【英美概况】【课堂笔记】美国宗教religion in United States

Many protestants and deists could agree
● “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights”
● “the laws of nature and nature’s God” entitled them to a new nation
church in several colonies, protestants lived side by side in relative harmony
The Great Awakening
● The Great Awakening of the 1740s, a “revival” movement which sought to breathe new feelings and strength into religion cut across of the lines of protestant religious groups ,or denominations.
“Three faiths” model of the United States
Unit 6 Religion In the United Stated
Religious Liberty Protestants in the United Stated Catholics Three Faiths Religious Diversity
Early American Religions
New Presbyterians from Scotland
● Huguenots from France ● Congregationalists puritans dominated in

▪ The Declaration of Independence states: “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights.”
Teaching aims:
▪ to understand religion liberty and diversity in the United States.
Major Points:
▪ American History and Religious Liberty ▪ Protestants in the United States ▪ Catholics ▪ Three Faiths ▪ Religious Diversity ▪ American Character of Religion
and New Jersey; ▪ Presbyterians from Scotland; ▪ Huguenots from France; ▪ Congregationalists (Puritans ) in New England.
As a result:
▪ Protestants lived side by side in harmony and they had already begun to influence each other.

EDUCATION IN THE USAGoing to School in America TodayAmerican education has the goal of achieving universal literacy and to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote both their own individual welfare as well as that of the society.About 90% of American students attend public schools and the other 10% attend private schools. Most private schools are run the churches, synagogues or other religious groups; these schools teach about their religion as well as the usual subjects such as mathematics, English, science, history and geography.The costs involved in providing education are veryhigh and therefore it is constantly under review by governments and by citizens. The spending of money is guided by boards of education at the state anddistrict level. The same is true for decisions about school curriculum, teacher standards and certification, and the measurement of student progress.Education - A Local MatterEducation is mainly in the hands of the states andlocal governments; it is not controlled by the federal government.Each child in America is guaranteed 13 years education, regardless of the child’s race, sex, religion, learning problems, physical handicap or inability to speak English. Each of the 50 states in the USA hasits own laws concerning education such as the school leaving-age of students.Americans like to educate their children about major public concerns, such as environmental pollution, nuclear issues, crimes and drugs. Boards of education can add courses to the curriculum, if they think that they are important for the students.What an American Student LearnsThere is no national curriculum in the USA but there are some subjects that maybe taught to all students from kindergarten to grade 12.Elementary school•Elementary school usually means all grades fromkindergarten through to grade 8.•Almost every elementary school teaches thefollowing subjects: mathematics, English,penmanship, science, social studies (a subjectthat includes history, geography, citizenship and economics) and the use of computers.Secondary school (high school)Secondary school generally means grades 9 to 12. The core subjects required to be taught in secondary schools are English, mathematics, science, social studies and physical education.In addition to the required subjects, the student can to choose elective courses. For instance, if theycomplete the required work in American History, they are then able to take additional history related units such as European History and World Political Issues.Students can be guided in their choice of electives by school counsellors, who can suggest electives ranging from very specialized academic subjects to those that are more vocational in nature. Some secondary schools specialize in particular types of subjects such as business education, foreign languages or industrial trades.At all levels of education, students are expected to work hard, complete assignments, complete homework and show respect to their teachers and professors.Higher EducationAbout 33% of high school student graduates go on to higher education.The system of higher education in the USA is complex. It comprises four categories of institutions:1.The university – which offers bachelor’s degrees,master’s degrees and doctoral degrees.2.The college - which only offers four-yearbachelor’s degrees, this sort of college is notpart of a university.3.the technical training institution – which offersa wide range of courses, some short and others upto four years, and where students can learn avariety of technical skills ranging fromhairdressing to business accounting.4.The two-year community college – where studentsstudy for 2 years for a qualification which thenallows them to go on and complete their degree(another two years) at a university.Some Bachelor level degrees have an emphasis on developing a well-rounded person and some Bachelor degrees are directly aimed at a particular career path.Many universities have gained a strong reputation for the high quality of their educational programs. Some of the most prestigious universities receive a very large number of applications, and to get a place at one of these prestigious universities is very difficult.Factors that determine the status of the university are:•Quality of the teaching•Quality of research done there (very important)•Amount of funding available for libraries•Number of applicants for admission•Quality of facilitiesThe most desirable universities are usually the most expensive but their graduates have a distinct advantage when it comes to finding employment.University for AllAfter World War 2 the government passed a law offering financial assistance to returned soldiers (veterans) who wished to go to higher education colleges. Many veterans took up the opportunity, because they thoughtthat it would improve their chances of getting a good job.This changed the image of who should go to college. Previously, only a small percentage of school-leavers were accepted by colleges and universities. After the veterans started attending college, many other groups also started to attend college. For instance, the enrolment of women and African-American students greatly increased after this.By this time, racial segregation had been deemed unconstitutional, and the opportunities for African-American students to enter higher education improved dramatically.About the photo: A Fort Myer, Virginia school September 8, 1954 taken shortly after a unanimous ruling that segregation in education was inherently unequal as a result of the case of Brown vs. the Board of Education.)Universities and colleges went on to develop ways to give school leavers greater access to their programs. For example, many universities changed their entrance requirements, so that they not only took students’high school performance and entrance scores intoconsideration, but also their the talents, voluntary activities and “life experiences”.What success did these programs have?•American students have become an increasinglydiverse group.•By 2000 there were 128 women for every 100 men in higher education.•Also by 2000, f or every 100 master’s degreesawarded to men, there were 138 awarded to women•Universities and colleges were enrolling an increasing number of non-traditional students, for instance, students who enroll after working for some time, or students who study part-time and work part-time. By 2000, 50% of college students were 25 years or older and 43% were part-time.。
Unit 6 Religion in the United States

