
第二章产品概述2.1 产品特点- 上海凯安电机保护器采用先进的电子技术,具有高效的故障检测和保护功能。
- 产品具有多种保护功能,包括过载保护、过热保护、短路保护等,可以有效延长电机的使用寿命。
- 产品外壳结构紧凑,易于安装和维护。
2.2 产品规格- 输入电压:220V/380V- 频率范围:50Hz/60Hz- 最大额定电流:20A- 工作温度:-10℃至50℃第三章产品安装3.1 安装环境- 请确保安装环境通风良好,避免高温和潮湿的环境。
- 请注意避免与其他电源设备过近,以免干扰正常工作。
3.2 安装步骤- 将电机保护器固定在合适的位置,使用螺丝紧固。
- 连接电源和电机,确保电路接线正确无误。
- 验证电路连接后,将电机保护器的电源开关打开。
第四章产品操作4.1 启动和停止- 启动电机保护器前,请确保电路连接稳定。
- 打开电机保护器电源开关,电机即可启动。
- 停止电机时,先关闭电机控制开关,再关闭电机保护器电源开关。
4.2 故障检测和保护功能- 当电机运行过程中出现过载、过热或短路等故障时,电机保护器会自动停止电机运行并发出警报信号。
- 在故障发生后,请及时检查电路连接和故障原因,并排除故障后方可重新启动电机。
第五章产品维护5.1 清洁和保养- 定期清洁产品外壳,可使用柔软的布擦拭。
- 定期检查产品连接线路是否松动,及时加固。
5.2 故障排除- 当产品出现异常情况时,请先检查电源是否正常,以及是否存在电路故障。
- 如需维修,请联系上海凯安售后服务中心。
第六章产品注意事项6.1 请勿将产品暴露在潮湿、高温或有腐蚀性物质的环境中。
6.2 请勿私自拆卸或改装产品,以免损坏产品和危及安全。
6.3 请勿使用不符合规定的电源电压和频率,以免影响产品正常工作。
施耐德电气AMDP-D7-SYSC 系列电动机保护器使用手册说明书

7.15、AMDP-□/D7 系列电动机保护器7.15.1、电动机故障类型信号输出AMDP-□/D7系列电动机保护器,除保护电动机的继电器触点输出信号外,还配有6个故障类型、1个故障预警、1个故障报警输出信号和1个清除故障状态输入信号。
AMDP-□/D7 系列电动机保护器的DO1-DO6是接地、短路、缺相、堵转、电流不平衡、过载、欠载、过压、欠压故障输出信号,DO7是故障预警信号,DO8是故障报警信号。
AMDP-□/D701的故障状态与DO1-DO8的对应关系如下:DO1 DO2 DO3 DO4 DO5 DO6 DO7 DO8接地 短路 缺相 堵转 电流不平衡 过载 预警 报警 AMDP-□/D721的故障状态与DO1-DO8的对应关系如下:DO1 DO2 DO3 DO4 DO5 DO6 DO7 DO8接地 短路 缺相 堵转/过载电流不平衡欠载 预警 报警 AMDP-□/D731的故障状态与DO1-DO8的对应关系如下:DO1 DO2 DO3 DO4 DO5 DO6 DO7 DO8接地 短路 缺相 堵转/过载/电流不平衡过压 欠压 预警 报警 AMDP-□/D741的故障状态与DO1-DO8的对应关系如下:DO1 DO2 DO3 DO4 DO5 DO6 DO7 DO8接地 欠载 缺相 堵转/过载/电流不平衡过压 欠压 预警 报警7.15.2、4-20mA模拟量输出AMDP-□/D7 系列电动机保护器有1路与C相电流成比例、1路与电压成比例的4-20mA模拟量输出,这2路模拟量与采集、保护电路及DSP相隔离。

三、 FUJIDQ主要技术指标和接线方式:A、主要技术指标:1、使用温度:-10℃~+55℃2、相对湿度:≤90%3、额定电源电压:U L~N:AC220V±15% 50/60HzU L1~L3:AC380V±15% 50/60Hz 3P4、返接延时时间:1min±20%5、输出触点:AC250V 5A触点形式:1AB、接线方式参考:三相输入端接电机端时:三相输入端接接触器输入端时:备注:由于本电机保护器功能的需要,故关机(AC220V)后,再开机(AC220V)时,其间隔时间不小于30秒。
德力西 CDS11 系列电动机保护器 说明书

邮 编: 3 25 6 0 4
本使用说明书自2021年08月 第二版
S1:停止按 钮;
N :零 线;
S2:启动按 钮;
M KM:交流接触器线圈AC380V;
~ KM1:交流接触器常开主触头;
S 1 :停止 按钮;
M S2:启动按钮;
~ KM:交流接触器线圈AC220V;
KM2:交 流接 触器常 开辅 助 触头
K M 1:交流 接触 器常开 主触头;
K M 2:交流 接触 器常开 辅助触 头
□ 安装、使用产品前,请仔细阅读使用 说明书,并妥善保管、备用。
1.1 适用范围 CDS11-P系列电动机保护器,适用于交流50Hz,电压380V以下
的供电电路中与交流接触器等开关电路组成电动机控制电路。当电 动机的主电路出现断相、过载、堵转等非正常工作状态时,能及时 断开开关电器触头,分断电动机三相电源,可靠地保护电动机。
7.1 开机不工作 检查三相电源是否有断相,供电电源是否符合交流接触器额定电
源电压要求,电源线是否断线,交流接触器是否损坏。 7.2 故障排除
产品出现故障后,首先断开电源,然后查找故障原因;检查线路 无误后按安装,使用操作说明操作。
AC380V 3A(阻性)

电流互感器模块:外型、尺寸保护器壳体:外型、尺寸,接线端子定义图保护器壳体:外型、尺寸显示面板:示意图四、技术特性1、测量特性三相电流测量范围:5A型: 0–50A 30A型:0–300A 160A型:0–1600A 三相电压测量范围:0-600V漏电流测量范围:0-1000mA三相电流显示分辨率:0.1A 1A三相电压显示分辨率:1V漏电流显示分辨率:1mA准确度:1级2、保护特性短路保护延迟时间: ≤0.5S缺相保护延迟时间: ≤1S过载保护特性:5条保护曲线可选择,如图1所示。
JD501S 610S系列电动机保护器选型手册说明书

