

研究生学术论文写作中参考文献的合理引用 ——以适于“学术不端

研究生学术论文写作中参考文献的合理引用  ——以适于“学术不端

研究生学术论文写作中参考文献的合理引用——以适于“学术不端文献检测”为视角作者:李瑛金林祥来源:《研究生教育研究》 2013年第3期李瑛1 金林祥2(1.巢湖学院教育系,安徽巢湖238024;2.华东师范大学教育科学学院,上海200062)收稿日期:2013-04-01作者简介:李瑛(1970—),女,安徽巢湖人,巢湖学院教育系副教授,教育学博士.金林祥(1950—),上海人,华东师范大学教育科学学院教授,教育学博士.基金项目:本文系国家社科基金项目(批准号:BHA100053)和全国教育科学规划课题(编号:FFB108032)的阶段成果.摘要:学术不端文献检测发现,部分研究生撰写学术论文时,由于对参考文献的合理引用重视不足,对引用规则缺乏了解,过量堆砌引用文字,导致文字复制比过高和抄袭等学术不端。


关键词:研究生;学术论文;参考文献;学术不端检测;文字复制比;合理引用中图分类号: G643文献标识码: A学术论文是某一学术课题在实验性、理论性或观测性上具有新的研究成果或创新见解和知识的科学记录,或是某种已知原理应用于实际中取得新进展的科学总结[1]。









重要参考文献30篇[1]Jeremy, Munday. 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A Textbook of Translation [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai ForeignLanguage Education Press, 2001.[2]Nord, Christina. T ranslating as a Purposeful Activity, Functionalist ApproachesExplained [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001. [3]Pinkham, Joan. The Translator’s Guide to Chinglish [M]. Beijing: ForeignLanguage Teaching and Research Press, 2004.[4]Reiss, Katharina. Translation Criticism: The Potentials & Limitations[M].Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2004.[5]包惠南. 文化语境与语言翻译[M]. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2001.[6]蔡基刚. 英汉词汇对比研究[M]. 上海:复旦大学出版社, 2008.[7]陈刚. 英汉语句型结构的差异及其对写作教学的指导意义[J]. 北京理工大学学报(社会科学版), 2004(12): 58-60.[8]陈立珍. 跨文化英汉词汇对比研究与英汉翻译[A]. 福建省外国语文学会2006年年会暨学术研讨会论文集(下)[C], 2006.[9]陈声柏. 中西思维方式差异的原因建构[J]. 兰州大学学报(社会科学版),2004(2): 85-89.[10]陈小慰. 翻译功能理论的启示—对某些翻译方法的新思考[J]. 中国翻译,2000(4): 9-12.[11]陈毅平. 中式英语的特点与演变[J]. 武汉大学学报(人文科学版), 2007(4):513-516.[12]程镇球. 论汉译英的几个问题[M]. 北京:北京教育与研究出版社, 1998.[13]杜瑞清, 姜亚军. 近二十年中国英语研究述评[J]. 外语教学与研究(外国语文双月刊), 2001(1): 37-41.[14]杜云辉. 东西方思维差异与跨文化交流[J]. 中国科技翻译, 2000(11): 31-33.[15]冯婕. 外刊新闻标题的理解与传译. 《上海科技翻译》, 1995.[16]郭超人. 《体育新闻选》. 新华出版社, 1999.[17]过家鼎. 注意外交用词的政治含义[J]. 中国翻译, 2002(11): 59-60.[18]海彪. 谈外国体育名词. 术语的翻译. 《沈阳体育学院学报》, 1994.[19]韩怀伟, 赵宏凌. 语料库支持的汉化思维在英语写作中的迁移分析[J].北京理工大学学报(社会科学版), 2004(6): 55-57.[20]何明珠. 英语无灵主语句的理解与翻译[J]. 外语教学, 2003(9): 50-55.[21]吉灵娟. 功能翻译理论对翻译专业口译教学的启示[A]. 福建省外国语文学会2006年年会暨学术研讨会论文集(下)[C], 2006.[22]季清芬. 中西方思维差异在翻译中的影响[J]. 成都教育学院学报, 2004(4):28-29.[23]贾红霞. 从翻译目的论谈译员译前的准备工作[J]. 北京机械工业学院学报,2006(12): 87-90.[24]贾文波. 功能翻译理论对应用翻译的启示[J]. 上海翻译, 2007(2): 9-14.[25]贾毓玲. 从《政府工作报告》的翻译谈如何克服“中式英语”的倾向[J]. 上海科技翻译, 2003(4): 26-28.[26]江娟. 浅析汉英赛事报道标题的文体特征. 《武汉科技大学学报》, 2005.[27]金积令. 汉英词序对比研究—句法结构中的前端重量原则和末端重量原则[J].外国语(上海外国语大学学报), 1998(1): 28-35.[28]孔君. 论英语新闻文体与汉译. 2003.[29]李长栓. 汉英语序的重大差异及同传技巧[J]. 中国翻译, 1997(3): 4.[30]连淑能. 论中西思维方式[J]. 外语与外语教学, 2002(2): 40-46.[31]林建冰. 体育汉英/英汉翻译的“特效处理”. 《长春师范学院学报》, 2003.[32]刘亦庆. 《文体与翻译》. 中国对外翻译出版公司, 1986.[33]刘银燕. 中式英语,你在使用吗?—《中式英语之鉴》评介[J]. 外语教学,2002(5): 94-95.[34]彭菲. 国际体育新闻的编译技巧. 《体育周报》, 2008[35]丘悦,彭斌. 报刊新闻英语的翻译. 《广西大学学报》, 2001.[36]任小平. 外交口译的灵活度[J].中国翻译, 2000(5): 40-44.[37]任晓霏. 从形合和意合看汉英翻译中的形式对应[J]. 中国翻译, 2002(3):33-35.[38]孙卫,王听,使体育标题抢眼的“新闻六种武器”,《新闻知识》2006.[39]谭载喜. 中西翻译传统的社会文化烙印[J]. 中国翻译, 2000(2): 14-18.[40]王东风. 一只看不见的手—论意识形态对翻译实践的操纵[J]. 中国翻译,2003(9): 16-23.[41]王宏江,我国当代体育报纸现状分析,《成都体育学院学报》,2002:28.[42]王弄笙. 汉英翻译中的Chinglish [J]. 中国翻译, 2002(2): 31-35.[43]王弄笙. 十六大报告汉英翻译的几点思考[J]. 中国翻译, 2004(1): 56-59.[44]王倩. 从复合句零主语指代看汉英语言思维的差异[J]. 安徽大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2005(9): 41-45.[45]吴静. 从英汉思维差异看中式英语的成因[J]. 山东师大外国语学院学报,2002(3): 46-48.[46]吴潜龙. 《英美报刊文章阅读》. 上海外语教育出版社, 2001.[47]吴群. 语义贯通, 语句变通—把握“人称”和“物称”的转换[J]. 中国翻译,2002(4): 84-87.[48]吴文子. 2005年《政府工作报告》英语译文中一些值得商榷的译例[J]. 上海翻译, 2006(2): 76-78.[49]武卫. 英文体育报刊的语言特点,《长春师范学院学报》,2006.[50]肖军石. 《汉英,英汉翻译初探》,北京:商务印书馆,1982.[51]肖腊梅,刘建平. 体育英语词汇特点分析. 《武汉体育学院学报》, 2004.[52]肖悉强. 略论体育新闻的语言特色. 《世界汉语教学》, 1998.[53]徐亚男. 外交翻译的特点以及对外交翻译的要求[J]. 中国翻译, 2000(3):35-38.[54]许明武. 《新闻英语与翻译》,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2003.[55]杨明. 汉语思维与话题对英汉互译过程中主位推进的影响[J]. 天津外国语学院学报, 2008(9): 1-8.[56]杨雪. 电视体育新闻的编译技巧,《浙江工商大学学报》,2005.[57]姚里军. 《中西新闻写作比较》,北京:中国广播电视出版社,2002.[58]张海涛. 英汉思维差异对翻译的影响[J]. 中国翻译, 1999(1): 21-23.[59]张健. 《新闻英语文体与范文评析》,上海:上海外语教育出版社,2004.[60]张经浩. 与奈达的一次翻译笔谈,《中国翻译》,2000.[61]张璐. 体育新闻英语文体研究,《商丘师范学院学报》,2006.[62]张美芳. 功能加忠诚[J]. 外国语, 2005(1): 60-65.[63]张南峰. 从奈达等效原则的接受看中国译论研究中的价值判断,《外国语》1999.[64]张雯. 英汉词义的差异与翻译[J]. 安徽大学学报, 1998(3): 124-128.[65]张晓平. 体育中的英语习语. 《大学英语》,2002.[66]张援远. 谈谈领导人言论英译的几个问题[J]. 中国翻译, 2004(1): 55.[67]仲伟合, 钟钰. 德国的功能派翻译理论[J]. 中国翻译, 1999(3): 47-49.[68]朱耀龙. 《新闻英文写作》. 三民书局股份有限公司, 1969.[69]庄恩平. 东西方思维差异与口译[J]. 上海科技翻译, 1998(2): 21-24.[70]庄绎传. 也谈中式英语[J]. 中国翻译, 2000(6): 7-10.[参考文献][1] Christiane Nord. 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本规范建议‎采用双字母‎表示电子文‎献载体类型‎:磁带(magne‎t ic tape)—MT,磁盘(disk)—DK,光盘(CD–ROM)—CD,联机网络(onlin‎e)—OL,并以[文献类型标‎识/载体类型标‎识]表示包括了‎文献载体类‎型的参考文‎献类型标识‎:如:[M/CD]—光盘图书(monog‎r aph on CD–ROM);[DB/MT]—磁带数据库‎(datab‎a se on magne‎t ic tape);[CP/DK]磁盘软件(compu‎t er progr‎a m on disk);[J/OL]—网上期刊(seria‎l onlin‎e);[DB/OL]—联机网上数‎据库(datab‎a se onlin‎e);[EB/OL]—网上电子公‎告(elect‎r onic‎bulle‎t in board‎onlin‎e)。





