



小学英语趣味考试题库一、单词拼写(每题2分,共20分)1. 小猫的英文单词是 _______ (提示:一种小动物,常作为宠物)2. 铅笔的英文单词是 _______ (提示:用来写字的工具)3. 苹果的英文单词是 _______ (提示:一种常见的水果)4. 太阳的英文单词是 _______ (提示:天空中发光的恒星)5. 书的英文单词是 _______ (提示:用来阅读的物品)6. 老师的英文单词是 _______ (提示:在学校里教书的人)7. 桌子的英文单词是 _______ (提示:用来放东西的家具)8. 红色的英文单词是 _______ (提示:一种颜色)9. 快乐的英文单词是 _______ (提示:一种情绪)10. 学校的英文单词是 _______ (提示:学生学习的地方)二、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What's this in English?A. 这是什么?B. 这是谁?C. 这是哪里?D. 这是什么时候?2. How many days are there in a week?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 83. Which season comes after spring?A. SummerB. WinterC. AutumnD. Spring4. What color is the sky on a clear day?A. BlueB. RedC. GreenD. Black5. What do you call your father's mother?A. MotherB. SisterC. GrandmotherD. Aunt6. What is the opposite of "big"?A. SmallB. TallC. ShortD. Long7. What does "I have a headache" mean?A. 我有头痛。



小学英语竞赛有趣的智力题1. this word has five letters. it has sit left(剩下)if you take two letters away. what is it?IT is____________________________________.2. which province(省)is "tianya haijiao"in?IT is in______________________________.3. Take four letters from the word "sweater",and make a drink.what is the word?Itis_____________________.4. tom is grandma has eight children. Half are boys and half are girls. so tom is father has seven brothers and sisters. but how many brothers does he have?He has_________________ brothers and __________________ sisters.5.What has two legs but cann’t walk?6. From what number can you take half and leave nothing?8.what two word have thousands of letters in them?9.what 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?10.what kind of dog never bite?11.where does afternoon always come before morning?12.what is pronounced like one letter ,written with three let ters ,and belongs to all animals?13.what number gets bigger when you turn it upside down? 41. He likes to drink black tea. 中的“black tea”的中文翻译是:__________________________________A. 黑茶B. 红茶C. 绿茶42. television的缩写形式是:__________________________________43. What letter is a kind of drink?__________________________________44. What number should replace the question mark? (什么数字能代替问号?)__________________________________45. Which silhouette exactly matches thejellyfish?(哪个影子是章鱼的?)46.在句子“He has no money .He is as poor as a church mouse .”中as poor as a church mouse的汉语意思是什么?A. 和老鼠长的一样B. 一贫如洗47.I look like a bear but I’m not a bear .I am smaller than a bear . I look like a cat but I’m not a cat .I am bigger than a cat . I like eating bamboo and I live in the forest . What am I ?I am a ( ).48. Which letter is very useful to a deaf woman?49. Which runs faster, heat or cold?50. What is it that found in the every center of America and Australia?51.下面是一道经典的英语填空题,注意,所有空格均为同一个单词:____ is greater than God.____ is more evil than the Devil.The poor need ____.The rich have ____.If you eat ____, you will die.52.What’s the Chinese for “six of one and half a dozen of the other?”A. 六分之一B. 人云亦云C.半斤八两D.见一面分一半53. What three letters turn a girl into a woman?A.SUNB. DABC. EYED.AGE54. We don’t want it. It’s “a white elephant.” What is it?A. 一件无用而累的东西B.一头白象C. 白给的东西D. 白色陷阱55.What’s too much for two and just right for one?A. TimeB. A secretC. friendD. A room56. What’s the Chinese for “talk big”?A. 吹牛B. 说谎话C.骂人D.很大57. I know that from A to Z.A.从A到IB.从头到尾C.字母表D.距离很远58. You can’t do it. You can sue to Ann for help.A. askB. thinkC. findD. give59.What’s that? That’s a lily I like it very much.A. girl’s nameB. flowerC. pictureD. cup60.在句子“Bruce always runs slowly in the class, but today he wins the race. He is a dark horse.”中,“dark horse”的汉语意思是。



