ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
ABC分析法又称为重点管理法或ABC分类法。它是一种从名目众多、错综 复杂的客观事物或经济现象中,通过分析,找出主次,分类排队,并根据 其不同情况加以管理的方法。
Activity Based Costing
库存,是仓库中实际储存的货物,是为了满足未来需 要而暂时闲置的资源,是处于储存状态的物品。 通俗的说,库存就是指企业在生产经营过程中为现在和 将来的耗用或者销售而储备的资源。 库存可分为两类:生产库存和流通库存。
C类物品的管理方法: 1、采用复合制或定量订货方式,以求节省手续; 2、大量采购,以便在价格上获得优惠; 3、简化库存管理手段,安全库存需较大,以免发生库存短缺; 4、可交由生产现场保管使用,每月需盘点一次。
05 PART Five
ABC 分析法是仓储管理中常用的分析方法,它的应用,在仓储 管理中比较容易取得以下成效:压缩了总库存量;解放了被占压 的资金;使库存结构合理化;节约了管理力量.
ABC 分析法的流程
数据收集 统计汇总 制作分析表 绘制管理表 确定方法
ABC 分析的基础可溯自巴雷特分析(Parteo Analysis)。
通常根据物品的年度需求量和价值进行分类,A类物品年度需求量大、价值高, C类物品年度需求量小、价值低,B类物品介于A类和C类之间。
ABC分析法的原理是帕累托原则,即 少数物品的贡献往往大于多数物品的 贡献,因此应该将管理资源集中于少 数物品,以获得更大的管理效益。
通过机器学习算法,自动分析库存数据,实现精准的分类管理, 提高库存周转率。
实时监控库存状态,实现库存数据动态更新,提高库存管理的实时 性和准确性。
通过分类管理,有效降低冗余库存, 减少资源浪费,优化库存结构。
收集与库存相关的所有数据, 包括物品的种类、数量、价值 等。
ABC分类法的定义简介ABC分类法(Activity Based Classification) 又称帕累托分析法或巴雷托分析法、柏拉图分析、主次因分析法、ABC分析法、分类管理法、重点管理法、ABC管理法、abc管理、巴雷特分析法,平常我们也称之为“80对20”规则. 它是根据事物在技术或经济方面的主要特征,进行分类排队,分清重点和一般,从而有区别地确定管理方式的一种分析方法.由于它把被分析的对象分成A、B、C三类,所以又称为ABC分析法.ABC分类法在库存管理中的应用ABC分类管理法在库存管理中的应用介绍(一)ABC分类管理法是库存管理中常用的方法。
毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译外文出处:The ABCs of Supply Chain (用外文写)Management附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
该模块连结着供应链的作业与营运目标,主要包括需求/供给规划(Demand/Supply Planning)与规划基础建设(infrastructure)两项活动,对所有采购运筹流程、制造运筹流程与配送运筹流程进行规划与控制。
仓储库存管理之ABC分析法 ppt课件
ABC 分析法的流程
(1)不间断的供应企业生产; (2)平衡供求方面的关系;
Activity Based Costing
库存,是仓库中实际储存的货物,是为了满足未来需要而暂时闲置的资源,是处于储存状态的物品。通俗的说,库存就是指企业在生产经营过程中为现在和将来的耗用或者销售而储备的资源。 库存可分为两类:生产库存和流通库存。
(3)掩盖了企业众多管理问题,如:计划不周、采购不力、生产不均 衡、产品质量不稳定及市场销售不力。
(1)、减少不良库存; (2)、避免积压资金;(3)、节省仓库租金及管理费用;(4)、改善货物搬运效率;(5)、及时掌握库存状况,避免过剩或短缺.
ABC 分析法的流程
3. According to ABC analysis, 20 percent of all inventory items represent 80 percent of inventory costs. Therefore, a firm can control 80 percent of its inventory costs by monitoring and controlling 20 percent of its inventory.
Firms that carry hundreds or even thousands of different parts can be faced with the impossible task of monitoring the inventory levels of every single part. To solve this problem, many firm’s use an ABC analysis of inventory.
Value item
ABC AnalysisFra bibliotek
A items approximately represent 20 percent of the firms most costly items and 80 percent of total inventory costs. B items usually represent about 30 percent of the total inventory items and 15 percent of the costs. C items generally consist 50 percent of all inventory items but only around 5 percent of the costs.
监控内容 监控库存水平、缺货情况、库存周转
率等关键指标。 调整时机
当库存水平过高或过低时,或者当产 品需求发生变化时,需要对库存策略 进行调整。
根据监控结果调整ABC分类,并相应 调整库存控制策略。
该零售企业利用ABC分析法,对商品进行分类管理。针对 A类商品(高价值、高销量),采取重点管理和快速响应 策略,确保货源充足、及时补货;针对B类和C类商品,采 取适度管理和定期检查策略,确保库存结构合理。通过优 化库存管理,提高客户满意度和销售额。
对C类物料的未来需求进行基本预测,以便适时补充库存。预测的准确度要求相对较低 。
ABC分析法是深度ABC分析法的根底。ABC分析 是从ABC曲线转化而来的一种管理方法,ABC曲线又 称帕累托〔Pareto〕曲线,是意大利经济学家维弗雷 多•帕雷托〔Vilfredo Pareto〕在1879年研究人口与收 入的关系问题问题时发现的关于收入分配的法那么, 即所谓“关键的少数和次要的多数〞的哲理,也就是 我们平时所提到的20/80法那么。这种ABC分析应用 在库存管理中最常用的就是ABC分类法。
C1〔10.8 2个〕 C2(11 3 C3 11.8 3个
12个 SKU
〔5.9 1个〕 〔6 3 个〕
〔7 1个〕 〔7.2 1
D5 〔7.5 1
D6 〔9 3 〔8 1个〕 个〕
E1〔4.9 1个〕
例 生鲜日配配置
200~300 果蔬 500~700 果蔬 +肉 800~1000 果蔬 +肉 +熟食 1000~2000 果蔬 +肉 +熟食 +中餐面点 +水产 2000 以上
1440 1441 1442 1443
固体滋补品 液体滋补品 滋补品礼盒类 药品 女性保健品 儿童保健品 男性保健品 传统滋补品
取消 取消 取消 取消 增加 增加 增加 增加
保健品 保健品
非处方药 医疗器械
增加 增加
采购编 号
BR17 BR17 BR17 BR17 BR17 BR17 BR17 BR17 BR17 BR17
中类编码 4001 4001 4001 4001 4001 4001 4001 4001 4001 4001 4001 4001 4001 4001 4001 4001 4001 4001
对于怎样划分各物品在每年消耗的总金额的比例,ABC分类没有一个统一的标准,一般是遵循下面的规律:ABC库存分类比重表类别品种比例%年消耗的金额比例%A 类10 5~15 70 60~80B 类20 15~25 20 15~25C 类70 60~80 10 5~15A类物品,品种比例在百分之5~15之间,平均为10%,品种比重非常小;年消耗的金额比例在百分之60~80之间,平均为70%,占用了大部分的年消耗的金额,是关键的少数,是需要重点管理的库存。
.必要的库存是保证经济系统稳定运行的重要手段,但是库存过多会形成资金积压;而库存过少,又会使供应中断的风险大大增加.库存管理应该在取得两者平衡的同时,保证供应的不间断性和资金的流动性.ABC 分析可以使库存在企业经营管理中的被动地位转换, 〔即只产生费用、成本的支出的单元〕也产生出利润, 并且仓库效用的提升对整个企业效益增长的贡献.库存在企业生产经营中具有重要意义,它对企业的生产有很好的促进作用, 同时也需要投入一定的库存成本.但库存的种类与数目往往纷繁芜杂,给管理带来了很大的艰难.但正如事物都有它的两面性一样,库存也可以成为企业开辟利润的宝库,关键在于我们能否抓住管理的重点.关于重点管理的方法不少,其中ABC 分析从其产生发展到今天,得到了世界X 围内的推广与应用,那麽,怎样将ABC 分析应用于库存管理,并使其发挥最佳效果呢?本文将就这个问题展开以下讨论.库存管理库存控制分类管理1.1 何为库存管理库存管理中所谓的库存品,对生产企业而言,指的是产成品、在制品、原材料、辅助材料等;对于商业企业而言,则主要是指商品.在企业的财务会计报表中有一个项目"存货〞,其中包括对"在途物资〞、"库存材料〞、"低值易耗品〞、"库存商品〞、"委托加工物资〞、"生产费用〞、"工程施工〞等##的核算.其内容与这里讲的"库存品〞内容一致, 即包括仓库中的全部物品. 因此,下文中的"库存〞与" 存货〞所指的意思是一样的.1.2 库存管理的现状从现实情况来看,据70 年代中期美国十大公司的统计,库存资金约占销售总额的10%~20%,以其中最大的通用电气公司为例,1975 年销售总额为134 亿美元, 年终库存资金达21 亿美元,相当于销售额的15.7%.如果将库存资金压缩10%,省出资金2.1 亿美元,这笔资金如按利润率10%计算,每年可增加利润2100 万美元. 因此, 国外的企业非常重视库存管理.我国的库存管理工作向来沿袭着以前的模式,除设施、设备的落后之外,管理观念也十分陈旧,认为库存管理不就是找几名保管员看着,记一下收发物品的情况而已,又加之仓库这部份成本都转嫁到其他成本与费用上面,没有得到足够的重视, 使仓库不知不觉地成为企业的漏洞.当前我国库存管理中存在不少问题, 比较突出地表现在以下几个方面:<1>库存量过大, 占用资金过多,资金利用和周转率不高;<2>仓库业务手续复杂,作业时间过长,工作效率低;<3>缺货、断货现象严重,存货损失率较高;<4>存货项目构成无计划性,缺乏灵便应变市场的能力;<5>物品存储时间较长,积压现象时有发生,而且增加物品损坏变质率,造成浪费.在这种情况下,推行ABC 分析进行库存管理,不仅简单易行,而且可以在很短的时间内收到成效,把库存由原来的"白蚁〞变成"利润的宝库〞, 国外的企业已经通过实践证明了这一点, 中国的企业家们何不一试呢?2.1 分析法的定义就是以某类库存货物品种数占物资品种数的百分数和该类物资金额占库存物资总金额的百分数大小为标准,将库存物资分为A、B、C 三类,进行分级管理. 对于A 类货物,作为库存管理的重点对象,采用定期定货法,定期调整库存;对于B 类货物,采用定期定货法或者定期定量混合方式;对于C 类货物,采用简化的管理方式,采用较高的保险储备量,减少定货次数.2.2 ABC 分析法的基本思想ABC 分类采用的指导思想是20-80 原则,20%摆布的因素占有<或者提供>80% 的成果,实际上采用的是重点管理法的思想,找出占用资金量大的少数物料加以重点管理和控制.3.1 实施准备阶段实施 ABC 分析的前提<1>成本—效益原则.这是企业的各种活动所必须遵守的基本原则,也就是说无论采用何种方法,惟独其付出的成本能够得到彻底补偿的情况下才可以施行.<2> "最小最大〞原则.本来库存管理就是以"最小的成本求得最大效益〞,而ABC 分析更要贯彻这一原则.管理的本身并非重点,管理的效果才是最主要的.<3>适当原则.在施行ABC 分析进行比率分划时,要注意企业自身境况,对企业的存货划分A 类、B 类、C 类并没有一定的基准.确定 ABC 分类的标准这里鉴于工业企业和商业企业存货性质的不同,与它们在流通阶段中所处的位置不同, 以下对这两类企业如何设立ABC 分类的标准分别进行说明.