Real-time differential(1)




min C 0 15 0
C 0 255 0
min C 0 15 0
min C 0 15 0
C0 3 0
C0 8 0
C 0.2 999 20
C 0 16 0
°C/°F F -99 99.9 0
°C/°F F -99 99.9 0
C -199 c16 0
C c15 800 100
C -199 d16 0
IR33 Universal Summary of operating parameters page 2
Unit Type Min. Max. Def. New
Unit Type Min. Max. Def. New
°C/°F F c21 c22 20
°C/°F F c23 c24 40
C0 9 2
°C/°F F 0.1 99.9 2.0
°C/°F F 0.1 99.9 2.0
°C/°F F 0 99.9 2.0
C -2 2 0.5
C0 1 0
C 0 255 5
C d15 800 100
C 1 15 4
C0 1 0
C 0 11 0
°C/°F C -199 c22 -50 °C/°F C c21 800 110 °C/°F C -199 c24 -50 °C/°F C c23 800 110
Code Parameter P25 Low temperature alarm threshold on probe 1 P26 High temperature alarm threshold on probe 1 P27 Alarm differential on probe 1 P28 Alarm time delay on probe 1 P29 Alarm type on probe 1 (0 = relative, 1 = absolute) P30 Low temperature alarm threshold on probe 2 P31 High temperature alarm threshold on probe 2 P32 Alarm differential on probe 2 P33 Alarm time delay on probe 2 P34 Alarm type on probe 2 (0 = relative, 1 = absolute) c29 Digital input 1 configuration

北斗+5G 融合定位技术研究

北斗+5G 融合定位技术研究

北斗+5G融合定位技术研究*刘海蛟1㊀刘硕1㊀刘文学2㊀唐超1(1.中国信息通信研究院技术与标准研究所,北京100191;2.中国科学院空天信息创新研究院,北京100094)摘要:卫星导航在国防和国民经济领域占据了越来越重要的地位,其所提供的定位㊁导航和授时等服务已经逐渐为人们熟悉并依赖㊂卫星导航定位解决了室外空旷区域定位的基本需求问题,在室外空旷区域北斗系统已经能够提供较为可靠的定位结果,但卫星信号无法覆盖室内,难以满足必要的定位条件㊂5G系统具有密集组网㊁大带宽和多天线等对定位有利的条件,通过北斗与5G的深度融合,可构建室内外无缝定位体系,满足日益增长的泛在定位需求㊂分析了北斗+5G融合定位的发展现状,介绍了几种典型的融合定位技术,最后通过仿真对融合定位技术的性能进行了验证㊂关键词:卫星导航;北斗;5G中图分类号:TN927.2;TN967.1㊀㊀㊀㊀文献标识码:A引用格式:刘海蛟,刘硕,刘文学,等.北斗+5G融合定位技术研究[J].信息通信技术与政策,2021, 47(9):41-46.doi:10.12267/j.issn.2096-5931.2021.09.0070㊀引言北斗卫星导航系统(以下简称北斗系统)是我国自主发展㊁独立运行的全球卫星导航系统,为全球用户提供全天候㊁全天时㊁高精度的定位㊁导航和授时服务㊂2020年7月31日,北斗三号系统建成开通并提供全球服务,北斗系统进入全面推广应用的新阶段㊂卫星导航定位解决了室外空旷区域定位的基本需求问题,在室外空旷区域北斗系统已经能够提供较为可靠的定位性能,尤其是北斗增强的区域差分技术(如实时动态码相位差分技术(Real Time Differential, RTD)㊁实时动态载波相位差分技术(Real-Time Kinematic,RTK))和广域增强技术(如精密单点定位技术(Precise Point Positioning,PPP)),可实现有基于北斗信号的米级㊁亚米级甚至厘米级的高精度定位㊂然而,由于导航卫星信号的自身特点,其信号无法覆盖室内且对环境免疫性较差,难以满足室内定位以及室外遮挡等复杂区域定位的必要条件,目前已有的室内定位手段也因为系统复杂度和成本等问题,未能大范围推广应用㊂5G系统具有密集组网㊁大带宽和多天线等对定位有利的条件,其信号应用于定位具有功率强㊁伪距测量精度高㊁信号带宽资源丰富㊁信号多径免疫性强等优势㊂因此,基于5G通信网络的定位技术可在室内等复杂条件下实现亚米级,甚至分米级定位精度㊂通过北斗与5G的深度融合,可构建室内外无缝定位体系,满足日益增长的泛在定位需求,从而为未来智能社会提供全场景高精度时空感知基础支撑㊂1发展现状ITU㊁IMT2020㊁3GPP相继启动了5G定位研究工∗基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(No.2019YFB1803105)资助作,普遍认为5G主要的两大驱动力是移动互联网和物联网㊂高精度位置服务作为未来移动互联网和物联网的重要核心业务之一,必然是未来5G网络核心业务之一㊂为应对用户日益提高的无线高精度定位需求,3GPP设立了定位增强项目,开展了室内定位需求相关标准和技术的研究㊂1.1㊀移动智能终端北斗定位应用移动通信受众广㊁用户群体庞大,在全球拥有几十亿的移动通信用户和终端㊂北斗移动通信国际标准化工作是北斗系统实现产业化㊁国际化的关键环节,我国高度重视北斗在智能终端中的推广应用㊂国务院2013年印发的‘关于促进信息消费扩大内需的若干意见“提出 加快推动北斗导航核心技术研发和产业化,推动北斗导航与移动通信㊁地理信息㊁卫星遥感㊁移动互联网等融合发展 ;国务院办公厅2013年印发的‘国家卫星导航产业中长期发展规划“也明确提出 重点推动北斗兼容卫星导航功能成为车载导航㊁智能手机的标准配置 ㊂根据中国信息通信研究院发布的‘国内手机产品通信特性与技术能力监测报告“,2021年第一季度,申请进网的手机中支持定位功能的有86款,其中68款支持北斗定位,占比79.07%,北斗在手机中的渗透率得到大幅提升[1]㊂移动通信领域北斗定位国内国际标准化工作有序推进㊂国内标准方面,自2014年起,中国通信标准化协会(China Communications Standards Association, CCSA)ST9等多个工作委员会在工作范围内陆续启动了北斗定位行业标准的制定工作,涵盖性能㊁协议㊁射频㊁电磁兼容等多个方面㊂国际标准方面,中国信息通信研究院联合国内优势单位,制定26项支持北斗二号B1I信号的3GPP标准,支持北斗三号B1C信号的3项3GPP标准于2020年7月随R16版本正式发布㊂1.2㊀4G蜂窝定位技术目前,利用4G蜂窝网络进行定位的优势在于其定位参考点(定位基站)网络是利用运营商规模建设的无线通信网络,定位终端是广泛普及的移动智能终端㊂因此,4G无线通信网定位系统具备天然的普适性和易推广优势,也是建立和承载各种基于位置的服务(Location Based Services,LBS)业务的有效入口㊂4G 无线通信网定位系统的定位精度与定位参考基站的部署密度(站间距)和无线环境参数等密切相关㊂目前,大部分室外4G通用基站的站间部署密度约为300~ 1500m,考虑不同的定位算法,通用基站网络的定位精度在50m以上,只能作为GNSS定位系统的补充㊂在定位原理方面,4G无线通信定位技术和卫星定位技术类似,采用三角定位技术㊂目前,常见的定位信号有3类:RSSI信号场强㊁TDOA㊁AOA㊂在网络架构方面,借助运营商室内数字化分布式小蜂窝解决方案(RRU+BBU)可以实现室内范围无线信号的无缝覆盖㊂定位能力只是普通4G无线通信业务之外附加的能力,通过将网络边缘计算(Mobile Edge Computing, MEC)作为对外定位能力的开放平台,提供各种第三方移动业务(包括位置服务LBS业务)应用接口㊂因此,MEC也是融合其他非蜂窝定位技术(如Wi-Fi㊁蓝牙㊁地磁㊁惯导等)的统一位置服务平台载体㊂1.3㊀多体制协同的室内外无缝定位技术导航卫星与地面网络协同㊁多种地面定位技术的协同以及室内外协同的高精度无缝定位技术已成为未来的发展趋势㊂谷歌公司开发了全球大众化手机终端网络定位服务平台(Google Mobile Service),在服务层,一般都用离线和在线结合的方式,聚合大量局部的基站㊁Wi-Fi 数据库等定位资源,通过协同计算最大限度满足用户的实时定位体验㊂欧洲航天局联合使用了能在室内接收到GPS和Galileo信号的高灵敏度接收器和辅助定位传感器如气压高程计㊁加速度计㊁陀螺传感器㊁UWB㊁Wi-Fi等,并结合地图匹配技术可依据当前建筑的计算机模型综合本地现有的数据在室内外进行无缝定位㊂美国高通公司研发了AGPS+AFLT+Cell-ID(无线辅助定位+CDMA网络三角定位技术+小区定位)混合定位技术gpsOne,形成无线网络辅助GPS定位,可以实现城区5~50m的定位精度以及室内70m的定位精度㊂1.4㊀北斗+5G融合定位试验验证情况2021年3月,欧洲航天局召开GINTO5G项目线上研讨会,介绍项目成果㊂该项目属于欧洲航天局卫星导航研究与创新框架计划,使用德国电信在慕尼黑的移动通信网络,结合诺瓦泰公司的卫星导航设备和差分数据修正服务,开展天地混合定位测试,展示了卫星导航和5G融合应用的潜力㊂2021年3月,苏州移动联合华为在苏州地铁进行了5G室内定位能力验证,5G基站对用户终端的无线信号特征参数进行测量,并通过基站和边缘计算的协同,解算终端所处位置㊂经测试,在基站隐藏部署的情况下可实现地铁站台和站厅范围内99%区域3~5m 定位精度㊂2021年4月,中国移动开发5G+北斗精准导航系统,并在重庆解放碑地下环道进行试验㊂该系统结合5G大带宽㊁低时延㊁广连接的优势和北斗系统的导航定位能力,为集地下车行道㊁轨道交通㊁人防设施㊁地下车库为一体的解放碑地下环道提供全天候的高精度定位服务㊂2北斗+5G融合定位技术对于遮挡区域,采用5G定位的方法满足定位需求;对于空旷区域,采用北斗定位的方法满足定位需求㊂通过北斗+5G融合定位,共同构成室内外无缝定位体系,可满足全场景下的定位应用需求㊂5G定位可分为下行定位㊁上行定位和上下行结合定位3种类别㊂2.1㊀下行定位技术下行定位技术在下行链路中发送与定位相关的信号,由终端进行位置解算,典型的定位方法有DL-TDOA㊂DL-TDOA的定位过程如图1所示㊂2图1㊀DL-TDOA定位示意图(1)终端接收来自不同基站的定位信号㊂(2)终端处理收到的定位信号,通过寻找首经获得到达时间㊂(3)确定一个参考基站,根据到达时间计算不同基站与参考基站的到达时间差㊂(4)基于多组到达时间差求解终端位置㊂2.2㊀上行定位技术上行定位技术在上行链路中发送与定位相关的信号,由基站端进行位置解算,典型的定位方法有UL-TDOA和UL-AOA㊂UL-TDOA的原理和DL-TDOA 基本一致,UL-AOA需要在定位基站上部署天线阵列,其定位过程如图2所示㊂12图2㊀UL-AOA定位示意图(1)不同基站接收来自终端的定位信号㊂(2)基站通过相位差判断终端相对于基站的角度㊂(3)基于多组基站的角度求解终端位置㊂2.3㊀上下行结合定位技术上下行结合定位技术的终端和基站相互发送定位信号,根据终端接收信号和发射信号之间的时间差,以及基站接收信号和发射信号之间的时间差,求解终端位置,典型的定位方法有Multi-RTT,其定位过程如下㊂(1)基站发射下行信号,基于基站时钟记录发射时间t1,基于终端时钟记录接收时间t2㊂(2)终端发射上行信号,基于终端时钟记录接收时间t3,基于基站时钟记录发射时间t4㊂(3)求解终端和基站间传输时间,公式为:((t4-t1)+(t3-t2))/2㊂(4)基于传输时间求解终端与基站间距离㊂(5)通过联合解算多组终端与基站间距离,或者联合解算终端与基站间距离和角度,计算终端位置㊂2.4㊀分析为实现定位功能,5G系统需要在满足通信功能的基础上进行相应地改进和升级,除了进一步提升基站部署密度以实现区域多重覆盖之外,还包括:对于TDOA技术,参与定位的5G基站间需要实现较高精度的时间同步;对于AOA技术,5G基站需要部署大规模相控阵天线;对于Multi-RTT技术,终端和基站都需要发射定位信号,对无线信号的时频资源占用较大,设备功耗较高㊂3仿真结果为验证北斗+5G融合定位的性能,本章对DL-TDOA技术的定位性能进行仿真,以分析多径环境下的信号传播,完成信号首径检测并测距㊂该仿真系统包含4部分,分别是空间构造㊁传播分析㊁编码测距和定位算法㊂空间构造部分负责构造三维虚拟空间,绘制射线路径与定位点坐标;传播分析部分给出空间中任意一点接收到的信号路径数量以及每一条径的参数;编码测距部分主要负责实现两大功能,即实现多径信号的合成和提取首径并计算到达时间;定位算法部分实现位置估算和定位误差估计,并根据定位误差对网元㊀㊀布局进行优化㊂该仿真系统各部分的关系如图3所示㊂图3㊀北斗+5G仿真系统如图4所示,结合试验场地进行仿真,可获得试验场地5G基站分布最佳构型,进而确定基站布设方案㊂经过仿真可获取试验区域内多径的误差结果,具体如图5所示㊂图4㊀试验场地平面图图5㊀区域内各点多径图㊀㊀通过分析图5可以得出:虽然精度因子从系统基站构型上影响区域内各站点的定位精度,但是在5G定位中,实际场景中的信号反射多径等也是影响定位精度的一个因素㊂因此,在5G定位的建设规划中,多径影响是必须要考虑的一个因素㊂针对5G定位基站的壁挂方案和吸顶方案,对首径数量㊁多径数量和定位精度进行仿真,可得到如表1所示的结果㊂表1㊀结果比对方案壁挂方案吸顶方案首径数量/个446.37%30.73% 5~651.96%68.16% 7 1.68%0.56%多径数量/个ɤ200.00% 5.59% 21~2572.63%65.36%ȡ2627.37%29.05%平均定位精度/m 2.04 1.92通过分析表1可知,两个方案中吸顶方案更好,可拥有更高的定位精度㊂伪距UL-TDOA定位能达到米级定位精度,与信号深度相关的载波相位信息联合应用进行可进一步降低观测随机噪声㊁减小定位误差㊂4结束语北斗+5G融合定位有效解决了卫星导航信号难以覆盖室内/遮挡等区域的高精度定位难题,对于构建室内外无缝定位体系㊁实现未来智能网络具有重要意义㊂5G系统具有大带宽㊁密集组网和多天线等特点,具备实现室内/遮挡条件下高精度定位的能力,随着5G相关体系的成熟和高精度时间同步等技术的发展,基于5G信号/北斗+5G融合的高精度定位技术日益成为学术界和产业界关注的重点㊂通过本文的仿真可知,5G 信号可以在室内等复杂条件下实现高精度的米级定位,同时,区别于卫星导航定位技术,在5G定位系统的建设规划中,除了定位基站构型设计,多径影响是必须要考虑的一个因素㊂基于伪距的5G定位技术可达到米级定位精度,若进一步考虑将5G伪距信号与5G 多载波相位的联合应用,可进一步增强系统环境多径免疫性,同时提升定位精度至亚米级甚至厘米量级,具有广阔的应用前景㊂参考文献[1]中国信息通信研究院.国内手机产品通信特性与技术能力监测报告[R],2021.[2]陆立军.北斗产业发展新趋势[J].金融世界,2016 (6):92-93.[3]3GPP.NR physical channels and modulation[S],2021.[4]3GPP.5G;NG radio Access Network(NG-RAN);Stage 2functional specification of User Equipment(UE) positioning in NG-RAN[S],2021.[5]张诗壮,李俊强,陈诗军.5G NR定位技术及其部署方案[J].中兴通讯技术,27(2):5.[6]李典锋.LTE及其演进系统中定位技术的研究[D].北京邮电大学,2018.[7]张平,陈昊.面向5G的定位技术研究综述[J].北京邮电大学学报,2018,41(5):5-16.[8]王丛超.无线室内定位关键技术的研究[D].东南大学,2018.作者简介:刘海蛟㊀中国信息通信研究院技术与标准研究所高级工程师,博士,主要从事卫星通信㊁北斗导航㊁移动通信等方面的研究和标准化工作刘硕㊀㊀中国信息通信研究院技术与标准研究所助理工程师,主要从事卫星通信㊁北斗定位㊁室内定位等方面的研究和标准化工作刘文学㊀中国科学院空天信息创新研究院高级工程师,博士,主要从事与卫星导航有关的软硬件设计㊁算法研究等方面的工作唐超㊀㊀中国信息通信研究院技术与标准研究所助理工程师,5G应用产业方阵秘书,主要从事5G应用及产业链研究等方面的工作Research on positioning technology of Beidou satellitenavigation system+5GLIU Haijiao1,LIU Shuo1,LIU Wenxue2,TANG Chao1(1.Technology and Standards Research Institute,China Academy of Information andCommunications Technology,Beijing100191,China;2.Aerospace information Research Instiute,Chinese Academy of Science,Beijing100094,China)Abstract:Satellite navigation plays an increasingly important role in the field of national defense and national economy, and people have been gradually familiar and relied on its positioning,navigation and timing service.Satellite navigation and positioning system has covered the basic requirements of positioning in outdoor areas.In outdoor open areas,the Beidou system has been able to provide relatively reliable positioning performance,but the satellite signals cannot cover indoor areas,so it is difficult to meet the necessary positioning conditions.5G system has several favorable conditions for positioning e.g.,dense network,large bandwidth and multiple antennas,etc.Through the integration of Beidou and5G,a seamless indoor and outdoor positioning system can be built to meet the growing demand for ubiquitous positioning.This paper analyzes the development of Beidou and5G integration positioning systen,introduces several typical integration positioning technologies,and finally verifies the performance of the integration positioning technology through simulationKeywords:satellite navigation;Beidou;5G(收稿日期:2021-08-09)。

