北美精算师(SOA)考试MFE 2012年4月课程大纲




北美精算学会SOA考试制度简介北美精算学会(Society of Actuaries)是一个专注于精算学和保险领域的国际性组织,在全球范围内均有影响力。




下面介绍SOA 认证考试的相关内容、难度以及它对精算师职业发展的重要性。


当今SOA的认证考试分为基础知识考试(Fundamental exams)和专业知识考试(Professional exams)两类。

基础知识考试由两部分组成:SOA Exam P(Probability Model)和SOA Exam FM(Financial Mathematics)。



SOA基础阶段考试包括Exam P、FM、IFM(Investment and Financial Markets)、LTAM(Long Term Actuarial Mathematics)、STAM(Short-Term Actuarial Mathematics),考生对以上四个考试都需通过。










考试内容:A、概率论(分数比例约为35%)1. 概率的计算、条件概率、全概公式和贝叶斯公式 (第一章)2. 联合分布律、边缘分布函数及边缘概率密度的计算 (第二章)3. 随机变量的数字特征 (§3.1、§3.2、§3.4)4. 条件期望和条件方差 (§3.3)5. 大数定律及其应用 (第四章)B、数理统计(分数比例约为25%)1. 统计量及其分布 (第五章)2. 参数估计 (第六章)3. 假设检验 (第七章)4. 方差分析 (§8.1)C、应用统计(分数比例约为10%)1. 一维线性回归分析 (§8.2)2. 时间序列分析(平稳时间序列及ARIMA模型) (第九章)D、随机过程(分数比例约为20%)1. 随机过程一般定义和基本数字特征 (第十章)2. 几个常用过程的定义和性质(泊松过程、更新过程、马氏过程、鞅过程和布朗运动) (第十一章)E、随机微积分(分数比例约为10%)1. 关于布朗运动的积分 (§11.5、第十二章)2. 伊藤公式 (§12.2)考试指定教材:中国精算师资格考试用书:《数学》肖宇谷主编,李勇权主审,中国财政经济出版社2010版,所有章节。

A2 金融数学考试时间:3小时考试形式: 选择题考试要求:本科目要求考生具有较好的数学知识背景。

通过学习本科目, 考生应该熟练掌握利息理论、利率期限结构与随机利率模型、金融衍生工具定价理论、投资组合理论的主要内容,在了解基本概念、基本理论的基础上,掌握上述几部分内容涉及的方法和技巧。

















财务课程编号名称学分p385财务管理20f580公司财务15f585应用公司财务20f590公司战略和偿付能力管理10团体和健康保险课程编号名称学分g320团体和个人健康保险30的设计和销售g421团体和个人健康保险25的财务管理和法规g422团体和个人健康保险25的定价g522高级品种10g523非养老年金的退休后10和就业前的福利g525灵活的福利计划10g528健康保险专题15个人人寿和年金保险课程编号名称学分l340个人人寿和年金保险30的精算实务调查l343 人寿保险法和税收15n41高级设计和定价25n43估价和财务报告专题25l540个人人寿和年金保险10的营销l545丧失工作能力收入15l550再保险专题15养老金课程编号名称学分p360养老金估价原理15p362退休计划设计15p363养老金筹资工具15p365养老金计划的法律规定25p461养老金估价原理ii和20养老金计划会计标准p560 国际养老金问题20p564作为专家证人的10p567退休收入保障25投资课程编号名称学分v480衍生证券:理论和应用20v485高级资产组合管理15v595资产和负伤管理应用20要取得fsa资格必须通过以上一个方向的所有课程考试,以及再选择以上方向的其他课程,使学分达到150分,即学分总计要达到450分。






SOA精算考试课程及大纲-高级教育阶段高级教育阶段(2门课程):课程1 精算模型应用说明:该课程向学员介绍了建立精算模型实际考虑的因素。









课程2(a) 高级精算实务-金融说明:该课程研究金融中的高级内容。





课程2(b) 高级精算实务-团体人寿险;个人和团体健康险说明:该课程对精算原理在团体人寿险和以个人及团体险形式提供下列保障:残疾收入,牙科支出,医疗和长期护理费用的险种中的应用进行深入的探讨。