第四章 JD501S/601系列电动机保护器4.1、JD501S/601S系列电动机保护器特点JD-□/A 0 □ □继电器触点类型,可以是 1、2 之一1: 1常开继电器触点(AC 250V/10A(阻性负载)、DC 30V/10A);2: 2组常开、常闭继电器触点(AC 220V/5A(阻性负载)、DC 30V/5A);保护功能,可以是 0、1、2、3、4 之一0:接地、短路、缺相、堵转、电流不平衡、过载;1:接地、短路、缺相、堵转、电流不平衡、过载、零序电流;2:接地、短路、缺相、堵转、电流不平衡、过载、欠载;3:接地、短路、缺相、堵转、电流不平衡、过载、过压、欠压;4:接地、短路、缺相、堵转、电流不平衡、过载、欠载、过压、欠压;无通讯接口、无4-20mA输出;4 位LED显示3相电流及零序电流、电压;保护器额定电流(A),可以是 5、10、20、50、100、150、200 之一;电动机保护器主单元 电动机保护器电流检测单元主要特点:单片机为核心,数字设定、数字显示,保护功能完备、保护性能可靠。
按键设置保护参数,4位LED数码管显示三相及零序电流、电压、故障代码、保护参数;保护功能:接地、短路、缺相、堵转、电流不平衡、过载、零序电流、欠载、过压、欠压;适用范围:电压不高于1140V,频率为50Hz、60Hz的三相交流电动机;工作电源:AC 85V — 265V;功率消耗:小于 2W;采集精度:1.0;环境温度:- 20℃ — 50℃。
4.2、电动机保护器技术数据(型号省略了JD-□/A□□□中的□□□)电动机保护器型号 5/A 10/A20/A50/A100/A 150/A200/A最大设定电流(A) 5.5 11 23 55 110 165 220 最小设定电流(A) 1 2 4 10 20 30 40 电动机最大功率(KW) 2.2 4 11 22 45 75 110 电动机最小功率(KW) 0.55 1.1 2.2 5.5 11 18.5 22 电动机电源穿线孔Φ(mm) 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 电动机保护器故障代码电动机故障代码含义(1)、EE01:接地; (2)、EE02:短路; (3)、EE03:缺相;(4)、EE04:堵转; (5)、EE05:电流不平衡; (6)、EE06:过载;(7)、EE07:欠载; (8)、EE08:过压; (9)、EE09:欠压。
QM-C 型电机保护器 说明书

◎ ◎◎
缺相指示灯 过载、缺相指示灯
快闪 慢闪 常亮 ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้闪 慢闪 常亮 同时亮
过载延时状态 解除过载保护延时状态
保护锁定状态 缺相延时状态 解除缺相保护延时状态 缺相保护锁定状态 相序错相保护(QM-C2)
按 电流调整 延时调整
12 3456 789
12 3456 789
QM-C1 接线图
QM-C2 接线图
注:QM-C1 型供电电源 AC220V,无相序检测;QM-C2 型供电电源 AC 三相 380V, 有相序检测功能。
黄石先达电子技术研究所 湖北省黄石市沿湖路 599 号

