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Cyli nder block mach ining process desig n

Engine parts engine block is a more complex structure of spare parts box, its high precisi on, com plex process, and the process ing quality will affect the overall performa nee engine, so it has beco me the engine manu facturer's focus parts one. I.Tech ni cal Characteristics of the engine cyli nder b lock

Cyli nder cast for a whole structure, and its upper part 4 cyli nder moun ti ng hole; cyli nder sta ndar d cyli nder is divided into upper and lower divisi ons into two parts; cyli nder to the rear of the front -side arrangement of the previous three coaxial mounting hole of the camshaft and the idler axle hole. Cyli nder process features are: the structure of complex shape; process ing pla ne, more tha n hole s; un eve n wall thick ness and stiffness is low; process ing of high precisi on typical of box-type proc ess ing part. The main process ing of the surface of cyli nder block top surface, the main beari ng sid e, cylinder bore, the main and camshaft bearing bore holes and so on, they will directly affect the mach ining accuracy of the engine assembly precisi on and performa nee, mainly rely on precisi on equipme nt, in dustrial fixtures reliability and process ing tech no logy to en sure the reas on able ness.

2. E ngine block process desig n prin ciples and the basis for

Desig n Tech no logy program should be to en sure product quality at the same time, give full consi derati on to the product ion cycle, cost and en vir onmen tal protect ion; based on the en terprises abi lity to actively adopt adva need process tech no logy and equipme nt, and con sta ntly enhance their l evel of tech no logy. Engine block mach ining process desig n should follow the follow ing basic princ iples:

(1) The select ion of process ing equipme nt ,the prin ciple of select ion adopted the prin ciple of sel ection adopted the principle of combining rigid-flexible, processing each horizontal machining ce nter is located mainly small operations with vertical machining center, the key process a crank hol e, cylinder hole, balancer shaft hole High-speed processing of high-precision horizontal machining cen ter, an upper and lower non-critical processes before and after the four-dime nsional high-effi ciency rough milling and have a certain adjustment range of special machine processing; (2) focu s on a key process in prin ciple process the body cyli nder bore, cran kshaft hole, Bala nee Shaft hole surface fini shi ng and the comb in atio n of precisi on milli ng cyli nder head, using a process focused on a setup program to complete all process ing eleme nts in order to en sure product accuracy The key quality processes to meet the cyli nder capacity and the releva nt tech ni cal requireme nts;

Accord ing to the tech no logical characteristics of automobile engine cyli nder block and the prod uction man date, the engine block mach ining automatic product ion line is composed of horiz on tal machi ning cen ter CWK500 and CWK500D machi ning cen ters, special milli ng/bori ng mach ine, ver tical mach ining cen ters matec-30L and other applia nces.

(1) top and bottom, and tile covered only the comb in ati on of aperture rough milli ng mach ine de dicated to this machine to double-sided horizontal milling machine, using moving table driven par ts, mach ine tools imported Sieme ns S7-200PLC system

con trol, mach ine con trol cab inet set up an in depe ndent, cutt ing automate the process is complet ed and two kinds of automatic and adjust the state;

(2) high-speed horizontal machining center machining center can be realized CWK500 the maxi mum flow of wet process ing, but because of equipme nt, automatic BTA treatme nt system throug h