rtk平板原理 -回复

rtk平板原理 -回复


而差分全球定位系统(Differential Global Positioning System, DGPS)中的实时运动定位技术(Real-Time Kinematic, RTK)平板原理就是其中的一种。





1. 基准站:基准站是RTK平板定位系统中的一个关键组成部分。



2. 流动站:流动站是RTK平板系统中移动的部分,也是我们使用的主要设备。



三、RTK平板的优缺点RTK平板作为一种高精度定位技术,具有以下优点:1. 高精度:相比传统的差分定位方法,RTK平板能够提供更高精度的定位结果,通常在亚米级别。

2. 实时性:RTK平板能够实时处理基准站传输的差分数据,并将修正信息应用于实时定位,使测量结果更加准确和可靠。

3. 移动性:RTK平板具有便携性,适用于各种场景和应用环境,如土地测绘、航空航天、军事等。

然而,RTK平板也存在一些缺点:1. 网络依赖:RTK平板需要与基准站建立实时通信,因此对稳定的网络环境有一定要求。


HAMC - Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing Company 哈尔滨飞机制造厂
HDOP - Horizontal Dilution of Precision 水平精度因子
HQ USAF - Headquarters US Air Force 美国空军总部
HIS - Horizontal Situation Indicator 水平位置指示
ITU - International Telcommunication Union 国际电信联合会
J/S - Jamming to Signal Ration 信号干扰比
JTIDS - Joint Tactical Information Distribution System 联合战术信息发布系统
IF - Intermediate Frequency 中频
IFF - Identification Friend or Foe 敌我识别
IFR - Infrared 红外的,红外线
IFR - Instrument Flight Rules 仪表飞行规则
I-Level - Intermediate Level 中间层
KHz - KiloHertz
L1 - GPS 信号频率之一(1575.42 MHz)
L2 - GPS 信号频率之一(1227.6 MHz)
LAAS - Local Area Augmentation System 局域增强系统
Lb - 磅
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示器
ATRCC - Air Route Traffic Control Center —— 空中航线交通控制中心 AMV - Auto Mag Var —— 自动磁偏角 AVLN - Automatic Vehicle Location and Navigation —— 车辆自主定位和导航系统 AWG- American Wire Gague —— 美国线规 BCD - Binary Code Decimal —— 二进制 BIPM - International Bureau of Weights and Measures —— 国际度量衡局 BIT - Built-In-Test —— 内置测试 BNC —— 同轴电缆接插件 BPSK - Bi Phase Shift Keying —— 双相移键控 BRG - Bearing —— 方位角(从当前位置到目的地的方向) C/A code - Coarse/Acquisition Code —— 粗捕获码 CAD - Computer Aided Design —— 计算机辅助设计 CADD - Computer Aided Design Device —— 计算机辅助设计设备 CDI - Course Deviation Indicator —— 航线偏航指示 CDMA - Code Division Multiplex Access —— 码分多址 CDU - Control Display Unit —— 控制显示单元 CEP - Circular Error Probable —— 循环可能误差 CMG - Course Mode Good —— 从起点到当前位置的方位 CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor —— 补充金属氧化物半导体 COG - Course Over Ground —— 对地运动方向 CRPA - Controlled Radiation Pattern Antenna —— 受控辐射天线 CTS - Course To Steer —— 到目的地的最佳行驶方向



Classification of control systems there are three ways: by automatic classification methods in order to participate in the control mode classification, to adjust the law category.One way to control category1, the open-loop control system if the computer output of open loop control system to exercise control of the production process, but the control results --- the state of the production process does not affect the computer control systems, computer \ controller \ production and other sectors does not constitute a closed loop, is called open-loop control system computer. the production process of the state is no feedback to the computer, but by the operator to monitor the status of the production process, decision control program, and tell the computer to control the role of exercising control.2, closed loop control system computer to the production of an object or process control, the state can directly influence the production process computer control system, called the closed-loop control system computer. Control of the computer monitor in the operator, the automatic acceptance of the production process state test results, calculate and determine the control scheme, the direct command and control units (devices) of action, the role of exercising control of the production process. In such systems, aircraft control components under control of control information sent to control device operation, the other running equipment condition as the output, measured by the detection part, the feedback as input to the control computer; to make control Computer \ Control Components \ production \ test components form a closed loop. We will call this form of control computer control closed-loop control. Closed loop control system computer, using a mathematical model to set the value of the production process and test results of the best value of the deviation between the feedback and control the production process to run at their best.3, line control system as long as the computer controlled production of the controlled object or process, to exercise direct control, without human intervention are called the control computer on-line control, or on-line control system.4, offline control system control computer does not directly participate in the control object or the controlled production process. It only managed to complete the process of the controlled object or the status of testing, and testing of data processing; and then develop control programs, the output control instruction, operator reference control instructions manually controlled operation to control parts of the object orsubject control process control. This control form is called off-line computer control system.5, real-time control system control computer real-time control system is controlled by the control of the object or process, or request when the request processing control, the control function in a timely manner to address and control systems, commonly used in the production process is interrupted for the occasion. Such as steel, each one refining furnace steel is a process; and if the process rolling, rolling out each piece of steel considered a process, each process is repeated. Only enter the process only requires a computer control. Once control of the computer, it requires a computer from the production process information in the required time to respond to or control. Such systems often use sophisticated interrupt system and interrupt handling procedures to achieve. In summary, an online system is not necessarily a real-time system. But a real-time system must be an online system.Second, in order to participate in the control mode to Category1, direct digital control system by the control computer to replace conventional analog instruments and direct regulation to control the production process, as the computer as digital signals, so named after the DDC control. Actually controlled the production process control components, control signals received by the process controller input / output channels of D / (D / A) converter output of the digital control computer volume to be converted into analog; analog input control machine to go through the process of input / output channels of analog / digital (A / D) converter into a digital number into the computer. DDC control systems often use a small computer or microprocessor, the time-sharing system to achieve multiple points of control. Is in fact a discrete sampling with the controller, to achieve discrete multi-point control. DDC computer control system that has become the main control computer control system forms. DDC control of the advantage of flexibility, large, focused on high reliability and low cost. Can use several forms of digital computing circuits, or even dozens of loop production process, integral to proportional --- --- differential (PID) control to maintain the industrial state of the controlled object at a given value, the deviation small and stable. And as long as the change of control algorithms and applications can achieve more complex control. Such as feedforward control and the best control. Under normal circumstances, DDC-level control often more complex as the implementation of advanced control level.2, supervisory computer control system supervisory computer control system fora particular production process, according to the production process of various states, according to the production process of the mathematical model to calculate the best production equipment should be running a given value, and the best value automatically or manually on the DDC Executive-level computer or analog meter to align the regulation or control of the target set. By a DDC or adjust the instrument at various points on the production process (running equipment) to exercise control. SCC system is that it can guarantee the production process is always controlled the situation in the best condition to run, so get the most benefit. SCC results directly affect the merits of the first of its mathematical model, this should always improve the operation process model, and modify the control algorithm, and application control procedures.3, multi-level control systems in modern manufacturing enterprises in the production process not only the need to address the problem of online control, and Huan Zhi Li called for a solution of production problems, the daily product line, the number of arrangements for planning and scheduling, and Rose plans develop a long term planning, notice Xiaoshou prospects, there was multi-level control system. DDC class is mainly used for direct control of the production process, for PID, or feedforward control; SCC level is mainly used for optimal control or adaptive control or learning control calculation, and command and control the same DDC class report back to the MIS class. DDC level usually microcomputers, SCC-level general use of small computers or high-end microcomputers. MIS Workshop main function of governance is based on plant-level production of varieties issued, the number of orders and collect up the production process of the state of information, at any time reasonable schedule to achieve optimal control, command and SCC-level supervisory control. Factory management level MIS main function is to accept the company and factory production tasks assigned by the actual situation of optimized computing, Zhi Ding factory production plans and short-term (ten days or weeks or days) arrangements, and then issued to the plant-level production tasks. Corporate governance level MIS main function is to guess the market demand computing to develop strategic long-term development planning, and contract orders, raw material supply situation and the production conditions, comparison of the optimal production program selection and calculation, work out the entire company business a long time (months or ten days) of the production plan, sales plan, assigned to the task of the factory management level. MIS-level main function is to achieve real-timeinformation processing, decision-makers at all levels to provide useful information, make on the production planning \ scheduling and management programs to plan the coordination and management control in the optimal state. This one can control the size and scope of enterprise size divided into several levels. Each level has to be addressed according to the size of the amount of information to determine the type of computer used. MIS generally use small computer shop class or high-grade micro-computer, the factory management level of the MIS with a medium-sized computer, and corporate governance level MIS is to use large-scale computer, or use super computer. 4, distributed control or distributed control system distributed control or distributed control, the control system is divided into a number of independent local control subsystems to complete the controlled production process control task. Since the emergence of micro-computers and rapid development of distributed control to provide for the realization of the material and technical basis, in recent years, decentralized control can be different almost normal development, and has become an important trend in the development of computer control. Since the 70's, appeared focused on distributed control system, called DCS. It is a decentralized local control of the new computer control system.Three, classified according to the law regulating1, program control if the computer control system the division of a predetermined time function control, such control is called program control. Such as the furnace temperature-time curves Anzhao some control on the process control. Here the procedure is time-varying changes have to determine the corresponding value, rather than the computer running.2, sequence control in the process control based on the generated sequence control, computer, over time, as can be determined according to the corresponding control value and previous results at the moment both to exercise on the production process control system, called the order of the computer control .3, proportional - integral - differential analog PID control regulation of conventional PID control instrument can be completed. Micro-computer can also be achieved with PID control.4, feedforward control is usually the feedback control system, have certain effects on the interference in order to generate feedback over the role of inhibitory control of interference, and thus delay the control of undesirable consequences. In order to overcome the negative lag control, with the computer accepts the interferencesignal after the, did not produce effects in the Huan insert a feedforward control Zuoyong, it Ganghao interference point in the interference of the control to completely offset the effect on the variable, it was Ming Wei Yin Er disturbance compensation control.5, optimal control (optimal control) system control computer, such as to have controlled object is best known as the best run of the control system control system. Such as computer control system is limited in the existing conditions, select appropriate control law (mathematical model), the controlled object indicators in optimal running condition. Such as the largest output, consumption of the largest, highest quality standards, such as the least scrap rate. Best is determined by a set of mathematical models, sometimes several in a limited range of the best indicators of the pursuit of individual, sometimes the best indicators of comprehensive requirements.6, the adaptive control system, optimal control, when the working conditions or qualifications change, we can not get the best control effects. If the situation changes in working conditions, the control system can still be controlled in the best state of the object's control, such control system called the adaptive system. This requires mathematical model reflects the change in the conditions, how to achieve the best state. Control computer to detect changes in terms of the information given by the laws of mathematical models to calculate, to change the control variables, the controlled objects still in the best condition.7, self-learning control system if the computer can keep the results under the controlled object gain experience running their own change and improve the control law so that more and better control effect, this control system is called self-learning control system. Above mentioned optimal control, adaptive control and self-learning control are related to multi-parameter, multi-variable complex control systems, are all problems of modern control theory. Determine the stability of the system, many factors affect the control of complex mathematical models, have to be a production control, production technology, automation, instrumentation, programming, computer hardware, each with various personnel to be realized. Controlled object by the length of reaction time required to control the number of points and mathematical models to determine the complexity of the computer use scale. Generally speaking, a strong need to functionality (speed and computing power) of the computer can be achieved. The Zhuzhong control, can be a single type also is not single, you can combineseveral forms to achieve control of the production process. This should address the actual situation of the controlled object, the system analysis, system design determined at the time.。



