商务英语写作 Lesson 3




一、differencesThough the primary function of both manufacturers and service providers is to satisfy customer needs, there are several important differences between the two types of operations. Let’s focus on three of them:●Intangibility [in,tænkʒə'biləti]. 无形的Manufacturers produce tangible products—things that can be touched or handled, such as automobiles and appliances. Service companies provide intangible products, such as banking, entertainment, or education.●Customization. 客户化Manufactured goods are generally standardized; one twelve-ounce bottle of Pepsi ['pepsi] 百事可乐is the same as any other twelve-ounce bottle of Pepsi. Services, by contrast, are often customized to satisfy the specific needs of a customer. When you go to the barber(理发店)(Shaolin Temple光头(bare-headed) baldies)or the hairdresser, you ask for a haircut that looks good on you because of the shape of your face and the texture of your hair. When you go to the dentist, you ask him or her to fill or pull the tooth that’s bothering you.●Customer contact. 顾客接触,顾客联系You could spend your entire working life assembling cars in Detroit and never meet a customer who bought a car that you helped to make. But if you were a waitress, you’d interact with customers every day. In fact, their satisfaction with your product would be determined in part by the service that you provided. Unlike manufactured goods, many services are bought and consumed at the same time.扩展:extending the issue of Customer contact.二、the nature of servicesThe customer is (or should be ) the focal point of all decisions and actions of service organization.顾客是(应该是)服务型组织所有决策和行动的着眼点。



First Employment Contract 首次雇佣合同It refers to The Contrat Premiére Embauche (CPE) a new form of employment contract pushed in spring 2006 in France by Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin(法国前总理). This contract, available solely to employees under 26, would have made it easier for the employer to fire employees by removing the need to provide reasons for dismissal for an initial “trial period” of two years, in exchange for some financial guarantees for employees. The enactment of this amendment to the so-called “Equality of Opportunity Act” (机会均等法) establishing this contract was so unpopular that soon massive protests were held, and the government had to rescind the amendment. Actually, President Jacques Chirac(法国前总统) declared that the law would be put on the statute book, but that it would not be applied. surrender:v. ~ (yourself)(to sb)to admit that one has been defeated and want to stop fighting; to allow oneself to be caught, taken prisoner, etc. SYN. give in投降,屈服 (P50) eg. The hijackers eventually surrendered themselves to the police.劫机者最终向警方投降。

商务英语写作课件 Unit 3 Introduction Letter

商务英语写作课件 Unit 3 Introduction Letter

Activity 12
1. AN INTRODUCTION LETTER / An Introduction Letter / A Letter of Introduction / A LETTER OF INTRODUCTION 2. Dear Sir or Madam / Dear Sirs, 3. This is to introduce our purchasing agent Mr. Frank Green who will be in Paris from May 10 to mid May on business. 4. We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr. Green and will always be happy to reciprocate. / We would appreciate any help you can give Mr. Green and will always be happy to reciprocate. 5. Yours faithfully, XXX
1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T
How many parts should be included in an introduction letter?
Personnel Introduction Letter
5 parts
Title Salutation Body Complimentary close Signature and job title
a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) energy source / source of energy community cost-effective environmentally friendly landfill gas additional / extra community decomposes renewable energy local pollutant packet of information

商务英语写作教程 Unit 3

商务英语写作教程   Unit 3
The Board and I would like to offer our sincere congratulations. We are especially pleased to have filled the role internally after an extensive search including external candidates. This is a thoroughly deserved promotion and a testament to the hard work and professionalism you have demonstrated in your latest role.
3.1 Notices
2. 编排方面 编排要整洁清晰,使之一目了然。因此在编排上往往对通知的内容 进行按序号或分点罗列。试比较以下两句话: 无罗列: We will give you advice on loans, insurance and sales of your existing property. 有罗列: We will give you advice on: ➢ loans ➢ insurance ➢ sales of your existing property 另外,自然段或信息段之间要空行,并在整篇通知外加一个方框, 以提高整体性。
3.1 Notices
2.Shevon公司人力资源部发布通知,将于6月19日(本周五)下午3 点在305室召开全体员工大会,要求所有职员参加,如果无法出席, 必须向部门负责人请假。请根据所给信息写一份英文通知。
3.2 Memos
作为非正式的商务文件,备忘录(memorandum,简写为memo)是机构、 公司等组织内部联系工作、交流信息和处理业务时使用的一种简便交流方式, 其主要功能包括确认电话交谈或会面的内容、为主管与员工之间的交流提供 更便捷的渠道等。


