
Clustal:目前被最广泛应用的 MSA 方法
可在本地计算机运行 序列输入、输出格式
>sequence 1 ATTGCAGTTCGCA … … >sequence 2 ATAGCACATCGCA… … >sequence 3 ATGCCACTCCGCC… …
10 3 2 5
outgroup 外群、外围支
最大简约法 (maximum parsimony, MP) 距离法 选择建树方法(替代模型) (distance) 最大似然法 (maximum likelihood, ML) 贝叶斯法 (Bayesian inference) UPGMA
多序列比对的应用: •系统发育分析(phylogenetic analysis) •结构预测(structure prediction) •序列基序鉴定(sequence motif identification) •功能预测(function prediction) ClustalW/ClustalX:一种全局的多序列 比对程序,可以用来绘制亲缘树,分析进化 关系。 MEGA5——分子进化遗传分析软件
比对结果 “*”、“:”、“.” 和空格依次代表改位点的序列一致性由高到低

叶贝斯公式的原理及应用1. 叶贝斯公式的原理叶贝斯公式是一种统计学中常用的公式,用于计算在已知条件下发生某个事件的概率。
叶贝斯公式的数学表达为:P(A|B) = P(B|A) * P(A) / P(B)其中,P(A|B)表示在事件B发生的条件下事件A发生的概率,P(B|A)表示在事件A发生的条件下事件B发生的概率,P(A)和P(B)分别表示事件A和事件B的概率。
2. 叶贝斯公式的应用叶贝斯公式在实际应用中有着广泛的应用,下面列举了一些常见的应用场景。
2.1 文本分类叶贝斯公式在文本分类中有着重要的应用。
2.2 垃圾邮件过滤叶贝斯公式在垃圾邮件过滤中也被广泛应用。
2.3 医学诊断叶贝斯公式在医学诊断中也有着重要的应用。
2.4 信息检索叶贝斯公式在信息检索中也有着重要的应用。
3. 总结叶贝斯公式是一种重要的统计学公式,它基于贝叶斯定理,将先验概率与后验概率结合起来计算事件发生的概率。
Mrbayes 3.2 编译并行

How to download and compile the most recent version of MrBayes 3.2 (Mac and Unix) from the MrBayes svn repository on SourceForge1. If a Mac, open Terminal (located in Applications/Utilities). Then check that you have gcc installed by typing$ which gccThis should result in the directory location of your current copy of gcc, if you have one installed. If not, install one from the Developer Tools CD that came with your computer. Most Unix systems will already have gcc installed.2. Type (on one line):svn co https:///svnroot/mrbayes/trunk/src mrbayesYou should now get a number of files downloaded to your directory, in a folder named ”mrbayes”.3. Change to the mrbayes directory by typing:$ cd mrbayes4. Create the Makefile, which contains the instructions for the compiler (the ”make” command), by typing:$ ./configure5. Now compile the program by typing:$ makeIt will take a few minutes for the compiler to assemble the binary version of the program.6. Run the program by typing:$ ./mbYou may want to put the executable in your path. Consult a Unix savvy person on how to do this.Compiling and running the MPI version of MrBayes1. Download the source code and shift to the ”mrbayes” directory as described above.2. In step 4, use the following command to create the Makefile instead:$ ./configure --enable-mpi=yes3. Now compile the program by typing$ makeIt will take a few minutes for the compiler to assemble the binary version of the program. If the first entry on each line printed during the compilation step is ”mpicc”, you are compiling the parallel version. If it is ”gcc”, something went wrong during the configure step and you are compiling the serial version instead.If you have already compiled the serial version of the program in the same directory, you first need to remove the compiled objects by running$ make cleanThen you run the ”make” command as above. Note that the compiled program is going to be called ”mb” both for the serial and the parallel version, so the compilation of the parallel version will overwrite the serial version unless you rename or move the latter executable first.4. Run the parallel version of the program using the command$ mpirun -np 2 ./mbwhere 2 is the number of available processors or processor cores. The MrBayes header should say that you are running the parallel version and it should also give the number of processors (cores) available.5. In practical use, it is often convenient to run the MPI version of MrBayes in batch mode. For instance, you can prepare a Nexus batch file ”batch.nex”, which contains a MrBayes block. To use such a file and have the screen output written to the log file”log.txt”, use the command:$ mpirun -np 2 ./mb batch.nex > log.txt &You can now look into the end of the log file every now and then to see what the run is doing currently using$ tail log.txtIf you wish to continuously follow what is being printed to the log file, you can use$ tail -f log.txtThere are many other ways of running the MPI version of MrBayes. Clusters often come with special instructions on how to run mpi programs; they typically involve launching the MrBayes MPI runs through an appropriate script. Consult your supercomputer support for instructions.。

2,打开mega文件,选择click me to actrivate a data file导入文件——选择nucleotide sequences,点ok,yes.选inverterbrate mitochondrial,ok——选ta,选save:format选nexus(paup4.0),选interleaved output,ok——保存为1bayes.nex。
format gap=- matchchar=. datatype=DNA interleave;
在文件末尾加上begin mrbayes;
Lset Nst=6 Rates=gamma;
outgroup U91490;
outgroup AY210831;(可以变换外群或不设置外群)
begin characters;

Help <command>,单命令介绍,包括该命令当前状态。
如:help lset。
(依次输入命令,完成简单也最常用的分析):Execute filename.nex,打开待分析文件,文件必须和mrbayes程序在同一目录下。
Lset nst=6 rates=invgamma,该命令设置进化模型为with gamma-distributed rate variation across sites和a proportion of invariable sites的GTR模型。
mcmc ngen=10000 samplefreq=10,保证在后面的可能性分布中probability distribution至少取到1000个样品。
默认取样频率:every 100th generation。
如果分裂频率分支频率split frequencies的标准偏差standard deviation在100,000代generations以后低于0.01,当程序询问:“Continue the analysis?(yes/no)”,回答no;如果高于0.01,yes继续直到该值低于0.01。
sump burnin=250(在此为1000个样品,即任何相当于你取样的25%的值),参数总结summarize the parameter,程序会输出一个关于样品(sample)的替代模型参数的总结表,包括mean,mode和95 % credibility interval ofeach parameter,要保证所有参数PSRF(the potential scale reduction factor)的值接近1.0,如果不接近,分析时间要延长。
sumt burnin=250,总结树summarize tree。


