

四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第168期-1411

四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第168期-1411

四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第168期:1411Word List 14-111.fluctuate v.波动,变动【记】词根记忆:flu(流动)+ctu+ate--波动【例】Shares on the stock market have fluctuated as a result of a worldwide economic downturn.全球经济的低迷导致股票市场极不稳定。

(2003)2.sneak v.潜行,溜走 n.怯懦鬼祟的人【例】The three men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighboring country, only to be captured by the police each time.这三个人多次尝试从边境潜行到邻国,但是每次都被警方逮住。

(1999)【派】sneakily( adv.偷偷摸摸地,鬼鬼祟祟地)3.betray vt.背叛,出卖;辜负,不忠于;泄露(秘密等)【例】That was not the first time he had betrayed us, I think it's high time we took strong actions against him.那已经不是他第一次背叛我们了,我认为是时候惩罚他一下了。

(2005)【用】betray oneself意思是“露出本来面目;原形毕露”。

4.infer v.推断,推论,推测【记】词根记忆:in(使)+fer(带来)--带来结果--推断【例】Infer from his expression that he has not made up his mind yet.我从他的表情推断出他还没下定决心。




英语4级乱序词汇1、prosecute [ 'prosikjuit] vt.对…提起公诉,告发,检举;继续从事 w.起诉,【记】词根记忆:pro(向前、大量的)+secut(跟随)+e:大量跟随:该被检举了!向前跟随:继续从事2、transition [traen'zijan] n.过渡,转变区分 transit 运输区分 transient 转瞬即逝的3、casualty [ 'kaesuslti] n.伤亡人员,受害人【记】来自casual (a办偶然的):偶然遇害了4、permeate [丨psimieit] v.弥漫,遍布,散布;渗入,渗透【记】词根记忆:per(贯穿)+meat+e 空气中贯穿着肉味:弥漫!5、pendulum [ 'pendjubm] n.摆,钟摆;摇摆不定的事态(或局面)【记】词根记忆:pend(悬挂)+ulum ->o摇摆6、refund [ 'rilfAnd] n.退款[rii'fAnd] vt.退还(钱款)【记】词根记忆:re(向后)+fund(资金)-o退回资金-退款7、linger [ Woga] w.(因不愿离开而)留恋徘徊;慢消失【记】联想记忆:歌手(singer)留恋(linger)曾经的舞台【短语】linger on继续存留8、converge [k3niv3:d3] w.(在一点上)会合,互相靠拢;聚集,集中;(思想、观点等)十分相似,相同【记】词根记忆:con(共同)+verge(转)-转到一起-聚集【记】联想记忆:in+cent(分,分币)+ive -用钱(分币)刺激-刺激,鼓励9、associate [saujieit] no伙伴,同事v.(在思想上)把…联系在一起;使联【短语】associate with结交,交往10、royalty [ 'roblti] n.王族(成员);[fpi ](著作的)版税【记】【记】来自royal(王族的)+ty -王族(成员)区分 loyalty 忠诚11、dentist [ 'dentist] n.牙科医生【记】词根记忆:dent(牙齿)+ist(人)-牙科医生12、literary [ 'litarsri] adj.文学(上)的;文人的,书卷气的【记】词根记忆:liter(文字)+ary -文字上的-文学的13、transmit [traenz'mit] vt.传送,传递,传染;播送,发射【记】词根记忆:trans(穿过)+mit(送)-送过去-传送14、mock [mok] v.嘲笑,嘲弄;15、aviation [leivi'eijan] n.航空,航空学;飞机制造业16、incentive [in'sentiv] n.刺激,鼓励17、overwhelm [isuva'welm] vt.(感情上)使受不了;征服,【记】词根记忆:avi(鸟)+ation(表名词)-像鸟一样飞-o区分 navigation 导航18、reliable [rHaiabl]可靠的,可依赖的区分 liable 易于……的19、fling [flir)]使投身【记】联想记忆:fl(看作fly,飞)+ing一扔,掷20、anticipate [^n'tisipeit] 预料,预期,期望;先于…行动,提前使用【记】词根记忆:anti(先)+cip(拿)+ate(做)→先拿到→先于…行动21、rupture [破裂,断裂;(关系的)决裂,断绝(使)破裂【记】词根记忆:rupt(断)+ure ->断裂,破裂22、gleam [gliim] n.闪光,闪亮;闪现,流露v/.闪烁【短语】gleam with流露23、salvation [sael'veijsn] n.拯救,解救;解救措施【记】联想记忆:salv(看作save,拯救)+ation(表动作)o拯救24、pedestrian 行人25、interaction 相互干扰26、【多次考】faculty 才能、能力27、clutch 控制、企图抓住、离合器【短语】clutch at 企图抓住28、mourn 哀悼29、limp 跛行区分 limb 腿 (climb爬山,爬山要用腿)30、novelty 新奇31、profitable 有利可图的32、jerk 猛拉音似:这客--这客机,猛拉!33、hypothesis 假设34、limb 腿区分 climb 爬 ;limp 跛的用limb去climb,爬下(p)了,说明腿是跛的(limp)35、discipline 纪律、学科36、magistrate 地方法官37、burial 埋葬来自bury38、oxygen 氧气39、simultaneous [~sim?l?teinj?s] 同步的40、attach 使附属41、tolerant 容忍的音似:逃了忍他变形:tolerance 容忍42、squad 小组各个小组(squad)在广场(square)上讨论43、proficiency 熟练、精通pro大量+fic做=大量做--精通44、sentiment 意见一"三"他他就踢门显然有意见45、gear 工具、适应有工具就适应多了46、literacy 识字47、agreeable 令人愉快的48、sticky 黏性的 (天气)湿热的49、marsh 沼泽湿地Mars(火星)--火星上都是沼泽50、patron [?peitr?n] 资助人patr(父亲)--像父亲一样对待--资助人51、reinforce 加强rein缰绳 + force强迫 = 为加强训练用缰绳来强迫52、dub 给……起外号;译制影片dub本身为词根意为双;绰号就是第二个名字;译制影片就是影片的第二代53、community 社会54、dazzle 使炫目55、outfit 团体56、heel 脚后跟57、romance 恋爱58、dispatch 公文、急件、派遣dis分开 + patch(片)= 把人群分成几片去派遣急件59、flutter 紧张、飘扬fl(看做fly,飞)+ utter(butter看做蝴蝶butterfly)--放飞蝴蝶,第一次飞很紧张、想飘扬60、rash 轻率的;皮疹61、stitch 一针;缝死地吃--患者都要死在地下了,你还在这吃??