复试计算机专业⽂献翻译数据挖掘(Data Mining)NO.1:In the current era of big data, the mining and analysis of massive data is particularly important. Data mining technology has been widely applied in the fields of media, finance, medical care, transportation and e-commerce.However, the complexity and diversity of big data and the particularity of the application of data mining technology in various industries have also put forward new theoretical and technical challenges in the field of data mining.NO.2:The era of big data for the data mining technology has brought more opportunities and problems, such as the big data content for more efficient data mining algorithm and the accumulation of large data more quickness requirement of real-time data mining algorithms, the complexity of the large data diversity requires more flexible data mining algorithm, the universality of big data in all walks of life to the particularity in the field of data mining algorithm, etc.This also presents a new demand for data mining.翻译NO1在⼤数据时代,⼤量数据的挖掘和分析变得⾮常重要。
文献翻译复试题及答案一、翻译题(共100分)1. 将下列英文文献段落翻译成中文(50分)Original Text:"In the realm of artificial intelligence, the concept of machine learning has become increasingly prominent. Machine learning is a subset of AI that allows systems to learn from data, identify patterns, and make decisions with minimal human intervention. The applications of machine learning are vast, ranging from simple tasks like email filtering to complex ones such as self-driving cars and medical diagnosis."Translation:在人工智能领域,机器学习的概念变得越来越突出。
2. 将下列中文文献段落翻译成英文(50分)Original Text:“随着大数据时代的到来,数据安全和隐私保护成为了公众关注的焦点。
”Translation:"With the advent of the big data era, data security andprivacy protection have become a focal point of public concern. The leakage of personal data can lead to serious consequences, including crimes such as identity theft and financial fraud. Therefore, the development of effective data protection technologies and the construction of a secure data processing environment are crucial for protecting individual privacy and maintaining social order."二、答案解析1. 英文段落的翻译需要注意专业术语的准确使用,如“machinele arning”翻译为“机器学习”,“AI”翻译为“人工智能”。
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Reprinted by World Book Publishing Corp. in 1992.Hickey, Leo. (ed.) The Pragmatics of Translation. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 1998. Hodges, J. C. & Whitten, M. E. Harbrace College Handbook. New York: Harbrace Jovanovich. 1982.Hopper, P. J. & Traugott, E. C. Grammaticalization. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press , Cambridge University Press. 2001.Kahn, J. E. The Right Word at the Right Time. London: TheReader’s Digest A ssociation. 1985. Kelly, Jeanne and Nathan K. Mao. Fortress Besieged. Indiana: Indiana Univ. Press. 1979. Landers, Clifford E. Literary Translation: A Practical Guide. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 2008.Lao, She. Camel Xiangzi. trans. Shi Xiaoqing. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press. 1981.Leech,G.N. Style in Fiction. New York: Longman. 1983.Li, C. N. & S. A.Thompson. Subject and topic: a new typology of language. In Charles N. Li (ed.) Subject and Topic. London/New York: Academic Press, 1976. 457-490.Newmark, Peter. 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After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.Swan, M. Practical English Usage. Oxford : Oxford University Press. 1980.Toury, Gideon. Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1995. Venuti, L. The Translator’s Invisibility. London & New York: Routledge. 1995.Wilss,W. The Science of Translation: Problems and Methods. Shanghai: Shanghai Language Education Press. 2001.Zeiger, A. Encyclopaedia of English. New York: Arco Publishing Company. 1978.四、学术期刊翻译相关论文举例爱泼斯坦、林戊荪、沈苏儒. 呼吁重视对外宣传中的外语工作. 中国翻译, 2000 (6).蔡春露. 论《木匠的哥特式古屋》叙述的别确定性. 外国文学研究, 2004 (4).蔡春露. 论悲剧《李尔王》中的意象. 辽宁师范大学学报, 2002 (4).丁衡祁. 对外宣传中的英语质量亟待提高. 中国翻译, 2002 (4).丁金国. 汉英对照研究中的理论原则. 外语教学与研究,1996 (3).范敏、陈天祥. 