英语词汇学 第八章课件


英语词汇学课件 Unit 8

英语词汇学课件 Unit 8

8.2 Semantic broadening and narrowing
8.2.1 Semantic broadening definition
semantic broadening (the widening/ extension/generalization of meaning) : the word takes on a wider, more general meaning than it had previously. E.g. the meaning of bird, formerly ‘young bird’, was extended, in the early history of English, to mean ‘bird’ in general. mill/journal/bonfire/butcher/companion different types of broadening 从特指到泛指: sun “江” 、“河” 从具体到抽象: place, thing(a public assembly, Old English and Old Norse / an entity of any kind) circumstance 从术语到一般词语 allergic, feedback 从专有名词到普通名词 sandwich newton ampere
8.3.2 semantic degradation
the degradation/degeneration/pejoration of meaning: Change by which a word develops a less favorable sense.



Combining two or more words to create a new word, e.g., "eyewitness," "motherland."
Changing the form of a word to create a new word or expression, e.g., "run" to "ran," "walk" to "walk a walk."
Blending: Combining the sounds or parts of two words to create a new word, e.g., "smog," "break."
Prefixes and suffixes that are added to the beginning or end of words to modify their meanings or functions, e.g. "un -" in "unhappy," "- ness" in "happiness."
The rapid pace of technological advancement has greatly influenced the English vocabulary New terms related to technology, such as "cyberpunk" or "algorithm," have entered the language to describe these advancements

英语词汇学 第八章课件详细版.ppt

英语词汇学 第八章课件详细版.ppt
8.2 The Role of Context: 语境的作用
❖ 1.Elimination of Ambiguity. Ambiguity often arises due to polysemy and homonymy. 消除歧义。由于词的多义词和 同音同形异义性,歧义现象经常出现。
❖ Grammatical structure can also lead to ambiguity. 语法结构也会引起歧义。
❖ 4) Synonymy.同义词关系 ❖ Synonyms or synonymous expressions
are frequently employed by authors to explain new words. 作家们频繁地使用同义词或同义词组来解释 新词 。
❖ 5) Antonymy.反义关系 ❖ Contrasting words or statements are also
8.2.2 Indication of Referents.限定所指
8.2.3 Provision of Clues for Inferring Word-meaning 提供推断词义的线索
❖ In many cases, when a new word (thought to be) appears for the first time, the author generally manages to give hints which might help the readers to grasp the concept or understand the idea. 在很多情形中,当一个新词(所谓的)第一 次出现时,作者一般会想方设法提供一些可 能帮助读者抓住概念或理解观点的暗示。

英语词汇学授课课件 PPT

英语词汇学授课课件 PPT
❖ 2. synonyms and idioms
B: rapid growth of present-day English Vocabulary and Its causes
❖ Neologisms(新词) after World War II ❖ Reasons: ❖ 1. progress of science and technology科技
❖ This definition emphasizes syntax(句法), but does not touch upon meaning.
Antoine Meillet
❖ “A word is defined by the association of a given sense with a given group of sounds capable of a given grammatical use.” (p.2, para.2 )
Bloomfield布洛姆菲尔德(美国语言学家教育 家) and ❖ a French linguist, Antoine Meillet(梅耶,法 国语言学家)
❖ “some linguistic forms(语言形态), which we call bound forms(限定/非自由形态) are never used as sentences.
invaded by Angles盎格鲁, Saxons撒克逊, Jutes朱特人
❖ Vocabulary: 5000-6000 words,chiefly Anglo-Saxon/ some Old Norse古斯堪的那维 亚语
❖ Old Norse words (are, they, their, them, till, call, die, give, take, skin, window, ill, weak)

英语词汇学教程课件第8章English Lexicology 8上

英语词汇学教程课件第8章English Lexicology 8上
English Lexicology
Lecture Eight
Idioms, Multiword Verbs and Proverbs
Idioms, multiword verbs and proverbs constitute an important part of the English language. They are very common in spoken and written English. The general tendency of present-day English is towards more idiomatic usage.
noun and noun (e.g. bread and butter, part and parcel),
noun + prepositional phrase (e.g. a snake in the grass, a bull in a china shop),
as + as construction (e.g. as clear as crystal, as like as two peas),
Nautical life and military life are the source of when one's ship comes home, to be in the same boat as someone, to be in deep waters, to sail under false colors, to cross swords with someone, to fight a pitched battle, to fight a losing/winning battle.



