




















《了不起的盖茨比》中颜色隐喻的认知分析关键词:盖茨比;象征;美国梦《了不起的盖茨比》是美国二十世纪最杰出的作家之一弗朗西斯·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德(Francis Scott Fitzgerald,1896年9月24日-1940年12月21日)的代表作。



小说于1915 年发表,小说的发表震动了美国文坛, 当时的许多文学大师均给予极高评价。




小说表现了战后人们失去了原来支撑他们的人生理想和信心的精神支柱, 在人生道路上迷失了自我, 被严重的失落感和虚无感所笼罩的对现实极度的不满。










































































































例如,在小说中存在着多个戴眼镜或有关眼镜的角色,如埃克尔伯格(Eyebrows Eckleburg)医生广告牌上那双“巨大而空洞”的眼镜。
















Color Symbolism in The Great Gatsby学号 10511010101 姓名程思With the development of symbolism, one of ramification of it,the color symbolism has been widely used by lots of writers for represent figures,to convey feelings and make the theme standing out in the literary works. Fitzgerald uses color symbolism to portray the characters and reveal the theme in his finest work The Great Gatsby and present us a vivid image of American during the Jazz Age after the First World War. This paper is based on the social background and tradition of America and makes an analytical study of the unique artistic achievement of the novel through summarizing and analyzing the colors Fitzgerald use. Unlike his other novels, in The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald uses artistic method to express plot, characters and the final disillusionment of American Dream. The use of symbolism is especially obvious in the novel; anything in the novel can be taken as a symbol. Based on the American history, religion, literature and culture, F. Scott Fitzgerald vividly shows us a colorful painting of the Jazz Age.With different understandings of the colors, the essayists analyzed these colors decades before, nowadays the essayists still work on them. I gathered some of opinions years before from some of the essayists below.The analysis of green: the author Li Xueshun ( 李雪顺《<了不起的盖茨比>和它的色彩象征》) believes Daisy’s light in front of her house on the dock is the main imag e symbolizing Gatesby’s love and faith,for which he has been working so hard all through his life time, but even in the end of this story his dream is still like the green light, which is always beyond his reach, it never comes true, and most of the observers hold the same opinion.The analysis of white: Ma Xiangrui’s thes is mentions that in Gatsby’s eyes Daisy looks like a pure angel often in white and sits in white limo, whereas he doesn’t know in the real life she just has a beautiful body with no soul and always does things cruel. In the other author Dong Aihua’s opinio n the white symbolized the demoralization and emptiness of the people during the Jazz Age. Although this two author express in different ways, but they share the same basic point of view. The white has very opposite meaning in two sides.The analysis of ye llow and golden: In Dong Aihua’s opinion yellow and golden mean money and material factors people are searching for. He believes people’s main philosophy at that age is to chase money, luxury things and social status. And in Wang xiaoming’s thesis (王晓敏. 《了不起的盖茨比》中色彩象征的运用.) he mentions that this color also links to the death, because the desire is original sin . Desire will lead people to behave badly, finally destroy them.The analysis of grey: “Grey is the color of disappointment and it indicates the broken of American dream” Dong Aihua says. However, Li Xueshun has the different thoughts about this. He thinks grey can compare with other bright colors to show under the luxury and dissipation life spiritually people have nothing. Like the feeling grey brings to us, it is not clear, it’s amphibolous.About the other color mentioned less in the novel, for example the pink, blue and purple. V ery few essayists researched on them years before. But these years more essayists start working on this and make their meanings clear.Recent years essayists sum up different ideals and analyze these ideals in a systemic way and add some of new opinions in the research. About the green most people hold the same opinion, it symbolized all Gatsby’shope. About the white Ying Ch engjun and Feng zhicai’s(尹成君&冯志才. <<论色彩的象征特征>>) pointed out it has two opposite meanings. It symbolized the purity things, justice and simplicity; on the other hand it shows nonentity and destroys. People link the white with Daisy to show the double character of her. She is a pure and fabulous beautiful angel and an emptiness marble hearted devil. The yellow and golden shows the reality of the society that money can drive people’s mind. Most essayists agree this ideal. Lots of essayists focus on the color of grey, especially the grey vale in chapter 2 of Great Gatsby ,for example Dong Aihua (董爱华. 谈《了不起的盖茨比》中色彩象征在表现主题中的运用.[J].克山师专学报) mentioned the grey vale is the place surrounded by industry waste and ashes where the poor people live in. Ashes with the color of grey and it allude death and broken dream. After reading different essayists’ opinions we can see they hold lots of common points with particular difference on details.Some of the colors which are mention less in the novel, for example the red, pink and blue people hold various ideals. Wang Xiaoming thinks that red symbolized Tom’s selfishness, haughty, wildness and cruel character. Ma Li thinks Gatsby’s pink suit means his faithful warm love to Daisy. But in Li Xueshun’s opinion the red has very close relationship with violence and blood; it indicates the accident in the second half of this novel. In Dong Aihua’s opinion the purple means Daisy is a mystery creation in Gatsby’s heart; he used his life time to chase on it and dreamed to make it come true. As most people know the blue still means melancholy and a calm mood.It’s true that color can represent emotion, but this kind of symbolize depends on a certain culture, custom and social. Different environment can affect the meaning of all these colors. In this way when we analyze these colors, our thoughts become subjective. We should make our thoughts more impersonal, so we have to study the culture, the history, the environment when this story happened. What’s the American society like after the Firs t World War? What’s the real meaning of the age so called Jazz Age? Joining both the culture and color analysis together can make the thesis more logical and reasonable.Through analysis of color symbolism of the Great Gatsby, we find that this area needs more research and in a systemic way. Especially we should combine with American culture, custom background, the religion thoughts or the reflection of the war and so on. We know that the reason why F. Scott Fitzgerald uses the color symbolism is not that simple, we should dig out the inner meanings he expressed. And the colors help us understand each character much better. The research we will do in the future will make this analysis more integrity.In the novel The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald uses many literary devices, especially color symbolism which is the most popular technique, to embrace his believes about the people of these period and express many different intangible ideas. The use of color symbolism in The Great Gatsby is similar to the use of color in myth, customs and rituals –each color has a conventional meaning and particular ideas and themes. The Great Gatsby is not only a plain story of the life and death of a romantic hero, but also a vivid painting of the twentieth century, showing that the dream of spiritual freedom is inseparable from that of material advancement. And American Dream is doomed to be destroyed. Through the artistic expression of color symbolism, Fitzgerald has skillfully and wisely revealed the theme of this novel and the fate of the characters. Lots of people and some of famous critic gave very high praise on this book and this book is still read by people nowadays. All this can show its prominent status in the history of American literature.ReferencesF. Scott Fitzgerald. The Great Gatsby [M]. Penguin Books, 1974.Zhao Linlin. Symbolism in The Great Gatsby[J].齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2004 (1):86-88 象征主义. //.2007.亨利·詹姆斯著,朱雯等译.《小说的艺术》[M].上海:上海译文出版社,2001.李顺雪. 《了不起的盖茨比》和它的色彩象征. [J]. 涪陵师范学院学报. 2001.(10):95-97.李希. 论《了不起的盖茨比》中的色彩描写在刻画人物中的作用. [J].外国文学研究. 2002 (3):79-83. 马丽. 试析《了不起的盖茨比》中色彩的象征意义. [J].忻州师范学院学报. 2004 (2):90-91.马瑞香. 司各特.菲茨杰拉德作品的色彩描写特色. [J]. 沈阳大学学报. 2004 (7):82-84.王晓敏. 《了不起的盖茨比》中色彩象征的运用.[J].贵州工业大学学报(社会科学版). 2006 (3):75-76. 尹成君&冯志才. 论色彩的象征特征. [J].Art&Design.2006 (11):111-113.董爱华. 谈《了不起的盖茨比》中色彩象征在表现主题中的运用.[J].克山师专学报. 2003 (4):78-79.。



