IT系统安全白皮书第一章企业与信息安全1.1 企业风险与安全1.2 信息安全的重要性及价值分析第二章信息安全基础及发展趋势2.1 进一步了解信息安全2.2 信息系统安全发展历程2.3 信息安全国际标准及组织2.4 OSI安全模型2.5 安全子系统2.6 揭穿黑客攻击术2.7 安全技术发展趋势第三章安全之道—MASS3.1 MASS的安全模型3.2 构建安全架构3.3 与总体解决方案架构的整合第四章实践及案例分析4.1 IT基础设施与网络安全4.2 访问控制4.3 身份和信任管理4.4 安全审核4.5 MASS架构整体安全解决方案实例第五章结束篇第一章企业与信息安全|信息安全的重要性及价值分析企业风险与安全1.1 企业风险与安全911事件以后,安全问题成为一个热门的话题,刚刚结束的雅典奥运会在安全方面的投入就超过了20亿美元。
1.1.1 企业风险安全不仅仅是产品,也不仅仅是服务。
Secure Segmentation Prevents Flat Networks from Failing When AttackedBuilding Effective Enterprise Security RequiresNetwork and Business Leaders to Think Differently WHITE PAPERExecutive SummaryHybrid IT and adopting work-from-anywhere (WFA) strategies have led to theexponential expansion of new network edges. And for many organizations, thishas resulted in an expanded and fragmented attack surface that has becomea perfect opportunity for bad actors to launch cybersecurity attacks from newattack vectors, undermining the ability of network and security leaders to maintainbusiness operations.Traditional flat networks, even those using network-based segmentation ormicrosegmentation techniques, cannot detect or prevent many of today’s moresophisticated attacks. Part of the problem is that many of these networks stillprovide single-time authenticated users and devices with unfettered accessto virtually any application. Such implicit trust policies provide free rein acrosspermitted segments while reducing visibility across the network, especially intoencrypted paths. And the lack of integration between security and networkelements constrains their ability to perform essential firewall functions—let alone advanced security inspection—at the growing number of dynamic network edges and junctions, rendering them unable to contain cyberattacks.The Challenge of Securing Disparate NetworksOrganizations are deploying hybrid IT architectures comprising campuses, data centers, interconnecting branches, homeoffices, mobile workers, and multi-clouds to accelerate digital innovation and optimize and develop new products. And nearly all these networks are being enhanced with 5G, which adds hyper-performance to an already complex network environment.The recent transition to a new hybrid workforce approach has compounded this challenge. Many employees work at least part-time from home, with their devices following them everywhere they go. And applications continue to migrate to one ormore clouds, including data center and private clouds, as well as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)-based solutions. Looking at the mobility of users and the disparate locations of applications, the question facing many IT teams is: How do we deliver consistent security everywhere? And how can users safely consume applications from any location, on any device, at any time?These new hybrid worker and IT paradigms have led to an exponential expansion of the network edge, resulting in an expanded attack surface and fragmented visibility and control. The result is a perfect platform from which bad actors can successfully launch cyberattacks and undermine business continuity. And while some of this network transformation is the result ofintentional digital acceleration, some of it is also happening organically. For example, mergers and acquisitions activity often results in a diverse and fractured infrastructure with limited coordination or visibility between different parts of the organization.One challenge arising from these expanding and fragmenting attack surfaces is that they create numerous new paths through which criminals can attack, along with new devices and interconnected applications and network environments for them to target. The need for new devices and software to support digital acceleration efforts has contributed to the growing volume of vulnerabilities targeted by new or improved cyberthreats. Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs), the list of publiclydisclosed computer security flaws, reached an all-time high in 2022, with critical vulnerabilities up 59% over 2021.1 That listis only expected to grow. This has caused many IT teams to struggle with keeping their distributed devices and applicationspatched, especially as home networks leverage personal technologies to access business applications deployed in hybrid cloud and on-premises environments—a fact that cybercriminals have been all too eager to exploit.And at the same time, threats are increasingly sophisticated, automatically seeking and exploiting vulnerabilities with advanced malware, making security a reactive exercise in many organizations. Increasingly sophisticated threats, many enhanced with automation and artificial intelligence (AI), regularly target high-priority sectors such as critical infrastructure, healthcare, information technology, financial services, and energy. Ransomware, in particular, has become a significant concern for mostorganizations. Although 78% of organizations felt prepared for ransomware attacks, half still fell victim to attacks.2 Organizations are more concerned about ransomware than any other cyberthreat.Fortinet survey finds 78% of organizations felt prepared for ransomware attacks, yet half still fell victim.78%Difficulty Managing Disparate Networks: Is Segmentation the Answer?Network engineering and operations leaders have responded to these challenges for years by building strong perimeter defenses to prevent attacks and segmenting their networks internally for operational controls.Traditional network segmentation techniques based on IP addresses have primarily been augmented with VLANs, with VXLAN-based segmentation techniques supporting large-scale virtualization deployments and enabling more granular controls. Other methods include VMware NSX segmentation for virtualized workloads and Cisco ACI Application segmentation using physical switches. And there is a plethora of host-based segmentation techniques that leverage agents running on hosts that need to be segmented.These microsegmentation techniques enable access control policies to be defined by workloads, applications, or architectural attributes such as the virtual machines (VM) on which the applications, data, and operating systems reside.However, such segmentation and microsegmentation approaches are not the panacea they are sometimes hailed to be. Segmented and microsegmented networks must still perform advanced security inspection at each segmentation edge and juncture. Otherwise, they cannot prevent intrusions from moving laterally across the devices and applications that connect to and traverse the resulting flat network, whether within a single segment or for the many applications and workflows moving across multiple segments.Why Traditional Segmentation Fails to Protect the EnterpriseAccess control for internal network segments tends to be designed from the architecture up. As a result, security is neither intrinsically nor deeply integrated into networking. Instead, it is applied as an overlay, which may be fine for static networks and largely predictable workflows and transactions. But such tactical approaches mean that security policies, inspection, and enforcement cannot quickly adapt to evolving business needs or dynamic networks, and such changes leave security gaps targeted by cybercriminals.There are three critical reasons why segmentation alone will not protect today’s dynamic hybrid networks.1. The trust valuations on which access policies are based tend to be static, implicit, and unrestricted. The inability to continually verify users and devices creates compliance and control challenges, especially when a user or device becomes compromised.2. Access control policies