
旅游景点英语词汇1. IntroductionTraveling to different tourist attractions around the world is a thrilling experience. Being able to communicate effectively in English can greatly enhance your travel experience. In this document, we will provide you with a comprehensive list of English vocabulary related to tourist attractions. Whether you are visiting historical sites, natural wonders, or amusement parks, this vocabulary will help you navigate and understand your surroundings with ease.2. Historical SitesWhen exploring historical sites, it is essential to understand the significance of the place and the various structures within it. Here is a list of vocabulary related to historical sites:•Monument: A structure or building that has historical, cultural, or architectural significance.•Ruins: The remning parts of a structure that has been partially or completely destroyed.•Archaeological Site: A location where the remns of ancient civilizations or human activities are discovered, studied, and preserved.•Castle: A large fortified building used for defensive purposes in medieval times.•Cathedral: A significant Christian church that serves as the bishop’s seat.•Museum: A place where objects of historical, cultural, or scientific importance are displayed and preserved.•Palace: A grand residence, usually occupied by royalty or high-ranking officials.•Tomb: A place where a deceased person’s remns are ld to rest, often elaborately decorated.3. Natural WondersNatural wonders offer breathtaking landscapes and unique experiences. Knowing the English vocabulary related to these attractions will help you appreciate their beauty even more. Here are some words to describe natural wonders:•Waterfall: A cascade of water falling from a height.•Mountns: Large landforms that rise above the surrounding land.•Canyon: A deep valley with steep sides, often carved by a river.•Beach: A sandy or pebbly shoreline along a body of water.•Cave: A natural hollow space beneath the Earth’s surface, often contning underground passages.•National Park: A protected area of land, usually designated for its natural beauty, ecological significance, or recreational value.•Rnforest: A dense forest characterized by a high amount of rnfall and abundant biodiversity.•Volcano: A vent in the Earth’s crust that allows hot magma, ash, and gases to escape from below.•Glacier: A large mass of ice that moves slowly down a slope or valley.4. Amusement ParksAmusement parks are popular destinations for families and thrill-seekers alike. Having a good understanding of English vocabulary related to amusement parks will ensure an enjoyable experience. Here are some words you should know:•Roller Coaster: An amusement ride consisting of a series of sharp turns, steep slopes, and sudden drops.•Ferris Wheel: A large rotating wheel with passenger cabins attached to the rim.•Carousel: A circular platform with seats on which riders can sit and go around.•Water Slide: A slide that uses water to propel riders down into a pool.•Bumper Cars: Electric-powered cars that can collide with each other.•Merry-go-round: A rotating platform with seats for children, often featuring wooden horses.•Haunted House: A spooky attraction designed to scare visitors with various special effects and actors.•Arcade Games: Electronic games played in amusement arcades, usually requiring coins or tokens.•Fireworks: Explosive devices used for entertnment purposes, producing colorful and loud displays.5. ConclusionBy familiarizing yourself with these English vocabulary words related to tourist attractions, you will be better equipped to communicate and navigate your way through different destinations. Remember to practice using these words in context to improve your language skills. Happy traveling!。

一些与文化旅游相关的英语词汇:1.旅游业the tourist industry; tourist services2.旅程旅行日程表itinerary3.一日三游three-sights-a-day tour4.三日游three-day tour5.旅游路线tour route6.旅游景点tourist destination7.旅游黄金周golden week for tourism8.世界旅游日World Tourism Day9.标准游normal tour10.豪华游luxury tour11.经典线路classic travel route12.黄金线路hot travel route13.黄金景点hot travel spot14.出境游outbound tourism15.国内游inbound tourism16.自助游independent traveldo-it-yourself travel17.随团旅游group travel18.旅游高峰季节in peak tourist seasons19.名胜古迹places of historic interest and scenic beauty; historical sites20.风景区scenic area; scenic spot21.如画的风景picturesque landscape22.独特的人文景观unique human landscape23.星级饭店star-grade hotel24.五星级宾馆five-star hotel25.世界文化遗产地world cultural heritage site26.非物质文化遗产intangible cultural heritage27.风土人情local customs and practices28.度假胜地holiday resorts29.阳光充足的海滩sunny beaches30. 白雪覆盖的滑雪坡snow-covered ski slopes31.生态观光ecotourism32.自然遗产natural heritage。

旅游英语常用词汇篇一假日游 vacation rip蜜月旅行 honeymoon tour/bridal tour境外旅游 overseas tour一日游 one-day sightseeing持证导游 licensed tourist guide导游翻译 guide interpreter实习导游 student guide导游手册 tourist brochure度假胜地 holiday resort避暑山庄 mountainresort国家公园 national park古建筑群 ancient architectural complex自然景观 natural scenery人文景观 places of cultural and historical interest旅游景点 tourist attractions /scenic spots山水风光 landscape /scenery with mountains andrivers名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sitesc旅游英语常用词汇篇二旅行 journey, trip旅游 tour旅行推销员 commercial traveller(美作:traveling salesman)旅游者 tourist旅行指南 itinerary旅行路线 route游览 pleasure trip商务旅行 business trip出境游 outbound tourism; outbound travel 出境游客 outbound tourist背包旅行者 backpacker自由行 free walker环程旅行 circular tour往返旅行 return journey; round trip单程旅行 outward journey套餐游;包办游 package tour; inclusive tour 远足 excursion; outing探险 expedition旅行支票 traveller's cheque旅游散客 independent traveler旅游团 tour group度假区 holiday resort票 ticket票价 fare单程票 single ticket往返票 round-trip ticket; return ticket半票 half-price ticket乘火车 Take the train铁路 railway(美作:railroad)轨道 track火车 train铁路系统 railway system, railway network 特快车 express train快车 fast train直达快车 through train慢车 stopping train, slow train游览列车 excursion train市郊列车 commuter train, suburban train车厢 coach, carriage卧铺 sleeper餐车 dining car, restaurant car, luncheon car 双层卧铺车 sleeper with couchettes铺位 berth, bunk【旅游英语常用词汇】。

延安宝塔山P a g o d a H i l l重庆红岩村 Red Crag Village重庆渣滓洞 Cinder Cave阿坝藏族自治州Aba Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture安装,实施implementation白堤 Bai Causeway板石街又名“西洋街”Slabstone Street, also known as “the Western Street”半山寺Mid-Hill Temple包含,包括consists of堡fort, fortress碑刻, 碑文, 碑铭inscriptions on a tablet碑林the forest of steles, tablet forest碑座 pedestal of the tablet壁画 murals; fresco壁画murals / fresco避暑山庄 mountain resort避暑胜地 summer resort冰山iceberg兵马俑 Terracotta Warriors and horses/Terra-cotta Army不到长城非好汉He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a hero布达拉宫Potala Palace藏族Tibetan长廊The Long Corridor长寿山the longevity hill场所site, venue, locale, seat朝代dynasty丞相Prime minister成吉思汗陵 Mausoleum of Genghis Khan城堡castle城市改造urban renovation出土unearth创举feat春秋时代The Spring and Autumn Period春秋时期The Spring and Autumn Period瓷都ceramic metropolis瓷器工艺ceramic craftsmanship慈禧太后Empress Dowager CiXi大清真寺great mosque大思想家和教育家A great thinker and educator大雁塔Big Wild Goose Pagoda大院compound代表性的representative岱庙 Dai Temple诞生地Birthplace道观Taoist temple道教名山Taoist mountain堤防embankment抵御外敌侵略guard sb. from foreign invaders 地下军团buried legion第三产业tertiary industry / sector滇池 Lake Dianchi殿hall雕塑Sculptures雕像 statue叠彩山 Piled Silk Hill顶点Summit定情之物token of love东都Eastern Capital东方威尼斯Oriental Venice冬季旅游胜地Winter resort洞穴/岩洞 cave; cavern独秀峰the peak of unique beauty度假胜地 holiday resort断桥 Broken Bridge敦煌 Dunhuang敦煌莫高窟 Mogao Grottoes / Caves, Dunhuang 多民族国家a multi-ethnic country秀丽的自然风光beautiful natural landscapes 峨嵋山 Mount Emei发掘unearth仿古制品 antique replica飞瀑plunging waterfall分布scatter丰富多彩的灿烂文化a rich splendid culture 风景landscape佛教胜地 Buddhist resort佛教四大名山Four famous Buddhist Mountains 佛经Buddhist Sutra复制品Replica高超工艺 superior workmanship高汤stock, soup-stock公元 AD公元前 BC拱顶vault孤柏Lone cypress古代器具Ancient utensils古典建筑classical architecture古董antique, antiquity, curio古迹place of historical interest古建筑群 ancient architectural / building complex古墓 ancient tomb古松Age-old pine trees古玩店 antique/curio shop古装Ancient costume鼓楼 drum-tower故宫the Imperial Place故宫博物院 the Palace Museum怪石grotesque rock formations光明顶Bright Summit桂林 Guilin国际通道international passage国家公园 national park海底the ocean floor海平面Sea level号称五岳之首 rank first of the five great mountains in china 河西走廊 Hexi Corridor荷塘lotus pond黑龙潭 Black Dragon Pool横越,横贯traverse后梁Later Liang后裔Descendant湖石假山Lakeside rocks and rockeries护城河Moat华清池 Huaqing Hot Springs滑雪胜地Ski resort皇妃Imperial concubine黄帝陵Huang Di Mausoleum黄龙洞the yellow dragon cave黄山 Mount Huangshan; Yellow Mountain回廊corridor回音壁echo wall火山 volcano火山活动volcanic activity吉尼斯世界纪录The Guinness Book of World Records祭祀offer sacrifices祭坛 altar甲骨文 inscription on bones and tortoiseshells假山rockeries建筑风格Architectural style江南水乡 south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River角楼watchtower景点attraction景象Spectacle九华山 Jiuhua Mountain九龙壁the nine dragon wall九曲桥Bridge of Nine Turnings九寨沟jiuzhaigou旧石器时代Paleolithic times居庸关Juyongguan pass据称allegedly君主monarch考古学家archaeologist廊 corridor乐器musical instrument漓江游 cruise on the Li River历代various dynasty历史人文 history-related历史文物historical relics历史遗迹Historical site莲花峰 Lotus Peak临潼区Lintong District陵墓 emperor’s mausoleum/tomb陵墓mausoleum领略自然景观的魅力 appreciate the charms of natural landscape留园lingering Garden楼 tower; mansion鲁迅故居Luxun’s former residence旅游资源十分丰富It boasts of abundant tourist resources绿洲oasis骆驼山 Camel Hill蒙古族Mongolian蜜月度假胜地 honeymoon resort民俗folk custom岷江Minjiang river名山 famous mountain / mountain resort名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers名胜古迹places of scenic beauty and historical interests / scenic spots and historical sites铭文,题字,题词inscription摩崖石刻Carved out of a cliff木耳wooden-ear mushrooms纳西族Naxi minority南天门The Heavenly Southern Gate耦园谐音偶,佳偶之意 Garden of Couple’s Retreat帕米尔山区Pamir Mountainous Region牌楼pailou, decorated archway普陀山 Mount Putuo瀑布 waterfall, fall七星岩the seven star crag奇迹wonder奇松strangely-shaped pines起点starting point气候宜人the weather is friendly千佛洞Thousand-Buddha Cave千佛岩Cliff of Thousand Buddhas桥bridges秦始皇陵 the Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang青峰倒影 Green Peaks Reflected on Water青山green hill青铜器Bronze ware青铜战车战马bronze chariots and horses清朝帝王Qing emperors曲阜Qufu曲径winding path人文景观places of historic figures and cultural heritage 人造物品Artifact日出Sunrise日光顶Riguan Peak - the Sun Watching Peak日落Sunset日月潭 Lake Sun Moon溶洞water-eroded cave溶岩景色,喀斯特地貌Karst scenery三山晓色 three Hill at Dawn三峡 Three Gorges少林寺 Shaolin Temple少数民族ethnic minority少数民族national minorities狮子林 Lion Grove Garden十分重视attach great importance to sth十三陵Ming Tombs石舫 stone boat石灰池Calcified pond石灰岩洞limestone cave石窟 grotto石牌Stone steles石桥Stone bridge石笋stalagmite石像Portrait stone世界第八大奇迹eighth wonder of the world世界七大奇迹seven wonders of the world世界文化遗产保护地World Heritage Sites WHS世界之窗 Window of the World手工艺品handicrafts书法真迹 calligraphic relics水乡景色 riverside scenery水榭 pavilion on the water丝绸之路the Silk Road私家园林Private garden四大奇观Four wonders嵩山 Songshan Mountain苏堤 Su Causeway苏州园林 Suzhou gardens缩影Miniature塔 pagoda; tower塔里木盆地Tarim Basin台 terrace太监Court eunuch泰山 Mount Tai坛altar特色菜specialty梯staircase提高服务质量upgrade service quality天都峰 Heavenly Capital Peak天坛 the Temple of Heaven天下第一洞The most spectacular cave unparalleled elsewhere in the world 天下第一泉The finest spring under heaven亭阁 pavilion亭台楼阁pavilions, terraces, and towers; a general reference to the elaborate Chinese architecture铜门环copper door ring土鲁番 Turpan吐蕃王国Tubo Kingdom外西湖 Outer West Lake王朝dynasty网师园 Garden of the Master of Nets为……发展增添了新的活力 inject new vitality to the development of sth.维吾尔族Uygur温泉hot springs文成公主Tang Princess Wencheng文人men of letters文人墨客men of letters文物cultural relics无与伦比 unparalleled五台山 Wutai Mountain五岳 China’s five great / sacred mountains午门meridian gate武当功夫 Wudang martial arts武当山 Wudang Mountain西湖 West Lake西域western countries溪streams喜爱吃辣味have a yen for spicy food贤惠的妻子a virtuous wife险峰perilous peaks香格里拉Shangri-la earthly paradise or utopia -- generally secluded and peaceful厢房side house镶嵌inlay享受沙滩的日子 a beach day象鼻山 Elephant Trunk Hill小瀑布 cascade行宫A temporary imperial palace形态各异a variety of shapes修复Renovate雪峰snow-topped peaks雪山Snow-capped mountain雅士refined scholars盐水鸭salted goose阳朔 Yangshuo野生动物园 Safari Park一系列an array of怡园 Joyous Garden以;;;;为特色feature迎客松 Guest-Greeting Pine拥有boast友好往来friendly intercourse釉面砖Glazed tile与实物一样大小life-size玉皇顶 Peak of the Heavenly Emperor御花园 imperial garden园林建筑Garden architecture原始森林virgin forest月牙泉 Crescent Spring月牙山 Crescent Hill云谷寺 Cloudy Valley Temple云海seas of clouds在……之间ranges from…to藻类algae展示demonstrate占地cover植物园botanical garden制瓷史porcelain making history中国旅游英语词汇大全中国民俗文化村 China Folk Culture Villages中山陵Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum中原Central China钟楼bell-tower众多的名胜古迹numerous scenic spots and historic sites重要的significant珠江夜游 Pearl River Night Cruise主题公园 theme park主题公园theme park住宅residential housing柱pillar, column, post壮丽的山脉 majestic mountains紫金山天文台 Purple Mountain Observatory紫禁城the Forbidden City自然景观natural attraction; natural landscape / scenery自然美景physical beauty自然艺术的长廊natural art corridor综合建筑building complex走廊pass最具代表性,也最想参观的景点the most recognized and most desired tourist destination最终休眠之地final resting place坐佛Sitting Buddha。

