














博世中国售后服务与诊断亚太地区经理致词——龚德龚德售后服务与诊断亚太地区经理博世贸易(上海有限公司前言目录前言目录培训团队介绍培训介绍-汽油课程培训介绍-管理课程培训介绍-多媒体课程课程体系及认证体系2011年博世服务培训课程计划EM-3/EM-5PT-3.2/AE-4ABS-1MT2.1/MT2.2培训申请报名流程培训证明培训介绍-基础课程PT-1.1/PT-3/SP1/AE-1培训介绍-柴油课程EM1.1/BP1.1/BP1.2EP1.1/EP1.2/EP1.3/EP1.4EP2.1/EP2.2/EP2.3/EP2.4/EP2.5/EP2.6EP3.1/EP3.2/EP3.3/EP3.41234-78-1415-17181920-212522-2426技术服务中心介绍北京/上海/扬州/深圳27-30培训团队介绍汽油培训师管理培训师张建华北京技术服务中心具有汽车检测设备计量管理及计量检定经历精通检测法规,检测标准等2002年加入博世培训团队,擅长博世检测设备检测原理及使用车辆检测结果诊断分析黄文林深圳技术服务中心具有20多年的维修站业务经历精通车辆维修,维修站管理等2005年加入博世培训团队,擅长博世检测设备检测原理及使用博世检测设备检测功能在故障分析实践王桂成北京技术服务中心具有12年的维修站业务经历精通车辆维修,车间业务管理等2008年加入博世团队,擅长汽油发动机管理系统的诊断与维修汽车电子电气系统的诊断与维修段永山北京技术服务中心具有15年的汽车维修、技术支持及培训经历精通车辆维修及维修站经营管理等2010年加入博世团队,擅长汽油发动机管理系统的诊断与维修汽车底盘机械、电器系统的诊断与维修柴油培训师王文山扬州技术服务中心自1996起从事博世柴油培训多年的博世柴油维修站运营和管理经验精通柴油喷射系统诊断柴油泵的维修和调校高压共轨系统诊断与维修高晓宏扬州技术服务中心自2006年起从事博世柴油培训擅长直列泵及调速器的维修柴油机电子控制系统的诊断共轨喷油器的维修汽车电子电器系统及柴油发动机相关技术等王昌友上海技术服务中心自2002起从事柴油业务超过6年的柴油售后市场服务经验自2008从事博世柴油培训精通柴油喷射系统诊断柴油泵的维修和调校培训团队成员介绍林艳雯上海技术服务中心培训邀请,培训护照及证书管理联系方式:yanwen.lin@郁国胜博世汽车售后服务中国技术服务中心经理联系方式:guosheng.yu@郑吉上海技术服务中心培训计划,课程内容咨询,认证体系咨询,课程调研联系方式:ji.zheng@江海鲲超过12年的汽车行业技术、管理工作经验自2003年开始经销商管理培训类及汽车4S店运营及售后管理工作擅长经销商管理运营经销商售后服务部运营管理经销商客户关系中心运营管理培训培训师▲▲ ▲▲▲ ▲▲▲ ▲▲▲ ▲▲▲ ___________▲▲▲__▲▲▲__▲▲▲▲______博世文化及配件产品(汽油非技术(PT-1.1培训对象博世产品用户、博世网络用户培训目的掌握博世汽车配件知识,提高经销配件的销售能力培训地点博世上海技术服务中心、博世北京技术服务中心、博世深圳技术服务中心主要内容▲ 博世品牌文化博世(上海有限公司介绍,Parts+Bytes理念,博世贸易公司的组织架构及业务范围,博世商标规范标准等▲ 基础知识部分各通用配件在车辆系统的作用;车辆电喷系统的系统介绍;各通用配件的结构及质量关键点;电喷系统组成及各配件所能实现的功能▲ 博世配件产品各博世配件产品的发展历史;博世电喷产品的产品结构;博世通用及电喷件的卖点▲ 电喷产品的故障诊断故障配件对电喷系统的影响;博世检测设备对故障部件诊断▲ 配件产品的拆卸与安装配件产品拆卸及安装流程及注意事项;所用设备、工具的使用说明▲ 博世配件产品的查询博世产品配件手册;ESI配件查询;“易配网”配件查询▲博世配件保修保修政策及流程;产品的失效断定前提条件从事汽车配件销售一年以上培训考核培训结束将进行毕业考核,合格者将获得博世公司颁布的培训证明基础课程1 987 AZ0 201培训时间 3天培训费用 800元/人颁布的培训培训对象博世维修站业务接待/修理工培训目的提升相关业务人员保养知识,规范保养业务流程,提升保养件销售培训地点博世上海技术服务中心、博世北京技术服务中心、博世深圳技术服务中心主要内容▲ 博世保养规范流程概述▲ 接车业务流程▲ 保养检查项目表,保养零件维护里程建议▲ 使用KT/KTS检查车辆(读取车辆故障信息,使用KTS “保养视图”功能▲ 保养操作专用工具的选择,保养零件的选择及零件更换注意点(ESI的相关应用滤芯的检查和更换;火花塞的检查和更换;齿型皮带的检查和更换;蓄电池,启发电机的检查与更换;制动盘片及制动液的检查与更换(制动液抽放机的选择;雨刮片的检查与更换;喇叭的检查与更换▲交车业务流程前提条件参加过<博世配件产品(汽油非技术>,并掌握相关知识培训考核培训结束将进行毕业考核,合格者将获得博世公司颁布的培训证明保养规范流程(SP1博世检测设备的运用(PT-3培训对象博世检测设备经销商、博世检测产品用户、博世维修站、意向客户、职校教师培训目的了解各类型的博世发动机检测设备,各类检测设备所实现的检测功能.提高博世发动机检测设备的使用率及销售能力培训地点博世上海技术服务中心、博世北京技术服务中心、博世深圳技术服务中心主要内容▲博世检测技术博世发动机检测设备历史;博世发动机检测设备综述▲ 博世发动机检测设备各博世发动机检测设备硬件介绍;检测设备检测软件介绍;博世发动机检测设备的卖点;检测设备常见故障排除▲ 发动机检测设备实操演示检测安全注意事项说明;设备硬件及软件结合完成典型检测项目▲ 学员实际操作实际操作工单说明;学员实际操作指导前提条件从事汽车检测设备服务,使用或销售1年以上培训考核培训结束将进行毕业考核,合格者将获得博世公司颁布的培训证明培训费用 800元/人培训费用 800元/人培训时间 3天培训时间 2天1 987 AZ0 2051 987 AT2 990新课程基础课程新课程培训对象 BDC/BDS/AD/DSP+培训目的能够根据车型、发动机正确查阅ESI[tronic]电路图并根据电路图运用万用表、KTS570或KTS670等分析检测电路常见故障及电器件的好坏培训地点:博世上海技术服务中心,博世扬州技术服务中心培训地点博世上海技术服务中心、博世扬州技术服务中心主要内容▲ 汽车电路的基本特点▲ 万用表的使用及其使用注意事项▲ 汽车电路基本原理及电路基础元件原子的组成;电流、电压、电阻的概念,电阻的类型;交流、直流的概念;欧姆定理;串联、并联和串并联电路及其规律;电路的常见故障: 短路、断路、高电阻现象;电容,半导体、二极管、三极管;模拟信号、数字信号、逻辑电路;保险、开关、电磁感应、继电器、线束及其修复▲ 电路基础元件的电路图形符号怎样阅读基础元件电路图形符号▲ 基于ESI[tronic]——SIS/CAS的各车型电路图怎样阅读电路图▲ 示波器的使用▲KTS570的使用运用万用表、示波器等在线检测电器件的好坏;运用搭接线、万用表等诊断电路的常见故障;KTS570数据流;KTS570数据流诊断发动机故障; 