快给患者伤口缝一针!62、competitive 竞争力63、 corpse 尸体64、 fiction 小说65、 straightforward 正直的66、spite 恶意spy是间谍间谍普遍怀有恶意67、luxury 奢侈的68、accommodate 容纳提供住宿69、primarily 首要的70、setback 挫折set移动+back后退遇到挫折总是有人想向后移动怯懦不前71、restrain 阻止遏制72、gossip 流言蜚语go进行+s+sip吸吮流言蜚语总是能吸吮去人们的精力73、reward 报答74、maintain 维持75、define 下定义76、harmony 和谐77、arrogant 傲慢的ar加强+rog要求+ant(……的)-- 一再要求 --傲慢的78、paradise 天堂79、flat 平的80、ponder 思索pond 重量通过思考掂掂这件事的重量81、ignite 点燃82、asset 财产区分:assess 给(财产)估价as不断 + set 放置 ----不断放置财产83、decent体面的84、recipe【`resipi】烹饪区分receipt 【ri`si:t】发票85、premier 首相86、casual 偶然的87、severe 严重的88、propel 推动89、authorize 授权90、lure 诱惑pure纯、lure诱惑---- 纯属诱惑91、genuine 真正的92、【考】consensus 一致同意93、artery 干线动脉联想art-- 文艺新干线94、internal 内在的95、splash 飞溅96、spoil 溺爱战利品97、sponge 海绵【短语】sponge off 依赖他人生活海绵就像个死胖子98、hostile 地对的99、chord 心弦和弦100、feeble 虚弱的fee 钱需要花钱看病的101、spontaneous 自发的区分:propaganda 宣传 sponge 海绵102、spouse 配偶103、sparkle 闪光spark 星花火闪光104、receipt 【ri`si:t】发票区分recipe【`resipi】烹饪】40、compliment 赞美105、poverty 贫穷106、scandal 丑闻scan 扫描扫描时事,揭露丑闻107、overthrow ****108、repression 压抑109、abstract 摘要abs离去 tract拉——把大意从文章中拉出来110、ensue 紧着发生ensure确定的事就会接着发生ensue111、cognitive 认知的112、lubricate 使润滑113、notion 概念no不用 + tion读音审--书上的概念不用审114、sprinkle 少量;洒spring 春天春天的阳光洒在身上很舒服115、acute 急性的a+cut切得了急性阑尾炎马上切除手术116、spy间谍【短语】spy on 暗中监视117、rectify 纠正118、overhead 在头顶上、管理费用管理费用昂贵,这个烦恼一直在头顶上挥之不去119、destiny 命运、定数120、cellar 地下室cell 密室121、intricate [?intrik?t] 错综复杂的人吹可他--人家吹牛你就可着他吹吧,这世界多么错综复杂啊! 122、submarine 潜水艇sub(在……下面)+ marine(海洋)--行驶在海洋下,潜水艇123、bureaucracy [bju??r?kr?si] 官僚主义124、liability 责任lia说谎 + ability能力--谎称自己有能力是不负责任的行为125、escort [?esk?:t] 护送126、subordinate [s??b?:din?it] 下级;处于重要地位【短语】subordinate to 次要的、从属的127、 junk 破烂;丢弃【短语】 junk mail 垃圾邮件128、in abundance 充足129、submit to 屈服130、submit oneself to 遵守131、different between 区分;区别132、divert [dai?v?:t] 使转向133、spiral 螺旋的134、terminate 终止termin(结束)135、 render 致使rend(rond,圆的)+ er(ear耳朵)--圆耳朵,致使他被当做怪物136、eagle 鹰137、encourage 鼓励138、conspicuous 显眼cons(引起共同)+ spic(speak,说)--引起共同说:你的过分显眼,引起了大家的讨论!139、prose 散文p(扑)在rose(玫瑰)上,浪漫的感觉更能写出情书般的散文140、pretext 借口、托词per(预先)+ text(写好的文字)--理由竟然是事先就写好的显然他在有预谋的找借口、找托词!142、discrimination 歧视143、rivalry 竞争144、glamour 魅力过来摸——有魅力145、nourish 养育、怀有(希望等)146、stab 刺【短语】stab in the back 背后中伤、背叛147、armor 盔甲arm武器 + or物--保护物148、enlighten 启发en使 + lighten 点亮149、idiom 习语150、progressive 渐进的pro大量的--大量挑衅需要循序渐进151、booth 货摊b+故事--不是故事是真报纸--卖报纸的货摊152、appendix 阑尾、附录ap加强+pend悬挂=悬挂在书后的是附录153、corrode 腐蚀=corrupt154、groove 沟、槽区分groom 准备、新郎想象那个图155、owe 欠156、stability 稳定157、【考】stabilize 使稳定158、flare 照明弹、突然发怒古代用fire照明,如今发展成flare159、stable 马厩160、innumerable 无数的161、justify 证明……是正当的just正义 + ify使162、propaganda 宣传Prop支持者 + agenda看做agenda议程--支持者宣传议程163、foam 泡沫164、compose 组成165、psychiatrist 心理学家166、costume 礼服167、reaction 反应区分react反应、reflect反映、reflex反射168、presume 假定【短语】presume on 不正当利用169、entail 使承担en给 + tail尾巴--给一个尾巴用以承担170、referee 裁判员171、dodge 托词、回避总是找托词回避,像狗一样172、stack 堆库存(stock)一堆(stack)商品,堆到一起对大家不利:对……不利【短语】stack against 对……不利173、circus 马戏团174、disguise 伪装迪斯尼用东西盖着肯定要伪装什么175、stagger 蹒跚Stag看做stay停--停不稳--蹒跚176、recognize 认出(o后面易多写n,要注意)177、staircase 楼梯178、embody 使具体化179、artillery 大炮180、dwell 居住d(do,做)+ well(好)--做得好就要留下来居住【短语】dwell on/upon 老是想着,详述181、parameter 界限、参数para(辅助)+ meter(测量)——辅助测量的,是参数,参数一般都是有界限的区分 paralyze 使瘫痪182、scramble 爬行抢夺183、imaginary 想象的184、relief 宽慰区分 belief 相信185、allocate 分派al(加强)+ loc(地方)+ ate(做)——分派到各地去做186、compulsory 强制性的区分 capsule 胶囊187、flask 长颈瓶188、expertise 专长189、terrace 地棚terr(地)+ race(比赛)——比赛的地方:地棚区分 terrain 地形terr(地)+ rain 下雨——下雨与地形有关190、loyalty 忠诚191、sieve 筛选、滤192、recur 再发生re(再)+ cur(发生)——再发生区分 incur 招致 in(进来)+ cur(发生)——进来发生:招致193、capable 有能力的区分 capability 能力;功能区分 capacity 能力;容量区分 facility 设备194、mediate 调节195、ammunition 弹药;军火am(加强)+ mum(公共的)——军火是保卫公共安全的基础196、critical 批评的197、massive 大量的198、decree 判决和degree(度,刑度)一起记忆199、cucumber 黄瓜200、terrain 地形terr(地)+ rain 下雨——下雨与地形有关201、robust 强壮的像机器人一样强壮202、saturate 使饱和203、scatter 驱散音似:死该他!--死是他活该的!这种人你还不驱散他?区分 scanty 缺乏s(死)+ can(能)+ 踢——死了才能会踢——言外之意一辈子也不会踢球,这真缺乏信心啊!204、defect 缺点de(变坏)+ fect(做)——往坏了做:缺点!205、convict 囚犯、宣判有罪206、ingredient 成分207、retort 反驳re(往回)+ tort(教)——往回教:学生教老师--学生反驳了老师的学术观点208、brief 摘要区分relief 快慰;belief 信任209、pasture 牧场210、terrific 极妙的211、purchase 买212、mobilize 动员213、assassination 暗杀214、detect 察觉215、mutual 相互的216、preach 宣讲、竭力鼓吹217、territory 领土terr(地)+ iory(地点)——领土区分 terrain 地形区分 terrace 地棚218、insight 洞察力219、desirable 值得向往的220、instrumental 起作用的、用乐器演奏的221、testify 证明222、gamble 赌博222、 strand 使搁浅223、concise 简明的con(共同的) + cise(切掉)= 把相同的套话都切掉,留下主干部分--简明的224、 strategy 战略225、concept 概念226、forge 仿制发音记忆:仿制227、testimony 见证228、certainty 必然的事229、detain 拘留230、fantastic 极好的231、texture 质地232、acquaintance 熟人233、migrant 移民者234、mingle 使混合各种single(单一的)在一起就mingle(混合)了【短语】 mingle with 与……相融合235、theft 偷窃236、mutter 轻声耳语mutter说butter 轻声要黄油!