香港死核乐团Massacre Of Mothman巡演北京站





时间: 9月22日周六21:00 - 23:30。

地点: 北京张自忠路3-2号段祺瑞执政府旧址西侧愚公移山。

费用: 80元(现场) 60元(预售)。
















热爱生活,乐于分享的各类达人聚在这里,分享消费攻略,激发生活灵感,发现城市最IN 的角落。



2023五月天演唱会演出时间表(最新)2023五月天演唱会演出时间表五月天 [ 好好好想见到你 ] 香港站演出时间:04/14 (五)、04/15 (六)、04/16 (日)04/21 (五)、04/22 (六)、04/23 (日)演出地点:中环海滨活动空间五月天 [ 好好好想见到你 ] 澳洲站悉尼演出时间:2023年5月10日(星期三)7:30pm演出地点:Qudos Bank Arena墨尔本演出时间:5/12 (五) 7:00pm5/13 (六) 7:00pm演出地点:John Cain Arena五月天 [ 好好好想见到你 ] 北京站演出时间:05/26 (五)、05/27 (六)、05/28 (日) 演出地点:鸟巢国家体育场五月天 [ 诺亚方舟 ] 北京站10周年进化复刻限定版演唱会演出时间:06/01 (四)、06/02 (五)、06/03 (六) 演出地点:鸟巢国家体育场五月天 [ 好好好想见到你 ] 泉州站演出时间:待定演出地点:待定五月天 [ 好好好想见到你 ] 西安站演出时间:09/08 (五)、09/09 (六)、09/10 (日)演出地点:西安奥体中心体育场2023五月天北京鸟巢演唱会时间有变化1、五月天2023好好好想见到你北京演唱会演出时间:2023年5月26日/27日/28日2、五月天2023诺亚方舟10周年进化复刻限定版北京演唱会演出时间:2023年5月31日,6月1日/3日变更批文原文:你(你单位)于 2023 年 04 月 26 日向本机关提出的(港、澳、台文艺表演团体或者个人从事营业性演出审批(变更)五月天 2023 好好好想见到你北京演唱会(演出时间:2023 年 5 月 26 日/27 日/28 日) 五月天 2023 诺亚方舟 10 周年进化复刻限定版北京演唱会(演出时间:2023年 5 月 31 日,6 月/1 日/3 日)(共 6 场);国家体育场(鸟巢)(2023-05-26 18:00 至 2023-05-28 22:00,3 场);国家体育场(鸟巢)(2023-05-31 18:00 至 2023-06-01 22:00,2 场);国家体育场(鸟巢)(2023-06-03 18:00 至 2023-06-0322:00,1 场))申请,经审查,你(你单位)提出的该项申请符合法定条件(标准),根据《营业性演出管理条例》的规定,本机关决定准予行政许可(备案)。

唐朝乐队北展开唱 回忆张炬再次落泪

唐朝乐队北展开唱 回忆张炬再次落泪



















刘汉盛榜单100碟(个人整理版)刘汉盛榜单100碟[APE](附简介)刘汉盛榜单100碟曲目:第一部分(1-18):音响二十要1 Crossover Cello金弦天碟GSCD 025-音响二十要之“音质”2 斯托科夫斯基:狂想曲集RCA 09026-61503-2-音响二十要之“音色”3 Flight of the Cosmic Hippo宇宙河马Ba Fleck&The Flecktones Warner Bros. 7599一26562一2-音响二十要之“高中低各频段量感的分布与控制力”4 布里顿:Noye's Fludde诺亚方舟布里顿亲自指挥 London 436 397一2-音响二十要之“音场表现”5 金属制品Metal lica金属制品合唱团 Vertigo 510 022一2-音响二十要之“声音的密度与重量感”6 伊莎贝尔•安蒂娜:巴黎的忧郁De L'amour et des Hommes Les Disque du Cruscule VDP一15004-音响二十要之“透明感”7 Hovhaness: Celestial Gate天国之门Rudolf Werthen 指挥 Fiamminghi Telarc CD一80392-音响二十要之“层次感”8 奇科•弗里曼(Chico Freeman):爵士使者(The Emissary) Clarity CCD一1015-音响二十要之“定位感”9 For Duke Bill Berry and his Ellington All一Stars Realtime RT1001-音响二十要之“活生感”10 Michel Jonasz: La Fabuleuse Bistoire de Mister Swing WEA 2282一42338一2-音响二十要之“结像力与形体感”11 竖琴世界(低频解析力) Marisa Rolbles,HarpDecca 433 869一2-音响二十要之“解析力”12 刘星:云南回忆(中阮协奏曲)阎惠昌指挥中央民族乐团,刘星中阮雨果HRP 737一2-音响二十要之“速度感与暂态反应”13 马勒:第六交响曲,悼亡儿之歌伯恩斯坦指挥维也纳爱乐,托马斯‘汉普森男中音DG 427 697一2-音响二十要之“强弱对比与动态对比”14 DuetsRob Wasserman与Aron Neville, Rickie Lee Jones Bobby McFerrin,Lou Reed,Jenifer Warner, Dan Hicks, Cheryl Bentyne, 5tephane Grappelli等八位合奏。

北京万圣节活动介绍 鼓楼万圣节狂欢派对

北京万圣节活动介绍 鼓楼万圣节狂欢派对






Sarah Connor 莎拉寇娜世界巡演—北京站时间:2012年9月19日场馆:工人体育馆票价:280、380、580、780、980、演出详情:/perform/20120804/20120804_2373.htm个人信息:Sarah Terenzi,以莎拉蔻娜(Sarah Connor)的名字更为知名(1980年1月13日-),知名畅销独声德国流行音乐歌手。


