
1.y=2x2+7x – 3x y本体答案不确定。
汗2.The figure above shows the graph of a function f, defined by f(x)=|2x|+4for all numbers x. For which of the following functions g defined for allnumbers x does the graph of g intersect the graph of f ?A g(x)=x–2B g(x)=x+3C g(x)=2x – 2D g(x)=2x+3E g(x)=3x – 2这个题就是问两个函数图象相交的问题,根据观察,要与这个折线相交的直线的斜率满足的条件是要么是正斜率比2大,要么是负斜率比-2小,因此只能选E了。
3.Each employee of a certain company is in either Department X orDepartment Y, and there are more than twice as many employees inDepartment X as in Department Y. The average (arithmetic mean) salaryis $25,000 for the employees in Department X and is $35,000 for theemployees in Department Y. Which of the following amounts could bethe average salary for all of the employees in the company?Indicate all such amounts.A $26,000B $28,000C $29,000D $30,000E $31,000F $32,000G $34,000本题我们要注意到题目中的more than twice的字眼,我们当做twice算的时候,结果是(25000*2+35000)/3约等于28333,因为有more than,所以选的答案要么是比前面这个数大,要么小,又由于more的是X部门的,那么肯定会将平均工资给拉低了,因此,选比前面那个数小的答案,AB都可以了。

1:还有数列题:a1=2,a2=6,an=an-1/an-2,求a150.解答: an=an-1/an-2,所以an-1=an-2/an-3,带入前式得an=1/an-3,然后再拆一遍得到an=an-6,也就是说,这个数列是以6为周期的,则a150=a144=...=a6,利用a1,a2可以计算出a6=1/3.如果实在想不到这个方法,可以写几项看看很快就会发现a150=a144,大胆推测该数列是以6为周期得,然后写出a1-a13(也就是写到你能看出来规律),不难发现a6=a12,a7=a13,然后那,稍微数数,就可以知道a150=a6了,同样计算得1/3.2:问摄氏升高30度华氏升高的度数与62比大小.key:F=30*9/5=543:那道费波拉契数列的题:已知,a1=1 a2=1 an=an-1+an-2 ,问a1,a2,a3,a6四项的平均数和a1,a3,a4,a5四项的平均数大小比较。
解答:费波契那数列就是第三项是前两项的和,依此类推得到a1-a6为:1 123 5 8 13 21 a1+a2+a3+a6=12, a1+a3+a4+a5=11,所以为大于.4:满足x^2+y^2key: 按照X的可能情况顺序写出:X= Y=1 1-92 1-93 1-94 1-95 1-86 1-87 1-78 1-9 1-4 =>Myanswer:加起来=695:24,36,90,100四个数中,该数除以它的所有的质因子,最后的结果是质数的是那个:Key:906:0.123456789101112….,这个小数无限不循环地把所有整数都列出来.请问小数点后第100位的数字是多少?Key: 位数0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1010 11 12 ………………………19 2020 21……………………………29 2030………………………………39 2040………………………………49 2050 51 52 53 54 55 56 ――――――第101位=5??7:2904x=y2(y的平方),x、y都是正整数,求x的最小值。

1. 数学加试1.1 代数1. 题目:解方程 $2x + 6 = 18$。
答案:$x = 6$。
解析:将方程两边同时减去6,得到 $2x = 12$。
再将方程两边同时除以2,得到 $x = 6$。
2. 题目:计算表达式 $3(x-2) + 4(2x-1)$ 的值。
答案:$11x - 5$。
解析:根据分配律,展开表达式得到 $3x - 6 + 8x - 4$。
合并同类项得到 $11x - 10$。
1.2 几何1. 题目:已知长方形的宽度是2,面积是12,求长方形的长度。
解析:设长方形的长度为$x$,根据面积公式$A = l \times w$,得到等式 $2x = 12$。
解方程得到 $x = 6$。
2. 题目:已知三角形ABC中,AB边长为5,BC边长为8,AC边长为7,求三角形的面积。
设三角形的半周长为$s$,根据海伦公式 $A = \sqrt{s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)}$,其中$a,b,c$分别为三角形的三条边长,解得 $s = \frac{5+7+8}{2} = 10$。
代入公式得到 $A = \sqrt{10(10-5)(10-8)(10-7)} = 20$。
2. 逻辑加试2.1 推理1. 题目:如果"所有学生都喜欢音乐"是真的,那么"李明是学生"是否一定是真的?答案:是。
2. 题目:如果"今天下雨"为假,那么"明天将会下雨"是否一定为假?答案:不能确定。

