

北京外国语大学 02-07 语言学及应用语言学真题

北京外国语大学 02-07 语言学及应用语言学真题

2002年语言学与应用语言学(100 points)All the questions are to be answered in English on the answer sheets provided.1. Displacement,arbitrariness,productivity,cultural transmission,discreteness and duality are sometimes listed as the 6 core features of human language.Choose 3 out of the 6 and explain with examples what they mean. (12 points)2. Briefly explain what phonetics and phonology are concerned with and what kind of relationsips hold between the two.(10 points)3.In deriving new words via a prefix such as mis-, there seems to be some constraint on what is permitted. The words in the first colum below are acceptable formations,but in the other columns are not.Work out what the rule(s) might be for making new adjectives with the prefix mis-. (18 points)Column I : misadventure misjudgement misplaced mistrustfulColumn II: *mishappy *mismeal *misglad *misroleColumn III: *mismilk *missad *misword *miscrazy4. Using what you know about Grice's cooperative principle and its four maxims,analyze the following short exchange.(20 points)同事甲:小张昨晚去哪儿了?同事乙:今天在早上我看见一辆白色富康停在小林家门口。

2016年北京外国语大学语言学及应用语言学考研复试真题 ,考研复试经验,复试流程,考研复试重点

2016年北京外国语大学语言学及应用语言学考研复试真题 ,考研复试经验,复试流程,考研复试重点



















北京外国语大学 北外 2004年英语语言文学 考研真题及答案解析

北京外国语大学 北外 2004年英语语言文学 考研真题及答案解析

北京外国语大学2004年硕士生入学考试英语语言文学专业试卷Time Limit: Three Hours Total Points: 150All answers must be written on the answer sheets.Section 1 Matching(30 points)Match each of the following ten passages with its source. There are more sources than passages here, and one source may be matched with more than one passage.Write the passage number and the corresponding source letter for each answer. For example, suppose Passage 11 is the following:Only one same reason is shared by all of us: we wish to create worlds as real as, but other than the world that is. Or was. This is why we cannot plan. We know a world is an organism, not a machine. We also know that a genuinely created world must be independent of its creator; a planned world (a world that fully reveals its planning) is a dead world. It is only when our characters and events begin to disobey us that they begin to live.And its source is [M] John Fowles. Then your answer will be 11M.Sources (From A to L)[Al Geoffrey Chaucer [G] Ernest Hemingway[B] Kate Chopin [H] John Keats[C] Joseph Conrad [I] D. H. Lawrence[D] Frederick Douglass [J] Percy Bysshe Shelley[E] T. S. Eliot [K] John Steinbeck[Fl Thomas Hardy [L] Harriet Beecher StowePassages1. The meaning of an episode was not inside like a kernel but outside, enveloping the tale which brought it out only as a glow brings out a haze, in the likeness of one of these halos that sometimes are made visible by the spectral illumination of moonshine.2. The migrant people, scuttling for work, scrabbling to live, looked always for pleasure, dug for pleasure, manufactured pleasure, and they were hungry for amusement.3. A green and yellow parrot, which hung in a cage outside the door, kept repeating over and over:"Allez vous-en.t Allez vous-en! Sapristi.t That's all fight!"4. In that dizzy moment her feet to her scarce seemed to touch the ground, and a moment brought, her to the water's edge. Right on behind they came, and, nerved with strength such as God gives only to the desperate, with one wild cry, and flying leap, she vaulted sheer over the turbid current by the shore, on to the raft of ice beyond.5. I have no accurate knowledge of my age, never having seen any authentic record containing it.By far the larger part of the slaves know as little of their ages as horses know of theirs, and it is the wish of most masters within my knowledge to keep their slaves thus ignorant.6. We two whites stood over him, and his lustrous and inquiring glance enveloped us both. I declare it looked as though he would presently put to us some question in an understandable language; but he died without uttering a sound, without moving a limb, without twitching a muscle. Only in the very last moment, as though in response to some sign we could not see, to some whisper we could not hear, he frowned heavily, and that frown gave to his black death-mask an inconceivably somber, brooding, and menacing expression.7. It is the same! —For, be it joy or sorrow,The path of its departure still is free;Man's yesterday may ne'er'be like his morrow;Nought may endure but Mutability.8. A snake came to my water troughOn a hot, hot day, and I in pajamas for the heat,To drink there.9.The river's tent is broken: the last fingers of leafClutch and sink into the wet bank. The windCrosses the brown land, unheard. The nymphs are departed.10.Good table manners she had learnt as well:She never let a crumb from her mouth fall;She never soiled her fingers, dipping deepInto the sauce; when lifting to her lipsSome morsel, she was careful not to spillSo much as one small drop upon her breast.Her greatest pleasure was in etiquette.The following sections of the examination will be graded on both what you say and how you say it.Section2 Short Essays (90 points)I. Summarize the plot of the following story in your own words (around200 words). (30points)2. Comment on the role of the wicked boy in the story. (30points)3.What is the theme of the story? Pay particular attention to the ending. (30points)A Wicked BoyBy Anton ChekhovIvan Ivanych Lapkin, a young man of nice appearance, and Anna Semionovna Zamblitskaia, a young girl with a little mined-up nose, went down the steep bank and sat down on a small bench. The bench stood right by the water among some thick young osier bushes. What a wonderful little place! Once you've sat down, you were hidden from the world—only the fish saw you, and the water-tigers, running like lightning over the water. The young people were armed with rods, nets, cans of worms, and other fishing equipment. Having sat down, they started fishing right away."I'm glad we're alone at last," Lapkin began, looking around. "I have to tell you a lot of things, Anna Semionovna... an awful lot... when I saw you the first time.... You've got a bite.... then I understood what I'm living for, understood where my idol was--to whom I must devote my honest, active life... that must be a big one that's biting.... Seeing you, I feel in love for the first time, feel passionately in love! Wait before you give it a jerk.... let it bite harder.... Tell me, my darling, I adjure you, may I count on--not on reciprocity, no! I'm not worthy of that, I dare not even think of that—may I count on .... Pull!"Anna Semionovna raised her hand with the rod in it, yanked, and cried out. A little silvery-green fish shimmered in the air."My Lord, a perch! Ah, ah.... Quickly! It's getting free!"The perch got free of the hook, flopped through the' grass toward its native element.... and plopped into the water!In pursuit of the fish, Lapkin somehow inadvertently grabbed Anna Semionovna's hand instead of the fish, inadvertently pressed it to his lips.... She quickly drew it back, but it was already too late; their mouths inadvertently merged in a kiss. It happened somehow inadvertently. Another kiss followed the first, then vows and protestations.... What happy minutes! However, in this earthly life there is no absolute happiness. Happiness usually carries a poison in itself, or else. is poisoned by something from outside. So this time, too. As the young people were kissing, a laugh suddenly rang out. They glanced at the river and were stupefied: a naked boy was standing in the water up to his waist. This was Kolia, a schoolboy, Anna Semionovna's brother. He was standing in the water, staring at the young people, and laughing maliciously."Ah-ah-ah... you're kissing?" he said. "That's great! I'll tell Mama.""I hope that you, as an honest young man..." muttered Lapkin, blushing. "It's low-down to spy, and to tell tales is foul and detestable... I assume that you, as an honest and noble young man...""Give me a ruble and then I won't tell!" said the noble young man. "Or else I will."Lapkin pulled a ruble out of his pocket and gave it to Kolia. Kolia squeezed the ruble in his wet fist, whistled, and swam off. And the young people didn't kiss any more that time.The next day Lapkin brought Kolia some paints and a ball from town, and his sister gave him all her empty pill-boxes. After that they had to give him some cuff-links with dogs' heads on them. The wicked boy obviously liked all these things very much and, in order to get still more, he started keeping his eye on them. Wherever Lapkin and Anna Semionovna went, he went, too. He didn't leave them alone for a minute."The bastard!" Lapkin gnashed his teeth. "So little, and already such a real bastard! What's he going to be like later?!"All through June, Kolia made life impossible for the poor lovers. He threatened to tell on them, kept