(Model Base Design)基于模型的设计
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Execute Tool: D:\ti\ccsv5\ccs_base\scripting\bin\dss.bat Arguments :"D:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\idelink\extensions
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图2 TLC文件选择
前提假设CCS5安装路径如下: CCS Installation: D:\TI\ccsv5 CCSV5安装路径 Code geeneration Tools: D:\TI\ccsv5\tools\compiler\c2000 ,编译器的路径 如果其它路径,则需要在下边的应用中相应的路径中更改路径。
一、体系结构、编译器和并行计算 Architecture, Compilers and Parallel Computing 体系结构和编译器的研究要紧集中在硬件设计,编程语言和下一代编译器。
二、系统与网络 Systems and Networking可细分为:(1)网络与散布式系统(Networking and distributed systems):移动通信系统,无线网络协议(wireless protocols),Ad-hoc网络,效劳质量治理(Quality of Service management,QoS),多媒体网络,运算机对等联网(peer-to-peer networking, P2P),路由,网络模拟,主动队列治理(active queue management, AQM)和传感器网络(sensor networks)。
(2)操作系统(Operating system):散布式资源治理,普适计算(ubiquitous computing/pervasive computing)环境治理,反射中间件(reflective middleware),中间件元级操作系统(middleware “meta-operating systems”),面向对象操作系统设计,许诺单个用户与多运算机、对等操作系统效劳交互的用户设计,上下文灵敏的散布式文件系统,数据中心的电源治理,文件/存储系统,自主计算(autonomic computing),软件健壮性的系统支持和数据库的系统支持。
(3)平安(Security): 隐私,普适计算,无线传感器(wireless sensors),移动式和嵌入式运算机,标准,认证,验证策略,QoS保证和拒绝效劳爱惜,下一代通信,操作系统虚拟化和认证,关键基础设施系统,例如SCADA操纵系统和医疗,消息系统,平安网关,可用性平安。
基于模型的设计基于模型的设计 (Model-Based Design, MBD) 是一种软件开发方法,通过使用模型来设计、构建和验证系统。
mbd的名词解释MBD,即Model-Based Design(基于模型的设计),是一种在工程领域广泛应用的设计方法论。
二、MBD的特点1. 模型驱动:MBD建立在数学模型的基础上,通过建模和仿真来实现系统设计的目标。
2. 自动化代码生成:MBD不仅可以用于系统设计和仿真,还可以通过自动化代码生成实现系统的实际部署。
3. 紧密集成的工具链:MBD包含了建模、仿真、代码生成和测试等环节,这些环节在一个统一的开发环境中紧密集成。
三、MBD的应用领域1. 汽车工程:MBD在汽车工程领域的应用非常广泛。
依据MBD技术的船舶数据集定义与标注方法MBD技术(Model-Based Design,基于模型的设计)是一种通过使用实时仿真模型进行系统设计、开发和验证的方法。
Ab s t r a c t I n t h e c o u r s e o f l f y i n g d e v e l o p me n t a n d a p p l i c a t i o n o f i n f o r ma t i o n t e c h n o l o g y ,s t a n d a r d i —
基 于 模 型 的定 义 ( MB D ) 设 计 资 源 库 的 建设 与 应 用
朱金荣 , 胡秦赣 , 廖子祥
( 中国直升机设计研究 所 , 江西 景德镇 3 3 3 0 0 1 )
在信息技术飞速 发展 和快速应用 的过程 中 , 标准化 在企业 管理 、 型号研 制及预研 中发挥 了不 可替代
z a t i o n pl a y a i r r e pl a c e a b l e s u p p o r t r o l e o n e n t e r p is r e ma na g e me nt ,mo d e l d e v e l o pi n g nd a p io r r r e — s e a r c h. I n t h i s pa p e r ,ba s e d o n s o me mo d e l a p p l i c a t i o n o f MBD,s o me s e l e c t e d b a s a l t a c h e s o f s t a nd a r d i z a t i o n o f I fo n r ma t i o n Te c h n o l o g y we r e i n t r o d uc e d a n d t h e e fe c t o f St r e ng t h e n i n g a n d Ap p l i — c a t i o n o f MBD Re s o u r c e f o r De s i g n wa s e x po un d e d .