万用表和KTS570使用实操演示培训考核培训结束将进行毕业考核,合格者将获得博世公司颁布的培训证明汽车电器与电子基础(AE-1培训费用 1000元/人培训时间 3天1 987 AZ0 001基础课程培训对象 BDC/BDS/AD/DSP+培训目的能够掌握柴油机原理特别是燃烧基础理论培训地点博世上海技术服务中心、博世扬州技术服务中心主要内容▲ 讲解柴油机发动机的工作原理▲ 讲解柴油机的基本名词术语的概念▲ 讲解柴油发动机的主要性能指标及发动机性能指标随发动机工况变化的规律▲ 讲解柴油发动机的主要性能指标与影响因素的关系及影响因素随发动机工况变化的一般规律(否则就会影响发动机性能指标▲ 讲解柴油机的涡轮增压▲ 讲解柴油机混合气形成的特点和柴油机发动机的燃烧过程,强调燃烧过程三要素的重要性及其随发动机工况变化的一般规律▲ 讲解柴油发动机的排放污染的成因和排放控制策略▲讲解柴油发动机的常见故障原因培训考核培训结束将进行毕业考核,合格者将获得博世公司颁布的培训证明柴油发动机结构与工作原理(EM1.1培训时间 5天培训费用:1000元/人博世柴油直列泵及机械式调速器技术(EP1.1培训时间 3天培训对象 BDC/BDS维修工培训目的掌握柴油喷射技术基础理论知识,并能使用博世设备规范维修机械式直列泵及RSV/RQ/RQV/RQV-K调速器培训地点博世扬州技术服务中心主要内容▲ 柴油机燃油系统的组成和工作原理的介绍▲ 博世A型和P型直列泵的基本结构与工作原理▲ 博世RSV/RQ/RQV/RQV-K型调速器的基本结构与工作原理▲ 使用专用工具、按照零部件维修指南,拆解、检查和装配A型泵、P型泵及RSV/RQ/RQV/RQV-K调速器▲使用EPS619/711试验台和专用工具按正确调试过程调试A型泵、P型泵及RSV/RQ/RQV/RQV-K调速器前提条件拥有6个月以上喷油泵维修经验培训考核培训结束将进行毕业考核,合格者将获得博世公司颁布的培训证明1 987 AZ0 1021 987 AT2 991培训费用:1200元/人新课程柴油课程培训费用:1200元/人培训对象 BDC/BDS维修工培训目的能够根据相应的技术规范,独立地并规范地进行杰克塞尔RSV、RFD/RFD-K/RLD-J调速器的维修与调试培训地点博世扬州技术服务中心主要内容▲ 杰克塞尔RSV/RFD/RFD-K/RLD-J调速器的结构与原理▲ 使用专用工具、按照零部件维修指南,拆解、检查和装配杰克塞尔RSV/RFD/RFD-K/RLD-J调速器▲使用EPS619/711试验台和专用工具按正确调试过程调试杰克塞尔RSV/RFD/RFD-K/RLD-J调速器前提条件拥有6个月以上喷油泵维修经验培训考核培训结束将进行毕业考核,合格者将获得博世公司颁布的培训证明培训对象 BDC/BDS维修工培训目的能够根据相应的技术规范,独立地并规范地进行博世机械式分配泵VE-F的维修与调试,掌握带LDA/LFB/HBA和KSB等附件的功能原理及设定培训地点博世上海技术服务中心、博世扬州技术服务中心主要内容▲ 博世VE-F泵的的基本结构与工作原理▲ 附件LDA/HBA/LFB和KSB等的基本结构与工作原理▲ 使用专用工具、按照零部件维修指南,拆解、检查和装配博世VE-F泵▲使用EPS619/711试验台和专用工具按正确调试过程调试博世VE-F泵和对附件LDA/HBA/LFB和KSB等进行设定前提条件拥有6个月以上喷油泵维修经验培训考核培训结束将进行毕业考核,合格者将获得博世公司颁布的培训证明培训费用:1200元/人柴油课程培训对象 BDC/BDS/DSP+/DSP技术人员培训目的掌握柴油发动机喷油器基础理论,并能够独立地并规范地进行博世和杰克塞尔喷油器的维修工作培训地点博世上海技术服务中心、扬州技术服务中心主要内容▲发动机燃烧过程与可燃混合气的形成▲喷油器的基本结构与工作原理▲使用专用工具、按照零部件维修指南,拆解、检查和装配单、双弹簧机械式喷油器▲使用专用工具、按照零部件维修指南,进行共轨喷油器的第一阶段(油嘴更换维修EPS100和EPS200的设备介绍,正确连接和使用▲使用EPS100和EPS200检测设备和专用工具按正确调试过程调试单、双弹簧机械式喷油器和共轨喷油器前提条件从事柴油维修业务3个月以上培训考核培训结束将进行毕业考核,合格者将获得博世公司颁布的培训证明培训对象 BDC/BDS技术人员培训目的能够根据相应的技术规范,独立地并规范地进行博世直列泵EDC、H 泵维修与调试培训地点博世上海技术服务中心,扬州技术服务中心主要内容▲博世电控直列泵和H泵的基本结构与工作原理▲使用专用工具、按照零部件维修指南,拆解、检查和装配博世P-EDC和H泵▲调试博世P-EDC和H泵的设备介绍,正确连接和使用▲使用EPS619/711试验台和专用工具按正确调试过程调试博世P-EDC和H泵前提条件具备EP1.1培训证明或通过相关考试培训考核培训结束将进行毕业考核,合格者将获得博世公司颁布的培训证明培训费用: 1500元/人培训费用: 500元/人柴油课程培训对象 BDC/BDS技术人员培训目的能够根据相应的技术规范,独立地并规范地进行ZEXEL TICS喷油泵和电子调速器RED3/RED4的维修与调试培训地点博世上海技术服务中心、博世扬州技术服务中心主要内容▲ 杰克塞尔TICS喷油泵的基本结构与工作原理▲ 杰克塞尔电子调速器RED3/RED4的基本结构与工作原理▲ 使用专用工具、按照零部件维修指南,拆解、检查和装配TICS喷油泵RED3/RED4调速器▲ 调试TICS喷油泵RED3/RED4调速器的设备介绍,正确连接和使用▲ 使用EPS619/711试验台和专用工具按正确调试过程调试TICS喷油泵RED3/RED4调速器前提条件具备EP1.1或EP1.2培训证明或通过相关考试培训考核培训结束将进行毕业考核,合格者将获得博世公司颁布的培训证明培训费用:1500元/人培训对象 BDC/BDS技术人员培训目的掌握柴油机电子控制基础理论,独立地并规范地进行电控式分配泵VE-E/COVEC-F泵维修与调试培训地点博世上海技术服务中心,博世扬州技术服务中心主要内容▲ 博世VE-E泵的基本结构和工作原理▲ 杰克塞尔COVEC-F的基本结构和工作原理▲ 调试VE-E的控制箱EPS865/910设备介绍,正确连接和使用▲ 调试COVEC-F的控制箱设备介绍,正确连接和使用▲使用EPS619/711试验台和专用工具按正确调试过程调试VE-E/COVEC-F喷油泵前提条件具备EP1.3培训证明或通过相关考试培训考核培训结束将进行毕业考核,合格者将获得博世公司颁布的培训证明培训费用:1500元/人培训对象 BDC技术人员培训目的掌握时间控制类柴油电子控制系统基础理论,并能独立规范地进行博世VP44和VP29/30的维修工作培训地点博世上海技术服务中心、博世扬州技术服务中心主要内容▲ 博世VP44和VP29/30高压油泵的基本结构与工作原理▲ 使用专用工具、按照零部件维修指南,拆解、检查和装配博世VP44和VP29/30高压油泵▲ 