论汉语成语的英译. 山东外语教学,200 (5).封宗颖、邵志洪.英汉第三人称代词深层回指对照与翻译. 外语学刊,2004 (5).冯寿农. 翻译是“异化”, 或是“化异”? 法国研究, 2002 (2).傅似逸. 试论对外宣传材料英译“以语篇为中心”的原则. 外语与外语教学, 2001 (11).高健. 语言个性与翻译. 外国语,1999 (4).关坤英. 朱自清散文的朦胧美——从《荷塘月XXX》谈起. 北京师范大学学报,1987 (5).郭建中. 翻译中的文化因素:异化与归化. 外国语,1998 (2).郭建中. 汉语歇后语翻译的理论与实践. 中国翻译,1996 (2).韩庆果. “歇后语”一词的英译名及歇后语翻译初探. 外语与外语教学, 2002 (12).何兆熊. 英语人称代词使用中的语义模糊. 外国语. 1986 (4).侯维瑞. 文体研究和翻译. 外语教学与研究,1988 (3).胡密密. 从思维差异看汉英科技文体与科技论文的英译. 中国科技翻译. 2002 (3).胡兆云. 晚清以来Jury、Juror汉译考察与辨误. 外语与外语教学, 2009 (1).胡兆云. 柏拉图、黑格尔灵感论与文学翻译中灵感现象浅析. 外国语言文学, 2003 (3).胡兆云. 从康德的人类“共通感”看异化翻译法. 华南师范大学学报, 2003 (3).胡兆云. 华盛顿交还军权与还权对答翻译探索. 外国语言文学, 2005 (3).胡兆云. 克罗齐表现主义翻译观及其进展浅析. 外语与外语教学, 2003 (5).胡兆云. 论英语和汉语的词汇借用. 山东外语教学, 1998 (3).胡兆云. 论英语学习中的重要输入法—阅读. 山东大学学报, 2000 (增刊).胡兆云. 中英美四大政法文化词语系统与对应翻译策略. 外语与外语教学, 2005 (9).胡兆云. Administration与GoverXXXent文化语义辨析及其翻译. 外语与外语教学, 2006 (9).胡兆云. 自然语法与书本语法浅论. 山东大学学报, 1995 (3).黄爱华. 文学文体的语言特征及其运作. 浙江大学学报. 1996 (3).黄龙. 古诗文英译脞语. 南京师范大学学报. 1985 (3).黄友义. 坚持“外宣三贴近”原则,处理好外宣翻译中的难点咨询题. 中国翻译, 2004 (6).纪玉华. 帕尔默文化语言学理论的构建思路. 外国语, 2002 (2).江宛棣、闫昕霞. 翻译是“文化的翻译”——赵启正谈对外传播之中的翻译事业. 对外大传播, 2004 (10).金积令. 汉英词序对照研究——句法结构中的前端分量原则和末端分量原则. 外国语. 1998(1).李正栓. 文化背景与学习风格—中国语境下英语专业学生学习风格调查. 中国外语, 2007(2). 李正栓. 徐忠杰的翻译原则研析.外语与外语教学, 2005(10).李正栓. 唐诗宋词英译研究:比较与分析. 中国外语, 2005(3).李正栓. 实践、理论、比较:翻译教学的几个重要环节. 河北师范大学学报(教育版), 2003(4). 李正栓. 忠实对等:汉诗英译的一条重要原则. 外语与外语教学, 2004(8).李正栓. 汉诗英译中的忠实对等原则. 广东外语外贸大学学报, 2004(2).林大津. Meme的翻译. 外语学刊, 2008(10.林大津. 国外英汉对照修辞研究及其启发. 外语教学与研究. 1994 (3).凌云. 汉语类比造词初探. 语言教学与研究, 1999 (2).刘莉. 论法律文体翻译的准确性咨询题. 西南民族学院学报. 1999 (3).。
专业文献英语翻译复试专业英语复试题-1Mesocrystals(介晶) are a new class of nanostructured solid materials, which are most often made of crystallographically(晶向)oriented nanoparticles. Structural features, properties, and possible applications of mesocrystals are summarized in this paper. Due to their unique structural features and the resulting physical and physicochemical properties, mesocrystals are expected to play a significant role in improving the performance of materials in many applications. These are as diverse as heterogeneous photocatalysts, electrodes, optoelectronics, biomedical materials, hard templates, and lightweight structural materials.In the past 6 years, more and more attention has been paid to mesocrystalline materials. An increasing number of papers have been published in the literature. Most of these focused on the characterization of structures and the investigation of formation mechanisms. The results indicate that the structure and formation mechanism of a mesocrystal are related to the shape of the nanoparticle, colloidal stabilization, and vectorial long-range interaction potentials. Surface interaction between the nanoparticles plays a critical role during the formation process of a mesocrystal and may be responsible for the formation of external faces. The reason for the remarkably (almost perfectly in some cases) ordered alignment of nanoparticles is still poorly understood. Special emphasis has been placed on the different possible forces that may drive orientation and assembly between nanoparticles.专业英语复试题-2This work describes the real-time and quantitative analysis of calcium phosphate mineralization using a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) sensor and synthetic DNA templates. In typical mineralization studies, static end-point analysis and surface characterization is common, while real-time quantitation focusing on time of nucleation, nucleation rates, time of crystal growth, and growth rates has not been widely explored. A better understanding of these parameters in coordination with structural analysis could aid in the assessment of template molecules and could provide insight into biological and biomimetic mineralization. QCM is a dynamic, real-time analytical technique that can be generalized to a variety of minerals and can be integrated with widely used surface characterization techniques. As a template for mineralization, DNA has only recently been studied, although it has potential as an anionic polynucleotide with unique programmability and structural diversity in folding.