(半夜饿了,不好意思大声说)237、dissipate 使消散dis(不)+ sip(小口喝)+ ate(吃)--不小口吃喝--大吃大喝--浪费、挥霍、使消散!238、profession 职业239、 financial 财政的240、 denounce 谴责de(变换)+ nounce(报告)--弄坏报告、要受谴责!241、 catholic 天主教的cat(猫,教堂里把猫看得神圣)+ holi(看做holy,神圣的)= 天主教242、 streak 疾驰、条纹死醉渴--都醉死了、拿奶奶的带条纹的手巾擦嘴,奶奶见状疾驰过来告诉我不许动脏她的毛巾243、 streamline 使成流线型244、 maneuver 调度723动车事故的时候,调度员还在那摸牛玩呢,结果信号给错了! 245、 alleviate 缓解阿李伟他 --李伟是数分老师,他太胖了,走路需要缓解246、 physiological [.fizi??l?d?ik?l] 生理的区分 physician 医生247、 fa cet一个方面248、 stride 大步大步走和骑车(ride)一样快区分 ride 骑车249、apparatus 仪器ap(加强)+ para(辅助)+ tus--起辅助作用--仪器250、 rival 竞争对手251、 deduce 推断弟丢死--弟弟丢了死了--推断出来的252、 levy 税款来喂--交税给国家,国家干部等着老百姓来喂253、 disposition 性格dis(分开)+ position(位置)--因为性格不合所以分开位置254、scheme 计划、方案255、periodical 时期的、期刊256、exhaust 疲倦的、排气装置疲倦需要排气257、stereotype 定式258、stern 严厉的死的按除非死了否则谁也不许在训练者按动暂停按钮--太严厉了! 259、census 统计、人口普查260、repay 归还261、independent 独立262、giggle【'gigl】咯咯笑263、glitter 闪光g + litter(看做little,小)--一闪一闪小星星264、lieutenant [lef?ten?nt;lu:?ten?nt] 陆军中尉海军上尉265、evil 祸害266、prospective 预期的Pro向前 + spect看--向前看的--预期的267、dismiss 解雇268、endurance 忍受力269、conserve 保存270、expense 花费【短语】at the expense of 以……为代价271、preclude 排除Pre提前 + clude推断--提前推断出故障、排除险情区分conclude 推断272、 compete 比赛273、 bargain 便宜货274、external 外部的275、 aspiration 志向276、 drawback 缺点277、 cute 精明的278、 toll 过路费;死亡人数区分 tool交通工具交通工具肯定要交过路费交通工具出事了要有死亡人数279、 correlate [`kr?let] 关联【短语】 correlate to/with 关联280、 sip 小口喝281、 conservation 保存282、 clasp 扣子;抱紧283、 current 电流、潮流区分 currency 货币284、 invert 使倒转285、 segment 部分286、 religious 宗教的287、 extraordinary 非同寻常的extra额外的 + ordinary普通的--非同寻常的288、 drain 排水沟;慢慢减少d(堵)+rain(雨)--堵雨的--排水沟、雨水进排水沟会慢慢减少289、confidence 信任290、 strain 拉紧291、 entrepreneur [.?ntr?pr??n?:] 企业家来自 enterprise 事业292、 assault 攻击as(加强)+ sault(看做salt盐)-- 往伤口上撒盐--攻击293、encounter 邂逅遇到294、elementary 基本的、刚具备要求的295、fertilizer 肥料词源:fertile 富有的296、aggregate 总数【短语】 in the aggregate 作为总体,总共297、eliminate 消灭298、confident 自信300、rank 军衔、排名301、hazard 危险302、band 乐队303、coarse 粗糙的音似:靠死--靠!粗糙死了!304、justification 正当的理由305、command 命令区分 demand 要求306、thrill 兴奋307、endeavor 努力烟袋--努力戒烟308、thrive 兴旺309、shield 防护物310、invisible 看不见的311、interact 相互作用312、marshal 最高指挥官;安排马首--最高指挥官:负责安排!313、throne [θr?un] 王权thr(看做the)+ one--为我独尊:王权!区分thorn [θ?:n] 荆棘314、guardian 监护人315、meadow 草地mea(看做meal餐)+ dow(音似:斗,斗牛)--斗牛的时候给牛吃的早餐:草地区分:pasture 牧场316、provoke 挑衅317、tick 打"√"318、tickle 逗乐,发痒买张ticket(电影票)让她tickle(逗乐)一下区分tackle 与……交涉319、indefinite 无限期的变形:indefinitely 无限地320、restore 归还321、predominant322、obscene 淫秽的ob(反)+ scene(景色)--反能量的景色:淫秽图像323、criterion 准则324、queer 奇怪的、不舒服的排队(queue)这么久竟然买不到票,真奇怪(queer)、心里不舒服325、liberal 自由的326、theme 主题、题目327、therefore 之后328、mistress 主妇329、promising 有希望的330、therefore 因此331、parasite 寄生虫para(辅助)+ sit(坐在、居住)--辅助住在其他动物里面的--寄生虫区分paralyze 使瘫痪区分 parameter 参数、界限332、famine 饥荒、严重的缺乏音似:发米呢!饥荒了得发米!333、militant 激进的音似:密里探他:秘密探访他,防止有激进的行为造成伤害334、dilute 冲淡、稀释di(die死)+ lute(溜他)--人死了却溜了,肯定是杀人者逃逸了,把血液稀释冲淡,防止被抓!335、slaughter 屠杀336、arc 弧337、conference 会议338、consequently 因此区分 consequence 后果339、graduate 毕业生340、solo 独奏341、thermal 热的、保暖的342、inaugurate 为……举办开幕式343、diverse 相异的di(不同、区分)+ verse(转)--往不同方向转--相异的!区分 inverse、converse 转化344、drought 干旱dr(dry,干的)+ ought(应该)--因为干旱,所以一切都很干这是应该的!345、thesis [?θi:sis] 论文346、optimism 乐观v、optimize 优化347、flaw 缺点、瑕疵f(飞离)+ law(法律)--背离的法律:太严重的缺点、瑕疵了!348、thigh [θai] 大腿音似:晒大腿怕晒!349、smash 击碎350、thorn 荆棘t+ horn(角)--荆棘351、brood 一家的孩子、一窝、沉思一家的孩子(brood)流着相同的血(blood),家人一起陷入沉思352、outbreak 突然发生353、compensate 弥补354、excursion 远足355、dedicate 把(一生)等献给音似:dedi(爹地) + ate(做)--爸爸还有做的事情--一生献给的事业356、confront 遭遇357、terrify 使害怕terr(地)+ 飞 --从地面飞起来--害怕!区分 terrific 极好的 (fic是做的意思,做的好!--极好的)区分 terrace 地棚区分 terrain 地形区分 territory 领土358、chunk 相当大的部分(或数量)359、assistance 援助v。



