2012年考研英语(二)真题及答案Section 1 Use of EninglishDirections :Millions of Americans and foreigners see GI.Joe as a mindless war toy ,the symbol o f American military adventurism, but that‘s not how it used to be .To the men and wome n who 1 )in World War II and the people they liberated ,the GI.was the 2) man grown i nto hero ,the pool farm kid torn away from his home ,the guy who 3) all the burdens of battle ,who slept in cold foxholes,who went without the 4) of food and shelter ,who stuc k it out and drove back the Nazi reign of murder .this was not a volunteer soldier ,not s omeone well paid ,5) an average guy ,up 6 )the best trained ,best equipped ,fiercest ,most brutal enemies seen in centuries.His name is not much.GI. is just a military abbreviation 7) Government Issue ,and it was on all of the article 8) to soldiers .And Joe? A common name for a guy who never 9) it to the top .Joe Blow ,Joe Magrac …a working class name.The United States has 1 0) had a president or vicepresident or secretary of state Joe.GI .joe had a (11)career fighting German ,Japanese , and Korean troops . He appers as a character ,or a (12 ) of american personalities, in the 1945 movie The Story of GI. Joe, based on the last days of war correspondent Ernie Pyle. Some of the soldiers Pyle(13) portrayde themselves in the film. Pyle was famous for covering the (14)side of the warl, writing about the dirt-snow –and-mud soldiers, not how many miles were(15)or what town s were cap tured or liberated, His reports(16)the ―willie‖ cartoons of famed Stars and Strip es artist Bill Maulden. Both men(17)the dirt and exhaustion of war, the (18)of civilizationthat the soldiers shared with each other and the civilians: coffee, tobacco, whiskey, shelte r, sleep. (19)Egypt, France, and a dozen more countries, G.I. Joe was any American soldi er,(20)the most important person in their lives.1.[A] performed [B]served [C]rebelled [D]betrayed2.[A] actual [B]common [C]special [D]normal3.[A]bore [B]cased [C]removed [D]loaded4.[A]necessities [B]facilitice [C]commodities [D]propertoes5.[A]and [B]nor [C]but [D]hence6.[A]for [B]into [C] form [D]against7.[A]meaning [B]implying [C]symbolizing [D]claiming8.[A]handed out [B]turn over [C]brought back [D]passed down9.[A]pushed [B]got [C]made [D]managed10.[A]ever [B]never [C]either [D]neither11.[A]disguised [B]disturbed [C]disputed [D]distinguished12.[A]company [B]collection [C]community [D]colony13.[A]employed [B]appointed [C]interviewed [D]questioned14.[A]ethical [B]military [C]political [D]human15.[A]ruined [B]commuted [C]patrolled [D]gained16.[A]paralleled [B]counteracted [C]duplicated [D]contradicted17.[A]neglected [B]avoided [C]emphasized [D]admired18.[A]stages [B]illusions [C]fragments [D]advancea19.[A]With [B]To [C]Among [D]Beyond20.[A]on the contrary [B] by this means [C]from the outset [D]at that pointSection II Resdiong ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. answer the question after each text by choosing A,B,C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(40 points)Text 1Homework has never been terribly popular with students and even many parents, but in recent years it has been particularly scorned. School districts across the country, most r ecently Los Angeles Unified, are revising their thinking on his educational ritual. Unfortun ately, L.A. Unified has produced an inflexible policy which mandates that with the excepti on of some advanced courses, homework may no longer count for more than 10% of a st udent‘s academic grade.This rule is meant to address the difficulty that students from impoverished or chaotic homes might have in completing their homework. But the policy is unclear and contradic tory. Certainly, no homework should be assigned that students cannot do without expensiv e equipment. But if the district is essentially giving a pass to students who do not do the ir homework because of complicated family lives, it is going riskily close to the implicati on that standards need to be lowered for poor children.District administrators say that homework will still be a pat of schooling: teachers are allowed to assign as much of it as they want. But with homework counting for no more than 10% of their grades, students can easily skip half their homework and see vey little difference on their report cards. Some students might do well on state tests without com pleting their homework, but what about the students who performed well on the tests and did their homework? It is quite possible that the homework helped. Yet rather than empo wering teachers to find what works best for their students, the policy imposes a flat, acro ss-the-board rule.At the same time, the policy addresses none of the truly thorny questions about hom ework. If the district finds homework to be unimportan t to its students‘ academic achieve ment, it should move to reduce or eliminate the assignments, not make them count for al most nothing. Conversely, if homework does nothing to ensure that the homework students are not assigning more than they are willing to review and correct.The homework rules should be put on hold while the school board, which is responsi ble for setting educational policy, looks into the matter and conducts public hearings. It is not too late for L.A. Unified to do homework right.21.It is implied in paragraph 1 that nowadays homework_____.[A] is receiving more criticism[B]is no longer an educational ritual[C]is not required for advanced courses[D]is gaining more preferences22.L.A.Unified has made the rule about homework mainly because poor students____ _.[A]tend to have moderate expectations for their education[B]have asked for a different educational standard[C]may have problems finishing their homework[D]have voiced their complaints about homework23.According to Paragraph 3,one problem with the policy is that it may____.[A]discourage students from doing homework[B]result in students' indifference to their report cards[C]undermine the authority of state tests[D]restrict teachers' power in education24. As mentioned in Paragraph 4, a key question unanswered about homework is whe ther______. [A] it should be eliminated[B]it counts much in schooling[C]it places extra burdens on teachers[D]it is important for grades25.A suitable title for this text could be______.[A]Wrong Interpretation of an Educational Policy[B]A Welcomed Policy for Poor Students[C]Thorny Questions about Homework[D]A Faulty Approach to HomeworkText2Pretty in pink: adult women do not rememer being so obsessed with the colour, yet i t is pervasive in our young girls‘ lives. Tt is not that pink is intrinsically bad, but it is s uch a tiny slice of the rainbow and, though it may celebrate girlhood in one way, it also repeatedly and firmly fuses girls‘ identity to appearance. Then it presents that connection, even among two-year-olds, between girls as not only innocent but as evidence of innocen ce. Looking around, I despaired at the singular lack of imagination about girls‘ lives and interests.Girls‘ attraction to pink may seem unavoidable, somehow encoded in their DNA, but according to Jo Paoletti, an associate professor of American Studies, it is not. Children w ere not colour-coded at all until the early 20th century: in the era before domestic washin g machines all babies wore white as a practical matter, since the only way of getting clothes clean was to boil them. What‘s more, both boys and girls wore what were thought of as gender-neutral dresses.When nursery colours were introduced, pink was actually consid ered the more masculine colour, a pastel version of red, which was associated with strengt h. Blue, with its intimations of the Virgin Mary, constancy and faithfulness, symbolised fe mininity. It was not until the mid-1980s, when amplifying age and sex differences became a dominant children‘s marketing strategy, that pink fully came into its own, when it bega n to seem inherently attractive to girls, part of what defined them as female, at least for t he first few critical years.I had not realised how profoundly marketing trends dictated our perception of what is natural to kins, including our core beliefs about their psychological development. Take th e toddler. I assumed that phase was something experts developed after years of research i n to children‘s behaviour: wrong. Turns out, acdording to Daniel Cook, a historian of child hood consumerism, it was popularised as a marketing trick by clothing manufacrurers in t he 1930s.Trade publications counselled department stores that, in order to increase sales, they s hould create a ―third stepping stone‖ between infant wear and older kids‘ clothes. Tt was only after ―toddler‖became a common shoppers‘ term that it evolved into a br oadly accept ed developmental stage. Splitting kids, or adults,into ever-tinier categories has proved a sur e-fire way to boost profits. And one of the easiest ways to segment a market is to magni fy gender differences –or invent them where they did not previously exist.26.By saying "it is...the rainbow"(Line 3, Para.1),the author means pink______.[A]should not be the sole representation of girlhood[B]should not be associated with girls' innocence[C]cannot explain girls' lack of imagination[D]cannot influence girls' lives and interests27.According to Paragraph 2, which of the following is true of colours?[A]Colours are encoded in girls' DNA.[B]Blue used to be regarded as the colour for girls.[C]Pink used to be a neutral colour in symbolising genders.[D]White is prefered by babies.28.The author suggests that our perception of children's psychological development wa s much influenced by_____.[A]the marketing of products for children[B]the observation of children's nature[C]researches into children's behavior[D]studies of childhood consumption29.We may learn from Paragraph 4 that department stores were advised to_____.[A]focus on infant wear and older kids' clothes[B]attach equal importance to different genders[C]classify consumers into smaller groups[D]create some common shoppers' terms30.It can be concluded that girls' attraction to pink seems to be____.[A] clearly explained by their inborn tendency[B]fully understood by clothing manufacturers[C] mainly imposed by profit-driven businessmen[D]well interpreted by psychological expertsText3In2010.afederaljudgeshookAmerica'panieshadwonpatentsforis olatedDNAfordecades-by2005some20%ofhumangeneswereparented.ButinMarch2010ajudgeruledt hatgeneswereunpatentable.Executiveswereviolentlyagitated.TheBiotechnologyIndustryOrganisatio n(BIO),atradegroup,assuredmembersthatthiswasjusta―preliminarystep‖inalongerbattle.OnJuly29ththeywererelieved,atleasttemporarily.Afederalappealscourtoverturnedthepriordecis ion,rulingthatMyriadGeneticscouldindeedholbpatentstotwogenssthathelpforecastawoman'sriskofbr eastcancer.ThechiefexecutiveofMyriad,acompanyinUtah,saidtherulingwasablessingtofirmsandpati entsalike.Butascompaniescontinuetheirattemptsatpersonalisedmedicine,thecourtswillremainratherbusy. TheMyriadcaseitselfisprobablynotoverCriticsmakethreemainargumentsagainstgenepatents:ageneis aproductofnature,soitmaynotbepatented;genepatentssuppressinnovationratherthanrewardit;andpate nts'monopoliesrestrictaccesstogenetictestssuchasMyriad'styearafederaltask-forceurgedreformforpatentsrelatedtogenetictests.InOctobertheDepartmentofJusticefile dabriefintheMyriadcase,arguingthatanisolatedDNAmolecule―isnolessaproductofnature...thanarecot tonfibres thathavebeenseparatedfromcottonseeds.‖Despitetheappealscourt'sdecision,bigquestionsremainunanswered.Forexample,itisunclearwhet herthesequencingofawholegenomeviolatesthepatentsofindividualgeneswithinit.Thecasemayyetreac htheSupremeCourt.AS the industry advances ,however,other suits may have an even greater p anies are unlikely to file many more patents for human DNA molecules-most are already patented or in the public domain .firms are now studying how genes intcract,looking for c orrelations tha t might be used to determine the causes of disease or predict a drug‘s effic acy,companies are eager to win patents for ‗connecting the dits‘,expaains hans sauer,alawy er for the BIO.Their success may be determined by a suit related to this issue, brought by the May o Clinic, which the Supreme Court will hear in its next term. The BIO rtcently held a co nvention which included seddions to coach lawyers on the shifting landscape for patents. Each meeting was packed.31.it canbe learned from paragraph I that the biotech companies would like-----A.their executives to be activeB.judges to rule out gene patentingC.genes to be patcntablcD.the BIO to issue a warning32.those who are against gene patents believe that----A.genetic tests are not reliableB.only man-made products are patentableC.patents on genes depend much on innovatiaonD.courts should restrict access to gene tic tests33.according to hans sauer ,companies are eager to win patents for----A.establishing disease comelationsB.discovering gene interactionsC.drawing pictures of genesD.identifying human DNA34.By saying ―each meeting was packed‖(line4,para6)the author means that -----A.the supreme court was authoritativeB.the BIO was a powerful organizationC.gene patenting was a great concernwyers were keen to attend conventiongs35.generally speaking ,the author‘s attitude toward gene patenting is----A.criticalB.supportiveC.scornfulD.objectiveText 4The great recession may be over, but this era of high joblessness is probably beginni ng. Before it ends,it will likely change the life course and character of a generation of young adults. A nd ultimately, it is likely to reshape our politics,our culture, and the character of our soci ety for years.No one tries harder than the jobless to find silver linings in this national economic d isaster. Many said that unemployment, while extremely painful, had improved them in som e ways; they had become less materialistic and more financially prudent; they were more aware of the struggles of others. In limited respects, perhaps the recession will leave socie ty better off. At the very least, it has awoken us from our national fever dream of easy r iches and bigger houses, and put a necessary end to an era of reckless personal spending.But for the most part, these benefits seem thin, uncertain, and far off. In The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth, the economic historian Benjamin Friedman argues that both inside and outside the U.S. ,lengthy periods of economic stagnation or decline have almost always left society more mean-spirited and less inclusive, and have usually stoppe d or reversed the advance of rights and freedoms. Anti-immigrant sentiment typically incre ases, as does conflict between races and classes.Income inequality usually falls during a recession, but it has not shrunk in this one,. Indeed, this period of economic weakness may reinforce class divides, and decrease opport unities to cross them--- especially for young people. The research of Till Von Wachter, th e economist in Columbia University, suggests that not all people graduating into a recessi on see their life chances dimmed: those with degrees from elite universities catch up fairl y quickly to where they otherwise would have been if they had graduated in better times; it is the masses beneath them that are left behind.In the internet age, it is particularly easy to see the resentment that has always been hidden winthin American society. More difficult, in the moment , is discerning precisely h ow these lean tim es are affecting society‘s character. In many respects, the U.S. was more socially tolerant entering this resession than at any time in its history, and a variety of n ational polls on social conflict since then have shown mixed results. We will have to wait and see exactly how these hard times will reshape our social fabric. But they certainly it, and all the more so the longer they extend.36.By saying ―to find silver linings‖(Line 1,Para.2)the author suggest that the jobless try to___.