scientific reports world模板

scientific reports world模板Scientific Reports World: A Template for Scientific ResearchScientific research plays a crucial role in advancing our understanding of the world around us. To effectively communicate the findings and contribute to the scientific community, researchers need a well-designed platform for publishing their work. Scientific Reports World provides an exceptional template that meets the requirements of scientific research articles.Structure:A well-structured scientific article is essential for clarity and comprehension. Scientific Reports World offers a template that includes distinct sections such as Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. This structure allows researchers to present their work in a logical manner, enabling readers to follow the research process and understand the outcomes effectively.Title and Abstract:The title of a scientific article should be concise, informative, and captivating. Scientific Reports World template emphasizes the importance of a well-crafted title that accurately represents the research content. Additionally, a clear and concise abstract is provided to summarize the study's key objectives, methodology, and conclusions. This helps readers quickly grasp the essence of the research.Introduction:The introduction section sets the stage by providing relevant background information, stating the research problem, and outlining the study's objectives. Within the Scientific Reports World template, the introduction is designed to pique the reader's interest and motivate them to continue reading.Methods:Accurate and reproducible methods are vital in scientific research. The Scientific Reports World template includes a comprehensive description of the study's methodology, ensuring that researchers can effectively communicate their approach to the scientific community. This allows peer researchers to replicate and validate the findings.Results:The results section presents the empirical data obtained from the research. Scientific Reports World template offers a clear and concise format for presenting the results, including tables, graphs, and figures. The template emphasizes the importance of accurately interpreting and analyzing the data, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of the research outcomes.Discussion:The discussion section allows researchers to interpret their findings, compare them with existing literature, and address any limitations or implications of the study. Scientific Reports World template encourages researchers to critically analyze their results, build upon previous research, and propose future directions for further investigation.Conclusion:In the final section of a scientific article, the conclusion provides a concise summary of the research objectives, methodology, and findings. Scientific Reports World ensures that the conclusion is coherent, impactful, and drives further scientific inquiry.In conclusion, the Scientific Reports World template provides a comprehensive structure for scientific research articles. It facilitates clear communication of research objectives, methodology, results, and conclusions, ensuring that researchers can effectively contribute to and advance the scientific community's knowledge. By adhering to this template, researchers can enhance the visibility and impact of their research within the scientific community.。
review of scientific instruments 投稿

Review of Scientific InstrumentsIntroductionThe field of scientific research relies heavily on the development and use of advanced instruments. These instruments enable scientists to make accurate measurements, collect data, and analyze various phenomena in order to understand the natural world. In this review, we will explore the importance of scientific instruments, their various types and applications, and the advancements made in recent years.Types of Scientific Instruments1. MicroscopesMicroscopes have revolutionized the study of biology and materials science. They allow researchers to view objects at microscopic levels, revealing intricate details not visible to the naked eye. There are several types of microscopes, including optical, electron, and scanning probe microscopes. Each type has its own advantages and is suited for specific applications.2. SpectrometersSpectrometers are essential tools used to analyze the interaction of light with matter. They are widely used in chemistry, physics, and astronomy to determine the composition and properties of substances. Different types of spectrometers include mass spectrometers, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometers, and infrared spectrometers. With advancements in technology, spectrometers have become more precise and capable of detecting even trace amounts of substances.3. Particle AcceleratorsParticle accelerators play a crucial role in high-energy physics research. These instruments accelerate particles to high speeds andcollide them together, allowing scientists to explore the fundamental building blocks of matter. Particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), have contributed to major scientific breakthroughs, including the discovery of the Higgs boson.4. TelescopesTelescopes are used to observe celestial bodies and study the universe. They enable astronomers to gather light from distant objects and analyze their composition, motion, and other properties. Over the years, telescopes have become more advanced, with the development of space-based telescopes like the Hubble Space Telescope, which provides unprecedented views of the universe.Advancements in Scientific Instruments1. MiniaturizationOne significant advancement in scientific instruments is miniaturization. Researchers have been able to develop smaller, more portable devices without compromising their performance. Miniaturized instruments offer numerous advantages, such as increased accessibility, ease of use, and reduced costs. For example, handheld spectrometers allow on-site analysis, eliminating the need for samples to be sent to a laboratory.2. Automation and RoboticsThe integration of automation and robotics has greatly improvedscientific instruments. Automated systems can carry out experiments,data collection, and analysis with minimal human intervention. This not only saves time but also improves accuracy and reproducibility. Robotic telescopes, for instance, can be programmed to observe specificcelestial objects at predefined times.3. Imaging TechniquesImaging techniques have experienced significant advancements in recent years. High-resolution imaging instruments, such as electron microscopesand confocal microscopes, allow scientists to visualize structures at an unprecedented level of detail. Additionally, advancements in medical imaging, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET), have revolutionized the field of healthcare.4. Data Analysis and VisualizationScientific instruments generate vast amounts of data that require sophisticated analysis and visualization techniques. With the advent of powerful computers and advanced software, scientists are now able to process and interpret complex datasets more efficiently. Data visualization tools, such as 3D models and interactive graphs, aid in understanding and communicating scientific findings.ConclusionScientific instruments are the backbone of scientific research, enabling scientists to explore and understand the world around us. The continuous advancements in instrumentation technology have opened up new possibilities for discovery and have enhanced our ability to tackle complex scientific challenges. As we move forward, it is crucial to continue investing in the development of scientific instruments to further expand our knowledge and drive further scientific advancements.。
IGOR Pro 6.2使用方法详细介绍-睿驰整理

1IGOR Pro - OverviewIGOR Pro is an interactive software environment for experimentation with scientific and engineering data and for the production of publication-quality graphs and page layouts. IGOR has been used by tens of thousands of technical professionals since its introduction in 1989. Here are a few highlights.IGOR Pro是为科学人员和数据工程师提供交互式软件实验环境,以及制作符合出版要求质量的图形和页面布局。
IGOR Pro produces journal-quality scientific graphs and exports high-resolution graphics formats such as Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) and PDF.IGOR Pro可以生成符合学术期刊要求的高质量科学图像和高分辨率的图像格式,类似有EPS格式跟PDF格式。
IGOR Pro handles large data sets very quickly.IGOR Pro可以快速处理大数据集。
IGOR Pro includes a wide range of capabilities for scientific and engineering analysis and graphing.IGOR Pro可以为科研、工程分析和绘图需求提供大范围能处理能力。
IGOR Pro has special support for time-series or other evenly-spaced data.IGOR Pro特别支持符合时间序列数据以及平均分割数据。

Preparing a Scientific Presentation
1. 2.
Message Organization Visuals Delivery
Time Yourself
Outline Problem/Background 1 2
Major findings
3-5 1-2
4 min
Conclusion and Recommendations
Good Public Speaking
Problem and background
Context Study question Relevant knowledge on issue
Design and Methods
Case study of … Qualitative methods
– Key informant interviews (n=10)
Preparing a Scientific Presentation
Laural Development Workshop May 2006
Why Give a Presentation?
Communicate to inform motivate
Key points Implications One slide for each message
3. Visuals: How Does it Look?
Choose style that supports the tone Apply the same style to each slide

小学上册英语第3单元测验卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The first person to swim across the English Channel was ______ (马修·温斯顿).2.The __________ (历史的情感连接) bridge gaps.3.The first Olympic champion was _______. (科罗比乌斯)4.The melting point of ice is _______ degrees Celsius.5.An element's reactivity depends on the arrangement of its _____ (electrons).6. A ________ (金鱼) swims gracefully in its bowl.7. (African) kingdoms were rich in resources and trade. The ____8. A chemical reaction can lead to a change in ______ state.9.The ______ is a skilled poet.10.We have a ______ (快乐的) gathering for special occasions.11.The ________ has a long tail and likes to climb.12.What is the name of the famous American holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November?A. ChristmasB. ThanksgivingC. New Year's DayD. Independence Day答案:B13.The first successful flight of a powered aircraft was in _______.14.What is the name of the famous detective created by Arthur Conan Doyle?A. Hercule PoirotB. Sam SpadeC. Sherlock HolmesD. Philip Marlowe答案:C15.The process of neutralization results in the formation of ______.16.The chemical symbol for aluminum is ______.17. A _____ (盆栽) can be placed indoors.18.What is the name of the famous statue in New York Harbor?A. Christ the RedeemerB. Statue of LibertyC. DavidD. The Thinker 答案: B19.My family celebrates ______ together. (我的家人一起庆祝______。
Gnu Scientific Library(GSL)与R的接口——gsl R包说明书