<1>工业企业:a. 按项目所占库存金额分类:分别计算存货品种积累数目占品种总数的比例与其存货金额累计数所占库存总金额的比例,如:存货品种积累数约占品种总数的5%~10%,但金额占库存总金额的比例达到70%摆布,设为A 类;品种积累数占品种总数的20%~30%,而金额占库存总金额的20%摆布年,设为B 类;品种积累数占品种总数的60%~70%,而金额占库存总金额的15%以下为C 类.b. 按项目年消耗金额分类:分别计算每种物品年消耗金额占全部物品消耗总金额的比例,与各类物品品种数占全部品种数的比例.这两种方法都适于那些存货单位比较统一或者有统一计量规 X 〔如建立 SKU 指标体 系〕,便于计算品种数目的生产企业; 如不具备这两个条件中的任何一个,进行 ABC 分类有较大艰难,本文将在下文中讨论这个问题.<2>商业企业:考察商业企业的主要指标就是销售额 , 因此在对商业企业库存物品进行 ABC 分类时考虑的一个因素可设为销售额,使用储存品种与销售额这两个相关因 素作为分类时的计算对象,这时也会浮现上述方法中的统一单位的问题.所以本文 建议一种较新的方法:按货架陈列量与销售额这两个因素进行分类 ,分别计算陈 列量与积累陈列量所占总陈列量的比例和销售额与积累销售额占总销售额的比 例,举个例子:某超市销售 8 种方便面,根据以上方法列表计算如下:表 1 ABC 分析计算表〔单位:袋〕然后依据 ABC 分析画出曲线:积累陈 列量 27 52 68 81 92 94 97 100积累销 售额 61 76 84 90 93 96 98 100销售额61 15 8 6 3 3 2 2陈列量27 25 16 13 11 2 3 3品目名ab c d e f g h比例 〔%〕 27 52 68 81 92 94 97 100比例 〔%〕 61 76 84 90 93 96 98 100累积销售额比例〔%〕1009080706050CbaA积累陈列量比例〔%〕图4 ABC 分析曲线这样,从曲线图上就可以看出a、b 类属于A 类品目,c、d、e 类属于B 类品目,f、g、h 类则属于C 类品目.但是我们同时也发现这种方法其实是品种、销售额法的演化,它只合用于同一品种的ABC 分类,如上例中的方便面就可以统一按袋为计量单位进行计算.这样便于把握一个品种中的重点项目,但不合用于整个商店的所有商品的ABC 分类. 我们不妨可以在目前所有商品单位还无法统一的情况下,把企业的重点品种选出来进行重点中的重点管理,采用这种方法进行ABC 分类.3.2 实施进行阶段3.2.1 ABC 分类的步骤运用ABC 分析,最基础也是最麻烦的工作是对全部库存物品的ABC 分类. 以上我们已经讨论了关于分类标准的问题,接下来便谈谈分类的步骤、程序.<1>确定统计期:对库存情况的统计调查,应该有一个期间, 叫统计期.该期间应该确定在能反映当前和今后一段时间的供应销售和储存形势,对于生产、经营情况较稳定的企业,可采用稍长一点的统计期,如一季、一年;对于变动幅度较大、频率较高的企业,特别是零售业,可采用较短的统计期,如一旬、一月,并可针对部份销售情况较稳定的商品来进行统计分析.<2>统计出该期中每种存货的供应、销售、储存数量、单价和金额、出入库B频度和平均库存时间等,并可以在条件允许的情况下,结合原来的仓库卡片,对每一种存货制作一XABC 分析卡,如表2.把卡填好,但存货顺序号暂不填.实施中应注意的问题在运用ABC 分析时,还要注意以下几点:<1>不同企业由于其生产与经营特点和所需用的物品、销售的商品X 围的不同,ABC 各类的构成也会不同,这就要求我们要从实际出发,视具体情况而定.<2>ABC 的分类是人为的.对生产企业而言,物品的品种数与消耗定额数的比例关系也会随生产结构的变化而改变.各生产企业可根据本单位的实际情况而分类,但对重点物品进行重点管理的原则是相同的.<3>在存储系统中采用ABC 分析,主要是对资金施行重点管理,而不是指物品本身的重要程度.企业在生产过程中, 即使缺少一个零件或者是一个小螺丝,生产就会发生中断而造成严重的经济损失, 因此,从生产角度每一种物品都是非常重要的,决不能放松管理.3.3 实施完成阶段作业效果评价在企业采用ABC 分析法之后,我们要判断一下这样到底能给企业带来多少好处, 因此需要建立一个评价体系,这里可以结合已有的一些指标进行分析.如表5:表5内容①物品最高储备量②物品平均库存量③仓库物品吞吐量④物品周转保管量⑤库存物品品种数⑥物品保管周期⑦物品周转率⑧仓库作业时间①物品供应计划兑现率②货损、货差率③物品与时验收率评价方法在一个统计期之后,按期末指标数目与使用ABC 分析前的相应数据进行比较,或者计算其增减变化率,其公式如下:增减变化率=〔期初数—期末指标项目名称数量指标质量指标性质绝对数指标相对数指标ABC 分析与计算机的应用计算机对于每一个人来说已再也不目生 ,我们的时代也被称之为 "网络时代〞 , 数据信息存储的大量化、处理的快速化等都归功于人类的这一"宠物〞 .既然它已 经成为人们的生活中的一部份,为何不把它也运用到库存管理的 ABC 分析中来 呢?我们可以先设想一下计算机在其中能够实现的功能:1.由计算机系统将各种商品的盈利状况〔如上述的 DPP 〕从财务部传递到 仓储部, 固然这是对于商业企业;对生产企业而言,则从采购部将各种物品的供应 情况传递到仓储部.2.我们可以利用前面的 ABC 分析卡与库存 ABC 分析表,在计算机中转变成 一种固定格式,把有关数据填入其中 , 由计算机自动进行分析 ,来判断以各个仓库 为单位的物品的 ABC 分类与所有物品的 ABC 分类,最后生成总分类结果表格和 各仓库分类结果表格,可以将整个存货情况列入其中.3 .由计算机将各个仓库中物品的分类结果通知到各仓库,并将经过制度化的 分类管理方法下达给各仓库负责人, 由他们进行实施.4.在管理过程中浮现的问题或者情况 〔如到达采购点,某产品销量下降,有些品 目应下调到 B 类或者 C 类等情况〕都可以通过计算机系统来传递信息和行动指示.①仓库利用率 a . 仓库面积利用率b . 仓库高度利用率c . 仓库空间利用率d . 仓库地面载荷能力 利用率 ②仓库劳动生产率 ①固定资产投资系数 ②流动资金占用系数 ③每百元产值占用储备 资金额 ④储备资金利润率 ⑤呆滞物品占用定额资 金率数〕 /期初数 × 100%变化率>0:实施 有效,继续进行变化率=0:实施 无效,检查改进变化率<0:实施 降效,暂停重试相对数 指标相对数 指标效率指标经济指标依据上述可以给出这部份系统中的数据流程图:财务部 采购部 全部物资分类结果表格仓 储 部 信 息 处 理 系统分类管理制度 各仓库物资分类结果表格各 仓 库 子 系 统各个仓库图 6 有关 ABC 分析的数据流程图本文以上所论述的是 ABC 分析在库存管理中应用.我们可以看出,通过 ABC 分析来改善库存管理,能够达到降低库存、减少成本、提高效率的效果.ABC 分析 不仅可运用于库存的管理之中,在广泛的经济领域中同样具有普遍意义和推广价 值.比如对商业企业来说:<1>由于往往发现 80%的利润来自于 20%的顾客,于是也可以将顾客分为 ABC 各群.A 集团的顾客层虽然为数不多,但都是大量批购的重要需求来源, 即 A 集团是重要的顾客层; B 集团的客户也相当具有重要性,成为企业经营中心的顾 客层; C 群的顾客层则为不特定多数的顾客层,他们对企业贡献并不大.根据这种 分类确定顾客服务标准, 以便开辟市场中的 A 类顾客数目、保持 B 类顾客数目,ABC 分 析 系 统促进C 类顾客向A、B 类转变.<2>而放眼看看一家公司里的众多从业人员,虽然人数不少,但其中真能构成经营中心,具有担负责任的实力与智慧而成为中流抵柱,劣势时斡旋大局者则仅占少数,很可能是在某几个或者十个人上下,可以称这种少数人物为Key Men 〔掌握关键的重要人物〕. 因此在人事管理中也可以运用ABC 分析,进行人力资源的分类管理,根据分类结果设立奖惩制度,充分挖掘职工潜力,鼓励职工发挥积极性与创造性.<3>虽然往来供应商繁多,但真正算是优良供应商的仅是其中少数几家,所以也可以对供应商进行ABC 分析.考察的指标可以是:供应量的多少与服务的好坏, 或者是供应品的重要程度与供应量的多少等等.按ABC 分类的结果对各类供应商规定不同的往来政策,如可对A、B 类供应商设立卡片,建立专门的档案,优先偿付此类供应商的货款或者增加其商品的货架陈列量,保持与他们的友好关系,获得成本与供应上的优势.因此,ABC 分析在其他如销售管理、人事管理、采购管理、商品管理、工程管理、成本管理等各别的管理中也都可以通行无阻的合用.倘若不实施ABC 分析而妄想节约成本,那是违反了"以最小努力获得最佳成果〞的经济原则,而且做为一个企业的所有经济活动都是相关连成一体的, 比如库存管理不仅是仓储部的事务,也与采购部、销售部、财务部等部门有关,所以通过ABC 分析完善企业各管理环节,让企业把有限的精力和资源投入到最有价值和最能产生利润的方面, 以同样的付出获取成倍的效果,是企业成为Cost Leadership,取得竞争优势的有效途径.。
ABC 分析在库存管理中的应用无论对于制造业还是流通业,原则上经常保持一定的库存是非常必要的,但库存的种类与数目往往纷繁芜杂,给管理带来了很大的困难。
关于重点管理的方法很多,其中ABC 分析从其产生发展到今天,得到了世界范围内的推广与应用,就象日本著名学者水户诚一先生所说:“没有一种计划比ABC 分析的重点管理更能迅速地产生效果,也不曾有一种方略比它更具有广泛的适用层面。
”那麽,怎样将ABC 分析应用于库存管理,并使其发挥最佳效果呢?本文将就这个问题展开以下讨论。
一. 重点管理方法—ABC 分析 (一)ABC 分析溯源 1.ABC 分析的产生ABC 分析是从ABC 曲线转化而来的一种管理方法。
ABC 曲线又称帕累托(Pareto )曲线。
意大利经济学家Villefredo Pareto 在1879年研究人口与收入的关系问题问题时,经过对一些统计资料的分析后提出了一个关于收入分配的法则:社会财富的80%是掌握在20%的人手中,而余下的80%的人只占有20%的财富。
这种由少数人拥有最重要的事物而多数人拥有少量的重要事物的理论,已扩大并包含许多的情况,并称之为Pareto 原则(Pareto Principle ),即所谓“关键的少数和次要的多数”的哲理,也就是我们平时所提到的80/20法则。
如果将此情况通过以横坐标为人口比例、纵坐标为收入比例的曲线加以描述,就得到图1的帕累托曲线:2.ABC 分析的发展 随着人类社会经济的飞速发展,经济研究活动也在不断地深入之中,人们渐渐发现,帕累托原理不仅存在于社会财富的分配问题中,在经济活动中的其他各个领域也具有普遍意义:如市场销售中20%的主要顾客占有80%的销售量;成本分析中20%的部件耗用工厂成本的80%等等。
