

In the illustration provided, authors of what should be unique articles peer over at their colleague’s work. Perhaps they are looking for inspiration, but more likely, they are stealing ideas and using these ideas as their own. It appears from this picture that everyone is guilty of this crime; there is no start or finish to the cycle of plagiarism. Academic plagiarism is a problem that is not limited to one or two schools in the world. One can only imagine that some form of academic plagiarism is present everywhere. This process can occur innocently enough. One writer is looking for information on a certain topic and does not cite his work properly, the original author is forgotten, and credit is not placed where it is due.

I believe that this issue is a very serious problem in universities today. The administration should do everything they can to stop plagiarism. This could include lecturing students on how to properly quote references, and also raising the penalties for those who are found guilty of plagiarism.

Coping with Stress

As the pace of life continues to quicken, you find yourself under stress all too often. Chronic stress contributes to a wide range of physical and emotional problems. In addition, stress gets in the way of your work performance, the quality of your relationships, and your overall experience of life. Stress, too, can damage the general health and well-being of organizations and the society as a whole.

If you want to thrive in our ever-accelerating world, you must learn to cope with stress. First, you have to reevaluate the priorities of your life. Do you really need those lavish things, like fashionable clothes and a brand-new car? If you learn to be content with what you have, you probably won’t have to take a second job or spend your weekend in the office.

Second, regular exercise will help relieve your stress. No matter how busy you are, find time to play some games, preferably with your family and kids. Third, you should learn to relax. The world won’t come to an end if you stop and smell the roses on the roadside. By so doing, you’ll find yourself with enhanced physical strength and mental vigor and your capability to cope with change and stress will improve enormously.

Qualities of Top Research Workers

There is no denying that distinguished top research workers should be learned and creative. But at the same time they should have some special qualities: cooperative, moral and responsible.

A s a respectable researcher, he should be cooperative, that’s to say, he has to be on good terms with other researchers. Cooperation and mutual trust are very critical for scientific achievements. An eminent researcher should be moral, namely, he makes sure that his knowledge is used to bring benefits to the general public rather than to make his personal gains. If researchers working in the nuclear field are evil-minded and use the technology for some personal interest, then the world will get

into great trouble. Besides, a top researcher should be a responsible person. He should not make any hasty decisions. Once a decision is made he should shoulder its consequences.

To sum up, to be a top research worker, one should firstly learn to cooperate with others, share the resources and exchange ideas.

Secondly, one should learn to put the whole human beings’ interests in the first place, thus he can be a moral researcher. Besides, he should cultivate his sense of responsibility so as to be responsible for any experiment he conducts and any result they bring.

[1.现象/现状说明段] Love is of utmost importance to us humans. Everybody not only needs love, but also should give others love. As can be seen from the picture, "love is a lamp which is brighter in darker places." This is indeed true. People in darker places need more light than other people.

Maybe even a dim light can give them much hope for a better life. Maybe just a thread of light will call forth their strength and courage to help them step out of their difficulties.

[7.举例段] I can think of no better illustration of this idea than the following example(s).For instance when someone is starving to death, just a little food and water from you may save his(her) life. Again, when a little girl in a poor rural area drops out of school because of poverty, just a small sum of money from you may support her to finish school and change her life. In these case/circumstances you have given love which is like a lamp in a dark place where light is most needed.

[8.归纳结论段] To sum up, we should offer our help to all the needed. We expect to get love from others and we also give love to others. So when you see someone in difficulty or in distress and in need of help, don't hesitate to give your love to him (her). I believe that the relationship between people will be harmonious and that our society will be a better place for us to live in.

[2.图画/图表描述段] Pollution is becoming more and more serious all over the world. As is shown in the cartoon, two cars are giving off waste gas and three people are trying to avoid breathing in the poisonous gas by masking their face with their hands. The poisonous gas sent off by factories, domestic appliances and automobiles has made the air unhealthy for people to breathe.

[5.意义阐述段] There is no denying that automobiles are indications of civilization, progress and development; nevertheless, automobiles cause the serious problem of air pollution. Scientists have warned that unless effective measures are taken, the problem of pollution will eventually get out of hand. Actually, people are showing a real concern over the problem. For example, there is an increasingly loud voice from the public for firm action against pollution from automobiles.