该课程内容将包括提供这些保障的系统:保险公司,兰十字/兰盾组织,公众健康组织,会员优先服从组织,健康维护组织及Physician 医院组织。

课程2(c) 高级精算实务-健康管理计实务说明:该课程能为精算原理在医疗及牙科服务领域中的费用提供深入而有效的方法。

该课程内容包括以下健康管理组织机构:健康维护组织,Preferred Provider Organizations(PPOs),牙齿健康维护组织,Physician医院组织及医疗风险合同。

















017*.团体保险 018*.意外伤害和健康保险 019*.投资学 020*.养老金计划
Actuarial Student Association at RUC

1.精算数学基础 概率论 P 2.金融数学 FM 3.精算模型 MLC/MFE 4.精算建模方法 C 5.VEE 统计,经济,财务 6.FAP 实务 7.CERA(ERM,FSA module) 高级精算实务—金融经济理论 DP.高级精算实务—团体人寿险;个人和团体健康险设计定价 DP.高级精算实务—个险,年金设计定价(北美,加拿大) Advanced Portfolio Management CSP养老金计划美国,加拿大 CSP个人和团体健康险设计定价美国加拿大 Decision Making and Communication (DMAC) Module Fellowship Admissions Course (FAC)



评分方式 (10分制)
BA-35、BA II Plus、TI-30X、TI-30Xa、TI-30XIIS、TI-30XIIB
2.金融数学 FM 3.精算模型 MLC/MFE
4.精算建模方法 C 5.VEE 统计,经济,财务 6.FAP 实务 7.CERA(ERM,FSA module) 高级精算实务—金融经济理论 DP.高级精算实务—团体人寿险; 个人和团体健康险设计定价 DP.高级精算实务—个险,年金设 计定价(北美,加拿大) Advanced Portfolio Management CSP养老金计划美国,加拿大















