The Buffalo Nickel
ⅱ 50 cents (五角) 这个不太通行,赌场可见。 25
cents (二角半) quarter 10 cents (一角) dime 5 cents (五仙) 1 cents (一仙) quarter -> 2角5分(25分) dime -> 1角(10分) nickel -> 5分 penny -> 1 分 还有1美元的硬币... 老的1美元很大...新的1美元小很多...没有上面4种 那么常见...5角就更罕见了... 5分钱硬币的直径比1 角硬币大...1角和1分差不多大...就颜色不同...
美国的西部大开发也叫西进运动。 早在北美殖民地时期,向西移民的活 动就开始了。南部的奴隶主、北部的土地投机商和贫苦的老百姓,都希望 在西部获得土地。英国政府为了把殖民地人民限制在能够控制的地方,于 1763年颁布了禁止移民越过阿巴拉契亚山脉以西的公告令。独立革命粉 碎了这一规定。1783年英美议定了和平解决方案,英国把阿巴拉契亚山 以西至密西西比河这一大片印第安人所有的土地,开放给了美国。1830 年5月,A.杰克逊总统通过了《印第安人迁移法》,把印第安人迁到密西 西比河以西。这之后,派军队把印第安人押送出密西西比河以东地区,殖 民事业在这一地区迅速发展。“旧西南部”(包括今肯塔基、田纳西、亚 拉巴马、密苏里、密西西比、阿肯色、路易斯安那诸州)的土地,主要被 种植园奴隶主占有,成为棉花的主要产地。“旧西北部”(包括今俄亥俄、 印第安纳、伊利诺伊、密歇根、威斯康星诸州)的殖民开发,是由于1785 年通过的土地条例(按低价出售公有土地)和1787年《西北准州地区条例》 而迅速开展的。独立革命开始时这里只不过有几千名法国人,1810年移 民已有27万多,1860年增加到693万人,仅芝加哥城人口就有100万。这 里是盛产谷物和养育业发达的地区。
Goddess Forms
The statue of liberty is in the style of the clothes in ancient Greece ,wearing the crown(王冠[kraun]) of rays and seven sharp mans symbolize(象征) the seven continents of the world.Statue of liberty‟s waist is 10.6 meters wide, mouth 91 centimeters wide.The right hand exalts torch 12.8 meters the symbol of freedomcan . The edge of it can stand 12 people. The left hand holds a law books and its cover engravs(雕刻[ɪn‘grev]) “on July 4, 1776”,which symbolize the day of the signing of the“ Declaration of independence“.The broken handcuffs, fetters and chains,are the symbols of freedom from the constraints(限 制[kən’strent]) of tyranny(暴政专制[‘tɪrənɪ]). Her expression is peaceful and warm nature.
Creation Background In 1930, Grant Wood, an American painter with European training, noticed a small white house built in the Carpenter Gothicarchitectural style(哥特式建筑) in Eldon(艾尔登 ), Iowa(爱荷华州,美国中西部之一州). Wood decided to paint the house along with “the kind of people I fancied(fancy的过去 式和过去分词, 想象 ) should live in that house”. Then, It becomes the symbol of USA as you see.
野牛镍币英文作文英文回答:The buffalo nickel, officially known as the Indian Head nickel, was a five-cent piece struck by the United States Mint from 1913 to 1938. It was designed by James Earle Fraser, and its obverse (heads) featured the profile of a Native American chief wearing a headdress. The reverse (tails) depicted a bison (commonly known as a buffalo) standing on a mound of earth.The buffalo nickel was one of the most popular coins in American history. It was the first coin to feature an American Indian on its obverse, and its design was considered to be both beautiful and symbolic. The coin was also very durable, and many examples can still be found in circulation today.In 1938, the buffalo nickel was replaced by the Jefferson nickel. The Jefferson nickel is still incirculation today, and it is one of the most common coinsin the United States.The buffalo nickel is a reminder of a time when the American West was still wild and untamed. It is a beautiful and historic coin that is still cherished by collectors today.中文回答:野牛镍币,官方称为印第安人头像镍币,是一种由美国铸币局从1913年到1938年铸造的五美分硬币。
This painting reflects the solemn(adj. 庄严 的, 严肃的, 隆重的)pride in both the United States on behalf of farmers in agriculturedominated era (农业时代), farmers cultivate the spirit of hard work, but also a symbol of the patriarchal society(父系社会)in the 19th century, the unquestionable authority and power of men. 此画体现了美国农民庄严的自豪 它既代表了在农业占主导地位的年代,农民们勤 劳耕作的精神,也象征着在19世纪男权社会中, 不容置疑的男性权威和力量。
译 文
In 1865, French historian Edouard de Laboulaye(普利策)proposed the construction of monuments ([‘mɑnjəmənt]纪念 碑,纪念塔) , sculptor Bartholdy (巴尔托迪) supportive of him . Then he took 10 years to complete the works of statue. In 1876, French people presented to the United States as 100th anniversary of the independence of present. 法国雕塑家巴尔托迪,与古斯塔夫艾菲尔在巴 黎制作,高耸的纪念碑。 在1876年,法国人提交 给美国独立100周年的礼物。
For more than a century, stands on the island in the freedom of the statue of liberty has become the united nation and a bronze (青铜 [brɑnz )statue of the symbol o friendship, forever expressed the American people fight for democracy(民主 [dɪ„mɑkrəsɪ] ) and longing for freedom lofty(崇高的) ideal. On the ships of the passengers going into New York harbor(海港)can see the statue of liberty stand up holding torch. For thousands of caming to the United States immigrants, the statue of liberty was to get rid poverty and oppression(压迫,压制 [ə’prɛʃən]) of the o world .Statue of liberty has become America's symbol.
