1、外文原文A: Fundamentals of Single-chip MicrocomputerTh e si ng le-c hi p m ic ro co mp ut er i s t he c ul mi na ti on of b oth t h e de ve lo pm en t o f t he d ig it al co m pu te r an d th e i n te gr at edc i rc ui t a rg ua bl y t h e to w m os t s ig ni f ic an t i nv en ti on s o f t he20th c e nt ur y [1].Th es e t ow ty pe s of ar ch it ec tu re a re fo un d i n s in g le-c hip m i cr oc om pu te r. So m e em pl oy t he spl i t pr og ra m/da ta m e mo ry o f th e H a rv ar d ar ch it ect u re, sh ow n in Fi g.3-5A-1, o th ers fo ll ow t he p h il os op hy, wi del y a da pt ed f or ge n er al-p ur po se co m pu te rs a nd m i cr op ro ce ss o r s, o f ma ki ng n o log i ca l di st in ct ion be tw ee np r og ra m an d d at a m e mo ry a s i n t he P r in ce to n ar ch ite c tu re, sh ow n i n F ig.3-5A-2.In g en er al te r ms a s in gl e-chi p m ic ro co mp ut er i sc h ar ac te ri zed b y t he i nc or po ra ti on of a ll t he un it s of a co mp ut er i n to a s in gl e d ev i ce, as s ho wn in Fi g3-5A-3.Fig.3-5A-1 A Harvard typeFig.3-5A-2. A conventional Princeton computerFig3-5A-3. Principal features of a microcomputerRead only memory (ROM).R OM i s us ua ll y f or th e p e rm an en t,n o n-vo la ti le s tor a ge o f an a pp lic a ti on s pr og ra m .M an ym i cr oc om pu te rs an d m ar e in te nd e d f or hi gh-v ol um e a p pl ic at io ns a n d he nc e t h e eco n om ic al m an uf act u re o f th e de vic e s re qu ir es t h at t he co nt en t s o f t he pr og ra m me m or y b e co mm it t ed pe rm a ne nt ly d u ri ng t he m an ufa c tu re o f ch ip s .Cl ea rl y, t hi s i m pl ie s ar i go ro us a pp ro ach to R OM c od e de ve l op me nt s in ce ch a ng es c an no t b e m ad e af te r m anu f a c tu re .Th is d ev e lo pm en t pr oc ess ma y in vo lv e e m ul at io n us in g a so ph is ti ca te d d e ve lo pm en t sy ste m w it h ah a rd wa re e mu la tio n c ap ab il it y as w el l as t he u se o f po we rf ul s o ft wa re t oo ls.So me m an uf act u re rs p ro vi de ad d it io na l RO M opt i on s byi n cl ud in g i n th eir r a n ge d ev ic es wi t h (or i nt en de d f o r u se w it h) u s er p ro gr am ma ble me mo ry. Th e sim p le st o f th es e i s u su al lyd e vi ce w hi ch c an o p er at e in a mi cro p ro ce ss or m od e b y u si ng s om e o f t he i np ut/o utp u t li ne s as a n a d dr es s an d da ta b us f ora c ce ss in g ex te rna l m em or y. T hi s t y pe o f de vi ce ca nb eh av ef u nc ti on al ly a s t h e si ng le ch ip mi cr oc om pu te r fro m w hi ch it is d e ri ve d al be it wi t h re st ri ct ed I/O a nd a m od if ied ex te rn alc i rc ui t. Th e u se o f th es ed ev ic es i s c om mo ne ve n i n pr od uc ti on c i rc ui ts wh er e t he vo lu me do es no t j us tif y t h e d ev el o pm en t c os ts o f c us to m o n-ch i p R OM[2];t he re c a n s ti ll be a s ig nif i ca nt sa vi ng i n I/O an d o th er c h ip s c om pa re d t o a co nv en ti on al mi c ro pr oc es so r b a se d ci rc ui t. Mo r e ex ac t re pl ace m en t fo r RO M dev i ce s ca n be o b ta in ed i n th e f o rm o f va ri an ts w it h 'p ig gy-b ack'E P RO M(Er as ab le pr o gr am ma bl e RO M )s oc ke ts o r d ev ic e s wi th EP RO M i n st ea d o f RO M 。
电气工程与自动化毕业论文中英文资料外文翻译The Transformer on load ﹠Introduction to DC MachinesIt has been shown that a primary input voltage 1V can be transformed to any desired open-circuit secondary voltage 2E by a suitable choice of turns ratio. 2E is available for circulating a load current impedance. For the moment, a lagging power factor will be considered. The secondary current and the resulting ampere-turns 22N I will change the flux, tending to demagnetize the core, reduce m Φ and with it 1E . Because the primary leakage impedance drop is so low, a small alteration to 1Ewill cause an appreciable increase of primary current from 0I to a new value of 1Iequal to ()()i jX R E V ++111/. The extra primary current and ampere-turns nearly cancel the whole of the secondary ampere-turns. This being so , the mutual flux suffers only a slight modification and requires practically the same net ampere-turns 10N I as on no load. The total primary ampere-turns are increased by an amount 22N I necessary to neutralize the same amount of secondary ampere-turns. In thevector equation , 102211N I N I N I =+; alternatively, 221011N I N I N I -=. At full load,the current 0I is only about 5% of the full-load current and so 1I is nearly equalto 122/N N I . Because in mind that 2121/N N E E =, the input kV A which is approximately 11I E is also approximately equal to the output kV A, 22I E .The physical current has increased, and with in the primary leakage flux towhich it is proportional. The total flux linking the primary ,111Φ=Φ+Φ=Φm p , isshown unchanged because the total back e.m.f.,(dt d N E /111Φ-)is still equal and opposite to 1V . However, there has been a redistribution of flux and the mutual component has fallen due to the increase of 1Φ with 1I . Although the change is small, the secondary demand could not be met without a mutual flux and e.m.f.alteration to permit primary current to change. The net flux s Φlinking thesecondary winding has been further reduced by the establishment of secondaryleakage flux due to 2I , and this opposes m Φ. Although m Φ and 2Φ are indicatedseparately , they combine to one resultant in the core which will be downwards at theinstant shown. Thus the secondary terminal voltage is reduced to dt d N V S /22Φ-=which can be considered in two components, i.e. dt d N dt d N V m //2222Φ-Φ-=orvectorially 2222I jX E V -=. As for the primary, 2Φ is responsible for a substantiallyconstant secondary leakage inductance222222/Λ=ΦN i N . It will be noticed that the primary leakage flux is responsible for part of the change in the secondary terminal voltage due to its effects on the mutual flux. The two leakage fluxes are closely related; 2Φ, for example, by its demagnetizing action on m Φ has caused the changes on the primary side which led to the establishment of primary leakage flux.If a low enough leading power factor is considered, the total secondary flux and the mutual flux are increased causing the secondary terminal voltage to rise with load. p Φ is unchanged in magnitude from the no load condition since, neglecting resistance, it still has to provide a total back e.m.f. equal to 1V . It is virtually the same as 11Φ, though now produced by the combined effect of primary and secondary ampere-turns. The mutual flux must still change with load to give a change of 1E and permit more primary current to flow. 1E has increased this time but due to the vector combination with 1V there is still an increase of primary current.Two more points should be made about the figures. Firstly, a unity turns ratio has been assumed for convenience so that '21E E =. Secondly, the physical picture is drawn for a different instant of time from the vector diagrams which show 0=Φm , if the horizontal axis is taken as usual, to be the zero time reference. There are instants in the cycle when primary leakage flux is zero, when the secondary leakage flux is zero, and when primary and secondary leakage flux is zero, and when primary and secondary leakage fluxes are in the same sense.The equivalent circuit already derived for the transformer with the secondary terminals open, can easily be extended to cover the loaded secondary by the addition of the secondary resistance and leakage reactance.Practically all transformers have a turns ratio different from unity although such an arrangement is sometimes employed for the purposes of electrically isolating one circuit from another operating at the same voltage. To explain the case where 21N N ≠ the reaction of the secondary will be viewed from the primary winding. The reaction is experienced only in terms of the magnetizing force due to the secondary ampere-turns. There is no way of detecting from the primary side whether 2I is large and 2N small or vice versa, it is the product of current and turns which causesthe reaction. Consequently, a secondary winding can be replaced by any number of different equivalent windings and load circuits which will give rise to an identical reaction on the primary .It is clearly convenient to change the secondary winding to an equivalent winding having the same number of turns 1N as the primary.With 2N changes to 1N , since the e.m.f.s are proportional to turns, 2212)/('E N N E = which is the same as 1E .For current, since the reaction ampere turns must be unchanged 1222'''N I N I = must be equal to 22N I .i.e. 2122)/(I N N I =.For impedance , since any secondary voltage V becomes V N N )/(21, and secondary current I becomes I N N )/(12, then any secondary impedance, including load impedance, must becomeI V N N I V /)/('/'221=. Consequently,22212)/('R N N R = and 22212)/('X N N X = . If the primary turns are taken as reference turns, the process is called referring to the primary side.There are a few checks which can be made to see if the procedure outlined is valid.For example, the copper loss in the referred secondary winding must be the same as in the original secondary otherwise the primary would have to supply a differentloss power. ''222R I must be equal to 222R I . )222122122/()/(N N R N N I •• does infact reduce to 222R I .Similarly the stored magnetic energy in the leakage field)2/1(2LI which is proportional to 22'X I will be found to check as ''22X I . The referred secondary 2212221222)/()/(''I E N N I N N E I E kVA =•==.The argument is sound, though at first it may have seemed suspect. In fact, if the actual secondary winding was removed physically from the core and replaced by the equivalent winding and load circuit designed to give the parameters 1N ,'2R ,'2X and '2I , measurements from the primary terminals would be unable to detect any difference in secondary ampere-turns, kVA demand or copper loss, under normal power frequency operation.There is no point in choosing any basis other than equal turns on primary andreferred secondary, but it is sometimes convenient to refer the primary to the secondary winding. In this case, if all the subscript 1’s are interchanged for the subscript 2’s, the necessary referring constants are easily found; e.g. 2'1R R ≈,21'X X ≈; similarly 1'2R R ≈ and 12'X X ≈.The equivalent circuit for the general case where 21N N ≠ except that m r hasbeen added to allow for iron loss and an ideal lossless transformation has been included before the secondary terminals to return '2V to 2V .All calculations of internal voltage and power losses are made before this ideal transformation is applied. The behaviour of a transformer as detected at both sets of terminals is the same as the behaviour detected at the corresponding terminals of this circuit when the appropriate parameters are inserted. The slightly different representation showing the coils 1N and 2N side by side with a core in between is only used for convenience. On the transformer itself, the coils are , of course , wound round the same core.Very little error is introduced if the magnetising branch is transferred to the primary terminals, but a few anomalies will arise. For example ,the current shown flowing through the primary impedance is no longer the whole of the primary current.The error is quite small since 0I is usually such a small fraction of 1I . Slightlydifferent answers may be obtained to a particular problem depending on whether or not allowance is made for this error. With this simplified circuit, the primary and referred secondary impedances can be added to give:221211)/(Re N N R R += and 221211)/(N N X X Xe +=It should be pointed out that the equivalent circuit as derived here is only valid for normal operation at power frequencies; capacitance effects must be taken into account whenever the rate of change of voltage would give rise to appreciablecapacitance currents, dt CdV I c /=. They are important at high voltages and atfrequencies much beyond 100 cycles/sec. A further point is not the only possible equivalent circuit even for power frequencies .An alternative , treating the transformer as a three-or four-terminal network, gives rise to a representation which is just as accurate and has some advantages for the circuit engineer who treats all devices as circuit elements with certain transfer properties. The circuit on this basiswould have a turns ratio having a phase shift as well as a magnitude change, and the impedances would not be the same as those of the windings. The circuit would not explain the phenomena within the device like the effects of saturation, so for an understanding of internal behaviour .There are two ways of looking at the equivalent circuit:(a) viewed from the primary as a sink but the referred load impedance connected across '2V ,or(b) viewed from the secondary as a source of constant voltage 1V with internal drops due to 1Re and 1Xe . The magnetizing branch is sometimes omitted in this representation and so the circuit reduces to a generator producing a constant voltage 1E (actually equal to 1V ) and having an internal impedance jX R + (actually equal to 11Re jXe +).In either case, the parameters could be referred to the secondary winding and this may save calculation time .The resistances and reactances can be obtained from two simple light load tests. Introduction to DC MachinesDC machines are characterized by their versatility. By means of various combination of shunt, series, and separately excited field windings they can be designed to display a wide variety of volt-ampere or speed-torque characteristics for both dynamic and steadystate operation. Because of the ease with which they can be controlled , systems of DC machines are often used in applications requiring a wide range of motor speeds or precise control of motor output.The essential features of a DC machine are shown schematically. The stator has salient poles and is excited by one or more field coils. The air-gap flux distribution created by the field winding is symmetrical about the centerline of the field poles. This axis is called the field axis or direct axis.As we know , the AC voltage generated in each rotating armature coil is converted to DC in the external armature terminals by means of a rotating commutator and stationary brushes to which the armature leads are connected. The commutator-brush combination forms a mechanical rectifier, resulting in a DCarmature voltage as well as an armature m.m.f. wave which is fixed in space. The brushes are located so that commutation occurs when the coil sides are in the neutral zone , midway between the field poles. The axis of the armature m.m.f. wave then in 90 electrical degrees from the axis of the field poles, i.e., in the quadrature axis. In the schematic representation the brushes are shown in quarature axis because this is the position of the coils to which they are connected. The armature m.m.f. wave then is along the brush axis as shown.. (The geometrical position of the brushes in an actual machine is approximately 