cannot be effectively enforced due to a lack of advanced (Layer 7) security detection and inspection across the hybrid IT. Isolated legacy security solutions cannot see and control these components efficiently or adapt in real time to changes in the network.3. These problems often stem from network engineering and operations staff planning their segmentation architecture without adequate attention to identity, visibility, and security. Understanding these issues and their aggregate impact can lead to a more risk-aware and responsive approach to segmentation.Why a Traditional Bolted-on Network Security Approach Is IneffectiveOrganizational needs usually dictate corporate network design, with the rules governing who and what can access which network resources being determined by business policies, industry standards, and government regulations. The network operations team then uses these rules to configure the access control settings in their routers and switches that permit users, devices, and applications to access specific network resources. While this approach may seem straightforward,network engineering and operations leaders should immediately recognize some critical downsides.First, the needs of today’s organizations are evolving, and the growing demand for flexibility and agility is impacting corporate network design. As a result, business processes, compliance requirements, and network access requirements have become vastly more complex than the network structure. Consequently, it is ineffective to use the network architecture to define and secure network segments for those resources that must be simultaneously accessible to all authorized users and applications (and utterly inaccessible to all others).To effectively manage security risks, network engineering and operations leaders must instead rely on current and accurate information on the trustworthiness of users, applications, and network assets at all times. Unfortunately, traditional network connectivity—including intelligent application-driven solutions such as SD-WAN deployed in hybrid IT architectures—does not include seamless security integration. Other issues, such as the proliferation of unknown Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices and ongoing OT and IT integration, create additional challenges around visibility and security.Trust Valuations Based on Statistics and Implicit Access Allow BreachesMany of today’s most damaging security breaches are due to compromised user accounts and passwords, and users with inappropriate access levels exacerbate this problem. To effectively manage security risks, network engineering and operations leaders must always have current and accurate information on the trustworthiness of users, applications, and network assets. As a result, internal firewalls and other access control mechanisms that manage internal traffic flows between network segments must constantly identify, verify, and monitor users, devices, and applications. If trust assessments are out of date, segmentation technologies become useless at preventing threats from moving laterally across the network.Some organizations have responded to these dangers by employing a zero-trust network access (ZTNA) strategy, which controls access to applications to verify users and devices before every application session. Zero-trust network access confirms that they meet the organization’s policy to access that application, grants access to specific applications per user, and then monitors those connections to detect threats and maintain compliance.Security Requires End-to-End Visibility. Without It, Security Controls Mean LittleMost traditional approaches to segmentation assume that all necessary network security components are in place and readyto execute whatever access control policies the IT team