


一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)

1. It is not profitable to provide bus services in districts where the population is widely()

A. separated

B. scattered

C. spaced

D. divided


2. He studied hard in his youth,()contributed to his great success in later life.

A. that

B. it

C. what

D. which


3. As he ____the conclusion, he lost the good chance to earn more money.

A. came to

B. arrived at

C. drew

D. leaped to


4. For a successful business, friendly and()staff are essential.

A. sufficient

B. effective

C. efficient

D. respective


5. (),he faced the difficult situation calmly.

A. As he was young

B. Young was he

C. Young as he was

D. As young he was


6. Neither of us()to undertake the responsibility.

A. were wanting

B. are wanting

C. wants

D. have wanted


7. It is not an easy thing to ()social reforms.

A. bring about

B. bring up

C. bring out

D. bring back


8. When she married a millionaire, she started putting on airs and_______the office girls she had

worked with

A. look down on

B. looking down on

C. looking up on

D. looking down at


9. Nothing in the world()for one who sets his mind to it .

A. are difficult

B. is difficulty

C. is difficult

D. has difficulty


10. I am a new (). I was hired yesterday.

A. employer

B. employee

C. employment

D. fence


11. _____ all her friends and our relatives agree, Mother is warm-hearted, loving and generous.

A. As

B. That

C. Which

D. What


12. He has _______ a theory on the new principles.

A. set up

B. built

C. constructed

D. established


13. He ____ on it for a long time before giving his advice.

A. reflected

B. thought

C. considered

D. contemplated


14. Do you have a preference()a particular food?

A. with

B. at

C. for

D. in


15. His friend was injured in an airplane ().

A. break

B. crash

C. fail

D. falling


16. Everyone()the right to his own opinion.

A. imitates

B. requests

C. deserves

D. outlines


17. From now on I want to keep myself()of how things are going on with you.

A. to inform

B. informing

C. informed

D. be informed


18. All the roommates welcome Mary’s suggestion that they________ only English in their


A. should speak

B. would speak

C. must speak

D. had better speak


19. ()breaks the law should receive severe punishment.

A. Who

B. Whoever

C. Whatever

D. What


20. He is a T. A. In the Department of English. T. A. Means teaching().

A. assistance

B. assistant

C. associate

D. assit


21. Life is going on at a quick pace. There is not only()coffee, but also()noodle

A. rapid…convenient

B. immediate…instant

C. instant…instant

D. prompt…immediate


22. After the collision, he examined the considerable()to his car.

A. ruin

B. destruction

C. damage

D. injury


23. ()that some guests were coming ,they got the rooms ready.

A. Having told

B. Telling

C. Having been told

D. To tell


24. Culturally, this country is divided into two ().

A. tides

B. sections

C. verses

D. yards


25. I have just()a beautiful poem in this book.

A. come out of

B. look into

C. come across

D. look through




南开大学现代远程教育学院考试卷 2014-2015年度秋季学期期末(2015.3) 大学英语(二) 一、单选题(共15小题,每题2分,共计30分)从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,请答案填写在“客观题答题纸”上,否则成绩无效。 1. This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen __D__ comfortably. A. is worn B. wears C. wearing D. are worn 2. The lawyer advised him to drop the __C___, since he stands little chance to win. A. event B. incident C. case D. affair 3. He always shows haughty ___C___ toward his colleagues. A. behavior B. action C. conduct D. benefit 4. ___A___ at the station when it got dark, the passengers found there were no buses ________ home. A. Arriving, to take B. Arriving, to ride C. Having arrived, riding on D. Having been arrived, to go on 5. The boy spent as much time watching TV as he ___D__ studying. A. does B. had C. was D. did 6. The goals __B__ he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him. A. after which B. for which C. with which D. at which 7. It ___C___ that the boss was angry again. A. appeared B. looked C. seems D. appears 8. When does the new law come into ___A___? A. action B. act C. activity D. operation 9. Young as he was, he showed his capability of __A___ various problems. A. dealing with B. dealing up C. dealing in D. dealing out 10. We ___C___ our journey after a short rest. A. presumed B. consumed C. resumed D. assumed 11. ___D____ she first heard of the man referred to as a specialist. A. That was from Stephen B. It was Stephen whom C. While comparing D. It was Stephen that 12. They tried to ___D__ the old man whose son died in an aircraft. A. thrill B. tease C. console D. encourage 13. I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and __B__ in a quiet neighborhood. A. all in all B. above all C. after all D. over all


