liquor:稀白水strong(thickened)white water:浓白水baffle :挡板,挡水板,挡浆板bale opene:拆包机beate:打浆机beating degree 打浆度Canadian freeness standar(CFS,cfs):加拿来大标准游离度Ca nadia n sta ndard freen ess tester加拿大标准游离度测定仪basis weight, grammage:定量,克重specific gravity :比重be nd stre ngth 弯曲强度bending chip :耐折叠纸板bending fatigue teste:弯曲疲劳性能测定仪bending stiffness:弯曲挺度bevel gea:斜齿轮,伞形齿轮tooth :齿牙heel:斜齿轮的大端toe:齿牙的齿顶mate :啮合,配合mating gear:啮合齿轮carbide-tipped:(头上镶有碳化物)硬质合金的(刀或磨片等)switchgear:开关齿轮limit switch :限位开关thermal relay :热式继电器oil ring :(轴承上的)挡油圈retai ning plate:固定板retai ning screw :固定螺丝splash plate splash ring:防溅板,防溅环,beari ng:轴承plane bearing滑动轴承roller beari ng:滚动轴承thrust beari ng:止推轴承bear M against N:把M 靠在N 上bearing cap车由承套,轴承盖sleeve(bracket)bearing:轴承套tooth bearing areas 齿牙承载区域extension shaf;动力输出轴hollow shaft;空心轴layshaft;联动轴gear unit;齿轮传动装置space;隔离套筒shink ring;紧缩垫圈clavette ;棱形轴销anti-friction bearing ;滚动轴承rotati ng shaft seal with lip;带防尘罩的轴密圭寸supporting plate;支承板,支承垫圈end cap闭锁帽dowel pin;合缝定位销cover screw;螺塞eye bolt;垫圈螺丝turning package 调节组件toque restraining arm 防蚀支架rubber buffer;橡胶减震器attachment housing 附装壳体retaining ring, retainer ring:扣(卡、承托)环,挡圈bibliometer:吸水性能测定仪biological oxygen deme nd (BOD):生物耗氧量chemical oxyge n deme nd (COD):化学耗氧量black liquor :黑液blott ing capacity :吸墨性能cellular board, corrugated board 瓦楞纸板board, paperboard 纸板liner board :挂面纸板lining b o a rd :衬里纸板no test board二non-test board 低耐破度纸板kraft test liner:牛皮纸箱纸板,高耐破度硫酸盐纸板packaging board 包装用纸板pack ing board :垫圈纸板bottom couch roll:下伏辊bowed roll,cheese roll,curved bar spreade,r curved roll,spreader roll:弧形辊,弓形辊,舒展辊bowl:纸粕辊(超级压光机)break:断纸,断头break resista nee 抗断裂性能break ing len gth:裂断长breast board 胸板breast box网前箱breast roll:胸辊bright ness :亮度broke :损纸waste:废纸,废水broo ming:帚化bulge resista nee (纸板)抗破裂度bulk :松厚(度)bun ch tube flowbox:束管式流浆箱burst:破裂(度),耐破度burst teste,bursting teste:耐破度测定仪cady test耐破度测定calende:压光机calender water box 压光机水匣calender bow:压光辊cale nder secti on 压光部calender train:压光机组cale nder stack 压光辊组thickness 厚度caliper rule 卡尺,游标卡尺cambered roll,crowned roll 中高辊crown controlled roll 可控中高辊capital repair 大修overhaul and repair 大修和小修maintenance 维护,维修preventive maintenance 预修,防护性维护corrective maintenance 修理性维护dow ntime:(工厂、机器等由于维修或待料的)停工期fillet :纸幅接头,镶边,接头carrier drum :复卷机底辊,支承辊carrier roll :导网辊coati ng:涂布coator:涂布机coati ngs:涂料cen tricl one, cen trifugal clea ner, cen triclea ne,cyclea n:锥形除渣器cen triffler :两段除渣器cen trifi ner :立式除渣器centri-sorter:旋翼筛chain conveyer:链式运输机,链板机check:检查,核对check valve, clack valve,non-return valve:单向阀,止回阀check damper:风挡check plate:挡板apro ns:挡板chuck:夹盘,夹头chute:斜槽,送料槽clear cutt ing:净切边clearanee 刀距,间隙(paper machin& clothing :造纸机贵重器材(指毛毯、铜网、塑料网等)clutch:离合器coupli ng :离合器,联结器,轴接,联轴器coarse scree:n 粗筛fine scree n:细筛,精筛flat screen, jog strainer:平筛,平板筛浆机vibrat ing scree n:振动筛slot/hole :筛缝/筛孔coarse screenings ejects:浆渣coffer dam:白水沟堰板con diti on er:毛毯洗涤器,调节器con ditio ning:调整处理,调湿con siste ncy tran smitter浓度传感器contact angle tes:t (施胶度)接触角测定法cooling cylinder, cooling