G R E数学真题大放送(附答案解析) GRE考试真题是我们备考路上的“好伙伴”,备考初期利用好它,我们的复习将会事半功倍!快来看看2015年7月5日GRE数学真题吧。
1. ABCE is a square, and BCDE is a parallelogramQuantity A: The area of square ABCEQuantity B: The area of parallelogram BCDEA. Quantity A is greater.B. Quantity B is greater.C. The two quantities are equalD. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.参考答案:C。
2. n is an integer.Quantity B: 1A. Quantity A is greater.B. Quantity B is greater.C. The two quantities are equalD. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.参考答案:C。
3. The population of Country X for 1980 was p. The population of Country X increased by 3.8 percent in each of the next two years.Quantity A: The population of Country X for 1982.Quantity B: 1.076pA. Quantity A is greater.B. Quantity B is greater.C. The two quantities are equalD. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.参考答案:A4. x≠0Quantity B: x(x+5)A. Quantity A is greater.B. Quantity B is greater.C. The two quantities are equalD. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.参考答案:D。

gre数学考试关于⼏何的重点试题gre数学考试关于⼏何的重点试题1. If the areas of three of the faces of a rectangular solid are 6,10 and 15, what is the volume of the solid?A.30B.90C.150D.300E.450答案:A2.△RST lies in the XY-plane and points R and T have (x, y) coordinates (0,0) and (6,0), respectively. The area of △RST is 12.The x-coordinate of RThe y-coordinate of S答案:D3.What is the maximum number of nonover-lapping regions into which 3 lines can divide the interior of a circle?A.4B.6C.7D.8E.9答案:C4.The rectangular rug shown in the figure above has a floral border 1 foo t wide on all sides. What is the area, in square feet, of that portion of the rug that excludes the border?A.28B.40C.45D.48E.53答案:A5. The diagram represents a rectangular garden. The shaded regions are planted in flowers, and the unshaded region is a walk 2 feet wide. All angles are right angles.The sum of the areas of the shaded regions2,800 square feet答案:D6.What are the coordinates of point B in the xy-plane above?A.(6,12)B.(6,28)C.(8,20)D.(12,20)E.(14,28)答案:B7.If 9 trees are originally planted in a circular pattern as shown above, what is the least number of trees that must be transplanted so that the 9 trees will be in 2 straight rows?A.4B.5C.6D.7E.8答案:B8.If the sum of the measures of two angles is 180o,each angle is a supplement of the other, whereas, if the sum oftheir measures is 90o, each is a complement of the other.The measure of an angle with a supplement that measures 130o The measure of an angle with a supplement that measures 40o 答案:C9.If a solid pyramid has 4 vertices and 4 faces, how many edges does the pyramid have?A.2B.3C.4D.6E.8答案:D10.A rectangular floor with an area of 12 square meters is drawn to scale with 2 centimeters representing 1 meter.The area of the scale drawing of the floor24 square centimeters答案:A11.In the rectangular coordinate system, line k passes through the point (0,0) and (4,8); line m passes through the points (0,1) and (4,9).The slope of line kThe slope of line m答案:C12.In the stop sign shown in the figure above, all sides have equal length and all angles have equal measure. If the figure could be rotated 225 degrees in a clockwise direction, point G would be in the position of point.A.IB.JC.KD.LE.M答案:B13.What is the ratio of the perimeter of a pentagon with each side of length 6 to the perimeter of an octagon with each side of length 6?A.5/6B.4/5C.3/4D.2/3E.5/8答案:E14.A circular flower bed is inscribed in a flat, square garden plot that measures x meters on each side.The fraction of the garden plot area that is not part of the flower bed if x=50 metersThe fraction of the garden plot area that is not part of the flower bed if x=45 meters答案:C15.The dimensions, in centimeters, of rectangular box R are 6 by 8 by 10. Which of the following cannot be the total surface area, in square centimeters, of two faces of R?A.96B.120C.128D.160E.180答案:E16.The figure above shows a large square formed by fitting three L- shaped tiles and one small square tile together. If a rectangular floor 10 feet by 12 feet is to be tiled in large squares of this design, how many L-shaped tiles will be needed?A.810B.405C.270D.135E.45答案:A17.A certain rectangle has perimeter 54. If the ratio of the length of the rectangle to the width is 5 to 4, what is the length of the rectangle?A.30B.27C.24D.18E.15答案:E18.In the rectangular coordinate system above, the coordinates of points A and B are shown. If the dotted lines representa second pair of coordinate axes with origin at A, and if the scale is the same on both pairs of axes, what are the coordinat es of point B with respect to the second pair of axes?A.(-33,88)B.(33,48)C.(33,-48)D.(97,88)19. If the perimeter of the rectangle above is 36, then l=A.9B.14C.16D.28E.32答案:B20.If the perimeter of a triangle is 18, then the length of one of the sides cannot beA.1B.3C.6D.8E.9答案:E21.In the figure above, if ABCD is a parallelogram with A at the origin, what are the coordinates of C?A.(6,5)B.(6,6)C.(7,4)D.(8,5)E.(8,6)答案:A22.What fraction of a cubic meter is the volume of a cubic block of stone with edge of length 10 centimeters?(1 meter=100centimeters)A.3/10D.1/100E.1/1000答案:E23.In the rectangular coordinate system above, for how many of the points that lie inside or on the boundary of the shaded region are both coordinates integers?A.sixB.sevenC.eightD.nineE.ten答案:E24. A rectangular tabletop consists of a piece of laminated wood bordered by a thin metal strip along its four edges. The surface area of the tabletop if x square feet, and the total length of the strip before it was attached was x feet. If the tabletop is3 feet wide, what is its approximate length, in feet?A.12B.10C.9D.8E.6答案:E25.In the coordinate plane, points A and B are endpoints of a diameter of a circle with center (-2,1). If the coordinates of A are (-5,5), what are the coordinates of B?A.(0,0)B.(3,-2)C.(3,-1)D.(2,-2)E.(1,-3)答案:E26.Three solid cubes of lead, each with edges 10 centimeters long, are melted together in a level, r ectangular shaped pan. The base of the pan has inside dimensions of 20 centimeters by 30 centimeters, and the pan is 15 centimeters deep. If the volume of the solid lead is approximately the same as the volume of the melted lead, approximately how many cen timeters deep is the melted lead in the pan?A.2.5B.3C.5D.7.5E.9答案:C27.In the figure above, if x, y, and z are integers such that xA.59 and 91B.59 and 135C.91 and 178D.120 and 135E.120 and 178答案:C28.In the rectangular coordinate system above, if P, not shown, is a point AB and if the x-coordinate of P is 1, what is the y-coordinate of P?A.4/3B.3/2C.7/3D.5/2E.8/3答案:A29.There are six marked points on the circle above. How many different lines can be drawn that contain two of the marked points?A.5B.6C.12D.15E.30答案:D30.In the figure above, ABCD is a square. What are the coordinates of point B?A.(-4,2)B.(-2,4)C.(-2,6)D.(4,-6)E.(6,-2) 答案:C。
2024 GRE考试必备数学历年真题练习