题目1 正确 获得1.00分中的1.00分 The children _______ play with them. 选择一项: a. are wanting that b. want me for c. want me to d. want that I 反馈 正确答案是:want me to 题目2 正确 获得1.00分中的1.00分 Don't laugh ________ people when they are _____trouble. 选择一项: a. in….at… b. at….at… c. on… in… d. at… in… 反馈 正确答案是:at… in… 题目3 正确 获得1.00分中的1.00分 - Why does he look sad? - There are so many problems ____________. 选择一项: a. remaining to settle b. remained settling c. remaining to be settled d. remained to be settled 反馈

正确答案是:remaining to be settled 题目4 正确 获得1.00分中的1.00分 Charles regretted _____the TV set last year. The price has now gone down. 选择一项: a. of b. to buy c. from d. buying 反馈 正确答案是:buying 题目5 不正确 获得1.00分中的0.00分 The old lady is quarrelling as if she ______ mad. 选择一项: a. is b. were c. was d. are 反馈 正确答案是:were 题目6 正确 获得1.00分中的1.00分 Uncle Sam sent him a _______ bicycle as a birthday present. 选择一项: a. red sports new b. new red sports c. sports new red d. new sports red


北航考研详解与指导 一.飞行器设计 对于本校的学生来说,每年复试的内容可能会不太一样,所以具体的准备还是以到时学校通知为主,这里主要介绍去年的复试,仅供参考。2012年飞行器设计专业复试分为笔试和面试,笔试又分为专业课和专业英语。专业课考的是航天器动力学基础,给了一本参考书是肖叶伦教授的《航天器建模**》之类的,具体名字不太记得了,北航本校本专业的学生可以直接用赵育善老师航天器飞行动力学课的教材,内容基本是一样的。把这本书好好的看一遍就可以了,一个星期绝对没有问题,因为考试考的也都是比较基础的东西,看懂概念,轨道六要素,欧拉角、奇点问题,摄动,航空航天器的分类,还有几个坐标系转换,基本都是概念,动力学方程以及复杂的公式都不会考,四元数的计算也不会考。有条件的同学想办法找一下赵育善老师那门课往年的期末考试题,可以作为参考。跨专业的、以前没接触过航天课程的同学,如果看不懂书可以去找一下你联系的导师,让他安排个学生给你稍微指点一下。专业英语的话考的是翻译,给了几段中文和英文,汉译英以及英译汉,每一段都不长,都是跟航天知识有一些关系的,准备的话上网搜索一些航天相关词汇背一背就好,当然也不用找特别专业的词汇,毕竟考试中的那些单词还都是平时读文献会比较常用到的。 面试的话也不用很紧张,基本都是先简单的介绍一下自己(只有中文,没有英文介绍),问问你跟的导师是谁,四六级考了多少分,如实回答就可以。北航的同学会很快,老师问什么你答什么就行了。外校的同学老师会再问一下你本科参加竞赛的情况,或者是毕业设计的内容,在本科期间参加的重要活动什么的。总之面试其实是个很简单的事,完全不必担心,放松心态正常交流就行了。 最后提一下,其实复试并没有那么难,大家能够通过初试,都是从成千上万同龄人中脱颖而出的佼佼者,应付这么一个小考试完全没有问题。而且我留意了一下,复试名单是按照初试成绩的名次排列的,经过复试之后,前面二三十个人的名次是完全没有变化的,复试的目的只是为了从后几名中筛选一下,所以初试成绩比较高的同学只要稍加准备正常发挥就行了,不用担心的太多。 二.航天导航制导与控制 首先简单介绍一下去年复试的情况,去年是王新龙老师管招生,复试有专业英语翻译和专业笔试,笔试上的内容都是本科传感器那门课的课件里的,去年进入复试的录取率大概在百分之八十多,录取了20人,其中专业硕士和学术硕士的比例是1:1,今年未知,估计是王可东、宋佳、杨博等老师,估计只有面试,没有笔试,面试需要有一个5分钟的英文自我介绍,之后对于本校的来说,一般不会问专业性问题,都是聊聊本科时候的表现,问问你研究生打算之类的,一般都是你的导师主要问,其他老师偶尔插一句,对于外校的来说,也是先英文自我介绍,然后如果导师定下来的话,也是导师主要问问题,可能会问一些专业性的问题,但大部分都是很开放的,比如王新龙老师会问惯性导航平台和捷联的区别联系,材料力学和理论力学哪个更基础,也会有老师问一些其他无关的问题,比如为什么要来GNC等等。王新龙老师建议大家准备复试的时候重点花在对英语自我介绍的完善以及导航制导控制转业的理解上。 2015年考研复试在即,面对又一轮的考研挑战,同学们不仅要面对像初试时所要准备的专业