一、旅游景点1. tourist attraction(旅游景点) - A place that is popular among tourists and attracts a large number of visitors.Example: The Great Wall is one of the most famous tourist attractions in China.2. landmark(地标) - A notable or easily recognizable feature of a landscape.Example: The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in Paris.3. monument(纪念碑) - A structure or statue that is built to honor a person or event.Example: The Statue of Liberty is a well-known monument in the United States.4. natural beauty(自然美景) - Scenic landscapes or natural features that are aesthetically pleasing.Example: Yellowstone National Park is known for its natural beauty and diverse wildlife.5. sightseeing(观光) - The activity of visiting famous or interesting places as a tourist.Example: We spent the day sightseeing in London and visited the Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.二、交通工具1. airport(机场) - A place where airplanes take off and land, equipped with facilities for passenger flights.Example: We arrived at the airport two hours before our flight departure.2. train station(火车站) - A facility where trains stop to load or unload passengers or goods.Example: We took a taxi from the hotel to the train station to catch our train.3. bus stop(公交车站) - A designated place where buses pick up or drop off passengers.Example: The bus stop is just around the corner from my house.4. taxi(出租车) - A car that can be hired to transport passengers to a specific destination.Example: We took a taxi to the hotel because we had too much luggage to carry.5. rental car(租车) - A car that is available for short-term hire.Example: We decided to rent a car during our vacation to explore the countryside.三、住宿1. hotel(酒店) - An establishment that provides temporary lodging for travelers.Example: We booked a hotel room with a view of the ocean.2. guesthouse(招待所) - A small, inexpensive lodging establishment that provides accommodations and meals.Example: We stayed at a cozy guesthouse in the countryside during our hiking trip.3. hostel(青年旅社) - A budget accommodation option, often with shared dormitory-style rooms.Example: The hostel offers affordable rates for backpackers and young travelers.4. resort(度假村) - A vacation destination that offers various recreational activities and amenities.Example: We spent our summer vacation at a beautiful resort by the beach.5. Airbnb(民宿) - An online platform where individuals can rent out their homes or rooms to travelers.Example: We found a lovely Airbnb apartment in the city center for our city break.四、餐饮1. restaurant(餐厅) - A business establishment where meals are served to customers.Example: We had dinner at a local restaurant and tried the traditional cuisine.2. cafe(咖啡馆) - A small, casual establishment that serves coffee, tea, and light refreshments.Example: We stopped at a cozy cafe for a quick coffee break.3. street food(街头小吃) - Food and beverages that are prepared and sold by vendors on the street.Example: Bangkok is famous for its delicious street food, especially the spicy noodles.4. local cuisine(当地美食) - Traditional or characteristic dishes froma specific region.Example: We wanted to try the local cuisine, so we ordered the famous seafood dish.5. food market(美食市场) - An open-air or indoor market where vendors sell a variety of food products.Example: The food market is a great place to taste different types of exotic fruits.五、购物1. souvenir(纪念品) - A memento or keepsake that is purchased as a reminder of a specific place or event.Example: We bought some souvenirs for our friends and family back home.2. local handicrafts(当地手工艺品) - Handmade products that are unique to a particular region.Example: The local market is known for its beautiful handicrafts, such as pottery and textiles.3. shopping mall(购物中心) - A large enclosed building that contains multiple stores and brands.Example: We went to the shopping mall to buy some new clothes for the trip.4. boutique(精品店) - A small, specialized shop that offers unique and fashionable items.Example: The boutique sells handmade jewelry and designer clothing.5. flea market(跳蚤市场) - An open-air market where secondhand or vintage goods are sold.Example: We spent the morning exploring the flea market and found some vintage books.六、活动和娱乐1. sightseeing tour(观光游览) - A guided tour that takes visitors to various tourist attractions.Example: We joined a sightseeing tour to explore the historical sites of the city.2. hiking(徒步旅行) - The activity of walking in natural environments for enjoyment and exercise.Example: We went hiking in the mountains and enjoyed the breathtaking views.3. beach resort(海滨度假村) - A seaside holiday destination that offers various recreational activities on the beach.Example: We lounged by the pool and relaxed at the beach resort.4. water sports(水上运动) - Recreational activities that are performed in or on the water, such as swimming, surfing, or kayaking.Example: We tried different water sports like snorkeling and jet skiing during our beach vacation.5. cultural performance(文化表演) - A show or performance that showcases the traditional arts and culture of a specific region.Example: We watched a traditional dance performance and enjoyed the local music.以上是一些关于旅游类的常用英语词汇及其用法。