深圳市卫星定位测量规程Code for Shenzhen Urban Surveying Using Satellite Positioning System深圳市地籍测绘大队2009年3月目次1 一般规定 (1)1.1术语 (1)1.2符号 (2)1.3GNSS测量 (4)1.4数据处理 (6)1.5质量检查与技术总结 (9)2 城市GNSS RTK测量 (11)2.1一般规定 (11)1.2仪器设备 (12)2.3单基站RTK测量 (13)2.4城市网络RTK测量 (15)2.5数据处理与检验 (16)2.6成果提交 (16)3 城市GNSS高程测量 (18)3.1一般规定 (18)3.2技术要求 (18)3.3数据处理与检验 (19)3.4成果提交 (21)附录A GNSS外业观测手簿 (22)附录B GNSS RTK基准站外业观测手簿 (23)1 一般规定1.1 术语1.1.1 观测时段observation session测站上开始记录卫星观测数据到记录停止的时间间隔。

1.1.2 同步观测simultaneous observation两台及以上接收机同时对共同卫星进行观测。

1.1.3 同步观测环simultaneous observation loop三台及以上接收机同步观测所获得的基线向量构成的闭合环,简称同步环。

1.1.4 异步观测环unsimultaneous observation loop由不同时段的观测基线向量构成的闭合环,简称异步环。

1.1.5 独立基线independ baseline线性无关的一组观测基线。

1.1.6 星历ephemeris用来表示不同时刻卫星在轨道位置的一组参数。

1.1.7 广播星历broadcast ephemeris卫星实时发播的卫星轨道参数。

1.1.8 精密星历precise ephemeris利用全球或区域导航卫星跟踪站网的观测数据经后处理确定的导航卫星精密轨道参数。





【关键词】伪距差分;载波相位差分;精度【Abstract】Real Time Difference and Real Time Kinematic, two important positioning technologies of Differential GPS, are widely used in all fields. Firstly, this paper introduce the principle of GPS positioning and error analysis, then introduce principle of Real Time Difference and Real Time Kinematic. At last, combining with practice, through calculating positional drift and positional error, Accuracy of positioning of Real Time Kinematic is more than Real Time Difference is confirmed.【Keywords】Real Time Difference;Real Time Kinematic;Accuracy0 引言GPS差分技术的越来越成熟,使得GPS定位精度得以大大提高,相对于惯性测量、电磁波测距等这些经典测量技术来说,GPS 具有观测站间无需通视、定位精度高、观测时间短的特点,以及它能够实施全球性全天候全天时的连续不断的三维导航定位测量的特性,为广大用户提供了高精度多用途的导航定位服务。







差价的英语说法1:price difference差价的英语说法2:gap between ... prices差价的相关短语:差价合约 Contract for difference估值差价 Value Price差价合同 Contract for difference熊市差价 Bear Spreads地域差价 Area differential差价退款 Adjustment Refund批零差价 wholesale and retail price differentials交换差价 exchange gap between推销差价 dumping profit margin差价的英语例句:1. Variable levies can insulate farmers and consumers from world markets.差价进口税可以把农民和消费者与世界市场隔离开来.2. But no matter how great the difference is, you'll have to move.但无论差价有多大, 你方得作出一些让步.3. That still leaves a gap of 10 dollars to be covered.还有10美元的差价要弥合.4. I'm sorry, the difference between our price and your counter - offer is too wide.我很抱歉, 我们的价格和你的还盘之间的差价太大了.5. All dealing spreads are subject to variation, especially in volatile market conditions.所有的交易差价都可能发生变化, 特别是在一个市场极其波动的情况下.6. Resale rights exist, with schools in some cases sharing the profits.有些人购买“学校债券”后转手牟利,有时学校也参与期间,分取部分差价收入.7. The difference in prices between the two markets was reduced by arbitrage.套利活动使两个市场间的差价缩小.8. Scope: Real estate brokers ( including public housing post exchange publicexchange ).经营范围: 房地产经纪 ( 含公有住房差价交换 ).9. Yet there has been no real - time measure of this differential.然而,市场上一直没有出现实时衡量这种差价的工具.10. The difference can be refunded or used as store credit.差价可以返还,或者用作商店积分.11. Why do the developers to " full compensation for price difference? "这位开发商为什么能够“ 全额补偿房价差价”?12. Non - members substituting for a member must pay the difference in fees.非会员顶替会员参加的情况下,须补足差价.13. This is the fundamental way to narrow the price difference.这是缩小差价的根本办法.14. We shall offset the price difference demand draft payable to your order.我方将开出即期汇票以补偿你方差价.15. Cfd and spot forex trades can only be settled in cash.差价合约和即期外汇交易只能用现金结算.。



(Q D C O R S)R T K测量作业规定青岛市连续运行基准站系统QDCORSRTK测量作业规定(试行)青岛市勘察测绘研究院二〇〇八年五月目录1 总则 (1)2 术语 (2)3 引用标准及文件 (4)4 坐标系统和时间 (4)4.1 坐标系统 (4)4.2 时间 (5)5 精度等级 (6)5.1 RTK平面测量精度等级 (6)5.2 RTK高程测量精度等级 (6)6 GNSS RTK平面测量 (7)6.1 一般规定 (7)6.2 仪器设备 (8)6.3 网络RTK测量 (9)6.4 基于QDCORS的单基站RTK测量 (10)7 动态GNSS高程测量 (11)8 数据处理 (12)9 质量检查 (12)10 上交资料 (12)附录A 常规单基站RTK测量 (14)附录B GNSS RTK外业观测手簿 (16)附录C 用户入网管理规定 (17)附录D 网络RTD测量 (19)1 总则本作业规定适用于青岛市连续运行基准站系统的RTK测量,用于青岛市范围内的普通工程控制网测量、管线测量、地籍测量、地形测量、工程测量等测绘业务。


2 术语1)连续运行基准站系统(Continuously Operating Reference Station System)由多个连续运行基准站及计算机网络、通讯等技术组成,用于提供不同精度、多种定位等服务的信息系统,简称CORS网或CORS系统。



3)GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System)全球导航卫星系统(包括GPS、GLONASS、北斗、GALILEO等)。

