
关务用语中英文对照customs78征课类国际商品统一分类制度The Harmonized Commodity Discriptionand Coding System79征课类健康福利捐Health and Welfare Surcharge80征课类诚实申报Honest Declaration81征课类进口货物舱单Import Cargo Manifest82征课类进口报单、进口申报Import Declaration 83征课类进口文件Import Documents84征课类输入许可证Import Permit172征课类进口货物税则预审Advance Tariff Classification Ruling onImported Goods173征课类转运转口货物Transit Cargo174征课类发递单Dispatch Note175征课类多国集并货物Multi-Country Cargo Consolidation,MCC176征课类货主自备货柜Shippr's Own Containers,SOC1查缉类随身行李Accompanied/Hand-Carried/Carry-On Baggage 2查缉类查缉走私Anti-Smuggling Operation (Interdiction) 3查缉类纸币Bank Notes4查缉类舱位元配置图Docking Plan5查缉类金、银条或块Gold, Silver Bullion or Nugget6查缉类执行Carry Out/Implement/Execute7查缉类船舶国籍证书Certificate of Vessel's Registry8查缉类检查号码Check Digit9查缉类托运行李Check-In Baggage10查缉类没入Confiscation /Forfeiture11查缉类货柜安全计划Container Security Initiative12查缉类监控下交付Controlled Delivery13查缉类著作权Copyright14查缉类仿冒Counterfeit/Fake/Forgery15查缉类伪币Counterfeit Coins/Currencies16查缉类原产国Country of Origin17查缉类海关缉私条例Customs Anti-Smuggling Act18查缉类登船(机)关员Customs Boarding Officer19查缉类通关手续Customs Formalities20查缉类旅客通关须知Customs Guidelines for Passengers21查缉类危险物品Dangerous Goods22查缉类入境旅客申报单Declaration Form for Inbound Passenger23查缉类扣押Detain Something/Take Something to Custody 24查缉类缉毒犬Narcotics Detector Dog25查缉类旅客红绿线通关制度Dual-Channel (or Red-Green Lane) Passenger Clearance System26查缉类濒临绝种动植物(或物种)Endangered Species27查缉类逃避检查、关税或管制Evasion of Inspection, Duty or Control 28查缉类赌具Gambling Apparatus29查缉类团体申报Group Declaration30查缉类家用物品Household Articles31查缉类私运货物进/出口Smuggling of Goods into / Out of 32查缉类人民币非法交易Illegal Renminbi Transactions 33查缉类违反In Violation Of /In Contravention Of 二、查缉类。

进出口海关英文术语Customsact of smuggling 走私行为additional dues 附加费bills and securities in foreign currency外币票证cash deposit (现金)保证金collect 收税,收费collection of faxes and duties 征税duty-paying values 完税价格duty receipt 税款收据invoice 发票duty rate 税率examine cargo 验货examine passenger’s luggage 检查旅客行李excise 消费税,货物税conceal 藏匿customs rules 海关法规customs seals 海关关封confiscate 没收contraband goods 违禁品customs statistics 海关统计customs tariff 海关税则customs uniform 海关制服import duty 进口税indemnify 赔偿inspection or search a ship 检查船舶或抄船late payment fee 滞纳金levy 征收make good 补交minimum tariff rate 最低税率duty-fee 免税的duty memo 税款缴纳证duty paid 已完税的habit-forming drug 能使人成瘾的麻醉药物import specification list 进口明细单import license 进口许可证seize 没收short paid 短征tariff number 税则号码the foreign trade control policies 对外贸易管制政策the most favoured nation 最惠国treatment 处理待遇export license 出口许可证export specification list 出口明细单false declaration of the quantity of cargo 谎报货物数量from infected area 来自疫区general tariff rate 普通税率heroin 海洛因severe act of smuggling 严重走私行为drawback 退税destroy 销毁detain 扣留dutiabel 应完税的dutiable article 应税货物reckon 计算Morphine吗啡original decision 原始决定remit 补还restricted articles 限制货物minimum amount of collection 最低征收额,起征点poisonous drugs 剧毒药品prohibited article 禁运物品rare book 珍贵图书。