1999-2016年北京航空航天大学911材料综合考研真题及答案解析 汇编

2017版北京航空航天大学《911材料综合》全套考研资料 我们是布丁考研网北航考研团队,是在读学长。我们亲身经历过北航考研,录取后把自己当年考研时用过的资料重新整理,从本校的研招办拿到了最新的真题,同时新添加很多高参考价值的内部复习资料,保证资料的真实性,希望能帮助大家成功考入北航。此外,我们还提供学长一对一个性化辅导服务,适合二战、在职、基础或本科不好的同学,可在短时间内快速把握重点和考点。有任何考北航相关的疑问,也可以咨询我们,学长会提供免费的解答。更多信息,请关注布丁考研网。 以下为本科目的资料清单(有实物图及预览,货真价实): 北京航空航天大学《材料综合》全套考研资料 一、北京航空航天大学《材料综合》历年考研真题及答案解析 2015年北京航空航天大学《材料综合》考研真题(含答案解析) 2015年北京航空航天大学《材料综合》考研真题(含答案解析) 2014年北京航空航天大学《材料综合》考研真题(含答案解析) 2013年北京航空航天大学《材料综合》考研真题(含答案解析) 2012年北京航空航天大学《材料综合》考研真题(含答案解析) 2011年北京航空航天大学《材料综合》考研真题(含答案解析) 2010年北京航空航天大学《材料综合》考研真题(含答案解析) 2009年北京航空航天大学《材料综合》考研真题(含答案解析) 2008年北京航空航天大学《材料综合》考研真题(含答案解析) 2007年北京航空航天大学《材料综合》考研真题(含答案解析) 2006年北京航空航天大学《材料综合》考研真题(含答案解析) 2005年北京航空航天大学《材料综合》考研真题(含答案解析) 2004年北京航空航天大学《材料综合》考研真题(含答案解析) 2003年北京航空航天大学《材料综合》考研真题(含答案解析) 2002年北京航空航天大学《材料综合》考研真题(含答案解析) 2000年北京航空航天大学《材料综合》考研真题(含答案解析) 1999年北京航空航天大学《材料综合》考研真题(含答案解析) 二、材料分析重点总结 三、金属学原理重点总结 四、金属学原理名称解析总结 五、物理化学复习总结 六、无机非金属材料复习总结 七、高分子物理复习总结 八、高分子化学复习总结 以下为截图及预览: 2015真题及答案


北邮大学英语3(新)阶段作业一及答案 一、单项选择题(共10道小题,共100.0分) 1.The doctors________the medicines to the people in the flood area. A.distinguished B.chose C.annoyed D.distributed 2.We took out another________to expand our business. A.lend B.lent C.loan D.load 3.He couldn't________his father that John was telling the truth. A.convince

B.believe C.admit D.display 4.Facing the________situation the sales manager looked________. A.puzzling,puzzled B.puzzling,puzzling C.puzzled,puzzled D.puzzled,puzzling 5.Professor Zhang had two articles published in the_________periodical. A.studying B.learning C.learned D.studied