4)RTK(Real-Time Kinematic)利用载波的实时动态差分定位,网络RTK指基于CORS系统的RTK。

5)RTD(Real-Time Differential)利用伪距的实时动态差分定位,在QDCORS下指使用移动GIS设备(手持GPS)的作业模式。



生物化学及分子生物学实验常用缩略语(教学团队的范浩讲师编制)英文缩写英文名中文名A(1) absorbance(2) absorbency 吸收率吸收Acr acrylamide 丙烯酰胺ADP adenosine diphosphate二磷酸腺苷,腺苷二磷酸AMP adenosine monophosphate腺苷一磷酸,腺苷酸Amp ampicillin氨苄青霉素AMV avian myeloblastosis virus禽类成髓细胞瘤病毒APS ammonium persulfate 过硫酸铵AR analytical reagent 分析纯试剂ATP adenosine triphosphate三磷酸腺苷,腺苷三磷酸ALT alanine transaminase丙氨酸转氨酶BAC bacterial artificial chromosome细菌人工染色体Bis N,N’-methylene-bis-acrylamide N,N’-亚甲双丙烯酰胺BSA bovine serum albumin 牛血清白蛋白bp base pair碱基对ccc-DNA covalently closed circular DNA共价闭环DNAcDNA complementary DNA互补DNACE capillary electrophoresis 毛细管电泳Ch cholesterol 胆固醇CP creatine phosphate 磷酸肌酸DEPC diethylpyrocarbonate焦碳酸二乙酯DNA deoxyribonucleic acid脱氧核糖核酸dsDNA double stranded DNA双链DNAdsRNA double stranded RNA双链RNADTT dithiothreitol二硫苏糖醇EB ethidium bromide溴乙锭E.coli Escherichia coli 大肠杆菌EDTA ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid乙二胺四乙酸EGTA ethylene glycol bis (2-aminoethyl) tetraacetic acid 乙二醇二乙醚二胺四乙酸ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay酶联免疫吸附测定(法)FAM Carboxyfluorescein 羧基荧光素FCM flow cytometry 流式细胞仪FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate 异硫氰酸荧光素FPLC fast protein liquid chromatograpgy 快速(蛋白)液相层析G6PD glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 葡糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶GFP green fluorescence protein 绿色荧光蛋白GST glutathione-S-transferase 谷胱甘肽S转移酶Hb hemoglobin 血红蛋白HEPES 4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid 4-羟乙基哌嗪乙磺酸His,H histidine 组氨酸HPLC high performance liquid chromatography 高效液相层析Hsp heat shock protein 热休克蛋白IEF isoelectric focusing 等电聚焦IPTG isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactoside 异丙基-β-D-硫代半乳糖苷kb kilobase pair 千碱基对kDa kilo-Dalton 千道尔顿Km Michaelis constant 米氏常数LDH lactic dehydrogenase; lactate dehydrogenase 乳酸脱氢酶mRNA messenger RNA 信使RNAMW molecular weight 分子量NBT nitrotetrazolium blue氯化硝基四氮唑蓝NC nitrocellulose membrane 硝酸纤维素膜oc-DNA open circular DNA 开环DNAOD optical density 光密度PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis 聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳PCR polymerase chain reaction 聚合酶链反应PKC protein kinase C 蛋白激酶CpI isoelectric point 等电点PMSF phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride 苯甲基磺酰氟RNase ribonuclease RNA酶PBS phosphate buffered saline PBS缓冲液RNAi RNA interference RNA干扰RPM round per minute 每分钟转数RQ-PCR Real-time quantitative PCR 实时定量PCRRT-PCR reverse transcription PCR 反转录PCR,逆转录PCRSDS sodium dodecyl sulfate 十二烷基硫酸钠siRNA small interfering RNA 小干扰RNASNP single nucleotide polymorphism 单核苷酸多态性SSCP single strand conformation polymorphism 单链构象多态性SWR standard working reagent 标准工作液TBS Tris-buffered sodium chloride TBS缓冲液TE Tris-EDTA buffer 含Tris和EDTA的缓冲液TEMED N,N,N’,N’-tetramethyl ethylene diamine N,N,N’,N’-四甲基乙二胺TLC thin-layer chromatography 薄层层析Tris N-Tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane 2-氨基-2-羟甲基-1,3-丙二醇UV ultraviolet 紫外线X-gal 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-β-D-galactoside 5-溴-4-氯-3-吲哚-β-D-半乳糖苷YAC yeast artificial chromosome vector 酵母人工染色体载体生物化学与分子生物学实验常用词中英文对照(教学团队的范浩讲师编制)Aabluent 洗洁剂absolute (ethyl) alcohol 无水乙醇absorbance (A) 吸光率,吸收率absorbency (A) 吸收性,吸光度absorption 吸收(作用)absorption coefficient 吸收系数absorption spectrum 吸收光谱abstract 提取acetate 乙酸盐,醋酸盐acetic acid 乙酸,醋酸acidity 酸度,酸性acrylamide 丙烯酰胺adjustable micropipetter 可调式微量移液器/加样器affinity 亲和,亲和力,亲和性affinity labeling 亲和标记agar 琼脂agarose 琼脂糖agarose gel electrophoresis 琼脂糖凝胶电泳agitate 搅动A:G ratio A/G比率,清球比率alanine (Ala, A) 丙氨酸albumin 清蛋白,白蛋白alcohol 酒精,乙醇alcohol burner 酒精灯alkalinity 碱度,碱性alkaline phosphatase 碱性磷酸酶alpha complementation α-互补amino 氨基amino terminal 氨基(末)端,N-(末)端ammonium persulfate 过硫酸铵ampholyte 两性电解质amplicon PCR扩增产物amplification 扩增analytical balance 分析天平analytical reagent 分析纯试剂anhydrous 脱水的,无水的annealing 退火antibiotics 抗生素antibody 抗体antigen 抗原antiseptic 消毒剂,防腐剂apolipoprotein 载脂蛋白apoptosis 凋亡appearent molecular weight 表观分子量aseptic 无菌的,防腐剂autoclave 高压灭菌器automatic biochemical analyzer 全自动生化分析仪automatic gel image analysis system 全自动凝胶成像分析系统autoradiography 放射自显影azotometer 定氮仪Bbalance 天平base 碱基base sequence 碱基序列beaker 烧杯beaker brush 烧杯刷Beer’s law 比尔定律benchtop ultracentrifuge 台式超速离心机biochemistry 生物化学biochip 生物芯片biomacromolecule 生物大分子biotin 生物素biuret reaction 双缩脲反应blender 搅拌器,搅碎器blood 血液blood sugar 血糖blotting 印迹分析blotting membranes 印迹膜blotting paper 印迹用滤纸blue-white selection 蓝白斑筛选blunt end 平端bottle brush 瓶刷bromophenol blue 溴酚蓝buffer 缓冲液Ccapacity 容量capillary electrophoresis 毛细管电泳capillary electrophoresis system 毛细管电泳仪carboxy(l) 羧基catalyst 催化剂catecholamine 儿茶酚胺cation 阳离子cDNA 互补DNAcDNA chip cDNA芯片cDNA library cDNA文库cDNA probe cDNA探针cell 细胞cell culture 细胞培养cellophane 玻璃纸cellulose acetate membrane 醋酸纤维薄膜centrifugal force 离心力centrifuge 离心机centrifuge tube 离心管chromatogram 层析图,色谱chromatography 层析,色谱法chromatography column 层析柱clamp 夹子clone 克隆cloning vector 克隆载体CO2 incubator 二氧化碳培养箱coomassie (brilliant) blue 考马斯亮蓝coomassie (brilliant) blue staining 考马斯亮蓝染色coefficient 系数colloid 胶体colony 菌落colony counter 菌落计数器color reaction 呈色反应colorimetry 比色法competence 感受态competent cell 感受态细胞competitive inhibition 竞争性抑制作用complementary DNA (cDNA) 互补DNA component 成分,组分concentration 浓度condenser 冷凝器conformation 空间构象conical beaker 锥形瓶conical bottom culture tube 锥底试管constant temperature incubator 恒温培养箱constant temperature oven 恒温箱content 含量control experiment 对照实验cosmid vector 黏粒载体,科斯质粒载体counter 计数器creatine 肌酸culture dish 培养皿culture flask 培养瓶culture media 培养基culture shaker 培养摇床culture vessel 培养瓶culture tube 培养管cuvette 比色皿D2-D electrophoresis apparatus 双向电泳仪denaturant 变性剂denaturation 变性(作用)density 密度density gradient centrifugation 密度梯度离心desiccator 干燥器desiccant 干燥剂detector 检测器detergent 去垢剂,去污剂dialysis 透析differential display PCR 差异显示PCRdigital gel image analysis system 数码凝胶成像分析仪diluent 稀释剂dilute 稀释distilled water 蒸馏水DNA blotting DNA印迹(法)DNA chip DNA芯片DNA ligase DNA连接酶DNA marker 标准分子量DNA DNA polymerase DNA聚合酶DNA recombination DNA重组DNA recombination technique 重组DNA技术DNA recombination technology 重组DNA技术DNA sequencer DNA测序仪dot blotting 斑点印迹dropper 滴管drying oven 干燥箱,干燥炉Eelectric stove 电炉electrical receptacle 电源插座electrode 电极electrolyte 电解质electromagnetic oven 电磁炉electrophoresis 电泳electronic analytical balance 电子分析天平electronic balance 电子天平electrophoresis cell 电泳槽electrophoresis system 电泳仪electrophoretogram 电泳图(谱) electrophorogram 电泳图(谱) electroporation 电穿孔electroporation instrument 电穿孔转化仪electrothermal incubator 电热恒温培养箱eluant 洗脱液,洗脱剂eluate 洗出液eluent 洗脱液,洗脱剂elution 洗脱enzyme 酶Escherichia coli大肠杆菌ethanol 乙醇exon 外显子exponential growth phase 指数生长期expression vector 表达载体extinction coefficient 消光系数extract ①提取,抽取②提取液Ffetal calf serum 胎牛血清filter 过滤filtration 过滤flask 培养瓶,长颈瓶flow cytometer (FCM) 流式细胞仪fluorescence 荧光fluorescence intensity 荧光强度fluorescence probe 荧光探针fluorescence quantified PCR 荧光定量PCR fluorescence spectrophotometer 荧光分光光度计fluorochrome 荧光染料fluorophore 荧光基团forceps 镊子formamide 甲酰胺freezer 冷冻冰箱frost-free refrigerator 无霜冰箱full size ultracentrifuge 大型超速离心机fume hood 通风橱Ggas chromatography 气相层析gel 凝胶gel chromatography 凝胶层析gel comb 凝胶梳gel dryer 凝胶干燥仪gel imaging system 凝胶成像系统gene 基因gene chip 基因芯片gene cloning 基因克隆gene expression 基因表达gene inactivation 基因失活gene knock-out 基因敲除gene library 基因文库genetic analyzer 全自动遗传分析仪genetic engineering 基因工程genome 基因组genomic DNA 基因组DNAgenomic library 基因组文库glassware 玻璃仪器glass graduates with scale 刻度量杯glass stopper 玻璃瓶塞globulin 球蛋白glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) 6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT) 谷草转氨酶glutamic pyruvic transaminase (GPT) 谷丙转氨酶glycogen 糖原gradient centrifugation 梯度离心gradient thermal cycler 梯度PCR仪graduated cylinder 量筒growth media 培养基Hhemoglobin 血红蛋白heat shock protein (HSP) 热休克蛋白heating bath 加热水浴箱heat-stable 耐热的,热稳定的heparin 肝素high density lipoprotein (HDL) 高密度脂蛋白高效液相层析,高效液相色谱法high pressure steam sterilizer 高压蒸汽灭菌器high speed centrifuge 高速离心机high speed refrigerated centrifuge 高速冷冻离心机high speed centrifugation 高速离心histidine (His, H) 组氨酸homogenate 组织匀浆homogenize 匀浆homogenizer 匀浆器homoiothermic 恒温的horizontal gel electrophoresis system 水平凝胶电泳仪horseradish peroxidase 辣根过氧化物酶host 宿主hybrid molecule 杂交分子hybridization 杂交hybridization in situ原位杂交Iice machine 制冰机ice scoop 冰勺immunoblotting 免疫印迹法immunoradioautography 免疫放射自显影inactivation 灭活incubation 保温,温浴incubator 培养箱induce 诱导induced mutagenesis 诱变inducer 诱导物induction 诱导作用infection 感染inhibitor 抑制剂insertion inactivation 插入灭活insertion sequence (IS) 插入序列in situ hybridization 原位杂交in situ PCR 原位PCRinsulin 胰岛素in vitro 体外,试管内in vivo体内iodacetamide 碘乙酰胺ion-exchange resin 离子交换树脂ion exchange chromatography 离子交换层析ionic strength 离子强度isoelectric focusing 等电聚焦isoelectric focusing system 等电聚焦仪isoelectric point (pI) 等电点isoelectric separation 等电分离Jjar 广口瓶Kkalium 钾kinase 激酶kinetic coefficient 动力学系数kinetic constant 动力学常数Klenow fragment Klenow片段,DNA聚合酶I大片段Llab cart 实验室样品推车lab sink 实验室水槽lab stool 实验凳laboratory notebook 实验记录本laboratory coat 工作服label 标签lactose 乳糖laser scanning confocal microscope 激光扫描共焦显微镜Lambert-Beer law 朗伯-比尔定律latex glove 乳胶手套ligand 配体ligase 连接酶liquid nitrogen 液氮liquid nitrogen storage tank 液氮储存罐loop 细菌接种环low speed centrifuge 低速离心机lysis 溶菌作用lysozyme 溶菌酶Mmagnetic stirrer 磁力搅拌器malonic acid 丙二酸marker 记号笔medicine dropper 滴管medium 培养液methylase 甲基化酶methylation 甲基化methylene blue 亚甲蓝,甲烯蓝microbalance 微量天平microcentrifuge 微型离心机microcentrifuge tube 微型离心管microliter syringe 微量注射器microinjection 显微注射microinjector 微量注射器microplate reader 酶标仪micropipetter 微量移液器micropipetter tip 微量移液头microwave oven 微波炉milligram 毫克mince 切碎mini gel system 迷你凝胶电泳仪mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) 线粒体DNA mixer 混合器,搅拌器mobility 迁移率molecular cloning 分子克隆,无性繁殖molecular hybridization 分子杂交molecular weight 分子量monoclonal antibody 单克隆抗体mortar 研钵multichannel pipetter 多道移液器multifunctional PCR 多功能PCR仪multiplex PCR 多重PCRmutation 突变Nnegative 负的,阴性的nick 缺口nick translation 缺口平移法non-protein nitrogen 非蛋白氮Northern blotting RNA印迹nucleic acid 核酸nucleic acid hybridization 核酸分子杂交nucleic acid sequencing system 核酸序列分析仪Ooligonucleotide 寡核苷酸orbital rocker 旋转混匀器optimum pH 最适pHoptimum temperature 最适温度outlet strip 电源插座板oven 烤箱Ppaper chromatography 纸层析,纸色谱法paper label 标签paraffin film 密封用石蜡薄膜PCR thermocycler 基因扩增仪PCR plate PCR板penicillin 青霉素pestle 研杵pH buffer pH缓冲液pH meter pH酸度计pH paper pH试纸pH testing strips pH试纸plasma 血浆plasmid 质粒pipette 移液管,吸量管pipette tip 移液器吸头,枪头pipettor 移液器polyclonal antibody 多克隆抗体polymerase 聚合酶,多聚酶polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 聚合酶链反应polymorphism 多态性,多态现象point mutation 点突变positive 正的,阳的power supply 电源precipitation reaction 沉淀反应pre-cast gel 预制凝胶板pretreat 预处理primer 引物probe 探针protease 蛋白酶protein 蛋白质protein chip 蛋白质芯片protein expression 蛋白质表达protein kinase 蛋白激酶purification 纯化purity 纯度Rradioactivity 放射性radioautography 放射自显影random primer 随机引物random priming 随机引物法reagent 试剂reagent bottle 试剂瓶Real-time fluorescence quantified PCR 实时荧光定量PCRreceptor 受体reference weight set 标准砝码系列refrigerator 冰箱relaxed circular DNA 开环DNArepeating pipetter 连续移液器reporter gene 报告基因restriction endonuclease 限制性核酸内切酶restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) 限制性片段长度多态restriction map 限制酶切图谱reverse transcription 逆转录ribonuclease (RNase) RNA酶RNase H RNA酶Hrocker 混摇器rocking platform 摇床rotor 离心机转头rubber pipette bulb 洗耳球rubber stopper 橡皮瓶塞Ssafety glasses 安全眼镜salt precipitation 盐析sample 样品sampling 采样,抽样scalpel 解剖刀scanner 扫描器scintillation counter 闪烁计数仪scissors 剪刀screening 筛选seal sample bag 密封样品袋semi-dry transfer unit 半干转膜仪separation 分离sequence 序列sequencing 测序sequenator 序列分析仪serum 血清shaker 摇床,混合器shoe covers 鞋套sodium tetraphenylboron 四苯硼钠solid medium 固体培养基solubility 溶解度solute 溶质solution 溶液solvent 溶剂sonic oscillation 超声振荡sonication probe 超声(探)头/端子sonicator 超声破碎仪Southern blot DNA印迹spatula 药匙specimen 样品,标本spectrofluorimeter 荧光分光光度计spectrophotography 分光光度法spectrophotometer 分光光度计squirt bottles 洗瓶standard curve 标准曲线steam sterilizer 蒸汽灭菌器stir 搅动stir bar磁力搅拌转子stopcock 活塞,玻璃活塞stopper 塞子substrate 底物superhelix 超螺旋结构supernatant 上清液syringe needle 注射器针头TTaq DNA polymerase Taq DNA聚合酶test tube 试管test tube holder 试管夹test tube rack 试管架test tube shelf 试管架template 模板terminal transferase 末端转移酶tetracycline 四环素thermoduric 耐热的thermometer 温度计thermostat 恒温器thermostatic oscillation incubator 恒温振荡培养器thermostatic oven 恒温烤箱thermostatic water bath 恒温水浴箱timer 定时器thin membrane electrophoresis 薄膜电泳tissue 组织tissue grinder 组织研磨器tissue culture 组织培养tissue homogenate 组织匀浆tracer isotope 示踪同位素transaminase 转氨酶transfer apparatus 电转仪transduction 转导,转导作用transfection 转染transformation 转化transmittance 透光度transmittancy 透射比tube brush 试管刷tumbling mixer 翻转混匀器Uultra freezer 超低温冰箱ultra purified water system 超纯水系统ultrabalance 微量天平ultracentrifuge 超速离心机ultracentrifugation 超速离心ultrafiltration membrane 超滤膜ultrasonication 超声破碎ultrasonator 超声振荡器ultrasonic cell disruptor 超声细胞破碎仪ultraviolet absorption 紫外吸收ultraviolet lamp 紫外观察灯ultra-low temperature freezer 超低温冰箱universal microplate reader 通用酶标仪urea 尿素UV spectrophotometer 紫外分光光度计UV/VIS spectrophotometer 紫外可见分光光度计Vvacuum drying apparatus 真空干燥器vacuum drying oven 真空干燥炉/箱vaseline 凡士林vector 载体vertical electrophoresis apparatus 垂直电泳仪vertical electrophoresis system 垂直电泳仪virus 病毒VIS spectrophotometer 可见分光光度计volumetric flask 容量瓶vortex mixer 漩涡混匀器Wwater bath shaker 水浴摇床water bath 水浴,水浴槽water bath pot 水浴锅water still 蒸馏水器wavelength 波长96-well plate 96孔板weighing paper 称量纸Western blot 蛋白印迹wild type 野生型wiper for lens 擦镜纸Xxerogel 干凝胶Yyeast 酵母yeast two-hybrid system 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RTK测量作业规定青岛市连续运⾏基准站系统QDCORSRTK测量作业规定(试⾏)青岛市勘察测绘研究院⼆〇〇⼋年五⽉⽬录1 总则.............................................. 错误!未定义书签。