2024 GRE考试必备数学历年真题练习在GRE数学部分的备考过程中,历年真题的练习是非常重要的一环。
1. 整数1.1 题目选择下列哪个数是正偶数?(A) -12(B) -5(C) 0(D) 9(E) 271.2 解析正偶数是指能够被2整除的正整数。
2. 几何2.1 题目下图中,正方形ABCD的边长为3。
[图片描述:一个正方形ABCD,边长为3,线段BC的中点为E,线段BD上的一点为F,AF的长度为3]2.2 解析首先,可以得出正方形ABCD的对角线AC的长度为3的开平方乘以2,即AC=3乘以根号2。
因此,三角形BEP是等腰直角三角形,所以BP = EP = EC的一半。
3. 概率与统计3.1 题目某次测试的成绩服从正态分布,平均成绩为80分,标准差为5分。
3.2 解析根据正态分布的性质,均值加上标准差得到的分数对应的概率是大约0.841。

gre数学练习题及答案1. 集合问题:设集合A={1, 2, 3},集合B={2, 3, 4},求A∩B(A 与B的交集)。
2. 概率问题:一个袋子里有5个红球和3个蓝球,随机抽取一个球,抽到红球的概率是多少?3. 几何问题:一个直角三角形的两条直角边长分别为3和4,求斜边的长度。
4. 函数问题:给定函数f(x) = 2x + 3,求f(-1)的值。
5. 统计问题:一组数据的平均数是5,中位数是6,众数是7,求这组数据可能的值。
6. 百分比问题:如果一个商品的价格从100元上涨到120元,求价格上涨的百分比。
7. 代数问题:解方程2x - 3 = 7。
8. 面积问题:一个矩形的长是10厘米,宽是5厘米,求这个矩形的面积。
9. 速度问题:如果一个人以每小时5公里的速度行走,他需要多少时间才能走完20公里的距离。
10. 比率问题:如果3个苹果的重量等于2个橙子的重量,且一个苹果的重量是150克,求一个橙子的重量。
答案:1. A∩B = {2, 3}。
2. 概率 = 红球数量 / 总球数 = 5/8。
3. 斜边长度= √(3² + 4²) = √(9 + 16) = √25 = 5。
4. f(-1) = 2(-1) + 3 = -2 + 3 = 1。
5. 数据可能为:7, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1(满足平均数、中位数和众数的条件)。
6. 上涨百分比 = (新价格 - 原价格) / 原价格× 100% = (120 - 100) / 100 × 100% = 20%。
7. 2x - 3 = 7,解得 x = 5。
8. 面积 = 长× 宽= 10 × 5 = 50平方厘米。
9. 时间 = 距离 / 速度 = 20 / 5 = 4小时。
10. 3个苹果 = 2个橙子,即3 × 150克= 2 × 橙子重量,解得橙子重量 = 225克。