[10 建议措施段]Indeed, the earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our descendants. In my opinion, we should work out concrete solutions to the problem of pollution from poisonous gas given off by

automobiles. For example, the automobiles should be equipped with a device which can dispose of waste gas so as to prevent it from polluting air.

Only in this way can we really solve the problem of air pollution caused by automobiles. Making money grow (2)

With the appreciation of RMB yuan and the soaring of China’ consumer price index, the key gauge of inflation, growth in China's household savings continues to slow down as people are throwing money into the overheated stock market under lingering inflationary pressures. Meanwhile, quite a few people choose to follow the traditional practice of depositing their spare money in banks. Where should we put our cash?

Investment in funds and stocks has its merits and drawbacks as well, and so do bank deposits. I n a bull’s market it seems rather easier to get the best return, doubling or tripling your investment or even more, but high returns are always accompanied by high risks.

In addition, professional knowledge and skills are needed to ensure maximized returns and minimized losses. As for bank deposits, you just put money in banks and then wait for your interest, without any extra knowledge or energy. However, compared with the hike of prices, the return is rather small, even negative.

Personally, I pr efer bank deposits for the reason that I’m fully engaged in my work and have no leisure to keep a close eye on the fluctuation of the stock market. How to Use Library Effectively

According to a recent poll launched in a college, 70 percent of freshmen and sophomores have admitted that they don’t know how to use their library effectively, and 30 percent of them claim they have little access to its resources. Concerns must be aroused to this phenomenon and measures must be taken to familiarize them with the services rendered by the university.

Literature provision is one of the major functions of a library. A college student must take the initiative to learn what books and magazines of his or her field or specialty are available in the library by browsing the electronic catalog. What’s more, he must spend some time in locating these books and magazines and learning the library regulations to improve the efficiency and avoid violating the regulations.

Other charge-free academic resources are also there in the library. They assist us in grasping the latest development of our fields. Pool the valuable articles and abstracts among them, and you will find it rather easier to prepare your essays and theses. If you are new to the college, you can acquaint yourself with the way to use the library effectively by attending some lectures held by some librarians and experts.

Taking full advantage of the college library will improve your study, widen your horizon and prepare yourself well for your academic career.

2007 川大考博翻译试题和参考答案

No issue is as vital to the future of U.S. research universities as a renewal of commitment to the mutual benefits of research and education. One of the great strengths of our research universities is their ability to link the

creation of new knowledge with the transfer of that knowledge to students. Unfortunately, numerous signs (some

real, some perceived) point toward a growing emphasis on research and a de-emphasis on education.

A sensationalistic view of these trends often emerges in the popular press. Recent stories have described a

detached professor leaving teaching to graduate students (often with deficient spoken English skills), reward

systems based on "publish or perish," faculty "buying out" of teaching responsibilities, and tenure and promotion

decisions based entirely on one's ability to attract federal research dollars. These types of reports have fueled a

growing public backlash against higher education. A number of states have gone so far as to institute minimum

requirements for classroom time and office hours for faculty at public research universities.

72. 由于看到越来越多的人开始关注室内环境的质量,John 正考虑从事室内装修的生意。这似乎肯定会赚


73. 显然,即使是有经验的技师也无法解决这个复杂的技术问题。

74. 诗歌常会向我们揭示自然之爱,而且会使人想起年轻人感情的纯真。

75. 确定一个目标并不是非常困难的,真正困难的是如何脚踏实地地实现这个目标。

76. 老张正骑车去上班,他在突然左转弯时没注意到一辆汽车正开过来。汽车司机没刹住车,把他撞倒了。











72. Seeing an increasing number of people begin to concern the quality of indoor environment, John is

considering starting an indoor decoration business. It seems that he will surely make profits, but he doesn't

have enough money for investment.

73. It is obvious that even an experienced technician can not solve the complicated technical problem.

74. Poems often reveal the love of nature to us and remind us of the purity and genuineness of young people's


75. To have /identify / define an aim is not very difficult, what is really difficult is how to achieve it seriously

/diligently /conscientiously / meticulously.