Features•Normally closed “make or break” Klixon® contact system, which is operated by a snap action disc, is sensitive to both temperature and current.•Precision calibration – temperature calibrated and inspected under controlled conditions for dependable performance.•Automatic or manual reset series available •Easy to install •37 amperes maximum locked rotor 230 VAC, File 4464.4-4510-1013, License No. 3938 UG for 3/4” M.P. only.•Inherent protection devices for approximately 1/2 to 5 h.p. motors used in applications such as industrial motors, agricultural equipment,well and sump pumps, fans, air conditioners, refrigerators, home appliances, etc.•When properly applied, protector shuts off motor when temperature exceeds maximum safe level due to an overload or stalled (locked rotor) condition.| PHENOLIC MOTOR PROTECTORSNon-Hermetic Motor Protector for Single-Phase On-Winding ProtectionIntroductionKlixon Phenolic Motor Protectors are equipped with a bimetallic snap acting disc, on which the contacts are mounted, and through which the current temperature to rise.When the disc reaches the calibrated setpoint, the Klixon protector automatically opens and shuts down the motor, limiting the winding and shell temperature.When the motor has cooled to an acceptable operating level, allowing the protector to cool to its reset temperature, the Klixon protector resets automatically to a closed contact position allowing the motor to restart.Manual reset versions are also available for applications where automatic restarting may be hazardous to equipment or operations.Automatic Reset Exploded ViewCover (Optional)Bimetal DiscHeater TerminalTerminalTerminalAdjusting ScrewPhenolic BaseContacts OpenContacts ClosedManual ResetSPECIFICATIONS DiagramsCurvesMetric Dimensions in ParenthesesDIMENSIONSRound BaseEared Base(Type ME 4-Holes. Type CE 2-Holes at #1Terminal End only. Other Types No Holes)ORDERING OPTIONSMaximum Recommended Protector Contact RatingsThis chart is used to determine protector size needed when making an application.Size Disc Contacts Terminals Max. CurrentV = 120Max. Current V = 2403/4”3/4”1”1”1”1”11/4”11/2”HCHCLCHCLCHCSTDSTDLCHCLCLCHCHCSTDSTD325040404080135175253730303060100130 HC = High Capacity LC = Low Capacity STD = Standard CapacityFor reference only. Please contact Sensata for application assistance.3/4”1”High Cap Low Cap High CapA B C D EJ L R ABADAEAFAGAHAIAJAKALAMAPFGJPLSOTABAEAFAGAHAIAJAKALAMANCDEHIKXAutomatic ResetOpen ±5°C Close ±9°CJKLVZNXYWUMRSH**P**O**= 90= 105= 105= 105= 120= 120= 120= 120= 135= 135= 135= 135= 135= 150**= 150**= 150**57**616978616978926169789210278**115**102**Manual ResetOpen ±5°C Close ±12°CGFABDE**= 90= 105= 105= 120= 135= 150**54**63***74*749696*** 1-Phase Protectors only.** Special temperatures.Consult net additions.*** 3-Phase Protectors only.Disc and Contact Operating TemperaturePage 7Sensata Technologies, Inc. (“Sensata”) data sheets are solely intended to assist designers (“Buyers”) who are developing systems that incorporate Sensata products (also referred to herein as “components”). Buyer understands and agrees that Buyer remains responsible for using its independent analysis, evaluation and judgment in designing Buyer’s systems and products. Sensata data sheets have been created using standard laboratory conditions and engineering practices. Sensata has not conducted any testing other than thatimprovements and other changes to its data sheets or components without notice.of sale supplied at CONTACT US AmericasEurope, Middle East & AfricaAPPLICATION WORKSHEETA sample worksheet provides the information needed for a proper application. It is not possible to apply a Klixon protector based on horsepower, amperage, or name plate data only.Motor DataA. Locked Rotor Requirements1. Locked Rotor Current Cold: the current which exists the instant the motor is turned on.2. Locked Rotor Current Hot: The current level that exists at end of 1st cycle3. Time elapsed during above test to raise motor winding temperature from room temperature to around maximum allowed temperature for the UL class of motor insulation. An example would be, for a class A motor, 25ºC to 175ºC in 12.5 seconds.4. Ambient Temperature During test: Room temperature (usually 25ºC).B. Running Overload Requirements1. Load Current: With the motor running, the load on the motor is to be increased in small increments until the motor winding has completely stabilized at approximately 10ºC below the maximum allowed by the UL class of the motor. An example would be, for a class A motor, the maximum allowed is 140øC. The motor winding temperature was completely stabilized at 130ºC and the current draw at that time would be recorded.2&3. Protector Location Temperatures: These temperatures are taken at the conclusion of the above load current test while the motor is running under the above load.4. Ambient Temperature: Room temperature (usually 25ºC).C. Abnormal Conditions for Protection.1. Max/min Ambient Temperatures: temperature in the surroundings of protector.2. Max/min Line Volts: The highest and lowest voltages for which protection should be effective.3. Other environmental considerations: i.e., exposed to agricultural weather Plate DataA. HorsepowerB. VoltageC. Single or three phaseD. FLA (full load amps)E. LRA (locked rotor amps)F. Insulation class (UL/CSA) (indicate one)Protector RequirementsA. Automatic or manual resetB. Round or eared baseC. Termination typeMotor Data RequiredA. Locked rotor requirements1. Locked rotor current cold2. Locked rotor current hot3. Time required to raise motor winding to max.temperature4. Ambient temperature during testB. Running overload requirements1. Load current required to stabilize mainwinding temp. at 10ºC below maximumallowed2. Protector location temperature belowprotector surface3. Protector location temperature aboveprotector (air temp)4. Ambient temp during testC. Abnormal conditions for protection1. Max/min ambient temperatures2. Max/min line volts3. Other environmental considerationsNote: Application assistance available from Sensata.H.PVoltsPhaseAmpsAmpsABFHAmpsAmpsSecDegAmpsDegDegDegDegVolts+1 508 236 2551electrical-protection-sales@+3 174 357 8156*********************.com**************************China +86 (21)2306 1651India +91 (40)4033 9611Japan +81 (45)277 7104Korea +82 (53) 644 9685Rest of Asia +65(6478)6860。

ARD2 Series Intelligent Motor Protective
Device (hereinafter referred to Protection), using the latest SingleChip technology, has the strong anti-interference capabilities, stable and reliable, digital, intelligent, network-based features. The protection can deal with many situations in the process of motor running such as overtime of starting, overload, phase failure, phase unbalance, underload, grounding/ leakage, the blocking, external faults and others, and with the accident record of SOE (Sequence Of Event) to facilitate maintenance personnel at the scene to find cause of the malfunction. It is suitable to coal, petrochemical, metallurgical, power, shipping and civil buildings, and other fields. The protection has long-distance communications ports of RS485, DC4 ~ 20mA analog output, is convenient to build a network with PLC, PC and so on. The remote monitoring of motor running is implemented.
安科瑞 ARD3M 智能电动机保护器使用说明书

428ARD3M智能电动机保护器使用说明书V1.2安科瑞电气股份有限公司ACREL Co.,Ltd申明版权所有,未经本公司之书面许可,此手册中任何段落,章节内容均不得被摘抄、拷贝或以任何形式复制、传播,否则一切后果由违者自负。
目录1、概述 (1)2、产品特点 (1)3、型号说明 (2)4、主要参数 (3)5、外形尺寸及安装 (5)6、保护功能说明 (12)7、功能设置与说明 (27)8、通讯设置与说明 (42)9、典型应用方案 (82)10、特色功能简介 (87)11、订货范例 (89)1、概述ARD3M智能电动机保护器(以下简称保护器)适用于额定电压至660V的低压电动机回路,集保护、测量、控制、通讯、运维于一体。
2、产品特点■辅助电源类型可选,AC220V电源模块支持电源范围AC85-265V/DC100-300V,AC380V 电源模块支持电源范围AC/DC100-415V。
■保护功能包括过载反时限、过载定时限、接地、起动超时、漏电、欠载、断相、堵转、阻塞、短路、溢出、不平衡(电流、电压)、过功率、欠功率、过压、欠压、相序、温度、tE 时间、外部故障、起动次数限制、运行时间报警、故障次数报警。

9、失电安全自保(NO VOLT RELEASE)使用调整方法:1、把bh一k6011电机保护器接入电机控制回路,给A1、A2端子加入正确的电压,旋转前调整面板相应旋钮依次进行保护电流(CURRENT)、起动延时(D-TIME)、脱扣延时(O-TIME)、预报警值(ALERT),每个项目都可以观察SSD 显示屏直接调整,不分调整顺序。