6.The University________him an honorary degree. A.drained B.awarded C.approached D.glimpsed 7.If you're late again you'll be________from your job. A.referred B.deserted C.omitted D.dismissed 8.They are________as the most promising table-tennis players. A.regarded


991数据结构与C语言程序设计考试大纲(2013版)2013年《数据结构与C语言程序设计》考试内容包括“数据结构”与“C语言程序设计”两 门课程的内容,各占比例50%,试卷满分为150分。 《数据结构》部分 指定参考书:《数据结构教程(第二版)》唐发根编著北京航空航天大学出版社 一、概述 1.数据的逻辑结构与存储结构的基本概念; 2.算法的定义、基本性质以及算法分析的基本概念,包括采用大 形式表示时间复杂度和空间复杂度。 二、线性表 1.线性关系、线性表的定义,线性表的基本操作; 2.线性表的顺序存储结构与链式存储结构(包括单(向)链表、循环链表和双向链表)的构造原理; 3.在以上两种存储结构的基础上对线性表实施的基本操作,包括顺序表的插入与删除、链表的建立、插入与删除、查找等操作对应的算法设计(含递归算法的设计)。 三、堆栈与队列 1.堆栈与队列的基本概念与基本操作; 2.堆栈与队列的顺序存储结构与链式存储结构的构造原理; 3.在不同存储结构的基础上对堆栈与队列实施插入与删除等基本操作的算法设计; 4.堆栈和队列在解决实际问题中应用。 四、树与二叉树 1.树与二叉树的基本概念,基本特征、名词术语; 2.完全二叉树与满二叉树的基本概念,二叉树的基本性质; 3.二叉树与树、树林之间的转换; 4.二叉树的顺序存储结构与二叉链表存储结构; 5.二叉树的前序遍历、中序遍历、后序遍历和按层次遍历,以及在二叉链表基础上各种遍历算法(重点为非递归算法)的设计与应用; 6.二叉排序树的基本概念、建立(插入)、查找与平均查找长度ASL的计算; 7.哈夫曼(Huffman)树的基本概念,哈夫曼树的构造与带权路径长度(WPL)的计算。 五、图 1.图的基本概念、名词术语; 2.图的邻接矩阵存储方法和邻接表(含逆邻接表)存储方法的构造原理及特点; 3.图的深度优先搜索与广度优先搜索; 4.最小(代价)生成树、最短路径、AOV网与拓扑排序以及AOE网与关键路径的基本概念与求解过程。 六、文件及查找 1.顺序查找法以及平均查找长度(ASL)的计算; 2.折半查找法以及平均查找长度(ASL)的计算,包括查找过程对应的“判定树”的构造; 3.B-树和B+树的基本概念,B-树的插入与查找; 4.散列(Hash)表的构造、散列函数的构造,散列冲突的基本概念、处理散列冲突的基本方法以


大学 2015 年春季大学英语 1 第五组在线作业答案作业 ID: 4255 1. 鼓励独立完成作业,严惩抄袭。 - Nice to see you again, Mr. Smith. How are you?- _________ A. A. I miss you. B. B. Fine. Thank you. And you? C. C. Are you OK? D. D. This way, please. 答案:B 2. -- May I use your bike for a moment?-- ________ A. A. It's well. B. B. It doesn't matter. C. C. By all means. D. D. I have no idea. 答案:C 3. - Ben, would you like to play football with us?- ______, but I have to wash the dishes first. A. A. No, I can't B. B. I don't want to C. C. Yes, please D. D. I'd love to 答案:D 4. -Nice to meet you. -_____ A. A. Fine, thank you. B. B. How are you? C. C. Nice to meet you, too. D. D. Thank you. 答案:C 5. Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?___________.


