the second World War英文版讲解 简介




二战对于英国的影响英语作文(中英文实用版)The Second World War, a catastrophic conflict that engulfed the globe, exerted profound impacts on the United Kingdom.It was a period marked by immense sacrifice, resilience, and transformation.二战,这场席卷全球的灾难性冲突,对英国产生了深远的影响。


The war led to a significant loss of life and widespread destruction across the nation.Cities were reduced to rubble, families were torn apart, and the economy was left in shambles.战争导致了大量的人员伤亡和全国范围内的破坏。


However, amidst the devastation, the war also sparked a spirit of unity and cooperation among the British people.They stood together in the face of adversity, working tirelessly to rebuild their nation.然而,在破坏之中,战争也激发了英国人民团结协作的精神。


The war also propelled significant social changes in the UK.The role of women in society was revolutionized as they took on jobs previously reserved for men.The welfare state expanded, providing better care for the citizens and laying the foundation for the modern British healthcare and social security systems.战争还推动了英国社会的重大变革。



第二次世界大战英语作文Title: The Shadow of the Second World War.The Second World War, often referred to simply as WWII, was the most devastating conflict in human history. It ravaged the globe, leaving in its wake millions of dead, displaced, and traumatized individuals. This cataclysmic event began in Europe with the German invasion of Poland in 1939 and ended in 1945 with the surrender of Japan, marking a turning point in global politics and the beginning of a new era.The roots of the conflict lay in the political and economic upheavals of the interwar period. The Treaty of Versailles, which ended the First World War, had left Germany in a state of economic and political instability. This, coupled with the rise of extremist ideologies like Nazism, led to the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler and his ambitions for territorial expansion. Similarly, the Far East was gripped by the aggressive expansionism of Japan,leading to conflicts with its neighbors.The outbreak of war in Europe was marked by a series of Blitzkrieg attacks by Germany, who quickly overran much of Western Europe. The Battle of Britain, however, marked a turning point, as the Royal Air Force successfully defended the island nation from a potential German invasion. The war in the Pacific saw the brutal conflict between the Allied forces and Japan, including the infamous attack on Pearl Harbor and the subsequent Pacific Theater campaigns.The war reached its climax with the invasion of the Soviet Union by Germany in 1941, which marked the beginning of the longest and bloodiest front of the war. The Eastern Front saw millions of soldiers and civilians die in the brutal cold and relentless fighting. The Allies, led by the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union, mounted a counteroffensive that eventually led to the liberation of Europe and the defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945.The Pacific War ended with the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States, which forcedJapan's surrender. These bombings, while ending the war, also marked a new era of nuclear terrorism and the Cold War that followed.The impact of the Second World War was felt across the globe. It destroyed cities, infrastructure, and lives, leaving in its wake a legacy of pain and suffering. The war also reshaped the political landscape, leading to the collapse of empires, the emergence of new nations, and the creation of the United Nations to prevent future conflicts.The war also had a profound impact on culture and society. Itspawned a new era of artistic expression and literary works that dealt with the horrors of war and the search for meaning in a post-war world. The war also saw the emergence of new technologies, such as radar and the atomic bomb, that would shape the future of warfare and international relations.In conclusion, the Second World War was a cataclysmic event that changed the course of human history. It was a reminder of the cost of conflict and the need for globalcooperation to prevent future wars. As we look back on this tragic chapter in our history, it is important to remember the lessons learned and strive to create a more peaceful and prosperous world.。

The World War II第二次世界大战

The World War II第二次世界大战

VI. Germany and Japan received a series of failure from 1942.6 on and continually lost the regions that they captured during 1941 to 1942 . VII. . In 1943 , Alliance army landed on Italy , continually liberated the whole Italy before the war ending VIII. By the year 1944 red army had liberated the whole east Europe and approached the heart of Germany . IX. Alliance army landed on France in 1944.6.6 and liberated France in Sep.1944 . X. Italy announced to surrender in 1945.
The Axis(Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis):Germany,Italy and Japan The Allies:America,England,France,Chi na,Canada,the Soviet Union,North Korea,Australia and so on
Thanks for watching!
Reasons for World War Ⅱ