莎拉与一位知名的名星Marc Terenzi成婚,并拥有一子一女,Tyler与Summer。

详细信息星座:双子座婚姻状况:已婚离异(前夫Marc Terenzi)家庭:4姐妹(Anna Maria, Marisa, Sophia-Luisa,和Valentina),1兄弟(Robin),妈妈Soraya,爸爸Michael孩子:儿子Tyler,生于2004,2月。


宠物:三只狗狗,分别叫Donna, Luka and Muffin Mailo爱好:跆拳道,马术,跳舞,航海语言:德语,英语,西班牙语习惯:抽烟(已戒烟)教育:高中座右铭:未来掌握在自己的手中(Future is what you make of it)Sarah’s外形:眼睛:绿色头发:金色身高:178厘米(5英尺10英寸)鞋码:40刺青:肚脐,右胸纹身,脖子上有个亚洲和平标志,左手腕上刻着丈夫Marc Terenzi首写大写字母,莎拉还有8个刺青设在她的颈部/背部。


Sarah’s最爱:CD:Michael Jackson(迈克尔·杰克逊)– Thriller歌手:Michael Jackson, (迈克尔·杰克逊)Stevie Wonder,Aretha Franklin电影:辣身舞(Dirty Dancing)演员:Robert De Niro饮料:水食物:柠檬,冰激凌书籍:女教皇唐娜·伍佛·克罗斯[Pope Joan (Donna Woolfolk Cross)]汽车:保时捷Sarah的第一次:香水:我记得很清楚,是“lulu” von Cacharel,现在我有了自己的香水生产线。



威猛乐队的中国之旅:将流行音乐带进中国screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true;this.width=screen.width*0.7;‘hand‘;this.alt=‘Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out‘;}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {‘/articleimage/2008/04/14 /947596553.jpg‘);}" alt=""src="/articleimage/2008/04/14/94759655 3.jpg" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7){this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt=‘Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoomin/out‘;}" border=0>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7;‘hand‘;this.alt=‘Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out‘;}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {‘/articleimage/2008/04/14 /948083032.jpg‘);}" alt=""src="/articleimage/2008/04/14/94808303 2.jpg" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7){this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt=‘Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out‘;}" border=0>20多年前这支被误解为摇滚乐队的偶像组合来华的历史意义,远远大于他们对于中国流行音乐的影响力1985年4月3日,《北京晚报》第三版右上角,刊登了一条这样的新闻:一支名叫威猛的英国乐队将于7天后来华演出。