70美国文化中的颜色象征意义——以《了不起的盖茨比》为例杨竞 西安翻译学院亚欧语言文化学院摘要:20世纪文坛杰出的作家菲兹杰拉德其代表作《了不起的盖茨比》讲述了来自平民家庭的盖茨比通过自己的努力实现梦想的过程,但是原本以为是人生圆满的结局最后却在盖茨比成功后急转直下,从而导致主人公“美国梦”的幻灭,小说成为了作者对于当时时代背景下那片道德荒原以及空虚的精神境界所做的深入探究。







文章中灰色的主要代表事物是毫无希望可言的“灰烬之地”——灰谷(The valley of ashes)。

作者在第二章开头这样描述这片荒芜之地:“This is a valley of ashes —a fantastic farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens where ashes take the forms of houses and chimneys and rising smoke and finally ,with a transcendent effort ,of men who move dimly and already crumbling through the powdery air.”(P23.F.Scott Fitzgerald ,The Great Gatsby[M].世界图书出版公司,2013版)“这是一个由灰烬堆成的山谷—颇像一个十分奇怪的农场,在那里灰沙堆积成麦垄状,行成小山小丘,有的形成房屋、烟囱和炊烟等,最后,堆成一个个灰蒙蒙的人,好似在模模糊糊地走动,并且最终在尘土飞扬中化为灰烬。





