76. When turning left suddenly / abruptly on his way to work on his bicycle, Lao Zhang failed to see a car driving in his direction and was knocked to the ground before the driver could brake sharply. Over a couple

of months Lao Zhang had to stay in hospital. Now though recovered, he can not eliminate his injuries in the

accident from his memory.

2006 川大考博翻译试题和参考答案

Municipal sewage is of relatively recent origin as a pollutant. It was first brought to public attention in the

19th century by a London physician who showed that the city’s cholera outbreak had been caused by just one

contaminated well. Even though the contamination of drinking water by disease germs has been nearly eliminated

in this country, hundreds of communities are still discharging raw sewage into streams and rivers.

The problem of municipal sewage disposal is complicated by the fact that, years ago, most cities combined

their storm and waste disposal sewers. Many of these combined systems work well, but others cannot cope with

sudden heavy rains. When such storms occur, water mixed with sewage may flood and disable treatment plants

unless bypassed, untreated, into a stream. In either case, the people may have little protection for several days

from these wastes that may contain disease germs.

One consequence of pollution, usually resulting from the discharge of either raw or treated sewage wastes

into water sources, is an increase in nutrient levels in these waters. These higher nutrient levels result in a rapid

increase in the biological population of the water. Excessive respiration and decomposition of aquatic plants

deplete the oxygen content in these waters causing decay which, in turn, may produce an undesirable taste, odor,

color, and turbidity. Increasing nutrient contents may also result in an increase in more undesirable species of

aquatic life. All these factors make the water unfit for domestic, industrial, and recreational purposes.

72. 去年,不只是景区的旅游业得到了较好的发展,那里的旅游资源也得到了很好的保护。

73. 那个年轻人宁愿继续干他在公司的信息技术工作,也不愿去考研。

74. 直到买了一辆自己的车,软件设计员才意识到开车,特别是在高速公路上开车,是一大乐趣。

75. 总经理接受了顾问们上周提出的企业立即发展外向型经济的建议。

76. 多数科学家坚持认为,克隆这一高新技术正在对我们的生活产生积极影响,但是科学的发展决不应该



城市污水相对来说是污染物的较新来源。最初引起公众关注是在19 世纪,当时英国伦敦有个物理学











72. Last year, not only did the tourism in that scenic spot/area get well developed, the tourism resources also got

well protection.

73. The young man would rather go on taking the IT job in the company than take the postgraduate examination.

74. Not until buying a car himself did the software technician realize that driving, especially that on the

expressway was a lot of fun.

75. The general manager accepted the proposal put forward by his consultants last week that export-oriented

economy be developed immediately.

76. Most scientists believe that this new innovation is exerting positive effects on our life but the development of

science should never build at the expense of scarifying social ethnics and human’s long-term interest.

005 川大考博翻译试题和参考答案

Wildlife refuges mainly serve as havens for millions of ducks, geese and other migratory birds. And this is

what most people come to see. Much of the fun is in knowing and distinguishing the many kinds that are present

in great variety. The activities and antics of the bird world are fascinating to anyone taking the time to observe up

close. A camera, likewise, will record some of the unusual sights that will be seen.

Most of the areas are staffed by biologists m individuals who have a great interest in the outdoors. They are

all enthusiastic naturalists who can help a person to a richer enjoyment of the world of nature. A stop at the refuge

headquarters will yield ideas on what to see and where, as well as helpful literature. A few refuges have visitor

centers where displays tell the story of the refuge and where there are movies or color slide shows of the area and

its wildlife.

Hunting on a refuge seems inconsistent with its purpose of protecting and saving. However, big game, if

allowed to increase to an excessive degree, can be their own worst enemy. They overbrowse their range. Then

starvation ruins the herd. But even before nature balances animals to food supply, the destruction of, trees and

shrubs removes food and cover essential to many smaller animals as well. It's good management of the game, and

to the sportsman's benefit, to crop big game judiciously.

72. 那个小学生经常说她要是得到了诺贝尔奖的话,她就要用那笔钱来在西部办许多希望小学。

73. 那个年轻人宁愿去广州的大学攻读信息工程,也不愿开一个自己的网站。

74. 电信集团如果那时及时地将局域网升了级,就会在全省赢得更多的用户。

75. 那时,任何胆量小一点的人都不敢想到我们应该扩大研究生的招生规模。

76. 良好的心态是对付压力的最关键因素。如果你能对周围的人和事都抱有一种积极的态度,你就可以把














72. The pupil often says that if she were to won the Nobel Prize, she would set up many Hope elementary schools

in the west with the money.