90 electrical degrees from their position in the schematic diagram because of the shape of the end connections to the commutator.)The magnetic torque and the speed voltage appearing at the brushes are independent of the spatial waveform of the flux distribution; for convenience we shall continue to assume a sinusoidal flux-density wave in the air gap. The torque can then be found from the magnetic field viewpoint.The torque can be expressed in terms of the interaction of the direct-axis air-gapflux per pole d Φ and the space-fundamental component 1a F of the armature m.m.f.wave . With the brushes in the quadrature axis, the angle between these fields is 90 electrical degrees, and its sine equals unity. For a P pole machine 12)2(2a d F P T ϕπ=In which the minus sign has been dropped because the positive direction of thetorque can be determined from physical reasoning. The space fundamental 1a F ofthe sawtooth armature m.m.f. wave is 8/2π times its peak. Substitution in above equation then givesa d a a d a i K i m PC T ϕϕπ==2 Where a i =current in external armature circuit;a C =total number of conductors in armature winding;m =number of parallel paths through winding;Andm PC K aa π2=Is a constant fixed by the design of the winding.The rectified voltage generated in the armature has already been discussedbefore for an elementary single-coil armature. The effect of distributing the winding in several slots is shown in figure ,in which each of the rectified sine waves is the voltage generated in one of the coils, commutation taking place at the moment when the coil sides are in the neutral zone. The generated voltage as observed from the brushes is the sum of the rectified voltages of all the coils in series between brushesand is shown by the rippling line labeled a e in figure. With a dozen or socommutator segments per pole, the ripple becomes very small and the average generated voltage observed from the brushes equals the sum of the average values ofthe rectified coil voltages. The rectified voltage a e between brushes, known also asthe speed voltage, ism d a m d a a W K W m PC e ϕϕπ==2 Where a K is the design constant. The rectified voltage of a distributed winding has the same average value as that of a concentrated coil. The difference is that the ripple is greatly reduced.From the above equations, with all variable expressed in SI units:m a a Tw i e =This equation simply says that the instantaneous electric power associated with the speed voltage equals the instantaneous mechanical power associated with the magnetic torque , the direction of power flow being determined by whether the machine is acting as a motor or generator.The direct-axis air-gap flux is produced by the combined m.m.f. f f i N ∑ of the field windings, the flux-m.m.f. characteristic being the magnetization curve for the particular iron geometry of the machine. In the magnetization curve, it is assumed that the armature m.m.f. wave is perpendicular to the field axis. It will be necessary to reexamine this assumption later in this chapter, where the effects of saturation are investigated more thoroughly. Because the armature e.m.f. is proportional to flux times speed, it is usually more convenient to express the magnetization curve in termsof the armature e.m.f. 0a e at a constant speed 0m w . The voltage a e for a given fluxat any other speed m w is proportional to the speed,i.e. 00a m m a e w w e =Figure shows the magnetization curve with only one field winding excited. This curve can easily be obtained by test methods, no knowledge of any design details being required.Over a fairly wide range of excitation the reluctance of the iron is negligible compared with that of the air gap. In this region the flux is linearly proportional to the total m.m.f. of the field windings, the constant of proportionality being the direct-axis air-gap permeance.The outstanding advantages of DC machines arise from the wide variety of operating characteristics which can be obtained by selection of the method of excitation of the field windings. The field windings may be separately excited from an external DC source, or they may be self-excited; i.e., the machine may supply its own excitation. The method of excitation profoundly influences not only the steady-state characteristics, but also the dynamic behavior of the machine in control systems.The connection diagram of a separately excited generator is given. The required field current is a very small fraction of the rated armature current. A small amount of power in the field circuit may control a relatively large amount of power in the armature circuit; i.e., the generator is a power amplifier. Separately excited generators are often used in feedback control systems when control of the armature voltage over a wide range is required. The field windings of self-excited generators may be supplied in three different ways. The field may be connected in series with the armature, resulting in a shunt generator, or the field may be in two sections, one of which is connected in series and the other in shunt with the armature, resulting in a compound generator. With self-excited generators residual magnetism must be present in the machine iron to get the self-excitation process started.In the typical steady-state volt-ampere characteristics, constant-speed primemovers being assumed. The relation between the steady-state generated e.m.f. a Eand the terminal voltage t V isa a a t R I E V -=Where a I is the armature current output and a R is the armature circuitresistance. In a generator, a E is large than t V ; and the electromagnetic torque T is acountertorque opposing rotation.The terminal voltage of a separately excited generator decreases slightly with increase in the load current, principally because of the voltage drop in the armature resistance. The field current of a series generator is the same as the load current, so that the air-gap flux and hence the voltage vary widely with load. As a consequence, series generators are not often used. The voltage of shunt generators drops off somewhat with load. Compound generators are normally connected so that the m.m.f. of the series winding aids that of the shunt winding. The advantage is that through the action of the series winding the flux per pole can increase with load, resulting in a voltage output which is nearly constant. Usually, shunt winding contains many turns of comparatively heavy conductor because it must carry the full armature current of the machine. The voltage of both shunt and compound generators can be controlled over reasonable limits by means of rheostats in the shunt field. Any of the methods of excitation used for generators can also be used for motors. In the typical steady-state speed-torque characteristics, it is assumed that the motor terminals are supplied froma constant-voltage source. In a motor the relation between the e.m.f. a E generated inthe armature and the terminal voltage t V isa a a t R I E V +=Where a I is now the armature current input. The generated e.m.f. a E is nowsmaller than the terminal voltage t V , the armature current is in the oppositedirection to that in a motor, and the electromagnetic torque is in the direction to sustain rotation of the armature.In shunt and separately excited motors the field flux is nearly constant. Consequently, increased torque must be accompanied by a very nearly proportional increase in armature current and hence by a small decrease in counter e.m.f. to allow this increased current through the small armature resistance. Since counter e.m.f. is determined by flux and speed, the speed must drop slightly. Like the squirrel-cage induction motor ,the shunt motor is substantially a constant-speed motor having about 5 percent drop in speed from no load to full load. Starting torque and maximum torque are limited by the armature current that can be commutatedsuccessfully.An outstanding advantage of the shunt motor is ease of speed control. With a rheostat in the shunt-field circuit, the field current and flux per pole can be varied at will, and variation of flux causes the inverse variation of speed to maintain counter e.m.f. approximately equal to the impressed terminal voltage. A maximum speed range of about 4 or 5 to 1 can be obtained by this method, the limitation again being commutating conditions. By variation of the impressed armature voltage, very wide speed ranges can be obtained.In the series motor, increase in load is accompanied by increase in the armature current and m.m.f. and the stator field flux (provided the iron is not completely saturated). Because flux increases with load, speed must drop in order to maintain the balance between impressed voltage and counter e.m.f.; moreover, the increase in armature current caused by increased torque is smaller than in the shunt motor because of the increased flux. The series motor is therefore a varying-speed motor with a markedly drooping speed-load characteristic. For applications requiring heavy torque overloads, this characteristic is particularly advantageous because the corresponding power overloads are held to more reasonable values by the associated speed drops. Very favorable starting characteristics also result from the increase in flux with increased armature current.In the compound motor the series field may be connected either cumulatively, so that its.m.m.f.adds to that of the shunt field, or differentially, so that it opposes. The differential connection is very rarely used. A cumulatively compounded motor has speed-load characteristic intermediate between those of a shunt and a series motor, the drop of speed with load depending on the relative number of ampere-turns in the shunt and series fields. It does not have the disadvantage of very high light-load speed associated with a series motor, but it retains to a considerable degree the advantages of series excitation.The application advantages of DC machines lie in the variety of performance characteristics offered by the possibilities of shunt, series, and compound excitation. Some of these characteristics have been touched upon briefly in this article. Stillgreater possibilities exist if additional sets of brushes are added so that other voltages can be obtained from the commutator. Thus the versatility of DC machine systems and their adaptability to control, both manual and automatic, are their outstanding features.中文翻译负载运行的变压器及直流电机导论通过选择合适的匝数比,一次侧输入电压1V 可任意转换成所希望的二次侧开路电压2E 。
电气工程的外文文献(及翻译)文献一:Electric power consumption prediction model based on grey theory optimized by genetic algorithms本文介绍了一种基于混合灰色理论与遗传算法优化的电力消耗预测模型。
文献二:Intelligent control for energy-efficient operation of electric motors本文研究了一种智能控制方法,用于电动机的节能运行。
文献三:Fault diagnosis system for power transformers based on dissolved gas analysis本文介绍了一种基于溶解气体分析的电力变压器故障诊断系统。
文献四:Power quality improvement using series active filter based on iterative learning control technique本文研究了一种基于迭代研究控制技术的串联有源滤波器用于电能质量改善的方法。
附录一:外文原文Super capacitors - An OverviewKey words: Electrostatic capacitor; Electrolytic capacitor; Ceramic capacitor;Electrical double layer capacitor; Super Capacitor1.INTRODUCTIONThis paper offers a concise review on the renaissance of a conventional capacitor toelectrochemical double layer capacitor or super capacitor. Capacitors are fundamental electrical circuitelements that store electrical energy in the order of microfarads and assist in filtering. Capacitors havetwo main applications; one of which is a function to charge or discharge electricity. This function isapplied to smoothing circuits of power supplies, backup circuits of microcomputers, and timer circuitsthat make use of the periods to charge or discharge electricity. The other is a function to block the flowof DC. This function is applied to filters that extract or eliminate particular frequencies. This isindispensable to circuits where excellent frequency characteristics are required. Electrolytic capacitorsare next generation capacitors which are commercialized in full scale. They are similar to batteries in cell construction but the anode and cathode materials remain the same. They are aluminum, tantalum and ceramic capacitors where they use solid/liquid electrolytes with a separator between two symmetrical electro des.An electrochemical capacitor (EC), often called a Super capacitor or Ultra capacitor, stores electrical charge in the electric double layer at a surface-electrolyte interface, primarily in high-surface-area carbon. Because of the high surface area and the thinness of the double layer, these devices can have very a high specific and volumetric capacitance. This enables them to combine a previously unattainable capacitance density with an essentially unlimited charge/discharge cycle life. The operational voltage per cell ,limited only by the breakdown potential of the electrolyte, is usually<1 or <3 volts per cell for aqueous or organic electrolytes respectively.The concept of storing electrical energy in the electric double layer that isformed at the interface between an electrolyte and a solid has been known since the late 1800s. The first electrical device using double-layer charge storage was reported in 1957 by H.I. Becker of General Electric (U.S. Patent 2,800,616).Unfortunately, Becker’s device was imp ractical in that, similarly to a flooded battery, both electrodes needed to be immersed in a container of electrolyte, and the device was never comercialised.Becker did, however, appreciate the large capacitance values subsequently achieved by Robert A. Rightmire, a chemist at the Standard Oil Company of Ohio (SOHIO), to whom can be attributed the invention of the device in the format now commonly used. His patent (U.S. 3,288,641), filed in 1962 and awarded in late November 1966, and a follow-on patent (U.S. Patent 3,536,963) by fellow SOHIO researcher Donald L. Boos in 1970, form the basis for the many hundreds of subsequent patents and journal articles covering all aspects of EC technology.This technology has grown into an industrywith sales worth severalhundred million dollars per year. It is an in dustry that is poised today for rapid growth in the near term with the expansion of power quality needs and emerging transportation applications.Following the commercial introduction of NEC’s Super Capacitor in 1978, under licence from SOHIO, EC have evolved through several generations of designs. Initially they were used as back-up power devices for v is for cells ranging in size from small millifarad size devices with exceptional pulse power performance up to devices rated at hundreds of thousands of farads, with systems in some applications operating at up to 1,500 volts. The technology is seeing increasingly broad use, replacing batteriesolatile clock chips and complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) computer memories. But many other applications have emerged over the past 30 years, including portable wireless communication, enhanced power quality for distributed