电动机保护器使用说明书Installation&Operation Manual安全和注意事项危险和警告■本装置只能由专业人士进行安装和维护。
不注意这些预防措施就有可能会引起严重损害!目录一、概述 (1)二、特点 (1)三、主要功能 (1)四、型号说明 (1)五、工作条件 (2)六、技术数据 (2)6.1.输入输出 (2)6.2.电气试验 (3)七、保护特性与设定范围 (3)7.1.启动保护 (3)7.2.三相电流不平衡(断相)保护 (3)7.3.堵转保护 (4)7.4.过流保护 (4)7.5.tE时间保护(增安型电机) (4)7.6.过压保护(控制回路电压) (5)7.7.欠压保护(控制回路电压) (5)7.8.短路保护 (5)7.9.启动中过流保护 (6)7.10.自启动功能(订货时注明) (6)八、键盘操作和显示 (6)九、外形结构及安装尺寸 (9)9.1.96*48分体式安装方式及开孔尺寸 (9)9.2.整体式安装方式及尺寸 (10)9.3.零序互感器安装方式及尺寸 (10)十、接线图 (10)10.1.接线规则 (10)10.2.端子定义图及接线图 (11)10.3.典型接线图 (11)十一、电机保护器计算机远程通讯系统 (14)十二、注意事项 (15)十三、订货须知 (15)电动机保护器一、概述电动机保护器适用于AC380V低压系统,作为低压异步电动机和增安型电动机的保护、监测和控制的新一代智能化综合装置。
德力西 JD-5 系列电动机综合保护器说明书