• Franchise you buy a license to trade under the name of the franchiser and you benefit from the franchiser’s expertise.
Words & expressions
• set up •concept •charge •branch out •growth •launch • fee
So is the main concept behind a franchise that of a compromise between setting up on your own and working for a company? ‘Absolutely not,’ says Dan Archer, head of marketing at the British Franchise Association. ‘That’s a ludicrous over-simplification. It is running your own business, but it’s taking away some of the risk and bringing in the support of other people.’ He points out that only 0.9% of franchises fail, compared with the majority of individually owned businesses.
Words & expressions
• set up 成立 创立 •concept 概念 •charge 定价 负责 •branch out 拓展业务 •growth 增长 •launch 开办 创立 • fee 费用 initial fee 押金,保证金

商务英语写作 Lesson 3

商务英语写作  Lesson 3

Layout of an English Letter Part I Knowledge Bank
Unit Two Correspondence
Format of an Invitation Letter Paragraph 1 State clearly the purpose of writing the letter extending the invitation before going into the details. Paragraph 2 Give the detailed information of gathering including time, date, place, notes, etc.. This enables the invitee to have a better idea of the occasion. Paragraph 3 Express the sincere wish for the invitee’ s coming. End If a reply is required, place R. S. V. P. (Please reply.) at the end of the invitation letter, often at the
writer were extending the invitation orally. And the wording should also be cordial and sincere. Please write a Letter of Invitation according to the following information.
Writing Task Lesson 3 Letters of Invitation & Letters of Thanks

实用商务英语写作课件-Unit 3Intra-corporate Documents (I)

实用商务英语写作课件-Unit 3Intra-corporate Documents (I)

1) According to the content
a. brief notice includes the time, place and content of the meetings
and activities (such as speeches, games and parties). b. detailed notice about activities with background information about a person or an organization, and the arrangement of the activities. C. notifications and warnings about certain formal events, written with precise structure and concise words.
(1) Heading (2) Body (3) Signature (4) Date
Heading: To attract the reader’s attention using the word Notice or NOTICE
Body: To inform the public of certain events or activities. The body includes the purpose for issuing the notice; time, place, sponsor and detailed information about the event; and the rounding off remarks.
Unit 3 Intra-corporate Documents (I)



BBC商务英语Unit3MakingappointmentsUnit 3 Making appointments一、Dialogue(一)EDWARD GREEN: So, Mr. Smith, when can we meet?爱德华.格林:那么,史密斯先生,我们什么时候可以见面?MR. SMITH: I' m busy all next week.史密斯先生:我下周都很忙。

EDWARD GREEN: Maybe the week after?爱德华.格林:下下周?MR. SMITH: Talk to my secretary.史密斯先生:跟我秘书定吧。

EDWARD GREEN: You print your catalogue this month, don' t you?爱德华.格林:你是这个月出版产品目录吧?MR. SMITH: Yes.史密斯先生:是的。

EDWARD GREEN: Could you possibly see the product this week? It won' t take long.爱德华.格林:那你能不能本周看一下产品?不会花太长时间。

MR. SMITH: Okay. Be here Wednesday morning...eight sharp!史密斯先生:好吧。

周三早上到我这儿来……8点整!I' ll give you twenty minutes.我给你20分钟的时间。

EDWARD GREEN: Thank you Mr. Smith. I' ll see you on Wednesday morning at 8 o' clock. 爱德华.格林:谢谢,史密斯先生。