苏州大学应用技术学院2009级学士学位论文A Study of Color Symbolism in The Great Gatsby《了不起的盖茨比》中颜色象征意义研究专业:09英语学号:0916411014姓名:周丽莎导师:张荣兴2012.12.23AcknowledgementsThe thesis would probably have never been possible without the help, support, foresight and inspiration of my supervisor, teachers and classmates, so I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of them.My deepest gratitude goes first to my supervisor, Mr. Zhang Rongxing, who has contributed to getting the nuts and bolts of the thesis into place. His careful and microscopic scrutiny of the manuscript resulted in the elimination of many inconsistencies and in the development of the study throughout the thesis. His witty ideas and valuable advice brought me a new way of learning and different vision of the research.What’s m ore, my thanks go to my parents and friends who give me support and encouragement.AbstractFrancis Scott Fitzgerald, one of the most prominent novelists in American literary history in the 1920s, has been regarded as “the singer of the jazz age”, and “chronicler” and “poets Laureate”. He works give us an accurate picture of the social state of America in early twenties of last century. The Great Gatsby is Fitzgerald’s finest n ovel, which was published in 1925, and Eliot considered it “to be the first step that America has taken since Henry James”. Finished in 1925, this novel wins lots of favorable praise. Nowadays, people keep reading it, and many films have been adopted from it.Just as above said, The Great Gatsby is a symbolism story, in which, many color symbols are used, for example, green and green light, blue, yellow or golden and so on. This paper will analyze the novel by means of the respective symbolism meanings of these color symbols.Key words: Francis Scott Fitzgerald; The Great Gatsby; color; symbolism.摘要美国著名象征主义代表作家Francis Scott Fitzgerald ,20世纪20年代美国文坛最著名的作家之一,素有爵士时代代言人,编年史家和桂冠诗人的称号。



櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓櫓作 《了 不 起 的 盖 茨 比 》运 用 了 大 量 富 含 象 征 意 义 的 颜 色 词 , 为 小 说 涂 上 了 梦 幻 般 的 色 彩 。绚 丽 多 彩 的 颜 色 反 映 了 人 物 的 性 格 特 征 , 有 助 于 人 物 形 象 的 刻 画 , 同 时 揭 示 了 主 人 公 对 “ 美 国 梦 ” 的 疯 狂 追 逐 及 其 悲 惨 命 运 , 成 功 地 勾 画 出 了 “ 美 国 梦 ” 遭 遇 破 灭 时 的 人 生 百 态 图 , 深 化 了 小 说 的 主 题 。本 文 拟 从 颜 色 意 象 的 角 度 解 析 《了 不 起 的 盖 茨 比 》 中 “ 美 国 梦 ” 的 幻 灭 。
1 1
[ ]绿 勃 的 表 现 ” , 色 的 灯 光 仍 然 给 予 他 追 求 黛 西 、 追 求 幸 福 的 无 穷 希 望 。小 说 结 尾 最 后 一 次 提 到 了 绿 灯 : “ 盖 茨 比 相 信 那 盏 绿 灯 , 相 信 那 个 年 复 一 年 渐 行 渐 远 的 令 人 陶 醉 的 未 来 … … 总 会 有 一 个 天 气 晴 好 的 早 晨 … … 于 是 , 我 们 奋 力 向 前 划 , 逆 流 而 上 的 小 舟 , [ ] 不 停 地 被 浪 潮 推 回 到 过 去 。原 来 , 绿 灯 象 征 了 所 有 人 ( 包 括 盖 茨 比 在 内 ) 所 热 切 向 往 的 “美 国 梦 ” 、 美 国 整 个 民 族 都 寄 予 了 深 切 期 待 的 “ 美 国 梦 ” 。 此 外 , 美 元 也 是 绿 色 的 , 成 为 美 钞 greenback 已 (banknote)的 代 名 词 , 因 此 , 绿 色 象 征 了 盖 茨 比 对 物 质 财 富 及 上 流 社 会 的 不 懈 追 求 。绿 色 又 象 征 着 新 鲜 、 青 春 年 少 、 活 力 四 射 。十 七 岁 那 年 在 海 滩 边 上 巧 遇 丹 · 科 迪 的 游 艇 时 , 盖 茨 比 所 穿 的 那 件 “破 [ ] 旧 的 绿 运 动 衫 ”以 及 他 豪 华 轿 车 那 “像 温 室 一 样 [ ] 的 绿 皮 车 厢 ”都 给 人 一 种 生 机 勃 勃 、 充 满 希 望 的 感 觉 , 这 绿 色 正 是 梦 想 和 希 望 的 象 征 。而 同 汤 姆 摊 [ ] 牌 前 盖 茨 比 被 “晒 得 滚 烫 的 绿 皮 座 椅 ”暗 示 了 他 的 美 好 梦 想 难 敌 残 酷 现 实 的 炙 烤 , 终 将 归 于 幻 灭 。 可 见 , 在 反 映 小 说 的 主 题 方 面 , 绿 色 的 作 用 不 可 小 觑 。