2) 红绿蓝 18:4:3 问不是绿球概率
答案: 相等
5、5个人站一排,Alice, Bruce要相邻,问有几种站法?
解析:4!2=163=48 解释:5人中有2人捆绑,先当做1个人看,这样就是4人排列顺序,也就是4!,然后这捆绑的2人实际上可以互换位置所以在当做4人排列的基础上乘以2倍)
7. k ,k是1到100整数,求能被20整除的概率和1比较。

新GRE数学几何常考练习题1.两条直线比斜率:一条x轴intercede 3,y轴intercede 4, 和一条x轴intercede 4,一个y轴intercede 3.解:slope1=(4-0)/(0-3)=-4/3 slop2=(3-0)/(0-4)=-3/4注意因为两条直线的斜率是负数, 后者斜率大一些.2.直线y+x=4, 与x^2+y=4交点的距离?解:meykey:根号2。
(very sure)4.一直线在X轴截距为a,Y轴上截距为b,问斜率是多少。
(-b/a)解:两点式:列出两点(a,0)(0,b),k=(b-0)/(0-a)=-b/a5.圆里头最长的线段是哪条?就是直径6.图中一三角形,X,,Z分别为两个角的外角,Y为第三个内角,问X+Z与180+Y的大小?解: Y+(180-X)+(180-Z)=180 (内角和为180)可退出Y+180= X+Z 所以相等7.钝角三角形,两短边为6,8,问其面积与24的大小。
解: (小)8.三角形三边为8,5,6,问5,6 夹角于90谁大?mykey:前者大.9.三角形三条边6,8,10.5,问6和8所对的两个角相加与90度比解:小于。
13.求y=-x+5与y=-x+4间最短距离解:此2直线应该平行,画图后知道,(5-4)~2=2*x~2, x=根号(1/2)或2分之根号214.直线y+x=4, 于x^2+y=4交点的距离?meykey:根号2.(条件不完整)15.在3X-Y 1/321.是最后一题:三个半径为10的圆互相相切,相切之后不是里面有一个类三角的部分吗,除开那个部分的周长不算,问外面的周长和50pi的比大小。

题目一:计算方程的解设方程2x + 5 = 15,求x的解。
将方程变形,得到2x = 15 - 5,进一步计算可得2x = 10。
最后,将方程化简为x = 10 / 2,即x = 5。
因此,方程2x + 5 = 15的解为x = 5。
解析:正方形的周长等于4条边的长度之和,因此设每条边长为x,则有4x = 24。
将方程化简可得x = 24 / 4,即x = 6。
正方形的面积等于边长的平方,因此面积为6 * 6 = 36 平方厘米。
因此,概率 = P(正正正) + P(正正反) + P(正反正)。
每一种可能性的概率为1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 = 1/8。

为了帮助考生更好地准备数学部分,以下是一些GRE数学部分的试题库及答案:1. 题目:如果x + 4 = 8,那么x的值是多少?答案:x = 42. 题目:如果12x = 36,那么x的值是多少?答案:x = 33. 题目:A、B、C三个人一起完成一项工作,A单独完成该工作需要5小时,B单独完成需要8小时,C单独完成需要10小时。
如果他们三个人一起工作,那么完成该工作需要多少小时?答案:A、B、C三个人一起工作的效率为1/5 + 1/8 + 1/10 = 37/40。
完成整个工作需要的时间为1 / (37/40) = 40/37小时。
4. 题目:本金为P的债券到期后,变为金额为A的债券,经过了n 年。
如果利率为r,那么本金P可以用以下公式计算:P = A / (1 + r)^n。
如果一笔本金为$5000的债券到期后变为$6500的债券,经过了5年,且利率为4%,那么最初的本金P是多少?答案:P = 6500 / (1 + 0.04)^5 = $5654.975. 题目:已知两条直线的斜率分别为m1和m2,那么这两条直线的夹角θ可以通过以下公式计算:θ = arctan((m2 - m1) / (1 + m1 * m2))。
如果直线1的斜率m1为1/2,直线2的斜率m2为2/3,那么这两条直线的夹角θ是多少?答案:θ = arctan((2/3 - 1/2) / (1 + 1/2 * 2/3)) = arctan(1/7) ≈ 8.13°以上是一些GRE数学部分试题库及答案的示例。
2024 GRE考试专题数学历年真题集锦