各类参考文‎献条目的编‎排格式及示‎例如下:a. 普通图书(包括专著、教材等)、会议论文集‎、资料汇编、学位论文、报告(包括科研报‎告、技术报告、调查报告、考察报告等‎)、参考工具书‎(包括手册、百科全书、字典、图集等)[序号] 主要责任者‎.文献题名:其他题名上‎(任选)[文献类型标‎识].其他责任者‎(任选).版本项(任选).出版地:出版者,出版年:起止页码(当整体引用‎时不注).[1] 刘国钧,陈绍业,王凤翥.图书馆目录‎[M].北京:高等教育出‎版社,1957:15-18.[2] 昂温G,昂温PS.外国出版史‎[M].陈生铮,译.北京:中国书籍出‎版社,1998.[3] 辛希孟.信息技术与‎信息服务国‎际研讨会论‎文集:A集[C].北京:中国社会科‎学出版社,1994.[4] 张筑生.微分半动力‎系统的不变‎集[D].北京:北京大学数‎学系数学研‎究所,1983.[5] 冯西桥.核反应堆压‎力管道与压‎力容器的L‎B B分析[R].北京:清华大学核‎能技术设计‎研究院,1997.[6] 吕启祥,林东海.红楼梦研究‎稀见资料汇‎编[G].北京:人民文学出‎版社,2001.[7] 朱一玄.聊斋志异资‎料汇编[G].郑州:中州古籍出‎版社,1985:177-178.[8] 公(论文库)安部交管局‎.49~99五十年‎交通事故统‎计资料汇编‎[G].北京:群众出版社‎,2000.[9] 张永录.唐代长安词‎典[K].西安:陕西人民出‎版社,1980.[10] 张加铨,关景时,程鹏.常用药物手‎册[K].北京:人民卫生出‎版社,1982:337.b.期刊文章[序号] 主要责任者‎.文献题名[J].刊名(建议外文刊‎名后加IS‎S N号),年,卷(期):起止页码.[11] 何龄修.读顾城《南明史》[J].中国史研究‎,1998,(3):167-173.[12] 金显贺,王昌长,王忠东,等.一种用于在‎线检测局部‎放电的数字‎滤波技术[J].清华大学学‎报(自然科学版),1993,33(4):62–67.[13] 闵周植.‗东方美学的‎前景‘笔谈:全球化时代‎东方美学的‎角色[J].文史哲,2001,(1):16-18.c.报纸文章[序号] 主要责任者‎.文献题名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次).[14] 谢希德.创造学习的新思路[N].人民日报,1998-12-25(10).d.标准(包括国际标‎准、国家标准、规范、法规等)[序号] 标准编号,标准名称[S].[15] GB/T 16159‎-1996,汉语拼音正‎词法基本规‎则[S].e.专利[序号] 专利所有者‎.专利题名:专利国别,专利号[P].出版日期.[16] 姜锡洲.一种温热外‎敷药制备方‎案:中国,88105‎6073[P].1989-07-26.f.档案[序号] 主要责任者‎.文献题名:原件日期[B].收藏地:收藏单位(收藏编号):起止页码.[17] 叶剑英委员‎关于安平事‎件调查结果‎的声明:1946-09-09[B].中央档案馆‎.[18] 国务院外国‎专家局的报‎告:1958-12-11[B].呼和浩特:内蒙古自治‎区档案馆(全宗252‎,目录1,卷宗57):65-67.g.古籍(1911年‎以前出版、无现代版本‎但有据可查‎的善本)[序号] 主要责任者‎.文献题名[O].其他责任者‎(包括校、勘、注、批等)刊行年代(古历纪年)及刊物机构‎(版本).收藏机构.[19] 沈括.梦溪笔谈[O].元大德九年‎茶陵刊本.北京图书馆‎珍藏.[20] 杨炯.杨盈川集[O].民国8年商‎务印书馆四‎部丛刊影印‎刊刻本.[21] 纪昀.纪文达公遗‎集卷十六[O].清嘉庆年间‎刻本.[22] [唐]李复言.续幽怪录[O].明抄说集本‎.朱文钧藏.h.各种未定义‎类型的文献‎[序号] 主要责任者‎.文献题名[Z].出版地:出版者,出版年.i.析出文献[序号] 析出文献主‎要责任者.析出文献题‎名[文献类型标‎识]//原文献主要‎责任者(任选).原文献题名‎.出版地:出版者,出版年:析出文献起‎止页码.[23] 钟文发.非线性规划‎在可燃毒物‎配置中的应‎用[C]//赵玮.运筹学的理‎论与应用——中国运筹学‎会第五届大‎会论文集.西安:西安电子科‎技大学出版‎社,1996:468-471.[24] 王家益.1995年‎湖南省交通‎肇事逃逸案‎件[G]//公(论文库)安部交管局‎.49~99五十年‎交通事故统‎计资料汇编‎.北京:群众出版社‎,2000.j.电子文献对于载体为‎―DK‖、―MT‖和―CD‖等的文献,将对应的印‎刷版的[文献类型标‎识]换成[文献类型标‎识/载体类型标‎识](包括[DB/MT]和[CP/DK]等);对于载体为‎―OL‖的文献,除了将对应‎的印刷版的‎[文献类型标‎识]换成[文献类型标‎识/载体类型标‎识]以外,尚需在对应‎的印刷版著‎录项目后加‎上发表或更‎新日期(加圆括号)、引用日期(加方括号)和电子文献‎的网址. [25] 刘江.假如陈景润‎被量化考核‎[N/OL].新华每日电‎讯,2004-03-12(7)[2004-04-04]./ccnd/mainf‎r ame.asp? encod‎e=gb & displ‎a y=Chine‎s e.[26] 萧钰.出版业信息‎化迈入快车‎道[EB/OL].(2001-12-19)[2002-04-15].http://www.cread‎e /news/20011‎219/20011‎21900‎19.html.[27] 万锦坤.中国大学学‎报论文文摘‎(1983-1993)[DB/CD].英文版.北京:中国大百科‎全书出版社‎,1996.[28] 西安电子科‎技大学.光折变自适‎应光外差探‎测方法:中国,01128‎777.2[P/OL].(2002-03-06)[2002-05-28].‎s p/zljs/hyjs-yx-new .asp? recid‎=01128‎777.2& leixi‎n=0.[29] 江向东.互联网环境‎下的信息处‎理与图书管‎理系统解决‎方案[J/OL].情报学报,1999,18(2):4[2000-01-18].http://www.china‎i /perio‎d ical‎/qbxb/qbxb9‎9/qbxb9‎9 0203‎.对网上文献‎的引用,在网上可以‎省略作者和‎题名等信息‎,但印刷在纸‎张载体上的‎应作完整著‎录。






































































Key words
Homocysteine (HCY) Methionine Atherosclerosis coronary heart disease cerebrovascular diseases folic acid Vitamin B12
Hcy metabolism1
Again into methionine
Elevated homocysteine levels cause atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease mechanism may have the following:
Mechanism 4.1 endothelial toxicity homocysteine can cause endothelial cell injury, especially when combined with hypertension more damage, and damage blood vessels elastic and collagen fiber layer. Mechanism may be: (1) self-oxidation (2) inhibited nitric oxide synthase, (3) endothelial cell phenotype changes, (4) changes in gene expression in endothelial cells and induce apoptosis.
4.3 Cause thrombosis Hcy can promot the expression of thrombomodulin, activated protein C and coagulation factor Ⅻ, Ⅴ, platelet prostaglandin synthesis increse, thereby promoting platelet adhesion and aggregation.