Special functions in R:introducing the gsl packageRobin K.S.HankinAbstractThis vignette introduces the gsl package of R utilities for accessing the functions of the Gnu Scientific Library.An earlier version of this document was published as Hankin(2006).Keywords:R,special functions.1.IntroductionThe Gnu Scientific Library(GSL)is a collection of numerical routines for scientific com-puting(Galassi et al.2005).The routines are written in C and constitute a library for C programmers;the source code is distributed under the GNU General Public License.One stated aim of the GSL development effort is the development of wrappers for high level lan-guages.The R programming language(R Development Core Team2008)is an environment for sta-tistical computation and graphics.It consists of a language and a run-time environment with graphics and other features.Here I introduce gsl,an R package that allows direct access to many GSL functions,including all the special functions,from within an R session.The package is available on CRAN, https:///and github,https:///RobinHankin/gsl; the GSL itself is available at https:///software/gsl/.2.Package design philosophyThe package splits into two parts:the special functions,written by the author;and the rng and qrng functionality,written by Duncan Murdoch.These two parts are very different in implementation,yet follow a common desideratum,namely that the package be a transparent port of the GSL library.The package thus has the advantage of being easy to compare with the GSL,and easy to update verifiably.In this paper,the Airy functions are used to illustrate the package.They are typical of the2The gsl packagepackage’s capabilities and coding,and are relatively simple to understand,having only a single real argument.A brief definition,and an application in physics,is given in the appendix. The package is organized into units that correspond to the GSL headerfile.Thus all the Airy functions are defined in a single headerfile,gsl_sf_airy.h.The package thus contains a corresponding Cfile,airy.c;an Rfile airy.R,and a documentationfile Airy.Rd.These threefiles together encapsulate the functionality defined in gsl_sf_airy.h in the context of an R package.This structure makes it demonstrable that the GSL has been systematically and completely wrapped.Functions are named such that one can identify a function in the GSL manual,and the corresponding R command will be the same but with the prefix1and,if present,the“_e”suffix,removed.In the case of the special functions,the prefix is“gsl_sf_”.Thus,GSL function gsl_sf_airy_Ai_e()of headerfile gsl_sf_airy.h is called,via intermediate C routine airy_Ai_e(),by R function airy_Ai().Documentation is provided for every function defined in gsl_sf_airy.h under Airy.Rd.The gsl package is not intended to add any numerical functionality to the GSL,although here and there I have implemented slight extensions such as the Jacobian elliptic functions whose R ports take a complex argument.2.1.Package documentationThe gsl package is unusual in that its documentation consists almost entirely of pointers to the GSL reference manual(Galassi et al.2005),and Abramowitz and Stegun(1965).This follows from the transparent wrapper philosophy.In any case,the GSL reference manual would strictly dominate the Rdfiles of the gsl package.3.Package gsl in useMost functions in the package are straightforwardly and transparently executable:>airy_Ai(1:3)[1]0.1352924160.0349241300.006591139The online helpfiles include many examples that reproduce graphs and tables that appear in Abramowitz and Stegun.This constitutes a useful check on the routines.For example,figures1and2show an approximate reproduction of theirfigures10.6and10.7(page446).4.SummaryThe gsl package is a transparent R wrapper for the Gnu Scientific Library.It gives access to all the special functions,and the quasi-random sequence generation routines.Notation follows the GSL as closely as reasonably practicable;many graphs and tables appearing in Abramowitz and Stegun are reproduced by the examples in the helpfiles.1Some functions,such as gsl_sf_sin(),retain the prefix to avoid conflicts.A full list is given in Misc.Rd.Robin K.S.Hankin 3Fig 10.6, p446246810−1.0−−x)Ai(x)Ai'(x)Ai'(−x)xFigure 1:Functions Ai(±x )and Ai ′(±x )as plotted in the helpfile for airy_Ai()and appear-ing on page 446of Abramowitz and Stegun (1965)4The gsl packageFig 10.7, p446123456789−1.0−'(x)Bi'(−x)Bi'(−x)xFigure 2:Functions Bi(±x )and Bi ′(±x )(Abramowitz and Stegun 1965)Robin K.S.Hankin5AcknowledgmentsI would like to acknowledge the many stimulating and helpful comments made by the R-helplist over the years.ReferencesAbramowitz M,Stegun IA(1965).Handbook of mathematical functions.New York:Dover.Galassi M,et al.(2005).GNU Scientific Library.Reference Manual edition1.7,for GSLversion1.7;13September2005.Hankin RKS(2006).“Special functions in R:introducing the gsl package.”R News,6(4),24–26.R Development Core Team(2008).R:A Language and Environment for Statistical Comput-ing.R Foundation for Statistical Computing,Vienna,Austria.ISBN3-900051-07-0,URLhttps://.Vallée O,Soares M(2004).Airy functions and applications to physics.World Scientific.Appendix:The Airy function and an application in quantum mechanics The Airy function may not be familiar to some readers;here,I give a brief introduction to itand illustrate the gsl package in use in a physical context.The standard reference is Valléeand Soares(2004).For real argument x,the Airy function is defined by the integralAi(x)=1π ∞0cos t3/3+xt dt(1)and obeys the differential equation y′′=xy(the other solution is denoted Bi(x)).In thefield of quantum mechanics,one often considers the problem of a particle confined to a potential well that has a well-specified form.Here,I consider a potential of the formV(r)= r if r>0∞if r≤0.(2)Under such circumstances,the energy spectrum is discrete and the energy E n corresponds to the n th quantum state,denoted byψn.If the mass of the particle is m,it is governed by the Schrödinger equationd2ψn(r) dr2+2m¯h2(E n−r)ψn(r)=0(3)Changing variables toξ=(E n−e)(2m/¯h)1/3yields the Airy equation,vizd2ψndξ2+ξψn=0(4)6The gsl packagewith solutionψn(ξ)=N Ai(−ξ)(5) where N is a normalizing constant(the Bi(·)term is omitted as it tends to infinity with increasing r).Demanding thatψn(0)=0givesE n=−a n+1 ¯h2/2m 1/3where a n is the n th root of the Ai function[Airy_zero_Ai()in the package];the off-by-one mismatch is due to the convention that the ground state is conventionally labelled state zero, not state1.Thus,for example,E2=5.5206 ¯h2/2m 1/3.The normalization factor N is determined by requiring that ∞0ψ∗ψdr=1(physically,the particle is known to be somewhere with r>0).It can be shown thatN=(2m/¯h)1/6 Ai′(a n)[the denominator is given by function airy_zero_Ai_deriv()in the package]and the full solution is thus given byψn(r)=(2m/¯h)1/6Ai′(a n)Ai 2m¯h 1/3(r−E n) .(6)Figure3shows thefirst six energy levels and the corresponding wave functions.Affiliation:Robin K.S.HankinAuckland University of TechnologyNew ZealandE-mail:**********************Robin K.S.Hankin 7r V (r )0246810246810Figure 3:First six energy levels of a particle in a potential well (diagonal line)given by equation 2。

IGORPro6.2使⽤⽅法详细介绍-睿驰整理1IGOR Pro - OverviewIGOR Pro is an interactive software environment for experimentation with scientific and engineering data and for the production of publication-quality graphs and page layouts. IGOR has been used by tens of thousands of technical professionals since its introduction in 1989. Here are a few highlights.IGOR Pro是为科学⼈员和数据⼯程师提供交互式软件实验环境,以及制作符合出版要求质量的图形和页⾯布局。
IGOR Pro produces journal-quality scientific graphs and exports high-resolution graphics formats such as Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) and PDF.IGOR Pro可以⽣成符合学术期刊要求的⾼质量科学图像和⾼分辨率的图像格式,类似有EPS格式跟PDF格式。
IGOR Pro handles large data sets very quickly.IGOR Pro可以快速处理⼤数据集。
IGOR Pro includes a wide range of capabilities for scientific and engineering analysis and graphing.IGOR Pro可以为科研、⼯程分析和绘图需求提供⼤范围能处理能⼒。
scientific reports 催稿信 -回复

scientific reports 催稿信-回复Title: The Significance of Scientific Reports in Advancing Knowledge and ResearchIntroduction:Scientific reports play a pivotal role in advancing knowledge and research across various disciplines. These reports serve as a means to effectively disseminate new findings, methodologies, and theories to the scientific community. In this article, we will explore the vital role of scientific reports by discussing their importance, structure, and the step-by-step process involved in writing an exceptional scientific report.I. Importance of Scientific Reports:Scientific reports are paramount in enhancing the progress of scientific research. By sharing new discoveries, studies, and experiments, researchers contribute to the collective knowledge within their respective fields. Scientific reports act as a catalyst for scientific progress and help establish a strong foundation for further exploration.II. Structure of Scientific Reports:Scientific reports follow a structured format that allows for clear communication of research findings. Typically, a scientific report consists of the following sections:1. Title: This brief yet informative section accurately reflects the research topic, objectives, and scope of the study.2. Abstract: A concise summary of the entire report highlighting the key research question, methodology, findings, and implications.3. Introduction: Provides an overview of the research topic, establishes its relevance, and presents the research question addressed in the study.4. Methodology: Describes the experimental design, data collection methods, and statistical analyses used in the research.5. Results: Presents the findings in a clear and logical manner through text, tables, and figures.6. Discussion: Provides an interpretation and analysis of the results while discussing their implications in the context of existingliterature.7. Conclusion: Summarizes the main findings and their significance, highlights limitations of the study, and suggests potential avenues for future research.8. References: Cites all the sources referenced within the report using a consistent citation style.III. Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Scientific Report:1. Plan and outline your report: Create a comprehensive outline that serves as a roadmap for your report. This outline should include the main sections mentioned above, ensuring a logical flow of information.2. Conduct a thorough literature review: Before conducting your research, it is essential to review existing literature to identify research gaps and establish the context for your study.3. Clarify research objectives and hypotheses: Clearly define the purpose of your research and formulate specific research questionsor hypotheses that will guide your study.4. Design your study and collect data: Develop a robust experimental design or methodology that will allow you to collect reliable and meaningful data. Adhere to ethical guidelines during data collection.5. Analyze and interpret data: Utilize appropriate statistical tools and methodologies to analyze your data. Clearly present your findings using tables, graphs, or figures.6. Synthesize results and provide critical analysis: In the discussion section, interpret the results, compare them with existing literature, and highlight their significance to the field. Address any limitations or potential biases within your study.7. Conclude and propose future research: Summarize the main findings, emphasize their implications, and suggest potential areas for future research.8. Proofread and revise your report: Review your report for clarity, coherence, and accuracy. Edit any grammatical or structural errors,ensuring that your report adheres to the required formatting guidelines.Conclusion:Scientific reports are the backbone of scientific progress, enabling researchers to communicate their findings effectively. By following a structured format and employing a meticulous step-by-step approach, researchers can ensure the dissemination of their work to the scientific community, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and the potential for further research.。

