CFX-5 介绍




CFX 5.7
© 2004 ANSYS Inc.
Create a User Variable创建用户变量
- 从主菜单中选择 Tools>Variables - 在 Variable Editor 窗口, 点击 New icon, - 在New Variable窗口,键入 Radius ,点击 OK - 在 Expression 窗口,键入 (X^2+Y^2)^0.5 点击 Apply - 关闭 Variable Editor
CFX 5.7
© 2004 ANSYS Inc.
Creating a Slice Plane创建切面
- 在Object editor下点击Colour按 钮
- 将 Mode 设为 Variable - 点击Variable下拉菜单选择
Temperature - 点击 -Apply-
CFX 5.7
Mesh Quality Check网格质量检查
CFX 5.7
© 2004 ANSYS Inc.
Creating a Slice Plane创建切面
- 在Object Selector内将Point 1的显示框关 掉
- 将Wireframe的Object Editor栏内的Edge Angle改为 45 degree
CFX 5.7
© 2004 ANSYS Inc.
Mesh Import读入网格
点击 Import Mesh 图标 将 Mesh Format 设为 CFX-5 GTM File 点击 Browse 选择 mixer.gtm 文件,在Select File for Import窗口点 击 Open ,然后在Import Mesh窗口点击 OK



CFX软件介绍ANSYS CFX——流体动⼒学分析技术的开拓者产品关键字精确的数值⽅法快速稳健的求解技术丰富的物理模型旋转机械流动分析的专有特征先进的⽹格剖分技术发展历史CFX 是全球第⼀个通过ISO9001 质量认证的⼤型商业CFD 软件,是英国AEATechnology 公司为解决其在科技咨询服务中遇到的⼯业实际问题⽽开发,诞⽣在⼯业应⽤背景中的CFX ⼀直将精确的计算结果、丰富的物理模型、强⼤的⽤户扩展性作为其发展的基本要求,并以其在这些⽅⾯的卓越成就,引领着CFD 技术的不断发展。

⽬前,CFX 已经遍及航空航天、旋转机械、能源、⽯油化⼯、机械制造、汽车、⽣物技术、⽔处理、⽕灾安全、冶⾦、环保等领域,为其在全球6000 多个⽤户解决了⼤量的实际问题。

回顾CFX 发展的重要⾥程,总是伴随着她对⾰命性的CFD 新技术的研发和应⽤。

1995年,CFX收购了旋转机械领域著名的加拿⼤ASC公司,推出了专业的旋转机械设计与分析模块-CFX-Tascflow ,CFX-Tascflow ⼀直占据着90% 以上的旋转机械CFD 市场份额。

同年,CFX 成功突破了 CFD 领域的在算法上的⼜⼀⼤技术障碍,推出了全隐式多⽹格耦合算法,该算法以其稳健的收敛性能和优异的运算速度,成为CFD 技术发展的重要⾥程碑。

CFX⼀直和许多⼯业和⼤型研究项⽬保持着⼴泛的合作,这种合作确保了CFX 能够紧密结合⼯业应⽤的需要,同时也使得CFX 可以及时加⼊最先进的物理模型和数值算法。

作为CFX 的前处理器,ICEM CFD 优质的⽹格技术进⼀步确保 CFX 的模拟结果精确⽽可靠。

2003年,CFX 加⼊了全球最⼤的 CAE 仿真软件ANSYS 的⼤家庭中。


CFX 将永远和我们的⽤户伙伴⼀起,⽤最先进的技术⼿段,不断揭开我们⾝边真实物理世界的神秘⾯纱。



CFX-5简介CFX5 1996年正式面世,是全球第一个在复杂几何、网格、求解这三个CFD传统瓶径问题上均获得重大突破的商业CFD软件,CFX5掀开了新一代CFD软件的面纱,并领导着新一代CFD商业软件的整体发展趋势。




全隐式多网格耦合求解技术CFX5使用了加拿大ASC公司(1997年被AEA Technology全面收购)全球第一个发展的多网格耦合求解技术,该求解技术使CFX5的计算速度和稳定性较传统方法提高了1~2个数量级,更重要的是,CFX5的求解器获得了对并行计算最有利的几乎线形的“计算时间-网格数量”求解性能,这使工程技术人员第一次敢于计算大型工程的真实流动问题。

超适定模型自定义工具AEA Technology为CFX5开发了创新的强大的模型定义工具CFX Expression Language (CEL),工程技术人员可以用最直观的数学表达式直接定义各种复杂物理问题和模型,如属性函数,边界条件分布函数,非牛顿流模型,多孔介质模型,附加输运方程,甚至湍流模型,高效并且可靠(因为无需编程),以这种崭新的方式来适应和仿真现实世界千变万化的流体流动问题。

==============================CFX-5 编译器1、journal文件(.jou)和sesion文件(.ses)之间有什么区别?Journal文件记录了在Build中建立一个模型的所有命令,可以由其重建数据库文件(.db);Journal文件是针对特定的模型而言,其中可能包括多个Session文件的内容。



CFX5用的是关于雷诺应力各个分量的微分输运方程。 而不是代数雷诺应力模型。 局限:输运方程个数的增使得数值求解的稳定性下降和 计算时间的增长,从而限制了此模型的使用。 关于的压力;B是体积力之和。与涡粘性模型 式中, 不同的是, p '' 只与静压有关:
涡粘模型(eddy viscosity models )
涡粘模型认为湍流由许多不断产生和消失的小涡组成, 并假设雷诺应力与平均速度梯度成正比。
t 是涡粘性系数或湍流粘性系数。 式中,
涡扩散系数假设: 式中, t 是涡扩散系数。
Prt 是湍流Prandtl系数
式中, ij 是压力-应变相关项;P是产生项;
压力-应变相关项 ij
a是各向异性张量,S是变形率,W是 涡量。
LRR-IP, LRR-QI和SSG模型 每种模型都有各自不同 的模型常数。 LRR-IP和LRR-QI模型是由Launder, Reece和Rodi发展 起来的。IP代表Isotropisation of Production; QI代表 Quasi-Isotropic. 在这些模型中,压力-应变相关量是线 性的。 SSG模型是由Speziale, Saikar和Gatski发展起来的。这 个模型应用的是二次压力-应变关联项。
是标准k-epsilon 模型的改型。 不同的是 常数 C 1 被函数 C1RNG 所取代。所以湍流 耗散率方程变为:




CPU超频主要有两种方式,一种是通过BIOS设置超频参数,另一种是使用专业的CPU 超频工具来设置参数。




CFX超频设置中,主频有时也被称为基础频率(Base Frequency),可以通过BIOS设置或CPU超频工具来调整。



















直接CAD访问基于MSC/PATRAN革命性的单一几何模型技术(Single Geometric Model简称SGM),可以直接在CAD/CAE数据库中的CAD模型上进行流体工程分析,读取、转换、修改和操作正在设计的CAD模型而无需复制,从而使设计人员和分析人员可在同一个几何模型工作。