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8 3 年 1 1月 5
口收 摘 〕
《 刘 相 辑幼 )
谬鸽券鸽鸽备鸽 类备拐 鸽鸽 占 鸽拐 鸽 器 器 必 备鸽类踢 鸽 备鸽务类鸽 备备拐类 鸽 妈 鸽备 备 鸽 类备 备踢备 备 券 鸽 鸽 茜吐 止 必 劝 曲 帅 拍 抢 耳 曰 拍 峪 止 飞 映 吸 抢 必 帅 目 1 峪 特 招 啥 招 珠 玲 玲 蜡 玲 水 尔 卜 歇 食 翻 水 取 ,,, 琳 取
吸 引管 与供 氧 管 之 间 的净 距为 2 5 0 毫
但 安装好 的吸 引管 也 要 求 吸引
当设 在同一 管 架 上时
管 架 间距不 得
否则 将影 响 吸 引效 果
管道 应远 离热 源 效果
因 受 热 后 也会 影 响吸 引 脓 痰液发
吸 引管 也须 进行 水 压试 验 骤 与供 氧管 相 同 进行 真 空 试 验
贝 叶斯
症 状与 能 产 生 这 些 症 状 的特 定 疾病联 系起来 作 相 关分析
法 则 使 医 生将 病人 的 多种信 息结合 起 来
( Ba y
e s
从理 论 上 说
此法 则 能 区 分 出的
法则 就是 其 中最 常用 方法 的
最 简 单的数 学
疾病 数 目 是 没 有 限制 的
。 。
步 再
并 将促 使 已 腐 化 的血

•1 贝叶斯统计方法
计问题的方法。贝叶斯统计方法不同于经典统计方法。经典统计方法只利用 两种信息:一是模型信息,二是样本信息。然而贝叶斯统计方法的核心是贝 叶斯公式。
%**********************对检验样本图片进行判别************************* % 利用所创建的朴素贝叶斯分类器对象ObjBayes,对检验样本图片进行判 别 pre1 = ObjBayes.predict(sampledata); % 查看判别结果 [samplegroup, pre1] % 第一列为真实组,第二列为判归的组
原 始 数 据 ---> 用 于 训 练 网 络 ---103组 数 据 ---实 际 延 误 率 0.3 0.2 0.1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 贝 叶 斯 网 络 训 练 结 果 ---预 测 延 误 率
0.3 0.2 0.1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
P Ai | B
P B | Ai P Ai
PB | Ai P Ai
i 1
事件B 的发生总是与 A1,A2 ,……, An 之一同时发生。
贝叶斯公式是在观察到事件 B 已经发生的条件下,寻找导致 B 发生的每个原因的 概率。
近年来,随着我国经济和居民生活水平的高速增长,中国民航目前正 处于快速发展的黄金时期。航班量增多、航班密度逐步加大,许多资源配 置的矛盾也日益凸显出来。空域、机场资源难以满足日益增长的航班量, 再辅以天气等诸多影响航班正常运行的因素,机场大面积航班延误难以避 免。为了提供较为可靠的航班延误分析,在一定程度上能为机场和航空公 司提供某种因素情况下的航班延误预警,为相关单位提前做好大面积航班 延误的准备工作提供参考,采用基于贝叶斯网络的数据预测算法。
BayesSampling 1.1.0 用户指南说明书