1年级,1,a,b,--,?,—- f. ?是什么字母2,a,c,?,g ?是什么字母2年级,组单词1,a,t,c ___________2, s,e,h __________3,十个apples,里面的S走了,问还有几个?3年级,看图,将正确的身体部位填在方框内1,ear 2,eye 3,head 4,hand 5, nose 6,arm 7,leg 8, foot 9, face 10,body4年级,看我72变5年级,绕口令If one doctor doctors anther doctor,does the doctor who doctors the doctor doctors,the doctor the way the doctor is doctoring doctors?Or does the doctor doctor the way the doctor who doctors doctors6年级,默契大考验(一人表演一人猜,可以轮番来)laugh,foot,drink,run, write,Money, Swim, head, pen,cap, mouth7年级,绕口令1,Cat cat cat catch the fat rat.2,A good cook could cook good cookies。

3,Never trouble about trouble until trouble troubles you!4,Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?5, I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish,but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won’t wish the wish you wish to wish。

6, How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies。



小升初英语趣味题集锦∙ 1.Why are girls afraid of the letter C ?∙ 1.Because it makes fat fact!2.Why is the letter E soimportant?2.Because it’s the beginning ofeverything!3.Why are the letter G and letterS in "gloves" close to eachother? 3.Because there is lovebetween them!4.What letter is an animal ? 4.It’s the letter B!5.What letter is a question? 5.It’s the letter Y!6.Why is U the jolliest letter? 6.Because it’s in the midst of fun!7.How do you feel today? 7.With my hands ,of course!8.How can you make a ropeshorter without cutting orwinding it?8. Take a longer rope andcompare with it!9.Why do people wish forsomething they haven’t got?9. What else is there to wish for?You cease to wish for it once you get it!10.What can you tell fromPeter’s record card withextremely poor grades? 10. He didn’t cheat!11.What does everybody do at the same time? 11. Grow old!12.What resembles half a pie? 12. The other half!13.Who works only one day in a year but never gets fired? 13. Santa Claus 圣诞老人14.When do people have two mouth? 14. When there’s two of them 有两个人时!15.Why do lions eat raw meat?15. They don’t know how to cook 他们不知道如何烹饪! 16.How many sides does a circle have? 16. Two. The inside and the outside!17.What animal can jump as high as a tree?17. All animals,for trees can’t jump!18.How can you be completely sleepless for seven days and still lack no rest? 18. Sleep at night!19.Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?19. At the bottom!20.If you throw a stone into the Red Sea,what will it become? 20. Wet!。




1. 哪个字母可以喝?(打一英语字母)2. 哪个字母最勤劳?(打一英语字母)3. 世界的尽头(打一英语字母)5. 哪个字母问题最多?(打一英语字母)6. 哪个字母可以停车?(打一英语字母)7. 哪个字母可以睡觉?(打一英语字母)8. 十个apples,里面的S走了,问还有几个?9.小偷最怕哪三个字母?(写出三个英语字母)10. Xmas (翻译成英语)11. 西方国家认为哪个数字是幸运数字?(写一个数字)12. 西方国家认为哪个数字最不吉利?(写一个数字)二、写单词。

16 B g i (写出正确的单词)17 d g o (写出正确的单词)18 l i n o (写出正确的单词)19 alppe (写出正确的单词)20 a b n a a n (写出正确的单词)21 r d e (写出正确的单词)22 s m l l a (写出正确的单词)23 m n o e y k (写出正确的单词)24 p a e r (写出正确的单词)25 r b b i t a (写出正确的单词)26 T g i e r (写出正确的单词)27 b u l e (写出正确的单词)28 c t a (写出正确的单词)29 b a e r (写出正确的单词)30 y o e l l w (写出正确的单词)三、选择题。

