








第二章EDB伺服参数及主要控制模式介绍一、基本功能参数1.Pn000 使用/不使用伺服ON输入信号(S-ON) (0-1)[0]使用伺服ON输入信号(/S-ON)[1]不使用伺服ON输入信号(/S-ON)2.Pn001 使用/不使用禁止正转输入信号(P-OT) (0-1)[0]使用禁止正转输入信号(P-OT)[1]不使用禁止正转输入信号(P-OT)3.Pn002 使用/不使用禁止反转输入信号(N-OT) (0-1)[0]使用禁止反转输入信号(N-OT)[1]不使用禁止反转输入信号(N-OT)4.Pn003 选择瞬间停电时执行的操作(0-1)[0]瞬间停电时不输出伺服报警输出(ALM)[1]瞬间停电时输出伺服报警输出(ALM)5.Pn004 使用OFF、超程时的停止方式(0-5)[0]DB制动且停转后解除制动[1]自由停止[2]伺服OFF时实施DB;超程(OT)时实施反接制动,停止伺服OFF[3]伺服OFF时自由停止;超程(OT)时实施反接制动,停止伺服OFF[4]伺服OFF时实施DB;超程(OT)时实施反接制动,停止后零钳位[5]伺服OFF时自由停止;超程(OT)时实施反接制动,停止后零钳位6.Pn005 伺服OFF时是否清除偏差脉冲(0-3)[0] 伺服OFF 时,清除偏差脉冲[1] 伺服OFF 时,不清除偏差脉冲[2] 伺服OFF 或超程时,清除偏差脉冲[3] 伺服OFF 或超程时,不清除偏差脉冲7.Pn006 选择旋转方向(0-1)[0]从电机的负载侧看,CCW方向为正转[1]从电机的负载侧看,CW方向为正转8.Pn041 选择控制方式(0-14)[0]速度控制(模拟指令)[1]位置控制(脉冲列指令)[2]转矩控制(模拟指令)[3]速度控制(接点指令)←→速度控制(零指令)[4]速度控制(接点指令)←→速度控制(模拟指令)[5]速度控制(接点指令)←→位置控制(脉冲列指令)[6]速度控制(接点指令)←→转矩控制(模拟指令)[7]位置控制(脉冲列指令)←→速度控制(模拟指令)[8]位置控制(脉冲列指令)←→转矩控制(模拟指令)[9]转矩控制(模拟指令)←→速度控制(模拟指令)[10]速度控制(模拟指令)←→零钳位控制[11]位置控制(脉冲列指令)←→位置控制(脉冲禁止)[12]位置控制(参数指令)[13]速度控制(参数指令)[14]刀架控制1、速度控制即电机按照给定的速度指令进行运转。



交流伺服电机驱动器使用说明书1.特点●16位CPU+32位DSP三环(位置、速度、电流)全数字化控制●脉冲序列、速度、转矩多种指令及其组合控制●转速、转矩实时动态显示●完善的自诊断保护功能,免维护型产品●交流同步全封闭伺服电机适应各种恶劣环境●体积小、重量轻2.指标●输入电源三相200V -10%~+15% 50/60HZ●控制方法IGBT PWM(正弦波)●反馈增量式编码器(2500P/r)●控制输入伺服-ON 报警清除CW、CCW驱动、静止●指令输入输入电压±10V●控制电源DC12~24V 最大200mA●保护功能OU LU OS OL OH REG OC STCPU错误,DSP错误,系统错误●通讯RS232C●频率特性200Hz或更高(Jm=Jc时)●体积L250 ×W85 ×H205●重量 3.8Kg3.原理见米纳斯驱动器方框图(图1)和控制方框图(图2)4.接线4.1主回路卸下盖板坚固螺丝;取下端子盖板。


螺丝拧紧力矩大于1.2Nm M4或2.0 Nm M5时才可能损坏端子,接地线径为2.0mm2具体见接线图34.2 CN SIG 连接器[具体见接线图4●驱动器和电机之间的电缆长度最大20M●这些线至少要离开主电路接线30cm,不要让这些线与电源进线走一线槽;或让它们捆扎在一起●线经0.18mm2或以上屏蔽双绞线,有足够的耐弯曲力●屏蔽驱动器侧的屏蔽应连接到CN.SIG 连接器的20脚,电机侧应连接到J 脚●若电缆长于10M,则编码器电源线+5V、0V应接双线4.3 CN I/F 连接●控制器等周边设备与驱动器之间距离最大为3M●这些线至少和主电路接线相隔30cm ,不要让这些线与电源进线走同一线槽或和它们捆扎在一起●COM+和COM-之间的控制电源(V DC)由用户供给●控制信号输出端子可以接受最大24V或50mA;不要施加超过此限位的电压和电流●若用控制信号直接使继电器动作要象左图所示那样,并联一只二极管到继电器。

Estun ER Series Control Cabinet (ERC Controller Ve

Estun ER Series Control Cabinet (ERC Controller Ve



























TDSV系列数字式交流伺服驱动器使用说明书北京西贝通达科技有限公司V1.2 Build 1522010年09月目录1概要 (1)2安全、正确使用规定 (2)2.1一般说明 (2)2.2防止触电伤害注意事项 (2)2.3防止损伤及设备损坏注意事项 (2)2.4防止火灾注意事项 (3)2.5其他注意事项 (3)2.5.1环境要求 (3)2.5.2安装及连接 (3)2.5.3运行 (4)3型号名称及技术规格 (6)3.1驱动器型号名称 (6)3.2技术规格 (6)4安装 (8)5信号与连接 (9)5.1信号定义 (9)5.1.1主回路强电端子 (9)5.1.2编码器反馈插头--CN1 (11)5.1.3控制信号插头—CN2 (12)5.1.4通讯插头—CN3 (17)5.2典型外部连接 (18)5.2.1主电路强电连接 (18)5.2.2模拟速度控制信号连接 (19)5.2.3模拟力矩控制信号连接 (20)5.2.4通讯接口信号连接 (20)6参数说明 (21)6.1参数设定及调整方法 (21)6.2参数的初始调整 (21)6.2.1电机参数的调整 (21)6.2.2运行方式参数的调整 (21)6.2.3控制回路调节参数的调整 (22)6.2.4专用功能参数的调整 (22)6.2.5通讯控制参数的调整 (22)6.3参数说明 (23)6.3.1电机参数 (23)6.3.2运行方式设定参数 (24)6.3.3运行指令参数 (31)6.3.4控制调节器参数 (35)6.3.6监视参数 (44)6.3.7专用功能设定参数 (49)定位功能设定参数 (49)摆动及切换变速比功能设定参数 (53)模拟量刚性攻丝功能设定参数 (55)模拟量铰孔功能设定参数 (56)脉冲位置控制功能(C轴功能)设定参数 (57)6.3.8通讯参数 (59)6.4参数总表 (60)7操作面板 (68)7.1概述 (68)7.1.1指示灯状态及功能 (68)7.1.2按键功能 (68)7.1.3上电初始状态 (69)7.2数码管显示模式 (69)7.2.1数码管主菜单显示模式 (69)7.2.2参数管理模式子菜单显示 (69)7.2.3监控模式子菜单显示 (69)7.2.4辅助功能模式子菜单显示 (70)7.3参数管理模式 (71)7.3.1读取参数值 (71)7.3.2修改参数值 (71)7.3.3快速切换参数号 (72)7.4监控模式 (72)7.4.1切换监控参数 (72)7.4.2显示监控参数值 (73)7.5辅助功能模式 (73)7.5.1试运行电机 (73)7.5.2报警追踪 (74)7.5.3密码权限 (75)8TMS-WIN监控软件 (77)8.1概述 (77)8.2状态监控界面 (77)8.2.1驱动器工作状态 (78)8.2.2驱动器实时数据 (78)8.2.3电机控制 (79)8.2.4工具栏及状态栏 (80)8.2.5考机功能 (80)8.3参数界面 (81)8.3.1参数浏览 (81)8.3.2参数修改 (81)8.3.4I/O端口调试 (83)8.4图形界面 (84)8.4.1数据采样 (84)8.4.2图形设置 (86)8.4.3数据测量 (87)8.5用户权限 (87)8.6软件菜单 (88)9常见报警及处理方法 (91)10维护与检修 (93)10.1维护及检修内容 (93)10.2易损件更换 (94)10.3存储 (94)TDSV系列交流伺服驱动器使用说明书1概要感谢您购买TDSV系列交流伺服驱动器产品。