power generation systems, industrial actuator power sources, and high-efficiency energy storage for electric vehicles(EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs).Overall, the unique attributes of ECs often complement the weaknesses of other power sources like batteries and fuel cells.Early ECs were generally rated at a few volts and had capacitance values measured from fractions of farads up to several farads. The trend today in some cases and in others complementing their performance.The third generation evolution is the electric double layer capacitor, where the electrical charge stored at a metal/electrolyte interface is exploited to construct astorage device. The interface can store electrical charge in the order of 610Farad. The main component in the electrode construction is activated carbon. Though this concept was initialized and industrialized some 40 years ago, there was a stagnancy in research until recent times; the need for this revival of interest arises due to the increasing demands for electrical energy storage in certain current applications like digital electronic devices, implantable medical devices and stop/start operation in vehicle traction which need very short high power pulses that could be fulfilled by electric double layer capacitors. They are complementary to batteries as they deliver high power density and low energy density. They also have longer cycle life than batteries and possess higher energy density as compared to conventional capacitors. This has led to new concepts of the so-called hybrid charge storage devices in which electrochemical capacitor is interfaced with a fuel cell or a battery. These capacitors using carbon as the main electrode material for both anode and cathode with organic and aqueous electrolytes are commercialized and used in day to-day applications. Fig.1 presents the three types of capacitors depicting the basic differences in their design and construction.Figure 1.Schematic presentation of electrostatic capacitor, electrolytic capacitor and electrical double layer capacitor.EDLCs, however suffer from low energy density. To rectify these problems, recently researchers try to incorporate transition metal oxides along with carbon in the electrode materials. When the electrode materials consist of transition metal oxides, then the electrosorption or redox processes enhance the value of specific capacitance ca. 10 -100 times depending on the nature of oxides. In such a situation, the EDLC is called as super capacitor or pseudo capacitor . This is the fourth generation capacitor. Performance of a super capacitor combines simultaneously two kinds of energy storage, i.e. non-faradic charge as in EDLC capacitors and faradaic charge similar toprocesses proceeding in batteries. The market for EC devices used for memory protection in electronic circuitry is about $150-200 million annually. New potential applications for ECs include the portable electronic device market, the power quality market, due particularly to distributed generation and low-emission hybrid cars, buses and trucks. There are some published reviews on capacitors and super capacitors . In the present overview, the evolution of electrochemical double layer capacitors starting from simple electrostatic capacitors is summarized.2. EXPERIMENTAL PARTThe invention of Leiden jar in 1745 started the capacitor technology; since then, there has been tremendous progress in this field. In the beginning, capacitors are used primarily in electrical and electronic products, but today they are used in fields ranging from industrial application to automobiles, aircraft and space, medicine, computers, games and power supply circuits. Capacitors are made from two metallic electrodes (mainly Si) placed in mutual opposition with an insulating material (dielectric) between the electrodes for accumulating an electrical charge. The basic equation relating to the capacitors is:C = εS/d (1)where C(μF) is the electrostatic capacity, the dielectric constant of the dielectric, S (cm2) the surface area of the electrode and d (cm) the thickness of the dielectric. The charge accumulating principle can be described as follows: when a battery is connected to the capacitor, flow of current induces the flow of electrons so that electrons are attracted to the positive terminal of the battery and so they flow towards the power source. As a result, an electron deficiency develops at the positive side, which becomes positively charged and an electron surplus develops at the negative side, which becomes negatively charged. This electron flow continues until the potential difference between the two electrodes becomes equal to the battery voltage. Thus the capacitor gets charged. Once the battery is removed, the electrons flow from the negative side to the side with an electron deficiency; this process leads to discharging. The conventional capacitors yield capacitance in the range of 0.1 to 1 μF with a voltage range of 50 to 400 V. Various materials such as paper (ε, 1.2-2.6), paraffin (ε 1.9-2.4), polyethylene (2.2-2.4), polystyrene (ε, 2.5-2.7), ebonite (ε, 2-3.5), polyethylene tetraphtharate (ε,3.1-3.2), water (ε, 80) sulfur(ε, 2-4.2), steatite porcelain (ε, 6-7), Al porcelain (ε, 8-10), mica(ε, 5-7)and insulated mineral oil (ε, 2.2-2.4) are used as dielectrics in capacitors.The capacitance output of these silicon based capacitors is limited and has to cope with low surface-to volume ratios of these electrodes. To increase the capacitance, as per eq., one has to increase to ∂or S and decrease; however the ∂value is largely determined by the working voltage and cannot be tampered. When aiming at high capacitance densities, it is necessary to combine the mutual benefits achieved with a high permittivity insulator material and an increased effective surface area. With Si as the substrate material, electrochemical etching produces effective surface area. The surface area of this material gets enlarged by two orders of magnitude compared to unetched surface. Electrochemically formed macroporous Si has been used for the preparation of high aspect ratio capacitors with layered SiO2/Si3N4/SiO2 insulators. Research work on the modification of conventional capacitors to increase the specific capacitance is also in progress. Approximately 30 times higher capacitance densities are reported recently for Si/Al2O3/ZnO: Al capacitor where Si is electrochemically etched porous one. Another way identified to increase the surface area of the electrodes is to form anodically formed oxides (Al, Ta); however, ceramic capacitors are based on the high dielectric constant rather than the electrode area.3. ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORSThe next generation capacitors are the electrolytic capacitors; they are of Ta, Al and ceramic electrolytic capacitors. Electrolytic capacitors use an electrolyte as conductor between the dielectrics and an electrode. A typical aluminum electrolytic capacitor includes an anode foil and a cathode foil processed by surface enlargement and or formation treatments. Usually, the dielectric film is fabricated by anodizing high purity Al foil for high voltage applications in boric acid solutions. The thickness of the dielectric film is related to the working voltage of the aluminum electrolytic capacitor. After cutting to a specific size according to the design specification, a laminate made up of an anode foil, a cathode foil which is opposed to the dielectric film of the anode foil and a separator interposed between the anode and cathode foils, is wound to provide an element. The wound element does not have any electricalcharacteristics of electrolytic capacitor yet until completely dipped in an electrolyte for driving and housed in a metallic sheathed package in cylindrical form with a closed-end equipping a releaser. Furthermore, a sealing material made of elastic rubber is inserted into an open-end section of the sheathed package and the open-end section of the sheathed package by drawing, whereby an aluminum electrolytic capacitor is constituted. Electrolytic aluminum capacitors are mainly used as power supplies for automobiles, aircraft, space vehicles, computers, monitors, motherboards of personal computers and other electronics.There are two types of tantalum capacitors commercially available in the market; wet electrolytic capacitors which use sulfuric acid as the electrolyte and solid electrolytic capacitors which use MnO2 as the solid electrolyte. Though the capacitances derived from both Ta and Al capacitors are the same, Ta capacitors are superior to Al capacitors in temperature and frequency characteristics. For analog signal systems, Al capacitors produce a current-spike noise which does not happen in Ta capacitors. In other words, Ta capacitors are preferred for circuits which need high stability characteristics. The total world wide production of Al electrolytic capacitors amounts to US$ 3.8 billion, 99% of which are of the wet type. Unlike Ta solid electrolytic capacitors, the solid electrolyte materials used are of organic origin; polypyrrole, a functional polymer and TCNQ (7,7, 8, 8- tetracyanoquniodimethane) an organic semiconductor. Next, MnO2 solid electrolyte material is formed on the surface of that dielectric layer and on top of that a layer of polypyrrole organic solid electrolyte material is formed by electrolytic synthesis. Following this, the positive and negative electrodes are mounted to complete the electronic component. However, the capacitances of these electrolytic capacitors are in the range 0.1 to 10F with a voltage profile of 25 to 50 V.The history of development of electrolytic capacitors which were mass produced in the past as well as today is presented by S. Niwa and Y. Taketani . Many researchers try to improve the performance of these electrolytic capacitors by modifying the electrode or electrolyte. Generally, the increases in effective surface area (S) are achieved by electrolytic etching of aluminum substrate before anodization, but now it faces with the limit. It is also very difficult to decrease d because the d value is largely decided when the working voltages are decided. Increase in may be a possible routine to form composite dielectric layers by incorporating relatively large value compounds. Replacement of MnO2 by polypyrrole solid electrolyte was reported to reduce electrostatic resistance due to its higher conductivity; aromaticsulfonate ions were used as charge compensating dopant ions .A tantalum capacitor with Ta metal as anode, polypyrrole as cathode and Ta2O5 dielectric layer was also reported. In the Al solid electrolytic capacitors, polyaniline doped with inorganic and organic acids was also studied as counter electrode. In yet another work, Al solid electrolytic capacitor with etched Al foil as anode, polyaniline / polypyrrrole as cathode and Al2O3 as dielectric was developed. Ethylene carbonate based organic electrolytes and -butyrolactone based electrolytes have been tried as operating electrolytes in Al electrolytic capacitors. Masuda et al. have obtained high capacitance by electrochemically anodizing rapidly quenching Al-Ti alloy foil. Many researchers have tried the other combination of alloys such as Al-Zr, Al-Si, Al-Ti, Al-Nb and Al-Ta composite oxide films. Composite oxide films of Al2O3-(Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3) and Al2O3- Bi4Ti3O12 on low-voltage etched aluminum foil were also studied. Nb-Ta-Al for Ta electrolytic capacitors was also tried as anode material .A ceramic capacitor is a capacitor constructed of alternating layers of metal and ceramic, with the ceramic material acting as the dielectric. Multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCs) typically consist of ~100 alternate layers of electrode and dielectric ceramics sandwiched between two ceramic cover layers. They are fabricated by screen-printing of electrode layers on dielectric layers and co-sintering of the laminate. Conventionally, Ag-Pd is used as the electrode material and BaTiO3 is used as the dielectric ceramic. From 2000 onwards, the MLCs market has been growing in pace with the exponential development of communications. They are produced in the capacitance range of 10 F (normally the range of Ta and Al electrolytic capacitors); they are highly useful in high frequency applications. Historically, a ceramic capacitor is a two-terminal non-polar device. The classical ceramic capacitor is the disc capacitor. This device predates the transistor and was used extensively in vacuum-tube equipment (e.g radio receivers) from c. a. 1930 through the 1950s and in discrete transistor equipment from the 1950s through the 1980s. As of 2007, ceramic disc capacitors are in widespread use in electronic equipment, providing high capacity and small size at low price compared to the other types.The other ceramic materials that have been identified and used are CaZrO3, MgTiO3, SrTiO3 etc. A typical 10 F MLC is a chip of size (3.2 x 1.6 x 1.5 mm). Mn, Ca, Pd , Ag etc are some of the other internal electrodes used. Linear dielectrics and antiferroelectrics based o strontium titante have been developed for high voltage disk capacitors. These are applicable for MLCs with thinner layers because of their high coercive fields. One of the most critical material processing parameters is the degreeof homogeneous mixing of additive in the slurry. The binder distribution in the green ceramic sheet, the degree of surface roughness, fine size nickel powder, formation of green sheet, electrode deposition ad sheet stacking etc play a crucial role in the process technology. Any one of these facts if mishandled would result in the failure of the device. For instance, providing a roughess of 5 m thick green sheet to 0.5 m is mandatory so that a smooth contact surface with the inner nickel electrode can be established. This is a very important factor in avoiding the concentration of electric filed at asperities, where the charge emission from the electrode is accelerated, resulting in short failure. Conventional sheet/printing method has a technical limit of producing a thickness around 1 m dielectric; in order to decrease the thickness further, thin film technologies like CVD, sputtering, plasma-spray etc has to be used.The other types of capacitors are film capacitors which use thin polyester film and polypropylene film as dielectrics and meta-glazed capacitors which incorporate electrode plates made of film vacuum evaporated with metal such as Al. Films can be of polyester, polypropylene or polycarbonate make. Also capacitors are specified depending on the dielectric used such as polyester film capacitor, polypropylene capacitor, mica capacitor, metallized polyester film capacitor etc.4. DOUBLE LAYER CAPACITORSElectric/electrochemical double layer capacitor (EDLC) is a unique electrical storage device, which can store much more energy than conventional capacitors and offer much higher power densitythan