Social Roots: Two serious Economic Crisis in 1929—1937 The formed of major political and economic group formed The Economic Crisis intensify social conflicts

The second world war1

The second world war1
从欧洲到亚洲,从大西洋到太平洋,先后有61 个国家和地区、20亿以上的人口被卷入战争, 作战区域面积2200万平方千米。
据不完全统计,战争中军民共伤亡9000余万 人,4万多亿美元付诸流水。第二次世界大战最 后以美国、苏联、中国、英国等反法西斯国家和 世界人民战胜法西斯侵略者赢得世界。 • According to incomplete statistics , the army and the people in the war casualties a total more than 90 million people , more than four thousand dollars to dissipate . Final to the second world war ,the United States, the Soviet Union , China , Britain and other Anti-fascist countries and people in the world defeated Fascist Aggressors won the world.
The second world war
(第二次世界大战 )
By:Group Ten
• The second world war ,which was from one September 1939 to two September 1945 .To German , Italian , Japanese FascistAxis (and Finland ,Hungary, Romania and other countries) as a party and to Anti-fascist alliance and the whole world Anti-fascist forces carried out for the other party's second global-scale war .



竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除二战英语演讲稿篇一:二战英语演讲稿worldwar2briefintroduce:Asweallknow,worldwar2,wasaglobalmilitaryconflict,la stingfrom1939to1945.Today,ldliketogiveyouabriefintr oduceaboutthiswar.worldwar2involvedmostofthecountryatthattime,includi ngallofthegreatpowers,anditdividedinto2opposingmili,letslookatpicture,theAlliesmainlycontains:Ameri ca,Thesovietunion,britainandchina,theAxiscontains:german,Italy,Japanandsoon.Then,letsknowabouttheleadersofmainlycountryduringth ewar.1.Adolfhitler:Thecorecharactersingermanyofworldwar2 .In1939,heagainstpolandwhichlaunchedthesecondworldw ar2.winstonchurchill:Inworldwar2heservedasprimeministeroftheunitedKingdo mfrom1940to1945andplayedaleadingrolewhoagainstgerma ndominationofeurope.3.stalin,Joseph:generalsecretaryofthecommunistpartyoftheunionofsovi etsocialistRepublics(ussR)from1922to1953,heisregard edasthedespoticruler.4.Roosevelt:,Althoughheisthedisabledperson,heisstillthegreatestl eaderofusAwhosparkedthefireofthewholecountrywithone heartnewspirit.note1:TheVersaillesTreatywasregardedasthefuseofthewar.not e2:nazi,thisnameisfullofattractive,butinfact,itisthesymbolofevil.Reason:Theoutbreakofwarhadlotsofcauses,butasfarasImconcern ed,themostimportantreasonsarethat.Inaword,duetothes eriouslyeconomiccrisis,theAxiswenttothewayoffascist .Theytriedtheirwholecountrypowerandresourcestodevel opthearmsandtoprepareforexpansion.Inthemeantime,TheAxiswerenotsatisfiedwiththeVersail lesTreatyandtheyallwantedtocontrolthewholeworld.whi le,unfortunately,theAlliesfacedtotheambitionsoftheA xisnegativelyandtheywerebusydevelopingtheeconomic.s o,afterthat,theworldwar2brokeout.process:Ineuro.breakoutInseptember,1939,germanylaunchedalighteningattackon polandwhichledbritainandFrancedeclaredwarongermany2 dayslater.Afterthat,germanycapturedFranceandsomeoth ersmallwesterneuropeancountries.Then,on1941.6.22,germanyopeningofthesecondfrontanda ttacktheussR.1.LeningradDefence:Inthenorth,thenorthernArmygroupsurroundedtheLeningr ad,itwasthesymbolofthecultureinthesoviet.Despitegre atsuffering,however,thepeopleofLeningradrefusedtosu rrender.whenfoodranout,peoplediedfromhungeranddisea se.Finally,theRedArmybrokethethree-yearsiegeofLenin gradonJanuary15,1944.Thiswaristhebloodiestbattlesin