
some as refugees some as adventures
some fleeing some as captives
The United states was founded on the principle of human equality ,but in the fact the nation has fallen far short of that ideal. American society is a stratified one, in which power,wealth,and prestige are unequally distributed among the population.This equality is not simply a matter of distinctions between gender and social classes,it tends to follow racial and ethnic lines as well,with the result that class divisions often parallel racial divisions.
In the United S tates , except the dominant white Anglo-Saxon Potestant other groups are minority group in American society. Thhese racial and ethnic minorities mainly refers to : Blacks Native Americans Ameican Indians Hispanics Asian Americans And all these racial groups suffer from discrimination and injustice.And the problems have attracted the most public attention : the blacks (Afro-Americans)

4. After the American civil war until now
白人顽固的种族主义思想 起因:1955 年12月1日,亚拉巴马州蒙哥马利城黑人R.帕克斯夫人在公 共汽车上拒绝让座给白人,被捕入狱。
马丁·路德·金 外文名: Martin Luther King, Jr.
→ 独立宣言(The declaration ofindepedence) 1776.7.4
虽标榜“一切人生来平等”,却只字 不提黑人奴隶问题,黑奴不完全是人, 仅是“五分之三”非公民,黑人的地
托马斯·杰斐逊(1743-1826),美国政治家、 思想家、哲学家、科学家、教育家,第三任美 国总统。他是美国独立战争期间的主要领导人 之一,1776年,作为一个包括约翰·亚当斯和 本杰明·富兰克林在内的起草委员会的成员, 起草了美国《独立宣言》。此后,他先后担任 了美国第一任国务卿,第二任副总统和第三任 总统。
5.2008.11.5,巴拉克*奥巴马当选美国总 统,成为美国历史上首位黑人总统。
Thank you for coming and listening,you can ask questions according to this section and this courseware can be downloaded and edited freely
The United States of America Black‘s status-evolution 1.before the American War of independence 2.during the American War of independence 3.during the American civil war 4.after the American civil war until now

Jay Z
Beyonce Giselle Knowles pop singer
Will Smith
? Sports In the international stadium,especially in the track and field stadium,the
? African Americans' history started in the 16th century.They were transported unlawfully to the United States by the Black Triangle Trade.
1862.9.22 Abraham Lincoln The Emancipation Proclaimation
Group 6
Brief introduce about the African-American African-American Civil Rights Movement
Causes of the movement The key event of the moof the movement
most excellent athletes are Black nowadays. African American made a very positive contribution to the success of
the American basketball game.

浅论美国黑人政治地位的演变论文题目浅论美国黑人政治地位的演变目录一、引言 (1)二、美国独立战争前的黑人政治地位 (2)(一)肮脏的奴隶贸易 (2)(二)悲惨的奴隶境况 (2)(三)卑贱的奴隶地位 (3)三、独立战争时期的黑人政治地位 (4)四、南北战争时期的黑人政治地位 (5)(一)享有一定法律地位 (5)(二)享有各项公民权利 (6)五、南北战争后至今的黑人政治地位 (7)(一)法院诉讼阶段(20世纪初——50年代中期) (7)(二)直接行动阶段(20世纪50年代后——70年代) (8)(三)积极参政阶段(20世纪70年代以来) (9)六、结语 (10)浅论美国黑人政治地位的演变陈观英指导教师冯正好摘要从奴隶到总统,美国黑人走过的是一条艰辛曲折的政治之路。

1. 引言1.1 背景介绍19世纪下半叶美国南部黑人妇女的生活及其社会地位,是一个备受关注的议题。
1.2 研究意义19世纪下半叶美国南部黑人妇女的生活及其社会地位是一个备受关注的话题。

In 1964 L.B. President Johnson has signed "Civil rights Law".
Your Subtitle Goes Here
Finally,They Won!!!
● It changed the life of the African Americans. ● It also have a profound impact on Americans' life and
Sports Man
Musicians of The Black
------Something about hip-hop
First,Jazz Then,Blues Last,Rap---Hip-Hop---Hippie culture
In March, 1963,Birmingham, the request to cancel the entire city isolation system.
On August 28, 1963 250,000 people (1/4 for Caucasian) tomarch to Washington, the request "was freeimmediately".