JENNY ROSS: Well done!詹妮.罗斯:做的好!二、短语和句型When can we meet?I'm busy todayI'm very busy this weekIt will take an hourIt will take ten minutesIt won't take long.I'll see you on Wednesday at eight o'clock.I arrive at 3 sharp.to set up a meeting /to arrange a meeting 安排会议/会面itinerary旅行计划/旅行日程三、Answer the question :1.When must the meeting be?2.How long will that meeting take? Dialogue(二)CLIVE HARRIS: Good morning. Geraldine. 克莱夫.哈里斯:早上好。



剑桥商务英语unit3作文In the bustling heart of the city, the sun sets over the skyline, casting a golden glow on the towering glass buildings. The streets below echo with the chatter of professionals, each carrying the weight of their ambitions.The office, a hive of activity, hums with the clacking of keyboards and the rustle of papers. Here, the language of commerce is spoken fluently, with negotiations and dealsbeing struck over the phone and across the conference table.Amidst the flurry of business, a young entrepreneurstands out, her eyes alight with determination. She navigates the complex world of finance with the grace of a seasoned professional, her voice clear and confident as she discusses market trends.The café, a have n for the weary, offers a moment of respite. Here, business meets leisure as colleagues shareideas over a cup of coffee, the aroma of which blends withthe scent of fresh pastries, creating a comforting atmosphere.As dusk falls, the city takes on a different character. The neon lights flicker to life, illuminating the faces of those who continue to work into the night. Their dedicationto their craft is palpable, a testament to the spirit of enterprise that fuels the city's growth.In the heart of the financial district, the stock exchange stands as a symbol of power and prosperity. Traders, their eyes glued to the screens, make split-second decisions that can make or break fortunes in the blink of an eye.The night brings with it a sense of reflection. The city, once a cacophony of noise, now hums with a quieter, more introspective energy. Professionals, having put in a day's work, ponder over the day's achievements and challenges.Finally, as the city sleeps, the stars above bear witness to the dreams and aspirations of those who call it home. Tomorrow, the cycle will begin anew, with the city awakening to the sound of ambition and the promise of another day in the world of business.。



国开商务英语3作文Studying Business English is essential for students who are interested in pursuing a career in the field of business. In this article, we will discuss the importance of Business English 3, a course offered at many universities, and how it can benefit students in their future careers.Business English 3 focuses on developing students' language skills in a business context. This course covers a wide range of topics, including business communication, negotiation skills, and professional writing. By mastering these skills, students will be better equipped to succeed in the competitive world of business.One of the key benefits of taking Business English 3 is the improvement of communication skills. In the business world, effective communication is crucial for building relationships with clients, colleagues, and partners. By learning how to communicate clearly and professionally, students will be able to convey their ideas and messages with confidence.Another important aspect of Business English 3 is the development of negotiation skills. Negotiation is an essential part of business transactions, and being able to negotiate effectively can lead to successful deals and partnerships. In this course, students will learn how to negotiate with confidence, handle objections, and reach mutually beneficial agreements.Professional writing is also a major focus of Business English 3. In the business world, written communication plays a significant role in conveying information, proposals, and reports. By honing their writing skills in this course, students will be able to produce clear, concise, and professional documents that reflect their professionalism and attention to detail.Furthermore, Business English 3 provides students with the opportunity to learn about business etiquette and culture. Understanding the cultural norms and practices of different countries is crucial for building successful international relationships. Bystudying these topics in this course, students will be better prepared to navigate the global business environment.In conclusion, Business English 3 is a valuable course for students who are looking to pursue a career in business. By focusing on communication skills, negotiation techniques, professional writing, and business etiquette, this course equips students with the tools they need to succeed in the competitive world of business. By mastering these skills, students will be well-prepared to face the challenges and opportunities that await them in their future careers.。