his eye on them, and demanded presents; it all wasn't enough for him, and he finally started talking about a pocket watch. And what then? They had to promise the watch.One time at dinner, when the waffle cookies were being passed, he suddenly burst out in aguffaw, winked an eye, and asked Lapkin:"Shall I tell? Huh?"Lapkin blushed terribly and started eating his napkin instead of the cookie. Anna Semionovna jumped up from the table and ran into the other room. And the young people found themselves in this position until the end of August, until the very day when, at last, Lapkin proposed to Anna Semionovna. Oh, what a happy day that was! Having talked to the parents of his bride, and having received their consent, Lapkin first of all ran out into the garden and started looking for Kolia. Once he had found him, he almost sobbed from delight and seized the wicked boy by the ear. Anna Semionovna, who had also been looking for Kolia, ran up, and seized him by the other ear. And you really ought to have seen what joy was written all over the lovers' faces as Kolia cried and begged them:"Dearest, darling, angels, I'll never do it again! Ow, ow! Forgive me!"And afterwards they both admitted that during the whole time they had been in love with each other they had never once felt such happiness, such breath-taking bliss as during those moments when they were pulling the wicked boy's ears.Section 3 Creative Thinking (30points)If you were the author, Somerset Maugham, what title would you give to the story below? Generate as many titles as you can before deciding on the best one. Be creative and go for quantity; list at least 10 titles.There was a merchant in Bagdad who sent his servant to market to buy provisions, and in a little while the servant came back, white and trembling, and said, "Master, just now when I was in the market, I was jostled by a woman in the crowd and when I turned I saw it was Death that jostled me. She looked at me and made a threatening gesture; now, lend me your horse, and I will ride away from this city and avoid my fate. I will go to Samarra and there Death will not find me." The merchant lent him his horse, and the servant mounted it, and he dug his spurs in its flanks and as fast as the horse could gallop he went. Then the merchant went down to the market, and he saw Death standing in the crowd and he came to Death and said, “Why did you make a threatening gesture to my servant when you saw him this morning?” “That was not a threatening gesture,”Death said. “It was only a start of surprise. I was astonished to see him in Bagdad, for I had an appointment with him tonight in Samarra.”Section4 Critical Thinking (20-point bonus)You do not have to do the task in this section, but you will get a 20-point bonus if you do it correctly.Identify errors in logic, if any, in the following arguments. Justify your answers.1. Hey, John, check this out! Two weeks ago, I bought this good luck charm, and I’ve been carrying with me every day. Since the, I’ve been carrying it around with me every day. Since then, I found $50 on the street, I got the apartment I was hoping for, and I got a date with Elaine! This good luck charm really works!2. Look, either we do a full-color glossy brochure or we don’t do anything at all. It’s better to have nothing than to have something shabby. Do it right or don’t do it at all.3. If we legalize marijuana, watch out-the legalization of cocaine and other drugs can’t be far behind.4. Do you support the ban of nuclear and biological weapons that would leave us defenseless against those countries that will continue to build nuclear and biological warheads in secret?5. One of the things those animal rights people want to do is to make you believe that a monkey has the same rights as a human being.This is the end of the examination.答案部分:北京外国语大学2004年硕士生入学考试英语语言文学专业试卷Time Limit: Three Hours Total Points: 150All answers must be written on the answer sheets.Section 1 Matching(30 points)(北京外国语大学2004年研)Match each of the following ten passages with its source. There are more sources than passages here, and one source may be matched with more than one passage.Write the passage number and the corresponding source letter for each answer. For example, suppose Passage 11 is the following:Only one same reason is shared by all of us: we wish to create worlds as real as, but other than the world that is. Or was. This is why we cannot plan. We know a world is an organism, not a machine. We also know that a genuinely created world must be independent of its creator; a planned world (a world that fully reveals its planning) is a dead world. It is only when our characters and events begin to disobey us that they begin to live.And its source is [M] John Fowles. Then your answer will be 11M.Sources (From A to L)[Al Geoffrey Chaucer [G] Ernest Hemingway[B] Kate Chopin [H] John Keats[C] Joseph Conrad [I] D. H. Lawrence[D] Frederick Douglass [J] Percy Bysshe Shelley[E] T. S. Eliot [K] John Steinbeck[Fl Thomas Hardy [L] Harriet Beecher StowePassages1. The meaning of an episode was not inside like a kernel but outside, enveloping the tale which brought it out only as a glow brings out a haze, in the likeness of one of these halos that sometimes are made visible by the spectral illumination of moonshine.2. The migrant people, scuttling for work, scrabbling to live, looked always for pleasure, dug for pleasure, manufactured pleasure, and they were hungry for amusement.3. A green and yellow parrot, which hung in a cage outside the door, kept repeating over and over:"Allez vous-en.t Allez vous-en! Sapristi.t That's all fight!"4. In that dizzy moment her feet to her scarce seemed to touch the ground, and a moment brought, her to the water's edge. Right on behind they came, and, nerved with strength such as God gives only to the desperate, with one wild cry, and flying leap, she vaulted sheer over the turbid current by the shore, on to the raft of ice beyond.5. I have no accurate knowledge of my age, never having seen any authentic record containing it. By far the larger part of the slaves know as little of their ages as horses know of theirs, and it is the wish of most masters within my knowledge to keep their slaves thus ignorant.6. We two whites stood over him, and his lustrous and inquiring glance enveloped us both. I declare it looked as though he would presently put to us some question in an understandable language; but he died without uttering a sound, without moving a limb, without twitching a muscle. Only in the very last moment, as though in response to some sign we could not see, to some whisper we could not hear, he frowned heavily, and that frown gave to his black death-mask an inconceivably somber, brooding, and menacing expression.7. It is the same! —For, be it joy or sorrow,The path of its departure still is free;Man's yesterday may ne'er'be like his morrow;Nought may endure but Mutability.8. A snake came to my water troughOn a hot, hot day, and I in pajamas for the heat,To drink there.9.The river's tent is broken: the last fingers of leafClutch and sink into the wet bank. The windCrosses the brown land, unheard. The nymphs are departed.10.Good table manners she had learnt as well:She never let a crumb from her mouth fall;She never soiled her fingers, dipping deepInto the sauce; when lifting to her lipsSome morsel, she was careful not to spillSo much as one small drop upon her breast.Her greatest pleasure was in etiquette.参考答案:1C 2K 3B 4L 5D 6C 7J 8I 9E 10 ?The following sections of the examination will be graded on both what you say and how you say it.Section2 Short Essays (90 points) (北京外国语大学2004年研)I. Summarize the plot of the following story in your own words (around200 words). (30points)2. Comment on the role of the wicked boy in the story. (30points)3.What is the theme of the story? Pay particular attention to the ending. (30points)A Wicked BoyBy Anton ChekhovIvan Ivanych Lapkin, a young man of nice appearance, and Anna Semionovna Zamblitskaia, a young girl with a little mined-up nose, went down the steep bank and sat down on a small bench. The bench stood right by the water among some thick young osier bushes. What a wonderful little place! Once you've sat down, you were hidden from the world—only the fish saw you, and the water-tigers, running like lightning over the water. The young people were armed with rods, nets, cans of worms, and other fishing equipment. Having sat down, they started fishing right away."I'm glad we're alone at last," Lapkin began, looking around. "I have to tell you a lot of things, Anna Semionovna... an awful lot... when I saw you the first time.... You've got a bite.... then I understood what I'm living for, understood where my idol was--to whom I must devote my honest, active life... that must be a big one that's biting.... Seeing