1) a sheet of paper (thin flat sheets of substance for writing, printing, decorating walls, etc.)
2) a white paper (government document)
3) a term paper (essay written at the end of the term)
(1) The fish is ready to eat. (2) I like Mary better than Jean.
8.2.2 Indication of Referents
English has a large number of deictic(指示的) words such as now/then, here/there, I/you, this/that, which are often used to refer directly to the personal, temporal or locational characteristics of the situation. Without clear context, the reference can be very confusing, e.g. now.
4) today’s paper (newspaper)
5) examination paper (a set of questions used as an examination)
2) Grammatical Context
In some cases, the meanings of a polysemant may be influenced by the structure in which it occurs. This is what we call grammatical context. Let us consider the verb become for example.

初中英语词汇学精美课件pp t(8)

初中英语词汇学精美课件pp t(8)

re (back) +cur(跑)=recur


oc (to/towards )+cur(跑)=occur

(跑来) →v. 出现,发生
(“跑出去”,“出行”) →n.远足,旅 行
pan (到处)+dem +ic→ pandemic
(到处流行的) →(疾病)大流行的;大流行性 疾病
epidemic epi(在…之间)+dem(人民)+ic(…
的)=epidemic (“流行于人民之中的“) →adj.流行的,传
+ure=arboriculture n.树木的培植/栽培
api (“bee”)+ cult (“till”) +ure=apiculture
flori (“flower”)+ cult (“till”) +ure= floriculture

adj.圆形的 n.摆线
cycl(圆)+o +ne=cyclone

cycl(圆)+i+ cal=cyclical

5.dem=people 人民
democΒιβλιοθήκη acydem(人民)+o +cracy (统治)=democracy















i’m very thirsty. i want to drink some water. 2、the flowers are dry.i must water them everyday. 从语境中使学生知道第1句中的water是名词“水”,第2句中的是动词“浇水”的意思,从而掌握water 不同的词性和用法。


比如:water 水(名词)―― water 浇水(动词)train火车 (名词) _____ train训练 (动词)open 开(动词) _____ open开着的(形容词)衍生,即为词根加前缀或后缀形成另一个词。

比如:(1)happy――unhappy ―― happiness(2)possible―― impossiblelike____ dislike3、合成,即由两个或更多的词合成一个词。

例如:(1) suit+case= suitcase(2)good +looking= good-looking(3)out+side= outsidein+side= inside(4)make+up= makeup(化妆品)四、用联想法教学单词M18x法就是所指从崭新单词与段小宇的单词之间的联系抓起,将词汇按一定的关系放到一起,同时记忆。

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英语词汇学教程  全套课件-精选文档
长子,赑屃/囚牛 次子,螭吻 三子,蒲牢 四子,狴犴 五子,饕餮 六子,蚆嗄 七子,睚眦 八子,狻猊/负屃 九子,椒图 /貔貅

长子,赑屃(bìxì ) /囚牛(qiúniú) 次子,螭吻(chīwěn) 三子,蒲牢( púláo) 四子,狴犴(bìàn) 五子,饕餮(tāo tiè) 六子,蚆嗄(bā xià) 七子,睚眦(yá zì ) 八子,狻猊( suān ní )/负屃(fù xì ) 九子,椒图( jiāotú)/貔貅( pí xiū)
Biblioteka 莎士比亚大约掌握24000个词。 丘吉尔能使用90000个词。 一个受过高等教育的英国人一般能掌握 25000词以上。 美国大学对外国学生的英语要求是掌握 4000词。 学会常用的5000个词,就能理解97%左 右的内容。

大学英语四级(CET-4)词汇量4500 大学英语六级(CET-6)词汇量5500 英语专业四级(TEM-4)词汇量6000 英语专业八级(TEM-8)词汇量8000 托福 (TOEFL)词汇量7500 雅思 (IELTS) 词汇量8000 研究生入学考试 (GRE)词汇量12000 你的词汇量……?
Skill of memorizing new words

charisma Chairman Mao revealed his charisma to the whole world. (a natural ability and personality to attract and interest other people and make them admire you领袖魅力/气质/风采)
8000-15000词汇量 (GRE词汇量) abrasion equivocate morbid belligerent fortuitous peccadillo coalesce immaculate procrastination divulge loquacious taciturn