信号线上的干扰极易造成机械的振动和运行异常,务必严格遵守如下的规定:1. 强电线缆和弱电线缆分开走线。

2. 尽量缩短走线长度。

3. 伺服电机和驱动器的安装应采用单点接地,接地阻抗在100Ω以下。

4. 伺服电机和驱动器之间严禁使用电源输入干扰滤波器。


1. 输入电压:AC1500Vrms,1分钟2. 切断电源:100mA3. 频率:50/60Hz4. 加压点:R、T接头和E接头之间■漏电保护器,应使用快速反应型的漏电保护器。







Overcurrent Ipk rating of Drive
Range of I
Range of Inom
Protection parameters
Pr42 — Maximum current
Since servo applications require rapid acceleration to a high speed, the motor must tolerate a shortterm current Imax in excess of the continuous full load current, Inom. Imax may be lower than the rated maximum current of the Drive, Ipk. Pr42 is used to limit the maximum current delivered by the Drive so that Imax for the motor is not exceeded. Calculate the following:
Pr42 =
I max I pk
× 100
Ipk = Rated current of the Drive Imax = Maximum motor current Enter this calculated value in Pr42.
Pr42 =
19 24
× 100 = 79.17%
Range of Imax 50
Range of Inom
Pr45 =
9 24
* 100 = 37.5%
Since a whole number must be entered in Pr45, the value entered in this example would be 37 or 38. Figure 10–2 Models DBE140, DBE220, DBE420, DBE600, DBE750 — Relationship between maximum current (Pr42) and nominal current (Pr45)


● 应接入一个紧急停止电路,确保发生事故时能马上 切断电源。对于大惯量机械设备,应安装紧急制动 设置。
● 不要对驱动器进行改造。 ● 对于本手册未记载的部件请勿进行拆卸,否则可能
引起故障或设备损坏。 ● 驱动器的输出端 Uபைடு நூலகம்V、W 只能连接伺服电机,禁止
接入电容、滤波器、继电器等,严禁将电源线接入, 否则会烧毁驱动器。 ● 在复位一个报警之前,必须确认运行信号已断开, 否则会突然再启动。 ● 不要频繁接通、断开驱动器电源,这样会损坏驱动 器。 ● 在系统发生故障的时候,请让专业人员进行检修, 以免发生意外事故。
第六章 操作与运行··········································································· 39
6.1 键盘与显示器······································································· 39 6.2 第一层··················································································· 40 6.3 第二层··················································································· 41
SD系列 交流伺服驱动器
非常感谢您选择智辉交流伺服驱动器。 本手册包括驱动器使用时的操作说明和注意事项。 不正确使用可能会发生意想不到的事故。使用驱动器前,请仔细阅 读本手册并正确地使用驱动器。



第1章E D B系列交流伺服驱动器介绍1.1驱动器重要参数③修改参数后,不需要重新启动1.2辅助功能1.3 监视功能用面板操作器可进行各种参数的设定,输入运转指令,运行显示状态等。


第2章 基本运行方式的具体操作2.1 基本运行方式的切换切换数字操作器的基本运行方式,可执行电机运转状态显示,参数的设定,运转指令等。


按MODE 键可切换方式。

2.2 状态显示方式下的操作在状态显示方式中用位数和简码表示伺服驱动器的状态。

1、 状态显示方式的选择打开电源时即进入状态显示方式。

如处于非状态显示方式,则用MODE 键切换到状态显示方式。

2、 状态显示方式的显示内容位数 简码TGON待机状态输入速度指令中控制电源接通 主回路电源接通1)位数表示内容如下:22.3参数设定方式下的操作通过设定参数可选择、调整电机功能。
















