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– Two high tides and two low tides each day
• Semi diurnal mixed tides(混合潮)
– the water levels of the two high tides and of the two low tides are unequal
Astronomic knowledge related to the tide
1. Celestial sphere(天球):地球为中心,任意长 为半径,内表面分布着各种各样天体的球面.
Plunging breaker(崩卷型碎波,卷波) •Entire wave front steepens, curls and collapses releasing much energy instantaneously •Tends to occur where sea floor steep •Narrow surf zone
4. Wave breakers(波浪破碎)
Wave steepness (stability) is a ratio of wave height divided by wave length (= H/L).
• When H/L is larger than or equals 1/7 (H/L 1/7), the wave becomes unstable. • There are three types of breakers:, Spilling breakers溢出型 , Plunging breakers 崩捲型 , and Surging breakers崩塌型 .
c h tanh(2 ) c0 0 h / 0 tanh(2 ) / 0
• 当波浪传至浅水和近岸时,其周期最为保 守。 • 水深变浅时,其波速、波长都逐渐变小
Wave refraction 2) (折射)
is the bending of a wave into an area where it travels more slowly.
Spilling breaker(溢出型,溢波)
•Upper part of crest oversteepens , spills down the front face of advancing wave, continually breaking and gradually loosing energy across the surf zone •Occur on gradually sloping sea floor •Tend to wide surf zone •Most common breaker type
3. Wave Height
在两波向线间取两个断面,e1、e2为其单位水 面内的平均波动能量;L1、L2为两断面处所 取两波向线间的垂直距离;C1*、C2*为两断 面处波浪能量的传播速度。由于能量保持恒定, 因此
* * e1L1c1 e2 L2c2
L1 e1 C1* L2 e2 C2*
e H2 H2 H1
Three common tide patterns
• 不正规半日潮:一个朔望月内大多数日子是半日潮,少数 日子是全日潮 • 不正规日潮:一个朔望月内大多数日子是日潮,少数日子 是半日潮
World distribution of tide patterns
(1) 正规半日潮:如我国沿岸鸭绿江口-龙铁山、 龙口-威海、山东南部-江苏-杭州湾、宁波以南厦门等 (2) 不正规半日潮:如我国沿岸辽宁长兴岛-营 口-葫芦岛、澎湖列岛、台湾附近及钓鱼岛附近、 镇海角 (3) 正规日潮:我国北方的秦皇岛老黄河口、 南方的海口、三亚、北部湾是世界上最典型的全 日潮海区之一 (4) 不正规日潮:如河北省滦河口以北,琼州 海峡东口等处、东山
So: The crest of the wave closer to shore travels slower and refracts the wave
• 波峰线有逐渐与等深线平行的趋势,波向 线与等深线垂直 • 海底凸出的海岬处,波向线辐聚,海浪较 大;凹进的海岸,波向线辐散,海浪较小
Wave refraction and longshore drift
Mustang Island regular wave trains
1) 波速和波长的变化
g 2h c tanh( ) 2
Shallow-water wave
g0 c0 2
Deep water wave
c2 2h tanh( ) 2 c0 0
周期保持不变: T=T0
• 潮汐日不等:一天之中两个潮的潮差不等, 涨潮时合落潮时也不等
– 高高潮(higher high water)\低高潮(lower high water) – 高低潮(Higher low tide)\低低潮(lower low tide)
• 大潮和小潮
• Tides can be classified based upon their monthly record. The tidal range varies slightly each day in a systematic pattern. – Spring tide(大潮): phase when tidal range is maximal. – Neap tide(小潮): phase when tidal range is minimal. Tides
Wave diffraction
§6 Tide