解析 《 了不起的盖茨比》中的颜色的象征意义
朱 蕾
( 安康 学院 外 语 系 。陕 西 安康 7 2 5 0 0 0)
【 摘 要 】《 了不起的盖茨比》作为菲茨杰拉德的代表作,其典型的故事内 容和独特的创作手法都达到 了 很高的艺术造 诣 。小说 中运 用 了 很 多具有 象征意 义的意 象,其 中对颜 色的象征 性描述对故事情 节的烘托和人物性格 的刻 画起 到 了至关重要 的作用。文章通过 具体分析 小说 中各种颜 色的象征意 义,来探寻小说的 艺术表达手法和思想 内涵。 【 关键词 】 《 了不起的盖茨比》;颜色;象征意义
菲 茨杰 拉德 是美 国 2 0世 纪文 学史 上的一 位杰 出作 家 , 与福克纳和海明威齐名 ,其代表作 《了不起 的盖茨 比 》被公 认 为深刻地反映 了美 国梦 的破灭 。小说描述 了出身贫寒 的盖 茨 比为追求爱情不惜铤而走险 ,费尽心机过上 了奢华 而又空 虚的生活 ,本 以为实现 了 自己的爱情梦想和人生 目 标, 结果 到头来一切都是梦幻泡影 。正 因为对 当时美 国的时代气息 和 弊病的敏锐把握 , 《 了不起 的盖茨比 》 成为 了美 国文学的经典 , 艾略特 赞美它是 : “ 美 国小 说 自亨利 - 詹 姆斯 以来 迈 出的第 步” 。菲茨 杰拉德在 《 了不起 的盖 茨 比》中设 置 了很多 经 典的象征性意象 , 特别 是对颜 色的象征意义运用地炉火纯青 , 为故事氛围的营造起 到了画龙 点睛的作用 。 白色 白色在 西方 文化中 占有重要的地位 ,它一方面代表了纯 洁 、坚贞 、美丽和高 贵 ; 另一方 面是财富和权力的象征 ,代 表 了冷漠 、空虚 和疾病 。白色 的这种 双重属 性在 《 了不起 的 盖茨 比 》中被 巧妙地应用 ,揭 示了盖茨 比那个时代人们看似 文 明、高稚实则庸俗 、空洞 的荒诞 心理 。白色出现在小说 中



与青 春 ,希望 ,活力 和春 天等 联系起 来 。在 《 了不 起的 盖 茨 比》一 书中 ,绿 色象征 着 盖茨 比那充满 希 望 ,却又 以绝 手法 的 使用令 《 了不起 的盖茨 比》 更加 的生动 形象 ,引人 望 收场 的人生 。盖 茨 比十 七 岁时 ,他干 农活 时所着 的 “ 破 入 胜 ,并使其 艺术效 果的展 现发挥 到 了极致 。 旧 的绿 色 运动 服 ”给 人 们 留下 了一 种 “ 充 满 野 心与 梦想 ” 参考文献 : 【 1 】 F i t z g e r a l dS c o t t F : T h e G r e a t Ga b b y[ M】 . U S A: P e n g u i n B o o k s 的 印 象。 此时 ,“ 绿 色 ”象 征 着希 望 与 梦想 。而 后 ,二 战 d , 1 9 8 5 . 期 间盖茨 比与黛西 相 爱,但 由于 盖茨 比没有 足够 的金钱 来 Lt 迎 娶黛 西 ,黛 西 最终嫁 给 了汤姆 。暴 富后 的盖茨 比仍 不忘 [ 2 ] 菲茨杰拉德 ,了不起的盖茨 比 【 M】 . 北京: 人 民文学出版 黛 西 ,他大 肆 的举办 派对 ,只为 吸 引黛西 的 目光 。对 于盖 茨 比来 说 ,挽 回黛 西的爱 是他 毕生 的梦想和 希望 。 黛西 家 门前 长 岛码 头 上 的绿 光也 是 《 了 不 起 的 盖茨 比 》中 的主 要 意象 之一 。这绿 光便 是 盖 茨 比信念 的 象征 , 也是 盖茨 比 的梦想所 在 。他渴 望触及 这道 光 ,因为 它是 黛 西 的化身 ,是 盖茨 比的梦 想与 希望 。这绿 光 象征着 盖茨 比 的 幸福 。 当盖 茨 比 向黛 西提 起 这道 绿 光 时,他 说 :“ 如 果 不 是 有 雾 的话 ,伴 着 你 家 前 面 码 头上 的绿 光 ,我 可 以清 楚 的看 到河 对 岸你 家 的房 子 ( F i t z g e r a l d 7 6 )” 。在 “ 美 国 梦 ”的指 引下,盖 茨 比坚信通 过 努力 与财 富的积 累 ,他 可