Package‘BayesSampling’October12,2022Type PackageTitle Bayes Linear Estimators for Finite PopulationVersion1.1.0Date2021-04-24Maintainer Pedro Soares Figueiredo<*********************>Description Allows the user to apply the Bayes Linear approach tofinite population with the Sim-ple Random Sampling-BLE_SRS()-andthe Stratified Simple Random Sampling design-BLE_SSRS()-(both without replacement),to the Ratio estimator(using auxiliaryinformation)-BLE_Ratio()-and to categorical data-BLE_Categorical().The Bayes linear estimation approach is applied to a general linear regression model forfi-nite population prediction in BLE_Reg()and it is also possible to achieve the design based estimators using vague prior distributions.Based on Gonçalves,K.C.M,Moura,F.A.S and Migon,H.S.(2014)<>.URL, https:///pedrosfig/BayesSamplingLicense GPL-3Encoding UTF-8LazyData trueRoxygenNote7.1.1Depends R(>=3.5)Imports MASS,Matrix,stats,matrixcalcSuggests knitr,rmarkdown,TeachingSamplingVignetteBuilder knitrLanguage en-USNeedsCompilation noAuthor Pedro Soares Figueiredo[aut,cre](<https:///0000-0003-2279-2881>),Kelly C.M.Gonçalves[aut,ths](<https:///0000-0002-4524-547X>)12BigCityRepository CRANDate/Publication2021-05-0119:00:02UTCR topics documented:BigCity (2)BLE_Categorical (3)BLE_Ratio (4)BLE_Reg (6)BLE_SRS (7)BLE_SSRS (9)C (10)create1 (11)E_beta (11)E_theta_Reg (12)T_Reg (12)VT_Reg (13)V_beta (13)V_theta_Reg (14)Index15 BigCity Full Person-level Population DatabaseDescriptionThis data set corresponds to some socioeconomic variables from150266people of a city in a par-ticular year.Usagedata(BigCity)FormatA data.frame with150266rows and12variables:HHID The identifier of the household.It corresponds to an alphanumeric sequence(four letters andfive digits).PersonID The identifier of the person within the household.NOTE it is not a unique identifier of a person for the whole population.It corresponds to an alphanumeric sequence(five letters and two digits).Stratum Households are located in geographic strata.There are119strata across the city.PSU Households are clustered in cartographic segments defined as primary sampling units(PSU).There are1664PSU and they are nested within strata.BLE_Categorical3Zone Segments clustered within strata can be located within urban or rural areas along the city.Sex Sex of the person.Income Per capita monthly income.Expenditure Per capita monthly expenditure.Employment A person’s employment status.Poverty This variable indicates whether the person is poor or not.It depends on income. Sourcehttps:///package=TeachingSamplingReferencesPackage‘TeachingSampling’;see BigCityBLE_Categorical Bayes Linear Method for Categorical DataDescriptionCreates the Bayes Linear Estimator for Categorical DataUsageBLE_Categorical(ys,n,N,m=NULL,rho=NULL)Argumentsys k-vector of sample proportion for each category.n sample size.N total size of the population.m k-vector with the prior proportion of each strata.If NULL,sample proportion for each strata will be used(non-informative prior).rho matrix with the prior correlation coefficients between two different units within categories.It must be a symmetric square matrix of dimension k(or k-1).IfNULL,non-informative prior will be used.ValueA list containing the following components:•est.prop-BLE for the sample proportion of each category•Vest.prop-Variance associated with the above•Vs.Matrix-Vs matrix,as defined by the BLE method(should be a positive-definite matrix)•R.Matrix-R matrix,as defined by the BLE method(should be a positive-definite matrix)Sourceçalves,K.C.M,Moura,F.A.S and Migon,H.S.(2014).Bayes Linear Estimation for Finite Pop-ulation with emphasis on categorical data.Survey Methodology,40,15-28.Examples#2categoriesys<-c(0.2614,0.7386)n<-153N<-15288m<-c(0.7,0.3)rho<-matrix(0.1,1)Estimator<-BLE_Categorical(ys,n,N,m,rho)Estimatorys<-c(0.2614,0.7386)n<-153N<-15288m<-c(0.7,0.3)rho<-matrix(0.5,1)Estimator<-BLE_Categorical(ys,n,N,m,rho)Estimator#3categoriesys<-c(0.2,0.5,0.3)n<-100N<-10000m<-c(0.4,0.1,0.5)mat<-c(0.4,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.2,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.6)rho<-matrix(mat,3,3)BLE_Ratio Ratio BLEDescriptionCreates the Bayes Linear Estimator for the Ratio"estimator"UsageBLE_Ratio(ys,xs,x_nots,m=NULL,v=NULL,sigma=NULL,n=NULL)Argumentsys vector of sample observations or sample mean(sigma and n parameters will be required in this case).xs vector with values for the auxiliary variable of the elements in the sample or sample mean.x_nots vector with values for the auxiliary variable of the elements not in the sample.m prior mean for the ratio between Y and X.If NULL,mean(ys)/mean(xs)will be used(non-informative prior).v prior variance of the ratio between Y and X(bigger than sigma^2).If NULL,it will tend to infinity(non-informative prior).sigma prior estimate of variability(standard deviation)of the ratio within the popula-tion.If NULL,sample variance of the ratio will be used.n sample size.Necessary only if ys and xs represent sample means(will not be used otherwise).ValueA list containing the following components:•est.beta-BLE of Beta•Vest.beta-Variance associated with the above•est.mean-BLE for each individual not in the sample•Vest.mean-Covariance matrix associated with the above•est.tot-BLE for the total•Vest.tot-Variance associated with the aboveSourceçalves,K.C.M,Moura,F.A.S and Migon,H.S.(2014).Bayes Linear Estimation for Finite Pop-ulation with emphasis on categorical data.Survey Methodology,40,15-28.Examplesys<-c(10,8,6)xs<-c(5,4,3.1)x_nots<-c(1,20,13,15,-5)m<-2.5v<-10sigma<-2Estimator<-BLE_Ratio(ys,xs,x_nots,m,v,sigma)Estimator6BLE_Reg #Same example but informing sample means and sample size instead of sample observations ys<-mean(c(10,8,6))xs<-mean(c(5,4,3.1))n<-3x_nots<-c(1,20,13,15,-5)m<-2.5v<-10sigma<-2Estimator<-BLE_Ratio(ys,xs,x_nots,m,v,sigma,n)EstimatorBLE_Reg General BLE caseDescriptionCalculates the Bayes Linear Estimator for Regression models(general case)UsageBLE_Reg(ys,xs,a,R,Vs,x_nots,V_nots)Argumentsys response variable of the samplexs explicative variable of the samplea vector of means from BetaR covariance matrix of BetaVs covariance of sample errorsx_nots values of X for the individuals not in the sampleV_nots covariance matrix of the individuals not in the sampleValueA list containing the following components:•est.beta-BLE of Beta•Vest.beta-Variance associated with the above•est.mean-BLE of each individual not in the sample•Vest.mean-Covariance matrix associated with the above•est.tot-BLE for the total•Vest.tot-Variance associated with the aboveSourceçalves,K.C.M,Moura,F.A.S and Migon,H.S.