新东方四级词汇乱序版Word List 1sincere moodstatic senator hobbyladequipfrown fasten softwarestir distribution flexible solution panel ministry supreme describe limb circumstance core assistant messminus statistic pregnant sector detection statuebridecycle saucer skillful civilization overhead clashgrantbondstaff intermediate guitar comprehensive presence appliance cushion emergency solvelabelslimstatussteady include resistance prime ambassador derive sponsor proportion mentalpunchresultclient steamer option dormitory attitudesteepagencysteerscandaldefinite cautious prayer nest domestic chest airline rebel satisfactory stem render object gardener shrink parade rumorrug establish primarily kindness breast sticky boostfund incredible abroad detective stiff stimulate fame consume accelerate lightning sting rouse cultivate material personnel display particle frog impression biology drunk barrier stock fisherman politician royal barber stocking delegate highlight depression signature atmosphere evaluate rescue personality latter parliament input partial loyalty calendar overlook debate stoopcube submerge credit surrounding stovesubmitcarrierimplystrainconsiststrapefficient accommodation strategiclayerexclaim representative forecast discipline neutral interpretknotdesirable promote acceptance mayor equation routineripeprovelikewisechapexplore overnight strawbindstream bearing suppose access remain abstract stretch approximate striking abusecritic interpretation string illustrate helpfulleak accountant crude productstripstripe communicate following hedge Consumer emotional craft institute indispensable scheme scale replacegrammar congress bump stroke ingredient arbitrary pinch exploit actionashropebulk strengthen independent board recall studio graveeveformal absorb sensitive abilityfairytalent comparison stuffbrowinfer invasion grand stress journalist supply subject poleraw embassy carpenter appropriate socialist protein enlarge inherit chemist conflict drain architecture charity entitle subsequent spanpea instruct spite slender automobile behavior envy substance contest spit mutual dorm substantial meanwhile desire convictioninteraction menu frustrate belief confusion civilize preface chemical horizontal invitation auto electric purse blank courtyard rural discourage reflection rainbow slide removal missing graph fortnight disgust offense allow proportional devote empire microphone subtract pace gesture loopsheer cupboard soreraidlower comment distress publicity spin museum outstanding rackrent housing complain evidently lungdeny ownership ridharness acknowledge passion genuine imaginary prompt invention lucky confidence suburb industrialize fearful intelligence childhood crush intention findingWord List 6Subway magnet defect attribute release succession chipsimilar maintain advertisement privilegedullprovoke function substitute extremeorbit correspondent fashionable allowance component interrupt successive external somehow declaration distribute specialist rotaterodsuck negative suffer sufficient court curlbureau moist relative suggestion restless delivery claim suicidedipprofitlease disposal appealcartstable married reckon practically reception juryglorymist congratulate sum execute essay routemeritlocal compromise rally feather characterize explode awaregrainkettle summarize faulty highly summary conservation summit reward available specialize structure resident boundary radical leadingrag prescribe demonstrate manner sunrise construct railway opportunity lagfade sunset singular broom beneath recreation procession tackle combination hell proofresortrecruitcontrast sunshine introduction ancestorsplitpainfulsuperbinterest noticeable graduate glancebloodyfierce paragraph enquire preparation justicedripemit superficial recommendation solefolkrankmotorairportenclose bounce occasion determine advisable permissionStatement Award Boldso-called superior sunlight alternative kingdom mobile damn storage supplement locate cabin majority receiver support Bible assign episode fatalpad excursion ignorant county condense healasset involve rear hollow charter leadership shallow impressive controversial curve spiritual astonishfoldalert condition segment cabbage condemn mild surgery leisure accomplish plug presentation surplus cassette surround privatebulb meaning annual expansion eliminate horn responsibility dam challenge alike phenomenon survey curtainsurvival Word List 9medal invest survive awkward synthetic manufacture curse suspect suspend tide crossing tourbarely copegap oppose deadline automatic joint surrender rudefaint conference issue swallow interior calculator analyze hazard miracle sway editorial recognition librarian analysis swear centertidy passport swelllinkbraveswift prohibit approve swingidealarrest landscape represent audience switch swordspot symbol sanction bucket poetryfiber pension beggar illustration liable bunch management sympathize session delicious breezekidpartner Word List 10imitate infant sympathy advantage considerable spur religious banner nylon exceedingly symptom pillar outcome journey forehead conscience precise cable screwgangfavor constitute squeeze system culture missilecast Marxist connexion priordye graceful onionseal contribute fascinating entertainment cigarette immense outer revolutionary fabricridgemass competent conclusion bang curious pulse encounter concern preposition pond provision reinforce systematic(al) railpatrationalflee response executivetagmeans nephew motivatesaint hesitate crawlWord List 11failure consistent nowhere sympathetic sketch calmtame cancelpraytarget camel technician setting technique tax emerge capable technology selfish definition per participate tedious anxious famine fundamental plural anticipate teenager compress pepper current mask musician temple decay criticism feedback accordance perceive scarcely clay intelligent conductor frequency attractive garlic temporary recognize puzzle elevator acquisition absolute frankhippolish democratic temptation disguise glue solemn tendtelescope temper effective channelextensive amuseWord List 12primitive consent organize drama miserable furantique replacement innerclerkliquor presently gene security nerve greedy essential decorate excess compare command fuelplastic characteristic pressure nearby environment crime pigeon cement magnificent legal moderate atomic anchor mystery associate reaction affecttenseflour comedy directly collision absent criticalpawcrew congratulation interference flesh innocent excitement adult enhance arrivalbrief ambition outlineaero plane fertilizer tensiontendency investigate infinite petrol distinguish shortcomingpainter tenderWord List 13propose former consumption terminal casual tough pursue unexpected governor oral territory meregrosstone indication concerning embrace numerous launch discount maintenance incline liberal lavatory marry constitution tolerate intellectual amateur mushroom misunderstand lapnotionhatred slippery durable inference employee sausage theme colleague dramatic patience spacecraft preserve import bankrupt cartoon alliance romantic barrel theoretical stacksettle hopeful criminal insert specifically accuse revealmillimeter mate elbow textile pack guilty payment offensiveframe blendWord List 14elect downward liquidcluejazz conjunction lord therapy cease variable identity obligation relativity consult anyway indirect agent scan lemon opponent climate addition architect integrate exterior thereby therefore handful loyal thinking quiz airplane thirsty objection platform merchant fertile particularly division crisis thorough forth observer retreat relevant precision admit jungle thoughtful apartment afterward entire carbon chamber realm ratio capture baseballfurthermore insurance category refine thick minority boring crowd sample estate threat reliablesorrow Word List 15constant sustain horsepower suspicion prospect conduct lawn transmit pollution slip influential handle threaten aircraft thriveharm similarly prominent signal encourage recession commitment monitor sparkmug absence appreciate bean chief instant thrust thumb honey enforce ease thunder living room monument assess panic blanket drift normally dismiss deputy acre contract anniversary mainland expose policy machinery exert collection gasoline disposeelastic presumably bargain significant throat extend comparable arouse rage inward series roast timber reluctantcontainer Word List 16license upright author mission growth attack furnish pretend concentrate institution flattissue delicate upper gram crowntitle convey mount toast tolerance amongst slicedairy consultant multiply naked conventional topicrenewtorchclap conservative copyright establishment layout auxiliary major legislation moisture nationality foundation gulf assistance combat exhibit donation fragment reverse applyreform generally electron distinctcentigrade measurement precaution allocate certificate agenda electronic alongside priority elementary towel opera digital artistic elderly crackWord List 17Christ evidence naturally mechanic traceexpand laughter compassleanminister duration comprehension tractor tradition compete goodness tragedy offendinstinctretire professional bullettrail prosperity pantsminor shortage revenue transform hay Advocate modify fantastic complicated historic specify translation prosperous baggage pour transmission obtain enthusiasm equivalent assemble slope secondary assume awful processlick overcome motion crucialequality jealous dominate inspect generator lorry priest transparent illegal fancy conscious transportcue transfer farewellWord List 18contemporary chillbreadth flood species necessity scare scientific transportation regardless create diagram validcopper estimate carriagematcashier sensible faithfultrap intensity remedy hearing decent historical confine bleedcarrottray realistic retain fortunately comb reference treatment powerful positive owing appoint artificial project treaty emphasis select tremble attraction abundant faith mathematical navy tremendous dominant proposalgymnasium academy definitely recorder