文献阅读与论文写作韦庆媛2017.10.13论文构成要素阅读文献方法c O N T E NTS 目录2如何撰写论文31题目、作者当我们最初检索文献时,最常用的是哪个字段?当我们打开一篇文献时,最醒目的是哪个部分?标题作者高选择性快速检测次氯酸的醛肟基氟硼荧染料荧光探针标题作者论文构成要素1摘要、关键词摘要是对全文的总结,一般把文献的核心部分提炼出来,关键词是文章的重要词语。








论文构成要素1论文构成要素阅读文献方法c O N T E N T S 目录2如何撰写论文31为什么要阅读文献?要想学会写文章,只有大量的阅读,读!读读!!读读读!!!别无他法!广看论文,深入学习认真思考,激发灵感厚积薄发,修成正果阅读文献方法22阅读文献方法阅读文献阅读目标——课题未定怎样找到明确的阅读目标?1、课题未定确定一个大致的研究范围,可从研究方向、研究领域、研究课题入手,看文献要步步深入。

















!""#年$月%&’()*+&,-./)01.&’2&++/0/&,3)45*+6’78*)9(:;<)04)//(4)0=*:!""#读书门径,治学津梁———兼评魏秀娟主编的《文献信息检索与利用》申少春(河南省图书馆,河南郑州$""$!)中图分类号:@!$A B?文献标识码:3文章编号:C""D>#C C C(!""#)"!>"C$E>"!在知识经济时代,由于信息环境的不断变化,给人类生存、生活与发展带来了巨大的机遇与挑战。













【同被引文献】中国期刊全文数据库前5条1 金利;;走近思想品德课[J];时事(时事报告初中生版);2010年06期2 马文志;;浅谈在思想品德课中如何激发学生的学习兴趣[J];新课程(教研);2011年08期3 李贺;;如何激发学生学习思想品德课的趣味[J];学周刊;2011年20期4 吴景武;;思品课中学生学习兴趣的培养[J];新作文(教育教学研究);2011年11期5 林梅;;初中思品教学中如何激发学生的学习兴趣[J];中学教学参考;2011年24期【相似文献】中国期刊全文数据库前10条1 杨建国;;怎样激发学生学习思想品德课的兴趣[J];新课程学习(社会综合);2009年12期2 黄云星;;思想品德课要“温度”更要“深度”[J];江西教育;2007年12期3 郭银树;;思想品德课“学”“教”“练”的尝试[J];新课程(教育学术);2010年11期4 范艳霞;;九年级思想品德课中考复习方法指导[J];新课程学习(综合);2010年09期5 左军;;依托思想品德课教材发展学生能力[J];中国教育技术装备;2009年31期6 欧阳侁;联系实际上好思想品德课[J];江西教育;1982年05期7 曾玉麟;学校如何加强对思想品德课教学的领导[J];江西教育;1983年01期8 邱瑞贤;;提高思想品德课教学质量的重要一环[J];人民教育;1983年07期9 于增慧;;配合思想品德课开展少先队活动[J];天津教育;1983年06期10 曾玉麟;我们是怎样开展思想品德课教研活动的[J];江西教育;1985年10期中国重要会议论文全文数据库前10条1 祁玉秀;;浅谈思想品德课的备课[A];萃英集——青海省教育委员会、青海省教育学会优秀教育论文集[C];2000年2 何春歧;;关于采用“体验型”课型上好思想品德课的思考[A];高等教育改革的理论与实践研究——黑龙江省高等教育学会2002年学术年会交流论文集[C];2002年3 宋文;刘明洁;;思想品德课教师要掌握教学艺术发挥教育机智[A];探索创新发展[C];2000年4 林钰婵;;优化思想品德课中的情感教学[A];信息技术环境构建与教学应用[C];2009年5 周恩林;;初中思想品德课“活动化教学”设计初探[A];江苏省教育学会2006年年会论文集(文科专辑)[C];2006年6 刘军;;让思想品德课成为学生的最爱[A];国家教师科研基金十二五阶段性成果集(华东卷)[C];2012年7 向迎春;;论音乐教育的知行合一[A];全国高等音乐教育课程发展与教学研究学术研讨会论文集(上册)[C];2006年8 黎熙元;;理论知识的阶梯、“变熟为生”及其它——谈黄淑娉教授教我学习人类学[A];庆贺黄淑娉教授从教50周年暨人类学理论与方法学术研讨会论文集[C];2002年9 徐剑红;丁九龙;;临床护生带教的体会[A];糖尿病护理学术交流暨腹膜透析新进展学习班论文集[C];2008年10 计薇;李春香;陈峰;白静;傅松滨;;生物技术实验教学改革的思考[A];高等院校遗传学教学改革探索[C];2010年中国重要报纸全文数据库前10条1 山东省淄博市周村区实验中学孙鸿波;江流天地外,山色有无中[N];学知报;2010年2 李蓓;思想品德课可以这样讲[N];中国教师报;2004年3 通渭县新景乡永新学校王继元;思想品德课本案例浅析[N];定西日报;2009年4 乔雪峰;思想品德课中如何运用多媒体激发学生的兴趣[N];晋中日报;2010年5 南充市营山县蓼叶完全小学校谢喻;“引导.体验.探究”学生爱上思想品德课[N];学知报;2010年6 江苏省滨海县第一初级中学李芙蓉;如何开展思想品德课的有效教学[N];学知报;2010年7 淄博市周村区实验中学孙鸿波;浅谈思想品德课互动教学[N];学知报;2010年8 河南省鄢陵县彭店一中边世华;从思想品德课看新课程教学中存在的问题[N];学知报;2011年9 麻栗坡县铁厂中学李曼;如何激发学生学习思想品德课兴趣[N];云南经济日报;2011年10 江苏省张家港市梁丰小学匡慧娟;网络充实思想品德课[N];中国电脑教育报;2004年中国博士学位论文全文数据库前10条1 范秦海;对我国优秀田径教练员知识结构的研究[D];河北师范大学;2008年2 盛迪韵;中学英语职前教师专业知识建构研究[D];上海师范大学;2009年3 任庆梅;构建外语环境下的中介语发展认知心理模式[D];上海外国语大学;2007年4 张晋;高等职业教育实践教学体系构建研究[D];华东师范大学;2008年5 赵彦俊;“实习支教生”实践性知识生成研究[D];西南大学;2009年6 杨宁学;作业系统中计算类主观题处理技术研究[D];西南交通大学;2006年7 张阔;儿童类别形成中知识效应的实验研究[D];天津师范大学;2003年8 裴丽;中医古籍信息利用障碍与数字化信息平台构建[D];黑龙江中医药大学;2006年9 张陈;我国当代学位制度的传统与变革[D];西南大学;2011年10 阿达西(Adahi Moulaye M'Hamed Taher);基于性格类型和学习方法的影响兼职MBA学生学业表现主要因素分析[D];浙江大学;2012年中国硕士学位论文全文数据库前10条1 周亚丽;培养初中生思想品德课学习兴趣策略研究[D];东北师范大学;2010年2 李丽;关于初中生对思想品德课认同的探究[D];辽宁师范大学;2011年3 娜仁花;思想品德课研究性教学探究[D];东北师范大学;2010年4 孙安;思想品德课合作探究活动研究[D];华东师范大学;2010年5 王倩;中学思想品德课案例教学模式研究[D];河南大学;2012年6 折妮妮;思想品德课课堂教学生活化研究[D];陕西师范大学;2012年7 孙红艳;增强思想品德课情境教学有效性的策略研究[D];华东师范大学;2012年8 敖丽娜;思想品德课游戏教学研究[D];首都师范大学;2011年9 张风丽;思想品德课教师资格专业素质测评研究[D];南京师范大学;2011年10 余丽珍;初一年级思想品德课亲子互动作业的案例研究[D];华东师范大学;2012年期刊全文数据库前10条1 袁发逊;;浅谈新课程理念下初中思想品德课教师的角色转变[J];新课程研究(教师教育);2008年04期2 尉秀丽;;初中思想品德课实施体验式教学初探[J];中小学电教(下);2011年06期3 杨光竹;;初中思想品德课后作业的布置[J];课程教材教学研究(中教研究);2009年Z2期4 张士军;;浅谈新课标下初中思想品德课的活动课教学[J];新课程学习(综合);2010年11期5 张溪;;初中思想品德课应注重人文精神培养[J];才智;2011年06期6 高东升;;中考政治命题对思想品德教学的启示[J];读与写(教育教学刊);2009年03期7 毕秀莲;;初中思想品德课教学浅谈[J];学生之友(初中版)(中考月刊);2009年10期8 杨紫仪;;浅谈思想品德课如何激发学生的学习兴趣[J];成才之路;2011年10期9 张仕碧;;浅论如何在初中思想品德课中培养学生的创新能力[J];新课程(教育学术);2011年02期10 韦新元;;初中思想品德课实践活动的探索[J];现代教育科学(中学教师);2010年05期中国重要会议论文全文数据库前10条1 王欣;;初中思想品德课有效性教学的几点思考[A];国家教师科研基金十二五阶段性成果集(华东卷)[C];2012年2 王英;王民;;利用心理地图培养学生地理学科能力[A];地理教育与学科发展——中国地理学会2002年学术年会论文摘要集[C];2002年3 蔡永利;;采用多种方式培养学生的自信心[A];首届“健康杯”全国中小学心理健康教育研讨暨颁奖大会论文集[C];2002年4 张英;;激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生创造性思维能力[A];北京力学会第15届学术年会论文摘要集[C];2009年5 马雪红;;通过典型实验的具体操作分析培养学生实验操作技能[A];中国化学会第三届关注中国西部地区中学化学教学发展论坛论文集[C];2011年6 陈凤英;;浅谈在茶艺活动中培养学生探索创新能力[A];上海市少儿茶艺教学活动十周年文集[C];2002年7 杨秀蓉;;运用接受反应论培养学生的创新能力[A];中国生理学会第九届全国生理学教学研讨会论文摘要汇编[C];2008年8 罗俊雁;;谈模拟遥控活动着手,培养学生的兴趣[A];2011全国航空特色学校发展论坛交流材料[C];2011年9 陈平;;培养学生创新能力[A];探索创新发展[C];2000年10 戴体俊;;药理学教学培养学生创新能力的设想[A];第五届全国药理学教学学术会议论文摘要汇编[C];2000年中国重要报纸全文数据库前10条1 大方县八堡中学王金华;初中思想品德课如何渗透感恩教育[N];毕节日报;2010年2 江苏省阜宁县张庄初级中学高富生;浅谈初中思想品德课教学中学生学习能力的培养[N];学知报;2010年3 河南省洛阳市第二十七中学田彩婷;图示法在初中思想品德课的运用[N];学知报;2011年4 江苏省徐州市贾汪区大吴中学杨如新;对初中思想品德课教学的几点探讨[N];学知报;2011年5 四川省剑阁县左长;农村初中思想品德课课程资源开发现状及原则[N];广元日报;2011年6 崔永春临淄区皇城二中;浅谈对初中思想品德课互动教学的认识[N];淄博日报;2010年7 河南睢县第一实验学校蒋家栋;初中思想品德课中的“快乐”教学[N];学知报;2010年8 河南睢县第一实验学校蒋家栋;初中思想品德课教学的误区[N];学知报;2010年9 四川广汉和兴镇中学杨翠玉;浅谈提高初中思想品德课堂教学的有效方法[N];学知报;2010年10 山西省汾阳市栗家庄中学任秋莲;初中思想品德课教学方法点滴思考[N];学知报;2011年中国博士学位论文全文数据库前10条1 司成勇;从“学答”走向“学问”[D];西北师范大学;2006年2 何强生;语文探究性学习研究[D];华东师范大学;2008年3 杨小明;体育教学中的道德教育研究[D];南京师范大学;2008年4 崔欣頠;学校责任教育论纲[D];南京师范大学;2006年5 郑淮;场域视野下的学生社会性发展研究[D];西南大学;2007年6 宋莉;跨文化交际法中国英语教学模式探析[D];上海外国语大学;2008年7 赵崇乐;体育审美教育观研究[D];东北师范大学;2009年8 易斌;改革开放30年中国基础教育英语课程变革研究(1978~2008)[D];湖南师范大学;2010年9 张琼;以实践能力培养为取向的知识教学变革研究[D];华中师范大学;2011年10 王丹;我国小学低年级学生诚信知行冲突的现状、原因及教育建议[D];辽宁师范大学;2009年中国硕士学位论文全文数据库前10条1 熊豪;初中思想品德课教学中的意志品质培养研究[D];重庆师范大学;2012年2 陈旭;初中思想品德课“参与式”教学再探究[D];重庆师范大学;2012年3 韦星;论“第二人生”在初中思想品德课教学中的运用[D];华中师范大学;2010年4 刘文群;初中思想品德课活动教学的实践研究[D];华东师范大学;2010年5 丁明霞;初中思想品德课无痕教学的实施策略探析[D];山东师范大学;2011年6 李文君;初中思想品德课青年教师专业发展的调查与分析[D];山东师范大学;2011年7 孙晓椿;心理游戏在初中思想品德课教学中的应用研究[D];内蒙古师范大学;2011年8 吴伟;初中思想品德课教学评价探究[D];内蒙古师范大学;2011年9 毕子金;初中思想品德课有效教学策略研究[D];内蒙古师范大学;2011年10 梁杰;论初中思想品德课学习兴趣的激发[D];福建师范大学;2009年-。