Software Development •软件开发Electronic Technology & Software Engineering 电子技术与软件工程• 57【关键词】基于模型的设计 嵌入式软件 控制策略 开发1 引言MBD ,全称为Model Based Design ,即基于模型的设计。
在汽车电子所属的嵌入式软件开发领域,MBD 技术通常指采用图形化建模并仿真,进而将模型自动生成代码的技术。
相比传统嵌入式软件开发方法,由于MBD 技术具有需求可追溯、建模图形化、自动生成代码、快开发周期、方便并行开发等诸多特点,其近年来受到了越来多越多的重视。
特别是基于Matlab/Simulink 平台的MBD 嵌入式软件开发方法,由于其应用广泛,逐渐成为一种趋势。
本文基于MBD 开发方法与传统开发方法对比,分析和研究MBD 技术在汽车嵌入式软件开发领域中的导入方法,以及要解决的一些关键问题。
2 基于MBD技术的嵌入式软件开发方法与传统方法对比2.1 传统嵌入式软件开发方法及其存在的问题如图1所示,传统嵌入式软件开采用自上而下的瀑布式流程,即下阶段工作开展依赖于上阶段工作的完成情况,上阶段工作为下阶段工作提供基础。
由于工程人员总会存在针对文字基于模型的电控嵌入式软件开发方法文/宋炳雨 陈娜娜 何晓明 李峰理解的二义性问题,因此即便是文档本身没有错误,可能也会由于理解上的误差而引起系统设计、实现的错误。
2.2 MBD开发方法的优势基于MBD 技术的嵌入式软件开发采用V 形开发流程。
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2008-01-0085Model-Based Design for Hybrid Electric Vehicle SystemsSaurabh Mahapatra, Tom Egel, Raahul Hassan, Rohit Shenoy, Michael Carone Copyright © 2008 The MathWorks, Inc.ABSTRACTIn this paper, we show how Model-Based Design can be applied in the development of a hybrid electric vehicle system. The paper explains how Model-Based Design begins with defining the design requirements that can be traced throughout the development process. This leads to the development of component models of the physical system, such as the power distribution system and mechanical driveline. We also show the development of an energy management strategy for several modes of operation including the full electric, hybrid, and combustion engine modes. Finally, we show how an integrated environment facilitates the combination of various subsystems and enables engineers to verify that overall performance meets the desired requirements. 1. INTRODUCTIONIn recent years, research in hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) development has focused on various aspects of design, such as component architecture, engine efficiency, reduced fuel emissions, materials for lighter components, power electronics, efficient motors, and high-power density batteries. Increasing fuel economy and minimizing the harmful effects of the automobile on the environment have been the primary motivations driving innovation in these areas.Governmental regulation around the world has become more stringent, requiring lower emissions for automobiles (particularly U.S. EPA Tier 2 Bin 5, followed by Euro 5). Engineers now must create designs that meet those requirements without incurring significant increases in cost. According to the 2007 SAE’s DuPont Engineering survey, automotive engineers feel that cost reduction and fuel efficiency pressures dominate their work life [1] and will continue to play an important role in their future development work.In this paper, we explore key aspects of hybrid electric vehicle design and outline how Model-Based Design can offer an efficient solution to some of the key issues. Due to the limited scope of the paper, we do not expect to solve the problem in totality or offer an optimal design solution. Instead, we offer examples that will illustrateThe MathWorks, Inc.the potential benefits of using Model-Based Design in the engineering workflow. Traditionally, Model-Based Design has been used primarily for controller development.One of the goals of this paper is to show how Model-Based Design can be used throughout the entire system design process.In section 2, we offer a short primer on HEVs and the various aspects of the design. Section 3 is devoted to Model-Based Design and the applicability of the approach to HEV development. Sections 4, 5, and 6 will focus on examples of using Model-Based Design in a typical HEV design.2. HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLE DESIGNCONCEPTA block diagram of one possible hybrid electric vehicle architecture is shown in Figure1. The arrows represent possible power flows. Designs can also include a generator that is placed between the power splitter and the battery allowing excess energy to flow back into thebattery.Figure 1: The main components of a hybrid electric vehicle.Conceptually, the hybrid electric vehicle has characteristics of both the electric vehicle and the ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) vehicle. At low speeds, it operates as an electric vehicle with the battery supplying the drive power. At higher speeds, the engine and the battery work together to meet the drive power demand. The sharing and the distribution of power between thesetwo sources are key determinants of fuel efficiency. Note that there are many other possible designs given the many ways that power sources can work together to meet total demand.DESIGN CONSIDERATIONSThe key issues in HEV design [2] are typical of classical engineering problems that involve multilayer, multidomain complexity with tradeoffs. Here, we discuss briefly the key aspects of the component design: very similar to those of a traditional ICE. Engines used in an HEV are typically smaller than that of a conventional vehicle of the same size and the