2024 GRE考试专题数学历年真题集锦GRE考试是对申请美国研究生院的学生进行综合能力测试的重要方式之一。
一、整数和1. 如果a和b都是正整数,且a + b = 8,那么a和b可能的取值有哪些?答案:(1, 7), (2, 6), (3, 5), (4, 4)2. 如果m和n都是正整数,且m - n = 14,那么m和n的最小公倍数是多少?答案:28二、几何1. 一根长为10英尺的绳子被剪成两段,使得其中一段的长度是另外一段的2倍。
答案:4英尺2. 一个半径为5的圆与一个半径为8的圆相切于一点,并且两个圆的圆心之间的距离为13。
答案:12三、代数1. 如果a是一个正整数,并且a^2 - 5a + 6 = 0,那么a的值是多少?答案:2或32. 设a、b、c是正整数,且满足a + b = c。
若a能被5整除,c能被9整除,那么b能被几整除?答案:4四、概率与统计1. 在一个有10个数字的集合中,每一个数字都是从1到10中随机选取的,那么从这个集合中选取一个数字,并且这个数字是偶数的概率是多少?答案:1/22. 一张标准扑克牌中红桃的数量为13,黑桃的数量为13。
从扑克牌中随机抽取一张牌,那么这张牌为红桃或黑桃的概率是多少?答案:26/52 = 1/2通过以上历年真题的集锦,考生可以更好地理解GRE数学部分的题目类型和解题思路。

首先计算f(4) =f(1+3) = f(1) + 9 = 7 + 9 = 16。
接着计算f(7) = f(4+3) = f(4) + 9 = 16 + 9 = 25。
最后计算f(10) = f(7+3) = f(7) + 9 = 25 + 9 = 34。
题目二:已知函数f(x)满足f(2x) = 4f(x) - 1,且f(1) = 2,求f(8)的值。
首先计算f(2) = 4f(1) - 1 = 4*2 - 1 = 7。
接下来计算f(4) = 4f(2) - 1 = 4*7 - 1 = 27。
最后计算f(8) = 4f(4) - 1 = 4*27 - 1 = 107。
第二部分:几何与概率题目三:在平面直角坐标系中,直线L1过点A(2, 5)且斜率为3,直线L2过点B(4, -1)且垂直于直线L1,求直线L2的方程。
通过点斜式得到直线L2的方程为y - (-1) = -1/3(x - 4)。
化简可得,y = -1/3x + 5/3。
题目四:设随机变量X服从正态分布N(3, 1),求P(X > 4)的值。
解析:根据正态分布性质,需要计算X > 4的概率。
首先计算标准化得分z = (4 - 3) / 1 = 1。