73. The young man would rather pursue his study of IT engineering in a university of Guangzhou than build his

own website.

74. If the telecommunication group had upgraded its local area network in time at that time, it would have attracted more clients across the province.

75. At the time anyone who wasn’t bold enough could hardly had the idea that we should expand our enrolment of


76. A good state of mind plays a critical role in dealing with stress. If you develop a positive attitude


what’s around you, you can minimize, even wipe out the stress.

Making money grow (1)

It is true that many private investors choose to put their spare money in deposit or savings

accounts. The main advantage of this course of action is that the investment is relatively safe.

However, the interest rates payable on such accounts are traditionally low and may or may not keep

pace with inflation. If the latter is true, your savings dwindle/shrink in real terms. In other words,

when you withdraw your investment, its buying power has decreased. For this reason, I would

prefer to take the risk and invest my money in stocks and shares. With some careful research or

advice from a reliable stockbroker you can identify which sectors of the market are performing well.

Nowadays, it is also possible to glean /collect up-to-the-minute information online.

If I had money to invest, I would open an online investment account and buy shares in a

company which operates in the service industry. This is currently outperforming retail and more

traditional sectors such as industry and manufacturing.

The plus points are obvious. Y ou have total control over when you buy shares and which

company you are investing in. Y ou can track performance on your PC and choose precisely when to

sell your shares. The capital and any profit accrued/made is credited to your online account to

reinvest or to transfer back into a designated bank account. The downside of investing in shares is

that the risk is great. At any moment, something may happen to cause the value of your shares to

decline. This might be a disappointing company report, sudden liquidation or external market

events. To put it simply, you can lose money just as easily and quickly as you can gain it.

Making money grow (2)

With the appreciation of RMB yuan and the soaring of China’ consumer price index, the key

gauge of inflation, growth in China's household savings continues to slow down as people are

throwing money into the overheated stock market under lingering inflationary pressures. Meanwhile,

quite a few people choose to follow the traditional practice of depositing their spare money in banks.


2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Obviously, the earliest teachers we have in our lives in most cases are our parents, and they are generally the most involved in the development and education of their children. Yet neither are all parents good teachers nor are those good parents the best teachers. First of all, not all parents are good teachers. As normal individuals, some parents more or less have bad habits. Even though parents almost instinctively devote themselves to cultivating their offspring, the outcome might turn out to be disappointment, for all children tend to unconsciously or subconsciously copy every thing from their parents. Another deficiency of parents as teachers is the fact that most parents are lack of common senses of education. All too often we observe some parents tend to pursue their cherished but failed dream by forcing their children to develop in a prearranged direction. Ironically, if their children did not follow the instructions, the children would be regarded as disobedient or allegedly rebellious. In fact, it is parents rather than their children that virtually disobey common senses. Moreover, some parents are qualified as good teachers, but not all of them are the best ones. When children are in the preliminary school, it is not surprising that parents are capable of teaching their children almost every subject even better than professional teachers in the school. But the situation will not last long. We live in a world where knowledge is accumulated by multiplying and at the same time becomes more and more specialized. Therefore, to be a professional in a certain field today takes much longer time than ever before. No parent is able to be professional in all fields, though they might be experts in one or more fields. Wise parents often release rather than charge their children as early as possible. They are aware of the possibility outside the family. Parents may, nevertheless, help their children much more than do good teachers. Most parts of children education are virtually beyond teachers' reaches. It is parents that supplement. Psychology studies have shown us that parents' love sometimes has astonishingly magic power to their children. Albert Einstein's mother and Forest Gump's mother are both good examples. On the other hand, parents might do their children harm more than do bad teachers as well. The natures of those children whose parents have divorced are often severely distorted. In a word, it is rather superficial to simply say that parents are the best teachers. [404 words] 4. It has been said, "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why? Both experiences and books are very essential resources, and both of them have relevant merits. Experiences are the most direct resources we ever have. Almost our every basic skill came from experiences, such as walking, articulating, reading even thinking. Without experiences, some natural born abilities even might lose. Studies have shown that a baby who was robbed by animals into forest for 12 years lost his ability to talk in human language. Furthermore, it is generally accepted that each and every skill develops by experiences, and that's why people always say practice makes perfect. Books are valuable when knowledge is beyond the scope of our experiences. Perhaps the most obvious examples are those fluent writers. They write various stories, the scopes of which are far beyond any individual's experiences. Take Joyce Carol Oates for example, her productivity has been prodigious, accumulating in less than two decades to nearly thirty titles, including novels, collections of short stories and verse, plays and literary criticism. Although some of them appear to come from her own direct observations, her dreams, and her fears, much more is clearly from the experiences of others. Her fictive world remains strikingly akin to that real one reflected in the daily newspapers, the television news and talk shows, and the popular magazines of our day. Yet either experiences or books may give us wrong information. Our direct observations always are subject to our beliefs, hopes, fears, expectations, and our bias, which might make observations unreliable. People vary in their powers of observation, and the reliability of our observations is no better than the reliability of our memories, which as we know can be deceptive. Information printed in papers sometimes is unreliable either, it may be misprinted, or even deliberately distorted. For example, Definitions such as Marxism, Capitalism, Zionism are totally different in the Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Current English between the original edition and the sanctioned Russian edition. 1