中国旅游景点英语词汇大全China has a vast collection of tourist spots, ranging from the famous historical sites to modern landmarks. Based on a report by the World Tourism Organization, China has the largest number of inbound tourists in the world, with over 60 million visitors in 2020. Therefore, it is essential for visitors to learn some essential Chinese travel-related words and phrases to make their trip more enjoyable. This article shares the ultimate China tourist vocabulary guide with linguistic information, cultural explanations, and usage examples.1. Famous Tourist AttractionsChina boasts a wide range of incredible tourist attractions. Here are some of the most famous ones:- Great Wall (长城 Chángchéng): the UNESCO World Heritage site symbolizes Chinese strength and culture- Forbidden City (故宫Gùgōng): located in Beijing, this ancient palace was the home of 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties - Terracotta Warriors (兵马俑Bīngmǎyǒng): one of the most significant cultural discoveries of the 20th century, this undergroundarmy in Xian consists of thousands of life-size terracotta soldiers, horses, and chariots- West Lake (西湖Xīhú): a picturesque lake in Hangzhou that was once an imperial garden- Yellow Mountain (黄山Huángshān): a mountain range in A nhui Province known for its unique rock formations, hot springs, and pine trees2. Types of Tourist AttractionsApart from the famous tourist spots, China has several other distinct destinations that cater to different interests, such as:- Natural Scenic Spots (自然风景区Zìrán fēngjǐngqū): these include natural parks, lakes, caves, hot springs, mountains, and beaches. Examples include Jiuzhaigou National Park, Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, and Hainan Island.- Cultural and Historical Sites (文化古迹 Wénhuàgǔjì): these places reflect the country's rich history and ancient civilization. Examples include the Shaolin Temple, Potala Palace, and the Chengde Mountain Resort.- Theme Parks (主题公园Zhǔtí gōngyuán): these are vast entertainment centers with amusement rides, shows, and exhibitions. Examples include Shanghai Disneyland, Chimelong Ocean Kingdom, and Universal Studios Beijing.- Shopping Centers (购物中心Gòuwù zhōngxīn): these are places where visitors can shop for souvenirs, fashion, and electronics. Examples include Shanghai Nanjing Road, Beijing Silk Market, and Hong Kong Harbour City.3. Accommodation and TransportFinding suitable accommodation and transportation is critical for any tourist. Here are some essential words and phrases related to these two aspects:- Hotel (酒店Jiǔdiàn ): a temporary lodging that provides services such as meals, room service, and housekeeping. Examples include Marriott, Hyatt, and InterContinental.- Hostel (青年旅社Qīngnián lǚshè ): a budget-friendly accommodation option usually targeted at younger travelers. Examples include YHA, HI, and Kex Hostel.- Airbnb (爱彼迎àibǐyíng ): a platform that allows homeowners to rent out their apartments or houses to travelers.- Train (火车Huǒchē ): a mode of transportation that runs through China's vast rail network. Example trains include high-speed trains, overnight sleeper trains, and Metro subway trains.- Bus (公交车Gōngjiāochē): a mode of transportation that travels on roads and highways. Examples include city buses, long-distance buses, and tour buses.- Taxi (出租车Chūzūchē): a car that is available for hire with a driver. In most cities, visitors can use ride-sharing apps such as Didi and Uber.4. Food and DrinksChinese cuisine is diverse, delicious, and famous globally. Here are some essential words and phrases for ordering food and drinks:- Restaurant (餐厅Cāntīng): a place that serves food and drinks, usually with tables and chairs for customers to sit and eat. Examples include fast-food restaurants, buffet restaurants, and traditional Chinese restaurants.- Street food (街头小吃Jiētóu xiǎochī): food served by street vendors and mobile stalls. Some popular street foods include steamed buns, dumplings, lamb skewers, and bubble tea.- Menu (菜单Càidān): a list of dishes and drinks offered by a restaurant.- Tea (茶 Chá): the most popular beverage in China, usually served hot and brewed from leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Popular teas include green tea, black tea, oolong tea, and Pu'er tea.- Beer (啤酒Píjiǔ): a fermented alcoholic bev erage made from water, grain, and hops. Popular beer brands include Tsingtao, Yanjing, and Snow.- Rice wine (米酒Mǐjiǔ): a traditional Chinese wine made from fermented glutinous rice, usually served at room temperature.In conclusion, China has a diverse range of tourist destinations, and learning some essential travel vocabulary can make your trip much more accessible and enjoyable. From the famous world heritage sites to street food vendors, there is something for everyone to enjoy in China.。

以下是一些常见的英语旅游景点知识点:1. 伦敦塔桥(Tower Bridge)伦敦塔桥是一座跨越泰晤士河的著名吊桥,位于伦敦市中心。
2. 埃菲尔铁塔(Eiffel Tower)埃菲尔铁塔是法国巴黎的标志性建筑,也是世界闻名的旅游景点之一。
3. 金字塔(Pyramids)埃及的金字塔是古代世界的奇迹之一,也是世界遗产。
4. 自由女神像(Statue of Liberty)自由女神像位于美国纽约市,是美国的象征之一。
5. 印度泰姬陵(Taj Mahal)泰姬陵是印度阿格拉市最著名的旅游景点之一,也是世界文化遗产。
旅游景点英语词汇 (doc 32页)