(2014).Bayes Linear Estimation for Finite Pop-ulation with emphasis on categorical data.Survey Methodology,40,15-28.Examplesxs<-matrix(c(1,1,1,1,2,3,5,0),nrow=4,ncol=2)ys<-c(12,17,28,2)x_nots<-matrix(c(1,1,1,0,1,4),nrow=3,ncol=2)a<-c(1.5,6)R<-matrix(c(10,2,2,10),nrow=2,ncol=2)Vs<-diag(c(1,1,1,1))V_nots<-diag(c(1,1,1))Estimator<-BLE_Reg(ys,xs,a,R,Vs,x_nots,V_nots)EstimatorBLE_SRS Simple Random Sample BLEDescriptionCreates the Bayes Linear Estimator for the Simple Random Sampling design(without replacement)UsageBLE_SRS(ys,N,m=NULL,v=NULL,sigma=NULL,n=NULL)Argumentsys vector of sample observations or sample mean(sigma and n parameters will be required in this case).N total size of the population.m prior mean.If NULL,sample mean will be used(non-informative prior).v prior variance of an element from the population(bigger than sigma^2).If NULL, it will tend to infinity(non-informative prior).sigma prior estimate of variability(standard deviation)within the population.If NULL, sample variance will be used.n sample size.Necessary only if ys represent sample mean(will not be used otherwise).ValueA list containing the following components:•est.beta-BLE of Beta(BLE for every individual)•Vest.beta-Variance associated with the above•est.mean-BLE for each individual not in the sample•Vest.mean-Covariance matrix associated with the above•est.tot-BLE for the total•Vest.tot-Variance associated with the aboveSourceçalves,K.C.M,Moura,F.A.S and Migon,H.S.(2014).Bayes Linear Estimation for Finite Pop-ulation with emphasis on categorical data.Survey Methodology,40,15-28.Examplesys<-c(5,6,8)N<-5m<-6v<-5sigma<-1Estimator<-BLE_SRS(ys,N,m,v,sigma)Estimator#Same example but informing sample mean and sample size instead of sample observations ys<-mean(c(5,6,8))N<-5n<-3m<-6v<-5sigma<-1Estimator<-BLE_SRS(ys,N,m,v,sigma,n)EstimatorBLE_SSRS Stratified Simple Random Sample BLEDescriptionCreates the Bayes Linear Estimator for the Stratified Simple Random Sampling design(without replacement)UsageBLE_SSRS(ys,h,N,m=NULL,v=NULL,sigma=NULL)Argumentsys vector of sample observations or sample mean for each strata(sigma parameter will be required in this case).h vector with number of observations in each strata.N vector with the total size of each strata.m vector with the prior mean of each strata.If NULL,sample mean for each strata will be used(non-informative prior).v vector with the prior variance of an element from each strata(bigger than sigma^2 for each strata).If NULL,it will tend to infinity(non-informative prior).sigma vector with the prior estimate of variability(standard deviation)within each strata of the population.If NULL,sample variance of each strata will be used. ValueA list containing the following components:•est.beta-BLE of Beta(BLE for the individuals in each strata)•Vest.beta-Variance associated with the above•est.mean-BLE for each individual not in the sample•Vest.mean-Covariance matrix associated with the above•est.tot-BLE for the total•Vest.tot-Variance associated with the aboveSourceçalves,K.C.M,Moura,F.A.S and Migon,H.S.(2014).Bayes Linear Estimation for Finite Pop-ulation with emphasis on categorical data.Survey Methodology,40,15-28.10C Examplesys<-c(2,-1,1.5,6,10,8,8)h<-c(3,2,2)N<-c(5,5,3)m<-c(0,9,8)v<-c(3,8,1)sigma<-c(1,2,0.5)Estimator<-BLE_SSRS(ys,h,N,m,v,sigma)Estimator#Same example but informing sample means instead of sample observationsy1<-mean(c(2,-1,1.5))y2<-mean(c(6,10))y3<-mean(c(8,8))ys<-c(y1,y2,y3)h<-c(3,2,2)N<-c(5,5,3)m<-c(0,9,8)v<-c(3,8,1)sigma<-c(1,2,0.5)Estimator<-BLE_SSRS(ys,h,N,m,v,sigma)EstimatorC calculates the C factorDescriptioncalculates the C factorUsageC(ys,xs,R,Vs)Argumentsys response variable of the samplexs explicative variable of the sampleR covariance matrix of BetaVs covariance of sample errorscreate111 create1creates vector of1’s to be used in the estimatorsDescriptioncreates vector of1’s to be used in the estimatorsUsagecreate1(y)Argumentsy sample matrixValuevector of1’s with size equal to the number of observations in the sampleE_beta calculates the BLE for BetaDescriptioncalculates the BLE for BetaUsageE_beta(ys,xs,a,R,Vs)Argumentsys response variable of the samplexs explicative variable of the samplea vector of means from BetaR covariance matrix of BetaVs covariance of sample errors12T_Reg E_theta_Reg calculates the BLE for the individuals not in the sampleDescriptioncalculates the BLE for the individuals not in the sampleUsageE_theta_Reg(ys,xs,a,R,Vs,x_nots)Argumentsys response variable of the samplexs explicative variable of the samplea vector of means from BetaR covariance matrix of BetaVs covariance of sample errorsx_nots values of X for the individuals not in the sampleT_Reg calculates BLE for the total TDescriptioncalculates BLE for the total TUsageT_Reg(ys,xs,a,R,Vs,x_nots)Argumentsys response variable of the samplexs explicative variable of the samplea vector of means from BetaR covariance matrix of BetaVs covariance of sample errorsx_nots values of X for the individuals not in the sampleVT_Reg13 VT_Reg calculates risk matrix associated with the BLE for for the total TDescriptioncalculates risk matrix associated with the BLE for for the total TUsageVT_Reg(ys,xs,a,R,Vs,x_nots,V_nots)Argumentsys response variable of the samplexs explicative variable of the samplea vector of means from BetaR covariance matrix of BetaVs covariance of sample errorsx_nots values of X for the individuals not in the sampleV_nots covariance matrix of the individuals not in the sampleV_beta calculates the risk matrix associated with the BLE for BetaDescriptioncalculates the risk matrix associated with the BLE for BetaUsageV_beta(ys,xs,R,Vs)Argumentsys response variable of the samplexs explicative variable of the sampleR covariance matrix of BetaVs covariance of sample errors14V_theta_Reg V_theta_Reg calculates the risk matrix associated with the BLE for the individualsnot in the sampleDescriptioncalculates the risk matrix associated with the BLE for the individuals not in the sampleUsageV_theta_Reg(ys,xs,R,Vs,x_nots,V_nots)Argumentsys response variable of the samplexs explicative variable of the sampleR covariance matrix of BetaVs covariance of sample errorsx_nots values of X for the individuals not in the sampleV_nots covariance matrix of the individuals not in the sampleIndex∗datasetsBigCity,2BigCity,2,3BLE_Categorical,3BLE_Ratio,4BLE_Reg,6BLE_SRS,7BLE_SSRS,9C,10create1,11E_beta,11E_theta_Reg,12T_Reg,12V_beta,13V_theta_Reg,14VT_Reg,1315。