JD Series Motor Integrated ProtectorUser Manual □Перед установкой и использованием продукции внимательно прочитайте руководство по эксплуатации и храните его в надежном месте.I. Overview1.1 Scope of ApplicationJD series motor integrated protector is suitable for AC 50/60Hz and voltage 380V and below power supply circuit to form a motor control circuit together with the switch circuit such as AC contactor. When the main circuit of motor is in the abnormal working state such as phase loss, overload or stall, it can disconnect the electrical contact of switch in time and break the three-phase power supply of motor to protect the motor reliably.Standard: GB/T14048.41.2 Model DefinitionRated control supply voltage Us:AC220V;AC380VRated current: see tableCommon type if not marked;B: With an alarmA: Setting current scale calibrationDesign No.: see TableIntegrated protector for electric motor1.3 Normal Working conditions and Installation Conditions1.3.1 Ambient environment: The altitude does not exceed 2000 meters; The ambient temperature is not higher than +40°C and not lower than -5°C; the voltage change range of the rated control power supply is 85%-110% of the rated voltage; the product is installed in a medium without serious vibration or explosion hazard, and there is no enough gas or dust to cause corrosion to the metal or damage to the insulation in the medium; installed in a place where there is no rain or snow erosion.1.3.2 Vertical or horizontal installation.II. Structural Characteristics and Working PrincipleThe integrated protector for JD series electric motor designed with small division, high protection precision, reasonable structure, complete function, and convenient operation according to the motor power characteristics. The protector has protection functions for symmetrical faults (such as overload and stall) and for asymmetric fault such as phase loss; this protector adopts current sensing technology and relay output interface, and the entire series is of the core-through type. This protector features with simple structure, reliable action, convenient operation, and low cost.III. Technical parametersTechnical parameters of JD-5, JD-5B, JD-6:ModelParameterJD-5 JD-5B JD-6Rated operating current Ie range 0.5-5A 2-20A 20-80A1-80A 1-100A63-150A 63-400A100-250A 250-500ARated insulation voltage Ui AC380VRated opearting voltage Ue AC380VRated control power voltage Us AC50/60Hz AC220V AC380VUsage category Main circuit AC-3; matched auxiliary contact (body) AC-15 Housing protection grade IP40 IP50Type and qty. of aux. circuits 1 normally-closed 1 normally-open 1 normally-closed Operating voltage and operatingcurrent under the usage categoryof auxiliary circuitAC-15 Ue” AC220V Ie: 0.47ARated limit short-circuit currentmatching SCPDRT16-00, 6ATrip grade 10AOverload proteciton characteristics The actual operating current of motor is 1.05 times rated operating current, the action protection time of protector is greater than or equals to 2h; when the actual operating current rises to 1.2 times, the action protection time of protector is less than 2h; when the acutal operating current rises to 1.5 times, the action protection time of protector is less than 2 minutes; when the actual operating current of motor is 7.2 times rated operating current, the action protection time of protector is greater than 2s, and less than or equals to 10s.Phase loss time Loss of any phase in three phases ≤ 3sContact capacity AC380V, 3A: AC220V, 5A (resistive)Electrical life: ≥10 x 104 timesMechanical life ≥10 x 104 timesInstallation method Device type (with TH35 mounting rail or screw fixed installation used)Technical parameters of JD-5A, JD-6A:ModelParameterJD-5A JD-6ARated operating current Ie range0.5A-5A 2A-20A 2A-10A8A-40A 10A-100A 20A-10020A-100A (5 and 6 breaking)100A-400A (5 and 6 making)Rated insulation voltage Ui AC380VRated opearting voltage Ue AC380VRated control power voltage Us AC50/60Hz AC220V AC380VUsage category Main circuit AC-3; matched auxiliary contact (body) AC-15 Housing protection grade IP40 IP50Type and qty. of aux. circuits 1 normally-closed 1 normally-open 1 normally-closed Operating voltage and operatingcurrent under the usagecategory of auxiliary circuitAC-15 Ue: AC220V Ie: 0.47ARated limit short-circuit currentmatching SCPDRT16-00, 6AOverload time Trip grade 1.2 times 1.5 times 7.2 times10 Tp<2h Tp≤4min 4<Tp≤10sPhase loss time Loss of any phase in three phases ≤ 6sContact capacity AC380V, 3A: AC220V, 5A (resistive)Reset Power outage reset and not less than 300s Electrical life: ≥10 x 104 timesMechanical life ≥10 x 104 timesInstallation method Device type (with TH35 mounting rail or screw fixed installation used) Note: 1. When the rated current of the motor is lower 2A for JD-5A, wind the Phase A and Phase C more turns (holes on both sides of protector) to ensure that the core-through current is not below 2A.2. When the setting current of the protector of JD-6A motor is ranged from 20A to 100A, the pins 5 and 6 of protector are disconnected; when the rated current of motor is greater than 100A, the pins 5 and 6 of protector are connected through a wire, and the setting value shown on the scale dial is 100 to 400A.JD-5A, JD-5, JD-5B Performance Difference TableModelFunctionJD-5A JD-6AJD-5JD-5B JD-6Phase loss proteciton The working power supply and three-phase current can be turned on asynchronously, suitable forstar-delta conversion, with phaseloss protection not provided for non-load at the moment of conversion.The working power supply andthree-phase current shall be turned on synchronously, not suitable for star-delta conversion, with phase loss protection provided for non-load at the moment of conversion.Setting modeCalbricated scale; static setting is performed according to the ratedcurrent of motor for accurate, intuitive and convenient operation. Setting the current can be performed only when the motor is running without calbricated scale. Overload characteristics With motor start timeout protection,and with start time adjustment. The overload inverse limit range is small, unable to adjust the trip grade.IV. Outline and Installation DimensionsJD-5. JD-5A, JD-5B Outline and Installation Dimension DrawingJD-6 Outline and Installation Dimension DrawingV. Installation and Operation InstructionsJD-5, JD-5B, and JD-6 installation and operation instructions:1. Please read the user manual carefully and connect the wire correctly according to the wiring diagram.2. Terminals 1 and 2 are the working power input terminals of the protector; JD-5 and JD-5B: 3 and 4 are normally closed contacts at the output control terminal; JD-6: 5 and 6 are the normally closed contacts at the output control terminal, and 4 and 5 is the normally open contacts at the output control terminal. For wiring method, refer to the wiring diagram; the three wires of output terminal of AC contactor pass through three white wire holes H1, H2, and H3 of the protector respectively to connect with the inlet wires of motor. (Refer to the wiring diagram).3. Turn the two adjusting knobs on the protector panel clockwise to the maximum, and turn on the power supply after confirming that the wire is connected properly. Press the Start button and run the motor (the green light is on and the phase loss yellow light is not on, and the overload red/green light is on when normal operation). When the product is running normally, turn the current adjusting knob counterclockwise until the overload indicator flickers, and then fine adjust it clockwise to the critical position where the overload lamp does not flicker; observe it for about 3 minutes. During this period, the current or motor and load are normal, and the overload indicator does not flicker, and then turn the delay button back counter clockwise to the position greater than the motor start time (longer is preferred).4. When the motor works normally, the overload light is not on, and the motor is applied with load manually, andat this time, the overload lamp will flicker, so the entire debugging process is completed.Protector ProtectorNote: AQ: Start Note: QA: StartTA: Stop TA: StopKM: AC contactor 220V KM: AC contactor 380V(JD-5(B) and BHQ-S-J have the same wiring) (JD-5(B) and BHQ-S-J have the same wiring) JD-5, JD-5B: AC220V JD-5, JD-5B: AC380VWiring diagram Wiring diagramProtectorProtectorNote: AQ: Start Note: QA: StartTA: Stop TA: StopKM: AC contactor 220V KM: AC contactor 380VJD-5A: AC220V JD-5A: AC380VWiring diagram Wiring diagramNote: AQ: Start Note: QA: StartTA: Stop TA: StopKM: AC contactor 220V KM: AC contactor 380VJD-6: AC220V JD-6: AC380VWiring diagram Wiring diagramSpecification conversion Specification conversion Note: AQ: Start Note: QA: StartTA: Stop TA: StopKM: AC contactor 220V KM: AC contactor 380VJD-6A: AC220V JD-6A: AC380VWiring diagram Wiring diagramVI. PrecautionsJD-5A:1. Correct wire according to the wiring diagram.2. Adjust the current setting potentiometer to align the pointer with the corresponding calibration scale according to the rated current marked on the nameplate of the motor.3. Start the motor, and the overload indicator is on. After startup, the overload indicator shall be off during normal operation, so the adjustment process is completed.JD-5 and JD-5B:1. When debugging the current knob, it shall be carried out when a change of the rated working voltage is less than ±5%.2. For motors with a line current of less than 6A, the three-phase power line should be wound onto the white wire hole of the protection by considering that the non-load line current of motor is smaller. Technical characteristics should be met.3. Due to the internal structure relationship, the overcurrent adjustment scale is not linear, and the actual debugging shall prevail.4. Regularly check the performance of the protector, such as phase loss test and overload test.5. It is strictly forbidden to increase the reading on the current potentiometer of the protector when the current and motor or load are not normal, otherwise the motor may be easily burnt.6A and above 3A~6A, H2 1A~3A,First wire winding Second wire winding H1, H2, H3Third wire windingJD-5 and JD-5B wire winding diagramJD-6A:1. Correct wire according to the wiring diagram.2. Adjust the current setting potentiometer to align the pointer with the corresponding calibration scale according to the rated current on the nameplate of the motor. Wind the wires three turns for 2A and below current A and C phases.3. Start the motor, and the overload indicator is on. After startup, the overload indicator shall be off during normal operation, and the adjustment process is completed.JD-6:1. When debugging the current knob, it shall be carried out when a change of the rated working voltage is less than ±5%.2. For motors with a line current of less than 63A, the three-phase power line should be wound onto the white wire hole of the protection by considering that the non-load line current of motor is smaller. Technical characteristics should be met.3. Due to the internal structure relationship, the overcurrent adjustment scale is not linear, and the actual debugging shall prevail.4. Regularly check the performance of the protector, such as phase loss test and overload test.5. It is strictly forbidden to increase the reading on the current potentiometer of the protector when the current and motor or load are not normal, otherwise the motor may be easily burnt.6. For equipment that may cause major economic losses or personal safety, make sure that the technical characteristics and performance values have sufficient margin in design, and safety measures such as doublecircuit protection should be adopted.VII. Common Faults and Solutions1.If the motor stops during normal operation, carefully check the motor for phase loss or overload; first check whether the motor temperature is very high, and this may be overload stop due to temperature rise; if there is no temperature rise, the line phase loss may occur, causing trip, and check whether the three-phase power supply works normally, whether the moving and fixed contacts of AC contactor have good contact, whether three power lines of motor are loose; if the motor still fails to start when all are in the normal state, carefully check whether the connecting screws of self-lock contacts of AC contactor and of normally-closed contacts of protector are loose, and then start and run the motor only after all faults are eliminated. Do not start the motor mandatorily if any fault is not solved to prevent accidents.2.The protector, motor and load switch (such as contactor) shall be used together, and their power supplies are connected simultaneously. If failed to connect the power supply simultaneously, the phase loss failure of protector will occur, and the motor cannot start normally.3.In case of failure of product, first disconnect the power supply, and find out the fault cause; operate the product according to the installation instruction after checking the line works normally.4.For product with poor quality, please contact the local dealer or our company.VIII. Transportation and StorageThe product is not affected by rain or snow during storage and transportation, and cannot be extruded, and should be put in well-vented place during storage; the relative humidity does not exceed 90% at (25°C± 5°C). The lower limit of temperature is -25°C and the upper limit is +55°C.IX. Unpacking and InspectionUnpack the outer paper carton and check that there is a user manual in the packing box.V. Ordering NoticeJD-5 and JD-5B products have the exactly same performance except that the JD-5B has one more failure alarm buzzer compared with the JD-5. JD-5 current is 1-80A; 0.5-5A; 2-20A; 20-80A; the JD-5A current is 2-10A; 8-40A; 20-100A;The JD-6 current is 63-400A, 63-150A, 100-250A, 200-500A; when selecting the model, note that the power of motor is consistent with that of the protector.When ordering, please specify the model and specification of the product. If you have special requirements, please contact the manufacturer.XI. Company CommitmentUnder the condition that users follow the use and storage conditions and the product are well sealed, within 24 months from the production date, our company will provide repair and replacement service free of charge for any damage or abnormal operation due to poor manufacture quality. A paid repair will be provided if the warranty period expires. For any damage due to one of the following situations, a paid repair will be given even if within the warranty period:(1)Improper operation, maintenance, or storage;(2)Modified without permission or improper repair;(3)Damage due to falling off or caused during installation after purchase;(4)Force majeure such as earthquakes, fires, lightning strikes, abnormal voltages, and secondary disasters;(5) The electrical life of the product exceeds 100,000 times; the mechanical life is more than one million times. If you have any question, please contact the dealer or our company’s customer service department.Customer service hotline:400-826-8008Certificate DELIXI ELECTRIC LTD Name: Motor Integrated ProtectorModel: JD SeriesThis product complies with the GB/T 14048.4 standard, and passes the inspection and is allowed to be shipped. Inspector: Check 01Production date: See label on inner boxDELIXI ELECTRIC LTDAddress: Delixi High-Tech Industrial Park, Liushi Town, Leqing City, Zhejiang P/C: 325604 Tel: (86-577) 6177 8888Fax: (86-577) 6177 8000Customer Service hotline: 400-826-8008The first edition of this manual was issued on August 2021.。