时间:2月13日地点:国家大剧院小剧场主演:迪亚戈·萨维尼时间:2月20日-24日地点:国家大剧院歌剧院巴托洛上海——原创华语音乐剧展演季《寻找声音的耳朵》时间:3月1日-3日地点:上汽·上海文化广场编剧、作词、导演:张忱婷编曲、作曲:徐肖出品:尔多儿童剧院《赛貂蝉》时间:3月15日-17日地点:上汽·上海文化广场作曲:周华健作词:张大春编导:谢念祖出品:全民大剧团《梁祝的继承者们》时间:3月23日-24日地点:上汽·上海文化广场编剧、导演、作词:林奕华音乐:陈建骐出品:非常林奕华有限公司北京中鼎华艺文化有限公司《聊斋》时间:3月28日-31日地点:上汽·上海文化广场编剧:吴熙作词:小寒作曲:黄昀仁导演:郭践红出品:实践剧场(新加坡)《秋裤和擀面杖》时间:4月2日-3日地点:上汽·上海文化广场编剧、词曲:李猛编舞:牛俊杰编剧、导演:张文潇主演:蒋倩如、于笑笑、杨竹青等出品:北京蚂蚁脚印文化有限公司《我AI你》时间:4月6日-7日地点:上汽·上海文化广场演出预告PERFORMANCE NOTICE1102019/2导演、作词、作曲:樊冲编曲:齐成刚编剧:曾夏琰、樊冲制作人:胡靖晨主演:李莎旻子、田依凡、苑子豪、赵磊出品:北京蚂蚁脚印文化有限公司武汉——音乐剧《搭错车》时间:3月8日地点:湖北剧院编剧、作词:陈乐融作曲:朱敬然导演:曾慧诚主演:丁当、张芳瑜、江翊睿、张诗盈等出品:相信音乐唱片公司香港——第47届香港艺术节歌剧《汤豪舍》时间:3月1日-2日地点:香港文化中心大剧院指挥:乌尔夫·席尔默导演:卡里希托·比埃托主演:斯塔芬·温克、丹尼尔·弗兰克饰汤豪舍伊丽莎白·斯特饰伊丽莎白凯特林·歌灵饰维纳斯马库斯·埃沙饰沃夫拉姆·冯埃辛巴赫塞巴斯蒂安·皮尔格林饰赫尔曼演出:莱比锡布业大厅乐团、莱比锡歌剧院合唱团第47届香港艺术节歌剧《白蛇传》时间:3月8日-9日地点:香港演艺学院歌剧院作曲:周龙编剧:林晓英指挥:水蓝导演及设计:迈克尔·康茨主演:苏珊娜·比勒饰白蛇迈克尔·曼尼阿齐饰小青彼得·坦特斯饰许仙龚冬健饰法海演出:香港管弦乐团香港艺术节合唱团香港儿童合唱团台北——歌剧《托斯卡》(音乐会版)时间:2月22日-24日地点:台北音乐厅指挥:吕绍嘉导演:林怀民复排导演:汪庆璋主演:左涵瀛、林玲慧饰托斯卡卢西奥·加洛、吴翰卫饰斯卡尔皮亚郑皓允、孔孝诚饰卡瓦拉多西演出:台北爱乐合唱团台北爱乐儿童合唱团等巡演——法语经典音乐剧《摇滚莫扎特》作曲:多芬·阿蒂娅、让-皮埃尔·皮罗特、罗德·詹诺斯编剧:奥利弗·达汉主演:米开朗基罗·勒孔特等>>北京站时间:2月22日-3月10日地点:北京天桥艺术中心大剧场>>西安站时间:3月22日-24日地点:陕西大剧院歌剧厅百老汇英文版音乐剧《摇滚学校》作曲:安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯作词:格伦·斯莱特1112019/21122019/2编剧:朱利安·费罗斯导演:劳伦斯·康纳>>上海站时间:2月22日-3月17日地点:上海大剧院 大剧场>>北京站时间:3月22日-4月14日地点:北京天桥艺术中心 大剧场>>广州站时间:4月19日-28日地点:广州大剧院 歌剧厅国际——美国大都会歌剧院莫扎特歌剧《蒂托的仁慈》时间:3月30日-4日20日指挥:洛塔尔·柯尼希斯复排导演:彼得·麦克林托克主演:方颖 饰 瑟维利亚埃尔扎·范登海弗 饰 维泰利亚乔伊斯·迪多纳托 饰 赛斯托艾米丽·德安吉洛 饰 安尼奥马修·勃仁扎尼 饰 蒂托克里斯蒂安·范霍恩 饰 帕勃柳斯米兰斯卡拉剧院罗西尼歌剧《灰姑娘》时间:2月10日-4月5日指挥:奥塔维奥·丹东复排导演:格里沙·阿萨加洛夫主演:玛丽安·克雷巴萨 饰 辛德瑞拉马克西姆·米罗诺夫 饰 拉米洛王子卡洛斯·肖松 饰 马格尼弗济奥男爵法国巴黎歌剧院罗西尼歌剧《奥赛罗》时间:3月7日-4月7日演出预告PERFORMANCE NOTICE指挥:伯特兰·德比利导演:安德列·埃尔班主演:罗伯托·阿拉格纳、亚历山大·安东尼科 饰 奥赛罗乔治·加尼兹 饰 伊阿古阿历山德罗·利伯拉托尔 饰 罗德里戈亚历山德拉·库尔扎克、希伯拉·格尔扎娃 饰 苔丝德蒙娜西班牙皇家歌剧院莫扎特歌剧《伊多梅纽》时间:2月19日-3月1日音乐总监:埃沃·博顿导演:罗伯特·卡森主演:艾里克·卡特勒、杰里米·奥文登 饰 伊多梅纽大卫·波蒂略、阿尼西奥·佐尔齐·朱斯蒂尼亚尼 饰 伊达曼特 阿内特-弗里奇、萨拜娜·普罗托拉斯 饰 伊利昂埃莉奥诺拉·伯拉托、哈尔卡·萨比洛娃 饰 埃莱克特拉日本新国立剧场委约歌剧《紫苑物语》(世界首演)时间:2月17日、20日、23日、24日作曲:西村朗作词:佐佐木干郎指挥:大野和士导演:笈田吉主演:高田智宏 饰 宗頼大沼徹 饰 平太清水华澄 饰 うつろ姫村上敏明 饰 藤内演出:日本新国立剧场合唱团东京都交响乐团以上信息(包括演出时间、曲目、演员、票价等)可能随时变动,仅供参考。









2005年凭借专辑《神的孩子都在跳舞》获得第五届百事音乐风云榜年度最佳摇滚乐团奖、年度最佳摇滚专辑奖;同年发行第一张创作加精选专辑《知足 Just My Pride 最真杰作选》2023五月天北京演唱会有几场在北京鸟巢连开6场演唱会。

6场演唱会时间分别是2023年5月26日/5月27日/5月28日/ 6月1日/6月2日/6月3日五月天北京演唱会演出歌单1.生命有一种绝对2.突然好想你3.干杯4.20XX5.夜访吸血鬼6.恋爱 ING7.我不愿让你一个人8.后来的我们9.洋葱10.一千个世纪11.第二人生12.憨人13.你不是真正的快乐14.终结孤单15.三个傻瓜16.为你写下这首情歌17.好好18.听不到19.顽固20.志明与春娇21.垃圾车22.笑忘歌23.天使24.爱情的模样25.一颗苹果26.超人27.步步28.盛夏光年29.让我照顾你30.忘词31.最好的一天32.彩虹33.派对动物34.因为你所以我35.知足36.疯狂世界37.你的神曲38.拥抱39.如果我们不曾相遇40.星空41.诺亚方舟42.我心中尚未崩坏的地方43.永远的永远44.出头天45.人生海海46.如烟47.0A0A48.离开地球表面49.最重要的小事50.孙悟空51.玫瑰少年52.温柔53.伤心的人别听慢歌54.叫我第一名55.仓颉56.倔。