sigmaplot功能与特征图⽂介绍E x a c t G r a p h s f o r E x a c t S c i e n c e S i g m a P l o t 10SigmaPlot is the scientific graphing and data analysis software package with an award-winning interface and intuitive wizard technology that guides users step-by-step through the graph creation and data analysis process.SigmaPlot provides the flexibility to easily customize every graphic detail and create publication-quality graphs you simply can’t get from a basic spreadsheet package.Join the more than 100,000 scientists and engineers who have used SigmaPlot to show meaningful discoveries in their research data for technical publications,presentations or the web.The Most Effective Way to Analyze and Graph Research DataSigmaPlot ?10Designed Specifically to Meet the Needs of the Professional ResearcherSigmaStat 3.5Advisory Statistical Software This easy-to-use statistical software package guides users through every step of the analysis, allowing them to perform powerful statistical analysis without being a statistical expert. Access SigmaStat’s expert statistical analysis within SigmaPlot’s Statistics menu. SigmaStat is tailored to the areas of life science and is offered as a stand alone product or a powerful companion to SigmaPlot.Enzyme Kinetics Module The automatic choice foranalyzing enzyme kinetics dataThis module guides you through data entry, analysis and graphing of your enzyme kinetics data.Select the study type in the customized Data Entry Wizard,choose from 56 built-in equations,then discover the best fit tocharacterize the reaction mechanism.Automatically display a series of graphs to quickly determine the type of inhibition. ROC Curve Analysis Module Determine which clinical test is best by creating ROC Curves and comparing their areas using paired and unpaired data. Even handles missing values.Electrophysiology Module Directly read your electrophysiology data into SigmaPlotThe Electrophysiology Module provides a preview of your data so you can select and import the relevant information for your analysis.Ligand Binding Module Quickly analyze and plot ligand/receptor and dose response dataAutomatically fit radioligand and dose response equations formultiple compounds with replicate data. Select the type of study in the customized dialog and specify the number of replicate values to instantly plot and analyze your data. All graphs and analysis appear as notebook items, to efficiently manage your work.GET MORE POWER FROM SIGMAPLOT WITH ADD-ON MODULESInteractive Graph WizardLeads you step-by-step through graph creation.Graph Style GallerySave time by quickly plotting your data using previously saved styles or templates.Find the exact graph for your demanding researchSigmaPlot provides more than 80 different 2D and 3D graph types.With so many options, you can always find the best visual representation of your data.Manage and analyze your data efficiently and accuratelyManipulate millions of data points in SigmaPlot's powerful scientific data worksheet. SigmaPlot provides all the fundamental tools needed to analyzedata, from basic statistics to advanced mathematical calculations.The Regression Wizard guides you through the curve fitting processDynamic Fit Wizard compli-ments the Regression Wizard by automatically searching even harder to find the best solution to your most difficult curve fitting problems.Publish & Share Your Work AnywhereCreate professional-quality graphs for presentations, publications, or the web with a wide range of export options. Customize every element of your graphsSigmaPlot gives you the flexibility to customize every detail of your graphby double-clicking and editing any element to your exact specifications,even if it is buried under other elements.T h e T e c h n i c a l G r a p h i n g S t a n d a r d S i g m a P l o t 10Choose from a wide range of graph types to best present your resultsSigmaPlot provides more than 80 different 2-D and 3-D graph types. From simple 2-D scatter plots to compelling contour plots, SigmaPlot gives you the exact technical graph type you need for your demanding research. With so many options, you can always find the best visual representation of your data.Customize every element of your graphsSigmaPlot gives you the flexibility to customize every detail of your graph. Double-click on any element to launch the Graph Properties box and begin editing.Choose from unmistakably clear, illustrated options.Specify different colors, sizes and symbols for each data point. Create standard or asymmetric error bars. Insert axis breaks and add technical detail with the scientific text editor. Paste equations,symbols, maps and other images into your presentation.SigmaPlot’s toolbar palettes make editing your graphs faster than ever. Set properties like line thickness, tick lengths and fonts,then apply your changes to multiple selections. Save properties of your favorite graphs in the Graph Style Gallery to quickly recreate the same graphs using new data.Clearly present your exact scientific ideasCompare and contrast trends in your data by creating multiple axes per graph, multiple graphs per page and multiple pages per worksheet. Arrange multiple graphs accurately in no time using your own page layouts with SigmaPlot’s WYSIWYG layout and zoom features.Share your SigmaPlot graphs with just about anyone, anywhereCreate stunning presentations,high-quality graphics for journals or detailed charts for your reports with SigmaPlot’s wide range of export options. Export your graphs as PDF , T rue CMYK EPS, TIF CMYK, JPEG,HTML and even vector EPS-CMYK - the preferred format for publication. Incorporate your graphs into Microsoft Word documents or Microsoft PowerPoint presentations with one simple step.Instantly access SigmaPlot from ExcelCombine two powerful software /doc/07adc2886529647d272852ad.html unch SigmaPlot’s Graph Wizard directly from Microsoft ?Excel ?to create your exact technical graph.SigmaPlot’s direct access from Excel eliminates tedious cut-and-paste data preparation steps.Placing SigmaPlot graphs into Microsoft PowerPoint slides and Microsoft Word documents is a breeze!Placing your SigmaPlot graphs into Microsoft ?PowerPoint ?slides and Microsoft ?Word ?documents is simple. Now you can incorporate clear and exact graphs in your reports and presentations. Just select the “Paste to PowerPoint” or “Insert into MS Word” commands from the T oolbox drop-down menu and your graphs are automatically placedin the file.Create Y our Exact Technical Graph and Publish Y our Work AnywhereLaunch the SigmaPlot Graph Wizard from Microsoft Excel’s toolbar or menu, then select the row and column references in Excel worksheet format.Edit graphs to your exact specificationsand easily place them in MicrosoftPowerPoint presentations.With so many choices for customizing the plot area, SigmaPlot is flexible enough to meet the needs of almost any researcher.E x a c t G r a p h s f o r E x a c t S c i e n c e S i g m a P l o t 10Fit your data easily and accuratelyFit your data easily and accurately with the SigmaPlot Regression Wizard. The Regression Wizard automatically determines your initial parameters, writes a statistical report, saves your equation to the SigmaPlot Notebook,and adds your results to existing graphs or creates a new one!The Regression Wizard fits nearly any equation - piecewise continuous, multifunctional, weighted, Boolean functions and more - up to 10 variables and 25 parameters. You can even add your own equations to the Regression Wizard.For more complicated models with problematic data,SigmaPlot’s new Dynamic Fit Wizard searches even harder to find the best solution to your difficult curve fitting problems. The Dynamic Fit Wizard is a powerful analytical tool to solve curve fitting problems that have multiple local minima even when inaccurate initial parameter estimates are supplied. It works by giving you the ability to automatically try as many initial starting conditions as necessary to assure the best fit is found.Plot any mathematical functionUse the Function Plotter to plot user-defined and parameterized equations with a single mouse click. Just type the function orselect one from the built-in library and specify the param-eters and the range. It’s that easy! Create your own built-in functions and save for future use.Plot functions on new or existing graphs or plot multiple functions simultaneously using different parameter values.Manage your work efficientlyManipulate millions of data points in SigmaPlot’s powerful scientific data worksheet. Organize graph pages, SigmaPlot or Microsoft Excel data worksheets, curve fit results and reports effectively in the SigmaPlot Notebook Manager.Run simple mathematical transforms effortlessly using SigmaPlot’s quick transforms feature or create powerful mathematicalroutines to perform complex analyses with SigmaPlot’s transform language.Save time by writing a transform once and saving it forfuture use. Access built-in transforms or create your own. Save time and effort by automating complex and repetitive tasksCreate macros in no time with SigmaPlot’s easy-to-use VBA-based macro language. Not a programmer?No problem - record macros by point and click with the macro recorder. Use macros to acquire your data, execute powerful analytical methods and create industry- specific or field-specific graphs. Use built-in macros as provided or use these macros as a base to create your own macros.Share the power of SigmaPlot with less experienced users by tailoring the SigmaPlot interface to your application with macros. Create custom dialog boxes, menu choices and forms to help guide novice users through a session.Tap into SigmaPlot’s capabilities from external sources that have Visual Basic embedded, including Microsoft Word and Excel or custom software applications. Run a macro script in Microsoft Word or Excel that calls onSigmaPlot to access data, generate a graph and embed your report. With SigmaPlot’s OLE automation, you get unlimited flexibility.Fit your data with a few mouse clicks as the wizard guides you through the curve fitting process.With a number of new worksheet improvements and the new Notebook Manager, you will instantlywitness increased workflow efficiency in yourresearch and analysis.“”Our lab studies the visual signaling pathway in retinal rod and cone photoreceptors.We use Sigmaplot exclusively for all of our data analysis needs.It has the power to carry out complex curve fitting routines to model the experimental results in terms of the underlying biochemical reaction mechanism.Sigmaplotprovides our lab a user-friendly path for creating visual representations of our results,and allows us to easily prepare figures that are compatible with electronic publication in scientific journals.- Rick H. Cote, Ph.DProfessor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,University New HampshireSigmaPlot 10 FeaturesGRAPHING FEATURES 2DArea Plots - 4 Types Scatter - 14 types Line - 4 typesScatter and Line - 10 types Step - 8 typesVertical Bar - 2 types Horizontal Bar - 2 typesVertical, Grouped Bar - 2 types Horizontal, Grouped Bar - 2 types Vertical, Stacked Bar Horizontal, Stacked Bar Box -2 types ?Polar - 3 typesContour, line and filled - 2 types Histograms - 6 typesTernary - 3 types Time-Series Bubble PieControl Charts NeedleHigh-low-close, Range, Quartile Quadrant Population 3DAutomatically interpolate and unordered 3D data*Multiple, intersecting plots with hidden line removal, smooth or discrete shading, transparent or opaque fills, and light source shading ?3D rotationPerspective preview Scatter Bar3D line - trajectoryMesh - with or without contour projections* Contour WaterfallCreate Graphs EasilyNEW Program Startup Screen: helps both first time users or power users start their workflow with easy access to previously used documents, quick Excel and Access database import; use older documents as templates for new work*?Graph Style Gallery: Save any graph with all graphproperties and add a bitmap image to the gallery to recreate complex graphsGraph Toolbar: select toolbar icon of the graph type and style you want to create a graph or to add additional curves to an existing graphGraph Wizard: easy to use, step-by-step wizard for helping you select a graph type and pick dataDefault graph settings: set preferences for graph options to create favorite graphs more easilyTemplates: create custom graph page templates to store for easy accessibility and future use"Intersections" now supported for area fillsImproved Graph Wizard: retains last settings, you can click 'Finish Early,' Gallery Graphs are listed Technical AxesReciprocal (including Arrhenius)*Weibul*Linear Log10 Natural log Probit Logit Probability ReverseTernary percentage Ternary unaryPolar (both clockwise and counter clockwise)*Category (text data automatically binned into groups) Time and dateUser-defined custom axis to create almost any scale Axis FeaturesControl of display, thickness, color, range, and axis breaks Offset axes Automatic titlesMultiple axes: Add Axis Wizard for creating multiple axes easily Ticks: customize major & minor intervals, in & out orientation, top & bottom location, length, thickness, color, and tick mark selection from column to create custom axesLabels: customize prefix, suffix, numeric, and time & date Axis breaks: customize symbol, thickness, color, length, gap width, and post break interval Symbol TypesOver 80 symbol typesMore line types types for line plots and line scatter plots, free-form lines, boxes and ellipses*More fill patterns for bar charts, box plots, pie charts, area plots and free-form boxes and ellipses*Edit font when using text as symbolAccess new lines, fills, and symbols directly from graph prop-erties dialog, toolbar, legend page, and the symbol dialog boxError barsMean, Median, First and Last values for symbols Standard deviation, Standard error 10th, 25th, 75th, and 90th Percentiles ?Min and Max95% or 99% confidenceCalculate error bars from replicate values across rows User-defined upper and lower error bar values One way, two way and asymmetric error barsPercentile method: choose between nearest integer (graphical) or value dependent (numerical) algorithms Multiline Text EditorControl font, size, style, color, Greek, multiple levels of superscript & subscript, 360 degree rotation, left, right & center justification, and line spacingGrids and FillsControl of color, line type, thickness, and display of major & minor grids in X, Y, & Z directionControl of pattern and edge color, pattern style, pattern density, and edge thickness SymbolsReference LinesControl mean, standard deviation, standard error, user-defined constants, 95% and 99% confidence intervals Up to 5 horizontal or vertical linesControl of color, line type, and thickness Drop linesDisplay in any or all X, Y, and Z directionsLegendsAutomatic or manually createdLegends for regressions, confidence, and prediction intervals Turn on and off lines and symbolsPlace line and symbol before or after textFunction PlotterPlot 2D and 3D functionsOver 100 2D and 3D built-in, graphically-illustrated equationsUser-defined parameters, scale and rangeCustomize the SigmaPlot library of functions or create your own Plot functions on new or existing graphsPlot multiple different parameter values simultaneously Select line properties for each functionEquation Solver: solve equations or functions containing a single independent variable and any number of parameters Graphs Created Through Transforms ?Gaussian cumulative distributionArea - shading under and between curves Z plane design VectorKaplan-Meier survival FrequencyComplex Control chartsDATA ANALYSIS FEATURES Regression WizardLinear and nonlinear regressionsNew piecewise-linear models for regression include 2, 3, 4, and 5-segment piecewise-linear models with automatic parameter estimation*Over 100 built-in, graphically-illustrated equations Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm with up to 10 independent variables and 25 parametersDefine constraints, tolerance, step size and iterations Automatically determines your initial parametersWrites a complete statistical report to your SigmaPlot Notebook Automatically graphs your results on new or existing graphs ?Option to add 99% confidence and prediction bands to a results graph*Optional Chi-Square Regression Weighting*Edit code so you can customize the SigmaPlot library of functions or create your ownSpecify the range for the predicted values output by curve-fitter Dynamic Fit Wizard*Compliments the Regression Wizard by providing hundreds of initial parameter estimates to minimize the squared residual errors, produce individual curve fits for each, and chose the best in a matter of secondsAchieves the best fit by automatically choosing and trying numerous initial parameter estimates to find the global minimum,even if you supply a complicated model with problematic data ?The initial fitting parameters can be generated automatically or can be user specifiedAutomatic Linear RegressionsUp to 10th order with confidence and prediction intervals and regression statisticsColumn Statistics Generated Automatically ?Size, sum, mean, minimum, maximum, standard deviation,standard error, skewness, minimum positive, number of missing values, and 95% & 99% confidence intervals SMOOTHING2D & 3D Smoothing Routines ?Negative exponential ?Running average ?LoessRunning median BisquareInverse squareInverse distance (for 3D smoothing)TRANSFORMATIONS Quick TransformsPerform quick mathematical transforms provided in a function paletteMathematical Transforms ?12 New Probability Transforms*?HistogramNormalize ternary data Interpolate 3D mesh SortingFast fourier transforms with filters Lowess smoothing Differential equationsData to RGB-color transformTrigonometric and algebraic functionsStatistics including 95% and 99% confidence, t-tests Random and gaussian random number generation Range, accumulation, precision, and moreTransforms are now kept in notebook files as JNB files for easier organization of transforms; create transform libraries; associate Transforms with data sets*Protect and track changes to transforms for 21 CFR Part 11*GENERAL FEATURESLarge, Scientific WorksheetsUp to 32,000 columns by millions of rowsHandles numeric, text (categorical), and date & time data Automatically generate column statistics Data sorting Rename, insert and delete rows and columns Insert color, symbols, line styles and bar patterns Independent graphically adjustable row height and column widthsMissing data handling Data point samplingGraphical feedback of current curve and datapoint Text support of up to 256 characters Change the font type and grid colors ?Change font for worksheet ?Multiple UndoFormat empty cells - formatted selected columns even if they do not contain dataMore flexible column titles allow for duplicates and numeric only titlesEnhanced data/time recognition and more formats Arrow-key functionality is similar to that of Microsoft Excel Freeze Panes and print previewMulti-line editing - text wraps to fit the column while the row height automatically adjusts Find and replace data SigmaPlot Notebook ManagerCan hold SigmaPlot worksheets, Excel worksheets, reports, documents, regression wizard equations, graph pages, transforms and macros.New dialog-bar-based notebook that has several states: docks, resizable, hide-able, summary information mode, etc. Direct-editing of notebook summary information SigmaPlot Report EditorCut and paste or use OLE to combine all the important aspects of your analysis into one document. Choose from a wide range of styles, sizes, and colors from any system font. ?Export to most word processorsAdd decimal tabs, tab leader, true date/time fields Auto-numberingImproved formatting rulerPage Layout and Annotation Options ?Direct graphic file import into graph page*Real-time mouse-over XY and page coordinate feedback*Click-through accessibility to select and edit graph objects buried under other items*?OLE 2 container and server ?Automatic or manual legends ?True WYSIWYG ?Multiline text editor Multiple curves and plots on one graph Multiple axes on one graphArrange graphs with built-in templatesMultiple levels of zooming and custom zoomingEasily change the size and position of multiple selected objects simultaneously to lay out and arrange graphs and other objects quickly*?Scale graph to any sizeResize graphic elements proportionally with resizing graph Alignment and position toolsDraw lines, ellipses, boxes, arrows Layering optionsOver 16 million custom colors Inset graphs inside one another Selection of graph objects Right-click property editing Color schemesPaste graphic objects from other programs Graph page rulersAdjustable snap-to grids"Picking from Column" OptionEnter colors, patterns, symbols, line styles, tick mark intervals, tick labels and more directly into your worksheet to customize your graph the way you want. Transforms and "picking from column" allow you to create data dependent color gradients, symbols and sizes.Automate Routine and Complex Tasks ?Visual Basic compatible programming using built-in macro language interface Macro recorder to save and play-back operations Full automation object support - use Visual Basic to create your own SigmaPlot-based applicationsRun built-in macros or create and add your own scripts Add menu commands and create dialog boxes Toolbox menu: helpful macros appear as a separate menu itemExport graph to PowerPoint Slide (macro)New 'Insert Graph to Microsoft Word' Toolbox macro New keyboard shortcuts in the Graph Properties and most Microsoft Excel keyboard shortcuts in the worksheet Windows ApplicationExcel, Word and PowerPoint for Office 2000 and Windows 2000 support ToolTips Tips and Tricks at startup Full 32-bit implementation ?OLE 2 container and serverUse Excel worksheets inside SigmaPlot UninstallerControls have bitmaps to give feedback about selections Right mouse button property editing Selection of objects on graph pageFull precision and date/time Microsoft Excel copy and paste Microsoft Office IntegrationYou can open Excel spreadsheets directly inside SigmaPlot, allowing you to use the many features Excel offers. Use in-cell formulas and other Excel data analysis tools on your data.One-click access to directly launch SigmaPlot from Microsoft ExcelSigmaStat 3.5 Integration*SigmaStat's statistical capabilities are directly accessible in SigmaPlot through the statistics menu.Over 30 of the most frequently used statistical tests to analyze scientific researchAdvisor Wizard guides you through the process of choosing the appropriate statistical testReport generation that translates the statistics into plain and simple English Descriptive statisticsNon-parametric tests: t-tests, ANOVA One-way, two-way, three-way ANOVA Repeated measures Rates and proportions ?CorrelationSurvival analysis (Kaplan-Meir) Power and sample size analysisIMPORT & EXPORT OPTIONS ImportDirectly import SAS data sets (.sd2 and .sas7bdat files)*Directly import Mintab data sets (.mtw & .mpj files)*Axon Binary, Axon Text, ASCII Plain, Comma and general import filter, 1-2-3T, Symphony T, Quattro T, Excel,dBASE E, DIF , all SigmaPlot files through SigmaPlot 8.02, SigmaStat files (all versions), SYSTAT, SigmaScan Pro, Sigma Scan, SigmaScan Image, Mocha ?Import any ODBC compliant databaseRun SQL queries on tables and selectively import information ExportSAS files (.sd2 and .sas7bdat files)*Minitab files (.mtw & .mpj files)*ASCII Text, Tabbed, Comma, 1-2-3T, Excel, DIF , all SigmaPlot files though SigmaPlot 9.01, SigmaScan Pro PDF and HTML export of graphs and reports Import Graphics Options*Load popular graphic file formats directly into SigmaPlot graphic pageImport BMP , JPEG, GIF , TIFF , Cursor and Icon Files & many more Graph Publication Export OptionsNew Submission Assistant Stores an extensible list of publication requirements and is used to double check whether exported figures meet standards of publication and allows creation of customized output profiles*Export an individual graph, a group of graphs and objects, or an entire pageDifferent levels of resolution and color depths:PDF ,EPS, TIFF , JPEG, WMF , BMPTrue color EPS vector and CMYK EPS export Compressed CMYK TIFFPublication Help: guides user through the complexities selecting the correct DPI, image size, file export format Publish as Web PageExport graphs as high-resolution Web objectsWebViewer: free browser plug-in to view data used to create graph or print, pan and zoom in on graph without losing resolutionThe WebViewer supports IE 4.01 or higher. A screen resolution JPEG file is automatically displayed for browser applications and operating systemsSYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ?Windows XP , 2000 or NT 4.0 ?Pentium 200 or clone ?64MB or more of RAM ?48MB of disk space ?CD-ROM DriveSVGA/256 color graphics adapter (800 x 600, High Color recommended)To use HTML Help, Internet Explorer 4.01 or later required*New Features added in SigmaPlot 102006 Systat Software, Inc. SigmaPlot, SigmaStat, SYSTAT, SigmaScan and SigmaScan Pro are registered trademarks of Systat Software, Inc. All other product or brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. North, Central & South America:Systat Software, Inc.501 Canal Blvd, Suite E Richmond, CA 94804-2028USAPhone:800-797-7401Fax:800-797-7406Email:info-usa@/doc/07adc2886529647d272852ad.htmlSupport:techsupport@/doc/07adc2886529647d272852ad.htmlEurope:Systat Software GmbH Schimmelbuschstr 25D-40699 Erkrath GermanyPhone:+49.2104.9540Phone (France only):0800 90 37 55Fax:+49.2104.95410E-mail:eurosales@/doc/07adc2886529647d272852ad.htmlSupport:eurotechsupport@/doc/07adc2886529647d272852ad.htmlUK and Ireland:Systat Software UK Limited.23, Vista Centre,50, Salisbury Road,Hounslow, - TW4 6JQ,London, UK. Phone:+44-(0)208-538 0128Fax:+ 44-(0)208-5380273Email:uksales@/doc/07adc2886529647d272852ad.htmlSupport:eurotechsupport@/doc/07adc2886529647d272852ad.htmlOther Countries:Cranes Software International Ltd.Shankar Narayan Building, 4th Floor, Block - I,# 25 M.G. Road,Bangalore - 560001,India. Phone:+91-80-4112 0000Fax:+91-80-4123 1274Email:info-intl@/doc/07adc2886529647d272852ad.htmlSupport:apactechsupport@/doc/07adc2886529647d272852ad.htmlLearn more about SigmaPlot and other Systat products contact your nearest Systat office or visit us at /doc/07adc2886529647d272852ad.html。
柱形图 英语作文