thehistoryofwarfare.2.Thebattleofmoscow:moscowisthecapitaloftheunionofsovietsocialistRepubl ics(ussR)anditisalsothelargestsovietcity.moscowwasr egardedasthepoliticalcenter,sostalinorderedthatallt heRedArmysoldiersshouldneverstepback.Thisbattlelast edforabout6month,andendedwiththevictoryofussRin1942 .01.07.3.Thebattleofstalingrad:bythesummerof1942.Inthesouth,thesouthernArmygrouppu shedeasttostalingrad,agreatindustrialcity,itwasthee conomiccentreofthesoviet.Thiswarwasamajorbattleofwo rldwarII.Duringthisbattle,thesovietgiventhegermanyA rmyaheavyblow.Afterwards,thegermancanneverleadedoff anattack.soitstheturningpointsofthewar.InAsian.Japanattackedtopearlharborin1941,12,7.ThenAmericajo inedthewar.Thebattleofsonghu:IntheAsianbattlefield.chinaplayedaveryimportantrole .shesufferedfromthemainattackofJapan,andshealsomade greatsacrificetoantifascist.class2Theturningpoints.石张磊7号normandylandings:In1944,thesecondeuropeanfrontwasop ened,britainandtheuslandedonthebeachesofnormandy.It meansgermanywilltrendtofailureinnearfuture.Finallybattles.AftertheAlliesoccupiedberlin,in1945,5,8.germanysurrendered.onAugust,1945,theusdropped2a tombombsonJapan,finally,Japanesesurrendered.Theworldwar2cametotheend.mythought:Inmyhumbleopinion,despitethenon,justtobehonest,thegermanyArmywasthemostpowerfulforc esinthattime.butAdolfhitlerhadmade3unforgivablemist akeswhichletgermanywenttofail.First,hedidnttryhisbesttobeatbritain,soheforcedtofi ghtontwofrontswhichletgermanyspentmoreresources.sec ond,hedidntovercametheLeninZiegler,sogermanyArmycou ldntsuccesstomeetwithFinland,thecountrywasattackedb ythesovietin1939,andthepowerfulnorthernArmygroupcou ldntgotosouthtosurroundthesovietArmy.Finally,themos timportantpointisthathitleradoptedapolicyofgenocide .Duetothatreason,manyenemywasforcedtodolifeanddeath struggle,thoughtheywerereluctantandhatetofight.Result:worldwar2letmorethan60millionpeoplelosetheirlivesan dgavepeopleendlesstrauma.but,intheotherside,manycou ntriesbecamesocialistordemocraticandmanycolonies(殖民地)wontheirindependence.ofcourse,inordertoavoidwarh appenagain,InApril1945,justattheendofthewar,theunit ednationsorganizationstartedinAmerica.Itisthemostim portantorganizationwhichiscommittedtomaintainingwor ldpeace.Tag:Ifyouareinterestedinworldwar2orevenhavesomedifferen tideas.Imverygladtocommunicatewithyouandtogiveyouso memoredetailsafterclass.Thankyouforlistening.篇二:关于战争英语演讲稿awordthatchangetheworldatthebottomofyourheart,cryou tfreedomabout4700yearsago,ourancestorhuangdicreatedanewnation,ineasternasia,fromtheqinunificationtotherevolutionledbysunya t-senin1911,ithasappearedatotalof83chinesedynasties。



• Poland is located in the eastern part of Europe, on the east of Russia, on the west of Germany, on the north of Czechoslovakia(捷克斯洛伐克). And its northern boundary is near the Baltic Sea. Because of its special geographical position, Poland becomes the transportation hub of Europe, which owns a strategic importance. Poland was one of the most powerful military forces among the European allies. If Germany occupied Poland, Germany not only had access to a large number of military and economic resources, but also greatly improved its strategic position: it not only could eliminate the worries of the British and French attack, but also to establish a base for attacks on the Soviet Union.
Monument to the "September Veterans" of 1939 in southern Poland.