1.You And I BothWas it you who spoke the words that things would happen but not to meOh things are gonna happen naturallyOh taking your advice I'm looking on the bright sideAnd balancing the whole thingBut often times those words get tangled up in linesAnd the bright lights turn to nightUntil the dawn it bringsAnother day to sing about the magic that was you and meCause you and I both loved What you and I spoke ofAnd others just read of Others only read of the love, the love that I love.See I'm all about them wordsOver numbers, unencumbered numbered wordsHundreds of pages, pages, pages forwardsMore words then I had ever heard and I feel so aliveYou and I, you and INot so little you and I anymoreAnd with this silence brings a moral storyMore importantly evolving is the glory of a boyCause you and I both loved What you and I spoke ofAnd others just dream of And if you could see me nowWell I'm almost finally out of I'm finally out ofFinally deedeedeedeeWell I'm almost finally, finallyWell I'm free, oh, I'm freeAnd it's okay if you have go awayOh just remember the telephone works both waysAnd if I never ever hear them ringIf nothing else I'll think the bells insideHave finally found you someone else and that's okayCause I'll remember everything you sangCause you and I both loved what you and I spoke ofand others just read of and if you could see nowwell I'm almost finally out of.I'm finally out of, finally, deedeeedededewell I'm almost finally, finally, finally out of words.2.The RemedyWell I saw fireworks from the freewayAnd behind closed eyes I cannot make them go away'cause you were born on the 4th of July (freedom ring)Well something on the surface it stingsI said something on the surfaceWell it kinda makes me nervousTo say that you deserve thisAnd what kind of God would serve thisWe would cure this dirty old diseaseWell, if you gots the poisonI gots the remedy[Chorus]The remedy is the experienceThis is the dangerous liaison (I says)The comedy is that it's seriousThis is a strange enough new play on wordsI say the tragedy is how you're gonna spendThe rest of your nights with the light onSo shine the light on all of your friendsWell it all amounts to nothing in the end[Bridge]And I won't worry my life awayHey hey hey, oh ohI won't worry my life awayHey hey hey, oh ohWell I heard 2 men talking on the radioIn a cross-fire kind of new reality showUncovering the ways to plan the next big attackWell they were counting down the ways to stab a brother in the Be right back after this The unavoidable kissWith the minty fresh death breath is sure to outlast this catastropheDance with meWell if you gots the poison, I gots the remedy[Chorus][Bridge]When I fall in love, I take my timeThere's no need to hurry when I'm making up my mindYou can turn off the sun, but I'm still gonna shineAnd I'll tell you whyBecause[Chorus]3.Song For A FriendWell, you're magic, he said But don't let it all go to your headWell, I bet if you all had it all figured out Then you'd never get out of bed, no doubtAll the thing's that I've read what he wrote meIs now sounding like the man I was hoping to beKeep on keeping it real 'Cause it keeps getting easier indeedHe's the reason that I'm laughing Even if there's no one elseHe said, you've got to love yourselfYou say, you shouldn't mumble when you speakBut keep your tongue up in your cheek And if you stumble on toYou better remember that it's humble that you seekYou got all the skill you need, individuality You got something, call it gumption Call it anything you want Because when you play the fool now You're only fooling everyone elseYou're learning to love yourself, yes, you areThere's no price to pay When you give and what you takeThat's why it's easy to thank you, youLet's say, take a break from the day And get back to the old garage Because life's too short anyway But at least it's better then averageAs long as you got me and I got youYou know we'll got a lot to go around I'll be your friend, your other brother Another love to come and comfort you And I'll keep remindingIf it's the only thing I ever doI will always love I will always love you, yes youI will always, always, always, always love I will always, always loveI will always, always love, loveClimb up over the top, survey the state of the soulYou've got to find out for yourself Whether or not you're truly tryingWhy not, give it a shot?Shake it, take control and inevitably wind upFind out for yourself all the strengths you have inside of you4.Life Is WonderfulIt takes a crane to build a crane It takes two floors to make a storyIt takes an egg to make a hen It takes a hen to make an eggThere is no end to what I'm sayingIt takes a thought to make a word And it takes some words to make an action It takes some work to make it work It takes some good to make it hurtIt takes some bad for satisfactionLa la la la la la la life is wonderful Ah la la la la la la life goes full circleAh la la la la la la life is wonderful Al la la la laIt takes a night to make it dawnAnd it takes a day to make you yawn brotherAnd it takes some old to make you youngIt takes some cold to know the sun It takes the one to have the otherAnd it takes no time to fall in love But it takes you years to know what love is It takes some fears to make you trust It takes those tears to make it rustIt takes the dust to have it polishedHa la la la la la la life is wonderful Ah la la la la la la life goes full circleAh la la la la la la life is so full of Ah la la la la la la life is so roughAh la la la la la la life is wonderful Ah la la la la la la life goes full circleAh la la la la la la life is our love Ah la la la la laIt takes some silence to make sound It takes a loss before you found itAnd it takes a road to go nowhere It takes a toll to make you careIt takes a hole to make a mountainAh la la la la la la life is wonderful Ah la la la la la la life goes full circleHa la la la la la life is wonderful Ha la la la la la life is meaningfulHa la la la la la life is wonderful Ha la la la la la life it wonderfulIt is so meaningful It is so wonderfulIt is meaningful It is wonderfulIt is meaningful It goes full circleWonderful MeaningfulFull circle5.Make It MineWake up everyone How can you sleep at a time like this Unless the dreamer is the real youListen to your voice The one that tells youTo taste past the tip of your tongue Leap in, the net will appearI don't wanna wake before The dream is overI'm gonna make it mine Yes I, I know itI'm gonna make it mine Yes I'll make it all mineI keep my life on a heavy rotationRequesting that it's lifting you up, up, up and awayAnd over to a table at the Gratitude CafeAnd I am finally there And all the angels they'll be singing Ah la la la, ah la la la I la la la la love youI don't wanna break before The tour is overI'm gonna make it mine Yes I, I'll own itI'm gonna make it mine Yes I'll make it all mineAnd timing's everything And this time there's plentyI am balancing Careful and steadyAnd reveling in energy that everyone's emittingWell I don't wanna wait no more Oh I wanna celebrate the whole world I'm gonna make it mine Oh yes I'm following your joyI'm gonna make it mine Because I, I am openI'm gonna make it mine That's why, I will show itI'm gonna make it mineGonna make it mineOh mineYes I'll make it all mine6.LuckyDo you hear me? I'm talking to youAcross the water across the deep blue oceanUnder the open sky, oh my, baby I'm tryingBoy I hear you in my dreams I feel your whisper across the seaI keep you with me in my heart You make it easier when life gets hardI'm lucky I'm in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againOoh ooh oohThey don't know how long it takes Waiting for a love like thisEvery time we say goodbye I wish we had one more kissI'll wait for you I promise you, I willI'm lucky I'm in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againLucky we're in love in every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home somedayAnd so I'm sailing through the sea To an island where we'll meetYou'll hear the music fill the air I'll put a flower in your hairThough the breezes through trees Move so pretty you're all I seeAs the world keeps spinning 'round You hold me right here, right nowI'm lucky I'm in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againI'm