【2018-2019】文献回顾范例-精选word文档 (14页)

【2018-2019】文献回顾范例-精选word文档 (14页)

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文献综述怎么写呢?文献综述格式一般包括:①文献综述的引言:包括撰写文献综述的原因、意义、文献的范围、正文的标题及基本内容提要;②文献综述的正文:是文献综述的主要内容,包括某一课题研究的历史 (寻求研究问题的发展历程)、现状、基本内容 (寻求认识的进步),研究方法的分析(寻求研究方法的借鉴),已解决的问题和尚存的问题,重点、详尽地阐述对当前的影响及发展趋势,这样不但可以使研究者确定研究方向,而且便于他人了解该课题研究的起点和切入点,是在他人研究的基础上有所创新;③文献综述的结论:文献研究的结论,概括指出自己对该课题的研究意见,存在的不同意见和有待解决的问题等;④文献综述的附录:列出参考文献,说明文献综述所依据的资料,增加综述的可信度,便于读者进一步检索。



文献综述范文1:“问题——探索——交流”小学数学教学模式的研究... ...我们在网上浏览了数百种教学模式,下载了二百余篇有关教学模式的文章,研读了五十余篇。

概括起来,我国的课堂教学模式可分三类:(1) 传统教学模式——“教师中心论”。


它的优点是... ...,它的缺陷是... ...(2) 现代教学模式——“学生中心论”。



Adefovir, an acyclic phosphonate, is relatively weak, but is effective against lamivudine- and telbivudine- resistant mutations, for which it should be used in combination (add-on therapy) rather than substituted. Resistance to adefovir develops slowly, rising to 29% for HBeAg-negative patients by year 5, but more rapidly when used alone for lamivudine-resistant HBV.
Telbivudine, another L-nucleoside, is more potent than lamivudine but resistance still develops in 25% of HBeAg-positive and 11% HBeAg-negative patients after 2 years.
副反应多:贫血、血小 板减少症、白血球减 少、间质性肺炎、抑 郁症、甲状腺功能减
Case Report
谷草转氨酶的正常值为10~40μ/L,当谷丙转氨酶(ALT)明显升高, 谷草(AST)/谷丙(ALT)比值>1时,就提示有肝实质的损害。 alt正常值:0-40,根据正常值的大小,可以把alt值划分为三段, 40-120U/L提示有轻度肝损伤,120-400时有中度肝损伤,谷草转 氨酶正常值为0~37。










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Measurement of circulating cardiac biomarkers has enabled early diagnosis and risk assessment of acute coronary syndrome.Heart type fatty acid binding protein(H-FABP)is a relatively novel marker for the diagnosis of myocardial injury.The purpose of the present study was to compare HFABP with early stage of percutaneous cornary intervention(PCI).
Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of mortality in the develped countries.Advances in techniques for the measurement of circulating troponin and creatine kinase myocardial band levels have enabled early diagnosis and risk assessment of myocardial injury in patients presenting with acute chest pain.In addition,H-FABP has recently emerged as a new circulating cardiac biomarker.