2015年四川大学考博《英语》真题 (总分:100.00,做题时间:180分钟) 一、ⅠReadingComprehension 二、Passage1 Speechissofamiliarafeatureofdailylifethatwerarelypausetodefineit.Itseemsasnatural tomanaswalkingandonlylesssothanbreathing.Yetitneedsbutamoment'sreflectiontoconvinceus thatthisnaturalnessofspeechisbutanillusoryfeeling.Theprocessofacquiringspeechis,insob erfact,anutterlydifferentsortofthingfromtheprocessoflearningtowalk.Inthecaseofthelatt erfunction,culture,inotherwords,thetraditionalbodyofsocialusage,isnotseriouslybrought intoplay.Thechildisindividuallyequipped,bythecomplexsetoffactorsthatwetermbiologicalh eredity,tomakealltheneededmuscularandnervousadjustmentsthatresultinwalking.Indeed,the veryconformationofthesemusclesandoftheappropriatepartsofthenervoussystemmaybesaidtobe primarilyadaptedtothemovementsmadeinwalkingandinsimilaractivities.Inaveryrealsense,th enormalhumanbeingispredestinedtowalk,notbecausehiselderswillassisthimtolearnthear t,butbecausehisorganismispreparedfrombirth,orevenfromthemomentofconception,totake onallthoseexpendituresofnervousenergyandallthosemuscularadaptationsthatresultinwalkin g.Toputitconcisely,walkingisaninherent,biologicalfunctionofman. Notsolanguage.Itisofcoursetruethatinacertainsensetheindividualispredestinedtotalk ,butthatisdueentirelytothecircumstancethatheisbornnotmerelyinnature,butinthelapofasoc ietythatiscertain,reasonablycertain,toleadhimtoitstraditions.Eliminatesocietyandthere iseveryreasontobelievethathewilllearntowalk,if,indeed,hesurvivesatall.Butitisjustasce rtainthathewillneverlearntotalk,thatis,tocommunicateideasaccordingtothetraditionalsys temofaparticularsociety.Or,again,removethenew-bornindividualfromthesocialenvironmenti ntowhichhehascomeandtransplanthimtoanutterlyalienone.Hewilldeveloptheartofwalkinginhi snewenvironmentverymuchashewouldhavedevelopeditintheold.Buthisspeechwillbecompletelya tvariancewiththespeechofhisnativeenvironment.Walkingthenisageneralhumanactivitythatva riesonlywithinarestrictedlimitaswepassfromindividualtoindividual.Itsvariabil ityispurposeless.Speechisahumanactivitythatvarieswithoutassignablelimitaswepassfr omsocialgrouptosocialgroup,becauseitisapurelyhistoricalheritage,theproductoflong-cont inuedsocialusage.Itvariesasallcreativeeffortvaries-notasconsciously,perhaps,butnoneth elessastrulyasdothereligions,thebeliefs,thecustoms,andtheartsofdifferentpeoples.Walki ngisanorganic,instinctivefunction,speechisanon-instinctive,acquired,"cultural"functio n. (1).ThefirstsentenceofParagraphTwo,"Notsolanguage"istheclosestinmeaningto______. " A.thisisnotthecasewithlanguage " B.soislanguageandnotanythingelse " C.nosuchathingexistsinlanguage " D.notsomuchwithlanguage A.√ B. C. D. 解析:细节推理题。Notsolanguage承接首段的最后一句话,将language与walking进行对比,上文提及"行走是人类与生俱来的一种生物功能",而语言则不是。选项A与文中的意思最接近。故答案为A。