2 术语.............................................. 错误!未定义书签。

3 引⽤标准及⽂件.................................... 错误!未定义书签。

4 坐标系统和时间.................................... 错误!未定义书签。

坐标系统....................................... 错误!未定义书签。

时间........................................... 错误!未定义书签。

5 精度等级.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。

RTK平⾯测量精度等级........................... 错误!未定义书签。

RTK⾼程测量精度等级........................... 错误!未定义书签。

6 GNSS RTK平⾯测量................................. 错误!未定义书签。

⼀般规定....................................... 错误!未定义书签。

仪器设备....................................... 错误!未定义书签。

⽹络RTK测量................................... 错误!未定义书签。

基于QDCORS的单基站RTK测量.................... 错误!未定义书签。


Level (水准仪)
height measurement
The most precise method of determining elevations and most commonly used method is direct leveling or spirit leveling(几何水准测量) which means measuring the vertical distance directly.
share a doggerel(打油诗) about :
远看测区像天堂,近看测区像银行, 走进测区像牢房,不如回家放牛羊, 人人都说测量好,傻帽才往测区跑, 测区挣钱测区花,根本没钱寄回家, 漂亮老婆娶不上,娶了老婆用不上, 生了孩子管不上,买了房子住不上, 青春撒在荒山上,CAD画没了我的青春, 全站仪测走了我的梦想,水准仪压碎了我的希望, GPS也不能缝合我的悲伤,控制一声声敲击我的心脏, 等高线一圈圈束缚我的肩膀,RTK曾经让我感觉英姿飒爽, 能不背上它如今变成我的渴望。
A total station integrates the functions of an electronic theodolite(电子经纬仪) for measuring angles,an DEM for measuring distances,digital data and a data recorder.
轻型低空遥感(无人机) 低空无人机获取数据(汶川)
CCD camera(CCD相机) POS system(动态定位定姿) sensor(传感器)
GPS ( Global Positioning System ) 全球定位系统



Absolute error绝对误差Absolute orientation 绝对定向Accident error随机误差,偶然误差Active remote sensing 主动式遥感Addition constant加常数Adverse 不利的,敌对的,相反的Aerial photography 航空摄影Aerial photogrammetry 航空摄影测量Aerial triangulation 空中三角解析Alidade 照准仪Alignments survey 定线测量Allowance容许误差Angle closing error of traverse导线角度闭合差Annexed leveling line附合水准路线Antenna 天线Apportion分配Attribute属性Atomic clock 原子钟As-built survey竣工测量Automatic level自动安平水准仪Average error 平均误差Azimuth方位,方位角Backsight(BS)后视Barometric leveling 气压水准测量Blunder粗差,失误BM(benchmark)水准点Bounce 使反跳Bridge survey桥梁测量Broadcast ephemeris广播星历Buffering 缓冲Building axis survey 建筑轴线测量Building engineering survey 建筑工程测量Cadastral surveying 地籍测量Cadastre 地籍Calibration 校准,标度,刻度Cartography 地图制图学Cartographyer 地图制作者Celestial 天上的Celestial sphere 天球Clockwise顺时针方向的Clock error 种差Closed leveling line闭合水准路线Closed loop traverse 闭合环导线Closed traverse 闭合导线Closing error in coordinate increment 坐标增量闭合差Closure / closing error 闭合差Compensator level 自动安平水准仪Computer graphics 计算机图形学Connecting traverse 附合导线Constant error 常查Construction control network 施工控制网Construction plan 施工平面图Construction survey施工测量Contours等高线Control network控制网Control Point控制点Control segment 控制部分Control survey 控制测量Control network for deformation observation变形观测控制网Counterclockwise 逆时针方向的Cross section 横断面Cross section survey横断面测量Curvature 曲率,弯曲Date recorder电子手薄Date transfer数据转换Datum基准面Demographic 人口统计学Departure 差异,相差,矛盾Depression Angle 俯角Detail survey碎部测量Deviation 偏差,偏移Diameter直径Differential leveling 微差水准测量Differential gps 差分gpsDifferential correction 差分改正Digitize 将资料数字化Digitizer 数字转化器Digital orthophoto map 数字正射影像图Dimensional 空间的Direct leveling 几何水准测量Discrete 离散的Discrepancy 差异Distance measurement 距离测量Distance measuring instrument 测距仪Distance-measuring error 测距误差Distinguish 区别EDM(electronic distance measurement)电子测距仪Electromagnetic 电磁的Electromagnetic distance measuring instrument 电磁波测距仪Electronic level电子水准仪Electronic theodolite 电子经纬仪Electro-optical distance measuring instrument 光电测距仪Electromagnetic spectrum 电磁波频谱Elevation Angle高度角Elevation difference高差Elevation of sight 视线高程Eliminate 消除,排除Ellipsoid 椭圆体Engineering survey 工程测量Engineering control network 工程控制网Entity 实体Ephemeris 星历表Equator 赤道线Error of closure闭合差Error of focusing 调焦误差Error propagation 误差传播Error test 误差检验Fieldwork野外工作Fixed error固定误差Flexibility 适应性,机动性Foresight(FS) 前视Forestry 林产,森林学,林学Forward intersection前方交会Free station 自由设站法Geodetic azimuth 大地方位角Geodetic surveying 大地测量学Geographical 地理学的Geoid大地水准面Geological survey 地质测量Geology 地质学,地质概况Geomatics测绘学Geophysics 地球物理学Geoscience 地球科学GPS receiver gps接收机GPS constellation gps星座Gravimetric leveling 重力水准测量Gravity 重力,地心引力Gravity field 重力场Grid bearing 坐标方位角Gross error 粗差Gross error detection 粗差检验Gyro azimuth 陀螺方位角Height of instrument(HI)仪器高Height of target(HT)目标高Horizontal Angle水平角Horizontal circle水平刻度盘Horizontal control network平面控制网Horizontal refraction error 水平折光误差Horizontal survey 水平测量Huanghai vertical datum of 1956 1956黄海高程系统Hydrographic 与水道测量有关的Hydrographic survey 海道测量,水道测量Hydrographic engineering survey 水利工程测量Imagery 肖像,雕刻影像Implementation 执行Index error of vertical circle 竖盘指标差Inertial 惯性的,不活泼的Infrared EDM instrument 红外测距仪Instrumental error 仪器误差Intersect 相交,交叉Internal orientation 内定向Interpret 解释Ionosphere电离层Ionosphere delay 电离层延迟Land management 土地管理Land survey 土地测量Laser distance measuring instrument 激光测距仪Laser level 激光水准仪Latitude 纬度,范围Law of probability 概率论Layout放样Level 水准仪Level rod水准尺Light-emitting diode displays(LEDs)发光二极管显示Limit error 极限误差Linear intersection 边交会法Linear-angular intersection 边角交会法Liquid crystal displays(LCDs)液晶显示Longitude经度Long-range EDM instrument 远程电子测距仪Magnetic azimuth 磁方位角Marine survey 海洋测量Master control station 主控站Meridian子午线,正午,顶点Method in all combinations 全组合测角法Method of direction observation 方向观测法Microwave distance measuring instrument 微波测距仪Mine survey 矿山测量Monumentation埋石Multiplication constant 乘常数Multiply 乘,增加Multipath effect 多路径效应National vertical datum of 1985 1985国家高程基准Nominal accuracy标称精度Observation error 观测误差Open traverse 支导线Optical leveling 光学水准仪Optical theodolite 光学经纬仪Orbit 轨道Orthometric正高的Orthophotograph 正射影像Overlay覆盖Passive remote sensing 被动式遥感Perpendicular 垂直的,正交的Personal error 人为误差Photogrammetry 摄影测量学Pipe survey 管道测量Pixel 像素Plane surveying 平面测量学Plotting 标图,测绘Plumb 铅垂,铅弹Plumb line 铅垂线Post processed differential correction 后处理差分改正Precise code 精码Precision 精度Precise ephemeris 精密星历Precise ranging 精密测量Prime meridian本初子午线Prism 棱镜Probable error 或然误差Profile diagram纵断面图Profile survey 纵断面测量Projection投影,投射Propagate 传播,宣传Propagation of error误差传播Property line survey 建筑红线测量Protractor 量角器Pseudorange 伪距Public engineering survey 市政工程测量Radius 半径,范围Random error 随机误差,偶然误差Raster 光栅Real time kinematic 实时动态定位Real time Differential correction 实时差分改正Receiver antenna 借手机天线Rectangular矩形的Reference datum参考基准面Reference receiver 基准接收机Refraction 折光,折射Refraction correction 折光差改正Registration 注册,报到,登记Relative error 相对误差Relative orientation 相对定向Remote sensor 遥测传感仪Resection 后方交会Resolution 分辨度Road engineering survey 道路工程测量Route survey 路线测量Roving receiver 流动接收机Satellite laser ranger 卫星激光测距仪Satellite positioning 卫星定位Selective availability 选择可用性Setting-out survey 施工放样Sexagesimal system 六十分制Side intersection 侧方交会Site map 工地平面图Sighting distance视距Space segment 空间部分Spheroid球状体Spirit leveling 几何水准测量Spur leveling line 支水准路线Stadia 视距Stadia addition constant 视距加常数Stadia hair 视距丝,视距线Stadia interval 视距间隔Stadia multiplication constant 视距乘常数Standard field of length 长度标准检定场Survey specifications测量规范Surveying and mapping 测绘Synchronized 同步的Systematic error 系统误差Tacheometry 视距测量Tangent 相切的,切线的Telescope望远镜Terrain 地形Theodolite 经纬仪Theory of error 误差理论Tolerance 限差Topographic 地势的,地形学上的Topographic survey地形测量Total length closing error of traverse 导线全长闭合差Total station 全站仪Traverse 导线,横贯,横断Traverse Angle 导线折角Traverse leg 导线边Traverse network 导线网Traverse Point 导线点Traversing导线测量Triangle三角形Triangulateration 边角测量Triangulateration network 边角网Triangulation 三角测量Triangulation network 三角网Trigonometric leveling 三角高程测量Trigonometry 三角法Trilateration 三边测量Trilateration network 三边网Troposphere 对流层Troposphere delay 对流层延迟True error 真误差True north真北Tunnel survey隧道测量Two-color laser ranger 双色激光测距仪US department of defense 美国国防部User segment 用户部分Vector 向量Vertical Angle 垂直角Vertical circle 垂直度盘Vertical control network高程控制网Vertical survey 高程测量Visualization 可视化Zenith 天顶,顶点,顶峰Zenith distance 天顶距。