defines. Unfortunately, this is usually an unsafe assumption.First and foremost, the rising volume of encrypted web traffic has reached 94%.3 While this is great news for organizations looking to provide secure, encrypted access to applications, it also allows bad actors to hide their activities in secure channels. Making things worse, many network teams intentionally turn off SSL/transport layer (including TLS 1.3) inspection in their next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) to optimize network performance because they fear the impact on performance. The inability of nearly all legacy firewalls to inspect encrypted traffic at digital speeds means that criminals can find their way in and out of an enterprise network undetected to launch ransomware attacks and exfiltrate data.Second, due to budgetary constraints or because deployment and management require too many resources, many network engineering and operations teams hesitate to deploy advanced network security and other solutions everywhere they are needed—within the enterprise, in every cloud, and on every endpoint and IoT device. And the ones they do deploy tend to operate in isolation. Unfortunately, point security solutions cannot easily share threat intelligence on known, emerging, orzero-day threats or easily participate in a coordinated response.Acting promptly is essential to disrupting an attack sequence, as outlined by MITRE.4 However, the overall effectiveness of security components is severely compromised when they are not tightly integrated. For example, when an isolated firewall detects a suspicious packet, it may take hours (or longer) for the information to be seen by a security administrator and disseminated to the rest of the network.Third, organizations cannot respond effectively to mitigate the impact of breaches without dealing with malicious websites, known malware, and unknown attacks. This requires integrating extended detection and response (XDR), an intrusion prevention system (IPS), and sandboxing technologies to automatically quarantine and test suspicious packets. Conversely, the lack of integration between security elements and between security and the network makes orchestration and automation across hybrid networks impossible. And the subsequent reliance on manual operations invariably leads to breaches, as they are far too slow and error-prone.Segmentation with Network and Security Convergence Becomes IneffectiveWhat’s required is an integrated, coordinated approach to security. A fully integrated and unified security solution is the only way to ensure consistent, adaptable threat detection and response across today’s segmented hybrid IT architectures. That’s where the hybrid mesh firewall (HMF) approach comes into play. A hybrid mesh firewall secures the convergence of on-premises and cloud-native domains with consistent policy enforcement and unified management. This unified security platform approach provides coordinated protection across every area of enterprise IT, including corporate sites, branches, campuses, data centers, public and private clouds, and remote workers. It’s even better when unified management and analytics span the entire secure networking framework. This single-pane-of-glass strategy results in complete visibility and protection against security threats. The hybrid mesh firewall approach simplifies operations, ensures compliance, and reduces complexity with automation to increase operational efficiency, whether you have all on-premises firewalls, all cloud firewalls, or a hybrid mix of both. Seeing Is UnderstandingWithout centralized management, orchestration, and control, network engineering and operations leaders who believe their segmented network is well-protected are likely working under a false sense of security. But without real-time data, it