第1篇一、基础知识与理论1. 请简述CFLD的定义及其在流体力学中的应用。

2. 请解释CFLD中常用的数值方法,如有限体积法、有限差分法、有限元法等,并比较它们的优缺点。

3. 请简述CFLD中的边界条件和初始条件对计算结果的影响。

4. 请解释CFLD中的湍流模型,如k-ε模型、k-ω模型、RANS模型和LES模型,并比较它们的适用范围。

5. 请说明CFLD中求解器的作用,以及如何选择合适的求解器。

6. 请简述CFLD中的网格划分技术,如结构网格、非结构网格、混合网格等,并比较它们的优缺点。

7. 请解释CFLD中的数值稳定性与精度之间的关系。

8. 请简述CFLD中的计算误差来源,如数值误差、离散误差、舍入误差等。

9. 请说明CFLD在航空航天、船舶、汽车、能源、环境等领域的应用。

10. 请简述CFLD在工程实践中的重要性。

二、案例分析1. 请分析一个典型的CFLD工程案例,包括工程背景、问题分析、解决方案、计算过程和结果分析。

2. 请分析一个CFLD计算结果,包括结果分析、误差分析、改进措施等。

3. 请分析一个CFLD计算过程中遇到的问题,如数值稳定性问题、收敛性问题等,并提出解决方案。

4. 请分析一个CFLD计算结果与实验结果不符的原因,并提出改进措施。

5. 请分析一个CFLD计算过程中遇到的网格划分问题,如网格质量、网格拓扑等,并提出解决方案。

三、实践操作1. 请使用CFLD软件进行一个简单的流体力学计算,如圆管内流、平面射流等,并分析计算结果。

2. 请使用CFLD软件进行一个复杂工程案例的计算,如飞机机翼、船舶螺旋桨等,并分析计算结果。

3. 请根据给定的工程问题,选择合适的CFLD软件和数值方法,进行计算和结果分析。

4. 请根据给定的计算结果,分析问题原因,并提出改进措施。

5. 请根据给定的工程问题,设计一个CFLD计算方案,包括软件选择、数值方法、网格划分等。

四、前沿技术与发展趋势1. 请简述CFLD中的新型数值方法,如格子玻尔兹曼方法、自适应网格方法等。


Workshop 5 Cavitating Centrifugal Pump
Introduction to CFX
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary © 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
April 28, 2009 Inventory #002599
3. Start CFX-Pre by double clicking Setup
4. When CFX-Pre opens, import the mesh by right-clicking on Mesh and selecting Import Mesh > ICEM CFD
5. Browse to pump.cfx5
Due to rotational periodicity a single blade passage will be modeled.
The initial flow-field will be solved without cavitation. It will be turned on later.
5. Switch to the Boundary Details tab
6. Specify Mass and Momentum using Entrainment, and enter a Relative Pressure of 600,000 [Pa]
7. Enable the Pressure Option and set it to Opening Pressure
WS5: Cavitating Centrifugal Pump
Inlet Boundary Condition



CFX :opening (2010-11-26 11:40:49)转载▼转贴:/ak3204/blog/item/b92c9ffcff02158fb901a04a.html我们知道,CFX中存在inlet、outlet、wall、symmetry边界,这些都是其他CFD软件都拥有的,然而,CFX中还有一种比较特殊的边界:Opening边界。



opening边界的设定通常有五种选项:(1)cartesian velocity components;(2)Cylindrical velocity components;(3)Opening pressure and Direction;(4)static pressure and dirction;(5)Entrainment(1)cartesian velocity components指定速度的三个笛卡尔分量。

(2)Cylindrical velocity components指定速度的三个柱坐标分量。

(3)opening pressure and dirction指定开放压强和方向。



(4)static pressure and direciton指定静压值和方向。



(5)Entrainment使用此选项是,pressure optional选项被激活,可以选取static pressure和opeing pressure 当选择了static pressure选项时,压力情况与static pressure direction相同,所不同的是方向不用指定,是通过使垂直于边界速度梯度为0来获取方向。



Installing & Introduction to CFX-5 Master ContentsCFX-5 TutorialsCFX-BuildCFX-PreSolver ModellingSolver TheorySolver ManagerCFX-PostReference MaterialContentsAbout The Installation GuideQuick Installation GuideHardware and Software Requirements Installing CFX-5 on UNIX SystemsInstalling CFX-5 on Windows Systems CFX-5 LicensingUser SetupCAD Access Options for CFX-BuildCustomising CFX-5Testing the CFX-5 InstallationOverview of CFX-5What’s New in CFX-5.6CFX-5 LauncherHelp On HelpContact InformationTrademarks and Acknowledgements CFX-5 TutorialsCFX-BuildCFX-PreSolver ModellingSolver TheorySolver ManagerCFX-PostReference MaterialCFX-5 TutorialsContentsIntroduction to the CFX-5 TutorialsTutorial 1 Flow in a Static MixerTutorial 2 Flow in a Static Mixer (Refined Mesh)Tutorial 3 Flow in a Process Injection Mixing PipeTutorial 4 Flow from a Circular VentTutorial 5 Flow Around a Blunt BodyTutorial 6 Buoyant Flow in a Partitioned CavityTutorial 7 Free Surface Flow Over a BumpTutorial 8 Supersonic Flow Over a WingTutorial 9 Flow Through a Butterfly ValveTutorial 10 Flow in a Catalytic ConverterTutorial 11 Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow in an AnnulusTutorial 12 Flow in an Axial Rotor/StatorTutorial 13 Reacting Flow in a Mixing TubeTutorial 14 Conjugate Heat Transfer in a Heating CoilTutorial 15 Multiphase Flow in Mixing VesselTutorial 16 Gas-Liquid Flow in an Airlift ReactorTutorial 17 CAD Geometry Clean-up and MeshingTutorial 18 Combustion and Radiation in a Can Combustor CFX-BuildCFX-PreSolver ModellingSolver TheorySolver ManagerCFX-PostReference MaterialCFX-5 TutorialsCFX-BuildIntroduction to CFX-Build Basic FunctionsGeometry Modelling3D Regions2D RegionsMeshingWrite FileCFX-PreSolver ModellingSolver TheorySolver ManagerCFX-PostReference MaterialCFX-5 TutorialsCFX-BuildCFX-PreContentsOverview of CFX-PreNew User WizardFile MenuEdit MenuSession MenuDefine MenuTools MenuViewerWindows Menu Turbo WizardSolver Modelling Solver TheorySolver ManagerCFX-PostReference MaterialCFX-5 TutorialsCFX-BuildCFX-PreContentsOverview of CFX-PreNew User WizardFile MenuEdit MenuSession MenuDefine MenuImport MeshSteady State / TransientDomainsSub DomainsBoundary ConditionsDomain InterfacesSource PointsInitialisationMesh AdaptionSolver ControlOutput ControlSolution UnitsCoordinate FramesExpert ParametersWrite Definition FileTools MenuViewerWindows MenuTurbo WizardSolver ModellingSolver TheorySolver ManagerCFX-PostReference MaterialCFX-5 TutorialsCFX-BuildCFX-PreContentsOverview of CFX-PreNew User WizardFile MenuEdit MenuSession MenuDefine MenuTools MenuMesh Transformation EditorRegion EditorAdditional Variable EditorMaterial EditorReaction EditorExpression EditorUser Function EditorCommand EditorPhysics Error Summary ViewerWindows MenuTurbo WizardSolver ModellingSolver TheorySolver ManagerCFX-PostReference MaterialCFX-5 TutorialsCFX-BuildCFX-PreContentsOverview of CFX-PreNew User WizardFile MenuEdit MenuSession MenuDefine MenuTools MenuViewerWindows MenuObject SelectorMesh SelectorRegion SelectorMaterial and Reaction SelectorAdditional Variable SelectorUser Function SelectorViewerTurbo WizardSolver ModellingSolver TheorySolver ManagerCFX-PostReference MaterialCFX-5 TutorialsCFX-BuildCFX-PreSolver ModellingContentsBasic Capabilities ModellingBoundary Condition ModellingInitial Condition ModellingTurbulence and Near-Wall Modelling Domain Interface ModellingMultiphase Flow ModellingParticle Transport ModellingCombustion ModellingRadiation ModellingReal Fluid PropertiesAdvice on Flow ModellingUsing the Solver in ParallelExpert Control ParametersUser FORTRANSolver TheorySolver ManagerCFX-PostReference MaterialCFX-5 TutorialsCFX-BuildCFX-PreSolver ModellingSolver TheoryContentsBasic Solver Capability TheoryTurbulence and Wall Function Theory GGI and MFR TheoryMultiphase Flow TheoryParticle Transport TheoryCombustion TheoryRadiation TheoryCoupled Solver TheorySolver ManagerCFX-PostReference MaterialCFX-5 TutorialsCFX-BuildCFX-PreSolver ModellingSolver TheorySolver ManagerContentsManaging Your CFD RunEditing a Definition FileCFX-5 Solver FilesThe File Export UtilityUser Defined Export - List of Routines CFX-PostReference MaterialCFX-5 TutorialsCFX-BuildCFX-PreSolver ModellingSolver TheorySolver ManagerCFX-PostContentsOverview of CFX-PostCFX-Post File MenuEdit MenuSession MenuCFX-Post Create MenuViewerCFX-Post Tools MenuCFX-Post Turbo MenuCCL and CEL in CFX-PostUsing the Command Editor in CFX-Post Power Syntax in CFX-PostLine Interface ModeCFX-Post CCL DetailsReference MaterialCFX-5 TutorialsCFX-BuildCFX-PreSolver ModellingSolver TheorySolver ManagerCFX-PostReference MaterialIntroduction to CFDCFX Expression LanguageImport Mesh APICFX-Pre CCL DetailsCFX-Post CCL DetailsPatran Command Language (PCL) Reference Manuals Frequently Asked QuestionsBibliographyMaster IndexCFX-5.6 Release Notes。