旅游景点英语词汇 (doc 32页)旅游景点英语词汇Dajue Temple明十三陵博物馆神路分店Ming Tombs Museum ---- Divine Road明十三陵博物馆昭陵分馆Ming Tombs Museum ----- Zhaoling中医药大学中医药博物馆Chinese Medicine University Chinese Medicine Museum档案馆Archives城建档案馆Urban Construction Archives Hall鱼子山抗日战争纪念馆Yuzishan Anti-Japanese War Memorial Hall中国抗日战争纪念雕塑园China-Anti-Japanese-War Sculptures Garden面人汤艺术馆Mianren Tang Art Gallery西周燕都遗址博物馆Xizhou Yandu Relics Museum田义墓Tianyi Tomb中国铁道博物馆China Railway Museum故宫博物院The Palace Museum观复古典艺术博物馆Guanfu Classic Art Museum白塔寺China Ancient Animal Museum航天博物馆Space Museum明十三陵博物馆长陵分馆Ming Tombs Museum---Changling鲁迅博物馆Luxun Museum卢沟桥史料陈列馆Lugouqiao Historical Materials Exhibition Hall辽金城垣博物馆Liao-Jin Dynasty City Wall Museum老甲艺术馆Laojia Culture Hall老舍纪念馆Laoshe Memorial Hall雷锋资料展览馆Leifeng's Documentary Exhibition Hall李大钊烈士陵园Lidazhao Cemetery焦庄户地道战遗址纪念馆Jiaozhuanghu Underground Battlefield Remains Memorial Hall观复古典艺术博物馆Guanfu Classic Art Museum湖广会馆Hu Guang Gallery红楼文化艺术博物馆Red Tower Culture Art Museum航空模型博物馆Aviation Model MuseumAncient Building Museum古代钱币展览馆Ancient Coin Exhibition Center古观象台Ancient Observatory古陶文明博物馆Old China Civilization Museum郭沫若纪念馆Guomoruo Memorial Hall郭守敬纪念馆Guoshoujing Memorial Hall国际药膳博物馆Int'l Medicial Meal Museum国际友谊博物馆Int'l Friendship Museum戏曲博物馆Chinese Opera Museum文博交流馆Cultural Relics Exchange Hall文天祥祠Weng Tianxiang Memorial Temple吴运铎纪念馆Wuyunduo Memorial Hall团城演武厅Tuancheng Exhibition Hall通州区博物馆Tongzhou District Museum天文馆Planetarium宋庆龄故居Former Residence of Songqingling首都博物馆Capital Museum石刻艺术博物馆Stone Carving Art Museum北平抗日战争烈士纪念馆Northern China-Anti-Japanese-War Memorial Hall平西人民抗日斗争纪念馆PX Memorial Hall of People's War of Resistance Against Japan冀热察挺进军司令部旧址陈列馆Jirecha Advancing Troops Headquarters Relics Exhibition十三陵明皇蜡像宫Ming Tombs Wax Figures Palace密云县博物馆Miyun District Museum民俗博物馆Folk Custom Museum民族文化宫博物馆Nationality Culture Palace Museum毛主席纪念堂Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall茅盾故居Maodun Former Residence梅兰芳纪念馆Mei Lanfang Memorial Hall中国邮电博物馆China Post & Telecommunications Museum中国邮票博物馆China Stamp Museum中国照片档案馆China Photographs Archives中国长城博物馆China Great Wall Museum中国地质博物馆China Geology Museum中国第四纪冰川遗迹陈列馆China The Quaternary Period Glacier Ruins Exhibition Hall中国佛教图书文物馆China Buddhism Books Culture Relics Hall中国人民抗日战争纪念馆Chinese-Resistance-Against-Japan War Memorial Hall中国摄影家协会图片社China Photographer Association Photo Shop詹天佑纪念馆Zhantianyou Memorial Hall中国革命博物馆Chinese Revolutionary Museum中国古动物馆China Ancient Animals Hall正阳门Gate Zheng Yang圆明园展览馆Yuanmingyuan Exhibition Hall邮政博物馆Postal Service Museum雍和宫Lama Temple徐悲鸿纪念馆XuBeihong Memorial Hall炎黄艺术馆Yanhuang Art Museum香山双清别墅The Fragnant Hills Villa西周燕都遗址博物馆Yan Dynasty Remains Museum慈悲庵Mercy Nunnery中国空军航空博物馆China Air Force Aviation Museum曹雪芹纪念馆Cao Xueqin Memorial Hall昌平区博物馆Changping District Museum长城博物馆Great Wall Museum猿人展览馆Peking Man Exhibition Hall中央美术学院美术馆Central Fine Art College Art Gallery中央民族大学民族博物馆Nationalities Museum of Central Nationalities University中华民族博物馆China Nationalities Museum中国体育博物馆China Sports Museum中国现代文学馆China Modern Literature Hall中国医史博物馆China Medical History Museum中国历史博物馆The Museum of Chinese History中国美术馆China Art Gallery中国民兵武器装备陈列馆Chinese Military Weapon Exhibition Hall中国农业博物馆Agriculture Museum of China中国钱币博物馆China Coin Museum中国人民革命军事博物馆China People's Revolution Millitary Museum中国画研究院展览馆China Tradictional Chinese Painting Research Institute Exhibition Hall中国印刷博物馆China Printing Museum上宅文化陈列馆Shangzhai Culture Exhibition Hall门头沟区博物馆Mengtougou Museum云居寺石经陈列馆Yunju Temple Stone Inscription Exhibition Hall钟鼓楼Bell & Clock Tower周口店遗址博物馆Zhoukoudian Ruins Museum自然博物馆Natural History Museum睦明唐古瓷标本博物馆Muming Tang Ancient Porcelain Specimen Museum中国科学技术馆China Science & Techonlogy Museum恭王府花园Gong Palace Garden法海寺文物保管所Cultural Relics Hall of Fahai Temple房山龙骨山展览馆Fangshan District Dragon Bone Hill Exhibition Hall东南城角楼City South-East Corner Tower恭亲王府Prince Gong's Mansion中国科技馆China Science and Technology Museum明十三陵博物馆定陵分馆Ding Tombs Museum大觉寺Dajue Temple大钟寺博物馆Big Bell Temple Museum当代美术馆Modern Art Gallery大葆台西汉墓博物馆Museum of Dabaotai West Han Dynasty Tombs长辛店二七纪念馆Changxindian 2.7 Memorial Hall公园韩村河山庄会议中心Huancunhe Mountain Villa Convention Center颐和园The Summer Palace紫竹院公园Purple Bamboo Park中国科学院北京植物园China Academy of Science BJ Arboretum碧水风荷公园BSFH Park滨河公园Binhe Park卧龙公园Lying Dragon Park顺义公园Shunyi Park迎宾公园Yingbin Park南口公园Nankou Park康庄公园Kangzhuang Park万泉公园Wanquan Park长辛店公园Changxindian Park南馆公园Nanguan Park古城公园Gucheng Park富国海底世界Underwater World of Blue Zoo东润翻斗乐科普娱乐有限公司Dongrun Fun Dazzle Popular Science Entertainment Co., Ltd.法海寺公园Shijingshan District Fahai Temple Park鳄鱼湖公园Crocodile Lake Park城市海景水上乐园City Sea View Swimming Eden天坛公园Temple of Heaven和平鸽广场Peace Pigeon Square中央广播电视发射塔CCTV Launching Tower中华世纪坛Chinese Millennium Monument游乐园有限公司Entertainment Park Co., Ltd.东单公园Dongdan Park大观园Grand View Garden地坛公园Temple of Earth Park大龙世界水上娱乐场Big Dragon World Water AmusementPark垂钓游乐园Fishing Entertainment Park朝阳公园Chaoyang Park植物园Botanical Garden滨河公园Binhe Park濒危动物中心Near Extinction Animals Center北旭野生动物乐园Beixu Wild Animals Paradise中山公园Zhongshan Park中山公园管理处Zhongshan Park Admin Office中华民族园China Ethnic Culture Park元大都城垣遗址公园Yuan Dynasty Capital City Wall Ruins Park圆明园the Old Imperial Garden玉渊潭公园Yuyuan Pond Park玉渊潭公园管理处Yuyuan Pond Park Admin Office银杏宝宝乐园Ginkgo Bao-bao Entertainment Park月坛公园The Temple of Moon Park榆垡万亩森林公园Yufa Forest Park宣武艺园Xuanwu Park香山公园Fragrant Hills Park小人国旅游世界Kingdom of Liliput九龙游乐园Nine Dragons Amusement Park西海子公园Xihaizi Park团结湖公园Tuanjiehu Park万芳亭公园Wanfangting Park天坛公园管理处The Temple of Heaven Admin Office太平洋海底世界Taipingyang Underwater World Exbihition陶然亭公园Taoranting Park四海水上乐园Four Seas Water Park双秀公园Shuangxiu Park世界公园World Park石景山游乐园Shijingshan Amusement Park什刹海公园Shishahai Park日坛公园Temple of Sun Park森鑫森林公园Senxin Forest Park什刹海文化有限责任公司ShiShaHai Culture Company人定湖公园Rendinghu Park青年湖公园Youth Lake Park南苑公园Nanyuan Park南海子麋鹿苑Nanhaizi Elk Park柳荫公园Liuyin Park龙潭公园Longtan Park龙潭西湖公园Longtan Xihu Park丽都公园Lidu Park利达海洋生物馆有限公司BJ Lida Aquarium Co Ltd莲花河影视康乐宫Lotus River TV & Film Entertainment Palace景山公园Jingshan Garden鹿鸣动物游乐园County Luming Animal Paradise云蒙山国家森林公园County Yunmeng Mountain State Forest Park花乡世界珍禽园有限责任公司Huaxiang Rare Fowl's Co., Ltd.湖景水上乐园Lakeview Water Park红领巾公园Honglingjin Park和平鸽广场Peace Pigeon Plaza青龙湖公园Qinglong Lake Garden八达岭熊乐园Badaling Panda Paradise八达岭野生动物世界Badaling Wildlife World八大处公园Badachu Park百鸟园Bainiao Garden半壁店森林公园Banbidian Forest Park海洋馆BJ Aquarium北海公园Beihai Park电影旅游城Movie Tour City动物园BJ Zoo北京游乐园BJ Amusement park天安门广场管理委员会Tian'anmen Square Administration Committee教学植物园Education Botanical Garden月坛公园Temple of Moon Park莲花池公园Lotus Pool Park万寿公园Wanshou Park中华文化园China Culture Garden野生动物园Wildlife Park北普陀影视城Beiputuo Movie & TV City十渡水上游乐场Shidu Water Amusement Park慈善寺Charity Temple硅化木国家地质公园Silicon Wood Nation Geology Park八角森林公园Bajiao Forest Garden雁栖圣发动植物游乐园有限公司湖景水上乐园有限公司慕田峪长城缆车服务有限公司Mutianyu Greatwall Cable Car Service Co., Ltd.森林花园旅游娱乐中心有限公司Forest & Garden Travel Entertainment Centre Co., Ltd.游乐园有限公司大观园游览中心有限公司Daguanyuan Visiting Centre Co., Ltd.腾龙游乐有限公司Tenglong Entertainment Co., Ltd.兴隆公园Xinglong Park冶山塔公园Yeshanta Park潮河游乐园Chaohe Entertainment Park圆金梦黄金主题公园Golden-Dream-Coing-True Gold Theme Park明城墙遗址公园Ming Dynasty City Wall Relics Park紫竹院公园Zizhuyuan Park卢沟桥文化旅游区Lugouqiao Culture Travel Zone寺庙第1页,共1页,16条记录八里庄清真寺Balizhuang Moslem Temple正源清真寺Zhengyuan Mosque安外清真寺Anwai Moslem Temple沙子口清真寺Shazikou Mosque海淀区清真寺Haidian District Mosque清河清真寺Qinghe Mosque法源寺Source of Dharma Temple牛街清真寺Niujie Mosque德外清真寺Dewai Moslem Temple昌平区清真寺管理委员会Changping County Moslem Temple Administration Committee马甸清真寺Madian Moslem Temple孔庙Confucian Temple锦什坊街清真寺Jinshenfang Street Moslem Temple广化寺Guanghua Temple白云观Baiyunguan弘慈广济寺Hongci Guangji Temple风景区第1页,共9页,163条记录下一页十三陵Thirteen Ming Tombs十三陵水库Ming Tombs Reservior不老湖风景区Everyoung Scenic Spot巴蜀文化园Bashu Culture Park妫河漂流Gui River Drifting上方山国家森林公园Shangfangshan National Forest Park生存岛实践基地Survival Island Practice Base百花山自然保护区Baihua Mountain Nature Preservation Area鳞龙山风景区Dragon Mountain Scenic Spot百泉山自然风景区Baiquan Hill Natural Scenic Spot金海湖JinhaiLake京都第一瀑Capital No.1 Waterfall幽谷神潭Yougu God Pond神堂峪自然风景区Shentangyu Natural Scenic Spot韩村河旅游景村Hancunhe Travel Scenic Village愉然原始部落游乐园YuRan Primitive Tribe Entertainment Park鹰山嘴森林公园Yingshanzui Forest Park紫云山自然风景区Ziyun Hill Natural Scenic Spot沟崖自然风景区Gouya Natural Scenic Spot古北口长城Gubeikou Great Wall凤凰岭自然风景区Fenghuangling Natural Scenic Spot盛世司南旅游商贸公司Shengshisinan Travel Trading Co., Ltd.碓臼峪风景区Duiyaoyu Scenic Spot东龙潭自然风景区East Dragon Resort金鼎湖游乐园Jinding Lake Amusement Park十三陵明皇蜡像宫有限公司Ming Tomb Minghuang Waxwork Palace Co., Ltd.老象峰风景区Old Elephant Peak Scenic Spot京东石林峡京东淘金谷Jingdong Gold Valley飞龙谷旅游风景区Fei Long Gu Scenic Spot京东大溶洞Jingdong Grand Solution Cavity滴水壶自然风景区Dripping Pot Resort川底下村Chuandixia Village敕赐和平寺Chici Heping Temple朝来农艺园Zhaolai Agriculture Garden仓米古道旅游区Cangmi Gudao Travel Area跳伞塔Parachute Tower幽静乡村小院Quiet Village Yard圣园山庄Shengyuan Mountain Villa劳模山庄Laomo Mountain Villa中国白仙神洞Fairy Cave云岫谷游猎风景区Yunxiu Valley云蒙山自然风景区Yunmengshan Natural Scenic Spot云蒙峡自然风景区Yunmeng Valley珍珠湖Pearl Lake银山塔林风景区Silver Mountain银狐洞Silver Fox Cave阳台山自然风景区Yangtaishan Natural Scenic Spot雁栖湖旅游风景区Yanqihu Travel Scenic Spot丫髻山旅游风景区Yaji Hill Scenic Spot响水湖自然风景区Xiangshuihu Natural Scenic Spot响水湖自然风景区Xiangshuihu Nature Scenic Spot小龙门森林公园Little Dragon Gate Forest Park西山大觉寺Xishan Dajue Temple仙居谷Xianjugu卧佛寺-樱桃沟Temple of Sleeping Buddha乡间情趣园Country Park五座楼森林公园Wuzuolou Forest Park雾灵湖Wuling Lake雾灵山自然保护区Wulingshan Natural Protection Area第3页第4页,共9页,163条记录上一页下一页天仙瀑自然风景区Fairy Fall Natural Resort天云山风景区Tianyunshan Scenic Spot潭柘寺Tanzhe Temple桃源仙谷自然风景区Taoyuan Xiangu Natural Scenic Spot天华洞旅游度假风景区Tianhuadong Travel Vacation Scenic Spot司马台长城旅游公司Si Ma Tai Great Wall Travel Co.四座楼风景区Sizoulou Resort十渡Shidu石花洞Shihuadong三峪自然风景区Sanyu Valley清凉谷 - 千尺珍珠瀑Cool Valley四座楼风景区Sizuolou Scenic Spot青龙峡Qinglong Canyon菩萨鹿乡居旅游村Posalu Rural Tourism Village蒲洼狩猎场Puwa Hunting Ground慕田峪长城Mutianyu The Great Wall慕田峪新景区Mutianyu New Scenic Spot妙峰山自然风景区Miaofengshan Natural Scenic Spot灵山自然风景区Lingshan Natural Scenic Spot龙门涧Dragon Gate Stream第5页,共9页,163条记录上一页下一页龙庆峡自然风景区Longqing Canyon Natural Scenic Spot龙潭涧自然风景区Dragon Pond Stream天龙潭自然风景区Tianlongtan Natural Scenic Spot濂泉响谷Echo Valley老北京旅游服务中心Old BJ Travel Service Center老家峰Laojiafeng蓝天牧场Blue Sky Grazing Grounds鹫峰国家森林公园Vulture Peak National Park居庸关长城Juyongguan Great Wall喇叭沟门原始森林风景区Labagoumen Original Forest Scenic Spot康西草原Kangxi Grasslands九道湾大峡谷自然风景区Jiudaowan Daxiagu Natural Scenic Spot九谷口自然风景区Jiugukou Natural Scenic Spot九龙十八潭风景区Jiulong Shibatan Scenic Spot精灵谷Jinglinggu京东大峡谷East Canyon京都第一瀑Jingdu No.1 Waterfall锦绣大地家业观光园区Jinxiudadi Family Property Sightseeing Area金山岭长城Jinshanling Great Wall金鼎湖风景区Jinding Lake第6页,共9页,163条记录上一页下一页戒台寺Jietai Temple湖洞水风景区Hudongshui Scenic Spot红螺寺旅游度假区Hongluo Temple Travel Resort黑龙潭自然风景区Black Dragon Pond Resort黑山寺风景区Heishan Temple古崖居遗址Guyaju Ruins八达岭长城Great Wall at Badaling白河游乐园White River Entertainment Park百望山森林公园Baiwangshan Forest Park白岭关长城Bailingguan Great Wall白龙潭风景区Bailongtan Scenic Spot白洋沟风景区Baiyanggou Scenic Spot留民营生态农场Liumingying Zoology Farm万顷园Wanqingyuan青龙湖Qinglong Lake玉渡山风景区Yudu Mountain Scenic Spot仙栖洞Xianqi Cave将军坨风景区Jiangjunduo Scenic Spot白草畔自然风景区Baicaopan Nature Scenic Spot万景仙沟旅游区Wanjingxiangou Scenic Spot第7页,共9页,163条记录上一页下一页十渡拒马乐园Shidu Juma Amusement Park仙峰谷旅游区Xianfeng Valley Scenic Spot孤山寨Gu Mountain Village碧波园Bibo Yuan张坊古战道Zhangfang Ancient Battle Way屏幕山红叶大峡谷Pingmushan Red Leaf Gorge西湖港风景区Xihu Port Scenic Spot云龙山自然风景区Yunlong Mountain Nature Scenic Spot燕山天池风景区Yanshan Tianchi Beauty Resort松山森林旅游区Songshan Forest Scenic Spot八达岭残长城Badaling Relic Great Wall灵照寺Lingzhao Temple宝水民俗村Baoshui Folklore Village龙门涧风景旅游区Longmen Gully Scenic Spot黄草梁自然风景区Huangcaoliang Nature Scenic Spot灵溪科技园Lingxi Sci-tech Garden京东石林峡Jingdong Rock Forest Valley东方石窟Oriental Grotto京西十八潭Jingxi Eighteen Pond龙潭山水旅游区Longtan Mountain & Water Scenic Spot第8页,共9页,163条记录上一页下一页百花谷风景区Baihua Valley Scenic Spot喇叭沟门原始森林风景区Labagoumen Virgin Forest Scenic Spot天池峡谷风景区Tianchi Gully Scenic Spot濂泉响谷风景区Lianquanxianggu Scenic Spot红螺湖旅游区Hongluo Lake Scenic Spot梧桐岭风景区Wutongling Scenic Spot石门山旅游区Shimen Mountain Scenic Spot航天培训中心Aviation Training Centre智慧谷Zhihui Valley龙泉谷自然风景区Longquan Valley Nature Scenic Spot古北口盘龙山长城Gubeikou Great Wall Panlong Hill Section云峰山Yunfeng Mountain北京小延安BJ Mini-Yan'an虎峪自然风景区Huyu Nature Scenic Spot大杨山自然风景区Dayangshan Nature Scenic Spot老北京微缩景园Old Peking Tiny Scenery Park蟒山国家森林公园Mangshan Nation Forest Park屏幕山旅游开发中心Pinmushan Travel Development Centre云居寺Yun Ju Si五座楼森林公园Wuzuolou Forest Park桃源仙谷风景区Taoyuanxiangu Scenery Zone精灵谷Fairy Valley大地休闲港湾Earth Leisure Harbor北京各大公园停车车位分布东城:1、天安门广场:历史博物馆前68个车位。
总结 旅游英语词汇