图11.在DOS下依次输入如下命令:exe *.nex其中*为要输入的文件名,文件需转化为.nex格式。
打开后会显示“Successfully read matrix”“Exiting data block”和“Reached end of file”。
2.如完成上步,输入下面命令,其中lset nst=?,数字为建模后得到的,如果建模后所得到的partition = 012012,两两相同则为2,如果partition = 000000,全一样则为1,如果partition = 012345,全不同则为6。
lset nst=2(hky)rates=invgamma3.成功后输入下一步:其中代表文件中外群样本的编号。
outgroup /4、成功后输入下一步,回车后如果文件夹中存在相同文件名则需要将相同文件替换掉,输入Y后回车。
mcmc ngen=1000000 samplefre=105、当要求的代数已经运行完毕,窗口会提示询问是否继续运行,如果回答yes,会要求输入继续运行的代数。
在回答之前,我们一般要先检查the average standard deviation of split frequencies的值,该值代表两个独立分析当前的相似性程度,越接近0越好,如果数值小于0.01则终止运行(一般在0.01-0.05之间即可),但决不能大于0.1,否则继续加10万运行。
sump burnin=25000(注:这里的burnin为buRnin,而不是buMin)6.这时会出现mybayes,输入下一步。

An In troduction to the O pera tion M ethod of Phylogenetic Ana lysis Program M rBayes 3. 1 W ANG Y ong et a l ( School of Food and B iological Engineering, J iangsu University, Zhenjiang, J iangsu 212013) Abstract After giving a brief introduction to the characteristics of M rBayes 3. 1 p rogram and the p reparation of Nexus files, the basic operat2 ing methods of M rBayes 3. 1 p rogram were introduced by taking common DNA sequences, common p rotein sequences, DNA sequences with coding regions, mRNA sequences and m ixed data file as examp les. This article p rovided an operating guidance for p rimary users to run the p rogram correctly. Meanwhile, it constituted the necessary p reparatory operations for further study and mastery of specific app lications of the p rogram. Key words Phylogenetic analysis; Bayesian inference; M rBayes 3. 1; Operating method