着那 幅巨幅 广告 牌 上艾 克伯 格 医生 的 眼 睛 。上帝 看见 了一 切 ,他 知道 一 切 :他知 道 盖茨 比的梦想 注 定会 破 灭 ,他 知道 威 尔 逊一 家 的 悲剧 ,他 知道 汤姆 和 黛西 的冷 酷 无情 和 人们 无 止境 追 求 享乐 的 无 意义 。作 者设 计 了 巨幅广 告牌 上 一位 医生 的巨 大 的蓝 色 的 眼睛 注视 人 间这 个细 节 ,表 明 了他对 那 个 时代 人们 生 活 和观 念 的批 评 1 白色ຫໍສະໝຸດ 象征意 义— —纯 洁 、空虚 、
3 、黄色— —嘈 杂 、喧嚣 、俗气 、金钱 黄色是金子的颜色 ,给人的印象是金钱、嘈杂、和世俗。关 于 黄色 ,特 别是 金 黄色 与金 钱 的联 系 ,在 这 篇小 说 中 比 比皆 是 。 作为财富的象征 ,金黄色在盖茨比身上反复出现 ,揭示 了主人公 俗 不可 耐夸 耀财 富 的虚 荣 心 。在盖 茨 比的盛 大宴 会上 ,乐 队 演奏 的是一 种 叫做 “ 色鸡 尾酒 会 音乐 ” 的音 乐 ,那 是 一 种喧 闹 、 嘈 黄 杂 、肤 浅 、没 有 品味 的音乐 ,在2 年 代 的美 国非 常风靡 ,体 现 了 0 当时 人人追 求 享乐 、物 欲横 流 的社 会 现 实 。宴会 上 ,盖茨 比时刻 不忘传递财 富的信息 ,他穿着 白色的西服,银色的衬衣,系着金 色的 领带 。他 的华 丽 昂贵 的 汽车是 浅 黄 色 的 。在 尼 克 家与 黛 西约 会 时 ,他戴 着 金色 领带 ,甚 至给 她展 示 一把 金梳 子 。这 明确 地 表 示 了 盖茨 比大 胆追 求享 乐 和对 金 钱 的崇拜 。后来 ,这 辆黄 色 汽 车 压 死 了威 尔逊 太太 ,也 最终 导 致 了盖 茨 比 的被杀 。作 者似 乎 在 暗 示 ,对金钱 的过分崇拜和无休止的追求是导致盖茨 比死亡 的原因 之一。总之 , 品中多次使用代表金钱、嘈杂和世俗的黄 色,来 作



大 自然 的颜色 , 如 绿色 的小草 、 绿 色的森 林等 , 因而 绿色象征着青春 、 希望 、 生命力 、 朝气等 , 也有着不 成 熟、 无经验 的含义 。色彩词汇在文学创作中 占据重要 地位 , 诗歌 、 小说 、 散文 等文学 作 品中经 常出现颜 色 词, 这对表达情 感、 传递思 想等具有重要意义 。《 了不 起 的盖茨 比》 中就 出现 了大 量的色彩词汇 , 为小说 涂 上 了一层梦幻 色彩 ,也 通过色彩 象征对美 国社会进 行 了无情的批判。
如“ a r e d b a t t l e ” “ s e e r e d ” “ H i s i d e a s a r e r e d ” ; 绿 色 是
战 以后 , 美国经济快速 发展 , 社会 环境也急剧 变化 , 年轻一代抛弃 了传统道 德信仰与价值观 , 陷入