1.y=2x2+7x – 3x y2.The figure above shows the graph of a function f, defined by f(x)=|2x|+4 for all numbers x. For which of the following functions g defined for all numbers x does the graph of g intersect the graph of f ?A g(x) x–2B g(x) x 3C g(x) 2x – 2D g(x) 2x 3E g(x) 3x – 23.Each employee of a certain company is in either Department X or Department Y, and there are more than twice as many employees in Department X as in Department Y. The average (arithmetic mean) salaryis $25,000 for the employees in Department X and is $35,000 for the employees in Department Y. Which of the following amounts could be the average salary for all of the employees in the company?Indicate all such amounts.A $26,000B $28,000C $29,000D $30,000E $31,000F $32,000G $34,0004.Working alone at its constant rate, machine A produces k car parts in 10 minutes. Working alone at its constant rate, machine B produces k car partsin 15 minutes. How many minutes does it take machines A and B, working simultaneously at their respective constant rates, to produce k car parts?____________minutes5.1)If the dollar amount of sales at Store P was $800,000 for 2006, what was the dollar amount of sales at that store for 2008 ?A $727,200B $792,000C $800,000D $880,000E $968,0002)At Store T, the dollar amount of sales for 2007 was what percent of the dollar amount of sales for 2008 ?Give your answer to the nearest 0.1 percent.___________%3)Which of the following statements must be true?Indicate all such statements.A For 2008 the dollar amount of sales at Store R was greater than that at each of the other four stores.B The dollar amount of sales at Store S for 2008 was 22 percent lessthan that for 2006.C The dollar amount of sales at Store R for 2008 was more than 17 percent greater than that for 2006.6.A certain store sells two types of pens: one type for $2 per pen and the other type for $3 per pen. If a customer can spend up to $25 to buy pens at the store and there is no sales tax, what is the greatest number of pens the customer can buy?A 9B 10C 11D 12E 207.A list of numbers has a mean of 8 and a standard deviation of 2.5. If x is a number in the list that is 2 standard deviations above the mean, what is the value of x ?x=______8.Frequency Distribution for List XNumber 1 2 3 5Frequency 10 20 18 12Frequency Distribution for List YNumber 6 7 8 9Frequency 24 17 10 9List X and list Y each contain 60 numbers. Frequency distributions for each list are given above. The average (arithmetic mean) of the numbers in list X is 2.7, and the average of the numbers in list Y is 7.1. List Z contains 120 numbers: the 60 numbers in list X and the 60 numbers in list Y.Quantity A Quantity BThe average of the 120numbers in list Z The median of the 120 numbers in list Z 9.The figure above shows the graph of the function f in the xy-plane. What isthe value of f ( f (–1)) ?A –2B –1C 0D 1E 210.By weight, liquid A makes up 8 percent of solution R and 18 percent of solution S. If 3 grams of solution R are mixed with 7 grams of solution S, then liquid A accounts for what percent of the weight of the resulting solution?A 10%B 13%C 15%D 19%E 26%11.Of the 700 members of a certain organization, 120 are lawyers. Two members of the organization will be selected at random. Which of the following is closest to the probability that neither of the members selected will be a lawyer?A 0.5B 0.6C 0.7D 0.8E 0.912.Line k lies in the xy-plane. The x-intercept of line k is –4, and line k passes through the midpoint of the line segment whose endpoints are (2, 9) and (2, 0). What is the slope of line k ?Give your answer as a fraction._______13.In the course of an experiment, 95 measurements were recorded, and all of the measurements were integers. The 95 measurements were then grouped into 7 measurement intervals. The graph above shows the frequency distribution of the 95 measurements by measurement interval.Quantity A Quantity BThe average (arithmetic The median of the 95mean) of the 95 measurementsMeasurements14.The random variable X is normally distributed. The values 650 and 850 are at the 60th and 90th percentiles of the distribution of X, respectively.Quantity A Quantity BThe value at the 75th750percentile of thedistribution of X15.If 1+x+x2+x3=60, then the average (arithmetic mean) of x, x2, x3, andx4 is equal to which of the following?A 12xB 15xC 20xD 30xE 60x16.Parallelogram OPQR lies in the xy-plane, as shown in the figure above. The coordinates of point P are (2, 4) and the coordinates of point Q are (8, 6).What are the coordinates of point R ?A (3, 2)B (3, 3)C (4, 4)D (5, 2)E (6, 2)17.Let S be the set of all positive integers n such that n2 is a multiple of both24 and 108. Which of the following integers are divisors of every integer nin S ?Indicate all such integers.A 12B 24C 36D 7218.The range of the heights of the female students in a certain class is 13.2 inches, and the range of the heights of the male students in the class is 15.4inches.Which of the following statements individually provide(s) sufficient additional information to determine the range of the heights of all the students in the class? Indicate all such statements.A The tallest male student in the class is 5.8 inches taller than the tallest female student in the class.B The median height of the male students in the class is 1.1 inches greater than the median height of the female students in the class.C The average (arithmetic mean) height of the male students in the class is 4.6 inches greater than the average height of the female students in the class.19.A random variable Y is normally distributed with a mean of 200 and a standarddeviation of 10.Quantity A Quantity BThe probability of the event 1/6that the value of Y isgreater than 22020.In a graduating class of 236 students, 142 took algebra and 121 took chemistry. What is the greatest possible number of students that could have taken bothalgebra and chemistry?__________students21.The total amount that Mary paid for a book was equal to the price of the book plusa sales tax that was 4 percent of the price of the book. Mary paid for the book with a $10 bill and received the correct change, which was less than $3.00. Which of the following statements must be true?Indicate all such statements.A The price of the book was less than $9.50.B The price of the book was greater than $6.90.C The sales tax was less than $0.45.22.Which of the following statements individually provide(s) sufficient additional information to determine the area of triangle ABC above? Indicate all such statements.A DBC is an equilateral triangle.B ABD is an isosceles triangle.C The length of BC is equal to the length of AD.D The length of BC is 10.E The length of AD is 1023.The fabric needed to make 3 curtains sells for $8.00 per yard and can be purchased only by the full yard. If the length of fabric required for eachcurtain is 1.6 yards and all of the fabric is purchased as a single length,what is the total cost of the fabric that needs to be purchased for the 3curtains?A $40.00B $38.40C $24.00D $16.00E $12.8024.The fabric needed to make 3 curtains sells for $8.00 per yard and can bepurchased only by the full yard. If the length of fabric required for each curtain is 1.6 yards and all of the fabric is purchased as a single length,what is the total cost of the fabric that needs to be purchased for the 3 curtains?A $40.00B $38.40C $24.00D $16.00E $12.8025.In the xy-plane, the point with coordinates (–6, –7) is the center of circle C. The point with coordinates (–6, 5) lies inside C, and the point with coordinates (8, –7) lies outside C. If m is the radius of C and m is an integer, what is the value of m ?m =_____26.What is the least positive integer that is not a factor of 25! and is not a prime number?A 26B 28C 36D 56E 5827If 1 is expressed as a terminating decimal, how many nonzero digits1/[(211)(517)]will the decimal have?A OneB TwoC FourD SixE Eleven28.Eight hundred insects were weighed, and the resulting measurements, in milligrams, are summarized in the boxplot below.(a) What are the range, the three quartiles, and the interquartile range of the measurements?(b) If the 80th percentile of the measurements is 130 milligrams, about how many measurements are between 126 milligrams and 130 milligrams?29.The figure shows a normal distribution with mean m and standard deviation d, including approximate percents of the distribution corresponding to the six regions shown.Suppose the heights of a population of 3,000 adult penguins are approximately normally distributed with a mean of 65 centimeters and a standard deviation of 5 centimeters.(a) Approximately how many of the adult penguins are between 65 centimeters and 75 centimeters tall?(b) If an adult penguin is chosen at random from the population, approximately what is the probability that the penguin’s height will be less than 60 centimeters? Give your answer to the nearest 0.05机经题:8月5选11. 3个数的平均数是30,把这3个数翻倍之后也加在这个list中。