文献信息:文献标题:A Multi-Criteria Decision Framework for Inventory Management(库存管理的多准则决策框架)国外作者:PK Krishnadevarajan,S Balasubramanian,N Kannan,V Ravichandran文献出处:《International Journal of Management》,2016,7(1):85-93 字数统计:英文 3228 单词,17138 字符;中文 5509 汉字外文文献:A Multi-Criteria Decision Framework for InventoryManagementAbstract Inventory management is a process / practice that every company undertakes. Most companies fail to apply a comprehensive set of criteria to rank their products / items. The criteria are too few or subjective in nature. Inventory is required to stay in business and meet customer needs. If it is not done right it causes deterioration in customer service and could lead to damages to both customer and supplier relations and eventually cause business breakdown. A simple multi-criteria driven holistic framework developed by industry input is critical to the success of inventory management. An inventory management framework using FIVE main- criteria categories (revenue, customer service, profitability, growth, risk), 21 (between 3 and 6 in each category) metrics and 4 ranks (A, B, C, D) is presented in this paper to assist companies with their inventory management process. The framework that is presented has been developed through literature review, surveys, interviews and focusgroups with several industry owners, inventory managers and business managers. The interaction with companies led to a set of THREE critical questions:1.Is there a comprehensive inventory managementframework?2.What inventory metrics should be tracked or monitored on a routine basis?3.How do implement a multi-criteria inventory classification?This paper is an attempt to answer these critical questions and provide a framework that is developed by bringing together existing literature available and input/findings from industry executives in the area of inventory management.Key words: Inventory, Inventory Management, Inventory Classification, Inventory Ranking, Multi-Criteria Inventory Management.1.INTRODUCTIONInventory is a critical asset and resource that is handled extensively by most businesses. Managing inventory effectively has been something that every company strives for; however, it is also an area where companies often have failed and still continue to fail. Companies handle multiple items / products but treat all items equally because the business objective is to serve the customer. As a result they end up having excess inventory of the wrong items. As businesses expand there are so many products in inventory and the company ends up having more stocking inventory for each product or end up investing more in the wrong inventory. Item/inventory stratification is the process of ranking items based on relevant factors applicable to the business environment. According to Pradip Kumar Krishnadevarajan, Gunasekaran S., Lawrence F.B. and Rao B (2015) and Pradip Kumar Krishnadevarajan, S Balasubramanian and N Kannan (2015) you should classify items into a certain number of categories (typically less than five) so that managing them day-to-day does not become unwieldy. This is especially needed when handling several hundreds orthousands of items, where identifying and focusing on the most critical items is of utmost importance to allow resources to be used effectively and efficiently. This stratification process is typically done at a physical location level (at branches or distribution centers) across the entire company, although it could be applied at higher levels (regions or the entire company). The item stratification process is usually not well-defined or given due importance, and it often gets over-simplified. The inventory stratification process should address several metrics and a multi-criteria approach must be taken for effective inventory management. This paper attempts to present a comprehensive framework that could assist companies in choosing the right set of metrics to perform inventory ranking for their business.2.FRAMEWORK DEVELOPMENTThe process of inventory classification actually begins by developing or choosing a framework that suits the company’s vision and goals. The development process of the proposed inventory framework process took place in two stages. The first stage was to look at existing literature to understand the different factors/criteria that are being used for inventory evaluation by various industries/businesses. The second stage was interaction with companies to gather input, understand metrics used and challenges faced in executing the inventory classification process.2.1.Literature Review(Pareto, 1906) observed that about 20% of the population of a country has about 80% of its wealth (also known as the 80-20 rule). This rule holds true for items sold by a firm: about 20% of items accou nt for about 80% of a firm’s revenue.(Flores and Whybark, 1987) present an inventory ranking model driven by criticality and dollar-usage. The first stage is for the users to rank the items based on criticality, the second stage ranks items based on dollar/currency usage. Based on usage, items are ranked as A, B or C.(Flores, Olson and Dorai, 1992) propose the use of AHP as a means for decision makers to custom design a formula reflecting the relative importance of each unit of inventory item based on a weighted value of the criteria utilized. The factors applied are –total annual usage (quantity), average unit cost (currency), annual usage (currency), lead time and criticality. They also present a reclassification model based on the following factors and weights: criticality (42%), followed by lead time (41%), annual dollar usage (9.2%), and average unit cost (7.8%).(Schreibfeder, 2005) recommend a combination model using cost of goods sold (procurement price from supplier), number of transactions (orders or hits), and profitability (gross margin).