Th buffalo nickel , produced from 1913 to1938 , honored a pair of connected tragedies from the settlement of the American frontier ---the destruction of the buffalo herds and the American Indians.
Today, the population of the bison rises to about 450,000 and some Precious bison are housed in the western United States.
The Buffalo live freedly
The Buffalo Nickel was designed by James Earle Fraser to commemorate the Buffalo and the Indians.
The Designer
詹姆斯·厄尔·弗雷泽(James Earle Fraser),美国雕塑家。《路的尽头》, 一个疲倦的印第安人瘫在马上的雕像,被 广泛复制。他的另一个作品是野牛或印第 安人像镍币设计。弗雷泽创作了许多半身 肖像及公共建筑物与公园的纪念碑,他还 设计了许多奖章,包括一战胜利勋章。 他有许多作品,包括:《本杰明·富兰克 林》;《西奥多·罗斯福》;约翰·埃里克森 纪念碑;《乔治·S·巴顿将军》。 The End of the Trail
Indians Also called a native American. The Indians were the original inhabitants of Latin America .
Today,American coins honor prominent(杰出的) figures (图形,图像)of the US government—mostly famous former presidents.But the Buffalo nickel,produce from 1913 to 1938 , honored a pair of connected tragedies from the settlement of the American frontier—the destruction of the buffalo herds(牧 群) and the American Indians. While white people had previously(以前,在先) been used as models for most American Indians as models of his creation. For the buffalo on the other side,since buffola no longer wandered about the great grasslands,Fraser was forced to sketch(素描) an aging buffalo from New York City′Park Zoo.Two years later,in 1915,this animal was sold for $100 and killed for meat,a hide(兽皮),and a wall decoration made from its horns.
自由女神头像镍币出现在1883年到1912年间,1913年起,它们被印第安硬币或 是野牛硬币所取代。按理来说,1913年应该不会再有自由女神像5分镍币的出现, 但事实上,一名硬币铸造官员在1913年私自铸造了5枚这样的镍币。由于这些硬币 没有发行,因而从未进入市场流通,很多年以来,拥有这些硬币一直被视为非法。 美国的钱币学家和收藏家是在6年后才知道有1913年自由女神像5分镍币的存在。 那年,著名收藏家布朗在美国钱币学会出版的《钱币学家》杂志上登了一则广告, 征求收购这种“不应存在”的镍币。但直到1924年,人们才见到5枚真品陆续出现。 在此后的数十年中,这5枚镍币多次转手,并同时成为埃及法鲁克国王的收藏品, 法鲁克王朝被推翻后,其全部收藏品由苏富比公司拍卖,这5枚镍币经拍卖后又一一 分散到几位大收藏家手中,而其中一枚却于1962年失踪。 目前世界上最贵的钱币是一枚1933年制造的金币,2002年曾拍出759万美元的 惊人价格。
The Buffalo Nickel 背景介绍
The Buffalo Nickel
The Buffalo Nickel was emitted and used during 1913 and 1938.It was designed by James Earle Fraser to commemorate the Buffalo and the Indians--the victims of the Westwood Movement.The Buffalo and the Indians on the nickel were all from the archetype.