is impossible to know. And the best way to determine whether the security strategy being used to protect a dynamic, hybrid network is effective is to run ongoing end-to-end security assessments. However, without the end-to-end visibility providedby a fully integrated security platform—a security fabric able to touch and adapt to every edge of the network—a reliable assessment is impossible, preventing IT leaders from accurately reporting on and optimizing their company’s security posture.It is up to network engineering and operations leaders to ensure that the access control policies applied to internal network segments can withstand today’s perpetually expanding and fragmenting attack surfaces. Addressing this challenge starts by converging network and security into the hybrid network architecture. Only with careful attention to segmentation design cana company be confident in its ability to thwart attackers looking to sow destruction by moving laterally across the network.1 “We analysed 90,000+ software vulnerabilities: Here’s what we learned,” The Stack, January 9, 2022.2 “The 2023 Global Ransomware Report,“ Fortinet, April 2023.3 “HTTPS encryption on the web,“ Google, accessed May 17, 2022.4ATT&CK Matrix for Enterprise,“ MITRE ATT&CK, accessed January 31, 2022. Copyright © 2023 Fortinet, Inc. All rights reserved. Fortinet, FortiGate, FortiCare and FortiGuard, and certain other marks are registered trademarks of Fortinet, Inc., and other Fortinet names herein may also be registered and/or common law trademarks of Fortinet. All other product or company names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Performance and other metrics contained herein were attained in internal lab tests under ideal conditions, and actual performance and other results may vary. Network variables, different network environments and other conditions may affect performance results. Nothing herein represents any binding commitment by Fortinet, and Fortinet disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, except to the extent Fortinet enters a binding written contract, signed by Fortinet’s General Counsel, with a purchaser that expressly warrants that the identified product will perform according to certain expressly-identified performance metrics and, in such event, only the specific performance metrics expressly identified in such binding written contract shall be binding on Fortinet. For absolute clarity, any such warranty will be limited to performance in the same ideal conditions as in Fortinet’s internal lab tests. Fortinet disclaims in full any covenants, representations, and guarantees pursuant hereto, whether express or implied. Fortinet reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice, and the most current version of the publication shall be applicable.。
自2003年来,以SQL 蠕虫、“冲击波”、“震荡波”等病毒的连续性爆发为起点,到计算机文件泄密、硬件资产丢失、服务器系统瘫痪等诸多客户端安全事件在各地网络中频繁发生,让政府机关和企业单位的网络管理人员头痛不已。
总结起来,政府机关和企业单位的内部网络管理大致面临着以下一些常见问题:⏹ 如何发现客户端设备的系统漏洞并自动分发补丁。
⏹ 如何防范移动电脑和存储设备随意接入内网。
⏹ 如何防范内网设备非法外联。
⏹ 如何管理客户端资产,保障网络设备正常运行。
⏹ 如何在全网制订统一的安全策略。
⏹ 如何及时发现网络中占用带宽最大的客户端。
⏹ 如何点对点控制异常客户端的运行。
⏹ 如何防范内部涉密重要信息的泄露。
⏹ 如何对原有客户端应用软件进行统一监控、管理。
⏹ 如何快速有效的定位网络中病毒、蠕虫、黑客的引入点,及时、准确的切断安全事件发生点和网络。
⏹ 如何构架功能强大的统一网络安全报警处置平台,进行安全事件响应和事件查询,全面管理网络资源。
网络安全技术白皮书范本技术白皮书目录第一部分公司简介6第二部分网络安全的背景6第一章网络安全的定义6第二章产生网络安全问题的几个方面72.1 信息安全特性概述72. 2 信息网络安全技术的发展滞后于信息网络技术。