(Lawrence, Gunasekaran and Krishnadevarajan, 2009) state that best practices in item stratification are based on multiple factors such as sales, logistics (hits), and profitability (gross margin currency or percentage, or gross margin return on inventory investment [GMROII]) that help to attain the optimal solution in most cases. Companies, however, can include more factors specific to their business environment, such as lead time, sense of urgency, product dependency, criticality, product life cycle and logistics costs. They also present a model to classify items based on demand pattern. A demand stability index (DSI) is established using three criteria – demand frequency or usage frequency, demand size and demand variability.(Pradip Kumar Krishnadevarajan, Gunasekaran, Lawrence and Rao, 2013) rank items into 4 categories (High, medium-plus, medium-minus, low) for risk management and price sensitivity. Ranking is based on unit cost of the item. Items are also ranked based on annual usage (currency), hits, gross margin (currency) and gross margin (percentage). The final ranks are Critical (A & B items), important (C items) and non-critical (D items).(Dhoka and Choudary, 2013) classify items based on demand predictability (XYZ Analysis). Items which have uniform demand are ranked as X, varying demand as Y, and abnormal demand as Z.(Hatefi, Torabi and Bagheri, 2014) present a modified linear optimization method that enables inventory managers to classify a number of inventory items in the presence of both qualitative and quantitative criteria without any subjectivity. The four factors used are ADU (Annual dollar usage), CF (critical factor –very critical [VC], moderately critical [MC] or non-critical [NC]), AUC (Average unit cost) and LT (Lead Time). Items are ranked as A, B, or C.(Xue, 2014) connects the characteristics of materials supply and the relationship between parts and production, a classification model based on materials attributes. The several criteria applied in the decision tree model are: Parts usage rate, carrying- holding-possession costs, ordering-purchase costs, shortage cost, and delivery a bility.(Šarić, Šimunović, Pezer and Šimunović, 2014) present a research on inve ntory ABC classification using various multi-criteria methods (AHP) method and cluster analysis) and neural networks. The model uses 4 criteria –Annual cost, Criticality, Lead Time 1 and Lead Time 2.(Kumar, Rajan and Balan, 2014) rank items based on their cost in bill of materials (ABC ranking). “A” items -70% higher value of items of bill of material, “B” items –20% Medium value of items of Bill of material and “C” items – 10% Lower value of items of Bill of material. They also determine vital, essential, and desirable components required for assembly (VED analysis).(Sarmah and Moharana, 2015) present a model that has 5 criteria – consumption rate, unit price, replenishment lead time, commonality and criticality.(Pradip Kumar Krishnadevarajan, Balasubramanian, and Kannan, 2015) present a strategic business stratification framework based on: suppliers, product, demand, space, service, market, customer and people.(Pradip Kumar Krishnadevarajan, Vignesh, Balasubramanian and Kannan, 2015) present a framework for supplier classification based on several categories: convenience, customer service, profitability (financial), growth, innovation, inventory,quality and risk. A similar framework can be extended based on the supplier classification for items or products.2.2.Industry FeedbackInteraction with companies was performed through surveys, interviews and focus groups with several industry owners, inventory/purchasing managers and business managers. The objective was to get an idea of the metrics being utilized for inventory classification, challenges faced, inventory framework deployed and the effectiveness of their current inventory performance management processes. Key findings from the industry interaction were the following:•Lack of a inventory management framework. Understanding where the process began and where it ended was the key challenge. Who should take ownership of this process in the company? Often, data was missing or currently not captured in the system in-order to create various metrics to help with inventory management. Internally, all companies did not have a goal or objective regarding what they would like to achieve with the inventory management process. No concrete data driven discussions or goal setting took place. Most of the inventory ranking was based on experience.•What to track? Companies either tracked too many metrics or did not track anything. Even if they tracked too many metrics most of them were subjective and anecdotal. They lacked a significant number of quantitative metrics to act on something meaningful. Companies wanted a set of metrics they could choose from and then set a process in place to capture the relevant data to compute those metrics. If multiple metrics are used to track inventory performance, is there a methodology to combine various metrics to develop a single rank (ease of decision making) for each item/product?•Reporting and Scorecards: The next challenge was that even if a few companieshad the required data and were able to compute the metrics they did not have an effective way of reporting this information back to the purchasing team or anyone who influenced inventory decision. They lacked reporting tools and templates for the performance metrics.