lucky we're in love in every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home somedayOoh ooh oohOoh ooh ooh, ooh7.I’m YoursW ell you done done me and you bet I felt itI tried to be chill but you're so hot that I meltedI fell right through the cracks, now I'm trying to get backB efore the cool done run out I'll be giving it my bestestAnd nothing's going to stop me but divine interventionI reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn someB ut I won't hesitate no more, no more It cannot wait, I'm yoursW ell open up your mind and see like meOpen up your plans and damn you're freeLook into your heart and you'll find love love love loveL isten to the music of the moment people, dance and singWe're just one big familyAnd it's our God-forsaken right to be loved loved loved loved lovedS o I won't hesitate no more, no more It cannot wait, I'm sure There's no need to complicate, our time is short This is our fate, I'm yoursD-d-do do you, but do you, d-d-do But do you want to come on Scooch on over closer dear And I will nibble your earI've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirrorAnd bending over backwards just to try to see it clearerBut my breath fogged up the glassAnd so I drew a new face and I laughedI guess what I be saying is there ain't no better reasonTo rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasonsIt's what we aim to do, our name is our virtueB ut I won't hesitate no more, no more It cannot wait, I'm yoursC ome on and open up your mind and see like me(I won't hesitate)Open up your plans and damn you're free(No more, no more)Look into your heart and you'll find that the sky is yours(It cannot wait, I'm sure)S o please don't, please don't, please don't (There's no need to complicate)There's no need to complicate(Our time is short)'Cause our time is short(This is our fate)This is, this is, this is our fate, I'm yoursOh, I'm yoursOh, I'm yoursOh, whoa, baby you believe I'm yoursYou best believe, best believe I'm yours8. Detail In FabricCalm down, Deep breaths, And get yourself dressedInstead of running around, And pulling all your threadsAnd breaking yourself upIf it's a broken part, replace itIf it's a broken arm then brace itIf it's a broken heart then face itAnd hold your own, Know your name, And go your own wayHold your own, Know your own name, And go your own wayAnd everything will be fineHang on, Help is on the wayAnd stay strong, I'm doing everythingHold your own, Know your name, And go your own wayHold your own, Know your name, And go your own wayAnd everything, Everything, it will be fine, EverythingAll the details in the fabric? Are the things that make you panic? Are your thoughts results of static cling?Are the things that make you blow? Hell, no reason, go on and screamIf you're shocked it's just the fault Of faulty manufacturingEverything will be fine, Everything in no time at all, EverythingHold your own, Know your name, Go your own wayHold your own (Are the details in the fabric?)Know your name (Are the things that make you panic?)Go your own way (Are your thoughts results of static cling?)Hold your own (Are the details in the fabric?)Know your name (Are the things that make you panic?)Go your own way (Is it Mother Nature's sewing machine?)Hold your own (Are the things that make you blow?)Know your name (Hell, no reason, go on and scream)Go your own way (If you’re shocked it's just the fault of faulty manufacturing)Everything it will be fine, Everything in no time at all, Hearts will hold9. A Beautiful MessYou’ve got the best of both worlds You’re the kind of girl who can take down a man And lift him back up againYou are strong but you’re needy, humble but you’re greedyBased on your body language and shorty cursi ve I’ve been readingYou’re style is quite selective but your mind is rather recklessWell, I guess it just suggests that this is just what happiness isHey, what a beautiful mess this is It’s like picking up trash in dressesWell, it kind of hurts when the kind of words you writeAnd kind of turn themselves into knivesAnd don’t mind my nerve you can call it fiction'Cause I like being submerged in your contradictions, dear'Cause here we are, here we areAlthough you were biased I love your adviceYour comebacks they’re quick and probablyHave to do with your insecuritiesThere’s no shame in being crazy depending on how you take theseWords they're paraphrasing this relationship we’re stagingAnd it’s a beautiful mess, yes, it is It’s like we're picking up trash in dressesWell, it kind of hurts when the kind of words you sayKind of turn themselves into bladesAnd the kind and courteous is a life I’ve heardBut it’s nice to say that we played in the dirt'Cause here, here we are, here we areHere we are, here we are Here we are, here we areHere we are, here we are Here we are, we're still hereAnd what a beautiful mess this isIt’s like taking a guess when the only answer is yesAnd through timeless words and priceless picturesWe’ll fly like birds not of this earthAnd tides they turn and hearts disfigureBut that’s no concern when we’re wounded togetherAnd we tore our dresses and stained our shirtsBut it's nice today, oh, the wait was so worth it10. Only HumanA squirrel in the tree, is he watching me?Does he give a damn? Does he care who I am? I’m just a man, is that all I am? Are my manners misinterpreted words or only human? I’m humanMurderous crow, hey, what you know?What you reading about? What you hold in your toes?Is that a twig? Are you a dove of peace?Black dove undercover with another puzzle pieceAre you a riddle to solve all along? Or am I overthinking thoughts, I'm human after all Only human, made of flesh, made of sand Made of humanThe planet’s talking about a revolution The natural laws ain’t got no constitution They’ve got a right to live their own life But we keep paving over paradise‘Cause we’re only human Oh yes we are, only humanIf it’s our only excuse, do you think we’ll keep on being only human?Oh yes we are, only human, so far, so farUp in the major’s tree The one he planted back when he was just a boy Back in 1923 Thirty meters and a foot, take a look, take a climb What you’ll find is the product of a seedThe seed is sown, all alone It grows above with a heart of loveA sharpened shelter of The animals of land and cold weather breathing We’re all breathingThe plan et’s talking about a revolution The natural laws ain’t got no constitution They’ve got a right to live their own life But we keep paving over paradise‘Cause we’re only human Oh yes we are, only humanIf it’s our only excuse, do you think we’ll keep on being only human?Oh yes we are, only human, so far, so farAnd this place it will outlive me Before I get to heaven I’ll climb that tree And I will have to give my thanks For giving me the branch to swing onIf I ever fall in love I’ll hope to give myself a babyI will let my children have their wayBecause we’re only human Oh yes we are, only human, so far, so far So far, so far11. Love For A ChildThere's a picture on my kitchen wallLooks like Jesus and His friends involvedThere's a party getting started in the yardAnd there's a couple getting steamy in the car, parked in the drive Was I too young to see this with my eyes?And by the pool that night, apparentlyThe chemicals weren't mixed properlyYou hit your head and then forgot your nameThen you woke up at the bottom by the drainAnd now your altitude and memory's a shameWhat about taking this empty cup and filling it upWith a little bit more of innocence, I haven't had enoughIt's probably because when you're youngIt's okay to be easily ignoredI'd like to believe it was all about love for a child +When the house was left in shamblesWho was there to handle all the broken bits of glassWas it mom who put my dad out on his ass or the other way around? Well, I'm far too old to care about that nowWhat about taking this empty cup and filling it upWith a little bit more of innocence, I haven't had enoughIt's probably because when you're youngIt's okay to be easily ignoredI'd like to believe it was all about love for a childIt's kinda nice to work the floor since the divorceI've been enjoying both my Christmases and my birthday cakesAnd taking drugs and making love at far too young an ageAnd they never checked