调试博世VP44和VP29/30高压油泵的检测设备EPS815和VPM844的介绍,油泵在检测设备上的正确安装连接▲使用EPS815和VPM844检测设备和专用工具按正确调试过程调试博世VP44和VP29/30喷油泵前提条件具备EP1.3培训证明或通过相关考试培训考核培训结束将进行毕业考核,合格者将获得博世公司颁布的培训证明电磁阀控制式分配泵技术(EP2.4培训时间 3天博世电控单体泵/泵喷嘴技术(EP2.5培训时间 3天培训对象 BDC技术人员培训目的使用Cambox维修UI/UP 培训地点博世扬州技术服务中心主要内容▲ UI/UP型号识别▲ UI/UP结构介绍▲ UI/UP分解与组装▲ Cam box介绍▲ Cambox初始装配▲使用Cambox测试UI/UP前提条件已购买相应的工具装备培训考核培训结束将进行毕业考核,合格者将获得博世公司颁布的培训证明培训费用:1500元/人培训费用:1500元/人1 987 AZ0 1101 987 AZ0 115博世柴油产品失效分析与故障诊断(EP2.6培训时间 3天培训对象 BDC/BDS/BCS/AD/DSP/OES培训目的进行产品失效分析与发动机故障诊断培训地点博世上海技术中心扬州技术中心主要内容▲博世直列式燃油喷射系统结构与工作原理知识回顾▲标准的直列式燃油喷射系统测量与调整要求▲直列式燃油喷射系统常用元件失效分析▲博世分配式燃油喷射系统结构与工作原理知识回顾▲标准的分配式喷油泵测量与调整要求▲分配式喷油泵常用元件失效分析▲传统机械泵故障与发动机故障的关联度分析▲电控泵喷嘴、电控单体泵的基本工作原理▲电控单体泵与泵喷嘴在发动机上的安装注意事项▲电控泵喷嘴、电控单体泵常用零件失效原因分析前提条件掌握博世柴油系统产品知识培训考核撰写检测报告培训费用: 1500元/人共轨系统/共轨高压油泵维修技术(EP3.1培训时间 3天培训对象 BDC/BDS技术人员培训目的掌握共轨燃油喷射系统基础理论,并独立规范地进行博世共轨高压油泵的维修工作培训地点博世上海技术服务中心、博世扬州技术服务中心主要内容▲博世共轨高压油泵的基本结构与工作原理▲使用专用工具、按照零部件维修指南,拆解、检查和装配博世共轨高压油泵CP1H,CP3.3,CB18,CPN2.2BL▲调试博世共轨高压油泵的检测设备EPS815和CRS845的介绍,博世共轨高压油泵在检测设备上的正确安装连接▲使用EPS815和CRS845检测设备和专用工具按正确调试过程调试博世共轨高压油泵前提条件已购买相关工具设备培训考核培训结束将进行毕业考核,合格者将获得博世公司颁布的培训证明培训费用: 2000元/人1 987 AZ0 1131 987 AT2 994培训对象 BDC/BDS技术人员培训目的能够独立地并规范地根据博世共轨喷油器的维修概念和流程, 从事博世共轨喷油器的完全解决方案的维修工作培训地点博世上海技术服务中心、博世扬州技术服务中心主要内容▲ 博世喷油器的基本结构与工作原理▲ 博世共轨喷油器拆装工具的介绍,连接与使用▲使用专用工具、按照零部件维修指南,完成博世共轨喷油器第一、二、三阶段的拆解、检查和装配前提条件已购买相关工具装备培训考核培训结束将进行毕业考核,合格者将获得博世公司颁布的培训证明共轨喷油器第三阶段维修技术(EP3.3培训时间 3天培训费用:1200元/人培训对象 BDC/BDS技术人员培训目的掌握喷油器工作原理,能够独立地并规范地进行博世共轨喷油器的维修调试工作培训地点博世上海技术服务中心、博世扬州技术服务中心主要内容▲ 博世喷油器的基本结构与工作原理▲ 使用专用工具、按照零部件维修指南,完成博世共轨喷油器第一、二阶段的拆解、检查和装配▲ 调试博世共轨高压油泵的检测设备EPS815和CRS845/CRI846的介绍,博世共轨喷油器在检测设备上的正确安装连接▲使用EPS815和CRS845/CRI846检测设备和专用工具按正确调试过程调试博世共轨喷油器CRI1,CRI2.0/2.2,CRIN1/2前提条件已购买相关工具设备培训考核培训结束将进行毕业考核,合格者将获得博世公司颁布的培训证明共轨喷油器维修技术(EP3.2培训时间 3天培训费用:2000元/人1 987 AZ0 1141 987 AT2 995博世柴油共轨系统的诊断(EP3.4培训时间 3天培训对象 BDC/BDS/OES相关技术人员培训目的提升对博世柴油共轨系统的诊断和维修能力培训地点博世上海技术服务中心主要内容▲柴油发动机共轨系统的基本原理▲博世共轨系统的部件结构及原理▲共轨系统的保养不使用原装滤清器的影响;使用含有杂质(水、污垢和颗粒的柴油的影响▲共轨系统的故障诊断使用博世KTXXX/KTSXXX诊断仪;使用柴油套件1/2/3诊断低压和高压油路;喷油器的回油量测试;特殊工具的使用;使用故障指导思路解决共轨系统故障▲共轨总成部件更换修理(含特殊工具▲使用特殊工具和维修指导更换喷油器油嘴▲使用EPS200诊断测试共轨喷油器前提条件▲具备柴油基础类课程支持或相关培训证明▲拥有3个月以上柴油发动机方面的工作经验培训考核培训结束将进行毕业考核,合格者将获得博世公司颁布的培训证明培训费用: 2000元/人1 987 AZ0 015博世汽油发动机管理系统(EM-3培训时间 3天培训费用:800元/人培训对象博世产品用户及博世网络成员培训目的通过培训使学员掌握博世汽油发动机管理系统技术的应用培训地点博世上海技术服务中心,北京技术服务中心,深圳技术服务中心主要内容▲ 系统综述(ME系统特点介绍▲ ME的主要控制系统介绍:进气系统,燃油系统,点火系统▲ 电控单元(ECU设计描述▲ ME系统的主要控制策略介绍,包括:基于扭矩控制的理论,气缸进气量的计算,喷油计算和控制,点火正时的计算和控制, 对不同运行工况的处理,怠速闭环控制,λ的闭环控制,爆震控制,驾驶性能改善▲ ME系统的综合诊断描述▲ 与其它系统的接口及通讯介绍▲ 博世发动机管理系统,传感器/执行器结构,功能及原理▲ 结合FSA740/KTS/ESI讲解主要传感器与执行器的数据查询、检测、波形测量等▲附加系统介绍(如:蒸发排放控制、增压控制、可变正时、二次空气喷射等前提条件参加过<博世文化及配件产品(汽油非技术>、<博世检测设备的运用>、<汽车电器与电子基础>,并掌握相关知识。



▪ 立体交叉作业时要
Hale Waihona Puke 注意安全精品课件,精彩无限!
▪ 安全警示标志牌是由安全色、几何图形和图像符号构成的, 用以表示禁止、警告、指令和提示等安全信息。
▪ 根据国家规定,安全色为红、黄、蓝、绿四种颜色。 ▪ 分禁止标志、警告标志、指令标志和提示标志四大类型。
▪ 边报警,边扑救; ▪ 先控制,后灭火; ▪ 先救人,后救物; ▪ 防中毒,防窒息; ▪ 听指挥,莫惊慌;
▪ 三项义务: 遵章守纪,服从管 理义务 学习安全知识,掌 握安全技能义务 险情报告义务
10.开工前 完工后的安全检查
▪ 开工前 了解生产任务、作业要求和安全事项。
▪ 工作中 检查劳动防护用品穿戴、机械设备运转安全装 置是否完好。
▪ 完工后 应将阀门、开关关好:气阀、水阀、煤气、电 气开关等; 整理好用具和工组箱,放在指定地点;
危险物品应存放在指定场所,填写使用记录, 关门上锁。
2 精品课件,精彩无限!