Height: 184cm
Hometown: Mount Vernon, New York
Date of birth: December 28, 1954
Occupation: Actor, Director

The Evolution in Aframericans’ Roles in Culture
Barack Obama and Yes We Can
She was there for the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in Birmingham, a bridge in Selma, and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that "we shall overcome." Yes we can. The First Black President in U.S. History
Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation
Martin Luther King anave a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
美国种族歧视 PPT课件

是美国作家哈里特·比彻·斯托(斯托夫人)于1852年发表的一部反奴隶制 小说。这部小说中关于非裔美国人与美国奴隶制度的观点曾产生过意义深远 的影响,并在某种程度上激化了导致美国内战的地区局部冲突。
“隔壁的女寝室里,地板上睡着数不清的女人,她们睡的姿势各不相同,肤 色的黑白程度也不一致,年龄有老有少。她们此刻都睡着了。这儿有一个十 岁左右、聪明伶俐的小姑娘,她的母亲刚被卖掉,今晚在没人注意的情况下, 偷偷地流着泪睡着了。那儿有一个瘦弱的老婆婆,瘦削的胳膊和长有老茧的 指头,说明她一生操劳。现在,她正等候明天的拍卖。老板准备拿她当剩余 货卖出去,能卖多少是多少。她们周围躺着四五十个女人,用毯子或衣服蒙 着脑袋。可是,在一个角落里,有两个女人坐着,她们与别人不在一起,相 貌也颇不寻常。年纪大的是一个四五十岁上下的第一代混血女人,衣着得体, 慈眉善目,头上梳着一个高髻,用一块上好的马得拉斯红衣帕包着;身上的 衣裳剪裁合适,衣料也不错,显然,她以前的主人待她很不错。一个约摸十 五岁的姑娘偎依在她身边,应该是她的女儿,她皮肤白皙,是个第二代混血 种;和她母亲一样,她的眼睛也是乌黑而温柔,只是眉毛比她的母亲长一些, 头上的卷发呈浓艳的深棕色,衣着整洁,两只手白白嫩嫩的,显然没干过什 么重活。明天,她们母女俩将和圣克莱尔家的仆人一起被拍卖出去。”
16世纪20年代起,圣多美和普林西比的葡萄牙商 人深入圣萨尔瓦多内地,可能远至扎伊尔河上的 马莱博湖及在南方的恩东戈,从事贩奴活动。从 贝宁湾、刚果、安哥拉等地运来的黑奴,或留在 当地种植园工作,或被转运去黄金海岸、马德拉 群岛、佛得角群岛和葡萄牙本土,16世纪30年代 开始又直接转运去美洲,16世纪中叶成为非洲向 美洲贩运黑奴的主要转运站。圣多美岛在1530— 1560年间达到繁荣的顶点,是当时葡萄牙主要的 海外领地之一。奴隶和甘蔗是其两大财富。柯廷 引用N·迪尔的估计数认为,在整个黑奴贸易期 间,圣多美运进了10万名奴隶。

Black People 黑人(Hēirén)
•Account for about 12% of the total US population. •The first group of blacks was brought into Virginia colony as slaves in 1619.
加州政府、美国参议院和众议院分别在1970年, 2011年和2012年分别正式就《排华法案》道歉。
Jewish-Americans 犹太裔
• Account for more than 2% of the total US population.
• The first group of Jewish people immigrated into North America as early as 1654.