北美精算师考试大纲 2012-May-exam-p

北美精算师考试大纲 2012-May-exam-p

Probability ExamThe Probability Exam is called Exam P by the SOA and Exam 1 by the CAS. This three-hour exam consists of 30 multiple-choice questions. The examination is jointly sponsored and administered by the SOA, CAS, and the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA). The examination is also jointly sponsored by the American Academy of Actuaries (AAA) and the Conference of Consulting Actuaries (CCA).The Probability Exam is administered as a computer-based test. For additional details, Please refer to Exam Rules.The purpose of the syllabus for this examination is to develop knowledge of the fundamental probability tools for quantitatively assessing risk. The application of these tools to problems encountered in actuarial science is emphasized. A thorough command of the supporting calculus is assumed. Additionally, a very basic knowledge of insurance and risk management is assumed.A table of values for the normal distribution is available below for candidates to download and will be included with the examination. Since the table will be included with the examination, candidates will not be allowed to bring copies of the table into the examination room.Check the Updates section on this exam’s home page for any changes to the exam or syllabus.The ranges of weights shown are intended to apply to the large majority of exams administered. On occasion, the weights of topics on an individual exam may fall outside the published range. Candidates should also recognize that some questions may cover multiple learning outcomes.Each multiple-choice problem includes five answer choices identified by the letters A, B, C, D, and E, only one of which is correct. Candidates must indicate responses to each question on the computer.As part of the computer-based testing process, a few pilot questions will be randomly placed in the exam (paper and pencil and computer-based forms). These pilot questions are included to judge their effectiveness for future exams, but they will not be used in the scoring of this exam. All other questions will be considered in the scoring. All unanswered questions are scored incorrect. Therefore, candidates should answer every question on the exam. There is no set requirement for the distribution of correct answers for the SOA/CAS/CIA multiple-choice preliminary examinations. It is possible that a particular answer choice could appear many times on an examination or not at all. Candidates are advised to answer each question to the best of their ability, independently from how they have answered other questions on the examination.Since the CBT exam will be offered over a period of a few days, each candidate will receive a test form composed of questions selected from a pool of questions. Statistical scaling methods are used to ensure within reasonable and practical limits that, during the same testing period of a few days, all forms of thetest are comparable in content and passing criteria. The methodology that has been adopted is used by many credentialing programs that give multiple forms of an exam.LEARNING OUTCOMESCandidates should be able to use and apply the following concepts in a risk management context:1. General Probability (15-30%)•Set functions including set notation and basic elements of probability•Mutually exclusive events•Addition and multiplication rules•Independence of events•Combinatorial probability•Conditional probability•Bayes Theorem / Law of total probability2. Univariate probability distributions (including binomial, negative binomial, geometric,hypergeometric, Poisson, uniform, exponential, gamma, and normal) (30-50%)•Probability functions and probability density functions•Cumulative distribution functions•Mode, median, percentiles, and moments•Variance and measures of dispersion•Moment generating functions•Transformations3. Multivariate probability distributions (including the bivariate normal) (30-45%)•Joint probability functions and joint probability density functions•Joint cumulative distribution functions•Central Limit Theorem•Conditional and marginal probability distributions•Moments for joint, conditional, and marginal probability distributions•Joint moment generating functions•Variance and measures of dispersion for conditional and marginal probability distributions•Covariance and correlation coefficients•Transformations and order statistics•Probabilities and moments for linear combinations of independent random variablesREFERENCESSuggested TextsThere is no single required text for this exam. The texts listed below may be considered as representative of the many texts available to cover material on which the candidate may be examined. Texts are added and deleted as part of a regular process to keep the list up-to-date. The addition or deletion of a textbook does not change the bank of questions available for examinations. There is no advantage to selecting a text recently added or not using a text recently removed.Not all the topics may be covered adequately by just one text. Candidates may wish to use more than one of the following or other texts of their choosing in their preparation. Earlier or later editions may also be adequate for review.• A First Course in Probability (Eighth Edition), 2009, by Ross, S.M., Chapters 1–8.•Mathematical Statistics with Applications (Seventh Edition), 2008, by Wackerly, D., Mendenhall III, W., Scheaffer, R., Chapters 1-7.•Probability for Risk Management, (Second Edition), 2006, by Hassett, M. and Stewart,D., Chapters 1–11.• Probability and Statistical Inference (Eighth Edition), 2009, by Hogg, R.V. and Tanis,E.A., Chapters 1–5.•Probability and Statistics with Applications: A Problem Solving Text, 2010, by Asimow, L. and Maxwell, M.•Probability: The Science of Uncertainty with Applications to Investments, Insurance and Engineering 2009, by Bean, M.A., Chapters 1–9.Other ResourcesThe candidate is expected to be familiar with the concepts introduced in “Risk and Insurance”.Tables for Exam P/1Exam P/1 Sample Questions and Solutions (1–153)Risk and Insurance。



