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本系统采用jsp技术和sql server2000数据库,结合b/s 模式来开发。





关键字Jsp Sql Server2000 药品管理系统ABSTRACT The Design and Implementation of Medicine Management system realizes the information networking management which in the school student and teacher the

medical service reimburses,Strengthens in the school information sharing,Realization information resource fast gain, various class numbers according to a statistical analysis set of becoming an information based society work system.System hould meet the requirements of enterprise management to meet the needs of daily management and operation of the process to achieve an intuitive, convenient, practical and safety requirements. This system uses JSP technology and sql server2000 database,Unifies b/ s pattern to develop. The main realization users’,which includes students,terchers,the medical office staff information management,Drugs’information management, backup and restoration of the Database,Users’medical service reimbursing,Reimburses the detailed list inquiry and the printing. Through this set of system,May enhance the school medical office to reimburse the work the efficiency,Provides the service for the school becoming an information based society advancement. At the same time reduces the human factor, isadvantageous for the leadership to monopolize the overall situation,Causes the medical office the medical service to reimburse the data to achieve the unification the computer standardization. The system makes every effort to achieve provides the friendly man-machine contactsurface,Fully

draws close to the true environment,Operates easily,Easy to study easily to use,Safe is reliable. KeywordsJsp Sql Server2000 Medicine Management System 目录 1 前言1 1.1 开发背景1 1.2 国内外研究现状1 1.3 系统设计目标1 2 系统开发所采用的技术2 2.1 JSP介绍2 2.2 JavaScript简介2 2.3 开发工具介绍2 3 药品管理系统需求分析4 3.1 可行性分析4 3.1.1 操作可行性4 3.1.2 技术可行性4 3.1.3 经济可行性4 3.2 系统功能概述4 4 系统的总体设计5 4.1 系统的功能需求5 4.1.1 系统主要模块划分5 4.1.2 数据库管理模块功能5 4.2 系统的逻辑模型6 4.2.1 系统的页面逻辑结构6 4.3 数据库设计7 4.3.1 数据E-R图以及数据表7 5 系统详细设计与实现12 5.1 用户的登录与权限分配12 5.1.1 登陆页面详细信息12 5.1.2 学生、职工一级菜单详细信息13 5.1.3 管理员一级菜单详细信息14 5.1.4 管理员二级菜单详细信息15 5.2 药品详细信息管理子模块设计与实现15 5.2.1 显示药品详细信息15 5.2.2 药品详细信息的添加17 5.2.3 用户详细信息的添加18 5.2.4 药品详细信息的修改20 5.2.5 进入报销界面20 6 系统测试24 6.1 系统测试简述24 6.2 测试方法24 6.3 功能测试24 结论27 谢辞28 参考文献29 附录30 1 前言 1.1 开发背景如皋市第一中学是由江苏省教委批准的,全日制的高级中学,学校办学历史75年,为高等学府输送了一批批优秀毕业生。