• foot massage • tourist souvenir • business center
Some popular events in China
• Peking Opera • Martial arts • Folk music • Acrobatics • Hangmei Opera • Chinese Quyi
• landscape of lakes and hills 湖光山色
• surrounded by the hills on one side and waters on the other依山傍水(山 水环绕)
• beautiful mountains and clear waters山清水 秀

1. Tourist Attractions - 旅游景点- Landmarks - 地标- Monuments - 纪念碑- National Parks - 国家公园- Museums - 博物馆- Historical Sites - 历史遗址- Hotel - 酒店- Hostel - 青年旅舍- Resort - 度假村- Bed and Breakfast - 民宿- Campsite - 露营地3. Transportation - 交通工具- Plane - 飞机- Train - 火车- Car - 小汽车- Bus - 公交车- Cruise - 邮轮4. Activities - 活动- Sightseeing - 观光- Hiking - 徒步旅行- Camping - 露营- Snorkeling - 浮潜- Shopping - 购物5. Travel Essentials - 旅行必备物品- Passport - 护照- Visa - 签证- Travel Insurance - 旅行保险- Guidebook - 导游手册- Money - 现金6. Direction - 方向- North - 北- South - 南- East - 东- West - 西- Turn left - 左转7. Weather - 天气- Sunny - 晴朗- Cloudy - 多云- Rainy - 下雨- Snowy - 下雪- Windy - 刮风8. Food and Drinks - 食物和饮品- Restaurant - 餐厅- Local Cuisine - 当地美食- Street Food - 街头小吃- Coffee - 咖啡- Water - 水9. Sightseeing - 观光- Itinerary - 行程安排- Photography - 拍照- Tour Guide - 导游- Landscapes - 风景- Landmarks - 地标10. Shopping - 购物- Souvenirs - 纪念品- Markets - 市场- Bargain - 讨价还价- Clothing - 服装- Accessories - 饰品11. Emergencies - 紧急情况- Medical Assistance - 医疗援助- Police - 警察- Emergency E某it - 紧急出口- Lost and Found - 失物招领- First Aid Kit - 急救箱12. Customs - 风俗习惯- Greeting - 问候- Tipping - 小费- Etiquette - 礼仪- Dress Code - 着装要求- Language - 语言以上是一些与旅游相关的英语词汇,希望能对您有所帮助。

下面是收集的旅游行业经典,希望对你有帮助!旅游景点 tourist attraction;tourist destination;scenic spot;places of tourist attraction自然景观 natural splendor/attraction 避暑胜地 summer resort 国家公园 national park出土文物 unearthed cultural relics 古建筑群 ancient architectural plex陵墓 emperor's mausoleum/tomb 古墓 ancient tomb洞穴 cave石笋 stalagmite 钟乳石 stalactite 石窟 grotto坛 altar 亭 pavilion 台 terrace 廊 corridor楼 tower; mansion 庵 Buddhist nunnery 江河湖泊rivers and lakes池潭 ponds and pools 堤 causeway 舫 boat 榭pavilion;house on a terrace水榭 waterside pavilion/house 琉璃瓦 glazed tile城堡 castle教堂 church;cathedral 宫殿 palace;hall;chamber 皇城 imperial city行宫 temporary imperial palace for brief stays 御花园 imperial garden皇太后 empress dowager 四大金刚 the Four Guardians十八罗汉 the Eighteen Disciples of the Buddha 甲骨文inscription on oracle bones青铜器 bronze ware 景泰蓝 cloisonne enamel 手工艺品 artifact;handicrafts苏绣 Suzhou embroidery 唐三彩 tricolor-glazed pottery;ceramics of the Tang Dynasty字画卷轴 scroll of calligraphy and painting 国画traditional Chinese painting文房四宝 the four stationery treasures of the Chinese study including writing brushes,ink sticks,inkstones and paper工艺精湛,独具匠心 exquisite workmanship with an original/ingenious design湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills 丝绸之路 the Silk Road/Route依山傍水 enclosed/surrounded by the hills on one side and waters on the other风光如画 picturesque views 湖石假山 lakeside rocks and rockeries山清水秀 beautiful mountains and clear waters 诱人风光 inviting views园林建筑 garden architecture 佛教名山 famous Buddhist mountain。
旅游旺季 英语

以下是一些有关旅游旺季的英语词汇和短语:1. peak season:旅游旺季2. tourist attraction:旅游景点3. beach resort:海滩度假村4. mountain retreat:山区度假胜地5. national park:国家公园6. sightseeing:观光7. itinerary:行程安排8. travel agent:旅行社9. accommodation:住宿10. souvenir:纪念品当您计划旅行时,可以使用以下对话中的常用句子:- A: What's the best time to visit the beach resort?- B: The peak season is from June to August, but the weather is the best in July and August.- A: Can you recommend any tourist attractions in the area? - B: You should definitely visit the national park, it's breathtaking.- A: What's the itinerary for the trip?- B: We'll spend the first two days at the beach resort, then head to the mountain retreat for three days, and finally visit the national park for two days.- A: Do we need to book accommodation in advance?- B: Yes, it's better to book early, as it's the peak season and places fill up quickly.- A: I want to buy some souvenirs, where can I find them? - B: You can find souvenirs at the tourist attractions or in the town nearby.在旅游旺季,人们会涌向各种旅游景点,但是也要注意保护环境和文物,遵守当地的规定,让旅行更加愉快和有意义。