[A]seek subsidies from the govemment[B]explore reasons for the unermployment[C]make profits from the troubled economy[D]look on the bright side of the recession37.According to Paragraph 2,the recession has made people_____.[A]realize the national dream[B]struggle against each other[C]challenge their lifestyle[D]reconsider their lifestyle38.Benjamin Friedman believe that economic recessions may_____.[A]impose a heavier burden on immigrants[B]bring out more evils of human nature[C]Promote the advance of rights and freedoms[D]ease conflicts between races and classes39.The research of Till Von Wachther suggests that in recession graduates from elite universities tend to _____.[A]lag behind the others due to decreased opportunities[B]catch up quickly with experienced employees[C]see their life chances as dimmed as the others‘[D]recover more quickly than the others40.The author thinks that the influence of hard times on society is____.[A]certain[B]positive[C]trivial[D]destructivePart BDirections:Read the following text and answer the questions by finding information from the left column that corresponds to each of the marked details given in the right column. There are two extra choices in the right column. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEERT 1.(10 points)―Universal history, the history of what man has accomplished in this world, is at bot t om the History of the Great Men who have worked here,‖ wrote the Victorian sage Tho mas Carlyle. Well, not any more it is not.Suddenly, Britain looks to have fallen out with its favourite historical form. This coul d be no more than a passing literary craze, but it also points to a broader truth about ho w we now approach the past: less concerned with learning from forefathers and more inte rested in feeling their pain. Today, we want empathy, not inspiration.From the earliest days of the Renaissance, the writing of history meant recounting the exemplary lives of great men. In 1337, Petrarch began work on his rambling writing De Viris Illustribus –On Famous Men, highlighting the virtus (or virtue) of classical heroes. Petrarch celebrated their greatness in conquering fortune and rising to the top. This was t he biographical tradition which Niccolo Machiavelli turned on its head. In The Prince, thechampioned cunning, ruthlessness, and boldness, rather than virtue, mercy and justice, as the skills of successful leaders.Over time, the attributes of greatness shifted. The Romantics commemorated the leadi ng painters and authors of their day, stressing the uniqueness of the artist's personal exper ience rather than public glory. By contrast, the Victorian author Samual Smiles wrote Self -Help as a catalogue of the worthy lives of engineers , industrialists and explores . "The valuable examples which they furnish of the power of self-help, if patient purpose, resolut e working and steadfast integrity, issuing in the formulation of truly noble and many char acter, exhibit,"wrote Smiles."what it is in the power of each to accomplish for himself"His biographies of James Walt, Richard Arkwright and Josiah Wedgwood were held up as be acons to guide the working man through his difficult life.This was all a bit bourgeois for Thomas Carlyle, who focused his biographies on the truly heroic lives of Martin Luther, Oliver Cromwell and Napoleon Bonaparte. These epo chal figures represented lives hard to imitate, but to be acknowledged as possessing higher authority than mere mortals.Communist Manifesto. For them, history did nothing, it possessed no immense wealth nor waged battles:―It is man, real, living man who does all that.‖ And history should be the story of the masses and their record of struggle. As such, it needed to appreciate the economic realities, the social contexts and power relations in which each epoch stood. Fo r:―Men make their own history, but they do not make it just as they please; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves, but under circumstances directly found, given and transmitted from the past.‖This was the tradition which revolutionized our appreciation of the past. In place of Thomas Carlyle, Britain nurtured Christopher Hill, EP Thompson and Eric Hobsbawm. His tory from below stood alongside biographies of great men. Whole new realms of understa nding —from gender to race to cultural studies —were opened up as scholars unpicked the multiplicity of lost societies. And it transformed public history too: downstairs becam e just as fascinating as upstairs.Section III Translation46.Directions:Translate the following text from English into Chinese.Write your translation on ANS WER SHEET2.(15 points)When people in developing countries worry about migration,they are usually concerne d at the prospect of ther best and brightest departure to Silicon Valley or to hospitals anduniversities in the developed world ,These are the kind of workers that countries like Bri tian ,Canada and Australia try to attract by using immigration rules that privilege college graduates .Lots of studies have found that well-educated people from developing countries are p articularly likely to emigrate .A big survey of Indian households in 2004 found that nearl y 40%of emigrants had more than a high-school education,compared with around 3.3%of a ll Indians over the age of 25.This "brain drain "has long bothered policymakers in poor c ountries ,They fear that it hurts their economies ,depriving them of much-needed skilled w orkers who could have taught at their universities ,worked in their hospitals and come up with clever new products for their factories to make .Section IV WritingPart A47.DirectionsSuppose you have found something wrong with the electronic dictionary that you bou ght from an onlin store the other day ,Write an email to the customer service center to1)make a complaint and2)demand a prompt solutionYou should write about 100words on ANSERE SHEET 2Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter ,Use "zhang wei "instead .48、write an essay based on the following table .In your writing you should1)describe the table ,and2)give your commentsYou should write at least 150 words(15points) 某公司员工工作满意度调查完形填空:1.B2.B3.A4.A5.C6.B7.C8.A9.D 10.B11.D 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.B16.A 17.C 18.B 19.B 20.DTEXT1:21. A 22.C 23.A 24.B 25.DTEXT2:26.A 27.B 28.A 29.C 30.CTEXT3:31.C 32.B 33.A 34.D 35.DTEXT4:36.D 37.D 38.B 39.D 40.A新题型:41-45:AFGCE小作文范文:Dear Sir or Madame,As one of the regular customers of your online store, I am writing this letter to exp ress my complaint against the flaws in your product—an electronic dictionary I bought in your shop the other day.The dictionary is supposed to be a favorable tool for my study. Unfortunately, I fou nd that there are several problems. To begin with, when I opened it, I detected that the a ppearance of it had been scratched. Secondly, I did not find the battery promised in the a dvertisement posted on the homepage of your shop, which makes me feel that you have n ot kept your promise. What is worse, some of the keys on the keyboard do not work.I strongly request that a satisfactory explanation be given and effective measures sho uld be taken to improve your service and the quality of your products. You can either se nd a new one to me or refund me my money in full.I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.Sincerely yours,Zhang Wei1.【答案】B【解析】从空后的句子―他们解放的人们‖可以看出,空前的句子表示的应该是参加了第二次大战的男人和女人。
2012年9月公共英语二级考试真题及答案(文字完整版)[A] I do[B] I know[C] I Wish[D] I agree22. She was so tired that she fell asleep_________in her chair.[A]sitting[B]to sit[C] being sat[D] to have sat23. I would like to say a big thank-you toeveryone_________ has helped to make our meeting a great success![A] which[B] that[C] who[D] whom24. I_________ far too hard today and I'vegot such a headache now.[A] had worked[B] have been working[D] work25. It is difficult to design_________ programthat will meet _________various needs of all our users.[A] the;the[B] a; the[C] /;the[D] /;/26. --Would you mind carrying this book forme for two seconds, please?--Oh_________,[A]go ahead[C]let me see[D]with pleasure27. I think he'd like to stay at home thisevening rather than_________ out.[A] goes[B] going[C] gone[D] go28. Can you hold the bag for me _________ I open the door?[A] because[B] since[C] while[D] for29. The company is losing money and _________have to close down.[A] should[B] would[C] must[D] need30. He is certainly an _________ lawyer butpeople say that he lacks a human touch.[A] official[B] experienced[C] ordinary[D] unknown31, Allen guided us_________ the narrow streets to the station and saidgood-bye to us there.[A] through[B] between[C] into[D] off32. Before going out, Linda_________ aquick look at herself in the mirror on the wall.[A] will be taking[B] was taking[C] had taken[D] took33. The idea of opening a new cinema herewas not wise, as there are two here already, _________ usually half-empty.[A] neither[B]none[C] either[D] both34. It was extremely cold. _________ , it began to snow.[A] To make matters worse[B] After all[C] In any case[D] As a result35. I can't stand around chatting--I've gotthings to do this morning.[A] a million[B] million[C] a million of[D] millions第二节完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的[A]、[B]、[C]和[D]四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的选项,并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑。
例:0.How much is the shirt?[A] £ 19.15.[B] £ 9.18.[C] £ 9.15.请看选项:衬衫的价格为9镑15便士,所以你选择[C]项,并在试卷上将其标出。
1.What are the speakers talking about?[A] Who will attend the meeting.[B] When to announce the news.[C] What to discuss on Wednesday.2.What will the man do?[A] Boil more water.[B] Have a cup of tea.[C] Make tea for Christine.3.Why is Sheila late?[A] She forgot the time.[B] She had to finish work.[C] She argued with her boss.4.What is the weather normally like?[A] Warm. [B] Rainy. [C] Cold.5.What does the man mean?[A] He likes his professor.[B] He wants a new task.[C] He needs more time.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。
2010年12月统考真题(2)一、交际英语1.–How much is this necklace? 这条项链多少钱?-___________________.A. It’s very nice.B. It’s a birthday present from my parentsC. It costs fifty pounds 五十英镑。
D. It’s a bargain2. –Does that tea have enough sugar in it? 那杯茶里的糖够吗?-________________.A. Yes, it is. Thank you.B. Yes, it does. Thank you. 够,谢谢。
C. Yes, I will. Thank you.D. Yes, I do. I like it.3. -Thank you for inviting me. 谢谢你邀请我。
-_____________.A. I really had a happy time.B. Oh, it’s too lateC. Thank you for coming 谢谢你能来。
D. Oh, so slowly?4. –This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs. 这个箱子太重了,我搬不到楼上去。
-__________________________.A. You may ask for help.B. I’ll give you a hand. 我来帮你。
C. Please do me a favor.D. I’d come to help.5. -Hey, Tom, what’s up? 你好,汤姆,怎么回事?-_______________.A. Yes, definitely!B. Oh, not much. 没什么。
C. What is happening in your life?D. You are lucky.阅读理解:Passage One:The climate of any place is the kind of weather it usually has over a long period of time. The kind of homes we live in, the clothes we wear, the food we depend on the climate of the place where we live. Climate is complicated; it is affected by many things. If you live near one of the poles, you live in a cold climate, for you don’t get much direct sunshine as you would get farther from the poles. If you live near the equator(赤道), you live in a warm or very hot climate, for this is the religion where the sun shines almost straight down.某个地方的气候指的是持续时间较长的一种天气。
2012 年考研英语二真题(完整版)Section 1 Use of Eninglish Directions :Millions of Americans and foreigners see GI.Joe as a mindless war toy ,the symbol of American military adventurism, but that’s not how it used to be .To the men and women who 1 )in World War II and the people they liberated ,the GI.was the 2) man grown into hero ,the pool farm kid torn away from his home ,the guy who 3) all the burdens ofbattle ,who slept in cold foxholes,who went without the 4) of food and shelter ,who stuck it out and drove back the Nazi reign of murder .this was not a volunteer soldier ,not someone well paid ,5) an average guy ,up 6 )the best trained ,best equipped ,fiercest ,most brutal enemies seen in centuries。
His name is not much.GI. is just a military abbreviation 7) Government Issue ,and it was on all of the article 8) to soldiers .And Joe? A common name for a guy who never 9) it to the top .Joe Blow ,Joe Magrac …a working class name.The United States ha s 10) had a president or vicepresident or secretary ofstate Joe。
2012年9月重庆大学考试大学英语(2) A 卷 最新(9月16日)答案