专业英语复试题-3Living organisms are well known to exploit the material properties of amorphous and crystalline minerals when building a wide range of organic–inorganic hybrid materials for a variety of purposes, such as navigation, mechanical support, photonics, and protection of the soft parts of the body. The high level of control over the composition, structure, size, and morphology of biominerals results in materials of amazing complexity and fascinating properties that strongly contrast with those of geological minerals and often surpass those of synthetic analogues.[1] It is no surprise, then, that biominerals have intrigued scientists for many decades and served as a source of inspiration in the development of materials with highly controllable and specialized properties. In this Review we aim to provide an overview of the different nature-drawn strategies that have been applied to produce materials for biomedical, industrial, and technological applications. We will first illustrate the diversity of biogenic minerals and their overall properties, and describe the most general approaches used by organisms to produce such materials. We will then discuss several approaches inspired by the mechanisms of biomineralization in nature, and how they can be applied to the synthesis of functional and advanced materials such as bone implants, nanowires, semiconductors, and nanostructured silica. In the final section, we will discuss methods that are necessary to study and visualize the formation of synthetic materials in situ so as to better understand, control, and optimize their synthesis and properties.专业英语复试题-4Nanoparticles with dipole or magnetic moments will create local dipole/magnetic fields and can mutually attract each other in crystallographic register. The same is true for anisotropic particle polarization, where particle surfaces with equal polarizability attract each other by directed van der Waals forces. This concept requires the nucleation of a large number of nanoparticles of about the same size with the requirement of anisotropy along at least one crystallographic axis. This anisotropy can also be inherent to the crystal system as was observed for the case of amino acid crystals or might be induced by selective polyelectrolyte adsorption to expose highly charged faces simultaneously with their oppositely charged counterface. Amino acids are an ideal system for the study of mesocrystal formation since simple pH variation can vary the crystallization path between classical and nonclassical crystallization, the supersaturation, and crystallization speed as demonstrated for DL-alanine. Indeed, very recently, mesocrystals were also observed for the same system by precipitation in water–alcohol systems.。
复试时间现场确认时间:2018年11月8日上午9:30——11:30,下午14:00——16:00;复试内容(科目)复试分数线1. 政治(100分制):不低于当年国家分数线;2. 外语(100分制):作曲技术理论英语文献翻译方向不低于60分,其他方向不低于当年国家分数线;3. 业务课一(150分制):作曲、配器、复调、和声、作品分析、视唱练耳、作曲技术理论英语文献翻译、律学、戏曲作曲,各方向业务课一均为主科笔试,不低于120分。
4. 业务课二即技术(150分制):不低于90分;作曲、配器、复调、和声、作品分析、电子音乐作曲、电子音乐技术理论方向业务课二包含音乐基础理论四项,每项成绩占25%。
5. 初试总分(政治、外语、业务课一、业务课二之和):不低于当年国家分数线;在达到上述成绩要求的基础上,参照“拟录取名额分配方案”分配方式按初试总分高低排名,作曲、配器、复调、和声、作品分析、视唱练耳、作曲技术理论英语文献翻译、律学、戏曲作曲约按1:1.3比例确定入复试名单;电子音乐作曲、电子音乐技术理论约按1:2比例确定入复试名单;音乐录音艺术方向约按1:3比例确定入复试名单。
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广西大学英语笔译复试流程English:The process of the English translation written examination and interview at Guangxi University consists of several steps. First, candidates are required to submit their original transcript and proof of English proficiency, such as TOEFL or IELTS scores. Then, the written examination is conducted to test the candidates' language proficiency, translation skills, and knowledge of related fields. The exam typically includes multiple-choice questions, translation exercises, and essay writing. After the written examination, candidates who pass will