


One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river.
This time he sees a lion under a tree.
The lion runs at him.
He is afraid and falls into the river.
一天,一只猴子在河边骑车。这时他看见树 下有一只狮子,狮子向他跑来。他非常的 害怕,掉进河里。他不会游泳,大叫起来。 兔子听见了,跳进水里,但他却没有办法 救猴子。幸运的是,一只大象过来了。大 象非常强壮,救出了兔子和猴子。他们来 到大象的家,在那里吃了一顿大餐。从此 他们成了好朋友。
He is very strong. He
helps the rabbit and monkey.
Three friends are very happy. They go to the elephant’s home.
ood friends.
He can’t swim. He shouts.
Help me !
The rabbit hears him. He jumps into the river.
The rabbit swims to the monkey, but he can’t help him.
Luckily, an elephant comes along.



Love you, son.
As a young man, Al was a skilled1 artist, a potter with a wife and two fine sons. One night, his older son developed a severe stomachache. Thinking it was only some common intestinal2(肠的) disorder3, neither Al nor his wife took the condition very seriously . But the boy died suddenly that night.
Tears came to my eyes as I realized what I had been a fool to judge Al as a failure. He had not left any material possessions behind. But he had been a kind loving father, and left behind his best love.
在我18岁离Βιβλιοθήκη 家之前的日子里爸爸每天晚上都会来到我的房间在我睡前吻我然后和我说儿子我爱你
Back when I was a child, Before life removed all the innocence. My father would lift me high, And dance with my mother me then spin me around till I fell asleep. then up the stairs he would carry me, and I knew for sure I was loved. if I could get another chance, another walk, another dance with him. I'd play a song that would never ever end. how I love love love, to dance with my father again. when I and my mother would disagree to get my way I would run from her to him. He'd make me laugh just to comfort me, then finally make me do just what my mama said. later that night when I was asleep. He left a dollar under my sheet.


“那样做又会得到什么回报呢?”渔夫依然笑着问。 商人回答道:“你会赚钱,然后你就能买一艘船,这会让你达渔夫的问题感到恼火。“你可以买更大的船,然后雇人为你工作!”商
人说。 “那么然后呢,我能得到什么?”渔夫重复问道。 商人生气了。“你难道不明白么?你可以建立起自己的捕鱼船队,到世界各地去,
About that time, a businessman came walking down the beach ,trying to relieve some of the stress of his workday. He noticed the fisherman sitting on the beach and decided to find out why this fisherman was fishing instead of working harder to make a living for himself and his family .
有时,很多人一生都在拼命工作,目的就是要获得幸福和快乐的 生活。他们努力工作、赚钱、攒钱,希望钱能够买来他们的幸福。
但是这个故事告诉我们,实际上我们对生活的态度从一开始就是 错误的。我们工作期望得到什么?故事里面的商人一直没有能够正 确的回答这个问题。我们只是在扮演一个参与社会的人,也许我们 应该适当地把努力工作的脚步停一停,不要忘记我们生活中最重要 的那些东西。是否快乐,取决于你的态度 。
But this story tells us ,in fact, our attitudes to life are wrong at the beginning. What we expectantly get from work? The businessman in the story can‘t answer the question at last . We are mere play an part in the socialization. Maybe we should stop the work step properly and don’t forget the most important things in our lives. Happiness is up to your attitude.