常见税收英语单词税(款) Tax预交所得税Advance payment income tax税制 Tax system纳税义务 Tax liability税收政策 Tax policy应付税金 Tax due税收法规 Tax code偷税 Dodge tax税收等级 Tax bracket漏税 Evasion fiscal税法 Tax law逃税 Evasion of tax所得税法 Income tax law滞纳金 (1)Delay charge (2)Surcharge for over due tax payment 税务局 (1)Tax bureau (2)Taxation office罚款 Amercement税务机关 Tax authorities税务罚款 Tax penalty征税 (1)Tax collection (2)Taxation税务会计 Tax accounting应征税款 Tax accrued营业税 (1) Business tax (2) excise tax (3)tax on business应征税货物Dutiable goods消费税 Expenditure taxes税率 Tax rate增值税 (1) Tax on added value (2)Value Added Tax (VAT)应计税金 Tax accruals牌照税(1)License tax (2)plate tax报送纳税申请表Submit a tax return货物税 Commodity tax缴税支款书Tax-memo商品流通税Commodity circulation tax纳税凭证 Tax payment receipt加工税 Processing tax纳税单据 Tax invoice累进税 Progressive tax完税凭证 Duty-paid proof累进所得税Graduated income tax课税年度 taxable years建筑税 Tax on construction纳税日期 Date of tax levied房地产税 Building and land taxes纳税人 (1) tax bearer(2) rate payer城市建设税City planning tax多缴税款 Tax overpaid所得税 Income tax退税 (1)drawback from duties paid(2)refund of关税(海关)Customs申请退还税金Application for drawback附加税 Additional tax应退税款 Refundable tax资源税 Resource tax退税通知书Notice of refund采掘税 Severance tax减税 (1) tax reduction (2)tax cut养路税 Highway maintenance tax免税品 Non-dutiable goods销售税 Tax on sales减免税 Tax reliefs消费税 Tax on consumption免税 (1)tax free (2)duty free资产税 Tax on captital免收税款 Waive duty财产税 Property tax税收减让 (1) tax concession(2)tax abatement固定资产税Fix assets tax免税货物 Duty free goods奢侈税 Tax on superfluity进口免税 Exemption from duty个所得税Personal incom人e tax免税期 Tax holiday应缴所得税Income tax payable印花税票 Adhesive revenue stamp应纳税工资额taxable salary贴用印花 Affix revenue stamps暂定税金 Tentative tax保税货物 Goods in bonds税务员(1)tax staff (2)tax gather[/hide]。

Takeover 收购 tariff 关税 tax allowance 收⼊免税额/税收优惠 tax assessment 估税 tax avoidance 避税 tax band 税级 tax base 税基 tax bracket 纳税组别 tax break 减税 tax concession 税务减免 tax credit 税额减免/抵减税额 tax deduction 税额扣减 Tax Deduction for Contributions to Edusave Scheme 缴教育储蓄计划⾦课税扣减 Tax Deduction for CPF Contributions of Self-employed Persons ⾃雇⼈⼠缴公积⾦课税扣减 Tax Deduction for General Provisions Made by Bank 银⾏⼀般储备⾦课税扣减 tax deferred 延迟纳税 tax element 税收成分 tax evasion 逃税/漏税 tax exemption 免税 Tax Exemption on Dividends Paid out of Foreign Income 外国收⼊的股息免税 Tax Haven 避税港/低税国 tax haven corporation 避税地公司 Tax Holiday (⿎励投资的)免税期 tax incentive 税务奖励 Tax Incentive for Services Provided by Trust Companies 信托服务税课税奖励 Tax Incentive for Underwriting and Managing International Securities I 国际证券包销管理课税奖励 tax incidence 纳税负担 tax item 税⽬ tax liability 税务负担 tax limit 课税限额/纳税限额 Tax on Property 产业税 Tax On value Added 增值税 tax preference item 享受优惠税率的项⽬ tax rebate 缴税扣税额 tax relief 估税扣税额 Tax Relief for Handicapped Spouse 残疾配偶课税优待 tax shelter 合法避税⼿段 tax shield 节税⼿段 tax supplements 税收补征 tax threshold 免缴税⼊息额/起税点 tax-free allowance 免税额 tax-free income 免税收⼊ tax-free profit 免税利润 tax-free trade zone 免税贸易区 taxable estate 应纳税遗产 Taxable Income/Earnings 应纳税收⼊ taxable item 税⽬ Technical Analysis 技术性分析或图表分析 Technical Know-how 技术知识 Technology Transfer 技术转移 Tender Shares 投标股 Tertiary Industry 第三产业(指服务业) TEU 集装箱单位 tier-1 capital ⼀级资本 Tight Money 银根紧缩 time lag 时差/时间间隔 Top-Up Minimum Sum 填补最低存款计划 Tourism Cess 旅游税 trade creditor 应付账项 trade debtor 应收账项 Trade Gap 贸易差额 trade-weighted exchange rate 贸易加权汇率 Trading Account 交易户头 transferable medical benefits scheme 可转让医药保险计划 Transferable Subscription Rights (TSRs) 认股权 transfers costs 公款转移 Transportation Tax 运输税 treasurer (银⾏)资⾦主管 treasury activity 资⾦交易活动 treasury bond 国库债券 Treasury Note Bond 国库券/国库债券 Trust Companies 信托公司 Trustee Stock 信托股 turnkey contract 整套承包合同/万事具备合同 turnkey project 统包⼯程 Two-tier Price System 两价制。

海关英文常用语以下是海关英文常用语:1. Customs Clearance 报关2. Declaration of Value 价格声明3. Declaration of Origin 原产地声明4. Inspection Report 检验报告5. Certificate of Origin 原产地证书6. Customs Declaration Form 报关单7. Export License 出口许可证8. Import License 进口许可证9. Quarantine Inspection 检疫检查10. VAT Refund 增值税退税11. Duty Refund 关税退税12. Temporary Importation 临时进口13. Temporary Exportation 临时出口14. Free Trade Zone 自由贸易区15. Customs Valuation 海关估价16. Customs Duty 关税17. Excise Duty 消费税18. VAT Value Added Tax 增值税19. Tariff 关税税率20. Import Quota 进口配额21. Export Quota 出口配额22. Certificate of Free Sale 无限制销售证书23. Certificate of Origin Form A 一般原产地证书24. Certificate of Origin for preferential Tariff Treatment 优惠关税原产地证书25. Certificate of Origin for CEPA 内地与香港/澳门CEPA原产地证书26. Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures 动植物卫生及植物检疫措施27. Technical Barriers to Trade 贸易技术壁垒28. Harmonized System of Commodity Classification and Coding 商品协调制度29. Valuation Methodology for Tariff Purposes 关税目的的估价方法30. Rules of Origin 原产地规则。

报检员英语辅导:海关、仓库相关英语词汇customs broker
报关行customs documents海关文件customs duty
关税(=tariff)customs invoice海关发票declaration for export (E/D)出口申报单(=export declaration) declaration for import进口申报单(=import declaration)delivery
order提货单differential duties差别关税drawback退税dutiable goods
应纳税的货物entrance fee入港手续费
evasion of duty逃税excise duty
罚款free goods免税品godown
仓库import tariff进口税则most favored
nation clause最优惠国家条款national tariff国定
税率personal effects私人用品preference
特惠,优先retaliatory duties报复关税slipping
移转smuggled goods走私货specific duty
税则,关税transit duty过境税

1. 进口——import2. 出口——export3. 关税——tariff4. 税率——tax rate5. 关税代理——tariff agency6. 保险——insurance7. 海关——customs8. 运输——transportation9. 货运代理——freight forwarder10. 货运单据——shipping documents11. 发票——invoice12. 支付方式——payment method13. 基本价格——base price14. 建议零售价格——suggested retail price15. 交货期——delivery time16. 修改时间——modification time17. 条件——term18. 报价——quotation19. 目的地——destination20. 装箱——packing21. 开立信用证——opening a letter of credit22. 信用证——letter of credit23. 总金额——total amount24. 票据——bill of exchange25. 经济衰退——recession26. 泰然处之——stoic27. 订单——order28. 保修——warranty29. 报关费——customs clearance fee30. 税费——tax fee以上就是常用国际贸易词汇的中英文对照,这些词汇对于国际贸易从业者而言是非常重要的,熟练掌握这些词汇对于开展国际贸易,进行海外采购等方面都将有益处。