柱形图英语作文Title: The Significance of Bar Graphs in Data Representation。
Bar graphs, also known as bar charts, are essential tools in visualizing and interpreting data. They provide a clear and concise way to represent numerical information, making complex data more accessible and understandable to a wider audience. In this essay, we will explore the significance of bar graphs in data representation.Firstly, bar graphs offer a straightforward visual representation of data, allowing viewers to quickly grasp the relative sizes or quantities of different categories or variables. Unlike tables or raw data, which may bedifficult to interpret at a glance, bar graphs present information in a visually appealing format, making it easier for individuals to identify trends, patterns, and outliers within the data.Moreover, bar graphs facilitate easy comparison between different data sets. By arranging the bars side by side or in clusters, viewers can compare the values of multiple variables or categories simultaneously. This comparative aspect of bar graphs is particularly useful in fields such as economics, where analysts often need to assess the performance of various indicators over time or across different regions.Another advantage of bar graphs is their versatility in accommodating various types of data. Whether representing discrete categories, continuous variables, or even proportions and percentages, bar graphs can be adapted to suit different types of data sets. This flexibility makes them suitable for a wide range of applications, from scientific research to business analytics.Furthermore, bar graphs can effectively communicate complex relationships and trends within the data. By incorporating additional elements such as error bars, trend lines, or annotations, researchers can convey more nuanced information without overwhelming the audience. This abilityto convey both basic and advanced insights makes bar graphs a valuable tool in data analysis and interpretation.In addition to their analytical utility, bar graphs also play a crucial role in decision-making processes. Whether presenting findings to stakeholders, policymakers, or the general public, clear and compelling visualizations can help inform and influence decision-making. By presenting data in a format that is easy to understand and interpret, bar graphs can empower individuals to make informed choices based on evidence and analysis.Moreover, bar graphs can enhance the effectiveness of presentations and reports by adding visual interest and clarity to the content. Well-designed graphs not only make information more engaging but also help audiences retain key messages more effectively. This is particularly important in educational settings, where instructors often use visual aids to facilitate learning and comprehension.In conclusion, bar graphs are indispensable tools in data representation, offering a visually intuitive way tocommunicate complex information. From facilitating comparison and analysis to enhancing decision-making and communication, bar graphs play a vital role in a wide range of fields and applications. By harnessing the power of visual storytelling, researchers, analysts, and communicators can leverage bar graphs to unlock valuable insights and drive positive change.。