sour fruitful expectation disappear trash magnetic harden trend elaborate bat triangle literary jail design scriptWord List 19saddlelestcreep affordtrialinnchoke dental council portion lodgetroop vague tropicalcoilbenefit troublesome female posetruly peculiar export resume portrait utter bacteria fantasy usage finance exaggerate trunk grocer cruise initial railroad tubeattain devise density tune source shrug daylight tunnelsite turbine handy background tutor sauce combine pillidle pledge exchange emotion harsh exposure saving reasonable trumpet applause nonsense bay ceremony formula reservoir delete pump backward twist range niece protestWord List 20centimeter predict acquaintance learning spider counsel commit typewritersinsow companion destination typical corresponding donkey frontier outlooktypistapart additional consequence nevertheless dirtlobby occasional fraction cabinetamid manufacturer independence academic evolve exception dictation profession authority deposit enquirydiffer argument memorial facultydim moreover earnest heroic umbrella orchestra arithmetic basicallydoubtful committee tyreugly parallel cooperate appetite impose invade controversy confident nursery battery heel oblige convict respond cite discard grab deceive senior modest continuousWord List 21comprise revolt expense campusmoldinsurecashvirtueviolentreactodddiverse manual uncoverbanconfront undergo journal emperor undergraduate circular dictate inform underground hook undertake salary skilled assembly merry undo undoubtedly globe uneasy precious mosquito petroleum favourable sightseeing economic multiple poverty relyeffort accumulate cheat humorous rarerivalechounderline male proceed hydrogen forcefogfluiddrill understanding nitrogen commission jaw investment collapse corridor despitepit counter balcony diplomatic cigar bathe conquer inflationWord List 22thermometer worthwhile scenery terror average democracy slap obstacle occur nuisance significance up-to-date justify neglect membership unionroller formation punctual relieve candy spokesman employer unique mathematics dragflash immigrant remarkable increasingly indoor palm exclusive namely universe burst preferable filter anyhow score qualify global heave unless excessive marine behalf advanced soda unlikeherd cheerful advertise reflexion unite secure mineral universal lane beloved adapt mislead adjust unload leader spelling accordingly anxiety ridiculous unusual scholarship divorce headquarters commerceWord List 23torture fashion incident upset underneath recover theory evolution mythtrimmud unfortunately relate extraordinary debturgeurgent qualification satellite publication cliffrestrain commander carpetpeer coordinate restore receipt contrary Christian hardware bloomdragon specimen chewutmost original religion communication beyond vacant conclude restrict respectively fairlysailorremark assure balance campaignhighway breed ensure requirement attempt flock largely restraint focus protective utilityjet psychological contradiction dose vacation immediately vacuumoreclause cattlebarnlaser initiative compelWord List 24basiscontact guarantee semiconductor ribobvious geometry butcher triumphmaid eyesight interviewvainpastesoakexceedboomitem hammer metricjarresource compose military poisonous aidcoach decrease relief continual slight stare grace band mechanical considerate ditch ignorance balloon brakedatabakegear patient altitude inquiry implement remindpackage van besides injection laboratory vanish experimental mysterious sakekeen vapour haste magic pint enginebidscout mould avenue instance career fountain format correspondWord List 25clarify mercy expression exact decade dimension vision unity vigorous viaskim severe conquest improve variety election expert dive various riflestake corporation vary industrial preference screen error gratitude slamevil accent imagination elsewhere champion framework social endure gradual sleeve concession vehicle register apology luggage desperate billioneagle figure vast simplify instead shell drawer quote depress schedule limitation disturb cancer accord venture queue aside reflect beneficial repeatedly kindergarten verify reduction version implication accustomed helicopter normalWord List 26shiver stadium grasp economy rotten dash recently concept rigid entertain vertical vessel evident apologize scholar costly veteran glimpse finally approval judgement regulation cordially, powder horror fatigue consideration vice notebook chop respectfully yours, admission disease ignoreinfect confirm harbour concrete organic phase previous helpless amaze despair victim possibility videoimprovement remote providerubfiction occurrence adopt navigation adventure float dynamic vibrate indifferent plot viewpoint erect obey rarely vinegar approach violate distinction holy philosophy golf outward section penaltyWord List 27dump internal installation charge criticize disorder rocket dessert dispute butterfly circuit frequent depart lenssigh violence reserve aluminium hence pine opening acidhen draught appointment meantime murderviolin perspective laundryvirtualvirtually calculate confess appearance virus ambulance liberty consequently insistsolarflourish correspondence pronoun propertyshavegiant crystal operational racial construction image blade physicist sack behave organism shortly interval violet selection limited enormous impact visible conceal earthquake curriculum featureloafstain demand media comparativeWord List 28massive ultimate extent employment medium urban engineering marvelous event resolve avoid respective boastsew indicate govern visual utilize chase prevail pillow packet learned shelter reporter profileshed necessarily vitamin reproduce grateful convenience vividoutset deserve assignment principal enable refrigerator keyboard poisonmill electrical installheap variation primary dense outside owe interfere burden scatter starve simplicity bare compound orderly resolution outputally vocabulary athlete honourable brass merely engage sphere purple volcano decline classic staleWord List 29liberate standpoint activity volt arrange canal device voltage angle volume voluntary rhythm bore marriage bet spade official beast drum crash boot according shift sophisticated dampfry extension instruction assumption potential permanent quitregion overseas vote furnace wagon agriculture ovenwaisteditor republicancharm literature handbag volunteer oval glorious inspire protection argue cop given chapter likely omit adequate departure factorhint waken plunge applicable wander luxury loosen readily devil border warmth creative waterproof cargoWord List30explosion economical progressive residence resemble perception annoy whichever whereas rob recommend pitch perform connect pilotvitalscold intense horrible edition notify pollute persist principle peak margin regarding repetition spectacular humour achievement saladfareflame convention network reservation ribbon plentiful classifyspeculate mechanism dumb handwriting educate landlord glove scope recovery weaken refusal wealth overall reputation ending spill character weapon dissolve splendid scarce politics alphabet performance clumsyaxwealthy detect physician guy administration emphasize frostWord List 31contribution weave crane muscle admire exclude inquire dialect weed accident Negro identify instrument scratch dependent moral individual loan divideshield grind harmony lamb column weeklyriotbeingplus nightmare budget chart porter dusk somewhat weepweld competition gallon convertmarketminimum lump loose scissors diameter soar molecule gaze relationship realityriskfee mature provided curiosity organ kneel postpone literclick logical convince headline disaster welfare pierce ankle radiation originwell-known exhaust hardshipWord List 32bubble intimate defeat bacon creature optional probable fusswax nucleus financial sequence concede brand junior whale whatsoever relax fireman crust observation operator whilstlidhumble descend furniture aggressive footstep invent catalogue plantation accurate mankindlog pessimistic neighbourhood glowinjure objectivealter electricitymention guideline insight nuclear seminar colony jeans deliberate catalog salesman liver inevitable deck arrangement forbid account apparent arrow occupy huntpollgrape capacity refresh guidance ounce applicant ashamed draftwhip philosopher greenhouseWord List 33competitive destruction application impatient logic negotiate germ whisper withdraw aspect require beam smash responsible accompany affection detail commercial efficiency organization optical alarm wholly semester impress fate resistant maximum wicked possess widen widespread active beard classification postage widow accidental happen elementwhistle injury refugee embarrass inhabitant province collective ruinresist genius quotation hut community isolate whoever snap ache eraarise poem explosive width grammar wisdom insult freight physical conversely wit location hostile reject purchaseWord List 34jewel determination preliminary withstand insectcivilscrapeblast witnessmelt scream hopeless wolf sacrifice forgelover connection possession wool alcohol settlement radar gum worm grip optimistic nature brilliant worldwide inferior audio circulate abandon assist pattern index worship fleetidentical preceding workshop entry digest rate define fulfill generous owner passive chaos workman motive attract revise senate observe mixture currency outlet facility attorney regulate intend brick measure clawrat feasible parcel worthless leap horizon socialismWord List 35influence document worthy dot heading naval oxygen roar fluent poetgym resign wrap sexual endless occupation extra intensive civiliangaolhire confuse garbage overtake gravity yawn sideways bundle leather concentration portable elegant sprayyearly funeral acutecandidate wreck aboard festival single federal microscope classical attach zonedeafspoilwrist accuracy invisible association writer writingX-ray ghosthalt complex coarse patch favourite rustawait acquire prejudice yieldbolt generate gallery existence percentage specific youngster。