you, I feel in love for the first time, feel passionately in love! Wait before you give it a jerk.... let it bite harder.... Tell me, my darling, I adjure you, may I count on--not on reciprocity, no! I'm not worthy of that, I dare not even think of that—may I count on .... Pull!"Anna Semionovna raised her hand with the rod in it, yanked, and cried out. A little silvery-green fish shimmered in the air."My Lord, a perch! Ah, ah.... Quickly! It's getting free!"The perch got free of the hook, flopped through the' grass toward its native element.... and plopped into the water!In pursuit of the fish, Lapkin somehow inadvertently grabbed Anna Semionovna's hand instead of the fish, inadvertently pressed it to his lips.... She quickly drew it back, but it was already too late; their mouths inadvertently merged in a kiss. It happened somehow inadvertently. Another kiss followed the first, then vows and protestations.... What happy minutes! However, in this earthly life there is no absolute happiness. Happiness usually carries a poison in itself, or else. is poisoned by something from outside. So this time, too. As the young people were kissing, a laugh suddenly rang out. They glanced at the river and were stupefied: a naked boy was standing in the water up to his waist. This was Kolia, a schoolboy, Anna Semionovna's brother. He was standing in the water, staring at the young people, and laughing maliciously."Ah-ah-ah... you're kissing?" he said. "That's great! I'll tell Mama.""I hope that you, as an honest young man..." muttered Lapkin, blushing. "It's low-down to spy, and to tell tales is foul and detestable... I assume that you, as an honest and noble young man...""Give me a ruble and then I won't tell!" said the noble young man. "Or else I will."Lapkin pulled a ruble out of his pocket and gave it to Kolia. Kolia squeezed the ruble in his wet fist, whistled, and swam off. And the young people didn't kiss any more that time.The next day Lapkin brought Kolia some paints and a ball from town, and his sister gave him all her empty pill-boxes. After that they had to give him some cuff-links with dogs' heads on them. The wicked boy obviously liked all these things very much and, in order to get still more, he started keeping his eye on them. Wherever Lapkin and Anna Semionovna went, he went, too. He didn't leave them alone for a minute."The bastard!" Lapkin gnashed his teeth. "So little, and already such a real bastard! What's he going to be like later?!"All through June, Kolia made life impossible for the poor lovers. He threatened to tell on them, kept his eye on them, and demanded presents; it all wasn't enough for him, and he finally started talking about a pocket watch. And what then? They had to promise the watch.One time at dinner, when the waffle cookies were being passed, he suddenly burst out in a guffaw, winked an eye, and asked Lapkin:"Shall I tell? Huh?"Lapkin blushed terribly and started eating his napkin instead of the cookie. Anna Semionovna jumped up from the table and ran into the other room. And the young people found themselves in this position until the end of August, until the very day when, at last, Lapkin proposed to Anna Semionovna. Oh, what a happy day that was! Having talked to the parents of his bride, and having received their consent, Lapkin first of all ran out into the garden and started looking for Kolia. Once he had found him, he almost sobbed from delight and seized the wicked boy by the ear. Anna Semionovna, who had also been looking for Kolia, ran up, and seized him by the other ear. And you really ought to have seen what joy was written all over the lovers' faces as Kolia cried and begged them:"Dearest, darling, angels, I'll never do it again! Ow, ow! Forgive me!"And afterwards they both admitted that during the whole time they had been in love with each other they had never once felt such happiness, such breath-taking bliss as during those moments when they were pulling the wicked boy's ears.参考答案:1. A young man, Lapkin fell in love with Anna. One day by the river as they were doing fishing, he expressed his love for her and they kissed. However, their kissing was discovered by Anna’s brother, Kolia. Kolia asked for a ruble, or he would go to Mama to tell on them. And he got the ruble. The next day Lapkin and Anna again gave him some presents for him to shut his mouth. Then the boy saw how much he could benefit from them. From time to time he demanded presents from the lovers and his small tricks would always work. While Kolia was content, it was the lovers who suffered. On the one hand, they were forced to meet Kolia’s demands for presents. On the other hand, Kolia kept a close watch on them so that they did not have free time of their own. It lasted about three months until the day when Lapkin proposed to Anna and got her parents’approval. Finally they got rid of the threat of Kolia and became librated. Then the lovers found out Kolia and punished him by seizing his ears.2. The wicked boy mainly plays two roles, one is that of obstruction, and the other is that of catalyst. Firstly, the wicked boy keeps a close watch on the lovers and goes wherever they go. Therefore, the lovers do not have time that belongs to them. So the wicked boy is an obstruction to the lovers. However, paradoxically, the wicked boy is also a catalyst in the development of the lovers’ relationship. On the one hand, with his tricks, the wicked boy becomes the common enemy of the lovers. And the two lovers work together to solve the problems raised by the wicked boy,which promotes the development of their relationship and also avoids the possibilities of their quarreling. Meanwhile, Lapkin’s proposal to Anna so early also to some extent attributes to the wicked boy’s tricks.3. The theme of the story is that freedom is the most valuable of all things. As we can see in the story, the lovers are kept watch by the wicked boy and are never left alone for even a minute. The wicked boy’s interference with the lovers’ life makes their life miserable so that they are not able to enjoy fully the time when they are dating. At last, after the proposal, they suddenly become overjoyed, as they finally bring their freedom back. That’s why at the end of the story, the lovers admits that they have never been so happy during their dating time as during the moments when they are punishing the boy by pulling his ears.Section 3 Creative Thinking (30points) (北京外国语大学2004年研)If you were the author, Somerset Maugham, what title would you give to the story below? Generate as many titles as you can before deciding on the best one. Be creative and go for quantity; list at least 10 titles.There was a merchant in Bagdad who sent his servant to market to buy provisions, and in a little while the servant came back, white and trembling, and said, "Master, just now when I was in the market, I was jostled by a woman in the crowd and when I turned I saw it was Death that jostled me. She looked at me and made a threatening gesture; now, lend me your horse, and I will ride away from this city and avoid my fate. I will go to Samarra and there Death will not find me." The merchant lent him his horse, and the servant mounted it, and he dug his spurs in its flanks and as fast as the horse could gallop he went. Then the merchant went down to the market, and he saw Death standing in the crowd and he came to Death and said, “Why did you make a threatening gesture to my servant when you saw him this morning?” “That was not a threatening gesture,”Death said. “It was only a start of surprise. I was astonished to see him in Bagdad, for I had an appointment with him tonight in Samarra.”参考答案:How Far Can He Escape?; The Doomed; Fate; Appointment with Death; The Meeting with Death: Escape Into His Destiny; To Escape or Not to Escape, That is a Question; The Servant and the Death; Stay Where You Are; Is to Escape the Best Strategy out of the Thirty-six Stratagem?Section4 Critical Thinking (20-point bonus)(北京外国语大学2004年研)You do not have to do the task in this section, but you will get a 20-point bonus if you do it correctly.Identify errors in logic, if any, in the following arguments. Justify your answers.1. Hey, John, check this out! Two weeks ago, I bought this good luck charm, and I’ve been carrying with me every day. Since the, I’ve been carrying it around with me every day. Since then, I found $50 on the street, I got the apartment I was hoping for, and I got a date with Elaine! This good luck charm really works!2. Look, either we do a full-color glossy brochure or we don’t do anything at all. It’s better to have nothing than to have something shabby. Do it right or don’t do it at all.3. If we legalize marijuana, watch out-the legalization of cocaine and other drugs can’t be far behind.本文档来源于布丁考研网( ),全国最真实、最全面的考研真题及资料库。