二、常见报关单证词汇中英文对照11 报关单:Customs Declaration111 进口报关单:Import Customs Declaration112 出口报关单:Export Customs Declaration12 提单:Bill of Lading121 海运提单:Ocean Bill of Lading122 空运提单:Airway Bill13 发票:Invoice131 商业发票:Commercial Invoice132 形式发票:Proforma Invoice14 装箱单:Packing List15 合同:Contract151 销售合同:Sales Contract152 采购合同:Purchase Contract16 许可证:License161 进口许可证:Import License162 出口许可证:Export License17 商检证书:Commodity Inspection Certificate18 原产地证书:Certificate of Origin181 一般原产地证书:Certificate of Origin (General)182 普惠制原产地证书:Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) Certificate of Origin19 报关委托书:Power of Attorney for Customs Declaration110 报关行:Customs Broker111 海关编码:Customs Tariff Code112 关税:Customs Duty113 增值税:Value Added Tax (VAT)114 消费税:Consumption Tax115 监管条件:Supervision Conditions116 贸易方式:Trade Mode1161 一般贸易:General Trade1162 加工贸易:Processing Trade117 报关费:Customs Declaration Fee118 滞纳金:Late Fee119 报关日期:Declaration Date120 放行:Release121 查验:Inspection122 征税:Levy Tax123 退单:Return of Documents124 结关:Customs Clearance125 报关单号:Customs Declaration Number 126 运输方式:Mode of Transport1261 海运:Sea Transport1262 空运:Air Transport1263 铁路运输:Railway Transport 1264 公路运输:Road Transport127 货值:Value of Goods128 净重:Net Weight129 毛重:Gross Weight130 件数:Number of Packages131 包装种类:Type of Packaging132 唛头:Shipping Mark133 商品名称:Commodity Name134 规格型号:Specification and Model 135 数量:Quantity136 单价:Unit Price137 总价:Total Price138 币制:Currency139 汇率:Exchange Rate140 目的港:Port of Destination141 起运港:Port of Departure142 中转港:Port of Transshipment143 经营单位:Operating Unit144 收货单位:Consignee145 发货单位:Consignor146 申报单位:Declaring Unit147 征免性质:Nature of Levy and Exemption148 征免方式:Method of Levy and Exemption149 监管证件:Supervisory Documents150 报关员:Customs Declarant三、协议的使用与解释本协议中的常见报关单证词汇中英文对照仅供参考,在实际报关业务中,应根据具体的法律法规和业务要求进行准确运用。

海运费ocean freight 关税:Duty集卡运费、短驳费Drayage 港口操作费:THC-TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGE 订舱费booking charge 滞报金:LATE CLEARANCE PENALTY报关费customs clearance fee 订舱费:BOOKING CHARGE操作劳务费labour fee or handling charge 拖柜费Trailer charges/TRUCKAGE 商检换单费exchange fee for CIP 滞仓费:DEMURRAGE CHARGE换单费D/O fee 港口设施保安费(PSC):POR SECURITY CHARGE 拆箱费devanning charge 港建费:PORT CONSTRUCTION FEE港杂费port surcharge 拖车费:TRUCKING CHARGE电放费B/L surrender fee 商检费:COMMODITY CHECKING FEE冲关费emergent declearation change 超重费:OVER WEIGHT FEE海关查验费customs inspection fee 买单费:BUY SINGLE FEE待时费waiting charge 商检换单费:SINGLE FEE-FOR-CIQ CERTIFICATION 仓储费storage fee (INSPECTION CHARGE)拖柜费Drayage Charge 报关员:DECLARANT/CUSTOM DECLARATOR 改单费amendment charge 报关行:CUSTOMS BROKER拼箱服务费LCL service charge 吊柜费:THC动、植检疫费animal & plant quarantine fee码头附加费/本地收货费用(ORC):ORIGINAL RECEIVEING CHARGE(广东省取)报关:CUSTOMS DECLARATION移动式其重机费mobile crane charge 报检:DECLARE INSPECTION出库费warehouse in/out charge 提箱费container stuffing charge滞期费demurrage charge 滞箱费container detention charge卡车运费cartage fee 商检费commodity inspection