







背景句(下划线为可替换) + 公众反馈+本人观点


1:These days, there is an growing craze/fascination/passion/enthusiasm/obsession among college undergraduates/public towards Civil Service Examination/overseas education.

2: Being a controversial issue, the growing popularity of Civil Service Examination is thrown into sharp focus, which touched the sensitive(敏感的) nerve of the public. 3: As the society is advancing by leaps and bounds(突飞猛进), an growing number of people choose plane/air travel as a means of transportation


As can be indicated in the picture/table, ..

As is described/shown in the picture, 主句…..


1: (展开)

Some would claim that a position in the state-owned organization will guarantee/promise a sense of safety while some others hold he opposite view./suggest that this profession has its own flaws.


An absolute consensus一致is hard to be reached. 或Ideas vary from person to person.

第三句: 本人观点

1:From my perspective, government position/this professtion has more merits than limitations.

2:As far as I am concerned, although government position/this professtion has some limitations, its advangates are more prominent.

3: I ’m with the argument that the strong points of government position/this professtion outweigh its limitations.

4: As for me, I side with the former / latter.

第二段:Main Body主体部分


观点句:Some people argue/ are in favor of the view/ that *** contribute to the individual’s development in many ways. At the first place,分支观点A1. At the second

place分支观点A2. However, it’s imperfections could not be ignored/overlooked. For one thing,分支观点B1. 支持细节Detail 1. For another, 分之观点B2 支持细节D2. (单向观点)

**** is beneficial/destructive in many ways. For one thing, ….. 细节D1. For another,…. D细节2. The last point to be added is that…..D3细节


In a nutshell(一言以蔽之), with all the above-mentioned taken into consideration, a conclusion could be safely drawn that …


It is advisable to take advantage of Internet while eliminate its drawbacks.

They could coexist and we should make a full use of their merits while bring their drawbacks to the least extent.






第一段:背景句(三选一)….引出现象….. It is the goal of this essay to explore some possible causes to the problem and present some feasible solutions /my argument as well


To begin with,…两句话原因2…..

第三段: A dozen of measures are supposed to be taken to prevent X from bringing us more harm.

In the first place, A plays a key role on easing the tension X brings. In the second place, we find it necessary to push forward B to cope with X. (In the third place, what we should do is to C to further neutralize its harms. )

Based on the above discussions, I should say that only by the close cooperationof those factors,密切的合作could such a hard issue be solved.






Dear Mr. XX,/Dear Sir or Madam,

写作训练(开门见山)Thanks a lot for your letter on …

I am writing to enquire about the meeting which will be held in England next months. Actually, I have a feew questions…

I wish to apply for the post you are offering and I sincerely hope I can get an interview face to face …

I am most excited about the good n ews you told me …

Awaiting your news.

Looking forward to your early reply.

Yours sincerely,





A good example can be seen in the case of my classmate who used to be deeply addicted to the computer games and finally failed his college education, ending up as pitiful man.

Eg:On-line game addiction主题

2: 引用研究结果

The latest study from Chinese Academy of Science indicated that

58% students who failed the college attribute their academic failure to on-line game s.

69% road accidents have been caused by the drunken driving.

Attribute sth to ….把…归因于

3: 引经据典

A prestigious French Writer, Alexander Dumas once said that…. 内容可引用也可自编

A prestigious ancient ideologist, Aristoteles once said…. 内容可引用也可自编

My highly respected/honorable professor told us on the very first day of my be-loved university, “from now on, you’ll be on a journey between who you think you are and who you

can be.”


The Chinese/English language possesses a vivid saying that…

Constant dripping wears away the hard stone.

Money talks.

One man’s meat is another man’s poison.

There is a w isdom that stands above all others “no pain, no gain.”

4: If what we have been striving for is nothing but pleasure-seeking, our nation will be deprived

of the right to rise.

5: 必须用插入语:

普通:Rising earning makes the ticket fare more reasonale.


The reasonable ticket fare caters for the major population thanks to our rising earning.

再提升:Bigger than Bigger:

The reasonable ticket fare even caters for working class, so-called miserable group of whole

society , thanks to our rising earning and improved welfare.福利


in a way/sense = to some extent/degree 从某种程度/意义来看

all things considered 从整体上来看

strictly/technically speaking 严格的来说


not uncommon = common 平常的,普通的

not unusual = usual 平常的,通常的

not inevitable=evitable 可以避免的

(尽量把要强调的普通的形容词改成双重否定, 为文章多增加亮点)

Eg: It is not unusual for a person to change jobs in the same general field two or three times in the course of a career.

8: No one can deny the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem.

9: Many city residents complain/extol the fact that it is so few buses in their city that they have to spend much more time waiting for a bus.






Physical punishment will cause harms to children.


To some extent ,some extreme physical punishment, if too much, may cause harms to innocent children both mentally and physically.






Skipping class may affect one’

jeopardize one’s economic performance.


Think → advocate / maintain / argue / claim /insist that…

Good → beneficial / profitable / helpful

Bad →detrimental / hazardous/ harmful

Advantage → merit / virtue / benefit / profit / pro

Disadvantage → demerit / drawback / flaw / limitations

very →extremely extraordinarily exceptionally

must→ tend to

will → may/might

should →be obligated to / be supposed to


learn →acquire / obtain /have a master of ..

important→crucial/significant/essential--critical/indispensable(不可或缺的)/ irreplaceable (不可替代的)

不同的different-- various/varied/a variety of--diverse/distinct

finish→accomplish/ achieve/complete/fulfill

Opinion→attitude/ perception/interpretation/perspective/standpoint


good→ amazing/ impressive/awesome/terrific

more and more→an increasingly/a growing number of

Serious →severe

common →widespread/universal/prevailing

A lot of → a large quantity/amount of, numerous, considerable, countless, tremendous, substantial

attractive→ appealing/ attempting

useful→ beneficial/ rewarding/ favorable

Nowadays →at present/ currently/ these days

Suitable →proper/appropriate

Choice →option/ alternative

Obvious →evident/noticeable

be good at →be adept at/ be qualified in/have a good command of../ be talented/gifted in…

promote→enhance/ boost/ stimulate

use→make full use of/ take advantage of/ employ/utilize/ apply…to

deal with→cope with/ address/ tackle

try one’s best → make every effort to/ spare no effort to/ exert one’s effort

have influence on →exert positive/ negative effect/influence/impact on

be bad for →be harmful/destructive for/ pose threat to/ be a curse to →

hurt →jeopardise危害

pay attention to→be concerned about/lay emphasis on/attach significance to/highlight


carry out→conduct/ implement/launch