White Anglo-Saxon Protestant 盎格鲁撒克逊裔的白人新教徒
Religious Liberty
By the middle of the 18th century, many different kinds LOGO of Protestants lived in America.
The government supports all religions. Religious groups do not pay taxes in the United States.
But government does not pay ministers' salaries or require any belief not even a belief in God -- as a condition of holding public office. Oaths are administered, but those who, like Quakers, object to them, can make a solemn affirmation, or declaration, instead. The truth is that for some purposes government ignores religion and for other purposes it treats all religions alike at least as far as is practical. When disputes about the relationship between government and religion arise, American courts must settle them.

Religious beliefs in the US
作为一个多元文化的移民国家,与人的数百种不同的 种族背景,美国现在已经成为世界上宗教最多元的国 家之一。更重要的是,人口普查数据显示,大多数美国 人承认宗教在他们的生活中扮演非常重要的角色,这 一比例是发达国家中非常罕见
As a multicultural country of immigrants, with people of hundreds of different ethnic backgrounds, the United States has now become one of the most religiously diverse nations on the globe. What’s more, according to census data, the majority of Americans admit that religion plays an extremely important role in their lives, a proportion that is very rare these days among developed nations.
Nearly 80% of Americans belong to a variety of denominations of Christianity
About 7% of American are Muslim Judaism develop in the Jew. Numbers of Asian American are Buddhists.

Religious Liberty
❖ By the middle of 18th century, many different kinds of Protestants in America.
Religion in the United States
❖ Religious Outlook of Americans ❖ Religious Liberty ❖ Three Faiths and Religious Diversity ❖ American Character of Religion
b) The church is a place where people can meet others with whom they would like to make friends. People go to church and it helps them feel that they have a place in a community.
❖ 2. The U.S.A is a highly developed country with modern science, yet it is also a country of religion, in which people have religious fervency. Why religions are so important for an American? (参考textbook p92 2nd character, p93)
(2)People may wonder how anyone can believe in an all-powerful, positive force that would allow so much evil and suffering to exist in the world.
朱永涛《英美文化基础教程》笔记和课后习题详解(宗 教)【圣才出品】