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One dimensionally spinel NiCo 2O 4nanowire arrays:facile synthesis,water oxidation,and magnetic propertiesYu-Zhi Su,Qi-Zhi Xu,Gao-Feng Chen,Hui Cheng,Nan Li,Zhao-Qing Liu *School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering/Guangzhou Key Laboratory for Environmentally Functional Materials and Technology,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou 510006,ChinaA R T I C L E I N F OArticle history:Received 22April 2015Received in revised form 16June 2015Accepted 20June 2015Available online 29June 2015Keywords:Oxygen evolution reaction One-dimensional Spinel NiCo 2O 4Nanowire arrays Oxygen vacanciesA B S T R A C TDevelopment of ef ficient,affordable,non-precious metal oxides catalysts is critical for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER).Herein,we present a spinel NiCo 2O 4nanowire arrays (NWAs),synthesized by a simple solution route,as an inexpensive,ef ficient anode electrocatalyst for water electrolysis.The as-prepared NiCo 2O 4NWAs contains Ni 2+/Ni 3+which replace Co in octahedral sites of the spinel Co 3O 4,exhibiting higher catalytic activity than that of Co 3O 4and NiO.The enhanced catalytic activity of NiCo 2O 4NWAs is correlated with a large surface area,one-dimensional (1D)architecture,high conductivity and synergistic behavior of Ni/Co bifunctional catalyst.Besides,oxygen vacancies,which favor ef ficient electrons transport,supply more active sites,and assist in the adsorption of OH À,can be conducive to make high utilization of catalytic materials in the OER.Moreover,the magnetic properties of NiCo 2O 4NWAs are also investigated in detail.The results indicate that NiCo 2O 4NWAs could be a promising economical and environmentally benign bifunctional electrocatalyst for water splitting and other applications.ã2015Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionOxygen electrochemistry plays a key role in ef ficient energy conversion and storage devices,particularly in the fields of electrochemical and photoelectrochemical water splitting [1–4].Oxygen evolution reaction (OER)is considered to reach a bottleneck,severely hampered by the sluggish kinetics and low energy ef ficiency.Currently,the noble-metal electrocatalysts,such as IrO 2and RuO 2are normally employed as the benchmark OER catalysts,although their low abundance and exorbitant cost constrain the potential practical applications [5–7].In view of their unaffordable price and impracticable scarcity,designing and developing low-cost,earth-abundant and ef ficient electrocatalysts that lower the energy barrier,improve the water oxidation ef ficiency,and boost the availability for large-scale application is still a crucial scienti fic challenge in water electrolysis systems.Recently,many burgeoning efforts have been made to develop high ef ficient and non-precious electrocatalysts based on earth-abundant elements for OER [8–10].As an important class,non-precious metal oxides with spinel structure have attracted numerous interest owing to its promising electrochemicalef ficiency and stability for OER in the alkaline solution [11,12].Particularly,the spinel-type Co 3O 4-based electrocatalysts involv-ing partially replacing Co with more eco-friendly and cheaper alternative metals to form MCo 2O 4(M =Mn,Ni,Cu,and Zn)have become the focus of research due to their high surface areas and enhanced conductivity [13–17].Moreover,this partial replacement was mainly motivated by the fact that Co 3O 4is slightly less active than the noble metal oxides for oxidation in alkaline solution.Thus,it is still a challenge to develop and design high activity,low-cost,and durability spinel-type MCo 2O 4electrocatalysts for water splitting.The spinel structure of NiCo 2O 4is found to be a typically mixed valence oxide,in which nickel ions occupy the octahedral sites and cobalt is distributed over both octahedral and tetrahedral sites.Meanwhile,the spinel-type NiCo 2O 4containing highly oxidized redox couples Co 3+/Co 2+and Ni 3+/Ni 2+,which are known as active centre in pared with the single Co 3O 4,NiCo 2O 4may possess a much better electronic conductivity and 2orders of magnitude higher [14,18].To date,many researchers have focused on the study of the OER activity of NiCo 2O 4nanomaterials.For example,Chen et al.[19]reported a three-dimensional (3D)nitrogen-doped graphene-NiCo 2O 4with hierarchical pores as an advanced OER electrocatalyst,which shows a superior catalytic activity that was comparable to the reported noble metal catalyst (IrO 2).And Cui et al.[20]fabricated an innovative core-ring*Corresponding author.Tel.:+862039366908;fax:+862039366908.E-mail address:lzqgzu@ (Z.-Q.Liu)./10.1016/j.electacta.2015.06.0920013-4686/ã2015Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Electrochimica Acta 174(2015)1216–1224Contents lists available at ScienceDirectElectrochimica Actaj o u rn a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /e l e c t a c tananoplatelet of NiCo2O4for water splitting,exhibiting an enhanced electrocatalytic performance.However,to our knowledge,barely research is performed to examine the relationship between the morphology,composition,and the electrocatalytic activity, let alone the issues of limited surface area,oxygen vacancies and conductivity.Therefore,directly constructing one-dimension-al(1D)architecture on conductive metal substrates can partially overcome the above issues,owning to the ordered open-space structure allows for less adhesion of the gas bubble formed,and thus leading to less ohmic pared to the conventional two-dimensional(2D)planar architecture and3D porous architecture, electrodes based on1D ordered architecture can offer several critical advantages,such as facilitating electron transportation, promoting electrolyte penetration,and increasing the electro-chemically active surface area(ECSA).Recent reports have also confirmed the great benefit of1D architecture in enhancing the OER activity[21–23].With an aim to develop highly efficient catalysts based on earth-abundant elements for OER,in this work,we focus on the NiCo2O4nanowire arrays(NWAs)as an electrocatalyst,which directly grow on conductive substrate Ti via a facile template-free solution method avoiding the above mentioned drawbacks.As expected,the as-prepared1D NiCo2O4NWAs exhibits better electrocatalytic activity than the individual Co3O4and NiO.The possible reasons for the enhanced electrochemical performance of NiCo2O4NWAs are investigated in detail with relation to morphology,charge transfer ability,oxygen vacancies,and specific surface area,etc.In addition,the magnetic properties of the1D NiCo2O4NWAs are also examined.Therefore,it is believed that the easy accessibility of1D ordered nanomaterial will provide a promising candidate for tailoring efficient and durable electro-catalysts.2.Experimental2.1.Synthesis of NiCo2O4Nanowire ArraysAll the reagents used in the experiment were of analytical grade and were used without further purification.In a typical hydro-thermal process,2mmol of Ni(NO3)2Á6H2O and4mmol of Co (NO3)2Á6H2O were dissolved into a mixed solution of40mL ofethanol and40mL of H2O at room temperature to form a clear pink solution,followed by the addition of24mmol of urea.The solution was then transferred to a100mL bottle with a cap.The Ti foil (2cmÂ1cm in rectangular shape)was immersed in a3M HCl solution for15min to get rid of the possible surface oxide layer before it was put into the bottle for reaction.The bottle was then capped and heated to90 C in an electric oven.After reaction for 8h,the sample was taken out after the solution was cooled down naturally to room temperature.After that,the Ti foil with grown products was dried at60 C.In order to get crystallized NiCo2O4 nanowires,Ti foil with the as-grown precursor was annealed at 400 C for3h.For comparison,the preparation of Co3O4and NiO used the similar synthesis procedure.2.2.CharacterizationsThe surface morphology and structure of the as-prepared samples were analyzed by usingfield emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM,Quanta400)and transmission electron microscopy(TEM,300kV,Tecnai TM G2F30).The as-prepared samples were also characterized by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDX,INCA300)to determine the deposit compo-sitions.The structure of the samples were analyzed by powder X-ray diffraction(XRD,Bruker,D8ADVANCE)with K a radiation (l=1.5418Å).The chemical-state analysis of samples was carried out by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy(XPS,ESCALab250). Moreover,the BET surface area and pore volume were evaluated by using nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms measured at77K on an ASAP2020M instrument.The magnetic properties were studied by measuring hysteresis loops at low(5K)and room temperature(300K)using a quantum design MPMS-XL7superconducting quantum interference device(SQUID)and a vibrating sample magnetometer(VSM)from Oxford Instruments, respectively.2.3.Electrochemical measurementsThe electrochemical properties of the as-prepared samples were investigated by employing a CHI760D electrochemical workstation(Chenhua,Shanghai)in a three-compartment cell with a Pt plate counter electrode,a saturated calomel electrode (SCE)reference electrode,and a working electrode.The electrolyte was1M aqueous solution of KOH.The working electrode was prepared as follow:20mg of the catalyst were dispersed in100mL of DI water,then45mL of PTFE was added.The contents were dispersed,followed by ultrasonication for approximately30min to obtain a homogeneous suspension.0.48mL of the catalyst ink were dropped on the surface of the carbon rod(working electrode, 0.33cmÀ2)and dried at room temperature.The polarization curves were recorded with the scan rate of1mV sÀ1.The working electrodes were scanned for several times until the signals were stabilized,and then the data were collected.Cyclic voltammetry was conducted with scan rate of10mV sÀ1in the range ofÀ0.2to 0.6V.Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS)was carried out in the frequency range of0.01Hz to1MHz with an constant potential of0.6V.The stability was characterized by chronoam-perometry which was carried out at0.65V.3.Result and discussionThe X-ray diffraction(XRD)measurement was used to identify the chemical composition and phase of the as-prepared products. In order to rule out the effect of substrate,the as-prepared products were scraped off from the Ti foil.As shown in Fig.1a,all of the diffraction peaks agreed well with the standard patterns of the spinel NiCo2O4phase(JCPDF No.20-0781)with lattice constants a=b=c=8.11Å.As a comparison,the XRD patterns of the as-prepared Co3O4and NiO in the same process are shown in Fig.1a, corresponding to the cubic spinel Co3O4phase(JCPDF No.43-1003) and cubic NiO phase(JCPDF No.65-2901),respectively.All the products were highly pure since no peaks of any purity phases could be detected from the patterns.Moreover,it can be observed from(311)XRD peaks of NiCo2O4and Co3O4that the substitution of Ni for Co does not modify the general XRD pattern of Co3O4,but broadens the diffraction line of Co3O4with a slight shift in2u to lower values,indicating that the addition of Ni to Co3O4decreases both the crystallinity and the crystalline size(Fig.S1)[24].The average crystallite sizes of the composites were calculated by using the Scherer equation for the high intensity metal oxide peaks,as presented in Fig.S1(b-d).In comparison to Co3O4(3.92nm), NiCo2O4shows low crystalline size of2.29nm.Raman spectrosco-py was also used to characterize the phase composition of the NiCo2O4,Co3O4and NiO.As shown in Fig.1b,the peaks at186,469, 519,and668cmÀ1correspond to F2g,E g,F2g,and A1g models of the NiCo2O4,respectively[25].In contrast tofive peaks locating at188, 480,528,614,and688cmÀ1(F2g,E g,F2g,F2g,and A1g modes of Co3O4)[26],the peaks of NiCo2O4NWAs are broadened and weakened with a slight shift to lower values by the substitution of Ni for Co,consistent with the above XRD results.Furthermore,the five Raman peaks located at approximately459,526,719,998and 1076cmÀ1of NiO corresponding to thefirst-order transverseY.-Z.Su et al./Electrochimica Acta174(2015)1216–12241217optical (TO)and longitudinal optical (LO),2TO,2LO and 2LO phonon modes,respectively [27].The morphology and microstructures of the as-prepared products were examined by the scanning electron microscopy (SEM)and the transmission electron microscopy (TEM).As presented in Fig.2a-b,the hierarchical NiO microsphere consisted of nanosheets which have a uniform diameter of 4-5m m can be ovserved.The microstructure of these microspheres was further investigated by TEM (Fig.2c-d),where the solid microsphere with ultra-thin nanosheets can be clearly observed.And the High-resolution TEM (HRTEM)image (Fig.2e)shows lattice fringes with a d -spacing of 0.243nm,corresponding to the (111)lattice plane of NiO.In addition,the selected-area electron diffraction (SAED)pattern shown in Fig.2f also re flects the polyctrystalline feature of the hierarchical sphere and can be readily indexed to (111),(200),(220),and (311)crystal planes of NiO phase.The morphology and microstructure of Co 3O 4were investigated in pared with NiO,the morphology of Co 3O 4was obviously different from NiO microspheres.Fig.3a-c exhibits panoramic and SEM images of Co 3O rge numbers of spherical urchin shape structures of Co 3O 4can be found,and the SEM image in Fig.3c clearly reveals the urchin-like Co 3O 4sphere having numerous small nanorods with 3um radially grown from the center.Fig.3d displays the TEM image of an individual urchin-like Co 3O 4sphere with a large number of nanorods (15-20nm diameter and 2-3m m length).However,the as-prepared urchin-like Co 3O 4is a solid sphere.As presented in Fig.3e,the lattice fringe with a d-spacing of 0.286nm can be well indexed to the (220)plance of Co 3O 4.The SAED pattern (Fig.3f)can be readily indexed to (220),(311),(400),(511),and (440)crystal planes of the cubic Co 3O 4phase,which is consistent with the XRD results.Similarly,the analysis of the morphology and microstructure was applied to the as-prepared NiCo 2O 4.Fig.4a-b shows typical SEM images of NiCo 2O 4NWAs.It clearly exhibits the highly ordered NiCo 2O 4NWAs uniformly grown onto the Ti foil substrates.Fig.4c-d displays the TEM image of the NiCo 2O 4nanowires with uniform diameter of 10nm and length of several micrometers.The HRTEM in Fig.4e exhibits a lattice spacing of 0.29nm,corresponding to be (220)plane of NiCo 2O 4.Additionally,the SAED pattern of NiCo 2O4Fig.1.(a)XRD patterns of NiO,Co 3O 4and NiCo 2O 4grown on Ti foil calcined at 400 C in air for 3h;(b)Raman spectra of NiO,Co 3O 4and NiCo 2O 4.Fig.2.(a-b)SEM images of NiO;(c-d)TEM images of NiO;(e)HR-TEM image of NiO and (f)SAED pattern of NiO.1218Y.-Z.Su et al./Electrochimica Acta 174(2015)1216–1224(Fig.4f)shows the well indexed (220),(311),(400),(511),and (440)planes of the spinel NiCo 2O 4.The porosity of the as-prepared samples was investigated by BET analysis as shown in Fig.5.The N 2adsorption isotherm recorded for NiCo 2O 4NWAs is type IV with a distinct hysteresis loop,typical for mesoporous inorganic oxides with good pore connectivity [28].The pore size distribution (inset in Fig.5)of the product,calculated from the desorption data using the BJH method,shows a narrow peak centered at $50nm indicating uniform mesopores of NiCo 2O 4NWAs,a lot smaller than macro-pore of Co 3O 4(177nm)and NiO (98nm).The NiCo 2O 4NWAs also possesses a high speci fic surface area of 83m 2g À1and a pore volume as high as 0.36cm 3g À1,largely exceeding Co 3O 4with speci fic surface area of 37m 2g À1and a pore volume of 0.21cm 3g À1prepared by same method.These results indicate that the introduction of Ni to Co 3O 4increases both speci fic surface areaand pore volume.Therefore,the features may be bene ficial for the transport and diffusion of electrolyte ions during OER process.X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS)was recorded to investigate the surface chemical state of as-prepared samples.The corre-sponding survey spectra in Fig.6a,which clearly shows that the elements of Ni,Co and O are presented in NiCo 2O 4,while the elements of Co,O and Ni,O are presented in Co 3O 4and NiO,respectively.In the Ni 2p spectra,six species including two pairs of spin-orbit doublets characteristic of Ni 2+and Ni 3+and two shake-up (sat.)excitations were achieved,implying both Ni 2+and Ni 3+present in NiCo 2O 4and NiO [24,29,30].In the same way,the best deconvolution of Co 2p spectra for NiCo 2O 4and Co 3O 4(Fig.6a)were obtained under assumption of the six species including two pairs of spin-orbit doublets characteristic of Co 2+and Co 3+and two shake-up (sat.)excitations [31].The satellite peaks corresponding to Co 2+species imply a much higher Co 2+concentration in NiCo 2O4Fig.3.(a-b)SEM images of Co 3O 4;(c-d)TEM images of Co 3O 4;(e)HR-TEM image of Co 3O 4and (f)SAED pattern of spinel Co 3O 4.Fig.4.(a-b)SEM images of NiCo 2O 4;(c-d)TEM images of NiCo 2O 4;(e)HR-TEM image of NiCo 2O 4and (f)SAED pattern of spinel NiCo 2O 4.Y.-Z.Su et al./Electrochimica Acta 174(2015)1216–12241219than that in Co 3O 4.On the basis of the Gaussian fitting curves,the calculated Ni 3+/Ni 2+ratios based on the area intensity are 0.988for NiCo 2O 4,while the calculated Co 3+/Co 2+ratios are 0.110and 1.873for NiCo 2O 4and Co 3O 4,respectively.In view of charge balance in the crystalline NiCo 2O 4and Co 3O 4,the theoretical molecular formulas are NiCo 2O 3.348and Co 3O 3.978for NiCo 2O 4and Co 3O 4,respectively,indicating an obvious oxygen de ficiency (oxygen vacancy)in NiCo 2O 4.The substitution of Ni for Co was well known to have a strong octahedral site preference [21,24].Thus,according to the XPS results,it may make a conclusion that the defects of oxygen vacancies may extensively exist in NiCo 2O 4mainly inducing by the replacement of octahedral Co sites with lower valence Ni (Ni 2+).Fig.6d exhibits the high-resolution O 1s spectrum of NiCo 2O 4,Co 3O 4and NiO with two oxygen contribu-tions denoted as 1,2and ponent O1for NiCo 2O 4located at 531.1eV can be associated with total response of metal-oxygen bonds [Ni-O (531.2eV)and Co-O (530.1eV)bonds][29,30].Component O2at 532.0eV are usually assigned to oxygen in OH Àgroups and the presence of this contribution in the O 1s spectra indicates that the surface of oxides were hydroxylated to some extent as a result of either surface oxyhydroxide or the substitution of oxygen atoms at the surface by hydroxyl ponent O3belonged to NiCo 2O 4at 532.9eV is linked with a higher number of defect sites with low oxygen coordination,further demonstrating the existence of oxygen vacancies [24].Actually,the structural change from Co 3O 4to NiCo 2O 4should result in differences in electrocatalytic performance basing on the existence of oxygen vacancies and the presence of Ni 3+/Ni 2+at octahedral sites,as will be discussed later.The as-prepared NiCo 2O 4,Co 3O 4and NiO samples were performed as anodes to demonstrate their electrocatalytic activity in OER.Cyclic voltammograms (CV),polarization curves,electro-chemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)and chronoamperometry were obtained in a standard three-electrode cell consisting of a SCE reference electrode,a platinum foil counter electrode,and 1M aqueous KOH solution as the electrolyte.All potentials in this paper are reported with respect to the SCE reference electrode.CV measurements are served as the appropriate tool to identify Faradic and non-Faradic reaction of electrochemicalmechanismFig.5.N 2adsorption-desorption isotherms of NiO,Co 3O 4and NiCo 2O 4.The inset shows the pore size distribution curve obtained from the desorptiondata.Fig.6.