2.复习阶段 花半个月时间收集全资料后,应拟订一个大致的复习计划,内容包括时间和进度安排、复习方式、 自查形式等等。这里需要注意的是: 在时间上,专业课的复习要留有充足的时间,越往后复习密度应逐渐力加强。 在精力安排要详略得当。一般要求复习教材内容至少三遍。第一遍,对教材有一个大致的把握, 这本教材谈了哪些方面的问题,相互之间是什么样的逻辑体系。第二遍,画出重点内容,并适当记忆, 掌握该教材的一般知识点,尤其是该书的精华部分和大致脉络、主要观点应非常清楚。个人看书习惯 可能不同,既可以做读书笔记,也可以就在书上画,然后再整理出一个个的理论、观点。这里要注意 学会比较研究的方法,即比较各个理论之间的异同,从而确立自己的立场。对研究领域当前的热点问 题,尽可能找些资料看看,并初步思考这些问题以使自己有一个较为明确的观点,有心得的地方应专 门记录下来。如果说前两遍是考生自我学习消化的过程,第三遍则是直接为考试做准备的,应放在离 考试日期较近的时间内(以一个月内为宜)。其目的就是为了使自己前面学到的东西不至于在考场上反 映不出来。 复习内容上有一点需单独强调,即对所考的课程,均要阅读几本非指定考试用书。很多导师喜欢 出书评一类的题型。 对于跨专业报考的考生而言,难度往往比较大。一定要分析好自己的优势和劣势后再决定报考。 在复习时也可以适当兼顾以前的专业犷笔试和面试要让导师感觉到你原专业功底比较扎实,报考该专 业是个人研究兴趣的转向而不是自己在原专业上失败了才改换门庭。不过复习专业课时,所准备的时 间和精力要明显增加,时间分配要向专业课倾斜。同时,在复习专业课时,要从报考专业的基本教材 看起,学习该专业硕士生甚至本科生的课程,对一般课程大致浏览,有一个宏观的把握就行。而对考 试指定课程,则应反复阅读,重点突破。 对于应届毕业生而言,专业课复习有优势也有劣势。优势一是自己的硕士论文刚做,对本专业的 理论,特别是前沿理论以及当前的热点问题掌握得较全面;二是如果是报考本校的导师可以较方便地 找到有资料,甚至可以提前一两个学期选修该导师的专业课,从而在专业和感情上与老师靠近,这对