fee转运费transportation charge 污箱费container dirtyness change坏箱费用container damage charge清洁箱费container clearance charge分拨费dispatch charge车上交货FOT ( free on track )电汇手续费T/T fee转境费/过境费I/E bonded charge空运方面的专用术语空运费air freight机场费air terminal charge空运提单费airway bill feeFSC (燃油附加费) fuel surchargeSCC(安全附加费)security sur-charge换单费D/O fee上海港常用术语内装箱费container loading charge(including inland drayage)疏港费port congestion charge他港常用术语场站费CFS charge单证费,Document fees报关费,customs charges电放费,Telex Release Charges ( T.R.C.)燃油费,fuel charge,如果是指燃油附加费就用BAF( Bunkering Adjustment Fee) 文件费, (Documents charges)(DOC)运费:freight码头费:wharfage 码头杂费:INCIDENTAL EXPENSES OF WHARF卸货费:landing charges/UNLOADING CHARGE装卸费:LOAD&UNLOAD FEE杂费:INCIDENTAL EXPENSES实报实销:ACTUAL INVOICE ACUTUAL INVOICE+5%HANDLING CHARGE 在法定节假日期间增加20%:INCREASE 20% DURING LEGAL FESTIVAL提货费:BRING UP GOODS FEE新加坡提货费:BRING UP GOODS FROM SINGAPORE深港运费/中港费:FROM SHENZHEN TO HONGKONG-TRUCKING FEE转单费:SWITCH B/L香港清关费:CLEARANCE CUSTOMS FOR HONGKONGTAX :PRESS TOTAL VALUE OF 15%商检费:COMMERCIAL INSPECTION FEE送货费:DELIVERY CHARGE入仓费:ENTRANCE FEE叉车费:FORKLIFT FEE进口税:IMPORT TAX包税进口:IMPORT&INCLUDE TAX拖车费:TRAILER拖运费:HAULAGE FEE超重费:HEAVY LIFTING CHARGE码头建设费:WHARF&BUILD HARGE标准柜:LEVEL COTAINER平板柜:20’ GR FLAT CONTAINER起重费:CRANE FEE散货/散车:LTL 整货/整车:FTL空舱费:DEAD FREIGHT速遣费:DESPATCH CHARGE选港费:OPTIONAL CHARGES买关费:BUY CLEARANCE FEECALCULATE BY VOL:RMB**/CBM* **CBM:通过体积来计算AMS是美国需要的零售业相关英语如下:commission 佣金return commission 回佣,回扣price including commission 含佣价net price 净价wholesale price 批发价discount / allowance 折扣retail price 零售价spot price 现货价格current price 现行价格/ 时价indicative price 参考价格price list 价目表total value 总值stocks 存货,库存量cash sale 现货purchase 购买,进货bulk sale 整批销售,趸售distribution channels 销售渠道wholesale 批发retail trade 零售业hire-purchase 分期付款购买fluctuate in line with market conditions 随行就市unfair competition 不合理竞争dumping 商品倾销dumping profit margin 倾销差价,倾销幅度antidumping 反倾销customs bond 海关担保chain debts 三角债freight forwarder 货运代理trade consultation 贸易磋商mediation of dispute 商业纠纷调解partial shipment 分批装运restraint of trade 贸易管制RTA (Regional Trade Arrangements) 区域贸易安排favorable balance of trade 贸易顺差unfavorable balance of trade 贸易逆差special preferences 优惠关税bonded warehouse 保税仓库transit trade 转口贸易tariff barrier 关税壁垒tax rebate 出口退税TBT (Technical Barriers to Trade) 技术性贸易壁垒commercial transaction 买卖,交易inquiry 询盘delivery 交货order 订货make a complete entry 正式/完整申报bad account 坏帐Bill of Lading 提单catalogue 商品目录trade partner 贸易伙伴manufacturer 制造商,制造厂middleman 中间商,经纪人dealer 经销商wholesaler 批发商retailer, tradesman 零售商merchant 商人,批发商,零售商concessionaire, licensed dealer 受让人,特许权获得者consumer 消费者,用户client, customer 顾客,客户buyer 买主,买方carrier 承运人consignee 收货人零售业相关英语如下:freight 运费wharfage 码头费landing charges 卸货费commission 佣金return commission 回佣,回扣price including commission 含佣价net price 净价wholesale price 批发价discount / allowance 折扣retail price 零售价spot price 现货价格current price 现行价格/ 时价indicative price 参考价格price list 价目表total