(a)XPS survey spectra of NiO,Co 3O 4and NiCo 2O 4;(b)High-resolution Ni 2p XPS spectrum of NiO and NiCo 2O 4;(c)High-resolution Co 2p spectra of Co 3O 4and NiCo 2O 4;(d)High-resolution O 1s spectra of NiO,Co 3O 4and NiCo 2O 4.1220Y.-Z.Su et al./Electrochimica Acta 174(2015)1216–1224for the as-prepared materials.In Fig.7a,the CV curves reveal the measurement in 1M KOH at a scan rate of 10mV s À1for the NiCo 2O 4,Co 3O 4and NiO.The Co 3O 4shows an anodic response (0.41V)with a peak current during positive scanning from À0.2to 0.6V,corresponding to the oxidation of the Co 2+and Co 3+species.The cathodic peak around 0.37V is associated with the reduction of the Co 4+and Co 3+species on the surface of the Co 3O 4catalyst.The CV of NiO exhibits a pair of redox peaks with an anodic peak at around 0.35V and a cathodic peak at about 0.28V corresponds to the conversion between different oxidation states of Ni (Ni 2+/Ni 3+/Ni 4+).The CV curves for the NiCo 2O 4display a larger pair of redox couples (Ni 2+/Ni 3+/Ni 4+and Co 2+/Co 3+/Co 4+)[32,33]than Co 3O 4and NiO with the broad anodic peak shifted in the negative direction (0.29V).This shift with a more negative (less positive)potential can be attributed to the coef ficient between the oxidation of Ni 2+and Ni 3+and the oxidation of Co 2+and Co 3+on the surface of the NiCo 2O 4.It is quite clear that the peak current density dramatically increased after the substitution of Co with Ni for Co 3O 4,resulting in much more active reactive sites,consistent with the BET and XPS results.Polarization curves of the OER on the anodes were measured to evaluate the catalytic activity.As displayed in Fig.7b,linear-sweep measurements con firm the more negative onset potential of NiCo 2O 4(about 0.50V)and the larger OER current density at 0.7V for NiCo 2O 4indicating the enhancement in OER electrocatalytic activity of NiCo 2O 4.Tafel plots derived from polarization curves were constructed (Fig.6b)to gain more insight into the OER activity.The resulting Tafel slope of NiCo 2O 4was 62mV dec À1,which is smaller than that of the Co 3O 4(67mV dec À1)and much smaller than NiO (107mV dec À1),indicating effective chargetransfers and the high ef ficiency of NiCo 2O 4for OER.As shown in Table S1,NiCo 2O 4NWAs in this work present superior OER activity compared to other NiCo 2O 4reported earlier,appearing the competitive performance.With the replacement of octahedral Co sites by the lower valence Ni (Ni 2+)creating oxygen de ficient structure,this structural change would result in the promotion of the electrocatalytic performance depending on the existence of the oxygen vacancies in the spinel structures.The OER is generally preformed basing on the oxidation process as follow [34]:MO +OH À=MOOH +e À(1)MOOH +OH À=MO 2+H 2O +e À(2)MO 2=MO +O 2(3)4OH À=O 2+2H 2O +4e À(4)The exchange between O 2Àand O 22Àspecies (Eqs.(3)and (4))are considered to be the rate-determining step for the OER [2].Thus,the kinetic of both OH Àbonding via the oxygen vacant site on spinel structures and the above step of ion exchange need to be taken into the consideration.NiCo 2O 4possesses oxygen defect sites,in which the oxygen vacancies give the distorted structure and the molecular level oxygen porosity beyond the mesoscale porosity.Such transfer assists the adsorption of OH À,leading to the fast OER kinetics [2,35].Moreover,NiCo 2O 4NWAs alsopossessFig.7.(a)CV curves for NiO,Co 3O 4and NiCo 2O 4;(b)Polarization curves of NiO,Co 3O 4and NiCo 2O 4;(c)Tafel slopes of NiO,Co 3O 4and NiCo 2O 4derived from polarization curves and (d)EIS Nyquist plots of NiO,Co 3O 4and NiCo 2O 4.The inset in the panel (d)shows corresponding Nyquist plot at the high-frequency range.Y.-Z.Su et al./Electrochimica Acta 174(2015)1216–12241221uniform mesoporous structure resulting in the more ef ficient transport of OH Àto the active sites on the catalyst than the other compositions of nickel cobaltite nanostructures.As mentioned above,Ni substitution is believed to improve Co 3O 4activity by increasing its conductivity (electronic effect),providing a number of defect sites and enlarging its speci fic surface area,thereby resulting in the enhancement of OER performance.In order to go insight into the resistance of the catalysts,the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)was conducted to assess the conductivity and charge transfer process at 0.6V.As shown in Fig.7d,the internal resistance (R s )of the NiCo 2O 4,Co 3O 4and NiO are about 6.1,7.9and 9.8V ,respectively.Meanwhile,the semicircular diameter in the electrochemical impedance spectrum (EIS)of NiCo 2O 4is much smaller than that of Co 3O 4and NiO due to smaller charge transfer impedance in NiCo 2O 4.The values of the charge transfer resistance for NiCo 2O 4,Co 3O 4and NiO are 12.1,34.4and 66.2V ,respectively.The result con firms that the conductivity of NiCo 2O 4is higher than that of Co 3O 4,which is in accord with the previous reports.The catalytic stability of the as-prepared anodes was investi-gated by chronoamperometric measurements at 0.65V (Fig.8a).The NiCo 2O 4NWAs show more stable current densities decreasing from 20.6to 17.2mA cm À2during 180min of testing,comparable toCo 3O 4(current densities decreasing from 17.1to 8.8mA cm À2)and NiO (current densities decreasing from 3.7to 1.3mA cm À2),revealing the excellent stability of NiCo 2O 4NWAs in OER conditions.Fig.8b shows the current density of the NiCo 2O 4at 0.7V derived from state polarization curves at a scan rate of 1mV s À1after given number of CV cycles between 0.2and 0.7V at a scan rate of 100mV s À1versus scan cycles.It can be clearly seen that 90.2%of the original catalytic current for NiCo 2O 4NWAs can be retained after 500scan cycles at a scan rate of 100mV s À1(the inset of Fig.8b),higher retention rate than 68.5%for Co 3O 4(Fig.S3a)and 49.2%for NiO (Fig.S3b).The enhancement of OER electrocatalytic activity and catalytic stability of the NiCo 2O 4NWAs may be mainly attributed to the advantageous morphology of NiCo 2O 4NWAs and the effect of Ni substitution of Co 3+in octahedral sites in the spinel Co 3O 4.As shown in Fig.9,the main reasons towards the enhancement of catalytic activity might be summarized in the following factors:(i)NiCo 2O 4NWAs offers several critical advantages,as the mainly advantage is the 1D ordered architecture facilitate electron transportation.The open space between NWAs facilitates the diffusion of electrolyte and the mesoporous structures with large surface areas associated with NWAs accelerate the surface reaction.(ii)The addition of Ni to the spinel lattice (more speci fically,replacing of octahedral Co sites with lower valence Ni)increases the conductivity and creates oxygen de ficient structure.(iii)The Ni doped nanowire arrays increase the reaction active sites creating ef ficient diffusion pathways for electrolyte ions,which signi ficantly enhance the intercalation of ions and the utilization rate of the electrode material.Furthermore,the ECSA could be calculated by using cyclic voltammetry measurement.As shown in Fig.S4,with the Ni doping,the ECSA of NiCo 2O 4increases and reaches ECSA of 140cm 2,whereas that of Co 3O 4and NiO are only 112.5cm 2and 63.75cm 2,respectively.The calculated result indicates the enhancement of catalytic activity by Ni doping.(iv)The oxygen vacancies give the distorted structure and the molecular level oxygen porosity may assist the adsorption of OH À,resulting in the fast OER kinetics.In consideration of the interestingly structural defects on the surface of NiCo 2O 4NWAs,the magnetic properties of the samples were also investigated.As shown in Fig.10a,the typical magnetization hysteresis loops for NiCo 2O 4,Co 3O 4and NiO samples at 5K display that the response of Co 3O 4and NiO are typical of antiferromagnetic (AFM)materials,in which the magnetization of Co 3O 4increases almost linearly with the magnetic field and the AFM NiO displays a hysteresis loop that can be ascribed to finite size effects,both of which are consistent with the studies reported for Co 3O 4and NiO [36,37].The spinel NiCo 2O 4shows ferrimagnetic (FM)nature with clear hysteresis loops,in which the nonlinear curves with nonzero remnant magnetization and coercivity can be clearly observed.The coercivity field (H c )of the NiCo 2O 4NWs is 2805Oe,and the corresponding remanent magnetization (M r )is 0.019emu g À1.As have been reported that H c is likely to have two main contributions apart from magnetocrystalline anisotropy:shape anisotropy,such as FM materials are known to have magnetic disorder at the surface and AFM-FM exchange coupling,where the ferromagnetic originates from the defects of interfaces.Based on the F-center mediated bound magnetic polaron theory (FCBMP)or bound magnetic polaron (BMP)theory [38],Ni 2+ions,on substitution of Co 3+,create oxygen vacancies nearby Ni 2+in the lattice,in which an electron trapped in an oxygen vacancy (F center)couple with the magnetic spins of the nearest Ni 2+ions within the radius of the hydrogen like orbit of the F center and forms a BMP,thereby imparts ferromagnetism.Therefore,both the NWAs structure and oxygen de ficient of NiCo 2O 4may contributed to increased H c at low temperatures.Fig.10b represents the field-dependentFig.8.(a)Chronoamperometry data (j –t)recorded on NiO,Co 3O 4and NiCo 2O 4at a constant potential of 0.65V;(b)CV curves recorded at 1st cycle and 500th cycle for NiCo 2O 4.1222Y.-Z.Su et al./Electrochimica Acta 174(2015)1216–1224。