Eaton Automation AG交流伺服驱动器手册说明书

Eaton Automation AG交流伺服驱动器手册说明书

Communication Beckhoff TCP/IPImprint2 Communication Beckhoff TCP/IP 10/2013 MN04802039Z-EN Manufacturer Eaton Automation AG Spinnereistrasse 8-14 CH-9008 St. Gallen Schweiz Support Region North America Eaton Corporation Electrical Sector 1111 Superior Ave. Cleveland, OH 44114 United States 877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273) Other regions Please contact your supplier or send an E-Mail to: ********************Original instructionsThe German version of this document is the original instructions.EditorManfred HüppiBrand and product namesAll brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of the owner concerned.Copyright© Eaton Automation AG, CH-9008 St. GallenAll rights reserved, also for the translation.None of this document may be reproduced or processed, duplicated or distributed by electronic sytems in any form (print, photocopy, microfilm or any other process) without the written permission of Eaton Automation AG, St. Gallen. Subject to modifications.ContentsCommunication Beckhoff TCP/IP 10/2013 MN04802039Z-EN 3Contents1 General ............................................................................................................................... 4 1.1Aim and purpose of this document ...................................................................................... 4 2 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 5 2.1 MICRO PANEL in the network ............................................................................................ 5 2.2 Addressing .......................................................................................................................... 6 2.2.1 Symbolic addressing ........................................................................................................... 6 2.2.2 Image oriented addressing (BC9000) ................................................................................. 7 2.3Data block size .................................................................................................................... 8 3 Implementation in GALILEO ............................................................................................ 9 3.1 Hardware requirements ....................................................................................................... 9 3.2Select PLC .......................................................................................................................... 9 4 Implementation in TwinCAT ........................................................................................... 11 4.1 Operating principle ............................................................................................................ 11 4.2 Declaring the AmsNetId of the MICRO PANEL ................................................................ 12 4.2.1 In TwinCAT ....................................................................................................................... 12 4.2.2Directly on a CX1000 ........................................................................................................ 13 5 GALILEO OPEN and TwinCAT ....................................................................................... 14 5.1 Operating principle ............................................................................................................ 14 5.2 TwinCAT PLC and GRS on the same PC ......................................................................... 15 5.2.1 Installation of the Microsoft Loopback adapter .................................................................. 16 5.2.2 Configuration of the Microsoft Loopback Adapter ............................................................. 19 5.2.3 Declaring the AmsNetId of the GRS ................................................................................. 20 5.2.4 Selecting PLC in GALILEO ............................................................................................... 20 5.3 TwinCAT PLC Control and GRS on the same PC ............................................................ 21 5.3.1 Adding a second IP address to the network adapter ........................................................ 22 5.3.2 Assigning the second IP address to GRS ......................................................................... 23 5.3.3 Configuring the AMS router of the target system .............................................................. 24 5.3.4Selecting the PLC in GALILEO ......................................................................................... 25 6 Communication Errors ................................................................................................... 26 6.1 Error messages ................................................................................................................. 26 6.2Error rectification (26)1 General4 Communication Beckhoff TCP/IP 10/2013 MN04802039Z-EN 1General 1.1Aim and purpose of this document This documentation describes the connection of a MICRO PANEL with the ADS/AMS protocol via TCP/IP to a Beckhoff PLC. Two communication drivers are available: ⏹ «Beckhoff – TwinCAT TCP/IP» Beckhoff PLC for symbolic programming ⏹ «Beckhoff – BC9000 TCP/IP» Beckhoff bus coupler with Ethernet (BC9000) ☞ Refer to the Operating Instructions of your MICRO PANEL for further information on connecting, commissioning and operating the MICRO PANEL. It is assumed that the following software is already installed and that you are familiar with its operation: ⏹ PLC programming software TwinCAT ⏹ HMI visualization software GALILEO Refer to the GALILEO documentation or the Online Help for further information on GALILEO and GRS (G ALILEO R untime S ystem). ☞ ⏹ The dialogs shown from GALILEO are from Version 5.3.5. ⏹ The dialogs shown from TwinCAT are from Version 2.8.2 Overview Communication Beckhoff TCP/IP 10/2013 MN04802039Z-EN 5 2Overview This documentation describes the following communication option: ⏹ Beckhoff TwinCAT – TCP/IP for MICRO PANELs using the Ethernet interface. ⏹ Beckhoff TwinCAT – TCP/IP for GALILEO OPEN using a Windows 2000/XP target system. ⏹ Beckhoff BC9000 – TCP/IP for MICRO PANELs using the Ethernet interface. ☞ ⏹ The communication supports only the first runtime with AMS-Port 801. ⏹ «Beckhoff – BC9000 TCP/IP» or ModbusTCP can also be used for bus controllers such as BC9000. 2.1MICRO PANEL in the networkThe connection to the Beckhoff PLC is implemented directly on the Ethernet port of the CPU. Communication is implemented via TCP/IP, Port 48898 (0xBF02). The basic communication procedure is described in the Beckhoff documentation for TwinCAT ADS under «Introduction ADS». ☞ The IP addresses and AmsNetId are shown as examples! It is important that eachdevice is assigned a unique IP address and AmsNetId. The AmsNetIds of the MICRO PANELs are the same as the respective IP address with the suffix .1.1.The AmsNetId can be set with Beckhoff devices.Fig. 1 MICRO PANELs – Beckhoff PLC communication2 Overview6 Communication Beckhoff TCP/IP 10/2013 MN04802039Z-EN 2.2Addressing 2.2.1Symbolic addressing The addressing is implemented using the CoDeSys syntax. The following typical addressing types are supported: ⏹ <tag> ⏹ <tag>.<arrayindex>[] ⏹ <struct>.<tag> ⏹ <struct>.<tag>.<arrayindex>[] ⏹ <prog>.<tag> ⏹ <prog>.<tag>.<arrayindex>[] ⏹ <prog>.<struct>.<tag> ⏹ <prog>.<struct>.<tag>.<arrayindex>[] The tag variables are addressed in GALILEO and in the PLC via the symbolic names in accordance with IEC61131-3.Fig. 2 Symbolic addressing ☞ The import of tag variables from the symbol file is supported. Further information is provided in the GALILEO documentation.2 Overview2.2.2Image oriented addressing (BC9000)A bus coupler such as BC9000 does not support symbols. Inputs, outputs and markers can howeverbe addressed directly.Fig. 3Image-oriented addressingThe import of tag variables has not yet been implemented.Communication Beckhoff TCP/IP10/2013 MN04802039Z-EN 72 Overview2.3Data block sizeThe smallest possible format:⏹TwinCAT:1 bit (single bit communication is possible)⏹BC9000:1 byteThe maximum size of a data block is 2048 bits or 256 bytes. The structure or array size set inGALILEO is therefore limited to this maximum value.All supported data block sizes are shown on the «PLC Data» tab of the «Select PLC» dialog. 8Communication Beckhoff TCP/IP 10/2013 MN04802039Z-EN 3 Implementation in GALILEO Communication Beckhoff TCP/IP 10/2013 MN04802039Z-EN 93Implementation in GALILEO 3.1Hardware requirements This communication requires a MICRO PANEL with an Ethernet interface or GALILEO OPEN. Information on the communication cable is provided in the Operating Instructions of the relevant MICRO PANEL. 3.2 Select PLCFig. 4 Select PLC ☞ GALILEO supports multiple connections. Multiple connections can be configured tothe same Ethernet interface.1 In the «Select PLC» dialog select «Beckhoff – TwinCAT TCP/IP» or «Beckhoff BC9000 TCP/IP» ⏹ The dialog shown appears.2 Set here the parameters for this communication.Parameter SettingStatus Refresh [s] See GALILEO HelpStartup Delay[s] See GALILEO HelpIP Address or Hostname IP address or network name of the Beckhoff PLC Example: Implementation in GALILEO 10 Communication Beckhoff TCP/IP 10/2013 MN04802039Z-EN Parameter Setting AMS Net Id (Only for «TwinCAT TCP/IP») AmsNetId of the Beckhoff PLC Example: The AmsNetId can be found in the TwinCAT System Manager under «System Configuration» on the «CX1000 Settings» tab (see Fig. 5, page 11). Port Number Port Number of the Beckhoff PLCFig. 5 AmsNetId in TwinCAT System Manager4 Implementation in TwinCAT4Implementation in TwinCAT☞ Chapter 4 does not apply to BC9000.4.1Operating principleThe exchange of objects is handled via the AMS Message Router (A utomation M essageS pecification). This manages and distributes all messages in the system via TCP/IP connections.TwinCAT Message Routers are provided on every TwinCAT PC. The Message Router must know theAmsNetId of the GRS (G ALILEO R untime S ystem).☞ The AmsNetId of the GRS is the same as the respective IP address with the suffix .1.1.4 Implementation in TwinCAT4.2Declaring the AmsNetId of the MICRO PANEL4.2.1In TwinCAT1Enter the AmsNetId and IP address of the GRS (G ALILEO R untime S ystem) in the TwinCATSystem Manager.⏹The Route Name can be assigned as required.2Click [Add Route].⏹The entry is transferred to the PLC.Fig. 6Add Route dialog4 Implementation in TwinCAT4.2.2Directly on a CX1000Instead of declaring the panel in TwinCAT, the Message Router can also be entered directly on thePLC. This example uses CERHOST to access the panel. CERHOST is available from Beckhoff.1Start «TcAmsRemoteMgr.exe» in the system directory.2Set the parameters for the MICRO PANEL.Fig. 7Direct entry of the AMSNetId5 GALILEO OPEN and TwinCAT5GALILEO OPEN and TwinCAT5.1Operating principleBeckhoff uses an AMS router on each device. This AMS router maintains a single connection witheach AMS router of the other devices. GRS uses AMS and therefore communicates directly with theAMS router of the target system. On the MICRO PANEL this has the benefit that a router does nothave to be installed and configured. For a PC on which the AMS router is not required, theconfiguration is the same as for a MICRO PANEL.The AMS router runs on every PC that is running TwinCAT PLC or TwinCAT PLC Control. Additionalconfiguration settings are required if GRS is used on this kind of PC. As the AMS router on the targetsystem (TwinCAT PLC) only supports one AmsNetId per IP address, GRS must communicate withthe AMS router via an additional AMS router. Depending on the configuration of the installation, usethe «Microsoft Loopback Adapter» or a second IP address on a real network adapter.5 GALILEO OPEN and TwinCAT5.2TwinCAT PLC and GRS on the same PCThe use of Microsoft Loopback Adapter is recommended if GRS and TwinCAT PLC are installed onthe same PLC. The Microsoft Loopback Adapter is a software that emulates a network card. Usingthe Microsoft Loopback Adapter means that the communication between GRS and TwinCAT PLCdoes not depend on the availability and function of the real network adapter or network.Fig. 8Loopback adapter5 GALILEO OPEN and TwinCAT5.2.1Installation of the Microsoft Loopback adapter1Open the Add Hardware Wizard in the Control Panel.2Check «Yes, I have already connected the hardware».Fig. 9Add Hardware Wizard3Click [Next].4Select «Add a new hardware device».Fig. 10Add new hardware5Click [Next].5 GALILEO OPEN and TwinCAT 6Check «Install the hardware that I manually select from a list».Fig. 11Installing hardware7Click [Next].8Check «Network adapters».Fig. 12Selecting hardware type9Click [Next].5 GALILEO OPEN and TwinCAT10Under Manufacturer «Microsoft» and Network Adapter select «Microsoft Loopback Adapter».Fig. 13Selecting network adapter11Click [Next].⏹The Microsoft Loopback Adapter can now be installed.Fig. 14Installing Loopback Adapter12Click [Next].⏹The Microsoft Loopback Adapter is installed.5 GALILEO OPEN and TwinCAT5.2.2Configuration of the Microsoft Loopback Adapter1Activate «Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)» only.Fig. 15Activating «Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)»2Click [Properties].3Enter an IP address from the private IP address range which is immediately always availableeven if a network cable is not plugged into the target system.Fig. 16Entering an IP address4Click [OK].5 GALILEO OPEN and TwinCAT5.2.3Declaring the AmsNetId of the GRS1Enter the AmsNetId and the IP address in TwinCAT, as described in chapter 4.2.1.⏹The IP address must match the setting in the network properties of the Loopback Adapter. Inour example this is⏹The AmsNetId of the GRS is the same as the respective IP address with the suffix .1.1. In ourexample this is PLC in GALILEOIn GALILEO you must also set the IP address of the Loopback Adapter for the Beckhoff PLC.1Enter the AmsNetId according to the settings in TwinCAT.⏹In our example this is the «Select PLC» dialog choose «Beckhoff – TwinCAT TCP/IP».⏹The dialog shown appears.3Set here the parameters for this communication.Fig. 17Entering the AmsNetId☞ The AmsNetId must only be used once. GALILEO always uses the AmsNetId consistingof the IP address with the suffix 1.1.TwinCAT must not use this AmsNetId and must be reconfigured accordingly in allcases.5 GALILEO OPEN and TwinCAT5.3TwinCAT PLC Control and GRS on the same PCIf GRS and TwinCAT PLC Control are installed on the same PC, GRS must use its own IP addresson the network adapter.Fig. 18IP addresses5 GALILEO OPEN and TwinCAT5.3.1Adding a second IP address to the network adapterIn the Control Panel find your network adapter in «Network Connections».1Add the new IP address for GRS to the «Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)».In our example this address is 19Adding a second IP address5 GALILEO OPEN and TwinCAT5.3.2Assigning the second IP address to GRSThe order of IP addresses can be checked with «ipconfig».Fig. 20ipconfigGRS and TwinCAT PLC Control always use the first IP address of the network adapter. In order forGRS to use the second IP address, a «String3» entry must be present in the registry at the start ofGRS.Fig. 21Setting the second IP address via «String3»This entry can be carried out manually with the Registry Editor or via the registry file (.reg). Theregistry file in our example must contain the following:⏹Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00⏹[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Micro Innovation\GRS\Interface\Generic\0]⏹«String3»=«»5 GALILEO OPEN and TwinCAT5.3.3Configuring the AMS router of the target system1Start «TcAmsRemoteMgr.exe» in the system directory of TwinCat.2Double-click the IP address of GRS.3Enter the AmsNetId for GRS.GRS determines the AmsNetId by using the IP address and adding .1.1 to it.4Click [OK] twice.Fig. 22Entering AmsNetId5 GALILEO OPEN and TwinCAT5.3.4Selecting the PLC in GALILEO1You must enter the IP address and the AmsNetId of the PLC in GALILEO like with a MICROPANEL.Fig. 23Entering IP address and AmsNetId6 Communication Errors6Communication Errors6.1Error messagesDifferent system error messages are generated in response to any communication errors that occur.These system error messages provide different information:⏹The «Tag variable name» indicates the tag variable in which a problem was found.⏹The «IP Address, Protocol» indicates the interface and protocol of the MICRO PANEL at whichthe problem was found.⏹The «Additional error information» may indicate the possible cause of an error in plain text. Thisinformation can, however, also be generated from lower software layers. Its content cannottherefore always be interpreted without an in-depth knowledge of the system. Thetroubleshooting procedure is the same in all cases. Refer to the relevant Beckhoff documentationfor further information on ADS error messages.Fig. 24Error message6.2Error rectification1Check the following points:⏹Cabling and the connections on the MICRO PANEL and the PLC.⏹Ethernet connection between the PLC and the MICRO PANEL by using PING.⏹Settings with the Beckhoff System Manager in the PLC.⏹All parameters in the GALILEO «Select PLC» dialog.⏹Whether the tag variable indicated in the system error message is present in thecorresponding station.⏹Whether the Ethernet is overloaded.2Rectify the error.If the problem continues, contact our Customer Support at ********************.com.。