论《 了不 起 的盖茨 比》 的色 彩 象征
( 开封大学外 国语学院 , 河 南 开封 4 7 5 0 0 4 )
菲茨杰拉德是 美国 2 O世 纪文坛上杰 出的作 家 ,
系, 强 烈而 集 中地 表 现 思 想 主 题 。[ 2 色彩是人类最基本 的认知范畴 。在西方文化 中,
三、 色彩在《 了不起的盖茨 比》 中的象征 意义
( 一) 白色 的 象征 意 义 在西方 文化 中 , 白色是纯 洁 、 神圣、 高 尚的象征 ,
是一种圣洁 的颜色。在《 了不起 的盖茨 比》 中, 白色不 仅是纯洁 、 高贵 、 美丽的象征 , 还是恐怖 、 空虚 、 死亡 、 邪 恶 的 象征 , 有着塑造人物 形象 、 突 出 思 想 主题 的 功
亡。在《 了不起的盖茨比》 中, 作家用丰富的想 象力与 独特的文笔勾勒 出“ 历史上最伟 大 、 最纵 乐的排场 ” ,





















浅析《了不起的盖茨比》的颜色象征意义[摘要]《了不起的盖茨比》(The Great Gatsby)是美国二十年代著名小说家司各特·菲茨杰拉德(Scott Fitzgerald,1896-1940)的杰作,它以完美的艺术形式向读者诉说了一场美国梦的破灭。