一、关注安全 关爱生命

▪ 当把人的生命比作是“1”时,生活就是在“1”
▪ 直接原因
▪ 间接原因
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪



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© Robert Bosch GmbH | Edition 10.2008Contents |3Corporate DesignPowerPoint PresentationIntroduction and Contact 3General Information 4 Basics, Output Media 5 B/W Printout, Hatching Types 6 Type Sizes7–8 Type Color 9 Colors 10 Tables, Images 11Basic Layout12 Slide Master 13 Default Title Slide 14 Default Text Slide15 Text Slide with Division Name 16BeQIK Signet17Charts18General Information 19 Colors 20–22Column charts 23 Line Graphs 24 Bar Charts 25 Pie Charts 26Examples27 Default Text Slides 28 Text/Image Slides 29Notes on versions30!!!!!!!AdditionsSections containing additions/changes compared to the 2007 version are identifiedwith a “ ”.!You can make your contribution to a globally strong, uniform Bosch brand identity by systemati-cally applying the specifications in this styleguide. It will also assure recognition of the Bosch brand in all application areas.You will find information and styleguides on appli-cations as well as downloads of the symbol/logo-type, typefaces and master files in the Bosch CD Extranet at: .This “PowerPoint Presentation” styleguide is part of a complete set of guidelines which will allow you to implement the Bosch Corporate Design at all levels.The PowerPoint slide master has been redesigned in line with the Corporate Design. The charac- teristic design elements, such as the horizontal stripes in corporate colors, and the horizontal alignment of the layout, have been transferred to the PowerPoint medium, thus guaranteeing uni-form identity and recognition. The header area is identified by a blue stripe, the footer area by a gray stripe. The Bosch symbol/logotype forms a fixed unit and is always placed in the footer.PowerPoint presentations use the “Bosch Office Sans” typeface. This typeface was developed specifically for use in Office programs. It is used in place of Arial.Due to the frequent application of beamer and on-screen presentations, the templates are designed in landscape format. Slides are also used in landscape format for presentations using an overhead projector since they cover the entire illuminated area.ContactRobert Bosch GmbH, C/SMC32Corporate Design Postfach 10 60 5070049 Stuttgart GermanyCorporateDesign.C_SMC32@Contents | Back | 73Page 4 General InformationPage 5Contents | Back |73General Information – Basics, Output MediaHeader and Footer 3T he contents of the header and footer are defined and identical for all PowerPoint presentations.E It is prohibited to make any changes in type sizein the header and footer, or add or remove any elements.Third-party Brands, Symbols, Signets3Third-party brands, other symbols and signets must not be placed inside the header or footeror anywhere else in the presentation. Exception: BeQIK signet (see page 17) and cooperations which require C/SMC approval.Background Motifs3S oftened, reduced hues or other images must not be used as slide background. This resultsin a barely readable or illegible type, particularly for a B&W printout.Exception: Title slide (see page 14)Output MediumS elect the most suitable output medium for your purpose:E Beamer or on-screen presentationE Printout on slides E Printout on paperT o reduce costs and optimize color reproduction, we recommend beamer presentations. When making beamer presentations, pay particular attention to the legibility of the type and color reproduction. Check the legibility of the type from the back row of seats in the room.W hen making color printouts, pay particular attention to uniformity of color reproduction. Color reproduction must be checked in theprintout.O verheads may only be printed using inkjet printers since this is the only printing process that retains color transparency. To achieve uni-form print quality, make sure you adhere to the instructions for selecting and setting the printer as defined by the CI.ET hese instructions are on the intranet at: http://www.intranet.bosch.de/ci/os/osc1/1/ Prisma/de/information/zertifizierung/ Hardware.htmBasics Less is MoreB rief, concise information is quicker and easier to digest.E Short sentences (max. seven words),telegram style.E Text is always left-aligned.E One item of information per sentence.E Simple, understandable expressions.E Short, precise headlines.Use an Easy LayoutE Do not overload slides.E Spread long, complex pieces of informationover several slides.3 Bosch Office Sans is the typeface used forthe entire PowerPoint presentation.3T he section title is always a single line and set in Bosch Office Sans Bold in 18 pt.In exceptional cases for long headlines: 15 pt 3 Standard: The standard default type size is 27 ptfor the slide headline, 18 pt for running text and chart labeling, 16 pt for table labeling and 13 pt for legends.3 Medium and small: For slides containing exten-sive information, the alternative type sizes may be used. For reasons of clarity, such cases should, however, remain the exception.3 It is only permitted to use the specified typefacesand sizes from one of the three tables on the left. 3 The type size and line spacing is stated inpoints (pt).3E mphasis may be highlighted in the text by using bold weight, not by underlining.3W hen making beamer presentations, pay par- ticular attention to the legibility of the type.Check the legibility of the type from the back row of seats in the room. If necessary, increase the size of the projection area on the screen.Exceptions: Alternative type sizes for slides containing extensive information 11111111to be set manually1C/SMC32 | Juli 2007 | © Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation,reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.Title 27 pt | Text 18 pt | Legend 13 pt3C/SMC32 | Juli 2007 | © Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation,reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.Title 24 pt | Text 15 pt | Legend 11 pt5C/SMC32 | Juli 2007 | © Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation,reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.Title 21 pt | Text 13 pt | Legend 9 pt2C/SMC32 | Juli 2007 | © Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation,reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.Title 27 pt | Text 18 pt | Legend 13 pt4C/SMC32 | Juli 2007 | © Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation,reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.Title 24 pt | Text 15 pt | Legend 11 pt6C/SMC32 | Juli 2007 | © Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation,reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.Title 21 pt | Text 13 pt | Legende 9 ptStandard (Table page 7)Medium (Table page 7)Small (Table page 7)Headline 27 pt Texts 18 pt Legends 13 pt123333333Headline 24 pt Texts 15 pt Legends 11 ptHeadline 21 pt Texts 13 pt Legends 9 pt123123E T ext color is black, except for the stipulated text Array color for header and footer.E I n exceptions, the prescribed primary colors (seenext page) may be used for headlines or emphasis provided there is sufficient contrast to the white background.E G ood legibility and sufficient contrast are toppriorities and must always be guaranteed:Always select a black typeface on a white back-ground for all slides containing text. In exceptions, you may use the inverse: white type on a black or dark blue background, e g. for labeling within bar charts, a section title on the header and a type-face in an image.E T he use of colored type on a colored background,e. g. yellow type on a green background or redtype on a blue background, is not permitted.The type becomes difficult to read or is illegible, especially on a black-and-white printout.E T exts must not be placed on softened or otherimages. This results in a barely readable orillegible type, particularly for a B&W printout.E T he correct color reproduction of the texts mustbe checked (see beamer presentations).Page 10Contents | Back |73General Information – Colors for Color Areas and TextSecondary ColorsPrimary ColorsColor Areas3T he primary and secondary colors of the Bosch color spectrum must be used. 3B osch Red is reserved exclusively for the logotype and may only be used sparinglyand for special emphasis.3T he primary colors are stored on the slide master. Blue is the dominant color of the Bosch brandidentity and should therefore be given preference.3T he secondary colors must be defined via the RGB values.Text3I n texts, the primary colors can be used for headlines or emphasis if there is sufficientcontrast to the white background.RGB 223, 0, 36# EF2614RGB 112, 112, 112# 707070RGB 167, 167, 167# A7A7A7RGB 221, 221, 221# DDDDDDRGB 66 | 92 | 143# 425C8FRGB 115 | 140 | 180# 73BCB4RGB 176 | 187 | 208# B0BBD0RGB 21 | 59 | 99# 153b63RGB 204 | 68 | 68# cc4444RGB 238 | 204 | 68# eecc44RGB 153 | 187 | 221# 99bbddPage 11Contents | Back |73General Information – Tables and ImagesTables ER estrict yourself to five or