斯托伯同步伺服电机操作手册 螺杆驱动同步伺服电机 EZ, EZF, EZH, EZHD, EZHP说

斯托伯同步伺服电机操作手册 螺杆驱动同步伺服电机 EZ, EZF, EZH, EZHD, EZHP说

107/2015W E K E E P T H I N G S M O V I N GID 442581_en.03STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG GERMANY Tel.: ++49 7231 582-0These operating instructions contain information about the transport, installation and commissioning of STOBER EZ,EZF, EZH, EZHD, EZHP synchronous servo motors and EZS,EZM synchronous servo motors for screw drive.For further details, see catalogs SMS-EZ (ID 442212) and EZS/EZM synchronous servo motors for screw drive (ID442416).In the event of any unclear points, we recommend that youcontact STÖBER with the model designation and serial number, or have the installation and maintenance workcarried out by a STÖBER service partner.1Operation in accordance with its intended useSynchronous servo motors must be used exclusively for operating machines and systems together with servo inverters.Stay within the limits defined by the technical data.Do not use synchronous servo motors in potentially explosive atmospheres.For reasons of operational safety, motors may only be used for the single application for which they were projected. Any overload on the drives is considered unintended use.The information and instructions in these operating instructions must be precisely followed to ensure that claims submitted under the warranty will be honored. If modifications are made to motors, warranty claims will be rendered ply with the safety instructions in these operating instructions and in all supplementary documents for the synchronous servo motor and other components such as gear units and servo inverters.2Technical dataThe technical data for synchronous servo motors, gearedmotors and servo inverters that are used is indicated on the relevant nameplates. Acceleration / shock load in operation:The following value for the shock load indicates the value up to which the motor can be operated without loss of functionality: 50 m/s² (5 g), 6 ms (maximum value as per DIN EN 60068-2-27).Brace the motor connection cable close to the motor so that vibrations of the cable are not transferred to the motor.When connecting the motors to drive units such as gear units or pumps, take into consideration the permissible shock loads and tilting torques of the units.NOTICEDamage to the motor.X Prevent undue force on the motor such as impact, shock,pressure or high acceleration.Designs:IMB5, IMV1, IMV3(DIN EN 60034-7)Protection class:EZ, EZF, EZHD: IP56EZHP: IP56 / IP66 (option)EZH: IP54EZS, EZM: IP40(DIN EN 60529)Protection class:IThermal class:155 (F) (DIN EN 60034 / VDE 0530) 155 °C, heating ∆T = 100 KSurrounding temperature:-15 °C to +40 °C (with water cooling +5 °C to +40 °C)Installation altitude:up to 1000 meters above sea levelCooling:For IC 410 convection cooling;or optional IC 416 convection cooling with forced ventilation (DIN EN 60034-6), see 2.4.1;or optionally for water cooling in the A-side motor flange, see 2.4.2Surface:Black matte as per RAL 9005Please note! Repainting will change the thermal properties and therefore the performance limits of synchronous servo motors.Vibration intensity:as per DIN EN 60034-14 degree N(half wedge balancing for shafts with key).Winding:Connection wires: U (U1) - black, V (V1) - blue, W (W1) - red.Connection method:see motor connection diagramsInformationIf brakes are installed, the holding torques may be reduced by the shock load!2ID 442581_en.03W E K E E P T H I N G S M O V I N G07/2015STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG GERMANYTel.: ++49 7231 582-02.1Thermal winding protectionSynchronous servo motors are equipped with a thermistor (PTC thermistor) in the standard configuration. You can optionally select the KTY 84-130 as thermal winding protection.Make note of the information specified in the SMS-EZ catalogand in the commissioning instructions for the servo inverter.CAUTION!Overheating of the motor!If the thermal winding protection is not connected, the motor may overheat as a result.Possible consequences: destruction of the motor, danger of fire.X You must also take precautions to ensure that no hazardcould occur after the thermal winding protection has responded and the motor has then cooled off by unintentional automatic switching on of the motor again!Always connect to the thermal winding protection. If the thermal winding protection is not connected, the warranty is rendered void!2.1.1Thermal winding protection PTCThe PTC thermistor is a low-voltage sensor with max. 7.5 V DC connection voltage.Higher voltages will cause the thermistor and motor winding to be destroyed.Always connect to the thermistor. If the drive controller has no option for PTC evaluation, appropriate triggering devices must be used for this purpose.2.1.2Thermal winding protection KTY(optional)Synchronous servo motors can optionally be equipped with a temperature-dependent KTY 84-130 resistor as a temperature sensor in a winding. On the KTY the resistance changes in proportion to the temperature of the winding.The continuous sensor current i cont = 2mA.When making the KTY connection make certain the polarity is correct! The installed KTY protects the synchronous servo motors against overload only to a limited degree. For this reason the I2t monitoring parameter should be set to "WARNING".X Avoid currents >4mA in the KTY circuit, as these couldresult in excessively high self-heating of the temperature sensor and damage to its insulation and to the motorwinding.CAUTION!ESD/EGB safety informationThis product contains components that can be damaged or destroyed by electrostatic discharges.X Always avoid directly touching the pin contacts with yourfingers!2.2Encoder systemsSynchronous servo motors have an encoder system integrated into the motor for motor commutation and recording of position. Two-pole resolvers are possible as well as absolute encoders in various versions.Note the relevant motor connection diagram and the details on the motor nameplate. The encoder systems have been setto the respective servo inverters in the factory.WARNING!Changes to the factory settings of encoder systems may result in uncontrolled startup or vibrating movements of the motor shaft.XTherefore the factory settings must not be changed.CAUTION!ESD/EGB safety informationThis product contains components that can be damaged or destroyed by electrostatic discharges.X Always avoid directly touching the pin contacts with yourfingers!307/2015W E K E E P T H I N G S M O V I N GID 442581_en.03STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG GERMANY Tel.: ++49 7231 582-02.3Holding brake (optional)A brake with permanent magnet excitation can be installed toserve as a holding brake.Power supply: 24 V DC ± 5 % smoothed.The air gap of the brakes cannot be readjusted.CAUTION!An incorrect connection can cause the brake and motor to be destroyed.X Please note when connecting the brake the associatedmotor connection plan.2.3.1Brakes on gravity-loaded vertical axesWARNING!Unintentional lowering or falling of unsecured gravity-loaded vertical axes can lead to serious personal injuries or even death!X The holding brake of the motor does not provide adequate safety for person in the hazardous area around gravity-loaded vertical axes. Therefore the machine manufacturer must take additional measures to minimize risks (for example by providing a mechanical substructure for maintenance work).Check brake functionality for gravity-loaded vertical axes by performing a cyclic brake test. To do this load the brake with 1.3 times the load torque. Make certain while doing this that the suspended load of the vertical axis is already exerting torque on the motor when it is at a standstill. Take this into consideration when supplying power to the motor.2.3.2Testing holding brakeAfter making the connection check functionality and measure the holding torque of the holding brake.Please note, that the brake types are not defined as working brakes. Therefore braking from full speed during emergency stops (power failure or dangerous situations) and braking while setup mode is active are only permitted within the defined limits. For further details refer to catalog SMS-EZ.To ensure that the brakes receive the full braking torque, they are ground according to a special grinding cycles after final assembly of the motors. If a brake is not required to exert any friction over an extended period of time, the friction factor may change as a result. This can occur due to accumulations of flash rust or vapors resulting from the high motor temperature. Slight material distortion may also occur as a result of major fluctuations in temperature. All of these factors affect the braking torque.If the brake does not exhibit the required braking torque, it must be reground.To do this, drive the motor as well at max. 20 rpm. Release and close the brake once per second so that the motor is required to work against the closed brake for about 0.7 seconds. After about 20 cycles perform the process in the reverse direction of rotation. In some circumstances you may need to perform this process several times until the nominal holding torque of the brake has been reestablished. If the braking torque has not been reestablished after the grinding process is repeated four times, other factors may also be responsible (for example reaching the wear limit). Options for automatically integrating a grinding routine, if available, are described in the documentation for the relevant servo inverter2.4Motor coolingCAUTION!Overheating of the motor!Reduced cooling, for example due to accumulation of dirt or fan failure, will cause the motor to overheat, thereby resulting in damage and/or destruction of the winding.X Therefore check the functionality of the external fanduring commissioning and at regular intervals thereafter.2.4.1Forced-air cooling (optional)External ventilation is optional and can also be retrofitted due to the modular layout. This makes it possible to optimize drives subsequently. Technical data can be found on the nameplate and in the SMS-EZ catalog in the Motor section.2.4.2Water cooling (optional)Material damage!To prevent damage to the synchronous servo motor or your machine, please observe the following:X Comply with the coolant specifications described in thischapter.X The nominal data for synchronous servo motors withwater cooling refers to water as a coolant. If another coolant is used, you will have to determine the nominal data again.X Coolant with fresh water from the public supply grid withcoolants, lubricants or cutting agents from the machining process is not permitted.X If the temperature of the coolant is lower than thesurrounding temperature, interrupt the supply of coolant when the motor is stopped for extended times to prevent condensation water from forming.Cooling circuit specification InformationThe brake must only be tested at a motor speed of max. 20 rpm!Feature Description CoolantWaterTemperature at inlet +5 °C to +40 °C (max. 5 K below the surrounding temperature) Cooling circuit Closed, with recooling unitCleanliness Clear, with no suspended matter or dirt(use particle filter ≤ 100 μm if necessary)pH value 6.5 – 7.5Hardness1.43 –2.5 mmol/l4ID 442581_en.03W E K E E P T H I N G S M O V I N G07/2015STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG GERMANYTel.: ++49 7231 582-03Safety informationAlso follow the instructions in the operating manuals as well as applicable national, local and system-specificrequirements.WARNING!