size selected will depend on the total power needs of the vehicle.design are capacity, discharge characteristics and safety. Traditionally, a higher capacity is associated with increase in size and weight. Discharge characteristics determine the dynamic response of electrical components to extract or supply energy to the battery. motors, AC induction motors, or Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM). Each motor has advantages and disadvantages that determine its suitability for a particular application. In this list, the PMSM has the highest power density and the DC motor has the lowest. [3].splitter that allows power flows from the two power sources to the driveshaft. The engine is typically connected to the sun gear while the motor is connected to the ring gear.aerodynamic drag interactions with weight and gradability factors accounted for in the equations.process of the hybrid powertrain is to study the maximum torque demand of the vehicle as a function of the vehicle speed. A typical graph is shown in Figure 2. Ratings of the motor and the engine are determined iteratively to satisfy performance criteria and constraints. The acceleration capabilities are determined by the peak power output of the motor while the engine delivers the power for cruising at rated velocity, assuming that the battery energy is limited. Power sources are coupled to supply power by the power-splitter, and the gear ratio of the power-splitter is determined in tandem. The next steps include developing efficient management strategies for these power sources to optimize fuel economy and designing the controllers. The final steps focus on optimizing the performance of this system under a variety of operating conditions.Figure 2: Maximum torque demand as a function of vehicle tire speed.3. MODEL-BASED DESIGN OF AN HEVMOTIVATIONIn this section, we outline some of the challenges associated with HEV design and explain the motivation for using Model-Based Design as a viable approach for solving this problem.of an HEV design problem is reflected in the large number of variables involved and the complex nonlinear relationships between them. Analytical solutions to this problem require advanced modeling capabilities and robust computational methods.set of requirements to meet the vehicle performance and functionality goals. Requirements refinement proceeds iteratively and depends on implementation costs and equipment availability.conceptualize the operation of the system’s various components and understand the complex interactions between them. This often requires experimentation with various system topologies. For example, studies may include comparing a series configuration with a parallel configuration. Because the goal is a better understanding of the overallsystem behavior, the models must include the appropriate level of detail. system level to a more detailed implementation, engineers elaborate the subsystem models to realize the complete detailed system model. This can be accomplished by replacing each initial model of a component with the detailed model and observing the effects on performance. Completing this process andrealizing a detailed model of the system requires robust algorithms for solving complex mathematics in a timely fashion.and mechanical components. Typically these components are designed by domain specialists. To speed development, these engineers need to effectively communicate and exchange design ideas with a minimum of ambiguity.typical HEV design is to increase the fuel efficiency of the vehicle while maintaining performance demands. Intuitively, one can look at this problem as finding the optimal use of the power sources as a function of the vehicle internal states, inputs, and outputs satisfying various constraints. This translates to the requirement for switching between various operational “power modes” of the vehicle as a func tion of the states, inputs, and measured outputs [4]. In a true environment for Model-Based Design the power management algorithms co-exist with the physical system models.complexity of the various subsystems, HEV controller design is typically a complex task. A variety of control algorithms specific to each subsystem may be required. For example, the controller that manages the frequency of the input voltage to the synchronous motor will be different from the simple control used for torque control of the same motor. Typically, this will manifest itself as a multistage, multiloop control problem. Successful implementation of the controllers requires deployment of these algorithms on processors that are integrated while interfacing with the physical plant. testing ensures that it continues to meet requirements. Detection of errors early in the process helps reduce costs associated with faulty designs. As design errors trickle down the various workflow stages the costs associated with correcting them increase rapidly[5]. The