A. Grammatical Meaning:
1. Word-class/ part of speech
girl (singular)– girls (plural) The dog bit the man. (SVO) modern (a.) modernize (v.) modernization (n.)
2) Morphological motivation: (form)
shoe-maker flat-foot night-cap sweet-tooth
孬 甭 嫑 歪 忈
槑 奤 覅 奣 氼
嘦 勥 巭 恏 兲
3) Semantic motivation: (meaning)
3. Social/ Stylistic Meaning:
( 社会/ 文体意义)
The appropriateness of language finds its way in the following aspects: 1) The social relationship between Speakers and correspondents; 2) The specific occasion; 3) The subject matter; 4) The mode of discourse.
The Five Clocks- Martin Joos (1967)
1) frozen style 2) formal style 3) consultative style 4) casual style 5) intimate style
Note: None of these style is better than any other; appropriateness is the key to the good use of the various styles.


A. Old English (Anglo-Saxon Period)
(449---1100) Attendance and Assignments:
B. Middle English (1100---1500) give you some color to see
4) The influence of other cultures and languages 补充: NCEPU= North China Electric Power University flat---apartment
• 由于 综合国力强大促进了美语的地位和进一步 推广反过来美语的发展也反作用于 社会甚至全 世界.
• colour---color
• practice (v. n.) About the Final Exam
• rubber---eraser lift---elevator (escalator)
• underground---subway The feature of language
enlarge your vocabulary lexicon + -ology = lexicology
•(cousin) flat---apartment
• lift---elevator (escalator)
lexicology : the study of words and the relation of words
vocabulary: 词汇总称, 词汇量 word: 单词
The more words you memorize, the larger your vocabulary is.



Stylistic Features
❖ idioms are generally felt to be informal and some are colloquialisms and slang, therefore inappropriate for formal style. Occasionally, we find idioms which are extremely formal and used only in frozen style.
❖ The fixity of idioms depends on the idiomaticity. The more idiomatic the idioms, the more fixed the structure.
❖ Many of the idioms of the lower scale do allow some changes.
❖ In between we have idioms like turn over a new leaf, as cool as a cucumber and draw the curtain , whose meanings are in a way related to the meanings of the constituents but are themselves explicit.
colloquialisms, catchphrases, slang expressions, proverbs, etc ❖ This chapter will deal with idioms in terms of their characteristics, classification and uses.



1.4 Sound and form
What causes the differences between sound and form?
➢ More morphemes than letters, ➢Stabilization of spelling, ➢Deliberate change of spelling by early,
• Criterion: by notion
Content words Functional words • Criterion : by use frequency Native words Borrowed words
1. Basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary
Basic word stock and non-basic vocabulary
Content words and functional words
Native words and borrowed words
1.1 What is a word?
A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound, meaning and syntactic function.
• Constitute a very small number of the vocabulary; stable
3. Native words and borrowed words 本族语词和外来语词
• Native words / Angle-Saxon words • The features of native words



02 03
பைடு நூலகம்
Cultural studies
English vocabulary and cultural studies are also closely related, and the origin and development of many vocabulary are closely related to cultural backgrounds.
Functional classification
Dividing words based on their function in the presence, such as nouns, verbs, objections, or advertisements
Context classification
Etymological classification: Organizing words according to their physiological origin, such as Latinate or German words
Classification methods for English vocabulary
The Development of English Lexicology
Early English Lexicology
Early English Lexicology research mainly focused on word origins and meanings, with less attention paid to the composition and changes of vocabulary.
Classifying words based on the context in which they are used, such as formal or informational language