大学英语三离线作业答 案 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

离线作业试卷列表2 一、单选? 1.第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)- Would you be interested in seeing a film tonight- ____C______?分值:3 A. Not at all.??? B. Are you sure??? C. Great! I'd love to ??? D. You're welcome.???? 2.第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)- Excuse me, could you tell me the way to P eople's Square- ____B______?分值:3 A. I don't understand you.??? B. Sorry, I'm a stranger here.??? C. Why don't you take a taxi??? D. Don't bother me.???? 3.第四部分:完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)30?C 分值:1 A. on mind??? B. in heart??? C. in mind??? D. on your mind???? 4.第四部分:完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)29 B?分值:1 A. with??? B. for??? C. to??? D. in???? 5.第四部分:完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)28 B?分值:1 A. impossible??? B. wonderful??? C. incapable??? D. practical???? 6.第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)- I've got the first prize in the dancing ____C______?分值:3 A. You're welcome.??? B. It's very kind of you.??? C. Please accept my congratulations.??? D. Oh, really, I can't believe my ears.???? 7.第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)- I've passed the ___D_______?分值:3 A. What a pity!??? B. I have the examination.??? C. Come on.??? D. Congratulations.???? 8.第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)- I'm suffering from a ________A__?分值:3


2019北航软件学院软件工程考研专业课991考试大纲 2019年“数据结构与C语言程序设计”考试内容包括“数据结构”与“C 语言程序设计”两门课程的内容,各占比例50%。试卷满分为150分。 “数据结构”部分 一、概述 1.数据的逻辑结构与存储结构的基本概念; 2.算法的定义、基本性质以及算法分析的基本概念,包括采用大 形式表示时间复杂度和空间复杂度。 二、线性表 1.线性关系、线性表的定义,线性表的基本操作; 2.线性表的顺序存储结构与链式存储结构(包括单(向)链表、循环链表和双向链表)的构造原理; 3.在以上两种存储结构的基础上对线性表实施的基本操作,包括顺序表的插入与删除、链表的建立、插入与删除、查找等操作对应的算法设计(含递归算法的设计)。 三、数组 1.一维数组和二维数组的存储; 2.矩阵的压缩存储的基本概念; 3.对称矩阵、对角矩阵以及三角矩阵的压缩存储。 四、堆栈与队列

1.堆栈与队列的基本概念与基本操作; 2.堆栈与队列的顺序存储结构与链式存储结构的构造原理; 3.在不同存储结构的基础上对堆栈与队列实施插入与删除等基本操作的算法设计; 4.堆栈和队列在解决实际问题中应用。 五、树与二叉树 1.树与二叉树的基本概念,基本特征、名词术语; 2.完全二叉树与满二叉树的基本概念,二叉树的基本性质及其应用; 3.二叉树的顺序存储结构与二叉链表存储结的基本原理; 4.二叉树的前序遍历、中序遍历、后序遍历和按层次遍历,重点是二叉树在以二叉链表作为存储结构基础上各种遍历算法(包括非递归算法)的设计与应 用; 5.二叉排序树的基本概念、建立(插入)、查找以及平均查找长度ASL的计算。 六、图 1.图的基本概念、名词术语; 2.图的邻接矩阵存储方法和邻接表(含逆邻接表)存储方法的构造原理及特点; 3.图的深度优先搜索与广度优先搜索; 4.最小(代价)生成树、最短路径、AOV网与拓扑排序的基本概念。 七、文件及查找 1.顺序查找法以及平均查找长度(ASL)的计算; 2.折半查找法以及平均查找长度(ASL)的计算,包括查找过程对应的“判定树” 的构造;


1. —I’d like to know something about your life in Paris. —________________ C。I’ll tell you 2.—What do you want to do? —________________. B.I want to watch TV for a change. 3.—Would you like to have dinner with me tonight? —________________. C.I’d love to, but I have a meeting to attend tonight. 4.—Come to our house for a party, please. —________________. C.Oh, thank you for your kindness 5.—I wonder if you could help me. —________________. D.Of course 6.—Would you mind shutting the door? —________________. B.Not at all 7.—Do you mind if I read the newspaper on the table? —________________. B.Go ahead, please 8.— Can I help you with your suitcase? —________________. D.Thank you. I can manage myself 9.—Will you do me a favor? —________________. D.I’d be glad to 10.—Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator? —________________. A.Certainly. Here you are 11.He was _______ all of his best friends. https://www.360docs.net/doc/6316336386.html,ughed at by 12.After the Minister of Education had finished speaking at the press conference, he was made _______ all sorts of awkward questions. D.to answer 13.The roof of our house is broken, so it needs _______. B.repairing 14._______ a teacher in a university, it is necessary to have at least a master’s degree. A.To become 15.The doctor advised her _______ enough rest before going back to work. B.to get 16.The workers are busy _______ models for the exhibition(展览). D.making 17.He spoke so loudly _______ be heard by all. C.as to 18.It is necessary _______ a foreign language. B.for college students to master 19.Henry would never forget _______ his mother-in-law for the first time. He was so pleased with the gifts she brought for him. C.meeting 20.Do you know the man _______ under the apple tree? C.lying 21._______ a reply, he decided to write again. C.Not having received 22.That T-shirt was so tight that he decided to have it _______. C.enlarged