![2012年9月重庆大学考试大学英语(2) A 卷 最新(9月16日)答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e151d72358fb770bf78a5523.png)
2012年9月考试大学英语(2) A 卷考试批次:201202次考试课程:大学英语(2)已做/题量40 / 40 4 / 4 1 / 1 45 / 45 得分/分值0 / 40 0 / 40 0 / 20 0 / 100一、单项选择题(共40题、总分40分)1. ( ) fire tries gold, ( )does adversity try virtue. ( ) (本题分数:1 分。
)A、 Both....andB、 Either...orC、 Like...soD、 As...so2. My father ()his business successfully. (本题分数:1 分。
)A、 experimentedB、 conductedC、 hostedD、 manufactured3. Now, telephone makes people sitting next to you ( ) absent. (本题分数:1 分。
)A、 FeelB、 to feelC、 feltD、 feeling4. Some people like to _____ friends by taking them to a restaurant fordinner. (本题分数:1 分。
)A、 enjoyB、 interestC、 pastimeD、 entertain5. The service of this hotel is so bad that we just spend one night thereand then (). (本题分数:1 分。
)A、 check inB、 check outC、 move inD、 move out6. Thanks for your invitation and I will come ()at eight. (本题分数:1 分。
)A、 alongB、 longC、 aloneD、 lone7. “Can I pay my bill by ( )card?” (本题分数:1 分。
2012英语二真题1 年英语二真题Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (25 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the choices given. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.Great Tibet1. C2. B3. D4. C5. A6. B7. A8. plateau9. breathtaking scenery10. Tibetan BuddhismPart Ⅲ Listening Comprehension (35 minutes) Section A11. C12. A13. B14. B15. C16. A17. B18. C19. A20. BSection B21. A22. C23. B24. C25. A26. B28. C29. B30. CSection C31. D32. B33. C34. A35. D36. B37. C38. A39. D40. BPart IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes) Section A41. D42. B44. B45. CSection B46. A47. D48. C49. B50. DSection C51. A52. D53. C54. B55. APart Ⅴ Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:1. 当代社会因拼写错误带来的问题;2. 拼写错误产生的原因;3. 应该给予拼写的重视以及如何改进。
第三部分:完形填空(每题2分,共20分)Genetic EngineeringMany people are unaware (16)____________ a lot of the foods they eat every day, (17)____________ bread, ham and cheese, have been altered by using new technology. Food can be changed. It can be made to taste (18)____________ or to look different – carrots can be made to taste of chocolate and apples can be made redder. Some food that appears the same has been (19)____________ improved, for example, fish can be made to grow faster. Should we be pleased or worried? Will new technology bring benefits, or is it about to go (20)____________ control?Genetically engineered foods are produced by taking genetic material from one species and transferring it (21)____________ another.For example, an ‗antifreeze‘ gene which appears naturally in Arctic fish has been introduced into tomatoes and strawberries (22)____________ they don‘t freeze in cold weather; a human gene has been introduced into pigs to make them (23)____________ more quickly.Some claim great advantages. They point out that crops can be made stronger and more disease resistant, (24)____________ pesticides can be reduced. They also maintain that food can be made more nutritious or that the fat content can (25)____________ to make it healthier.16. A. that B. what C. for D. of17. A. such that B. such as C. so that D. so as18. A. difference B. differently C. different D. differing19. A. scientifically B. science C. scientific D. scientifical20. A. under B. into C. out D. out of21. A. for B. to C. out D. into22. A. such that B. in order to C. so that D. so as to23. A. grow B. to grow C. growing D. grown24. A. because B. cause C. result D. so25. A. be reducing B. be reduced C. reduced D. reducing题目:作业2第四部分:阅读理解(每题2分,共30分)短文理解1I used to think education was the most important thing in my life. Recently my attitude has begun to change, although I still hold that it is essential for everyone in the world today. As a top junior student in my college, I was asked to make a speech on how to learn English well. Standing in front of the audience facing so many freshmen, I was trembling. I didn‘t remember any word that I had prepared. I ran out of the conference room without finishing my speech, leaving everyone puzzled. I cried that night in my room, feeling that I was a loser. Studying takes so much of my time that I feel unable to really develop myself. I am just storing knowledge; yet fail to communicate with others. I have received many awards in school, but they don‘t necessarily reflect anything about me. I don‘t know how to socialize. When I leave school I fear I will be of no use to society.I realize that everyone has her or his own way of living. I want to change my lifestyle. Of course I will keep studying. Y et I plan to look for a part time job, which might turn out to be a good chance to get to know society. I still believe that working my hardest does make me happy. I will still stay on in college, but I will not allow it to shelter me from the real world.26.From this passage, we know that the author ____________.A. does not think education is the most important thing in her life any moreB. thinks that communication with other people is more important than educationC. realizes that it is more important to really develop oneself than just to store knowledgeD. comes to learn how important it is to make a public speech27. By saying that she is ―a junior student‖ in her college, the author means that she is ____________.A. a student in her third year in collegeB. a very young college studentC. younger than most students in collegeD. shorter than others in college28. The author thinks the awards she has received ____________.A. show that she is a top studentB. show how much time she has spent in learningC. mean she only knows how to learn, but not how to socializeD. don‘t ne cessarily reflect her real self29. The author fears that she will be of no use to society, mainly because ____________.A. she feels she is a loserB. she does not know how to communicate with othersC. studying takes too much of her timeD. she is unable to develop herself30. Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage, when the author says that she wants to find a part time job?A. The job might enable her to get to know society.B. She wants to change her lifestyle.C. Working part time while studying will make her happy.D. She wants to get some shelter from the real world.英语II(2)重难点分析(1)短文理解1The Gobi Desert ., in the north of China, is now seven times bigger than Britain. China has large desert areas and much of its agricultural land is being threatened by desertification, which is getting worse, in addition, soil erosion has led to a huge loss of farmland and the drying up of rivers. Consequently, the livelihoods of 35 million people are being threatened. Furthermore it is even affecting cities. The nearest sand dune is less than 100 miles from Beijing, where unpleasant sandstorms are becoming more frequent. The worse the situation, the more pressure there is on the government to take action.The reasons for the changes are complex. It is clear that pollution of the air and water by factories is affecting the environment. Trees and other vegetation die, mad so soil is eroded. The more trees that die, the less water is held in the earth. The need for wood for fuel and buildings leads to further deforestation, which causes further soil erosion, local farmers find it more andmore difficult to make a living. They end up using inefficient farming methods, which again leads to soil erosion.The Government is carrying out anti-desertification projects, including the creation of a forest hell around deserts. The tree planting campaign, known as the Great Green Wall, is meant to protect Beijing from sandstorms. China hopes to control the expansion of desert land by the year 2010 and plans to establish a protected eco-system in desert areas by 2050.Questions l--- 5.1. Britain isA. one eighth of the size of the Gobi DesertB. 20% of the size o! ChinaC. as big as the Gobi desertD. bigger than Gobi desert2. The total desert area of China is ______A. decreasingB. remaining constantC. not mentioned in the textD. increasing3. The trees die becauseA. the soil is poorB. the sir and water is pollutedC. they get diseasesD. they are not well planted by people4. The Chinese government is planting trees aroundA. the desertsB. ChinaC. BeijingD. the north of China5. The expansion of desert landA. will definitely be controlled by 2010B. won't he controlled by 2010C. should be controlled by 2010D. must be controlled by 2010短文理解 2Recently, a rather sophisticated(老练的) woman told me shyly that she saves up all her presents until Christmas morning and then sits up in bed and opens them, just like a child. She though! I would laugh at her and say how silly she was. But in fact I was absolutely delighted to meet someone who treats Christmas as I do.Many people today have a very different attitude to Christmas- They think it's just a timewhen shopkeepers make a lot of money and everyone rushes round buying presents they don't want to give and food they don't want to eat. But have they grown so far away from their own childhood that they can't remember all the good things.First of all, Christmas takes you out of the ordinary dull routine of life. For children, the fun begins weeks before when the decorations are put up, and excitement gradually increased as December the 25 approaches.Everyone seems much friendlier to each other than usual at Christmas time.Y ou can lean(倚靠) on a car window when you're stopped at the traffic lights and say "Merry Christmas," and people will smile and respond. Y ou probably wouldn't think of doing that at any other lime of year. Perhaps it is because most people are on holiday or because everyone knows that they are sharing s similar experience. Giving presents can be very satisfying, too, if you plan far enough in advance and really think of tile right present for the right person.Indeed, whatever shopkeepers gain out of Christmas, it is still a "holy day," the words from which "holiday" is derived, and it gives people time to pause and concentrate for moment on non-commercial values.Questions 6--10.6. When the woman told the writer her Christmas story, ____she was shy becauseA. she thought it was too privateB. it showed her greedinessC. she thought it was too childishD. it showed her honesty7. Many people have different attitude to Christmas becauseA .. shops earn too much moneyB people eat too much foodC everyone gives out a lot of giftsD. the festival is too commercialized8. The writer thinks that ChristmasA. brings excitement into the boring lifeB. begins several weeks before Dec. 25thC. gives a better time to children than adultsD. is a time for the shops to make money9. Peoria are more friendly to each other at Christmas time becauseA. they receive a lot of gifts and good wishes from other peopleB. Christmas provides them with an experience they can shareC. more people put on a smiling face and reply to greetingsD. shopkeepers are happy when they can make more money10. The main idea of the passage is thatA. adults do not enjoy Christmas as much a children doB. early planning is the key to a good time for ChristmasC. shopping for presents is a part of the Christmas celebrationD. Christmas has not lost its charm in modern society英语II(2)重难点分析(2)ClozeIan and Shiree are a V ery unusual couple.. Although they (1)_________ in the heart of London, they try to grow as much of their own food as possible. At the moment they (2)__________an allotment from the local council to grow food on. but they plan (3) _______more land soon. 'We (4) _____. growing our own food five years ago', said Ian, 'Since then we (5)________ about half of the vegetables we need and a quarter of the fruit, We(6)________ on the allotment for three years. We (7)________ our own garden before that. ' They do not plan to stop there though, 'By this time next year we (8)________enough land to grow about 75% of our food', said Ian- Why do they do this? 'We (9)_________about the chemicals used to grow our food', said Shiree. 'More and more people(10)________ the same in the future', predicted Shiree.1. A. live B lived C. have hued D- had lived2. A. rent B. have rented C. are renting D. have rented3. A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought4. A. start B. would start C. haw started D. started5. A. grew B. have grownC. have been growingD. have been grown6. A. work B. worked C. have been working D. had worked7. A. used B. have only usedC. have only been usingD. had only8. A, will have bought B. will buyC. are buyingD. are going to buy9. A. are worrying B. will worry C. worry D. worried10. A. are doing B are going to do C. will have done D. do英语II(2)重难点分析(4)Select the best answer from the options given.1. Does this patient's record need _______ now? Now, you can finish it later.A. completeB. to completeC. completingD. completed2. My boss is __ holding pointless meetings. It really annoys me.A. neverB. alwaysC. sometimesD. seldom3. China is no longer what itA. used to beB. was used to beingC. used to beingD. was used to be4. That dinner was the most expensive meal weA. would haveB. have hadC. have ever hadD. had ever had5. Robert is said _________ abroad, but I don‘t know what country he studied m.A- to have studied B. to studyC. lo be studyingD. to be studied6. ___If he , he that food.__Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.A. was warned~ would not takeB.had been warned; would not have takenC. would be warned; had not takenD. would have been warned; had not taken7. 1 was sick, but I___________ it at the weekend.A. got byB. got atC. got upD. got over8. The doctor advised the astronaut ——every two hours.A. rest B, to restC. restingD. rested9. John was bored, —— he left his life in England.A, in addition B. soC. howeverD. furthermore10. These new processesA. should be controlledB. should controlC. should be controllingD. should controlled。
6.[A]for [B]into [C] form [D]against
7.[A]meaning [B]implying [C]symbolizing [D]claiming
8.[A]handed out [B]turn over [C]brought back [D]passed down
At the same time, the policy addresses none of the truly thorny questions about homework. If the district finds homework to be unimportant to its students’ academic achievement, it should move to reduce or eliminate the assignments, not make them count for almost nothing. Conversely, if homework does nothing to ensure that the homework students are not assigning more than they are willing to review and correct.