•Continuous Improvement: The steps that need to be established to continually improve the inventory management process at the company did not exist. Several companies had gone down the path of implementing a version of the inventory management but could not sustain the same due to lack of accountability/ownership, failing to change the metrics when the industry dynamics changed, and execution challenges.The focus of this paper is to propose a simple, yet holistic framework, list of metrics to track and a multi-criteria ranking method for inventory management.3.INVENTORY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORKThe approach used to layout an inventory framework is bridging the gap between what was seen in the literature review and the feedback from industry. The key objectives in the framework development were the following:•Metrics should be quantitative (objective and data driven). There will be only a few qualitative metrics.•The framework should be holistic and comprehensive at the same time easy understand.•Scalability and flexibility of the framework is important as companies adopt it into their inventory management process.•Apply a multi-criteria approach but provide the ability to get one single finalrank (A, B, C or D) for a given item or product so that inventory policies and strategies can be established at a final rank level.•Provide a starting point for ranking criteria – what determines an A, B, C or D item for each metric used in the framework.Most companies measure inventory solely based on sales or usage. This is because almost all companies just focus on sales primarily. The proposed framework provides 5 categories based on which items should be ranked (shown in illustration 1). It varies from ‘revenue’ to ‘risk’. These 5 categories have a set of metrics (21 metrics in total), formula to compute the metric and a ranking scale that places each items in one of 4 ranks –A, B, C or D. Companies can choose the categories that are most relevant to their current business priority and then choose a set of factors/metrics under each category to rank their items / products.Illustration 1: Inventory Classification Categories and MetricsThe five categories of the inventory framework address several inventory metrics.The definition of each metrics, corresponding formula (calculation method) and the criteria to determine A, B, C and D ranks is listed in illustration 2. Choosing one metric from each category is recommended. However, companies should customize the framework in alignment with their growth goals and customer requirements.Illustration 2: Inventory Management – Metrics, Definition and Criteria3.1.Final Item RankVarious metrics that could be applied to determine item ranks (across 5 categories) were addressed in the previous sections. Decision-making process becomes challenging when there are multiple ranks (while using multiple metrics across the 5 categories) pointing in different directions. In this situation, a weightedstratification matrix helps determine a final rank for each item (Lawrence, Krishnadevarajan, Gunasekaran, 2011). The final item rank depends on three factors:•Weights given for each factor: This input captures the importance of eachfactor. Weights may vary depending on the environment, but an example when a company applies 5 metrics to rank their items could be: Sales currency = 25%; Hits = 20%; GMROII = 20%, Number of customers = 20%; and Pricing variability = 15%. If a company chooses to include additional factors, the weights may be distributed accordingly.•The relative importance of A, B, C, and D ranks: Example: A=40; B=30; C=20; and D=10.•Score the range for the final score: The above weights are converted to a scale of 10 to 40, resulting in a best score of 40 (ranked A in all categories) and a least score of 10 (ranked D in all categories). The 30 points in the range of 10 to 40 is divided into four groups. Example: A=32.6 to 40; B=25.1 to 32.5; C=17.6 to 25; and D=10 to 17.5.With these parameters, a final rank can be determined for a given item. If an item is ranked as A, B , Cand D according to sales currency, hits, GMROII, number of customers and pricing variability respectively; this item’s final performance score is computed as follows:Final supplier score = [(25% x 30) + (20% x 20) + (20% x 40) + (20% x 30) + (15% x 10)] = 27This score falls between the ranges of 25.1 to 32.5, so this item gets a final rank of “B”.3.2.Summary of Item RankingThe various steps that are involved in the ranking of items can be summarized asfollows:•Step 1: Customize the framework according to the company’s requirement. This includes both the categories as well as the metrics under each category.•Step 2: Determine the cut-off values for each metric – the criteria that ranks items as A, B, C or D. This is a very important step.•Step 3: Choose key metrics that will determine item ranks.•Step 4: Rank the items for each metric using company-specific cut-off values.•Step 5: Assign weights to each factor.•Step 6: Compute final rank for each item.•Step 7: Using a cross-functional team to determine inventory policies and strategies for A, B, C and D items based on the final rank.4.CONCLUSIONThe proposed inventory framework provides a guideline for companies with their inventory management process. Determining the right items to stock (inventory investment) and managing them effectively is key to good customer service and business sustainability. Measuring items on data driven objective criteria is critical to maintaining profitable-sustainable business relationships with customers and suppliers.中文译文:库存管理的多准则决策框架摘要库存管理是每个公司都需要进行的一个过程/实践。