to see my gradesWhat a fool I'd be to start complaining nowWhat about taking this empty cup and filling it upWith a little bit more of innocence, I haven't had enoughIt's probably because when you're youngIt's okay to be easily ignoredI'd love to believe it was all about love for a childIt was all about love12. The Freedom SongI picture something, it's beautifulIt's full of life, and it is all blueI've seen the sunset on the beach, yeah It makes me feel calmWhen I'm calm, I feel goodAnd when I feel good, I singAnd the joy it brings makes me feel good And when I feel good, I singAnd the joy it bringsCome on alongI know you really wanna feel our song We've got some life to bringWe've got some joy in this thing(x2)I see birds fly across the skyAnd everyone's heart flies togetherFood is frying and people smilingLike there is no other way to feel goodAnd when I feel good, I singAnd the joy it brings makes me feel good Cos when I feel good, I singOf the joy it bringsCome on alongI know you really wanna feel our song We've got some life to bringWe've got some joy in this thing(x2)It brings me freedomGot to get you some of that freedomIt's a freedomSinging freedomYou deserve your freedomIt's a smile you can feel in your heart beat Get you (7x) that freedom13. Living in the momentIf this life is one act Why do we lay all these trapsWe put them right in our path When we just wanna be freeI will not waste my days Making up all kinds of waysTo worry about all the things That will not happen to meSo I just let go of what I know I don't know And I know I only do this byLiving in the moment, Living my life Easy and breezyWith peace in my mind I got peace in my heartGot peace in my soul Wherever I'm going, I'm already homeI'm living in the momentI'm letting myself off the hook for things I've doneI let my past go past And now I'm having more funI'm letting go of the thoughts That do not make me strongAnd I believe this way can be the same for everyoneAnd if I fall asleep I know you'll be the one who'll always remind meTo live in the moment, To keep living my life Easy and breezyWith peace in my mind I got peace in my heartGot peace in my soul Wherever I'm going, I'm already homeI can't walk through life facing backwardsI have tried, I tried more than once to just make sureAnd I was denied the future I'd been searching forI spun around and hurt no moreBy living in the moment, Living my life Easy and breezyWith peace in my mind I got peace in my heartGot peace in my soul Wherever I'm going, I'm already homeI'm living in the moment, I'm living my life Just taking it easyWith peace in my mind I got peace in my heartI got peace in my soul Oh, wherever I'm going, I'm already home I'm living in the momentMaybe I annoy you with my choicesWell, you annoy me sometimes too with your voiceBut that ain't enough for me To move out and move onI'm just gonna love you like the woman I loveWe don't have to hurry You can take as long as you want I'm holdin' steady My heart's at home(With my) hand behind you I will catch you if you fallYeah I'm gonna love you like the woman I loveSometimes the world can make you feel, You're not welcome anymoreAnd you beat yourself up You let yourself gettin' madAnd in those times when you stop lovin', The woman I adoreYou could relax, Because, babe, I got your back, I got you.No, I don't mean to change you You've got it under controlYou wake up each day differentAnother reason for me to keep holdin' onI'm not attached to any way you're showing upI'm just gonna love you like the woman I loveYeah I'm gonna love youYeah I'm gonna love youYou're the woman I loveWhen I look into your eyes It's like watching the night sky Or a beautiful sunrise There's so much they hold And just like them old stars I see that you've come so far To be right where you are How old is your soul?I won't give up on usEven if the skies get roughI'm giving you all my loveI'm still looking upAnd when you're needing your space To do some navigatingI'll be here patiently waiting To see what you find'Cause even the stars they burn Some even fall to the earth We've got a lot to learn God knows we're worth it No, I won't give upI don't wanna be someone who walks away so easilyI'm here to stay and make the difference that I can makeOur differences they do a lot to teach us how to useThe tools and gifts we got yeah, we got a lot at stakeAnd in the end, you're still my friend at least we did intendFor us to work we didn't break, we didn't burnWe had to learn how to bend without the world caving inI had to learn what I've got, and what I'm notAnd who I amI won't give up on usEven if the skies get roughI'm giving you all my loveI'm still looking upStill looking up.I won't give up on us (no I'm not giving up)God knows I'm tough enough (I am tough, I am loved)We've got a lot to learn (we're alive, we are loved)God knows we're worth it (and we're worth it)I won't give up on usEven if the skies get roughI'm giving you all my loveI'm still looking up16. 5/6Are you dancing with your partner, or are you pushing them around?Are you begging for attention, or do you love the one you’ve found?Are you giving up your Saturdays to waltz all over town?Or is everything a jolly holiday with a merry y'all with nowYou could give it all away, give it all and be unstoppableAll away, everything is really possible, all awayYou never really own it anyway, It’ll all fall in place if you just let goDon’t dress up your children like dolls from your pastOr They’ll run from you madly, they'll never look backAnd when they grow older, they’ll do just the sameThe world’s a reflection of how children playWell You could give it all away, give it all and be unstoppableAll away, gonna make empty meaningfulYou never really own it anyway, It’ll all fall in place if you just let goWhen you’re in the mood, babyHear just what your heart has to sayWhen the world is turning topside and turvy then you better hurry back down To the bottom of your soul and be lovedYour word is your access, your mouth is your doorLet’s slide down inside there, and see what's in storeIn the middle there’s a rhythm picking, it's a freaking hard beatAt the bottom there’s a lot of water keeping your soul deepYou could give it all away, give it all and be unstoppableAll away, everything is really possible, all awayYou never really own it anyway, It’ll all fall in place if you just let goWhen you’re in the mood, babyHear just what your heart has to sayWhen the world is turning topside and turvy then you better hurry downTo the bottom of your soulGet down, get it all, and be loved17. Everything Is SoundWhen there is love, I can't wait to talk about itWhen things get rough, I like to walk with youOr when it's night, I like to be the light that's missingAnd remind you every minute of the future isn't writtenNot yetWhen there is love, or when the heart feels heavyWe can lighten it up, if you've had enoughWell you can empty your glass and we can fill it back upYou know it's up to us to make it all upSo what you making up? I can make it up backYou could be loved no matter whatAnd know the only time is right now, it's right well where you areYou don't need a vacation when there's nothing to escape fromSinging, La la la la, La la la la Let's all sing ,Hallelujah Everything is soundLet's sing to be happy, to feel things, to communicate, be heardWe sing out to protest, and to project, and to harmonize with birdsWhether it's your birthday, or your dying dayIt's a celebration tooRejoice to use your voice, and give wings to any your choiceWhatever you're choosing right now, it's right well where you areYou don't need a vacation when there's nothing to escape fromSet your vibration and undulation to the hightest it can goAnd trust me, hear me If it makes you wanna singJust sing itLa la la la, Let's all sing La la la la, Everything is sound La la la la, Let's all sing La la, HallelujahIt's a song that i've forgotten often It doesn't make me wrong Cause we all need the darkness, to see the lightIn our own eyes, come on, and sing itLa la la la, Let's all sing La la la la, Everything is sound La la la la, Let's all sing Hallelujah, We're connected now La la la la, Let's all sing Hallelujah, Everything is sound La la la, Let's all sing Hallelujah, We're connected now。