第5章宗教5.1 复习笔记Religion1. Religious freedom in America2. Religion and Education3. Protestantism in America4. The Protestant Episcopal Church in America5. The Baptists in America6. The Methodists in America7. Catholics in the U S8. Jewish AmericanReligion(宗教)1. Religious freedom in America(美国的宗教自由)(1) America is remarkable now, as in the past, for its attachment to the principle of freedom of belief or disbelief.(2) As the early Americans had escaped from religious persecution in their home land, they were determined to build a society without religious oppression.(3) The Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution guaranteed the freedomof belief and disbelief.(4) Great care has been taken to ensure that non-believers are not made subject to religious laws desired by those who are religious. One example of this was the Sunday mails law of 1810.(1) 与过去一样,美国仍以其宗教信仰自由而著称。
美国宗教介绍Religion in the United States

Religious Diversity:Other Kinds Of Religion
Thank you!
Religion In The United States
Religion In The United States
Religious Liberty Religious Diversity
Religious Liberty
The Declaration of Independence – “endowed by their creator” and “laws of nature and of nature's God”
Many religious communities (宗教团体) and secular utopias (世俗的乌托邦组织), experiments in new forms of social living (试 验新的生活方式的团体),were founded in 18th and 19th century America. Many small sects(教派)and cults(信徒) appear in American society all the time.
Religious Diversity:Three Main Faiths
By the 1950s, the above three faiths model of American religion had developed.
Religious Diversity:Other Kinds Of Religion
More than 60% of Americans are said to be Protestant believers
American religion

History of Christianity
Christianity is based upon the teachings of Jesus Christ, a Jew who lived his life in the Roman province of Palestine. Christians view him as the Messiah foretold in the Old Testament and as the Son of God, who provided salvation and reconciliation with God to humankind by dying for their sins, then raising himself from the dead.
Mary and child Jesus
The Old Testament and The New Testament. Holy book of both Judaism and Christianity. • Old Testament (旧约): an account of the creation of the world (Genesis创世纪), the stories of the life and history of the early men and of the ancient Hebrews (Exodus出埃及记). • New Testament (新约):an account of the life and teaching of Jesus Christ and his followers. The Gospel(福音): Christ’s Birth; Christ’s Crucifixion and Resurrection, etc.; Jude(犹大书) ; Revelvation(启示录)

Religious Experience
Common Phenomerity Sacred Readings Organization Rituals Leaders and Believers
Islamism: Qur’an 古兰经 Confucianism: The Analects论语
II. The American people are quite religious.
美 国 总 统 布 什 宣 誓 就 职
III. P81-p1
American mainstream culture
----WASP ----White Anglo-Saxon Protestant ----residents of the first 13 colonies
More than ¼ of all Americans are now of the Roman Catholics. The majority of the Catholics are descendents of immigrants from Ireland, Italy and Poland.
Bible Belt
Followers of John Wesley
Next to the Baptists, the most numerous Protestants are the Methodists. Most Methodists are united in the Methodist Church, which has a form of service based on that of the Church of England.

▪ The Declaration of Independence states: “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights.”
▪ John F. Kennedy’s presidential election victory put to rest the Catholic religion as an issue in national politics.
Catholic schools and the problems
New Jersey; ▪ Presbyterians from Scotland; ▪ Huguenots from France; ▪ Congregationalists (Puritans ) in New England.
As a result:
▪ Protestants lived side by side in harmony and they had already begun to influence each other.
Unit 6 Religion in the United states
Teaching aims:
▪ to understand religion liberty and diversity in the United States.