1/9【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 12015年北京外国语大学考研指导育明教育,创始于2006年,由北京大学、中国人民大学、中央财经大学、北京外国语大学的教授投资创办,并有北京大学、武汉大学、中国人民大学、北京师范大学复旦大学、中央财经大学、等知名高校的博士和硕士加盟,是一个最具权威的全国范围内的考研考博辅导机构。


0502外国语言文学050201英语语言文学(01)英语语言学与应用语言学001英语学院79①101政治②二外(242俄语、243法语、244德语、245日语、246西班牙语,选一)③611英语基础测试(技能)④811英语能力测试(写作)含自费32名(02)英美文学(03)美国研究(04)英国研究(05)澳大利亚研究(06)爱尔兰研究(07)英美文论与文化研究2/9【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 2018外国文学所5含自费2名考生在考研复习的过程中总是难免会遇到一些自己不清楚的问题,有些同学可能会感到比较苦恼,甚至影响自己的复习效率。













2015年北京外国语大学外国语言学及应用语言学考研专业目录、招生人数、参考书目、历年真题、复试分数线、答题方法、复习经验指导一、2015年北京外国语大学外国语言学及应用语言学专业考研招生目录二、2014年北京外国语大学外国语言学及应用语言学专业考研复试分数线北京外国语大学2014年硕士研究生统考各专业复试基本分数要求专业 方向政治 外语 复试要求两门专业单科或总分 总分外研中心 外国语言学及应用语言学55 55 200 350 高翻学院 英语同传55 55 216 (单科108) 350 俄英汉同传55 55 223 法英汉同传德英汉同传西英汉同传韩英汉同传三、2015年北京外国语大学外国语言学及应用语言学专业考研参考书四、2003年北京外国语大学外国语言学及应用语言学专业考研真题五、2015年北京外国语大学外国语言学及应用语言学考研真题答题黄金攻略名师点评:认为只要专业课重点背会了,就能拿高分,是广大考生普遍存在的误区。


(一) 名词解释答题方法【考研名师答题方法点拨】名词解释最简单,最容易得分。













2013年北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心外国语言学及应用语言学真题及详解I. Briefly explain the following terms. (50 points, 5 points each)1. affix【答案】An affix refers to the collective term for the type of morpheme that can be used only when added to another morpheme (the root or the stem), which has three subtypes: prefix, such as un-, mini-, para-; suffix, -ish, -al, -tion; and infix, abso-bloomingly-lutely, un-fucking-believable. All the affixes are the bound morphemes.The affixes that attach to verbs and do not change the category are usually inflectional affixes. For example, -s in reads, looks and listens; -ed in excited, interested and consisted; -ing in studying, making and sitting. They are just grammatical markers and do not change the category of words.2. inflection【答案】Inflection is the manifestation of grammatical relationship through the addition of inflectional affixes, such as number, person, finiteness, aspect and case, which do not change the grammatical class of the stems to which they are attached. For example, the past form of the verb work is realized by the addition of the inflectional suffix: “-ed”; the plural form of the noun child is realized by theinflectional suffix: “-ren”.3. mood【答案】The mood is the variation in the conjugation of a verb to express the manner or form. It includes three types, namely, imperative mood, indicative mood and subjunctive mood.4. modality【答案】In linguistics, modality is what allows speakers to attach expressions of belief, attitude and obligation to statements. In standard formal approaches to modality, an utterance expressing modality can always roughly be paraphrased to fit the template.5. interlanguage【答案】Interlanguage refers to the type of language constructed by second or foreign language learners who are still in the process of learning a language. It’s a language system between the target language and the learner’s native language, and imperfect compared with the target language, but not mere translation from the learner’s native language. For example, when a Chinese student is learning English, he may make errors like “to touch the society”.6. language transfer【答案】Native language plays an important role in the process of second language acquisition. When the native language influences the acquisition of the target language, language transfer happens. For example, the students’learned knowledge and skills in the native language can be transferred to the second language. When the two languages are similar in structure, then the native language facilitates the target language learning, and we call it a positive transfer; when the two languages are different in structure, then the native language interferes with the target language learning, and we call it a negative transfer.7. speech act【答案】Speech act is a central concept in Speech Act Theory, according to which, we are performing various kinds of acts when we are speaking. Actions performed through utterances are generally called speech acts.8. verbal behavior【答案】The verbal behavior is the behavior under the control of consequences mediated by other people (who can interchangeably function as speaker and listener)-was best understood in a functional analysis.9. co-operative principles【答案】The four maxims of the co-operative principle are as follows:Quantity. (1) Make your contribution as informative as is required (for the current purposes of the exchange). (2) Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.Quality. Try to make your contribution one that is true. (1) Do not say what you believe to be false. (2) Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.Relation. Be relevant.Manner. Be perspicuous. (1) Avoid obscurity of expression. (2) Avoid ambiguity.(3) Be brief. (4) Be orderly.In the utterance given, it is probable that the speaker is particularly careful about the maxim of Quality, which rules that do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.10. vernacular【答案】A vernacular is the native language or native dialect of a specific population, as opposed to a language of wider communication that is a second language or foreign language to the population, such as a national language, standard language, or lingua franca.II. Read the following passage and then answer questions. (40 points)1. What does “French made me absent the way he was absent” (1.6-7) mean?(5 points)2. What is “a French immersion summer programme” (1, 8)? (5 points)3. What are formative experiences (1.9)? (5 points)4. What is “a French-medium school” (1.9-10)? (5 points)5. What does Kaplan mean when she says “there was a French beyond the everyday” (1. 13-14)? (5 points)6. What does “the new community and culture” (1.15-16) refer to? What ismeant by “a complete self-identification” (1.15) with it? (5 points)7. What does Kaplan’s success story illustrate? (10 points)【答案】1. Learning French is connected with her father. Although her father has passedaway, she could always feel him when studying French.2. Kaplan fully devoted herself for a whole summer to learning French.3. One is to study a year abroad in a French-medium school in Switzerland atthe age of 15 in high school; the other is an academic year abroad in Bordeaux three years later, while she was a French literature undergraduate.4. In Switzerland, French is a connected language for students when they are learning.5. She was always as intense for French culture as it was for the French language. She felt French was everywhere and French could express her bottom of heart.6. “The new community and culture” refers to the sphere of Frenchknowledge, French culture, French thinking patterns, etc. She found French was her part of body, at that time she finally felt that she was complete and she knew what she was.7. ①The interests are very important during the process of study.②Work hard, think actively and innovatively.(答案仅供参考,考生只要言之成理即可酌情给分。