maximum seven columns and rows. Otherwise, the viewer will have problems taking in the information.EF or figures and acronyms, make a legend. Images, Photos, or DrawingsI n presentations, image elements have a brighten-ing and stimulating effect. Images also intensify the listener's memory capabilities.E Use images and cliparts sparingly.E Make sure image quality is high.3S oftened, reduced hues or other images must not be used as slide background. This resultsin a barely readable or illegible type, particularly for a B&W printout.3T hird-party brands, other symbols and signets must not be placed inside the header or footeror anywhere else in the presentation.Exception: BeQIK signet (see page 17) and cooperations which require C/SMC approval.Contents | Back | 73Page 12 Basic DesignT he symbol/logotype must appear in the footerof all pages in the presentation. Every page is basedon the same basic layout to guarantee a uniformlayout of the presentation. This may not be changed.The basic layout is divided into three parts:Header: Blue stripe with section title andattachment reference.Presentation area: Central area for all content,such as text, charts, tables, images, and graphics.F ooter: Gray stripe with page number, Bosch divisionname (not for headquarter departments), symbol/logotype. All additional information, such as date,department abbreviation, and copyright notice,is placed in the footer.The typeface Bosch Office Sans is used in the entirePowerPoint presentation.Symbol and logotype form a fixed unit.It is prohibited to make any changes in typeface ortype size in the header and footer, or add or removeany elements.E Third-party brands, other symbols and signetsmust not be placed inside the header or footeror anywhere else in the presentation.Exception: BeQIK signet (see page 17) andcooperations which require C/SMC approval.The blue lines are for illustrative purposes onlyand are not part of the form.Keb]^8@^Z]ebg^3T he title slide acts as an emotive upbeat at the start of your presentation. Full-surface images are ideal for the title slide and should visualize the presentation topic. A preset text field containing the presentation title may appear on the image.Section title: Bosch Office Sans Bold 18 pt (exception 15 pt)T he section title is a single line and acts as an aid to structure the presentation. It indicates individual text parts that belong together.Attachment reference: Bosch Office Sans Regular 8 pt Slide headline: Bosch Office Sans Regular 27 pt/36 pt (line spacing)T he presentation title is a maximum of three lines and only appears on the title page.Footer: Bosch Office Sans Regular 7 pt/9 pt,RGB 221, 221, 221The section title is always a single line!G ood legibility and sufficient contrast are top priorities: Always select black type with a light image motifand white type with a dark image motif.EC heck that the color reproduction of text is correct on the printout.The blue lines are for illustrative purposes onlyand are not part of the form.K^\mbhg8Lbme^Keb]^8@^Z]ebg^888Jnggbg`8m^qm8:hl\a8G_y\^8KZgl8J^`neZk8 8im 123Y ou can select from a number of different slide types, e.g. text slides. There are default slides that contain default settings for type size, title and text positions, and colors.S ection title: Bosch Office Sans Bold 18 pt(exception 15 pt)The section title is a single line and acts as an aid to structure the presentation. It indicates individual text parts that belong together.Slide headline: Bosch Office Sans Regular 27 pt/36 ptT he slide headline describes the present slide in one line, in exceptional cases in two lines. It also helps to title a chart or a table.Running text: Bosch Office Sans Regular 18 pt/ 24 ptE Text is always left-aligned.E The default type size for the running text and labelingis 18 pt. If the slide contains a lot of information, the alternative type sizes may be used (see page 7) in exceptional cases.ES oftened, reduced hues or other images must not be used as slide background. This results in a barely readable or illegible type, particularly for a B&W printout.E Third-party brands, other symbols and signetsmust not be placed inside the header or footer or anywhere else in the presentation.Exception: BeQIK signet (see page 17) and cooperations which require C/SMC approval.The blue lines are for illustrative purposes only and are not part of the form.8 8 88 8 8Contents | Back | 73Page 18 ChartsChart Layout3I n general, try to use as few colors as possible for differentiation. 3D o not overload charts. Create two charts if the information and figures are too extensive.3W hen producing several charts, ensure that they are consistent in the use of color.3Do not use color gradients, 3-D views or shading.Y ou can select from a number of different chart types. For presenting and differentiating contents, the stipulated colors must be used.General Information3 The preset default type size for charts (axislabeling and values) is 18 pt.3 For labeling data (values) with extensive contents,the type sizes specified in the tables on page 7 must be used. These must be set manually.3 If possible, charts will be placed flush left withthe section title.3 Legends are always placed in the same position with-in a presentation, e.g. always to the right of the chart.3S oftened, reduced hues or other images must not be used as slide background. This resultsin a barely readable or illegible type, particularly for a B&W printout.Four-color chartsColor for emphasis3 T he four blue shades of the primary colorspectrum are stored on the slide master. Blue is the dominant color of the Bosch brand identity and should therefore be given preference.3 R ed may be used for emphasis or highlightingin charts.3 F or examples, see page 23 ff.Charts with five to a maximum of eight colors3 F or charts with five to a maximum of eight colors,the color spectrum illustrated here must be used.The colors must be selected manually from thespecified PPT color palette in the same order asyou can see on the left side.3 F or examples, see page 23 ff.Charts with three color gradients for interrelated areas3 F or charts with color gradients, the illustratedcolor spectrums must be used. The colors mustbe selected manually from the specified PPTcolor palette.3 F or examples, see page 23 ff.1C/SMC32 | Juli 2007 | © Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.3C/SMC32 | Juli 2007 | © Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.2C/SMC32 | Juli 2007 | © Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.4C/SMC32 | Juli 2007 | © Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.1C/SMC32 | Juli 2007 | © Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.3C/SMC32 | Juli 2007 | © Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.2C/SMC32 | Juli 2007 | © Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.4C/SMC32 | Juli 2007 | © Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.1C/SMC32 | Juli 2007 | © Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.3C/SMC32 | Juli 2007 | © Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.2C/SMC32 | Juli 2007 | © Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.4C/SMC32 | Juli 2007 | © Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.1C/SMC32 | Juli 2007 | © Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation,reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.2C/SMC32 | Juli 2007 | © Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation,reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.Contents | Back | 73Page 27 ExamplesDefault Text Slide, single-column Default Text Slide, two-column1C/SMC32 | Juli 2007 | © Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation,reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.Title 27 pt | Text 18 pt | Legend 13 pt 2C/SMC32 | Juli 2007 | © Robert Bosch GmbH 2007. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation,reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.Title 27 pt | Text 18 pt | Legend 13 ptKeb]^8@^Z]ebg^Keb]^8@^Z]ebg^Slide headline and Image Slide headline and four images8888:hl\a8G_y\^8KZgl8J^`neZk8 8im 8:hl\a8G_y\^8KZgl8J^`neZk8 8im 8:hl\a8G_y\^8KZgl8J^`neZk8 8im8:hl\a8G_y\^8KZgl8J^`neZk8 8im 8:hl\a8G_y\^8KZgl8J^`neZk8 8im 8:hl\a8G_y\^8KZgl8J^`neZk8 8imPage 30Contents | Back |73Notes on versionsVersion New versionVersion 2.006.2008Pages 7–8:Additional type sizes Pages 18–25:Chart coloring Page 28:Example of a default text slide。

汽车类产品PPT模版 (53)

汽车类产品PPT模版 (53)
感谢聆听 批评指导


ABS8系统主要技术定义 4个主动式轮速传感器 4通道的ABS液压模块 有EBD功能 诊断协议:CAN或者K线 通讯:CAN或者导线 制动灯开关信号:通过导线与ABS连接 ABS,EBD报警灯:主动式,通过CAN总线或导线 轮速信号输出:通过CAN或导线输出 38针博世标准接头 样品/量产/售后:湿式/干式/湿式模块
Chassis Control System Principle-ABS
典型的控制压力循环与车轮动态响应 1 2 3 4 5
1.轮缸压力随着主缸制动压力的增加而增加 2.车轮出现抱死趋势,进入压力保持阶段 3.车轮进一步出现滑移,进入压力降低阶段 4.进入压力保持阶段让车轮恢复稳定 5.车轮稳定后制动压力再次增加,进入下一个控制循环
Chassis Control System Principle-ABS
ABS防抱死系统随时监测所有车轮的转速信号,一旦 发现某一个或几个车轮有制动抱死的趋势,液压调节 模块能够及时地做出反应,终止轮缸压力的增加或降 低轮缸压力.在这种压力调节下,车轮始终保持着稳 定状态,从而确保车辆的操纵稳定性和最短的制动距 离.