13.[A]employed [B]appointed [C]interviewed [D]questioned
14.[A]ethical [B]military [C]political [D]human
15.[A]ruined [B]commuted [C]patrolled [D]gained
9.[A]pushed [B]got [C]made [D]managed
例:haveA. gaveB. saveC. hatD. made 答案是C。
1. theater A. treasure B. wheat C. season D. realize2. persuade A. usual B. insist C. sugar D. trousers3. company A. alone B. carrot C. money D. knock4. opposite A. service B. outside C. pioneer D. police5. society A. official B. recent C. chocolate D. difficult第二节语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child ___ he or she wants.A. howeverB. whateverC. whicheverD. whenever答案是B。
6. – What shall we do tonight then?– ___ – whatever you want.A. Help yourselfB. It’s a dealC. No problemD. It’s up to you7. He missed ___ gold in the high jump, but will get ___ second chance in the long jump.A. the; theB. 不填; aC. the; aD. a; 不填8. That evening, ___ I will tell you more about later, I ended up working very late.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. when9. Sarah made ___ to the airport just in time to catch her plane this morning.A. herselfB. thisC. thatD. it10. Tony lent me the money, ___ that I’d do as much for him.A. hopingB. to hopeC. hopedD. having hoped11. I had hardly got to the office ___ my wife phoned me to go back home at once.A. whenB. thanC. untilD. after12. We ___ to paint the whole house but finished only the front part that day.A. set aboutB. set upC. set outD. set down13. Next to biology, I like physics ___ .A. betterB. bestC. the betterD. very well14. – Did you ask Sophia for help?– I ___ need to – I managed perfectly well on my own.A. wouldn’tB. don’tC. didn’tD. won’t15. The old man sat in front of the television every evening, happy ___ anything that happened tobe on.A. to watchB. watchingC. watchedD. to have watched16. 100℃is the temperature ___ which water will boil.A. forB. atC. onD. of17. I’m going to Europe on vacation together with John if I ___ find the money.A. canB. mightC. wouldD. need18. The manager ___ the workers how to improve the program since 9 am.A. has toldB. is tellingC. has been tellingD. will have told19. The Harry Potter books are quite popular; they are in great ___ in this city.A. quantityB. progressC. productionD. demand20. – Try not to work yourself too hard. Take it easy.– Thanks. ___A. So what?B. No way.C. What for?D. You too.第三节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
2012 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)试题答案与解析Section I Use of English一、文章题材结构分析本文是一篇关于人物介绍的说明性文章,主要讲述了G. I. Joe 由普通人成长为英雄,是美国特种兵敢死队的象征。
二、试题解析1.【答案】B【解析】本段开篇提出主题:G. I. Joe 这个名字对于参加过第二次世界大战的人来说意义非凡。
空格中需要填动词,在定语从句中做谓语,其主语是who(指代men and women),动作发生的地点是in World War II;空后的句子“the people they liberated”中 they也指代 men and women,他们有 liberate的动作,由此推断“the men and women”指的应该是参加了第二次大战的男人和女人,即服役的军人。
只有serve 有“服兵役”的意思,所以选 B。
A 项 perform 意为“表现;执行;表演”;C 项 rebel 意为“造反,反抗”;D 项 betray 意为”背叛,出卖”,皆不符合文意,为干扰项。
2.【答案】B【解析】空格处所指的人与下文的 the poor farm kid 和 the guy 在含义上呼应,同时与空格后的“grown intohero”逻辑含义应保持一致,因此空内信息应该是与hero“英雄”意思相对,后面的分句说他背井离乡,经历了很多苦难,显然这里应该是说由普通人平凡人(common man)成长为英雄,所以选 B。
A 项actual 意为“实际上,事实上的”;C 项special 意为“特殊的,专门的”;D 项normal 意为“正常的,常态的”;皆不符合上下文语意,为干扰项。
3.【答案】A【解析】本题考查的是词语的搭配关系,需要填入动词在定语从句中做谓语,先行词是who(the guy),宾语是all the burdens of battle,要表达“承担战争带来的负担,应该用动词bear 或shoulder,所以这里选 A,bore。
2012年9月份考试大学英语(2)第二次作业一、单项选择题(本大题共60分,共 60 小题,每小题 1 分)1. In the phone ( ) in the U.S. there are usually directions for using the telephone.A. BathsB. BoothsC. BathtubsD. bosom2. A:“I hope you will be ready to leave on time. ”B:“Don''''t worry. I''''ll be ready by the time the taxi(). ”A. arrivingB. arrivesC. will arriveD. will have arrived3. The retired couple _____ a rich and colorful life.A. leadB. holdC. makeD. have4. ()these occasions, I’d like to express my gratitu de.A. InB. AtC. OnD. With5. The old lady accused the man of ( ) her house.A. BreakingB. Breaking intoC. Breaking outD. Breaking off6. We are fortunate to have this beautiful ( ) to accommodate very special guests from Miami.A. FacilityB. DeviceC. EquipmentD. instrument7. Is this the first time you ()Tokyo?A. have visitedB. would visitC. visitedD. have been visiting8. Xiao Li proposed we postpone the journey to next month and everybody disagree ____ him.A. toB. withC. onD. at9. Her friendly manner is an important ( ) in her rapid success.A. FactorB. MatterC. IssueD. thing10. ( ) the cold wind, the went out without their coats.A. In spiteB. Spite ofC. Despite ofD. Despite11. I was now in a relaxed ( ) and had no desire to see the Englishman make a fool of himself.A. tensionB. pressureC. stressD. mood12. Will you please telephone a hotel in the city to ( ) a room for me?A. bookB. occupyC. preserveD. ask13. If we get some ___ weather, we might all go off one day and visit the Carters.A. recentB. innocentC. decentD. accent14. As time () people come to realize how wonderful this movie is.A. goes aroundB. goes outC. goes alongD. goes by15. These good shoes are a real ( ) at such a low price.A. bargainB. productC. profitD. production16. Do what I tell you --_____!A. or elseB. or soC. and thatD. and do17. We chose to take a plane ( )A. after allB. of allC. at allD. in all18. Some parents believe that chatting online can be _____.A. addictiveB. intensiveC. extensiveD. attentive19. This song can’t be his work which () in country style.A. featuresB. charactersC. distinguishesD. contains20. I gave him the book, but demanded that he ( ) it to me in a week.A. must returnB. returnC. would returnD. returned21. Xiao Ming is ()about everything and keeps asking questions.A. stubbornB. interestedC. curiousD. addicted22. It is dinner time! What do you () for supper?A. AdviceB. SuggestC. SupportD. recommen23. We haven’t had any customers visiting restaurant for days, there must be something ( ) the dishes we serve.A. good atB. rottenC. wrong withD. bad with24. He apologized ( ) his rude mistakes.A. forB. toC. onD. at25. Your words in the opening ceremony is very ().A. misunderstandB. misusingC. misfortuneD. misleading26. We are unable to provide housekeeping services ( ) weekends.A. InB. AtC. OnD. during27. Finally the two firms have ( )A. EmergedB. MergedC. DamagedD. imaged28. She () catch the bus every morning, but now she rides with her fiancée.A. used toB. is used toC. use toD. was used to29. It is important that all the facts ( ).A. Abe examinedB. ExaminedC. ExamineD. would be examined30. The number of the visitors, ( ) we had expected, was well over two hundred.A. thatB. whereC. whoD. as31. His wife got ( ) the bird onto her fork and tasted it.A. a piece ofB. aC. oneD. piece of32. Florida can ( ) vegetable ( ) the rest of the country in the America.A. give … withB. provid e … forC. meet … forD. supply … for33. I don''''t think she meant () you.A. HurtB. to hurtC. hurtingD. be hurt34. The villa beside the sea shore is ()$ 10 billion.A. worthy ofB. worthyC. worthD. worthwhile35. ( ) the news that our national team won the game, we all jump for joy.A. AtB. OnC. ToD. Of36. After long time questioning, he ()what he has done.A. declaredB. releasedC. claimedD. conserved37. ( ) departure, please switch off /turn off the air-conditioner.A. UponB. AlongC. WhenD. As38. It is the western custom to leave() after service.A. tipB. tapC. topD. tub39. We all ( ) the most suitable one to take charge of the task.A. regard him thatB. regard as himC. regard him asD. regard him as that40. You should follow the right ()when you turn off the machine.A. subsequenceB. consequenceC. sequenceD. acquaintance41. Would you mind ( ) him that his order will be ready on Thursday and asking him to call me any time before lunch.A. to tellB. tellingC. tellD. told42. He made such a generous contribution to the university ()they are naming oneA. asB. thatC. whichD. when43. The invention of steamer is an important ()in industry.A. innovationB. invitationC. inductionD. invasion44. My high school teacher Mr. Hogen does not care about fame and money, he counts his student’s achievements as the greatest _____ to his work.A. awardB. rewardC. towardD. forward45. I escaped but ( ) myself into an even worse situation for I chose what seemed to be the best restaurant in Toledo.A. projectedB. promotedC. providedD. promised46. You are invited to attend a () to the Great Wall.A. bikeB. likeC. hikeD. kike47. Some of my classmates are planning to give my best friends a_____ who is going to go abroad for further study.A. send offB. send-offC. send onD. send-on48. Everybody is welcome to ( ) in the discussion.A. EnterB. DepartC. ParticipateD. start49. No matter ____ to his country, Charles was killed just the same.A. how great he had done servicesB. What he had done great servicesC. what great services he had doneD. if he had done great services50. John refrained ( ) arguing with the manager.A. FromB. ToC. AtD. for51. The English man said that he had ( ) the well-hung all his life.A. been accustomed toB. been accumulatedC. used toD. been used to52. I ordered three dishes, each of ( ) carried a surcharge: soup, roasted chicken, steak.A. WhichB. thatC. whatD. this53. You’ve made a ( ) for one single room.A. ConservationB. PreservationC. DeserveD. reservation54. All the parents love their children and they are willing to give them the best education they can _____.A. bestowB. donateC. produceD. contribute55. I ( ) see the excellent performance yesterday.A. was luck toB. was fortunate toC. was luckyD. was fortunately56. You could have ()your spare time much better if you had planned well.A. employedB. hiredC. masteredD. managed57. Mrs. White couldn’t present at the meeting this afternoon because she () the flu.A. obtainedB. caughtC. gainedD. receive58. You’re not required to commit yourself ( ) you know what the invitation is for.A. AfterB. UntilC. ForD. as59. The open-door policy has ( ) a deep ( ) the changes of China.A. given … example toB. had … effect onC. made … effort toD. paid … attention to60. The teacher will soon () Beijing to have a meeting?A. Leave toB. leave outC. leave forD. leave alone二、阅读理解单项选择题(本大题共40分,共 4 小题,每小题 10 分)1. The sense of sound is one of our most important means of knowing what is going on around us. Sound has a wasted product, too, in the form of noise. Noise has been called unwanted sound. Noise is growing and it may get much worse before it gets and better. Scientists, for several years, have been studying how noise affects people and animals. They are surprised by what they have learned. Peace andquiet are becoming harder to find. Noise pollution is a threat that should be looked at carefully. There is a saying about it being so noisy t hat you can’t hear yourself think. Doctors who study noise believe that we must sometimes hear ourselves think. If we don’t we may have headaches, other aches and pains, or even worse mental problems. Noise adds more tension(紧张) to society that already faces enough stress. But noise is not a new problem. In ancient Rome, people complained so much about noise that the government stopped chariots (四轮马车)from moving through he streets at night!Ways of making less noise are now being tested. There are even laws controlling noise. We cannot return to the “good old days” of peace and quiet. But we can reduce noise – if we shout loudly enough about it.(1). Why are scientists surprised by the findings in their noise study?A.Because the world is becoming more and more noisy.B.Because they have learned that noise is also a kind of pollution.C.Because noise is an unwanted waste for human beings.D. Because people knew little about the danger of noise before.(2). What may be the result if we cannot hear ourselves think?A.We may forget what we have thought about.B.Our thoughts may be interfered.C.Our mind may be harmed.D. WE may have difficulty using the right words.