ability to continually verify and validate that requirements are being satisfied isa key aspect of Model-Based Design.A software development environment for Model-Based Design must be able to address the aforementioned challenges. Additionally, a single integrated environment facilitates model sharing between team members. The ability to create models at various levels of abstraction is needed to optimize the simulation time. A mechanism for accelerating the simulation as the complexity increases will also be important. PROCESS OF MODEL-BASED DESIGNModel-Based Design can be thought of as a process of continually elaborating simulation models in order to verify the system performance. The overall goal is to ensure first pass success when building the physicalprototype. Figure 3 shows the key elements of Model-Based Design.The system model forms the “executable specification” that is used to communicate the desired system performance. This model is handed over to the various specialists who use simulation to design and further elaborate the subsystem models. These specialists refine the requirements further by adding details or modifying them. The detailed models are then integrated back into the system level realization piece by piece and verified through simulation. This goes on iteratively until a convergence to an optimal design that best meets the requirements results. During Model-Based Design, C-code generation becomes an essential tool for verifying the system model. The control algorithm model can be automatically converted to code and quickly deployed to the target processor for immediate testing. Code can also be generated for the physical system to accelerate the simulation and/or to test the controller with Hardwarein the Loop simulation.Figure 3: The key elements of Model-Based Design.4. SYSTEM LEVEL MODELING OF AN HEVIn the first stage of the HEV design, the system-level description of the system is realized. Experimentation enables the system designer to explore innovative solutions in the design space resulting in optimal architectures. Our approach has been inspired by an earlier SAE paper [6]. REQUIREMENTSIn the initial stages of the project, it is not uncommon for the specifications of subsystem components to shift. The requirements are in a preliminary form, and are based on previous designs, if available, or best engineering judgment. Requirements are refined when each of the component models is delivered to component designers for additional refinement. There are, however, certain requirements that the system architect understands fully, and can lock down. As the project moves from requirements gathering to specification, the concepts of the system architects can be included in the model. Collaboration between architects and designers leads to a much better and more complete specification. The system can be expressed as a series of separate models that are to be aggregated into an overall system model for testing. Breaking down the model into components facilitates component-based development and allows several teams to work on individual components in parallel. This kind of concurrent development was facilitated by the parallel configuration we chose for our example, in which the electrical and mechanical power sources supply power in parallel. The broad design goals were:Improve fuel efficiency to consume less than 6.5liters per 100 km (L/100 km) for the driver input profile shown in Figure 4.Cover a quarter mile in 25 seconds from rest. Attain a top speed of 193 kph.Figure 4: Driver input profile as outlined in the requirements document.These and other such requirements are typically captured in a requirements document that engineers can associate with the design models. This provides the ability to trace the requirements throughout the model, a key component of Model-Based Design. VEHICLE DYNAMICSModeling the vehicle dynamics can be a challenging task. When creating any simulation model it is important to consider only the effects that are needed to solve the problem at hand. Superfluous details in a model will only slow down the simulation while providing little or noadditional benefit. Because we are primarily interested in the drive cycle performance, we will limit our vehicle model to longitudinal dynamics only. For example, the vehicle was initially modeled as a simple inertial load on a rotating shaft connected to the drive train. ENGINEA complete engine model with a full combustion cycle is also too detailed for this application. Instead, we need a simpler model that provides the torque output for a given throttle command. Using Simulink® and SimDriveLine™, we modeled a 57kW engine with maximum power delivery at 523 radians per second, as shown in Figure5.Figure 5: Engine modeled using blocks from the SimDriveline™ library. SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR/GENERATORThe synchronous motor and generator