商务英语写作实务课件Unit 3

商务英语写作实务课件Unit 3
The Administration Office June 5, 2012
Situation 2
Complete the following meeting notice by translating the Chinese into English.
NOTICE OF MEETING ___I’_m__p_le_a_s_ed__to__in_f_or_m__y_o_u(我很高兴地通知您)that the 11th Chinese Investment and Trade Symposium _w_i_ll_b_e_h_e_l_d_in__X_i_am__e_n_I_nt_e_rn_a_t_io_n_a_l _C_o_n_fe_r_en_c_e_a_n_d_E__xp_o_s_it_io_n__C_e_n_te_r_f_ro_m__8_th_t_o_1_0_th_i_n__ _S_e_p_te_m_b_e_r_, _2_0_1_2_(将于2012 年9 月8 日至10 日在厦门国际会展中心举行). Also, the Investment Forum of Siming District, Xiamen will be held on September 9, 2012. _Y__ou__a_re_i_n_v_it_ed__to__at_te_n_d__ (诚邀您参加)both the Symposium and the Forum. __A_s_h_a_s _b_ee_n__pl_a_n_n_ed__(根据安排), you will have the chance to participate in the festivities in our city. Also, you will visit the scenic spots during your stay here. Some of them are historical and cultural heritage that is peculiar to Xiamen. You are sure to find enormous business opportunities in Xiamen. __I _sh_o_u_l_d_a_p_p_re_c_ia_t_e(我将不胜感激)___if_y_o_u_c_o_u_l_d_in_f_o_rm__u_s_a_s_s_o_o_n_a_s_p_o_ss_i_b(le 尽 快通知我们)— by fax, telephone or other means— whether or not you will be able to attend the Symposium and the Forum _s_o_t_ha_t_w__e _c_an__m_a_k_e_t_he__n_ec_e_s_sa_r_y_a_r_ra_n_g_e_m_e_n_ts(以便我们做必要安排).

实用商务英语写作课件-Unit 3

实用商务英语写作课件-Unit 3

A notice is a sheet of paper giving written or printed information, usually put in a public place.
It is usually written by the higher authority to the subordinates to notify or announce some issues.
1) According to the content
a. brief notice includes the time, place and content of the meetings
and activities (such as speeches, games and parties). b. detailed notice about activities with background information about a person or an organization, and the arrangement of the activities. C. notifications and warnings about certain formal events, written with precise structure and concise words.
Administration Office Mar. 10, 2013
Sample – A notice in form of memo
To: All Staff From: Human Resources Department Date: June 6th, 2013 Subject: Appointment of a New Vice President B&W is pleased to let you know that, effective from June 10th, Mr. Bowel will be our new Vice President. He will replace Mr. Deng Haiyu, who is retiring next month after 30 years of invaluable contribution to our company. Mr. Bowel will be concurrently serving as Manager of Finance Division. We hope that you will give Mr. Bowel the same loyal support as you did to Mr. Deng during his tenure (任期) of office. Your cooperation will be much appreciated.

商务英语写作 chapter 3

商务英语写作 chapter 3

Useful Sentence Patterns p49-50

1. Would you please/ Could you please/ Will you please…? 2. We are interested in/ We are in the market for… 3. We will appreciate it very much if…
商务英语写作>>Unit Three Enquiries 外语教学与研究出版社
在发出询问时,确保将自己的意思表达清晰以 避免获得错误的信息。通常情况询问包括以下几个 部分:商品名、质量、数量、价格条款、支付条款、 装运时间、包装方式,等等。如果可能的话,告诉 对方你是从哪里获得有关其公司及产品信息的。 在写询问函时要表示出你的礼貌来,用诸如 “请”或“不禁感激”等词语表述。
商务英语写作>>Unit Three Enquiries 外语教学与研究出版社
Useful Information
Generally an inquiry includes many parts:
the name of goods quality quantity terms of price terms of payment time of shipment packing methods, etc. If possible, tell the reader where you learnt of his company or its products.

Patterns and Substitutions

1. We are interested in / in the market for / potential buyers of / considering buying / ready to purchase your men’s shirts displayed in your showroom.