《排华法案》对华人的迁入影响(yǐngxiǎng)极大,移 居美国的华人人数从19世纪70年代高潮的123200人减少 到19世纪90年代的14800人。在20世纪30年代减少到不 足5000人,达到历史的最低点。
排华浪潮一直持续到20世纪30年代,直到中国在抗日 战争中扮演了越来越重要的角色,才逐渐消退。当太平洋 战争爆发后中国成为了美国的盟国,排华也走向历史的终 点。
Racial Discrimination
美国的种族歧视有着深远的历史,尤其是 对黑人的歧视。从美国建国初期的原始资本 积累到现在的如日中天,黑人用他们的劳动, 血汗和智慧开发了美国广阔的土地,创造了巨 大的财富。然而(rán ér),黑人在就业,福利 保障,教育,司法等社会各方面遭受严重的歧 视。美国长期存在的黑人种族歧视和种族隔 离问题至今仍未解决,种族冲突引发的流血案 件屡屡发生,大多数黑人的生活依然处于贫困 状态。
第九章 非洲裔美国人ppt课件

种族等级制:吉姆· 克劳时代
《汤姆叔叔的小屋》 与废奴声再起 林肯就职与南北战争
1865-1877的战后重建时期,标志着白人与黑人 的父权式关系的结束,二者之间的竞争关系正式形 成。
处于全盛发展时期的种族主义意识形态,助长了美国南北方的这种 种族隔离制度
布克· 华盛顿:自力更 生,自主创业。 杜波依斯:武装反抗 ,白人接纳
整合or 分割?这是一 个问题
20世纪以后,大量黑 人劳工从南方迁移到 北方,种族歧视,种 族隔离成为了全国性 的现象。 1877年重建时代结束 一直到20世纪40年代 黑人和白人形成了有 限的竞争
等级 流动的竞争:现代时期
从仆人到奴隶 选定黑人:
利益的驱使 黑人的肤色特征,和截然不同的宗教信仰(差 异感) 松散的体制,没有可依靠的组织
从19世纪30年代初开始在美国北部兴起的要求彻 底废除黑人奴隶制的群众运动。早在殖民时代和独立
“隔离但平等”一个 实例——教育隔离 建立一套规范制度— —白人不能与黑人握 手,称呼 三K党的暴力维持
1892年6月7日,具有八分之一黑人血统的 荷马· 普莱西(Homer A. Plessy)故意登上 东路易斯安那铁路的一辆专为白人服务的列 车,根据路易斯安那州1890年通过的相关 法律,白人和有色种族必须乘坐平等但隔离 的车厢。根据该条法律,普莱西被认定为“ 有色种族”,遭到逮捕和关押。于是他将路 易斯安那州政府告上法庭,指责其侵犯了自 己根据美国宪法第13、14两条修正案而享 有的权利。但是法官约翰· 霍华德· 弗格森( John Howard Ferguson)裁决州政府有权 在州境内执行该法,普莱西最终败诉,以违 反隔离法为名被判处罚金300美元。普莱西 接着向路易斯安那州最高法院控告弗格森法 官的裁决,但该法院维持了弗格森的原判。 结论 1896年,普莱西上诉至美国最高法院。5月 18日,最高法院以7:1的多数裁决:路易 斯安那州的法律并不违反宪法第13和第14 修正案,因为“隔离但平等”并不意味着对 黑人的歧视,而只是确认白人和黑人之间由 于肤色不同而形成差别。
Lesson4 美国黑人民权运动PPT课件

❖ But through non-violent protests, strive for African American people's right of mass
Event background
❖ In 1955, Montgomery, Alabama black for against bus segregation on, insist to boycott the bus movement of for one year, the Supreme Court ruled segregation of the bus was unconstitutional.
On Thursday, December 1,1995, Mrs. Rosa Park was arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a white man on a bus.
Martin Luther King
• …I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today…14

1955 年12月1日,亚拉巴马州蒙哥马利城 黑人R.帕克斯夫人在公共汽车上拒绝让座给 白人,被捕入狱。在青年黑人牧师M.L.金的 领导下,全城5万黑人团结一致 ,罢乘公共 汽车达一年之久 ,终于迫使汽车公司取消种 族隔离制,这次的罢乘公共汽车运动虽然成 效有限,虽然未达全面性废除种族隔离措施, 但对全美各地的黑人却起了鼓舞作用,并启 发他们的灵感,开始一波波争取民权的运动。
亚伯拉罕· 林肯。美国第16任总统。 他领导了美国南北战争,颁布了《解 放黑人奴隶宣言》,维护了美联邦统一, 为美国在19世纪跃居世界头号工业强国 开辟了道路,使美国进入经济发展的黄 金时代,被称为“伟大的解放者
在这部作品中,斯托夫人刻画了一 系列黑人的形象。他们无一不过着 凄苦无助的悲惨的生活,但是他们 是善良正直的,忠厚淳朴,其中的 主角是一位具有反抗精神的黑奴, 他有很强的工作能力,能读写,善 辞令,追求自由与平等,但是仍然 饱受压迫,在最后他敢于反抗、斗 争的精神让他获得重生。《汤姆叔 叔的小屋》不仅博得人们的同情, 更获得人们对奴隶制的愤恨,成为 美国废奴主义者的有力武器。同时, 这部作品也有利于林肯为这场战争 找到宗教的合法性,把以维护联邦 统一的战争转变为解放黑奴的圣战。
效果:掌权的资产阶级、种植园主阶级为了自身利益 ,进行种族歧视,虽标榜“一切人生来平等”,却只字 不提黑人奴隶问题,黑奴仅是“五分之三”非公民,黑 人的地位根本没有得到明显改善。

1. 引言1.1 美国南部黑人妇女在19世纪下半叶的社会地位在19世纪下半叶的美国南部,黑人妇女的社会地位备受挑战和限制。
2. 正文2.1 奴隶制度对黑人妇女的影响19世纪下半叶,美国南部的黑人妇女面临着严重的奴隶制度影响。

作者: 孙港波
出版物刊名: 扬州大学学报:人文社会科学版
页码: 92-99页
主题词: 黑人民权运动;社会地位;美国黑人;黑人问题;种族隔离;种族歧视;种族冲突;政治地位;民族主义;种族矛盾
摘要: 由于各种历史因素、各种社会力量包括国际力量合力作用的结果,战后美国黑人的社会地位有了重大的变化。
The Evolution of Aframericans’ Roles in History 美国黑人在历史上角色的演变研究

关键词: 奴隶制度美国黑人角色演变ABSTRACTAfrican-Americans are persons from America who are members of a race of people who have dark skin, originally from Africa. They were transported to the United States by European colonizers and called African, Negro, Colored, and Black in history. The original role of the African Americans in American society is African slaves. Though they lived in poor accommodations and lacked adequate food, they made a very positive contribution to American society in history.(Pollard, 2004)This study is mainly concerns on the evolution of African-Americans’ role-play in American society from the following aspects: appellation, politics, economy, Black English, literature, etc; this study is through great information about American history and culture, conspicuous representatives from respective field to analyzing African-Americans’ evolutionary roles in detail directly or indirectly.From this paper, some conclusions can be drawn. In the process of slipping slavery, fulfilling racial equality, improving American democratic system, African-Americans play a significant role in American society. They deserve a higher status in American society after all that life-long hard work with terrible cost of the revolution in death and suffering.Through analyzing that, get a deeper conclusion that it need all-round promotion in improving the role of some group of weak race or minority in society though bleeding and difficult it may be. We should respect them. Their experiences prove that process is winding, and future is promising.Key word: Slavery African American Evolutionary Role目录1. 引言 (1)1.1 美国黑人的定义 (2)1.2 美国黑人的原始角色及概况 (2)1.3 制约美国黑人发展的因素 (3)2从称谓变化看美国黑人的角色演变 (4)2.1 非洲人 (4)2.2 有色人 (4)2.3 尼格罗 (5)2.4 黑人 (5)2.5 非洲裔美国人 (6)3从政治和经济角度看美国黑人角色演变 (8)3.1 亚伯拉罕.林肯的《解放黑人奴隶宣言》 (8)3.2 马丁.路德.金的《我有一个梦想》 (12)3.3 芭芭拉.乔丹的正义之声 (14)3.4 贝拉克.