The Second World War, also known as WWII, was a global
war that lasted from 1939 to 1945. It involved the majority
of the world's nations, including all of the great powers,
and was the deadliest conflict in human history, causing an estimated 50 million to 85 million fatalities.










Invasion in northern Europe 1940.4.9
In Norway
In Poland
French Debacle [dei'bɑ:kl]
• On May 10, 1940, the Germans decided to adopt "ManSiTanYin plan" of invasion of Poland, France and other western European countries. At the same time, the Germans to bypass the troops along the heavily fortified Maginot line, invade France.

the S.U.
Leningrad battle
Moscow battle
Battle of Stalingrad
Great Patriotic War ['pætri'ɔtik] 1941.6.22
• On July 3, 1941, Stalin broadcast speech to the people of the Soviet Union, the entire Soviet people are called on to unite,to go all out my desperate struggle with Hitler's Fascism,to outbreak of the soviet-german war.


thesecondWorldWar英文版讲 解介绍
the cause of the
war main
Part4 result
Part5 impact
Brief introduction
NATO 冷战时期的北约(蓝)和华约(红)两大阵营 (北约)二战后初期,西欧资本主义国家普遍衰落,美国一枝独秀, 形成以美国为首的资本主义阵营,对社会主义国家推行霸权主义政策,出现了北 约与华约两大军事集团的对峙。20世纪60年代西欧、日本要求摆脱美国的控制, 美国的资本主义世界霸主地位受到冲击,资本主义阵营内部矛盾重重,出现多极 化趋势
4 The development of techonology
5 Impact on the economic development of all countries
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Warsaw Pact(华约)
在世界反法西斯战争的影响和鼓舞下,东欧和亚洲大陆出现了一系列人民 民主国家,在各国共产党的领导下走上了社会主义道路。社会主义力量不 断壮大,越出了一国范围,形成了以苏联为首的社会主义阵营。
力发展较快的德、意、日三国要求重新划分世界势力范围,使帝国主义 之间的矛盾进一步尖锐起来。
2.the Great depression
1929年10月,美国华尔街纽约证券交易所的股市崩盘,经济危机席 卷了整个资本主义世界。
3.Fascist War

第二次世界大战简介 希特勒 斯大林简介英语

第二次世界大战简介 希特勒 斯大林简介英语

5. Stalingrad 6. Joseph Stalin
Chronology of the War Date September 1, 1939 April, 1940 Event The Second World War in Europe started with German armies pouring across the Polish frontier. Denmark and Norway were conquered.
Germany surrendered.

A Brief Introduction to Adolf Hitler
Chronology of the War Date Event
The U. S. A. entered the war after December, 1941 Japanese planes bombed the American naval base at Pearl Harbor. American, British and Canadian forces June 6, 1944 landed in Normandy and opened the second front in Europe. May 2, 1945 May 7, 1945 The Soviet army took Berlin.
Hitler’s troops drove into France and May 10, 1940 within the following six weeks, Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg had surrendered as had France. June 22, 1941 Hitler launched his long-term attack on the Soviet Union. September, 1942 A decisive battle was fought at Stalingrad, ~February, 1943 which was the turning point of the war.