Example on using commercial software“ICEM CFD 5.1”Flow around a circular cylinderY.F.LinTwo Dimensional problemsFlow around a circular cylinderProblem DescriptionAir flows across a cylinder with the uniform velocity 0.003m/s in the wind tunnel. The length of the wind tunnel (fluid domain) has 25m long and 10 m height. The diameter of cylinder is 1m .Assumption and Boundary Conditions:1. 2 dimensional problems2. Steady state condition3. The uniform flow velocity4. No Heat transfer5. Neglect the gravitational force6. Constant air densityPre-processing stageIn this stage, we implement the “ICEM CFD” to perform the pre-processing work. The basic steps as follow:1. Establish geometry model2. Block the parts3. Generation the O grid4. Mesh the model and check quality of mesh5. Extrude the mesh6. Reset the BC’s (boundary conditions)7. Output to CFX5.7.1Creating Geometry1. Open ICEM CFDDouble Click the “ICEM CFD” Icon, afterwards, you can see the interface of the ICEM CFD.Open File>New Project…:Set the name with “cylinder_2d”, and Click “Save”2. Creating Geometry:A.PointsClick button “Create Point”and then click button“Explicit Coordinates”Set the points in Cartesian coordinate system (X, Y, Z) with ( X=0, Y=0, Z=0 ) respectively.Click “Apply” button and see the screen: a point is createdA tree widget can be seen at left of the screen (A) and (B)The same method creates other points:X=0; Y=0.5, -0.5 X=-5; Y=5, -5X=20; Y=5, -5 Y=0; X=0.5,-0.5ABB. Draw line (curve)First of all see the tree widget, open Model>Geometry>Points by right buttonSelect Show Point Names and you can see the name ofeach point like the figure showed.Now you can create curvesClick button “Create/Modify Curve”Click button “Create Curve”with left button, middle=done, right=cancelSelect points by using left button of the mouse.Change the name of the Part with “INLET”:Select PONITS.05 and POINTS.06 with left button (A),And draw a line with middle button “done”(B) and the INLET part is created in the tree widget.The same steps draw the curves named “OUTLET, SIDEA, SIDEB” with the POINTS.07and POINTS.08, POINTS.06 and POINTS.07,POINTS.05 and POINTS.08 respectively.We will see the line and the tree widgetDraw the cylinderClick button“Circle or arc from Center point and 2Set the Part with name “CYLINDER”Click button and select points “POINTS.00,POINTS.01, POINTS.03” with left button respectively(A).Draw the cylinder by middle button (B).See tree widget:Close Points nameUse buttonto fit the window.Set the body and material.Click button “Create Body ”Choose button “Material Point” and select “Selected surfaces” in the “By Topology” menu. Change the name of the part with “FLUID”; open the Show Point Name of the tree widget and use selectPOINTS.06 and POINTS.08.The same way change the part name with “CYLINDER” and select POINTS.01 and POINTS.02. Close Show Point Name and open the tree widget:Open the bodies and you can seeAt last, open the File>Geom etry>Save Geometry As…Give it the name with “cylinder_2d”. Click “save”.Now we begin to block the model.Click button “Create Block”See the first one , choose the part with “FLUID”,from the pull down menu select “FLUID”And set the Initialize Blocks type with “2D Planar”Click “Apply” button.We will see that the colors of figure are changed. From (A) to (B)See the tree widget: Model>BlockingThen create some assistant points with button “CreatePoint ”{Y=0X=-0.45,-0.4,-0.35,-0.3,-0.25,-0.2,-0.15,-0.1,-0.5, 0.5, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45} {X=0Y=-0.45,-0.4,-0.35,-0.3,-0.25,-0.2,-0.15,-0.1,-0.5, 0.5, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45}A BNow begin to block the regionClick button “Split Block”Then select button “Split Block”See the split method, select “Prescribed point”Use the put down menu to select the Prescribed point,Use the button firstly select the Edge “INLET” andsecondly select the Point “POINTS.03”.We will see the block line in the vertical direction of theINLET.Zoom the fiure.From the “POINTS.01 to POINTS.04”See the tree widgetSelect the “Blocking” and select “Index Control”Model>Blocking: Index Control (using right button of the mouse)We can see at the right corner of the screenBy using button and we set I min=2 and see the figureThe same way we set I max =3 , J min=2 , J max=3And the screen shown thatThe same way block again from “POINTS.00, POINTS.09to POINTS.44”:(A)(B)(C)See the tree widget: Model>Parts>VORFN :using the right button select “Add to Part”. Click button “Blocking Material”, Add Blocks to PartUsing select blocking regions and we can seeZoom the block regions (A).Select the blocks in the cylinder or attached the cylinder (B)(C).Using the middle button to set itOK , and you can see blow (D).Click button “Associate”ABD CSelect the associate edge to curve “Associate Edge to Curve” buttonUsing the choose the edge and curveChoosing edge:Select curves:Set O gridCB AClick button “Split Block”Click“Ogird Block ”buttonSelect theSee the tree widget: Open Model>Parts>VORFNOpen theVORFN (A)Using buttonto selectin or attached the cylinder(B)(C)(D).AB CUsing middle button to click “Apply” (E)Close “VORFN” from the tree widget (F)DClick the “Reset”(G)Mesh the edgesFClick button “Set Curve Mesh Size”Using button to select Curve(s):Choose Method with “Element count”Set the Number with 100 and click Apply.See the tree: close the Model>Geometry>points, and the Model>Blocking>edgesUsing right button to select Model>Geometry>Curves:Curve Node Spacing (by using right button)The same way set the “INLET” and “OUTLET” with number 100, the “SIDEA” and “SIDEB” with number 250.Click button “Pre-MeshParams”Choose Blocking >Pre-Mesh ParamsClick button “Update Sizes”and keep default,Then click ApplySee tree open Model>Blocking>Pre_Mesh: Project faces(by using right button)And we will see a menuClick Yes.Now we will see the mesh of the model.Zoom it see the local partClose Geomery>Points and curves, and Blocking>Edges.Then open File>Mesh>Load from BlockingOpen File>Mesh>Save Mesh As…: and set the name with “cylinder_2d”Open File>Blocking>Save Blocking As…: Save block with the name “cylinder_2d”Check the quality of the meshClick button “Display Mesh Quality”Click ApplyWe can see no negatives mesh.Extrude meshClick button “Extrude Mesh”Use to select Elements:Method 1Click button “Select items in a part”and a menu appears:Click “All” and “Accept ”Method 2Put the left button and drag it to select all the regions (A)(C). Click middle button to accept (B)Give the New volume part name “FLUID2D”, new side part name “SIDE”, new top par name “TOP” And set the Spacing type>spacing with “0.1”, then ApplySo the mesh change a height 0.1 in the Z direction (D)ABCBox ZoomClick button “Shaded Full Display ”(E)(F)Check the quality of the extrude meshDSee the tree widget:Close top“TOP ” (B)Close “FLUID ” (C)ASet the new boundary conditionsSee the tree widget:Model>Parts: Create Part (by using the right button)Click “Create Part by Selection” button From the pull down menu of the Part: select the“CYLINDER” Using and left button drag the regionUsing middle button accepts it, so a new CYLINDER boundary condition has been set (C).CBACThe same way set the INLET, OUTLET,SIDEA and SIDEBboundary conditions.INLETThe Whole Boundary ConditionsSee the tree widget:Open Model>Parts>FLUID(B)Open Model>Parts>TOP(C)BSix kinds of patternsClick File>Mesh>Save Mesh As…And save the new mesh with name“cylinder_2d_extrude”. Output the mesh file to CFXClick button “Select solver”and choose “CFX-5”Click “Okay”Click button “Write input”Keep default and click “Done”Then the Domain selection appearsKeep the Selected domains with “cylinder_2d_extrude.uns” and click “Done”.Now we will see the created files in working directions:From these files, we must note that only the file named “cfx5” can be inputted into CFX5.7.1The mesh is finished.Other examples:Example on using commercial software“CFX 5.7.1”Flow around a circular cylinderY.F.LinTwo Dimensional problemsFlow around a circular cylinderAfter established the geometry model, we begin to use CFX to solve this two dimensional case. Processing with CFX-5.7.11.Open CFXDouble click the “CFX” Icon, afterwards, you can see the interface of the CFX.There are three kinds of functions of the CFX:1.CFX-Pre 5.7.1 (set the relevant parameters).2.CFX-Solver 5.7.1 (solve the case by using established physical model)3.CFX-Post 5.7.1 (get the data and figures which we need)CFX-Pre step:1.Import the mesh file from ICEM CFD2.Simulation type3.Domain4.BC’s (boundary conditions)5.Initial conditions6.Solver control7.Output file and monitor points8.Write “.def” file and simulationClick button “CFX-Pre 5.7.1”and run it.Establish a new simulationOpen File>New Simulation…:Select button “General”and give the file name with“cylinder_2d”. Click “Save”Now we can see the interface of the CFX-PreImport mesh fileSee the middle position of the screen, Click button “Import mesh”From the pull down menu select “ICEM CFD”, (see figure below)Definition>File: Click button “Browse”Find the working direction and select the file named “cfx5”,Then click “Open” button. And “OK”Note: no other files can be inputted in CFX5.7.1 Then the mesh file has been inputted into the CFX-PreAnd the left window appears.All of these names were already defined by us in “ICEM CFD”Set the relevant parameters1. Define the simulation type:button.Note: the blue color note suggest we should set a domain. Then the simulation type appearsBasic Settings>Option: Select “Transient”Basic Settings>Time Duration>Option: From the pull down menu select Total Time. Basic Settings>Time Duration>Total Time: Set with 42000s.Basic Settings>Time Steps>Option: From the pull down menu select Timesteps.Basic Settings>Time Steps>Timesteps: Set with 1s.Initial Time>Option: From the pull down menu select Autorratic.Then click Apply and Ok2. Create a domain:Click button “Create a Domain”.Set the name with “ cylinder2d” and click OkSee figure below: the color of the domain changed into green, and the window “Edit Domain”appears.General Options>Basic Settings>Location: From the pull down menu select “FLUID2D ” Then click “Apply ” buttonKeep by default.Fluid Models>Heat Transfer Model>FluidTemperature: Set the temperature with 25c.Fluid Models>Turbulence Model>Option: Setit with “None(Laminar).Click OK3. Set boundary condtions:Set INLET boundary conditionSet the Name with “INLET” and click OKBasic Settings>Boundary Type: From the pull down menu select INLET. Boundary Details>Flow Regime>Option: Select Subsonic.Boundary Details>Mass And Momentum>Option: Select Normal Speed. Boundary Details>Mass And Momentum>Normal Speed: Set it with 0.003 m/s Click OkThe right figure shows us that the INLET boundary condition has been set.Set OUTLET boundary conditionSet the Name with “OUTLET” and click OK。