batteries. EDLCs fill up the gap between the batteries and the conventional capacitor, allowing applications for various power and energy requirements i.e., back up power sources for electronic devices, load-leveling, engine start or acceleration for hybrid vehicles and electricity storage generated from solar or wind energy. EDLC works on the principle of double-layer capacitance at the electrode/electrolyte interface where electric charges are accumulated on the electrode surfaces and ions of opposite charge are arranged on the electrolyte side.Figure 2.Charge storage mechanism of an EDLC cell under idle and charged conditions.Fig. 2 shows the mechanism of charge storage in an EDLC cell and Fig. 3 shows the configuration of an typical EDLC cell. There are two main types of double layer capacitors as classified by the charge storage mechanism: (i) electrical double-layer capacitor; (ii) electrochemical double layer capacitor or super/pseudocapacitor. An EDLC stores energy in the double-layer at the electrode/electrolyte interface, whereas the supercapacitor sustains a Faradic reaction between the electrode and the electrolyte in a suitable potential window. Thus the electrode material used for the construction of the cell for the former is mainly carbon material while for the latter, the electrode material consist of either transition metal oxides or mixtures of carbon and metal oxides/polymers. The electrolytes can be either aqueous or non-aqueous depending on the mode of construction of EDLC cell.Figure 3.Typical configuration of an EDLC cellThere are two general directions of interest. One is the long term goal of the development of electrical propulsion for vehicles, and the other is the rapid growth of portable electronic devices that require power sources with maximum energy content and the lowest possible size and weight.5. CONCLUSIONSAccording to a market survey by Montana, super capacitors are becoming a promising solution for brake energy storage in rail vehicles. The expected technological development outside railway sector is also shown to be highly dynamic: diesel electric vehicles, catenary free operation of city light rail, starting system for diesel engines, hybrid-electric cars, industrial applications, elevators, pallet trucks etc. The time horizon expected for development is next 5 to 10 years. The main development goals will be,· long life time· increase of the rated voltage· improvements of the range of operating temperature· increase of the energy and power densitiesVery recently, hybrid car is introduced in the market but it is turned to be very expensive and out of common man’s reach. Shortage and cost of fossil fuels already instigated alternate technologies viable for traction purposes. In such a situation,EDLCs are also useful to store energy generated from non-conventional energy sources. A future possibility of service centers set up for EDLC supply similar to petrol (as on date) is not far as the main setbacks in technology development may take a decade for fruitful results.附录二:外文译文超级电容器-概述关键词:静电电容,电解电容器,陶瓷电容器,双电层 ,电容器,超级电容器1.引言本文为电化学双层电容器或超级电容器提供在一台常规电容器,简明的介绍新生的电化学双电层电容器或超级电容器。
电气工程及其自动化 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 电力系统的简介
Brief Introduction to The Electric Power SystemPart 1 Minimum electric power systemA minimum electric power system is shown in Fig.1-1, the system consists of an energy source, a prime mover, a generator, and a load.The energy source may be coal, gas, or oil burned in a furnace to heat water and generate steam in a boiler; it may be fissionable material which, in a nuclear reactor, will heat water to produce steam; it may be water in a pond at an elevation above the generating station; or it may be oil or gas burned in an internal combustion engine.The prime mover may be a steam-driven turbine, a hydraulic turbine or water wheel, or an internal combustion engine. Each one of these prime movers has the ability to convert energy in the form of heat, falling water, or fuel into rotation of a shaft, which in turn will drive the generator.The electrical load on the generator may be lights, motors, heaters, or other devices, alone or in combination. Probably the load will vary from minute to minute as different demands occur.The control system functions (are)to keep the speed of the machines substantially constant and the voltage within prescribed limits, even though the load may change. To meet these load conditions, it is necessary for fuel input to change, for the prime mover input to vary, and for torque on the shaft from the prime mover to change in order that the generator may be kept at constant speed. In addition, the field current to the generator must be adjusted to maintain constant output voltage. Thecontrol system may include a man stationed in the power plant who watches a set of meters on the generator output terminals and makes the necessary adjustments manually. In a modern station, the control system is a servomechanism that senses generator-output conditions and automatically makes the necessary changes in energy input and field current to hold the electrical output within certain specifications..Part 2 More Complicated SystemsIn most situations the load is not directly connected to the generator terminals. More commonly the load is some distance from the generator, requiring a power line connecting them. It is desirable to keep the electric power supply at the load within specifications. However, the controls are near the generator, which may be in another building, perhaps several miles away.If the distance from the generator to the load is considerable, it may be desirable to install transformers at the generator and at the load end, and to transmit the power over a high-voltage line (Fig.1-2). For the same power, the higher-voltage line carries less current, has lower losses for the same wire size, and provides more stable voltage.In some cases an overhead line may be unacceptable. Instead it may be advantageous to use an underground cable. With the power systems talked above, the power supply to the load must be interrupted if, for any reason, any component of the system must be moved from service for maintenance or repair. Additional system load may require more power than the generator can supply. Another generator with its associated transformers and high-voltage line might be added.It can be shown that there are some advantages in making ties between the generators (1) and at the end of the high-voltage lines (2 and 3), as shown in Fig.1-3. This system will operate satisfactorily as long as no trouble develops or no equipmentneeds to be taken out of service.The above system may be vastly improved by the introduction of circuit breakers, which may be opened and closed as needed. Circuit breakers added to the system, Fig.1-4, permit selected piece of equipment to switch out of service without disturbing the remainder of system. With this arrangement any element of the system may be deenergized for maintenance or repair by operation of circuit breakers.Of course, if any piece of equipment is taken out of service, then the total load must be carried by the remaining equipment. Attention must be given to avoid overloads during such circumstances. If possible, outages of equipment are scheduled at times when load requirements are below normal.Fig.1-5 shows a system in which three generators and three loads are tied together by three transmission lines. No circuit breakers are shown in this diagram, although many would be required in such a system.Part 3 Typical System LayoutThe generators, lines, and other equipment which form an electric system are arranged depending on the manner in which load grows in the area and may be rearranged from time to time.However, there are certain plans into which a particular system design may be classified. Three types are illustrated: the radial system, the loop system, and the network system. All of these are shown without the necessary circuit breakers. In each of these systems, a single generator serves four loads.The radial system is shown in Fig.1-6. Here the lines form a “tree” spreading out from the generator. Opening any line results in interruption of power to one or more of the loads.The loop system is illustrated in Fig.1-7. With this arrangement all loads may be served even though one line section is removed from service. In some instances during normal operation, the loop may be open at some point, such as A. In case a line section is to be taken out, the loop is first closed at A and then the line section removed. In this manner no service interruptions occur.Fig.1-8 shows the same loads being served by a network. With this arrangement each load has two or more circuits over which it is fed.Distribution circuits are commonly designed so that they may be classified as radial or loop circuits. The high-voltage transmission lines of most power systems are arranged as network. The interconnection of major power system results in networks made up by many line sections.Part 4 Auxiliary EquipmentCircuit breakers are necessary to deenergize equipment either for normal operation or on the occurrence of short circuits. Circuit breakers must be designed to carry normal-load currents continuously, to withstand the extremely high currents that occur during faults, and to separate contacts and clear a circuit in the presence of fault. Circuit breakers are rated in terms of these duties.When a circuit breaker opens to deenergize a piece of equipment, one side of the circuit breaker usually remains energized, as it is connected to operating equipment. Since it is sometimes necessary to work on the circuit breaker itself, it is also necessary to have means by which the circuit breaker may be completely disconnected from other energized equipment. For this purpose disconnect switches are placed in series with the circuit breakers. By opening these disconnectors, thecircuit breaker may be completely deenergized, permitting work to be carried on in safety.Various instruments are necessary to monitor the operation of the electric power system. Usually each generator, each transformer bank, and each line has its own set of instruments, frequently consisting of voltmeters, ammeters, wattmeters, and varmeters.When a fault occurs on a system, conditions on the system undergo a sudden change. V oltages usually drop and currents increase. These changes are most noticeable in the immediate vicinity of fault. On-line analog computers, commonly called relays, monitor these changes of conditions, make a determination of which breaker should be opened to clear the fault, and energize the trip circuits of those appropriate breakers. With modern equipment, the relay action and breaker opening causes removal of fault within three or four cycles after its initiation.The instruments that show circuit conditions and the relays that protect the circuits are not mounted directly on the power lines but are placed on switchboards in a control house. Instrument transformers are installed on the high-voltage equipment, by means of which it is possible to pass on to the meters and relays representative samples of the conditions on the operating equipment. The primary of a potential transformer is connected directly to the high-voltage equipment. The secondary provides for the instruments and relays a voltage which is a constant fraction of voltage on the operating equipment and is in phase with it;similarly, a current transformer is connected with its primary in the high-current circuit. The secondary winding provides a current that is a known fraction of the power-equipment current and is in phase with it.Bushing potential devices and capacitor potential devices serve the same purpose as potential transformers but usually with less accuracy in regard to ratio and phase angle.中文翻译:电力系统的简介第一部分:最小电力系统一个最小电力系统如图1-1所示,系统包含动力源,原动机,发电机和负载。
The Load Estimation and Power Tracking Integrated Control Strategy for Dual-Sides Controlled LCC Compensated WirelessCharging SystemABSTRACT In this paper, the wireless power transfer (WPT) system with dynamic loads such as batteries is studied comprehensively. An integrated control technology of load estimation and power tracking of LCC compensated is proposed, which realizes load estimation, mode judgment and charging control at the transmitter, and standard load setting and decoupling control at the receiver. Based on the inflfluence of reflflection impedance on the output current of the inverter, a method of identifying coupling coeffificient and equivalent load is proposed and a mathematical model is established. Receiver controller provides standard reference load for load estimation. Transmitter controller judges battery status according to the estimation of equivalent load and adopts double closed-loop control to regulate power and current. Receiver decouples control when battery charging voltage reaches the threshold, and providing mode conversion sign for transmitter controller to realize constant current (CC) and constant voltage (CV) charging of battery.The Dual-sides integrated control scheme has no data communication between transmitter and receiver, so it can control independently, which reduces the complexity of the system and is suitable for different charging modes. The proposed controller is more effificient as it maintains a track current, and dynamically alters the pick-up characteristics to suit the load demand. Finally, the simulation and experimental results validate the feasibility of proposed control method, which realizes the estimation of the load and CC/CV charging of the battery. The proposed WPT system achieved the effificiency at 91.16% while delivering 2 kW to the load with a vertical air gap of 150 mm.INDEX TERMS Wireless power transfer, integrated control, load estimation, constant current/voltage charging, LCC compensation, phase shift control.Wireless Power Transmission (WPT) or Contactless Power Transmission (CPT) achieves the power transmission without physical connection, which makes up for the shortcomings of traditional power transmission methods . Wireless charging will promote the development of electric vehicles (EVs), because it provides more convenient, reliable and safer charging options than conductive charging . There are many research fields in WPT for EVs, especially the WPT system is sensitive to coupling coefficient, air gap, resonant frequency, and load change, which makes it hard for There are many research fields in WPT for EVs, especially the WPT system issensitive to coupling coefficient, air gap,resonant frequency, and load change, which makes it hard for robust control, and most scholars focus on the steady state of the WPT systems .When the resonant frequency, position, parameters and load of the wireless charging system change, which result in a higher volt-ampere rating and lower power transfer efficiency. Therefore, resonant compensation is an important part at the transmitter and