- Danger of electrical shock if unpainted parts conducting voltage are touched.- Moving and rotating parts can cause injuries- Touching the gear unit and motor housing may cause burns (surface temperatures of over 100°C are possible)X The machine manufacturer must provide suitable protective measures. The connector or terminal boxcover of the motor must remain closed during operation. All work on the drive must only be performed when nocurrent is present.WARNING!Incorrect operation, improper use, insufficient maintenance or unauthorized removal of required covers can result in severe injuries or material damage!3.1Personnel requirements All work on the electrical equipment of the drive units must be performed by qualified electricians. Installation, maintenance and repairs of mechanical parts must be performed by fitters, industrial mechanics or persons with comparable qualifications.3.2In the event of disruptionsChanges compared to normal operation indicate that thefunction has been impaired. This includes:- Higher power consumption, temperatures or vibrations - unusual noises or odors - Leaks on the gear unit- Monitoring devices respondingX If any of these occur shut down the machine as quickly aspossible and notify the responsible qualified specialist without delay.The heat produced while a motor is in operation must be dissipated into the surrounding air as efficiently as possible.Reduced heat dissipation is frequently the reason why temperature monitoring devices respond.Accumulations of dirt reduce the performance of the motor.X Therefore remove dirt that has settled on the surface ofthe motor regularly.3.3Safety during installation and maintenanceDamage to the motor.X Prevent undue force on the motor such as impact, shock,pressure or high acceleration.WARNING!Risk of injury due to moving parts.X The machine manufacturer must provide suitableprotective measures for personnel who must work in the travel range of a motor within a system or machine, especially under raised loads.3.4Safe function and EMC of the drivesystemThe drive controller, cable and motor must be matched to each other. Each product has specific electrical properties in and of itself that may affect other products. Unsuitablematches can therefore result in impermissibly high voltage peaks on the motor or drive controller, which could destroy the motor and cause malfunctions in the system. Legal requirements for EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) must also be observed.STÖBER offers a product line of matching cables to ensure this with suitable shielding technology and cable layout for the power connection and the various encoder systems. Using other connection cables and drive controllers may result in voiding of any claims made under the warranty.Salinity NaCl < 100 ppm, demineralized AnticorrosiveMaximum percentage 25 %,neutral relative to AlCuMgPb F38, GG-220HBOperating pressure ≤ 3.5 bar (provide a pressure relief valve in the supply line)Flow rateEZ4 – EZ5: 6 l/min ( 4.5 l/min)EZ7 – EZ8: 7.5 l/min ( 5.0 l/min)Feature Description507/2015W E K E E P T H I N G S M O V I N GID 442581_en.03STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG GERMANY Tel.: ++49 7231 582-03.5EZF, EZH, EZHD, EZHP synchronousservo motorsThe hollow shaft of the motors moves in relation to the supply elements passing though during operation.X The supply elements must be protected so they do notscrape against the hollow shaft.CAUTION!The hollow shaft can heat up to 100°C in operation.X Observe the temperature for the supply elements thatpass through.3.6Servo spindle motors EZS/EZMDestruction of the spindle system!Removing the spindle shaft from the spindle nut will cause the system to be destroyed and will void the warranty.XNever remove the spindle shaft from the spindle nut!WARNING!Risk of injury due to moving parts!Make certain before commissioning thatX the spindle shaft and motor are installed in the machinebefore you place the drive in operation.X no persons will be endangered by the axial movement ofthe spindle shaft or slide.X no one touches the spindle shaft by coming in physicalcontact with it.WARNING!Crushing due to contact with the spindle shaft!Turning the spindle shaft manually with your hand can lead to crushing injuries.XNever turn the spindle shaft manually.CAUTION!When EZM synchronous servo motors for screw drives are in operation the spindle shaft moves axially in reference to the motor.X Fix the spindle shaft in place and install it in the machine. X Screw the motor together with the machine or movingslide.X Make certain there are no objects in the axial movementrange of the slide or spindle shaft.4Transport, storage and preservationThe motors must not be exposed to acceleration levels or working times of more than 300 m/s² (30 g) as an individual shock load during transport as per EN 60 068-2-27. The values for operation apply to long-term shock loads.When transporting the motors make certain not to damage the shafts and bearings with impacts.The motors may only be stored in enclosed, dry rooms. Storage in open air areas with a roof is only permitted for brief periods. Protect the motors from all damaging environmental effects and mechanical damage.If you will be storing or transporting the system in which a synchronous servo motor with water cooling is installed below +3 °C, drain the water completely out of the cooling circuit in advance.Avoid extreme temperature fluctuations with high relative humidity when the motors are being stored temporarily to prevent formation of water from condensation. If long-term storage is planned, protect the bare parts of the motor against corrosion. Before placing a motor in operation again, have the winding checked for its insulation resistance by an electrical specialist.Do not use the fan cover for transport or storage of the motors. For transport, use the eyebolts on the motors, together with suitable slings.Eyebolts are provided only for lifting the motor without additional attachments. When you remove the eyebolts after installation, the threaded holes must be permanently closed corresponding to the protection type of the motors.6ID 442581_en.03W E K E E P T H I N G S M O V I N G07/2015STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG GERMANYTel.: ++49 7231 582-05MountingCompletely remove all corrosion protection on the shaft ends prior to installation.The lip seals of the shaft seal rings can be damaged by the use of solvents.X When removing the corrosion protection, make sure thatthe lip seals of the shaft seal rings do not come into contact with solvents.Tab. 5-1: Assembly information for clamping units6Commissioning Electrical connections provided by the customer must comply with applicable regulations.Note:The electrical connection diagram and safety regulations are with the delivery documents of the motor. Comply exactly withthe information and safety regulations therein.WARNING!Danger of injury from moving parts.Before commissioning the drive unit, ensure that...X no one will be endangered by startup of the machine.X all protective guards and safety equipment have beenproperly installed, also for a test run!Xthe drive unit is not blocked.X the brakes have been bled.X the direction of rotation is correct.Xcomponents mounted on the power take-off end are sufficiently secured against centrifugal force (e.g. fitting keys, coupling elements, etc.)7Maintenance7.1Servo spindle motors EZS/EZMAxial angular ball bearings are installed on the A-side in the EZS and EZM motors that directly absorb the threaded spindle forces. These axial angular ball bearings are greasedwith lithium soap grease GA28 at the factory. Under certain application conditions, for example after a prolonged downtime or for high humidity, relubrication may be required. Mineral-based grease is suitable for relubrication, for example Arcanol Multitop.Protect the threaded spindle against dirt.8TroubleshootingIn the event of a malfunction of the drive unit, call the STÖBER service department at 07231 582-1190 (-1191, -1224, -1225) in order to locate the nearest STÖBER service partner for further action.In urgent cases outside of normal business hours, you can call the STÖBER 24-hour service hotline at 01805 786323 / 01805 STOEBER9Spare partsInclude the following when ordering replacement parts:–item no. of the part according to the replacement parts lis –model designation according to the rating plate –serial number according to rating plateYou can reach the STÖBER replacement parts service by phone: 07231 582-1190 (-1191, -1224, -1225), or fax: 07231 582-1010.Important notice: The replacement parts lists are not assembly instructions! They are not binding for assembly of the gear unit. Use only original replacement parts from Stöber. Otherwise we will provide no guarantee and will assume no liability for resulting damages!10DisposalThis product contains recyclable materials. Observe local applicable regulations for disposal.Mount the threaded spindle on the EZS motor:1.Degrease the threaded spindle in the area where it comes into contact with the clamping unit.2.Insert the threaded spindle through the clamping set in the hole of the motor shaft.3.The wrench size and the tightening torque that corresponds to the size of your EZS motor can be found in the table Tab. 5-1: 4.Tighten the hexagonal screws of the clamping unit successively in several tightening sequences (approx. 1/4 revolution per sequence) properly with a torque wrench until all of them are tightened to the prescribed tightening torque. Make sure that both spring washers lie parallel to each other (maximum permitted deviation 0.2 mm).EZS5EZS7Thread M5M6Strength class 8.810.9Wrench size [mm]810Tightening torque [Nm]512。