(3). When the writer says we cannot return to the good old days, he means that ( ).?A.our society is becoming much worse than beforeB.in our modern society it is hard to lead a quiet lifeC.the old days were much happier than the present timeD. it is impossible for us to deal with noise as we did before(4). From the last sentence of the passage we can learn that ( ).A.we can put noise under control if our measures are effectiveB.sometimes we have to shout loudly so that others can hear usC.shouting is a chief cause of noise pollutionD. it is important to warn people of the danger of noise pollution(5). Which of the following is TRUE according to the passageA.Only recently did people realize the harmfulness of noise.B.Noise pollution is the worst kind of pollution we suffer from.C.People are now trying to find ways to make noise as low as possible.D. The writer thinks that it is almost impossible for people to avoidnoise.2.Think of what things would be like without cars. Our lives would be the same. We would have to use bikes, horses, or our feet to get to places. And we couldn''t go as far as we are used to going. But we do have cars. With cars, people can come and go as they please. They can work far from home. Many people live in the country. But they work in the city. Most of them get there in cars. This means that there are a lot of cars on the road.Are there too many cars on the road? Some people think so. So they are asking that we take trains and buses. But not everyone can do this. Some people must take their cars. This is because no trains or buses go where they have to go. Maybe other people could go to work with them. Then there wouldn''t be so many cars on the road.What will our lives be like in times to come? Maybe we won''t need cars so much. Maybe more of us will work at home. Maybe trains and buses will go to more places. Then more people will be in them. This will mean more room on our streets and roads.It would be nice if people walk more. They might like to step along a street or road. They would not get far very fast. But they would have the time to look around them. Who knows? They might even feel better, too!(1). What's not the possible reason why there are a lot of cars on the road?A.Because everyone likes to drive his own car to do whatever he likes.B.Because the number of trains and buses is small.C.Because many people who live in the country go to work in cars in the city.D. Because it is more convenient for people to go to places in cars than other means.(2). According to the author, which of the following is not the reason why the number of cars willbe reduced in the future?A. More people will work at home.B.Trains and buses will go to more places.C.More people will take buses and trains.D. People won't need so many cars.(3). It can be inferred from the passage that __.A.the author thinks that people who are in the city should not live in the countryB.the author thinks that there should be more trains and buses which should go to more placesC.the author wishes that the number of cars would be reduced so that there will be more room on the streets and roadsD. the authors believe that more walk does good to health(4). What does the underlined word "please" here mean?A.to goB.to meanC.to planD. to love(5). What's the writer's opinion in this passage?A. We should use more carsB.We should use fewer cars.C.We should not use carsD. We should take good care of cars.3.They think they''re lucky that they''re living and it''s Christmas again. They can''t see that we live on a dirty street in a shabby house among people who aren''t much good. Johnny and the children can''t see how pitiful it is that our neighbors have to make happiness out of this filth and dirt. My children must get out of this. But how? The money that we''ve saved isn''t nearly enough. The McGaritys have money, but they are show-offs with it. The McGarity girl just yesterday stood out there in the street eating from a bag of cookies while a ring of hungry children watched her. I saw those children looking at her and crying in their hearts, and when she couldn''t eat any more, she shrew the rest down the sewer(阴沟). Miss Jackson who teaches at the Settlement House isn''t rich, but she knows things. She understands people. Her eyes look straight into yours when she talks with you. Everybody else here looks away because they''re ashamed(羞愧)of their lives. I''d like to see thechildren be like Miss Jackson when they grew up.(1). The writer suggests that her family ( )A.is extremely richB.is an unhappy oneC.are accustomed to their lifeD. long for a change in their life(2). The McGarity girl is characterized as ( )A.selfish and cruelB.friendly and kindC.beautiful and proudD. rich and nice(3). The writer thinks Miss Jackson is ( )A.poor but braveB.friendly and talkativeC.a teacher liked by all her pupilsD. an example her children should follow(4). Which of the following is TRUE?A.The writer's family is the poorest one on that street.B.Watching the rich girl eating cookies, those hungry children cried.C.The writer wants to move out of that district.D. The writer hopes that her children will become teachers.4. Let children learn to judge their own work. A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time: if corrected too much, he will stop talking. He notices a thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use. Bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people''s. In the same way, children learning to do all the other things without being taught to walk, run, climb,whistle, ride a bicycle compare their own performance with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes. But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes and correct them for himself. We do it all for him. We act as if we thought he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him, or correct it unless he was made to. Let him work out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what this word says, what the answer is to that problem, whether this is a good way of saying or dong this or not. If it is a matter of right answer, as it may be in mathematics or science, give him the answer book. Let him correct his own papers. Why should we teachers waste time to such routine work? Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he can''t find the way to get the right answer. Let the children learn what all educated persons must someday learn, how to measure their own understanding, how to know what they know or do not know.(1). According to the passage, the best way for children to learn thingsis by ( )A.listening to skilled people's adviceB.asking older people many questionsC.making mistakes and having them correctedD. doing what other people do(2). Which of the following does the writer think teachers should NOT do?A.Give children correct answers.B.Allow children to make mistakes.C.Point out children's mistakes to them.D. Let children mark their own work.(3). According to the writer, teachers in school should ( )A.allow children to learn form each otherpoint out children'sB. mistakes whenever foundcorrect children'sC. mistakes as soon as possibleD. give children more book knowledge(4). The passage suggests that learning to speak and learning to ridea bicycle are ( )A.different from learning other skillsB.the same as learning skillsC.more important than other skillsD. not really important skills(5). The title of this passage could probably be ( )A.Let Us Teachers Stop WorkB.Let Us Make Children LearnC.Let Children Correct Their ExerciseD. Let Children Learn by Themselves答案:一、单项选择题(60分,共 60 题,每小题 1 分)1. B2. B3. A4. C5. B6. A7. C8. B9. A 10. D 11. D 12. A 13. C14. D 15. A 16. A 17. A 18. A 19. A 20. B 21. C 22. D 23. C 24. A 25.D 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. A 30. D 31. A 32. B 33. B 34. C 35. A 36. C37. A 38. A 39. C 40. C 41. B 42. B 43. A 44. B 45. A 46. C 47. B 48.C 49. C 50. A 51. A 52. A 53.D 54. A 55. B 56. A 57. B 58. B 59. A60. C二、阅读理解单项选择题(40分,共 4 题,每小题 10 分)1.(1). A (2). C (3). B (4). D (5). C2.(1). B (2). D (3). C (4). D (5). B3.(1). C (2). A (3). D (4). C4.(1). D (2). C (3). A (4). B (5). D。
2012届九年级英语综合试题2(考试时间:100分钟满分:100分)Part1 Listening(第一部分听力)I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解):(共30分)A.listen and choose the right picture.(根据你所听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(共6分)1.__________2.__________3.__________4.__________5.__________6.__________B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.(根据你所听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(共10分)( ) 7. A. sunny B. Rainy C. Cloudy D. Windy( ) 8. A. Tommy B. Sam C. The father D. The mother( ) 9. A. A teacher B.A worker C.A doctor D. A nurse( ) 10. A. Have a picnic B. Play tennis C. Play table tennis D. Have a barbecue( ) 11. A.On the desk B.On the floor C. In his school bag D. In his pocket( ) 12. A.At 9:30 B.At 10:30 C.At 11:00 D. At 11:30( ) 13. A. By bus B. By taxi C. By bike D. By underground( ) 14. A.In a hospital B.In a library C.In a bookshop D. At an airport( ) 15. A. She’ll lend him the calculator. B. She’s lookingfor the calculator.C. She also has to use the calculator.D. She has found the calculator.( ) 16. A. Helen is holding a party. B. Helen doesn’t like the party.C. Helen isn’t coming to the party.D. Helen will arrive late at the party.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):(共7分)( ) 17. I’m enjoying myself in Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area.( ) 18. It’s a magic place and it covers and area of 319 square kilometers.( ) 19. It’s famous for the strange shape of its tall rocks. ( ) 20. No people knew the area until Wu Guangzhong painted some beautiful pictures of it in 1979.( ) 21. The loud noise I heard during the night was from a monkey. ( ) 22. I had a wonderful view from the top of MountTianzi.( ) 23. My uncle told me not to touch anything here because it was dangerous.D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences.(听短文,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词):(共7分)24. The writer wonders whether life would be _________ when our parents are away.25. ZhengChenyu can only fill an _________ stomach with tomato and egg soup.26. The 14-year-old girl would _________ something important.27. She doesn’t think teenagers get _________ practice.28. Most teenagers don’t learn any life ________ until they go to college.29. Many teenagers _________ too much on their parents.30. For most teenage rs it wouldn’t be a _________ at all.24. ________ 25. ________ 26. ________ 27._________ 28._________29._________30._______Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分词汇和语法)II. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案):(共20分)31. The double Ninth Festival reminds us to respect ____ elderly.A) a B) an C) the D) /32. It was not a good explanation, but it satisfied Eddie ____ the time being.A) on B) at C) for D) with33. We’ve decided to decorate our new flat by ____ thi s weekend.A) us B) our C) ours D) ourselves34. There isn’t much bread here, but you can take ____ if you want to.A) few B) a few C) little D) a little35. The country has _____ soldiers in its army.A) million of B) millions of C) several million of D) several millions36. The children felt _____ to see so many amazing things in the ScienceMuseum.A) surprised B) frightened C) upset D) worried37. Tea is _____ drink in the world besides water.A) popular B) more popular C) most popular D) the most popular38. _____ cold day it is! We’d better turn on the air-conditioner.A) What B) What a C) How D) How a39. My parents often tell me we ____ care for small creatures.A) can B) should C) mustn’t D) needn’t40. I can’t understand the sentence ____ there are no new words in it.A) if B) until C) though D) because41. The police asked _____ we saw anybody break into the house to steal things.A) who B) if C) what D) where42. The twin brothers always enjoy _____ to the concert.A) go B) going C) to go D) to going43. After we pass the exam, we ______ by having a party next week.A) celebrated B) celebrate C) have celebrated D) will celebrate44. It’s terrible to hear that some students _____ when they took a school bus.A) killed B) are killed C) were killed D) have killed45. The driver could not _____ his van and crashed into a lamp post.A) connect B) recognize C) hang D) control46. — _____ do you visit your grandparents?— Twice a month.A) How long B) How soon C) How often D) How far47. At school they should train young children to be good citizens. Theunderlined part means “_____”A) grow B) teach C) plant D) require48. As we all know the best way to learn English is to practise more. Theunderlined part means “_____”A) idea B) advice C) thing D) method49. —Our class failed in the school’s football match last week.— _____.A) Take care! B) What a pity! C) Well done! D) Congratulations!50. — Good luck and have a nice holiday.— _____.A) The same to you. B) I think so, too. C) You are welcome. D) That’s all right.III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box.Each word or phrase can only be used once. (将下列单词或词组填入空格。