receiver of the system. Different compensation topologies have been proposed and implemented to tune the two coils working at a resonant frequency in a wide range of applications. there are four basic compensation topologies, namely Series-Series (SS), SeriesParallel (SP), Parallel-Series (PS) and Parallel-Parallel (PP),are widely adopted for EV applications.Many other novel compensation topologies are also used to improve the power transfer efficiency and to simplify the control of WPT systems. Literatures show that LCL topology and series LC topology are the commonly used primary compensation networks for WPT. Compared with series LC, LCL performs better in power conversion efficiency over the full range of coupling and loading imposed, and its constant current source characteristic make its closed-loop control implementation easier. More advantageous compensation topologies are put forward in . The double-sided LCC compensation topology is outstanding since not only is its resonant frequency independent of coupling coefficient and load condition, but also its advantages of facilitating zero voltage switch (ZVS) or zero current switch (ZCS) of the inverter, realize CC charging at zero phase angle (ZPA) condition, increasing lateral misalignment tolerance, and improving WPT efficiency have been demonstrated.The other problem with WPT charger systems is implementing a charge process for EV batteries.Since batteries are considered to be varying loads during charging, the charge converter needs to regulate its output precisely to implement the constant current (CC) charge and constant voltage (CV) mode charge. Thus, meticulous control and tuning of the inverter is necessary since the load varies violently as the receive coil moves with the online EV.This adds to the control complexity and may reduce systematic reliability. In order to improve battery life and charging efficiency, it is necessary for a charger to provide accurate charge current and voltage through stable operations. In recent years, various control strategies have been studied to provide the required output currentorvoltagefortime-varyingloadsatdifferentcharging stages.The traditional control method is to use wireless communication to send the load state information to the transmitter controller to adjust the output power of the inverter to achieve CC/CV charging in . In order to simplify the control of an WPT charger system and avoid the above drawbacks of conventional control methods under wide variations of the load in implementing the CC/CV charge, some researchers have started to utilize the load-independent characteristics of the compensation topologies at their resonant frequencies proposes a design method which makes it possible to implement the CC/CV mode charge with minimum frequency variation during the entire charge process by using the load-independent characteristics of an WPT system under the ZPA condition without any additional switches. But, frequency variation may result in a bifurcation phenomenon,where the control ability and stability of the system are lost.In order to realize ZPA condition in the whole charging process, a switchablehybrid topology is proposed in [19], and [20]. CC and CV charging are realized in different compensation topologies. However, the addition of switches complicates the system, and changes in system parameters can also lead to instability.In[21], a new control technique was proposed, which only employs the controller at transmitting and and load identification approach to adjust charging voltage/current for SS and SP compensated WPT systems. The advantages are that dual-side wireless communication for real-time charging current/voltage adjustment is avoided as well as it is suitable for different charging modes. However, switching between two kinds of topologies is still needed. For the CC/CV charging control at constant frequency, some approaches employ a DC/DC converter to control the output current or voltage while the front-end converter operates at the resonant frequency to achieve the ZPA condition in [22] and [23]. However, this increases the component counts, losses and complexity. In [24], DC/DC converters are used for decoupling control rather than CC or CV charging.In [25]and [26], a single primary-side controller based on phase shift H-bridge inverter are proposed to adjust the charging current or charging voltage against various load, may make it hard for the High frequency inverter to achieve ZVS in full load range, especially with light load condition. Then, the primary-side control method that realizes CC/CV charging for battery is analyzed, which is the main contribution of this paper.The objective of this research is to study and develop a new integrated control strategy for load and power tracking that realizes CC/CV charging for LCC compensation through the double-loop controlled phase shift H-bridge inverter and load identification approach. The system adopts dual-side controller to avoid wireless communication, and the mathematical models of load estimation and mode judgment are derived by using the topological compensation characteristics of double-sided LCC. The working state of the battery is fed back to the transmitter controller by reflecting the impedance of the receiver, and the coupling coefficient of coils and load value are estimated.The transmitter judges the charging mode according to the estimated load, adjusts the output power of the inverter, and maintains CC/CV charging by phase-shifting control. In CC mode, the transmitter can transfer more power and prevents overloading. In CV mode, the output power can be adjusted according to the charging curve. The receiver control circuit adopts Buck-Boost structure. Different from the traditional impedance matching or CC/CV charging control mode, the receiver controller sets the standard reference value of load estimation control by impedance matching. Buck-Boost converter operates in switching mode during charging. When the charging voltage reaches the reference value, the switching action changes the reflection impedance and provides the mode conversion mark for the transmitter. Based on the feedback signal and the amount of transferred power, the controlling module continuously adjusts the transmitting coil current during the charging.The rest of the sections are organized as follows:Section II gives the system structure and basic theoretical analysis. Section III proposes the integrated control method of load estimation and power tracking, and then the double closed-loop PIcontroller of transmitter and receiver is designed. Section IV validates the proposed method with simulations and experiments.Finally,last section summarizes the conclusions drawn from the investigation.II. SYSTEM STRUCTURE AND THEORETICAL ANALYSISIn this section, the system structure and methodology for analyzing the WPT system are discussed. Then, basic output characteristics for LCC compensation are analyzed to propose the Integrated control method on the transmitting side and the receiving side.A.WIRELESS POWER TRANSMISSION SYSTEM TRUCTURE In this paper, the most widely used variable impedance load battery is taken as the research object.Charging characteristic curve of the battery is shown in Figure 1. Charging process includes CC/CV charging. In CC stage, the output power of the power supply increases with the increase of the battery terminal voltage, while the equivalent impedance of the battery increases with little change. In the CV stage, the charge current and power decrease,and the equivalent impedance of the battery increases rapidly.B. LOAD ESTIMATE AND MODEL RECOGNITION The transmitter controller measures Iinv to estimate the load and mutual inductance changes, and judges the working state of the receiver. The inverter operates at ZPA resonant frequency and the controller adjusts fro m 180◦ phase shift, which means that the minimum input voltage is applied to the transmitting coil. According to the requirement of the receiver, the power control unit uses phase shift control to adjust the It and VC to keep the CC and CV working modes at the receiver.The transmitter can control the power output according to the working mode of the receiver and the load demand. In order to achieve this function, the designed controller should be able to estimate mutual inductance and equivalent load, and then judge the charging mode of the receiving end. The control block diagram of load estimation and mode judgment strategy is shown in Figure 5. Where, Rx is the standard reference load of the receiver.CONCLUSION An integrated control method of load estimation and power tracking is proposed in this paper to achieve CC/CV charging.of LCC compensation WPT system. Firstly, through theoretical analysis, the LCC compensation topology can realize the charge of CC mode under ZPA condition, and get the relationship between the equivalent load and the current of the inverters. Then, a standard reference load is set at the receiver so that the transmitter can estimate the equivalent load by calculating the refection impedance and detecting the output current of the inverter. Finally, according to the estimated load value and the conversion mark given by the decoupling control of the receiver, the CC/CV charging for LCC compensation are realized by PI controlled phase shift full-bridge inverter. The simulation and experimental results validate the feasibility of the proposed control method for whole load changes. The proposed WPT system can achieve a high effenciency at 91.16% with a 20-cm air gap when delivering 0.2−2kW to the load in different charging stages.双边控制的LCC补偿型无线充电系统的负载估计与功率跟踪集成控制策略摘要本文对电池等动态负载下的无线电能传输(WPT)系统进行了全面的研究。
二、文献翻译原文标题:Electric Engineering and Its Automation作者:John Smith出版日期:2020年摘要:本文介绍了电气工程及其自动化的基本概念和发展趋势。
1. 介绍电气工程是一门研究电力系统和电子技术的学科,涉及发电、输电、配电和用电等方面。
2. 电气工程在能源领域的应用电气工程在能源领域的应用主要包括电力系统的设计和运行。
3. 电气工程在电子技术领域的重要性电气工程在电子技术领域的重要性体现在电子设备的设计和制造上。
4. 电气工程与自动控制和信息技术的结合电气工程与自动控制和信息技术的结合是电气工程及其自动化的核心内容。
5. 电气工程在工业自动化和智能化领域的应用电气工程在工业自动化和智能化领域的应用越来越广泛。
电气 自动化 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献
外文出处:Farhadi, A. (2008). Modeling, simulation, and reduction of conducted electromagnetic interference due to a pwm buck type switching power supply. Harmonics and Quality of Power, 2008. ICHQP 2008. 13th International Conference on, 1 - 6.Modeling, Simulation, and Reduction of Conducted Electromagnetic Interference Due to a PWM Buck Type Switching Power Supply IA. FarhadiAbstract:Undesired generation of radiated or conducted energy in electrical systems is called Electromagnetic Interference (EMI). High speed switching frequency in power electronics converters especially in switching power supplies improves efficiency but leads to EMI. Different kind of conducted interference, EMI regulations and conducted EMI measurement are introduced in this paper. Compliancy with national or international regulation is called Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). Power electronic systems producers must regard EMC. Modeling and simulation is the first step of EMC evaluation. EMI simulation results due to a PWM Buck type switching power supply are presented in this paper. To improve EMC, some techniques are introduced and their effectiveness proved by simulation.Index Terms:Conducted, EMC, EMI, LISN, Switching SupplyI. INTRODUCTIONFAST semiconductors make it possible to have high speed and high frequency switching in power electronics []1. High speed switching causes weight and volume reduction of equipment, but some unwanted effects such as radio frequency interference appeared []2. Compliance with electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) regulations is necessary for producers to present their products to the markets. It is important to take EMC aspects already in design phase []3. Modeling and simulation is the most effective tool to analyze EMC consideration before developing the products. A lot of the previous studies concerned the low frequency analysis of power electronics components []4[]5. Different types of power electronics converters are capable to be considered as source of EMI. They could propagate the EMI in both radiated and conducted forms. Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN) is required for measurement and calculation of conducted interference level []6. Interference spectrum at the output of LISN is introduced as the EMC evaluation criterion []7[]8. National or international regulations are the references forthe evaluation of equipment in point of view of EMC []7[]8.II. SOURCE, PATH AND VICTIM OF EMIUndesired voltage or current is called interference and their cause is called interference source. In this paper a high-speed switching power supply is the source of interference.Interference propagated by radiation in area around of an interference source or by conduction through common cabling or wiring connections. In this study conducted emission is considered only. Equipment such as computers, receivers, amplifiers, industrial controllers, etc that are exposed to interference corruption are called victims. The common connections of elements, source lines and cabling provide paths for conducted noise or interference. Electromagnetic conducted interference has two components as differential mode and common mode []9.A. Differential mode conducted interferenceThis mode is related to the noise that is imposed between different lines of a test circuit by a noise source. Related current path is shown in Fig. 1 []9. The interference source, path impedances, differential mode current and load impedance are also shown in Fig. 1.B. Common mode conducted interferenceCommon mode noise or interference could appear and impose between the lines, cables or connections and common ground. Any leakage current between load and common ground couldbe modeled by interference voltage source.Fig. 2 demonstrates the common mode interference source, common mode currents Iandcm1 and the related current paths[]9.The power electronics converters perform as noise source Icm2between lines of the supply network. In this study differential mode of conducted interference is particularly important and discussion will be continued considering this mode only.III. ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY REGULATIONS Application of electrical equipment especially static power electronic converters in different equipment is increasing more and more. As mentioned before, power electronics converters are considered as an important source of electromagnetic interference and have corrupting effects on the electric networks []2. High level of pollution resulting from various disturbances reduces the quality of power in electric networks. On the other side some residential, commercial and especially medical consumers are so sensitive to power system disturbances including voltage and frequency variations. The best solution to reduce corruption and improve power quality is complying national or international EMC regulations. CISPR, IEC, FCC and VDE are among the most famous organizations from Europe, USA and Germany who are responsible for determining and publishing the most important EMC regulations. IEC and VDE requirement and limitations on conducted emission are shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 []7[]9.For different groups of consumers different classes of regulations could be complied. Class Afor common consumers and class B with more hard limitations for special consumers are separated in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. Frequency range of limitation is different for IEC and VDE that are 150 kHz up to 30 MHz and 10 kHz up to 30 MHz respectively. Compliance of regulations is evaluated by comparison of measured or calculated conducted interference level in the mentioned frequency range with the stated requirements in regulations. In united European community compliance of regulation is mandatory and products must have certified label to show covering of requirements []8.IV. ELECTROMAGNETIC CONDUCTED INTERFERENCE MEASUREMENTA. Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN)1-Providing a low impedance path to transfer power from source to power electronics converter and load.2-Providing a low impedance path from interference source, here power electronics converter, to measurement port.Variation of LISN impedance versus frequency with the mentioned topology is presented inFig. 7. LISN has stabilized impedance in the range of conducted EMI measurement []7.Variation of level of signal at the output of LISN versus frequency is the spectrum of interference. The electromagnetic compatibility of a system can be evaluated by comparison of its interference spectrum with the standard limitations. The level of signal at the output of LISN in frequency range 10 kHz up to 30 MHz or 150 kHz up to 30 MHz is criterion of compatibility and should be under the standard limitations. In practical situations, the LISN output is connected to a spectrum analyzer and interference measurement is carried out. But for modeling and simulation purposes, the LISN output spectrum is calculated using appropriate software.基于压降型PWM开关电源的建模、仿真和减少传导性电磁干扰摘要:电子设备之中杂乱的辐射或者能量叫做电磁干扰(EMI)。
1、外文原文(复印件)A: The Utility Interface with Power Electronic SystemIntroductionWe discussed various powerline disturbances and how power electronic converters can perform as power conditioners and uninterruptible power supplies to prevent these poweline disturbances from disrupting the operation of critical loads such as computers used for controlling important processes, medical equipment, and the like. However, all power electronic converters (including those used to protect critical loads) can add to the inherent powerline disturbances by distorting the utility waveform due to harmonic currents injected into the utility grid and by producing electromagnetic interference, To illustrate the problems due to current harmonics ih in the input current i s of a power electronic load, consider the simple block diagram of Fig. 1-6A-1. Due to the finite (non-zero) internal impedance of the utility source which is simply represented by Ls in Fig. l-6A-1, the voltage waveform at the point of common coupling to the other loads will become distorted, which may cause them to malfunction. In addition to the voltage waveform distortion, some other problems due to the harmonic currents are as follows: additional heating and possibly overvoltages (due to resonance conditions) in the utility's distribution and transmission equipment, errors in metering and malfunction of utility relays, interference with communication and control signals, and so on. In addition to these problems, phase-controlled converters cause notches in the utility voltage waveform and many draw power at a very low displacement power factor which results in a very poor power factor of operation.The foregoing discussion shows that the proliferation of power electronic systems and loads has the potential for significant negative impact on the utilities themselves, as well as on their customers. One approach to minimize this impact is to filter the harmonic currents and the electromagnetic interference (EMI) produced by the power electronic loads. A better alternative, in spite of a small increase in the initial cost, may be to design the power electronic equipment such that the harmoniccurrents and the EMI are prevented or minimized from being generated in the first place. Both, the concerns about the utility interface and the design of power electronic equipment to minimize these concerns are discussed here.Generation of Current HarmonicsIn most power electronic equipment, such as switch-mode dc power supplies, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), and ac and dc motor drives, ac-to-dc converters are used as the interface with the utility voltage source. Commonly, a line-frequency diode rectifier bridge as shown in Fig.1-6A-2 is used to convert line frequency ac into dc. The rectifier output is a dc voltage whose average magnitude Ud is uncontrolled.A large filter capacitor is used at the rectifier output to reduce the ripple in the dc voltage Ud. The dc voltage Ud and the dc current Id are unipolar and unidirectional, respectively. Therefore, the power flow is always from the utility ac input to the dc side. These line-frequency rectifiers with a falter capacitor at the dc side were discussed in detail in other section.A class of power electronic systems utilizes line-frequency thyristor-controlled ac-to-dc converters as the utility interface. In these converters, which were discussed in detail, the average dc output voltage Ud is controllable in magnitude and polarity, but the dc current Id remains unidirectional. Because of the reversible polarity of the dc voltage, the power flow through these converters is reversible. As was pointed out, the trend is to use these converters only at very high power levels, such as in high-voltage dc transmission systems. Because of the very high power levels, the techniques to ffdter the current harmonics and to improve the power factor of operation are quite different in these converters, as discussed in other section, than those for the line-frequency diode rectifiers.The diode rectifiers are used to interface with both the single-phase and the three-phase utility voltages. Typical ac current waveforms with minimal filtering were shown in other section. Typical harmonics in a single-phase input current waveform are listed in Table 1-6A-1, where the harmonic currents Ih are expressed as a ratio of the fundamental current Il. As is shown by Table 1-6A-l, such current waveformsconsist of large harmonic magnitudes. Therefore, for a finite internal per-phase source impedance Ls, the voltage distortion at the point of common coupling in Fig. 1-6A-1 can be substantial. The higher the internal source inductance Ls, the greater would be the voltage distortion.Current Harmonics and Power FactorAs we discussed in other section, the power factor PF at which an equipment operates is the product of the current ratio Il / Is and the displacement power factor DPF:In Eq. (1-6A-I), the displacement power factor equals the cosine of the angle Φ1. The current ratio Il / Is in Eq. (1-6A-l) is the ratio of the rms value of the fundamental frequency current component to the rms value of the total current. The power factor indicates how effectively the equipment draws power from the utility; at a low power factor of operation for a given voltage and power level, the current drawn by the equipment will be large, thus requiting increased volt-ampere ratings of the utility equipment such as transformers, transmission lines, and generators. The importance of the high power factor has been recognized by residential and office equipment manufacturers for their own benefit to maximize the power available from a wall outlet. For example from a 120V, 15A electrical circuit in a building, the maximum power available is 1.8 kW, provided the power factor is unity. The maximum power that can be drawn without exceeding the 15A limit decreases with decreasing power factor. The foregoing arguments indicate the responsibility and desirability on the part of the equipment manufacturers and users to design power electronic equipment with a high power factor of operation. This requires that the displacement power factor DPF should be high in Eq. (1-6A-I). Moreover, the current harmonics should be low to yield a high current ratio I1 / Is in Eq. (1-6A- 1).B: A Three-phase Pre-converter for Induction HeatingMOSFETBridge InvertersIntroductionHigh frequency power supplies, based on MOSFET bridge inverters, are already widely used for induction heating applications. These units require dc input voltages of about 400V to allow efficient operation of the MOSFETs employed. This supply voltage is usually obtained by using a three-phase rectifier stage, appropriate smoothing components or by employing thyristor phase- angle control to the mains supply. This kind of mains frequency power supply allows output power control of the induction heater, but it suffers from highly distorted input current waveforms with a low power factor. New legislation has been proposed to limit the maximum magnitude of harmonics drawn from the mains supply and different strategies have been suggested to reduce mains pollution.Investigations have been made to replace mains frequency power supplies by switched mode pre-converters. Switched mode converters can be designed to draw sinusoidal input currents thus avoiding the need for large and expensive mains frequency filters. At the same time these converters provide output power control and implementation of a small size high frequency isolation transformer. Power factor corrected three-phase ac-dc switched mode converter systems have usually been obtained using three identical single-phase converters with a common output filter. These systems overcome problems of mains pollution, but suffer from the disadvantage of a relatively large number of components and the need for complicated control and synchronization circuits. To reduce component costs, a structure based on a boost converter with three-phase input diode rectifier has been suggested. However, when operated direct-off-line from a three-phase 415V mains supply, this structure leads to high output voltages above lkV.In this paper, a novel method to achieve power factor correction for three-phase ac to dc power converters is described. The proposed topology is based on the buck converter and allows therefore output voltages to be below the maximum input voltage. The proposed topology utilizes a three- phase diode rectifier at the mains input and a single active switching device. The active switching device operates underzero-current switching conditions, resulting in very high converter efficiencies and low RFI emissions.Zero-current switching technique allows semiconductor devices to be operated at much higher switching frequencies and with reduced drive requirements compared with conventional switched mode operation.The proposed single-ended resonant converter with three-phase diode rectifier offers good opportunities for medium power, ac to dc applications. It combines simplicity and ease of control with high converter efficiency and high output power capabilities. It will be shown in the paper, that these characteristics make the converter very suitable as a direct replacement for the conventional mains frequency power supply used to supply induction heating MOSFET bridge inverters.General DescriptionA block diagram of the proposed induction heating system is shown in Fig. 1-6B-1. Block 1 represents the pre-converter that produces the dc supply voltage to feed to the RF MOSFET bridge inverter. Its output voltage should be controllable over a wide range to control the output power of the inverter and it must be able to operate with a wide range of load resistance to compensate load changes of the induction heating inverter stage. The pre-converter should operate direct-off-line from a three-phase 415V mains supply, drawing sinusoidal input current waveforms with a power factor approaching unity.Block 2 shows the RF MOSFET bridge inverter.The required maximum supply voltage of the MOSFET bridge lies between 300V and 400V. Block 3 represents the control and protection circuit used to stabilise the output power and to allow reliable operation of the induction heater in an industrial environment.Principle of Converter OperationA circuit diagram of the proposed three-phase ac to dc converter topology is shown in Fig. 1- 6B-2. The converter input currents are filtered through the input inductors L1, L2, L3. These inductors are designed so that the converter input currents are approximately constant over a whole switching cycle.During the OFF time of switch S, all three capacitors are charged by the inputcurrents I1, I2,I3. Consequently the three capacitor voltages Uc1, Uc1, Uc1 begin simultaneously to increase at a rate proportional to their respective input currents. If discontinuous operation is assumed the initial voltages of all capacitors C1, C2, C3 are zero when the switch ceases conducting. Hence, the peak voltage across each capacitor at the end of the OFF interval is proportional to their respective phase input current during the same OFF interval. Since capacitor voltages always begin at zero, it means that their average values during OFF time are linearly dependent on the phase input currents.During the ON time of switch S the energy stored in the three input capacitors C1, C2 and C3 is discharged through the six rectifier diodes VD1 –VD6, the switch S and the resonant inductor Lr. The rate of current decrease is dependent on the phase currents I1, I2, I3 and the switch current I0. The average value of the capacitor voltages Uc1, Uc2, Uc3 during the ON time are not linearly dependant on their phase input currents.To draw sinusoidal input currents from the mains supply the converter must draw input currents averaged over each switching cycle which are proportional to the phase voltages. Assuming steady state converter operation, the average phase input voltages over each switching cycle must be equal to the appropriate average input capacitor voltages during the switch OFF time plus the average input capacitor voltages during the switch ON time.Average input capacitor voltages during the switch OFF time have been shown to be proportional to the phase input currents, but during the switch ON time this is not true. However, if the switch ON time of the converter is mucteshorter than the switch OFF time, then the shape of the phase input currents will approach a sinusoidal waveform with unity power factor.2、外文资料翻译译文A:效用界面与电力电子系统介绍我们之前介绍了许多种电力线的干扰情况和电力系统转换器是如何在作为电力调节器和电力电子变换器时,用来防止那些电力线扰动干扰操作的临界荷载,例如电脑用于控制重要步骤,医疗设备,以及类似其他情况。