Chapter 9 English Idioms
• Expressions that are not readily understandable from the literal meanings of individual elements. (set phrases and sort sentences)
• 2) help define referents • This/that, now/then, etc.
• 3) provide clues for inferring word-meaning
• example:
• Kinesics, the study of body movement, was suggested by Professor Bird-whistell.
collectorsanitation engineer)
2) Linguistic factors
(1)Internal factors cause the change gold medal- gold; light bulb bulb (2) Influence of alien words Deerrefers to animal, but “animal”from
2) Specialization/narrowing (缩小)
Originally, they mean: garage-安全的地方 poison- 饮料 hospital- 休息娱乐场所
3) Elevation (升格)
a. 贬义/中性义-- 褒义(或高级别) Marshall--马夫-元帅 Executive一般执行者-行政官员
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Hyponymy.上下义关系 Superordinates and subordinates often define and explain each other, thus forming an important context clue. 上义词和下义词经常互相定义和解释,因而ion.定义 Often we find that the author gives formal definition immediately after the new term。 我们经常发现作者在新词出现之后马上给出 正式的定义。
Explanation. 诠释 If the concept is complicated and must involve technical terms in its definition, the author might explain the idea in simple words. That is, he might make a restatement in known words. 如果概念很复杂,而且在其定义中必须涉及 术语,作者应用简单词汇来解释这个概念。 也就是说,他应用常见的单词来重新陈述 。

Grammatical context In some cases, the meanings of a word may be influenced by the structure in which it occurs. This is what we call grammatical context. 在有些情况下,一个词的意义可能 受其所在结构的影响,这便是我们所称的语 法语境。

8.1.1 Extra-linguistic Context非语言语境
we talk about context, we usually think of linguistic context , hardly aware of the non- linguistic context situation, which can often exercise greater influence on the meaning of words than we realize. 当我们谈到语境时,我们通常 想到语言语境,很少意识到非语言语境,非 语言语境对词义施加的影响比我们想象的要 大。
Relevant details .相关细节 In some contexts, the author provides details relating to the unknown word, such as the functions, characteristics, nature, etc. of the referent. 在有些语境中,作者提供了与未知词相关的 细节,诸如功能、特性、本质等 。 油布长雨衣
8.2.2 Indication of Referents.限定所指
8.2.3 Provision of Clues for Inferring Word-meaning 提供推断词义的线索
many cases, when a new word (thought to be) appears for the first time, the author generally manages to give hints which might help the readers to grasp the concept or understand the idea. 在很多情形中,当一个新词(所谓的)第一 次出现时,作者一般会想方设法提供一些可 能帮助读者抓住概念或理解观点的暗示。 Context clues vary a great deal but can be summed up as follows: 语境线索虽然 差异很大, 但能被归纳如下:
8.1.2 linguistic context
Linguistic context can be subdivided into lexical context and grammatical context. 语言 语境还可再分为词汇语境和语法语境。 Lexical context This context refers to the words that occur together with the word in question. The meaning of the word is often affected and defined by the neighbouring words. 这种语境是指与讨论中的词一起出现的单 词。这个词的意义经常受邻近词的影响,并被其定 义。
Example.举例 In some cases, instead of giving a formal definition or explanation, the author may cite an example which is sufficient to throw light on the meaning of the term. 在有些情况下,作者可能会引述一个足以阐 明该词意义的例子,而不是给出一个正式的 定义或解释。
8.2 The Role of Context: 语境的作用
of Ambiguity. Ambiguity often arises due to polysemy and homonymy. 消除歧义。由于词的多义词和 同音同形异义性,歧义现象经常出现。 Grammatical structure can also lead to ambiguity. 语法结构也会引起歧义。
Synonymy.同义词关系 Synonyms or synonymous expressions are frequently employed by authors to explain new words. 作家们频繁地使用同义词或同义词组来解释 新词 。
Antonymy.反义关系 Contrasting words or statements are also commonly used to explain unknown words. 对立的词或陈述也常被用来解释未知的词 。
Chapter 8
Meaning and
8.1 Types of Context 语境的类型
In a narrow sense, it refers to the words, clauses, sentences in which a word appears. This is known as linguistic context which may cover a paragraph, a whole chapter and even the entire book. 从狭义上讲,语境是指一个词所 在的词群、从句和句群环境,这称为语言语境, 可 以包括一个段落,一个章节,甚至整个一本书。 In a broad sense, it includes the physical situation as well. This is called extra-linguistic or non-linguistic context, which embraces the people, time, place, and even the whole cultural background. 从广义上讲,语境还包括 物理环境,这称为非语言语境,包括人物、时间、 地点,甚至包括整个文化背景。
Word structure.单词结构 The morphemic structure of words, especially compounds and derived words offers clues for inferring the meanings of unknown words. 单词的形态结构,特别是复合词和派生词 为未知词意义的推断提供了线索。