CFX 系列实时荧光定量 PCR 仪说明书

CFX 系列实时荧光定量 PCR 仪说明书

CFX 系列实时荧光定量 PCR触摸屏可让您无需电脑即可并在实验过程中实时浏览独特的离线操作模式 使之成为真正无需外接电脑控制的定量 PCR 仪的设计理念 每台仪器的光学系统出厂时都经过校正 安装使用过程中也反应模块设计实现超大大缩短运行时间配的温度梯度功能是帮助您筛选最佳反应条件的有力工具 节省通道多重5 µl 也能得CFX384 Touch反应也能得到理想运行结束后实验结果可作为您更多信息 请浏览 /qpcrsystems2.5˚C/sPeltier0–100˚C±0.2˚C90˚C 10秒达到LEDsFiltersFilters Photodiodes通过彩色 LCD触摸屏完成仪器操控和运行状态实时监控CFX96 Touch Deep Well ™ 定量 PCR 仪1020 3040CFX Connect ™ 定量 PCR 仪及双通道检测器320 10 20 30 40500 10 20 30 40 50432320 10 20 30 40500 10 20 30 40 50302520151034 5 6 7 8 90 10 20 30 40 50432010203040502345010203040502345人性化的界面 高效简洁的设置向导■ CFX Manager Software 3.0 提供了多种相对定量的分析方法供您选择 包括 法 法 多内参校正法 结Gene Study 无限量数据合并分析■ CFX Manager 能与 LIMS 系统兼容 并符合美国 FDA 21 之要求伯乐生命医学产品 上海 有限公司地址 上海市浦东东方路 18 号保利广场 E 栋 3 楼电话 021 - 6169 8500传真 021 - 6169 8599邮编 200120北京办事处地址 北京朝阳区曙光西里 5 号A 栋凤凰置地广场 22 楼电话 010 - 5939 0088传真 010 - 5939 0160邮编 100028广州办事处地址 广州市环市东路 403 号广州国际电子大厦 1302 - 03 室电话 020 - 8732 2339传真 020 - 8732 2332邮编 510095中国呼叫中心 800 - 820 - 5567 ************欢迎访问 Ordering Information Catalog # Description184-5384 CFX 384™ Optical Reaction Module, for use withC1000 Touch thermal cycler chassis, includes CFXManager software, license for qbase PLUS software,communication cable, reagents, consumables185-5484 CFX384 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System,includes C1000 Touch thermal cycler chassis,CFX384 optical reaction module, CFX Managersoftware, license for qbase PLUS software,communication cable, reagents, consumables184-5096 CFX96™ Optical Reaction Module, for use withC1000 Touch thermal cycler chassis, includes CFXManager software, license for qbase PLUS software,communication cable, reagents, consumables185-5196 CFX96 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System,includes C1000 Touch thermal cycler chassis,CFX96 optical reaction module, CFX Managersoftware, license for qbase PLUS software,communication cable, reagents, consumables184-5001 CFX Manager Software, Security Edition, includes 1user license, installation CD, HASP HL key184-5025 Precision Melt Analysis Software, includes 2 userlicenses, installation CD, 2 HASP HL keys, meltcalibration kit184-5008 CFX Manager Software, Chinese Edition, includes3user licenses, installation CD, 3 HASP HL keys185-4096 CFX96 Touch Deep Well Real-Time PCR DetectionSystem, includes C1000 Touch thermal cyclerchassis, CFX96 Deep Well™ optical reactionmodule, CFX Manager software, license forqbase PLUS software, communication cable,reagents, consumables185-4095 CFX96 Touch Deep Well Real-Time PCR DetectionSystem, includes C1000 Touch thermal cyclerchassis, CFX96 Deep Well optical reaction module,CFX Manager software, license for qbase PLUSsoftware, communication cable184-4096 CFX96 Deep Well Optical Reaction Module, for use with C1000 Touch thermal cycler chassis, includesCFX Manager software, license for qbase PLUSsoftware, communication cable, reagents,consumables185-5200 CFX Connect Real-Time PCR Detection System,includes CFX Connect thermal cycler chassis, CFXConnect optical reaction module, CFX Managersoftware, license for qbase PLUS software,communication cable, reagents, consumables 185-5201 CFX Connect Real-Time PCR Detection System,includes CFX Connect thermal cycler chassis, CFXConnect optical reaction module, CFX Managersoftware, license for qbase PLUS software,communication cable184-5008 CFX Manager Software, Chinese Edition, includes 3user licenses, installation CD, 3 HASP HL keys184-5025 Precision Melt Analysis Software, includes 2 userlicenses, installation CD, 2 HASP HL keys, meltcalibration kit172-5200 SsoFast™ EvaGreen® Supermi x 2 ml, 2x real-timePCR mix, contains dNTPs, Sso7d fusion polymerase,MgCl2, EvaGreen dye, stabilizers, for 200 x 20 μlreactions172-5210 SsoFast™ EvaGreen® Supermix with Low ROX 2ml, 2x real-time PCR mix, contains dNTPs, Sso7dfusion polymerase, MgCl2, ROX passive referencedye, stabilizers, for 200 x 20 μl reactions172-5120 iTaq™ Universal SYBR® Green Supermix 2 ml (2 x1ml), 2 x qPCR mix, contains dNTPs, iTaq DNApolymerase, MgCl2, SYBR® Green I, enhancers,stabilizers, fluorescein, ROX normalization dyes, for200 x 20 μl reactions172-5130 iTaq™ Universal Probes Supermix 2 ml (2 x 1 ml),2 x qPCR mix, contains dNTPs, iTaq DNApolymerase, MgCl2, enhancers, stabilizers, ROXnormalization dyes, for 200 x 20 μl reactions172-5270 SsoAdvanced Universal SYBR® Green Supermix 2ml (2 x 1ml), contains dNTPs, Sso7d fusionpolymerase, MgCl2, SYBR® Green I, enhancers,stabilizers, fluorescein, ROX normalization dyes, for200 x 20 μl reactions172-5280 SsoAdvanced Universal Probes Supermix 2 ml (2 x1 ml), contains dNTPs, Sso7d fusion polymerase,MgCl2, enhancers, stabilizers, ROX normalizationdyes, for 200 x 20 μl reactions172-5996 SsoFast EvaGreen Control Assay, predesigned kitfor verifying performance of real-time PCR systemsor training new users, includes template DNA,primers, supermix, waterHSP-9601 Hard-Shell® Thin-Wall 96-Well Skirted PCR Plates,white shell, clear well, 50MSB-1001 Microseal® 'B' Adhesive Seals, optically clear, 100China/Printed in China13-121 0613。





1.2【基本参数】液晶屏尺寸 2.0寸TFT屏录像分辨率1280*720P/1920*1080P照片分辨率2560*1920视频格式AVI镜头广角120度高清晰广角镜头镜头旋转双镜头可水平和垂直分别旋转180度存储卡格式TF存储卡(512M-32G),推荐使用高速卡1.3【产品特性】·双镜头同时录制并内建8组IR补光灯,画质录像格式,支持同时录像.·真正H.264压缩方式,更好的利用存储空间.·2.0寸HD高清画质.时尚设计.镜头120度超广角镜头,前后镜头完整画面录制·摄像选择,双路分辨率:1920*1080P@15FPS ,1920*720P@20FPS,1280*400@30fps.单路解析度:1440*1080P,1280*720P.720*480P·双镜头同步录制,实现车外路况录制和车内驾驶安全双功能·左右两个镜头可水平和垂直分别旋转180度·最大可支持32GB TF卡时间档案管理设计,影片管理最智能,边充边录,循环录制·汽车发动就自动开机录像,熄火自动关机·8国语言:简体,繁体,日语,俄语,英语,韩语,德语,葡萄牙1.4【使用说明】首先将车充插入DC5V接口,然后连入车上电源接口进行充电,再将支架扣入底板四扣固定在车前挡风玻璃上。

1、左摄像头模块2、ON/OFF键3、MODE键4、AV接口5、USB接口6、右摄像头模块7、MENU键8、UP键9、DOWM键 10、确认键 11、左红外灯 12、左高清镜头13、右高清镜头 14、右红外灯1) 使用内置可充电锂电池。

CFX 基础教程

CFX 基础教程

CFX 5.7 © 2004 ANSYS Inc.
- 解有保证 - 例如: 简单的导热(导热系数为常数), 势流方程, 和弹 性应力分析
Example: 2D Heat Conduction
∇ ⋅q = 0 q = -k∇T for k = constant ∇2 T = 0 ∂ 2T ∂ 2T + 2 =0 or 2 ∂x ∂y
1-10 CFX 5.7 © 2004 ANSYS Inc.
流入热量 流入的总 焓
输出功 能量 总量 流出的总 焓
流入热量 - 输出功 =
内部能量变化率 + 流出的焓 - 流入的焓
∂ ∫ ρ e d∀ + ∫cs H ρ v ⋅ dA ∂ t cv
1D 稳态流动
(Q − W ) =
CFX 5.7 © 2004 ANSYS Inc.
什么是 CFD?
• CFD 是计算流体动 力学的缩写,即 Computational Fluid Dynamics 。 • CFD是模拟包含流 体流动、传热以及 其它附加的物理化 学现象的工具。
Coal combustion in a multi-burner furnace. Courtesy of International Combustion Limited
name.cfx Cfx.##.pre
CFX-5 Solver Manager
---.res ---.def ---.gtm
Third Party Meshes