1、ABC分类在库存管理中的作用ABC分类法,即Activity Based Classification,又称为帕雷托规则(Pareto's Law),平常我们也称之为“80对20”规则。
由于它把被分析的对象分成A 、B、 C 三类,所以又称为ABC分析法。
A 类物品是指品种少、占用资金多、采购较难的重要物品;应采取最经济的办法,实行重点管理,定时定量供应,严格控制库存。
C 类物品是指品种多、占用资金少、采购较容易的次要物品;应采取简便方法管理,固定定货量。
B 类物品是指处于上述二者之间的物品;应采用一般控制,定期定货,批量供应的方法。
仓储物流外文文献翻译中英文原文及译文2023-2023原文1:The Current Trends in Warehouse Management and LogisticsWarehouse management is an essential component of any supply chain and plays a crucial role in the overall efficiency and effectiveness of logistics operations. With the rapid advancement of technology and changing customer demands, the field of warehouse management and logistics has seen several trends emerge in recent years.One significant trend is the increasing adoption of automation and robotics in warehouse operations. Automated systems such as conveyor belts, robotic pickers, and driverless vehicles have revolutionized the way warehouses function. These technologies not only improve accuracy and speed but also reduce labor costs and increase safety.Another trend is the implementation of real-time tracking and visibility systems. Through the use of RFID (radio-frequency identification) tags and GPS (global positioning system) technology, warehouse managers can monitor the movement of goods throughout the entire supply chain. This level of visibility enables better inventory management, reduces stockouts, and improves customer satisfaction.Additionally, there is a growing focus on sustainability in warehouse management and logistics. Many companies are implementing environmentally friendly practices such as energy-efficient lighting, recycling programs, and alternativetransportation methods. These initiatives not only contribute to reducing carbon emissions but also result in cost savings and improved brand image.Furthermore, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have become integral parts of warehouse management. AI-powered systems can analyze large volumes of data to optimize inventory levels, forecast demand accurately, and improve operational efficiency. Machine learning algorithms can also identify patterns and anomalies, enabling proactive maintenance and minimizing downtime.In conclusion, warehouse management and logistics are continuously evolving fields, driven by technological advancements and changing market demands. The trends discussed in this article highlight the importance of adopting innovative solutions to enhance efficiency, visibility, sustainability, and overall performance in warehouse operations.译文1:仓储物流管理的当前趋势仓储物流管理是任何供应链的重要组成部分,并在物流运营的整体效率和效力中发挥着至关重要的作用。
外文翻译1 n V ent o ry man a g em e nt"In ventory" to many $ ma I 1 bus in c s s o wne r s is oneb e wel 1 managed in order to max i mize pr 0 f il s . I n f acl» ma n y small businescan n ot absorb the t yp c s of 1 0 S S esa r i $ i ng from poor i nv e nto r y mana gUnless invenlor i c s are c o ntroll c d ,they are un r eliabl c » i n eff i cient an c r e a sing i nventor y turnover — but not s a crif i cin g the Ser vice levo I : Keepingith obsol c te i tern $。
The degree o f sue c ess i n a d dress i ng the s e cone c rns S ome tha n for o ther s , F o r e x ample, comput i ng th c in v entory t u r nove r ra t i o is a $ imple m c asure of manager i al pe r fo r m a nc c . This valu c g ive $ a rough guideli n c by which ma n a g c rs can se t g o a Is and eval u at c p c rforniance» but it m u st be realized that the tu r nover rate varies w i th the function o I in v e n to r y , t he typMa t erial Source: spr i n g link Author: F 1 0yd Hedr i cki ble and t a n g i b le aspects of doing bu $ ine $ s 。
库存管理基础-ABC分析法供应连管理基础1课程大纲目标· ABC库存管理法的概念·简易ABC库存分析的步骤·实物配送系统的活动·实物配送、市场和生产的关系·仓储活动·包装·单元化(Unitization)·拉、推和配送需求计划·运输模式·运输成本结构第一节 ABC库存管理分析法在实际经营活动中,库存物品的种类大有不同,有的体积大,有的体积小,有的价值高,有的价值低。
尽管其种类多种多样,但对经营活动起主导作用的也只是其中的少部分产品,因此要对库存物品进行ABC 重点管理。
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外文翻译原文COMPUTERIZED ABC ANALYSIS: THE BASIS FOR INVENTORYMANAGEMENTMaterial Source: Author: Chao-Hsian Chu, Ying-Chan Chu ABSTRACTThis paper presents a microcomputer- based ABC analysis for inventory management. The conceptual framework and technical issues involved in the design of the system are discussed. The program is designed to be user-friendly and is full of many informative functions, such as, pause for reaction, full screen, menu selection, error checking, warning, correction, and graphic display.INTRODUCTIONABC analysis, also known as Pareto principle or management by exception tool, has long been used in industries for various IE applications (quality control), cost reduction, work measurement, method improvement, inventory management etc., for instance. The use of ABC analysis in inventory management started from the early 1950's and has become the basis for the management and control of inventory systems.Three problems associated with the traditional ABC analysis: (1) how to select a suitable measuring criterion, (2) What is the most appropriate numbers of category, and (3) how to classify items into classes. In this paper our focus will be on the classifying rules with assumptions that annual dollar usage is the criterion and the suitable numbers of category is three. The principles and techniques presented however can be applied to other measuring criteria with different number of grouping.Although 20-80 rules provides an approximate guideline for the classification, people using this rule always encounter difficulty, due to its ambiguity and subjectiveness. The laborious work involved in the analysis also prevents its broader applications. A computerized system with Japanese's classifying algorithm not only can largely simplify the analysis but also make the task of classification more objectively.ABC PHENOMENAABC principle has been used in the field of economics for many years, and isoften called praetor principle or Lorenz law. The principle states that a small fraction of items accounts for a large amount of the total value or activity. Many of our real life cases have this type of phenomenon. Some examples from different areas are given in Table 1.