小学英语绘本故事精品PPT课件 图文

小学英语绘本故事精品PPT课件 图文
始终忘不了故乡的虫鸣,轻声细语,润 心绵长 。黑夜 中,天 空有些 微光, 几只蝙 蝠掠飞 而过, 穿过桉 树林, 倏忽又 飞进屋 后的那 一片竹 林。晚 风阵阵 ,树影 婆娑, 我心如 骄阳, 燃烧着 寂静岁 月。我 享受着 那种被 虫鸣包 裹着的 感觉, 我的身 体,我 的发肤 ,都浸 泡在那 种惬意 的意境 之中。
A very hungry caterpillar
By zhang Yuntao (Tom)
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
那夜子都想,自打他俩分手以来,他 看着若 总觉得 隔着、 不透亮 ,像在 雾里, 掩着纱 帘…… 是由于 他不适 应新角 色、心 理有问 题,还 是她的 确有事 儿瞒了 他…… 他画着 问号, 一时又 理不出 头绪… … 第二天上午,也就是周五上午,子都 给亦冰 打电话 问若的 情况, 亦冰说 昨晚他 走后若 就没再 醒过来 ,早晨 他离家 的时候 她还在 床上躺 着;说她 应该是 不去上 班了, 是他给 雨馨准 备的早 饭、送 的学校 ……子 都想一 定是若 的酒劲 还没缓 过来。 他不想 打扰她 休息, 想下午 与她联 系。 下午子都给若打电话,那时她正在去 单位的 路上, 子都说 都三点 了,问 她这么 晚还去 单位干 吗,她 说单位 有事儿; 他又约 她吃晚 饭、或 是找个 地方坐 会儿; 她说晚 上约了 人…… 子都心 里很是 不爽, 嘴上又 不便说 什么, 就说她 身体不 好,办 完事儿 早点回 家,到 家后告 诉他一 声;她应 承着 …… 那晚子都在家心不在焉地看着电视, 总觉着 要发生 点什么 事儿… …“她 这叫归 家吗?今 天这事 儿、明 天那事 儿,以 前也没 说这么 忙过; 还说身 体不好 ,好人 又怎样? 谁经得 起天天 这般折 腾…… 唉!碍 着我啥 事儿了 ,跟着 瞎起哄 ,爱咋 咋吧… …”他 说是不 挂念, 心里别 扭着。 九点过 半,仍 无若的 消息, 他心神 不宁… …“又 喝了? 不要命 了?昨晚 的事情 过眼就 忘…… 可怜的 亦冰, 这些年 真够难 为他的 ……” 他待要 给若发 信息, 问她是 不是还 在外面 ,她给 他发来 信息, 说她到 家了, 要他放 心…… 他悬着 的心算 是告一 段落地 放下来 ,也该 洗洗睡 了…… 子都刚躺下,有电话打进来,是杨巍 的,他 吃了一 惊,第 一反应 就是若 ……这 还是杨 巍初次 用手机 给他打 电话, 他的手 机号码 也是上 次找他 办事儿 时存下 的。“ 若是不 是还在 外面没 回家?出 什么事 儿了… …”他 刚待接 听,那 边挂了 ,等了 几分钟 ,对方 没再打 过来… …“诶 ?怎么 回事儿 ?这么 晚了, 误碰… …不对 ……不 管怎样 ,打过 去问问 。”于 是他就 把电话 打过去 ,电话 通着, 没人接 听,他 心犯狐 疑,一 连又打 了七、 八个过 去…… “莫非 他与若 在一起 ……绝 不是误 碰…… ”他随 即给若 打电话 ,没人 接,再 打…… “她俩 一定在 一起… …发生 了什么? 不行, 得去找 她…… ”他毫 无迟疑 ,起身 穿上衣 服…… “今晚 一定要 见着她 ……” 一种不 安袭击 着他。 他想给 亦冰打 电话, 问若在 不在家 ,又一 想先别 大惊小 怪的, 过去看 看若的 车是否 在家再 做道理 。他匆 匆离家 ,走的 时候连 屋里的 灯也没 顾得关 …… 路上车少,子都心似弹飞,往日的路 程此刻 只用了 一半的 时间。 他留心 过往车 辆,生 怕路上 与她错 过。在 距若的 家不足 一分钟 里程时 ,他发 现前面 路边上 停着一 辆白色 的小车 ,尾灯 闪亮着 ……“ 车上一 定有人 ……” 他心里 一惊, 因为杨 巍家就 在这儿 附近。 “莫非 若的车 ……” 车速太 快,他 急点刹 车,错 车的一 刹凝眸 望去, 正是若 的车, 前排影 影绰绰 的两个 人影, 他脑袋 嗡地一 声,竟 至于狠 踩了一 脚油门 ,那车 轰的一 声穿窜 出去多 远…… 待他回 过神来 ,赶忙 把车停 靠在路 边,深 呼吸… …