present an interesting example of electromechanical system modeling. Standard techniques for modeling synchronous machines typically require complex analysis of equations involving electrical and mechanical domains. Because the input source to this machine drive is a DC battery and the output is AC, this would require the creation of complex machine drive and controller designs – often a significant challenge at this stage.An averaged model that mathematically relates the control voltage input with the output torque and resulting speed is a useful alternative. This simplification allows us to focus on the overall behavior of this subsystem without having to worry about the inner workings. Furthermore, we can eliminate the machine drive by simply feeding the DC voltage directly to this subsystem. With this averaged model, we only need a simple Proportional-Integral (PI) controller to ensure effective torque control. TheMotor/Generator subsystem design will be explored in more detail in the next section. POWER-SPLITTERThe power-splitter component is modeled as a simple planetary gear, as shown in Figure 6. With these building blocks, more complex gear topologies can easily be constructed and tested within the overall system model.Figure 6: Power-splitter modeled as a planetary gear with connections.POWER MANAGEMENTThe power management subsystem plays a critical role in fuel efficiency.The subsystem has three main components:• Mode logic that manages the various operatingmodes of the vehicle.• An energy computation block that computes theenergy required to be delivered by the engine, the motor, or both in response to gas pedal input at any given speed.• An engine controller that ensures the engine is theprimary source of power and provides most of the torque. The motor and generator controllers provide torque and speed control.MODE LOGICFor efficient power management, an understanding of the economics of managing the power flow in the system is required. For example, during deceleration, the kinetic energy of the wheels can be partially converted to electrical energy and stored in the batteries. This implies that the system must be able to operate in different modes to allow the most efficient use of the power sources.We used the conceptual framework shown in Figure 7 to visualize the various power management modes.Algorithm design starts with a broad understanding of the various possible operating modes of the system. In our example, we identified four modes—low speed/start, acceleration, cruising, and braking modes. For each of these modes, we determined which of the power sources should be on and which should be off.The conceptual framework of the mode logic is easily implemented as statechart. Statecharts enable the algorithm designer to communicate the logic in an intuitive, readable form.Figure 7: Mode logic conceptualized for the hybrid vehicle.The Stateflow® chart shown in Figure 8 is a realization of the conceptual framework shown in Figure 7. While very similar to the conceptual framework, the Stateflow chart has two notable differences. The “acceleration” and “cruise” states have been grouped to form the “normal” superstate, and the “low speed/start” and “normal” states have been grouped together to form the “motion” superstate. This grou ping helps organize the mode logic into a hierarchical structure that is simpler to visualize and debug.Figure 8: Mode logic modeled with Stateflow®. SYSTEM REALIZATIONAfter the HEV components have been designed, they can be assembled to form the parallel hybrid system shown in Figure9.Figure 9: System-level model of the parallel HEV.This system model can then be simulated to determine if the vehicle meets the desired performance criteria over different drive cycles. As an example, for the input to the system shown in Figure 4, the corresponding speed and the liters per 100 km (L/100 km) outputs are shown in Figure 10. Once the baseline system performance has been evaluated using the system model, we begin the process of model elaboration. In this process, we add more details to the subsystems models to make them more closely represent the actual implementation. During this process, design alternatives can be explored and decisions made based on the analysis results. This is a highly iterative process that is accelerated using Model-Based Design.5. MODEL ELABORATIONIn the model elaboration stage, the subsystem components undergo elaboration in parallel with requirements refinement.A subsystem block is an executable specification because it can be used to verify that the detailed model meets the original set of requirements.As an example, we show how the generator machine drive undergoes requirements refinement and model elaboration. We assume that the engineer responsible for themachine drive design will carry out the model elaboration of the plant and the associated controller.REQUIREMENTS REFINEMENTThe machine