202X年新东方四级词汇词根联想记忆法乱序版ab-, abs- (离开,非;abandon 舍弃,abolish 废除)abnormal (反常的) - 特殊,不正常的absence (缺席) - 不在,缺乏absolute (确定的) - 完全的,无条件的abstract (抽象的) - 非具体的,理论的abuse (滥用) - 不当使用,虐待accept (接受) - 同意,认可access (访问) - 进入,接近accommodate (容纳) - 供应食宿,适应according (依据) - 依照,依据account (账户) - 报账,解释accurate (精确的) - 正确的,精确的across (穿过) - 跨越,通过active (活跃的) - 乐观的,动态的addition (加法) - 添加,额外的address (地址) - 地方,演讲adjustment (调整) - 调整,适应admission (入场费) - 准许进入,接纳advance (前进) - 提前,推动advertising (广告) - 广告的,宣扬的advise (忠告,劝告) - 告知,建议affair (事务) - 事情,大事against (反对,逆,抵制) - 反对,逆,抵制agreement (协议) - 同意,全都air (空气) - 空气,气味第1页/共9页alarm (警报) - 警报,惊恐alcohol (酒精) - 酒精,酒alive (活着的) - 活着的,有活力的allow (允许) - 容许,准许ally (盟友) - 结盟,联盟alter (转变) - 转变,修改although (虽然) - 尽管,虽然altogether (完全) - 完全,全部amaze (使惊异) - 使惊异,惊异among (在…之中) - 在…之中,在…之间amount (数量) - 数量,总计analysis (分析) - 分析,解析announce (宣布) - 宣布,公告annual (年度的) - 每年的,年度的anxiety (焦虑) - 焦虑,忧虑apology (赔礼) - 赔礼,歉意appear (消灭) - 消灭,显露appliance (器具) - 电器,用具apply (应用) - 申请,运用appoint (任命) - 任命,支配appreciate (观赏) - 感谢,观赏approach (接近) - 靠近,接近appropriate (适当的) - 合适的,恰当的approximate (近似的) - 近似的,约略的arise (消灭) - 消灭,产生arm (臂) - 胳膊,武器artificial (人造的) - 人工的,假的ashamed (惭愧) - 惭愧,害臊aside (在一旁) - 在旁边,放在一边ask (问) - 询问,恳求assistance (挂念) - 救济,挂念assume (假定) - 假设,担当astonish (使惊异) - 使惊异,使吃惊athletics (体育) - 田径,体育attend (参与) - 出席,参与attract (吸引) - 吸引,引起authority (权威) - 权威,权力automatic (自动的) - 自动的,自觉的available (可用的) - 可使用的,可获得的aware (意识到) - 知道,意识到bene- (和善的)benefit (利益) - 好处,利益benevolent (慈善的) - 慈爱的,慈善的blessing (祝愿) - 福音,幸事bounty (赏金,慷慨) - 嘉奖,宽容beneath (在…下面) - 在…之下,低于benefactor (恩人) - 赞助人,施主benign (良性的) - 良性的,和气可亲的beneficial (有益的) - 有利的,有益的believe (信任) - 信任,确信bestow (授予) - 赐予,赐赠beggar (乞丐) - 乞丐,讨饭者behave (举止) - 举止,行为beer (啤酒) - 啤酒,麦酒benevolence (慈善) - 慈爱,善行beside (在旁边) - 在旁边,除了belong (属于) - 归属,属于第3页/共9页belief (信仰) - 信念,信仰beneficiary (受益人) - 受益人,捐助方betray (背叛) - 出卖,背叛beam (光线) - 光束,横梁beginning (开头) - 开头,起源bi- (两;bicycle自行车,biannual半年一次的)binary (二进制) - 二元的,二进制的bilateral (双边的) - 双边的,双方的bisect (使二等分) - 二等分,剖半biography (传记) - 传记,个人简介biodegradable (生物降解) - 可生物降解的,可生物分解的biennial (两年生的) - 两年一次的,两年生的bind (绑定) - 约束,捆绑bibliography (参考书目) - 参考书目,文献著录bird (鸟) - 鸟,女人bishop (主教) - 主教,大教堂的首个坐堂牧师bicycle (自行车) - 脚踏车,自行车birth (诞生) - 诞生,起源biology (生物学) - 生物学,生态学bilingual (双语) - 双语的,会两种语言的belief (信仰) - 信任,信任billboard (广告牌) - 电子广告牌,告示板bisexual (双性) - 双性的,雌雄同体的bifocals (双焦点眼镜) - 双焦点眼镜,双焦镜的capit- (头,首;captain队长,capable有才能的) capital (首都) - 资本,首都capable (能干的) - 有力量的,能干的captain (队长) - 船长,飞行员caption (字幕) - 说明,标题capacity (容量) - 力量,容量capture (捕获) - 俘虏,捕获capricious (变化无常的) - 反复无常的,任性的capitalism (资本主义) - 资本主义,资产阶级专政caption (标题) - 说明,标题capitalist (资本家) - 资本家,资本主义的captive (被俘虏的人) - 俘虏,被迷住的cape (海角) - 岬,披肩caretaker (工人) - 管理人,照管人career (职业) - 生涯,事业caricature (讽刺画) - 讽刺画,夸张的描述carefree (无忧无虑的) - 漫不经心的,无担忧的cardi- (心;cardiac心脏的,cardiograph心电图)cardiac (心脏的) - 心脏的,心脏病人cardinal (红衣主教) - 红色的,主要的cardigan (开襟羊毛衫) - 一件羊毛开襟上衣,开襟羊毛衫cardiograph (心电图) - 心电图,心电器cardinal (主要的) - 基本的,主要的cardiogram (心电图极图) - 心电图,心电图论cent- (百;century世纪,percent百分之;centre中心)century (世纪) - 一百年,百年centennial (百年纪念) - 一百年的,百年庆典第5页/共9页centennial (百年纪念) - 百年纪念central (中心的) - 中心的,中心的centre (中心) - 中心,中心centigrade (摄氏度) - 摄氏度,百分度cinnamon (肉桂) - 肉桂,桂皮census (人口普查) - 人口普查,人口统计century (世纪) - 百年,百岁certain (精确的) - 确定的,有把握char-, charr- (做,完成;character性格,chart图表)character (性格) - 人物,角色chart (图表) - 图表,报表charter (特许) - 执照,宪章champion (冠军) - 群英会characteristic (特点) - 特点,特征charge (充电) - 收费,控告chron- (时间;chronic慢性的,chronology年表)chronic (慢性的) - 慢性的,长期的chronicle (编年史) - 编年史,记载chronology (年表) - 年表,历史学circum- (围绕;circumference周长,circumscribe限制)circumference (周长) - 周长,外缘circumscribe (限制) - 限制,包围circus (马戏) - 马戏表演,马戏场circumspect (谨慎的) - 谨慎的,当心翼翼的circuit (电路) - 电流,巡回circulate (循环) - 循环,流通coll- (一起;collect收集,collaborate合作)collect (收集) - 收集,搜集collapse (倒塌) - 崩溃,倒塌collaborate (合作) - 合作,协作collision (碰撞) - 冲撞,碰撞collective (集体) - 集体的,共同的college (高校) - 有独立加分2\\$到9\\$的课程,学院colleague (同事) - 同事,同伴collide (碰撞) - 撞击,碰撞colloquialism (白话) - 口语,白话com- (一起;combine结合,compare比较)combine (结合) - 结合,组合comedy (喜剧) - 喜剧,滑稽comfort (劝慰) - 舒适,安适commercial (商业) - 商业的,商务的commute (上下班) - 通勤,变换communication (通信) - 沟通,通信compromise (妥协) - 妥协,折衷con- (全部;concentrate集中,consider考虑)concentrate (集中) - 集中,精神集中于consider (考虑) - 思考,考虑第7页/共9页congratulate (庆贺) - 庆贺,庆祝conclusion (结论) - 结论,结束concurrent (同时发生的) - 同时发生的,并发con- (相反;contradict反对,contrast对比)contrast (对比) - 明显的不同,对比conscience (良心) - 良心,良知contraction (收缩) - 收缩,简写contradict (反对) - 否认,反对co- (共同;collaborate合作,coincide全都)collaborate (合作) - 协作,合作coincide (全都) - 同时发生的cooperate (合作) - 合作,协作correspond (对应) - 通信,对应coexist (共存) - 共存,同时存在cosmos (宇宙) - 宇宙,星空coeducation (混合教育) - 一起教育,混合教育de- (向下;decrease削减,decide打算)decrease (减小) - 削减,削减decide (打算) - 打算,解决dem- (人民;demonstrate 证明,democrat民主主义的)demonstrate (证明) - 证明,呈现democrat (民主主义的) - 民主的,民主主义者democracy (民主) - 民主,民主制demography (人口统计学) - 人口统计学,人群统计demand (需求) - 要求,需求demo (样品) - 示范,示威游行demystify (揭秘) - 清除迷雾,澄清demolish (拆除) - 摧毁,拆除deed (行为) - 行为,事迹demolition (拆除) - 爆破,拆毁dis- (否定;disappoint绝望,disapprove不赞成)disappoint (绝望) - 使绝望,辜负disapprove (不赞成) - 反对,不满disaster (灾难) - 灾难,不幸discover (发觉) - 揭示,探明discussion (争辩) - 争辩,商讨dissolve (溶解) - 溶解,解除di-(分;dividedly分别地,directly直接地)dividedly (分别地) - 分开地,不同地directly (直接地) - 直接地,直截了当的distance (距离) - 离,间隔dictionary (字典) - 查阅字典,辞书diameter (直径) - 直径,厚division (部门) - 分隔,部门en- (使…某种状态;enable使能第9页/共9页。