EDUCATION IN THE USAGoing to School in America TodayAmerican education has the goal of achieving universal literacy and to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote both their own individual welfare as well as that of the society.About 90% of American students attend public schools and the other 10% attend private schools. Most private schools are run the churches, synagogues or other religious groups; these schools teach about their religion as well as the usual subjects such as mathematics, English, science, history and geography.The costs involved in providing education are very high and therefore it is constantly under review by governments and by citizens. The spending of money is guided by boards of education at the state and district level. The same is true for decisions about school curriculum, teacher standards and certification, and the measurement of student progress.Education - A Local MatterEducation is mainly in the hands of the states and local governments; it is not controlled by the federal government.Each child in America is guaranteed 13 years education, regardless of the child’s race, sex, religion, learning problems, physical handicap or inability to speak English. Each of the 50 states in the USA has its own laws concerning education such as the school leaving-age of students.Americans like to educate their children about major public concerns, such as environmental pollution, nuclear issues, crimes and drugs. Boards of education can add courses to the curriculum, if they think that they are important for the students.What an American Student LearnsThere is no national curriculum in the USA but there are some subjects that maybe taught to all students from kindergarten to grade 12.Elementary school•Elementary school usually means all grades from kindergartenthrough to grade 8.•Almost every elementary school teaches the following subjects:mathematics, English, penmanship, science, social studies (a subject that includes history, geography, citizenship and economics) and the use of computers.依F ELL AR Sm eSecondary school (high school)Secondary school generally means grades 9 to 12. The core subjects required to be taught in secondary schools are English, mathematics, science, social studies and physical education.In addition to the required subjects, the student can to choose elective courses. For instance, if theycomplete the required work in American History, they are then able to take additional history related units such as European History and World Political Issues.Students can be guided in their choice of electives by school counsellors, who can suggest electives ranging from very specialized academicsubjects to those that are more vocational in nature. Some secondary schools specialize in particular types of subjects such as business education, foreign languages or industrial trades.At all levels of education, students are expected to work hard, complete assignments, complete homework and show respect to their teachers and professors.Higher EducationAbout 33% of high school student graduates go on to higher education. The system of higher education in the USA is complex. It comprises four categories of institutions:1.The university - which offers bachelor’s degrees, master’s degreesand doctoral degrees.2. The college - which only offers four-year bachelor’s degrees, thissort of college is not part of a university.3.the technical training institution - which offers a wide range ofcourses, some short and others up to four years, and where students can learn a variety of technical skills ranging from hairdressing tobusiness accounting.4.The two-year community college - where students study for 2 yearsfor a qualification which then allows them to go on and completetheir degree (another two years) at a university.Some Bachelor level degrees have an emphasis on developing a well-rounded person and some Bachelor degrees are directly aimed at a particular career path.Many universities have gained a strong reputation for the high quality of their educational programs. Some of the most prestigious universities receive a very large number of applications, and to get a place at one of these prestigious universities is very difficult.Factors that determine the status of the university are: •Quality of the teaching•Quality of research done there (very important) •Amount of funding available for libraries•Number of applicants for admission•Quality of facilitiesThe most desirable universities are usually the most expensive but their graduates have a distinct advantage when it comes to finding employment.University for AllAfter World War 2 the government passed a law offering financial assistance to returned soldiers (veterans) who wished to go to higher education colleges. Many veterans took up the opportunity, because they thoughtthat it would improve their chances of getting a good job.This changed the image of who should go to college. Previously, only a small percentage of school-leavers were accepted by colleges and universities. After the veterans started attending college, many other groups also started to attend college. For instance, the enrolment of women and African-American students greatly increased after this.By this time, racial segregation had been deemed unconstitutional, and the opportunities for African- American students to enter higher education improved dramatically.About the photo: A Fort Myer, Virginia school September 8, 1954 taken shortly after a unanimous ruling that segregation in education was inherently unequal as a result of the case of Brown vs. the Board of Education.)Universities and colleges went on to develop ways to give school leavers greater access to their programs. For example, many universities changed their entrance requirements, so that they not only took students, high school performance and entrance scores intoconsideration, but also their the talents, voluntary activities and “life experiences” .What success did these programs have?•American students have become an increasingly diversegroup.•By 2000 there were 128 women for every 100 men inhigher education.•Also by 2000, for every 100 master’s degrees awarded tomen, there were 138 awarded to womenUniversities and colleges were enrolling an increasing number of non-traditional students, for instance, students who enroll after working for some time, or students who study part-time and work part-time. By 2000, 50% of college students were 25 years or older and 43% were part-time.。
Religion in America 美国宗教