31 crocodile tears.A. 鳄鱼眼泪B. 假慈悲32 Love me, love my dog.A.爱我也爱我的狗 B. 爱屋及乌33 Seeing is believing.A. 眼见为实B. 耳闻为实34 No pain, no gain.A.不劳而获 B.不劳无获35 Practice makes perfect.A. 熟能生巧B. 勤能补拙36 When in Rome, do as the Romans do.A.到了罗马就做罗马人的事 B.入乡随俗37 Kill two birds with one stone.A.用一块石头杀了两只鸟 B. 一石二鸟38 A friend in need is a friend indeed.A.患难见真情 B. 需要好朋友39 All roads lead to Rome.A. 条条大道通罗马B.所有的路都在罗马40 A snow year, a rich year.A.下雪的一年是富裕的 B. 瑞雪兆丰年41 Failure is the mother of success.A.失败乃成功之母 B. 成功乃失败之母42 Where there is a will , there is a way!A.哪里有意愿哪里就有路 B. 有志者事竟成43 Look before you leap.A.三思而后行 B. 跳跃之前先看看44 Like father, like son.A. 喜欢爸爸也喜欢儿子B. 有其父必有其子45As you sow, so shall you reap.A.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 B. 得不偿失46 It rains cats and dogsA. 天上落下猫和狗B. 下瓢泼大雨47 You are a clever dog.A. 你是一只聪明的狗B. 你是聪明人48 green-eyedA. 绿眼B.眼红49 brown sugarA. 棕糖B. 红糖50 a yellow dogA. 黄色的狗B. 可鄙的人51 a white lieA.善意的谎言 B.白色的谎言52 the white coffeeA. 白色的咖啡B.牛奶咖啡53 white manA. 白人B. 善良的人,有教养的人54 black sheepA.黑羊 B.害群之马55 white elephantA.昂贵而又无用之物 B.白象56 black teaA.黑茶 B. 红茶57. What dog never barks?A big dogB hot dog58. He is the out fish of water.A离开水的鱼B不和群59 Mid-Autumn Festival (请翻译成中文)60 National Day (请翻译成中文)61 Dragon Boat Festival (请翻译成中文)62 New Year's Eve (请翻译成中文)63 Mother’s Day (请翻译成中文)64 Thanksgiving (请翻译成中文)65 Christmas Day (请翻译成中文)66 Children’s Day (请翻译成中文)67 Father’s Day (请翻译成中文)68 New Year's Day (请翻译成中文)69 Spring Festival (请翻译成中文)四、字母题。



小学英语智力题及答案1. What has four eyes but cannot see?2. What do vampires do at midnight?3. What's the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space; the beginning of end, and the end of every place?4. What can you catch but cannot throw?5. What is deaf and dumb but always tells the truth?6. What did one penny say to the other?7. What has a tongue but cannot talk?8. What has ears but cannot hear?9. What has teeth but cannot eat?10. What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself?11. What goes through a door but never comes in or goes out?12. What runs all around the ground but never moves?13. What can go through water but never get wet?14. What kind of leaves doesn’t fall in Autumn?15. What kind of house weights least?16. What kinds of keys are too large for your pocket?17. Where do ghost like to swim?18. Why did the ghost go to the astrologer?19. Was Dracula ever married?20. Why did the policeman arrest the ghost?21. Why did the pickle close its eyes?22. What starts with "e" ends with "e" and contains only one letter23. If you were pushed down a flight of stairs, what would you fall against?24. What has eyes but can't see25. What has fingers but can't type?26. What has ears but can't hear?27. What has arms but can't hug?28. What has a head and a foot but no body?29. What has a mouth but never smiles?30. What has a face but no head?31. What has leaves but isn't a tree?32. What has eyes but can't see?33. What has legs but can't walk?34. There are two rooms - one room with three light bulbs, the other with three light switches. Each switch turns on one light. If you can only travel to each room once, how can you tell which switch controls which light?35. Because cigars cannot be entirely smoked, a hobo who collects cigar butts can make a cigar to smoke out of every 5 butts that he finds. Today, he has collected 25 cigar butts. How many cigars will he be able to smoke?36. If, having only one match, on a freezing winter day, you entered a room that contained a lamp, a kerosene heater, and a wood burning stove, which should you light first?37. Make a five-letter word from these letters:H, I, J, K, L, M, N AND O38. What does this represent?ENERGYEQUALSMASSTIMESTHESPEEDOFLIGHT感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。



题型一 看我72变
• 1. •
ten 变成一个饮料
• 2. •
cap 变成一种交通工具

big 变成一种动物

1. I have cities , but there are not any houses in them .I have forests , but not any trees in them .I have rivers , but there is not any water in them .有城没有房, 有山树,有河没有水。
5. What always goes up and never goes down? D
• • • • A. time B. weather C. temperature D. age
6. What begins with T, ends with T and has tea in it? B

14. 小偷最怕哪三个字母?
• • • • A. ABC B. ICU C. VIP D. PLC B, i,c ,u (I See
15. A 与 C 谁高?
• • • • A. A C, 因为 B. C ABCD,A比C低 C. Both D. Neither
1 2 3 4 5 6
Down 1. Good, better, ______. 2. Mike _____ a knife and fork when he eats. 3. We see with them.