proceed to the interview stage. In the interview, candidates are usually asked to translate a given text orally, demonstrate their language abilities, and answer questions related to translation theory and practice. The interview panel may also inquire about the candidates' motivation and goals in pursuing a career in translation. The interview plays a crucial role in assessing the candidates' overall language proficiency, translation competence, and communication skills. It provides an opportunity for the candidates to showcase their language proficiency and translation abilities in real-time. The final evaluation is based on acomprehensive assessment of the candidates' written examination performance and interview results. Successful candidates will be admitted to the English translation program at Guangxi University.中文翻译:广西大学英语笔译复试的流程包括多个步骤。
MTI复试常规问题1. 什么是MTI?MTI即为“翻译硕士”(Master of Translation and Interpreting),是一种研究生学位。
2. MTI复试的组成部分?MTI复试一般包括英语口试、翻译笔试和面试三个部分。
3. MTI复试需要准备哪些材料?•翻译作品:一般需要准备2-3篇翻译作品,要求涵盖不同领域和类型。
4. MTI复试口试部分都包括哪些内容?MTI复试口试部分一般包括以下内容:•自我介绍:需要提供基本个人信息和学习、工作背景等方面的介绍,同时突出自己的优势和特长。
5. MTI复试翻译部分都包括哪些内容?MTI复试翻译部分一般包括以下内容:•选材:要求申请者从提供的2-3篇文章中选择1篇进行翻译。
6. MTI复试面试部分都包括哪些内容?MTI复试面试部分主要考察申请者的跨文化传播能力、综合素质和个人品质等方面,主要包括以下内容:•个人情况:要求申请者介绍自己的个人情况和学习、工作经历等方面的情况。
真题内容如下:"Development of a novel nanostructured material for the efficient removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater"随着工业化的进程,重金属污染成为了环境保护的一个重要问题。
考研北大复试需经历多个环节,其中一个重要环节是英语口试,即MTI(Masters of Translation and Interpreting)口试。
一、questions about you and majorLearning1、why do you choose this major, MTI(Masters of Translation andInterpreting)? instead your original major为什么选择这个专业?而非大学专业2、what do you know about MTI(Masters of Translation andInterpreting)?你对MTI有什么了解?7.what is the difference between MA(master of arts)and MTI(master of translation)MA和MTI的区别8 why do you choose our university? 为什么选择南开3、do you have any real experiences in translation or interpreting? If so,what have you learned from them?有没有翻译经验?从中学到了什么?4、have you ever met any full-time interpreter?有没有见过全职翻译?5、please give us a brief introduction about the translation courses inyour collage, what have you learned from that?简要介绍大学里的翻译课程?你从中学到了什么?7、Do you think to be a translator or an interpreter is profitable?你觉得做翻译赚钱吗?8、what should a good interpreter be like? What kind of qualities shouldhe have? 好的口译译员是什么样的?应该具备什么样的素质?Be an extremely good listener.Interpreters need to pick up on every intent and every meaning.They must make sense of a message composed in one language while articulating the same message in another tongue.Have an extensive vocabulary of multiple languages.working in real-time, they can rarely consult a dictionary or reference materials.Be culturally aware.transform the words into a comparable statement that the target audience can understand. Cope with stress and self-control when dealing with difficult speakers.Not everyone speaks with precision and clarityaccents can be difficult to discern.Show emotional resilienceLegal and medical interpreters are often involved in cases that are difficult to witness, such as murder trials, emergency medical situations or even deaths.9 、what is the difference between translation and interpreting?口译和笔译的区别?The interpreter translates orally, while a translator interprets written text.The translator’s key ability to understand the source language and the culture of the country where the text originated, then using a good library of dictionaries and reference materials, to render that material clearly into the target languageAn interpreter, must be able to translate in both directions on the spot, without using dictionaries or other reference materials. Interpreters must have extraordinary listening abilities10、Have you encountered any problems in interpreting?口译时有没有遇到什么问题?11、In your mind, what is the ideal life for an interpreter?口译译员的理想生活是什么样的?12 if you are admitted by this university, what is your plan for next two years?如果录取,你研究生期间有什么计划?13、compared to other students, what is your strength? What is your weakness 你的优点是什么?优势缺点14 what is your thesis about?你的论文是关于什么的?15 do you know the history of interpretation? 口译的历史4.In history when do you think the interpreting is applicable?历史上你什么时候觉得口译有用?the identification of interpreting as a career was in 20th century1919 Paris peace conference1940s Nuremberg Trials——simultaneous interpreting16 do you know the type of interpretation? 口译的类型交替口译(alternating interpretation):译员同时以2种语言为交际双方进行轮回式口译。