草莓音乐节深圳站招商方案目录1. 招商方案概述 (2)1.1 音乐节简介 (3)1.2 招商目标 (4)2. 音乐节详细信息 (5)3. 招商合作机会 (5)3.1 合作伙伴类型 (7)3.2 VIP观演区 (8)3.3 舞台赞助 (9)3.4 户外广告位 (10)3.5 市内宣传 (12)3.6 周边商品 (13)4. 招商政策与优惠 (14)4.1 价格体系 (15)4.2 优惠措施 (16)4.3 独家权益 (17)4.4 品牌展示 (18)4.5 媒体曝光 (19)5. 合作流程与协议 (20)5.1 合作意向 (22)5.2 合同签订 (23)5.3 执行监督 (24)5.4 合作反馈 (25)6. 营销策略与支持 (26)6.1 市场研究 (27)6.2 宣传手段 (29)6.3 品牌推广 (30)6.4 客户服务 (31)7. 音乐节筹备与运营计划 (32)1. 招商方案概述欢迎阅读此次关于“草莓音乐节深圳站”独家招商方案的内容。








歌曲 Last Ride of the Day(Nightwish)夜愿的重金属狂潮(中英文互译)

歌曲 Last Ride of the Day(Nightwish)夜愿的重金属狂潮(中英文互译)