《大学英语(三)》在线作业题库 一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。) 1. – Ami, I want this report typed today. – ( ). A. It'll be ready in the afternoon, sir B. I'd like you to help me C. I know nothing about the report D. Leave it to tomorrow 正确答案:A 2. He( )himself quickly to the new condition of his work. A. changed B. altered C. adjusted D. varied 正确答案:C 3. We( )the bathroom and plan( )the bedroom this year. A. painted…to paint B. is painting… painting C. paint… to paint D. have painted…to paint 正确答案:D 4. I don't think this kind of medicine has any( ). A. answer B. cause C. effect D. work 正确答案:C 5. We consider( )the instrument be adjusted each time it is used. A. that it necessary B. it necessary that C. necessary that D. necessary of it that 正确答案:B 6. – I wonder if you could help me. – ( ). A. I could B. Yes, I do C. No, not at all D. Of course 正确答案:D 7. Parliament didn't think the Prime Minister did enough in the improvement of fair employment, ( )he was asked to write to Parliament for further explanation. A. so B. therefore


一、阅读理解(共1道小题,共25.0分) 1. One of the favorite foods in the United States is the hamburger, a kind of flat round bread with fine-cut beef in between. The favorite place to buy a hamburger is a fast food restaurant. At fast food restaurants, people order their food, wait a few minutes to get it over the corner, and carry it to their tables themselves. People also take their food out of the restaurant and eat it in their cars or in their homes. At some fast food restaurant, people can order their food, pay for it and pick it up without leaving their cars. There are many kinds of fast food restaurants in the United States. Most of the restaurants sell hamburgers or other popular foods among Americans. In addition, there are many fast food restaurants that serve Chinese food, Italian food, chicken, seafood and ice cream. The idea of a fast food restaurant is so popular that nearly every kind of food can be found. Fast food restaurants are popular because they show the American way of life. First, they are not formal restaurants. People wear any type of dress when they go to a fast food place. Second, they are fast. People who are busy don't want to spend time preparing their food or waiting while someone else prepares it. In fast food restaurants, the food is usually ready before the customer even orders it. Finally, most food in a fast food restaurant is not expensive. Therefore, people can often eat at a fast food restaurant without spending too much money, while they may not be able to go to more expensive restaurant very often. 1.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A.Chinese food is also served in some fast food restaurant. B.People can have almost every kind of food in fast food restaurant C.Fast food is usually expensive D.Fast food can be taken out of the restaurant. 2.Fast food restaurants are popular because they_______. A.are many B.are fast C.are expensive restaurants D.serve expensive food 3.According to the writer , Americans people_______. A.are always busy B.prefer ordinary type of dress C.do not want to spend too much time preparing their food D.go to more expensive restaurant very often 4.According to the passage, the favorite restaurants in the U.S are_______. A.the Chinese restaurants B.the fast food restaurants C.more expensive restaurants D.less expensive restaurants