1.哪个字母可以喝?(打一英语字母)2.哪个字母最勤劳?(打一英语字母)3.世界的尽头(打一英语字母)5.哪个字母问题最多?(打一英语字母)6.哪个字母可以停车?(打一英语字母)7.哪个字母可以睡觉?(打一英语字母)8.十个 apples,里面的 S 走了,问还有几个?9.小偷最怕哪三个字母?(写出三个英语字母)10.Xmas (翻译成英语 )11.西方国家认为哪个数字是幸运数字?(写一个数字)12.西方国家认为哪个数字最不吉利?(写一个数字)二、写单词。

16 B g i(写出正确的单词)17 d g o(写出正确的单词)18 l i n o(写出正确的单词)19 alppe(写出正确的单词)20 a b n a a n(写出正确的单词)21 r d e(写出正确的单词)22 s m l l a(写出正确的单词)23 m n o e y k(写出正确的单词)24p a e r(写出正确的单词)25r b b i t a (写出正确的单词)26T g i e r (写出正确的单词)27 b u l e(写出正确的单词)28 c t a(写出正确的单词)29 b a e r(写出正确的单词)30y o e l l w (写出正确的单词)三、选择题。

31crocodile tears.A. 鳄鱼眼泪B. 假慈悲32 Love me, love my dog.A .爱我也爱我的狗 B. 爱屋及乌33 Seeing is believing.A. 眼见为实B. 耳闻为实34 No pain, no gain.A .不劳而获 B.不劳无获35Practice makes perfect.A. 熟能生巧B. 勤能补拙36When in Rome, do as the Romans do.A .到了罗马就做罗马人的事 B.入乡随俗37 Kill two birds with one stone.A .用一块石头杀了两只鸟 B. 一石二鸟38 A friend in need is a friend indeed.A .患难见真情 B. 需要好朋友39 All roads lead to Rome.A. 条条大道通罗马B.所有的路都在罗马40 A snow year, a rich year.A .下雪的一年是富裕的 B. 瑞雪兆丰年41 Failure is the mother of success.A .失败乃成功之母 B. 成功乃失败之母42 Where there is a will , there is a way!A .哪里有意愿哪里就有路 B. 有志者事竟成43 Look before you leap.A .三思而后行 B. 跳跃之前先看看44 Like father, like son.A. 喜欢爸爸也喜欢儿子B. 有其父必有其子45 As you sow, so shall you reap.A .种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 B. 得不偿失46 It rains cats and dogsA. 天上落下猫和狗B. 下瓢泼大雨47 You are a clever dog.A. 你是一只聪明的狗B. 你是聪明人48 green-eyedA. 绿眼B.眼红49 brown sugarA. 棕糖B. 红糖50 a yellow dogA. 黄色的狗B. 可鄙的人51 a white lieA .善意的谎言 B.白色的谎言52 the white coffeeA. 白色的咖啡B.牛奶咖啡53white manA. 白人B. 善良的人,有教养的人54black sheepA .黑羊 B.害群之马55white elephantA .昂贵而又无用之物 B.白象56 black teaA .黑茶 B. 红茶57. What dog never barks?A big dogB hot dog58. He is the out fish of water.A 离开水的鱼B 不和群59 Mid-Autumn Festival (请翻译成中文 )60National Day (请翻译成中文 )61Dragon Boat Festival (请翻译成中文 )62New Year's Eve (请翻译成中文 )63Mother ’ s Day(请翻译成中文 )64Thanksgiving (请翻译成中文 )65Christmas Day (请翻译成中文 )66Children ’ s Day(请翻译成中文 )67Father ’ s Day (请翻译成中文 )68New Year's Day (请翻译成中文 )69Spring Festival (请翻译成中文 )四、字母题。

六年级11月份活动 ——趣味题

六年级11月份活动 ——趣味题

六年级11月份趣味英语试题一.绞尽脑汁(按要求举例写出5个同类型的单词)水果:动物:星期:月份:文具:颜色:称呼:季节:职业:天气:蔬菜:服装:时间:球类:地点:乐器:身体部位:数字:家庭成员:交通工具:二.超级模仿秀(我做动作你来猜)1. Swim2. Walk3. Dance4. Jump5. Drink6. Sleep7. Run8. Happy9.Cry 10. Angry11. Cat 12.Elephant 13. Tiger 14. Driver 15. Scissor16. Wash hands 17. Bird 18. Eat 19. Shower 20. Scared三.最强大脑1.哪个字母可以当饮料喝?答案:T可以喝。