考博英语作文范文【三篇】 导读:本文考博英语作文范文【三篇】,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【第一篇:直面困难】任何事业,大至国家事业,小至个人生活,要有所成,必然面对各类困难,这时候,良好的面对困难的品质以及解决困难的方法论方面的问题: 坚持/毅力persistence,乐观being optimistic/positive 团结合作cooperation and teamwork 踏实肯干hardworking 创新意识和好奇心innovation and curiosity 学习意识learning 保持学习习惯(keep the habit of reading and learning 行动实践能力(the ability of action and practice “一屋不扫、何以扫天下” If you cant do great things, do small things in a great way Each person whether rich or poor has his own difficulties, because life is not always full of smiles and flowers. So it is very important to have a correct attitude to face up the difficulties. Different people have different views on it. Some people just want to evade and they haven’t tried their best, so they can’t achieve success in the end. But some people believe


7. How do movies or television influence people's behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer. 如何将电影或电视影响人们的行为?使用原因和具体的例子来支持你的答案。 The impact that modern mass media such as movies or televisions has had on our daily life, and society in general, is undeniable. No doubt it will become even greater as the scope of mass media continues to grow, and as the relevant technologies become more and more sophisticated, and so fascinating that virtually nobody will be able to escape. Already, it can be seen how western movies are exercising influence on our youth generation: they grow long-hair regardless of their sex, commonly part of which are dyed in gold; they wear jeans in each and every season, usually knees of which are deliberately tattered; boys are fond of earrings or other odd pendants; and girls are keen on Marlboros and weird coarse languages. 在这样的电影或电视现代传媒已经在我们的日常生活产生的影响,和整个社会,是不可否认的。毫无疑问,它将成为甚至作为大众传媒的范围更大的继续增长,随着相关技术越来越先进,因此迷人,几乎没有人能够逃脱。已经,可以看到西方电影如何行使对青少年一代的影响:他们长大长头发,无论其性别,通常,其中一部分黄金染色,他们穿在每一个季节,通常是膝盖的牛仔裤故意褴褛,男孩的耳环吊坠或其他多喜欢和女孩的万宝路,怪诞的粗语言激烈。 The major means that mass media influence the public is by creating topics of discussion in the society. Mass media offers people (the consumers) issues to talk and think about. Titanic had brought a worldwide uproar by its extolling and of fascinating immortal love; Prime Color and Wag the dog met the national debate on right and duty of the president of the United States. Antiwar movies such as Tears of the Sun and All Quiet On The Western Front among numerous others have been raising the question that is any war really to uphold justice or is it really worthy that an individual makes sacrifices to his country and at the same time ignores his own family or his personal values? 大众媒体的公众影响力的主要手段,是创造了社会讨论的议题。大众媒体提供人(消费者)问题讨论和思考。泰坦尼克号带来了其迷人的赞美和不朽的爱全世界一片哗然,总理颜色和摇尾狗符合有关的权利和对美国总统职责的全国性辩论。如太阳泪和其他许多在西线无战事反战电影已经提出的问题是任何战争的真正的正义,还是很值得,个人作出的牺牲,他的国家,同时忽略他的家人或他的个人价值? Mass media also shapes our understanding of what is important and what is not important (to know). The "important" issues are to be found on the first pages of the newspaper (/in the beginning of a television program). The "not important" stories are the ones that are not being told at all. The "not very important" stories are probably very short and hidden in the last pages. In fact censorships present all mass media including its distributing means such as the Internet. By prearranging public issue, the mass media makes decisions for us. Even though there are critical thinking individuals in any society, they are definite minority; the public in whole in deed lack skills of critical thinking, and therefore they are often led by the media. 大众媒体也影响我们对什么是重要的理解,什么是不重要的(知道)。“重要”的问题,必须对报纸的(/在一个电视节目的开始)第一页找到。“不重大”的故事是那些不被告知所有的。在“不太重要”的故事可能很短,在过去的页面隐藏。事实上,目前包括censorships分发