2014年北京外国语大学815语言学考研真题及参考答案考试科目:外国语言学及应用语言学I. Explain the following terms with examples. (50 points, 5 points each)1. prosodic feature【答案】Prosodic features are suprasegmental. They are not confined to any one segment, but occur in some higher level of an utterance. These prosodic units are the actual phonetic “spurts”, or chunks of speech. They need not correspond to grammatical units such as phrases and clauses, though they may; and these facts suggest insights into how the brain processes speech. Prosodic units are marked by phonetic cues. Phonetic cues can include aspects of prosody such as pitch, pauses, and accents, all of which are cues that must be analyzed in context, or in comparison to other aspects of a sentence.2. lingua franca【答案】A lingua franca also called a bridge language, trade language, or vehicular language, is a language systematically (opposed to occasionally) used to make communication possible between persons not sharing a native language, in particular when it is a third language, distinct from both native languages. Lingua franca is a functionally defined term, independent of the linguistic history orstructure of the language: though pidgins and creoles often function as lingua francas, many such languages are neither pidgins nor creoles.3. parameters【答案】Parameters are syntactic options of UG that allow general principles to operate in one way or another and contribute to significant linguistic variations between and among natural languages. Adjacency Parameter: With English-type languages, the Adjacency Parameter is set to the [+strict adjacency] value, while for French-type languages, the parameter is set to the [-strict adjacency] value. Directionality parameter: Another parameter, the one that involves word order, concerns the directionality of Case assignment, the Directionality parameter.4. free morpheme【答案】Free morphemes are those which may occur alone or constitute words by themselves. All monomorphemes are free morphemes and polymorphemic words, which consist wholly of free morphemes, are compounds. A word must contain an element that can stand by itself, that is, a free morpheme.5. linguistic relativity【答案】The principle of linguistic relativity holds that the structure of a language affects the ways in which its respective speakers conceptualize their world, i.e. their world view, or otherwise influences their cognitive processes. Popularly known asthe Sapir–Whorf hypothesis, or Whorfianism, the principle is often defined to include two versions. The strong version says that language determines thought, and that linguistic categories limit and determine cognitive categories, whereas the weak version says only that linguistic categories and usage influence thought and certain kinds of non-linguistic behavior.6. maxims of conversation【答案】It goes as follows: Make your conversational contribution such as required at the stage at which it occurs by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.To be more specific, there are four maxims under this general principle:The maxim of quantity①Make your contribution as informative as is required (for the current purpose of the exchange).②Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.The maxim of quality①Do not say what you believe to be false.②Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.The maxim of relationBe relevant.The maxim of manner①Avoid obscurity of expression.②Avoid ambiguity.③Be brief(avoid unnecessary prolixity)④Be orderly.7. semantic narrowing【答案】Narrowing of meaning happens when a word with a general meaning is by degrees applied to something much more specific. The word litter, for example, meant originally (before 1300) ‘a bed,’then gradually narrowed down to ‘bedding,’then to ‘animals on a bedding of straw,’and finally to things scattered about, odds and ends. Other examples of specialization are deer, which originally had the general meaning ‘animal,’girl, which meant originally ‘a young person,’and meat, whose original meaning was ‘food.’”8. topicalization【答案】Topicalizations emphasis placed on the topic or focus of a sentence by proposing it to the beginning of the sentence; placing the topic at the beginning of the sentence is typical for English “`Those girls, they giggle when they see me’and `Cigarettes, you couldn’t pay me to smoke them’are examples of topicalization”.9. reference【答案】Reference is a relation between objects in which one object designates, or acts as a means by which to connect to or link to, another object. The first object inthis relation is said to refer to the second object. The second object—the one to which the first object refers—is called the referent of the first object. The term reference is used in many spheres of human knowledge, adopting shades of meaning particular to the contexts in which it is used.10. language localization【答案】Language localization is the process of adapting a product that has been previously translated into different languages to a specific country or region. It is the second phase of a larger process of product translation and cultural adaptation to account for differences in distinct markets, a process known as internationalization and localization. Language localization differs from translation activity because it involves a comprehensive study of the target culture in order to correctly adapt the product to local needs.II. Read the following passage and then answer questions. (40 points)The Ecology of Language Acquisition。