如何写二战史的梗概英语作文500The Second World War: A Comprehensive Overview.The Second World War, a cataclysmic conflict that engulfed the globe from 1939 to 1945, stands as a pivotal chapter in human history. Spanning six continents and involving over 100 million combatants, it marked a time of unprecedented devastation and societal upheaval.Origins and Outbreak.The seeds of war were sown in the aftermath of World War I. The Treaty of Versailles, imposed on defeated Germany, left resentments and economic instability that festered for two decades. The rise of totalitarian regimes in Germany, Japan, and Italy, fueled by ultranationalism and expansionist ideologies, further exacerbated tensions.Japan's invasion of Manchuria in 1931 and Italy's conquest of Ethiopia in 1935 were early signs of impendingconflict. As tensions mounted, Germany under Adolf Hitler began rearming in violation of the Versailles Treaty and annexed Austria in 1938. The invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany on September 1, 1939, marked the outbreak of World War II.Major Theater of Operations.The Second World War unfolded across three main theaters of operations: Europe, the Pacific, and the Mediterranean. In Europe, the war was characterized by massive land battles, aerial bombing campaigns, and the Holocaust, a systematic genocide perpetrated by Nazi Germany against the Jewish population.In the Pacific, Japan's initial victories against the Western Allies in 1941 and 1942 led to a prolonged and brutal conflict. The United States, after the attack on Pearl Harbor, entered the war in December 1941, and its vast industrial capacity ultimately proved decisive in turning the tide against Japan.The Mediterranean theater of operations witnessed intense naval battles, land campaigns in North Africa and Italy, and the liberation of various regions from Axis occupation.Key Battles and Turning Points.Several key battles had a profound impact on the course of the war:Battle of Britain (1940): The Royal Air Force'svictory over the German Luftwaffe prevented a potential Nazi invasion of Britain.Invasion of Normandy (1944): The Allied D-Day landings marked the beginning of the liberation of Western Europe from Nazi occupation.Battle of the Bulge (1944-1945): A final German offensive in the Ardennes was defeated, signaling the end of German resistance in Western Europe.Battle of Midway (1942): A decisive naval battle that halted Japan's advance in the Pacific and shifted the balance of power in favor of the Allies.Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1945): The United States' dropping of atomic bombs on Japanfacilitated the Japanese surrender and effectively ended the war.End of the War and Aftermath.The Second World War ended in Europe with the surrender of Germany in May 1945 and in the Pacific with Japan's surrender in September 1945. The conflict had claimed an estimated 40-80 million lives.The war's aftermath was marked by massive displacement, political upheaval, and the emergence of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. The Nuremberg Trials held German leaders accountable for war crimes, and efforts began to rebuild war-torn societies.Legacy and Significance.The Second World War left an indelible mark on global history. It led to the establishment of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, aimed at preventing future conflicts and protecting fundamental freedoms. The war also accelerated technological advancements in fields such as aviation, weaponry, and medicine.The legacy of the Second World War remains a subject of intense study and debate. It serves as a solemn reminder of the horrors of war, the importance of international cooperation, and the ongoing struggle for peace and justice worldwide.。



the S.U.
Leningrad battle
Moscow battle
Battle of Stalingrad
Great Patriotic War ['pætri'ɔtik] 1941.6.22
• On July 3, 1941, Stalin broadcast speech to the people of the Soviet Union, the entire Soviet people are called on to unite,to go all out my desperate struggle with Hitler's Fascism,to outbreak of the soviet-german war.

Nazi (国家社 • Nazi Germany and the Third 会主义工人党) Reich are the common
English names for Germany under the regime of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers Party (AKA NSDAP or the Nazi Party), which established a totalitarian dictatorship that existed from 1933 to 1945. Officially, the state was, as in the preceding Weimar Republic era, still called the Deutsches Reich (German Reich).