2012年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)试题答案Section 1 Use of EninglishDirections :Millions of Americans and foreigners see GI.Joe as a mindless war toy ,the symbol of American military adventurism, but that's not how it used to be .To the men and womenwho (1 )in World War II and the people they liberated ,the GI.was the (2) man grown into hero ,the pool farm kid torn away from his home ,the guy who (3) all the burdens ofbattle ,who slept in cold foxholes,who went without the (4) of food and shelter ,who stuck it out and drove back the Nazi reign of murder .this was not a volunteer soldier ,not someone well paid ,(5) an average guy ,up (6 )the best trained ,bestequipped ,fiercest ,most brutal enemies seen in centuries.His name is not much.GI. is just a military abbreviation (7) Government Issue ,and it was on all of the article 8) to soldiers .And Joe? A common name for a guy who never(9) it to the top .Joe Blow ,Joe Magrac …a working class name.The United States has (10) had a president or vicepresident or secretary of state Joe.GI .joe had a (11)career fighting German ,Japanese , and Korean troops . He appers as a character ,or a (12 ) of american personalities, in the 1945 movie The Story of GI. Joe, based on the last days of war correspondent Ernie Pyle. Some of the soldiersPyle(13)portrayde themselves in the film. Pyle was famous for covering the (14)side of the warl, writing about the dirt-snow -and-mud soldiers, not how many miles were(15)or what towns were captured or liberated, His reports(16)the “willie”cartoons of famed Stars and(18)ofthe war, of exhaustion and dirt men(17)the Both Maulden. Bill artist Stripescivilization that the soldiers shared with each other and the civilians: coffee, tobacco, whiskey, shelter, sleep. (19)Egypt, France, and a dozen more countries, G.I. Joe was any American soldier,(20)the most important person in their lives.1.[A] performed [B]served [C]rebelled [D]betrayed2.[A] actual [B]common [C]special [D]normal3.[A]bore [B]cased [C]removed [D]loaded4.[A]necessities [B]facilitice [C]commodities [D]propertoes5.[A]and [B]nor [C]but [D]hence6.[A]for [B]into [C] form [D]against7.[A]meaning [B]implying [C]symbolizing [D]claiming8.[A]handed out [B]turn over [C]brought back [D]passed down9.[A]pushed [B]got [C]made [D]managed10.[A]ever [B]never [C]either [D]neither11.[A]disguised [B]disturbed [C]disputed [D]distinguished12.[A]company [B]collection [C]community [D]colony13.[A]employed [B]appointed [C]interviewed [D]questioned14.[A]ethical [B]military [C]political [D]human15.[A]ruined [B]commuted [C]patrolled [D]gained16.[A]paralleled [B]counteracted [C]duplicated [D]contradicted17.[A]neglected [B]avoided [C]emphasized [D]admired18.[A]stages [B]illusions [C]fragments [D]advancea19.[A]With [B]To [C]Among [D]Beyond20.[A]on the contrary [B] by this means [C]from the outset [D]at that pointSection II Resdiong ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. answer the question after each text by choosing A,B,C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(40 points)Text 1Homework has never been terribly popular with students and even many parents, but in recent years it has been particularly scorned. School districts across the country, most recently Los Angeles Unified, are revising their thinking on his educational ritual. Unfortunately, L.A. Unified has produced an inflexible policy which mandates that with the exception of some advanced courses, homework may no longer count for more than 10% of a student's academic grade.This rule is meant to address the difficulty that students from impoverished or chaotic homes might have in completing their homework. But the policy is unclear and contradictory. Certainly, no homework should be assigned that students cannot do without expensive equipment. But if the district is essentially giving a pass to students who do not do their homework because of complicated family lives, it is going riskily close to the implication that standards need to be lowered for poor children.District administrators say that homework will still be a pat of schooling: teachers areallowed to assign as much of it as they want. But with homework counting for no more than 10% of their grades, students can easily skip half their homework and see vey little difference on their report cards. Some students might do well on state tests without completing their homework, but what about the students who performed well on the tests and did their homework? It is quite possible that the homework helped. Yet rather than empowering teachers to find what works best for their students, the policy imposes a flat, across-the-board rule.At the same time, the policy addresses none of the truly thorny questions about homework. If the district finds homework to be unimportant to its students' academic achievement, it should move to reduce or eliminate the assignments, not make them count for almost nothing. Conversely, if homework does nothing to ensure that the homework students are not assigning more than they are willing to review and correct.The homework rules should be put on hold while the school board, which is responsiblefor setting educational policy, looks into the matter and conducts public hearings. It is not too late for L.A. Unified to do homework right.21.It is implied in paragraph 1 that nowadays homework_____.[A] is receiving more criticism[B]is no longer an educational ritual[C]is not required for advanced courses[D]is gaining more preferences22.L.A.Unified has made the rule about homework mainly because poor students_____.[A]tend to have moderate expectations for their education[B]have asked for a different educational standard[C]may have problems finishing their homework[D]have voiced their complaints about homework23.According to Paragraph 3,one problem with the policy is that it may____.[A]discourage students from doing homework[B]result in students' indifference to their report cards[C]undermine the authority of state tests[D]restrict teachers' power in education24. As mentioned in Paragraph 4, a key question unanswered about homework is whether______. [A] it should be eliminated[B]it counts much in schooling[C]it places extra burdens on teachers[D]it is important for grades25.A suitable title for this text could be______.[A]Wrong Interpretation of an Educational Policy[B]A Welcomed Policy for Poor Students[C]Thorny Questions about Homework[D]A Faulty Approach to HomeworkText2Pretty in pink: adult women do not rememer being so obsessed with the colour, yet it is pervasive in our young girls' lives. Tt is not that pink is intrinsically bad, but it is such a tiny slice of the rainbow and, though it may celebrate girlhood in one way, it also repeatedlyand firmly fuses girls' identity to appearance. Then it presents that connection, even among two-year-olds, between girls as not only innocent but as evidence of innocence. Looking around, I despaired at the singular lack of imagination about girls' lives and interests.Girls' attraction to pink may seem unavoidable, somehow encoded in their DNA, but according to Jo Paoletti, an associate professor of American Studies, it is not. Children were not colour-coded at all until the early 20th century: in the era before domestic washing machines all babies wore white as a practical matter, since the only way of getting clothes clean was to boil them. What's more, both boys and girls wore what were thought of as gender-neutral dresses.When nursery colours were introduced, pink was actually considered the more masculine colour, a pastel version of red, which was associated with strength. Blue, with its intimations of the Virgin Mary, constancy and faithfulness, symbolised femininity. It was not until the mid-1980s, when amplifying age and sex differences became a dominant children's marketing strategy, that pink fully came into its own, when it began to seem inherently attractive to girls, part of what defined them as female, at least for the first few critical years.I had not realised how profoundly marketing trends dictated our perception of what is natural to kins, including our core beliefs about their psychological development. Take the toddler. I assumed that phase was something experts developed after years of research into children's behaviour: wrong. Turns out, acdording to Daniel Cook, a historian of childhood consumerism, it was popularised as a marketing trick by clothing manufacrurers in the 1930s.Trade publications counselled department stores that, in order to increase sales, they should create a “third stepping stone”between infant wear and older kids' clothes. Tt was only after “toddler”became a common shoppers' term that it evolved into a broadly accepted developmental stage. Splitting kids, or adults,into ever-tinier categories has proved a sure-fire way to boost profits. And one of the easiest ways to segment a marketis to magnify gender differences - or invent them where they did not previously exist.26.By saying it is...the rainbow(Line 3, Para.1),the author means pink______.[A]should not be the sole representation of girlhood[B]should not be associated with girls' innocence[C]cannot explain girls' lack of imagination[D]cannot influence girls' lives and interests27.According to Paragraph 2, which of the following is true of colours?[A]Colours are encoded in girls' DNA.[B]Blue used to be regarded as the colour for girls.[C]Pink used to be a neutral colour in symbolising genders.[D]White is prefered by babies.28.The author suggests that our perception of children's psychological development was much influenced by_____.[A]the marketing of products for children[B]the observation of children's nature[C]researches into children's behavior[D]studies of childhood consumption29.We may learn from Paragraph 4 that department stores were advised to_____.[A]focus on infant wear and older kids' clothes[B]attach equal importance to different genders[C]classify consumers into smaller groups[D]create some common shoppers' terms30.It can be concluded that girls' attraction to pink seems to be____.[A] clearly explained by their inborn tendency[B]fully understood by clothing manufacturers[C] mainly imposed by profit-driven businessmen[D]well interpreted by psychological expertsText 3In 2010. a federal judge shook America's biotech industry to its core. Companies had won patents for isolated DNA for decades-by 2005 some 20% of human genes were parented. But in March 2010 a judge ruled that genes were unpatentable. Executives were violently agitated. The Biotechnology Industry Organisation (BIO), a trade group, assured members that this was just a “preliminary step”in a longer battle.On July 29th they were relieved, at least temporarily. A federal appeals court overturned the prior decision, ruling that Myriad Genetics could indeed holb patents to two genss that help forecast a woman's risk of breast cancer. The chief executive of Myriad, a company in Utah,said the ruling was a blessing to firms and patients alike.But as companies continue their attempts at personalised medicine, the courts will remain rather busy. The Myriad case itself is probably not over Critics make three mainarguments against gene patents: a gene is a product of nature, so it may not be patented; gene patents suppress innovation rather than reward it; and patents' monopolies restrict access to genetic tests such as Myriad's. A growing number seem to st year a federal task-force urged reform for patents related to genetic tests. In October the Department of Justice filed a brief in the Myriad case, arguing that an isolated DNA molecule “is no less a product of nature... than are cotton fibres that have been separated from cotton seeds. ”Despite the appeals court's decision, big questions remain unanswered. For example, it is unclear whether the sequencing of a whole genome violates the patents of indivi dual genes within it. The case may yet reach the Supreme Court.AS the industry advances ,however,other suits may have an even greaterpanies are unlikely to file many more patents for human DNA molecules-most are already patented or in the public domain .firms are now studying how genesintcract,looking for correlations that might be used to determine the causes of disease or predict a drug's efficacy,companies are eager to win patents for ‘connecting thedits',expaains hans sauer,alawyer for the BIO.Their success may be determined by a suit related to this issue, brought by the Mayo Clinic, which the Supreme Court will hear in its next term. The BIO rtcently held a convention which included seddions to coach lawyers on the shifting landscape for patents. Each meeting was packed.31.it canbe learned from paragraph I that the biotech companies would like-----A.their executives to be activeB.judges to rule out gene patentingC.genes to be patcntablcD.the BIO to issue a warning32.those who are against gene patents believe that----A.genetic tests are not