《英语论文写作教程》 第一章练习答案

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Reference Keys to Exercises



Chapter 1 General Introduction

I. Complete the blanks in the first two paragraphs with the correct forms of the given words, and work out the topic sentences for the next two paragraphs.

Para 1: combination; Primary; firsthand; investigation; sources; Secondary; examples;

Para 2: depend; productively; constitute; assimilating; persuasively

Para 3: (of writing a research paper) will surely be beneficial to your future life whatever job you will take. OR: are not just academic skills, but also life skills in almost all professions.

Para 4: increases your knowledge and understanding of a subject.

II. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1) 相比之下,一手研究(又称原创研究--- 黄国文;或实证研究--- 文秋芳)不同于二手研究(又称文献研究),它取源于第一手数据,如一组学习语言的学生;而文献研究则取源于第二手资料,如关于语言学习者的书籍。

2) 当我们想探讨某个观点,调查某个问题,解决某个难题,或是寻求某种论证的时候,我们被迫向外界寻求帮助,这时我们的研究就开始了。

3) 研究论文与其他非小说类文学作品如信函,备忘录,报告,散文,科普文章和书籍类似,应当清晰有效地陈述信息和观点。



6) 例如,某个同学最初对莎士比亚诗歌意象感兴趣,后来经过文献阅读和认真思考,可能会选定“《麦克白》的血腥意象”作为研究重心。同样,选题“媒体暴力”也可以缩小为“卡通暴力对学前儿童的影响。”

III. Translate the following passage into English.

Question consciousness (problem awareness) is the extent to which a researcher is sensitive to practical problems or questions arising in teaching practice. Whether a researcher can keenly discover questions worthy of being investigated that arise from teaching practice reflects the degree of his question consciousness.

A research paper should be based on scientific investigation which is, in turn, derived from inquiring into or thinking about fact, phenomenon, material and action, namely, finding questions. Questions are motives of doing research about teaching and learning. Thus, in order to answer those questions, doing research is necessary. Research question has become one of criteria for assessing the quality of a research, and finding a valuable question deserving studying is hence more important than answering it. As a Chinese teacher teaching English in a primary or secondary school, being able to discover questions and undertake research over them is both the origin of scientific research and the very first step of thesis composition. Many teachers feel nothing to write

IV. Answer the following questions in your own words.


V. Put the following quotations (theme: science) into Chinese.

1. 从前,宗教强盛而科学无力,人们误将巫术当成药物;如今,科学强大而宗教势弱,人们又误将良药看作魔力。——托马斯·萨斯

2. 艺术与科学能平衡人们的物质生活,丰富生活经验。艺术给生活带来更深的思考,因为它本身乃是情感的深层表现。——汉斯·霍夫曼

3. 每天我都不断地提醒自己,无论是物质生活还是精神生活,我都得依赖于前人或现代人辛勤的劳动成果。同时,为求同等回报,我时刻提醒自己要努力工作。——阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦

4. 如果我的相对论被证明是对的,德国会宣称我是德国人,法国会说我是世界公民。如果它被证明是错的,法国会说我是德国人,而德国会撇清关系说我是犹太人。——阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦

5. 一个新的科学真理得到认同,并不是靠使它的反对者信服和领悟,而是由于反对者逐渐都死去,而熟知这一真理的新一代长大了。——马克斯·普朗克