四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第144期-1213

四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第144期-1213

四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第144期:1213Word List 12-13plain v.抱怨,叫屈,控诉【记】联想记忆:com+plain(平淡的)--不要抱怨生活的平淡--抱怨【例】Paul is what is known as a“bellyacher”-he's always complaining about something.保罗就是那种公认的满腹牢骚的人——他总是抱怨着一些事。

(1999)I want to complain about this wicked man.我要投诉这个缺德的男人。

【用】短语complain about表示“抱怨,投诉”。

【派】complaint(n.怨言,牢骚;投诉,抱怨,诉苦;疾病)2.irritate v.激怒,使烦躁;使不舒服,刺激【例】Alcohol and perfumes in these products can irritate your baby's skin.这些产品中的酒精和香水会刺激婴儿的皮肤。

【派】irritating( adj.恼人的,令人不快的);irritable( adj.易怒的;过敏的);irritation(n.激怒,刺激;刺激杨,恼人的事)3.precise adj.精确的;恰好的【记】词根记忆:preci(价值)+se--价值分厘不差--精确的【例】A single noun can be spoken or written in several hundred different forms, each having a precise meaning different from that of any other.一个名词可以有几百种不同的读写方式,而每一种的确切意思都不相同。

(2002)【派】precision(n.精确(性),精密(度)]4.abound vi.大量存在,充满:富有,丰富【记】联想记忆:a(无)+bound(边界)--没有边界--大量存在【例】Opportunities for employment abound in this metropolis.这个大都市里的就业机会很多。



proof resort recruit contrast sunshine introduction ancestor split painful superb interest noticeable graduate glance bloody fierce paragraph enquire preparation justice drip emit superficial recommendation sole folk rank motor airport enclose bounce occasion determine advisable permission
Word List 7 grain kettle summarize faulty highly summary conservation summit reward available specialize structure resident boundary radical leading rag prescribe demonstrate manner sunrise construct railway opportunity lag fade sunset singular broom beneath recreation procession tackle combination hell
contribute fascinating entertainment cigarette immense outer revolutionary fabric ridge mass competent conclusion bang curious pulse encounter concern preposition pond provisioቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ reinforce systematic(al) rail pat rational flee response executive tag means nephew motivate

四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第238期-208

四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第238期-208

四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第238期:2081.identity n.身份,本体;相同处,同一(性),一致【记】词根记忆:ident(相同)+ity--相同处【例】The way in which people use social space reflects their social relationships and their ethnic identity.人们使用社交空间的方式反映了他们的社会关系和种族身份。

(2003)【派】identical(adj.完全相同的,同一的)2.haggard adj.憔悴的,形容枯槁的【例】Louisa looked very beautiful, but terribly haggard.路易莎看上去很漂亮,但十分憔悴。


3.capitalize v.用大写字母写;为…提供资金,投资于【记】联想记忆:capital(资本的)+ize(使)--使成为资本--投资于【例】You should capitalize this report.你应该用大写字母写这份报告。

Capitalize on: The cheats capitalized on the cupidity of the customers.这些骗子利用了消费者贪婪的心理。

【派】capitalism(n.资本主义,资本主义制度);capitalist (n.资本家,富豪;资本主义者 adj.资本主义的)4.considering prep.就…而沦,照…来说【例】You have done very well,considering the short time.考虑到时间这么短,你已经做得很好了。

5.mask n.面革,假面具 v.掩饰,伪装【例】Jim made a joke to mask his sadness.吉姆开了个玩笑来掩饰内心的悲伤。

四级单词 词根联想记忆法 乱序版

四级单词 词根联想记忆法 乱序版
bi- 两个 combine 结合 联合 化合 com- con- 共同 加强意 引申意 combine 结合 ex- 出 export 输出 non-不, 非 nonsense 胡说 废话 bene 善 好 benefit 有益于 得益 dent 牙齿 dental 牙齿的 牙科的 init 开始的 initial 最初的 开始的 mot 移动 emotion 情感 感情 sume 拿 取 resume (中断后)重新开始 继续 恢复 saddle 马鞍 鞍状物;(自行车)车座 给···装鞍 ;使承担任务 lest唯恐 以免 creep 爬行 缓慢进行 afford 担负得起 提供 trial 试 试验 ;审判 讨厌的人 /事 inn 小旅馆 小酒店 choke 使 窒息 塞满 塞住 梗塞 dental 牙齿的 牙科的 council 理事会 委员会 portion 一部分 一分 分配 把 ··分给 lodge 暂住 借宿 供··以临时 住宿 ;乡间小屋 旅社 troop 军队 部队 ;一群 大量 成群结队而行 vague模糊的 含糊的 tropical 热带的 炎热的 coil 一圈 一卷 线圈 卷 benefit 利益 恩惠 ;救济金 保险金 津贴 有益于 得益 troublesome 令人烦恼的 麻烦的 female 雌性的动物 女子 雌的 女的 pose 造成 引起 (困难等 )提出(问题等)陈述(观点);摆姿势 假装 冒充 装腔作势 样子 姿势 truly真正的 忠实的 peculiar 奇怪的 古怪的 特有的 export 输出 出口 运走 出口物 resume (中断后)重新开始 继续 恢复 摘要 概要 简历 portrait 肖像 画像 utter 完全的 彻底的 发出 说 讲 bacteria 细菌 idle 游手好闲 虚度 浪费 空闲的 懒散的 无用的 pledge 保证 誓言 保证 许诺exchange 交换 交流 兑换 emotion 情感 感情 激动 harsh 严厉的 刺耳的 exposure 暴露 揭露 曝光 saving 节省 节约 储蓄金 存款 reasonable 通情达理的 讲道理的 ;合理的 有道理的 价格公道的 尚好的 过得去的 trumpet 喇叭 小号 大声宣布 鼓吹 applause 鼓掌 掌声 nonsense 胡说 废话 冒失 轻浮的行为 fantasy 想象 幻想 想象的产物 usage 使用 对待 惯用法 finance 财政 金融 财源 财务情况 为 ···提供 资金 exaggerate 夸大 夸张 trunk 树干 大衣箱 皮箱 象鼻 grocer 食品商 杂货商 cruise 航游 巡航 游弋 (出租车、船等缓慢巡行 initial 最初的 开始的 (姓名等)首字母railroad 铁路 由铁路管理 tube 管 电子管 显像管 attain 达到 获得 完成 devise 设计 发明 density 密集 稠密 密度 tune 调子 和谐 调整 调节 为乐器调音 source 河的源头 根源 来源 出处 shrug 耸肩 daylight 白昼 日光 黎明 tunnel 隧道 坑道 地道 挖地道 开隧道 site 地点 场所 使坐在 设置 turbine 叶轮机 汽轮机 handy 手边的 便于使用的 background 出身背景 经历 背景资料 (画等的)背景底子 tutor 导师 家庭教师 私人医生 当··导师 当·· 家庭教师 sauce 调味汁 作料 combine 结合 联合化合 联合企业 /团体 联合收割机 pill 药丸 bay 湾 分割间 ceremony 典礼 仪式 礼节 formula 公式 式 原则 方案 配方 reservoir 水库 蓄水池 (知识人才等储备 )汇集 delete 删除 擦掉 pump 泵 用水泵抽 泵送 打气backward 向后的 倒的 落后ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 进步慢的 倒 向后 往回 twist 使缠绕 使盘绕 转动旋动 捻 搓 歪解曲解 ;扭歪 扭伤 曲折前进 转身 转弯 转折 转变 弯曲 曲折处 range 一系列 幅度 范围 ;射程 距离 山脉 射击场 (在范围内)变动 漫游 四处搜索 使 排列成行 niece 侄女 外甥女 protest 抗议 反对 申明

四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第130期-1112

四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第130期-1112

四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第130期:1112Word List 11-121.tilt v.(使)倾斜.(使)翘起 n.倾斜,斜坡【例】The table top suddenly tilted and all the plates and glasses crashed onto the floor.桌面突然倾斜,所有的盘子和杯子都滑落到地板上打碎了。