The majority of the Catholics are descendants of immigrants from Ireland, Italy and Poland. They were concentrated in New York and Massachusetts.
Until the late 19th century, most Jews in American were of German origin. Many of them belonged to the Reform movement, a liberal branch of Judaism which had many adjustment to modern life. When Jews began coming to America in great numbers, anti-Semitism appeared. They formed an organization to compact prejudice.
Religion in America
Three Main Faiths
Catholics Protestants Jews 天主教 新教 犹太教
The majority of Americans (60%) belong to the protestant church, more than 150 million. Main denominations of the prot Methodists 浸礼宗派 卫斯理宗派
The Baptist is the largest protestant group in America. They believe in adult Baptism (成年人洗礼仪 式) by immersion, symbolizing a mature and responsible conversion experience.
美国宗教Religion in the United States

I. The Pervasive Influence of Religion on America Socie
A. Political life B. The development of education C. The growth of economy
1. References to God in official customs and acts 2. “One nation under God” “In God We Trust”
Page 7
III. Major Religious Groups in America
B. Roman Catholics
The largest unified religious body—50 million
Descendants of immigrants from Ireland, Italy and Poland
IV. The Main Characteristics of Religion in America
A. Characteristics of religion
1. Diversity
6. Tolerance
2. Freedom
Characteristics of religion
5. Privacy
A. The most religious country in the developed world B. Explanations
II. Religious Americans
Religious tradition complete religious freedom guaranteed by the Constitution Search for social conformity and emotional security

See Obama and religion often linked
This is a 2011 map of American religious believers, it is clear that religious doctrine southern United States was more than the north, while the eastern region the least.
Then we show is over. ThanUnited States that Members believers, ordinary American citizens are believers.
I believe we saw so many pictures also know about religion religion in some cases in the United States. Also know the importance of religion to the United States.
The meaning of this picture very clearly shows that the proportion and number of Parliament's religious beliefs.
Assembly and Senate have no faith in only one.
From this we can see the influence of religious doctrine on how the United States.
This is one pair of religious findings. Obviously, most Americans are religious.
Religion in the United States-I