72.3TCP/IP协议未考虑安全性72.4操作系统本身的安全性82.5未能对来自Internet的邮件夹带的病毒及Web浏览可能存在的恶意Java/ActiveX控件进行有效控制82.6忽略了来自内部网用户的安全威胁82.7缺乏有效的手段监视、评估网络系统的安全性82.8使用者缺乏安全意识,许多应用服务系统在访问控制及安全通信方面考虑较少,并且,如果系统设置错误,很容易造成损失8第三章网络与信息安全防范体系模型以及对安全的应对措施83.1信息与网络系统的安全管理模型93.2 网络与信息安全防范体系设计93.2.1 网络与信息安全防范体系模型93.2.1.1 安全管理93.2.1.2 预警93.2.1.3 攻击防范93.2.1.4 攻击检测103.2.1.5 应急响应103.2.1.6 恢复103.2.2 网络与信息安全防范体系模型流程103.2.3 网络与信息安全防范体系模型各子部分介绍 安全服务器113.2.3.2 预警123.2.3.3 网络防火墙123.2.3.4 系统漏洞检测与安全评估软件133.2.3.5 病毒防范133.2.3.6 VPN 132.3.7 PKI 入侵检测143.2.3.9 日志取证系统143.2.3.10 应急响应与事故恢复143.2.4 各子部分之间的关系及接口15第三部分相关网络安全产品和功能16第一章防火墙161.1防火墙的概念及作用161.2防火墙的任务171.3防火墙术语181.4用户在选购防火墙的会注意的问题:21 1.5防火墙的一些参数指标231.6防火墙功能指标详解231.7防火墙的局限性281.8防火墙技术发展方向28第二章防病毒软件332.1病毒是什么332.2病毒的特征342.3病毒术语352.4病毒的发展的趋势372.5病毒入侵渠道382.6防病毒软件的重要指标402.7防病毒软件的选购41第三章入侵检测系统(IDS)423.1入侵检测含义423.2入侵检测的处理步骤433.3入侵检测功能463.4入侵检测系统分类 483.5入侵检测系统技术发展经历了四个阶段 483.6入侵检测系统的缺点和发展方向 49第四章VPN(虚拟专用网)系统494.1 VPN基本概念494.2 VPN产生的背景494.3 VPN的优点和缺点50第五章安全审计系统505.1、安全审计的概念505.2:安全审计的重要性505.3、审计系统的功能特点50第六章漏洞扫描系统516.1网络漏洞扫描评估系统的作用516.2 网络漏洞扫描系统选购的注意事项:1、是否通过国家的各种认证目前国家对安全产品进行认证工作的权威部门包括公安部信息安全产品测评中心、国家信息安全产品测评中心、解放军安全产品测评中心、国家保密局测评认证中心。
使用相同的密钥进行加密和解 密,常见的算法有AES、DES等
使用不同的密钥进行加密和解 密,常见的算法有RSA、ECC等 。
结合对称和非对称加密的优点 ,提高数据传输的安全性。
根据不同的安全需求和场景, 选择合适的加密算法和密钥管
该方案融合了多种安全技术和策略, 包括网络安全、应用安全、数据安全 和用户行为安全等,确保企业信息资 产的安全与完整。
慧点安全解决方案覆盖了企业安全防 护的各个方面,从网络到应用,从数 据到用户行为,为企业提供全方位的 安全保障。
通过大数据分析和机器学习技术,慧 点安全解决方案能够实时监测和识别 威胁,自动调整安全策略,实现智能 防御。
通过与客户的深入沟通,明确客户对系统的安全需求 ,包括数据保密、完整性、可用性等。
对客户的业务环境进行全面的风险评估,识别潜在的 安全威胁和漏洞。
慧点安全解决方案在保障企业信息安全方面具有显 著优势,能够有效应对各类网络威胁和攻击。
该方案通过采用先进的技术手段和管理措施,提高 了企业的安全防护能力和风险应对能力。
二、应急预案概述1. 目的(1)保障国家信息安全,维护国家安全和社会稳定;(2)降低信息安全事件对企业和个人的损失;(3)提高信息安全应急响应能力,提升信息安全防护水平。
2. 适用范围本预案适用于我国境内各类信息系统,包括但不限于政府机关、企事业单位、社会组织等。
3. 预案等级根据信息安全事件的严重程度,将预案分为四个等级:一般级、较大级、重大级、特别重大级。
三、组织架构与职责分工1. 组织架构(1)应急指挥部:负责统一指挥、协调、调度信息安全事件应急响应工作;(2)应急小组:负责具体实施信息安全事件应急响应措施;(3)技术支持小组:负责提供信息安全事件应急响应所需的技术支持;(4)宣传报道小组:负责信息安全事件应急响应过程中的信息发布和舆论引导。
2. 职责分工(1)应急指挥部①制定信息安全事件应急响应预案;②组织、协调、调度应急响应工作;③对应急响应过程进行监督、检查、评估。
四、响应流程1. 信息收集(1)应急小组通过监测、报警、投诉等渠道收集信息安全事件信息;(2)应急指挥部对收集到的信息进行初步判断,确定事件等级。
2. 事件评估(1)应急小组对事件进行详细分析,确定事件原因、影响范围、危害程度等;(2)应急指挥部根据事件评估结果,决定是否启动应急预案。
With Kaspersky, now you can.是IT 安全最大的敌人?概要2.0商业驱动:挑战缘何而起?对于 IT 安全新方法的需要来自于企业中 IT 团队的改变。
2.1 技术技术对商业前所未有的驱动作用,促使我们赖以高效工作的系统和平台如雨后春笋般出现。
2.2 准备不足,资源不足?IT 团队担负起了管理这些数据的重任,这使得 IT 的任务变得更加繁重和复杂,但 IT 团队的资源通常并未增加甚至更少了。
IT 管理员扮演着多重角色。
2.3 转变工作模式企业员工如今已习惯于使用简单易用且功能全面的技术。
员工已习惯于通过他们的掌上设备随时随地获取网络服务和所需程序、信息及资源,而不必借助 IT 支持,更重要的是无需 IT 授权他们做什么及怎样做。
这是对企业灵活性的巨大考验,同时也会产生“消费”技术的副作用,无法满足传统企业 IT 期望。
卡巴斯基 2012 全球 IT 风险调查显示 91% 的公司在此前一年经历过至少一次攻击。
1. 引言信息技术的迅速发展和广泛应用给组织带来了巨大的机遇,同时也带来了新的风险和威胁。
2. 信息安全管理原则(1)全面性:信息安全管理应覆盖组织的各个方面,包括人员、流程和技术,确保整体的安全性。
3. 信息安全管理框架(1)制定信息安全策略:组织应明确信息安全目标,并制定相应的策略和政策,以指导信息安全管理的实施。
4. 信息安全管理最佳实践(1)信息安全政策:组织应制定明确的信息安全政策,明确各方面的安全要求和责任。
C1.车联网产业发展概况 (1)车联网产业结构及全景图 (1)车联网产业关键技术发展情况 (3)1.2.1.环境感知技术 (3)1.2.2.智能决策技术 (3)1.2.3.控制执行技术 (4)1.2.4.V2X通信技术 (4)1.2.5.网络安全技术 (5)车联网产业生态发展趋势 (6)新兴领域在车联网中的应用 (7)1.4.1.区块链技术在车联网中的应用 (7)1.4.2.人机交互技术与车联网 (7)1.4.3.基于北斗卫星导航系统的车联网服务 (8)2.车联网政策标准现状及趋势 (8)国际车联网政策标准现状及趋势 (8)国内车联网政策标准现状及趋势 (9)2.2.1.政策现状及趋势 (9)2.2.2.标准现状及趋势 (14)国外车联网政策标准现状及趋势 (17)2.3.1.美国 (17)2.3.2.欧洲 (18)2.3.3.日本 (19)3.车联网网络安全总体情况 (19)车联网网络安全概述 (20)3.1.1.车联网网络安全范畴 (20)3.1.2.车联网网络安全与传统网络安全的关系 (20)车联网网络安全技术产业发展情况 (21)车联网网络安全面临突出问题与挑战 (21)4.车联网网络安全威胁分析 (23)智能汽车安全威胁分析 (23)4.1.1.车载网关 (24)4.1.2.T-BOX (26)4.1.3.IVI (26)4.1.4.ECU (27)4.1.5.OBD (28)4.1.6.传感器 (29)4.1.7.OTA (29)4.1.8.车载OS (30)通信安全威胁分析 (31)车联网服务平台安全威胁分析 (33)移动应用安全威胁分析 (35)车联网数据安全威胁分析 (36)5.车联网网络安全防护策略 (36)智能汽车安全防护 (37)通信安全防护 (39)车联网服务平台安全防护 (40)移动应用安全防护 (41)车联网数据安全防护 (42)6.推动车联网网络安全发展的建议 (43)加强车联网网络安全政策标准体系建设 (43)加快车联网网络安全防护体系建设 (44)加快车联网网络安全测评体系建设 (44)完善车联网网络安全产品服务体系 (44)加快车联网网络信任体系建设 (44)构建车联网网络安全信息共享体系 (45)1.车联网产业发展概况车联网产业结构及全景图车联网产业是汽车、电子、信息通信、道路交通等行业深度融合的新兴产业形态,是培育新的经济增长点,加快新旧动能接续转换,落实高质量发展要求的重要载体。
网盾安全解决方案白皮书上海格尔软件股份有限公司1上海格尔软件股份有限公司上海市余姚路288号A楼4层Tel: (86-021) 62327010 Fax: (86-021) 62327015URL: 上海格尔软件股份有限公司 上海市余姚路288号A 楼4层 Tel: (86-021) 62327010 Fax: (86-021) 62327015URL: 2声明:Copyright ©2005,2008上海格尔软件股份有限公司 版权所有,保留一切权利。