PPT 英语小故事.ppt

PPT  英语小故事.ppt

In 1967,she graduated and found a job in an overseas-funded enterprise.At the beginning of work ,Jane couldn't adapted to it ,but she never gave up . She was promoted upstairs to management throug great efforts.
Statement - A story of a woman
: Talking about the things what happed
to her in the last 40 years .Jane think that it is full of happiness and pain in her life.
After interviewing Jane,we made a decision to write a story about her. In 1943,Jane was born into a big but poor family,which was composed of parents 5 brothers and 4 parents were farmer and they had to do odd jobs to substain their .As the eldest child,Jane was determind to study hard in order to go the university. Through several years of efforts .She admitled into a university in 1963.During university period ,she still study hard to enrich herself.



Kate 02
Kate is a new student. She is twelve. She is from America. She can speak English very well and she can speak a little Chinese. She is in Nanjing. Her parents are doctors. Kate is studying in a school near her home. She has classes from Monday to Friday.
What are they doing? 05
The White family is at home. Mrs White is in the kitchen. She is cooking. Mr White is sitting in a chair and reading the newspaper. Tom and his friend Dick are cleaning the bicycle. Jane and her friend Mary are in Jane’s bedroom. They are listening to a tape.
Poor Man 01
Look at this man. What is he doing? He’s carrying a very big box. The box is full of big apples. He wants to put it on the back of his bike and take it home. Can he do that? No, I don’t think so. Why not? Because the box is too full and too heavy. Look! What’s wrong? He drops the box. Poor man!



Hale Waihona Puke SUCCESS2024/8/28
Wolf: Grandma , I’ll eat you. Grandma:Oh my god! Help me! Wolf: Wonderful!Let me wait the Little Red Riding Hood . Little Red Riding Hood: Grandma.Grandma. Wolf: Who is it? Little Red Riding Hood:It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood. What a strange noise ! Wolf:Come in, Come in. Little Red Riding Hood: Oh! What are big ears! Wolf:I can listen to your sweet voice. Little Red Riding Hood:Wow! What a big eyes!
My English Story
——Little Red Cap
Long long ago, There was a pretty girl. She lived in the forest. Her grandma loved her very much. She liked wearing red hats, So people all called her “Little Red Riding Hood”.
Then,a hunter came. And he saw the Big Wolf was sleeping. Hunter: Where’s the wolf? Look! A door. The wolf is sleeping. Wolf: “ZZZ„ZZZ„” Hunter: What a big stomach! Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood are inside .I must be hurry. Look! Scissors, Cut, cut, cut. Little Red Riding Hood/Grandma:Thank you. Hunter:Grandma ,give me some needles and thread. Little Riding Hood ,Give me some stones. Little Red Riding Hood: One, two, three. Grandma: I'll thread it.