北京外国语大学2005年语言学考研真题考试科目:语言学和应用语言学1.Examine the following two statements about language, and discuss the similarities anddifferences between them. Do you agree with the two statements? Explain your answer (25 points )1)Sapir (1921:Language): “Language is a purely human and non-instinctive method ofcommunicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols”(p.8).2)Bloch and Trager (1942:Outline of Linguistic Analysis): “A language is system of arbitraryvocal symbols by means of which a social group co-operates”(p.5)2.What are phonemes, phones and allophones? Explain their relationship with examples fromEnglish or Chinese .(15 points)3.Is it possible to separate semantics and pragmatics? Why or why not? What are theimplications of your answer for second language teaching?(30points)4.It has been noticed that Chinese learners of English tend to make mistakes in the marking ofpast tense , even at the advanced level of proficiency. What do you think are the possible causes of this problem? How call the language teachers help solve this problem and why?(30 points)5.Look at the following real newspaper headlines and explain why they are consideredunambiguously.(20points)(1)Complaints about NBA Referees Growing Ugly(2)Milk Drinkers Are Turning to Power(3)Two Sisters Reunited After 18 Years at Checkout Counter(4)Enraged Cow Injures Farmers with Ax(5)Safety Experts Say School Bus Passengers Should Be Belted6.In interpreting utterances such as (1)and (2) , the hearer generally treats the eventsdescribed in the two sentences in each group as causally related even though such relationship is not encoded in the meanings of the sentences. That is, the hearer tends to Think that Helen fell on the ground because of Tom‟s pushing and that the vase broke because it was dropped.Explain why. (30 points)(1)Tom pushed Helen. Helen fell on the ground.(2)Peter dropped the vase. It broke.参考答案1.Similarities:1)Both definitions stick to the fact that language is primarily a matter of speech because theprimary medium of language is sound. Sapir illustrates this idea by implying that the produced symbols are the auditory and Bloch Trager by explicitly using the word …vocal‟. 2)Both definitions allude to the fact that the association between the words and the things thatthey denoted is rarely inherent , Sapir by using the word …symbols‟ and Bloch and Trager by placing emphasis on …arbitrary‟ and …symbols‟.Differences:1)Sapir‟s definition emphasize that language relates to communication between human beings.It‟s very different from the communication systems of other creature,such as bird songs and bee dances. Bloch and Trager do not clearly indicate this property, only saying that it is possessed by a social group.2)Sapir also considers that language is …non-instinctive‟and …voluntarily produced‟. Thus for him language does not include such instinctive forms of communication as smiling and cries of pain,etc. However, Bloch and Trager‟s definition do not include this feature.3)The element …system‟ in Bloch and Trager‟s definition reflects the fact that language provides us with the framework for generating appropriate utterances rather than providing us with an infinite store of ready-made utterances. Still elements of lacunae are combined according to rules.4)The function of language is indicated differently in two definitions. Sapir sees language as for communicating ideas, emotions and definition proposes …communication‟as the principal function of language and specifies what is communicated; Bloch and Trager only vaguely points out that language can be used for co-operation.Each of the two definitions has its own special emphasis, and is not totally free from limitations. We think the two definitions grasp some defining properties of language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication, for example, …vocal‟, …arbitrary‟, …symbol‟, …purely human‟, …a system‟. But either has some limitation. As for Sapir‟s definition, whether one considers language to be instinctive or not is an issue. Language is instinctive in so far as we are all born with a predisposition to speak, we all acquire a language without tuition and when we speak we do not consciously convert our thoughts into speech. Language is, however, non-instinctive in that we can choose what to say or whether to say anything at all. Both the definition‟s description of language‟s function is not precise. Sapir‟s definition confines language only to communicating ideas, emotions and desires, and Bloch and Trager‟s definition does not point it out at all.2. A phoneme is a minimally distinctive set of sounds in a language that can signal a difference in meaning. It is an abstract phonological unit represented or realized by a certain phone in a certain phonetic context. A phone is an individual phonetic unit or segment that occurs in speech. The speech sounds we hear and produce during linguistic communication are all phones. Each of the set of phones which correspond to a single phoneme of a language is called an allophone. Phonemes are placed between slant lines (//)and phones are placed between square brackets ([]). Allophones of the same phoneme generally occur in different contexts and never distinguish one word from another. For example, when we pronounce the two words peak and speak, we are aware that the sound [p] is pronounced differently, in the word peak, the sound [p] is pronounced with a strong puff of air stream; but the same step sounds is pronounced slightly differently in the word speak, the puff of air is withheld a little. The [p] sound in peak is called an aspirated [ph] and the [p] sound in speak is an exasperated [p=]. There is a slight difference in the way they are pronounced, but such a difference does not give rise to difference in meaning. So /p/is a phoneme in the English sound system, and it can be realized differently as aspirated or exasperated in different contexts. The phoneme/p/in English can be realized as aspirated [ph] and unaspirated [p=], which are allophones of the phoneme/p/.3. Though both semantics and pragmatics have something to do with the meaning of language,and link language to the world, we think it is possible to separate semantics and pragmatics in linguistic study. Semantics is the study of literal meaning of linguistic expression, particularly meaning of words, phrases and sentences. In using the term sense rather than reference, the focus of semantics is on the way people relate words to each other within the framework of their language. Pragmatics starts from the observation that people use language to accomplish many kinds of acts, broadly known as speech acts;thus it is the study of how to do things with words or of the meaning of language in context. This kind of meaning in pragmatics is usually referred to as speaker‟s meaning, utterance meaning, or contextual meaning. Its interpretation depends more on who the speaker of the sentence is, who the hearer is, when and where it is used. Thus the distinction between semantics and pragmatics is clear: the former is more closely related to the words used, the more constant, inherent side of meanings; the latter is more closely related to the context, the more indeterminate side, or something extra.The first implication for second language study involves the appropriate use of target language. The teaching of a foreign language in a classroom involves two types of instruction: one is informational and analytical and can be diagrammed on the axis of general semantic information about the language. But language learning also has a crucially important skill component, which involves the development of the ability to use the language, actively through speaking and writing and passively through listening and reading. This is the pragmatic turn in second language teaching. The language use should be analyzed in relation to the context of communication, and that language teaching and learning should focus on the appropriate use of the target language, oral and written, according to situational and wider social context.The second implication is concerned with vocabulary learning and translation. The learning of second language‟s vocabularies involves the understanding and memory of their meanings. Because of the differences between the first and second language‟s culture, there may be no corresponding meaning underlying the same sayings. Teachers should explain the different usage or implication of the target language‟s items. This is of much importance for cross-cultural translation practices.4.Tenses are one of the most different aspects for Chinese to master because of the non-inflection nature of the Chinese language in English, the different forms of the verb can tell us whether something is happening in the present or in the past. This information is technically termed as tense. The tense is shown by adding related morphemes at the end of the verb. So the learners can judge the tense easily by looking at the different verb forms. However, the Chinese verb does not have a well defined past, present or future tense. In writing or in speaking, the Chinese verb in the sentence does not necessarily inform the reader or listener as to whether they are referring to the past, present or future. Therefore, Chinese often places prepositional, phrases, as well as conjunctive adverbs (e.g. Mandarin Chinese le, guo) that indicate time at the front of the sentence so as to inform the speaker or the reader of the appropriate tense. The different ways of expressing the tense cause Chinese learners of English tend to make mistakes in the marking of tense. When translating into English, Chinese writers sometimes forget that English has a well-defined past /present /future verb tense. Therefore, the unconscious tendency of placing several prepositional or other phrase that indicate time at the front of the sentence is often redundant or they might neglect using different tense form of verb. Another factor which contributes to the difficulties is the difference in the concept of time of Chinese as compared to native speakers of English. Different concepts of time of non-native speakers with those of native speakers contribute to theirdifficulties in learning the English tenses.As the learning of tense, Chinese learners faced with a totally new set of classification of time situation that have no counterpart in their own native language. So in teaching English tenses teachers have to explain English time attributes thoroughly rather than assuming L2 learners will understand them as long as they have acquired the rules. For example, past tense is used for situations which are less probable, or more remote. A lot of Chinese do not have this concept and teachers should spend time in clarifying this to them. Teachers can also allow learners to understand the meanings of the two broad types of English and Chinese tense and their differences in teaching Chinese learners. Through the comparison of different ways of expressing tense, the teacher can provide the students a clear framework and then students will take special notice in using verb associated with tense.5.(1)There are two kinds of comprehension of this headline: the first is “Complaints about NBA Referees are Growing Ugly.” this with nominal group as the subject and present tense verb is modifying …complaints‟: the second is “Complaints about NBA Referees Who Are Growing Ugly”, thus the whole headline is a nominal group and the present tense verb modify …NBA Referees‟. We think the first interpretation is the intended meaning, thus the original headline is revised to “Complaints about NBA Referees Are Growing Ugly”.(2)The word …powder‟is ambiguous in meaning here, because it can imply the drug or medicine in the form of powder. Thus in order to be clear in meaning, the original headline can be revised into “Mike Drinkers Are Turing to Milk Powder”.(3)There are two kinds of interpretation of this headline: the first is “two sister reunited at checkout counter after 18 years of separation.”The second interpretation is that “two sisters reunited after they have been in checkout counter for 18 years.”The more reasonable meaning could probably be the first one. Therefore, the original headline can be revised into “Two Sister Reunited At Checkout Counter After 18 Years.”(4)There are two kinds of interpretations of this headline: the first is “ Enrages Cow Injures Farmer Who Is With Ax” thus the prepositional group is modifying the compliment …farmer‟; the second is “Enraged Cow Which Is With Ax Injures Farmer”thus the prepositional group is modifying the subject …enraged cow‟. However, according to the common sense, the second interpretation doesn‟t occur naturally, and we think the first interpretation is the intended meaning. The original headline can be revised to “Enraged Cow Injures Farmer who is with Ax”.(5) The word …belt‟is ambiguous in meaning because it can mean the act of hitting or blowing hard. Thus the original headline can be revised into “Safety Experts Say School Bus Passengers‟ Safety Belt Should Put on Safety Belt.‟6.The phenomenon described can be illustrated by the theory of cohesion and coherence in discourse analysis, especially the conjunctive kind of cohesive relation. Text processing requires inferences for establishing coherence between successive sentences. The achievement of coherence partly through grammatical device and partly through lexical cohesion.Conjunction is one of the grammatically cohesive relations. It is based on the assumption that there are forms of systematic relationships between sentences in the linguistic system. Conjunction can be realized by some conjunctive words and some adverbs, such as so, but, furthermore, and so on. But in fact, the conjunctive relation between the discourse need not be realized by conjunctive words, as can be seen in these two examples.Yet it is not enough for the text to have connections between elements, there is also thecoherence which distinguishes connected texts which make sense from those which do not. It enables people to make sense of what they read and hear, and then try to arrive at an interpretation which is inline with their experience of the way the world is. In fact, our ability to make sense of what we read is probably only a small part of that general ability we have to make sense of what we experience or perceive in the world.Therefore, by the coherence which helps us to connect the discourse with the world we experience, we the hearers will tend to make the discourse fit in some situation which could accommodate all the details, and just as in the two examples ,the causal conjunctive relations are established.。