广东药科大学学报Journal of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University Mar.2024,40(2)依托咪酯调节AMPK/NLRP3信号通路对急性心肌梗死大鼠心肌损伤的影响张化,王艳萍(郑州大学第一附属医院麻醉与围术期医学部,河南郑州450000)摘要:目的探究依托咪酯调节腺苷酸活化蛋白激酶(AMPK)/核苷酸结合寡聚化结构域样受体蛋白3(NLRP3)信号通路对急性心肌梗死(AMI)大鼠心肌损伤的影响。





Telbivudine, another L-nucleoside, is more potent than lamivudine but resistance still develops in 25% of HBeAg-positive and 11% HBeAgnegative patients after 2 years.
α干扰素在黑色素瘤中应用主要作用在于抑 制血管形成,促进血管内皮细胞衰老死亡
白细胞计数正常范围 成人 (4.0~10.0)×109/L; 儿童 (5.0~12.0 )×109/L; 新生儿(15.0~20.0)×109/L。 增高 急性化脓性感染(脓肿、脑膜炎、肺炎阑尾炎扁桃体炎等),某
些病毒感染(传染性单核细胞增多症,流行性乙型脑炎)白血病,类 白血病反应,糖尿病酮症酸中毒,严重烧伤,急性大出血,恶性肿 瘤及某些金属(如铅、汞等)中毒生理性增高见于新生儿月经期,分 娩,情绪变化及注射肾上腺素后等 减少 某些传染病(伤寒、副伤寒黑热病疟疾、病毒性肝炎、沙门菌属感染 等),某些血液病(再生障碍性贫血、非白血性或亚白血性白血病), 自身免疫性疾病(如系统性红斑狼疮等),脾功能亢进各种原因所致 健康搜索的脾肿大(如门脉肝硬化、班替综合征等),粒细胞缺乏症, 恶性组织细胞病,阵发性睡眠性血红蛋白尿,慢性理化损伤,电离 辐射(如X线等),肿瘤化疗及某些药物(磺胺氯霉素)反应等
在肝功能的检查中有γ-GTP(谷氨酰转肽 酶)这一项。70单位以下是正常,70单位 以上就容易被人怀疑为酗酒成性。
总胆红素total bilirubin,英文缩写TBIL 或STB。参考值:3.42~20μmol/L。总胆 红素是直接胆红素和间接胆红素二者的总 和。总胆红素升高就是人们常说的黄疸。
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The myocardial performance index (the Tei index)
Tei et al. devised and published an index of myocardial performance (the Tei index) that combines the evaluation of the LV systolic and diastolic function. In last decades, the Tei index has proved to be a reliable method for the evaluation of LV myocardial performance, with clear advantages over older established indices and prognostic value in many kinds of heart disease. The Tei Index was assessed in dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure and showed a good correlation with the LVEF and NYHA class as well a prognostic value for short- and longterm outcome. Patients with acute myocardial infarction had Tei Index values higher than healthy controls, and higher values have been observed in patients with more severe coronary disease and with more complicated course.
It is not affected by wall motion abnormalities.Sometimes mitral regurgitant jet velocities can be difficult to record in case of eccentric reg function can be evaluated in many ways, such as M-mode echocardiography, tissue Doppler imaging, and speckle tracking echocardiography.This latter is a relatively new tool to assess LV function through measurement of myocardial strain, with a high temporal and spatial resolution and a better inter- and intraobserver reproducibility compared to Doppler strain. It is angle independent, not affected by translation cardiac movements, and can assess simultaneously the entire myocardium along all the three-dimensional geometrical(longitudinal, circumferential, and radial) axes. Speckle tracking echocardiography also allows the analysis of LV torsion. The aim of this paper was to review the main echocardiographic parameters of LV systolic function and to describe its pros and cons.
Measurement of LV ejection fraction and stroke volume
Limitations of ejection fraction measurement
The principal technical limitations are the difficulty to obtain true two- and four-chamber apical views in some patients.
ventricular aneurysms, asymmetrical ventricles, wall motion abnormalities
Conventional Doppler indices of global left ventricular function
The Doppler dP/dt
The human heart has a complex structure of muscular fibers, organized in layers. Left ventricular (LV) sub-endocardial and sub-epicardial fibers have a longitudinal disposition, from the apex to the base, drawing a spiral around the ventricle (subepicardial are clockwise oriented,sub-endocardial are counter clockwise, seen from apex to the base), while the mid-wall fibers are circumferential.Contraction and release of all these fibers generates a complex deformation and movement of the LV walls both in systole and diastole. The final global result is systolic blood ejection into the aorta and diastolic ventricular filling.
Left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF)
The LV ejection fraction (EF) has important implications in diagnosis, management, and prognosis of many pathological conditions, especially in heart failure, ischemic, and valvular diseases. LVEF could be easily calculated through endocardial border delineation, or alternatively, it can be “eyeball” estimated,It is one of the most used parameters to evaluate the LV systolic function.The most commonly used and recommended echocardiographic 2-D measurement for volume measurements is the modified Simpson’s rule with biplane planimetry,According to the European and American Society of Echocardiography, its normal value is above 55 %, while a value ranging from 45 to 54 %, 30 to 44 %, and <30 % represents a mild, moderate, and severe systolic dysfunction, respectively.
Echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular systolic function: from ejection fraction to torsion
超声心动图评价左室收缩功能:从射血 分数到扭转
Assessment of left ventricular (LV) systolic function is the cornerstone of the echocardiographic examination. There are many echocardiographic parameters that can be used for clinical and research purposes,each one with its pros and cons. The LV ejection fraction is the most used one due to its feasibility and predictability,but it also has many limits.LV longitudinal function is expression of subendocardial fibers contraction. Because the subendocardium is often involved early in many pathological processes, its analysis has been a fertile field for the development of sensitive parameters.