大学英语三作业 第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) 1. — It’s really a good dinner, isn’t it? — __B_____________________ A. Yes, I’d like to go. B. Yes, the food is just wonderful. C. I’m glad to hear that. D. It’s very nice of you to say so. 2. — I’d like to open an account here. — ____C___________________ A. Yes, Madam. How can I help you? B. Oh, yes, please. C. I see. What kind of account, please? D. You can do whatever you like. 3. — Thank you for this wonderful party. — _______C________________ A. It’s my pleasure. B. No, it’s not so good as you say. C. I’m so glad you enjoy it. D. What do you think about it now? 4. — I was wondering if you’d like to go skating? — _________C______________ A. Are you really interested in going? B. I often go skating on Saturday. C. I’d love to, but I’m afraid I can’t do it today. D. Don’t you like it? 5. — Have a nice weekend! — ________D_______________ A. Of course I will. B. So will I. C. Not at all. D. Thanks. You too! 第二部分:阅读理解(共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分) Passage 1 To us it seems so natural to put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains. But actually the umbrella was not invented as protection against rain. Its first use was as a shade (遮光物)against the sun! Nobody knows who first invented it, but the umbrella was used in very ancient times. Probably the first to use it were the Chinese, way back in the 11 century BC. We know that the umbrella was used in ancient Egypt and Babylon as a sunshade. And there was a strange thing connected with its use: it became a symbol of honour and authority. In the Far East in ancient times, the umbrella was allowed to be used only by royalty or by those in high


2013年''数据结构与C程序设计〃(代码991)试题 一、单项选择题(本题共20分,每小题各2分) 1.对于长度为n的线性表.建立其对应的做链表的时间复杂度为()。 A.0(1): B. O(log2n):? O(n): D? O(n2)。 2.一般情况下,在一个双向链表中插入一个新的链结点,()o A.需要修改4个抬针域内的指针: B.需要修改3个指针域内的指针: C.需要修改2个指针域内的抬针:D?只需要修改1个指针域内的指针。 3.假设用单?个字母表示中缀表达式中的一个运算数(或称运算对&)?并利用堆栈产生中缀表达式对应的后缀表达式。对于中缀表达式A+B*(C/D-E),十从左至右扫描到运算数E时,堆栈中的运算符依次是()。(注:不包含表达式的分界符) A.+*/-: B. +*(/-: C? +*-:? +*(-o 4.若某二叉排序树的前序遍历序列为50,20,40,30,80,60,70.则后序遍历序列为()。 A. 30,40,20,50,70,60,80: B. 30,40,20,70,60,80,50: C. 70,60,80,50,30,40,20: D. 70,60,80,30,40,20,50. 5.分别以6, 3, 8, 12, 5Z 7对应叶结点的权值构造的哈夫曼(Huffman)树的深度为()。 A. 6: B. 5: C? 4: D? 3。 &下列关于图的叙述中,错误的是()0 A.根据图的定义,图中至少有一个顶点: B.根据图的定义.图中至少有一个顶点和一条边(弧): C.具有n个顶点的无向图最女有n(n-l)/2条边; D.具有n个顶点的有向图最多有n(n-l)条边(弧)。 7.若在有向图G的拓扑序列中,顶点vi在顶点vj之前,则下列4种情形中不可能出现的是()》 A.G中有弧 B.G中没有弧vvi,vj>: C.G中有一条从顶点vi到顶点vj的路径: D?G中有一条从顶点vj到顶点vi的路径。 8.下列关于査找操作的叙述中.错误的是()。 A.在顺序表中査找元素可以采用顺序查找法,也可以采用折半査找法: B.在链表中査找结点只能采用顺序査找法,不能采用折半査找法: C.一般情况下,顺序査找法不如折半查找法的时间效率商: D.折半査找的过程可以用一棵称之为''判定树"的二叉树來描述。 9.在一棵m阶B?树中,除根结点之外的任何分支结点包含关键字的个数至少是()。 A. m/2-1: B? m/2: C? m/2-l: D? m/2° 10.若对序列(49, 38, 65, 97, 76, 13, 27f 49J进行快速排序,则第一趙排序结束(即确定了第1个分界元素的最终位宜)时.序列的状态是()。 A. (13, 27, 49; 38, 49, 76, 97, 65): B. (13, 38, 27, 49; 49, 76, 97, 65): C. (13, 38, 49; 27, 49, 97, 76, 65): D. (13, 38, 49;27t 49z 76, 97, 65)。 二、填空题(本题共20分,每小题各2分)