奥巴马的“是的,我们可以” (17)3.5 美国黑人对经济所做出的贡献 (20)4从黑人英语看美国黑人角色演变 (22)4.1 黑人英语概述 (22)4.2 黑人英语的起源 (22)4.3 黑人英语的地位 (25)5从文化角度看美国黑人角色演变 (26)5.1 音乐 (26)5.2 体育 (28)5.3 文学 (28)结论 (30)致谢 (31)参考文献 (31)CONTENTS1. Introduction (1)1.1 The Definition of African Americans (2)1.2 The Original Role of African Americans (2)1.3 The Main Factors that shape African Americans (3)2 The Evolution in Appellation (4)2.1 African (4)2.2 Colored (4)2.3 Negro (5)2.4 Black (5)2.5 African American (6)3 The Evolution of Aframerican s’ Roles in Politics and Economy (8)3.1 Abraham Lincoln and t he Emancipation Proclamation (8)3.2 Martin Luther King and I Have a Dream (12)3.3 Barbara Jordan and Her Voice for Justice (14)3.4 Barack Obama and Yes We Can (17)3.5 African American’s Contribution to Economy (20)4 Black English (22)4.1 Introduction of Black English (22)4.2 The Historical Origins of Black English (22)4.3 The Role of Black English (25)5 The Evolution of Aframericans’ Roles in Culture (26)5.1 Music (26)5.2 Sports (28)5.3 Literature (28)Conclusion (30)Acknowledgements (31)Bibliography (31)1.IntroductionThe Main Factors that shape African Americans was their cultural differences from the European Americans excluded them from equal participation in American society through formal and informal barriers and their historical circumstances.(Robertson,1986) So the original role of African-American was very low. They were not allowed to marry, be educated or work independently. Since they were not allowed to practice their cultural activities or speak their native languages, they lost their African culture and language completely. They worked long days, did not have much of a family life, and were lynched for violation of the rules set by their owners. They lived in poor accommodations and lacked adequate food.(Pollard, 2004)Slavery was outlawed in 1780 in the northern states. At the end of the US Civil War (1865), slavery was abolished everywhere in the United States. Legal segregation slowly ended, beginning with President Truman’s directive (1948) to en segregation in the US military and the US Supreme Court decision (1954) in the case of Brown vs. the Broad of Education of Topeka, Kansas. The Civil Rights Movement led by Martin Luther King, Jr. finally desegregated the South in the 1960’s. The Civil Rights Act (1964-1965) integrated minorities, women and other disadvantaged people into the work force. In spite of these laws and Affirmative Action which gives preferential treatment to women and minorities, discrimination in employment and housing still exists. By the 1990’s more educational and employment opportunities for African Americans and other minorities became available. However, because Affirmative Action has been controversial since its inception, it has been challenged and eliminated in some states.(Almes,2004)A large segment of the Black African-American population was trapped in ghettoes, areas in a city where minority groups lived, often because of pressure from the majority group. Unemployment, poverty, infant mortality, and a lower status in society were common in ghettoes. As members of an underclass since the days of slavery, only a limited number of educated Blacks enjoyed the moderate economic gains between the 1970’s and 1990’s.This paper will first concern on the background of the African Americans, and then make an analysis the changing of the roles from several aspects, such as politics, economy, and appellation, language, etc. Then listing the changing roles during the long process, at last gives a conclusion of the evolution of African Americans’ roles from analysis and comparison.The African-American is a particular group in America. Racial discrimination is a particular phenomenon in American society. Slavery is a particular system in American history. It deserves study.This paper gives the specific details that African American’s role-play in America from five aspects, such as appellation, politics, economy, Black English, literature. Maybe there are something that not so thoughtful or accurate. Please give your previous suggestions.1.1 The Definition of African AmericansWhat is the meaning of African-American? Macroscopically speaking, African-American is a person from America who is a member of a race of people who have dark skin, originally from Africa.Microcosmically speaking, African-Americans are also called Afro-Americans or Afromericans, which were transported unlawfully to the United States by the European colonizers in history.1.2 The Original Role of African AmericansBeginning in 1619 Africans were imported to the United States as slaves to work on the cotton, tobacco and plantations. Gradually, a racist ideology developed. African slaves were called Negro and stereotyped as subhuman, innately irresponsible, stupid, lazy and promiscuous. They were not allowed to marry, be educated or work independently. Since they were not allowed to practice their cultural activities or speak their native languages, they lost their African culture and language completely. They worked long days, did not have much of a family life, and were lynched for violation of the rules set by their owners. They lived in poor accommodations and lacked adequate food.A large segment of the Black African-American population was trapped in ghettoes, areas in a city where minority groups lived, often because of pressure from the majority group. Unemployment, poverty, infant mortality, and a lower status in society were common in ghettoes. As members of an underclass since the days of slavery, only a