北京外国语大学2002 年语言学考研真题考试科目:语言学和应用语言学1.Displacement, arbitrariness, cultural transmission, discreteness and dualityare sometimes listed as the 6 core feature of human language. Choose 3 out ofthe 6 and explain with examples what they mean. (12 points )2.Briefly explain what phonetics and phonology are concerned with and what kindof relationships hold between the two. (10 points )3.In deriving new words via a prefix such as mi-, there seems to be someconstraint on what is permitted. The words in the first column below areacceptable formation, but the forms in the other columns are not. Work outwhat the rules might be for making new adjectives with the suffix mis- (18points )Misadventure mishappymismilkMisjudgementmismealmissadMisplacemisglad miswordMistrustfulmisrulemiscrazing what you know about Grice ’scooperative principle and its four maxims,analyze the following short exchange. (20 points )同事甲:小张昨晚去哪儿了?同事乙:今天早上我看见一辆白色富康停在小林家门口。



政治 外语
50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
90 90 90 90
专业或 综合课
90 90 90 90
340 340 340 340
50 50
社会工作 035200
50 50
汉语国际教育 045300
50 50
应用心理学 045400
10 《西方哲学史》 梯利 美商务印书馆 50 元 01 中国现代哲学史 张文儒 郭建宁 北京大学出版社
02 中国现代哲学史教学资料选编 许全兴 陈战难 北京大学出版社 03 马克思主义哲学史 北京大学出版社 第 6,7 卷
04 毛泽东哲学思想精髓 北京大学出版社 05 中国哲学史(上下册) 中华书局 北京大学哲学系中国哲学教研室编 (复印版) 06 中国哲学资料选辑 中华书局(上下册)北大哲学系中哲教研室编 07 中国哲学史(1-4 册)任继愈人民出版社 08 中国哲学史(上下册)肖捷夫 李锦全 人民出版社 (复印版) 09 中国哲学大辞典 方克立 中国社会科学出版社 01 西方哲学原著选读(上下册)西哲教研商务印书馆
推免人数 15
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根据教育部有关制订分数线的要求,我校按照统考生、联考生等不同类型分别确定复试基本 分数线。考生能否进入复试以各院系所规定的各项单科成绩和总成绩确定的复试名单为准。 我校将按照德、智、体全面衡量,择优录取,保证质量,宁缺毋滥的精神和公开、公正、公 平的原则进行复试与录取工作。



[考研类试卷]2010年北京外国语大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷一、名词解释1 langue2 phoneme3 prefix4 part of speech5 back-formation6 polysemy7 speech community8 interlanguage9 syllabus10 comprehensible input二、简答题11 How do you compare the traffic light system with a human linguistic system?12 What is the aim of IC(Immediate Constituent)analysis? Make an IC analysis of the following sentence by means of either brackets or a tree diagram.My mother said Mary liked the handbag.13 What is your comment on the following paragraph? Rewrite it and explain why you want to rewrite it that way.One winter morning when Father left the Riding Club on horseback, Father's horse fell with Father. Not only did the stupid animal fall but the animal landed on Father's foot. Father pulled Father's foot out from under, got the horse up, and went on to the Park for Father's ride. But Father found later that one of Father's toes had been bent and that Father couldn't straighten the toe out.14 In what way are language and computer related, and how has their relationship affected language learning?三、写作题15 What kind of linguistic phenomenon can you identify in the following dialogue? Define, analyse and explain the phenomenon.甲:上车请买票。



目 录2011年北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心外国语言学及应用语言学真题及详解2012年北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心外国语言学及应用语言学真题及详解2013年北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心外国语言学及应用语言学真题及详解2014年北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心外国语言学及应用语言学真题及详解2015年北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心外国语言学及应用语言学真题及详解2011年北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心外国语言学及应用语言学真题及详解I. Briefly explain the following terms. (20 points)1.perlocutionary act【答案】According to Austin, a speaker might be performing three acts simultaneously when speaking: locutionary act illocutionary act perlocutionary act. A perlocutionary act is the effect of the utterance. Thus, by saying “Morning!” the speaker has made it clear that he wants to keep friendly relations with the hearer.2.minimal pair【答案】Minimal pairs are the two words which are identical in every way except for one sound segment that occurs in the same place in the string. For example, the English words bear and pear constitute a minimal pair as they differ in meaning and in their initial phonemes /b/ and /p/.3.distinctive feature【答案】The distinctive feature refers to a property which distinguishes one phoneme from another. For example, “voicing” is a distinctive feature, since it plays an important role in distinguishing obstruents in English.4.linguistic variable【答案】Linguistic variable are those where the meaning remain constant but form varies like cat and pussy have the same social meaning but different form. So far pronunciation is concerned house [h] and with [h] has same social meaning with different pronunciation. Here variables are just the tools to analyze the language to set social dimensional society.5.lingua franca【答案】It is a language that is used for communication between different groups of people, each speaking a different language. The lingua franca couldbe an internationally used language of communication (e. g. English), it could be the native language of one of the groups, or it could be a language which is not spoken natively by any of the groups but has a simplified sentence structure and vocabulary and is often a mixture of two or more languages.II. Answer the following questions. (30 points)1.Why do we say linguistics is a science? (10 points)【答案】Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. It tries to answer the basic questions “What is language?” and “How does language work?” Linguistics studies not any particular language, e.g. English, Chinese, Arabic, and Latin, but it studies languages in general.It is a scientific study because it is based on the systematic investigation of linguistic data, conducted with reference to some general theory of language structure. In order to discover the nature and rules of the underlying language system, what the linguist has to do first is to collect and observe language facts, which arc found to display some similarities, and generalizations are made about them; then he formulates some hypotheses about the language structure. But the hypotheses thus formed have to be checked repeatedly against the observed facts to fully prove their validity. In linguistics, as in any other discipline, data and theory stand in a dialectical complementation; that is, a theory without the support of data can hardly claim validity, and data without being explained by some theory remain a muddled mass of things.(此题考查语言学作为一门学科其科学性,此题开放性试题,从其研究内容及方法角度作答即可。

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