Mogao Grottoes (Mogao Caves):the Caves of the Thousand Buddhas 千佛洞Manuscripts of the Dunhuang Caves敦煌写本The Library Cave藏经洞The silk road 丝绸之路Buddhism 佛教painted sculpture 彩塑The Eastern louvre Museum东方卢浮宫the UNESCO World Heritage Sites 联合国教科文组织的世界遗产保护单位painted murals 壁画flying Apsaras 飞天Nirvana Day 涅槃节Laba 腊八节Tree of Buddha 菩提树Seven-colored Lotus 七彩莲花台Amitabha 阿弥陀佛Guanyin/Goddess of Mercy 观世音菩萨The Western Paradise 西方极乐世界旅游festivals词汇Lunar calendar 农历Lucky money 压岁钱lion dancing 舞狮guess riddles/play riddles 猜灯谜Outing 踏青Dragon Boat race 赛龙舟Cowherd 牛郎Weaver Maid 织女V ega 织女星magpie bridge 鹊桥Aquila 天鹰座Milky way/Silver river 银河joss stick 线香chrysanthemum 菊花fake money 假钱double-ninth cake 重阳糕float lantern 放河灯Expressions for scenic spots and othersBeijing: The Great Wall Tian’anmen Square The Forbidden City The Temple of Heaven 5. Handicraft and other Articles:■cloisonné enamels■ivory carvings■jade ware■the “Four treasures of the scholar”■scrolls of calligraphy and painting■embroidery and silk cloth■dough and clay figures■Beijing Roast DuckNanjing1. The Mausoleum of Dr. Sun Y at-sen2. The Linggu Temple3. The Confucian Temple4. Xuanwu Lake5. Zhonghua GateXi’an1. The Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang2. The Terracotta Warriors and Horses3. The Greater Wild Goose Pagoda4. The Xi'an City WallHangzhou1. The W est LakeSunset Glow over Leifeng Tower(雷峰夕照)Listening to Orioles Singing in the Willows(柳浪闻莺)Twin Peaks Piercing the Clouds(双峰插云)V iewing Fish at Flower Harbor(花港观鱼)Spring at the Su Causeway(苏堤春晓)Lotus Flowers in the Breezing Winding Courtyard (曲院荷风)Pinghu Autumn Moon(平湖秋月)Three Pools Mirroring the Moon(三潭印月)Duanqiao Bridge Snow(断桥残雪)Evening Bell at Nanping Hill(南屏晚钟)2. Lingyin T empleMawangdui Han Tombs 马王堆汉墓lacquer ware 漆器Map of Garrison 驻军图textiles 纺织品silk books 帛书silk paintings 帛画bamboo and wooden slips 简牍T Shape Painting on Silk 马王堆T型帛画Garment of plain silk guaze 素纱禅衣Colorful coffins giant coffin彩棺巨椁archaeological discovery 考古发现oriental sleeping beauty 东方睡美人Jiuzhaigou V alley镜海Mirror Lake五花海Five Flower Lake火花海Spark lake飞瀑流辉Flying Waterfall on Lotus Platform金沙铺地Golden Sand Field白马藏族Baima Tibetan Tribes羌族Qiang ethnic minority金丝猴Golden snub-nosed monkey藏羚羊White-lip deer黑颈鹤Black-neck crane酥油茶Buttered Tea青稞酒Barley wine珍珠滩瀑布Pearls Beach waterfall剑岩Sword Rock雪山和原始森林Snow-covered mountains and Primeval Forests1、武陵源风景名胜区Wulingyuan Scenic2、张家界国家森林公园Zhangjiajie National Forest Park3、自然保护区Natural Reserve4、金鞭溪the Golden Whip Stream5、腰子寨Kidneys V illage6、南天一柱Southern Pillar7、仙女献花Fairy Flowers8、天波府Tianbo Mansion9、摆手舞Waving Dance10、哭嫁歌Weeping11、吊脚楼The Hanging House12、织棉Woven Cotton13、琵琶Chinese Lute14、大鲵Giant Salamander15、国家二级保护动物National Level 2 Protect Animals16、国家级非物质文化遗产national intangible cultural heritagesWorld Natural Heritage世界自然遗产World Biosphere Reserve世界生物圈保护区Green Global 21绿色环球21the national forest park国家森林公园Southern Sky Column 南天一柱Golden whip stream 金鞭溪Y ellow Dragon Cave 黄龙洞Sea-calming Needle 定海神针sub-primitive forests 次原始森林书上的单词Ngawa/Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture 阿坝藏族羌族自治州Dujiangyan Irrigation system 都江堰水利工程Jiuzhaigou V alley ,the V alley of Nine V illages 九寨沟Zipingpu Water-Control Project 紫平铺水利枢纽工程China’s first environmental protection reservoir中国第一环保水库Wolong National Nature Reserve for giant pandas卧龙大熊猫保护区settlement of Qiang ethnic group 羌族聚居区calcified landscape 钙化景观virgin forests 原始森林alms 高山草甸stone forests 高山石林。

以下是按照国家和地区进行分类的旅游景点英语词汇大全:1. 中国 (China)- The Great Wall of China: 中国的长城- The Forbidden City: 故宫- Terracotta Army: 兵马俑- The Bund: 外滩- Zhangjiajie National Forest Park: 张家界国家森林公园- Mount Everest: 珠穆朗玛峰2. 美国 (United States)- Statue of Liberty: 自由女神像- Grand Canyon: 大峡谷- Niagara Falls: 尼亚加拉瀑布- Times Square: 时代广场- Hollywood Walk of Fame: 好莱坞星光大道- Yellowstone National Park: 黄石国家公园3. 法国 (France)- Eiffel Tower: 埃菲尔铁塔- Louvre Museum: 卢浮宫- Palace of Versailles: 凡尔赛宫- Mont Saint-Michel: 圣米歇尔山- Champs-Élysées: 香榭丽舍大街- Cannes Film Festival: 康城电影节4. 英国 (United Kingdom)- Big Ben: 大本钟- Buckingham Palace: 白金汉宫- Stonehenge: 史东日- Tower Bridge: 塔桥- Windsor Castle: 温莎城堡- Oxford University: 牛津大学5. 澳大利亚 (Australia)- Sydney Opera House:悉尼歌剧院- Great Barrier Reef: 大堡礁- Uluru: 乌鲁鲁- Twelve Apostles: 十二门徒- Bondi Beach: 邦迪海滩- Kangaroo Island: 袋鼠岛6. 日本 (Japan)- Mount Fuji: 富士山- Tokyo Disneyland: 东京迪士尼乐园- Kyoto Imperial Palace: 京都御所- Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park: 广岛和平纪念公园- Arashiyama Bamboo Grove: 嵐山竹林7. 巴西 (Brazil)- Christ the Redeemer: 耶稣基督巨像- Iguazu Falls: 伊瓜苏瀑布- Copacabana Beach: 瓜纳巴拉海滩- Amazon Rainforest: 亚马逊雨林- Sugarloaf Mountain: 糖果山8. 俄罗斯 (Russia)- Red Square: 红场- Saint Basil's Cathedral: 圣瓦西里大教堂- Hermitage Museum: 埃尔米塔日博物馆- Lake Baikal: 贝加尔湖- Trans-Siberian Railway: 西伯利亚大铁路9. 埃及 (Egypt)- Pyramids of Giza: 吉萨金字塔- The Sphinx: 狮身人面像- Valley of the Kings: 国王谷- Karnak Temple: 卡尔纳克神庙- Abu Simbel: 阿布辛贝寺10. 瑞士 (Switzerland)- Matterhorn: 万象峰- Lake Geneva: 日内瓦湖- Lucerne: 卢塞恩- Rhine Falls: 莱茵瀑布- Zermatt: 泽尔马特以上只是列举了部分国家和地区的著名旅游景点,当然还有很多其他值得一看的地方。

二、与旅游相关的词汇1. Places to Visit•Attraction:景点•Landmark:地标•Museum:博物馆•Beach:海滩•Park:公园•Zoo:动物园2. Types of Accommodation•Hotel:酒店•Hostel:旅馆•Resort:度假村•Guesthouse:招待所•Airbnb:爱彼迎(短期出租住宿服务)3. Transport•Flight:航班•Train:火车•Bus:公交车•Taxi:出租车•Car rental:租车服务4. Activities•Sightseeing:观光•Hiking:徒步旅行•Swimming:游泳•Shopping:购物•Dining out:外出就餐三、常用口语表达1.Can you recommend any good restaurants around here?(你能推荐这附近的好餐厅吗?)2.How can I get to the nearest bus station?(我怎样能到最近的公交车站?)3.Do you have a map of the city?(你们有这座城市的地图吗?)4.What time does the museum open?(博物馆什么时候开门?)5.I’d like to book a double room for two nights, please.(我想订一个双人房间,两晚,谢谢。
)四、常见旅游问题1. 通常如何支付酒店的预订费用?大多数情况下,您可以使用信用卡或借记卡在线支付预订费用。
2. 在旅行途中如何保持安全?确保随身携带重要证件和贵重物品。