limited number of educated Blacks enjoyed the moderat e economic gains between the 1970’s and 1990’s.In the United States, race is a very important issue. Race guides the behavior, education, opportunities and resources of Americans. Dominant Euro-Americans have traditionally held political and economic power. Since many Euro-Americans consider the United States as theircountry, psychologically they do not seem to accept minority Americans who constitute the other 20% of the population. By the end of the twentieth century the American racial/ethnic population was approximately:The Declaration of Independence proclaimed that all men are created equal and have rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Tomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence,owned slaves. Others who signed the document also had slaves and held negative attitudes toward a large number of Black African-Americans formerly called Negroes. As a matter of fact, many of the leaders in the colonies who fought for American independence owned slaves. This was true in the Northern colonies as well as the Southern ones. One example is the famous American diplomat, inventor and businessman Benjamin Franklin. He owned slaves for thirty years and sold them at his general store. But his ideas about slavery changed during his long life. Benjamin Franklin started the first schools to teach blacks and later argued for their freedom.(Pollard, 2004)1.3 The Main Factors that shape African AmericansAccording to Jan Robertson, two factors have shaped the conditions of non-Europeans in the United States. First, their cultural differences from the European Americans excluded them from equal participation in American society through formal and informal barriers. Second, historical circumstances prevented their participation as equal partners in the society. This meant that Black Africans who were imported as slaves were not usually treated as equals by their owners or employers.2 The Evolution in AppellationThere was an English saying that sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me. It is always utilized self-console that one doesn’t have to worry about negative things about spoken language. However, as a matter of fact, most people would rather lose money than be slandered. That’s what people attach importance to nowadays. Due to the phenomena and ideas, the old saying gets several variants. Such as, sticks and stones may break my bones, and names can also hurt me; Sticks and stones may break my bones, and words can also hurt me, etc. That’s the voice against unequal spoken language.African Americans go through a long and bloody way in order to win a satisfying name in society. Along the way, their names have been changed several times.(Du, 2005)2.1 AfricanIn 1554, an Englishman named William Towerson took five Africans to England, where they were taught English and fostered to be translators of slavery trade so that they could be put to good use of serving for the Western African colonies. In 1557, three of the five Africans returned to Gold Coast of Africa. It symbolizes the beginning of their use of English. And they were called Africans by English from then on.The appellation of African was used to unitarily call all kinds of Africans. But Europeans in America titled “free” or “slave” respectively according to the nature and type of Afri cans. For those who were unidentified, the Europeans in America titled them Nigger or Negro. During the two to three centuries, Africans were considered as comparative single status. Africans were either “free” or “slave”. So African’s not only a name of A fricans in Africa but also a title of Africans in America.2.2 ColoredIn 19th century, “Colored” became the appellation of African America n. People cannot clearly distinguish the native place in semantics from the appellation of African, especially after the founding of the United States. The slavery trade became less and less, while the African Americans became more and more after multiplying for generations. The appellation of African would confuse people easily.At the beginning, “Colored” referred to several free Africans. Then people considered it asall the African in America. Though the “Colored” showed racial discrimination, the leading persons in the Slavery Abolishing Movement used “Colored” in their speeches or articles. So other people tacitly approved it. In 1909, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People” showed that “Colored” was the formal appellation of the Africans in America. 