•A few components have extremely long lead time.•A few percent of the orders accounts for the bulk of the dollars spent.•A few days have most of the outgoing or incoming orders.•A few vendors cause most of the delays.•A few Items are holding up most of the backorders.•A few customers give a company most of its orders.•A few salespersons sell most of the products.•A few percent of customers accounts for the bulk of the credit losses and the bulk of unjustified returns.•A few products generate most of the profit.•A few products go through the service department.•A few operations have most of the quality problems.•A few percent of quality characteristics accounts for the bulk of the customer complaints, scraps, and reworks.•A few cities have most of the population.PROCEDURE FOR ABC ANALYSISSelecting a suitable measuring criterion and classification rules forms the basis of an ABC analysis. In practice, most of the companies used annual dollar usage, i.e., unit price time’s annual demand as criterion, and the so called 20-80 rule as an approximate guideline for inventory classification. Several steps are required for an ABC analysis:1. Select a suitable measuring criterion. The criterion selected normally depends on the purpose of the study. For example, defective rate is often used for quality control purpose; 70% of total sales is used for marketing statistics; and the annual usage value is widely used for inventory management.2. Collect and validate the required data. All of the data collected must be validated and the units of the data must be consistent.3. Perform the necessary computations. For inventory management application these include the following:• Calculate annual usage value A, where:Annual usage value A = Unit price (p) Annual ⅹ Demand (D)• Arrange the items in descending order of A.• Compute the cumulative values of A and their corresponding percentages.4. Determine the number of categories to be grouped and the related break point, i.e., classification rule, for each class.5. Classify items into groups according to the established rule.6. Make adjustment according to some other considerations. This step is very important for practical consideration. In most cases four additional factors: annual volume, unit cost, space utilized, and leads time, are involved in the analyses for inventory management applications.According to the procedure, we can easily conclude that the classifying efficiency and effectiveness depend on the accuracy of the computation and the classification algorithm used in the grouping. In the following sections, we will review the rules for the classification and the research Issues involving in designing a computerized system. All of the discussions will be based on an example from inventory management.APPROACHES TO ABC CLASSIFICATIONThere are three basic rules.(1) 20-80 rule, (2) log-normal distribution approximation, and (3) 1/3 rule can be used for classifying the items into A, B, C categories.Typically, ABC curves show that 20% of the ranked items account for 80% or more of the annual usage value, from whence the well-known "20-80" rule derives. However, there is no fixed convention as to what constitutes the A, B, or C category .The choice of classifying boundaries can be determined either according to the 20% of items or based on the cumulative 80% of annual usage value, therefore, it is arbitrary and is based on the nature of the business, the judgment and experience of the analyst, and the cause of actions that may be taken.Because of the ambiguity, subjectiveness, and laborious work involved in using the 20-80 rules, people often encounter difficulty in classification. One way to resolve the problems and to enhance its applications is to approximate the ABC curves with a log normal distribution. Through the approximation, there is no need to rank the items in descending order of activity or to calculate the summations or percentages of items and activities, thus, manual computations can be reduced.Another alternative is to use the 1/3 rule: a Japanese approach -- for the classification. The 1/3 rule uses K values instead of the annual usage value A as the measuring criterion. Where K is the square root of A. It then uses 1/3 of cumulativepercentage of K as the break point for groups A and B, and 2/3 of the value, i.e., 66.7% as the cutting point for categories B and C.The main advantages of the method are its objectiveness and ease-of-use. Meanwhile, the rule can be easily extended to use in different number of categories. For example, if a user want to classify the items into five categories, he can use 