GPS专业词汇词语缩写介绍A - C D - FG - MN - ST - YA - C1PPM - 1PulsePerMinute-----分脉冲1PPS - 1PulsePerSecond----秒脉冲2D----二维定位3D----三维定位A/D - AnalogtoDigital----模拟/数字信号转换A/J - Anti-Jamming----反人为干扰ADF - AutomaticDirectionFinder----自动定向仪ADOP - AttitudeDilutionofPrecision----姿态精度子AE - AntennaElectronics----天线电子学AFB - AirForceBase----美国空军基地AFI - AutomaticFaultIndication----自动错误显示AFS - AirForceStation----空间站AHRS - AttitudeandHeadingReferenceSystem --姿态方向参考系统AIMS -AirspaceTrafficControlRadarBeaconSystemIFFMarkXIISystem空中交通监控雷达信标系统敌我识别标志XII系统AOC - AuxiliaryOutputChip -- 辅助输出芯片AOPA - AircraftOwner&PilotAssociation --飞机所有者及飞行员协会AS - Anti-Spoofing -- 反电子欺骗ASIC - ApplicationSpecificIntegratedCircuit --特殊应用集成电路ATC - AirTrafficControl -- 空中交通控制ATE - AutomaticTestEquipment -- 自动测试仪器ATIS - AutomaticTerminalInformationService --自动终端信息服务ATRCC - AirRouteTrafficControlCenter --空中航线交通控制中心AMV - AutoMagVar -- 自动磁偏角AVLN - AutomaticVehicleLocationandNavigation --车辆自主定位和导航系统AWG-AmericanWireGague -- 美国线规BCD - BinaryCodeDecimal -- 二进制BIPM - InternationalBureauofWeightsandMeasures-- 国际度量衡局BIT - Built-In-Test -- 内置测试BNC -- 同轴电缆接插件BPSK - BiPhaseShiftKeying -- 双相移键控BRG - Bearing -- 方位角(从当前位置到目的地的方向)C/Acode - Coarse/AcquisitionCode -- 粗捕获码CAD - ComputerAidedDesign -- 计算机辅助设计CADD - ComputerAidedDesignDevice -- 计算机辅助设计设备CDI - CourseDeviationIndicator -- 航线偏航指示CDMA - CodeDivisionMultiplexAccess -- 码分多址CDU - ControlDisplayUnit -- 控制显示单元CEP - CircularErrorProbable -- 循环可能误差CMG - CourseModeGood -- 从起点到当前位置的方位CMOS - ComplementaryMetalOxideSemiconductor --补充金属氧化物半导体COG - CourseOverGround -- 对地运动方向CRPA - ControlledRadiationPatternAntenna --受控辐射天线CTS - CourseT oSteer -- 到目的地的最佳行驶方向CTR - criticaltemperatureresistor -- 临界温度电阻器CVR - 飞行语音记录器CW - ContinuousWave -- 连续波A - C D - FG - MN -ST - YD - FDAC - DigitaltoAnalogConverter -- 模拟/数字信号转换器DB - Decibel(X=10LogXdB) -- 分贝DGPS - DifferentialGPS -- 差分GPSDLM - DataLoaderModule -- 数据装载模块DLR - DataLoaderReceptable -- 数据装载接收器DLS - DataLoaderSystem -- 数据装载系统DMA - DefenseMappingAgency -- 国防制图局DME - DistanceMesurementEquipment -- 测距设备DoD - DepartmentofDefense -- 美国国防部DOP - DilutionofPrecision -- 精度因子DRMS -- 二维均方根DRS - DeadReckoningSystem -- 推测航行系统DSP - DigitalSignalProcessing -- 数字信号处理DT&E - DevelopmentTestandEvaluation -- 测试评估发展DTK - DesiredTrack -- 期望航向(从起点到终点的路线)ECEF - EarthCenteredEarthFixed -- 地固地心直角坐标系ECP - EngineeringChangeProposal -- 工程更改建议EDM - ElectronicDistanceMeasurement -- 电子测距EFIS - ElectronicFlightInstrumentSystem --电子飞行仪器系统EM - ElectroMagnetic -- 电磁EMCON - EmissionControl -- 发射控制EPE - EstimatedPositionError -- 估计位置误差ESGN - ElectricallySuspendedGyroNavigator电子陀螺导航仪ETA - EstimatedTimeofArrival估计到达时间ETE - EstimatedTimeEnroute估计在途时间(已当前速度计算)FAA - FederalAviationAdministration(美国)联邦航空局FCC - FederalCommunicationCommission(美国)联邦通信委员会FDAU - FlightDataAcquisitionUnit飞行数据采集系统FDR - FlightDataRecorder飞行数据记录器FGCS -FederalGeodeticControlSubcommittee美国联邦大地测量管制委员会FPL - FlightPlan飞行计划FRPA - FixedRadiationPatternAntenna固定发射天线FSS - FlyingSpotScanner飞点扫描设备A - C D - FG - MN - ST - YG - MGaAs - GalliumArsenide镓砷化物GDOP - GeometricDilutionofPrecision几何精度衰减因子GLONASS - 俄国全球定位系统GMDSS - GlobalMarineDefenseSafeSystem 全球海上安全救助系统GMT - GreenwichMeanTime格林威治时间GPS - GlobalPositioningSystem全球定位系统HAI - HelicopterAssociationInternational世界直升机协会HAMC - HarbinAircraftManufacturingCompany 哈尔滨飞机制造厂HDOP - HorizontalDilutionofPrecision水平精度因子HQUSAF - HeadquartersUSAirForce美国空军总部HIS - HorizontalSituationIndicator水平位置指示HV - HostVehicle主机ICAO - InternationalCivilAviationOrganization国际民航组织ICD - InterfaceControlDocument界面控制文件ICS - InternalCommunicationSystem 内部通信联络系统IF - IntermediateFrequency中频IFF - IdentificationFriendorFoe敌我识别IFR - Infrared红外的,红外线IFR - InstrumentFlightRules仪表飞行规则I-Level - IntermediateLevel中间层ILS - InstrumentLandingSystem仪表着陆系统INMARSAT - INternationalMARitimeSATalliteOrganization 国际海事卫星组织INS - InertialNavigationSystem惯性导航系统I/O - InterfaceOption:界面接口选项Input/Output:输入/输出ION - InstituteofNavigation导航协会IOT&E - InitialOperationalTestandEvaluation 原始操作测试和评估IP - InstrumentationPort仪器使用端口ITS - IntermediateLevelTestSet中间层测试ITU - InternationalT elcommunicationUnion 国际电信联合会J/S - JammingtoSignalRation信号干扰比JTIDS -JointT acticalInformationDistributionSystem 联合战术信息发布系统KHz - KiloHertz千赫L1 - GPS信号频率之一(1575.42MHz)L2 - GPS信号频率之一(1227.6MHz)LAAS - LocalAreaAugmentationSystem局域增强系统Lb - 磅LCD - LiquidCrystalDisplay液晶显示器LEP - LinearErrorProbable线性误差LO - LocalOscillator本机振荡器LORAN - LongRangeRadioDirectionFindingSystem罗兰导航系统LRIP - LowRateInitialProduction小批量试生产LRU - LineReplaceableUnit线性可替代单元M/S - MetresperSecond米/秒MCS - MasterControlStation主控站MCT:MeanCorrectiveMaintenanceTime平均矫正时间MHz - Megahertz兆赫MaxCT - MaximumCorrectiveMaintenanceTime 最大矫正时间MSA - MinimumSafeAltitude最低安全高度MSL - MainSeaLevel公海平面MeanSeaLevel平均海拔MTBF - MeanTimeBetweenFailure平均无故障时间MTBM - MeanTimeBetweenMaintenance平均保持时间A - C D - FG - MN - ST - YN - SNASA - NationalAeronauticSpaceAdministration美国国家航空航天局NAVSTAR - NAVigationSatelliteTimingandRanging导航卫星测时测距NBAA - NationalBusinessAviationAssociation美国国家公务航空协会NDB - NonDirectionBeason无向信标NMEA - NationalMarineElectronicsAssociation(美国)国家航海电子协会NMEA0183:GPS接收机和其他航海电子产品的数据输出格式NOSC - NavalOceanSystemsCenter海军系统中心NRL - NavalResearchLabratory海军研究实验室NS - Nanosecond(10-9second)纳秒NSA - NationalSecurityAgency国家安全局NTDS - NavyT acticalDataSystem海军战术数据系统NTS - NavigationT echnologySatellite导航技术卫星OCS - OperationalControlSystem操作控制系统PCMCIA -PersonalComputerMemoryCardInternatuioalAssociation个人计算机存储卡国际协会PDOP - PositionDilutionofPrecision位置精度衰减因子PPM - PartsPerMillion(10-6)百万分之一PPS - PrecisePositioningService精密定位服务PRN - PseudoRandomNoise伪随机噪声PVT - PositionVelocityandTime位置速度和时间RAIM - ReceiverAutonomousIntegrityMonitoring 接收机自动完好监视RAM - ReliabilityandMaintainability可靠性和可维护性RCVR - Receiver接收机RF - RadioFrequency射频RMS - RootMeanSquare均方根RTCA - RadioT echnicalCommissionforAeronautics 航空无线电技术委员会RTCM - RadioTechnicalCommissionforMaritimeServices 航海无线电技术委员会,差分信号格式RTD - RealtimeDifferential实时差分RTK - RealtimeKinematic实时动态RX - 接收SA - SelectiveAvailability选择可用性SAMSO - SpaceandMissileSystemsOrganization 空间导弹系统机构SEP - SphericalErrorProbable球概率误差SID - suddenionosphericdisturbance(通常由太阳引起的)电离层突然骚动SIL - SystemIntegrationLabratory系统集成实验室SPI - SpecialPositionIdentification特殊位置标识SPS - StandardPositioningService标准定位服务SPSP - SpreadSpectrum扩频SSB - SingleSideband单边带STDCDU:STanDardCDU标准控制显示单元A - C D - FG - MN - ST - Y T - YTACAN - TacticalAirNavigation空战导航TAI - InternationalAtomicTime国际原子时间TCAS - TrafficCollisionAvoidanceSystem 交通避免碰撞系统TDOP - TimeDilutionofPrecision时间精度衰减因子TRK - Track航向TTFF - TimetoFirstFix首次定位时间TTR - T argetTrackingRadar目标跟踪雷达TX - 发射UE - UserEquipment用户设备UHF - UltraHighFrequency超高频USNO - USNavalObservatory美国海军天文台UTC - UniversalTimeCoordinated世界协调时间VDOP - VerticalDilutionofPrecision高程精度衰减因子VFR - VisualFligftRules目视飞行规则VHF - VeryHighFrequency甚高频VHSIC - VeryHighSpeedIntegratedCircuit 超高速集成电路VLSIC - VeryLargeScaleIntegratedCircuit 超大规模集成电路VMG - VelocityMadeGood沿计划航线上的航速VNAV - VeticalNavigation高程导航VOR - VeryHighFrequency(VHF)OmnidirectionalRange甚高频全向信标VOX - Voice-operatedtransmission音控传输WAAS - WideAreaAugmentationSystem广域差分系统WGS-84 - WorldGeodeticSystem-1984 1984年世界大地坐标系,一种坐标格式WMS - Wide-areaMasterStation广域主控站WRS - Wide-areaRoverStation广域流动站XTE - CrosstrackError偏航距YPG - YumaProvingGround尤马实验场。