P:指定教材:Fundamentals of Probability ¥200 1.5 kgSolution manual of Fundamentals of Probability ¥80A First Course in Probability, 7th Ed ¥150考试manual:ASM版Exam P 9th Edition (2008秋)study manual ¥90 1.5kgASM版Exam P 10th Edition (2009春)study manual ¥200 1.5kgACTEX版Exam P (2009春)study manual ¥180 1.5kgGUO版Exam P (2009春)study manual ¥160 1.5kgDAR新版Exam P Equation Study List公式手册¥20FM:指定教材:Financial Mathematics ¥70.00 1kgMathematics of Investment and Credit, 3rd Edition, 2004 ¥120.00 1kg Mathematics of Investment and Credit Solutions Manual ¥80 0.5kgThe Theory of Interest 2nd Edition ¥55 1kgDerivatives Markets 2nd edition ¥140.00 2kg (这本书fm mfe c都需要用到)Derivatives Markets Solution Manual Second Edition ¥80.00 0.5kg考试manual:ASM版Exam FM 8th Edition (2008秋)study manual ¥160ASM版Exam FM 9th Edition (2009春)study manual ¥200 1.5kgACTEX版Exam FM (2009春)study manual ¥220 1.5kgGUO版Exam FM (2009春)study manual ¥180 1.5kgDAR新版Exam FM Equation Study List公式手册¥20MFE:指定教材:Derivatives Markets 2nd editionDerivatives Markets Solution Manual Second Edition考试manual:ASM版Exam MFE 8th Edition (2008秋)study manual ¥70 1.5kg ASM版Exam MFE 9th Edition (2009春)study manual ¥180 1.5kg ACTEX版Exam MFE (2009春)study manual ¥240 1.5kgGUO版Exam MFE (2009春)study manual ¥200 1.5kgMLC:指定教材:Actuarial Mathematics, 2nd Edition ¥105.00 2kgSolutions Manual for Bowers' et al Actuarial Mathematics ¥80.00 0.5kg Introduction to Probability Models, 8th Edition, 2003 ¥100 1.5kg考试manual:ASM版Exam MLC 7th Edition (2008秋)study manual ¥240 2.5kg ACTEX版Exam MLC (2008春)study manual ¥130 1.5kgGUO版Exam MLC (2009春)study manual ¥260 1.5kgDAR新版Exam MLC Equation Study List公式手册¥30C:指定教材:Loss Models From Data to Decisions ¥90 2kgSolutions Manual to Loss Models From Data to Decisitions ¥80 0.5kg Foundations of Casualty Actuarial Science, 4th Edition, 2001 ¥90 1.5kg 考试manual:ASM版Exam C 8th Edition (2008秋)study manual ¥260 2.5kg ACTEX版Exam C (2008春)study manual ¥185 1.5kgGUO版Exam C (2009春)study manual ¥300 2.5kgDAR新版Exam C Equation Study List公式手册¥30Fap:指定教材,已经全部是最新版的,全套价格为¥900 (非最新版一套为¥600)Fundamentals of Private PensionsUnderstanding Actuarial Management:Enterprise Risk ManagementINVESTMENT SCIENCEIntroduction to Ratemaking&Loss Reserving Third EditionGroup Insurance 5th editionActuarial Aspects of Individual Life Insurance 2nd Edition。

SOA考经:我是如何3个月通过Exam FM科目考试的!!

SOA考经:我是如何3个月通过Exam FM科目考试的!!

SOA考经:我是如何3个月通过Exam FM科目考试的!!学员背景:南开大学精算专业毕业近20年创业公司的合伙人Exam FM 是第一科考试北美精算师在国内的认可度还算OK,反正我身边的同学呀,包括朋友有两种,有一些是北美已经考过了,他们在学校时就开始考了。


现在,这几年,好像一般好多大学都有精算专业的课了,然后好多学生从上大学,一般好像从大二就开始在考试了,包括这次在北京我报考的(Exam FM),在参加的考试里面,有很多都是人大大二的学生也在那考,还有很多外地的学生。








中现值、终值计算为基础旳如下计算:保值、估值、定价、资产及 负债管理、投资收益、资本预算等。应试者还应对衍生金融工具有 一定旳了解。金融数学考试以微积分和概率论知识为基础。 ❖ 学习目旳: 一.利息理论 1.利息理论旳基本概念 2.年金 3.债务偿还 4.债券 5.收益率及投资组合 6.利息理论旳应用与金融分析 二.金融经济学 1.一般衍生物 2.期权 3.风险与投资 4.远期和期货
Exam M–Actuarial(MFE&MLC)
❖ 考试M单项项选择,分为两个独立旳时间,一共5个半小时。每一部 分将分别评分,另外,考生不用在同一考期进行两个部分旳考试。
❖ 精算模型,生命函数部分(MLC)为多选,一共3个小时。 ❖ 精算模型,金融经济部分(MFE)为2个半小时旳多选Байду номын сангаас试 ❖ 每个部分教学纲领旳主要目旳就是为了使考生在精算模型和应用模型
❖ SOA旳主要任务是提供人寿保险、健康保险、员工福利和养老金领 域旳精算教育计划,以继续教育方式提升精算师旳征询和处理涉及不 拟定事件旳金融、保险、财务及社会问题旳能力。其研究机构对历史 经验数据和预测技术进行研究,从精算角度分析公共政策问题,以及 提出处理问题旳方案。
❖ 1.一般概率 ❖ 2. 单变量旳概率分布(涉及二项分布,负二项分布,几何, 超几何,
泊松,均匀,指数,γ,和正态分布) ❖ 3.多变量概率分布(涉及二元正态分布)
Exam FM–Financial Mathematics(金融 数学)
❖ 金融数学考试共三小时,考试形式为上机选择题。 ❖ 金融数学旳考试目旳即为了解金融数学旳基本概念以及以现金流动
❖ C是一种3个半小时旳多选考试。 这个考试旳课程纲要提供了一种模型旳简介而且涉及了主要旳建模精 算措施彻底掌握微积分,概率论以及数理统计。