value 总值stocks 存货,库存量cash sale 现货purchase 购买,进货bulk sale 整批销售,趸售distribution channels 销售渠道wholesale 批发retail trade 零售业hire-purchase 分期付款购买fluctuate in line with market conditions 随行就市unfair competition 不合理竞争dumping 商品倾销dumping profit margin 倾销差价,倾销幅度antidumping 反倾销customs bond 海关担保chain debts 三角债freight forwarder 货运代理trade consultation 贸易磋商mediation of dispute 商业纠纷调解partial shipment 分批装运restraint of trade 贸易管制RTA (Regional Trade Arrangements) 区域贸易安排favorable balance of trade 贸易顺差unfavorable balance of trade 贸易逆差special preferences 优惠关税bonded warehouse 保税仓库transit trade 转口贸易tariff barrier 关税壁垒tax rebate 出口退税TBT (Technical Barriers to Trade) 技术性贸易壁垒commercial transaction 买卖,交易inquiry 询盘delivery 交货order 订货make a complete entry 正式/完整申报bad account 坏帐Bill of Lading 提单catalogue 商品目录trade partner 贸易伙伴manufacturer 制造商,制造厂middleman 中间商,经纪人dealer 经销商wholesaler 批发商retailer, tradesman 零售商merchant 商人,批发商,零售商concessionaire, licensed dealer 受让人,特许权获得者consumer 消费者,用户client, customer 顾客,客户buyer 买主,买方carrier 承运人consignee 收货人。

保护关税(Protective Tariff)一国为保护本国的工农业而对进口商品征收的关税。
布鲁塞尔估价定义(Brussels Definition of Value BDV)国际性的海关估价规定之一,指经欧洲国家海关同盟研究,由34个国家于1950年在布鲁塞尔签署的《海关商品估价公约》。
该协议给海关估价做了定义,被称为布鲁塞尔估价定义,它规定海关应以进口货物的“正常价格”(Normal Price)作为估价的依据,这种估价方法除当时34个缔约国外,曾为另外67个国家和地区采用。
关务用语中英文 对照customs

78征课类国际商品统一分类制度The Harmonized Commodity Discriptionand Coding System79征课类健康福利捐Health and Welfare Surcharge80征课类诚实申报Honest Declaration81征课类进口货物舱单Import Cargo Manifest82征课类进口报单、 进口申报Import Declaration83征课类进口文件Import Documents84征课类输入许可证Import Permit172征课类进口货物税则预审Advance Tariff Classification Ruling onImported Goods173征课类转运转口货物Transit Cargo174征课类发递单Dispatch Note175征课类多国集并货物Multi-Country Cargo Consolidation,MCC176征课类货主自备货柜Shippr's Own Containers,SOC1查缉类随身行李Accompanied/Hand-Carried/Carry-On Baggage 2查缉类查缉走私Anti-Smuggling Operation (Interdiction) 3查缉类纸币Bank Notes4查缉类舱位元配置图Docking Plan5查缉类金、银条或块Gold, Silver Bullion or Nugget6查缉类执行Carry Out/Implement/Execute7查缉类船舶国籍证书Certificate of Vessel's Registry8查缉类检查号码Check Digit9查缉类托运行李Check-In Baggage10查缉类没入Confiscation /Forfeiture11查缉类货柜安全计划Container Security Initiative12查缉类监控下交付Controlled Delivery13查缉类著作权Copyright14查缉类仿冒Counterfeit/Fake/Forgery15查缉类伪币Counterfeit Coins/Currencies16查缉类原产国Country of Origin17查缉类海关缉私条例Customs Anti-Smuggling Act18查缉类登船(机)关员Customs Boarding Officer19查缉类通关手续Customs Formalities20查缉类旅客通关须知Customs Guidelines for Passengers21查缉类危险物品Dangerous Goods22查缉类入境旅客申报单Declaration Form for Inbound Passenger23查缉类扣押Detain Something/Take Something to Custody 24查缉类缉毒犬Narcotics Detector Dog25查缉类旅客红绿线通关制度Dual-Channel (or Red-Green Lane) Passenger Clearance System26查缉类濒临绝种动植物(或物种)Endangered Species27查缉类逃避检查、关税或管制Evasion of Inspection, Duty or Control 28查缉类赌具Gambling Apparatus29查缉类团体申报Group Declaration30查缉类家用物品Household Articles31查缉类私运货物进/出口Smuggling of Goods into / Out of 32查缉类人民币非法交易Illegal Renminbi Transactions33查缉类违反In Violation Of /In Contravention Of 二、查缉类。