2.3 NegroThe appellation of Negro originated in the end of 19th century. The American Negro Academy founded in 1897 and the National Business League founded in 1900 both regarded Negro as the unified appellation of the Africans in America.At the beginning of 20th century, people changed the appellation of the Africans in America from “Colored” into “Negro”. Because “Colored” in America dedicated their valiant spirit and bleeding sacrifice to fighting against fascists. It suddenly struck American politicians that “Colored” should be treated equally. Though the ideal dream w as not fulfilled, American official abolished the old appellation and adopted “Negro” instead in order to establish and safeguard the dignity of African Americans. On March 7, 1930, the New York Times said that “Negro” should be written with a capital “N” and it's the formal appel lation of Africans in America.2.4 BlackAs time went on, newspapers and publishing houses accepted the argument that the Negro group of words had indefensible racial overtones. A new name should be substituted for the slavery-imposed name. In 1966, an American Negro leader Stokeley Carmichael issued a call for Black power. Under the influence of the Black power, many African Americans started to recognize their equal right. They unlocked coloracracy and said to themselves “I’m black, and I’m proud” instead of “If you are white, you are all right; if you are brown, stick around; if you are black, git back”.There’s an essay and a great person that showed the origination of the appellation of Black.“Seems to me that the institutions that function in this co untry are clearly racist, and that they're built upon racism. And the question, then, is how can black people inside of this country move? And then how can white people who say they’re not a part of those institutions begin to move? And how then do we begin to clear away the obstacles that we have in this society, thatmake us live like human beings? How can we begin to build institutions that will allow people to relate with each other as human beings? This country has never done that, especially around the country of white or black.”“Now we want to take that to its logical extension, so that we could understand, then, what its relevancy would be in terms of new civil rights bills. I maintain that every civil rights bill in this country was passed for white people, not for black people. For example, I am black. I know that. I also know that while I am black I am a human being, and therefore I have the right to go into any public place. White people didn't know that. Every time I tried to go into a place they stopped me. So some boys had to write a bill to tell that white man, "He’s a human being; don’t stop him." That bill was for that white man, not for me. I knew it all the time. I knew it all the time.”“And we're never going to get caught up in questions about power. This country knows what power is. It knows it very well. And it knows what Black Power is 'cause it deprived black people of it for 400 years. So it knows what Black Power is. That the question of, Why do black people -- Why do white people in this country associate Black Power with violence? And the question is because of their own inability to deal with "blackness." If we had said "Negro power" nobody would get scared. Everybody would support it. Or if we said power for colored people, everybody would be for that, but it is the word "black" -- it is the word "black" that bothers people in this country, and that’s their problem, not mine.”Since then, Black had become more and more popular both in American society and life. Such as, Black History Week, Black Culture, Black Experience, etc.2.5 African AmericanIn 1977, Smitherman suggested that Black should be replaced by African American in her works about African American language study. Her suggestion didn’t come true until 1989. The celebrated scholar, Doctor Manning Marable published an article called African-American or Black? The Politic of Culture Identify in the periodical of Black Issues in Higher Education in April, 1989. After that the voice of changing name appeared in society.Doctor Dorothy Height played an important role in changing title of Black, as well as Jesse Jackson’s eloquent speech. The appellation of African American became more and more famousin newspapers, periodicals, TV shows, etc. in 1990, MOTOWN (a TV show) made a programme for the appellation of African America. Now, especially in the south of America, people almost don’t use Black but African American.African Americans went through a long and bloody way in order to win a satisfying name in society. Along the way, their names have been changed several times. That’s all for the appellation of African American’s titles. Every title shows that their social roles became more and more significant in America. It shows that sticks and stones may break my bones, and words can also hurt me.3 The Evolution of Aframericans’Roles in Politics and EconomyThere are four representatives played important roles in the evolution of African Americans’roles in Politics. They are Abraham Lincoln who fighted for the freedom and equal rights of African slaves, Martin Luther King,and Barbara Jordan,Barack Obama. This chapter will represent the experience of them in the process of slipping slavery, fulfilling racial equality, improving American democratic system.In addition, a little information of African Americans’ positive contribution to the overall American economy will be given.3.1 Abraham Lincoln and t he Emancipation ProclamationAbraham Lincoln is the only president in American