drive is an aggregated model of the machine and the power electronics drive. In the system level modeling phase, the key specification is the torque-speed relationship and the power loss. This information was sufficient to define an abstract model to meet the high-level conceptual requirements.Figure 10: Output speed and L/100 km metric for the averaged model.As additional design details are specified, the model must become more detailed to satisfy the subsystem requirements. For example, the generator model will need parameters such as the machine circuit equivalent values for resistance and inductance. Engineers can use this specification as the starting point towards the construction of an electric machine customized for this HEV application.In the case of the generator drive, as the machine model is elaborated from an averaged model to a full three phase synchronous machine implementation, the controller must also be elaborated. PLANT ELABORATIONThe machine model for the synchronous generator is elaborated using SimPowerSystems™ blocks that represent detailed models of power system components and drives. For this model, the electrical and mechanical parts of the machine are each represented by a second-order state-space model. Additionally, the internal flux distribution can be either sinusoidal or trapezoidal. This level of modeling detail is needed to make design decisions as the elaboration process progresses.Figure 11: Detailed PMSM model parameters.The details of this model are captured in the model parameters shown in Figure 11, which specify the effects of internal electrical and magnetic structures.CONTROL ELABORATIONThe controller used in the averaged model of the AC machine drive is a simple PI controller. In model elaboration of the synchronous machine plant, a DC battery source supplies energy to the AC synchronous machine via an inverter circuit that converts DC to AC. These changes in plant model structure and detail require appropriate changes to the controller model to handle different control inputs and implement a new strategy. For example, the power flow to the synchronous machine is controlled by the switching control of the three phase inverter circuit. This added complexity was not present in the initial model of the machine drive because we focused on its behavior rather than its structure. We implemented a sophisticated control strategy, shown in Figure 12, that included cascaded speed and vector controllers [7]. The controllers were developed using Simulink® Control Design™ to satisfy stability and performance requirements.VERIFICATION AND VALIDATIONAt every step of the model elaboration process, the model is verified and validated. Figure 13 shows the averaged and detailed models as they are tested in parallel.Figure 12: Controller elaboration as we move from averaged (top) to detailed (below) model.The test case is a 110 radians per second step input to the machine. The response, shown in Figure 14, reveals comparable performance of both models. This serves as a visual validation that the detailed model is performing as desired. More elaborate testing schemes and formal methods can be devised with test case generation and error detection using assertion blocks from Simulink® Verification and Validation™ [8].Figure 13: Testing of the averaged and the detailed models for speed control with a 1000 rpm step input.SYSTEM INTEGRATIONAfter the component model elaboration and testing is complete, the subsystem containing the averaged model is replaced with the detailed model and the overall system is simulated again.Figure 14: Comparison between the averaged andthe detailed models of the machine drive. This integration will proceed, one component at a time, until the overall system level model contains all the detailed models for each component. This ensures each component is tested and verified in the system model. A single modeling environment for multidomain modeling facilitates the integration. In our example, we used Simulink for this purpose. In Figure 15, we compare the results of the averaged and the detailed models for the driver input profile shown in Figure 4. The detailed model shows deterioration in the speed and L/100 km performance metrics, which can be attributed to the additional detail incorporated into the model.4. CONTROLLER DEPLOYMENTThe electronic control unit (ECU) layout, deployment, and implementation are challenging problems that require innovative thinking. Typically, this requires exploration of the design space to optimize various criteria.Once the design of the system controllers is complete, ECU layout strategy must be considered. In a typical vehicle, we would likely keep some of the controllers inside a centralized ECU, while distributing the others throughout the car.One potential layout would implement the controller for the synchronous motor on a dedicated floating point microcontroller situated closer