被动安全系统-缓解事故产生 的伤害

气囊 安全带 头枕

防抱死制动系统ABS 牵引力控制系统TCS 电子稳定程序ESP
Introduction To Chassis Control System 典型的制动问题
紧急制动时无法在需要的距离内停车 原因分析:当车轮制动抱死时不能最大地利用地面摩 擦力 紧急制动时无法避让前方障碍物 原因分析:当车轮制动抱死时车辆不能转向
BOSCH Chassis control System-ABS


• 柴油机共轨燃油喷射系统的燃油喷射压力不受发动机转速的影响,低速时,油轨仍能产生很
• 电控高压共轨系统的特点: • 调节自由度大: • 喷射压力; • 喷射时刻; • 喷油量。 • 控制精度大大改进。
1) 预喷-Pre injection(冷起动)
• 电控高压共轨系统的高压油轨是共同的,因此称为共轨。系统的电脑根据工况和其他环境条
件,通过高压油泵,将高压油轨中的燃油压力控制在所需要的水平上,并通过对喷油嘴上泄 压阀的控制,以选择最佳的燃油喷射相位和喷射规律。
正常状态下的燃油喷射压力 由发动机转速和燃油喷射量 计算。
发动机起动时的燃油喷射量 在发动机起动时燃油喷射
量由发动机起动转速和冷却 液温度决定。
标准的燃油喷射量 标准的燃油喷射量由发动机转 速和加速踏板位置决定。
热膜式空气流量计是一个带 有逻辑输出的空气质量传感器, 为了获得空气流量,传感器元件 上的传感器膜片被中间安装的加 热电阻加热,膜片上的温度分配 被与加热电阻平行安装的温度电 阻测量。通过传感器的气流改变 了膜片上的温度分配,从而使得 两个温度电阻的电阻值产生差异。 电阻值的差异取决于气流的方向 和流量,因此空气流量传感器对 空气的流量和方向具有较高的要 求。微机械制造的传感器元件的 小尺寸和较低的热容量式的传感 器的响应时间<15ms。如需要可 以在传感器内部安装进气温度传 感器,用以测量进气温度。


I have lived a great deal among grown-ups. I have seen them intimately, close at hand. I have lived a
great deal among grown-ups. I have seen them intimately, close at hand.
I wouldn‘t care success or failure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance.
I wouldn‘t care success or failure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance.
Your Subtitle Here
I have lived a great deal among grown-ups. I have seen them intimately, close at hand. I have lived a great deal among grown-ups. I have seen them intimately, close at hand.
Your Subtitle Here
I wouldn‘t care success or failure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance.


体系审核 - 对应ISO/TS 16949:2009 (ISO9001:2008) 过程审核 - 对应VDA 6.3 (2010) 6.4.1
原则 9
原则 4
价值流 Q-Basics
应清楚地定义所有影响产品质量的过程参数, 并根据控制计划进行系统地检查。根据标准检 测所有必要的检验特征。 通过过程确认来检查给定参数的目标值/公差是 否得到遵循。系统化地记录和消除各项偏差。
体系审核 - 对应ISO/TS 16949:2009 (ISO9001:2008) 7.5.1,,, 8.1, 8.2.4 过程审核 - 对应VDA 6.3 (2010) 6.2.2
原则 8
应确定所有刀具的使用寿命;必须能够识别其当前 状态。 在移除或拆卸时必须对其进行质量评估。
价值流 Q-Basics
原则 8
价值流 Q-Basics
记录所有刀具当前的使用寿命。 建立对必要的或计划的刀具保养和更换具有及时提醒 功能的警示系统。 拆卸时必须检查每个刀具有无损伤/磨损状况;若有偏 差,应采取措施来确保产品质量。应清楚地规定重新 使用的流程(参见原则9),并且定期检查相关标准。
体系审核 - 对应ISO/TS 16949:2009 (ISO9001:2008), 8.5.3, 7.6.1 过程审核 - 对应VDA 6.3 (2010) 6.4.2, 4.7, 6.3.2
原则 7
应在每个工位建立维护标准并严格遵守。 价值流 Q-Basics
原则 7
价值流 Q-Basics
体系审核 - 对应ISO/TS 16949:2009 (ISO9001:2008) 8.5.2 过程审核 - 对应VDA 6.3 (2010) 6.2.1, 6.3.1, 6.5.3, 7.4



4th Edition, 07.20053rd Edition dated 06.19942nd Edition dated 05.19901st Edition dated 09.19872005 Robert Bosch GmbHTable of ContentsIntroduction (5)1. Terms for Statistical Process Control (6)2. Planning .........................................................................................................................................................8 2.1 Selection of Product Characteristics .................................................................................................8 2.1.1 Test Variable ........................................................................................................................8 2.1.2 Controllability ......................................................................................................................9 2.2 Measuring Equipment .......................................................................................................................9 2.3 Machinery .........................................................................................................................................9 2.4 Types of Characteristics and Quality Control Charts ......................................................................10 2.5 Random Sample Size ......................................................................................................................11 2.6 Defining the Interval for Taking Random Samples (11)3. Determining Statistical Process Parameters ................................................................................................12 3.1 Trial Run .........................................................................................................................................12 3.2 Disturbances ....................................................................................................................................12 3.3 General Comments on Statistical Calculation Methods ..................................................................12 3.4 Process Average ..............................................................................................................................13 3.5 Process Variation . (14)4. Calculation of Control Limits ......................................................................................................................15 4.1 Process-Related Control Limits ......................................................................................................15 4.1.1 Natural Control Limits for Stable Processes ......................................................................16 Control Limits for Location Control Charts .........................................................16 Control Limits for Variation Control Charts ........................................................18 4.1.2 Calculating Control Limits for Processes with Systematic Changes in the Average .........19 4.2 Acceptance Control Chart (Tolerance-Related Control Limits) .....................................................20 4.3 Selection of the Control Chart .........................................................................................................21 4.4 Characteristics of the Different Types of Control Charts . (22)5. Preparation and Use of Control Charts ........................................................................................................23 5.1 Reaction Plan (Action Catalog) .......................................................................................................23 5.2 Preparation of the Control Chart .....................................................................................................23 5.3 Use of the Control Chart .................................................................................................................23 5.4 Evaluation and Control Criteria ......................................................................................................24 5.5 Which Comparisons Can be Made? (25)6. Quality Control, Documentation .................................................................................................................26 6.1 Evaluation .......................................................................................................................................26 6.2 Documentation .. (26)7. SPC with Discrete Characteristics ...............................................................................................................27 7.1 General ............................................................................................................................................27 7.2 Defect Tally Chart for 100% Testing . (27)8. Tables (28)9. Example of an Event Code for Mechanically Processed Parts ....................................................................29 9.1 Causes .............................................................................................................................................29 9.2 Action ..............................................................................................................................................29 9.3 Handling of the Parts/Goods ...........................................................................................................30 9.4 Action Catalog .. (30)10. Example of an x -s Control Chart (32)11. Literature (33)12. Symbols (34)Index (35)IntroductionStatistical Process Control (SPC) is a procedure for open or closed loop control of manufacturing processes, based on statistical methods.Random samples of parts are taken from the manufacturing process according to process-specific sampling rules. Their characteristics are measured and entered in control charts. This can be done with computer support. Statistical indicators are calculated from the measurements and used to assess the current status of the process. If necessary, the process is corrected with suitable actions.Statistical principles must be observed when taking random samples.The control chart method was developed by Walter Andrew Shewhart (1891-1967) in the 1920´s and described in detail in his book “Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured Product”, published in 1931.There are many publications and self-study programs on SPC. The procedures described in various publications sometimes differ significant-ly from RB procedures.SPC is used at RB in a common manner in all divisions. The procedure is defined in QSP0402 [1] in agreement with all business divisions and can be presented to customers as the Bosch approach.Current questions on use of SPC and related topics are discussed in the SPC work group. Results that are helpful for daily work and of general interest can be summarized and published as QA Information sheets. SPC is an application of inductive statistics. Not all parts have been measured, as would be the case for 100% testing. A small set of data, the random sample measurements, is used to estimate parameters of the entire population.In order to correctly interpret results, we have to know which mathematical model to use, where its limits are and to what extent it can be used for practical reasons, even if it differs from the real situation.We differentiate between discrete (countable) and continuous (measurable) characteristics. Control charts can be used for both types of characteristics.Statistical process control is based on the concept that many inputs can influence a process.The “5 M´s” – man, machine, material, milieu, method – are the primary