中国科学引文索引数据库:中科院编制,偏重于基础科学领域的期刊中文核心期刊:北京大学图书馆编制,指导图书馆的文献采购中国核心期刊遴选数据库:万方数据公司制作的科技期刊资源数据库,不用于评价中国学术期刊(光盘版)/中国期刊全文数据库/中国学术期刊综合评价数据库:清华大学制作的科技期刊资源数据库,不用于评价中文核心期刊:------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 遥感学报地理与地理信息科学地理研究计算机工程与应用微计算机信息计算机应用研究中国图像图形学报计算机应用与软件测绘学报武汉大学学报信息科学版测绘通报地图遥感学报大地测量与地球动力学测绘科学测绘学院学报安徽农业科学中国科技核心期刊:---------------------------------------------------------遥感技术与应用遥感信息地球科学信息世界地质国土资源遥感环境保护科学测绘工程普通期刊:-------------------------------------------------------------地理空间信息国外遥感类相关杂志与投稿1. 期刊名称:GPS SOLUTIONSISSN: 1080-5370出版频率: Quarterly出版社: SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, HEIDELBERG, GERMANY, D-69121 影响因子:主题范畴: REMOTE SENSING变更情况: 2005New2. 期刊名称:SURVEY REVIEWISSN: 0039-6265出版频率: Quarterly出版社: COMMONWEALTH ASSOC SURVEYING LAND ECONOMY, C A S L E, UNIV WEST ENGLAND,C/O FACULTY BUILT ENVIRONMENT,FRENCHAY CAMPUS, COLDHARBOUR LBRISTOL, ENGLAND, BS16 1QY 期刊网址:/影响因子: 0.102(2002)主题范畴: GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY; REMOTE SENSING; ENGINEERING, CIVIL 3. 期刊名称:PHOTOGRAMMETRIC RECORDISSN: 0031-868X出版频率: Quarterly出版社: PHOTOGRAMMETRIC SOC, UNIV COLL LONDON, DEPT GEOMATIC ENGINEERING,GOWER ST, LONDON, ENGLAND, WC1E 6BT出版社网址:/期刊网址:/publications/publicationsFrameset.htm影响因子: 0.353(2001); 0.633(2002)主题范畴: GEOGRAPHY, PHYSICAL; GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY; REMOTE SENSING; PATHOLOGY4. 期刊名称:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSINGISSN: 0143-1161版本: SCI-CDE出版频率: Semimonthly出版社: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON, ENGLAND, OX14 4RN出版社网址:/期刊网址:/journals/tf/01431161.html影响因子: 0.827(2001),1.154(2002)主题范畴: REMOTE SENSING; IMAGING SCIENCE & PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGY5. 期刊名称:PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSINGISSN: 0099-1112版本: SCI-CDE出版频率: Monthly出版社: AMER SOC PHOTOGRAMMETRY, 5410 GROSVENOR LANE, SUITE 210, BETHESDA, MD, 20814-2160出版社网址:/期刊网址:/publications.html影响因子: 0.841(2001);1.176(2002)主题范畴: GEOGRAPHY, PHYSICAL; GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY; REMOTE SENSING; PATHOLOGY6. 期刊名称:JOURNAL OF GEODESYISSN: 0949-7714版本: SCI-CDE出版频率: Monthly出版社: SPRINGER-VERLAG, 175 FIFTH AVE, NEW YORK, NY, 10010出版社网址:/期刊网址:/app/ ... gpublicationresults,id:100435,1 影响因子: 0.960(2001),0.726(2002)主题范畴: GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS; REMOTE SENSING7. 期刊名称:ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSINGISSN: 0924-2716出版频率: Quarterly出版社: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE出版社网址:http://www.elsevier.nl期刊网址:影响因子: 0.963(2001),0.389(2002)主题范畴: GEOGRAPHY, PHYSICAL; GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY; REMOTE SENSING; IMAGING SCIENCE & PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGY8. 期刊名称:RADIO SCIENCEISSN: 0048-6604版本: SCI-CDE出版频率: Bimonthly出版社: AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION, 2000 FLORIDA AVE NW, WASHINGTON, DC, 20009出版社网址:/期刊网址:/journals/rs/影响因子: 1.139(2001),0.796(2002)主题范畴: GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS; METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES; REMOTE SENSING; TELECOMMUNICATIONS; INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION9. 期刊名称:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSINGISSN: 0196-2892版本: SCI-CDE出版频率: Bimonthly出版社: IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10017-2394出版社网址:/portal/index.jsp期刊网址:/soc/grss/tgars.html影响因子: 1.605(2001),1.603(2002)主题范畴: GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS; REMOTE SENSING; ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC10. 期刊名称:REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENTISSN: 0034-4257版本: SCI-CDE出版频率: Monthly出版社: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK, NY, 10010-1710出版社网址:期刊网址: 影响因子: 1.697(2001),1.992(2002)主题范畴: REMOTE SENSING; ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES; IMAGING SCIENCE & PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGY11. 期刊名称:CANADIAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSINGISSN: 0703-8992出版频率: Bimonthly出版社: CANADIAN AERONAUTICS SPACE INST, 1685 RUSSELL RD, UNIT 1-R, OTTAWA, CANADA, K1G 0N1出版社网址:期刊网址:影响因子: no主题范畴: REMOTE SENSING12. 期刊名称:IEE Proceedings -- Radar, Sonar & Navigation (已经更名:IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation)ISSN: 1350-2395版本: SCIE出版频率: Bimonthly出版社: IEE-INST ELEC ENG, MICHAEL FARADAY HOUSE SIX HILLS WAY STEVENAGE, HERTFORD, ENGLAND, SG1 2AY出版社网址:期刊网址:/IP-RSN影响因子: no主题范畴: radar, radio location, radio navigation and surveillance purposes. Examples of the fields of application include radar, sonar, electronic warfare, avionic and navigation systems. Processing directed towards the above application areas includes advances in matched filters and wideband signal correlation for radar and sonar systems; algorithms and processor designs for adaptive array; bearing estimation; range/Doppler radar and acoustic image processing operations for SAR, sonar, target identification functions, etc13. 期刊名称:IEEE Transactions on Image ProcessingISSN: 1057-7149版本: SCI出版频率: Monthly出版社: IEEE Signal Processing Society出版社网址:期刊网址:/servlet/opac?punumber=83影响因子: no主题范畴: Signal-processing aspects of image processing, imaging systems, and image scanning, display, and printing. Includes theory, algorithms, andarchitectures for image coding, filtering, enhancement, restoration, segmentation, and motion estimation; image formation in tomography, radar, sonar, geophysics, astronomy, microscopy, and crystallography; image scanning, digital half-toning and display, andcolor reproduction.14. 期刊名称:Geophysical Research LettersISSN: 0094-8276版本: SCI出版频率: Semimonthly出版社: AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION, 2000 FLORIDA AVE NW, WASHINGTON, USA, DC, 20009 出版社网址:期刊网址:/journals/gl/影响因子: 2.491(2005)主题范畴: focus on a specific discipline or apply broadly to the geophysical science community15. 期刊名称: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letter ISSN: 0196-2892版本:出版频率:出版社: TGARS Manuscript Reivew Assistant, GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS,IEEE Periodicals,445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08855 USA出版社网址:期刊网址:/menu.taf?menu=publications&detail=GRSL影响因子:主题范畴: GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS; REMOTE SENSING; ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC16. 期刊名称:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMSISSN: 0018-9251版本: sci出版频率: Quarterly出版社: Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society出版社网址:期刊网址:/servlet/opac?punumber=7影响因子:主题范畴: the equipment, procedures, and techniques applicable to the organization, installation, and operation of functional systems designed to meet the high performance requirements of earth and space systems17. 期刊名称:Pattern Recognition LettersISSN: 0167-8655版本: SCIE出版频率: Subscriptions for the year 2007, Volume 28, 16 issues出版社: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE出版社网址:期刊网址:/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505619/descr iption#description影响因子: 2005: 1.138主题范畴: ? statistical, structural, syntactic pattern recognition;? neural networks, machine learning, data mining;? discrete geometry, algebraic, graph-based techniques for pattern recognition;? signal analysis, image coding and processing, shape and texture analysis;? computer vision, robotics, remote sensing;? document processing, text and graphics recognition, digital libraries;? speech recognition, music analysis, multimedia systems;? natural language analysis, information retri;? biometrics, biomedical pattern analysis and information systems;? scientific, engineering, social and economical applications of pattern recognition;? special hardware architectures, software packages for pattern recognition.18. 期刊名称:Multidimensional Systems and Signal ProcessingISSN: 0923-6082 (Print) 1573-0824 (Online)版本:出版频率: Monthly出版社: Springer Netherlands出版社网址:期刊网址:/site/catalog/Journal/1582.jsp?top=2&mid=3&bottom=7&su bsection=12影响因子: 0.722 (2005)主题范畴: While the subject of multidimensional systems is concerned with mathematical issues designed to tackle a broad range of models, its applications in signal processing have been known to cover spatial and temporal signals of diverse physical origin. The current problem faced, due to the widely scattered nature of publications in this area, will be circumvented through the unity of theme in thisjournal, so that research is facilitated and expected with much reduced duplication of effort and much enhanced communication.19. 期刊名称:International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation ISSN: 0303-2434版本: SCIE出版频率: Quarterly出版社: ELSEVIER出版社网址:期刊网址:/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/622741/descr iption#description影响因子:主题范畴: The International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation publishes original papers that apply earth observation data to inventory and management of natural resources and the environment. In this context, earth observation data are normally those acquired from remote sensing platforms such as satellites and aircraft, complemented and supplemented by surface and subsurface measurements and mapping. Natural resources include forests, agricultural land, soils, water resources, mineral deposits, and land itself as a foundation for infrastructure and housing. Environmental issues include biodiversity, land degradation, industrial pollution and natural hazards such as earthquakes, floods and landslides. The focus, which can be either conceptual or data driven, includes all major themes in geoinformation, like capturing, databasing, visualization and interpretation of data, but also issues of data quality and spatialuncertainty. Since the scope is large, contributions should be of the highest quality. Some will convey important recommendations for environmental management and policy, and we encourage 'Discussion' articles that stimulate dialogue between earth observation studies and managers in a statistically sound way. Papers addressing these topics in the context of the social fabric and economic constraints of developing countries are particularly welcome.20. 期刊名称:Computers & GeosciencesISSN: 0098-3004版本: SCIE出版频率: Subscriptions for the year 2007, Volume 33, 10 issues出版社: ELSEVIER出版社网址:期刊网址:/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/398/descript ion#description影响因子: 2005: 0.779主题范畴: spatial analysis, geomathematics, modelling, simulation, statistical and artificial intelligence methods, e-geoscience, geoinformatics, geomatics, geocomputation, image analysis, remote sensing, and geographical information science.21. 期刊名称:SIGNAL PROCESSINGISSN: 0165-1684版本: SCIE出版频率: Monthly出版社: ELSEVIER出版社网址:期刊网址:/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505662/descr iption#description影响因子: 2005: 0.694主题范畴: Signal Theory; Stochastic Processes; Detection and Estimation; Spectral Analysis; Filtering; Signal Processing Systems; Software Developments; Image Processing; Pattern Recognition; Optical Signal Processing; Digital Signal Processing; Multi-dimensional Signal Processing; Communication Signal Processing; Biomedical Signal Processing; Geophysical and Astrophysical Signal Processing; Earth Resources Signal Processing; Acoustic and Vibration Signal Processing; Data Processing; Remote Sensing; Signal Processing Technology; Speech Processing; Radar Signal Processing; Sonar Signal Processing; Industrial Applications; New Applications22. 期刊名称:Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative TransferISSN: 0022-4073版本: SCIE出版频率: Subscriptions for the year 2007, Volumes 103-108, 18 issues出版社: ELSEVIER出版社网址:期刊网址:/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/272/description#description影响因子: 2005: 1.685主题范畴:· Theoretical and experimental aspects of the spectra of atoms, molecules, ions, and plasmas. · Spectral lineshape studies including models and computational algorithms. · Atmospheric spectroscopy. · Theoretical and experimental aspects of light scattering. · Application of light scattering in particle characterization and remote sensing. · Application of light scattering in biological sciences and medicine. · Radiative transfer in absorbing, emitting, and scattering media. · Radiative transfer in stochasticmedia. · Electromagnetic energy transfer with near-field, nano-scale, and coherent effects. · Planetary, atmospheric, and environmental radiative transfer. · Radiative transfer in high-temperature environments, combustion systems, and fires. · Radiant energy emission from plasmas.。