1. 题目:在平面直角坐标系中,两条直线l和m的斜率分别为3和-2,而y轴截距分别为4和-5。
- 答案:直线l和直线m的交点坐标为(3, 4)。
2. 题目:有一个等腰直角三角形,其中两条边的长度分别为5和5√2。
- 答案:三角形的斜边长度为5√3。
3. 题目:一个中装有30个红球和40个蓝球。
- 答案:取得红球的概率为3/7。
4. 题目:已知f(x) = 2x^2 + 3x + 1,求f(2)的值。
- 答案:f(2)的值为15。
5. 题目:若a + b = 7,且a^2 + b^2 = 29,求ab的值。
- 答案:ab的值为-6。

2023年GRE数学考试题目及解析(完整打印版)第一部分:数学基础1. 题目:求解方程给定方程:2x + 5 = 11,求解x的值。
解析:将方程重写为:2x = 11 - 5。
计算得出:2x = 6。
继续计算得出:x = 6 / 2。
最终解得:x = 3。
2. 题目:求解等差数列的和已知等差数列的首项为3,公差为2,共有10个项,求该等差数列的和。
解析:首先,可以使用公式求解等差数列的和:Sn = n/2 * [2a + (n-1)d]。
代入已知值:n = 10,a = 3,d = 2。
计算得出:Sn = 10/2 * [2*3 + (10-1)*2]。
继续计算得出:Sn = 5 * (6 + 18)。
最终解得:Sn = 120。
第二部分:几何图形3. 题目:计算三角形面积已知三角形的底边长为5,高为8,求三角形的面积。
解析:三角形的面积可以通过公式计算:A = 1/2 * 底边长 * 高。
代入已知值:底边长 = 5,高 = 8。
计算得出:A = 1/2 * 5 * 8。
最终解得:A = 20。
4. 题目:计算圆的周长已知圆的半径为4,求圆的周长。
解析:圆的周长可以通过公式计算:C = 2 * π * 半径。
代入已知值:半径 = 4,π取3.14。
计算得出:C = 2 * 3.14 * 4。
最终解得:C = 25.12。
第三部分:数据分析5. 题目:计算平均数已知一组数据为:5, 8, 6, 12, 9,求这组数据的平均数。
解析:计算平均数的公式为:平均数 = 数据总和 / 数据个数。
代入已知值:数据总和 = 5 + 8 + 6 + 12 + 9,数据个数 = 5。
计算得出:平均数 = (5 + 8 + 6 + 12 + 9) / 5。
最终解得:平均数 = 8。
6. 题目:计算中位数已知一组数据为:2, 5, 8, 11, 15,求这组数据的中位数。
解析:首先对数据进行排序:2, 5, 8, 11, 15。