to the machine, instead of incorporating the controller as part of the centralized ECU. Such a strategy would allow for faster response times from the motor controller for efficient control. If a mix of centralized and distributed controller architecture is under consideration, then the extra layer of complexity introduced by the communication networkshould be accounted for in the modeling.Figure 15: Speed and L/100 km metric comparisons for averaged and detailed models for the HEV. Cost and performance considerations will drive design decisions regarding the selection of floating point or fixed point implementation of each controller. For example, one may consider implementing the controller for the synchronous generator on a fixed-point processor to lower the cost of the overall architecture.6. SIMULATION PERFORMANCEThe final system-level model of the HEV will contain detailed lower-level models of the various components. As model complexity increases, it will take longer to simulate the model in the software environment. This behavior is expected because the model contains more variables, equations, and added components which incur an additional computational cost. Intuitively, this can be visualized as an inverse relationship between simulation performance and complexity of the model as shown in Figure 16.Running the simulations in a high-performance computing environment can offset the increase in simulation times that comes with increased complexity. . With the advent of faster, multicore processors, it is possible to run large simulations without having to investin supercomputer technology.Figure 16: Simulation performance deteriorates with increasing model complexity. We used Simulink simulation modes that employ code generation technology [9] to accelerate the simulation of our model. The improvements in the simulation performance are shown in Figure 17.Figure 17: Comparison of Simulink® simulation modes for the detailed HEV model.CONCLUSIONIn this paper, we first described a typical HEV design and gave an overview of the key challenges. We discussed how the multidomain complications arise from the complex interaction between various mechanical and electrical components—engine, battery, electric machines, controllers, and vehicle mechanics. This complexity, combined with the large number of subsystem parameters, makes HEV design a formidable engineering problem.We chose Model-Based Design as a viable approach for solving the problem because of its numerous advantages, including the use of a single environment for managing multidomain complexity, the facilitation of iterative modeling, and design elaboration. Continuous validation and verification of requirements throughout the design process reduced errors and development time.Our first step in the development process was the realization of a system-level model of the entire HEV. The subsystem components were averaged models, which underwent model elaboration with requirements refinement and modifications in parallel. We showed how statecharts can be used to visualize the operating modes of the vehicle. After each component model was elaborated, we integrated it into the system-level model, compared simulation results of the averaged and detailed models, and noted the effect of model elaboration on the outputs. When simulation times grew long as we moved towards a fully detailed model, we introduced techniques to alleviate this issue. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe authors would like to acknowledge the following fellow MathWorks staff who contributed towards the development of the HEV models used in this paper and the writing of this paper. In alphabetical order—Bill Chou, Craig Buhr, Jason Ghidella, Jeff Wendlandt, Jon Friedman, Rebecca Porter, Rick Hyde, and Steve Miller. REFERENCES1. L. Brooke, “Cost remains the boss”, AutomotiveEngineering International, April 2007, SAE International.2. Iqbal Husain, “Electric and Hybrid Vehicles—DesignFundamentals”, 1st E dition, © 2003 CRC Press.3. S J. Chapman, “Electric Machinery Fundamentals”,4th Edition, © 2004 McGraw-Hill Inc.4. Han, Zhang, Yuan, Zhu, Guangyu, Tian andQuanshi, Chen, “Optimal energy management strategy for hybrid electric vehicles”, SAE Paper 2004-01-0576. 5. P. F. Smith, S. Prabhu, and J. Friedman, “Best。
SFF SDR基于模型设计方法介绍
图1 代码生成及软件包的封装
DSPLink代码生成 代码生成 DSPLink允许用户使用MATLAB、Simulink等工具自动生成供 DSP识别的C语言 DSPLink提供了与板子的I/O通信功能,通过在Simulink环境中 添加SDR软件模块,可以驱动并控制SDR平台上DSP与其他硬 件功能的交互 DSPLink外部模式通信 外部模式通信 当C语言程序生成完成或者已有正确的C语言程序,使用 DSPLink可以将程序下载到SDR平台的DSP上,启动实时运行, 在线修改参数或者查看图形化运行结果
图3 在Simulink中建立模型
测试完成封装成软件包,以.out形式输出,下 载到SFF SDR的处理器中 在输入端连接一个音频设备,如MP3,输出端 连接一个耳机 设置滤波器的滤波范围0-3000Hz(MP3的一 般信号频率高于3000Hz) 按动开关,测试效果
FPGALink代码生成 代码生成 FPGALink允许用户使用MATLAB、Simulink等工具自 动生成供FPGA使用的HDL代码 FPGALink封装自动生成的HDL代码以及与平台通信 的HDL逻辑,可访问SDR平台上的I/O和硬件 FPGALink硬件在环回路协同仿真 硬件在环回路协同仿真 FPGALink支持HIL硬件在环回路协同仿真,运行后生 成一个模块,拖入Simulink中,连接I/O,可以观察 FPGA实时处理的数据结果