交流全数字伺服驱动器EPS系列基础技术手册z非常感谢您选购EPS系列交流伺服驱动器z在您使用驱动器之前,请仔细阅读本技术手册,按照手册上的规范操作·安全注意事项·· 安全注意事项 ·(使用前请仔细阅读)在产品的安装、运行、维护和检查前请仔细阅读本技术手册,在熟悉了有关设备的知识、安全信息和全部注意事项后再使用本产品。









·1··安全注意事项··2·目 录目录第一章功能和构成 (1)1.1EPS系列驱动器技术规格 (1)1.2EPS系列驱动器功能 (2)1.3EPS系列驱动器命名规则 (3)1.4EPS2系列驱动器外形尺寸 (4)1.5EPS2系列驱动器适配电机 (7)1.6各部分名称 (8)第二章安装 (9)2.1环境条件 (9)2.2驱动器安装场合 (9)2.3安装方向和间隔 (10)2.4电机的安装 (11)2.5伺服驱动器安装示意图 (11)2.6电缆应力 (12)第三章接线 (13)3.1伺服驱动器与外围设备的连接及构成 (13)3.2标准接线 (14)3.3端子功能 (17)3.4编码器信号端子CN3 (22)3.5I/O接口原理 (24)1.开关量输入接口 (24)2.开关量输出接口 (24)3.脉冲量输入接口 (25)4.伺服驱动器光电编码器输入接口 (25)5.长线驱动器(差分输出)输出接口 (26)·1·目 录3.6电源系统电路 (26)第四章参数 (28)4.1参数功能 (28)第五章监控与操作 (40)5.1面板操作 (40)5.2监视方式(DISP) (41)5.3参数设置(SET-P) (44)5.4参数管理(EEPOP) (44)5.5速度试运行 (46)第六章报警与处理 (48)6.1驱动器报警 (48)6.2报警处理 (49)第七章伺服电机 (54)7.1型号命名 (54)7.2电机安装尺寸 (57)附录 (60)·2·第一章 功能和构成·1·第一章 功能和构成1.1 EPS 系列驱动器技术规格表1.1 驱动器技术规格控制回路电源单相AC220V-15~+10% 50/60Hz主回路电源三/单相AC220V -15~+10% 50/60Hz环境温度工作:0~55 ℃存贮:-20℃~80℃ 湿度 小于90%(无结露)振动小于0.5G(4.9m/S 2),10~60Hz (非连续运行)控制方式 IGBT PWM 正弦波控制控制模式①位置控制 ②速度控制 ③转矩控制 ④位置/速度控制⑤位置/转矩控制⑥速度/转矩控制⑦内部位置控制⑧内部速度控制⑨内部转矩控制⑩试运行控制控制输入① 伺服使能 ②报警清除 ③位置偏差清零 ④指令脉冲禁止CCW ⑤驱动禁止 CW ⑥驱动禁止 ⑦控制方式选择 ⑧零速箝位控制输出①伺服准备好 ②伺服报警 ③机械制动释放 ④位置/速度到达 ⑤零速检出 ⑥转矩限制中 Z ⑦相输出 编码器反馈 2500p/r ,15线增量型,差分输出 500 p/r ,15线增量型,差分输出 通讯方式 RS232 RS485 ①② 显示与操作 ①5位LED 显示 4②个按键 制动方式 通过内置/外接制动电阻能耗制动 冷却方式 风冷(热传导膜具、高速强冷风扇) 适配电机 可通过参数设置适配不同型号电机 功率范围≤5KW第一章 功能和构成·2·1.2 EPS 系列驱动器功能表1.2 驱动器功能一览表控制功能位置控制外部输入脉冲形式脉冲/方向,CW/CCW ,A/B 两相最大指令脉冲频率 500Kpps (差分输入)电子齿轮 1/1800~1800(推荐:1/50~50)脉冲输入指令禁止信号位有效时,指令脉冲输入被禁止;可通过参数屏蔽此信号内部位置指令 16种位置设定 速度控制外部速度指令 0~±10V DC零速钳位 通过此功能使得速度保持为0 速度控制范围 1~3000 内部速度指令4种速度设定 转矩控制外部转矩指令 0~±10V DC 内部转矩指令4种转矩设定转矩控制范围外部转矩指令:0~300% 内部转矩指令:0~300%驱动禁止 当CCWL/CWL 信号有效时,电机在CCW/CW 方向输出零速保持力矩 监视功能转速、当前位置、指令脉冲积累、位置偏差、电机转矩、电机电流、转子位置、指令脉冲频率、运行状态、输入输出端子信号等保护功能 过压、欠压、过流、过速、过载、Z 脉冲丢失、编码器出错、EEPROM 错误、位置超差等报警功能 工作异常时输出报警号,同时5个LED 小数点位闪烁 信号显示 在显示部分显示外部输入、输出信号的ON/OFF 状态 增益调整 在电机运行或停止时改变增益以调节驱动器性能 报警记录可记忆包括当前报警在内的4个报警记录第一章 功能和构成·3·1.3 EPS 系列驱动器命名规则EPS □--- □ □ □ □ □ □□ (□□)专用机型电源方式{首数代表电压:2为220V ,3为380V末数代表相数:1为单相,3为三相 {1:2500p/r 2:500p/r 3:省线式} 连接方式{L:螺丝固定 }功率值{040→400W 075→750W …. 软件版本{A →通用 B →通用BT 通用 W 袜机} 2为型材散热器)例如:EPS2—TA150L123(H)注:通用A 和通用B 的区别:编码器信号分周输出脉波信号的功能不同,通用A 分频比只能取1-255整除倍脉波信号数,通用B 可以任意取输出脉波信号数。




伺服电机的安装尺寸ຫໍສະໝຸດ 1.2 伺服驱动器的安装尺寸
200~230V INPUT ACPHASE 3 AC 0~200V 0.8KW 50/60Hz 4.8A 4.0A
40 55 55 55 5 6 6 6 8 10 10 10
7 8 8 8
4 5 5 5
10APA 265(319.5) 210(264.5) 134 185(187.5) 118 20APA 332(401) 253(322) 168 228(245) 140 30APA 40APA
B1,B2,B3 (EDB-08, EDB-10 再生单元连接端子 EDB-15无B3端子) 1 2 电源高次谐波抑制 (EDB-08, EDB-10 用电抗器连接端子 EDB-15无此二端子) (EDB-08, EDB-10 EDB-15无此端子)
概 要 三相交流 200~230V 单相交流 200~230V 与电机连接。 与电源接地和电机接地端子连接,进行接地处理。
200 114.3 13.5 200 114.3 13.5
2.1 主电路的配线