drum :冷缸washer, space, gaske, insert, shim :垫片,垫圈flin ger:抛油环(圈)spaci ng:间隔,空隙core :纸芯corrugated roll:沟纹辊corrugat ing:起瓦楞corrugator :瓦楞成形机corrugator roll:瓦楞辊couch:堰辊,伏辊couch break:伏辊断头couch felt,couch jacket, couch roll jacket:伏辊毯(套)couch pit:伏辊坑pit :坑,池,纹孔couch squirt :伏辊水针couch vacuum tranfe: 伏辊真空弓丨纸装置coucher:伏辊,伏辊工cutter:切纸机cyli nder :缸,圆网dry cyli nder :烘缸dampening roll,damping roll: 润湿辊dancer roll,rider roll :压纸辊dancing roll:导纸辊threadi ng:领纸,引纸guide roll:校正辊,导辊dandy roll:水印辊dead knife:固定刀decker,thickener:浓缩机deckle:定边装置,定幅装置feather edge 毛边feather edge deckle 定边带intermittently :间歇地defiber,defibrize,defibering,defibration:纤维分离deflake:碎解,分层(片),剥片knead:揉搓flank:侧面,后面defoam:消泡dehydrate, dewater:脱水diaphanometer不透明度测量仪cooking,digesting:蒸煮distributor roll :(涂料)分配辊,匀浆辊evener plate 匀浆板evener(roll ):匀浆辊perforati on:筛孑L, 钻孑L perforation plate, perforated plate 匀浆板,多孑L板perforator:匀浆辊holey roll , holy roll :整流辊,匀浆辊drap ing:换网driven roll :从动辊drive n shaft :从动车由dry line:水线dry end, drying nest, dryer section, dryer part:干燥咅B dumping valve, emptying valve:放料阀,放浆阀eject valve:排渣阀entering reel: 待裁切纸卷,待退纸卷enriched water: 浓白水cloudy filtrate :浊滤液clear filtrate:清滤液super clear filtrate:超清滤液filtrate valve:滤液阀knock off shower:剥离(浆层)喷水管discharge showe;r 卸料喷水管sliuing shower;冲洗喷水管wire cleaning shower:(滤)网清洗喷水管strainer:滤网,过滤器filter:过滤器header pipe 总管main pipe:主要管道bayonet socke:t 卡口插座fab-foil :曲面案板,弧面脱水板foil :案板,耐磨片,耐磨板pumping foil :(热分散器上的)磨片thrower foil :(热分散器上的)磨片face wire, facing wire :外网,面网inn er wire :里网,衬网fast beat ing:游离状打浆slow beating, wet beating:粘状打浆feed, feeding:喂料,喂浆feeder:喂料器feedback:反馈feedforward :前馈felt :毛毯,毛布felt side:毛毯面,正面felt stretcher:毛毯张紧器,毛毯张紧辊fiber furnish,paper formulation:纤维配比,配浆比率proportioner,proportioning box:配浆箱pulp content:纸浆含量,纸浆配比furnish:配料fiber pick :纤维起毛pick :粘辊pick felt,pick up felt :引纸毛毯pickroll :引纸辊pick up:领纸,引纸picker roll :疏散辊filler :填料filler retention :填料留着率finished roll :成器纸卷fini shed weight :净重,纸卷重量fin ish ing:整饰,完成flow approach:流浆系统,浆料流送系统flow box,flowbox :流浆箱,网前箱flow chart,flow diagram,flow sheet: 流程图flow control :流量控制flow distributer,flow evener:整流器,匀浆辊,匀浆器flow meter:流量计hygrometer:湿度计kinenoneter:流速计manomete:(液体)压力计pressure gaug,e pressure mete:r 压力表,压力计micrometer:厚度计,测微计pathmete:测厚计viscometer,viscosimeter:粘度计flow onto wire :浆料上网flow sensor:流量传感器flow indicator :流量计flying splice :纸幅机上连续粘接flying paster:纸幅自动接头fold :折叠foldi ng en dura nee, foldi ng stre ngth: 耐折度foldi ng resista nee:耐折性能anehor screw foot screw:地脚螺丝lock screw :锁紧螺丝loektite=loetite :螺丝紧固剂eye screw环首螺丝allen screw:六角固定螺丝,六角吊环螺丝set screw固定螺丝feeding screw, screw feeder:螺旋喂料器disperse:热分散器,热分散机local 本机的,本机身的pivot-point :支点,中心点form,forming :(纸页)成形forming box :成形箱suction box:吸水箱forming drum, forming roll :成形辊forming section, forming sector:成形区,成形咅B forming shoe:弧面成形板forming table, fourdrinier table:网案fourdri nier :长网造纸机fourdrinier part, fourdrinier section, wire section:网咅B fourdri nier wet end: 湿咅B fractionator:筛分仪fractio natio n:分级,筛分tertiary (screen):三级筛free run:空运转idle:(机器)空转run-in, test run:对…试车,试运转free water:游离水fresh water:清水sweetener (water):增浓水,调浓水(白水回收机)dropleg,大气水腿,水腿glazing, gloss:光泽的,光泽grooved roll :沟纹辊hatch:人孔,长降孔head tank高位槽hous ing:罩,套impact teste:冲击强度测定仪in-line basis weight controller:机上定量控制装置in-li ne moisture con troller :机上水份含量控制装置ink absorbe ncy:吸墨性能kraft:牛皮纸,硫酸盐浆,牛皮浆bleach:漂白unbleached pulp(stock): 未漂浆lamin ater,lam in ator:层压机leadi ng roll:导纸辊leading strips, leading through tape 领纸纸条lick up,licking :引纸lick-up felt :引纸毛毯jack:千斤顶lifting device :提升装置,起吊装置Ion gitud inal,long directi on, machi ne directio n:纵向(的)cross directi on:横向cross-machine 纸机横向lowering device,lowerator:降落装置lubrication :润滑machine pit,wire pit:(纸机)白水坑manosta t恒压器,稳压器mesh:网目mo nitor :监测器,班组长nip :压区nip roll :光泽辊nominal:额定的,公称的,标称的rated:额定的optimum :最优化的,最佳的paddle:浆叶,搅拌叶paddi ng:衬垫paper carry ing roll :弓丨纸辊paper spring roll:导纸弹簧辊paper core纸芯管paper roll:卷筒纸pin adhesion:(瓦楞纸板)面层与芯层的粘合强度pn eumatic:气动的hydraulic:液压的ventilation :通风press felt con diti oner:压榨毛毯洗涤器press part (section): 压榨部preparation of stock:备浆,浆料处理pressure differential:压差pressure drop relief pressure:压降pressure loss压力损失procedure 过程,工艺过程,方法,程序,步骤process 过程,方法profile 外形,轮廓,全幅profile caliper (thickness) 全幅横向厚度reel 纸轴,纸卷,卷筒纸,卷纸refine 精磨,精制,磨浆refiner 精磨机,磨浆机,精浆机regulate,adjust 调节right ( left) hand machine 右(左)手纸机ring crush compression resistance 环压强度ring stiffness 环压挺度rotor 转子rotor blade( vane) 转子叶片,转子磨片filling 耐磨片wear plate 耐磨板stator 定子,底刀ripper 纵切机slitter 纵切机,纵切刀roll set 卷筒纸边缘卷曲rubber covered roll 包胶辊rubber-lined,rubber lining 橡胶衬里的separator 捕沙器,捕沙沟saveall 白水回收器,白水回收装置saveall box( pan,tray) 白水槽(盘) shavings,trimmings 纸边strip 窄条,吹提,解吸strips 纸条sheave,pulley 皮带轮,滑轮stepless contro:l 无级控制,连续控制smoothness 平滑度smooth shower:喷水,喷水管,喷淋器screen, sueve:筛子size, sizing:胶料,涂胶,施胶size resista nee siz ing degree:施胶度light (soft, slack)sized:轻度施胶sleeve, socket:套管,套slide (sliding)valve :滑阀span:跨距,跨度spare parts 备件critial part :主要部件,要害部件spray cutter, squirt,squirt cut,tail cutter:水针trim shower,trim squirt :水针nozzle cutter:切边水针stainless stee:l 水锈钢mild steel:低碳钢normally-closed :常(原)位闭合的,常闭的starch:淀粉bus:(电器)总线,端子盒termi nal :端子,端部,接头,线端termi nalblock :接线盒,接线板stretcher:张紧辊stretch:伸长(率)sucti on:吸水suction baby press 真空预压榨suction breast roll: 真空胸辊suction couch(roll),vacuum couch:真空伏辊supervisor:管理人,主管table:表,网案table roll :案辊tearing(breaking)strength:撕裂度tensile properties, tensile breaking strength 抗张强度tension:张力torque, moment: 扭力矩,转力矩moment of interia:惯性矩,转动惯量fork-lift ,forklift truck :叉车,铲车trouble shooti ng:排除故障defect, trouble, malfunction :故障tangential:切线的,切向的V-belt:V 形皮带,三角皮带coni cal, taper:锥形的upright, vertical:立式的horizo ntal :水平的,卧式的water shed (网上)纸幅水线,分水界线water shed offse t 水线偏差watermark:水印,罗纹whiteness 白度wrong side:(纸幅)网面,反面yield :得率with respedt to:关于woodfree:不含磨木浆的in terlock :联锁partial load ;部分荷载stuffing box :密圭寸盒,填料盒sli ng:吊环snap ring;开口环labyrinth ring ;迷宫环(圈,垫)lock nut, jam nut:锁紧(锁定,防松)螺帽annex:附加,附带,附件massreject rate浆渣重量比例。