The Buffalo Nickel 野牛镍币
在十九世纪时,先驱者和移民穿过大平原,为 了运动而宰杀野牛,同时为了战略目的,消灭 了印第安国家。在二十世纪初,野牛的数量降 低到仅仅几百头,使得美国政府和一些非盈利 性组织开始干预。今天野牛的数量上升到大约 450,000头
The Buffalo Nickel
(美国造币厂目前已经发行了新的2007年美洲野牛金 币。面额是Buffalo Nickel is made of 75% copper and 25% nickel and the coin is about 21 mm in diameter. 铜:75% 镍:25% 直径:21mm
The U.S. mint currently has issued a new 2007 American bison gold COINS .And it denomination is $50.
[C] a large group of animals of the same type which live and feed together 牧群 The herd are scattered over the hills. 牧群散布在群山上。 The lions killed the entire herd of goats. 狮子把那群山羊全都咬死了。
[U] the act of destroying or state of being destroyed 破坏;毁坏 the destruction of the forest by fire 火灾对森林的破坏 The enemy bombs caused widespread destruction. 敌人的炸弹造成广泛的破坏。
• The Buffalo Nickel
-------Five famous symblols of American culture
The Buffalo Nickel
The buffalo nickel,produced from 1913 t o 1938 honored a pair of connected trag edies from the settement of the America n fronntier-the destruction of the buffalo herds and the American Indians.
野牛镍币 (Buffalo Nickel)
美 国 普 通 的 镍 币
While white people had previously been used as models for most American coins,famed artst James Earle Fraser went against tradition by using three actual American Tndians as models for his creation.
• 19世纪30年代,一位美国漫画家特 地作了一幅画,将“山姆大叔”画 成一个长着
• 白头发、蓄着山羊胡子、头戴星条 高帽,身穿红、白、蓝三色燕尾服 和条纹长裤(美国星条旗图案)的瘦 弱高个子老人。“山姆大叔”的这 一形象逐渐被很多美国人接受。 1961年,美国国会正式通过一项决 议,确认“山姆大叔”为美国的象 征。后来,UNCLE SAM(山姆大 叔)这一形象又在漫画中出现,他 被描绘成一个具有超级力量与超级 速度的老头,成为美国漫画中的一 位超级英雄!
1.自由女神像(The Statue of Liberty) 2.芭比娃娃(Barbie) 3.美国哥特式(American Gothic) 4野牛镍币(The Buffalo Nickel) 5山姆大叔(Uncle Sam)
右图为硬币的一面, 另一面刻有三个印 第安人头像。 野牛镍币是当今很 多钱币爱好者最想 要收集的硬币之一。
• 弗雷泽在创作野牛画像的过程中,由于当时大 草原上已不再有四出现散漫步的野牛,只好到 纽约中央公园的动物园里素描一只年迈的野牛 ,两年后,这只野牛以仅100美元出售,然后 被宰杀取肉制皮,牛角也被制成了墙饰品。
• 美国传统硬币上刻画的主要是美国政府的杰出 人物,其中大多数是著名的历届总统。
• 美国的报纸杂志、文学作品和漫画中,经常可以看到“山姆 大叔”(uncle sam)的名字及其生动的形象。在不同画家的笔 下,“山姆大叔”神态各异,有的凶狠可憎,有的和蔼可亲 。但最常见的形象还是高高的个子,瘦削的面庞,头戴饰星 高顶帽,身穿燕尾服和条纹裤,虽白发苍髯,却精神矍铄, 一派威仪,这一形象深受美国人民的喜爱。
新视野大学英语第三册Unit 4 section A
work on (L1)
have sth. as the subject of thought or effort
Use it
I am working on …
(my term paper; the College English Test Band 4; a new project…)
命名 以…名义 名叫…的 用…名字的 没有正式名分的 有名无实的 问题的本质 亵渎…/滥用… 获得..把..收归名下
Grant Wood instantly rose to fame in 1930 with his painting American Gothic, an often-copied interpretation of the solemn pride of American farmers. (Para. 9)
芭比娃娃的三维模特是一个德国洋娃娃,一个哄成 年人开心的礼物,被描绘成具有“风尘女子”的摸 样。马特尔公司将这个娃娃做了一番改造,变成了 体面而地道的美国版本,尽管胸围有些夸张,并以 芭芭拉命名。
Structure: conj.+ prepositional phrase
• Most snakes, although with a threatening appearance, aren’t really dangerous if you leave them alone.
get people to join the army or navy
fine new people to work in a company, join an organization, do a job
------A ------A mental element which is used to make coins for it can prevent the coin from being rusted.