MBDK的优势 的优势
利用硬件在环协同仿真技术(HIL cosimulink),这种仿真技术高度模拟真实环境, 结果可以认为和硬件实现的结果一样 减小了开发的风险,在实验阶段通过仿真找出 设计缺陷和硬件缺陷 模块化控制摆脱了编程语言的限制,更易上手 包含了许多DSP、FPGA的函数库
基于NX软件和MBD技术的圈椅数字化模型构建基于NX软件和MBD技术的圈椅数字化模型构建概述数字化技术的发展使得产品设计与制造的过程更加高效和精确,其中,基于MBD(Model Based Definition,基于模型定义)的数字化建模技术在产品设计中具有重要的作用。
三、基于NX软件的数字化模型构建NX软件是一种功能强大的CAD(Computer-Aided Design,计算机辅助设计)软件,提供了丰富的工具和功能,可用于实现数字化模型的构建。
责不 同的流程 , 软 、硬件工 程师 需要 不断地沟通 ,之 间的传递错 满足设计 的要 求。
误将会影 响整个开发项 目的设计进度 。
需求 阶段(Requirement):在基 于模 型设 计的 DSP算法 开发
其次 ,传 统的 DSP开发流程 中,在最后的测试过程 中,测试部 过程 中,首先在 Simulink要通过精 确 的数学模 型来建立 一个系
分 只能在 整个设计完成后进行 。 如 出现 问题还 需要对 问题的所 统模 型,该模 型是一 个可执行 的规范 ,它可 以清 晰准确 。如 问题 出现在设计的开始阶段 ,那 户 的设计 需求 、系统组件 、知识产 权和测试环境 。这种可执行的规
整个 设计 的修 改将是 巨大 的,这给设 计成本 、设计周 期都带来 很 范与传 统 的 word文档规 范有 明显的优势 。因为 它包含 了明确 的
分析 和规 范定义 ,导致 了不 同的人 产生不 同的理解 ,使得最 后开 计验 证、测 试,这将 最大程度 地 降低 了整个系 统的最终测 试产生
发 出 的产 品 可 能 不 符 合 客 户 的 需 求 ;不 同 的 组 或 不 同 的 部 门 负 错 误的可 能,从而 设计流程实 现 了最佳 的优化 ,最终 的产 品也 能
1传统 DSP算法开发流程的缺点
近几 年中基于模 型 的设计 在 FPGA设计领域 、嵌入 式领域 等
随着 各项软硬件技 术的发展 ,DSP的应用 越来越广泛 ,同时 到了快速 的发展 。在基于模 型的开发 过程 中,系统模 型是需求 开
系统的复杂度也越来越 高,在最短 的时 间内开发 出市场所需的产 发、模 型设 计、实施和 测试 的核 心 问题 ,整个 开发 流程 如 图 1所
带你了解Model based testing(MBT) 基于模型的测试
带你了解Model based testing(MBT)基于模型的测试Bad programmers worry about the code.Good programmers worry about data structures and their relationships.在Agile Testing领域比较知名的一位专家Elisabeth Hendrickson 也从测试的角度对数据的重要性做过一些阐述,她列举了常见的测试设计技术:Test Design Technique等价类边界值Data Type AttacksCRUDDifferent configurationsCount (user count, resource count)然后做出了归纳,Its all about the variables.所以我们可以看到,如果能建立系统的数据模型,无论对于(开发)和测试都是很有帮助的。
然后可以通过框架生成自动化用例:另外一种常见的模型是状态机模型,主要是针对用户的行为建模:比如Bug管理系统的工作流模型或者SIP 协议的呼叫模型:SIP协议呼叫相关的测试:首先我们还是把它描述成框架可以识别的格式:我们看到,可能的测试路径是很多的,那怎么才可以以最小的测试代价达到我们的覆盖率的目标呢?假设我们的覆盖率目标定义成以最小的成本覆盖所有状态之间的迁移,那我们面临的其实是一个数学问题,那就是在一个有向图上,如何找到最短的路径覆盖。
通过邮递员算法,我们看到我们一共需要28个步骤才能覆盖所有图中的变化:然后我们也可以把它变成可执行的Robot Case。
汇报人:日期:contents •MBD技术概述•MBD技术的关键技术•MBD技术的发展趋势•MBD技术的挑战与解决方案•MBD技术的实际应用案例•MBD技术的未来展望目录MBD技术概述01•MBD技术的定义:MBD(Model-Based Design)技术是一种基于模型的设计方法,它使用计算机模型来描述产品、过程和系统的行为和性能。
mbd技术概念MBD技术概念MBD(Model-Based Design)技术是一种基于模型的设计方法,它将系统的设计、开发和验证过程建立在数学模型之上。
一、MBD技术的背景1.1 传统软件开发方法的问题传统软件开发方法主要是基于文档编写的方式,这种方式存在以下问题:(1)文档编写需要大量时间和精力,而且容易出现错误。
1.2 MBD技术的优势与传统软件开发方法相比,MBD技术具有以下优势:(1)基于模型的设计可以更加直观地描述系统结构和行为。
二、MBD技术的基本原理2.1 模型驱动设计MBD技术采用模型驱动设计(MDD)思想,即以模型为中心进行系统设计和开发。
2.2 模型的构建MBD技术中的模型通常是基于数学模型构建的,包括状态机、数据流图、控制流图等。
2.3 模型自动生成代码在MBD技术中,模型可以自动生成代码,这样可以提高代码质量和效率。
3.1 航空航天在航空航天领域,MBD技术主要用于飞行控制系统和导航系统等方面。
3.2 汽车制造在汽车制造领域,MBD技术主要用于汽车控制系统和发动机控制系统等方面。
什么叫基于模型的设计?为什么要基于模型的设计?基于模型的设计过程中,需要做什么事情?再问几个小问题:模型验证是否必要?模型验证有哪些工作可以做?模型验证是否一定需要被控对象模型?代码生成效率如何?底层驱动是否要建模?Embedded Coder(以前的RTW Embedded Coder)支持哪些芯片?MIL、SIL、PIL、HIL的目的和实现方式?如何定点化?如何做代码集成?什么叫基于模型的设计?这是一个很大的话题,因为本人能力所限,仅讨论使用Simulink模型开发嵌入式软件的设计过程。
关键词基于模型的设计;Embedded Coder;磁场定向算法;永磁同步电机;PIL中图分类号:TP309 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-7597(2014)05-0053-01Matlab提供的基于模型设计平台(Model Based Design,MBD),可以实现从需求分析到代码验证的整个开发过程,用户可以建立系统级模型的仿真验证,优化系统参数,自动生成高效的目标器件专用代码。
1 电机控制系统开发流程在开发中,首先是通过文本需求建立可执行文档,在这一部分中,主要是建模,通过建模可以避免传统文本的弊端,通过可视化和可执行化的模型避免文本需求的歧义和冗余。
建模之后,为生成符合相关安全标准的代码,需要对模型进行建模规范检查,使用Simulink V&V工具集可自动完成这一流程。
为验证算法的正确性,模型检查通过后,Matlab提供的System Test(系统测试)与Simulink DesignVerifier(设计验证器)工具可以完成对控制系统的测试。
模型测试后,使用Embedded coder工具生成嵌入式代码,通过编译连接生成目标代码,下载到处理器中做代码的等效性测试,如处理器在环测试(PIL)等。
2 建模规范检查与测试模型出来并且可以编译之后,首先要做建模标准检查,这个过程使用工具Simulink Verification&Validation工具集提供的model advisor自动化的完成。
有关基于模型的设计一些概念和理解基于模型的设计(Model-Based Design,MBD)是一种软件工程方法,它在设计、开发和验证复杂系统时使用模型为中心的方法。
图1 空调控制算法模块结构示意图3.2 Simulink模块库在设计中的应用Simiulink模块库是Simulink预置的功能模块工具箱,适用于设计中搭建模型,其中有标准模块库(如数学、逻辑和位操作,子系统,自定义函数,等等)、扩展与专业库(如状态图,测试模块,控制系统模块,等等),以及用户自定义模块,如图2所示。
图2 Simulink模块库(部分)结合本项目算法模块结构设计,重点介绍几种常用的Simulink模块应用。
1)状态图(State Flow)状态图是一种以图形化方式描述对象状态变化迁移的工具。
2)Truth Table(真值表)本项目ThermoStat(恒温器)中,采用6个输入开关的组合来决定系统模式,即Emergency Heat(快速制热)、Heat1~4(制热1~4挡)、Cool1~4(制冷1~4挡)、Fan Only(吹风)和Off(关机)。
其实现方式为:(1)在表1的Truth Table的Condition Table (条件表)中,以X、Y1、Y2、W1、W2和G 6个开关作为输入Condition,组合为D1~D14的14种结果;在Actions中,示出编号1~14,配合表2使用。
(2)表2的 Action Table(动作表),对应表1的Action编号执行相关动作,模式输出设置分别为紧代码。
较之Simulink为简洁明了,其内置有支持算法模块化结构设计的函图3 风机关闭时序状态图表2 Action Table(动作编号12345678910111213Simulink的代码生成器(Simulink Coder和Embedded Coder)工具箱提供了将模型转换为C/C++代码,并对代码进行审查和优化的功能[3]。
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什么叫基于模型的设计?为什么要基于模型的设计?基于模型的设计过程中,需要做什么事情?再问几个小问题:模型验证是否必要?模型验证有哪些工作可以做?模型验证是否一定需要被控对象模型?代码生成效率如何?底层驱动是否要建模?Embedded Coder(以前的RTW Embedded Coder)支持哪些芯片?MIL、SIL、PIL、HIL的目的和实现方式?如何定点化?如何做代码集成?什么叫基于模型的设计?这是一个很大的话题,因为本人能力所限,仅讨论使用Simulink模型开发嵌入式软件的设计过程。
所以总结一下,基于模型的设计可以从以下方面给我们提供便利:1. 图形化设计2. 早期验证3. 代码生成4. 文档自动化前面我大概论述了为什么要做基于模型的设计,或者说基于模型的设计可以给我们带来哪些好处。
在代码做完SIL或者PIL测试之后,要考虑软件集成了,即应用层软件,也就是通过Simulink 模型生成的软件,和底层驱动软件之间的集成。
模型出来并且可以编译之后,首先要做建模标准检查,这个过程使用工具(比如MathWorks 公司的Simulink Verification & Validation提供的model advisor)自动化的完成,检查过后,修改模型中不符合公司建模规则的项目。
接下来,我们可以使用Simulink Design Verifier进行模型的结构分析,借助于Simulink Design Verifier自动生成测试用例的功能,去检查结构上是否存在问题,比如是否有不合理的逻辑设计,是否有运行不到的分支等。