Our car is running at full tilt.我们的汽车全速前进。

2.cluster n.(果实、花等)串,簇;(人或物的)群,组 vt.使成群,把…集成一束(一组) vt.群集,丛生【例】We can find clusters of tiny insects on the underside of the leaves.我们可以在叶子下面发现成群的小昆虫。

3.bully v.欺侮,强迫(做某事)n.恃强凌弱的人【记】联想记忆:bull(公牛)+y--用像公牛一样壮的身体欺负人--恃强凌弱的人【例】It is quite wrong for us to bully others.欺负别人是极为错误的。

、4.haughty adj.傲慢的,神气活现的【例】A haughty boy is always unpopular amongst girls.傲慢的男生总是不受女生的欢迎。

municate v.传达(意见、消息等),传播;传染(疾病);(房间)相连,相通【例】Clearly if we are to participate in, the society in which we live we must communicate with other people.很显然,如果要我们融入所坐存的社会就必须同其他人交流。

(2000)The mouse is another source that communicates diseases.老鼠是传播疾病的另一个来源。


interpret 打断
knot 结
desirable 向往的
promote 促进
acceptance 接受
carpenter 木匠
appropriate 恰当的
socialist 社会学家
protein 潜在的
enlarge 扩充
inherit 继承
chemist 化学家
conflict 冲突
drain 排水
input 输入
partial 部分的
loyalty 忠诚
calendar 日历,历法
overlook 忽视
debate 争论
stoop 俯身
Word List 3
cube 立方体
submerge 沉入
credit 信用
surrounding 环境
stove 电炉
submit 屈服
carrier 运输工具
solution 解决办法
panel 平板
ministry 部门
supreme 最高的
describe 描述
limb 细枝
circumstance 环境
core 核心
assistant 助手
mess 乱
minus 减去
statistic 统计数据
pregnant 孕妇
sector 部门
detection 侦查
nest 巢
domestic 本国的
chest 箱子
airline 飞机
rebel 反叛
satisfactory 令人满意的
stem 主干
render 给予
object 反对
gardener 园丁
shrink 皱缩

四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第36期-46

四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第36期-46

四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第36期:46Word List 4-61.gravity n.重力,引力;重要性,严重性【记】词根记忆:grav(重)+ity(表性质)一重力;严重性【例】The craft will use solar electric propulsionto escape Earth's gravity.飞船将利用太阳电子推进力来挣脱地心引力。

2.tend v.倾向,趋于;照管 n.照管者,照料砉【例】Nowadays young people tend to phone more often than write to each other.现在的年轻人更倾向于打电话而非写信。


tend主语为人或物,结构为tend to do sth.;incline更多用于被动语态,常用词组是bc inclined to do sth.。

3.bull n.公牛adj.公的;哄抬价格的,行情上涨的 v.强行(使)……通过;从事投机使(证券等)价格上涨【记】联想记忆:芝加哥公牛队Chicago Bull【例】A jealous man is more dangerous than a blind bull.妒忌心重的人比一头瞎公牛更危险。

【用】词组bull market是“多头市场,牛市”的意思。

4.rash adj.鲁莽的,轻率的;匆忙的【例】It's stupid of you to make such nsh decision.作如此草率的决定,你真愚蠢。

5.owe v.欠;把…归功于【例】Britain has announced that il is to cancel about 200 million Pounds' worth of the debts owed to it bypoorer Commonwealth countries.英国宣布取消其联邦中较贫困国家欠下的约2亿英镑的债务。

四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第153期-139

四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第153期-139

四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第153期:139Word List 13-91.perpetual adj.永远的,永恒的,不断的;四季开花的【记】词根记忆:per(始终)+pet(追求)+ual--自始至终的追求--永恒的【例】There are many perpetual roses far and near in the garden.花园里到处都是四季开花的蔷薇。

2.disposal n.清除,销毁,丢掉;处置,处理;布置【记】词根记忆:dis+pos(放)+al--分开放--布置【例】at/in one's disposal: Those books are at your disposal from now on.从现在开始,这些书就任你支配了。

【派】disposable[adj.可(任意)处理的,可自由支配的;一次性使用的,不回收的]3.crisis n.危机;危急存亡之际,决定性时刻;转折点【例】Solar energy with its endless supply is one of our solutions to energy crisis.无限的太阳能是解决我们能源危机的途径之一。

(1998)pensate V.补偿,酬报【记】词根记忆:com+pens(花费)+ate--给予全部花费--补偿【例】The railroad compensated for the damage to the immediate buildings.铁路局为对临近建筑造成的损害作出补偿。

(1998)Every company should compensate employees for their extra work.每个公司都应该付给员工加班费。

【用】compensate后一定接介词for,表示“凶为…补偿”【派】compensation(n.补偿,赔偿)5.reproach n./vt.谴责,责备,责骂【记】词根记忆:re(反对)+proach(靠近)--以反对的方式靠近--谴责【例】 The mother reproached her son for his bad manners.母亲责备儿子不讲礼貌。

四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第224期-196

四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第224期-196

四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第224期:1961.institute n.协会,学会,机构;科研所,学院,研究院 vt.建立,设立,制定【记】词根记忆:in+stitut(建立)+e--建立,设立【例】China instituted a system of regional autonomy in areas inhabited by minority ethnic groups.中国在少数民族聚居区建立了区域自治制度。

【派】institution[n.(教育、慈善、医院等)社会公共机构;建立,制定;制度,惯例];institutional(adj.制度上的;公共机构的,慈善机构的)2.exempt adj.被免除义务(责任)的,被赦免的 v.免除,放免【记】词根记忆:ex+empt(拿;获得)--拿出去--被赦免的【例】Ted was exempt from military service for his bad health.特德因为身体不好免服兵役。


3.bright adj.明亮的;晴朗的;鲜艳的;开朗的,愉快的;聪明的【例】The light you read by may be too bright for yourcomputer screen.你面对的电脑屏幕可能太亮了。

(2003)【派】brighten [v.(使)发光;(使)快活,(使)活跃]4.hesitate v.踌躇,犹豫;不愿意;稍停,言语支吾【记】词根记忆:hes(黏附)+it+ate(做)--做事拖泥带水--犹豫,踌躇【例】Many people hesitate to use the Web because of doubts about its reliability.很多人因为怀疑网络的可靠性而不愿意使用网络。

【用】注意hesitate在表示“不愿意做某事”的时候,要用hesitate to do sth.,不能直接加宾语。

四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第163期-146

四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第163期-146

四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第163期:146Word List 14-61.grand adj.壮大的,堂皇的;主要的,重要的;伟大的【例】The Spring Festival always appears to be grand.春节总是显得格外隆重。


2.economical adj.节俭的,经济的,精打细算的【记】词根记忆:eco(家)+nom(管理)+i+cal(的)--管理家庭财务的--经济的【例】There was a need for him to be economical, for he has planned to buy many things.他需要节省,因为他计划好要买很多东西。

【辨】economical, economic,economical有“节约的,省俭的”意思,指在金钱或物品上精打细算;economic指“经济上的;经济学的”。

press v.压紧,压缩;(把思想、文字等)浓缩,使更为简练【记】联想记忆:com(表加强)+press(压)--使劲压--压缩【例】You cannot compress the whole book into a few pages.你不能把这整本书压缩成几页。

You have to compress the maddening thoughts.你必须压制那些疯狂的想法。

【派】compressor(n.压缩机,压气机)4.persevere vt.坚持不懈,不屈不挠【记】词根记忆:per+sever(诚恳)+e--始终诚诚恳恳--坚持不懈【例】If you want to succeed, you should try your best and persevere to the end.如果想要成功,你应该竭尽全力并坚持到最后。

【派】perseverance (n.不屈不挠,坚持不懈)5.ingenious adj.心灵手巧的;精巧的;有创造性的【记】词根记忆:in(内在)+gen(产生)+ious--聪明产生于内--心灵手巧的【例】Visitors were struck by its ingenious architecture and fantastic layout.采访者都被它那富有创造性的建筑风格和奇异的布局吸引住了。

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