歌曲Last Ride of the Day(Nightwish)夜愿的重金属狂潮(中英文互译)"Last Ride of the Day" is the eleventh track from Finnish symphonic metal band Nightwish's seventh studio album Imaginaerum. This track was chosen as the official anthem for the Ice Hockey World Championships 2012 in Finland/Sweden.DJ Orkidea produced a remix of the song as the new entrance music of the Kiteen Pallo sports team, while Nightwish had previously created an early version of a song titled Kiteen Pallo for the team in the past. Both versions of the songs could be found on the website in the past, but have since been removed when the site was revamped for the release of Imaginaerum.剧院金属(美声金属)乐队夜愿是来自芬兰的国宝级乐队,其作品以恢弘大气、诡谲魔性的特点为人所知。









20XX 年,首次脱离五月天出演电影《逆转胜》,在电影中担任男主角“谢双丰”。

20XX 年2月26日,成为全世界第二十七位获得Gibson吉他公司Signature Model之吉他手,同时也是全亚洲第二位。






20XX年歌曲《如烟》获得Fresh Music Awards最佳作词。










时间: 10月20日周六19:30 - 23:30。

地点: 北京东城区北京市东城区张自忠路3-2号愚公移山Livehouse。

费用: 280元(预售) 380元(现场)。

殿堂级死亡金属传奇乐队CANNIBAL CORPSE(食人僵尸)。


作为全球死亡金属领域无可争辩的超级霸主,CANNIBAL CORPSE于1988年在美国纽约布法罗市成立。

通过金属刀片唱片公司发行的前三张佛州残酷派丰碑专辑,CANNIBAL CORPSE在第一时间便奠定了其在死金乐坛的霸主地位。

乐队在继承80年代KREATOR、SLAYER等经典敲击金属特点的基础上发展而来的极端音色从此成为该风格音乐的代表之一,CANNIBAL CORPSE有别于同时代的MORBID ANGEL、DEATH、AUTOPSY等乐队,无论从音乐还是歌词以及经典的专辑封套和插图都更加的突破极限,一跃成为全球最具争议的金属乐队,并在音乐领域巩固了他们的话题性和商业潜质。

1997年George Fisher成为乐队新一代主唱,并推出乐队历史上的革命性专辑《Vile》,这张唱片首次将死亡金属带到公告牌200榜单的第151名。

该张专辑音乐充满了超快速的低吼结合惨烈的高音,一贯蛮鲁快速复杂多变的鼓击和节奏,完全成为人类音乐进入千禧年后的一朵病态奇葩,无数乐迷的顶礼膜拜让CANNIBAL CORPSE从地下乐团跃升成为邪典文化领域无法动摇的神般偶像。








爱乐活文化攻略316639#音乐#全美最佳民谣创作才子Mark Kozelek首度中国巡演北京站。

时间: 7月17日20:00 - 23:30。

地点: 北京东城区鼓楼东大街111号MAO live house。

费用: 120元(现场票) 80元(学生票)。

全美最佳民谣创作才子Mark Kozelek首度中国巡演北京站。

★4AD旗下知名乐队Red House Painters、Sun Kil Moon灵魂主创首度中国巡演。

★ “能够完美地诠释那种属于全人类的忧郁、恐慌、坚韧和勇敢”的声音。

★ 身兼唱作、文学、制作、绘画、表演才能于一身的全能才子,被誉为美国当代最好的民谣创作人之一。



场馆:MAO Livehouse。


票价:120元(现场)/ 80元(学生)。

你还初识红屋画家Red House Painters时的那份少年感怀吗?还是你对以Sun Kil Moon 名号还魂的那把空心吉他更念念不忘?——7月份不该是个伤心的月份,虽然历经一波三折,Split Works终于可以很高兴地告诉各位:我们的Mark Kozelek真的要来了。

作为另类/独立摇滚的一个分支,Sadcore一直以它纾缓、脆弱并且情感厚重的音乐曲风催人感伤,其中的代表就不得不提以Mark Kozelek为主脑的4AD旗下知名“悲核”乐队Red House Painters (红屋画家)了。

成立于1989年的红屋画家共发行了6张录音室全长专辑,而作为乐队的创作主脑,Mark Kozelek以他忧伤低调的气质牵引着乐队的音乐走向。


2002年,在红屋画家解散之后,Mark Kozelek又成立了民谣乐队Sun Kil Moon,这个名字来源于韩国轻量级拳击手Sung-Kil Moon。

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香港死核乐团Massacre Of Mothman巡演北京站


每个星期一的清晨是不少都市人忙碌的开始,虽然面对挑战,但却勇于面对,这是Daybreak Massacre Of Mothman对音乐甚至生活的态度。

成立以来,承蒙各方面之赏识,在香港地下音乐界愈见活跃,希望将来会有更多机会可以让更多不同地区的人认识到Massacre Of Mothman。




热爱生活,乐于分享的各类达人聚在这里,分享消费攻略,激发生活灵感,发现城市最IN 的角落。