德伦智能电机综合保护器说明书德伦智能电机综合保护器说明书1. 产品概述:德伦智能电机综合保护器是一种用于电机保护的装置,能够监测电机运行状态,及时发现异常情况并采取相应的保护措施,以避免电机故障和损坏。
2. 产品特点:- 智能监测:通过内置的传感器和算法,能实时监测电机的电流、温度、振动等参数,准确判断电机的运行状态。
- 多重保护:根据监测到的参数,综合判断电机的运行情况,并采取相应的保护措施,如过载保护、短路保护、过热保护等,有效保护电机免受损坏。
- 自动复位:当电机出现故障时,保护器会自动切断电源,并在故障解除后自动复位,无需人工干预。
- 远程监控:支持远程监控和操作,可通过互联网实时监测电机的运行情况,及时处理异常情况。
- 可靠性高:采用优质的电子元器件和可靠的设计,具有高可靠性和稳定性,能够长时间稳定运行。
- 易于安装和使用:具有简单的安装接线方式和用户友好的操作界面,方便快捷。
3. 使用方法:- 将保护器正确接入电机所在的电路中,确保连接正常。
- 打开电源,保护器开始工作,显示屏将显示电机的各项参数。
- 通过操作界面设置相应的阈值,以便触发相应的保护措施。
- 当电机出现异常情况时,保护器会自动切断电源,并显示相应的故障信息。
- 解决故障后,保护器会自动复位,恢复正常工作。
4. 维护和保养:- 定期检查保护器的连接是否松动,如有松动需要重新连接。
- 清理保护器的外壳和散热孔,保持良好的散热效果。
- 如发现保护器出现故障,请及时联系专业人员进行检修或更换。
武汉锐智电气 RZ-180 系列电机保护器 说明书

RZ-180系列电机保护器使用说明书武汉锐智电气有限公司客服热线:400-883-6668 销售热线:400-880-5818一、概述RZ-180系列微机低压电动机保护器是我公司采用先进的制造工艺技术、专门的单片机和领先的软件开发理念研制而成的最新一款电动机保护器,本产品是低压异步电动机和增安型电动机的保护、监测和控制的新一代智能化综合装置,用于380V、660V低压系统。
二、技术参数1、触点容量:AC220V/5A AC380V/3A 电寿命≥105次2、触点特性:触点J1公共常开常闭,触点J2常开,若需特制订购生产。
4、工作电压:AC220V±15%、AC380V±15% 50HZ±2%其它电压规格订购生产。
5、允许误差:±5%6、分体显示:距离小于5m,标准配置60cm7、外型尺寸:96mm × 48mm × 130mm三、保护特性1、启动保护:在启动时间内,电机保护器只对过压、欠压、短路、断相及三相电流不平衡进行保护。