2. 用modeltest3.7软件分析模型参数。
3. 打开mrbayes软件,文件输入。
命令:>execute 文件名.nex4. 设置参数,模型(上面modeltest3.7软件分析模型参数)。
命令:>lset nst=6/2 rates =gamma/invgamma/propinv,若要检查模型的参数,输入命令showmodel。
若设定lset nst=2,需输入命令report tratio=dirichlet。
3.1 >mcmc ngen=100000(1000000) (samplefreq=10(100)),注意:代数可以先设为10000,以便估计时间的长短。
>help mcmc来确认设置。
3.2 运行结束前,标准误差要小于0.01,否则增加代数,继续运行4.1 >sump burnin=250(2500);抽样的25%划为老化样本,舍去。
4.2 >sumt burnin=250(2500),输出所得的进化树,可用treeview打开.Modeltest 3.7基本操作步骤(中文)Moedltest是进行似然法计算必须的软件之一,它可以帮助大家为所获数据选择最佳的模型进行计算,得到最优的结果。
目前该软件的这里介绍一下Modeltest3.7的基本操作步骤:1. 下载Modeltest3.7软件和模型文件modelblockPAUPb10.txt;2. 将序列同源排序后保存为XXX.nex文件;全部拷贝到C盘。
3. 打开模型文件,将文件内容拷贝到XXX.nex文件的末尾,可以将该文件另存为XXX.test.model.nex,保留原来的*.nex文件;;4. 打开PAUP4.0应用程序,将XXX.test.model.nex文件拖入PAUP窗口,然后在命令行输入:execute XXX.test.model.nex,回车后PAUP就开始对数据进行模型估计,结果将保存为model.scores文件和modelfit两个文件,文件位于PAUP4.0软件的文件夹中;5. 将model.scores文件拷贝到所在的文件夹中。

使用贝叶斯方法构建系统发育树—MrBayesmrBayes需要的比对文件格式为:nex,可以在比对是选择输出此种文件格式mtBayes可以在命令提示符里面运行在CMD里面输入mrBayes,出现如下界面在界面内输入 exe file(或者execute file,其中file为序列文件名),得到如下界面如果没有错误,则说明数据文件格式是正确的。
设置替换模型参数可以使用help lset查看lset设置的参数Nucmodel: 指的是核酸的类型。
1 是JC69模型,即单参数模型。
Code: 指的是密码子编码的规律。
如果是推测线粒体内的基因,需要使用Metmt,叶绿体则需要使用MycoplasmaPloidy: 物种是单倍体还是二倍体。
使用lset Nst=6 Rate=gamma类似命令设置参数。
设置模型的相关先验信息使用help prset查看相关参数及其说明一般情况下,需要关注的参数有:Tratiopr:指定转换和颠换的比例。

实验3 用贝叶斯方法重建基因进化历史传统的系统进化学研究一般采用的要么是表型的数据,要么是化石的证据。
常规的做法一般都是利用某一个或者几个基因来构建物种树(species tree),但是一个基因的进化史能不能完全代表所有被研究物种的进化史呢?这是非常值得讨论的问题,但这不是我们本次实验的重点,在这里就不多赘述了。
所以,我们这里所指的进化树如非特别说明,指的都是基因树(gene tree)。
经典的研究系统进化的方法主要有距离法、最大简约法(maximum parsimony,MP)、最大似然法(maximum likelihood,ML)等等。
Bayes模型将模型参数视作随机变量(r.v.),并在不考虑序列的同时为参数假设先验分布(prior distribution)。
根据Bayes定理,可以不断对参数进行改进:f(θ|D)=f(D|θ)f(θ)f(D)(1) 其中f(θ|D)为后验概率分布(posterior probability distribution),而f(θ)是先验概率分布(prior probability distribution),而f(D|θ)为似然值。

常规的做法一般都是利用某一个或者几个基因来构建物种树(species tree),但是一个基因的进化史能不能完全代表所有被研究物种的进化史呢?这是非常值得讨论的问题,但这不是我们本次实验的重点,在这里就不多赘述了。
所以,我们这里所指的进化树如非特别说明,指的都是基因树(gene tree)。
经典的研究系统进化的方法主要有距离法、最大简约法(maximum parsimony,MP)、最大似然法(maximum likelihood,ML)等等。
Bayes模型将模型参数视作随机变量(r.v.),并在不考虑序列的同时为参数假设先验分布(prior distribution)。
根据Bayes定理,可以不断对参数进行改进:f(θ|D)=f(D|θ)f(θ)f(D)(1) 其中f(θ|D)为后验概率分布(posterior probability distribution),而f(θ)是先验概率分布(prior probability distribution),而f(D|θ)为似然值。
系统发生分析程序MrBayes 3.1使用方法介绍

系统发生分析程序MrBayes 3.1使用方法介绍
【摘要】在介绍MrBayes 3.1程序基本特点以及Nexus文件准备的基础上,选取普通DNA序列、普通蛋白质序列、含编码区域的DNA序列、mRNA序列以及混合型数据文件为例分别介绍了MrBayes 3.1程序的基本使用方法,为初学者正确使用该程序提供了操作指南,同时为深入学习与掌握该程序的特殊用途打好基础.【总页数】5页(P16665-16669)
1.系统发生分析软件PAUP和TreePuzzle使用方法介绍 [J], 王勇;陈克平;姚勤
2.管道应力分析程序使用的深入探讨 [J], 文渊;
3.使用电力系统分析程序对励磁参数的整定 [J], 王琳;翟晓佳
4.管道应力分析程序使用的深入探讨 [J], 文渊
5.MrBayes分子钟定年之程序 [J], 张驰

默认状态下, bayes会同时 运行两个(Nruns=2) 完全独立的 但由不同的随机树 开始的分析。
四条链之间的交换频率 在0.1-0.8之间,认为是 合理的,则进行下一项。
图看起来很平稳,没有上升或者下降的趋势。 如果有任何上升或者下降的趋势,可能需要延长分析时间以获得充分的后掩盖率分布取样。
Statefreqpr:该 参数用于指定状态 频率的先验分布概 率。
Shapepr:该参数用 于指定位点间速率变 异的gamma形状参 数的先验概率。
Privarpr:该参数用 于设置不变位点速率。
Ngen:设置分析要 跑的代数。
Samplefreq:对链取 样的频率。默认状态下, 每第100代,对链取样 一次。如果分析量较小, 我们也许想尽快使其收 敛,可设置为每10代 取样一次。
用于指定DNA 模型的一般类型
用于设置替换类 型数
用于设置位点间 速率变异模型
Revmatpr:该参 数用于设置核酸数 据GTR模型的替换 率的先验概率。
当要求的代数已经运行完毕,窗口会提示询问是否继续运行,如果回 答yes,会要求输入继续运行的代数。在回答之前,我们一般要先检查 the average standard deviation of split frequencies的值,该值 代表两个独立分析当前的相似性程度,越接近0越好。
mrregression 1.0.0 产品说明说明书