groups of inputs. Each “M” can be subdivided, e.g. milieu in temperature, humidity, vibration, contamination, lighting, ....Despite careful process control, uncontrolled, random effects of several inputs cause deviation of actual characteristic values from their targets (usually the middle of the tolerance range).The random effects of several inputs ideally result in a normal distribution for the characteristic.Many situations can be well described with a normal distribution for SPC.A normal distribution is characterized with two parameters, the mean µ and the standard deviation σ.The graph of the density function of a normal distribution is the typical bell curve, with inflection points at σµ− and σµ+.In SPC, the parameters µ and σ of the population are estimated based on random sample measurements and these estimates are used to assess the current status of the process.1. Terms for Statistical Process ControlProcessA process is a series of activities and/or procedures that transform raw materials or pre-processed parts/components into an output product.The definition from the standard [3] is: “Set of interrelated or interacting activities which trans-forms inputs into outputs.”This booklet only refers to manufacturing or assembly processes.Stable processA stable process (process in a state of statistical control) is only subject to random influences (causes). Especially the location and variation of the process characteristic are stable over time (refer to [4])Capable processA process is capable when it is able to completely fulfill the specified requirements. Refer to [11] for determining capability indices. Shewhart quality control chartQuality control chart for monitoring a parameter of the probability distribution of a characteristic, in order to determine whether the parameter varies from a specified value.SPCSPC is a standard method for visualizing and controlling (open or closed loop) processes, based on measurements of random samples.The goal of SPC is to ensure that the planned process output is achieved and that corresponding customer requirements are fulfilled.SPC is always linked to (manual or software supported) use of a quality control chart (QCC). QCC´s are filled out with the goal of achieving, maintaining and improving stable and capable processes. This is done by recording process or product data, drawing conclusions from this data and reacting to undesirable data with appropriate actions.The following definitions are the same as or at least equivalent to those in [6].Limiting valueLower or upper limiting valueLower limiting valueLowest permissible value of a characteristic (lower specification limit LSL)Upper limiting valueHighest permissible value of a characteristic (upper specification limit USL)ToleranceUpper limiting value minus lower limiting value:LSLUSLT−=Tolerance rangeRange of permissible characteristic values between the lower and upper limiting valuesCenter point C of the tolerance rangeThe average of the lower and upper limiting values:2LSLUSL C +=Note: For characteristics with one-sided limits (only USL is specified), such as roughness (Rz), form and position (e.g. roundness, perpen-dicularity), it is not appropriate to assume 0=LSL and thus to set 2/USLC= (also refer to the first comment in Section total of all units taken into considerationRandom sampleOne or more units taken from the population or from a sub-population (part of a population)Random sample size nThe number of units taken for the random sample Mean (arithmetic)The sum of theix measurements divided by the number of measurements n:∑=⋅=niixnx11Median of a sampleFor an odd number of samples put in order from the lowest to highest value, the value of the sample number (n+1)/2. For an even number of samples put in order from the lowest to highest value, normally the average of the two samples numbered n/2 and (n/2)+1. (also refer to [13])Example: For a sample of 5 parts put in order from the lowest to the highest value, the median is the middle value of the 5 values.Variance of a sampleThe sum of the squared deviations of the measurements from their arithmetic mean, divided by the number of samples minus 1:()∑=−⋅−=niixxns12211Standard deviation of a sampleThe square root of the variance:2ss=RangeThe largest individual value minus the smallest individual value:minmaxxxR−=2. PlanningPlanning according to the current edition of QSP 0402 “SPC”, which defines responsibilities. SPC control of a characteristic is one possibility for quality assurance during manufacturing and test engineering.2.1 Selection of Product CharacteristicsSpecification of SPC characteristics and their processes should be done as early as possible (e.g. by the simultaneous engineering team). They can also, for example, be an output of the FMEA.This should take• Function,• Reliability,• Safety,•Consequential costs of defects,•The degree of difficulty of the process,• Customer requests, and•Customer connection interfaces, etc.into account.The 7 W-questions can be helpful in specifying SPC characteristics (refer to “data collection” in “Elementary Quality Assurance Tools” [8]): Example of a simple procedure for inspection planning:Why do I need to know what, when, where and how exactly?How large is the risk if I don’t know this? Note: It may be necessary to add new SPC characteristics to a process already in operation. On the other hand, there can be reasons (e.g. change of a manufacturing method or intro-duction of 100% testing) for replacing existing SPC control with other actions.SPC characteristics can be product or process characteristics.Why?Which or what? Which number or how many?Where? Who?When?With what or how exactly?2.1.1 Test VariableDefinition of the “SPC characteristic”, direct or indirect test variable. Note: If a characteristic cannot be measured directly, then a substitute characteristic must be found that has a known relationship to it.2.1.2 ControllabilityThe process must be able to be influenced (controlled) with respect to the test variable. Normally manufacturing equipment can be directly controlled in a manner that changes the test variable in the desired way (small control loop). According to Section 1, “control” in the broadest sense can also be a change of tooling, machine repair or a quality meeting with a supplier to discuss quality assurance activities (large control loop).2.2 Measuring EquipmentDefinition and procurement or check of the measuring equipment for the test variable.Pay attention to:• Capability of measuring and test processes, • Objectiveness,• Display system (digital),• Handling. The suitability of a measurement process for the tested characteristic must be proven with a capability study per [12].In special cases, a measurement process with known uncertainty can be used (pay attention to [10] and [12]).Note: The units and reference value must correspond to the variables selected for the measurement process.2.3 MachineryBefore new or modified machinery is used, a machine capability study must be performed (refer to QSP0402 [1] and [11]). This also applies after major repairs.Short-term studies (e.g. machine capability studies) register and evaluate characteristics of products that were manufactured in one continuous production run. Long-term studies use product measurements from a longer period of time, representative of mass production. Note: The general definition of SPC (Section 1) does not presume capable machines. However, if the machines are not capable, then additional actions are necessary to ensure that the quality requirements for manufactured products are fulfilled.2.4 Types of Characteristics and Control Charts This booklet only deals with continuous anddiscrete characteristics. Refer to [6] for these andother types of characteristics.In measurement technology, physical variables are defined as continuous characteristics. Counted characteristics are special discrete characteristics. The value of the characteristic is called a “counted value”. For example, the number of “bad” parts (defective parts) resulting from testing with a limit gage is a counted value. The value of the characteristic (e.g. the number 17, if 17 defective parts were found) is called a “counted value”.SPC is performed with manually filled out form sheets (quality control charts) or on a computer.A control chart consists of a chart-like grid for entering numerical data from measured samples and a diagram to visualize the statistical indices for the process location and variation calculated from the data.If a characteristic can be measured, then a control chart for continuous characteristics must be used. Normally the sx− chart with sample size 5=n is used.2.5 Random Sample SizeThe appropriate random sample size is a compromise between process performance, desired accuracy of the selected control chart (type I and type II errors, operation characteristic) and the need for an acceptable amount of testing. Normally 5=n is selected. Smaller random samples should only be selected if absolutely necessary.2.6 Defining the Interval for Taking Random SamplesWhen a control chart triggers action, i.e. when the control limits are exceeded, the root cause must be determined as described in Section 5.4, reaction to the disturbance initiated with suitable actions (refer to the action catalog) and a decision made on what to do with the parts produced since the last random sample was taken. In order to limit the financial “damage” caused by potentially necessary sorting or rework, the random sample interval – the time between taking two random samples – should not be too long.The sampling interval must be individually determined for each process and must be modified if the process performance has permanently changed.It is not possible to derive or justify the sampling interval from the percentage of defects. A defect level well below 1% cannot be detected on a practical basis with random samples. A 100% test would be necessary, but this is not the goal of SPC. SPC is used to detect process changes.The following text lists a few examples of SPC criteria to be followed.1. After setup, elimination of disturbances orafter tooling changes or readjustment, measure continuously (100% or with randomsamples) until the process is correctly centered (the average of several measure-ments/medians!). The last measurements canbe used as the first random sample for furtherprocess monitoring (and entered in the control chart). 