为了提醒美国公民保护环 境,政府就发行了这种野 境,政府就发行了这种野 牛镍币。
It was reported that the buffalo is found in the New York Central Park Zoo and the buffalo was quiet old when found.
但是在两年后也就是1915, 但是在两年后也就是1915, 它以100美元被卖了,ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ杀 它以100美元被卖了,并杀 来用作食物,与皮衣!确实 有点讽刺意味。
The Buffalo Nickel (or Indian Head Nickel) was the design of the US 5 cent coin from1913 to 1938. Although this coin was only minted for 25 years it is still possible to find them in circulation (although its quite rare). 野牛镍币(或印第安人头像 牛镍币(或印第安人头 镍币)是美国的5美分硬币。 )是美国的 美分硬币。 从1913设计使用到1938年。 1913设计使用到1938年。 虽然这硬币只铸造了25年, 虽然这硬币只铸造了25年, 但仍然有可能找到他们的流 通(尽管其相当罕见)。
新视野大学英语3unit4课文原文及翻译five famous symbols of american culture
野牛镍币在1913年至1938年发行,是著名的艺术家James Earle Fraser对美国西部开发的牺牲品——野牛和印第安人的纪念。镍币 上的野牛和印第安人都以真实的原型进行创。 Buffalo nickel in 1913-1938, James Earle is famous artists in the American west Fraser victims -- buffalo and indians in the memory. The buffalo nickel and indians in the prototype for real。 野牛镍设计了由詹姆士· 厄尔弗雷泽来自明尼苏达州。据说,弗雷 泽使用而言,不是一个而是三个印地安人合影留念,正泡沫的破灭。 显然,弗雷泽使用前额,鼻子和下巴的另一个创建自己的引人注目的 土著半身吧!至于野牛的背面,则由“黑色钻石,”一个1300磅野牛的 人居住在纽约以。 The Buffalo nickel was designed by James Earl Fraser, a native of Minnesota. It’s said that Fraser used not one, but THREE Native Americans to pose for the obverse bust. Apparently, Fraser used the forehead of one, the nose of another and the jaw of another to create his striking Native American bust! As for the bison on the reverse, that was modeled by “Black Diamond,” a 1,300 pound bison who resided at the New York Zoological Gardens.
Five Famous Symbols Of American Culture
American Gothic 美国哥特式
Uncle Sam
The buffalo Nickel 野牛镍币
The Statue of Liberty
Why is it a symbol?
The American Farmers’ solemn pride
Many other kinds
Reflect American zombie film culture
Reflect strict scientific spirit
Reflect Animation culture --The Simpsons and SpongeBob
As a gift to ( celebrate USA’s independence )
It is located in ( Liberty Island ,New York Harbor )
American Gothic
★ Influenced by medieval artists and inspired by the gothic window of an old farmhouse, Grant Wood(格兰特 伍德) painted it in 1930. It made Grant Wood instantly rise to fame. ★ It is stored by The Art of Institute of Chicago
• Americans regard the spirit owned by “Uncle Sam" as the spirit of national pride and common quality.
美国文化小析-野牛硬币镍币-The Buffalo Nickel
Author Introduction
Fraser was born in Minnesota in 1876,who
studied art in Chicago and Paris .He was only 17 when he completed the first modeling of “The End of the Trail”. The statue portrays a weary native American riding an equally forlorn horse. Despite the pressure of other projects, Fraser worked on “The End of the Trail” off and on throughout his career. Today a large version of the statue is in the Cowboy Hall of Fame and Western History Center in Oklahoma City, which also has Fraser's sketches for the “tail's” side of the Buffalo nickel. When the Buffalo nickel finally made its first show in 1913, a coin collector's magazine yelled it as a true work of art, powerfully modeled . Many critics agreed, and in 1951 the American Academy of Arts and Letters presented Fraser with a gold medal honoring a lifetime of distinguished achievement.
Thanks for watching
7. The Republic of Benie(贝宁
Benin republic issued a marijuana COINS, though there is no "herbs" curative effect, this coin have special aroma.
The text
Columbus set foot on American continent after their first sight of biological may not human, but buffalo. When the entire North America about Sixty million buffalo, in droves in prairie stroll. So shocking scene must let eyewitness acclaim, now defined on behalf of the American west classic amorous feelings of the picture, and also became an American buffalo spiritual symbol.