首先,根据正弦函数的定义,sin(A)可以表示为对边除以斜边,即sin(A) = √3/2;然后,根据余弦函数的定义,cos(A)可以表示为邻边除以斜边,即cos(A) = 1/2;最后,根据正切函数的定义,tan(A)可以表示为对边除以邻边,即tan(A) = √3。
第二题:求解方程题目描述:解方程2x + 5 = 13。
首先,将方程两边减去5,得到2x = 8;然后,除以2,得到x = 4。
因此,方程的解为x = 4。
因此,斜边的长度可以通过计算√(3^2 + 4^2)来得到。
计算得到√(9 + 16),即斜边的长度为√25 = 5。
2024 GRE考试重点数学历年考题总结

2024 GRE考试重点数学历年考题总结GRE考试是许多留学生申请研究生院求学的重要考试之一。
1. 函数与方程 (Functions and Equations)本节主要包括了函数、方程和不等式的概念、性质和应用。
其中,以下题目为考试中的重点:a) 求解一次方程例题:解方程2x + 3 = 7解析:将常数项移项,并计算得出x的值为2。
b) 求解二次方程例题:求解方程x^2 + 3x - 4 = 0解析:使用因式分解或求根公式等方法,得出x的值为1或-4。
c) 求解不等式例题:求解不等式x + 2 < 5解析:将常数项移项,并计算得出x的值范围为(-∞, 3)。
2. 几何 (Geometry)本节主要包括了直线、角度、三角形和圆等几何形状的性质和应用。
其中,以下题目为考试中的重点:a) 直线与角度关系例题:若两条直线互相垂直,则它们的斜率之积等于多少?解析:两条直线互相垂直时,它们的斜率之积为-1。
b) 三角形面积计算例题:已知三角形的底边长为5,高为4,计算其面积。
c) 圆的性质例题:已知圆的半径为3,计算其面积和周长。
3. 数列与级数 (Sequences and Series)本节主要包括了数列和级数等数学概念和应用。
其中,以下题目为考试中的重点:a) 等差数列的求和例题:已知等差数列的首项为2,公差为3,求前5项的和。
b) 等比数列的求和例题:已知等比数列的首项为2,公比为3,求前4项的和。

gre考试数学真题及答案解析GRE考试数学真题及答案解析GRE(Graduate Record Examination)是全球范围内广为认可的研究生入学考试,包括数学、阅读和写作等多个科目。
首先,让我们来看一个典型的GRE数学真题:1. 如果x,y,z分别是正整数,满足xyz = 1001,那么最小的x + y + z是多少?首先,我们可以将1001分解质因数:1001 = 7 * 11 * 13。
因此,x + y + z的最小值即为 7 + 11 + 13 = 31。
接下来,让我们看一个复杂一些的例子:2. 在三角形ABC中,角A的度数为60度,边AC与直线y = 2x + 5相交于点C,边BC与直线y = -x + 1相交于点B。
根据AB的长度公式,我们有:AB² = (0-y)² + (0-(-y+1))²根据AC的长度公式,我们有:AC² = (0-x)² + (0-(2x+5))²根据BC的长度公式,我们有:BC² = (x-y)² + ((2x+5)-(-y+1))²然后,我们令三条边的长度分别为a,b和c,利用海伦公式和三角形面积的公式可以得到:s = (a + b + c) / 2面积S = √(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c))将面积S的值代入已知条件,我们可以解出a,b和c的值。
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一条x轴intercede 3,y轴intercede 4, 和一条x轴intercede 4,一个y轴intercede 3.
解:slope1=(4-0)/(0-3)=-4/3 slop2=(3-0)/(0-4)=-3/4
注意因为两条直线的斜率是负数, 后者斜率大一些.
2.直线y+x=4, 与x^2+y=4交点的距离?
(very sure)
解: Y+(180-X)+(180-Z)=180 (内角和为180)
可退出Y+180= X+Z 所以相等
解: (小)
8.三角形三边为8,5,6,问5,6 夹角于90谁大?
解:此2直线应该平行,画图后知道,(5-4)~2=2*x~2, x=根号(1/2)或2分之根号2
14.直线y+x=4, 于x^2+y=4交点的距离?
15.在3X-Y 1/3
(ets 老贼!!!!!)
解:每个部分的圆心角为360-60=300,所以,每个部分的长度为2*PI*10*(300/360)=(50/3)*PI,结果为 3*(50/3)*PI=50*PI =50*PI 所以选C。
23.一个长方形的长为X,宽为Y,对角线为12. 比较(X+Y)^2和144的大小.
(X+Y)^2=X^2+2XY+Y^2 = 144+ 2XY > 144
24.说有两根直线, K:X+Y=12 L:3X+2Y=72,然后定义一个什么POSITIVE INTEGER POINT,这种点的横坐标和纵坐标都是正整数。
25.四个点,A(-4,2),B(3,4),C(2,7),D(-1,-5),求ABCD 的面积 ?