调研报告英文Research Report Writing: Cases and TipsA research report is a common document in academic, business, and public sectors. It is designed to present findings and insights from systematic investigations of one or more research questions or hypotheses. The purpose of a research report is to communicate the scope, methods, results, and implications of a study to a particular audience, such as fellow researchers, managers, clients, investors, or policymakers. Writing a good research report requires a good command of research methods, data analysis, and presentation skills. In this article, we will introduce three cases of research reports and offer some tips and guidelines for writing effective research reports.Case 1: A Marketing Research Report on Social Media Usage for a Fashion BrandA marketing research firm was hired by a fashion brand to investigate the social media habits of its target audience. The goal was to gain insights into what types of content, platforms, and influencers the audience liked and disliked, how they used social media for fashion-related interactions, and what factors motivated them to follow or unfollow the brand. The study involved a sample of 500 female consumers aged 18-35, who were recruited from social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. The data were collected through a mix of online surveys, focus groups, and social listening tools. The findings showed that the audience preferred visual and interactive content, such as short videos, live streaming, and AR/VR experiences, and that theytended to follow celebrities and micro-influencers who shared authentic and relatable experiences. The recommendations for the brand included developing a social media strategy that aligned with the audience's preferences and behaviors, collaborating with selected influencers to create high-quality content, and monitoring the social media performance through analytics tools.Tips:- Define the research problem clearly and concisely, and specify the research objectives and hypotheses.- Use a representative and relevant sample, and employ appropriate sampling methods and size estimation.- Combine multiple data sources and methods to increase the validity and reliability of the data collection and analysis.- Use appropriate data analysis techniques and software tools, and present the results in an engaging and informative way.- Draw insightful and actionable conclusions and recommendations based on the research findings, and provide clear evidence and rationale for them.Case 2: A Scientific Research Report on the Effects of Climate Change on Forest EcosystemsA team of environmental scientists conducted a longitudinal study on the impacts of climate change on the growth, health, and biodiversity of forest ecosystems in a mountainous area. The study involved a combination of field observations, experiments, and remote sensing data analysis, and covered a period of 15 years. The research questions included how different climatic factorsaffected the phenology and productivity of tree species, how the changes in vegetation patterns influenced the carbon uptake and release of the forests, and how the interactions between biotic and abiotic factors affected the insect populations and their ecological roles. The findings showed that the warmer and drier conditions had negative effects on the growth and survival of some tree species, while benefiting others, and that the changes in vegetation structure and composition altered the carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling of the forests. The recommendations for the forest management included adapting the silvicultural practices to the changing climate, adopting more diverse and resistant tree species, and preserving the forest areas that served as biodiversity hotspots.Tips:- Frame the research questions in a clear and testable way, and contextualize them within the relevant theoretical and empirical literature.- Conduct the study in a systematic, controlled, and standardized way, and minimize the sources of bias and confounding factors.- Use appropriate statistical methods and models to test the hypotheses and analyze the data, and report the results in a transparent and comprehensive way.- Use visual aids, such as graphs, maps, and images, to enhance the clarity and persuasiveness of the data presentation and interpretation.- Discuss the implications and significance of the study for the scientific field, public policy, and social awareness, and suggest future research directions and limitations.Case 3: A Business Research Report on the Customer Satisfaction of an E-commerce PlatformA customer service department of an e-commerce platform conducted a survey on the customer satisfaction of its users, aiming to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the platform, as well as the needs and expectations of the customers. The survey was administered to a random sample of 1000 users, who were asked to rate their satisfaction on various aspects of the platform, such as ordering process, product quality, delivery time, customer support, and overall experience. The data were collected through an online questionnaire, and were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings showed that the users were generally satisfied with the platform, but there were some areas that needed improvement, such as faster delivery, more personalized recommendations, and clearer policies and procedures. The recommendations for the platform included streamlining the order tracking and delivery systems, using predictive analytics to customize the user interface and recommendations, and enhancing the human touch and empathy of the customer service.Tips:- Define the population and sample of the study, and use appropriate sampling and data collection methods to ensure the representativeness and reliability of the data.- Design the questionnaire in a user-friendly and non-biased way, and pre-test it with a pilot study or a focus group.- Use appropriate descriptive and inferential statistics to analyzethe data, and report the results in a concise and informative way. - Use tables, charts, and graphs to highlight the key findings and make them more accessible and visually appealing.- Provide actionable and feasible recommendations for the business based on the research results, and emphasize the value and impact of the research for the business growth and sustainability.Overall, writing a research report requires a combination of skills and techniques, such as planning, drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading. The key is to have a clear and structured outline, a logical and coherent argument, and a professional and engaging style. By following these cases and tips, you can improve your research report writing skills and achieve your research goals more effectively.In addition, it is important to consider the intended audience of the research report and tailor the content and tone accordingly. For example, a report intended for a scientific community may require a more formal and technical style, with detailed descriptions of the methodology and results, while a report intended for a business or policy audience may require a more concise and actionable style, with emphasis on the practical implications and recommendations.Another crucial aspect of research report writing is to ensure the ethical and legal compliance of the study. This includes obtaining informed consent from the participants, protecting their privacy and confidentiality, avoiding plagiarism and self-plagiarism, and citing the sources accurately and appropriately. Moreover, it is necessary to follow the ethical codes and guidelines of the relevant professional associations or regulatory bodies, and to report any potential conflicts of interest or biases.In summary, writing a research report is a challenging yet rewarding task that requires attention to detail, creativity, and critical thinking. By following the cases and tips presented in this article, you can enhance your research skills, increase your impact and visibility, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge and practice in your field.好的,那我接着写。