1/5, 2/5, and so on as the break points. The laborious work in computation and sorting however remains.COMPUTERIZED ABC ANALYSISUsing the Japanese approach, we have developed a microcomputer-based system to perform the analysis. The program was written in Microsoft BASICA, compiled by Quick BASIC, version 2.0, and tested in an IBM PC/AT. Depicts the conceptual framework used in building the system. The technical issues involved in the system design are discussed below, where explanations are according to a hypothetical example given.System CompatibilityThe first problem faced by designers in building a micro-based system is the machine compatibility. Incompatible problem may occur at either hardware or software level. At hardware level, the selection of a target machine and the I/O interfaces are essential.The IBM PC was used to design the system due to its popularity and ease of access. On the software part, the selection of an operating system, a programming language, a file structure, and system utilities must be considered. PC DOS and BASICA were selected because they are the default combinations for most of the IBM compatible machines. The use of Microsoft Quick Basic in compiling the program can further reduce the incompatible problems to a minimum.User/Machine InterfacesThe design of user/computer interfaces is a major factor in the ease of learning, ease-of-use, and the reduction of errors. Different types of interfaces such as commands, menus, forms, icons, functional keys, and question/answer have been popularly used in the microcomputers. Among which menus with detailed question/answer {Q/A) inter- faces were used in the ABC Analysis system.To be user friendly and informative, the system has incorporated much error prevention, checking, and correction functions in the design. It always checks input contents and ranges and if inconsistent data are detected, the computer will sound a short beep to draw user's attention and ask for correction. After all of the requireddata are entered, the computer also provides users an opportunity to save the data for later use.SYSTEM MENU(0). EXIT ABC Analysis ;(1). MANAGE Data Bases ;( 2).PERFORM ABC Analysis ;( 3). REVIEW ABC Analysis ;( 4). PRINT ABC ReportsEnter Selection == >? 2REPORT MENU(0) Return to System Menu ;( 1) Summary Report ;( 2) Detailed Report ;( 3) ABC Analysis ChartEnter Selection =~ >? 2Data ManagementThe data management menu as shown offers users a convenient facility to managing and manipulating the database. For easier retrieval, the required data: part number, unit price, and annual demand -- was stored in the database (file) follows a random access structure. Each set of data can be created, updated, displayed, printed, and deleted through the menu. Files contained in the database can also be catalogued on the screen. Refer to sample session (given later) for a better understanding of this function.DATA MANAOE~NT(0). Exit ABC Analysis ;(1). Show Directory ;( 2). Create a Data Base ;( 3). Lista Data Base ;( 4). Print a Data Base ;( 5). Erase a Data Base ;( 6). Update a Data Base ;( 7). Perform ABC AnalysisEnter Selection = : >? 1Figure 4: An Example of Data Management MenuReport GenerationThe system could generate two types of reports: detailed and summary reports. Detailed report (Figure 5), is useful for many different inventory management applications (to be discussed later); while, the summary report, as shown in Figure 6, is a useful tool for deciding the class of new items without repeating the analysis. By computing the annual usage value of a new item and comparing it with the minimum annual usage value of each category, a user can easily decide the class of the new item. Both reports can be displayed at screen in a full-screen mode. Each time the screen will display information for fourteen items, then pause and wait for action. Both also can be printed from the attached printer.Graphic CapabilityIn addition to the colored-screen design, the system can also display an ABC analysis chart on the screen (see Figure 7). This is especially useful for pictorial presentation and managerial decision supports. The graphics, however, can only be shown on the machine with a graphic adapter card.Sample SessionIn this section a sample session of data management menu is presented in the sequence of options. Please note that the words underlined indicate where users' input is requested by the system.INVENTORY MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONSThe ABC principle has been recognized by today's business as one of the most effective management control tools. It has had influences on most of the planning and control systems, and particularly has had great impacts on inventory management for the following purposes:• Inventor y records validation and control• Priority and lead time control• Inventory cycle counting• Ordering policy selection• Storage policy selection• Safety stock decision• Delivery schedule decisionABC analysis is based on the rationale that the efforts, time, and money to be spent or used in the control of inventory should be allocated in proportion to their relative importance. According to this, an item will be given the tightest control and C items, sometimes, may be treated without any control at all.译文ABC电脑分析:库存管理基础资料来源: / 作者:Chao-Hsian Chu ,Ying-Chan Chu 本文介绍了以库存管理微机为基础的ABC分析的概念框架和对系统的设计涉及的技术问题进行了讨论。