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CFXCFX是全球第一个通过ISO9001质量认证的大型商业CFD软件,是英国AEA Technology 公司为解决其在科技咨询服务中遇到的工业实际问题而开发,诞生在工业应用背景中的CFX一直将精确的计算结果、丰富的物理模型、强大的用户扩展性作为其发展的基本要求,并以其在这些方面的卓越成就,引领着CFD技术的不断发展。




CF X-BUILD将计算机辅助设计(CAD)过程和计算流体力学(CFD)分析的工作相结合,使得工程师在做产品的工程设计时(CAD阶段开发)即可对过程的特性进行分析。

CFX-BUILD 以下列先进的方法构造非结构化的多块化的网格。

1) 可以直接访问各种CAD软件:如CADDS5,CATIA,Eucllid3,Pro/Engine er和Unigraphics。

2) 可以从任一CAD系统例如MSC/PATRAN和I-DEAS,以IGES格式直接读入CAD图形。

3) 具有很强的操作功能,例如可以自动调整和组合各种曲面,从CAD数据读入高质量网格。

4) 具有出色的几何造形能力,例如可向任意曲面扩展。

5) 带有很强的图形处理工具。

6) 具有高度自动的曲面和体网格划分能力,以保证生成高质量的网格。

CFX 4CFX 4能用于计算各种流体流动、燃烧和传热过程。





Transition Red: Isosurface of reverse flow
Laminar Flow
先进的转捩、湍流模型 精确的阻力计算
• • • • • • 美国公用事业部 200Mw前后墙燃煤锅炉 4排共24个燃烧器 6个燃烬风口 OFA 网格:312,000 单元 7 种工况
试验 4.2 2175 2358 250 2.5 模拟 8.6 2155 2388 234 2.72
未烧烬炭(%) 平均出口温度(F) 最大出口温度(F) Nox(ppmv) 过氧量(%)
• • • • • 澳大利亚联邦科学与工 业研究组织(CSIRO) CFX模拟的流化床内气 泡的形成和发展过程。 瞬态多相流模型 不同时刻气泡体积分数 分布 与试验的比较
•燃烧 •辐射 •温度场 •冷却管 •共扼传热
应用案例: 旋转机械 Siemens
•德国 Boxberg 的VEAG 电厂 •单级效率提高2% •总效率达到 48.5% •高压缸的比效率达到 94.2% •中压缸 96.1% •开发了3DSTM叶片 •工质范围,从未饱和蒸汽、饱和蒸汽 到过热蒸汽。
TurboGrid TurboPre
CFX Solver TurboPost
Structural Extensions
Mechanical Analysis
Rex = 30 million 一般的湍流模型