常见旅游观光相关英语词汇常见旅游观光相关英语词汇导语:出去旅行怎么能不知道英语呢?以下是小编为大家精心整理的常见旅游观光相关英语词汇,欢迎大家参考!旅游相关词汇:假日游 vacation rip蜜月旅行 honeymoon tour/bridal tour境外旅游 overseas tour一日游 one-day sightseeing持证导游 licensed tourist guide导游翻译 guide interpreter实习导游 student guide导游手册 tourist brochure度假胜地 holiday resort避暑山庄 mountainresort国家公园 national park古建筑群 ancient architectural complex自然景观 natural scenery人文景观 places of cultural and historical interest旅游景点 tourist attractions /scenic spots山水风光 landscape /scenery with mountains andrivers名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites观光相关词汇:瀑布 waterfall /cascade温泉 hot spring/ the thermal spring青山绿水 green hills and clear waters绿色葱葱lush green /luxuriant vegetation百花竞放Hundreds of flowers contend to blossom 陵墓 emperor's tomb/mausoleum古墓 ancient tomb石窟 grotto楼 tower /mansion台 terrace亭阁 pavilion塔 tower /pagoda廊 corridor石肪 stone boat堤 causeway洞穴 cave岩洞 cavern溶洞 water-eroded cave石灰石洞 limestone cave石笋 stalagmite钟乳石 stalactite湖心亭 mid-lake pavilion水榭 waterside pavilion莲花池 lotus pond曲径 winding path城堡 castle寺庙 temple教堂church天主教大教堂 cathedral修道院 abbey /monastery尼姑庵 Buddhist nunnery佛教圣地 Buddhist sacred land宫殿 palace/hall皇城 imperial city御花园imperial garden sandal wood fan antique /curio handicraft /artifact出土文物unearthed cultural relics甲骨文inscription on oracle bones青铜器bronze ware陶瓷 ceramics陶器earthenware /pottery /crockery法琅 enamel泥雕clay figurine兵马俑 the Qin terracotta army /the terracotta warriors and horses折扇folding fan檀香扇 sandal wood fan古玩 antique/curio手工艺品 handicraft木雕 wood carving竹雕 bamboo carving贝雕 shell carving浮雕 sculpture in relief /relief carving藤条制品 wickerwork雕漆器 carved lacquer ware唐三彩 trio-Colored glazed pottery of the TangDynasty金石印章 metal and stone seals字画卷轴 scroll of calligraphy and painting国画 traditional Chinese painting山水画 landscape painting水墨画 ink painting文房四宝 the four stationery treasures of theChinese study 工艺精湛 exquisite workmanship独具匠心 original design/unique pattern造型美观 gracefully shaped姿态逼真 lifelike /vivid as if alive光彩夺目 emitting radiant sparkles千颜万色、多姿多彩 of all hues and postures一步一色 Every step brings a new scene.绵延山峦 rolling ranges湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills景色如画 Picturesque诱人景色 inviting views景色宜人soothing vista风光绪丽 most gorgeous scene奇峰罗列 rows of perilous peaks exhibiting a great variety of shapes拔地而起 to rise abruptly from the ground光怪陆离grouped into grotesque and colorful forms赏心悦目 pleasing to the eye /a feast to the eye园林建筑 garden architecture佛教名山 famous Buddhist mountains世界七大奇迹the world's seven wonders天下无双 second to none天下第一泉 the No. One spring on earth天下第一奇洞 the most spectacular cave in the world人间仙境 fairyland on earth顶礼膜拜 to worship /to pay homage to人如潮涌with throngs of people milling around空前绝后 to be unprecedented /to have no parallel in history 人在画中游 traveling in a pictorial world令人流连忘返to hold great attraction。
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旅游景点英语词汇大觉寺/Dajue Temple明十三陵博物馆神路分店Ming Tombs Museum ---- Divine Road明十三陵博物馆昭陵分馆Ming Tombs Museum ----- Zhaoling中医药大学中医药博物馆Chinese Medicine University Chinese Medicine Museum档案馆Archives城建档案馆Urban Construction Archives Hall鱼子山抗日战争纪念馆Yuzishan Anti-Japanese War Memorial Hall中国抗日战争纪念雕塑园China-Anti-Japanese-War Sculptures Garden面人汤艺术馆Mianren Tang Art Gallery西周燕都遗址博物馆Xizhou Yandu Relics Museum田义墓Tianyi Tomb中国铁道博物馆China Railway Museum故宫博物院The Palace Museum观复古典艺术博物馆Guanfu Classic Art Museum白塔寺White Tower Temple保利艺术博物馆Poly Culture Museum北大赛克勒考古与艺术博物馆Peking University Cycler Archelogy & Art Museum航空馆Aeronautic Museum艺术博物馆Arts Museum十三陵水库展览馆Ming Tombs Reservoir Exhibition天坛公园祭天乐舞馆Temple of Heaven Jitianle Dancing Hall中国紫檀博物馆China Zitan Museum云居寺石经陈列馆Yunju Temple Rock Scripture Exhibition山戎文化陈列馆Shanrong Culture Exhibition Hall中国第四纪冰川遗迹陈列馆China 4th Age Glacier Relic Exhibition Hall中国工艺美术馆China Artistic Gallery海军航空兵器馆Navy Air Weapons Museum钟鼓楼Bell & Drum Tower何扬·吴茜现代绘画馆Heyang.Wuqian Modern PicturesChina Ancient Animal Museum航天博物馆Space Museum明十三陵博物馆长陵分馆Ming Tombs Museum---Changling鲁迅博物馆Luxun Museum卢沟桥史料陈列馆Lugouqiao Historical Materials Exhibition Hall辽金城垣博物馆Liao-Jin Dynasty City Wall Museum老甲艺术馆Laojia Culture Hall老舍纪念馆Laoshe Memorial Hall雷锋资料展览馆Leifeng's Documentary Exhibition Hall李大钊烈士陵园Lidazhao Cemetery焦庄户地道战遗址纪念馆Jiaozhuanghu Underground Battlefield Remains Memorial Hall观复古典艺术博物馆Guanfu Classic Art Museum湖广会馆Hu Guang Gallery红楼文化艺术博物馆Red Tower Culture Art Museum航空模型博物馆Aviation Model MuseumAncient Building Museum古代钱币展览馆Ancient Coin Exhibition Center古观象台Ancient Observatory古陶文明博物馆Old China Civilization Museum郭沫若纪念馆Guomoruo Memorial Hall郭守敬纪念馆Guoshoujing Memorial Hall国际药膳博物馆Int'l Medicial Meal Museum国际友谊博物馆Int'l Friendship Museum戏曲博物馆Chinese Opera Museum文博交流馆Cultural Relics Exchange Hall文天祥祠Weng Tianxiang Memorial Temple吴运铎纪念馆Wuyunduo Memorial Hall团城演武厅Tuancheng Exhibition Hall通州区博物馆Tongzhou District Museum天文馆Planetarium宋庆龄故居Former Residence of Songqingling首都博物馆Capital Museum石刻艺术博物馆Stone Carving Art Museum北平抗日战争烈士纪念馆Northern China-Anti-Japanese-War Memorial Hall平西人民抗日斗争纪念馆PX Memorial Hall of People's War of Resistance Against Japan冀热察挺进军司令部旧址陈列馆Jirecha Advancing Troops Headquarters Relics Exhibition十三陵明皇蜡像宫Ming Tombs Wax Figures Palace密云县博物馆Miyun District Museum民俗博物馆Folk Custom Museum民族文化宫博物馆Nationality Culture Palace Museum毛主席纪念堂Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall茅盾故居Maodun Former Residence梅兰芳纪念馆Mei Lanfang Memorial Hall中国邮电博物馆China Post & Telecommunications Museum中国邮票博物馆China Stamp Museum中国照片档案馆China Photographs Archives中国长城博物馆China Great Wall Museum中国地质博物馆China Geology Museum中国第四纪冰川遗迹陈列馆China The Quaternary Period Glacier Ruins Exhibition Hall中国佛教图书文物馆China Buddhism Books Culture Relics Hall中国人民抗日战争纪念馆Chinese-Resistance-Against-Japan War Memorial Hall中国摄影家协会图片社China Photographer Association Photo Shop詹天佑纪念馆Zhantianyou Memorial Hall中国革命博物馆Chinese Revolutionary Museum中国古动物馆China Ancient Animals Hall正阳门Gate Zheng Yang圆明园展览馆Yuanmingyuan Exhibition Hall邮政博物馆Postal Service Museum雍和宫Lama Temple徐悲鸿纪念馆XuBeihong Memorial Hall炎黄艺术馆Yanhuang Art Museum香山双清别墅The Fragnant Hills Villa西周燕都遗址博物馆Yan Dynasty Remains Museum慈悲庵Mercy Nunnery中国空军航空博物馆China Air Force Aviation Museum曹雪芹纪念馆Cao Xueqin Memorial Hall昌平区博物馆Changping District Museum长城博物馆Great Wall Museum猿人展览馆Peking Man Exhibition Hall中央美术学院美术馆Central Fine Art College Art Gallery中央民族大学民族博物馆Nationalities Museum of Central Nationalities University中华民族博物馆China Nationalities Museum中国体育博物馆China Sports Museum中国现代文学馆China Modern Literature Hall中国医史博物馆China Medical History Museum中国历史博物馆The Museum of Chinese History中国美术馆China Art Gallery中国民兵武器装备陈列馆Chinese Military Weapon Exhibition Hall中国农业博物馆Agriculture Museum of China中国钱币博物馆China Coin Museum中国人民革命军事博物馆China People's Revolution Millitary Museum中国画研究院展览馆China Tradictional Chinese Painting Research Institute Exhibition Hall中国印刷博物馆China Printing Museum上宅文化陈列馆Shangzhai Culture Exhibition Hall门头沟区博物馆Mengtougou Museum云居寺石经陈列馆Yunju Temple Stone Inscription Exhibition Hall钟鼓楼Bell & Clock Tower周口店遗址博物馆Zhoukoudian Ruins Museum自然博物馆Natural History Museum睦明唐古瓷标本博物馆Muming Tang Ancient Porcelain Specimen Museum中国科学技术馆China Science & Techonlogy Museum恭王府花园Gong Palace Garden法海寺文物保管所Cultural Relics Hall of Fahai Temple房山龙骨山展览馆Fangshan District Dragon Bone Hill Exhibition Hall东南城角楼City South-East Corner Tower恭亲王府Prince Gong's Mansion中国科技馆China Science and Technology Museum明十三陵博物馆定陵分馆Ding Tombs Museum大觉寺Dajue Temple大钟寺博物馆Big Bell Temple Museum当代美术馆Modern Art Gallery大葆台西汉墓博物馆Museum of Dabaotai West Han Dynasty Tombs长辛店二七纪念馆Changxindian 2.7 Memorial Hall公园韩村河山庄会议中心Huancunhe Mountain Villa Convention Center颐和园The Summer Palace紫竹院公园Purple Bamboo Park中国科学院北京植物园China Academy of Science BJ Arboretum碧水风荷公园BSFH Park滨河公园Binhe Park卧龙公园Lying Dragon Park顺义公园Shunyi Park迎宾公园Yingbin Park南口公园Nankou Park康庄公园Kangzhuang Park万泉公园Wanquan Park长辛店公园Changxindian Park南馆公园Nanguan Park古城公园Gucheng Park富国海底世界Underwater World of Blue Zoo东润翻斗乐科普娱乐有限公司Dongrun Fun Dazzle Popular Science Entertainment Co., Ltd.