reliableB.only man-made products are patentableC.patents on genes depend much on innovatiaonD.courts should restrict access to gene tic tests33.according to hans sauer ,companies are eager to win patents for----A.establishing disease comelationsB.discovering gene interactionsC.drawing pictures of genesD.identifying human DNA34.By saying “each meeting was packed”(line4,para6)the author means that -----A.the supreme court was authoritativeB.the BIO was a powerful organizationC.gene patenting was a great concernwyers were keen to attend conventiongs35.generally speaking ,the author's attitude toward gene patenting is----A.criticalB.supportiveC.scornfulD.objectiveText 4The great recession may be over, but this era of high joblessness is probably beginning. Before it ends,it will likely change the life course and character of a generation of young adults. And ultimately, it is likely to reshape our politics,our culture, and the character of our society for years.No one tries harder than the jobless to find silver linings in this national economic disaster. Many said that unemployment, while extremely painful, had improved them in some ways; they had become less materialistic and more financially prudent; they were more aware of the struggles of others. In limited respects, perhaps the recession will leave society better off. At the very least, it has awoken us from our national fever dream of easy riches and bigger houses, and put a necessary end to an era of reckless personal spending.But for the most part, these benefits seem thin, uncertain, and far off. In The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth, the economic historian Benjamin Friedman argues that both inside and outside the U.S. ,lengthy periods of economic stagnation or decline have almost always left society more mean-spirited and less inclusive, and have usually stopped or reversed the advance of rights and freedoms. Anti-immigrant sentiment typically increases, as does conflict between races and classes.Income inequality usually falls during a recession, but it has not shrunk in this one,. Indeed, this period of economic weakness may reinforce class divides, and decrease opportunities to cross them--- especially for young people. The research of Till VonWachter, the economist in Columbia University, suggests that not all people graduatinginto a recession see their life chances dimmed: those with degrees from elite universities catch up fairly quickly to where they otherwise would have been if they had graduated in better times; it is the masses beneath them that are left behind.In the internet age, it is particularly easy to see the resentment that has always been hidden winthin American society. More difficult, in the moment , is discerning preciselyhow these lean times are affecting society's character. In many respects, the U.S. was more socially tolerant entering this resession than at any time in its history, and a varietyof national polls on social conflict since then have shown mixed results. We will have towait and see exactly how these hard times will reshape our social fabric. But they certainly it, and all the more so the longer they extend.36.By saying “to find silver linings”(Line 1,Para.2)the author suggest that the jobless try to___.[A]seek subsidies from the govemment[B]explore reasons for the unermployment[C]make profits from the troubled economy[D]look on the bright side of the recession37.According to Paragraph 2,the recession has made people_____.[A]realize the national dream[B]struggle against each other[C]challenge their lifestyle[D]reconsider their lifestyle38.Benjamin Friedman believe that economic recessions may_____.[A]impose a heavier burden on immigrants[B]bring out more evils of human nature[C]Promote the advance of rights and freedoms[D]ease conflicts between races and classes39.The research of Till Von Wachther suggests that in recession graduates from elite universities tend to _____.[A]lag behind the others due to decreased opportunities[B]catch up quickly with experienced employees[C]see their life chances as dimmed as the others'[D]recover more quickly than the others40.The author thinks that the influence of hard times on society is____.[A]certain[B]positive[C]trivial[D]destructivePart BDirections:Read the following text and answer the questions by finding information from the left column that corresponds to each of the marked details given in the right column. There are two extra choices in the right column. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEERT 1.(10 points)“Universal history, the history of what man has accomplished in this world, is at bottom the Thomasge saVictorian the wrote here,”worked have who Men Great the of HistoryCarlyle. Well, not any more it is not.Suddenly, Britain looks to have fallen out with its favourite historical form. This could be no more than a passing literary craze, but it also points to a broader truth about how we now approach the past: less concerned with learning from forefathers and more interested in feeling their pain. Today, we want empathy, not inspiration.From the earliest days of the Renaissance, the writing of history meant recounting the exemplary lives of great men. In 1337, Petrarch began work on his rambling writing De Viris Illustribus - On Famous Men, highlighting the virtus (or virtue) of classical heroes. Petrarch celebrated their greatness in conquering fortune and rising to the top. This was the biographical tradition which Niccolo Machiavelli turned on its head. In The Prince, the championed cunning, ruthlessness, and boldness, rather than virtue, mercy and justice,as the skills of successful leaders.Over time, the attributes of greatness shifted. The Romantics commemorated the leading painters and authors of their day, stressing the uniqueness of the artist's personal experience rather than public glory. By contrast, the Victorian author Samual Smiles wrote Self-Help as a catalogue of the worthy lives of engineers , industrialists and explores .The valuable examples which they furnish of the power of self-help, if patient purpose, resolute working and steadfast integrity, issuing in the formulation of truly noble and many character, exhibit,wrote Smiles.what it is in the power of each to accomplish forhimselfHis biographies of James Walt, Richard Arkwright and Josiah Wedgwood were held up as beacons to guide the working man through his difficult life.This was all a bit bourgeois for Thomas Carlyle, who focused his biographies on the truly heroic lives of Martin Luther, Oliver Cromwell and Napoleon Bonaparte. These epochal figures represented lives hard to imitate, but to be acknowledged as possessing higher authority than mere mortals.Communist Manifesto. For them, history did nothing, it possessed no immense wealth nor waged battles:“It is man, real, living man who does all that.”And history should be the story of the masses and their record of struggle. As such, it needed to appreciate the economic realities, the social contexts and power relations in which each epoch stood. For:“Men make their own history, but they do not make it just as they please; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves, but under circumstances directly found, given and transmitted from the past.”This was the tradition which revolutionized our appreciation of the past. In place of Thomas Carlyle, Britain nurtured Christopher Hill, EP Thompson and Eric Hobsbawm. History from below stood alongside biographies of great men. Whole new realms of understanding - from gender to race to cultural studies - were opened up as scholars unpicked the multiplicity of lost societies. And it transformed public history too: downstairs became just as fascinating as upstairs.[A] emphasized the virtue of classical heroes.41. Petrarch highlighted the public glory of the leading artists.42. Niccolo Machiavellli [C] focused on epochal figures whose lives were hard to imitate.43. Samuel Smiles [D] opened up new realms of understanding the great men in history.44. Thomas Carlyle [E] held that history should be the story of the masses and their record of struggle.45. Marx and Engels [F] dismissed virtue as unnecessary for successful leaders.[G] depicted the worthy lives of engineer industrialists and explorers.Section III Translation46.Directions:Translate the following text from English into Chinese.Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET2.(15 points)When people in developing countries worry about migration,they are usually concerned at the prospect of ther best and brightest departure to Silicon Valley or to hospitals and universities in the developed world ,These are the kind of workers that countries like Britian ,Canada and Australia try to attract by using immigration rules that privilege college graduates .Lots of studies have found that well-educated people from developing countries are particularly likely to emigrate .A big survey of Indian households in 2004 found that nearly 40%of emigrants had more than a high-school education,compared with around 3.3%of all Indians over the age of 25.This rain drain has long bothered policymakers in poor countries ,They fear that it hurts their economies ,depriving them of much-needed skilled workers who could have taught at their universities ,worked in their hospitals and come up with clever new products for their factories to make .Section IV Writing47.DirectionsSuppose you have found something wrong with the electronic dictionary that you bought from an onlin store the other day ,Write an email to the customer service center to1)make a complaint and2)demand a prompt solutionYou should write about 100words on ANSERE SHEET 2Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter ,Use zhang wei instead .48、write an essay based on the following table .In your writing you should1)describe the table ,and2)give your commentsYou should write at least 150 words(15points)某公司员工工作满意度调查2012年研究生入学统一考试英语(二)答案完形填空:1.B2.B3.A4.A5.C6.B7.C8.A9.D 10.B11.D 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.B16.A 17.C 18.B 19.B 20.DTEXT1:21. A 22.C 23.A 24.B 25.DTEXT2:26.A 27.B 28.A 29.C 30.C31.C 32.B 33.A 34.D 35.DTEXT4:36.D 37.D 38.B 39.D 40.A新题型:41-45:AFGCE小作文范文:Dear Sir or Madame,As one of the regular customers of your online store, I am writing this letter to express my complaint against the flaws in your product—an electronic dictionary I bought in your shop the other day.The dictionary is supposed to be a favorable tool for my study. Unfortunately, I found that there are several problems. To begin with, when I opened it, I detected that the appearance of it had been scratched. Secondly, I did not find the battery promised in the advertisement posted on the homepage of your shop, which makes me feel that you have not kept your promise. What is worse, some of the keys on the keyboard do not work.I strongly request that a satisfactory explanation be given and effective measures should be taken to improve your service and the quality of your products. You can either send a new one to me or refund me my money in full.I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.Sincerely yours,Zhang Wei。