二战历史英语介绍作文The World War II: A Historical Overview.The World War II, often referred to as the Second World War or WWII, was the most devastating conflict in human history, involving over 30 countries and resulting in the deaths of millions of people. It began in 1939 with the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany and ended in 1945 with the surrender of Japan, marking a pivotal moment in world history.The Prelude to War.The roots of World War II can be traced back to the interwar period, when the global political landscape was tense and unstable. The Treaty of Versailles, which ended the First World War, was perceived as unfair by Germany, leading to resentment and a desire for revenge. This sentiment was exacerbated by the economic depression that followed the war, known as the Great Depression, which hitGermany particularly hard. The rise of dictators like Adolf Hitler in Germany and Benito Mussolini in Italy further destabilized the region, as they sought to expand their power and influence.The Outbreak of War.In September 1939, Germany invaded Poland, sparking the outbreak of war. Britain and France, as allies of Poland, declared war on Germany, and soon after, a global allianceof countries formed to oppose the Axis powers – Germany, Italy, and Japan. The conflict quickly escalated, with battles fought on land, sea, and air. The Battle of Britain, for instance, was a crucial air campaign in which the Royal Air Force successfully defended Britain from GermanLuftwaffe attacks.The War in Europe.The war in Europe was marked by several significant battles. The Battle of France in 1940 saw the rapidconquest of most of France by Germany, leading to theevacuation of British and French forces at Dunkirk. The Soviet Union, an ally of the Allies, was invaded by Germany in 1941, leading to the largest and deadliest conflict in history – the Eastern Front. The Battle of Stalingrad, in 1942-1943, was a crucial turning point, as the Soviet Union successfully defended the city and began to push the Germans back.The Western Front, which saw battles in Normandy, France, and the Netherlands, was another significant theater of war. The Normandy landings, or D-Day, in June 1944, were a crucial Allied offensive that marked the beginning of the end for the Germans in Europe. The Allies slowly pushed the Germans back, and by 1945, they had reached the borders of Germany.The Pacific War.Concurrently, the Pacific War was raging between the Allies and Japan. The attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese Navy in December 1941 marked the official entry of the United States into the war. The Battle of Midway, inJune 1942, was a significant victory for the Allies, asthey successfully defeated the Japanese Navy. The Pacific War was marked by brutal island-hopping campaigns and the use of new weapons like the atomic bomb.The End of the War.In August 1945, the war came to an end with the surrender of Japan. The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which killed tens of thousands of people, were a critical factor in Japan's decision to surrender. In Europe, Germany surrendered in May 1945, marking the end of the conflict in that theater.The Impact of World War II.World War II had profound impacts on the world. It ledto the deaths of millions of people, destroyed cities and infrastructure, and changed the political landscape of the globe. The war also marked a turning point in technology, with the development of new weapons like the atomic bomband radar, and advancements in medicine, aviation, andelectronics.The post-war period saw the emergence of new superpowers – the United States and the Soviet Union –who entered into a period of Cold War rivalry that lasted for decades. The United Nations was founded in 1945 to promote international cooperation and peace, and the Marshall Plan was implemented to aid the recovery of European countries devastated by the war.In conclusion, World War II was a devastating conflict that had profound impacts on the world. It remains a significant event in history, serving as a reminder of the consequences of conflict and the importance of peace and cooperation among nations.。



第2次世界大战英语作文The Second World War was a time of great turmoil and suffering for millions of people around the world. It was a period of intense conflict, with many countries involved in a brutal and devastating war.The war had a profound impact on the lives of ordinary people, as well as on the course of history. It led to widespread destruction, loss of life, and displacement of populations. The war also brought about significant social and economic changes, and it had a lasting impact on the global balance of power.The war was fought on multiple fronts, with battles taking place across Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Pacific. It involved the use of new and devastating weapons, including the atomic bomb, which had a catastrophic impact on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.The war also saw the rise of totalitarian regimes andthe systematic persecution and extermination of millions of people, including Jews, Roma, disabled individuals, and political dissidents. The Holocaust, in particular, stands as a chilling reminder of the depths of human cruelty and the dangers of unchecked power.The end of the war brought about a new era of international relations, with the establishment of the United Nations and the beginning of the Cold War. It also led to the decolonization of many countries and the emergence of new global powers.The legacy of the Second World War continues to shape the world we live in today. It is a reminder of the horrors of war and the importance of working towards peace and understanding among nations.。