第二十章 AMDS-X/E系列电动机保护器20.1、AMDS-X/E 系列电动机保护器AMDS-X/E 0 □ □1: 1常开、常闭继电器触点(AC 250V/10A(阻性负载)、DC 30V/10A);2: 2常开、常闭继电器触点(AC 220V/5A(阻性负载)、DC 30V/5A);0:接地、短路、缺相、堵转、电流不平衡、过载;1:接地、短路、缺相、堵转、电流不平衡、过载、零序;2:接地、短路、缺相、堵转、电流不平衡、过载、欠载;5:接地、短路、缺相、堵转、电流不平衡、过载、零序、欠载;0:无通讯接口、无4-20mA输出、无运行状态输出;5 位LED数码管显示 3相电流、零序电流、故障代码、保护参数,外接通用互器;外接通用电流互感器一次额定电流(A),可以是 100、150、200、300、400、500、600、800、1000、1200、1600 之一;电流互感器二次额定电流5A。
AMDS加H,即AMDSH,是重负载起动型保护器,AMDSH适用于风机等重负载起动,起动时间长,过载电流倍数大(大于7倍),详细技术数据请参见AMDSH-X/E0□□使用说明;AMDS-X/E 系列保护器主单元主要特点:DSP为核心,数字设定、数字显示,保护功能完备、保护性能可靠。
外接通用电流互感器,主单元小体积柜内导轨安装;基本保护功能:接地、短路、缺相、堵转、电流不平衡、过载;可选保护功能:零序、欠载;适用范围:额定电压不高于1140V,频率为50Hz、60Hz的三相交流电动机;工作电压:AC 85V — 265V、DC 85V — 265V;功率消耗:小于 2W;采集精度:0.5;环境温度:- 20℃ — 50℃。
20.2、AMDS-X/E 系列电动机保护器技术数据(型号只列出了AMDS-X/E0□□中的X)电流互感器一次电流(A)100 150 200300400500600800 1000 12001600最大设定电流(A) 100 150 200300400500600800 1000 12001600最小设定电流(A) 20 30 40 60 80 100120160 200 240320电动机最大功率(KW) 45 75 110132160250315355 500 600800电动机最小功率(KW) 11 15 22 30 45 55 75 90 110 132160注:表中电动机的额定电压为380V,电动机因型号、极数的不同,相同功率的额定电流会有不同,选用电动机保护器时应以电动机工作电流值为准。

- 25 - 70
- 25 - 60
- 25 - 40
as required IP00
g m mm2 mm2
30 2000
1 x (1 - 16) 2 x (1 - 6) 1 x (1.5 - 10) 2 x (1.5 - 6) 14 - 6
Lifespan, electrical 100 % AC-3
Maximum operating frequency
Max. operating frequency
Motor switching capacity AC-3 (up to 690 V) DC-5 up to 250 V
DC application Rated short-circuit breaking capacity Icn Icn (250 V DC), L/R = 15 ms Icn (125 V DC), L/R = 15 ms
Solid or stranded
Flexible with ferrule
Solid or stranded Specified tightening torque for terminal screws
Main cable Control circuit cables
Operating times under short-circuit conditions Minimum command time Opening delay
No Branch circuit: as manual controller suitable for group installations
QM94B2 B3 电机保护器 说明书

◇设定整定电流:先按住“整定/复位”键,用改锥调节“电流整定”钮,使电 流表指针指到所需保护值上即可,当电机运行中电流超过设定值或断相时,保护 器即按反时限特性保护动作。整定电流值根据设备实际运行情况可设定在电机额 定电流的 1.1 倍~1.2 倍之间。也可将整定电流调在电机实际工作时最大电流的 1.1 倍~1.2 倍之间。 ◇保护复位:保护器一旦保护动作,即进入临时锁定状态,保护灯闪烁,3 分钟 后自行复位(也可按一下“整定/复位”键快速复位),如果保护器在 1 个小时内 有 3 次保护动作则保护状态被锁定保护灯长亮,只有按下“整定/复位”键才可 解除锁定。 ◇模拟过载保护试验:先检测并记下电机运行电流值,然后将整定电流调整到低 于电机运行电流时,保护器应能按反时限特性保护动作。
◇仪表供电:B2 型(基本型)AC220V±20%;B3 型(相序型)AC380V±10%。
10-120A/10KW-35KW 10-180A/20KW-70KW
◇触点电流: 5A
◇保护动作时间:1 秒-10 秒
QM94B2/B3 电机保护器使用说明书
◆产品特点 ◇直接显示:由表头直接显示电机的运行电流或设定的整定电流值,直观准确。 ◇保护可靠:对电机动态或静态断相、过载、堵转和错相运行能进行可靠的保护。 ◇反时限延时:设反时限延时,与电动机运行特性相适应。 ◇自动/限次复位:一旦保护,保护器可自动延时复位。1 小时内有 3 次保护动作 即锁定。 ◇状态监测:可随时监测电机的运行电流,其值也可作为电流整定的参考依据。
感谢您使用 QM94B2/B3 系列电动机保护器!

苏雪电动机保护器sx-e02说明书苏雪电动机保护器SX-E02说明书第一节产品简介1.1 产品概述:苏雪电动机保护器SX-E02是一种用于电动机保护的装置,具有过载、欠载、短路、过温等保护功能。
1.2 产品特点:1.2.1 高效保护: SX-E02采用先进的电子组件和智能控制算法,能够准确判断电流、负荷、温度等参数,提供全方位的保护。
1.2.2 灵活可调:具备可调节的过载、欠载、短路、过温保护参数,可根据实际需求进行设定。
1.2.3 稳定可靠:SX-E02采用高品质的元器件和组装工艺,具有良好的稳定性和可靠性。
1.2.4 易于安装:SX-E02小巧轻便,安装简单方便,适用于各类电机控制系统。
第二节产品参数2.1 电气参数2.1.1 输入电压:AC220V±10%,50Hz-60Hz2.1.2 功能参数:过载保护、欠载保护、短路保护、过温保护2.1.3 过载保护范围:根据实际需求可设定2.1.4 欠载保护范围:根据实际需求可设定2.1.5 短路保护时间:<0.1s2.1.6 过温保护范围:根据实际需求可设定2.2 物理参数2.2.1 外观尺寸:100mm×80mm×40mm2.2.2 安装方式:便携式安装2.2.3 工作温度:-10℃~55℃2.2.4 防护等级:IP20第三节使用说明3.1 安装及操作3.1.1 将SX-E02保护器正确安装在电机控制系统中,确保连接稳固可靠。
3.1.2 启动电源,并按照实际需求设定过载、欠载、短路、过温保护参数。
3.1.3 检查保护器显示面板,确保所有指示灯正常亮起。
3.2 维护保养3.2.1 定期检查SX-E02保护器的正常工作状态,如发现异常及时维修或更换。
3.2.2 避免SX-E02保护器接触湿气、腐蚀性物质等场所,以免影响保护器性能。
第四节注意事项4.1 使用前请仔细阅读产品说明书。