2012年秋英语II(2)试题及答案第⼀部分交际⽤语{每⼩题2分,共10分)1-5⼩题:阅读下⾯的⼩对话1.⼀Sam,this is my friend , Jane. ⼀__________C__________.A. I' m Jack.B. It' s very nice.C. Glad to meet you , Jane.D. V ery well , thank you,2, ⼀What' s the fare to the museum? ⼀_________D___________.A. Five hours.B. Five 0' clock.C. Five miles,D. Five dollars,3.⼀How long will you be away from Italy? ⼀______B______________.A, Yes , I'11 be in Italy. B About a monthC. Y es , it's a long way to Italy,D. Since last month,4. ⼀So sorry to trouble you, ⼀______A______________.A. It's a pleasure,B. It' s your fault.C. I don't think so. Do I' m sorry, too.5. ⼀Could you please tell me how to get to the nearest bus stop? ⼀_________C______A. It' s not sure.B. Of course not.C. It ' s on the right corner just ahead.D. That' s all right.第⼆部分词汇与语法结构(每⼩题2分,共20分)6. My watch has been losing time for the past week. It probably needs _____A____.A. cleaningB. to cleanC. cleanedD. to be cleaning7. Y ou will get used to ____A_____here when you have settled down.A. livingB. liveC. livesD. lived8. Unfortunately the poor girl can't do anything but __B_______all her belongings at a low price.A. to sellB. sellC. sellingD. sold9. John fell asleep ____C_____ he was listening to the music.A. afterB. beforeC. whileD. as soon as10. If the weather had been good , the children ____D_____out for a walk.A. had goneB. would goC. wentD. could have gone11. Before joining the army , he spent a lot of time in the village ____B_____he belonged.A. whichB. to whichC. to whereD. at which12. John Walters claimed that this lack of information ____B_____in negative feelings towards the media.A. have resultedB. had resultedC. resultedD. results13. _____D____ you change your mind , I won' t be able to help you.A. WhenB. SoC. Because ofD. Unless14. Could you tell me __C_____?A. how long you live here C. how long you have lived hereB. how long have you lived here D. how long did you live here15. There is a lot of crime on television. ___A_____ other issues are pushed out.A. ThereforeB. HoweverC. ButD. Furthermore第三部分完形填空(每⼩题2分,共20分)2 Patten Close Derby DIS 6XX 16 April 2003Dear Sir or Madam ,I am writing 16 about a recent stay at your hotel , The Grand Hotel. My wife and I arrived on 21 ,t March and stayed for two nights.Firstly we waited twenty minutes at reception because there was nobody 17 the desk. Then we waited a further twenty minutes because the receptionist could not find our booking. 18 our luggage was left unattended in reception for three hours until we finally took it to our room ourselves.Our room was not available immediately when we arrived. Therefore we had to wait another hour 19 we could go to the room. When we saw the room , it had two single beds and w e 20 a double bed , so we had to change it. Unfortunately the second room was on the top floor and the lift was 21 . And although we had asked for a room with a sea view , it was facing the road. Although the food in the restaurant was quite good , we were unhappy with the 22 we received. We had booked an evening meal inclusive in the price of the room. Consequently we did not take money to the dining room and then discovered 23 we had to pay for the wine immediately. Unfortunately, the waiters were rude and 24 . However , the manager did agree that we could pay the wine bill in the morning.To sum up, I was most dissatisfied with the entire experience and I expect full compensation for the inconvenience caused.I look forward 25 from you.Y ours faithfully ,Arthur MullardQuestions 16-25:16. A. complain B. to complain C. complained D. complaining17. A. in B. from C. to D. at18. A. Moreover B. Although C. So D. Because19. A. after B. while C. during D. before20. A. asked for B. ask for C. had asked for D. have asked for99421. A. out of order B. in order C. disorder D. bad order22. A. money B. letter C. food D. service23. A. why B. that C. when D. where24. A. help B. helpful C. unhelpful D. helpless25. A. to hearing B. hearing C. to hear D. to be hearing第四部分阅读理解{每⼩题2分,共30分)短⽂理解lSura Elmer came to Shanghai last July from the Netherlands, and will remain here for the nextcouple of years. He worked at the Holiday Inn Hotel as a sales manager, "One important part of my job consists in staying in contact with consultant-generals here. With a white face , it is easier for me to persuade people ," he said. Before working inShanghai, he worked for a Holiday Inn Hotel in Amsterdam. He was transferred here by an arrangement between the hotels in Shanghai and Amsterdam.Asked to comment on the differences between working in China and Europe, he said: "If anything, Chinese colleagues tend to be more serious , while we Dutch like to crack jokes ," he said. He also said that in Amsterdam everything goes faster and with less people. "In the Netherlands, we have to be efficient because salaries are high and companies cannot employ so many people as they do here in China," he said. He also said that he earned a bit more here than in the Netherlands, and accommodation and meals are freely available. "I like Shanghai. Before coming here I had no idea what China would be like. Now I have been here for nearly one year , I found people here friendly , though I dislike people spitting on the ground. " He intended to work here for another two or three years , depending on the hotel.Questions 26-30:26. From the passage , we know that Sura Elmer is . _________.A. a DutchB. working for a Holiday Inn Hotel in AmsterdamC. one of the consultant-generalsD. going to stay in Shanghai for quite long27. Sura Elmer came to Shanghai, _________.A. as he signed a contract with Holiday Inn Hotel in ShanghaiB. because he wants to know something about ChinaC. for he likes Shanghai very muchD. according to an agreement between the hotels in Shanghai and Amsterdam28. Sura Elmer' s impression on his Chinese colleagues is that they _________than his colleagues in the Netherlands.A. do everything fasterB. are more seriousC. are more efficientD. earn a little more29. In the second paragraph , the sentence, " .,. accommodation and meals are freely available" means ____.A. accommodation and meals are offered in free time in the hotelB. Sura Elmer eats and sleeps free of chargeC. Sura Elmer can stay and eat in the hotel anytime he thinks necessaryD. except accommodation , meals are offered freely in the hotel30. The thing that Sura Elmer dislikes in China is _________.A. one does not have to work hard to be efficientB. salaries are lower than what people get in AmsterdamC. people spit on the groundD. there are more people doing less work短⽂理解2"Are you the happiest man in the world?" When asked this question, most people would say no. They don’t think they are the happiest of the people around them. They would point out that oneof their neighbors is happier than anyone of them , "Doctor Frank has a career himself. His wife is the most beautiful andwell-educated lady in the community. No, I don't think I am happier than Doctor Frank. At least my career is not as successful as his. "Most of us compare ourselves with anyone we think is happier -a relative , a close friend or, often , someone we even hardly know. lance met a young man who struck me as particularly successful and happy. He spoke of his love for his beautiful wife and their daughters , and of his joy at being a TV talk-show host. I remember thinking he was one of the lucky few for whom everything goes effortlessly right. Once we talked about the Internet , he is grateful for its existence. He told me , because he could look up informationon diabetes(糖尿病)⼀the terrible disease that made his wife suffer and could possibly be passed down to his lovely children. When I heard this , I felt like a fool for taking it for granted that nothing unhappy existed in his life.This made me think a lot and I soon drew one of the most significant conclusions about happiness: there is little relation between the situations of peoples lives and how happy they are. We all know people who are richer and have an easier life than others , yet they are essentially unhappy. And we know people who have suffered a great deal but generally remain happy. Unhappiness is like looking at something and fixing on even the smallest fault. As a bald man told me , "Whenever I enter a room , all I see is hair."It is hard for us to give up the image of "being perfect. " As nothing is perfect, anyone can be unhappy. It takes no courage or effort to be unhappy. True happiness lies in struggling to be happy. Questions 31-35:31. According to the author, most people would _________they are the happiest in the worldA. doubt whetherB. like to think thatC. think about whetherD. not think that32. The author thinks that people quite often compare themselves with _________.A. a close friendB. a relativeC. anyone they think is happierD. someone we even hardly know33. What is NOT true about the young man the author once met with?A. He is a TV talk show host.B. Everything goes effortlessly right for him.C. He loves his wife and their daughters.D. He is very happy with his work and his life.34. After talking with the young man about the Internet, the author realizes _________.A. that he is mistaken in thinking nothing unhappy existed in the latter' s lifeB. how grateful the young man is for the existence of the InternetC. how terribly the young man's wife suffer from the disease -diabetesD. that there is a lot of information one can look up in the Internet35. The significant conclusion the author draws about happiness is that_________.A. it is hard for us to give up the image of "being perfect"B. unhappiness is like looking at something and fixing on even the smallest faultC. we know people who have suffered a great deal but generally remain happyD. true happiness lies in struggling to he happy短⽂理解3并根据短⽂内容判断其后的旬⼦是否正确(T)、错误(刊,还字中没有涉及相关信息(NG)。
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2010年12月统考真题(2)一、交际英语1.–How much is this necklace? 这条项链多少钱?-___________________.A. It’s very nice.B. It’s a birthday present from my parentsC. It costs fifty pounds 五十英镑。
D. It’s a bargain2. –Does that tea have enough sugar in it? 那杯茶里的糖够吗?-________________.A. Yes, it is. Thank you.B. Yes, it does. Thank you. 够,谢谢。
C. Yes, I will. Thank you.D. Yes, I do. I like it.3. -Thank you for inviting me. 谢谢你邀请我。
-_____________.A. I really had a happy time.B. Oh, it’s too lateC. Thank you for coming 谢谢你能来。
D. Oh, so slowly?4. –This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs. 这个箱子太重了,我搬不到楼上去。
-__________________________.A. You may ask for help.B. I’ll give you a hand. 我来帮你。
C. Please do me a favor.D. I’d come to help.5. -Hey, Tom, what’s up? 你好,汤姆,怎么回事?-_______________.A. Yes, definitely!B. Oh, not much. 没什么。
C. What is happening in your life?D. You are lucky.阅读理解:Passage One:The climate of any place is the kind of weather it usually has over a long period of time. The kind of homes we live in, the clothes we wear, the food we depend on the climate of the place where we live. Climate is complicated; it is affected by many things. If you live near one of the poles, you live in a cold climate, for you don’t get much direct sunshine as you would get farther from the poles. If you live near the equator(赤道), you live in a warm or very hot climate, for this is the religion where the sun shines almost straight down.某个地方的气候指的是持续时间较长的一种天气。
How much rain or snow fall makes a great difference to the climate. You may live in a hot, dry land, where little rain falls. This will be a desert. Its climate is quite different from that of a rain forest, which may be the same distance from the equator but rain falls almost every day. The amount of rain that falls or snow, in a cold land depends on the winds, upon the nearby mountains, and upon the currents in nearby seas. Rainfall depends on many different things.降雨量或降雪量也因为气候而各不相同。
6. Climate means _______________. 气候指的是某地在较长一段时间内的天气A. the weather of a certain place over a long period of timeB. the fine, cloudy, rainy or snowy weatherC. the weather of a certain timeD. the weather of a place long ago7. “..even the foods we eat depend on the climate of a place where we live.”means_______. “就连我们吃的食物都取决于我们的居住地”这句话的意思是A. We eat different foods according to different weatherB. the climate of a place has an effect on the foods we have 一个地方的气候对我们所吃的食物有影响C. the climate of the place where we live produces wealth or healthD. foods are different in different places8. People living near the poles tend ____those near the equator. 居住在极地附近的人要比居住在赤道附近的人A. to have as much sunlight asB. to have less rain thanC. to get less sunlight than 接受的太阳光少。
D. to get less snow than9. Rainfalls depend on many things except________. 雨量取决于很多因素,除了A. the windsB. the nearby mountainsC. the currents in nearby seasD. the kinds of homes we live in 我们居住的房屋的类型10. What may be the best title for the passage? 最适合这篇文章的题目是A. Climate and WeatherB. Climate Around the WorldC. Climate 气候D. Climate in Different CountriesPassage Two:Sixteen-year-old Maria was waiting in line at the airport in Santo Domingo. She was leaving her native country to join her sister in the United States. She spoke Englishvery well. Though she was happy that she could go abroad, she was feeling sad at leaving her family and friends. As she was thinking about all this, she suddenly heard the airline employee asking her pick up her luggage and put it on the scales (称). Maria pulled and pulled. The bag was too heavy and she just couldn’t lift it up. The man behind her became very impatient. He, too, was waiting to check in his luggage.十六岁的玛利亚正在圣多明哥的机场排队。
“What’s wrong with this girl?”He said, “Why doesn’t she hurry up?”He moved forward and placed his bag on the counter, hoping to check in first. He was in a hurry to get a good seat. “这个女孩子怎么搞的?”他说,“她为什么不麻利些呢?”他向前移了移,把自己的包放到秤上,想先托运行李。
Maria was very angry, but she was very polite. And in her best English she said, “Why are you so upset? There are enough seats for everyone on the plane. If you are in such a hurry, why can’t you give me a hand with my luggage?”“您为什么如此不安呢?玛利亚很生气,但她很有礼貌。