“WASP” Culture
"WASP" stands for white Anglo-Saxon
Protestant (盎格鲁-撒克逊白人新教). The majority of the early settlers who came to America from Europe belonged to the various Protestant churches. Their religion and culture had a great impact on the formation of the American mainstream culture.
Constitutions of American Religions
Protestants Catholics Jewish
And more…
Varieties of Protestants The Largest Groups Lutherans; Germany, Baptist, 浸礼会教徒 Dutch-reformed “浸,洗” (to dip, wash)+ist,即施洗礼者 Presbyterian; Scotland Methodist,卫理公会教徒 Huguenot; France Presbyterian长老会教徒 Congregationalist; Episcopalian圣公会教徒 puritans
Hendrik William Van Loon
Course Assessment
Total credit: 100 Final Exam: 60 (60%) Regular Grade: 40 (40%) Attendance: 10 Five Tests: 10 Group Work: 10 Class performance: 5 One study paper: 5
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RELIGION in the UNITED STATESReligious Liberty∙“Among the rights which the new nation guaranteed, as apolitical necessity in a religiously diverse society, wasfreedom of religion” (p. 86)∙The Constitution forbade the government to give specialfavours to any religion, nor were they allowed to stop orinterfere with religion. The USA was determined it wouldhave no state-supported religion.∙When there is a disagreement between the government andany religion, the American courts must settle it. Protestants in the United States∙60% of Americans are Protestant believers. The Baptists are the largest Protestant group.* The largest concentration ofBaptists live in the Southern States of America and, although some Southern Baptists have liberal attitudes to blackAmericans, many believe and practice racial discrimination and prejudice towards them.∙Most black Americans are Baptists too, but they go todifferent churches than the white Americans. Church is amajor social and community centre for the black churchgoers. ∙There are over a 100 Protestant sects in America. Theyexpress variety on a theme, rather than major differences inbelief. In recent decades there has been an increase in thenumber of fundamentalist churches, which often use themedium of television to communicate with citizens. Thesefundamentalists are sometimes extreme in their views. Catholics∙The largest single religious group is the Roman Catholics.More than 25% of Americans identify themselves as Catholics.The increase in the number of Catholics is mainly due to laterimmigration waves of Irish, Polish and Italians. For instance, over a million Irish Catholics left Ireland, due to a famine there that saw many suffer starvation.∙There was significant prejudice against the Catholics by the Protestants. *∙In the 1950s, many Catholics began to question the idea of the separation of Church and State. The Catholic Church had developed many social institutions, including schools, to preserve their faith. The Church wanted the government to help fund the cost of these schools. The Supreme Court was asked to rule whether this would be unconstitutional. TheCourt ruled that it was unconstitutional, and that thegovernment could not help religious schools.Three Faiths∙By the 1950s, a kind of “three faiths” model of USA haddeveloped. All Americans were considered to come in one of three basic varieties: Protestant, Catholic and Jewish.∙The Jews were a small minority in the first years of theAmerican republic. Later, many Jews came to the USA and became successful. There are now many Jews in the various professions and in the academic world.Anti-Semitism appeared as the numbers of Jews grew. In response to prejudice and discrimination, Jews formed organisations to fight this. These organisations attempted to educate Americans about the injustice of prejudice.“People are complicated. They are the combinations of good and evil, beauty and ugliness, truth and falsehood, wisdom and stupidity.”He Manzi (1919- ), Chinese writer.Religious DiversityThe USA has seen the growth of many new religiousmovements. There were many experiments, both religious and otherwise, in alternative living. Sometimes communitiesdeveloped with people who wanted to …opt out‟ of mainstream society because they considered mainstream society, corrupt or lacking in moral virtue. One the most well-known is theAmish communities of Pennsylvania.∙Sometimes the beliefs and practices of these sects conflict with American law. Two instances are: the Jehovah‟s Witnesses who want to refuse to allow blood transfusions when they have medical treatment, and the Mormons who believe that a man can have more than one wife.∙The Supreme Court has been asked to make decisions about whether these practices can be allowed or not. In both cases the Supreme Court said no they are not allowable. Another decision that is very well-known was the 1973 decision whichmade abortion legal, even though many Catholics and Jewscampaigned strongly against it being legalised. There still exists a strong emotional reaction to the issue of abortion.*Other world religions have been increasing their numbers in America for example Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism due to immigration trends.American Character of ReligionThere are 3 unique aspects to American religion:∙All Americans of different religions live together under thesame law. There is no stat e interference with people‟sreligious beliefs. There is no state religion. The variousreligious groups have coexisted more harmoniously inAmerica than in the Old World.∙Religious beliefs of Americans have a strong social element to them. Half of all Protestants are active church-members, and even more Catholics attend church regularly. Many attendchurch not only for religious reasons but also to make friendsand to become a part of the community. In contrast, 80% ofEngland‟s Protestants go to church le ss than once a month and in Sweden most citizens do not go to church at all.∙Every church is a completely independent organisation. Apart from having responsibility for finance and the buildings, thepreacher preaches what he/she thinks is important rather than instilling doctrine (church teachings) into the churchgoers. Why do so many Americans attend church?∙In American history, religion has not been associated withoppression or domination by other powerful institutions.∙Generally speaking, Americans have experienced greaterreligious freedom than Europeans.∙Churchgoing in America is seen as an opportunity tobecome a part of the community and to develop friendships.Key Points∙The American government guarantees religious freedom.∙The American Protestants have a very diverse range ofchurches and sects even though they have the same basicbeliefs.∙The Catholic Church is the single largest church in the USA.When immigrants from predominately Catholic countries, like Poland, Italy and Ireland, brought their religion with them.∙There was prejudice and discrimination against the Catholics and the Jews.∙Many Americans go to church for social as well as religiousreasons.∙Attendance at church in the USA is relatively high compared with many European countries.RESULTS OF SURVEY (1995-1997)It polls a statistically valid sample of adults from a total of 60 nations. Some of their findings from their 1995-1997 survey: The United States has a higher level of church attendance than any other country which is "at a comparable level of development."53% of Americans consider religion to be very important in their lives. This compares with 16% in Britain, 14% in France and 13% in Germany.The importance of religion has been declining in developed countries.In those countries which are "experiencing economic stagnation and political uncertainty," the importance of religion is high.。