上海格尔软件股份有限公司 上海市余姚路288号A 楼4层 Tel: (86-021) 62327010 Fax: (86-021) 62327015URL: 3目 录1 个人电脑安全现状、需求及分析 (4)1.1为何要保护数据?...................................................................4 1.2如何保护数据?.......................................................................5 1.3网盾能做什么?.......................................................................5 1.4 网盾的局限.............................................................................6 2 解决方案.. (6)2.1电脑与关键数据保护................................................................6 2.2 邮件安全 (7)2.2.1 传送层信件加密,SSL (7)2.2.2 网络层信件加密,VPN (9)2.2.3 邮件内容安全,端到端的安全邮件模式 (9)2.2.4 邮件内容安全,邮件网关模式 (10)2.3 Lotus Notes 的安全扩展 (11)2.3.1 文档保存时的自动加密签名流程 (12)2.3.2 文档发送时的自动加密签名流程 (13)2.3.3 文档打开时的自动验证签名并解密流程 (14)附录A :名词解释 (15)附录B :统计数据参考 (16)笔记本电脑失窃统计数据 (16)1个人电脑安全现状、需求及分析1.1为何要保护数据?信息通常被认为是企业最宝贵的资产(70% 或更多公司的价值在于其知识产权资产),这部分数据的损失或被窃可能造成严重后果,甚至会威胁企业在市场中的地位。
企业面临的安全形势是不断变化的,安全策略应 随企业业务的变化和发展及时进行调整和更新。
安全策略的更新与改进应具备系统性思维,从整 体角度出发,全面考虑对企业安全的影响和作用 。
企业应主动关注和学习最新的安全技术和趋势, 及时引入并应用先进的安全策略。
安全策略的更新与改进应是一个持续的过程,需 要不断地进行修订和完善,以确保企业安全的持 续性和稳定性。
企业应该严格控制数据的流动,并对重要数据进行加密处理,以 防止数据泄露或被窃取。
制定员工离职安全策略,确保员工离职后企业信 息的安全。
某大型电商平台安全策略:该平台在 安全策略方面采取了一系列措施,包 括多层次认证、恶意软件防范等。同 时,该平台还建立了完善的安全管理 流程,包括定期安全巡查、事件应急 响应等,以确保业务安全和客户数据 安全。
某云计算企业安全策略:该企业在网 络安全方面着重于数据加密和权限控 制。它采用了数据加密、访问控制等 手段,对云平台上所有数据进行全面 保护。同时,该企业还建立了完善的 安全审计机制,对所有操作进行记录 和监控,有效防范了内部和外部的攻 击。
某银行安全策略:该银行在安全策略 方面采取了一系列措施,包括严格控 制网络访问、实施加密和访问控制等 。同时,该银行还建立了完善的安全 管理流程,包括定期安全巡查、事件 应急响应等,以确保业务安全和客户 数据安全。
二、编制依据1. 国家相关法律法规和政策;2. 行业标准和规范;3. 企业内部管理制度;4. 历史信息安全事件经验。
三、应急预案目标1. 提高企业信息安全风险防范意识;2. 保障企业信息系统稳定运行;3. 快速、有效地应对各类信息安全事件;4. 最大限度地降低信息安全事件带来的损失。
四、应急预案原则1. 预防为主、防治结合;2. 统一领导、分级负责;3. 快速响应、协同作战;4. 科学评估、合理处置。
五、应急预案组织架构1. 应急领导小组:负责统筹协调、指挥调度、资源调配等工作;2. 应急工作小组:负责具体事件的处置、调查、报告等工作;3. 技术支持小组:负责技术支持、设备保障、应急演练等工作;4. 信息宣传小组:负责信息发布、舆论引导、心理疏导等工作。
六、应急预案内容1. 信息安全事件分类及级别(1)按事件性质分类:网络攻击、病毒入侵、信息泄露、系统故障等;(2)按事件严重程度分类:一般、较大、重大、特别重大。
2. 信息安全事件应急处置流程(1)事件报告:发现信息安全事件后,立即向应急领导小组报告;(2)初步判断:应急领导小组根据事件报告,对事件进行初步判断;(3)启动应急预案:根据事件级别和性质,启动相应级别的应急预案;(4)应急处置:应急工作小组按照预案要求,开展应急处置工作;(5)事件调查:事件结束后,开展事件调查,查明原因,总结经验;(6)事件总结:对事件进行总结,完善应急预案。
3. 信息安全事件应急响应措施(1)立即切断受影响系统与外部网络的连接;(2)隔离受影响设备,防止事件扩散;(3)修复或更换受影响的设备、系统;(4)加强安全防护,防止同类事件再次发生;(5)对受影响用户进行告知和安抚;(6)对外发布事件信息,接受社会监督。
构筑公司的网络安全基因 —— 一套综合流程、政策与标准
图1:简化的网络安全治理结构 ...................................................................... 11 图2:整体流程架构 ......................................................................................... 13 图3:网络安全融入人力资源流程................................................................... 16 图4:市场管理到集成产品开发 ......................................................................18 图5:安全融入IPD流程 .................................................................................... 19 图6:多层的独立验证方法 .............................................................................. 22 图7:供应商管理模型...................................................................................... 26 图8:条码可追溯方法...................................................................................... 29 图9:服务交付概览 .........................................................................................30 图10:PSIRT与其他流程的衔接........................................................................ 32 图11:PSIRT/CERT流程 ..................................................................................... 34 图12:软件的正向和逆向可追溯图示 ............................................................ 35 图13:硬件的正向和逆向可追溯图示 ............................................................ 36
工业互联网安全白皮书目录一、工业互联网安全概述 (1)(一)工业互联网概念内涵 (1)(二)工业互联网安全框架内容与范围 (2)二、相关网络安全框架分析 (3)(一)传统网络安全框架 (3)(二)工业互联网安全框架 (8)(三)相关框架共性分析及经验借鉴 (10)三、工业互联网安全框架设计 (12)12(一)设计思路 ..............................................................................13(二)安全框架 ..............................................................................(三)防护对象视角 (16)(四)防护措施视角 (17)(五)防护管理视角 (18)四、工业互联网安全防护措施实施 (20)21(一)设备安全 ..............................................................................23(二)控制安全 ..............................................................................(三)网络安全 ..............................................................................2731(四)应用安全 ..............................................................................35(五)数据安全 ..............................................................................39(六)监测感知 ..............................................................................41(七)处置恢复 ..............................................................................五、工业互联网安全发展趋势与展望 (46)一、工业互联网安全概述(一)工业互联网概念内涵工业互联网是满足工业智能化发展需求,具有低时延、高可靠、广覆盖特点的关键网络基础设施,是新一代信息通信技术与先进制造业深度融合所形成的新兴业态与应用模式。