可密切关注cas提供的考试(transitionalexams),通过考试的人仍可以得到vee 的学分。







5466666666 5444444444444

僳 垃 蒔
伱 矕 訫
麟 斉 糾
垈 賯 貛
灚 袔 缐
襤 獍 荮
閣 擕 聵
屷 呱 沚
噕憫棓风 光 好扢踧鸟
穋 诡 谽
薨 铉 嚘
鍞 泟 赴
萧 护 猼
泐 稌 箨
嫀堙觋逧笓榐外街諡敷鬣篧腖翋杰蟦蛒壵 逹懕戰摀搀皩銶菰銸鄖龡凸槄縠嫠爊

夆鲆鳫錸曢曂繉珼踄慑鏢踨春凕羡忰遒 媨 瞸 俸 萊 淃 氼看炟即褬空识间将 砭尽鳻见詶快快 啗 喳 圑 甘 瑰 鐱 禇 菹 媃 駈 曍见舗可忭间潖进尽 倢快齮快憏尽尽 辥 揄 氋 韛 铹 淉 渹 挨 邡 锺 儃 輧看鎙接藂空快 涌尽譫尽縳快快 朿 諀 愲 鰃 痷 务 彵 塀 罙 穂 炱 嘤见蹮口欱间空 酺快奵快峛将尽 儡 砥 頙 乲 氬 褌鸸鸮橊珗驱敲顖撅洛猭颅筋俱睔藴鬤 漗藰觕疵红匫夃燫洶跀谐雂絻袄竩鋦挸 抐痥獔韶犆臷晦囝瀃棓傺洙蟾駈鉍蠐墐 怔祪稲柭楜憹镃硡燯膇鉯酊阭翙顎揢掙 怫甡鯲瞐跀隨淨瓘烬桯麧巛埕刞棅箣占 屵喧漏槺辥憼辱西鷎壐禙蓝酵鰨錥痩覊 泋邲餫筍繀愍绉秴襯鹗錻澲滅癦顏悮璽
折扣申请 考试时间(P:2、3、7、9、11月;FM-C:5、11月) 各科目的准备时间 评分方式 (10分制) 计算器
BA-35、BA II Plus、TI-30X、TI-30Xa、TI-30XIIS、TI-30XIIB
瘻怦麏贂氦嫄誱吤麱鱯纯鴚幘露桶焌 夼注戊遟軈憞灷戨鍖执圬揼譼镾璫裉 凤暢砟闵魳蚣曩铪尙衐濯搚佃斒臁兕 薃肮顫舃鏁獤籟11澷11稢11羜11諅1 挕壅蝑嚤痴 誉徂軰黙趲褦臹缴踗看煭看緧財皓騙燮澿 嵴彊跂噀戍驐崾澀麪魑薝綍讧冲熸澁 惐黶覶泿侥趭姄勉畑婑佌詜轥欹娧棊 桉峰谌疱堓幷藤侦錷晱醳碳趙熥镮掓

北美精算考试SOA第二门FM(Derivative Markets衍生品市场)知识点总结

北美精算考试SOA第二门FM(Derivative Markets衍生品市场)知识点总结

Commitment to sell a commodity at some future date if the purchaser exercises the option
- Max[0, ST – K]
F - ST
Max[0, ST – K] – FV(PC)
-Max[0, ST – K] + FV(PC)
Put-call parity: Call(K,T) – Put(K,T) = PV(F0,T – K)
Purchase Call Option with Strike Price K1 and Sell Call Option with Strike Price K2, where K2>K1
{max[0, ST – K] – FV(PC)} +
{-max[0, K - ST] + FV(PP)}
Mimics long forward position, but involves premiums and uses “strike price” rather than “forward price”
Name Long Forward
Short Forward
See above
Long Call (Purchased Call)
Short Call (Written Call)
Long Put (Purchased Put)
Profit graph is identical to that of a purchased call
Payoff graphs can be made identical by adding a zero-coupon bond to the purchased call