paper英文作文250字英文:Paper is an important tool for recording and sharing information. It has been used for centuries and remains a popular choice for many people today. There are many reasons why paper is still so widely used, despite the rise of digital technology.Firstly, paper is a tangible object that we can hold and touch. It allows us to physically interact with information in a way that digital devices cannot. For example, when I read a book on paper, I can feel the weight of the pages in my hands and turn them one by one. This creates a more immersive reading experience that cannot be replicated on a screen.Secondly, paper is versatile and can be used in many different ways. We can write on it, draw on it, fold it, and cut it into different shapes. This makes it a greattool for creativity and self-expression. For example, Ilike to keep a journal where I write down my thoughts and ideas. I find that the act of writing on paper helps me to think more clearly and creatively.中文:纸张是记录和分享信息的重要工具。



纸张的英文Paper is a thin material produced by pressing together cellulose fibers from wood pulp, cotton, or other plant fibers. It is commonly used for writing, printing, packaging, and many other purposes. The history of paper can be traced back to ancient China, where it was first invented in the 2nd century BC.Over the centuries, papermaking techniques spread from China to other parts of Asia, and eventually to Europe, where it revolutionized communication and information dissemination. Today, there are many different types of paper, each with their own unique properties and uses.One of the most commonly used types of paper is plain white copy paper, which is used for printing documents and letters. This type of paper is typically made from wood pulp and has a smooth, thin texture. It is affordable and readily available in most stores.Another popular type of paper is cardboard, which is used for packaging and shipping. Cardboard is made by layering multiple sheets of paper together, and the thickness and strength of the cardboard vary depending on the number of layers used. Corrugated cardboard is a popular type of cardboard that has a wavy layer in between two flat layers, giving it extra strength and durability.In addition to these common types of paper, there are also specialized papers for specific uses. For example, tissue paper is a thin, delicate type of paper that is often used for wrapping gifts or wiping one's nose. Constructionpaper is a thicker, more durable type of paper that is often used for art projects and crafts.Paper is also used for many industrial and scientific purposes. For example, filter paper is a type of paper that is designed to filter liquids and solids, and chromatography paper is used for separating chemical substances. Technical drawings and blueprints are often printed on large sheets of paper known as plotter paper.In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the environmental impact of paper production. The production of paper requires large amounts of water and energy, and it often leads to deforestation and pollution. Many companies and individuals are now striving to reduce their paper usage and switch to more sustainable alternatives, such as digital documents and electronic communication.In order to meet the demand for paper while minimizing its environmental impact, many companies are now producing recycled paper. Recycled paper is made from used paper and cardboard products that have been recovered from recycling programs. By recycling paper, less waste goes to landfills, and fewer trees need to be cut down for new paper production.Overall, paper is a versatile and important material that has played a significant role in human history. While the environmental impact of paper production is a concern, there are many efforts underway to make paper production more sustainable and reduce our reliance on this valuable resource.。