• The tides rise and fall in response to forces generated by the Sun and the Moon and the rotation of the Earth-Moon system about their common center of mass. The actual pattern of the tides varies from place to place around the world. 物体在天体引潮力的作用下所产生的周期 性运动。
反射﹕波浪前進遭遇固體邊界時,為滿足水流只能平行於邊界面運動之限制, 於是會產生向相反方向傳播的波浪,這就是反射現象。
6. Wave diffraction波浪绕射
• Wave Diffraction-bending of waves around objects – Bending occurs on a smaller scale than refraction – Any point on a wave front can be a source which can
基本要素 Tidal element
Flood(涨潮)、High tide(高潮)、平潮、高潮时、 高潮高(high water)、ebb(落潮)、low tide(低潮)、 停潮、低潮时、低潮高(low water)、 rise time(涨 潮时)、fall time(落潮时)、tide range(潮差)
风浪成长状态(phases of wind wave)
定常态:某点的风浪尺度达到理论上的最大值; 过渡态:某点风浪未达理论最大,随时间的推移,还可继续增 长;
最小风区:实际风时一定,对应某一风区内的波浪达到定常态, 此一风区长度称为最小风区。
判别风浪的状态: 风时<最小风时,风浪是过渡态,反之定常态; 风区<最小风区,风浪是定常态,反之是过渡态。
充分成长: 波浪在成长过程达到一定尺度后,摄取与消耗能量达到平衡时, 波浪不再增大。
• The shallower the water, the greater the interaction between the wave and the bottom alters the wave properties, eventually causing the wave to collapse.
After dt,A→A’ ,AA’=c1dt ;B→B’,BB’=c2dt
c1dt sin 1 ' AB c2dt sin 2 ' AB
sin 1 c1 sin 2 c2
c1 c2 sin 1 sin 2 1 2
高潮 落
高 度
高潮 潮 差 潮
潮 时间
高 潮 高

低潮 低 涨潮时 潮 高
Tide patterns
• Diurnal tides(日潮)
– One high tide and one low tide each day
• Semi diurnal tides(半日潮)
Surging waves
Rip current
5. Wave reflection波浪反射
• Wave bounces back after encountering an object • Can interfere with incoming waves and cause standing waves • Minimum energy loss occurs when a wave is reflected at a right angle • Less ideal reflections may produce standing waveswhich have no net movement • Reflection occurs at an angle equal to the angle of approach
1. 风浪成长与风时风区的关系 a) H随t↗而↗,到ts,H= b) L ↗ts ↗ c) L↗,Hs↗ d) 海区某一点达到定常,则其靠风区上沿的点都已达正常, 而其它的点则有继续成长的趋势 e) 过渡区的波高不随地点变化 f) 过渡区与定常区的分界线随时间向风向的下方移动 g) 定常状态的波浪只受制于风区,而过渡状态的风浪只受 制于风时 无论风区长度多大,风时多长,风浪不可能无限地成长 2. 涌浪的传播 H ↓ ;λ,T↑; λ>>H;传播距离很长;小振幅波波动公式适 用
Plunging waves
Surfers at La Jolla CA
Surging breaker(崩塌型碎波,崩波 ) •Flat, low waves do not become oversteepend, or break •Move up and down the beach reflect much energy seaward •Often occur on steepest beaches
C1* D * C2
1 c0 2 浅水波 c* gh 2 c
* 深水波 c1
1 c0 2 gh
1 c0 2 gh
在D的影响下,波浪从深水→ 浅水,波高开始略有降低然后 随着水深的减小而增大
★ 可见波浪传到近岸,波高的变化完全取决于能量的变化。一 般来说,D的作用比折射因子大,但在海岬与海湾处,由于波 向转折,其影响对H的变化往往起着明显的作用。
* L1 c1 * L2 c2
H2 H1
* L1 c1 * L2 c2
(1) 折射因子
L1 L2
水深变浅或水下高地或岸线突出→波向线辐聚→L2<L1 →折射因子>1 →波高增加H2>H1 水深变深或水下凹地或岸线凹处→波向线辐散→L2>L1 →折射因子<1 →波高减小H2<H1 (2) 能量传播速度随水深的变化