ansys-cfd流体分析实例D234Open File>New Project…:56Set the name with “cylinder_2d”, and Click “Save”2. Creating Geometry: A. PointsClick button “Create Point” and then click button “Explicit Coordinates”Set the points in Cartesian coordinate system(X, Y, Z) with ( X=0, Y=0, Z=0 ) respectively.Click “Apply” button and see the screen: a point is createdA tree widget can be seen at left of the screen (A) and (B)A BThe same method creates other points:X=0; Y=0.5, -0.5 X=-5; Y=5, -5X=20; Y=5, -5 Y=0; X=0.5,-0.578B. Draw line (curve)First of all see the tree widget, open Model>Geometry>Points by right buttonSelect Show Point Names and you can see the name of each point like the figure showed.Now you can create curvesClick button “Create/Modify Curve ”Click button “Create Curve”Note: the left corner of the black screen: Select locationswith left button, middle=done, right=cancelSelect points by using left button of the mouse.Change the name of the Part with “INLET”:9Select PONITS.05 and POINTS.06 with left button (A),And draw a line with middle button “done” (B) and the INLET part is created in the tree widget. The same steps draw the curves named “OUTLET, SIDEA, SIDEB” with the POINTS.07and POINTS.08, POINTS.06 and POINTS.07, POINTS.05 and POINTS.08 respectively.We will see the line and the tree widgetA B10Draw the cylinderClick button “Circle or arc from Center point and 2points on plane”.Set the Part with name “CYLINDER”Click button and select points “POINTS.00,POINTS.01, POINTS.03” with left button respectively(A).A BDraw the cylinder by middle button (B).See tree widget:Close Points name Use button to fit the window.Set the body and material.Click button “Create Body”Choose button “Material Point”and select “Selected surfaces” in the “By Topology” menu. Change the name of the part with “FLUID”; open the Show Point Name of the tree widget and useselect POINTS.06 and POINTS.08.The same way change the part name with “CYLINDER” and select POINTS.01 and POINTS.02. Close Show Point Name and open the tree widget:Open the bodies and you can seeAt last, open the File>Geometry>Save Geometry As…Give it the name with “cylinder_2d”. Click “save”.Now we begin to block the model.Click button “Create Block”See the first one , choose the part with “FLUID”,from the pull down menu select “FLUID”And set the Initialize Blocks type with “2D Planar”Click “Apply” button.A BWe will see that the colors of figure are changed. From (A) to (B)See the tree widget: Model>BlockingThen create some assistant points with button “CreatePoint”{Y=0X=-0.45,-0.4,-0.35,-0.3,-0.25,-0.2,-0.15,-0.1,-0.5, 0.5, 0.1,0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45}{X=0Y=-0.45,-0.4,-0.35,-0.3,-0.25,-0.2,-0.15,-0.1,-0.5, 0.5, 0.1,0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45}Now begin to block the regionClick button “Split Block”Then select button “Split Block”See the split method, select “Prescribed point”Use the put down menu to select the Prescribed point,Use the button firstly select the Edge “INLET”and secondly select the Point “POINTS.03”.We will see the block line in the vertical direction of theINLET.Zoom the fiure.The same way we draw other block lines. From the “POINTS.01 to POINTS.04”See the tree widgetSelect the “Blocking” and select “Index Control”Model>Blocking: Index Control (using right button of the mouse) We can see at the right corner of the screenBy using button and we set I min=2 and see the figureThe same way we set I max =3 , J min=2 , J max=3 And the screen shown thatThe same way block again from “POINTS.00, POINTS.09 to POINTS.44”:(A)(B)(C)After block.See the tree widget: Model>Parts>VORFN :using the right button select “Add to Part”. Click button “Blocking Material”, Add Blocks to PartUsing select blocking regions and we can see Zoom the block regions (A).A B CSelect the blocks in the cylinder or attached the cylinder (B)(C).Using the middle button to set it OK, and you can see blow (D).Click button “Associate”ABDCSelect the associate edge to curve “Associate Edge toCurve”buttonUsing the choose the edge and curveChoosing edge:Select curves:Set O grid CBAClick button “Split Block”Click “Ogird Block”buttonSelect theSee the tree widget: Open Model>Parts>VORFNOpen the VORFN (A)AUsing button to selectin or attached the cylinder (B)(C)(D).B CD EUsing middle button to click “Apply” (E)Close “VORFN” from the tree widget (F)F GClick the “Reset”(G) Mesh the edgesClick button “Set Curve Mesh Size”Using button to select Curve(s):Choose Method with “Element count”Set the Number with 100 and click Apply.See the tree: close the Model>Geometry>points, and the Model>Blocking>edgesUsing right button to select Model>Geometry>Curves:Curve Node Spacing (by using right button)The same way set the “INLET” and “OUTLET” with number 100, the “SIDEA” and “SIDEB” with number 250.Click button “Pre-Mesh Params”Choose Blocking >Pre-Mesh ParamsClick button “Update Sizes”and keep default,Then click ApplySee tree open Model>Blocking>Pre_Mesh: Project faces(by using right button)And we will see a menuClick Yes.Now we will see the mesh of the model.Zoom it see the local partClose Geomery>Points and curves, and Blocking>Edges.Then open File>Mesh>Load from BlockingOpen File>Mesh>Save Mesh As…: and set the name with “cylinder_2d”Open File>Blocking>Save Blocking As…: Save block with the name “cylinder_2d”Check the quality of the meshClick