法海寺公园Shijingshan District Fahai Temple Park鳄鱼湖公园Crocodile Lake Park城市海景水上乐园City Sea View Swimming Eden天坛公园Temple of Heaven和平鸽广场Peace Pigeon Square中央广播电视发射塔CCTV Launching Tower中华世纪坛Chinese Millennium Monument游乐园有限公司Entertainment Park Co., Ltd.东单公园Dongdan Park大观园Grand View Garden地坛公园Temple of Earth Park大龙世界水上娱乐场Big Dragon World Water AmusementPark垂钓游乐园Fishing Entertainment Park朝阳公园Chaoyang Park植物园Botanical Garden滨河公园Binhe Park濒危动物中心Near Extinction Animals Center北旭野生动物乐园Beixu Wild Animals Paradise中山公园Zhongshan Park中山公园管理处Zhongshan Park Admin Office中华民族园China Ethnic Culture Park元大都城垣遗址公园Yuan Dynasty Capital City Wall Ruins Park圆明园the Old Imperial Garden玉渊潭公园Yuyuan Pond Park玉渊潭公园管理处Yuyuan Pond Park Admin Office银杏宝宝乐园Ginkgo Bao-bao Entertainment Park月坛公园The Temple of Moon Park榆垡万亩森林公园Yufa Forest Park宣武艺园Xuanwu Park香山公园小人国旅游世界Kingdom of Liliput九龙游乐园Nine Dragons Amusement Park西海子公园Xihaizi Park团结湖公园Tuanjiehu Park万芳亭公园Wanfangting Park天坛公园管理处The Temple of Heaven Admin Office太平洋海底世界Taipingyang Underwater World Exbihition陶然亭公园Taoranting Park四海水上乐园Four Seas Water Park双秀公园Shuangxiu Park世界公园World Park石景山游乐园Shijingshan Amusement Park什刹海公园Shishahai Park日坛公园Temple of Sun Park森鑫森林公园什刹海文化有限责任公司ShiShaHai Culture Company人定湖公园Rendinghu Park青年湖公园Youth Lake Park南苑公园Nanyuan Park南海子麋鹿苑Nanhaizi Elk Park柳荫公园Liuyin Park龙潭公园Longtan Park龙潭西湖公园Longtan Xihu Park丽都公园Lidu Park利达海洋生物馆有限公司BJ Lida Aquarium Co Ltd莲花河影视康乐宫Lotus River TV & Film Entertainment Palace景山公园Jingshan Garden鹿鸣动物游乐园County Luming Animal Paradise云蒙山国家森林公园County Yunmeng Mountain State Forest Park花乡世界珍禽园有限责任公司Huaxiang Rare Fowl's Co., Ltd.湖景水上乐园Lakeview Water Park红领巾公园Honglingjin Park和平鸽广场Peace Pigeon Plaza青龙湖公园Qinglong Lake Garden八达岭熊乐园Badaling Panda Paradise八达岭野生动物世界Badaling Wildlife World八大处公园Badachu Park百鸟园Bainiao Garden半壁店森林公园Banbidian Forest Park海洋馆BJ Aquarium北海公园Beihai Park电影旅游城Movie Tour City动物园BJ Zoo北京游乐园BJ Amusement park天安门广场管理委员会Tian'anmen Square Administration Committee教学植物园Education Botanical Garden月坛公园Temple of Moon Park莲花池公园Lotus Pool Park万寿公园Wanshou Park中华文化园China Culture Garden野生动物园Wildlife Park北普陀影视城Beiputuo Movie & TV City十渡水上游乐场Shidu Water Amusement Park慈善寺Charity Temple硅化木国家地质公园Silicon Wood Nation Geology Park八角森林公园Bajiao Forest Garden雁栖圣发动植物游乐园有限公司湖景水上乐园有限公司慕田峪长城缆车服务有限公司Mutianyu Greatwall Cable Car Service Co., Ltd.森林花园旅游娱乐中心有限公司Forest & Garden Travel Entertainment Centre Co., Ltd.游乐园有限公司大观园游览中心有限公司Daguanyuan Visiting Centre Co., Ltd.腾龙游乐有限公司Tenglong Entertainment Co., Ltd.兴隆公园Xinglong Park冶山塔公园Yeshanta Park潮河游乐园Chaohe Entertainment Park圆金梦黄金主题公园Golden-Dream-Coing-True Gold Theme Park明城墙遗址公园Ming Dynasty City Wall Relics Park紫竹院公园Zizhuyuan Park卢沟桥文化旅游区Lugouqiao Culture Travel Zone寺庙第1页,共1页,16条记录八里庄清真寺Balizhuang Moslem Temple正源清真寺Zhengyuan Mosque安外清真寺Anwai Moslem Temple沙子口清真寺Shazikou Mosque海淀区清真寺Haidian District Mosque清河清真寺Qinghe Mosque法源寺Source of Dharma Temple牛街清真寺Niujie Mosque德外清真寺Dewai Moslem Temple昌平区清真寺管理委员会Changping County Moslem Temple Administration Committee马甸清真寺Madian Moslem Temple孔庙Confucian Temple锦什坊街清真寺Jinshenfang Street Moslem Temple广化寺Guanghua Temple白云观Baiyunguan弘慈广济寺Hongci Guangji Temple风景区第1页,共9页,163条记录下一页十三陵Thirteen Ming Tombs十三陵水库Ming Tombs Reservior不老湖风景区Everyoung Scenic Spot巴蜀文化园Bashu Culture Park妫河漂流Gui River Drifting上方山国家森林公园Shangfangshan National Forest Park生存岛实践基地Survival Island Practice Base百花山自然保护区Baihua Mountain Nature Preservation Area鳞龙山风景区Dragon Mountain Scenic Spot百泉山自然风景区Baiquan Hill Natural Scenic Spot金海湖JinhaiLake京都第一瀑Capital No.1 Waterfall幽谷神潭Yougu God Pond神堂峪自然风景区Shentangyu Natural Scenic Spot韩村河旅游景村Hancunhe Travel Scenic Village愉然原始部落游乐园YuRan Primitive Tribe Entertainment Park鹰山嘴森林公园Yingshanzui Forest Park紫云山自然风景区Ziyun Hill Natural Scenic Spot沟崖自然风景区Gouya Natural Scenic Spot古北口长城Gubeikou Great Wall凤凰岭自然风景区Fenghuangling Natural Scenic Spot盛世司南旅游商贸公司Shengshisinan Travel Trading Co., Ltd.碓臼峪风景区Duiyaoyu Scenic Spot东龙潭自然风景区East Dragon Resort金鼎湖游乐园Jinding Lake Amusement Park十三陵明皇蜡像宫有限公司Ming Tomb Minghuang Waxwork Palace Co., Ltd.老象峰风景区Old Elephant Peak Scenic Spot京东石林峡京东淘金谷Jingdong Gold Valley飞龙谷旅游风景区Fei Long Gu Scenic Spot京东大溶洞Jingdong Grand Solution Cavity滴水壶自然风景区Dripping Pot Resort川底下村Chuandixia Village敕赐和平寺Chici Heping Temple朝来农艺园Zhaolai Agriculture Garden仓米古道旅游区Cangmi Gudao Travel Area跳伞塔Parachute Tower幽静乡村小院Quiet Village Yard圣园山庄Shengyuan Mountain Villa劳模山庄Laomo Mountain Villa中国白仙神洞Fairy Cave云岫谷游猎风景区Yunxiu Valley云蒙山自然风景区Yunmengshan Natural Scenic Spot云蒙峡自然风景区Yunmeng Valley珍珠湖Pearl Lake银山塔林风景区Silver Mountain银狐洞Silver Fox Cave阳台山自然风景区Yangtaishan Natural Scenic Spot雁栖湖旅游风景区Yanqihu Travel Scenic Spot丫髻山旅游风景区Yaji Hill Scenic Spot响水湖自然风景区Xiangshuihu Natural Scenic Spot响水湖自然风景区Xiangshuihu Nature Scenic Spot小龙门森林公园Little Dragon Gate Forest Park西山大觉寺Xishan Dajue Temple仙居谷Xianjugu卧佛寺-樱桃沟Temple of Sleeping Buddha乡间情趣园Country Park五座楼森林公园Wuzuolou Forest Park雾灵湖Wuling Lake雾灵山自然保护区Wulingshan Natural Protection Area第3页第4页,共9页,163条记录上一页下一页天仙瀑自然风景区Fairy Fall Natural Resort天云山风景区Tianyunshan Scenic Spot潭柘寺Tanzhe Temple桃源仙谷自然风景区Taoyuan Xiangu Natural Scenic Spot天华洞旅游度假风景区Tianhuadong Travel Vacation Scenic Spot司马台长城旅游公司Si Ma Tai Great Wall Travel Co.四座楼风景区Sizoulou Resort十渡Shidu石花洞Shihuadong三峪自然风景区Sanyu Valley清凉谷 - 千尺珍珠瀑Cool Valley四座楼风景区Sizuolou Scenic Spot青龙峡Qinglong Canyon菩萨鹿乡居旅游村Posalu Rural Tourism Village蒲洼狩猎场Puwa Hunting Ground慕田峪长城Mutianyu The Great Wall慕田峪新景区Mutianyu New Scenic Spot妙峰山自然风景区Miaofengshan Natural Scenic Spot灵山自然风景区Lingshan Natural Scenic Spot龙门涧Dragon Gate Stream第5页,共9页,163条记录上一页下一页龙庆峡自然风景区Longqing Canyon Natural Scenic Spot龙潭涧自然风景区Dragon Pond Stream天龙潭自然风景区Tianlongtan Natural Scenic Spot濂泉响谷Echo Valley老北京旅游服务中心Old BJ Travel Service Center老家峰Laojiafeng蓝天牧场Blue Sky Grazing Grounds鹫峰国家森林公园Vulture Peak National Park居庸关长城Juyongguan Great Wall喇叭沟门原始森林风景区Labagoumen Original Forest Scenic Spot康西草原Kangxi Grasslands九道湾大峡谷自然风景区Jiudaowan Daxiagu Natural Scenic Spot九谷口自然风景区Jiugukou Natural Scenic Spot九龙十八潭风景区Jiulong Shibatan Scenic Spot精灵谷Jinglinggu京东大峡谷East Canyon京都第一瀑Jingdu No.1 Waterfall锦绣大地家业观光园区Jinxiudadi Family Property Sightseeing Area金山岭长城Jinshanling Great Wall金鼎湖风景区Jinding Lake第6页,共9页,163条记录上一页下一页戒台寺Jietai Temple湖洞水风景区Hudongshui Scenic Spot红螺寺旅游度假区Hongluo Temple Travel Resort黑龙潭自然风景区Black Dragon Pond Resort黑山寺风景区Heishan Temple古崖居遗址Guyaju Ruins八达岭长城Great Wall at Badaling白河游乐园White River Entertainment Park百望山森林公园Baiwangshan Forest Park白岭关长城Bailingguan Great Wall白龙潭风景区Bailongtan Scenic Spot白洋沟风景区Baiyanggou Scenic Spot留民营生态农场Liumingying Zoology Farm万顷园Wanqingyuan青龙湖Qinglong Lake玉渡山风景区Yudu Mountain Scenic Spot仙栖洞Xianqi Cave将军坨风景区Jiangjunduo Scenic Spot白草畔自然风景区Baicaopan Nature Scenic Spot万景仙沟旅游区Wanjingxiangou Scenic Spot第7页,共9页,163条记录上一页下一页十渡拒马乐园Shidu Juma Amusement Park仙峰谷旅游区Xianfeng Valley Scenic Spot孤山寨Gu Mountain Village碧波园Bibo Yuan张坊古战道Zhangfang Ancient Battle Way屏幕山红叶大峡谷Pingmushan Red Leaf Gorge西湖港风景区Xihu Port Scenic Spot云龙山自然风景区Yunlong Mountain Nature Scenic Spot燕山天池风景区Yanshan Tianchi Beauty Resort松山森林旅游区Songshan Forest Scenic Spot八达岭残长城Badaling Relic Great Wall灵照寺Lingzhao Temple宝水民俗村Baoshui Folklore Village龙门涧风景旅游区Longmen Gully Scenic Spot黄草梁自然风景区Huangcaoliang Nature Scenic Spot灵溪科技园Lingxi Sci-tech Garden京东石林峡Jingdong Rock Forest Valley东方石窟Oriental Grotto京西十八潭Jingxi Eighteen Pond龙潭山水旅游区Longtan Mountain & Water Scenic Spot第8页,共9页,163条记录上一页下一页百花谷风景区Baihua Valley Scenic Spot喇叭沟门原始森林风景区Labagoumen Virgin Forest Scenic Spot天池峡谷风景区Tianchi Gully Scenic Spot濂泉响谷风景区Lianquanxianggu Scenic Spot红螺湖旅游区Hongluo Lake Scenic Spot梧桐岭风景区Wutongling Scenic Spot石门山旅游区Shimen Mountain Scenic Spot航天培训中心Aviation Training Centre智慧谷Zhihui Valley龙泉谷自然风景区Longquan Valley Nature Scenic Spot古北口盘龙山长城Gubeikou Great Wall Panlong Hill Section云峰山Yunfeng Mountain北京小延安BJ Mini-Yan'an虎峪自然风景区Huyu Nature Scenic Spot大杨山自然风景区Dayangshan Nature Scenic Spot老北京微缩景园Old Peking Tiny Scenery Park蟒山国家森林公园Mangshan Nation Forest Park屏幕山旅游开发中心Pinmushan Travel Development Centre云居寺Yun Ju Si五座楼森林公园Wuzuolou Forest Park桃源仙谷风景区Taoyuanxiangu Scenery Zone精灵谷Fairy Valley大地休闲港湾Earth Leisure Harbor北京各大公园停车车位分布东城:1、天安门广场:历史博物馆前68个车位。