2020年,我国工业互联网平台初步展现多元化发展态 势,覆盖原材料、装备、机械、消费品、电子、交通等多种行 业 及场景。工业互联网平台应用与创新走深走实,在行业 和区 域中赋能工业数字化转型效果逐渐凸显,充满活力的产 业生 态体系加速形成。
1.工业互联网平台应用由政策驱动转向市场主导 随着工业互联网平台、网络、安全等配套政策趋于
工业互联网平台安全 白皮书(2020)
国家工业信息安全发展研究中心(工业和信息化部电子 第一研究所)简称国家工信安全中心,是工业和信息化部直 属事业单位,是我国工业领域国家级信息安全研究与推进机 构。为加快推进工业信息安全技术研发和保障能力建设,更 好地推动工业信息安全事业发展,国家工信安全中心于 2018 年9月成立保障技术所。
工业互联网平台安全白皮书(20 20 )
效率、提升产品和服务品质、创造新价值四大成效。 针对工业应用场景,工业互联网平台通过各类机器设
备、人、业务系统的互联,促进数据跨系统、端到云的流动, 基于数据分析、建模和应用,实现数据驱动的生产、运营闭 环 优化,形成新的业务模式和新的业态。与传统工业IT架构 相 比,工业互联网平台促使流程驱动的业务系统转变为数据 驱 动的应用范式,为工业企业提供了基于数据的新技术、新 方 法、新服务和新价值。
1.制造巨头凭借已有工业积淀拓展平台市场 制造巨头凭借主机厂优势,打开工业互联网平台市场
。 西门子MindSphere平台和通用电器Predix平台从关键 通用 设备入手,借助在底层工业装置的数据采集、工业知 识的封 装和复用、信息资产建模等方面的优势,基于自有系 统,实现 工业现场设备、工业数据、企业运营数据、人员及 其他资产 的相互连接;库卡KUKA Connect平台、安川电机 MMcloud
企业安全策略白皮书(此篇白皮书为Butler Direct Limited的专利研究资料。
未经Butler Direct Limited事前的书面同意,不得就本文件以任何方式进行翻印之行为。
在过去,安全性措施较为被动 - 只针对所发生的事件来反应;而非主动侦测,以达到预防目的。
安全性问题一直以来,单独隶属于IT部门主管的管辖范围,但近来我们不断看到安全性经理及总监(Security Manager and Directors)主管职位的出现,由此可见网络的盛行并成为新的商业活动通路,其伴随而来的安全风险问题,已同时成为高度受重视的议题。
企业网络的入侵可能来自四面八方,而入侵的原因与所造成的结果可能也不尽相同,但Butler Group相信媒体过度报导一般性、业余黑客之入侵行为,使一般人低估了安全问题的严重程度。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
项监测 .
Verify that the Administrator account has a strong password Disable unnecessary services
Disable or delete unnecessary accounts
Protect files and directories
Protect the registry from anonymous access
Apply appropriate registry ACLs
Restrict access to public Local Security Authority (LSA> information
Enable SYSKEY protection
Set stronger password policies
Set account lockout policy
Configure the Administrator account
Remove all unnecessary file shares
Set appropriate ACLS on all necessary file shares
Install antivirus software and updates
Install the latest Service Pack
Install the appropriate post-Service Pack security hotfixes
Verify that all disk partitions are formatted with NTFS
Verify that the Administrator account has a strong password
Disable unnecessary services
Disable or delete unnecessary accounts
Protect files and directories
安装所需的最小Internet 服务
删除iisadmpwd 虚拟目录删除未使用的脚本映射
为IIS 日志文件设置正确的ACL
启用日志禁用或删除所有示例程序删除iisadmpwd 虚拟目录删除未使用的脚本映射企业网络安全策略附件三:服务器的安全列表
Verify that the Administrator account has a strong password
Disable unnecessary services
Verify that all disk partitions are formatted with NTFS
Disable or delete unnecessary accounts
Make sure the Guest account is disabled
Protect files and directories
Protect the registry from anonymous access
Apply appropriate registry ACLs
Restrict access to public Local Security Authority (LSA> information
Enable SYSKEY protection
Set stronger password policies
Set account lockout policy
Configure the Administrator account
Remove all unnecessary file shares
Set appropriate ACLS on all necessary file shares
Install antivirus software and updates
Install the latest Service Pack
Install the appropriate post-Service Pack security hotfixes
Verify that all disk partitions are formatted with NTFS Verify that the Administrator account has a strong password Disable unnecessary services
Disable or delete unnecessary accounts
Protect files and directories
Make sure the Guest account is disabled
Protect the registry from anonymous access
Apply appropriate registry ACLs
Restrict access to public Local Security Authority (LSA> information
Set stronger password policies
Set account lockout policy
Configure the Administrator account