考博英语作文常用短语100个 1.经济的快速发展 the rapiddevelopment of economy 2.人民生活水平的显著提高/稳步增长 the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of people's livingstandard 3.先进的科学技术advanced science and technology 4.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges 5.人们普遍认为It is commonly believed/ recognized that… 6.社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development 7.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention 8.不可否认 It is undeniable that…/ There is no denying that… 9.热烈的讨论/争论 a heated discussion/ debate 10.有争议性的问题 a controversialissue 11.完全不同的观点 a totally different argument 12.一些人…而另外一些人… Some people… while others… 13. 就我而言/ 就个人而言 As far as I am concerned, / Personally, 14.就…达到绝对的一致 rea ch an absolute consensus on… 15.有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons 16.双方的论点 argument on both sides 17.发挥着日益重要的作用play an increasingly important role in… 18.对…必不可少be indispensableto … 19.正如谚语所说 As the proverb goes: 20.…也不例外…be no exceptio 21.对…产生有利/不利的影响exert positive/ negative effects on…


英语范文35篇 根据教育部1992年颁布的《研究生英语教学大纲》(以下简称大纲《大纲》 的要求:“非英语专业博士研究生英语入学水平原则上应达到或高于硕士生的通过水平。”《大纲》中对硕士生的写作要求是“掌握基本写作技能(如文章结构、段落展开和起承转合等),能按具体要求,在一小时内写出250词左右的短文,正确表达思想,语意连贯,无重大语言错误。” 第一部分写作文的要求,评分标准及考试中普遍存在的问题 一考试要求 1.文章内容切题。审题准确,不跑题。 2.表达清楚。语言简洁、准确、说理清楚,读者能从作文内容清楚理解作者写作意图。 3.意义连贯。文字连贯、层次分明、意义表达完整。要使文章意义连贯必须具有一 定的技能,包括较强的语感,遣词造句能力和文章谋篇布局的组织能力; 4.语言规范。符合英语表达的习惯、语法错误较少、语言基本功扎实,最终避免中式英语。 二作文的评分标准及样卷介绍 14 分: 内容符合要求, 包括了标题或提纲中的全部内容;语言流畅;层次分明,句式有 变化。词汇丰富,句子结构和用词准确,文章长度符合要求。 11分:内容符合要求,包括了标题或提纲中的全部内容;文字连贯,句式有一定变化,句子结构和用词无重大错误,文章长度符合要求。 8分:内容符合要求,包括了标题或提纲中多数内容;基本清楚表达的主题的内涵; 句子结构和用词有少量错误,个别是大错。文章长度符合要求。 5 分:内容基本切题,基本表达了标题或提纲中的内容;文字连贯,语言可以理解, 但有较多的结构和用词错误,且大错较多。文章长度基本符合要求。 2 分:基本切题,但语句支离破碎,只有少数句子可以理解。 0 分:文不切题。只将预先背诵的某篇文章默写下来,或语句混乱,无法理解。 附:14 分样卷 Topic:With her entry into WTO, China is being plunged into an international competition for talents, and in particular, for higher- level talents. To face this new challenge, China must do something, among other things, to reform her graduate(postgraduate) education system. State your opinion aobut this reform, and give the solid supporting details to your viewpoint. With China’s entry into WTO, she is facing a lot of chances and challenges in many aspects. As far as talents are concerned, China is being plunged into an international competition for talents, especially for higher-level talents. In order to adapt this new challenge, China must do something, among other things, to reform her graduate education system.