地图图例设计的新模式:图例可视化周梦杰;王睿;买淑敏;万义良;田晶【摘要】制图者进行图例设计时已形成一种\"设计图示符号,按顺序摆放\"的固化思维方式,然而用图者期望:图例能够传达更多信息,帮助理解地图内容,图例要素间的关系能够直观表达,图例美观、易于理解.针对这些问题,文中提出了图例设计的新模式,即利用可视化方法对图例进行表达及为图例添加动态交互功能.图例可视化能够利用读图者眼睛的感知能力加强对图例要素的认知理解,提高读图效率.而交互图例能够优化用户体验,提高信息传输效率.文中针对图例的特征提出图例可视化策略和3种交互图例设计方案.【期刊名称】《测绘工程》【年(卷),期】2019(028)001【总页数】8页(P14-21)【关键词】地图图例;可视化;统计信息;图例结构;交互【作者】周梦杰;王睿;买淑敏;万义良;田晶【作者单位】湖南师范大学资源与环境科学学院,湖南长沙 410006;地理空间大数据挖掘与应用湖南省重点实验室,湖南长沙410006;武汉大学资源与环境科学学院,湖北武汉 430079;武汉大学资源与环境科学学院,湖北武汉 430079;湖南师范大学资源与环境科学学院,湖南长沙 410006;地理空间大数据挖掘与应用湖南省重点实验室,湖南长沙410006;武汉大学资源与环境科学学院,湖北武汉 430079【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P283图例是地图上使用符号的归纳和地图内容的必要说明[1],它是解译地图的重要工具,同时也是沟通制图者和用图者的桥梁。

Captions to be set in Times or Times New Roman or equivalent, italic, 18 to 24 points, to the length of the column in case a figure takes more than 2/3 of column width.
Captions to be set in Times or Times New Roman or
equivalent, italic, between 18 and 24 points. Right aligned if it refers to a figure on its right. Caption starts right at the top
Captions to be set in Times or Times New Roman or

静态图表英语作文范文Title: The Importance of Static Graphs in Presenting Data。
In the realm of data presentation, static graphs play a pivotal role in conveying information effectively. Whetherit's in scientific research, business reports, or educational materials, static graphs serve as powerfultools for visualizing complex data sets. In this essay, we will delve into the significance of static graphs and explore how they enhance the clarity and comprehension of information.To begin with, static graphs provide a concise and organized way to represent data. Unlike lengthy textual descriptions or tables filled with numbers, graphs offer a visual summary that is easy to grasp at a glance. For instance, a line graph depicting sales trends over time allows viewers to quickly discern patterns and fluctuations, enabling them to make informed decisions based on the datapresented.Moreover, static graphs facilitate comparisons and analyses by presenting data in a structured format. Bar graphs, for example, are particularly effective in illustrating comparisons between different categories or groups. By presenting data in a visually appealing manner, static graphs enable viewers to identify trends, outliers, and correlations more readily than through raw numerical data alone.Furthermore, static graphs enhance the persuasiveness of presentations and reports. Visual representations of data have a greater impact on audiences compared to textual information. A well-designed graph can evoke emotions, emphasize key points, and effectively communicate the significance of the data being presented. Whether it's persuading stakeholders in a business meeting or conveying research findings to a scientific community, static graphs are invaluable tools for making a compelling argument.Additionally, static graphs have the advantage of beingeasily accessible and shareable across various platforms. With the widespread use of digital technology, graphs can be seamlessly incorporated into presentations, reports, and online publications. This accessibility ensures that data can be disseminated efficiently to a wide audience, fostering greater understanding and collaboration in diverse fields.Furthermore, static graphs can simplify complex data sets, making them more comprehensible to a non-technical audience. By condensing large amounts of information into visual representations, graphs enable individuals with varying levels of expertise to interpret and interpret data accurately. This accessibility democratizes access to information, empowering individuals from diverse backgrounds to engage with data-driven insights.In conclusion, static graphs are indispensable toolsfor presenting data effectively in various contexts. From enhancing comprehension and analysis to facilitating persuasion and collaboration, static graphs play a vital role in conveying information in a clear, concise, andcompelling manner. As technology continues to evolve, the importance of static graphs in data presentation is likely to remain paramount, guiding decision-making and fostering innovation in a wide range of fields.。