history to lead a nation divided by civil war.At the heart of the issues that divided the South from the North was slavery. Southern states withdrew from the Union because they saw a threat to their way of life. Their agricultural economy depended on the labor of slaves originally brought from Africa. The states thought the federal government would free the slaves.South Carolina was the first to leave. It did so shortly after Lincoln's election in November of eighteen sixty. Six other states followed by the time he took office in March of eighteen sixty-one. In his inaugural speech, Lincoln begged southern states not to leave the Union.Abraham Lincoln did not receive a majority of the popular vote in the eighteen sixty election. But he won enough electoral votes to become president.Lincoln fought to keep the Union together. He led a civil war in which more than six hundred thousand Americans were killed. And, in leading that war, he took the first steps that would destroy the institution of slavery.At the beginning of the Civil War, Lincoln’s main goal was the preservation of the Union. But as the war continued, the complete emancipation of the slaves became a necessity. From the beginning of the war, Blacks had come over into the Union lines. How to treat these “contrabands of war” as they were called? The Northern generals began to liberate the slaves. Meanwhile Lincoln edged toward emancipation. In Mar. 1862, he proposed that federalcompensation be offered to any state which began gradual emancipation. On July 17, 1862, a Confiscation Act was passed, liberating the slaves of all persons aiding the rebellion. (Fan, 2005) On January 1, 1863, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. The Proclamation declared freedom for all slaves in the areas under Confederate control. He emphasized that this action was based on his war powers. The immediate effect of the Emancipation Proclamation did not become law until January 31, 1865 when Congress ratified the 13th Amendment of the US Constitution which completely abolished slavery in the United States. The proclamation, containing, among others things, the following, to wit:“That on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free; and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.”“And by virtue of the power and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States and parts of States are, and henceforward shall be, free; and that the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons.”“And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind and the gracious favor of Almighty God.”Most whites did not consider blacks -- or Negroes, as they called them -- to be their equal. Lincoln was no different. But he believed that slavery was wrong.Yet he thought that slavery would die out naturally over time -- and that outsiders should not force southerners to end slavery. He explained his position many times in speeches, debates and letters, including this one written in eighteen fifty-eight:The declaration that "all men are created equal" is the great fundamental principle upon which our free institutions rest; that negro slavery is violative of that principle; but that, by our frame of government, that principle has not been made one of legal obligation; that by our frameof government, the states which have slavery are to retain it, or surrender it at their own pleasure; and that all others —individuals, free states and national government —are constitutionally bound to leave them alone about it.But Lincoln changed his mind. Some historians think the death of his eleven-year-old son Willie had an influence. The president and his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, had four children, all sons. Three got sick and died. Only one lived past the age of eighteen.Tom Schwartz is the Illinois state historian and an expert on Abraham Lincoln. He says the president began to think seriously about the meaning of life after Willie died in eighteen sixty-two. Lincoln never joined a church, but he believed in a supreme being who created every person with a purpose in life.After his son's death, Lincoln decided that one of his purposes was to be an emancipator -- to begin the process of freeing the slaves. A few months later, he wrote the Emancipation Proclamation.Many people think the Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves. It did not. It only declared slaves in the Confederacy to be free. In other words, only slaves in the southern states that did not recognize Lincoln as president.Lincoln read the first draft of the document to his cabinet in July of eighteen sixty-two, five months after Willie's death.A new stage play has been written about those five months in Lincoln's life. "The Heavens Are Hung In Black" by James Still is the first play being presented in the newly redecorated Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C. That is the same theater where President Lincoln was shot in eighteen sixty-five.Historians say that by writing the Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln established a moral purpose for the war. No longer was the purpose simply to bring the southern states back into the Union. Now his declaration made freeing the slaves a long-term goal of the conflict.It put the Confederate states in the position of fighting for slavery -- even though most of the soldiers were too poor to own slaves. And it increased the military strength of the Union by making it possible for free blacks to serve in the northern army.Political opponents and the press criticized actions taken by President Lincoln.The First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees free speech and a free press. Yet Lincoln briefly closed some newspapers.Another action that he took was to suspend the right of habeas corpus. Habeas corpus is a legal term for the right to have a judge decide if a person is being detained lawfully. The request is made to the court in a written document called a writ.The Constitution, in setting limits on Congress, says in Article One: "The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it."Suspending habeas corpus means that a prisoner can be held without trial for as long as the government wants.Abraham Lincoln or his cabinet officers suspended that right several times. They believed they were acting within the Constitution.President Lincoln knew that he would be criticized for issuing such orders without waiting for congressional approval. Yet he himself was not sure what powers he had in many situations. American history could offer no guide. After all, the country had never before had a civil war.Yet Abraham Lincoln is often called America's greatest president. He is remembered as the man who saved the Union and re-invented it at the same time.By including blacks, Lincoln expanded "the borders of freedom," says historian Tom Schwartz. Lincoln himself said his purpose was to provide "an open field and a fair chance in life." He succeeded in beginning that process, though black Americans did not gain full civil rights until the nineteen sixties.Abraham Lincoln was the first presidential candidate of the modern Republican Party. He included political opponents in his cabinet, which is unusual. Doris Kearns Goodwin wrote about this in her two thousand five books "Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln."Lincoln was the leading force behind the Thirteenth Amendment which officially ended slavery in the United States. It became law in December of eighteen sixty-five.By then, Lincoln was dead. On April 14th, 1865, Southern sympathizer and actor John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln in Ford's Theatre. It happened five days after the South surrendered and the Civil War ended.Not surprisingly, America's sixteenth president is a hero of another former Illinois lawmaker. Barack Obama has spoken repeatedly of Lincoln's influence in making it possible for the country to have its first African-American president.During the three decades after the war, the civil rights of blacks disappeared under the pressure of white rule in the South and the force of the US Supreme Court decision to narrow the application of the Reconstruction Amendments. The fundamental problem of the Black person’s place in American society has continued to haunt subsequent generations.Abraham Lincoln fighted for the freedom and equal rights of African Americans so that African Americans’roles were enhanced to some extent. At least, they were not slaveries any more.3.2 Martin Luther King and I Have a DreamIn 1863 President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation freeing all slaves in the United States. One hundred years after this decree was signed, however, the life of blacks was still "sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination." On August 28, 1963, a quarter of a million people of all races came to Washington, D. C., to show their support for freedom and justice for all Americans, and for black people in particular. At that demonstration Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered this famous speech, widely regarded as the most eloquent statement of the black people's dreams and aspirations ever made. Dr. King told the world, "I have a dream" that equality would come "to all of God's children." He said he wanted everyone to be able to "join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, 'Free at last! Free at last…'"“To be a Negro in America is to hope against hope,” wrote Martin Luther King. The advance of the black man in the United States, from the position of slave to that of proud and equal citizen, is slow. The black man’s hopes have often ended in despair.“Of the good things in life he has about one-half those of whites; of the bad he has twice those of those of whites,” wrote Dr. King. Half of all black people lived in poor houses. They received about half as much pay as whites. They had twice as many of their people out of work and twice as many babies dead for lack of proper care. Allowing for their numbers, twice as many black men as white fought in the war in Vietnam, and twice as many died in that war. Most。