英语笔译复试中文作文The art of translation is a complex and nuanced endeavor that requires a deep understanding of both the source and target languages as well as the cultural contexts in which they exist. One of the most challenging aspects of translation is the ability to accurately convey the meaning and tone of the original text while maintaining the natural flow and cadence of the target language. This is particularly true when translating between languages as vastly different as English and Chinese.The process of translating a Chinese text into English, or vice versa, involves not only a mastery of vocabulary and grammar but also a keen awareness of the subtle nuances and cultural references that permeate the language. Chinese, with its rich history and philosophical underpinnings, is often imbued with layers of meaning that can be difficult to capture in the more straightforward structure of English.One of the primary challenges in translating Chinese to English lies in the inherent differences in sentence structure and syntax. Chinese isa language that often relies on context and implication rather than explicit grammatical constructions, making it a challenge to convey the same meaning in the more linear structure of English. Translators must carefully navigate these differences, finding creative ways to preserve the essence of the original text while ensuring that the English version flows naturally and conveys the intended message.Another significant challenge is the translation of idioms, proverbs, and cultural references. Chinese is a language rich in such expressions, many of which have no direct equivalent in English. Translators must possess a deep understanding of both languages and cultures in order to find the most appropriate way to convey the meaning and impact of these linguistic gems.For example, the Chinese phrase "塞翁失马,焉知非福" (sài wēng shī mǎ, yān zhī fēi fú) literally translates to "The old man lost his horse, how do you know it's not a blessing?" This proverb, which speaks to the unpredictable nature of life and the potential for adversity to lead to unexpected blessings, has no direct equivalent in English. A skilled translator might render it as "Every cloud has a silver lining," or "What seems like a misfortune may turn out to be a blessing in disguise."In addition to the linguistic challenges, translators must also navigate the cultural differences that can influence the meaning andinterpretation of a text. Chinese culture, with its emphasis on harmony, context, and indirect communication, can be vastly different from the more individualistic and direct nature of Western cultures. Translators must be able to recognize and account for these cultural nuances, ensuring that the translated text not only conveys the literal meaning but also captures the underlying cultural significance.One of the key skills required for successful Chinese-to-English translation is the ability to strike a balance between literal and idiomatic translation. While a word-for-word translation may preserve the original wording, it can often result in a text that sounds stilted and unnatural in the target language. Conversely, a purely idiomatic translation may lose some of the unique flavor and character of the original text. The most effective translators are those who can seamlessly blend these two approaches, creating a translation that is both faithful to the source material and resonates with the target