专业英语复习Unit 1 What is Geomatics? geoscience---n,地球科学informatics---n,信息学hydrographic---adj,水利的hydrographic survey---n,水利测量expertise---n,专家的意见flexibility---n,适应性incorporation---n,结合,合并visualization---n,可视化plotting---n,标图,测绘illustrative---adj,说明性的entity---n,实体digitize---v,数字化registration---n,注册,登记forestry---n,林学geology---n,地质学geographical---adj,地理学的,地理的infrastructure---n,基础下部组织,下部构造navigation---n,导航cadastre---n,地籍,地籍图cadastral surveying---地籍测量geophysics---n,地球物理学geomatics---测绘学geodesy---大地测量学surveying and mapping---测绘学photogrammetry---摄影测量学remote sensing(RS)---遥感global positioning system(GPS)---全球定位系统satellite positioning---卫星定位geographic information systems(GIS)---地理信息系统land management---土地管理computer graphics---计算机图形学appreciate---v,增值dwindle---v,减少ISO(International Standards Organization)---国际标准化surveyor---n,测量工作者market---v,定位award titles---授予学位photogrammetrist---n,摄影测量者process---v,处理analyze---v,分析aerial photography---航空影像学database---n,数据库geographic entities---地理实体civil and marine engineering---土木海洋工程demise---v,消失quarterly---adv,一年四次的,四季的aerial---adj,航空的Unit 2 Geodetic Surveying and Plane Surveyingartificial---adj,人造的analog---n,类似物dimensional---adj,空间的monument---n,纪念碑permanent monument---永久标石monumentation---埋石fieldwork---n,野外测量category---n,种类theodolite---n,经纬仪spheroid---n,球状体allowance---n,容许误差diameter---n,直径equator---n,赤道latitude---n,纬度longitude---n,经度meridian---n,子午线prime meridian---本初子午线gravity---n,重力gravity field---重力场curvature---n,曲率plumb---n,铅锤,adj,垂直的plumb line---铅垂线trigonometry---n,三角法chord---n,弦长triangle---n,三角形spherical---adj,球形的sophisticate---vt,弄复杂sophistication---n,复杂;强词夺理geoid---n,大地水准面tangent---adj,相切的n,切线backsight---n,后视foresight---n,前视refraction---n,折光geodetic surveying---大地测量plane surveying---平面测量control survey---控制测量horizontal survey---水平测量vertical survey---高程测量topographic survey---地形测量detail survey---碎部测量land survey---土地测量,地籍测量route survey---路线测量pipe survey---管道测量city survey---城市测量hydrographic survey---水利测量marine survey---海洋测量mine survey---矿山测量geological survey---地质测量feature---n,要素establish---v,建立a spheroid of reference---参考椭球coordinate---n,坐标algebra---n,代数学datum---n,基准面the mean surface of the earth---平均海水面the mean sea level---平均海平面canals---n,地铁boundary---n,边界automatically---adv,自动地real estate---房地产Unit 3 Distance Measurementdistance measurement---距离测量precise measurement---精密测量pacing---步测distance measuring instrument,rangefinder---测距仪EDM(electronic distance measurement)---电子测距仪geodimeter---光电测距仪electromagnetic distance measuring instrument---电磁波测距仪fixed error---固定误差proportional error---比例误差multiplication constant---乘常数addition costant---加常数stadia hair---视距丝stadia interval---视距间隔infrared---n,红外线laser---n,激光microwave---n,微波Unit 4 Angle and Direction Measurement perpendicular---adj,垂直的,正交的intersect---vt,横断,vi,相交,交叉projection---n,投影zenith---n,天顶celestial---adj,天上的celestial sphere---天球radius---n,半径compass---n,罗盘,指南针protractor---n,量角器clockwise---adj,顺时针方向的counterclockwise---adj,逆时针方向的commence---v,开始bisect---v,切成两份,对开spindle---n,轴initialize---vt,初始化azimuth---n,方位,方位角bearing---n,方向,方位quadrant---n,像限horizontal angle---水平角vertical angle---垂直角depression angle---俯角zenith distance---天顶距elevation angle---高度角horizontal circle---水平刻度盘vertical circle---垂直刻度盘true north---真北geodetic azimuth---大地方位角grid bearing---坐标方位角magnetic azimuth---磁方位角method by series,method of direction observation---方向观测法method in all combinations---全组合测角法plus(up) or minus(down) angles---正负角poles---n,极Unit 5 Traversingtraverse---n,导线traversing----导线测量arbitrary---adj,任意的triangulation---n,三角测量trilateration---n,三边测量triangulateration---n,边角测量proposition---n,命题law of sines---正弦定律law of cosine---余弦定律terminate---v,停止property---n,所有物,所有权evenly---adv,均匀地indication---n,指示,迹象consistency---n,一致性alter---v,改变departure---n,横距rectangular---adj,矩形的discrepancy---n,差异apportion---v,分配control network---控制网horizontal control network---平面控制网vertical control network---高程控制网control point---控制点forward intersection---前方交会resection---后方交会side intersection---侧方交会linear-angular intersection---边角交会法linear intersection---边交会法traverse point---导线点traverse leg---导线边traverse angle---导线折角open traverse---支导线closed traverse---闭合导线closed loop traverse---闭合环导线connecting traverse---附和导线angle closing error of traverse---导线角度闭合差total length closing error of traverse---导线全长闭合差closing error in coordinate increment---坐标增量闭合差traverse network---导线网triangulateration network---边角网triangulation network---三角网trilateration network---三边网survey specifications,specifications of surveys---测量规范preliminary---adj,初步的annex---adj,附加的the primary control---首级控制total station---全站议coordinate system---坐标系Unit 6 Methods of Elevation Determinationreference datum---参考基准面direct leveling,spirit leveling---几何水准测量differential leveling---微差水准测量ellipsoid---n,椭球preclude---v,排除reference datum---参考基准面level rod---水准尺level---水准仪elevation difference---高差difference in elevation---高差annexed leveling line---附和水准路线closed leveling line---闭合水准路线spur leveling line---支水准路线refraction correction---折光差改正elevation of sight---视线高程electronic level---电子水准仪automatic level---自动安平水准仪laser lever---激光水准仪optical level---光学水准仪adjusted---v,平差slope---n,斜坡trigonometric leveling---三角高程测量gravimetric leveling---重力水准测量river-crossing leveling---跨河水准测量barometric leveling---气压水准测量BM(benchmark)---水准基点backsight(BS)---后尺foresight(FS)---前尺height of instrument(HI)---仪器高height of target(HT)---目标高target---n,目标Unit 7 Robotic Total Stationprism---n,棱镜layout---n,放样data transfer---数据转换optical plummet---光学对中器a bubble level---水准气泡tripods---n,三角架orbit---n,轨道Unit 8 Errors in Meaeurementgeometric---adj,几何的,几何学的graduated---adj,分级的error propagation---误差传播propagate---v,传播atmospheric---adj,大气的blunder---n,粗差,错误obviate---vt,消除,排除,避免eliminate---vt,消除,排除conscientious---adj,尽责的maintenance---n,维护,保持quantify---vt,量化calibration---n,校准,标度law of probability---概率论theory of error---误差理论true error---真误差observation error---观测误差instrument error---仪器误差personal error---人为误差gross erreo---粗差systematic error---系统误差random error,accident error---偶然误差probable error---或然误差constant error---常差average error---平均误差absolute error---绝对误差relative error---相对误差error of closure,closing error,closure---闭合差error test---误差检验tolerance---n,限差limit error---极限误差horizontal refraction error---水平折光差index error of vertical circle---竖盘指标差gross errors---粗差system errors---系统误差random errors---偶然误差Unit 10 Accuracy and Precision calibrate---v,校准uniformity---n,一致,均匀reproducibility---n,重复能力,再现性scatter---v,分散methodology---n,方法论conform---vt,使一致,使遵从conformity---n,一致,符合indicator---n,指示器confuse---vt,使糊涂,搞乱Unit 18 Construction Layoutarchitect---n,建筑师urban---adj,城市的suburban---adj,郊外的on-site---工地上complexity---n,复杂reestablish---v,重建crew---n,全体人员curb---n,路边engineering survey---工程测量engineering control network---工程控制网construction control network---施工控制网control network for deformation observation---变形观测控制网precision---n,精度sensitivity---n,灵敏度reliability---n,可靠性construction survey---施工测量free station---自由设站法as-built survey---竣工测量setting-out survey,construction layout---施工放样setting-out of main axis---主轴线放样building axis survey---建筑轴线测量property line survey---建筑红线测量construction plan---施工平面图site map---工地总平面图cross section---横断面profile diagram,profile---纵断面图profile survey---纵断面测量cross-section survey---横断面测量Unit 20 Understanding the GPS(1) constellation---n,星群atmospheric drag---大气阻力solar panel---太阳能电池板pseudorange---n,伪距synchronize---v,同步synchronized---adj,同步的segment---n,部分altitude---n,高度,海拔orbital plane---轨道平面a master control station---主控站satellite ranging---卫星测距3-dimensiomal---latitude,longitude,altitude Unit 21 Understanding the GPS(2) ionosphere---n,电离层troposphere---n,对流层interference---n,干扰ephemeris---n,星历表nanosecond---n,纳秒antenna---n,天线space segment---空间部分control segment---控制部分user segment---用户部分GPS receiver ---GPS接收机GPS constellation---GPS星座master control station---主控站monitor station---监控站atomic clock---原子钟clock error---钟差broadcast ephemeris---广播星历precise ephemeris---精密星历Coarse/Acquisition Code (C/A code)---C/A码precise code---精码ionospheric delay---电离层延迟tropospheric delay---对流层延迟multipath effect---多路径效应Selective A vailability(SA)---选择可用性reference receiver---基准接收机roving receiver---流动接收机receiver antenna---接收机天线real-time kinematic(RTK)---实时动态定位differential GPS(DGPS)---差分GPS differential correction---差分改正real-time differential correction---实时差分改正post-processed differential correction---后处理差分改正sunspot---n,太阳黑点Unit 23 GIS Basicsdistinguish---v,区别,辨别attribute---n,属性v,归结于digitizer---n,数字转换器raster---n,光栅vector---n,向量,矢量overlay---n,覆盖,覆盖图buffering---n,缓冲theme---n,主题scanner---n,扫描仪optical disk---光盘floppy disk---软盘magnetic disk---磁带survey documents---测量文档Unit 24 Data Types and Models in GIS resolution---n,分辨度,分辨率postal code---邮递区号meander---v,蜿蜒而流,漫步border---n,边界vegetion---n,植被Unit 28 Fundamentals of Remote Sensing exemplify---vt,例证moisture---n,湿度synthetic aperture radar(SAR)---合成孔径雷达side-looking---adj,侧视的Unit 38concise---adj,简洁familiar---adj,通俗fluid---adj,流畅Author and affiliation---作者和通讯地址Abstract and keywords---摘要和关键字Methods or Procedures---Results and discussion or conclusion--- Acknowledgments---n,致谢Reference---n,参考文献School of Geodesy and Geomatics---测绘学院。