四川大学2012考博英语真题及答案详解 阅读 1)Sign has become a scientific hot button. Only in the past 20 years have specialists in language study realized that signed languages are unique—a speech of the hand. They offer a new way to probe how the brain generates and understands language, and throw new light on an old scientific controversy: whether language, complete with grammar, is something that we are born With, or whether it is a learned behavior. The current interest in sign language has roots in the pioneering work of one rebel teacher at Gallaudet University in Washington, D. C., the world’s only liberal arts university for deaf people. When Bill Stokoe went to Gallaudet to teach English, the school enrolled him in a course in signing. But Stokoe noticed something odd: among themselves, students signed differently from his classroom teacher. Stokoe had been taught a sort of gestural code, each movement of the hands representing a word in English. At the time, American Sign Language (ASL) was thought to be no more than a form of pidgin English (混杂英语). But Stokoe believed the “hand talk” his students used looked richer. He wondered: Might deaf people actually: have a genuine language? And could that language be unlike any other on Earth? I t was 1955, when even deaf people dismissed their signing a s “substandard”. Stokoe’s idea was academic heresy (异端邪说). It is 37 years later. Stokoe—now devoting his time to writing and editing books and journals and to producing video materials on ASL and the deaf culture—is having lunch at a cafe near the Gallaudet campus and explaining how he started a revolution. For decades educators fought his idea that signed languages are natural languages like English, French and Japanese. They assumed language must be based on speech, the modulation (调节) of sound. But sign language is based on the movement of hands, the modulation of space. “What I said,” Stokoe explains, “is that language is not mouth stuff—it’s brain stuff.” 21. The study of sign language is thought to be _____C___. A) a new way to look at the learning of language B) a challenge to tradi t ional, views on the nature of language C) an approach: to simplifying the grammatical structure of a language D) an attempt to clarify misunderstanding about the origin of language(C) 22. The, present growing interest in sign language was stimulated by ___C_____. A) a famous scholar in the study of the human brain B) a leading specialist in the study of liberal arts C) an English teacher in a university for the deaf D) some senior experts in American Sign Language(C) 23. According to Stokoe, sign language is _____B___. A) a Substandard language B) a genuine language C) an artificial language D) an international language(B)

最新博士英语作文范文 经典35篇

最新博士英语作文范文经典35篇 1. Television Program and Their Effect on children Television programs regularly entertain, educate, effect and even frighten the majority of our children. Most children are allowed to watch whatever program is on, with little thought on the effect that particular show will have on a child. Most programs can be classed as beneficial or harmful, according to what effect the program might have on a child. The beneficial television programs are mainly thouse that educate the young. There a re often specials on animal life. A few regular children’s programs develop the child’s interest in school-type learning by stressing numbers and the alphablt, and that encourages him or her to be creative. The beneficial commercials, such as those on anti-smoking, anti-litter, and health, should be included in this category. On the opposite side are the shows, which are generally harmful to children. Many commercials, especially those sponsoring the children’s programs, are deliberately written to create a desire for an unnecessary product such as sugar coated cereals and candy. All adult programs that include violence or sex scenes can at best fill a child’s mind with confusing or misleading ideas, and could possib ly harden the child to violence. Thoughtful parents will definitely not allow their children to view the bad programs. A child’s viewing time should be limited to watching educationlly benefical programs. 2. How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities With the development of modern industruy, more and more people are flowing into big cities. Accordingly, the housing problem in big cities is becoming more and more serious. People have offered many solutions to this problem. I think building satellite cities in the suburbs is more practical. The fresh air and beautiful secnery in the suburbs will be appealing to the city citizens, who suffer from air pollution, noises, etc. in the overcrowded city. With more people leaving the city, more space will be available for those remaining. The housing problem in big cities will thus be solved. 3. “The younger generation knows best” Old people are always saying that the young are not what they were. The same comments is made from generation to generation and it is always true. It has never been truer than ti is today. The young are better educated. They have a lot more money to spend and enjoy more freedom. They grow up more quickly and are not so dependent on their parents. They think more for themselves and do not blindly accept the ideas of their elders. Events, which the older generation remembers vividly, are nothing more than past history. This is as it should be. Every new generation is different from the one preceded it. Today the difference is very marked indeed. The old always assume that they know best for the simple reason that they have been around a bit longer. They don’t like to feel that their values are being questioned or threatened. And this precisely what the young are doing. They are questioning the