Package‘mrregression’October13,2022Type PackageTitle Regression Analysis for Very Large Data Sets via Merge andReduceVersion1.0.0Author Esther Denecke[aut],Leo N.Geppert[aut,cre],Steffen Maletz[ctb],R Core Team[ctb]Maintainer Leo N.Geppert<******************************.de>Description Frequentist and Bayesian linear regression for large data efulwhen the data does notfit into memory(for both frequentist and Bayesian regression),to make running time manageable(mainly for Bayesian regression),and to reducethe total running time because of reduced or less severe memory-spillover intothe virtual memory.This is an implementation of Merge&Reduce for linear regressionas described in Geppert,L.N.,Ickstadt,K.,Munteanu,A.,&Sohler,C.(2020).'Streaming statistical models via Merge&Reduce'.International Journal ofData Science and Analytics,1-17,<doi:10.1007/s41060-020-00226-0>.Depends R(>=4.0.0),Rcpp(>=1.0.5),License GPL-2|GPL-3Encoding UTF-8LazyData trueRoxygenNote7.1.1Suggests testthat(>=2.3.2),Imports data.table(>=1.12.8),Enhances rstan(>=2.19.3),NeedsCompilation noRepository CRANDate/Publication2020-09-2208:20:02UTCR topics documented:exampleData (2)1mrbayes (2)mrfrequentist (5)mrregression (8)Index10 exampleData Simulated Example DataDescriptionSimulated data set with1500observations for illustrational purposes.UsageexampleDataFormatA data frame with1500rows and11variables where V1-V10are the predictors and V11is thedependent variable.mrbayes Bayesian linear regression using Merge and ReduceDescriptionmrbayes is used to conduct Bayesian linear regression on very large data sets using Merge and Reduce as described in Geppert et al.(2020).Package rstan needs to be installed.When calling the function this is checked using requireNamespace as suggested by Hadley Wickham in"R packages"(section Dependencies,/description.html,accessed2020-07-31).Usagemrbayes(y,intercept=TRUE,fileMr=NULL,dataMr=NULL,obsPerBlock,dataStan=NULL,sep="auto",dec=".",header=TRUE,naStrings="NA",colNames=NULL,,...)Argumentsy(character)Column name of the dependent variable.intercept(logical)Argument specifying whether the model should have an intercept term or not.Defaults to TRUE.fileMr(character)The name of afile,including thefilepath,to be read in blockwise.Either fileMror dataMr needs to be specified.When using this argument,the arguments sep,dec,header,naStrings,colNames(as in fread)are of relevance.Furtheroptions from fread are currently not supported.Also note that defaults mightdiffer.In case the data to be read in has row names,note that these will be readin as regular column.This may need special treatment.dataMr(data.frame)The data to be used for the regression analysis.Either fileMr or dataMr needsto be specified.Note that the arguments sep,dec,header,naStrings,andcolNames are ignored when dataMr is specified.obsPerBlock(numeric)Value specifying the number of observations in each block.This number hasto be larger than the number of regression coefficients.Moreover,the recom-mended ratio of observations per regression coefficient is larger than25(Gep-pert et al.,2020).Note that the last block may contain less observations thanspecified depending on the sample size.If the number of observations in thislast block is too small it is not included in the model and a warning is issued.dataStan(list)Optional argument.This argument is equivalent to the argument data in stan.If not specified the default dataStan,which makes use of all predictors is used.See section Details for the default dataStan and further notes on the syntax tobe used when specifiying this argument.sep See documentation of fread.Default is"auto".Ignored when dataMr is speci-fied.dec See documentation of fread.Default is".".Ignored when dataMr is specified.header(logical)See documentation of fread.Defaults to TRUE.Ignored when dataMr is speci-fied.If header is set to FALSE and no colNames are given,then column namesdefault to"V"followed by the column number.naStrings(character)Optional argument.See argument na.strings of fread.Default is"NA".Ignoredwhen dataMr is specified and optional when fileMr is used.colNames(character vector)Same as argument s of fread.Ignored when dataMr is specified andoptional when fileMr is used.naAction(function)Action to be taken when missing values are present in the data.Currently is supported....Further optional arguments to be passed on to stan,especially pars and argu-ments that control the behaviour of the sampling in rstan such as chains,iter,warmup,and thin.Please refer to rstan.ValueReturns an object of class"mrbayes"which is a list containing the following components:level Number of level of thefinal model in Merge and Reduce.This is equal to log2(numberObs/obsPerBlock) +1and corresponds to the number of buck-ets in Figure1of Geppert et al.(2020).numberObs The total number of observations.summaryStats Summary statistics including the mean,median,quartiles,2.5%and97.5% quantiles of the posterior distributions for each regression coefficient and theerror term’s standard deviation sigma.diagnostics Effective sample size(n_eff)and potential scale reduction factor on split chains (Rhat)calculated from the output of summary,stanfit-method.Note that,usingMerge and Reduce,for each regression coefficient only one value is reported:For n_eff the minimum observed value on level1is reported and for Rhat themaximum observed value on level1is reported.modelCode The model.Syntax as in argument model_code of stan.dataHead First six rows of the data in thefirst block.This serves as a sanity check,espe-cially when using the argument fileMr.DetailsCode of default dataStan makes use of all predictors:dataStan=list(n=nrow(currentBlock),d=(ncol(currentBlock)-1),X=currentBlock[,-colNumY],y=currentBlock[,colNumY])where currentBlock is the current block of data to be evaluated,n the number of observations,d the number of variables(without intercept),X contains the predictors,and y the dependent variable.colNumY is the column number of the dependent variable that the functionfinds internally.When specifying the argument dataStan,note two things:1.Please use the syntax of the default dataStan,i.e.the object containing the data of theblock to be evaluated is called currentBlock,the number of observations must be set to n= nrow(currentBlock),d needs to be set to the number of variables without intercept,the dependent variable must be named y,and the independent variables must be named X.2.The expressions within the list must be unevaluated:Therefore,use the function quote.ReferencesGeppert,L.N.,Ickstadt,K.,Munteanu,A.,&Sohler,C.(2020).Streaming statistical models via Merge&Reduce.International Journal of Data Science and Analytics,1-17,doi:https:///10.1007/s41060-020-00226-0Examples#Package rstan needs to be installed for running this example.if(requireNamespace("rstan",quietly=TRUE)){n=2000p=4set.seed(34)x1=rnorm(n,10,2)x2=rnorm(n,5,3)x3=rnorm(n,-2,1)x4=rnorm(n,0,5)y=2.4-0.6*x1+5.5*x2-7.2*x3+5.7*x4+rnorm(n)data=data.frame(x1,x2,x3,x4,y)normalmodell=data{int<lower=0>n;int<lower=0>d;matrix[n,d]X;//predictor matrixvector[n]y;//outcome vector}parameters{real alpha;//interceptvector[d]beta;//coefficients for predictorsreal<lower=0>sigma;//error scale}model{y~normal(alpha+X*beta,sigma);//likelihood}datas=list(n=nrow(data),d=ncol(data)-1,y=data[,dim(data)[2]],X=data[,1:(dim(data)[2]-1)]) fit0=rstan::stan(model_code=normalmodell,data=datas,chains=4,iter=1000) fit1=mrbayes(dataMr=data,obsPerBlock=500,y= y )}mrfrequentist Fitting frequentist linear models using Merge and ReduceDescriptionmrfrequentist is used to conduct frequentist linear regression on very large data sets using Merge and Reduce as described in Geppert et al.(2020).Usagemrfrequentist(formula,fileMr=NULL,dataMr=NULL,obsPerBlock,approach=c("1","3"),sep="auto",dec=".",header=TRUE,naStrings="NA",colNames=NULL, formula.Note that mrfrequentist currently supports numeric predictorsonly.fileMr(character)The name of afile,including thefilepath,to be read in blockwise.Either fileMror dataMr needs to be specified.When using this argument,the arguments sep,dec,header,naStrings,colNames(as in fread)are of relevance.Furtheroptions from fread are currently not supported.Also note that defaults mightdiffer.In case the data to be read in has row names,note that these will be readin as regular column.This may need special treatment.dataMr(data.frame)The data to be used for the regression analysis.Either fileMr or dataMr needsto be specified.Note that the arguments sep,dec,header,naStrings,andcolNames are ignored when dataMr is specified.obsPerBlock(numeric)Value specifying the number of observations in each block.This number has tobe larger than the number of regression coefficients.Moreover,for approach1the recommended ratio of observations per regression coefficient is larger than25(Geppert et al.,2020).Note that the last block may contain less observationsthan specified depending on the sample size.If the number of observations inthis last block is too small it is not included in the model and a warning is issued.approach(character)Approach specifying the merge technique.One of either"1"or"3".Approach"1"is based on a weighted mean procedure whereas approach"3"is an exactmethod based on blockwise calculations of X’X,y’X and y’y.See Geppert etal.