在这部小说中,象征手法的运用正是其一大特色, 尤其是颜色的象征意义。















在这部小说中,象征手法的运用正是其一大特色, 尤其是颜色的象征意义。




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英美文学期末论文论文题目:The theory of the exquisite design of color in“The great Gatsby”年级专业:姓名:学号:任课老师:年月The theory of the exquisite design of color in“The great Gatsby”Abstract“The great Gatsby” is regarded as the masterpiece of the famous Fitzgerald,which is regarded as “one of the greatest novels in the 20th century”. When you are reading the “The great Gatsby”, do you have noticed a disti nction of it ,the utilization of various colors,and every color in the novel has its own profound meaning.In this paper,we will appreciate four colors of “The great Gatsby” together. Key words:The great Gatsby Fitzgerald Color Metaphor“The great Gatsby” is regarded as the masterpiece of the famous Fitzgerald,which is regarded as “one of the greatest novels in the 20th century”,and it is also the most favorite novel of Haruki Murakami ,the famous contemporary Japanese novelist. Its fancinnating plots, picturesque descriptions and profound expose, which all embody Fitzgerald’s transcendental talent, can not content the whole execellence of this great novel——the novel’s splendidness is much more than that.When you are reading the “The great Gatsby”, I do n’t know whether you have noticed a distinction of it ,the utilization of various colors, and the interleaving of colors reveals the leitmotiv of the novel, that the huge gap of the ideal and reality would break the vacuous American dream. In this paper, w e will analyze “The great Gatsby” from the point of view of colors and choose 4 commonly used colors of the it, which include green, white, yellow and blue, to understand the role of colors in this novel.GreenGreen is the color of the vegetation in the natural, which can remind people of the growth of the grass and trees, and it has the meaning of health, energy, hope and ter , the growth of the vegetation is used to describe the growth of people themselves, and green started to be describe the specially youthful spirit of the youngest, however at the same time ,green also has the metaphor meaning of immatureness, naivete, and inexperience. In the novel, the main incarnate of green is the green light ,which is as a symple of the pursuit of Gatsby, and green is dominant tone of Gatsby’s whole life, which implies the immature procession of the protagonist of setting the goal,pursiting the dream and his dream’s disillusionment .The first apparence of green is in Gatsby’s seventeen years old, and at tha t timeGatsby is working in the fields wearing a green sweatshirt,who is energetic , vibrant as well as with a better vision for the future and convinced the motto that "pay a return".Therefore during this period green foreshadows Gatsby’s confidence for t he future life.The other important incarnate of green is the green light in Daisy’s villa, which appeared 3 times in novel.The first is at the end of the chapter 1, when Nick arrives in West Egg merely, unfamiliar with the surroundings.One night, Nick goes out of his room, sees his neighbor gazing into the distance at the seaside,”......he streched out his arms towards the dark water in a curious ,and far as I was from him I could have sworn he was trembling. Involutarily I glanced seaward ——and distingguished nothing expect a single green light ,minite and far away ,that might have been the end of a dock......”, the green light is the right light in the Daisy’s villa.Here green refers to Gatsby’s pursuit and dream,to retrieve Daisy’s love, to live a luxury living. Meanwhile, green hints the dream of Gatsby is naive and unreal, and he even haven’t thought of whether Daisy treasure his love as himself, indeed in Daisy’s heart nothing is important than her splendor, which reflects the tragedy of Gatsby.The second of appearance the green light is in the chapter 5, Gatsby met Daisy in his villa finally with the help of Nick, and after showing his wealth and achievement, Gatsby says to Daisy “If there is no fog, we can see the green light in your villa.” Here the green light disappears, which hints the failure of Gatsby in the end that al his efforts were in vain.And the third appearance of the green light is at the end of novel, where Daisy killed Tom's mistress,and Gatsby became Daisy’s scapegoat and is murder red by Wilson.After Gatsby’s death, Nick once said “Gatsby believed in the green light ,the orgastic future that year by year reedes before us ,It eludes us then ,but that no matter—tomorow we will run faster ,stretch our arms farther...... ”.The believer of green light Gatsby dead, and the dream of Gatsby disillusioned. Nevertheless, the beginning of his dream is wrong, and here the green light is an irony of the values that “the gospel of mammon”.WhiteAs green is the color of Gatsby , white is the color of Daisy. In Western culture,white has the meaning of holiness, naive, fragrant and elegant.And in the novel, Fitzgerald used white to describe Daisy many times.At the beginning of novel , the authors writes the villa of Tom and Daisy was white,what’s more ,the curtains of theirs is white as well “......A breeze blew through the room ,blew curtains in at one end and out at the other like pale flags......”.When Nick first meet Daisy , she wears a white dress talking with Jordan, and when Daisy goes to meet Gatsby at the first time, she ride the white car, wears a white dress.In addition, in the chapter 6 Nick has sighed “Daisy is a princess living in a white palace, unattainable”. On the surface, white endues holiness, naive, fragrant and elegant with Daisy,as a matter of fact, Fitzgerald intimates that Daisy is greedy, ruthless and selfish, and her emptiness, wanderer and mercilessness in the spirit level.The white Daisy stimulates Gatsby to fighting for her , even if it will take a lifetime, at the same time ,the white Daisy brings Gatsby to death. Throughout the process of intercourse between Gatsby and Daisy, Daisy always represents the upper class in America, and Gatsby regards Daisy as the exemplification of his dream due to his love for her. When Gatsby have a lot of procession, the attitude of Daisy to Gatsby changed from contempt to attachments.However,when her husband reveals the wretched identity and status of Gatsby in a rude way, when she knows how Gatsby get his procession, and even when Gastby commits her crime of killing Mrs. Wilson and is murderred by Wilson because of her, she never expresses any understanding or sympathy for Gatsby, and she remains silent all the time ,hasn’t said any one word for Gatsby. So far the deam of Gatsby is never beautiful any more, and it becomes pallid, pitiless and powerless,in the white shadow of Daisy, Gatsby's dream is destined to be destroyed.Here white is used to irony the inconstancy among the people in that age. YellowYellow is the color of autumn,which has the meaning of