因为T 与tea(茶)同音,当然可以喝了。





大海是蓝色的, 所以C就是蓝色的。






因为I 与eye(眼睛)同音。







Get some Z’s 就是打一会儿盹的意思。







13. 哪两个字母人人都喜欢听?答案:CD。

CD 是Compact Disc(激光唱片)的缩写。

三年级英语趣味游戏单选题 30 题

三年级英语趣味游戏单选题 30 题

三年级英语趣味游戏单选题30 题1. I am a fruit. I am round and red. What am I?A. BananaB. AppleC. Grape答案:B。


选项A“Banana”( 香蕉)是黄色的长条形,不符合描述;选项B“Apple”( 苹果)是圆形且可以是红色的,符合题意;选项C“Grape”( 葡萄)通常是紫色或绿色的小颗粒状,不符合描述。

2. How many legs does a dog have?A. TwoB. FourC. Six答案:B。


选项A“Two” 两条)不符合狗腿的数量;选项B“Four”(四条)是正确的;选项C“Six” 六条)也不符合狗腿的数量。

3. Which color is the sun?A. BlueB. YellowC. Green答案:B。


选项A“Blue”(蓝色),蓝色通常用来形容天空、大海等,不是太阳的颜色;选项B“Yellow”( 黄色)符合太阳的颜色;选项C“Green”( 绿色)通常用来形容植物等,不是太阳的颜色。

4. I can fly in the sky. I have two wings. What am I?A. CatB. BirdC. Fish答案:B。


选项A“Cat” 猫)不会飞,没有翅膀;选项B“Bird” 鸟)能飞且有两个翅膀,符合题意;选项C“Fish” 鱼)生活在水里,不能飞且没有翅膀。

5. How many fingers do you have on one hand?A. ThreeB. FiveC. Ten答案:B。


选项A“Three”(三个)不符合实际情况;选项B“Five”( 五个)是正确的;选项C“Ten”( 十个)是两只手的手指总数。



小学英语趣味试题一、单选( C ) 1.From what number can you take half and leave nothing?A.1B.9C.8D.5( B ) 2.What dog never barks(吠叫)?A big dogB hot dogC small dogD red dog( C ) 3.Mr.White has two sons,and each of them has a sister.How many children does he have?A.oneB.twoC.three d.four( B ) 4.What three letters make a man to be a boy?A.oldB.ageC.boyD.mum( A )5. In what mouth do woman talk the leastA.FebruaryB.SeptemberC.JanuaryD.June( D ) 6.You can play with Bill.He is not in the same class.A.他与你不是同班B他是个生手C他棒极了D他不是你的对手( C ) 7.He’ll succeed because he’s always at his books..A学识渊博B博览群书C刻苦学习D意志坚强( B ) 8.He is the out fish of water.A离开水的鱼B不和群C需要水的鱼D水中鱼( B ) 9.The little boy runs and runs until he blue in the face.A浑身发热B筋疲力尽C鼻青脸肿D精神焕发( B ) 10.I don’t like Mr Chan.He is an old woman.A老太婆B喜欢啰嗦的人C没妻子的老头D女人气的男人( D )11.If I go to see my uncle ,I can read his books .It’s in two twos.A一分为二B一文不名C三心二意D一举两得12. What word has thousands of letters in it?______________13. What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?_________14. What is pronounced(发音) like one letter,written with three letters,and belongs to all animals?________15. What number gets bigger when you turn it upside down(把它倒过来)?____16. What belongs to (仅属于)you but is used more by others than yourself( 但是别人用得比较多)?_____________17. 联合国的英文缩写:18. 中华人民共和国的英文缩写:19. 英国的英文缩写:20. 美国的英文缩写:二、英语小游戏1、单词接龙比赛:请第一位同学随便说出一个单词,第二位同学接着说一个单词:要求第二个单词的第一个字母是第一个单词的末尾字母。



小学英语知识竞赛试题及答案目录小学英语知识竞赛试题 (1)小学英语知识竞赛试题答案 (9)小学英语知识竞赛试题满分100分考试时间60分钟考生注意事项:本试卷分选择题与非选择题。