(2020)for details on the approaches and section Details below for commentson approach"3".sep See documentation of fread.Default is"auto".Ignored when dataMr is speci-fied.dec See documentation of fread.Default is".".Ignored when dataMr is specified.header(logical)See documentation of fread.Defaults to TRUE.Ignored when dataMr is speci-fied.If header is set to FALSE and no colNames are given,then column namesdefault to "V"followed by the column number.naStrings (character)Optional argument.See argument na.strings of fread .Default is "NA".Ignoredwhen dataMr is specified and optional when fileMr is used.colNames (character vector)Same as argument s of fread .Ignored when dataMr is specified andoptional when fileMr is used.naAction(function)Action to be taken when missing values are present in the data.Currently is supported.ValueReturns an object of class "mrfrequentist"which is a list containing the following components for both approaches "1"and "3":approachThe approach used for merging the models.Either "1"or "3".formulaThe model’s formula .level Number of level of the final model in Merge and Reduce.This is equal to log 2(numberObs /obsPerBlock ) +1and corresponds to the number of buck-ets in Figure 1of Geppert et al.(2020).numberObs The total number of observations.summaryStats Summary statistics reporting the estimated regression coefficients and their un-biased standard errors.Estimates are based on the merge technique as specifiedin the argument approach .For approach "1"the estimates of the standard er-rors are corrected dividing by numberObs /obsPerBlock .For further de-tails see Geppert et al.(2020).For approach "3"the unbiased estimates of thestandard errors are given.dataHead First six rows of the data in the first block.This serves as a sanity check,espe-cially when using the argument fileMr .termsTerms object.Additionally for approach "3"only:XTXThe final model’s crossprod(X,X).yTXThe final model’s crossprod(y,X).yTyThe final model’s crossprod(y,y).DetailsIn approach "3"the estimated regression coefficients and their unbiased standard errors are calcu-lated via qr decompositions on X’X (as in speedlm with argument method ="qr").Moreover,the merge step uses the same idea of blockwise addition for X’X,y’y and y’X as speedglm ’s updating procedure updateWithMoreData .Conceptually though,Merge and Reduce is not an updating al-gorithm as it merges models based on a comparable amount of data along a tree structure to obtain a final model.ReferencesGeppert,L.N.,Ickstadt,K.,Munteanu,A.,&Sohler,C.(2020).Streaming statistical models via Merge&Reduce.International Journal of Data Science and Analytics,1-17,doi:https:///10.1007/s41060-020-00226-0Examples##run mrfrequentist()with dataMrdata(exampleData)fit1=mrfrequentist(dataMr=exampleData,approach="1",obsPerBlock=300,formula=V11~.)##run mrfrequentist()with fileMrfilepath=system.file("extdata","exampleFile.txt",package="mrregression")fit2=mrfrequentist(fileMr=filepath,approach="3",header=TRUE,obsPerBlock=100,formula=y~.)mrregression mrregression:Frequentist and Bayesian linear regression using Mergeand Reduce.DescriptionFrequentist and Bayesian linear regression for large data eful when the data does notfit into memory(for both frequentist and Bayesian regression),to make running time manageable (mainly for Bayesian regression),and to reduce the total running time because of reduced or less severe memory-spillover into the virtual memory.The package contains the two main functions mrfrequentist and mrbayes as well as several S3methods listed below.Note,that currently only numerical predictors are supported.Factor variables can be included in the model in dummy-coded form,ing model.matrix.However,this may lead to highly variable or even unreliable estimates/posterior distributions if levels are not represented well in every single block.It is solely the user’s responsibility to check that this is not the case!Usage##S3method for class mrfrequentistcoef(object,...)##S3method for class mrfrequentistnobs(object,...)##S3method for class mrfrequentistpredict(object,data,...)##S3method for class mrfrequentistsummary(object,...)##S3method for class summary.mrfrequentistprint(x,...)##S3method for class mrbayesnobs(object,...)##S3method for class mrbayessummary(object,...)##S3method for class summary.mrbayesprint(x,...)Argumentsobject Object of class"mrfrequentist"or"mrbayes",respectively....Currently only useful for method print.summary.mrfrequentist and approach"3".See arguments to function printCoefmat,especially digits and A data.frame used to predict values of the dependent variable.Data has tocontain all variables in the model,additional columns are ignored.Note thatthis is not an optional argument.x Object of class"summary.mrfrequentist"or"summary.mrbayes",respec-tively.ReferencesGeppert,L.N.,Ickstadt,K.,Munteanu,A.,&Sohler,C.(2020).Streaming statistical models via Merge&Reduce.International Journal of Data Science and Analytics,1-17,doi:https:///10.1007/s41060-020-00226-0Index∗datasetsexampleData,2coef.mrfrequentist(mrregression),8 exampleData,2formula,6fread,3,6,7model.matrix,8mrbayes,2,8mrfrequentist,5,8mrregression,,3,7nobs.mrbayes(mrregression),8nobs.mrfrequentist(mrregression),8 predict.mrfrequentist(mrregression),8 print.summary.mrbayes(mrregression),8 print.summary.mrfrequentist(mrregression),8 printCoefmat,9quote,4rstan,4speedlm,7stan,3,4summary,stanfit-method,4summary.mrbayes(mrregression),8 summary.mrfrequentist(mrregression),8 updateWithMoreData,710。
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< >内为需要输入的内容,但不包括括号。
所有命令都需要在MrBayes >的提示下才能输入。
文件格式:文件输入,输入格式为Nexus file(ASCII,a simple text file,如图):或者还有其他信息:interleave=yes 代表数据矩阵为交叉序列interleaved sequencesnexus文件可由MacClade或者Mesquite生成。
但Mrbayes并不支持the full Nexus standard。
但除了DNA{A, C, G, T, R, Y, M, K,S, W, H, B, V, D, N}、RNA{A, C, G, U, R, Y, M, K, S, W, H, B, V, D, N}、Protein {A, R, N, D, C, Q, E, G, H, I, L, K, M, F, P, S, T, W, Y, V, X}、二进制数据{0, 1}、标准数据(形态学数据){0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 7, 8, 9}外,并不支持其他数据或者符号形式。
执行文件:execute <filename>或缩写exe <filename>,注意:文件必须在程序所在的文件夹(或者指明文件具体路径),文件名中不能含有空格,如果执行成功,执行窗口会自动输出文件的简单信息。
或者执行help lset检查默认设置(如图):略Nucmodel用于指定DNA模型的一般类型。
我们通常选取标准的核苷酸替代模型nucleotide substitution model,即默认选项4by4。
另外,Doublet选项用于paired stem regions of ribosomal DNA的分析,Codon选项用于DNA sequence in terms of its codons的分析。
默认状态下,所有的置换比率相同,对应于F81模型(JC model)。
Rates通常设置为invgamma (gamma-shaped rate variation with a proportion of invariable sites),Ngammacat(the number of discrete categories used to approximate the gamma distribution)一般采用默认选项4。
余下的选项中,只有Covarion和Parsmodel与单核苷酸模型相关,而我们既不会采用parsimony model,也不会采用the covariotide model,故保留默认状态。
在对矩阵作了以上修改后,重新输入help lset命令,可以查看变化后的设置。
模型有6种类型的参数:the topology, the branch lengths, the four stationary frequencies of the nucleotides, the six different nucleotide substitution rates, the proportion of invariable sites, andthe shape parameter of the gamma distribution of rate variation.默认参数在大多数分析中都已足够,通常不许修改,如需立即使用,这部分可以跳过。
通过输入help prset可以获得模型的各参数默认设置列表:略,我们只对Revmatpr (for the six substitution rates of the GTR rate matrix), Statefreqpr (for the stationary nucleotide frequencies of the GTR rate matrix), Shapepr (for the shape parameter of the gamma distribution of rate variation), Pinvarpr (for the proportion of invariable sites), Topologypr (for the topology), Brlenspr (for the branch lengths) 这几项设置作简单介绍。
Revmatpr and Statefreqpr的默认的先验概率密度prior probability density都是a flat Dirichlet (所有值都为1.0) 。
有时可能需要把Statefreqpr设置为equal,比如在JC and SYM模型下,命令prset statefreqpr=fixed(equal)。
如果我们要对默认的statefreqpr的flat Dirichlet prior状态加以强调,即equal nucleotide frequencies。
可以输入命令prset statefreqpr= Dirichlet(10,10,10,10),或者更甚的强调prset statefreqpr=Dirichlet(100,100,100,100)。
如果修改了该选项后想改回来,输入prset statefreqpr=Dirichlet(1,1,1,1)或者prsst= Dir(1,1,1,1)。
Shapepr参数定义the prior for the α (shape) parameter of the gamma distribution of rate variation.Pinvarpr参数定义the prior for the proportion of invariable sites。
Topologypr参数默认设置uniform puts equal probability on all distinct, fully resolved topologies.The alternative is to constrain some nodes in the tree to always be present but we will not attempt that in this analysis.Brlenspr参数可以设置为unconstrained或者clock-constrained。
默认为unconstrained,对于没有分子钟的树,the branch length prior可以设置为指数的exponential或者均一的uniform,默认为指数的,参数为10.0,对大多分析都合适。
在设置前可以输入help mcmc命令查看默认设置。
Swapseed是单独的用于产生随机交换序列the chain swapping sequence的随机数产生器。
Ngen(number of generations)设置分析要跑的代数。
如果要设置ngen值但不想立即开始分析,可以使用mcmcp命令,如mcmcp ngen=10000。
默认状态下,bayes会同时运行两个(Nruns = 2)完全独立的但由不同的随机树开始的分析。
检查Mcmcdiagn 参数是否设置为yes,Diagnfreq 是否设置为一个合适的值,如默认的每第1000代(可以更改)。
这样bayes会在每第1000代计算各种运行(分析)的诊断,并把它们保存在一个<filename>.mcmc 的文件中。
最重要的诊断,不同分析中树取样the tree samples的相似性的衡量,也会在每1000代输出到屏幕上。
默认状态为(relburnin=yes and burninfrac=0.25),即每个诊断完成,25%的样品被丢弃。
默认状态下,bayes会使用Metropolis coupling提高the MCMC sampling of the target distribution。
Swapfreq, Nswaps, Nchains和Temp四个参数一起控制Metropolis coupling行为。
设置为n,n-1个热链heated chains被使用。
默认n=4,表示bayes会使用3个热链和1个"cold" chain。
Bayes使用一种增值的热方案an incremental heating scheme,该方案下,通过增加其后验概率,链i被heated 到the power 1/ (1 + iλ),其中λ是由Temp参数控制。
Heating的作用是保持后验概率平稳flatten out the posterior probability,以便热链可以轻松找到后验概率中的峰isolated peaks,帮助冷链cold chain快速通过这些峰。
每第Swapfreq代,会从两条链中随机抽取并交换它们的状态an attempt is made to swap their states。