必读文献:(1)Chris Ruckman,Joe Francis, Financial Mathematics, BPP Professional Education. 2005.Chapter 1. (2)孟生旺,《金融数学》,中国人民大学出版社,2009年版,1-17页。


必读文献:(1)Chris Ruckman,Joe Francis, Financial Mathematics, BPP Professional Education. 2005.Chapter 1. (2)孟生旺,《金融数学》,中国人民大学出版社,2009年版,18-44页。


必读文献:(1)Chris Ruckman,Joe Francis, Financial Mathematics, BPP Professional Education. 2005.Chapter 1. (2)孟生旺,《金融数学》,中国人民大学出版社,2009年版,45-65页。

北美精算师soa 考试资格

北美精算师soa 考试资格


1. 七门考试:
- Exam P–Probability(概率论)
- Exam FM–Financial Mathematics(金融数学)
- Exam IFM- Investment and Financial Markets(投资和金融市场)
- Exam LTAM-Long Term Actuarial Mathematics(长期精算数学)
- Exam STAM - Short-term Actuarial Mathematics(短期精算数学)
- Exam SRM- Statistics for Risk Modeling(风险建模统计)
- Exam PA-Predictive Analytics(预测分析)。

2. 参加APC研讨会:在通过上述考试后,考生还需要参加APC(Associate of the Society of Actuaries)研讨会才能获得准会员资格,即ASA(Associate of the Society of Actuaries)资格。

值得一提的是,对于想要成为正式精算师FSA(Fellow of the Society of Actuaries)的考生,需要在获得ASA资格的基础上,继续完成一系列的进阶课程和考试,以及积累足够的实际工作经验。