但是1913到1938年间,发行的野牛镍币,却 是为了纪念由美国拓居引起相互关联的悲 剧—野牛群的灭绝和美洲印第安人的毁灭。
• The coin was designed by James Earle Fraser, a noted artist with a keen interest in native culture. His initial "F" appears below the date on the coin.
Five Famous Symbols of American culture
Barbara was the daughter of Elliot
and Ruth Handler, co-founders of the Mattel Toy Company.
Ruth and her barbie dollls
Frederic Auguste Bartholdi
The Statue of Liberty In 1876
Bartholdi went ahead and
married his love. He had assembled the statue‘s right arm and torch, and displayed them in Philadelphia.
A few dedicated doctors have fought for years to enlighten the profession.
The object of his novel writing is to amuse and enlighten the general readers.
The young artist rose quickly to fame.
Pop stars come to fame more quickly.
In the mid-1870s, French artist Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was working on an enormous project called Liberty Enlightening the World, a monument celebrating US independence and the France-America alliance.
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James Earle Fraser
• he first Buffalo Nickels minted in 1913 were originally struck with a design that had the buffalo standing on a mound. These are referred to as Type 1 coins. Due to some production problems with this raised design, the design was changed and all future coins featured the buffalo standing on a flat plain. Coins with this latter design are referred to as Type 2 coins.
美 国 普 通 的 镍 币
Today, American coins honor prominent f igures of the US government—mostly f amous former presidents. But the Buffalo n ickel, produced from 1913 to 1938, honored a pair of connected tragedies from the se ttlement of the American frontier—the de struction of the buffalo herds and the Am erican Indians.
美国野牛(the buffalo)
The American Bison (Bison bison) is a bovine mammal, also commonly known as the American buffalo. 'Buffalo' is something of a misnomer for this animal as it is only distantly related to either of the two "true buffaloes", the water buffalo and the African Buffalo.
• The bison once inhabited the Grasslands of the United States and Asia in massive herds, ranging from the Great Slave Lake in Canada's far north to Mexico in the south, and from eastern Oregon almost to the Atlantic Ocean, taking its subspecies into account. Its two subspecies are the Plains Bison (Bison bison bison), distinguished by its smaller size and more rounded hump, and the Wood Bison (Bison bison athabascae), distinguished by its larger size and taller square hump. Wood Bison are one of the largest species of cattle in the world, surpassed in size only by the massive Asian gaur and Wild Asian Water Buffalo, both of wheast Asia.
While white people had previously been used as models for most American coins, famed artist James Earle Fraser went ag ainst tradition by using three actual Ameri can Indians as models for his creation.
For the buffalo on the other side, since buffalo no longer wandered about the great grasslands, Fraser was forced to sketch an aging buffalo f rom New York City's Central Park Zoo. Two y ears later, in 1915, this animal was sold for $ 100 and killed for meat, a hide, and a wall d ecoration made from its horns.
• The design depicts a realistic portrait of an American Indian on the obverse of the coin along with the word "Liberty" along the rim. The reverse of the coin features a magnificent buffalo and the words FIVE CENTS on a raised mound on which the buffalo stands. The coin is unique inasmuch as no other regular issue U.S. coin has ever featured an animal (other than the eagle) as a part of its main design.
导演: Michael Corrente 主演: 达斯廷·霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman Sean Nelson Dennis Franz 类型:剧情 更多中文片名: 美国蛮牛 片长:88 min / Argentina:90 min 国家/地区:英国 / 美国 对白语言:英语 发行公司:Aquarius TV 上映日期:1996年9月12日
• Buffalo Nickels continued to be minted annually after 1913 until 1938 - with the exception of the years 1922, 1932 and 1933. Over 1 billion of these coins were minted during this time at various mint facilities including the Philadelphia, Denver, and San Francisco mints. The mintmark can be found on the reverse of the coin under the words FIVE CENTS.
The Buffalo Nickel
———— The Buffalo Nickel
is the Buffalo ? 2.Why the Buffalo Nickel is one of famous symblos of American cuiture ? 3.The story of the BuffaloNickel. 4.What does the Buffalo Nickel symbolize ? 5.The movie of the Buffalo Nickel
———— Directed by liangshuai
It symbolizes a tribute to the buffalo and the native American people who were kill ed and displaced to make room for Eurpe an expansion.
The movie of the Buffalo Nickel
野牛镍币 (Buffalo Nickel)
The Buffalo Nickel was first minted for regular use in U.S. coinage in 1913 and became very popular with the general public. The coin was designed by James Earle Fraser, a noted artist with a keen interest in native culture. His initial "F" appears below the date on the coin.