Writing Scientific PapersIn science, one of the most basic goals is the development and application of new knowledge. Writing reports and papers is the easiest and most effective way to share the information with the scientific community. However, scientific papers come under great scrutiny as they are reviewed, tested, and retested time and time again. These published papers act as persuasion vessels in an attempt to validate the researcher’s data and interpretations. If the paper withstands the critiquing, in time the results may become accepted as scientific fact.Learning to write a good scientific paper or lab report is a skill requiring much practice. One must understand the experiment, concepts and why it is being performed, be able to collect and record data, and interpret the results and develop logical conclusions based on the findings. Last but not least it is important to be able to write clearly and concisely to convey ideas and persuade an audience. All scientific papers follow the same general structure:1. Title2. Introductiona. Hypothesisb. Predicted Results3. Materials and Methods4. Observed Results5. Discussiona. Conclusionsb. Implications6. Literature CitedTitleKeep titles under 10 words long. The title should be to-the-point, but descriptive, letting the reader know exactly what the paper is about.IntroductionThe introduction sets the stage for the rest of the paper. This is where the hypothesis and purpose for the experiment is presented. It is important to include and cite any form of background information relevant to understanding the experiment. Researchers also often include their own predictions in this section. A strong introduction answers (but is not limited to) several important questions:1. Why was this study performed?- Usually this stems from a previous experiment or some observation of nature.2. What is the hypothesis?- A hypothesis is a general, testable statement about a phenomenon or behavior.- Ex. Question: Why are mature chiles red?Hypothesis: Mature chiles are red to attract birds.3. What information already exists on this topic?- Ex. The hypothesis was developed out of the knowledge that manyother plants produce bright red colored fruits with seeds that birds areattracted to and eat, thus allowing for dispersal of the seeds.4. What is the experimental design?- Ex. Birds were allowed to select between red and green mature chiles.5. What are the predicted results?- A prediction is what one expects to see when the experiment is performed if thehypothesis is correct.- Ex. It was predicted that the birds would select the red chiles over thegreen chiles.Materials and MethodsIn this section, all materials used and methods followed throughout the experiment are reported. This allows the reader to visualize the set up of the experiment and duplicate the experiment, should they wish. However, it is easy to overpower the reader with too much detail. Keep in mind what information is important to the results obtained and for reproducing the experiment. This includes details such as concentrations, temperatures, measurements, units, timing, calculations, etc. Irrelevant details like “A wax pencil was used to label the test tube,” can be left out!! When following a procedure from a lab manual or published paper, simply describe how you conducted your experiments (there should be enough detail such that the reader could easily duplicate your experiments – no lists!). However, it is still necessary to describe, in detail, any changes to the procedure or special equipment used.Materials and Methods usually answer the following questions:1. What materials were used?2. How were they used?3. When and where was the experiment performed and data collected?- Most important in field studiesResults“A picture is worth a thousand words.” The results section of a scientific paper is for reporting the data collected without discussing any conclusions. Data should be organized into tables, figures, graphs, photos, etc (Do not put the same info in both a table and a graph). Emphasize key points or unusual trends with an objectively written summary. In many cases, the actual figures and graphs are included at the end of the paper, after the Literature Cited section. Each figure or graph has its own separate page and is introduced in the results summary. All figures and graphs must be properly labeled. This includes titles, legends (if necessary), axis and column labels, units and numbered figure headings. Figure headings appear at the top of tables and the bottom of figures, graphs and photos.Ex.When referring to a graph or figure in the text, refer to the figure number.Ex. Figure 1 shows a normal distribution of the original population. However after selection occurred, the remaining population appeared to begin to separate into2 potentially different populations based on color.OrEx. The original population shows a normal distribution before selection occurred (Figure 1).Figures should be able to stand alone, allowing the reader to understand your results without having to dig through your paper.DiscussionDiscussion sections are two fold: 1) conclusions and 2) implications. The conclusion portion restates the primary goal of the research, the hypothesis and whether the data and results collected support or reject that hypothesis. This is the primary argument for a scientific paper to convince readers of the experiment’s validity. Remember scientists never claim that a hypothesis is true, correct or proven; it is only supported or rejected. Make sure to interpret the data collected and try and relate the findings to existing scientific knowledge. The second part of the discussion section helps to take the findings of the experiment to the next level. Speculation and suggestions for improvement or further studies are appropriate here. This is also the only spot in the paper where personal opinion is acceptable. A strong discussion answers (but is not limited to) several important questions:1. Did the experiment support or reject the hypothesis? Why? How?If rejected, was there some sort of error or bias that affected the outcome?2. What analyzed evidence produced that conclusion?3. What is the significance of those conclusions?How does this experiment apply to the “bigger picture?”4. What improvements could be made in the future?5. What other experiments could be developed from these results?6. What is your opinion about the outcome of the experiment and what are yourthoughts about the implications of the experiment?Literature CitedThis section is two fold: 1) reference cites within the paper and 2) a list at the end of the paper of all reference materials cited in the paper.Cites within the paperAny information that was gathered from a secondary source (a published article, a university lecture class, the internet, etc.), MUST be cited both in the paper and at the end. When a reference is cited in the paper it is appropriate to list the primary author’s last name and the publication year in parenthesis after the SUMMARIZED referenced information. Scientific writing does not favor quoted information. The researcher must BOTH restate the referenced material in their OWN words and cite the reference.Ex. The snow leopard is a difficult animal to study because of its camouflage coloring andloner mentality. In an attempt to track, photograph, and research these elusive phantoms of theanimal kingdom, a team of wildlife biologists traveled to the Himalayas in Tibet, one of the few remaining habitats of the snow leopard (Jackson and Hillard, 1986).**If the reference only has one author: (Wexler, 1994)**If the reference has two authors: (Jackson and Hillard, 1986)**If the reference has multiple authors: (Jongmans et al., 1997)Cites at the end of the paperIn the end list, all information is given about the referenced material so that a reader can refer back to the secondary sources if they are interested in learning more about that topic. Keep in mind that every journal requires a different format. A good format that includes all the necessary information is shown in the following examples:Articles:One Author (author format can be used for book, chapter or website as well)Wexler, M. 1994. The art of growing giants. National Wildlife. Vol 32, No. 6: 20-26.Two Authors (author format can be used for book, chapter or website as well)Jackson, R. and Hillard, D. 1986. Tracking the elusive snow leopard. National Geographic. Vol 169, No. 6: 793-809.Multiple Authors (author format can be used for book, chapter or website as well)Jongmans, A.G., van Breemen, N., Lundstrom, U., van Hees, P.A.W., Finlay, R.D., Srinivasan, M., Unestam, T., Giesler, R., Melkerud, P-A., and Olsson, M. 1997. Rock-eating fungi.Nature. Vol 389, No. 6652: 682.Books:Bird, W.Z. 1990. Ecological aspects of fox reproduction. Berlin: Guttenberg Press.Book Chapters:Campbell, N.A and Reece, J.B. 2002. The darwinian revolution. In Biology 6th Ed, ed. B. Wilbur, pp.432-444. San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings.Websites:Council-Garcia, C.L. 2003. Biology 122 Laboratory Syllabus, Room 109. Retrieved June 12, 2003 from </~ccouncil/>.**If you have found a reference on the web that is a journal article, newspaper article, book, etc., this CAN NOT be used as a website cite, because a published hardcopy exists. You must find all the information about the actual, hardcopy reference and then cite it as a book or journal article.** General Style Comments1. All scientific names (genus and species) must be italicized. (Underlining indicates italics in atyped paper.)2. When taking and recording measurements, make sure to use the metric system and do not forgetto include the units.3. Be sure to divide paragraphs correctly and to use beginning and ending sentences that relate tothe purpose of that paragraph. A paper should never be one long paragraph.4. Every sentence must have a subject and a verb. SO PROOFREAD, PROOFREAD,PROOFREAD!!5. Scientific writing is often written in third person; avoid using the pronouns, I and we.6. Avoid slang, the use of contractions, and quotations, but do try to incorporate vocabulary relevantto the subject.7. Be wary of switching verb tense in a paper from present to past. Try to keep the entire paper inthe past tense; after all you already conducted the experiment.8. Make sure to label the sections correctly (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results,Discussion, Literature Cited)9. PROOFREAD your paper multiple times – it helps to have a friend proofread it as well.10. Remember, this is a FORMAL paper. DO NOT include comments like “I did not like…,I learned a lot…,” etc. They are inappropriate and irrelevant.。

八年级下册英语第三单元科学作文Sure, here is the English version:In the third unit of the eighth grade English textbook, we are focusing on scientific essays. Science is a key subject in education, as it helps us understand the world around us. Writing a scientific essay not only improves our language skills, but also deepens our understanding of scientific concepts.When writing a scientific essay, it is crucial to follow a structured approach. Firstly, choose a topic that interests you and is relevant to the curriculum. For example, you could write about the process of photosynthesis or the impact of climate change on the environment. Once you have a topic, conduct thorough research from reliable sources to gather accurate information. This could involve reading scientific journals, articles, and books, as well as consulting reputable websites. Remember to take notes and list your sources for referencing later.Next, organize your essay into different sections, such asintroduction, body, and conclusion. Your introduction should capture the reader's attention and provide background information on the topic. The body of the essay should present evidence, examples, and logical arguments to support your thesis statement. In a scientific essay, it is important to cite your sources and use scientific language effectively. Finally, conclude by summarizing your key points and reinforcing the significance of your topic.In addition, incorporating visual aids such as diagrams, charts, and graphs can enhance the quality of your scientific essay. These visuals can effectively illustrate complex scientific concepts and make your essay more engaging. Remember to label and explain the visuals clearly, as they should complement the written content.Lastly, revise and edit your essay multiple times to ensure clarity, coherence, and accuracy. Check for grammar and spelling errors, and seek feedback from peers or teachers to improve the overall quality of your scientific essay.Overall, writing a scientific essay is an opportunity tonot only showcase your language skills, but also to deepen your understanding of scientific principles. By following a structured approach and conducting thorough research, you can create a well-crafted scientific essay that effectively conveys your knowledge and passion for science.Now, here is the Chinese version:在八年级英语教科书的第三单元中,我们将专注于科学作文。