Letter 1Dear Sir,Creating a New ImageThank you for your letter of Monday, 24 August 2009 concerning the creation of a new image for the Yunan route.We would like to congratulate your company on the inauguration of this new route. We are very much interested in helping to create a new image for it.We would be pleased to quote prices and schedules if you could provide us with more detailed information.May we suggest that we send two representatives Mr. David Poon and Miss Cindy Tam to your office on Monday, 31 August 2009 at 10:00 a.m. for further discussions Please do not hesitate to contract me if the date and time is not convenient for you. My telephone number is 2346-8999.Yours faithfully,Letter 2Dear Mr Wong,Enquiry about BatteriesThank you for your letter of Monday, 24 August 2009 regarding making copies of the sample battery you sent us.I have investigated the situation and found that your specifications are exactly the same as the design of a proprietary camera battery manufactured by a large Japanese electronics company. We feel that it would not be in our interests to supply this type of battery. However, I would like to thank you for considering our company as your supplier.I look forward to doing business with your company in the future.Letter 3Dear Sirs,You are recommended to us by London Chamber of Commerce as one of the leading cotton textiles exporters. We are interested in your cotton blankets, cotton bed-sheets, cotton table-cloth and table napkins. We would like you to send us details of your various ranges, including sizes, colours and prices, and also samples of the different qualities of material used. We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves to you as large dealers in textiles and believe there is a promising market in our area for moderately priced goods of the kind mentioned, When replying, please state your terms of payment and a trade discount for companies that buy in large quantities.If the prices are in line, we trust important business can materialize.Yours faithfully,Letter 4Dear Mr. Yong,Thank you for your enquiry of August 15. We enclose our illustrated catalogue and price list giving the details you asked for. Samples of our products for which you asked in your letter of August 15 are being sent to you today. We feel confident that you will be satisfied with the goods both excellent in quality and reasonable in price.On regular purchases in quantities of not less than 100 dozen of individual items we would allow you a distant of 2%. Payment is to be made by irrevocable L/C at sight.Our all cotton textiles are becoming popular because of their softness and durability. After studying the samples and their prices you will not be surprised to learn that we are finding it difficult to meet the demand. But if you place your order not later than September 5, we would ensure prompt shipment.We are looking forward to receiving your first order.Yours faithfully,Letter 5Dear Sirs,We welcome your enquiry of May 2 and thank you for your interest in our products. A copy of our illustrated catalogue is being sent to you today, with samples of some of the skins we regularly use in our manufactures. Unfortunately, we cannot send you immediately a full range of samples, but you may take it that such skins as chamois and doeskin, not represented in the parcel, are of the same high quality.Mr. Zhang, our sales representatives, will be in Milan early next month and will be pleased to call on you. He has with him a wide range of our manufactures and when you see them we think you will agree that the quality of the materials used and the high standard of craftsmanship will appeal to the most selective buyers.We also manufacture a wide range of hand-made leather handbags in which we think you may be interested. They are fully illustrated in the catalogue and are of the same high quality as our gloves. Mr. Zhang will show you samples when he calls.We look forward very much to the pleasure of receiving an order from you.Yours faithfully,Letter 6Dear Sirs,We have received your enquiry of April 5 with thanks, and are glad that you are interested in our tea. Enclosed are a copy of our latest catalogue and a price-list for tea. Please note that items no.1-10 listed in the price list can be supplied from stock.The various kinds of tea with different brands that we handle are all famous Chinese tea, superior in quality, and have been sold to many countries and regions in Europe, America, Asia and Africa. And we have already, under separate cover, airmailed to you samples of three kinds of famous Chinese tea now available from stock, which are all the time popular at your end. For details,please refer to our catalogue.Should you need further information not yet covered by the above-mentioned catalogue and price list, please don’t hesitate to let us know.We are looking forward to your orderLetter 7Dear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of 1st Feb., enquiring about the JF72 pocket calculator.This model is no longer in production as it has been superseded by the JF73 solar-powered pocket calculator. As you will see from the enclosed leaflet, the new model has several additional features at an extremely competitive price.We have also enclosed our latest catalogue giving details of the vast range of electronic goods we supply.We allow a discount of 3% on purchase of not less than 50 of the same model, and 3.5% on quantities of not less than 100. In addition, we give a discounty of 2% for payment within fourteen days from date of invoice.We are looking forward to doing business with you in the near future,Letter 8Dear Sirs,Thank you for your letter giving us details of the products we enquired about. The main item we are interested in is the kitchen unit in the catalogue under the heading CM214. As we are building a large block of apartments, we think a unit like the one listed, might be the best installation for our purposes. Please let us know what your terms of trade are. Could you also tell us if you are able to offer trade and quantity discount on the price for a large order We would also be grateful for samples of all materials used in the manufacture of your units. I’m including a plan of our apartments, and the dimensions are would need.Letter 9Dear Sirs,We visited your stand at Milan fair last October. We were interested in your leather boots.We are wholesalers in Jeddah and we think your articles could find a promising market in our area. We would be very pleased to receive your catalogue and price list. Let us also have your sales terms for large orders. If your prices and terms meet our requirements, we will be glad to start a business relationship with you. Looking forward to receiving an early reply.Letter 10Dear Sirs,We intend to import Sony Camera you displayed at the Trade Fair. Therefore, please inform us of CIF London price, discount, time of shipment and other details. Could you possibly send us some booklets and catalogues for our reference Should there be any items new to the U.K. market, kindly let us know and send samples if available.We hope this will be a good beginning of mutually beneficial business relations and we assure you of our close attention to your offers.Letter 11Dear Sirs,Thank you for your enquiry of October 30 for Women’s Nylon Garments. In compliance with your request, we have enclosed a price list and an illustrated brochure. Although we still have certain amount of stock we can hardly keep them for a long time because of the heavy demand. Samples will be sent on request. We are looking forward to your early reply.。