dreariness, miserableness, decay and death, whether in the western or the eastern country.And yellow is also the color of gold, which reflected the uproariousness and vanity of that age.If white reflects the vacuous superficies of the age, then yellow or golden represents the money-oriented essence of it, as the same time , yellow interweave with white which describes the wishy-washy and vacant spirit in that age, which is found on the value of money worship.Just like Daisy, although she wears the dresses,drives the white car, lives in a white palace, her immanency still cannot get rid of money worship.Daisy is likened to “the golden princess” in the white palace, and Fitzgerald also writes in the novel “......the white palace shining golden lights in the sunsets...... ”. Coincidentally ,the apartment where Tom and Motel met and appointed also has a golden window.Here yellow or golden satirizes their fallen soul , addicted to material comforts, without any sense of shame.In that era of vanity, the so-called love is actually a phantom created by money worship, and Gatsby’s Daisy is only a mammonist with a seemingly beautiful and pure semblance. But Gatsby is Dazzled by love and lost with the affection of Daisy.Gatsby is so naive that he think if he is enough rich and has enough money ,he will retrieve Daisy’s love for him, so he show Daisy his money and achievements once and once again to draw Daisy’s appreciation to approach her, meanwhile he is also trying to approach the high class of soi ety. At the party in Gatsby’s villa, the band plays the music of Golden Cocktail, the suckling pig was roasted into golden, the ladies with golden hair, the car is yellow, and Gatsby ties a golden tie, even the flowers in the Gatsby’s garden exude golden f ragrance.The author describe a golden picture of that age, and actually he wants to reflect the desolateness of the world under the control of money worship.Yellow is a warm color ,but in the money-oriented world any warm color can make a warm world, because the relationship among people only depends on the coldmoney.Without dream and pursuit ,the age and the people of it are bound to decadence,and all the phantom created by money worship will be disillusioned.In the novel yellow really leads people to death, that the yellow car of Gatsby killed Motel and finally leads Gatsby to death. At the end of the story there is still a dimly yellow light hanging on the ceiling and Gatsby goes to the swimming pool through a yellow grove fading in a slight yellow.Here yellow reveal the tragedy of the characters,and their desolate ending is also the ending of the American dream and the money worship.However,it is worth pointing out that yellow has another figurative meaning that returning to the basics.Yellow is the color of the earth and the color of the train linking to hometown, and apart from describing the superficiality, the neon glamour and the cheap prettiness of life, it also provide another chioce to people, to be addicted to emptiness and vanity or to return to their own original nature.Here yellow is not a sharp irony but a rebirth opportunity.BlueThe last important color of “The great Gatsby” is blue,which is the color of dream.If yellow braids a huge golden cage hanging over the world, then blue gives the world ideal and belief.Blue is the color of ocean and shy, so it has the meaning of peaceful and broad,which is in stark contrast to yellow.Actually, in the novel there is really a lot of comparisions between yellow and blue.Wilson has the blue and deje cted eyes” ...When he saw us a damp gleam of hope sprang into his light blue eyes...” but he is trapped in ” a small block of yellow brick sitting on the edge of the waste land” ; “...the eye of Doctor T.J Eckleburg are blue and gigantic...” ; when they arrives at the magnificent apartment of Tom and Motel’s , Nick says that “...the late afternoon sky bloomed in the window for a moment like the blue honey of the Mediterranean—then the shrill voice of Mrs. McKee called me back into the room...”; and “...In h is blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars...”.In the novel, where there is full of gold and hullabaloo and where there is must be a little bit of blue. Fitzgerald may be attempted to use the blue to bring us some tranquility and comfort,to give us the peaceful belief.However there are too many golden cages to achieve our blue hope, and the blue brings the novel a gloomy atmosphere.At the end of the novel, Gatsby is murderred in his swimming with his broken dream, Wilson shoots himself, and Daisy and Tom escaped into their money world, which lets Nick down and he decides to return his hometown in the west. Even when Gatsby is murderred, “the shadow of a tree fell abruptly across the d ew and ghostly birds began to sing among the blue.” On the one hand, the blue is the hope of Gatsby. On the other hand , the blue symbolises the tragedy of Gatsby that he couldn’t received a phone call from Daisy.What’s more,in the western culture, blue is also the symbal of “blue blood”.All the shirts of Gatsby in his wardrobe are embroidered with blue letters of “Gatsby”,which excatly expresses his dream of squeezing into the upper class.And inthe chapter 7 of the novel, Gatsby drives the blue car to the town,but still drives his yellow car back to the West Egg.In that time, money is superior than anything,and the society is rigidly stratified so as that Gatsby won’t be regarded as the high class.There is no place for Gatsby in that society and he is disorientated by the confused values.The so-called high class are a group of numb, cold and selfish people.Daisy and Tom finally destroys Gatsby without any guilty and they escapes into their money world continuing their numb life. The blue eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg are compared to the eyes of god, which ridicule the indifferene of world.So when the blue smoke of brittle leaves is in the air and the wind blew the wet laundry stiff on the line Nick decids to come back home.The blue somke is the broken dream of Gatsby as well as the new belief of the world, and only remove the cages of the decay can the new belief get freedom, which tries to warn people giving up the wrong values and pursuit the right dream, or everything will destroy.ConclusionFitzgerald painted a colorful picture with green, white,yellow and blue.Through the color we can understand the attitude and the emotion of the author in the novel, and discern the sophisticated conception and the original design of the author, and the colors help u s know about the protagonists more deeply. Fitzgerald is worthy of “the greatest writers of the 21st century”, even every plot, every discription and every color in his novel are all well-designed and chosen cautiously.As the most mignificent masterprise of Fitzgerald, The great gatsby will shining in our memory forever.。