毕业设计英文文献翻译(电力方向附带中文)大学毕业设计英文文献翻译,关于电力系统方向,电力谐波!绝对原创!HarmonicsService reliability and quality of power have become growing concerns for many facility managers, especially with the increasing sensitivity of electronic equipment and automated controls. There are several types of voltage fluctuations that can cause problems, including surges and spikes, sags, harmonic distortion, and momentary disruptions. Harmonics can cause sensitive equipment to malfunction and other problems, including overheating of transformers and wiring, nuisance breaker trips, and reduced power factor.What Are Harmonics?Harmonics are voltage and current frequencies riding on top of the normal sinusoidal voltage and current waveforms. Usually these harmonic frequencies are in multiples of the fundamental frequency, which is 60 hertz (Hz) in the US and Canada. The mostcommon source of harmonic distortion is electronic equipment using switch-mode power supplies, such as computers, adjustable-speed drives, and high-efficiency electronic light ballasts.Harmonics are created by these Dswitching loads‖ (also called “nonlinear loads,‖ because current does not vary smoothly with voltage as it does with simple resistive and reactive loads): Each time the current is switched on and off, a current pulse is created. The resulting pulsed waveform is made up of a spectrum of harmonic frequencies, including the 60 Hz fundamental and multiples of it. This voltage distortion typically results from distortion in the current reacting with system impedance. (Impedance is a measure of the total opposi tion―resistance, capacitance, and inductance―to the flow of an alternating current.) The higher-frequency waveforms, collectively referred to as total harmonic distortion (THD), perform no useful work and can be asignificant nuisance.Harmonic waveforms are characterized by their amplitude and harmonic number. In the U.S. and Canada, the third harmonic is 180 Hz―or 3 x 60 Hz―and the fifth harmonic is 300 Hz (5 x 60Hz). The third harmonic (and multiples of it) is the largest problem in circuits with single-phase loads such as computers and fax machines. Figure 1 shows how the 60-Hz alternating current (AC) voltage waveform changes when harmonics are added.大学毕业设计英文文献翻译,关于电力系统方向,电力谐波!绝对原创!The Problem with HarmonicsAny distribution circuit serving modern electronic devices will contain some degree of harmonic frequencies. The harmonics do not always cause problems, but the greater the power drawn by these modern devices or other nonlinear loads, the greater the level of voltage distortion. Potential problems (or symptoms of problems) attributed to harmonics include:■ Malfunction of sensitive equipment■ Random tripping of circuit breakers■ Flickering lights■ Very high neutral currents■ Overheated phase conductors, panels, and transformers ■ Premature failure of transformers and uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs)■ Reduced power factor■ Reduced system capacity (because harmonics create additional heat, transformers and otherdistribution equipment cannot carry full rated load)Identifying the ProblemWithout obvious symptoms such as nuisance breaker trips or overheated transformers, how do you determine whether harmonic current or voltages are a cause for concern? Here are several suggestions for simple, inexpensive measurements that a facility manager or staff electrician could take, starting at the outlet and moving upstream:■ Measure the peak and root mean square (RMS) voltage at a sample of receptacles. The Dcrest factor‖ is the ra tio of peak to RMS voltage. For a perfectly sinusoidal voltage, the crest factor will be 1.4. Low crest factor is a clear indicator of the presence of harmonics. Note that these measurements must be performed with a Dtrue RMS‖ meter―one that doesn‘t assume a perfectly sinusoidal waveform.■ Inspect distribution panels. Remove panel covers and visually inspect components for signs of overheating, including discolored or receded insulation or discoloration of terminal screws. If you see any of these symptoms, check that connectionsare tight (since loose connections could also cause overheating), and compare currents in all conductors to their ratings.■ Measure phase and neutral currents at the transformer secondary with clamp-on current probes. If no harmonics are being generated, the neutral current of a three-phase distribution system carries only the imbalance of the phase currents. In a well-balanced three-phase distribution system, phase currents will be very similar, and current in the neutral conductor should be much lower than phase current and far below its rated current capacity. If phase currents are similar and neutral current exceeds their imbalance by a wide margin, harmonics are present. If neutral current is above 70 percent of the cond uctor‘s rated capacity, you need to mitigate the problem.■Compare transformer temperature and loading with nameplate temperature rise and capacity ratings. Even lightly loaded transformers can overheat if harmonic current is high. A transformer that is near or over its rated temperature rise but is loaded well below its rated capacity is a clear sign that harmonics are at work. (Many transformers have built-in temperature gauges. If yours does not, infrared thermography can be used to detect overheating.)大学毕业设计英文文献翻译,关于电力系统方向,电力谐波!绝对原创!In addition to these simple measurements, many power-monitoring devices are now commercially available from a variety of manufacturers to measure and record harmonic levels. These instruments provide detailed information on THD, as well as on the intensity of individual harmonic frequencies. After taking the appropriate measurements to determine whether you have high levels of harmonics and, if so, to find the source, you will be well-positioned to choose the best solution.Solutions to Harmonics ProblemsThe best way to deal with harmonics problems is through prevention: choosing equipment and installation practices that minimize the level of harmonics in any one circuit or portion of a facility. Many power quality problems, including those resulting from harmonics, occur when new equipment is haphazardly added to older systems. However, even within existing facilities, the problems can often be solved with simple solutions such as fixing poor or nonexistent grounding on individual equipment or the facility as a whole, moving a few loads between branch circuits, or adding additional circuits to help isolate the sensitiveequipment from what is causing the harmonic distortion. If the problems cannot be solved by these simple measures, there are two basic choices: to reinforce the distribution system to withstand the harmonics or to install devices to attenuate or remove the harmonics. Reinforcing the distribution system means installing double-size neutral wires or installing separate neutral wires for each phase, and/or installing oversized or Krated transformers, which allow for more heat dissipation. There are also harmonic-rated circuit breakers and panels, which are designed to prevent overheating due to harmonics. This option is generally more suited to new facilities, because the costs of retrofitting an existing facility in this way could be significant. Strategies for attenuating harmonics, from cheap to more expensive, include passive harmonic filters, isolation transformers, harmonic mitigating transformers (HMTs), the Harmonic Suppression System (HSS) from Harmonics Ltd., and active filters(Table 1).Passive filters (also called traps) include devices that provide low-impedance paths to divert harmonics to ground and devices that create a higher-impedance path to discourage the flow of harmonics. Both of these devices, by necessity, change theimpedance characteristics of the circuits into which they are inserted. Another weakness of passive harmonic technologies is that, as their name implies, they cannot adapt to changes in the electrical systems in which they operate. This means that changes to the electrical system (for example, the addition or removal of power factorCcorrection capacitors or the addition of more nonlinear loads) could cause them to be overloaded or to create Dresonances‖ that could actually amplify, rather than diminish, harmonics.Active harmonic filters, in contrast, continuously adjust their behavior in response to the harmonic current content of the monitored circuit, and they will not cause resonance. Like an automatic transmission in a car, active filters are designed to accommodate a full range of expected operating conditions upon installation, without requiring further adjustments by the operator.Isolation transformers are filtering devices that segregate harmonics in the circuit in which they are created, protecting upstream equipment from the effects of harmonics. These transformers do not remove the problem in the circuit generating the harmonics, but they can prevent the harmonics from affecting more sensitive equipment elsewhere within the facility.大学毕业设计英文文献翻译,关于电力系统方向,电力谐波!绝对原创!Harmonic mitigating transformers actually do relieve problematic harmonics. HMTs can be quite cost-effective in the right application, because they can both improve reliability and reduce energy costs. The right application includes transformers that are heavily or moderately loaded and where high levels of harmonic currents are present. In addition, HMTs are very effective in supporting critical loads that are backed up by a UPS. UPSs and backup generators tend to have high impedance, which results in high voltage distortion under nonlinear loading. Because of this, equipment that operates flawlessly when supplied by utility power may malfunction when the backup system engages during a utility outage. Note that some of these power systems have output filters (either passive or active) to control harmonic levels. The presence or absence of such filters should be determined before adding an HMT.The Harmonics Ltd. Harmonic Suppression System is a unique solution for single-phase loads that is designed to suppress the third harmonic. An HSS is generally more expensive than an HMT, but it is designed to attenuate the harmonicsproblems throughout the entire distribution system, not just upstream of the transformer. The types of facilities that present the best opportunities for HSS installation are those that place a very high premium on power quality and reliability, such as server farms, radio and television broadcast studios, and hospitals. (See .) Economic EvaluationEvaluating the life-cycle costs and effectiveness of harmonics mitigation technologies can be ve ry challenging―beyond the expertise of most industrial facility managers. After performing the proper measurement and analysis of the harmonics problem, this type of evaluation requires an analysis of the costs of the harmonics problem (downtime of sensitive equipment, reduced power factor, energy losses or potential energy savings) and the costs of the solutions. A good place to start in performing this type of analysis is to ask your local utility or electricity provider for assistance. Many utilities offer their own power quality mitigation services or can refer you to outside power quality service providers.Additional ResourcesInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),Standard 519-1992, DIEEE大学毕业设计英文文献翻译,关于电力系统方向,电力谐波!绝对原创!Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electric Power Systems‖ (1992), available at .Relationship between harmonics and symmetrical componentsAbstract New terminology is introduced to make clear the relationship between harmonics and symmetrical components. Three-phase sets are classified in terms of symmetrical sets and asymmetrical sets. Subclasses are introduced with the names symmetrical balanced sets, symmetrical unbalanced sets, asymmetrical balanced sets and asymmetrical unbalanced sets to show that a threephase set can resolve to either one, two or three symmetrical component sets. The results from four case studies show that these subclasses and their resolution to symmetrical component sets improve understanding of harmonic analysis of systems having balanced and unbalanced harmonic sources and loads.Keywords asymmetrical sets; harmonic flows; harmonic sources; symmetrical component sets; symmetrical sets Any periodic wave shape can be broken down into oranalysed as a fundamentalwave and a series of harmonics.Three-phase harmonic analysis requires a clear understanding of the relationship between symmetrical component injections from harmonic sources (e.g. adjustable speed drives, ASDs) and their relationship to harmonic flows (symmetrical components) arising from the application of a harmonic source to a linear system.Alimited number of references contain brief information concerning harmonics and symmetrical components. Reference 1, provides a paragraph on this topic and uses the heading Relationship between Harmonics and Symmetrical Components‘.It includes a table that is supported by a brief explanatory paragraph. The table expresses harmonics in terms of positive, negative and zero sequences. It states that these sequences are for harmonics in balanced three-phase systems. The heading refers to symmetrical components while the content refers to balanced three-phase systems. Herein lies the anomaly. Classically, symmetrical components (especially ero sequence) are only applied in unbalanced systems. The following questions rose after reading the Ref. 1 paragraph.(a)Do symmetrical components (especially zero sequence), in the classical sense,apply in balanced as well as unbalanced non-sinusoidal systems and is this abreak from tradition?(b)What do the terms, symmetrical, asymmetrical, balanced, unbalanced andsymmetrical components mean?(c)What are the conditions under which a system must operate so that harmonicsresolve to positive, negative and zero sequences and is the table given inRef. 1 correct?The terminology used is found inadequate for describing non-sinusoidal systems.There is thus a need to introduce a three-phase terminology that will show the relationship and make the comparison between injections (currents) and harmonic flows (voltages and currents) meaningful.References 3 provides the basis for the solution by providing definitions for threephase sets‘, symmetrical sets‘an d symmetricalcomponent sets‘.The purpose of this paper is to introduce an approach to harmonic analysis大学毕业设计英文文献翻译,关于电力系统方向,电力谐波!绝对原创!based on the classification of three-phase sets and to make to comparison between injections from harmonic sources and corresponding harmonic flows quantifiable by expressing the results in terms of the number of symmetrical component sets found.Harmonic flows and their resolution to symmetrical components depends upon the magnitudes and phase sequences of the injections from a harmonic source, on the system‘s sequence impedances, on three- and four-wire connections and on whether the customer‘s linear load on the system is balanced or unbalanced. Therefore, what is injected in terms of symmetrical component sets by a harmonic source is not necessarily received by the system, i.e. the harmonic flows may resolve to one, two or three symmetrical component sets and this depends upon the type of three-phase set found. Therefore, any three-phase harmonic may be partially made up of any of thesymmetrical component sets.Four case studies are reported and they show a novel method for teaching the flow of power system harmonics. It is important to use case studies as part of one‘s teaching as they link learning to concepts and improve understanding. They show how the method of symmetrical components can be extended to a system‘s response to harmonic flows. When taught as a group, the four case studies improve cognitive skills by showing that the symmetrical component responses under unbalanced situations are different to the balanced state.IEEE __TIONS ON POWER __NICS VOL.19,NO.3,__年大学毕业设计英文文献翻译,关于电力系统方向,电力谐波!绝对原创!谐波服务的可靠性和电能质量已成为越来越多设施经理的关注,尤其是随着电子设备和自动化控制灵敏度提高了很多。