商务英语Lesson 3

商务英语Lesson 3

Case 1: reply to “first” inquiry
Dear Sir,
We were pleased to receive your inquiry of 15th May for our Cassette Tape Recorders. Enclosed is our detailed quotation which is subject to a 5% discount on all orders over 400 pieces. And a complete set of samples was sent to you yesterday. We are happy to inform you that we can guarantee delivery within three weeks of receipt of your order. Owing to the heavy demand for this time, however, we would
1. General Inquiry
Dear Sirs,
Our six-member delegation will be in London next month and would like to stay in a second-class hotel near a Chinese restaurant. Would you please send us a list of recommended hotels with their bed-and-breakfast rates, as well as some illustrated brochures of the city? We would also appreciate knowing how early we need to write for reservation.



• Don’t let other’s comment shake your decision. • → We shouldn't change our mind because of others’ comments. • So the university may be a waste of time for those students. • →So studying in university will be a waste of time for them.

• •
By making friends who are different from ourselves, we can make up for deficiency. → By making friends who are different from ourselves, we can make up for our shortcomings. You spend all your life to fulfill your willing. → You devote all your life to the fulfillment of your dream

• • • • •
It is very necessary more qualified scientists and technicians. → qualified scientists and technicians are in great demand. This knowledge will become a part of your body. → This knowledge will become part of you. They cannot think clearly. → They cannot think straight.

商务英语 Unit 3 Travel

商务英语 Unit 3 Travel

Reading 1: Free flight offer
Emirates Airline (shortened form: Emirates) is a major airline in the Middle East, and a subsidiary of The Emirates Group. It is the national airline of Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Emirates operates an international network from its hub at Dubai International Airport, spanning North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Australia. The airline operates over 1,990 passenger flights per week, to 101 destinations in 61 countries across 6 continents. The company also operates four of the world's longest non-stop commercial flights from Dubai to Los Angeles, São Paulo, Houston, and San Franciish English?
American gasoline truck parking lot vacation cab baggage round trip subway flight attendant freeway line schedule British petrol lorry car park holiday taxi luggage return trip tube steward/stewardess motorway queue timetable Travel