audience.This delicate balance is particularly important in the context of the Chinese-to-English translation exam, where aspiring translators are tested on their ability to accurately and eloquently convey the meaning of a Chinese text in English. The exam typically involves a variety of text types, from literary works to technical documents, each of which requires a different approach and set of skills.To succeed in this exam, candidates must not only possess a strong command of both languages but also a deep understanding of the cultural and contextual factors that shape the meaning and interpretation of the text. They must be able to analyze the source material, identify the key ideas and messages, and then craft an English translation that captures the essence of the original while adhering to the conventions and expectations of the target language.This requires a level of linguistic and cultural agility that can only be developed through extensive practice, exposure to a wide range of texts, and a genuine passion for the art of translation. Successful candidates must be able to think critically, problem-solve, and draw upon a wealth of knowledge and experience to navigate the challenges of the exam.Beyond the exam itself, the ability to translate effectively between Chinese and English has become increasingly valuable in today's globalized world. As economic, political, and cultural ties between China and the West continue to deepen, the demand for skilled translators has grown exponentially. From business negotiations and diplomatic communications to the translation of literary works and technical manuals, the ability to bridge the linguistic and cultural divide between these two languages is a highly sought-after skill.In conclusion, the Chinese-to-English translation exam is a testament to the complexity and importance of the translation process. It requires a deep understanding of both languages, a keen eye for cultural nuance, and a mastery of the art of conveying meaning across linguistic and cultural boundaries. For those who possess these skills, the rewards of a successful translation career can be immense, as they play a vital role in facilitating cross-cultural understanding and communication in an increasingly interconnected world.。
1、5A分子筛吸附分离溶剂油重组分中正己烷的试验研究Experimental study on the absorption and separation of n-hexanein solvent oil by 5A molecular sieve摘要: 采用5A分子筛吸附分离溶剂油中重组分得到高纯度正己烷。
考察不同厂家的5A 分子筛、吸附温度、空速等对吸附的影响。
结果表明,国药分子筛对溶剂油重组分中的正己烷有着更强的吸附作用和更大的饱和吸附量,吸附温度80 ℃、吸附空速3 h-1时效果最佳,吸余油中的正构烷烃含量显著减少,其异构烷烃含量不变,脱附液中正己烷含量超过99%。
Abstract:Using 5A molecular sieve absorbing and separating the high purity of n-hexane in solvent oil.The influence of 5A molecular sieve from different manufactures,adsorption temperature and velocity on adsorption were investigated.The results show that 5A molecular sieve from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co.,Ltd.has a strong absorption and greater amount of n-hexane,the biggest breakthrough capacity was obtained at 80 ℃and the velocity of 3 h-1.In conclusion,normal paraffin in the solvent oil increasingly decreased and isoparaffin content unchanged,and the content in the desorption liquid was more than 99% .2、邻苯二甲醛消毒液浓度快速检测试纸研究Study on a rapid test strip of o -phthalaldehyde concentration in disinfectants摘要目的为检测邻苯二甲醛( OPA) 消毒液中浓度是否满足使用要求,制备一种快速检测试纸。
英⽂写作翻译频道为⼤家整理的考研复试⾯试英⽂翻译,供⼤家参考:)⾃然科学理学 Natural Science 数学 Mathematics 基础数学 Fundamental Mathematics 计算数学 Computational Mathematics 概率论与数理统计 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 应⽤数学 Applied mathematics 运筹学与控制论 Operational Research and Cybernetics物理学 Physics 理论物理 Theoretical Physics 粒⼦物理与原⼦核物理 Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics 原⼦与分⼦物理Atomic and Molecular Physics 等离⼦体物理 Plasma Physics 凝聚态物理 Condensed Matter Physics 声学 Acoustics 光学Optics ⽆线电物理 Radio Physics化学 Chemistry ⽆机化学 Inorganic Chemistry 分析化学 Analytical Chemistry 有机化学 Organic Chemistry 物理化学(含化学物理) Physical Chemistry (including Chemical Physics)⾼分⼦化学与物理 Chemistry and Physics of Polymers天⽂学 Astronomy 天体物理 Astrophysics 天体测量与天体⼒学 Astrometry and Celestial Mechanics地理学 Geography ⾃然地理学 Physical Geography ⼈⽂地理学 Human Geography 地图学与地理信息系统 Cartography and Geographic Information System⼤⽓科学 Atmospheric Sciences ⽓象学 Meteorology ⼤⽓物理学与⼤⽓环境 Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment海洋科学 Marine Sciences 物理海洋学 Physical Oceanography 海洋化学 Marine Chemistry 海洋⽣理学 Marine Biology 海洋地质学 Marine Geology 地球物理学 Geophysics 固体地球物理学 Solid Earth Physics 空间物理学 Space Physics地质学 Geology 矿物学、岩⽯学、矿床学 Mineralogy, Petrology, Mineral Deposit Geology 地球化学 Geochemistry 古⽣物学与地层学(含古⼈类学) Paleontology and Stratigraphy (including Paleoanthropology) 构造地质学 Structural Geology 第四纪地质学 Quaternary Geology⽣物学 Biology 植物学 Botany 动物学 Zoology ⽣理学 Physiology ⽔⽣⽣物学 Hydrobiology 微⽣物学 Microbiology 神经⽣物学 Neurobiology 遗传学 Genetics 发育⽣物学 Developmental Biology 细胞⽣物学 Cell Biology ⽣物化学与分⼦⽣物学Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ⽣物物理学 Biophysics ⽣态学 Ecology系统科学 Systems Science 系统理论 Systems Theory 系统分析与集成 Systems Analysis and Integration 科学技术史 History of Science and Technology农业科学农学 Agriculture作物学 Crop Science 作物栽培学与耕作学 Crop Cultivation and Farming System 作物遗传育种学 Crop Genetics and Breeding 园艺学 Horticulture 果树学 Pomology 蔬菜学 Olericulture 茶学 Tea Science 农业资源利⽤学 Utilization Science of Agricultural Resources ⼟壤学 Soil Science 植物营养学 Plant Nutrition 植物保护学 Plant Protection 植物病理学 Plant Pathology 农业昆⾍与害⾍防治 Agricultural Entomology and Pest Control 农药学 Pesticide Science。
川师英语笔译复试写中文作文English: In the English translation exam of Sichuan Normal University for the postgraduate entrance interview, I believe that a proficient command of both languages, a deep understanding of the cultural context, and strong analytical skills are essential for successful interpretation. As an aspiring translator, I have honed my language skills through extensive reading, writing, and practice, allowing me to accurately convey the nuances and subtleties of the source text while maintaining the tone and style of the original. Additionally, my appreciation for different cultures and traditions enables me to interpret the text in a culturally sensitive manner, taking into account the background and context in which it was written. Moreover, my analytical skills help me to dissect the text, identify key themes and messages, and convey them effectively in the target language. Overall, I am confident in my ability to excel in the English translation exam and showcase my skills as a competent and reliable interpreter.中文翻译: 在四川师范大学研究生入学面试的英语笔译复试中,我认为流利的双语能力、对文化背景的深刻理解和强大的分析能力是成功进行翻译所必需的。
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Mesocrystals(介晶)are a new class of nanostructured solid materials, which are most often made of crystallographically(晶向)oriented nanoparticles. Structural features, properties, and possible applications of mesocrystals are summarized in this paper. Due to their unique structural features and the resulting physical and physicochemical properties, mesocrystals are expected to play a significant role in improving the performance of materials in many applications. These are as diverse as heterogeneous photocatalysts, electrodes, optoelectronics, biomedical materials, hard templates, and lightweight structural materials.In the past 6 years, more and more attention has been paid to mesocrystalline materials. An increasing number of papers have been published in the literature. Most of these focused on the characterization of structures and the investigation of formation mechanisms. The results indicate that the structure and formation mechanism of a mesocrystal are related to the shape of the nanoparticle, colloidal stabilization, and vectorial long-range interaction potentials. Surface interaction between the nanoparticles plays a critical role during the formation process of a mesocrystal and may be responsible for the formation of external faces. The reason for the remarkably (almost perfectly in some cases) ordered alignment of nanoparticles is still poorly understood. Special emphasis has been placed on the different possible forces that may drive orientation and assembly between nanoparticles.This work describes the real-time and quantitative analysis of calcium phosphate mineralization using a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) sensor and synthetic DNA templates. In typical mineralization studies, static end-point analysis and surface characterization is common, while real-time quantitation focusing on time of nucleation, nucleation rates, time of crystal growth, and growth rates has not been widely explored. A better understanding of these parameters in coordination with structural analysis could aid in the assessment of template molecules and could provide insight into biological and biomimetic mineralization. QCM is a dynamic, real-time analytical technique that can be generalized to a variety of minerals and can be integrated with widely used surface characterization techniques. As a template for mineralization, DNA has only recently been studied, although it has potential as an anionic polynucleotide with unique programmability and structural diversity in folding.Living organisms are well known to exploit the material properties of amorphous and crystalline minerals when building a wide range of organic–inorganic hybrid materials for a variety of purposes, such as navigation, mechanical support, photonics, and protection of the soft parts of the body. The high level of control over the composition, structure, size, and morphology of biominerals results in materials of amazing complexity and fascinating properties that strongly contrast with those of geological minerals and often surpass those of synthetic analogues.[1] It is no surprise, then, that biominerals have intrigued scientists for many decades and served as a source of inspiration in the development of materials with highly controllable and specialized properties. In this Review we aim to provide an overview of the different nature-drawn strategies that have been applied to produce materials for biomedical, industrial, and technological applications. We will first illustrate the diversity of biogenic minerals and their overall properties, and describe the most general approaches used by organisms to produce such materials. We will then discuss several approaches inspired by the mechanisms of biomineralization in nature, and how they can be applied to the synthesis of functional and advanced materials such as bone implants, nanowires, semiconductors, and nanostructured silica. In the final section, we will discuss methods that are necessary to study and visualize the formation of synthetic materials in situ so as to better understand, control, and optimize their synthesis and properties.Nanoparticles with dipole or magnetic moments will create local dipole/magnetic fields and can mutually attract each other in crystallographic register. The same is true for anisotropic particle polarization, where particle surfaces with equal polarizability attract each other by directed van der Waals forces. This concept requires the nucleation of a large number of nanoparticles of about the same size with the requirement of anisotropy along at least one crystallographic axis. This anisotropy can also be inherent to the crystal system as was observed for the case of amino acid crystals or might be induced by selective polyelectrolyte adsorption to expose highly charged faces simultaneously with their oppositely charged counterface. Amino acids are an ideal system for the study of mesocrystal formation since simple pH variation can vary the crystallization path between classical and nonclassical crystallization, the supersaturation, and crystallization speed as demonstrated for DL-alanine. Indeed, very recently, mesocrystals were also observed for the same system by precipitation in water–alcohol systems.。