button “Display Mesh Quality”Click ApplyWe can see no negatives mesh.Extrude meshClick button “Extrude Mesh”Use to select Elements:Method 1Click button “Select items in a part”and a menu appears:Click “All” and “Accept”Method 2A BPut the left button and drag it to select all the regions (A)(C). Click middle button to accept (B) Give the New volume part name “FLUID2D”, new side part name “SIDE”, new top par name “TOP”And set the Spacing type>spacing with “0.1”, then ApplyCSo the mesh change a height 0.1 in the Z direction (D)DBox ZoomE FClick button “Shaded Full Display”(E)(F) Check the quality of the extrude meshSee the tree widget:Close top “TOP” (B) Close “FLUID” (C) A BSet the new boundary conditionsSee the tree widget:Model>Parts: Create Part (by using the right button)Click “Create Part by Selection” button From the pull down menu of the Part: select the “CYLINDER” Using and left button drag the regionUsing middle button accepts it, so a new CYLINDER boundary condition has been set (C).CBACThe same way set the INLET, OUTLET, SIDEA and SIDEB boundary conditions. INLETThe Whole Boundary Conditions CA BSee the tree widget:A Open Model>Parts>FLUID(B)B Open Model>Parts>TOP(C)CSix kinds of patternsClick File>Mesh>Save Mesh As…And save the new mesh with name “cylinder_2d_extrude”. Output the mesh file to CFXClick button “Select solver”and choose “CFX-5”Click “Okay”CBFEDAClick button “Write input”Keep default and click “Done”Then the Domain selection appearsKeep the Selected domains with “cylinder_2d_extrude.uns” and click “Done”.Now we will see the created files in working directions:From these files, we must note that only the file named “cfx5” can be inputted into CFX5.7.1 The mesh is finished.Other examples:Example on using commercial software“CFX 5.7.1”Flow around a circular cylinderY.F.LinTwo Dimensional problemsFlow around a circular cylinderAfter established the geometry model, we begin to use CFX to solve this two dimensional case. Processing with CFX-5.7.11.Open CFXDouble click the “CFX” Icon, afterwards, you can see the interface of the CFX.There are three kinds of functions of the CFX:1.CFX-Pre 5.7.1 (set the relevant parameters).2.CFX-Solver 5.7.1 (solve the case by using established physical model)3.CFX-Post 5.7.1 (get the data and figures which we need)CFX-Pre step:1.Import the mesh file from ICEM CFD2.Simulation type3.Domain4.BC’s (boundary conditions)5.Initial conditions6.Solver control7.Output file and monitor points8.Write “.def” file and simulationClick button “CFX-Pre 5.7.1”and run it.Establish a new simulationOpen File>New Simulation…:Select button “General”and give the file namewith “cylinder_2d”. Click “Save”Now we can see the interface of the CFX-PreImport mesh fileSee the middle position of the screen, Click button “Import mesh”Open Mesh>Definition>Mesh Format:From the pull down menu select “ICEM CFD”, (see figure below)Definition>File: Click button “Browse”Find the working direction and select the file named “cfx5”,Then click “Open” button. And “OK”Note: no other files can be inputted in CFX5.7.1Then the mesh file has been inputted into the CFX-PreAnd the left window appears.All of these names were already defined by us in “ICEM CFD”Set the relevant parameters1. Define the simulation type:Click button “Define the Simulation Type”button.Note: the blue color note suggest we should set a domain. Then the simulation type appearsBasic Settings>Option: Select “Transient”Basic Settings>Time Duration>Option: From the pull down menu select Total Time.Basic Settings>Time Duration>Total Time: Set with 42000s.Basic Settings>Time Steps>Option: From the pull down menu select Timesteps.Basic Settings>Time Steps>Timesteps: Set with 1s.Initial Time>Option: From the pull down menu select Autorratic.Then click Apply and Ok2. Create a domain:Click button “Create a Domain”.Set the name with “ cylinder2d” and click OkSee figure below: the color of the domain changed into green, and the window “Edit Domain”appears.General Options>Basic Settings>Location: From the pull down menu select “FLUID2D”Then click “Apply” buttonFluid Models>Heat Transfer Model>Option:Keep by default.Fluid Models>Heat Transfer Model>FluidTemperature: Set the temperature with 25c.Fluid Models>Turbulence Model>Option: Setit with “None(Laminar).Click OK3. Set boundary condtions:Click button “Create a Boundary Condition”Set INLET boundary conditionSet the Name with “INLET” and click OK。



CFX总结张永立编写2009年目录CFX的安装 (1)CFX前处理 (1)1.旋转机械的几种级间模式 (1)2.旋转机械Pitch Ratio的介绍 (1)3.旋转机械的时间步长设置 (1)4.关于给压差计算流量的测试结果(CFX11.0与Fluent6.3.26比较) (2)5。

CFX火灾喷淋仿真方法 (2)6。

CFX—Pre中的Domain Interface的设置说明(V12。

1) (4)7。

如何在一个case中实现不同的计算域使用不同的流体介质? (4)CFX求解器 (4)1.计算时出错:“Insufficient Catalogue Size”如何解决? (4)2.CFX并行分区算法 (5)3.CFX如何命令实现用结果文件作为新的求解初始场? (5)4。

关于CFX并行的几个问题? (6)5.CFX并行模式: (6)6。

ke和SST两个模型计算阻力测试? (6)7.CFX进行各向异性材料换热的实现方法?【总部回复】 (6)8。

CFX提交求解出错? (9)CFX后处理 (10)1。

如何在CFX-Post中求温度或密度等Scalar的梯度? (10)2.CFX如何求得换热系数的? (10)3。

在CFD—Post中如何显示周向速度和径向速度分量? (10)4.如何创建任意形状的切面(平面或曲面) (10)CFX并行 (10)CFX的安装CFX前处理1.旋转机械的几种级间模式FrozenRotor:坐标系改变,但转子与定子之间的相对位置不变,相当于准稳态计算。

适合于流体速度远大于交界面位置的机械转动速度时(即转速较慢),此模型计算量最小.此联结方式下有两个参数可以设置:Rotational Offset和Transformation Type。

对于Rotational Offset,可以用于不提前改变网格相对位置,而实现不同转子/定子相对位置下的流场计算.对于Transformation Type,当pitch ratio不等于1或者当interface中的两个网格面不完全overlap 时,可以选择"Automatic",当interface的两网格面完全overlap时可以选择”None"。