二战梗概600字作文英文回答:World War II, also known as the Second World War, was a global conflict that took place from 1939 to 1945. It involved many countries and was fought between two major alliances: the Allies and the Axis powers. The war began when Germany, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, invaded Poland in 1939. This act of aggression led to a declaration of war by Britain and France, and soon other countries joined the conflict.The war was characterized by major military campaigns and battles, such as the Battle of Stalingrad, the D-Day invasion of Normandy, and the Battle of Midway. These battles were fought on land, at sea, and in the air, and they had a significant impact on the outcome of the war.One of the most significant events of the war was the Holocaust, in which millions of Jews and other minoritygroups were systematically persecuted and killed by the Nazis. This genocide remains one of the darkest chapters in human history and serves as a reminder of the atrocities committed during the war.The war also saw the development and use of new weapons and technologies, such as the atomic bomb. The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 marked the first and only use of atomic weapons in warfare, and they had a profound impact on the course of the war and the subsequent arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union.The war finally came to an end in 1945, with the unconditional surrender of Germany and Japan. The aftermath of the war saw the establishment of the United Nations, an international organization aimed at maintaining peace and preventing future conflicts.中文回答:第二次世界大战,也被称为二战,是一场发生在1939年至1945年的全球冲突。



The Second World War: A Pivotal Era in HistoryThe Second World War stands as a defining moment in human history, shaping the global landscape and leaving an indelible impact on the lives of millions. This conflict, which spanned from 1939 to 1945, involved most of the world's nations and was primarily fought between the Axis powers led by Germany, Italy, and Japan, and the Allies, consisting of countries like the United States, Great Britain, China, and Russia.The war began with Germany's invasion of Poland in September 1939, marking the start of a global conflict that quickly escalated. The Axis powers sought to expand their territorial influence and ideological dominance, while the Allies aimed to preserve international order and freedom. The conflict was fought on multiple fronts, from the European theater where the Allies faced off against Germany and its allies, to the Pacific where the United States and its partners battled Japan.The war was marked by some of the most brutal and destructive battles ever seen, including the Blitz in London, the Battle of Stalingrad, and the D-Day landings in Normandy. The use of advanced weaponry, such as the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, heralded a new era of warfare and underscored the need for global cooperation to prevent such devastation in the future.The Allied powers eventually prevailed, leading to the defeat of the Axis powers and the end of the war in 1945. However, the conflict left in its wake immense destruction, loss of life, and long-lasting social and economic consequences. The war also marked a significant shift in global power, with the emergence of the United States and Russia as the two superpowers.In retrospect, the Second World War was not only a military conflict but also a battle of ideologies and a test of human resilience. It taught valuable lessons about the importance of international cooperation, the dangers of fascism and imperialism, and the need for peace and stability. It remains a pivotal era in history, shaping the world we live in today.。

History of the Modern World Chapter 10 The Second World War

History of the Modern World Chapter 10  The Second World War

Tiger Model Tank of Germany VS T-34 Model Tank of USSR
The Giant Artillery of Germany VS 152mm Howitzer of USSR
The America’s Carrier of Yorktown VS Japan’s Carrier of Kaga
B-17 Bomber and P-40 Fighter of US
V-2 Rocket of Germany and Nuclear of US
Section 1 The Start of the Second World War
1. German invasion of Poland (1) the outbreak of the war 1939.9.1 Blitzkrieg (lightning war) (2) Britain and France declared war on Germany

Section 2 Expansion of the War and the Establishment of the Anti-Fascist Alliance 1. German invasion of Battle of Moscow U.S.S.R. Operation of Barbarossa, 1941.6.22 2. Victory of the defending Moscow 1941.9.30-1942.1.7 3. The Chinese front after the outbreak of European war
Battle of Guadalcanal Islands



•From September 1st 1939 to August 15th 1945.•It effected from Europe to Asia, from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans, has had 61 countries and regions, 20 million people are involved in wars, operational area of 2,200 square kilometers.•The Second World War ended with the victory of the anti-fascist alliance.资本主义经济政治发展的不平衡引起的。

It is caused by the unbalance of the development of capitalist economic and political.经济上,一战后德国不甘心《凡尔赛和约》对其的严惩和限制,依靠美国的扶植,经济再度超过了英法;Economically, German unwilling the punished and restrictions of Versailles treaty ,rely on the assistance of America, the economic catch on the Britain and France again.意大利在一战后经济衰落;On the other sides, the economy of Italy is declining,日本侵略亚洲国家的同时,美英等国禁止向日本输送石油战略物资,导致日本经济发展受到阻碍。