Please give us detailed information of CIF Guangzhou prices, discounts, and terms of payment.
We hope this will be a good start for a long and profitable business relations.
We assure you that all the information about the financial and business standing of the company will be kept in strict confidence and without any responsibility on your part.
Dear Sirs,
We have received your letter of May 12, 2006, respecting the standing of ABC Engineering Company of New Zealand.
Truly yours,
Chinese version to the first letter:
从纽约的ABC公司处得知, 贵方是贵国主要出口 商之一。
目前,我方对进口贵方产品很感兴趣。 若能向
我方函寄产品目录、样品簿或者在可能的情况下惠 寄样品,我方将不胜感激。
We allow a proper discount according to the quantity ordered. As to the terms of payment we usually require Letter of Credit payable by sight draft.
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Layout of an English Letter Part I Knowledge Bank
Unit Two Correspondence
Block Format _______________________ (Heading) _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ (Date) _______________________ _______________________ (Inside Address) _______________________ Block Format _______________________ _______________________ (Salutation) _________________________________________________________________ _______________________ (Body) _______________________ (Complementary Close) _______________________ (Signature)
Unit Two Correspondence
Letter writing is a way of communicating messages in written words. It is a very important
skill in daily life. If you are not able to produce well-written and effective letters, it will hinder
Writing Task Lesson 3 Letters of Invitation & Letters of Thanks
Unit Two Correspondence
Task 3
A Thanks Letter is a letter that is used when one party wishes to express appreciation to another party. It is frequently employed in social intercourse, for it can enhance personal and working relationships. Generally, a thanks letter should adopt a sincere tone, be specific about what is appreciated and be short. Please write a Letter of Thanks according to the following information. Your delegation has just returned from a visit to a university in Great Britain. And you were warmly treated there. Please write a letter to express your thanks to Professor Kent for his
Writing Task Lesson 3 Letters of Invitation & Letters of Thanks
Unit Two Correspondence
Layout of an English Letter Part I Knowledge Bank
Unit Two Correspondence
Format of an Invitation Letter Paragraph 1 State clearly the purpose of writing the letter extending the invitation before going into the details. Paragraph 2 Give the detailed information of gathering including time, date, place, notes, etc.. This enables the invitee to have a better idea of the occasion. Paragraph 3 Express the sincere wish for the invitee’ s coming. End If a reply is required, place R. S. V. P. (Please reply.) at the end of the invitation letter, often at the
hospitality and hope for further cooperation. The sender’ s address is your address, and the
recipient’ s address is The University of Vincent, No. 1 Oxford Road, Manchester, UK, M13 9PL.
Writing Task Lesson 3 Letters of Invitation & Letters of Thanks
Unit Two Correspondence
• • • • • • •
Recipient’ s address: The University of Anchor, 18 Broad Street, Los Angeles CA, U.S.A. 90015 Sender’ s address: No. 1 Dongfang Road, Beijing, 100000 Purpose: Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the founding of Dongfang Vocational College Activity: Having an anniversary party at 6:00 p.m. Date: Friday, September 2nd Place: The school hall Notes: 1. Accompanies are welcome. 2. Acceptance of the invitation should be no later than one week before Sep. 2nd.
新世纪高职高专 英语教育类课程规划教材
Unit Two Correspondence
总主编 郭卫民 主 编 马 玲 马铭浩
副主编 陈

常 贺

Unit Two Correspondence
目录页Leabharlann CONTENTS PAGEPart I
• Knowledge Bank
Writing Task Lesson 3 Letters of Invitation & Letters of Thanks
Unit Two Correspondence
Task 1
A formal English letter usually consists of seven parts: heading, date, inside address, salutation, body, complimentary close and signature. Please put each part of letter in the right place on the following letter paper. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
writer were extending the invitation orally. And the wording should also be cordial and sincere. Please write a Letter of Invitation according to the following information.
you in your personal and career life. Even in the age of the Internet-driven communications,
when emails are more popular, sometimes a formal letter is necessary.
Layout of an English Letter Part I Knowledge Bank
Unit Two Correspondence
Modified Block Format _______________________ (Heading) _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ (Date) _______________________ (Inside Address) _______________________ Block Format _______________________ _______________________ (Salutation) _________________________________________________________________ _______________________ (Body) _______________________ (Complementary Close) _______________________ (Signature)