2. Random sample intervals for ongoingprocess control can be defined in the following manner, selecting the shortest interval appropriate for the process.Definition corresponding to the expected average frequency of disturbances (as determined in the trial run or as is knownfrom previous process experience).Approximately 10 random samples within this time period.Definition depending on specified preventivetooling changes or readjustment intervals.Approximately 3 random samples within thistime period.Specification of tooling changes or readjust-ment depending on SPC random samples.Approximately 5 random samples within theaverage tooling life or readjustment interval.But at least once for the production quantitythat can still be contained (e.g. delivery lot,transfer to the next process, defined lots forconnected production lines)!3. Take a final random sample at the end of aseries, before switching to a different producttype, in order to confirm process capabilityuntil the end of the series.Note: The test interval is defined based on quantities (or time periods) in a manner that detects process changes before defects are produced. More frequent testing is necessary for unstable processes.3. Determining Statistical Process Parameters3.1 Trial RunDefinition of control limits requires knowledge or estimation of process parameters. This is determined with a trial run with sampling size and interval as specified in Sections 2.5 and 2.6. For an adequate number of parts for initial calculations, take a representative number of unsorted parts, at least 25=m samples (with n = 5, for example), yielding no fewer than 125 measured values. It is important to assess the graphs of the measured values themselves, the means and the standard deviations. Their curves can often deliver information on process performance characteristics (e.g. trends, cyclical variations).3.2 DisturbancesIf non-random influences (disturbances) occur frequently during the trial run, then the process is not stable (not in control). The causes of the disturbances must be determined and elimi-nated before process control is implemented (repeat the trial run).3.3 General Comments on Statistical Calculation MethodsComplicated mathematical procedures are no longer a problem due to currently available statistics software, and use of these programs is of course allowed and widespread (also refer to QSP0402 [1]).The following procedures were originally developed for use with pocket calculators. They are typically included in statistics programs.Note: Currently available software programs allow use of methods for preparing, using and evaluation control charts that are better adapted to process-specific circumstances (e.g. process models) than is possible with manual calculation methods. However, this unavoidably requires better knowledge of statistical methods and use of statistics software. Personnel and training requirements must take this into account.Each business division and each plant should have a comprehensively trained SPC specialist as a contact person.Parameter µ is estimated by:Example (Section 10): samplesof number valuesx the of total mxx mj j===∑=1ˆµ3622562862662.......x ˆ=+++==µor:samplesof number mediansthe of total mxx m j j===∑=1~~ˆµ46225626363....x ~ˆ=+++==µIf µˆ significantly deviates from the center point C for a characteristic with two-sided limits, then this deviation should be corrected by adjusting the machine.Parameter σ is estimated by:Example (Section 10):a) ∑=⋅=m j j s m 121ˆσ41125552450550222.......ˆ=+++=σsamplesof number variancesthe of total =σˆNote: s =σˆ is calculated directly from 25 individual measurements taken from sequential random samples (pocket calculator).or b) na s=σˆ, where27125552450550.......s =+++=samplesof number deviationsdard tan s the of total ms s mj j==∑=1351940271...a s ˆn ===σnn a3 0.89 5 0.94 See Section 8, Table 1 7 0.96 for additional valuesor c) ndR =σˆ, with96225611....R =+++= samplesof number rangesthe of total mR R mj j==∑=1271332962...d R ˆn ===σn n d3 1.69 5 2.33 See Section 8, Table 1 7 2.70 for additional values Note: The use of table values n a and n d pre-supposes a normal distribution!Some of these calculation methods were originally developed to enable manual calculation using a pocket calculator. Formula a) is normally used in currently available statistics software.4. Calculation of Control Limits4.1 Process-Related Control LimitsThe control limits (lower control limit LCL andupper control limit UCL) are set such that 99% of all the values lie within the control limits in the case of a process which is only affected by random influences (random causes).If the control limits are exceeded, it must there-fore be assumed that systematic, non-random influences (non-random causes) are affecting the process.These effects must be corrected or eliminated by taking suitable action (e.g. adjustment).Relation between the variance (standard deviation x σ) of the single values (original values, individuals) and the variance (standard deviation x σ) of the mean values: nxx σσ=.4.1.1 Natural Control Limits for Stable Processes4.1.1.1 Control Limits for Location Control Charts (Shewhart Charts)For two-sided tolerances, the limits for controlling the mean must always be based on the center point C. Note: C is replaced by the process mean x =µˆ for processes where the center point C cannot be achieved or for characteristics with one-sided limits.* Do not use for moving calculation of indices!Note: Use of the median-R chart is onlyappropriate when charts are manually filled out, without computer support.n*A E C n c'E EE E3 1.68 1.02 1.16 2.93 1.73 5 1.230.59 1.20 3.09 1.337 1.020.44 1.21 3.19 1.18Estimated values µˆ and σˆ are calculated per Sections 3.4 and 3.5.Refer to Section 8 Table 2 for additional values.Comments on the average chart: For characteristics with one-sided limits (or in general for skewed distributions) and small n , the random sample averages are not necessarily normally distributed. It could be appropriate to use a Pearson chart in this case. This chart has the advantage compared to the Shewhart chart that the control limits are somewhat wider apart. However, it has the disadvantage that calculation of the control limits is more complicated, in actual practice only possible on the computer.Control charts with moving averagesThe x chart with a moving average is a special case of the x chart. For this chart, only single random samples are taken.n sample measurements are formally grouped as a random sample and the average of these n measurements is calculated as the mean.For each new measurement from a single random sample that is added to the group, the first measurement of the last group is deleted, yielding a new group of size n , for which the new average is calculated.Of course, moving averages calculated in this manner are not mutually independent. That is why this chart has a delayed reaction to sudden process changes. The control limits correspond to those for “normal” average charts:σˆn .C LCL ⋅−=582 σˆn.C UCL ⋅+=582Calculate σˆ according to Section 3.5 a)Control limits for )3(1=n :σˆ.C LCL ⋅−=51 σˆ.C UCL ⋅+=51Example for )3(1=n :3 74 741.x = 3 7 4 9 762.x = 3 7 4 9 2 053.x = 3 7 4 9 2 8 364.x =This approach for moving sample measurements can also be applied to the variation, so that an s x − chart with a moving average and moving standard deviation can be used.After intervention in the process or process changes, previously obtained measurements may no longer be used to calculate moving indices. Control Limits for Variation Control ChartsThe control limits to monitor the variation (depending on n ) relate to σˆ and s and like-wise R (= “Central line”).s charta) generally applicable formula(also for the moving s x − chart)Example (Section 10):σˆB UCL 'Eob⋅= 62351931...UCL =⋅=σˆB LCL 'Eun ⋅= 30351230...LCL =⋅=b) for standard s x − chartNote: Formula a) must be used in the case ofmoving s calculation. Calculation of σˆ per Section 3.5 a).s B UCL *Eob ⋅= 62271052...UCL =⋅=s B LCL *Eun ⋅=30271240...LCL =⋅=R chartR D UCL Eob ⋅=2696212...UCL =⋅=R D LCL Eun ⋅=70962240...LCL =⋅=Tablen 'Eun B 'Eob B *Eun B *Eob B Eun D Eob D3 5 70.07 0.23 0.34 2.30 1.93 1.76 0.08 0.24 0.35 2.60 2.05 1.88 0.08 0.24 0.34 2.61 2.10 1.91See Section 8, Table 2 for further values4.1.2 Calculating Control Limits for Processes with Systematic Changes in the AverageIf changes of the mean need to be considered as a process-specific feature (trend, lot steps, etc.) and it is not economical to prevent such changes of the mean, then it is necessary to extend the “natural control limits”. The procedure for calculating an average chart with extended control limits is shown below.The overall variation consists of both the “inner” variation (refer to Section 3.5) of the random samples and of the “outer” variation between the random samples.Calculation procedure Control limits for the mean。

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