请不要将动力线和信号线从同一管道内穿过,也不要将其绑扎在一起。进 行配线时,请使动力线和信号线相隔30cm以上。 对于信号线、编码器(PG)反馈线,请使用多股绞合线以及多芯绞合整体 屏蔽线。 对于配线长度,指令输入线最长为3m,PG反馈线最长为20m。 即使关闭电源,伺服驱动器内部仍然可能会滞留有高电压,请暂时不要触 摸电源端子。 请在确认CHARGE指示灯熄灭以后,再进行检查工作。 请不要频繁地ON/OFF电源。在需要反复地连续ON、OFF电源时,请控制在 每分钟1次以下。 由于在伺服驱动器的电源部分,有大电容,所以在ON电源时,会流过较大 的充电电流(充电时间0.2秒)。 因此,如果频繁地ON/OFF电源,则会造成伺服驱动器内部的主电路元件性 能下降。 1) 主电路端子的名称及功能 端子记号 L1,L2,L3 L1C,L2C U,V,W 功 能 主回路电源输入端子 控制电源输入端子 电机连接端子 接地端子



1.SA系列交流伺服简介SA系列数字式交流永磁同步电机伺服驱动器(以下简称伺服驱动器)采用了国际上先进的DSP 芯片(数字信号处理器)对电机的位置、转速、转矩进行数字化智能控制。



1.1SA系列交流伺服的使用方法1.1.1 速度控制方式速度控制方式的伺服驱动器标准使用方法,如下图所示:如上图所示,在上位机侧组成位置控制环。




1.1.2 位置控制方式位置控制方式的伺服驱动器标准使用方法,如下图所示:上位机进行完定位及插补计算后,将位置指令以脉冲串的形式传送给伺服驱动器,由伺服驱动器进行位置指令和位置反馈的比较操作,即进行位置环调节的计算。


作为位置指令的脉冲串,可以是下面的任一种,在伺服驱动器侧可以通过设定用户常数进行选择:1)符号位+脉冲列2)具有90°相位差的两相脉冲序列3)正转脉冲序列+ 反转脉冲序列1.2 SA系列交流伺服驱动器的内置功能SA系列伺服控制器的内置功能说明如下:1)控制方式转换通过数字操作器设定用户常数,可以使伺服驱动器工作于位置控制方式或速度控制方式。






















NFPA 70:National Electrical Code, 2005 Ed.)。 ■ 在通电时,请勿拆解驱动器、电机或更改配线。 ■ 在通电运作前,请确定紧急停机装置是否随时启动。 ■ 在通电运作时,请勿接触驱动器散热片,以免(open type)的伺服驱动器,操作时须安装于遮蔽式的控制箱 内。本驱动器利用精密的反馈控制及结合高速运算能力的数字信号处理器(Digital Signal Processor, DSP),控制 IGBT 产生精确的电流输出,用来驱动三相永磁式 同步交流伺服电机(PMSM)达到精准定位。
第 4 章参数 4.1 空载试运行 4.1.1 在通电之前,确认电机 4.1.2 点动(JOG)试运行 4.1.3 键盘调速试运行 4.2 位置控制 4.2.1 位置控制的简单例子 4.2.2 位置指令 4.2.3 输入电子齿轮 4.2.4 位置控制有关增益 4.3 增益调整 4.3.1 增益参数 4.3.2 增益调整步骤 4.4 共振抑制 4.5 超程保护 4.6 转矩限制 4.6.1 转矩限制参数 4.7.1 电源接通时序 4.7.2 伺服ON 时报警时序 4.8 电磁制动器 4.8.1 电磁制动器参数 4.8.2 电磁制动器使用 4.9 参数一览表 4.9.1 0段参数 4.9.2 1段参数 4.9.3 Di功能一览表 4.9.4 D0功能一览表
◆ 请不要频繁地开关电源。如果需要连续开关电源时,请控制在一 分钟一次以下。
◆ 端子座的一个电线插入口,请仅插入一根电线。 ◆ 在插入电线时,请不要使芯线与邻近的电线短路。 ◆ 芯线的线头请使用Y 接端子固定。 ◆ 在上电之前,请确实检查配线是否正确。
第 1 章规格与安装 1.1 技术规格 1.2 伺服电机与驱动器对应表(B系列) 1.3 安 装 与 尺 寸 1.4 伺服电机安装尺寸 1.5 伺服驱动器安装



POSITool commissioning softwareOptimized drive technologySMS P/PA Planetary Geared Motor Acceleration torque P: 10 – 3,000 Nm Acceleration torque PA: 30 – 1,600 Nm Precision for positioning and synchronisation Right-Angle Planetary Geared Motor Acceleration torque PK: 120 – 2,700 Nm Acceleration torque PKX: 15 – 3,000 Nm SMS PK/PKXSMS PHK/PHKXRight-Angle Planetary Geared Motor Acceleration torque PHK: 140 – 7,500 Nm Acceleration torque PHKX: 36 – 7,500 Nm Backlash PK: < 3,5 – 4.5 arcmin Backlash PKX: < 3 – 6 arcminLots of variations with low backlashSMS PH(A) Planetary Geared Motor Acceleration torque PH: 34 –6,910 Nm Acceleration torque PHA: 36 –6,910 Nm Designed for high-performance servo drivesSMS C Helical Geared Motor Acceleration torque: 7.6 – 6,500 Nm Backlash: < 10 - 20 arcmin Various housing options SMS K Helical Bevel Geared Motor Acceleration torque: 29 – 13,200 Nm Backlash: reduced class I < 1.5 - 3 arcminVersatile with flange, solid or hollow shaftMGS System MotorThree-phase AC asynchronous motor Motor power: 0.12 – 45 kWabsolute encoderSTÖBER power electronicsED Servo MotorSlim design, high torque 6 sizes: ED 202 – ED 808Static torque: 0.43 – 84 NmOptimized for applications with high SMS F Shaft-Mounted Helical Geared MotorAcceleration torque: 23 – 1,100 Nm Backlash: reduced < 5 – 8 arcminMGS C Helical Geared Motor Motor power: 0.12 – 45 kW Backlash: < 10 - 20 arcminVersatile, with different housing options MGS S Helical Worm Geared Motor Motor power: 0.12 – 5.5 kWCompact and inexpensive for standard tasksMGS F Shaft-Mounted Helical Geared Motor Motor power: 0.12 – 9.2 kW Backlash: < 10 – 11 arcminParticularly suitable as travel driveMGS K Helical Bevel Geared Motor Motor power: 0.12 – 45 kW Backlash: < 10 - 12 arcmin Highly rigid geared motor SMS S Helical Worm Geared Motor Acceleration torque:29 – 960 Nm Compact and inexpensiveEZ/EZF Servo MotorSuper compact, with maximum power density 3 sizes: EZ 401 – EZ 705Static torque: 2.6 – 31 NmSuper compact, also with hollow boreGear unit with motor adapterAll SMS and MGS gear units are available with motor adapters so that STÖBER gear SMS PHQK Right-Angle Planetary Geared MotorAcceleration torque: 230 – 10,000 Nm Backlash : < 3.5 – 4 arcminSMS KL Helical Bevel Geared Motor Acceleration torque: 15 – 65 Nm Backlash : < 16 – 25 arcmin Super compact drive solution SMS KS Right-Angle Servo Geared Motor Acceleration torque: 33 – 400 Nm Backlash : < 4 – 6 arcminThe drive type for high demands SMS PHQ(A) Planetary Geared MotorAcceleration torque PHQ(A): 510 –10,000 Nm Backlash PHQ: < 3 arcmin Backlash PHQA: < 1 arcminThe ultimate servo quattro drivePARAMODULPlug-in memory module for easy data transfer of all program and settings data (also for unit replace-ment). Ideal for document -ing operational data.POSISCOPEDiagnostic tool for indivi-dual drive optimization.This software tool mini-mizes the number of trial runs.5th generation softwareThe software suite V5 contains the POSITool commissioning soft-ware, a comprehensive library of standard applications and the firmware for SDS 5000, MDS 5000 and FDS 5000.The development of POSITool has created a new, fully integrated 3-level architecture. It offers clarity, maximum reliability and effi-ciency for program generation and start-up.For general usersThe consistent project orientation of the modules gives users effective support when programming stan -dard applications. The Assistant function ensures that parameteriza-tion proceeds efficiently.For expertsExperienced, trained users can use the graphics editor layer (extended in conformance with PLCopen) to configure their own applications (customer application).Extra serviceWith the service package ‘Tailor Made Application‘ STÖBERANTRIEBSTECHNIK offers functio-nal extensions or comprehensive adaptation of basic applications.Easy, quick and dependableThe application library with the ready-made basic applications provides modules for:b Speed operation (fast reference value, comfort reference value)b Position-controlled operation (command positioning, motion block positioning)b Synchronous function (synchro-nous position control, electronic cam function)POSITool commissioningsoftwareThe POSITool Windows software supports the user during:b Programming of the application (optional)b Configuration and commissioning of the applicationb Diagnostics (event memory, oscilloscope function)Fig.1Fig. 2Fig. 3Fig. 4electronics.。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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55 79 79 79 4 3.2 3.2 3.2 12 18 18 18 130 180 180 180 145 110 9 200 114.3 13.5 200 114.3 13.5 200 114.3 13.5
22 35 35 35
螺纹孔×深度 M6×20L M8×16L M8×16L M8×16L