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想发英文paper的同学可以参考下(转)(2008-04-03 02:56:34)
标签:杂谈分类:生活及学术常识查double blind无意发现的一篇文章,想发英文paper的同学可以参考下。





1、每次读完文献(不管是细读还是粗读),合上文献后,想想看,文章最重要的take home message是什么,如果不知道,就从abstract,conclusion里找,并且从discuss里最好确认一下。


take home message其实都不会很多,基本上是一些concepts,如果你发现你需要记得很多,那往往是没有读到重点。

呵呵,我觉得读一篇reaearch paper,可以先看abstract,然后看看introduction和conclusion,然后再从文章中寻找自己感兴趣的部分,浏览一下就可以了,不需要精读,这样的效率比较高。




读好的review (综述)也行,但这样人容易懒惰。









对于EE的,自然是transactions of IEEE和一些IEEE会议的文章,对于CS或者MIS的看看communications of the ACM、In fromation systems research等刊物,以及ICIS、夏威夷系统工程会议、AMCIS这些会议的文章会有很大好处,可以学习到非常老练的语言表达和句式,用到自己的paper里面。




1、写英文p a p e r文献阅读量很重要,而且要合理搭配,要仔细看看大牛的文章。





3、好p a p e r不厌改。










5、我写p a p e r的经验:很多都是靠老板指导的。


s i n g l e-b l i n d r e v i e w:单盲法审稿,即作者不知道自己文章的审稿人是谁,但审稿人可以知道作者的身份。


d o u b l e-b l i n d r
e v i e w:双盲法审稿,凡是涉及作者的名字、单位的地方等在审稿时会自动隐藏,即审稿人不知道作者身份,反之亦然。


c a m e r a r e a
d y p a p
e r:In desktop publishing, camera-ready refers to the final state o
f a publication before it is printed. Historically, the term has meant that the copy is ready to be photographed and turned into plates for offset printing. Increasingly, however, it is possible to print directly from the electronic version, either by sendin
g it to a high-resolution laser printer or to a special device that can generate plates directly from electronic elements rather than from photographs. In these cases, therefore, camera-ready means merely that the document is ready to be printed. 就是这么回事。

accept后经过修改的paper,按照出版物要求做完处理就成了camera ready paper,可以进行出版物印刷。

a c c e p t a n c e r a t e:是衡量一个会议级别的最重要的指标。


举例:ACM SIGMETRICS 2006大会由密歇根大学举办,一共提交了320多篇paper,最后只有52篇被accepted。

ACM SIGMETRICS 2007是由CMU举办,可惜审稿期太长,有4个月,截稿期限也早,最后我也没投成。

p r o g r a m c o m m i t t ee:学术性质很强。