1. Jane isn’t here now. She _________ tennis on the playground.A. is playB. is playsC. playingD. is playing2. ________ you _________ sick?A. Are… feelB. Do … feelC. Do … feelingD. Do … /3. -----Hi, everyone! There __________ a football match tomorrow.-----Wow!A. is going to have B will have C. is going to be D.willhas4. ----- Must I return the books tomorrow?----- _________.A. No, you can’t.B. No, you don’t.C. No, you needn’t.D. No, you aren’t.5. ----- ______________----- It was wet and foggy.A. How was the weather like?B. What’s the air like?C. What’s the temperature?D. What was the weather like?6. I’m ________the VCD is very ________.A. surprising … interestingB. surprising … interestedC. surprised … interestingD. surprised … interested7. People usually_____“Hello” to each other when they make a phone call.A. say B tell C.talk D. speak8. I like pop music very much, but my father______.A. isB. doesC. doesn’tD. isn’t9. I often e-mail my pen friend, but_____ e-mails me.A. everybodyB. anybodyC. somebodyD. nobody10. ---Our family are traveling to Germany for the Beer Festival.---___________!A. CongratulationsB. See you laterC. Have funD. Take care11. Why don’t you come_____ earlier?A. a fewB. a littleC. much moreD. many more12. This is______bedroom. The twin sisters like it very much.A. Anne and JaneB. Anne’s and Jane’sC.Anne’s and JaneD. Anne and Jane’s13. There is_______“ f ” in _____word “foot” .A. a; anB. an; theC. the; theD. an; /14. There are few_____in the fridge. L et’s go and buy some carrots and cabbages.A. vegetablesB. fruitC. meatD. eggs15. Frank______to see his grandma if he_____free tomorrow.A.will come; will beB. comes; isC. will come; isD. comes; will be二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16~25各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并将所选答案的英文字母写在答题卡相应位置。



小学趣味英语题及答案1.哪个字母可以喝?(打一英语字母)答案:T(tea)2.哪个字母最勤劳?(打一英语字母)答案:E(every)3.世界的尽头(打一英语字母)答案:Y(why)5.哪个字母问题最多?(打一英语字母)答案:Q(n)6.哪个字母可以停车?(打一英语字母)答案:P(park)7.哪个字母可以睡觉?(打一英语字母)答案:Z(zzz)8.十个apples,里面的S走了,问还有几个?答案:9个(ten)9.小偷最怕哪三个字母?(写出三个英语字母)答案:D、N、A(DNA)10.Xmas (翻译成英语)答案:Christmas11.西方国家认为哪个数字是幸运数字?(写一个数字)答案:712.西方国家认为哪个数字最不吉利?(写一个数字)答案:1316B g i(写出正确的单词)答案:Begin17d g o(写出正确的单词)答案:Dog18l i n o(写出正确的单词)答案:XXX19alppe(写出正确的单词)答案:Apple20 a b n a a n(写出正确的单词)答案:XXX21r d e(写出正确的单词)答案:Red22 s m l l a(写出正确的单词)答案:Small23 m n o e y k(写出正确的单词)答案:Monkey24p a e r(写出正确的单词)答案:Pear25r b b i t a(写出正确的单词)答案:Rabbit26T g i e r(写出正确的单词)答案:Tiger27b u l e(写出正确的单词)答案:Blue28c t a(写出正确的单词)答案:Cat29b a e r(写出正确的单词)答案:Bear30y o e l l w(写出正确的单词)答案:Yellow31 XXX.A.鳄鱼眼泪B.假慈悲答案:B32 Love me。

love my dog. A.爱我也爱我的狗 B.爱屋及乌答案:A33 XXX.A.眼见为实B.耳闻为实答案:A34 No pain。



小学英语练习题趣味### 小学英语趣味练习题#### 一、单词拼写大挑战小朋友们,让我们一起来拼写单词吧!请根据下面的提示,将单词补充完整。

1. 我有一个大大的()apple。

2. 我的小猫叫做()kitty。

3. 我喜欢在公园里()play。

4. 我每天早晨都会()brush my teeth。

5. 我们在学校学习()math。

答案:1. big2. cute3. to4. 答案不唯一,例如:brush5. 答案不唯一,例如:mathematics#### 二、趣味选择题选择下列句子中正确的一项。