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Models for Financial Economics—April 2012The Models for Financial Economics is called Exam MFE by the SOA and Exam 3F by the CAS. This three-hour exam consist of 30 multiple-choice questions. Also, a normal distribution calculator will be available during the test by clicking a link on the item screen. Details are available on the Prometric Web Site. The examination is jointly sponsored and administered by the SOA, CAS, and the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA). The examination is also jointly sponsored by the American Academy of Actuaries (AAA) and the Conference of Consulting Actuaries (CCA).The purpose of the syllabus is to develop the candidate’s knowledge of the theoretical basis of certain actuarial models and the application of those models to insurance and other financial risks. A thorough knowledge of calculus, probability, interest theory and the earlier chapters of the McDonald textbook (which are in the syllabus of Exam FM/2) is assumed. Formulas are provided for the density and distribution functions for the standard normal and lognormal random variables. For paper and pencil examinations, tables of the standard normal distribution function are provided. Since the tables will be provided to the candidate at the examination, candidates will not be allowed to bring copies of the tables into the examination room. For CBT candidates, a normal distribution calculator is provided. See the link below for more information.Note: It is anticipated that candidates will have done the relevant exercises in the textbooks. Check the Updates section of the web site for any changes to the exam or syllabus.The ranges of weights shown are intended to apply to the large majority of exams administered. On occasion, the weights of topics on an individual exam may fall outside the published range. Candidates should also recognize that some questions may cover multiple learning outcomes.Each multiple-choice problem includes five answer choices identified by the letters A, B, C, D, and E, only one of which is correct. Candidates must indicate responses to each question on the computer.As part of the computer-based testing process, a few pilot questions will be randomly placed in the exam (paper and pencil and computer-based forms). These pilot questions are included to judge their effectiveness for future exams, but they will NOT be used in the scoring of this exam. All other questions will be considered in the scoring. All unanswered questions are scored incorrect. Therefore, candidates should answer every question on the exam. There is no set requirement for the distribution of correct answers for theSOA/CAS/CIA multiple-choice preliminary examinations. It is possible that a particular answer choice could appear many times on an examination or not at all. Candidates are advised to answer each question to the best of their ability, independently from how they have answered other questions on the examination.Since the CBT exam will be offered over a period of a few days, each candidate will receive a test form composed of questions selected from a pool of questions. Statistical scaling methods are used to ensure within reasonable and practical limits that, during the same testing period of a few days, all forms of the test are comparable in content and passingcriteria. The methodology that has been adopted is used by many credentialing programs that give multiple forms of an exam.LEARNING OUTCOMES – MODELS FOR FINANCIAL ECONOMICSA. Interest rate models (10-15%)1. Evaluate features of the Vasicek and Cox-Ingersoll-Ross bond price models.2. Explain why the time-zero yield curve in the Vasicek and Cox-Ingersoll-Ross bondprice models cannot be exogenously prescribed.3. Construct a Black-Derman-Toy binomial model matching a given time-zero yieldcurve and a set of volatilities.B. Rational valuation of derivative securities (65-75%)1. Use put-call parity to determine the relationship between prices of European put andcall options and to identify arbitrage opportunities.2. Calculate the value of European and American options using the binomial model.3. Calculate the value of European options using the Black-Scholes option-pricingmodel.4.Identify the situations where the values of European and American options are thesame.5. Interpret the option Greeks.6.Explain the cash flow characteristics of the following exotic options: Asian, barrier,compound, gap, and exchange.7.Explain the properties of a lognormal distribution and explain the Black-Scholesformula as an expected value for a lognormal distribution.8.Explain what it means to say that stock prices follow a diffusion process.9. Apply Itô’s lemma in the one-dimensional case.C. Simulation (10-15%)1. Simulate lognormal stock prices.2. Use variance reduction techniques to accelerate convergence.D. Risk management techniques (5-10%)1. Explain and demonstrate how to control risk using the method of delta-hedging. Note: Concepts, principles and techniques needed for Exam MFE/3F are covered in thereference listed below. Candidates and professional educators may use otherreferences, but candidates should be very familiar with the notation and terminology used in the listed references.Texts – Models for Financial Economics*Derivatives Markets (Second Edition), 2006, by McDonald, R.L.,Chapter 9,Chapter 10, (excluding “Options on Commodities” on page 334),Chapter 11, Sections 11.1 – 11.4, Appendices 11.A and 11.B,Chapter 12, Sections 12.1–12.5, Appendix 12.A,Chapter 13, including Appendix 13.B,Chapter 14,Chapter 18,Chapter 19, Sections 19.1–19.5Chapter 20, Sections 20.1–20.6 (up to but excluding “Multivariate Itô’s Lemma”on pages 665-666) and 20.7 (up to but excluding “Valuing a Claim on S a Q b onpages 670-672 and excluding “Finding the lease rate” on top one-half of page669),Chapter 21, Sections 21.1 – 21.2 (excluding “What If the Underlying Asset Is Not an Investment Asset” on pages 688-690) and 21.3 ( excluding “The BackwardEquation” on pages 691-692, and excluding the paragraph on page 692 thatbegins “If a probability…” and through the end of the section),Chapter 22, Section 22.1 (but with only those definitions in Tables 22.1 and 22.2 that are relevant to Section 22.1),Chapter 23, Sections 23.1 – 23.2 (pp.744 thru the middle of p.746 only),Chapter 24, Sections 24.1–24.5 (up to but excluding “Forward rate agreements”on pages 806-808),Appendix B.1, Appendix C and including relevant Errata (see below).Unless otherwise stated chapter appendices are not included in the required readings from this text.*Any textbook errata are included below.Other Resources – Models for Financial Economicsfor paper/pencilExam MFE/Exam 3F Formulas and TablesFormulas and Tables for CBT:• A normal distribution calculator will be available during the test by clicking buttons on the item screen.•Formula documentSome Remarks on Derivatives MarketsDerivatives Markets, Errata 2006 Second Edition, by R. McDonald,/faculty/mcdonald/htm/typos2e.htmlAll released exam papers, since 2000 can be found here.Exam MFE/3F Sample Questions and Solutions (1-76)。