电气工程专业英文作文英文,As an electrical engineering major, I havelearned a lot of knowledge and skills in this field. Electrical engineering is a branch of engineering thatdeals with the study of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. It is a broad field that covers a wide range of topics, including power generation, transmission, and distribution, as well as the design and development of electrical systems and devices.One of the most important skills I have learned as an electrical engineering major is problem-solving. Electrical engineering involves a lot of problem-solving, whether itis designing a new electrical system or troubleshooting an existing one. I have learned how to approach problems systematically, break them down into smaller, more manageable parts, and use my knowledge and skills to find solutions.Another important skill I have learned is communication.Electrical engineering is a team-oriented field, and effective communication is essential to the success of any project. I have learned how to communicate technical information clearly and concisely, both verbally and in writing, to colleagues, clients, and other stakeholders.In addition to these technical skills, I have also developed a range of soft skills, such as time management, teamwork, and leadership. These skills have helped me to work effectively in a variety of settings, from group projects in the classroom to internships and co-op experiences in the industry.Overall, my experience as an electrical engineering major has been challenging, but also rewarding. I have gained a deep understanding of the principles and practices of electrical engineering, as well as the skills and qualities needed to be successful in this field.中文,作为一名电气工程专业的学生,我在这个领域学习了很多知识和技能。
3-电气工程及其自动化专业 外文文献 英文文献 外文翻译
3-电气工程及其自动化专业外文文献英文文献外文翻译1、外文原文(复印件)A: Fundamentals of Single-chip MicrocomputerThe single-chip microcomputer is the culmination of both the development of the digital computer and the integrated circuit arguably the tow most significant inventions of the 20th century [1].These tow types of architecture are found in single-chip microcomputer. Some employ the split program/data memory of the Harvard architecture, shown in Fig.3-5A-1, others follow the philosophy, widely adapted for general-purpose computers and microprocessors, of making no logical distinction between program and data memory as in the Princeton architecture, shown in Fig.3-5A-2.In general terms a single-chip microcomputer is characterized by the incorporation of all the units of a computer into a single device, as shown in Fig3-5A-3.ProgramInput& memoryOutputCPU unitDatamemoryFig.3-5A-1 A Harvard typeInput&Output CPU memoryunitFig.3-5A-2. A conventional Princeton computerExternal Timer/ System Timing Counter clock componentsSerial I/OReset ROMPrarallelI/OInterrupts RAMCPUPowerFig3-5A-3. Principal features of a microcomputerRead only memory (ROM).ROM is usually for the permanent,non-volatile storage of an applications program .Many microcomputers and microcontrollers are intended for high-volume applications and hence the economical manufacture of the devices requires that the contents of the program memory be committed permanently during the manufacture of chips . Clearly, this implies a rigorous approach to ROM code development since changes cannot be made after manufacture .This development process may involve emulation using a sophisticated development system with a hardware emulation capability as well as the use of powerful software tools.Some manufacturers provide additional ROM options by including in their range devices with (or intended for use with) user programmablememory. The simplest of these is usually device which can operate in a microprocessor mode by using some of the input/output lines as an address and data bus for accessing external memory. This type of device can behave functionally as the single chip microcomputer from which itis derived albeit with restricted I/O and a modified external circuit. The use of these ROMlessdevices is common even in production circuits where the volume does not justify the development costs of custom on-chip ROM[2];there canstill be a significant saving in I/O and other chips compared to a conventional microprocessor based circuit. More exact replacement for ROM devices can be obtained in the form of variants with 'piggy-back' EPROM(Erasable programmable ROM )sockets or devices with EPROM instead of ROM 。
毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译外文原文Traffic Assignment Forecast Model Research in ITS IntroductionThe intelligent transportation system (ITS) develops rapidly along with the city sustainable development, the digital city construction and the development of transportation. One of the main functions of the ITS is to improve transportation environment and alleviate the transportation jam, the most effective method to gain the aim is to forecast the traffic volume of the local network and the important nodes exactly with GIS function of path analysis and correlation mathematic methods, and this will lead a better planning of the traffic network. Traffic assignment forecast is an important phase of traffic volume forecast. It will assign the forecasted traffic to every way in the traffic sector. If the traffic volume of certain road is too big, which would bring on traffic jam, planners must consider the adoption of new roads or improving existing roads to alleviate the traffic congestion situation. This study attempts to present an improved traffic assignment forecast model, MPCC, based on analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of classic traffic assignment forecast models, and test the validity of the improved model in practice.1 Analysis of classic models1.1 Shortcut traffic assignmentShortcut traffic assignment is a static traffic assignment method. In this method, the traffic load impact in the vehicles’ travel is not considered, and the traffic impedance (travel time) is a constant. The traffic volume of every origination-destination couple will be assigned to the shortcut between the origination and destination, while the traffic volume of other roads in this sector is null. Thisassignment method has the advantage of simple calculation; however, unevendistribution of the traffic volume is its obvious shortcoming. Using this assignmentmethod, the assignment traffic volume will be concentrated on the shortcut, which isobviously not realistic. However, shortcut traffic assignment is the basis of all theother traffic assignment methods.1.2 Multi-ways probability assignmentIn reality, travelers always want to choose the shortcut to the destination, whichis called the shortcut factor; however, as the complexity of the traffic network, thepath chosen may not necessarily be the shortcut, which is called the random factor.Although every traveler hopes to follow the shortcut, there are some whose choice isnot the shortcut in fact. The shorter the path is, the greater the probability of beingchosen is; the longer the path is, the smaller the probability of being chosen is.Therefore, the multi-ways probability assignment model is guided by the LOGIT model:∑---=n j ii i F F p 1)exp()exp(θθ (1)Where i p is the probability of the path section i; i F is the travel time of thepath section i; θ is the transport decision parameter, which is calculated by the followprinciple: firstly, calculate the i p with different θ (from 0 to 1), then find the θwhich makes i p the most proximate to the actual i p .The shortcut factor and the random factor is considered in multi-ways probabilityassignment, therefore, the assignment result is more reasonable, but the relationshipbetween traffic impedance and traffic load and road capacity is not considered in thismethod, which leads to the assignment result is imprecise in more crowded trafficnetwork. We attempt to improve the accuracy through integrating the several elements above in one model-MPCC.2 Multi-ways probability and capacity constraint model2.1 Rational path aggregateIn order to make the improved model more reasonable in the application, theconcept of rational path aggregate has been proposed. The rational path aggregate,which is the foundation of MPCC model, constrains the calculation scope. Rationalpath aggregate refers to the aggregate of paths between starts and ends of the trafficsector, defined by inner nodes ascertained by the following rules: the distancebetween the next inner node and the start can not be shorter than the distance betweenthe current one and the start; at the same time, the distance between the next innernode and the end can not be longer than the distance between the current one and theend. The multi-ways probability assignment model will be only used in the rationalpath aggregate to assign the forecast traffic volume, and this will greatly enhance theapplicability of this model.2.2 Model assumption1) Traffic impedance is not a constant. It is decided by the vehicle characteristicand the current traffic situation.2) The traffic impedance which travelers estimate is random and imprecise.3) Every traveler chooses the path from respective rational path aggregate.Based on the assumptions above, we can use the MPCC model to assign thetraffic volume in the sector of origination-destination couples.2.3 Calculation of path traffic impedanceActually, travelers have different understanding to path traffic impedance, butgenerally, the travel cost, which is mainly made up of forecast travel time, travellength and forecast travel outlay, is considered the traffic impedance. Eq. (2) displaysthis relationship. a a a a F L T C γβα++= (2)Where a C is the traffic impedance of the path section a; a T is the forecast traveltime of the path section a; a L is the travel length of the path section a; a F is theforecast travel outlay of the path section a; α, β, γ are the weight value of that threeelements which impact the traffic impedance. For a certain path section, there aredifferent α, β and γ value for different vehicles. We can get the weighted average of α,β and γ of each path section from the statistic percent of each type of vehicle in thepath section.2.4 Chosen probability in MPCCActually, travelers always want to follow the best path (broad sense shortcut), butbecause of the impact of random factor, travelers just can choose the path which is ofthe smallest traffic impedance they estimate by themselves. It is the key point ofMPCC. According to the random utility theory of economics, if traffic impedance is considered as the negativeutility, the chosen probability rs p of origination-destinationpoints couple (r, s) should follow LOGIT model:∑---=n j jrs rs bC bC p 1)exp()exp( (3) where rs p is the chosen probability of the pathsection (r, s);rs C is the traffic impedance of the path sect-ion (r, s); j C is the trafficimpedance of each path section in the forecast traffic sector; b reflects the travelers’cognition to the traffic impedance of paths in the traffic sector, which has reverseratio to its deviation. If b → ∞ , the deviation of understanding extent of trafficimpedance approaches to 0. In this case, all the travelers will follow the path whichis of the smallest traffic impedance, which equals to the assignment results withShortcut Traffic Assignment. Contrarily, if b → 0, travelers ’ understanding error approaches infinity. In this case, the paths travelers choose are scattered. There is anobjection that b is of dimension in Eq.(3). Because the deviation of b should beknown before, it is difficult to determine the value of b. Therefore, Eq.(3) is improvedas follows:∑---=n j OD j OD rsrs C bC C bC p 1)exp()exp(,∑-=n j j OD C n C 11(4) Where OD C is the average of the traffic impedance of all the as-signed paths; bwhich is of no dimension, just has relationship to the rational path aggregate, ratherthan the traffic impedance. According to actual observation, the range of b which is anexperience value is generally between 3.00 to 4.00. For the more crowded cityinternal roads, b is normally between 3.00 and Flow of MPCCMPCC model combines the idea of multi-ways probability assignment andFig.1 Flowchart of MPCC iterative capacity constraint traffic assignment.Firstly, we can get the geometric information of the road network and OD trafficvolume from related data. Then we determine the rational path aggregate with themethod which is explained in Section 2.1.Secondly, we can calculate the traffic impedance of each path section with Eq.(2),which is expatiated in Section 2.3.Thirdly, on the foundation of the traffic impedance of each path section, we cancalculate the respective forecast traffic volume of every path section with improvedLOGIT model (Eq.(4)) in Section 2.4, which is the key point of MPCC.Fourthly, through the calculation processabove, we can get the chosen probability andforecast traffic volume of each path section, but itis not the end. We must recalculate the trafficimpedance again in the new traffic volumesituation. As is shown in Fig.1, because of theconsideration of the relationship between trafficimpedance and traffic load, the traffic impedanceand forecast assignment traffic volume of everypath will be continually amended. Using therelationship model between average speed andtraffic volume, we can calculate the travel timeand the traffic impedance of certain path sect-ionunder different traffic volume situation. For theroads with different technical levels, therelationship models between average speeds totraffic volume are as follows: 1) Highway: 1082.049.179AN V = (5) 2) Level 1 Roads: 11433.084.155AN V = (6) 3) Level 2 Roads: V = (7) 4) Level 3 Roads: V = (8) 5) Level 4 Roads: 0988.05.70A N V =(9)Where V is the average speed of the path section;N is the traffic volume of theApath section.At the end, we can repeat assigning traffic volume of path sections with the method in previous step, which is the idea of iterative capacity constraint assignment, until the traffic volume of every path section is stable.译文智能交通交通量分配预测模型介绍随着城市的可持续化发展、数字化城市的建设以及交通运输业的发展,智能交通系统(ITS)的发展越来越快。