The economy of Japanese was under control.政治上,1929—1933年资本主义世界严重的经济危机引起了政治危机,德国和日本建立了法西斯专政,而英、法、美继续坚持资产阶级民主制度。

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Soviet Union
随着帝国主义国家间经济、政治和军事发展不平衡的加剧,军事实 力发展较快的德、意、日三国要求重新划分世界势力范围,使帝国主义 之间的矛盾进一步尖锐起来。
1929年10月,美国华尔街纽约证券交易所的股市崩盘,经济危机席 卷了整个资本主义世界。 1922年10月,意大利国王任命墨索里尼担任意大利总理,法西斯专政 在意大利开始建立。到1933年11月,法西斯运动遍及23个国家半年后增 至30个国家。
在世界反法西斯战争的影响和鼓舞下,东欧和亚洲大陆出现了一系列人民 民主国家,在各国共产党的领导下走上了社会主义道路。社会主义力量不 断壮大,越出了一国范围,形成了以苏联为首的社会主义阵营。
形成以美国为首的资本主义阵营,对社会主义国家推行霸权主义政策,出现了北 约与华约两大军事集团的对峙。20世纪60年代西欧、日本要求摆脱美国的控制, 美国的资本主义世界霸主地位受到冲击,资本主义阵营内部矛盾重重,出现多极 化趋势
第二次世界大战客观上推动了科学技术的迅速发展。大战期间,为了战争的需要, 各国投入了大量的人力,物力和财力并且发展相应的科学技术,制造新式武器,航 空技术,重炮坦克,核武器,雷达导弹等,第二次世界大战后,这些用于制造作战 武器的科学技术为和平事业服务,推动了人类历史文明的进步。
战后美苏争霸。在经济上美国实行自由主义经济,苏联实行计 划主义经济。 1. 主要资本主义国家在美国“马歇尔计划”的扶持下以及第三次科 技革命的推动和国家垄断资本主义空前发展的情况下,进入了高速 发展和空前繁荣的“黄金时期”。 2. 美国成为资本主义世界头号强国,建立了以美元为中心的资本主 义世界货币体系——布雷顿森林体系。 3. 日本、联邦德国迅速崛起,成为仅次于美国的资本主义世界经济 强国,资本主义世界形成美、日、西欧三足鼎立的局面。 4. 这一阶段的社会主义国家,经济虽然有所恢复和发展,但是各国 照搬了苏联高度集中的政治经济体制,弊端日益显露,各国纷纷进 行改革。中国进行改革开放,找到了一条具有中国特色的社会主义 建设道路,经济得到了恢复和发展。
2 3
The establishment of the United Nations
National independence The establishment of the bipolar structure
The development of techonology Impact on the economic development of all countries
the cause of the war
main battleground
Brief introduction
Date:1939.9.—1945.9 the character of the war:It can be divided into two phases-imperialist war(帝国主义战争பைடு நூலகம்and antiFasicism(反法西斯战争) Two opposing military alliances:the Allies(同盟国) and the Axis(轴心国) The beginning:the invasion of Poland
Main battleground
幻影突击――波兰闪击战 平地惊雷――偷袭珍珠港 犁不开的冻土――莫斯科保卫战 折戟沉沙――中途岛海战 乾坤逆转――斯大林格勒会战 打开胜利之门――诺曼底登陆 帝国覆灭――柏林战役
Results and impacts
The second world war to the antifascist countries such as America, Britain, the Soviet union and the people of the world against the fascist aggressors won the world peace and progress. 从欧洲到亚洲,从大西洋到太平洋,先后有61个 国家和地区、20亿以上的人口被卷入战争,作战区 域面积2200万平方千米。据不完全统计,战争中军 民共伤亡9000余万人,4万多亿美元付诸流水。