1. What's your favorite fruit?A. I like apple best.B. I like apples best.C. I like best apple.2. How many books do you have?A. I have two books.B. I have two book.C. I have books two.3. What color is your schoolbag?A. It's a blue.B. It's blue.C. It's blue color.4. When do you get up?A. I get up at morning.B. I get up in the morning.C. I get up morning.5. What's your hobby?A. I like to draw picture.B. I like to draw pictures.C. I like draw pictures.答案:1. B2. A3. B4. B5. B#### 三、句子重组小朋友们,让我们来玩一个句子重组的游戏。


1. is / a / dog / It / brown._________________________.2. like / I / to / music / listen._________________________.3. have / I / a / red / car._________________________.4. do / you / what / like / to / read?_________________________.5. is / where / the / school / our?_________________________.答案:1. It is a brown dog.2. I like to listen to music.3. I have a red car.4. What do you like to read?5. Where is our school?#### 四、完形填空阅读下面的短文,从括号内选择合适的选项填空。



1.()student A学生 B 老师 C 相册
2.()bear A 鹿 B 猫C熊
3.() friend A 男孩B朋友 C 猫
4.()fan A 风扇B光盘C玩具
____Cc_____ ____Ee_____ ____Gg_____
____Hh_____ _____Bb____ ____Ff_____ ___Kk____
1. c k l o _________
2. a d h n _________
3.a l m s l_________
4.g n s i __________




1. 哪个字母可以喝?(打一英语字母)2. 哪个字母最勤劳?(打一英语字母)3. 世界的尽头(打一英语字母)5. 哪个字母问题最多?(打一英语字母)6. 哪个字母可以停车?(打一英语字母)7. 哪个字母可以睡觉?(打一英语字母)8. 十个apples,里面的S走了,问还有几个?9.小偷最怕哪三个字母?(写出三个英语字母)10. Xmas (翻译成英语)11. 西方国家认为哪个数字是幸运数字?(写一个数字)12. 西方国家认为哪个数字最不吉利?(写一个数字)二、写单词。

16 B g i (写出正确的单词)17 d g o (写出正确的单词)18 l i n o (写出正确的单词)19 alppe (写出正确的单词)20 a b n a a n (写出正确的单词)21 r d e (写出正确的单词)22 s m l l a (写出正确的单词)23 m n o e y k (写出正确的单词)24 p a e r (写出正确的单词)25 r b b i t a (写出正确的单词)26 T g i e r (写出正确的单词)27 b u l e (写出正确的单词)28 c t a (写出正确的单词)29 b a e r (写出正确的单词)30 y o e l l w (写出正确的单词)三、选择题。

31 crocodile tears.A. 鳄鱼眼泪B. 假慈悲32 Love me, love my dog.A.爱我也爱我的狗 B. 爱屋及乌33 Seeing is believing.A. 眼见为实B. 耳闻为实34 No pain, no gain.A.不劳而获 B.不劳无获35 Practice makes perfect.A. 熟能生巧B. 勤能补拙36 When in Rome, do as the Romans do.A.到了罗马就做罗马人的事 B.入乡随俗37 Kill two birds with one stone.A.用一块石头杀了两只鸟 B. 一石二鸟38 A friend in need is a friend indeed.A.患难见真情 B. 需要好朋友39 All roads lead to Rome.A. 条条大道通罗马B.所有的路都在罗马40 A snow year, a rich year.A.下雪的一年是富裕的 B. 瑞雪兆丰年41 Failure is the mother of success.A.失败乃成功之母 B. 成功乃失败之母42 Where there is a will , there is a way!A.哪里有意愿哪里就有路 B. 有志者事竟成43 Look before you leap.A.三思而后行 B. 跳跃之前先看看44 Like father, like son.A. 喜欢爸爸也喜欢儿子B. 有其父必有其子45As you sow, so shall you reap.A.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 B. 得不偿失46 It rains cats and dogsA. 天上落下猫和狗B. 下瓢泼大雨47 You are a clever dog.A. 你是一只聪明的狗B. 你是聪明人48 green-eyedA. 绿眼B.眼红49 brown sugarA. 棕糖B. 红糖50 a yellow dogA. 黄色的狗B. 可鄙的人51 a white lieA.善意的谎言 B.白色的谎言52 the white coffeeA. 白色的咖啡B.牛奶咖啡53 white manA. 白人B. 善良的人,有教养的人54 black sheepA.黑羊 B.害群之马55 white elephantA.昂贵而又无用之物 B.白象56 black teaA.黑茶 B. 红茶57. What dog never barks?A big dogB hot dog58. He is the out fish of water.A离开水的鱼B不和群59 Mid-Autumn Festival (请翻译成中文)60 National Day (请翻译成中文)61 Dragon Boat Festival (请翻译成中文)62 New Year's Eve (请翻译成中文)63 Mother’s Day (请翻译成中文)64 Thanksgiving (请翻译成中文)65 Christmas Day (请翻译成中文)66 Children’s Day (请翻译成中文)67 Father’s Day (请翻译成中文)68 New Year's Day (请翻译成中文)69 Spring Festival (请翻译成中文)四、字母题。