二、产品特点1. 高精度保护:畅合电机保护器采用先进的电子元器件和算法,能够实现对电机的高精度保护。
2. 多功能保护:畅合电机保护器具备多种功能保护模式,可以根据实际需求进行灵活配置。
3. 操作简便:畅合电机保护器操作简单方便,具备用户友好的人机界面。
4. 抗干扰能力强:畅合电机保护器采用先进的抗干扰技术,能够有效抵御外界干扰信号,保证保护器的正常工作。
5. 可靠性高:畅合电机保护器采用优质的电子元器件和严格的生产工艺,具备良好的抗震、抗振能力,能够在恶劣的工作环境下稳定可靠地工作。
三、使用方法1. 安装:首先将畅合电机保护器固定在电机控制柜内,确保固定牢固。
2. 参数设置:打开保护器的电源开关,进入参数设置界面。
3. 运行监测:设置好参数后,保护器即可开始监测电机的运行状态。
4. 故障处理:当保护器监测到电机运行异常时,会及时发出警报信号并采取相应的保护措施。
四、注意事项1. 在安装和使用过程中,务必按照产品说明书进行操作,确保安全可靠。
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•失电安全自保(NO VOLT RELEASE)下载使用说明书:EOCR-3DD前调整面板图示:前面板DIP开关组(SW1-SW4):开关编号功能“OFF”关“ON”开SW1安全保护失效有效SW2逆相保护不能进行电机反转保护可以进行电机反转保护SW3动作特性定时限反时限SW4报警见相关介绍保护类型:可保护项目脱扣时间过电流O-TIME缺相4秒(05:1A,60:5A以上时动作)堵转D-TIME反相0.1秒(SW2拨至RPR位置)相间不平衡8秒故障显示:功能(项目)LED显示脱扣原因脱扣延时时间简单描述过电流A相出现5.5A的电流定时限:经过OT设置的时间后。
报警触点A.L所在情况功能开关SW4位置“OFF”关“ON”开负载工作时闭合断开负载电流持续3秒超过预先设置报警值时间歇闭合闭合负载电流小于预先设置报警值时闭合断开继电器脱扣时间歇闭合断开特性:电流设定型号范围050.5-6A(6.5)605-60A(70)60A以上电流,需配合电流互感器使用延时设定起动延时(D-TIME)1-120秒,连续可调(定时限)0-120秒,连续可调(反时限)脱扣延时(O-TIME)0.3-25秒,连续可调(定时限)1-30秒,连续可调(反时限)工作电压22090-250V(50/60Hz)触点O.L形式2-SPST容量5A/250V(AC)静态98-97常开96-95常闭A.L形式SPST容量3A/250V静态常开延时特性定时限/反时限(由SW3选择)脱扣指示LED及SSD(Seven Segment Display)综合显示安装方式35毫米固定/道轨式使用调整方法:1、把继电器接入电机控制回路,给A1、A2端子加入正确的电压,旋转前调整面板相应旋钮依次进行保护电流(CURRENT)、起动延时(D-TIME)、脱扣延时(O-TIME)、预报警值(ALERT),每个项目都可以观察SSD显示屏直接调整,不分调整顺序。
3、DT设定:起动延时设定在合适时间值,如果预先不知道电机启动需要多长时间,可以先把DT 值设置较大,启动电机后,观察启动过程,在设置正确的DT时间。
典型接线示范:订购指南:EOCR-3DD O5220品名型号05:60:工作电压:220:报价:名称型号价格(元/只)电子过电流继电器EOCR-3DD05 EOCR-3DD60EOCR-3DM/FDM特点:•内装MCU(MCU),应用(ASIC)技术•三只完整的电流互感器•多种保护功能o过电流o欠电流o缺相o相不平衡o反相o堵转o失速•便利的参数设定•数字电流表功能•电机总运行时间显示•脱扣(动作)原因显示•条形指示灯即时显示电机负荷变化情况•可选的脱扣动作时间特性•电机起动延时(D-TIME),脱扣延时(O-TIME)可独立连续设定。
EOCR-FDM 与EOCR-3DM 除外型、安装方式不同外,其余都相同。
可保护项目 脱扣时间过电流 OT-TIME 定时限/反时限:可选欠电流 UT-TIME 定时限缺相 3秒 相间不平衡 8秒反相 0.1秒 是否保护通过SW2拨动式开关选择 堵转失速 1-10秒可调/关闭负载电流超过过载保护电流180%时 抱轴0.5秒负载电流超过过载保护电流2-5倍时特性:电流设定 每一个电流类型是靠DIP 开关拨动位置确定过电流(OC ) 参见电流设定范围 欠电流 0.5-(小于)OC, 可关闭该功能精度电流 ±5% 时间±5%电流范围设定:前调整面板图示及相关介绍1、方式及调整旋钮<MODE/Adjust>通过顺时针或逆时针转动〈MODE/Adjust〉旋钮选择需要设置的项目,如上图示。
OFF-200秒 OFF:取消启动延时功能过载脱扣延时设置电机运行过程中出现负载电流大于预先设定的OC(保护电流)后,经过该时间后就脱扣,可通过面板的SW3开关选择脱扣时间按定时限或反时限曲线动作。