小学生英语作文jobs ppt

小学生英语作文jobs ppt

小学生英语作文jobs pptIntroducing the concept of various jobs to elementary school students through a PowerPoint presentation (PPT) can be both engaging and educational. This approach not only broadens their understanding of different professions but also helps them to start thinking about their future aspirations. In this essay, I will delve into how creating a “Jobs PPT” for young learners can be an effective tool in career education. I will also provide insights into the key elements that should be included in such a presentation to ensure it is both informative and captivating.Career education at an elementary level serves multiple purposes. It fosters curiosity about the world of work, helps students recognize their interests and strengths, and promotes the development of essential skills such as communication,critical thinking, and problem-solving. Early exposure to different career options can motivate students to set academic and personal goals, leading to a more focused and driven educational journey.A well-structured Jobs PPT should be organized in a way that is easy for young students to follow and understand. Here are some key elements to include:Begin with a brief introduction explaining what jobs are and why they are important. Use simple language and relate jobs to everyday life experiences that the students are familiar with. For example, “Jobs are what people do to earn money and help others. Think about your teacher, your doctor, or the firefighter who helps in emergencies.”Highlight a diverse range of professions to show the students that there are many different paths they can take.Include traditional jobs like teachers, doctors, and police officers, as well as less commonly discussed careers such as marine biologists, graphic designers, and computer programmers. This diversity ensures that students can see themselves in various roles, regardless of gender or background.Use plenty of visuals to keep the students engaged. Pictures, animations, and short video clips can make the presentation more dynamic. Interactive elements such as quizzes, games, or role-playing activities can also enhance learning. For instance, a slide could show various tools and uniforms associated with different jobs and ask the students to match them to the correct profession.Incorporate real-life examples and stories to make the jobs more relatable. This could include short interviews or quotes from professionals talking about their daily tasks and what they enjoy about their work. Personal stories from people in thecommunity, such as a local baker or a park ranger, can make the information more tangible and inspiring.Explain the skills and education required for different jobs in a way that is understandable for young students. Use phrases like, “To beco me a doctor, you need to be good at science and enjoy helping people,” or “Artists need to be creative and enjoy making new things.” This helps students make connections between their current interests and future career possibilities.Discuss emerging careers that might be relevant when the students grow up. This can include jobs related to technology, environmental science, or new industries that are just beginning to develop. Highlighting future trends can spark excitement and curiosity about how they can be part of a changing world.To give a clearer picture of how the PPT can be structured, here are a few example slides:Title: What Are Jobs?Content: “Jobs are what people do to earn money and help others. Everyone has a job, like your teacher, your doctor, or the firefighter who helps in emergencies.”Visual: Pictures of different professionals at work.Title: Being a TeacherContent: “Teachers help students learn new things. They teach subjects like math, science, and reading.”Visual: A classroom scene with a teacher and students.Interactive Element: A question asking students what their favorite subject is.Title: Being a DoctorContent: “Doctors take care of people when they are sick. They need to know a lot about the human body and medicine.”Visual: A doctor with a stethoscope and a patient.Interactive Element: A short video clip of a doctor explaining their job.Title: Being an ArtistContent: “Artists create beautiful paintings, drawings, and sculptures. They use their imagination and crea tivity.”Visual: Images of different types of art.Interactive Element: A drawing activity for the students.Title: Jobs of the FutureContent: “In the future, there will be many new jobs. Some of these jobs will be in technology and helping the environme nt.”Visual: Robots, computers, and renewable energy symbols.Interactive Element: A guessing game about future jobs.Creating a Jobs PPT for elementary school students is a powerful way to introduce them to the world of work. By incorporating diverse professions, interactive elements, and real-life examples, we can make career education both fun and informative. This early exposure can inspire students to dream big and pursue their interests, ultimately guiding them towards fulfilling and successful careers.Encouraging students to explore various career paths at a young age sets the foundation for a lifetime of learning and achievement. By making the information accessible and engaging, we help them to envision a future full of possibilities.。


The City Mouse and the Country
• The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The City mouse cried, " Run! Run! The cat is coming!" They ran away quickly and hid. After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country mouse said, "I do not like living in the city. I like living in my hole in the field. For it is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid."
made friends with her .They loved each other .About six
months later they married .
Robert likes reading .When he comes home ,he always reads
some newspapers or books .Ann begins to cook in the
• 罗伯特是在一个中学二十六和作品。两年半前他生病住院,他 认识了一个漂亮的护士叫安。女孩照顾他,后来他们成为朋友 了。他们彼此深爱着对方。六个月后他们结婚了。 罗伯特喜欢读书。他回家时,他总是读一些报纸或书籍。安开 始在厨房做饭。当肉烤好后,她总是告诉她丈夫把它切成两半。 然后他们开始一起吃晚饭。晚饭后,他们出去散步,或他们去 他们享受自己的电影。 一天,罗伯特种植的树木和他的学生们。他们爬上了山,很辛 苦。当他回到家时,他感到饿了。他的妻子烤一块鸡肉,晚上 告诉他切两片。这次他选择了鸡为自己更大的一块给了她一个 比较小的。 “我记得,亲爱的,”安笑着说。“我们结婚的时候,你总是 给我更大的肉。你为什么给我的小肉呢?“ 罗伯特感到很害羞,不知道说什么。他想了一会儿,说,“你 做得比以前更好了。”