3) 安装方向 如下图所示,安装的方向需与安装面垂直。 使用自然对流方式或者风扇对伺服驱动器进行冷却,请严格按照该方向安装。使 用4处安装孔,将伺服驱动器牢固地固定在安装面上。
1.伺服驱动器的环境温度:0~55℃ 2.湿度:90%RH(相对湿度)以下 3.振动:4.9m/s2 4.不要出现冻结、结露等现象。 5.为了保证长期使用的可靠性,请在低于45℃的环境温度条件下使用。

1.2 伺服驱动器的安装尺寸
200~230V INPUT ACPHASE 3 AC 0~200V 0.8KW 50/60Hz 4.8A 4.0A
40 40 40 55 55 5 5 5 6 6 8 8 8 10 10
T7 7 7 8 8U4 4 4 5 510APA 215(269.5) 160(214.5) 84 135(189.5) 118 15APA 240(294.5) 185(239.5) 109 160(214.5) 118 20APA 265(319.5) 210(264.5) 134 165(239.5) 118 30APA 307(378) 228(299) 143 203(274) 140 50APA 347(418) 268(339) 183 243(314) 140
55 55 55 79 79 4 4 4 3.2 3.2 12 12 12 18 18 130 130 130 180 180 145 145 145 110 110 110 9 9 9
22 22 22 35 35
螺纹孔×深度 M6×20L M6×20L M6×20L M8×16L M8×16L
1.1 伺服驱动器
4) 安装标准 请务必遵守下图所示的控制柜内的安装标准,该标准适用于将多个伺服驱动器并 排安装在控制柜内的场合(以下简称"并排安装时")。
EDB系列伺服驱动器是基座安装型伺服驱动器。如果安装方法错误,则可能会发 生故障,所以请根据下述的注意事项进行正确安装。 1) 保管条件 在伺服驱动器不使用时,请在 [-20~+85℃] 的温度范围内进行保管。 2) 安装场所 关于安装场所的注意事项如下。 设置条件 安装在控制柜里时 靠近热源安装时 靠近振动源安装时 安装在有腐蚀性气 体的场所时 其他 安装注意事项 安装在控制柜里时,对控制柜的大小、伺服驱动器的配置以及冷却 的方法进行设计,以使伺服驱动器的周边部分温度在55℃以下。 为保持伺服驱动器周围温度在55℃以下,请控制热源的辐射及对 流,防止温度上升。 为避免振动传至伺服驱动器,请在伺服驱动器的安装面下安装防 振器具。 安装在有腐蚀性气体的场所时,请设法防止腐蚀性气体的侵入。 虽然不会即时产生影响,但是会导致电子部件以及与接触器相关 部件的故障。 请不要安装在高温、潮湿、多粉尘、多铁粉的场所。
40 55 55 55 5 6 6 6 8 10 10 10
7 8 8 8
4 5 5 5
10APA 265(319.5) 210(264.5) 134 185(187.5) 118 20APA 332(401) 253(322) 168 228(245) 140 30APA 40APA
B1,B2,B3 (EDB-08, EDB-10 再生单元连接端子 EDB-15无B3端子) 1 2 电源高次谐波抑制 (EDB-08, EDB-10 用电抗器连接端子 EDB-15无此二端子) (EDB-08, EDB-10 EDB-15无此端子)
概 要 三相交流 200~230V 单相交流 200~230V 与电机连接。 与电源接地和电机接地端子连接,进行接地处理。
200 114.3 13.5 200 114.3 13.5
2.1 主电路的配线

请不要将动力线和信号线从同一管道内穿过,也不要将其绑扎在一起。进 行配线时,请使动力线和信号线相隔30cm以上。 对于信号线、编码器(PG)反馈线,请使用多股绞合线以及多芯绞合整体 屏蔽线。 对于配线长度,指令输入线最长为3m,PG反馈线最长为20m。 即使关闭电源,伺服驱动器内部仍然可能会滞留有高电压,请暂时不要触 摸电源端子。 请在确认CHARGE指示灯熄灭以后,再进行检查工作。 请不要频繁地ON/OFF电源。在需要反复地连续ON、OFF电源时,请控制在 每分钟1次以下。 由于在伺服驱动器的电源部分,有大电容,所以在ON电源时,会流过较大 的充电电流(充电时间0.2秒)。 因此,如果频繁地ON/OFF电源,则会造成伺服驱动器内部的主电路元件性 能下降。 1) 主电路端子的名称及功能 端子记号 L1,L2,L3 L1C,L2C U,V,W 功 能 主回路电源输入端子 控制电源输入端子 电机连接端子 接地端子
法兰面 LR
30 30 35 35
3 3 3 3
6 6 9 9
60 60 80 80 70 70 90 90 50 50 70 70
5.5 5.5 6 6
14 14 19 19
螺纹孔×深度 M5×10L M5×10L M6×15L M6×15L
372(443) 293(364) 208 243 268(287) 308(322) 140 140 412(478) 333(399)
型号 EMG-
79 79 79 79 79

目 录
------------------------------------ 1 ------------------------------------------- 3 ----------------------------------------- 3 --------------------------------------- 3 --------------------------------- 6 ------------------------------------------- 7 ---------------------------------------------- 7 -------------------------------------- 7 ---------------------------------------- 9 -------------------------------------- 10 ------------------------------------------- 11 ---------------------------------- 11 ---------------------------------------- 11 ---------------------------------------- 16 ------------------------------------------- 22 ----------------------------------------- 22
型号 EDB-08、EDB-10、EDB-15 EDB-20、EDB-30 EDB-50
L 185 207
W 85 123
H 187.5 270.5
s 75 75
e 75 111
f 177.5 258.5
d 5 6
型号 EML-
79 79 79 79
电源电压是220V。 请使用220V的电源电压。 ■ 请不要将伺服电机直接与市网电源连接。 请不要将伺服电机直接与市网电源连接,这样会使电机损坏。伺服电机没有伺 服驱动器驱动,不能旋转。 ■ 通电时不要进行插座的拔、插动作。 请断电之后,再进行插座的拔、插。 ■ 请在断电5分钟后再进行检查作业。 即使断电,在伺服驱动器的电容内还存储有电量,为了防止触电,请确认 CHARGE灯灭了之后,再进行检查操作。 ■ 与其它设备的安装间隔请选择在10mm以上。 与其它设备的设置间隔,在横向为10mm以上,纵向为50mm以上进行安装。伺服 驱动器发热,尽可能按有利散热的布局安装,并且安装在不受结露、振动、冲击 影响的环境中。 ■ 请进行抗干扰处理和接地。 信号线上如有干扰,容易产生振动和运行不正常。 请严格遵守如下规定: 1.请分离强电线和弱电线。 2.请尽量缩短接线距离。 3.伺服电机、伺服驱动器的安装,请采取一点接地,接地阻抗100Ω以下。 4.电机和伺服驱动器中间绝对不要使用电源输入干扰滤波器。 ■ 请在以下条件下进行耐压试验。 5.电压:AC1500Vrms,1分钟 6.切断电流:100mA 7.频率:50/60Hz 8.加压点:L1、L2、L3接头和FG 接头之间(请紧固端子间的连接) ■ 漏电保护器,请使用快速反应型。 请使用快速反应型漏电保护器或指定PWM逆变器使用的漏电保护器,不能使用延 时型。 ■ 请不要连续地在负加载情况下运行。 不能在负载转动电机、由再生/制动器制动的情况下连续运行。伺服驱动器的 再生制动能力限定在使伺服电机停止的制动的短时间工作状态。 ■ 请不要用电源的开/断运行伺服电机。 电源频繁地开/断将导致内部元件迅速老化,请用指令信号控制伺服电机的运 行。