1 PPM - 1 Pulse Per Minute -----分脉冲1 PPS - 1 Pulse Per Second----秒脉冲2D ---- 二维定位3D ---- 三维定位ADOP - Attitude Dilution ofPrecision ---- 姿态精度因子AFB - Air Force Base ----美国空军基地AFS - Air Force Station ----空间站AVLN - Automatic VehicleLocation and Navigation ——车辆自主定位和导航系统BCD - Binary Code Decimal ——二进制C/A code - Coarse/AcquisitionCode ——粗捕获码CAD - Computer Aided Design——计算机辅助设计CADD - Computer Aided DesignDevice ——计算机辅助设计设备CEP - Circular Error Probable——循环可能误差CMG - Course Mode Good ——从起点到当前位置的方位DB - Decibel(X = 10 LogX dB) ——分贝DGPS - Differential GPS ——差分GPSDLM - Data Loader Module ——数据装载模块DLR - Data Loader Receptable——数据装载接收器DLS - Data Loader System ——数据装载系统DME - Distance MesurementEquipment ——测距设备DOP - Dilution of Precision——精度因子DRMS ——二维均方根EDM - Electronic DistanceMeasurement ——电子测距EM - Electro Magnetic ——电磁EMCON - Emission Control ——发射控制EPE - Estimated Position Error——估计位置误差ESGN - Electrically SuspendedGyro Navigator ——电子陀螺导航仪ETA - Estimated Time ofArrival ——估计到达时间FDR - Flight Data Recorder——飞行数据记录器FRPA - Fixed Radiation PatternAntenna ——固定发射天线GDOP - Geometric Dilution ofPrecision ——几何精度衰减因子GLONASS -俄国全球定位系统GMT - Greenwich Mean Time ——格林威治时间GPS - Global PositioningSystem ——全球定位系统HDOP - HorizontalDilution of Precision ——水平精度因子HIS - Horizontal SituationIndicator ——水平位置指示HV - Host Vehicle ——主机Input/Output ——输入/输出KHz - KiloHertz ——千赫L1 - GPS信号频率之一(1575.42MHz)L2 - GPS信号频率之一(1227.6MHz)LAAS - Local Area AugmentationSystem ——局域增强系统MCS - Master Control Station——主控站NTS - Navigation TechnologySatellite ——导航技术卫星PDOP - Position Dilution ofPrecision ——位置精度衰减因子PPM - Parts Per Million (10-6)——百万分之一PPS - Precise PositioningService ——精密定位服务RCVR - Receiver ——接收机RF - Radio Frequency ——射频RMS - Root Mean Square ——均方根RTCA - Radio TechnicalCommission for Aeronautics ——航空无线电技术委员会RTCM - Radio TechnicalCommission for Maritime Services ——航海无线电技术委员会,差分信号格式RTD - Realtime Differential——实时差分RTK - Realtime Kinematic ——实时动态RX - 接收SA - Selective Availability——选择可用性TDOP - Time Dilution ofPrecision ——时间精度衰减因子TRK - Track ——航向TTFF - Time to First Fix ——首次定位时间TTR - Target Tracking Radar——目标跟踪雷达TX - 发射UE - User Equipment ——用户设备UHF - Ultra High Frequency——超高频UTC - Universal TimeCoordinated ——世界协调时间VDOP - Vertical Dilution ofPrecision ——高程精度衰减因子WAAS - Wide Area AugmentationSystem ——广域差分系统WGS-84 - World GeodeticSystem-1984 —— 1984年世界大地坐标系,一种坐标格式WMS - Wide-area Master Station——广域主控站WRS - Wide-area Rover Station——广域流动站。








3.1.1捕获灵敏度acquisition sensitivity用户设备在冷启动条件下,捕获导航信号并正常定位所需的最低信号电平。

[来源:GB/T39267-2020,5.2.7]3.1.2跟踪灵敏度tracking sensitivity用户设备在正常定位后,能够继续保持对导航信号的跟踪和定位所需的最低信号电平。

[来源:GB/T39267-2020,5.2.8]3.1.3冷启动cold start用户设备在星历、历书、概略时间和概略位置未知的状态下,从开机到正常定位的状态。

3.1.4热启动hot start用户设备在星历、历书、概略时间和概略位置已知的状态下,从开机到正常定位的状态。

3.1.5首次定位时间time to first fix用户设备开机至获得首次正确定位所需的时间。

[来源:GB/T39267-2020,5.1.40]3.1.6内部噪声水平interior noise level由测量型模块通道间的随机偏差,锁相环、码跟踪环的随机偏差,以及其钟差残差等引起的测距和测相误差。



基于北斗高精度定位的工务现场作业全过程安全监测系统研究史小坤【摘要】为了保障在铁路快速发展的同时,确保铁路工务安全和行车安全,基于工务现场作业过程的控制,提出了利用北斗高精度差分定位、大数据等技术,研究建立针对现场每个作业个体的工务作业全过程安全监测系统.结果表明:通过对现场每名作业个体的高精度、智能化管理,有效规范了现场人员的作业行为,增强对现场安全风险和隐患的预判和规避能力,保障了铁路从业人员人身安全.【期刊名称】《安全》【年(卷),期】2019(040)007【总页数】5页(P38-42)【关键词】高精度差分定位;矢量地图;电子围栏;安全监测系统【作者】史小坤【作者单位】中国铁路上海局集团公司南京桥工段,江苏南京 210000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】X924.20 引言近年来我国铁路发展的日新月异,特别是大量高速铁路的兴建,伴随而来的铁路运输客流、物流急速攀升,列车运行密度逐渐加大。






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Real-Time Differential(1)This paper describes the Real –Time Differential Option that can be installed on ASHTECH XⅡreceivers and its two output formats :Ashtech format and RTCM-104version 2.0 format, In connection with the general description of real –time differential, it covers:1.Major sources of error affecting accuracy2.Age of range corrections3.Issue of orbit data of the base and remote receiversA description of the format for range corrections is followed by an example and a few suggestions in case of trouble.This is followed oby a section devoted to RTCM 104 format. Setting receivers for RTCM format is described in the last half of this paper. (Reading and setting receivers for ashtech format was described in connection with Screen 5.)Real-Time Differential in GeneralReal-Time differential GPS involves a base receiver computing the satellite range corrections and transmitting them to the remote receivers. It transmits these corrections in real time to the remote receivers via a telemetry link. Remote receivers apply the corrections to their measured ranges; they use corrected ranges to compute their position.The base receiver determines range, computed by using the accurate position entered in the receiver. (this accurate position must have been previously surveyed using GPS or some other technique.) The remote receivers subtract the received corrections from their measured ranges and use the corrected ranges for position computation.A stand-alone GPS receiver can compute a position of around 25 meters with Selective Availability off and around 100 meters with SA on. Differential GPS can achieve 1-10 meters at the remote receivers even with SA on.The receiver can be designated as the base or remote station .In base mode, the receiver computes the range errors in every cycle. The communication link can be a radio link , telephone line, cellar phone, satellite communication link or any other medium that can transfer digital data. For testing, connect both receivers via a full handshake null modem RS-232 cable via their B ports.Sources of ErrorThe major sources of error affecting the accuracy of GPS range measurements are orbit estimation, satellite clock estimation, ionosphere, and receiver noise in measuring range. The first four are almost totally removed using differential GPS. Their residual error is in the order of 1 millimeter for every kilometer of separation between base and remote receivers.Receiver noise ,the last error in the list , is not correlated between the base and the remote receiver and is not canceled by differential GPS. However in ASHTECH Ⅻreceivers, integrated Doppler is used to smooth the range measurements and reduce the receiver noise.At the instant a satellite is locked, there is also RMS noise affecting the range measurement. This RMS noise is reduced with the square root of n where n is the number of measurements. For example, after 100 seconds of locking to a satellite, the RMS noise in range measurement is reduced by a factor of 10(1 meter of noise is reduced to 0.1meter) . The noise is further reduced over time.If the lock to a satellite is lost , the noise goes back to 1 meter and smoothing starts from the 1-meter level. The loss of lock to a satellite is rare .It typically happens only when the direct path to the satellite is blocked by an object.Total position error (or error-in-position),is a function of the range errors (or error-in –range), multiplied by the PDOP(there –coordinate position dilution of precision). The PDOP is a function of the geometry of the satellite .Ashtech FormatThe remote receiver needs to know the smooth count of the range corrections .Smooth count is the number of measurements used to compute the current smoothing correction on a given data point .Therefore ,the smooth count for each range correction is also transmitted from base to remote receiver. A range correction with a smooth count of 100 has a noise level of 0.1 meter ,while a range correction with a smooth count of 25 has a noise level of 0.2 m.In using a range correction ,the remote receiver considers its smooth count to determine where or not to use it .The decision is based on the PRECISION that was specified (see the Differential Options in the Screen 4 chain).If the PRECISION was specified as 1 meter the remote receiver will not use the received range corrections that a smooth count less than 25. This means that after locking to a satellite, the first 25 measurements for position computation are ignored and used only for smoothing . Then , after this initial 25 seconds ,the range measurements form the given satellite are used in every second of position computation.The required smooth count is determined by the remote receiver ,using the equation :Smooth count = 1+25/(p2 )Where p is the required precision (in meters )entered in the Differential subscreen.Age of Transmitted Range CorrectionsAnother important factor is the age of the range corrections. The position of GPS satellites and the effect of the environment change with time .The range corrections also change . In addition , they vary depending on Selective Availability.If position accuracy to1 meter is needed and the change in range corrections is 1 meter per hour , the range errors should not be more than 0.2 meters (assuming a PDOP of 5). The range corrections ,therefore ,should not be more than 12 minutes old ,assuming SA is off.Real time differential(2)The remote receiver considers the age of each range correction before using it for position computation . The maximum allowable age is converted by the remote receiver to P minutes where P was specified as the required precision (in meters )entered on the Differential subscreen.Which Issue of the Orbit DataIn differential GPS the base and the remote receivers must use identical versions of orbit data. The version, or Issue of Data Ephemeris (IODE), is designated by the GPS control segment.Along with the range correction, the base receiver transmits the IODE of orbit parameters used for each range correction computation. The remote receiver will not use the received range corrections whose IODE of the orbit parameters of the base receiver.Differential data formatA typical transmitted range error is :$PASHA,B04,03,+000.00,1422,0868,09,-001.08,1344,0868,11,+003.22,1432,0868,21,-012.42,1445,0098≠0B<CR-LF>Where $PASHA is the header. B is the beginning of the differential message ,04 is the number of satellites whose range corrections will follow (shown here as 4 lines of data, broken for readability only).On each subsequent line ,the first number ,the satellite PRN, is followed by its range correction ,then the IODE. The last number is the smooth count used by the base receiver in computing the range corrections . The differential message ends with a checksum 0B, a carriage return and a linefeed .Select a baud rate that can transmit the range correction for all visible satellites within the differential update interval .For example, if the interval is 5 seconds 8 satellites are visible ,it should transmit about 180 characters in 5 seconds ,i.e., a baud rate of more than 720.For example ,assume that PRECISION, for the remote receiver was specified as 2 and these differential data were received .SVS 03 06 09 11 12 13DR/5 00 05 22 14 10 09CCNT 54 99 02 99 99 99IODE 32 31 32 31 32 11IODE 32 31 32 30 32 11In this example ,the receiver neglects data from satellite 9 because its smooth count is less than 1+(25/4)=7; its smooth count will reach an acceptable level in about 5 seconds and the receiver will use it (provided it receives new corrections).The smooth count for satellites in the remote receiver (CNT on Screen 1) should also meet the required minimum.TroubleshootingIf the base receiver does not compute the differential data , check the following equipment and settings .1.If a receiver does not lock on satellites , check the antenna connection and the SatelliteSelection Control(Screen 7) . It is always safe to leave the satellite selection in automaticmode , letting the receiver select satellites automatically.2.If satellites appear to be locked satisfactorily, check the set up on Screen 4.If the remote receiver does not compute position:1.Check Screen 5 . Are corrections being received ?2.Verify (also on Screen 5) that the age of the differential data meets the PRECISIONspecification .You may need to wait a few seconds for it to reach the required level if the lock to a satellite has recently been lost.3.Verify (CCNT of Screen 5)that the smooth count of the base receiver meets thespecification .You may need to wait a few seconds for it to reach the required level if the lock to a satellite has recently been lost .4.Verify (CNT of Screen 1) that the smooth count of the remote receiver meets the specification.You may need to wait a few seconds for it to reach the required level if the lock to a satellite has been lost recently .5.Verify that the two IODE numbers on Screen 5 are identical for all satellites . Otherwise youmay need to wait a few seconds for the base or remote receivers to receiver a new version of orbit data.RTCM 104 Format ,Version 2.0This section describes the RTCM 104 format ,a real-time differential option for ASHTECH Ⅻreceivers . In base mode ,the receiver supplies to rover receivers data for differential corrections .In remote mode ,it operates as user equipment and obtains range corrections from the reference station which are used to correct its position. When a port is dedicated to RTCM ,all other options on that port are disabled.ASHTECH′S RTCM option complies with RTCM 104 version 2.0 standard of the Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services . If you would like more information on the RTCM 104 standard , please contact:Radio Technical Commission for Maritime ServicesPost Office Box 19087Washington ,D.C. 20036-9087As a Reference StationWhen a receiver is used as a reference station and the RTCM option is installed ,it computes differential corrections for up to 12 satellites converts those corrections to RTCM format and transmits the converted messages via its serial ports .It can generate message types 1,2,3,6, and16.MESSAGE TYPE CONTENTS OF MESSAGE1Differential GPS corrections2Delta differential corrections3Reference station parameters6Null frame9High-rate differential GPS corrections16Special MessageIt uses the “6 of 8 “ format (data bits al through a6 of an 8-bit byte )for communication between the reference station and user equipment .As Remote EquipmentWhen the receiver is used as remote equipment and the RTCM option is installed ,the receiver can accept any type of RTCM message. However it decodes only types 1,2,3,6,9 , and 16 and uses only types 1,2,and 9 for differential corrections. For radio communication ,the receiver in remote mode can recover bit slippage.RTCM Differential Set UpTo use the RTCM differential option ,do the following:。