english story speech english story speech english story speech english speech english story speech
宣讲人:某某某 时间:20XX.XX
good morning, everyone! my name is xxx. i'm x years old. and i'm in grade x from middle school. today i'm very glad to stand here to give you a speech, three stories. now, the first story is...
从前,是六个印度支那人。为了学习去看大象(以为他们都是瞎子)。每个人都可以通过观 察来满足自己的想法。
The FIRST approached the Elephant and happening to fall against his broad and sturdy side. At once began to bawl:'God bless me, but the Elephant is very like a wall!'
01 The Blind Men and the Elephant 02 The Lion The Bear and The Fox 03 City Mouse and Country Mouse
The Lion The Bear and The Fox
The Blind Men and the Elephant
It was six men of Indostan. To learning much inclined, who went to see the Elephant (Thought all of them were blind). That each by observation, might satisfy his mind.



your cave, but none of them come
out. Till they come out again, I
prefer to wait outside.“
An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so
就问:“你为什么不进来呢?” “尊 敬的殿下,”狐狸回答说,“如果我没
the lion to the fox. “I beg Your 发现只有进去的脚印,没有一个出来的
Majesty’s pardon,“ said the fox, 脚印,我也许会进洞去。”
“I have seen many animals enter
“我无法让他把披风脱下 来.”然后.不久,那个人
the lion once said that he was sick on
his death bed. So he asked all the animals to come and listen to his
我家附近有一个公园。哪里有很多美丽的树、花和小鸟。所以很多 人都喜欢到那里去度周末。他们喜欢在公园里散步或是野餐.但是 我喜欢和我姐姐在那里放风筝。
Bedroom I have a small bedroom.There are only a small bed,a small desk and a small chair in the room.And there is a beautiful doll on my blue bed.Everyday I do my homework,read books and play games with the doll in my bedroom.It is small,but it gives me much happiness.


Four seasons of a tree
Don’t judge a life by one difficult season.
There was a man. He had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn not to judge things to go and look at a pear tree that was far away.
if you give up when it is winter ,you will miss the promise of your spring,the beauty of your summer ,the fulfilment of your fall .don' let the pain of one season destory the joy of all the rest.
The first son said that the tree was ugly ,bent and weak .
the second son said no-it was covered with green buds and full of promise.
the third son said it was laden with blossoms and they smelt so sweet and
looked so besutiful.the last son disgreed with all of them ,he said it was ripe and droop with fruit ,full of life and fulfilmen.
The man then said to his sons that they were all right,because they each had seen but only one season in the tree's life.he told them that they cannot judge a tree or a person,by only one season,and that the essence of who they are--the pleasure, the joy and love that come from that life -can only be measured at the end , when all the seasons are up .



Would you marry my daughter?”
What? I’m not the greatest person in the world. The
greatest person is the cloud. 什么?我才不是世界上最伟大的人呢!最伟大的应该是云
If he comes out, I’ll be covered.”
老鼠爸爸好开心! He finally knew mouse was the greatest person in the world. 他终于知道世界上最伟大的人了,就是老鼠。 He would marry his daughter to the handsome mouse next door. 他决定要将自己的女儿嫁给隔壁英俊的鼠小弟。
person in the world. 他想要将他的女儿嫁给世界上最伟大的人 But, who was the greatest person in the world? 但是,谁是世界上最伟大的人呢?
Oh! The sun! He must be the greatest person in the
你愿意娶我的女儿吗? “What? I’m not the greatest person in the world. The greatest person is the wind.
什么?我才不是世界上最伟大的人呢!最伟大 的应该是风 If he comes out, I’ll be blown away.”
A mouse marry his daughter 老鼠嫁女儿
制作人:实验二中 崔丽丽
Once upon a time, there was a mouse father. 很久很久以前,有一个老鼠爸爸 He wanted to marry his daughter to the greatest
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