三年级英语趣味练习(一)一、趣味选择1.Which letter comes next? A C F J .A.HB.MC.OD.Q2.From what number can you take half and leave nothing?A.1B.9C.8D.53. What dog never barks?A.big dogB.hot dogC.small dogD.red dog4. Mr. White has two sons, and each of them has a sister. How many c hildren does he have?A. oneB.twoC.threeD.four5.What three letters make a man of a boy?A.oldB.ageC.boyD.mum6.In what month do woman talk the least?A.FebruaryB.SeptemberC.JanuaryD.June二、猜一猜1. The words he gives on the computer is above my head .A 一目了然B 终于醒悟C 无法理解D 头脑发昏2. I don't like going after the dog.A 在人背后B 无事生非 C滔滔不绝 D 当着她面3.he is going after the dog.A . 拦截B . 玩C . 追逐 D. 戏弄4.You can play with Bill. He is not in the same class.A.他与你不是同班 B他是个生手 C他棒极了 D他不是你的对手5.He’ll succeed because he’s always at his books..A学识渊博 B博览群书 C刻苦学习 D意志坚强6. He is the out fish of water.A离开水的鱼 B不和群 C需要水的鱼 D水中鱼7.The little boy runs and runs until he blue in the face.A浑身发热 B筋疲力尽 C鼻青脸肿 D精神焕发8.Ten to ten the train will be late.A很可能 B十分之一 C十二点五十 D十比一9.I don’t like Mr Chan. He is an old woman.A老太婆 B喜欢啰嗦的人 C没妻子的老头 D女人气的男人10.If I go to see my uncle ,I can read his books .It’s in two twos.A一分为二 B一文不名 C三心二意 D一举两得三、脑筋转一转I meet three men on a bus,A speaks English,C only talks with B,B can speak Chinese and English.what dose C speak?三年级英语趣味练习(二)一、趣味问答1.From which number can you take half and leave nothing?2.which word has thousands of letters in it?3.which 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?4.what kind of dog never bite?5.what is pronounced like one letter,written with three letters,and belongs to all animals?6.which number gets bigger when you turn it upside down?二、猜一猜( )1. What’s the Chinese for “six of one and half a dozen of the other?”A.六分之一B. 人云亦云C.半斤八两D.见一面分一半( )2. He’s a yes-man I don’t like him .A. 唯唯诺诺的人B.总有理的人C.坚强的人D.说一不二的人( )3. We don’t want it. It’s “a white elephant.” What is it?A. 一件无用而累的东西B.一头白象C. 白给的东西D. 白色陷阱( )4. What’s the Chinese for “talk big”?A.吹牛B. 说谎话C.骂人D.很大( )5. I know that from A to I.A.从A到IB.从头到尾C.字母表D.距离很远三、选一选( )1. What’s too much for two and just right for one?A. TimeB. A secretC. Two friendsD. A room( )2. What’s that? That’s a lily I like it very much.A. girl’s nameB. flowerC. pictureD. cup三年级英语趣味练习(三)一、找出它们的反义词big ______ short ______ white ______二、给字母排排队1.d o o g ______2.w o i n d w _______三、猜一猜1.有一种独一无二的东西,白天又圆又亮,晚上却看不见它,猜猜它的英文名。

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1.()student A学生 B 老师 C 相册
2.()bear A 鹿 B 猫C熊
3.() friend A 男孩B朋友 C 猫
4.()fan A 风扇B光盘C玩具
____Cc_____ ____Ee_____ ____Gg_____
____Hh_____ _____Bb____ ____Ff_____ ___Kk____
1. c k l o _________
2. a d h n _________
3.a l m s l_________
4.g n s i __________