W T O 简明术语(中英文对照)Ad valorem tariff 从价税Anti-dumping duty反倾销税Appeal(争端解决)上诉ATC--Agreement on Textiles and Clothing《纺织品与服装协议》Bound level约束水平Compensation补偿Consensus协商一致Consultation磋商Countervailing duty反补贴税Customs valuation 海关估价DSB--Dispute Settlement Body争端解决机构Dumping倾销Export subsidy出口补贴GATS--General Agreement on Trade in Service《服务贸易总协定》GATT--General Agreement on Tariff and Trade《关税与贸易总协定》Government procurement政府采购Import licencing进口许可Import substitution进口替代Import surcharge 进口附加税Market access市场准入Market price support市场价格支持Material injury实质损害MFN--Most-favored-nation treatment最惠国待遇National treatment国民待遇Non-actionable subsidy(补贴协议)不可诉补贴NTMs--Non-tariff measures非关税措施Plurilateral agreement诸边协议Prohibited subsidy(补贴协议)被禁止的补贴Protocols议定书PSI--Preshipment inspection装运前检验Rules of origin原产地规则Safeguard Measures保障措施Schedule of concessions承诺减让表Specific tariff从量税SPS --Sanitary and phytosanitary measures动植物卫生检疫措施Subsidy补贴Tariff binding关税约束承诺Tariffication 关税化TBT--Technical barriers to trade技术性贸易壁垒TPRM--Trade Policy Review Mechanism贸易政策审议机制Transparency透明度TRIMs--Trade-related investment measures与贸易有关的投资设施TRIPS--Trade related intellectual property rights与贸易有关的知识产权TRQ--Tariff rate quotas/tariff quotas关税配额Waiver(WTO义务的)豁免WTO--World Trading Organization世界贸易组织Ad valorem Tariff 从价onTextiles and Clothing (ATC) 《纺织品与服装协议》Anti-dumping Duty 反倾销税Arbitration 仲裁Balance-of-payments(BOP)Provisions 国际收支条款Ceiling Bindings (关税)上限约束Conciliation 调解Compensation 补偿Consensus 协商一致Countervailing Duty 反补贴税Customs Valuation 海关估价de minimis 微量Export Subsidy 出口补贴GATT1994 《1994年关税与贸易总协定》General Agreement on Trade in Services(GATS)《服务贸易总协定》General Exceptions 一般例外Illustrative List 例示清单Import Licensing 进口许可Import Surcharge 进口附加税Infant Industry 幼稚产业Intellectual Property Rights(IPRs)知识产权Market Access 市场准入National Treatment 国民待遇Non-actionable Subsidy 不可诉补贴Non-tariffs Measures(NTMs)非关税措施。
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Export Finance
Export Restriction
Export credit Guarantee
Expoห้องสมุดไป่ตู้t Licence
Reserve Carreacy
In the Early Etages of Development
Differential Duties
Variable Import Levies
Product by Product Reduction of Tariff
Policy of Super-protection
Primary Commodity
Animal Product
Multiple Rates of Exchange
Counter Vailing Duties
Anti-dumping Duties
Customs Duty
The General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade
International Price
Bound Rate
Autonomous Tariff
(The Most-favoured-nation Rate of Duty
Margin of Preference
Preferential Rate
The Price of Primang Products
Cost Price
Export Subsidies
Quarantine of Export Animal products
Export Contral
Export Duty
Effective Vate of Protection
The Guiding Principle of Clealing With the Surplus Agricultural Products
Specific Duty
Ad Valorem
Ad Valorem Duties
Balance of Unilateral Transfers
Customs Co-operation Council
Tariff Concession
Tariff Quota
Tariff Escalation
Tariff Level
Customs Union
Secretariat of GATT