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2010-8-5 Slide 20 CFX 5 2004 ANSYS Canada Ltd.
你的CFX-5工程 工程 你的
开始你的第一个 CFX 工程, 首先创建一个新的文件 duct_bend.cfx
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CFX 5 2004 ANSYS Canada Ltd.
你的CFX-5工程 工程 你的
2010-8-5 Slide 17
CFX 5 2004 ANSYS Canada Ltd.
网格用来指定求解的流体域 CFX-5 接受多种网格类型 下列格式的网格可以导入到 CFX-Pre:
CFX-5 GTM/Def/Res file CFX-BladeGenPlus file CFX-TASCflow v2 CFX-4 PATRAN Neutral ICEM CFD CGNS ANSYS
边界条件必须定义完全 值可以是常数或CEL 表达式 缺省边界条件适用于没有定义的外部表面
- 为每个区域自动创建
2010-8-5 Slide 28
CFX 5 2004 ANSYS Canada Ltd.
Boundary Conditions边界条件
2010-8-5 Slide 32
CFX 5 2004 ANSYS Canada Ltd.
CCL浏览 浏览
BOUNDARY: Inlet Boundary Type = INLET Interface Boundary = Off Location = in BOUNDARY CONDITIONS: FLOW REGIME: Option = Subsonic END # FLOW REGIME: MASS AND MOMENTUM: Normal Speed = 10.0 [ft s^-1] Option = Normal Speed END # MASS AND MOMENTUM: TURBULENCE: Option = Medium Intensity and Eddy Viscosity Ratio END # TURBULENCE: END # BOUNDARY CONDITIONS: END # BOUNDARY:Inlet
2010-8-5 Slide 19
CFX 5 2004 ANSYS Canada Ltd.
你的CFX-5 工程 你的
弯管的工作状况: 空气 25 C 进口速度 = 10 [ft/s] 出口静压 = 0 [Pa] 为了设置模型, 我们需要... 定义计算区域 定义边界条件 - Inflow, Outflow, Symmetry 设置初始条件 设置求解参数 完成后, 我们需要… 为叶片定义2 个薄平面
使用 CFX-Pre, 按照工具栏图标的顺序进行设定
Steady State / Transient 稳态 / 瞬态 –——缺省为稳态 Domains 区域 – 定义流(固)体区域的性质 Sub-Domains 子区域 (可选) – 用于在区域中创建源 Source Points 点源 (可选) – 设置源的位置和细节 Boundary Conditions 边界条件- 设定边界的状况 Domain Interfaces 域交界面 (可选) – 周期, 固/流, 流/流 Global Initialisation 全局初始化 – 定义整个模型初始条件 Mesh Adaption 网格自适应 (可选) –定义网格如何适应求解结果 Solver Control 求解控制 – 收敛控制, 标准和精度 Output Control 输出控制 (可选) – 定义结果输出项 Save Solver File 保存求解文件 – 输出求解信息文件
CFX-CAD2Mesh或 CFX-TurboGrid
- ANSYS CFXmesh、ICEM CFD 可以 生成网格 - 生成有限体积单元网格 - 四面体/锥体/棱柱体/ 六面体单元 - 由面网格和体网格构成 - 也可由其它网格工具导入
2010-8-5 Slide 4
CFX 5 2004 ANSYS Canada Ltd.
- 为每个区域设定边界条件
2010-8-5 Slide 24 CFX 5 2004 ANSYS Canada Ltd.
Domains 区域
2010-8-5 Slide 25
CFX 5 2004 ANSYS Canada Ltd.
你的CFX-5 工程 你的
定义一个区域,流体为25 C的air 参考压力 101,325 Pa 关闭传热模型,采用k-Epsilon 湍流模型
为了介绍 CFX-5, 我们将从头到尾完 成一个简单的算例 – 弯管流动的流 场分析 当设置模型时, 讲解者会提到多个 CFX参数. 在这里不需要深究, 后面 有足够的时间探究它们. . 网格已经生成完毕. 我们将网格导入 到CFX-Pre 中设置物理性质, 在CFXSolver Manager中运行求解器, 在 CFX-Post察看结果. 完成这一过程后 , 我们将增加两个叶片并重复这一过 程, 这次我们将使用传热模型.
CFX 5 2004 ANSYS Canada Ltd.
几何/网格 步骤 1: 几何 网格
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CFX 5 2004 ANSYS Canada Ltd.
ANSYS DesignModeler 用户界面
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CFX 5 2004 ANSYS Canada Ltd.
步骤 3: 求解
- 设定流动求解选项 - 迭代求解控制方程 - 收敛
CFX-Solver Manager
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CFX 5 2004 ANSYS Canada Ltd.
步骤 4: 后处理
- 以图形或数值格式
2010-8-5 Slide 7
- 可以是流体或固体 - 由一个或多个 3D子域构成 - Material Selection 选择材料
> 可以定义多组份流 > 列出追踪粒子 (如果可以)
- Defines Domain Models 定义区域模型
> Reference Pressure 参考压力 > Buoyant / Non Buoyant 浮力/ 无浮力(重力) > Domain motion: Stationary / Rotating 区域运动: 静止 / 旋转
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CFX 5 2004 ANSYS Canada Ltd.
Boundary Conditions边界条件
2010-8-5 Slide 30
CFX 5 2004 ANSYS Canada Ltd.
你的CFX-5工程 工程 你的
在你的CFX-Pre算例中使用边界条件 定义一个以10.0 ft/s的法向速度流入区域的 Inlet 边界 采用缺省的湍流参数
CFX 5 2004 ANSYS Canada Ltd.
2010-8-5 Slide 16
CFX 5 2004 ANSYS Canada Ltd.
网格标签栏可以导入和管理网格 每个导入的网格都存为网格集合体
← 导入网格 ← 平移网格集合体 ← 删除网格集合体 ← 编辑着色选项 ← 察看网格统计
CFX-5 介绍
2010-8-5 Slide 1
CFX 5 2004 ANSYS Canada Ltd.
CFX-5 介绍
CFD 分析主要步骤 你的第一个 CFX-5 工程
几何/网格 CFX-CAD2Mesh 物理定义 CFX-Pre 求解 CFX-Solver Manager 后处理 CFX-Post
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CFX 5 2004 ANSYS Canada Ltd.
Boundary Conditions 边界条件
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CFX 5 2004 ANSYS Canada Ltd.
Boundary Conditions边界条件 边界条件
- 求解方程得到结果
步骤 4: 后处理 CFX-Post
- 结果分析及可视化
2010-8-5 Slide 3
CFX 5 2004 ANSYS Canada Ltd.
步骤1: 几何 网格 步骤 几何/网格
- 求解控制方程并获得结果的区域 - ANSYS DesignModeler 模块可以创建 几何 - 可以生成一个或多个体 - 当从其它程序直接导入网格时不须创 建几何
CFX-Mesh 用户界面
2010-8-5 Slide 10
CFX 5 2004 ANSYS Canada Ltd.
你的CFX-5工程 工程 你的
作为第一个 CFX-5 工程, 必须创建好mesh文件 CFX- 工程, 必须创建好mesh文件 你已经掌握如何利用CFX-CAD2Mesh生成几何并创建网格
2010-8-5 Slide 14 CFX 5 2004 ANSYS Can题的主要步骤 通常, 从工具栏左边开始设置,直到右边结束 在我们的实例中, 设置一个问题遵循下面的步骤:
导入网格 区域 边界条件 求解控制 输出定义文件
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2010-8-5 Slide 31
CFX 5 2004 ANSYS Canada Ltd.
你的CFX-5 工程 你的
定义 平均静压为0 Pa的OUTLET边界 定义sym1 和 sym2为Symmetry边界 区域的缺省边界条件将自动创建